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Forum Fight: The Story Forum

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Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Lets have this now...


He felt a sense tingle as he pushed through the door, and immediately tossed up a wall in front of him...

Nothing happened.

"Oh, so fun to see, you're defending yourself against NOTHING now? Against, what, the AIR? You know Luco I believe the other guardians are off somewhere else... or dead." Dark Luco chuckled. He sat at the centre of the room, on top of a stand. He had a small bone from his mouth as if it were wheat grass as he talked. "Not dead." Luco responded. "I can at least still sense that." His vision from before came back to him abruptly.

"Oh but that's the fun thing. You're shaking like a leaf and I can tell. Poor widdle wuco, he lost his widdle powers." He teased, before continuing. "But fine. One of the few powers you have that I don't. Does it matter, when you're at, what? Half-strength? Barely more? I can take you on. But to avoid that little... thing, of yours - because we all know how unfair it is that your dragon forme beats my own - lets fight without influences."

A blue barrier went up around himself and Luco. They couldn't hear what was going on outside. "What's to stop me using it now?" Luco said, far more confidently than he felt. Still, something about Dark Luco was different... he hadn't entirely changed but... he seemed... what was the word? Relaxed... even jolly, almost. He's far more casual than when we used to fight... did something change?

"Simple. It takes time to transform. Only a few seconds, but in that few seconds I can do... oh, let's see, something like this." Out of nowhere a lash of pure condensed water hit Luco square on the side of the head. He was knocked over but used his hands to keep himself up to some extent. "And the second is, once you're transformed, you've sealed your own death warrant. You got lucky last time but really, as soon as it was over, me, presuming I had teleported away for some time, would be back for you. Or one of those other 'dark ones' or whatever you call them. Really, is everyone the same? It's as if they stole my idea and now you group us together." He laughed with scorn.

"Not my fault." Luco coughed harshly as he tried to get up. Do not be afraid of him. Fight him without fear or you will fail.

"Are your friends as holy as they believe? Who is the real 'mirror mage'? Am I no more than a reflection to you?" He spoke with true anger as he said this. "Then let me show you... that i'm more than just you!!"

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHKUDEhsVFY (Been saving this one, it's insane. If you want a longer version, go to the second match of this at about 4:27: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOgoJEfqi1A)

Vs. Dark Luco

Dark Luco moved with blinding speed. He jumped from his position and launched three consecutive bolts of energy at Luco in succession, each more powerful than the last. Luco was surprised by the first but put himself together to deflect the second and the third. Darn electricity... I hate weaknesses. He threw bolts of his own at Dark Luco. They were rather weak at this point in magic. There was a way to... ah, yes!

Dark Luco stopped a moment. "You're a little too slow, Luco. Been too long without your powers?" Luco looked at him defiantly. "Oh why sure!" He created a ball of water behind Dark Luco, which he wasn't watching out for. "I'll just have to learn the ropes!" He crashed the orb of water straight against Dark Luco's skull, then manipulated it to form a chain connecting Luco and Dark Luco. He sent electricity straight up the chain. He smiled as he registered that Dark Luco was feeling a heck of a lot of pain. "Is that okay, master?" he said in a mocking tone and let the charge disconnect, letting Dark Luco off the hook. He crashed to the ground and wavered when he got back up. "I see you're so eager to end your own life." He said coldly. "You are no better than me. What are these labels truly for?"

"You kill innocent people to achieve your aims. You want me dead. That's the difference!" Luco responded with conviction. He noticed out of the corner of his eye that Lucario and the PSI kids were working on the barrier. Dark Luco gave him an almost pleading look. What? That's odd... Luco had an incredibly uncomfortable sensation trying to think about it.

"So be it." Dark Luco sounded menacing.

He unleashed a fury of spells of all types. A hellball, effectively. All of it was aimed at Luco. Luco barred his arms in front of him in the shape of an X and a large barrier came up in front of him.

"Got you." A voice came in behind him.

Electricity flooded his chest until he could take no more. Luco collapsed on to the floor. He lay there, shivering.

"You put up a fight but you have not the power to go with your skill. I really am more than you. Better. You are weak. Useless. I should have killed you a long time ago, Luco."

Luco's vision was swimming but he could make the faint outline of something behind Dark Luco. Blood dripped out of his mouth as he whispered, "Strength... isn't... everything."

The group behind Dark Luco had readied themselves. "3, 2, 1!" Ness shouted.


The circle was flooded in magic from the different magic users. Dark Luco retreated hastily, disappearing and re-appearing outside the barrier.

"Fine, have him. I'll be back, though and I won't let you meddle. So here... have it. I will need a challenge next time." He dissolved the barrier and threw a prismatic gem towards Ness. "Yeaahh, and don't you come back!" Ness shouted. "You're such a liar!" Lucas threw at Dark Luco as he disappeared.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"He needs healing." Lucario was discussing.

"Give me a sec..." Ness was focusing. The blood flow had stopped but Luco was still shaking. "PK healing!" Ness gave a command, and Luco's inner workings began to restore themselves.

"He'll be okay within the hour." Ness reported. He then touched the gem to Luco. He immediately calmed down as the gem dissolved and gave its power to him, though a few signs were still showing of shock.

"Thanks.... g-g-guys... you're.... amazing and... I love... you all...." Luco's teeth were chattering. "Hush..." Pit soothed. "Sleep, you'll be okay."

The rest of the group looked to the stand. A silver glove sat there. "Rotom, could you get the glove for us?" Pit said. Rotom flew to the top part of the stand and retrieved the glove. "Is this what we're looking for?" Pit said. "I think so..." Palutena responded. "Take it back to the others, if it's actual silver - which i think it is, it should allow you to go on."

The group head back to the others, Luco being carried by Lucario. They could only guess as to what awaited the group when they got back with this new item of theirs.


So you know, new powers will be expert water magic and improved elementary magic. Luco can also cast basic spells of most any type now.

Trying to sync this up with the ending of Frost's story, see. :p


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
Halberd's Revenge, Outside the Reactor Room.

"...Here!" Sonic skided to a stop just in front of a large, metal door. "The Emeralds are in here!"

"Good." Blaze said simply, trying to thin the seemingly endless supply of Dark Sailor Dees and Tridant Knights with a large flamethrower attack. "I'm beginning to grow tired of these idiots."

"Wow. Don't think I've ever heard you say the word 'idiot' before. You frustratated or something?" Sonic paused. "You're annoyed that you got captured by Dark Meta Knight, arn't you?"

Blaze gave Sonic a fiery look. "The way that...fiend...treated me before you came to save me was an insult to my honor."

"...Is that why you melted his face?" Sonic cautiously asked.

Blaze didn't answer the blue hedgehog; instead, she looked away with shadows in her bright gold eyes. Sonic didn't like that Blaze was shutting him out, so he desided to humor her.

"....OK, note to self, never tick off a princess, especially if she can burn your face to a crisp!"

At first, Blaze didn't know what Sonic was talking about, but the joke eventually sank in, and she chuckled lightly. "I suppose you are right."

"Well, I wouldn't want my face to end up like that faker knight's."

"I would never to that to you." Blaze said. "You are my friend."

"Course you wouldn't!" Sonic shot the lavander cat with his familier smile. "Now let's bust this door open."

Pressing one of his ears to the hard metal, Sonic knocked on the door with the back of his knuckles, listening to the sound the metal made. "...Titanium mixed with some other kind of metal...and some iron bars are in there, too. I don't think I can spindash through this."

"How did you know that?" Blaze asked.

"Egghead used all kinds of metals on his robots." The Blue Blur explained. "All those years of knocking them out really got me wondering. So I started to listen to the sound they made when I took them out, just because I was bored. Turns out, his favorate's reenforced steel. Steel! Can you believe it?"

Blaze just gave Sonic a funny look before returning to the problem at hand. "Maybe I can melt this with my fire...you might want to stand back."

"Sure. Like I said, I don't want my face melted!"

"As Mari would say: Don't push me." Blaze threated.

Sonic threw his hands up in defence before stepping aside. Spreading her hands firmly on the door, she closed her eyes. A second later, her hands started to glow red with heat, and continued to grow hotter untill they were a bright white. The door bent, then with a groan, fell away unexpectedly, it's sides melting like hot chocolate.

"That was easy." Sonic said. "Oh, wait...you melted the hinges off first."

"Every door has those, don't they?" Blaze said scarcasticly.

"Since when did you pick up sarcasum?"

"I got it from you."

"Next thing you know, you're gonna be telling actual jokes. With punchlines!" Sonic said with a laugh.

"Can we go get those Chaos Emeralds now?" Blaze said annoyingly, back to her usual self.

"Eh, fun while it lasted." Sonic shrugged. "I think their somewhere deeper in this room. Let's watch out for any traps."

"Right." Blaze nodded.
The Lor Starcutter, Bridge.

"WHAT!? What do you mean, it can't fly!?" Marx exclaimed. Finally, after wandering through the maze-like halls of the Halberd's Revenge, Magolor, Marx, and Richard had found the Lor. But they also found an unpleasent suprise.

"The Lor can't fly with out a certain amount of Gears." Magolor said calmly. But while his voice was calm, on the inside, he was seething. He didn't like it when someone messed with his ship, a ship that he upgraded on his own. So when they ran a few system checks on the ship when they found it, they discovered that it was missing some key Gears the Lor needed to fly. Understandably, Magolor was furious.

"Greaaaaat, now we're gonna all die just because of some stupid Gears!" Marx complained loudly. "Don't you have some kind of tracking device or something?"

"Actually, I do." Magolor replied. "I installed it after Kirby gave them all back to me on Popstar."

"Don't remind me about Popstar." Marx said quietly.

Magolor rolled his eyes, then pressed a few keys on the keyboard. A map of their current location popped onscreen, along with everyone else's.

"....Mari's not showing up on the map..." Magolor said with a tinge of worry in his tone. "Where is she?"

"Dude, she can take care of herself!" Marx shouted. "Let's find those Gears before something bad-"

"Happens? Dear Marx, the bad thing already has happened..." A silky female voice suddenly said behind the trio.

Marx whirled around to face this new foe, but when he got a good look at her, he stopped in his tracks.

"YOU!? What are you doing here?!"

((Just something to keep my story going...))


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Muhti looked out onto the horizon, about to kill Stormtroopers, when suddenly they started retreating. Apparently the Smashboards Army had won, just as they always have, but the city was still in ruins. It’s probably going to stay this way, Muhti thought, as the soldiers kept cheering. Muhti toyed with his tomahawk until he heard a familiar voice.

“Remember me?”, was all the mysterious person said. Muhti was about to defend himself until he shot in the back with a plasma ray. Muhti hit against the wall with a lot of pain searing through his spine.

Muhti laid there helpless until the black figure approached him. This figure had a black Mega Man outfit with a Death Note compartment clearly visible. There also was a sword on his back.

“Nuhti? How… I thou-g-ght you died…”, Muhti questioned with a raspy voice.

NOTE: Nuhti is a parallel version of Muhti, coming as a protagonist other than an antagonist, his first appearance was the Final Story with Smashfan, seemingly becoming majorly injured from Muhti. He also kept the gear Muhti used to have, not updating them though.

Nuhti chuckled as he paced around, ignoring Muhtis stupid question. “Seems as though you’ve taken charge of Smashboards while Smashy is gone? Where are your buddies? I bet you ditched them once again I presume?”

“That’s none of your business! I’m defending territory from the Dark Ones while they destroy the Dark Ones!”, Muhti said as he gained more strength. He tried getting up, but Nuhti took out his plasma cannon and pointed at him as a silent warning.

“And then take over?”, Nuhti added to Muhtis tale.

“Like I said, THAT’S NONE OF YOURE BUISNESS!”, Muhti screamed as he leapt at his anto-version of himself with the dual knives, about to slash at Nuhti.

VS. Nuhti

Muhti tried making a dent at the mechanical armor, no luck. Nuhti smiled and kicked Muhti off of him. Muhti went flying off and tried to regain balance in his flying.

"Two can play that game" Nuhti mumbled to himself as he used his rockets to fly upward.

Muhti took out his tomahawk since the dual swords weren't working and flew straight at his opponent.

Right before Muhti could land a hit on Nuhti, he disappeared.

"What the...", Nuhti echoed as he was in an empty room. He let his rocket propellers alone and started walking. "I guess he wa-", Nuhti was cut off by the gagging of the tomahawk around his neck. In return he hit Muhti with his elbow and rubbed his Adams Apple.

"Should've never came here!", Muhti exclaimed, rubbing his nose. He started charging again at Nuhti.

"Oh no you don't!", Nuhti cried out, he knew what his opposite was going to do. Nuhti took out his plasma cannon and shot it at Muhti, electrifying him.

Muhti screamed for a brief moment as an outcome of the shock and fell on the floor.

Nuhti didn't show no emotion surprisingly, he simply walked up to Muhti and kicked his feeble body.

"No good idiot!", he spat on him, then spit on him, "You act all high and mighty! Like you're some big guy who can do anything! Ever heard of becoming something that can help the people out! I know what you're planning, and you're not getting away with it. Now say your last words...", Nuhti took out his plasma cannon once again, fully energizing it at Muhti, who was still trying get up.

The plasma finally let free from the cannon. In slow-mo, Muhti looked at it with fear, then anger. He quickly teleported to a laughing Nuhti (remember we're in slo-mo) and took him to the spot Muhti was previously lying on. He then teleported back to Nuhtis spot. Nuhti looked around confusingly then noticed the shock about to hit him. He screamed as he was majorly hit.

"Karma is a *****, isn't it?", Muhti said heavily as he coughed up blood.

Nuhti slowly regained some energy and flew upward, took out his sword and went straight at Muhti. Muhti in return took out his swords and deflected Nuhtis weapon.

"You actually think that's going to do good for you?", Nuhti scoffed, "How bloody foolish are you?!"

Not as foolish as you.... Muhti thought.

Nuhti went in for another charge, jumping into the air as Muhti deflected them again, only this time, Nuhtis sword hit one of Muhtis legs. Muhti screamed in pain as Nuhti laughed. "You'll pay for your greediness!", Nuhti shouted, while he laughed menacingly, as if he was the true evil side.

Again Nuhti charged, knowing that Muhti would be weak. This time, Muhti took out his sword and jammed it into Nuhtis cannon blaster.

"No!", Nuhti shouted, as his eyes filled with rage.

This time, Muhti took the advantage and jogged slowly to Nuhti as he tried taking the sword out. He hit Nuhtis fuel tank for the Mega Man suit. Out of randomness, Muhti picked up Nuhti and threw him across the ground, not far though. The armor for Nuhti was useless at this point, it only dragged him onto the groun with no energy.

Muhti limped over to Nuhti, holding out his tomahawk. He slowly raised it at a horrified Nuhti, and slammed it against his unprotected face. Muhti looked away from the face in disgust, and horror. He then took out his sword and left the dead body as the sun rose and shone into the burned down castle.



Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Wow, I'm impressed Muhti, you been doing a lot of writing lately? You've gotten better mate.

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One of the things Xiroey loved most about Gengar was his easygoing demanor. He was the kind of pokemon you could always trust to cheer you up when life tried to get you down. He was the kind of pokemon that didn't care if others laughed at him, as long as he could get them to laugh or smile. Xiroey thanked the gods for Gengar as many chances as he got. But, at that moment, he would've given anything to flatten the ghost's face.

"Dude..." Xiroey half-growled, pinching his nose in frustration "We've already decided that they're not here. The chains are empty, and so is the cage"...

"They seem empty, but what if Mari secretly cast an invisibility spell, and what if they're just waiting for a good opportunity so..."

"Gengar" Xiroey cut in impatiently "Us showing up here to rescue them is a prefectly good opportunity! If they were here they would've turned un-invisible by now!"


"Look. broham. I know you're worried about them, but I'm sure Mari's fine. You don't have to delude yourself and pretend that they're here when they aren't. Mari's smart, Sonic is fast, Magolor is strong, Richard's strange, but he's certainly no push over himself. They can handle themselves man... They're fine. I'm sure of it."

He walked over to his crestfallen friend, and knelt down beside him next to a pair of broken chains.

"Stop being silly man" Xiroey said, a bit more softly this time "If they're not here, odds are they're somewhere else on the ship. We'll find them." He looked Gengar directly in the eye as he said it. He hoped that maybe the conviction in his voice would be enough to lift Gengar's spirits. It was no secret why he was acting the way he was now. Mari was the first person that ever accepted him, besides Xiroey himself. Gengar was in a dark place before he met Mari. He lived to incite fear in others, he relished the taste of it, often gorging himself on it until he was too full to move. He loved the thrill scaring othes gave him then, but Mari gave him something else, something he never thought he'd find in a human, something that fulfilled him more than any amount of terror could.
He found someone who as willing to look past their own fear, and still accept him. Even knowing what he was.

Xiroey knew how much Gengar treasured their friendship, He stood and offered a hand to his friend. "We'll find them". He said. Gengar still looked dissapointed, but he let go of the chains. "Yeah" Gengar sighed, reaching for Xiroey's hand. "And when we do, I swear... whoever did this to them... I swear I'll make them pay"!

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He'd could'nt have spent more than a week with the little guy--yet already Charizard felt like he was reaching the end of his patience with him. He fixed Z in a death gaze, glaring at him directly in the eye. Z sent his expressionless gaze right back.

Charizard hated that blank gaze. It revealed nothing, Z could be plotting his demise at that very moment, and he'd never be the wiser.

Charizard gulped, he couldn't let Z gain a mental hold over him. He needed to keep a steady head. He tentativly reached a claw out, he couldn't afford to drop his guard. One wrong move and...

"Zee!" Z cheered, his entire body wracking with a violent spasm that knocked over the table. Charizard yelped as the table did a complete 180, smacking him with a chess board and pelting him with tiny plastic play pieces. The crash echoed thorughout the hollow chamber.

Charizard was furious.

"Cheater! You did that on purpose"! Charizard howled.

"Zee?" The spasm's in Z's body gradually died down. Charizard noticed that Z didn't look too guilty about knocking the tray over. Damn him... Pretending to be unfazed by everything...

"Don't you 'Zee' me. I know you did that intentionally, My knight was three moves away from putting you in checkmate"!


"Was too! I had your Queen pinned by your pawn and my Bishop, your King had nowhere to go but up, and I had that option perfectly covered. It was a guaranteed game!"


"Bull! You know I would've won that"!

Charizard stomped toward Z threateningly, Z didn't flinch, he gazed at Charizard steadily. Would he react if Charizard tried to attack him? What he wouldn't give to smack that stupid robot right across his upside down two-toned...

Charizard's thought was inturrupted with the sound of a door opening. The rusty hinges creaked loudly, given the cramped surroundings. Charizard had to squint as a bright light filled their tiny cell.

"Ahh, about time..." Charizard sighed. He cracked his knuckles, perfectly ready to whomp whoever it was who had the audacity to sneak up behind them and strike them on the head. He'd make sure they hurt badly for sticking him in this cramped space with this... He looked over at Z and found him staring at the exact same spot he was a moment ago, even though Charizard had long since moved.

Charizard growled. He wasn't about to let them make him spend one more second cooped up with...him.
The silhouette in the doorway entered the room. He was shorter than Charizard expected. And, surprisingly, a lot younger than Charizard expected.

"Am I glad to see you kid..." Charizard sighed when he realized they weren't in any danger.

Xiroey's face lit up when he saw the two of them unharmed. "Char! Z! Thank heavens!" He rushed forward and embraced Charizard tightly. Normally, Charizard might've groaned. But, at that moment, he was just greatful he was finally getting out of this place.

"Any luck in finding Mari or Richard's groups" Charizard asked once Xiroey realeased him.

Gengar walked into the room. Charizard noticed he had an upset look on his face. He was clutching something that might've been broken chains.

"D-did they..." Charizard's heart sank.

"We don't know" Xiroey admitted "Mari and Richard are strong, it stands to reason that they might've escaped. But..."

"And you can't sense them"?

"I haven't been able to sense any of them at recently" Xiroey sighed. "Even more strange is that I haven't been able to sense anything ever since I ventured down into the ship. It's taking all of my effort just to convince my brain that I'm actually talking to you and not some ghost or illusion".

"Hmm.. So Mari's crew is missing, and apparently, something's interfering with your senses. I'd have to be something strong no doubt".

"We've been disussing it on the way here" Gengar spoke up "we think there may just be Chaos Emeralds on the ship".

"CHAOS--" Charizard was about to shout out in surprise, but the ship suddenly lurched violently. All four of them were tossed to the side, save for Z, who was levitating in mid air. Charizard huffed as Xiroey crashed into him, just after his back hit the wall.

"What in Kanto..."

The ship lurched again. Charizard had to steady himself, and Xiroey as well. The two of them almost lurched all the way to the other side of the room. Gengar turned himself intangible, effectively allowing him to stand easily, despite the floor's violent movements.

"Something must've happened." Gengar said.

"I'll say..." Charizard rubbed the back of his horn. First he gets locked up in a cell, now the ship decides it wants to do cartwheels and nosedives because apparently it thinks knocking his head into the wall is funny.

Not a single one of them were amused.

"Guys... I can sense them again." Xiroey said, slightly shocked.

"W-wait, you mean..."

"Richard, Sonic, Magolor, Marx... there are a few others I don't recognize, but they're all here. And they're close!"

Gengar's heart sped up, there was one person's name that was still missing from that list... "And Mari?" Gengar resisted the urge to hold his breath.

Xiroey paused for a second, he looked like he was straining. He stood like that for a minute, saying nothing. This his expression changed. He looked away.

"She's... on the ship too... She's okay... isn't she?"

"I don't sense her". Xiroey's voice cracked.

"She could'nt have..." Charizard was a little in shock himself. He didn't personally know Mari, but their little ragtag group was already short on firepower as it is. They could'nt afford to lose another comrade.

"She might be hiding her presence. Maybe to help her escape. Knowing her, she probably went off on her own in search of the emeralds. If she's close to them, it might explain why I can't sense her presence." A touch of hope entered Xiroey's voice as he said the last bit.

"Perhaps." Gengar mused. There must've been a billion things wrong with Xiroey's logic. That was already assuming a lot of things, and it didn't explain why Xiroey could suddenly sense everyone else and not her, especially if the Emeralds were blocking their presence before.

Unfortunately, that was all the hope any of them had. For now, they'd just have to believe it.

"Come on" Xiroey said. He picked himself up off the floor, now that the ship was no longer shaking.
He placed a hand on Gengar's shoulder as he walked by him. "Mari's tough. He's stared death flat in the face many times in the past, and she managed to evade it every time. Wherever she is, even if she isn' t on the ship. I'm sure she's safe."

"Yes, and it does none of us any good to sit around here moping about it. If there are emeralds on the ship, then we might as well do what we came here to do in the first place".

Xiroey and Gengar nodded. Charizard was right, they still had a job to fulfill.

"The emeralds are close. Each of you, fall in behind me!" Xiroey said, then dashed out of the room.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

The four of them didn't get far before an obstacle barred their way. Xiroey skidded to a halt, effectively bringing everyone behind him to a stop as well. A black phantom barred their path. It was levitating just at the edge of the hallway, in front of a tall metal door.

Strange, it didn't react as the four of them approached.

"A Phantom Ganon"? Xiroey was perplexed. To see one of them here... Were the dark ones nearby?

"No point in questioning why it's here. The fact is, it's in our way." Charizard said, simplifying things as always.

"Mari's probably behind that door" Gengar said. Xiroey nodded to the two of them. Only one course of action then.

The phantom Ganon finally animated once the four of them got close to it. It materialized a smoky longsword into it's hands, challenging the four of them to approach. Xiroey dashed at it, a powerful tailwind in his wake. The boost in his speed caused Xiroey to vanish momentarily, then he reappaered at the edge of the hallway, he cut the apparation clean in half with his areal ace, dispatching it before it even had a chance to attack.

"That's for the others". Xiroey growled.

"X-Xiro..." Gengar stuttered. Xiroey's senses went on high alert. He lept back from the door.

Just in time, a trap door opened in the spot he was just standing in, and a spike trap jutted up from the ground. If it weren't for Gengar, he would've been skewered Eon meat just now.

"It's an ambush." Charizard said simply. As is on cue, a circle of Phantom Ganon's appeared around them. All paths of escape were cut off.

"Well this is a bloody waste of time" Xiroey sighed. He let his tailwind build up again. The rest of the group could feel the light breeze energizing their limbs. They instantly felt faster and lighter.

"We're busting through into that room, and we're going to meet up with the rest of our friends". Xiroey said. He materialized a pair of electrified guns into his hand, then sprang into action. The rest of the group followed suit.

V.S. Phantom Ganon
Xiroey rushed the one nearest the metal door. He feinted like he was going to shoot at it, then let the tailwind carry him. He rematerialzed at the Pantom's side, his gun poised directly at the ghosts head.​
"One down." Xiroey said, then fired. The phantom exploded in a poof of black mist. His senses imediately went on red alert just as the ghost exploded. He dived to the side, just barely evading a second smoky black sword as a ghost attempted to sneak up behind him.​
Gengar rushed in to defend Xiroey as he struggled to pull himself off the ground. He matched the ghost's sword with his Sucker Punch, His mallet easily knocked the flimsy weapon away.​
"Let's see how you handle this"! Gengar said, then stuck out his tounge and taunted the ghost.​
The phantom ganon paused as if unsure of how to proceed, then it tried to attack Gengar again. Gengar smiled mischeivously, then readied his mallet. The ghost tried to surprise him. It rushed Gengar head on, sword poised readily at it's side. Gengar tensed, gripping his mallet firmly.​
The ghost vanished.​
Gengar smiled. He spun around and whacked the phantom flat in the face.​
"Hah! you're taunted so you have no choice but to attack. Now have a taste of this!" Gengar began beating the ghost up mercilessly with his Sucker Punch.​
Charizard meanwhile, was busy fending off three phantoms at once. Two of the ghosts tried to flank him, using whatever opporotunities the third ghost opened up in Charizard's defenses to attack. He already had two cuts on both his arms. Charizard manged to dodge each of the phantoms attacks both times they tried to flank him, but just barely.​
"I'm growing tired of this" Charizard grumbled. He roared at one of the ghosts. The ghost froze for a moment, then the shockwave from the roar knocked it back, sending it sprawling into the far wall, where it poofed into smoke. Charizard quickly spun around to deal with the other two. The first tried to take him head on while he was distracted. Charizard ducked, the sword whizzing just over his head. He tensed his arm and delivered a crushing blow to the ghost's chest, punishing it severely.​
The second of the ghosts poofed out. Charizard stood ready, waiting for the third to reveal itself to him. It came from below. The ghost tried to impale Charizard with the sharp sword tip. Charizard lept into the air to avoid it, doing a clean summersalt, then launching his Fire Blast down at the tip of the sword. It vanished just before the attack hit. Charizard dived down toward the ground. A swipe came at his left side, cutting him again on his left arm. Charizard maneauvered swiftly through the air. He dived down toward the ground, touching down for a moment, then he pressed down hard with both legs and lept back up at the ghost from below.​
Charizard spun, a swirling vortex encircled him. He launched himself at the ghost like a firey torpedo. Fire met smoke, and the third of the ghosts exploded like fireworks.​
That only left one more.​
Xiroey and the final ghost stood facing each other. This one seemed noticibly larger than each of the previous ghosts. It held a second sword in his other hand. It was a dual-wielder, unlike each of the other ghosts before it.​
Xiroey let his guns flicker out. He summoned his trusty blue swords into his hands, meeting the phantom duel-wield or duel-wield.​
"You're in our way". Xiroey said simply. The tailwind was still in affect, Xiroey rushed the ghost with inhuman speed. His sword arced up at the ghost's head, his heart lept he knew victory was close.​
The ghost 1-up'ed him. He hit Xiroey with his own strategy. Xiroey's sword whiffed at air, he blinked. He knew the phantom was there just seconds before.​
Then he howled. The sword came from his side. The ghost slashed at his shoulder. The sword may have been insubstantial, but the pain from the slice felt just like his arm had been cut off. Xiroey looked down at his left arm in shock, it was starting to turn black from the shoulder down.​
"W-what the...?"​
The ghost came at Xiroey again, cutting off a curse Xiroey was about to make. Xiroey backstepped the second slice. He got rid of the swords, then opened his empty palm at the ghost.​
"Stay the **** back!" Xiroey cursed. His eyes glowed bright purple as power surged into his good arm. His palm glowed white hot for a second, then a powerful blue shockwave lauched itself from his palm. It hit the ghost hard. It flew back, crashing up into the cieling where it too exploded.​
Xiroey looked up at the dissipating cloud angrily. That would teach it to try and block their way again... He swayed on his feet, then collapsed. Blood trickled from the corners of his mouth.​
"Xiro"! Gengar gasped. He ran over to Xiroey's side. Xiroey hacked a few times, before he looked reassuringly at his friend. Gengar had a few cuts on him as well.​
"I'm all right" Xiroey lied.​
"No, you aren't" Charizard said. Lets get whatever's behind that door and get out. We need to get that arm of yours looked at.​
Xiroey just nodded, he was too weak to argue. Charizard stooped down, and scooped Xiroey up in his claws. He placed him into a familar spot on his back.​
"Whatever's behind that door... I pray it doesn't try to kill us... For it's sake."​


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
That power... The power that surged into him just now... It felt...good...

Xiroey shook his head to drive the thought out. It was true, having that kind of power did feel good. For a brief moment, between his pain and his determination, Xiroey allowed the thing inside him to resurface.

Just for a moment.

What shocked him the most about it was how he felt when it happened. It was surprisingly different than the other times. The other times it felt like the thing was trying to take over him. But this time, it was different. He felt himself actually... sync with the creature. He felt their combined power merge for a second, and the feeling of sheer...stregnth it gave him...

Xiroey's head was spinning. He'd spent nearly his entire life feeling weak, helpless, puny... The conscept of launching powerful nukes from his fingertips was a little bit strange to him. He wasn't sure how to react.

He was momentarily forced out of his thoughts, Charizard was having trouble breaking though the door.

"Nngh... Shut tight, this thing." Charizard grunted. He rammed his shoulder into the door again. Again, the door resisted.

"Perhaps you could melt it with your fire"? Gengar suggested. He stood back as Chaizard took another running start, then rammed his shoulder into the door a third time. He bounced off harmlessly, dealing little damage to the metal barrier.

"Ugh, I could... But I like the satisfaction of busting tall doors down. It makes me feel good." Chaizard tensed his legs and prepared to ram the door again. Gengar meerely glanced on with a confused look on his face. This was a first. Charizard, being the impetuous one for once...

"C-charizard, just... move..." Xiroey rose weakly off of the ground. Charizard halted in his charge, his eyes went wide when he saw Xiroey extend his palm toward him.

"Kid, what the blazes are you doing"? Charizard howled.

"The door... you're in the way..."

Charizard blinked. He looked at the small dent he managed to create in the doors frame. It wasn't much. The four of them could be there a while at the rate they were going. Especially since Z had been sound alseep in the corner ever since the fight with the ghosts started. Big help he was.

Xiroey's palm began to glow. His eyes glowed purple again, energy pumped into his hand, gathering up and condensing into powerful charge.

Xiroey grunted. The shockwave that blasted outward was even more powerful than last time. Xiroey was knocked back as the energy from the shockwave recoiled off of the barrier. The door fell, but it the aftershock from the shockwave manged to knock Xiroey down too. They both toppled simultanously.
Xiroey felt what little amount of energy he had left in himself leave him.

Gengar blinked. "That's an... interesting new trick ya''ve picked up there mate". Smoke obcsured his vision. the shockwave also manged to destroy most of the wall as well. Charizard stepped back from the enterance into the next room. He still wasn't sure what was waiting for them on the other side.

"Xiroey, get back on my back. I think I see someone coming."


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
NOOOO! I had a segment and then... and then the delete button made me go back a page.

I don't have the willpower to write it again now. =(


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
It deleted again. I'm amazing. :facepalm: Saving every few lines to make sure it doesn't happen again.

Anyway, I hope you don't mind me manipulating the temple a bit, frost?

And I just realized i'm like, the only person there.... alone... lol, lets get this going.


Charizard almost snatched Luco from lucario as they came back in through the passage. "He's injured." Lucario told Charizard. "He's... not well. The best thing you can do for him at the moment is to comfort him." He said as he handed Luco to him. The pokemon nodded and closed hiswings around Luco, staring in to his eyes as he slowly awoke.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Luco's vision slowly came to as he noticed Charizard smiling down at him. "Hey buddy... are we... back at the valley?" His vision was obscured by Charizard's wings; it was almost as if he could have been back at the valley with Xiroey and Mewtwo... and Richard and Frostwraith and...

"No... we're not there, are we.... we're not..." Tears streamed down Luco's face. "Why... why is the world so bad? Why is it like this? Why can't we live in peace? Why is there so much death and destruction.... why... why can't we be here.... I need them, Charizard..." He felt the warm embrace of his friend.

And they need you.

It was a moment of clarity. You must help save them, for they are lost without you. They need you as much as you need them. You can help them... but you must act...

His tears dried away. "We have to forge ahead..." He pushed out of charizard's wings. "We... we have to help them guys. We need to get the chaos emerald, for them. We have to stop the dark ones and help save the multiverse. We can do it.... I know we can." He has a vision of Xatu staring down at him with those all-knowing eyes.

It's possible...


"Rotom, could I have the glove?" He asked the electric ghost. Rotom slipped the glove on to his right hand. Luco went to the other pillar. "A piece of silver, for the future... to go on ahead." He placed his hand on the pillar. it glowed with energy and the wall at the back of the temple slid away... in to light.

They walked out in to the bright sunlight.

"Palutena?" Pit questioned. "Can you help us locate the emerald?"

"It's a large place but i should be able to pinpoint its location... can you give me a moment?"

The group waited as she searched. "Try north-east of your position. It's a way to go but you can make it. I think one of the local inhabitants has picked it up as it seems to be moving around but i can't be sure: It could be a sand-storm or a dark one. Be careful as you approach."

They began to quest onwards towards the gem, knowing full well it was one of the keys to the group's - and the multiverse's - success. Luco stumbled along a little - he was still rather weak. But he had the group around him and he wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. He would stick it through to the end, good or bad.

And somehow, he got the feeling it wouldn't be so bad.


Sorry if it seems like there's a few holes, I just needed to get the idea out. But the basic idea is there and if Xiroey or Mari is up to re-joining us in the near future, i've got an awesome idea for what i want to encounter there.


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
"...Ugh! Come on, Smashfan! Can't you think of anything that'll get me on that ship?!" Mari huffed in impatience. She didn't like waiting around while her friends were in danger. She HAD to get back on that ship.

"Unless Magolor somehow detached the Lor before Sonic obtains the Emeralds, I don't see any way you can return to the Halberd's Revenge." Smashfan replied glumly. "All we can do is hope-"

"Hope?! Standing around doing nothing isn't hoping for sh*t!" Realizing that she was close to yelling, Mari took a few deep breaths. "Sorry. I just can't stand around here while Dark Meta Knight is flying around in Anti-Christ mode, OK?"

Smashfan shook his head. "I understand your concern, but unless someone comes here and gets you-"

The Lor Starcutter, Bridge

"What in the name of NOVA are you doing here...Drawcia?!" Marx demanded.

"Oh, I missed you too, Marxy!~" The art witch said with a grin. "It's good to see you all!~"

"Uh...who's she?" Richard asked.

Magolor did the explaining. "Richard, this is Drawcia, a witch who has the power to bring anything she draws or paints to life. She traveled with us before Mari vanished."

"Quite right. You may refer to me as the Queen of Art, Richard!~" Drawcia said.


"Drawcy, how did you end up here?" Magolor asked her.

A sad expression passed over Drawcia's yellow eyes. "The Dark Ones took over my world of paint and...destroyed it." She tipped her hat down in sorrow. "Everything...My home, my beautiful masterpieces...all gone. I had to escape...So I cast a spell that would transport me to wherever you were located."

"And here you are." Magolor finished for her.

"Yes...And I see you are in a bit of a predicament."

"A bit? More like a huge mess!" Marx shouted. "The Lor can't fly because it's missing some Gears, Mari's gone AWOL, the worlds are coming to an end-"

"Wait...Mari? She's returned!?~" Drawcia shouted for joy. "Oh, this is the happiest thing that's happened since those awful Dark Ones destroyed my home!~ Where is she?"

"We don't know." Magolor said. “I sent her to steer the battleship, so she can fly us on a safe course. But according to the Lor…” The wizard looked back to the screen with ‘worried’ written all over his face. “She’s not on the ship!”

“…Oh,dear…” Drawcia whispered quietly. “…I think I know what happened to her. Just as I appeared outside the entrance to your ship, I saw through a window a figure falling from the ship. It was easy to spot since whoever was falling was wearing white.”

“Mari’s wearing a white cloak…” Magolor spoke with dread. “That would explain why she isn’t showing up on the Lor’s radar…”

“There’s more…” Drawcia continued. “After I looked away from the window, I saw someone who looked like Meta Knight down the hall, only he dressed in rags and he’s very badly burned. I almost gagged at the sight of him!”

“Dark Meta Knight’s alive?!?” Marx stared at Drawcia in utter disbelief. “But…but Blaze melted that sucker’s mask to his face! HIS FACE!!!”

“We left him with Mari after we freed Blaze…he must have thrown her off! I knew we shouldn’t have left her alone!” Magolor cursed inwardly in Halcandrian at himself. Why did these things have to happen when he took his eyes off her, even for a second?

“Blaze?” Drawcia asked.

Magolor pushed his thoughts to the back of his mind, for the moment. “A friend of ours. She’s helping us find the Chaos Emeralds on this ship. They are suppose to be in the reactor…”

“The reactor? Funny, that abomination of a knight was heading in that direction.” Drawcia recalled.

“That would mean…Sonic and Blaze are in danger!” Richard exclaimed.

“Uh, Hello? Aren’t we forgetting about something? Or someone?” Marx stated.

“You’re right. Someone has to go check if Mari’s OK.” Magolor paused for a few minutes. “OK, new plan. Richard, you stay here and guard the Lor. Marx and Drawcia will go help Sonic and Blaze, while I will go check up on Mari.”

“Actually, that’s not a bad plan…” Drawcia said. “But I’m afraid it’s flawed, Mags!~”

“Flawed? How so?”

“Well, I can instantly create a portal to Mari’s current location using my paintbrush. It’s a lot faster than waiting to cast a spell, and I think you’ll need to cast a magic circle to reach her. We are a ways from the ground, after all!~ And besides…you’ll need to go find those Gears.”

“Hmm…you may have a point…” Magolor said after mulling over the thought. “OK, I’ll go with Marx while you go get Mari.”

“Will do! Be back in two ticks, dears!~” Drawcia exclaimed before waving her paintbrush and disappearing in a cloud of…colored chalk?

“She’s a little weird…” Richard muttered.

“Dude, you have no idea.” Marx told him. “Just one piece of advice: Do not insult her art. Or anything she makes for that matter. I heard that one man criticized one of her painting a little too seriously, and she cursed him to walk through a famous painting forever. You ever heard of “The Scream”? There’s a guy in the background that you can’t make out. That’s him. Other than that, she’s pretty cool…most of the time.”

Richard just stared at Marx and didn’t say anything after that.

Golden Acres, Ponyville.

Drawcia popped in another cloud of chalk just in front of Smashfan, interrupting what he was saying to Mari. When the chalk dust cleared and everyone stopped coughing, Drawcia gasped.

“SMASHFAN?! IS THAT YOU?!?” She practically screamed. “Can this day get any better?!~”

“Better how?” Smashfan asked sarcasticly.

“…Ah, I see what you mean…Well, this day kinda started out badly for me, too…you see…My paint world was destroyed by the Dark Ones-“

“Drawcy, is that you?!”

Drawcia whirled around at the familiar voice and practically golmped Mari as she squealed in bliss.

Mari, darling!~ Oh, I haven’t seen you in ages!!~

Mari was a little taken aback at the sudden hug from Drawcia, but she came around. “Yeah, it’s good to see you too, Drawcia. You’re actually the second person that’s actually glad to see me.”

“I am?”

“Yeah…Sonic was the first. Magolor screamed at me for a good while before he calmed down. And Xiro…” Mari didn’t go on after that. She still wasn’t sure if Xiro was the same after the incident at the Battle Frontier. Although she didn’t care if he was, in the end. She would always consider him a true friend, even if he had changed his ways…

Drawcia saw the sad look in Mari’s eyes and concluded that things didn’t go so well between Mari and Xiro. Which was strange, since Mari and Xiro were good friends. But despite her probing nature, (She loved gossip) she didn’t ask what happened.

Changing the subject, she said, “I’m sure everyone is glad to see that you’ve returned. I know I am, darling!~”

Mari lightened up at that. “You have no idea how much I’ve missed you. I have to be around boys 24/7. It’s good to have another girl to talk to.”

“Here, here!~” Drawcia agreed. “Now, If you don’t mind, let’s get back to the Halberd’s Revenge, shall we?”

“Wait, you can take me there?” Mari asked.

“Of course, darling!~ I’m the Queen of Art!~” Drawcia exclaimed with pride. “Now, say your good-byes!”

“Right…..Smashfan, I’m really glad you’re alive. Just don’t go and die on us again, OK?” Mari said.

“I’ll keep that in mind…” Smashfan replied. “Good Luck.”

“Thanks. You too.”

“Are you ready?” Drawcia said.

“Yep. Let’s roll.”

Drawcia and Mari both poofed away in the usual cloud of chalk dust. After a few more minutes of coughing, Mewtwo asked. “Do you think they will be safe?”

“Hard to say…” Twilight answered. “I suppose we should just trust them to retrieve the Emeralds.”

“Let’s hope that they do.”

The Halberd’s Revenge, Main Corridor

“….Bleck! Ack! Ugh, I got chalk in my mouth!” Mari spitted on the ground to get the dry taste off her mouth. “Can’t you do something about that dust?”

“Sorry. It’s a side effect. I’m used to it, since I breathe it every day that I use chalk.~” Drawcia looked around the area for any enemies. “It looks like everyone’s focused on something else…”

“But what…? Is the ship under attack?” Mari asked.

“It would appear so, darling. Let’s hope it isn’t the Dark Ones.”

Suddenly, the whole ship lurched forward and the two girls had to hold on to the sides of the wall to avoid falling over.

“My, what in the name of Leonardo was that? And why do I feel like there are butterflies in my stomach?” Drawcia struggled to regain her balance. The ship was now tilted in a downward angle.

Mari helped Drawcia straighten herself out. “I know. The ship’s losing altitude. At this rate we’re going, we’ll crash before long. Sonic must’ve gotten the Emeralds already. Let’s find him and Blaze and get ourselves to the Lor before that happens!”

“Er…about the Lor…It can’t fly.” Drawcia said.

“What? Why?!” Mari demanded.

“It’s missing some Gears. I assume Dark Meta Knight removed them to ensure that you all wouldn’t escape. They have to be hidden somewhere.

“AHH! I’m gonna straggle that dark copy when I find him!” Mari yelled in frustration. “Let’s find Sonic and the others first. THEN we’ll worry about the Lor!”

The Halberd’s Revenge, Reactor Room

WHOA!” Sonic grabbed on to the nearest thing bolted down. He had a strange fluttering feeling in his gut—a feeling he knew very well. “Uh, Blaze, I think we broke something when we removed the emeralds…”

“Oh?” Blaze said. “You don’t say…”

“Not the time for jokes right now!” Sonic held on to the white, purple, and red Chaos Emeralds as tightly as he could. “Let’s head back to the Lor. Magolor should have detached it by now.”

“No one is leaving my ship alive today unless I deem it so!” The chilling voice that echoed throughout the reactor room belonged to none other than Dark Meta Knight. He stood in the way of the exit—With about 8 dozen other guards and knights behind him.

“What the…Dude, you don’t look so good. You might wanna put on some sunscreen!” Sonic snickered.

Dark Meta Knight ignored the cocky, blue hedgehog, and instead turned his attention to the calm, lavender cat next to him. The knight unsheathed his sword and pointed it at her.

“You.” He said in a grave tone. “She-demon! You will pay very dearly for what you have done to me! In fact, I think I’ll take those emeralds and your life as due payment…”

Blaze glared at Dark Meta Knight. “You clearly haven’t learned your lesson. Hasn’t anyone told you to never to play with fire?”

“By the time I’m done with you, you will be nothing but ashes at my feet!” Dark Meta Knight growled.

Blaze didn’t respond to the knight. Instead, she said, “Sonic, I want you to say out of this.”

“Huh?” Sonic said with confusion and worry. “Are you sure? I can totally mop the floor with this guy-“

“This is MY battle.” Blaze spoke with a hardened tone. “Stay out of it…unless you want to get burned.”

Sonic stood in silence for a few minutes. “OK.” He eventually said. “But be careful, This guy won’t hesitate to bring you down…for good.”

“I know.” Blaze gave Sonic a small smile. “Run for the Lor. I will meet you there.”
“I said no one will-“

“Yeah? Well, I don’t want to listen to what you have to say, and frankly, I don’t care!” Sonic interrupted the Dark Knight. He jumped into the air and spindashed over the guards and knights. He stopped for just a split second before yelling back, “See ya later, Blaze!” before making a break for it.

“Half of you, chase that blue hedgehog! Get those Emeralds back!” Dark Meta Knight ordered. The guards and knights obeyed and ran after Sonic, but by then, he was long gone.

“You’ll never catch him.” Blaze commented. “Sonic is like the wind. One second, it’s there, the next, it’s gone. Same with Sonic.”

“Silence…” Dark Meta Knight commanded. “I am sick of hearing the mere sound of your voice! DIE!!”

((That…took longer then I expected…))


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
That was large but totally worth reading. =D =D =D

I was also impressed by muhti's battle scene btw. ^_^

Wow, suddenly all I wanna do is write! :p

But at the same time i've got stuff to do, also i'm gonna have to wait for arcs to sync back up with my own. :p


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Muhti slowly walked down the stairs. Heaving heavily with one hand on the wall and another clutching onto his stomach. His leg was still bleeding.

“Help!”, Muhti tried yelling, but only whispering instead. Muhti almost fell, but caught on. He finally reached the bottom of the stairs.

Everybody at the base was holding weapons and all looked tired. They sensed their leader in a horrific state a rushed to his aid.

“Get a cane for him!” somebody yelled.

In a few seconds flat, Muhti was given a cane. He slowly walked a bit better with the cane, but he was still in serious in pain. He finally took his seat at the head while everybody stood before him.

“I want…” Muhti almost fainted, but caught himself.

“Sir” Red began, “Before you begin we’ve been sent anonymous information that the Dark Ones may be preparing to invade Earth, starting with the most powerful country: New USA.”

“Is Obama… doing anything?” Muhti said with searing pain erupting in his leg.

Dimentio then appeared by Muhtis side and handed him a potion.

“Here, this’ll help for a bit. It’ll take a while to heal though.” Dimentio informed.

Muhti nodded and quietly thanked him, “I would then like Dimentio, Luigi, and the Doctor Who to arrive at New York.” He paused to heave in air.

“Are you sure?” Dimentio asked, “You’re in horrible condition.”

“I’m fine; please leave with your group. Everybody is dismissed” Muhti said whilst waving his hand for everybody to give him space.



Muhti saw the team left. He himself stood up with the cane and walked to a half broken window. He sighed to himself and looked at the sunrise.

“Such a beautiful day” he said to himself.

Muhti then felt a force hit against him with even more pain.

“Ow… What was that?” Muhti said to himself as he tried getting up, he looked at the origin of the force and saw…

“The Dark Master” Muhti murmured.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
So much happened here. Great!

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Ganondorf's Theme

In the Death Star...

"So... the Master is going after Muhti himself, eh?", murmured Ganondorf.

"Despite losing the battle, my forces managed to weaken Muhti himself... enough for the Master to go after him... ha ha ha...", responded Palpatine.

"Everything is going according to the Master's plan... now, we must advance to our next step at once!", said Kil'jaeden. "We have given our first warning to Earth by killing all those people in that cathedral, but we need to step our game further and quick."

"Yes... tomorrow at 2100 UTC, the President of the United States will give a speech to his country. As it is one of the most influential countries in Earth, it should be our first prey to catch. We have been creating super soldiers since the foundation of the DIRF. Shadaloo and NESTS have joined the efforts since the Master invited us. Soon... we will have the largest army the multiverse has ever seen...", said M. Bison, head of Shadaloo.

"Good. We shall send some soldiers to Washington DC, where the President will give his speech. The plan is to blow up the White House. We will use our combination of magic and technology to create our latest model of Dark Disguisers. The DQ-776X Alpha Disguiser... a paragon of the Dark Ones' efforts.", Palpatine planned.

"I object to blowing up the White House.", said Ganondorf. "We must keep a low profile, Lord Sidious. Poison will be enough. Since the President will make a speech, he will drink water. All we need to do is to dip a toxin in the cup. That is where the disguiser will enter in action... we will simply frame the murder into the poor wretch whom one of us will disguise as."

"Gooood... genius as always, Lord Ganondorf... it is, indeed, the better choice.", agreed Palpatine.

"It is settled then... we must act towards this goal at once. The Master's orders were clear: to kill the President of the United States. And in his name... we shall!", said Kil'jaeden.

The Master has kicked down the door! :evil:


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Charizard's mouth hung wide open "Gly!"

The smoke from the explosion cleared, an sure enough, standing in the middle of the melted doorway, was a familiar bat-scorpion. Exept, Gliscor didn't look so happy to see them just then...

"Gly?" Charizard said a bit more uncertainly when his friend didn't respond.

Gliscor walked forward a few slow steps. Now that the smoke cleared a bit more, the group could see that Gliscor was bleeding from a fairly wide wound in the middle of his chest. He stumbled slowly like a toddler taking his first steps. Charizard quickly rushed forward to help him.

"Y-your Bleeding! What happened!?" Charizard exclaimed. A mixture of Shock and rage was already starting to build up inside him.

"M...Mem..." Gliscor stumbled forward into Charizard, where he collapsed.

"Easy now, easy! Don't over-exert yoruself"! Charizard knelt down, and tried his best to lay Gliscor down in a comfortable position. He had to take extra caution not to put too much pressure on the hole in his chest.

Charizard silently thanked the allmighty Arceus that Gliscor's hearts were positioned slightly more to the left than most pokemon's where. Whatever hit him, it didn't look like it hit anything vital. Still, he'd bleed to death if he didn't get it looked at, quickly.

"K-Kid... I need your help!" Charizard said, his voice quivering.

Xiroey was already rushing over. "What happened" Xiroey demanded, unintentionally mimicking the exact tone Charizard used earlier.

"He...He's..." Charizard began rambling. That alone was a reason for anyone to worry. "Help him..." Charizard finally managed to force out.

"My gosh" Xiroey gasped when he saw the hole, "H-hold on Gliscor, don't you give out on us yet"! Xiroey thrust both hands over the hole in Gliscor's chest and began pouring out as much energy into his palms as he could. "Come on... Come on...".

A soothing pulse of energy finally began eminating from his palms. Xiroey heaved a small sigh as his heal pulse finally began to get to work on Gliscor's injuries. Charizard watched the whole procedure closely. Xiroey could tell he was beyond worried. The process was slow. Gliscor's connective tissues where the first to mend. Next Xiroey began work on his outershell, closing the whole in his chest plate.

"Thank goodness, it's working." Xiroey sighed. A look at Gliscor's face revealed that his eyes were clsoed. Xiroey almost lost focus for a moment when he saw, his Heal Pulse momentarily flickering out and halting in the middle of closing the whole in Gliscor's exoskeleton.

He saw Glsicor's chest rise slightly.

Xiroey's heart rate slowed slightly. He was only asleep. That was good, he'd be just fine once he-

"Well well, looks like my friend here managed to stumble into a group of allies" A smooth male voice said from the open doorway.

Xiroey was forced to halt in the middle of his healing a second time. That voice didn't belong to anyone he recognized. He looked up from his work briefly and saw a small black hedgehog standing in the doorway.

"Memphiles"? Gengar said, answering the question in Xiroey's head.

"Memphiles"? Xiroey echoed.

"Name so nice, you'll say it twice" Memphiles joked lightheartedly. He casually approached the group, His expressionless featured looked almost cocky. If Memphiles actually had a mouth, Xiroey guessed he'd be smiling.

"Come back for a second beat down"? Gengar taunted, carcking his knuckles.

As the initial shock passed, Charizard too readied himself for battle. "You... You did this to Gly"? Charizard growled. His voice betryaed more emotion than he intended it to.

Memphile's eyes lit up when he caught the intense anger in Charizard's voice. "It was nothing he didn't deserve" Memphiles said lightly. He calmly extened a hand out, pointing his open palm directly at Charizard's chest, just a few meters away. "Your friend will expire soon. Perhaps you'd like to join him"?

Charizard's tailflame rose up a few notches. His eyes glinted dangerously "You... did... this..." He repeated, more resolutely.

"Pity..." Memphiles sighed "How easily the weak fall". He launched a bright green beam of energy directly at Charizard's chest. Xiroey watched the whole thing happen in slow motion. The beam hit him dead on. Charizard's face momentarily went from anger to shock, then he stumbled back a few steps. His experssion went completely blank.

"C-char...?" Xiroey said, in shock.

"No!" Gengar cried.

"Pity..." Memphiles said again.

Charizard's legs finally gave out. He fell backward. The scent of burnt flesh reached Xiroey's nostrils.


Memphiles laughed sadistically. "Hahahahahahahaha! Just like that, the mighty charizard falls to my hand. Mine! You two are next." Memphiles voice suddenly hardened.

There's still time...
Xiroey slowly stood, careful not to dirsturb Gliscor while he slept. An ominous shadow hung over his face.

"No..." He said simply.

"No?" Memphiles echoed "you talk as if you ever had any choice in the matter."

There's still time... We can save him...

He extened a hand to Xiroey. "Good Bye".


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley

V.S. Mephiles

♪ Sonic The Hedgehog - Biolizard - Supporting Me ♪

It all happened too quickly for Gengar to follow. One second, Charizard was okay; next thing he knew, their best fighter was slain and his friend wasn't acting like himself. That, and he was sure that black aura wasn't there around Xiroey a moment ago.

"So weak..." Mephiles sighed, almost sadly. His palm glowed brightly, a glowing green sphere slowly growing in the middle of his palm. Xiroey simply stood there, he was directly in the path of it. A black aura circled him, oozing out from his feet and wrapping itself around his body.

Though his eyes were closed, Xiroey could sense the deadly energy being aimed at him. He could sense the sadistic pleasure in Memphile's heart, his excitement from just netting another kill. And surprisingly, he could feel a bit of dissapointment there as well. The darker side of Xiroey's own heart understood it perfectly. Everyone else was so weak. Where was the fun in killing unless the opponent put up a reasonable fight first.

Xiroey began to fill himself slipping. His darker emotions surfacing and seeping out, surfacing as a black mist.

As the aura around him grew more, a single thought was pressed to his conscious. It was fleeting at first, but the more his anger grew, the more powerful the thought became. Soon, Xiroey became consumed by it. Only one thing mattered, and he'd do anything in his power to achieve it.


Mephiles fired. The beam traveled much more slowly than last time. Xiroey was almost confused at how slowly the beam traveled. Just before it came out too quickly to follow. He felt his feet moving. He wasn't sure if it was him doing it or instinct taking over his actions. He ducked to the size and the beam whizzed by his neck.

A strange metalic feeling seeped into his conscious. He righted himself, a pair of blue swords automatically summoning themselves into his hands. As Xiroey began to rush toward Mephiles, the feeling grew stronger. He could almost taste it, Memphile's fear. Part of him wondered if this was how Gengar felt whenever he hungrily sapped the terror from his victims.

He raised his sword. Again, Xiroey felt confused. Mephiles was still standing there, almost in the same position as before. His palm was sticking out in the direction he was in only moments ago. He brought the sword down, and Mephiles didn't do a thing to stop it.

"Waah!" Gengar screamed. Bright blue sparks erupted out from the doorway. The light they gave off was bright, he had to shut his eyes against it or he would've been blinded again.

Eventually, the light faded. Gengar removed his hands from his eyes, an stood looking curiously at his friend's back. He had his empty hand sticking out at Memphile's chest, a phantom sword had managed to cut a hole straight through to Memphile's heart.

"Die". Xiroey said without emotion. The look on Mephiles face was that of pure shock. He gazed out at nothing, his eyes still focused on the spot Xiroey was in moments ago. The sword never touched his heart. Xiroey knew this because Mephiles didn't have one. As Mephiles hit the ground, his body crumbled. It no longer had the stregnth to support itself.

"Is he...?" Gengar said, still not certain of what jsut transpired.

Xiroey let his arm fall to over to his side. He slwoly turned away from Mephiles, trudging over to where Charizard lay without a word.

Gengar was still confused. He watched silently as Xiroey's heal pulse began working on treating Charizard's wounds and closing the whole in his chest. There was still a flicker of life in him. Xiroey knew that, as long as that last flicker of life remained, there was hope for his friend.

"Gengar". Xiroey said as he stood. Gengar blinked, he'd only been working on Charizard's wounds for about a minute, he could'n't have been done so quickly. "Y-yeah mate"? Gengar said uncertainly.

"Watch over Gliscor..."

At first, Gengar didn't know how to respond. He walked over toweard Xiroey cautiously. The dark aura from before was no longer there, but he could still since that his friend somehow wasn't himself. "I'll keep an eye on him mate. But shouldn't you-" Xiroey suddenly collapsed. Gengar stifled a gasp, already rushing over to help if he could.

"Xiro... Xiro... are you all right? XIRO!"


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Let me spice things a little bit...

Street Fighter IV - Rose's Theme

She looked at the cards and once again, the Death card came up.

"No matter how many times I do this... the only thing I see is death and destruction. Nothing else.", muttered Rose as she walked the streets of Rome, in Italy. "The world will undergo a big change. People will die and the freedom will end. All I see is a black figure. A harbinger of death and the one behind the changes that will arrive."

Rose looked above the night sky and heard someone listening to the radio.

"The American president will give a speech in one hour... what is this that I see? No! It will be too late! We can't stop the fate... I must depart immediately.", said Rose as he heard the news on the radio.

She ran as fast as she could to the nearest port.

"The Iberian Peninsula west of here... I see a big city... and a river. Is this a capital city? More black robed figures... they must be cultists devoted to the changes I foresee!", Rose continued to mutter.

She entered a ship that departed to Lisbon, in Portugal.

"My destination... I see a passage... a tunnel with the light of hope shining far away... I must warn those who oppose those harbingers of death! I must guide them. Only when the stars align to herald the coming of hope, they may advance on their valorous quest to save the worlds...", kept Rose saying as the ship departed to its destination. "The fool card! I can see it! The card of reckless heroism, freedom and beginnings! This is an important mission that I cannot fail!"

Rose from the Street Fighter series seems to be after the Dark Ones too. As a fortune teller, she has apparently seen the future that the Dark Ones will bring if not stopped...


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
♪ Corrupt Arena - El Cazador ♪

This couldn't happen... Not again... Not another one...

Gengar knelt by Xiroey's side, his body quivering from sobs he tried his best to force down. It was just... too much... First Mari, she was always so strong, so relisient. Gengar just couldn't let himself believe that she was gone. It just... couldn't happen.

And then... three of his best friends. All at once. It all happened so fast, and he couldn't do a thing to stop it.

"I'm sorry Xiro... If I'd only been a bit faster... If i'd only done something, you and charizard would be..." Gengar felt a knot rise in his throat. His body shook again, he was trying his best to keep himself together. For Xiroey's sake, he at least owed his friend that much. He owed them all at least that much.

"You see now, how frail mortal life is--how easily the weak fall prey to those with power" Gengar started, a black shadow fell over his shoulder. He didn't look up, but he could feel Mephiles standing there, watching him closely.

"I'll say, Xiroey killed you." Gengar said, more defiantly than he felt.

"That he did". Mephiles trudged away, his back facing the group.

Gengar had to do his best to compose himself. He couldn't let his emotions get the best of him now. He didn't want to believe it, but somehow Mephiles was still alive. He was all alone now. Maybe... Just maybe, he'd be able to be with Xiro and Mari again. He was all alone, and he barely had the strength to move.

"Funny" Gengar said, his voice rough "Fear will do that too. It'll cripple even the strongest of men. Women, children, pokemon, they're all the same." He gazed up at Mephiles, his face bearing no sign of mischief or trickery "I guess pain isn't that much different. Aye"?

Gengar's words echoed softly in the empty hallway for sometime. Mephiles just stood there, his back to the group. Gengar knew he might not get another opening like the one he had now. He had a feeling Mephiles knew that too. "Aye Ghost." Mephiles finally spoke. He turned around, and he and Gengar's eyes locked. "Your eyes are afraid" Gengar finally said; and he hoped he hadn't pushed Mephiles too far.

"Your words are brave, yet I can see you trembling. Could it be? Could a ghost actually be afraid of dying"? Mephiles shook his head, his eyes closed as if he bore a great sadness."Pity..."

"Pity? Ironic, you pity us weaklings, yet at the end of the day, you're the one that stands alone"-

"Silence"! Mephiles snapped, his calm facade shattering all at once.

A tiny smile touched Gengar's lips "Just as I thought, getting your keister handed to you by Xiroey stung more than you expected."

"You have no idea who it is you're talking to ghost". Mephiles threatened, his voice steadily climbing higher.

"I think I do. I think you're afraid. I think you're afraid that you're the weak one, not us small fry. I think you're scared. Scared and alone-"

Gengar's words were suddenly cut of as two strong hands squeezed around his neck. Gengar's arms flailed about weakly. His neck was forced up, leaving him with no choice but to stare into Mephile's cold heartless eyes. "I may be alone, but at least I can stand on my own two feet.

Gengar might've passed out, but the stronger Mephile's anger became, the more power he subconsciously leaked. It was starting to burn Gengar. He tried his best to summon up some hidden dregs of stregnth inside him; like Xiroey did. His efforts were in vain though, his reserves were completely dry.

"Two feet... will only carry you... so... far..." Gengar managed to whisper before he gradually slipped out of consciousness.

Mephiles glared at him. Gengar's eyes closed and he fainted from exhuaustion. Mephile's roared his frustration and tossed Gengar away.

"Pitiful. ALL OF YOU!" He turned his back to the group, walking towards the now completely wrecked doorway.

"I'll return. You'd best treasure what little time you have left. You'll all be dust beneath our feet soon enough".

With that, Mephiles turned to smoke and vanished.


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Krookodile swayed back and forth uneasily. Each gust of wind was potentially fatal, threatining to knock him off ballance where he'd fall down the impossibly long drop below. He shivered as the temperature suddenly dropped, and the ship passed through a cloud.

"Come on..." He muttered to himself, steadying himself the best he could on the Halberd's gangplank. He silently regretting embarking on this mission in the first place. The things he would do to help out his firends. He swayed again as the halberd shook and another gust of wind rocked him. He nearly let go of each of the heavy gears he carried.

He took several deep breaths as the next gust passed. He had at least a good six Moxie boosts boosting his stregnth, courtesy of the countless enemies he took out. The gears might've been heavy, but they weighed next to nothing to the large Croc. It wouldn't do him any good if he dropped any of them though. Not only would that mean that hey couldn't fix the Lor, but that also meant that he'd lose the only thing preventing him from flat out flying off the plank whenever another gust of wind hit.

Speaking of gusts, Krookodile shivered against yet another gust, the ship passing into a particularly damp cloud. It momentarily became too dark to see. Krookodile had to steady himself the best he could, just to fight off the intense vertigo he felt.

"Really... really don't like heights". Krookodile muttered to himself. He had his eyes closed shut, he was actually glad the ship was in a cloud at that moment. At least then nobody could see his knees trembling. A good minute later (though it felt like an eternity to Krook), the ship was still travling though the same dark cloud. Krookodile silently cursed the gods of bad luck, and threw in a few good curses for the gods of heights and faulty machienery as well. He couldn't have been too far away from his destination now. The Lor was probably less than a foot away now.

Krookodile didn't want to think of all the horrible things that could go wrong during the span of those few remaining feet.

The process was slow and painstaking. Krookodile couldn't see, so he had to grope ahead blindly with one foot first, doing his best to keep his ballance despite the ships constant motions. His intense battle training proved invaluable here. He was more than accustomed to keeping his ballance in extreme circumstances, as any competent fighter had to be.

That didn't stop his heart from beating at a million miles an hour though every time either ship made the tinest movement.

It took ages, and Krookodile nearly passed out several times during the journey, but Krookodile's feet finally touched solid wood. He was onboard the Lor. He was safe.

For now anyway.

"Great, phase one complete". Krookodile sighed in a more than slightly exasperated tone.

Truth be told, he didn't even know where any of the gears went. And even if he did find out, he was no expert on fixing ships. Sure, he might've been an expert preditor, He dazzled many a pokemon with his outward and friendly personality, he could kill a crowd at a comedy show.

But when it came to anything mechanical, Krookodile didn't know didly-squat.

"Arceus... I know I've done some things in my life that I'm not proud of... I guess, it might be a little late to ask for your forgiveness now... but... HELP?"


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Lor Starstrutter - Main Deck
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Krookodile just stood there. He was waiting paitnetly, he sent out the plea for help, now he just had to wait for Arceus to respond.


Anything at all.

"Oh, Krookodile, when did you get on board the ship"? A voice came from behind him making Krookodile jump. His arms flew upward, and he accidentally tossed each of the gears up in the air. They nearly flew off the ship.

He sighed when he realized it was only Richard.

"Ooh... phew, for a second I thought maybe Arceus was here to pass judgement on me in person. I know I've done some pretty shady things and all, but"-

"You brought the gears". Richard said, cutting Krookodile off.

Krookodile paused, his mouth was still agape. He realized he'd just let his nervousness show and he blushed.

"Oh... yes... right..." He said finally pulling himself together.

"Good Job, Now we can fix the ship. I take it you found Magolor then"?

"Yes." Krookodile confirmed, a bit more calmly "We met up briefly. He asked me if I happened to come a cross a group of strange gears. I told him that I saw a group of sailor dee carrying a few gears away into the ship's storage room. We went to retreive them, then he sent me here... I... don't think he thought through how I was actually supposed to get onto the Lor though. I can't exactly fly". Krookodile flapped his arms for good measure, showing Richard that he, in fact, couldn't fly even if he desperatly tried to.

"Interesting, you all managed to retrieve the gears so easily. These dark ones are an interesting bunch indeed"-

Richard was suddenly jutted out of his throughts as Krookodile rushed past him, gears in hand.

"Talk inside, I'm not spending another minute near the edge"! Krookodile called from inside the cabin.

Richard stood there for a minute. He scratched his chin thoughfully, "Hmm... Impact are a pretty strange group as well".

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

K, I think that's all for tonight. G'night everyone!~


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Wow, I never realized but, although it's common for me to give people aussie accents when i'm reading their posts, Xiroey's - and this even sometimes applies to his posting in general - is very obvious, through the use of words like 'mate' and the like.

Never realized that before! :p


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
It's time for a grand show of evilness!

Washington DC, USA - 2052 UTC

The President was preparing his speech. Warned by Muhti's companions such as Dimentio and Luigi, he ordered the police to keep a tight watch on who entered or exited the conference room. There were a lot of people, among those were politicians, reporters and policemen.

While the preparations were taking place, somewhere in a basement, two Dark Ones contacted with Palpatine to report everything.

"So far, so good, Lord Sidious. We used our disguisers to infiltrate the White House and poison the water has demanded.", reported one of the cultists.

"Good. According to one of our scientists, Dr. Andonuts, the poison takes around ten minutes to show its first symptoms...", responded Sidious. "One sip is enough to kill one elephant, so its effect on a human is far more fatal."

"Now... should we just sit back and wait, my lord?", said the second cultist.

"Of course... it's a matter of time until the president succumbs to the poison. The next step is already fully planned. I'll give further orders once this step is complete.", said Palpatine, before cutting the communication.

"Well then, fellow servant of the Master, should we entertain our guests?", said the first cultist, clad in dark red robes.

"Of course should we! Let us torture and make them suffer in the name of our Master.", said the second cultist, clad in pitch black robes.

Opening a door, the cultists look at two men tied to each another, with their mouths gagged.

"Heh heh heh... this will be fun...", said the first cultist, taking out a knife.

"Once we torture them enough, we should take them to the Death Star! There, we can have our fellow servants of the Master to toy with them further.", proposed the second cultist.

"Why, fellow servant of the Master, isn't yours a good idea! I definitely agree with you. Should we prepare?"

"You are ready, too?"

"But, of course!"

The cultists prepared to stab each of the men...

10 minutes later, on the Death Star, Palpatine watched the President's speech on his screen. If the plan was successful, the President wouldn't live to finish the speech.

"Ha ha ha ha ha... the cultists reported that they saw some of Muhti's underlings to warn the president... yet, they have no idea of our glorious plan!", Palpatine uttered, showing delight over the fact that the Master's plan was being successful.

"And there's the first sip...", observed Ganondorf.

"Count ten minutes, underlings!", Palpatine shouted, turning his attention to the cultists and Stormtroopers watching the speech as well. "Soon, the Master's most ambitious plan as of now will be successful! This is the first step in our plan! Let the people of Earth know that the Master will soon rule over all that exists!"

The cultists rose their weapons, be them swords, staffs, guns or bows, showing praise for the Master. A huge countdown showed up in one of the screens.

The President continued his speech, which started with him commenting on the disaster that struck the people in the Notre Dame Cathedral in France. As the speech continued, so was the President feeling weaker, coughing with increasing rate as time passed. The poison was having effect.

"Ha ha ha... not so mighty now... Mr. President...", Palpatine whispered with an evil looking smile on his face.

The President began coughing uncontrollably, causing panic around the area. He was starting to lose his capacity to stand, falling to his knees and coughing even more, now with blood coming from his mouth. Spasms came shortly after, his eyes rolling and both legs and arms having unnatural movements.

On the Death Star, the cultists clapped and continued to praise the Master.

The President's spasms suddenly stopped, becoming quiet as a stone. The paramedics soon arrived, checking his life condition, only to declare his death.

The news stations throughout the world were already reporting the incident. "The President's death and Notre Dame mass murder. Coincidence?" was one of the captions in a news report. Unease around the world was spreading like wildfire...

We are everywhere.
We bow to the One.
We shall be feared.
We shall be all.

Praise the Master for his wisdom and power.

"I can sense... nothing... but evil... Do I hear cries? Is this what it's like... to be dead?", the mind thought. "He... he's the one... I... must... warn... if only I were... more power..."

Overwhelmed by the Master's power, consciousness faded away.

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Gerudo Valley (OC Remix - Mamacitas in my Valley)

With the Silver Gauntlets from the Spirit Temple, the group followed Palutena's guidance to the second Chaos Emerald.

"Even though we're deviating from the Spirit Temple, we haven't seen the last of it.", warned Palutena.

"Why's that?", responded Pit.

"A powerful commander of the Dark Ones resides there. The Emerald is our priority, though.", responded the goddess.

"What exactly is our destination now?", inquired Dark Pit.

"The Pyramid, one of Ganondorf's bases. He desecrated it and claimed the place as his own.", told Palutena.

Pit and Dark Pit gave this information to Luco and the others.

"So, Ganondorf has one of the Chaos Emeralds?", inquired Luco.

"I have this feeling this will be a race between us and the Dark Ones for the Emeralds.", suggested Alder.

"I had the same thought. Nevertheless, we must find the seven of them before it's too late.", responded Jeff.

The group walked in the middle of desert with nothing on sight. Luco used his powers to overcome the perilous sands. His water magic resulted in keeping the air around them cool, while using healing magics to treat wounds caused by the raging sandstorms.

Being Palutena's messenger, Pit guided the group towards the destination. The sandstorm made it difficult for him to fly, thus he had no choice but to walk on the hot sand.

Even with Luco's magics, the trip proved difficult to everyone. To make things even more difficult, Ganondorf's foul creatures such as Leevers and Moldorms popped from the shifting sands, surprise attacking members of the group. From time to time, they had no choice but stopping for a rest.

"Just tough it out...", thought Luco.

That's it for now!

The Dr. Andonuts referenced by Palpatine is the character from EarthBound. Apparently and unknown to the group, he's working for the Dark Ones. Seems fishy, doesn't it?

EDIT: Removed references to real life people to avoid any sort of controversy. It is my policy when writing to avoid such references, unless such references refer to historical people.


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Heh... Its nice to finally have time to write again.
It's taken several months, and many failed addempts: but I finally found a sure-fire way to beat blocks. <3

Will post later today or tonight!

Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
Heh... Its nice to finally have time to write again.
It's taken several months, and many failed addempts: but I finally found a sure-fire way to beat blocks. <3

Will post later today or tonight!
If only my sentence structure could be registered then i could post, john2k said something about these forums auto-sensing spaces in sentences. ↓↓ So becuz when i space my sentences it sandwhiches them together in the end.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
More evil! :evil:

Muhti stared at the Master, weakened from the battle against his forces.

"Well, well... if it isn't Muhti himself...", said the Master.

"The hell do you want?", retorted Muhti.

"You've been a thorn in my side for too long... and here you are... powerless against me!", the Master responded. "Hyeh heh heh heh heh heh... HYEH HA HA HA HA HA! This will be so much fun..."

The Master grabbed Muhti by his neck, causing him to hopelessly struggle against the god-like Master.

"Urgh! Ack!", Muhti grunted in pain.

"If only you had sword true loyalty to me, you wouldn't be so damned now! HA HA HA! Pitiful, miserable wretch... you are worth nothing! I shall exterminate all that belongs to you... hyeh heh heh... all for which you fought so hard will be gone in an instant! How it pleases me!", said the Master in a loud, maniacal tone, licking his lips.

Muhti continued to struggle, but it didn't work at all.

"Hyeh heh... look at your insignificant city... to call such misery a city is an insult to my grandeur! To my excellence! To my beauty!", the Master yelled, all while holding Muhti. "Watch as I destroy it! Watch as I decimate your dreams! As your efforts were in vain! For all will belong to ME! Look above the sky, will you?"

The Master turned Muhti's face high above the sky, where he could see the Death Star.

"The Death Star...", Muhti whispered.

"Yes... oh, and I should tell you that your friends on Earth have failed to save the United States President...", said the Master.


"He's dead and your friends - no, the worlds - will follow soon! For I am the alpha... and the omega! I shall create a massive graveyard to all who are weaker than me... to all who dare to oppose me... to all who don't bow to my might!"

"You fiend..."

"Flattery won't get you anywhere! You will be destroyed for your treachery and weakness! IT'S THE LAW OF NATURE! The weak cling to the strong or perish! I am the strongest! I AM ABOVE THE GODS! All will bow before me or DIE! I gave you two chances to prove yourself, when I should have ditched you when you failed me the first time! I was generous enough... but then I realized... I am not WEAK like those pitiful mortals... no... I am the One! I am the Master! The one above all! The existence incarnate! Now, it's the most ideal time to amend such a mistake! I shall kill you at last!", rambled the Master, grabbing Muhti by his neck.


"Now... do you believe in God? Or in gods? Whatever your beliefs, you'd better start praying! It's the best time to do so, as I slowly absorb your soul and assimilate your powers!", maniacally said the Master.

Muhti closed the eyes, as the Master began to drain and corrupt his life force.

"Now... witness the END!", yelled the Master, who snapped the fingers on his host's left hand.

The Death Star fired a powerful laser to decimate the already destroyed city. All of Muhti's dreams died in one single blast.

"Did you see that Muhti? All for which you fought for... IS GONE! HYEH HA HA HA HA HA!! HYEE HA HA HA HA HA HA!", yelled the Master. "Underlings! Take this body to the Death Star's laboratory!"

Four cultists appeared in a puff of smoke and began carrying Muhti's dead body. The Master opened a portal and both him and the cultists pass through it and arrive at the Death Star.

"Muhti will serve as a good guinea pig for our next projects... now that the United States will undergo elections, we ensure that the country becomes under our control... afterwards, we shall do the same for the European Union, Japan and China... hyeh heh heh heh heh heh heh... all these clones will serve us well... useful when combined with our disguisers, yet disposable at the same time...", said the Master, with many of his commanders listening. "The dawn of a new era is upon the multiverse! HYEH HEE HEE HA HA HA..."

At Final Destination, all that Master Hand could do is to ensure that Luco, Xiroey, Mari and the others collected all Chaos Emeralds to further empower the divine Dimensional Cannon. There was no time to mourn the lives lost in the conflict... not while the Master remained alive and dangerous.

Many hours of walking the seemingly endless sea of sand and Luco notices something in the horizon, as the sandstorm began to calm down.

"A triangular shape... that's the Pyramid you mentioned, Pit!", said Luco as he observed the Pyramid.

"Lady Palutena has said that the Chaos Emerald is there! We're close!", Pit responded.

"The sandstorm is subsiding. I'll call my ship and we can get there in an instant.", said Captain Falcon as he pressed a button on his helmet.

Few minutes later, the Falcon Flyer arrives and everyone enters inside. Blasting at full speed, the group quickly arrives at the humongous Pyramid.

"It looks very dark inside...", observed Ness.

"Charizard, light a path!", ordered Luco.

"Volcarona, do the same!", ordered Alder, sending his Volcarona.

Frostwraith's Chandelure joined Charizard and Volcarona in providing light, allowing the group to see in the otherwise dark Pyramid. The path to another Chaos Emerald was lit. Ganondorf's minions and many kinds of traps lurked in the dark, narrow corridors, prompting each of the group's members to stay on close guard.

And that's all for today.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Time to write some battles against Ganondorf's minions!

Climbing the Pyramid wasn't easy, with the corridors being so narrow that the group had to form up as a line. The small rooms they occasionally stumbled upon were riddled with traps and foul creatures such as poisonous snakes, Gibdos and other of Ganondorf's minions. Besides such dangers, the rooms also had a lot of treasure that could be taken.

"You have already climbed half of the Pyramid... be careful, as you approach the top, as the enemies you will encounter will be more dangerous.", warned Palutena, as they arrived at a room with pillars and a throne.

On the throne sat someone on bulky armor wielding a humongous axe. That was an Iron Knuckle, one of Ganondorf's most powerful minions. Upon noticing their presence, the Iron Knuckle got up, ready to battle.

"We'd better get ready to battle!", said Luco, stepping forward to face the Iron Knuckle.

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Mini-Boss Battle

The Iron Knuckle started by swinging the huge axe at Luco, sending him flying across the room.

"Luco!", yelled Ness, quickly helping him to get up.

"Urrgh...", grunted Luco, with a huge wound across his torso, bleeding heavily.

Pit and Dark Pit stepped forward, but the Iron Knuckle was merciless and swung the axe twice knocking each of the angels down. The armored figure began advancing towards Captain Falcon, whose speed made the Iron Knuckle miss each of the moves.

"Come on!", provoked Captain Falcon.

Enraged, the Iron Knuckle, swung the axe with even more strength. Captain Falcon barely dodged and countered with a Falcon Kick, hitting the extremely resistant foe.

The Iron Knuckle swung the axe again, hitting Captain Falcon, injuring him severely.

"PK Freeze!", yelled Lucas, shooting a blast of ice that proved useless against the knight.

"He's extremely resistant... we have to find a way to break through that armor. Volcarona, use Fire Blast!", ordered Alder after developing a strategy.

Volcarona sent a powerful 大 shaped flame projectile at the armored foe, rendering the armor hot, but still hard to hit.

"It didn't work as expected, but the heat can be used to our advantage. We need to think of something and quick...", said Cynthia, as Volcarona and the Iron Knuckle were locked in combat.

The Iron Knuckle's axe swings were easily dodged by Volcarona's flight and speed. Frostwraith's Rotom stepped in and launched a lightning bolt at the Iron Knuckle, which managed to stun the foe a little.

"Electric attacks seem to work, but I got an idea as well.", said Cynthia, sending her Garchomp. "Garchomp, use Iron Tail!"

Garchomp hit the Iron Knuckle with her tail, knocking the armored knight down. Furious, the foe threw the axe at Garchomp's belly, resulting in a severe injury and rendering the Mach Pokémon unable to fight.

"Rotom... I know you can do it!", said Cynthia.

Rotom smiled at Cynthia and offered itself to be ordered by the Sinnoh Champion herself.

"Rotom, use Double Team!", ordered Cynthia.

Rotom did as commanded and managed to confuse the Iron Knuckle. While the Iron Knuckle helplessly swung the axe at the illusory copies made by Rotom, the Plasma Pokémon used the opportunity to charge electrical power.

"Everyone get out of the way!", warned Cynthia. "Rotom, use Discharge!"

Rotom let loose the power, hitting the Iron Knuckle hard. The Iron Knuckle got ahold of himself and swung the axe against one of the pillars in the room, causing it to fall, almost hitting some team members.

Despite being a Ghost type, Rotom could be hit from the axe, as it was imbued with Ganondorf's foul power. The Double Team illusions were starting to fade out and Cynthia ordered Rotom to use the move once more.

Rotom kept distracting the Iron Knuckle, using Double Team to keep creating illusory copies. To ensure better results, Rotom used Confuse Ray to further hinder the Iron Knuckle's combat capabilities.

But the Iron Knuckle was tougher than expected, as it used Ganondorf's powers to cure himself out of such condition.

"Rotom, use Rain Dance!", ordered Cynthia.

It began to rain inside the room and Cynthia commanded Rotom to follow Rain Dance with Thunder, which crippled the Iron Knuckle.

Attempting to throw his axe, the knight lost momentum and fell on his backside, disappearing in a puff of black and dark purple smoke, like most of Ganondorf's minions.

Cynthia thanked Rotom for its efforts, with Frostwraith's Pokémon responding with a smile and letting loose sparks.

With Luco, Pit, Dark Pit, Captain Falcon and Cynthia's Garchomp injured, the group had no choice but to stop and rest in that room.

This won't be the last battle against the foes awaiting in the Pyramid.


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
Halberd's Revenge, some random hallway...

Where is she...where...?

Sonic had probably made about a million laps around the battleship before relizing that he was...kinda lost. Sure, he knew where the Lor is, but he still couldn't leave without Mari and the others. He already checked the cockpit where he last saw her, but the inside of it was blocked off by an airlock he couldn't bust down. By now, the blue hedgehog was getting a little worried. Not Magolor worried, but still...

"Well, well, well....look whoIfound..."

That voice!

He quickly thrusted both of his feet in front of him so that he would slow to a complete stop. Sonic turned around to where the voice had spoken, but no one was there.

"Having fun, Sonic? I'm sure you are, with the whole ship just some thousand feet away from crashing to the ground. Or are you looking for your friends?"

The chilling voice seemed to come from everywhere at once, and it echoed off of the large hallways of the Halberd's Revenge, making it sound even scarier. But Sonic wasn't afraid. Not of him.

He closed his eyes, tuning his senses for a moment before saying, “You aren’t supposed to exist.”

A cold, merciless laugh filled the dark corridor, followed by an insult. “And you are a cocky, arrogant fool. Did you really think the power of the Chaos Emeralds, the very same power that fused Iblis and I into Solaris, would ultimately destroy me, a demon of the darkness?” More laughter. “You’re more gullible then I first imagined."

“And you’re a sick, creepy psycho. Why don’t you come out from those shadows you love so much and face me?” Sonic dared.

“Oh, but Sonic…” The voice slipped. “The shadows are where I’m at my best!”

The lights went out as soon as the cold voice finished his sentence. Sonic would like to think that removing the Emeralds from the reactor would turn off the power, but a sinking feeling in his gut told him otherwise. “I know you aren’t afraid of the dark…” The dark voice said. “So let me…enlighten you!”

The attack came from behind, as Sonic expected, so he jumped to the side and kicked off the wall parkour style. “I noticed that you love to backstab people from behind!” Landing neatly on his toes, he dropped to the ground and sweeped the attacker’s feet from under him, so that when he tripped, he would follow up with a sweet Spindash to the chest.

At least, that what should have happened, if the attacker had not brought his fist down to the top of his head. Stars zinged through Sonic’s vision as he felt himself being picked up like a doll and thrown across the hall. Sonic shook the dizziness away in mid-flight and aligned himself just right to land on the wall itself. He began to wall jump across the next hallway, being careful to avoid the blasts of darkness that were right on his heels.

Sonic knew he couldn’t run away forever. Well, he could, but then Magolor and the others would have him to deal with, so he jumped off the wall and grabbed a nearby pipeline, swinging himself on top of it.

His pursuer stopped just below his perch, building himself from shadow into a familiar shape of one certain faker. Mephiles the Dark…from his skeleton-like hands to his lime-green cat eyes, his appearance alone was enough to give anybody nightmares. What was he doing here? And for that matter, HOW did he survive what happened in Solianna?

“Ohhhh, Soooonic….” Mephiles called out in a sing-song tone. “Come out, come out, wherever you aaaaare…”

Resisting the urge to knock his lights out, Sonic couldn’t see very well when…the lights were out. Besides, he didn’t have time to deal with this manic; he needed to get these 3 Chaos Emeralds to the Lor, pronto!

“Why are you hiding? Afraid I’ll…do something nasty?” Mephiles chuckled amusingly. He was very much enjoying this little game of cat and mouse, but even now he was growing bored. “How about I make a little deal with you? Give me the Emeralds and I’ll spare the pitiful lives of you and your friends. I’ll even consider letting you join me and the Dark Ones…that is, IF the Master would have you…”

Sonic cursed inwardly. So Mephiles was on the Dark Ones’ side, no doubt sent here to retrieve the Emerald or to get rid of him. Although he knew that somewhere in that brilliant but dark mind of his, Mephiles was planning to double cross the Master. With Mephiles running after him, Magolor trying to detach the ship, (Which was dropping ever closer to the ground) Blaze fighting Dark Meta Knight alone, and Mari gone missing…

Could things get any worse?

“…I heard something coming from this hallway…” Of all the people turning the corner behind Sonic, Mari and Drawcia slowly wandered in to investigate what had made all the noise. What they found was something muuuuch worse…

“Oh, my stars, what is that?!” Drawcia pointed to Mephiles with her paintbrush. “It has the most horrifying shade of green for its eyes!~”

Mephiles turned around slowly, as if he heard something like the annoying drip-drop of water from a leaky pipe. “And what have we here-“ When he turned his head completely, his eyes widened. Not at the witch that had suddenly appeared and insulted him, but at the human girl beside her…

“Do my eyes deceive me…?” Mephiles whispered. “Or do I see the lovely Mari standing over there?”

And things just got worse… Sonic thought glumly.

The Lor Starcutter, Bridge.

Magolor and Marx burst into the bridge, where Krookodile and Richard were waiting. “Do you...have the Gears?” Magolor said breathlessly.

“Yeah…although I’m never getting on this or any battleship ever again…” Krookodile said as he handed them over.

“You might wanna bite…your tongue on that…cuz this ship… is the only thing… that will save… your…Whew!” Marx collapsed in a breathless heap. “Don’t wanna…run…any…more…”

Magolor floated over the exhausted Marx and headed to the inner workings of the Lor. “It will only take a few minutes!” He called back. “So just sit tight and let me do the work.”

“Yeah….you do that…” Marx heaved. “Meanwhile, I’ll just slowly wither and die on this spot…”


“My, my…It has been a while, hasn’t it, love?” Mephiles’ demeanor had changed from one of a sadistic hunter to one of a gentleman. “You’ve blossomed quite beautifully since we last met, if I do say so myself.”

It took all of Mari’s will not to gag right then and there. “I don’t want to hear any of your thoughts about me. What are you doing here?”

“Oh…Just playing with that swift, blue friend of yours, though he seemed to have run off…” Mephiles waved his hand as if to dismiss the subject. “What are you doing here?”

“I asked you first.”

“Please, I insist…” Mephiles bowed low to her, and just when he did, Mari could see through the darkness Sonic hidden in the pipe works above. He rolled his finger in a circle. Keep him distracted.

Mari gave her teacher one quick nod before saying, “If you must know, I’m trying to save the Multiverse here. To do that, we need something on this ship.”

“The Chaos Emeralds, yes?” Mephiles inquired. “I assume that you work for Master Hand…”


Mephiles sighed sadly. “Then we are enemies once more…a pity.”

“We were, and always will be, enemies.” Mari spoke with a stone cold tone. “I’m guessing that the Dark Ones sent you here to kill us.”

“Hmm…That is true…” Mephiles put one hand to his chin and tilted his head to one side. “But with you here, this changes things drastically…”

“It changes nothing.” Mari’s hands began to glow white with magical energies, lighting the darkened corridor. “I will never join you. I will never be with you. I will never be a part of anything that has to do with you, the Dark Ones, or anything that is evil! So stop with the act and face me like the wicked demon that you ARE!!”

Something in that sentence stirred a feeling in Mephiles’ eyes. Was it…sadness? Disappointment? Either way, it wasn’t there for long. The sorrow was soon replaced with a familiar wild rage, and the demon sprang forth like a lion pouncing on it’s pray.

At that exact moment, Sonic swung himself over while grabbing the pipe, so that when Mephiles dash forward, he ate a face full of leather. Sonic was ever so glad he did all that gymnastics training for the Olympics.

Mephiles stumbled backwards, muttered something, then as soon as he hit the ground, he melted into shadow.

“Look out!” Sonic screamed as the shadow went straight for Mari. The young student didn’t move, however. Instead, she waited for Mephiles to come. When he was close enough, she stepped to one side, where Drawcia was already preparing a large ball of green paint just for him. “Take this!”

The green paint hit Mephiles square in the chest. All at once, he felt a white-hot burning pain as the paint ball exploded and completely covered him in it. He smelled the distinct scent of burning fur coming off of him. The paint was acidic!

“Here, let me wash that off for you!” Mari said as she prepared a water spell. Since he was too busy trying to get the paint off, she decided to just hit him dead on the nose. Mephiles saw her coming, though, and quickly ducked to his right, pausing just for a second to snatch the white cloak she was wearing and pull her back to him. He then took hold of her neck and slammed her to the ground. Mephiles was on her in a second, his claws scraping against her jugular.

“Anyone moves and she dies.” The demon said, keeping his eyes on everyone in the hallway.

“Coward…” Sonic whispered angrily. “Hiding behind a helpless female is just your style.

“Uh, hello? I’m not completely helpless, you know-“

“BE QUIET!” Mephiles suddenly shouted, cutting Mari off. “You…you are very lucky that I have my eye on you. Otherwise, you and your friends would be dead by now.”

“Lay one clawed finger on anyone and I’ll make you regret ever crawling out of whatever darkness that birthed you…” Mari growled through clenched teeth.

Mephiles laughed. “You look so cute when you’re angry.” The demon slowly picked Mari up by the neck and held her dangling from the air. “And in case you don’t know, I already hurt three of your friends. One of them was the great Charizard himself!”

Mari stopped fighting his grip to ponder that fact. “Charizard?”

“Ah, so you do know each other…” Mephiles narrowed his eyes and would have smirked if he had a mouth. “Then I suppose you know the one called Xiro.”

Xiro was here? On this ship?

“The other was a dark type…Gengar, if I recall correctly?” Mephiles tapped his other finger on his chin. “Yes…he was afraid of me when I ended him.”


“BUT!” Mephiles proclaimed, turning his attention back to Mari.”That is the past, and sadly, we can’t do a thing about it, now, can we?”

He…he…hurt them….

He hurt…my friends…



“I don’t believe you!” Mari screamed in his face. “Xiro…and Gengar…You’re lying!”

“Would I lie to you, love?” Mephiles pretended to look hurt, but on the inside, he was laughing his head off. The pure sadness on her lovely face was a thing of beauty. “I speak the truth.”

“Xiro is too strong for you! He would rip your head off! And then Charizard would eat it!”

“He would?” Sonic said.

Ignoring the arrogant hedgehog, Mephiles continued. “You think I would hesitate to end a life? I am a demi-god of darkness! I will end all who stand in my way! And when I’m done with you, I will make sure…” Mephiles leaned in close and whispered in her ear. “…that everyone you love will die screaming.”

She lost it.

The Lor Starcutter, Bridge

Annnnnd, DONE!” Magolor wiped the sweat and oil from his brow and dusted off his hands. “The Lor Starcutter is now fully operational!”

FINALLY!” Marx popped up from where he first collapsed and smiled. “Let’s get-“


The explosion that suddenly took place was powerful enough to rock both ships. Marx screamed, then flew across the bridge and ran smack into Krookodile. After the rumbling stopped, Magolor hacked into the Halberd’s Revenge’s computer mainframe to find out what went down. “What in the name of all the worlds was that?!” Richard asked.

“I don’t know…” Magolor answered. “But it was powerful. It came from the other ship, but I can still feel its energy from all the way over here…”

The quickest way to find out exactly where it happened was simple: the security system. Half of the cameras were out though, so Magolor had to flip through them one at a time to-

“Oh, my stars…"

“What? What happened? Did you find out what-“Marx gingerly walked up to Magolor, and whatever he was staring at the screen made him stare at it too. “Whoooooaaaa…."

The Halberd's Revenge, Ruined Hallway...

Sonic didn’t quite know what happened, but when he opened his eyes, he found himself teetering on the edge of an enormous hole that had sliced clean through the hull. And by enormous, he meant the hole took up almost half of the hallway they weren’t on and then some…and Mephiles was nowhere to be seen.

“Sonic!” The blue hedgehog looks up to the far end of the hole and sighed in relief. Mari was calling to him from the other side. “Are you guys OK?!” She cried.

Sonic looked back over his shoulder and saw Drawcia slowly picking herself up and moaning about watercolors and such. “Drawcia’s a bit out of it, but we’re fine! Are you alright? What happened!?”

In all honesty, Mari wasn’t sure of the answer to that question either. She just felt so angry…It must have unleashed some hidden reservoir of magic inside her soul in one, explosive burst. “I’m fine! But that’s not important! You gotta get to the Lor NOW!”

“What about you?”

“Don’t worry! I’ll catch up!”

Sonic noticed that Mari didn’t answer his second question. But the sudden lurch the ship made reminded him that there were more important things to worry about. This ship was going down now.

“It’s too late! We gotta get outta here NOW!”



This isn’t going anywhere... Mari thought. I have to think of something that will-

The ship lurched once more. Mari figured they had about 20 minutes before they crashed. “OK, I’ll try to find a way around this hole! You guys have to go on ahead!”

“I said I’m not leaving without-“

“Sonic, those Emeralds are our only hope of defeating the Dark Ones’ Master! You have to get them on the Lor! The fate of all worlds depends on it! Please! GO WITHOUT ME!!!” Mari pleaded.

Sonic winced. He really didn’t want to leave Mari all by herself. He just couldn’t. Magolor would kill him. He knew he would if he wasn’t Sonic the Hedgehog.

“She is right, Sonic. We must leave her.” A familiar voice said beside him.


The lavender cat smiled. “She will be fine. But if we do not get moving, we all won’t be.”


As much as Sonic didn't want to admit it, Mari was right. Glancing once more at his first and only student, Sonic grabbed Blaze’s hand and Drawcia’s cape and zoomed through the long hallways of the Halberd’s Revenge. He had to trust her. She can take care of herself, right? Knowing her, she probably already has a plan..
Mari sighed as she saw Sonic run for it. In a few seconds, Sonic would be safely on the Lor with the Emeralds. That’s all that mattered.

Now how to get herself out of this mess…?

(((Um..Xiro, can you not make the ships crash?...Everyone including myself is still on them...)))


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Two things that I should probably throw in there now... And both of them are insanely important (one of them is important for earth, the other one of my biggest plot twists ever)


(EDIT: Quick thing before I put in these two important parts, to allow Luco to participate in something maybe...)

Luco lay on the floor in pain. This sucks... his friends came to him and helped him to the wall, where he sat down. "Ness..." Lucario started... but Luco stopped him. "No... it's ok." He wheezed. "It's been a while and i'm not used to the pain anymore but if I focus, I can heal myself.

He sat there, collecting his breath for a while, as Lucario and Charizard watched over him nervously. His forehead creased as he focused. Blood was trickling down his torso and legs. A blue light began to surround his chest. "I... can do it...." he was lightly sweating. The blue light began to diminish. "Luco... just, let it-"

"No! I can do this!" He gave back. A humm could be heard as the blue light grew brighter again. Soon it obscured Luco... and then it was gone. Lucas put his hand down from his eyes. He saw Luco, standing up straight with nothing to give away that he had very nearly been cut in half just a moment ago. "Okay!" he shouted cheerily, with a small jump. "Lets get working on the others!"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Alyse was watching from her space in the clouds. His death... is entirely unnatural. Everything points to outside interference though, rather than some point of earthly power... those cultists might be able to fool the people but they cannot fool me... but this power is unknown to me. I can feel.... something. What, though? So menacing... I will call Kanze. He might have an idea of what to do.

With that, she was away... like the wind.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

(before the events of the temple, just so the story doesn't mix up with where frost is at)


In his space, he sat, eyes closed. His senses only told him one thing - where his mirror mage was. He put up a finger and created a coloured screen for the purpose of scrying. He searched the desert long and hard for a while, finally locating the boy, faring on with his friends, face to the wind.

That would have been the end of it, but something, a familiar sensation kept him scrying. He turned the image around to look at Luco's face. He smiled for only a moment... but it wasn't sinister or even spiteful... there was something else there. Then he showed pain for a moment... If only I could tell him... i've looked for a way for so long... and when I found it, I could not tell him. Forever, I am condemned to try and kill him. Until I do. And then, my existence will be for naught and I will fade away... What is this existence? Why? And he doesn't remember. There's something I have that he doesn't... his past. Why can't he remember? Why... why can't I tell him? Why won't it allow me... to tell him? What cruelty is this?

He watched Luco as he struggled in the sands. One side of Dark Luco told himself that it was weakness... but he wouldn't let that get a hold of him... not yet. Not in his sorrow, would he let his anger best him. Not now... and if he was lucky, he could talk when he needed to, he would have the strength to overcome the silence.

Why can't I tell my own brother I love him?


Perhaps there's more to Luco and D. Luco than you thought? ;) And still, there is more to come, when the time is right.


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
We had a good run guys... It's been fun... But now it's time to say goodbye...

It was almost too much to bear. I know I shouldn't have, but I just couldn't help gazing into my best freind's face one last time. I didn't want to leave, I'd give anything... if only I could stay with them a little while longer. It was just too much... I couldn't even take a good look at their faces before I left them, I cursed and madly rubbed my tears away. I hated them--the dark ones. It was their fault. If only they had never messed things up I could've...

If only I weren't so weak I could've...

"Thanks for everything Gengar, you've been an amazing friend. The best ever. Charizard, Z, Gliscor, I love you all".

It took all of my effort just to take my eyes away, but slowly, I managed to stand and move away. They all layed there quietly, It almost looked like they were sleeping.

It was better this way. I wouldn't have been able to bear any painful goodbyes.

Suddenly the ground beneath me lurched. I heard an ominous groaning beneath me as the ships inner bowels complained..

"At least I can do one final thing for you guys before I leave."

I turned away from them, I knew they were uncoscious, but I didn't want to face them when I did what came next.

I'm ready... I can't fight you any longer... If you're so eager to loan me your power then take me to Luco!

It was like I had suddenly flipped a hidden trigger inside myself. The thing--whatever it was, it uncoiled like a great beast awakening from a long hybernation. I felt it's energy filling different parts of me. My muscles flexed involuntarily as newfound power surged into them. A haxy purple aura began to swirl out from my feet, wrapping itself around my body in a thin cyclone.

It's better this way. Until I get a grip on whatever this thing is... I can't be around them. I'll only lose it again and...

♪ Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Don't Ever Forget ♪

"Goodbye". I said one last time. I felt a small presence behind me and looked back to see Charizard begining to stir. He groaned and rose slowly, his eyes opening slugishly before they finally focused on me.


The vortex around me began to swirl faster, the colors inside the aura shifted, becoming a smokey black and then a deep blue color. I could feel my body changing as well, the feeling was difficult to describe, but I could feel myself expanding, like I was hitting each of my old growth spurts all at once.

"Charizard... I'm..."

Strangely, Charizard didn't look confused. That shocked me, he just sat there, staring at me with a serene look. Like he knew this was bound to happen eventually.

"You can't survive out there alone Kid. Stregnth will only get you so far."

Why was he so calm?

"I'm sorry..." I choaked, the tears fell freely now. I wanted to appear strong, but my body just stopped listening.

Charizard nodded, It was like he understood everything I was going through. "We'll wait for kid. Do whatever you have to do."

I didn't understand it, but even as Charizard said that, I knew he meant it. He'd always be waiting for me until I came back again.

What came next was probably the most shocking. Charizard stood, like he'd never been shot in the chest and sent so close to death. We walked toward me, completely obvivious to the dark aura and strange transformations that were happening to my body. He smiled, then he hugged me tightly.

A million things flashed thorugh my mind at once. It was the one thing I'd been it'd been secretly wanting Charizard to do for eons now. I'd only drempt of the day he'd finally open up and hug me back. He'd kept his emotion's locked up for so long, for him to suddenly open up now when I could very well end up turning on them any day now...

He released me and smiled, I immediately felt my mind go at ease. Whatever it took, I'd make sure I saw each of them again.

"Thank you...Charizard..."

I smiled back and waved. Soon my view was him was blocked, as the cyclone began to swirl faster. The changes finally came to a halt. Whatever I looked like now, I figured it was probably nothing like my old appearance. The sounds and smells around me started shifting, that was the first sign that it was working. I was warping between locations.

Soon everything went black. Space warped, and I suddenly found myself in a hot cramped space. The ground beneath me felt loose, I didn't understand it at first, but eventually I realized that I was crawling on hot sand.

"The desert huh? Guess I better get moving".

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Xiroey's story is set in motion yet again. This is something else I've been saving, I guess the time finally felt right for me to post it :p


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Bleh! Sand! Why did it have to get itself stuck everywhere?

I emerged from the cramped space in a the wall a hot sandy mess. The hot granules somehow manged to lodge themselves in all the different places I didn't want them in. I inhaled and felt a bit of sand go down my throat. Great.

"Luco...? Hurk... Someone?"

My senses went on alert. Someone was watching me.

"Who are you? Are you with the dark ones"? I heard a familiar voice come from directly behind me. Realization dawned and I spun around, meeting Luco face to face.

"Ahh, great! For a second I was worried I'd have to look around forever just to find yo-"

I paused. Of course! I looked completely different, he must not have recognized me! Luco stared at me closely, like he was looking for something, but not quite sure what it was. "There's something about you"... He muttered beneath his breath.

"Luco, there's not much time to explain. Mari's group, Gengar and the others, they're all in danger. I need you to open a portal so we can bring them to safety"!

"Xiro!?" Luco's face switched from suspicion to shock.

"I'm sorry, I can't really explain now".

"You're..." Luco just stared at me like he couldn't believe I really exsisted or something.

"Uhh... Luco"? Okay this was getting plain weird.

He suddenly burst out in a bright smile. "Sweet! Love the new look Xiro. Makes you look tough!"

My face went hot. "Uhh... thanks... I guess... Uhh, Luco.", I said, suddenly back to business" I kinda need you to... ya know... come with me... my freinds are literally minutes away from dyi-"

I felt something sharp stick itself beneath my throat.

"Who are you! Are you with the dark ones"?

Great, here we go again...

"Pit, no I'm not with the dark ones. I kinda need to borrow Luco for a minute"

Oops, wrong thing to say. I felt Pit tense up behind me and he shoved the sword up closer to my neck.

"He's not up for borrowing. Sorry."

Why did I always have to say the wrong thing to people? "Pit listen, our friends are in danger. Right now, I need Luco, he's the only one who can help them"!

"Pit relax, It's just Xiro rocking a new transformation". Luco spoke up. That seemed to give Pit pause.

"Xiro? When did you dye your hair black"?

"Dye my hair wha-"

"Pit, who is that? Is he with the Dark Ones"? I heard a voice call from far away, Ness from the sound of it.


"Yes! I'm with the Dark Ones! There's nothing any of you pesky heroes can do about it. I'm taking Luco away from you, Goodbye!" I yelled, finally losing my patience. The tactic proved effective, everyone froze for a moment giving me just enough time to grab Luco's arm and begin working on a Teleport spell.

"Yeesh, remind me never to dye my hair a different color again." I complained. Soon the spell wore off and everyone was back to their senses. Pit's eyes flared and quickly aimed an arrow at my chest".

"Stop him, he's taking Luco"! Pit roared.

"Later guys"! I said cheerily. We both vanished seconds before Pit fired. The arrow whiffed through a cloud of purple smoke.

We were on our way back to the Halberd.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Continuing the story...
What's this...? Is it a vision? Is the Master getting weaker...? No... it is I... I am the one getting stronger. It's working!

I must protect them... guide them... I must save the world... I must finish what I've started...

I can do this... I will do this! My power and determination will overcome any obstacle standing in my path!


Street Fighter Alpha 3 - Scala (Theme of Rose)

Rose, having arrived from Rome, Italy to Lisbon, Portugal, looked at the night, starry sky. Her face was illuminated by the full moon's light.

"I must hurry... my visions guided me to this city. There are answers to the questions I have here.", said Rose.

Rose moved from street to street, guided by a force she felt.

"Those who herald death... I can feel them... which street should I look? Where are they? The stars are aligned to the place I seek...", whispered Rose.

Eventually, the fortune teller found herself in a narrow street with old houses. To anyone living there, it was a place of no importance. For Rose, however, that was where the force guided her. In one of those abandoned houses was the place that made her cross the sea to another country.

She entered in one of the houses. In one of the walls was engraved an emblem: a hooded skull with two scythes arranged in a X shape.

"This is the place... what could the stars be telling me?", said Rose.

"Halt, intruder!", Rose heard.

A hooded person walked in.

"It's you! One of those harbingers of death!", Rose exclaimed.

"Harbingers of death? Don't make me laugh, woman! We are the Dark Ones! We are the dawn of a new world! One ruled by our glorious Master!", introduced the cultist. "If you came to join us, then bow! If you are one of the Master's enemies... then die! Which will you do now, wench?"

"I'm only bound to the stars' alignment! I cannot forfeit my mission of guiding those who oppose vile people such as you!", retorted Rose.

"So that's your answer? You oppose our Master? The one who will be all? Very well...", said the cultist as a dark aura formed around him. "In the name of the Master, perish!"

Street Fighter IV - Rose's Theme

The cultist punched Rose with some ferocity. Rose resisted and whipped the cultist with her long, yellow scarf. Imbued with her Soul Power, it inflicted more pain that expected from a scarf.

"You got guts, wench... but I'll ensure that you will regret this day!", said the cultist, who lied on the floor.

The cultist got up, jumping high in the process. Rose saw an opportunity to counter the cultist's upcoming attack by using her Soul Throw move.

"Soul Throw!", yelled Rose, as she jumped, grabbed the cultist and threw him to the floor with the aid of her powers.

The cultist retaliated by unleashing a wave of pure, concentrated darkness. It was darker than night, absorbing all light from where it passed.

The wave hit Rose, knocking her down. The cultist picked up a knife from his robe's pocket, threatening Rose. As the cultist approached, Rose got up, kicking the cultist in the process.

Getting up, the cultist rushed at Rose, attempting to stab Rose in the heart. Rose quickly used her powers and performed the Soul Spark move, forming a projectile that hit her foe, halting his movement. Before the cultist could do anything else, Rose attacked him with her scarf again, following it with a kick and a Soul Spiral move, which had Rose hit the cultist with her scarf in a spinning motion similar to a drill.

The cultist was knocked out again. Angered, he used the dark power to get up while unleashing a powerful aura of darkness at Rose, stunning her. Dizzy, Rose couldn't move well, prompting the cultist to grab her by the neck.

"Say your prayers!", the cultist said.

"Hrk!", Rose grunted as she struggled in vain to free herself from the cultist's hand.

Just as the cultist was about to stab her, Rose delivers a kick on the hand holding the knife, causing the Dark One to drop it.

The cultist attempted to pick the knife back up, only to be kicked in the face by Rose, letting her go.

"Who knew that such a nobody would put so much of a fight!", rambled the cultist, as he slowly got up, showing signs of injury.

"Let the spirits guide you!", yelled Rose as she used her Soul Satellite move, that spawned two protective orbs around her.

The cultist attempted to attack Rose again, only to be hit by one of the orbs. Rose attacked the cultist with her scarf, with the remaining orb dealing even more damage to the cultist.

"I have toyed with you enough... now burn!", calmly said the cultist, yelling in the last words.

The cultist summoned a large, blue will-o'-the-wisp, shooting it at Rose, who used her Soul Reflect to turn the fireball against its summoner. Noticing this, the cultist quickly dismissed the projectile and attacked Rose with a vicious punch, imbued with dark magic.

Rose was knocked to the floor, but managed to roll around to dodge the cultist's stab from above. Missing his move, the cultist became open to another attack, prompting Rose to whip him with her scarf, following it with a powerful Illusion Spark attack, which involved her rolling the scarf around the foe and unleashing her Soul Power on him.

The cultist was overwhelmed by the power, becoming severely injured in the process. He attempted to get up again and attack Rose, but she made sure the cultist remained on the floor by using another Soul Spiral move.

The cultist remained on the floor, coughing blood heavily.

"Ma-master... I-I... I have failed you...", said the cultist as he coughed and attempted to get up. He was bleeding from the nose and breathing heavily. Not much time remained until his inevitable death.

"I am sorry... there are souls that simply cannot be guided to the right path...", Rose said, with a sad look on her face.

"Ma... Mas...ter...", grunted the cultist, as he closed his eyes and the black aura around him faded away.

"It was simply fated that this one would perish... May you rest in peace, lost soul.", Rose said, as a single tear came down her face. "Now... I must continue my mission. There must be clues here on how to open the way to other worlds... there I will find the one who will carry the duty to destroy those who bring terror and death to the worlds."

Meanwhile, in the Pyramid...

"This is unbelievable! Xiroey has just betrayed us!", said Ness.

"We cannot dwell in this now. Though he may have taken Luco from us, we still have our mission. We must continue our path, no matter what happens.", calmly responded Alder, with his Volcarona flying behind him.

"You're right. We must continue this...", agreed Dark Pit, as he slowly got up, recovered from his wound.

"Then, let's do this!", said Pit, with conviction.

Dark Luco watched the Pyramid from far away, feeling a sudden presence behind him. Turning back, he saw a black robed figure, exuding a sinister, black aura, from which no ray of light would pass. The figure stared at Dark Luco with menacing, glowing purple eyes.

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance - Stratagem in Black Armor

"Who... who are you?", inquired Dark Luco.

"I commend your efforts in opposing Master Hand's pet group. Your... counterpart, Luco, is among them, am I right?", the figure said.

"...Yes.", calmly said Dark Luco, hesitating before responding to the figure's question.

"Like I expected...", the figure answered.

"He's been with them since the beginning. Now, what do you want? Who are you?", Dark Luco retorted.

"Oh... I haven't introduced myself. How careless of me... Say, do you know anything about the Dark Ones?"

"Yes... I do."

"Well... I am their Master. The one who will rule over all. I humbly ask you something... will you... right here and now, pledge loyalty to me and join our brotherhood... or will I see you dead for opposing me?", the Master asked with a menacing, monotonic voice.


"Cat got your tongue, boy? How foolish you are... hyee heh heh heh... I have no use for fools such as you, who act like they're all mighty, yet deep inside are nothing but weaklings! Then again... aren't even the gods weaklings compared to my grandness?", the Master uttered in a condescending tone, attempting to anger Dark Luco.

Dark Luco remained silent.

"Heh... aren't your emotions spiraling around that feeble brain of yours? Hyeh heh ha ha ha... unless you prove yourself worthy of Dark One membership... you'd better pray to whatever god you worship! If I were you, I would prepare myself for the rebirth of the multiverse... After all, only those who have pledged allegiance to me will be spared... and that is if I happen to be... in a good mood, I guess... ha ha ha ha ha...", said the Master, before taking a few steps behind and vanishing in a puff of black smoke.

So... will Dark Luco join or not the Dark Ones after the Master appeared before him and mocked him? Well... that is not for me to decide! :evil:


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
The Lor Starcutter, Bridge

"I can't find them anywhere!" Magolor threw his hands up in frustration. "It's like they completely disappeared!"

"Maybe they did..." Marx suggested. "Or maybe you didn't look hard enough."

"I went through every working camera on the Halberd's Revenge. Twice." Magolor said. "I don't think-"

The Halcandrian wizard was suddenly cut short by a sudden gust of wind. A split second later, Sonic the Hedgehog was standing right beside Magolor, which made him jump. "Waah!"

"Hey, Mags." Sonic said with a smile. "I didn't scare you there, did I?"

"N-no..." Magolor answered, clinging behind the captain's chair.

"Dude, where were you?" Marx asked. "Magolor was searching all over for you- What's wrong with Drawcy?"

"Ha, Ha...look at all those beautiful colors....I'm in paradise!~" Drawcia was whirling around the room in dizzy circles before finally falling flat on the ground, unconscious.

"Yeah...Drawcia was a bit discombobulated when Mari went crazy, so the fast trip here kinda...made her worse." Sonic explained while scratching the back of his head nervously. "I guess it's sorta my fault..."

"Huh...wait, what do you mean, Mari went crazy?" Magolor said. "And...where is she?"

"Well..." Sonic said. "We got into a fight with Mephiles the Dark-"

Marx suddenly spit out the coke he seemingly got from nowhere. "Mephiles the Dark is here?!"

"Yep." Sonic continued. "And he was saying that he killed Xiro, Gengar, and Charizard. Personally, I think that was just a load of Chao poop..."

"Xiro's here too?" Krookodile said. "Well, that's a surprise..."

"I know. So when Mari heard that...and the possibility he was dead...I guess she just...blew up. Literally. Next thing I know, there's a huge hole that took out the entire hallway."

"..Mari...did that?!" Magolor exclaimed.

"Busted clean through the hull. I guess Mephiles is just a bunch of particles, now..." Sonic figured.

"...And what about you, Blaze? What happened to Dark Meta Knight?"

"He ran." Blaze said annoyingly. "He feinted an attack that made me look to my right. After that, he threw down a smoke bomb. When the smoke cleared, he was gone..."

"Guess he didn't want to have his face melted again!" Marx snickered. "Ha-Ha. Sucker..."

"Hmmmm....so where's Mari?" Magolor asked.

"Uh..." Sonic stared to break out in a cold sweat. "Well...there was no way for Mari to jump over the hole...so...we kinda left her."

"YOU WHAT?!?" Magolor screamed.

Halberd's Revenge, Left Wing...

OK, so now I'm all alone, hopelessly lost, and Xiro and the others may or may not be dead. Yeah, don't see how this could get any worse.

These negative thoughts filled Mari's head as she sprinted across the many hallways. But she still had hope. She had to. It was the only thing that kept her going. The only thing that could stop the Dark Ones. The only thing that they could do.

"Maybe Smashfan had a point back there..." Mari muttered to herself.

Running across a large room in just a few seconds, Mari dashed into the next set of hallways. And the next. And many more after that.

Suddenly, Mari felt a strong surge of energy to the corridor to her left. Hiding behind the corner, she knelt down to avoid being seen. In a strange flash of darkness, Luco appeared...with someone very familiar...

...I know him. Mari thought instantly. That....That looks like...

Just to be sure, Mari used her magic to reach out to the stranger's mind. She instantly hit a wall, but it was a wall she had come across before. She immediately recognized him.

"...Xiro?" Mari called out cautiously.

The black haired stranger spun around on his heel and produced two, very familiar swords. "Who's there?" He yelled.

Taking one deep breath, Mari stepped out of the corner and faced him. "...Hi." She said with a smile.

"...Mari?" Xiro whispered, letting his swords vanish. "...Is that you?"

"Yeah..." Mari gulped. She wasn't quite sure what to say to him. Heck, she didn't even know if confronting him was the right thing to do. But she still kept smiling. "What are you doing here?" She figured starting off with a simple question would break the ice...


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Very short segment.
Rose found a book in that abandoned house, afterwards, she had another vision, in which she saw a Japanese temple.

"Japan... that's where I need to go next...", whispered Rose, exiting the old house and finding her way towards the airport.

Rose saw another vision as she headed to the airport.

"Bison!", exclaimed Rose. "Shadaloo is connected to those cultists... one more reason to go to my next destination..."

I'm currently out of ideas for now...


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
“You’re all dismissed”

“Except you, Dimentio, as well as Luigi and the Doctor please.”

Muhti ushered the trio to his side.

“I’m at the verge of dieing as you can tell…”

Everybody nodded, considering Muhtis weak state.

“And New Hyrule is seating next to me in this deathly rollercoaster. So, I know that the President is surely going to die, considering how tactical the Dark Ones play this little game.”

Muhti paused to heave in air, Luigi was the only one alerted to this.

“I’m fine, Luigi, thank you for your assistance. I will die by the hands of the Dark Master, knowing he would love the moment of killing me with nobody in site. He’ll obviously not leave me there in the dirt, he would use me to go against the Rebels as well as using my full power.”

“I’m sorry to interrupt, but is this going anywhere?” the Doctor questioned.

“Yes, yes. If I’m left for some testing or what not, I’ll be back as my future self to revive me, but that’s only if I’m successful in enslaving Master Hand, Arceus, and Paluetina, as well as obtaining the Time Gears and doing horrific things to the Rebels. All in all, I’ll be in full health and inside the operation room of the Dark Ones, which I’m not exactly sure at this pace. All right, I have concluded my plan, now onto yours….”


A hooded figure appeared in the Death Star, luckily right by the hallway by Muhtis testing room. He quickly went up behind the two guards and used his hidden blades to malfunction the Storm Troopers. He slipped inside the room and found at least a dozen Storm Troopers inside. One of them quickly pushed a button that signaled trouble.

The Hooded Figure slashed at one of them quickly when he slipped in. He did the same for the next one, but was shot in the shoulder when he came to the third. He then took the third by the neck and faced him to his colleagues as they shot him in horror. He went for the fourth and fifth at the same time with his hidden blades, but only killed the one on the left, unsuccessful with the one on the right due to him getting shot in the shoulder. He was jabbed in the back with the mechanical elbow and pushed onto the floor.

He hesitated to rise as they pointed their weapons at him. The figure then kicked the laser gun out of the hand of one of them and launched himself upward, grabbing the weapon in return. He then shot the fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth until the fuel ran out. He cursed under his breath as he charged at the ninth. As he charged, he did his signature move, before he even rammed into the Trooper, he disappeared. The Troopers were confused until they saw one of their own with a sword coming through his neck. They stood in fear, but kept fighting.

The tenth lost balance out of fear and was shortly killed. The eleventh and twelfth finally used their team work skills and surrounded him. The Hooded Figure took the gun from one of the them and slammed it onto the Troopers cranium, he then rolled as the twelfth shot his gun and punched him in his balls, strangely enough.

After battle, the figure took a breather for a moment when realizing that more enforcement arrived, he took Muhtis corpse and teleported away.



The figure arrived in a small room, laying the corpse on the ground. He took out what appeared to be a rare green mushroom and gave it to the leader of Smashboards and UG. Muhti slowly opened his eyes and smirked.

He did it…


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
@_@ Time Paradoxes.

How did Future Muhti manage to revive past Muhti if past Muhti was dead?
Wouldn't that mean that Future Muhti would cease to exsist as well...so...

*head explodes*


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Well actually it's kinda possible. The best way to explain time travel at this point using quantum physics suggests that if you go back in time and kill a relative such as your parents or grandparents, you'll still exist but a strand of history that detailed one of your births in an infinite amount of parallel universes will be deleted.

Basically you'll still exist but another 'you' won't.

In this case, it's muhti from another strand of time (presumably the one in which he doesn't die at this point) saving the old muhti so that he can continue with his strand.

have I got it right there muhti?


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Oh, you're proposing the theory of alternate universes.


If that's the case, then it fits in well with the previous parts of the story, since Alternate Universe Muhti already made an appearance...
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