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Forum Fight: The Story Forum

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Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Hey, it's Crash's imagination. Not mine ;)

Speaking of which.
I still need to get a Dragonite onto my Black Version.

Later peoples! <3 I'll probably post again later tonight or this evening :p


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Starting again at the point where I drop off Muhti and go back to the Death Star


Future Muhti reappeared in the Death Star, in the same room to be more specific.

"How, not to get caught..." he wondered quietly to himself.

He noticed the Storm Troopers scrambling across the hall, trying to find him. Muhti then saw the last of the Troopers and quickly took him in without nobody noticing. Muhti, still holding onto the Trooper, cracked his neck which killed him. The body slid slowly onto the ground as Muhti caught onto his breathing.

He took off the suit of the Trooper and ten minutes later, Muhti himself was disguised as a Trooper.

He slipped outside looking one way and to the other. Coast was clear...

Now to find the other Troopers...



The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
The Prophecy
Rose had arrived in Tokyo, Japan and ran on the streets, looking for someone she saw in her visions.

"He's close... but where is he exactly?", whispered Rose as she she shuffled her deck of tarot cards. "I have seen the future... many futures... only one should happen or the world will forever be disrupted."

She took a tarot card from the deck.

"The fool card shows again... I see the one who will defeat the one who seeks to destroy this world... he may use the powers of darkness, but his motives are righteous. He's one whom I must guide towards the rightest path...", said Rose, as she took the fool card.

Rose continued to walk around the city, guided by her visions.

"He's somewhere...", whispered Rose.

In every dimension, there's a gap that allows passage through another world.

Dimensions are worlds, each with its own balance and laws.

As a whole, all existence is balanced by opposite characteristics. Failure to understand that is proof of one's own foolishness.

Long ago, the Emperor Sorcerer sought to unite the dimensions under one rule. He was no fool for sure, for his path was righteous.

Misguided by his own pain, he became a dangerous man. He could guide the others, but not himself. That led to his own demise and beget a chain of tragedy and pain. He attempted to play god, yet his prime creation is the source of all chaos.

We, the Prophets, seek to amend the Emperor Sorcerer's egregious mistakes.

The descendant of the Emperor Sorcerer's fourth creation is the key to the Master's demise.

We, the Prophets, have seen. We, the Prophets, shall guide those who walk the righteous path.

Ones driven by selfish desire will accomplish nothing but their own demise, just like what happened with the Emperor Sorcerer, when he deviated from his path.

A black raven flew the skies, watching Samus's Starship and the Falcon Flyer heading towards Dark Meta Knight's ship.

"They walk a most righteous path, seeking to bring balance to the world... yet, they are reckless... she will provide guidance once she crosses the dimensions.", thought Medivh, a Prophet from Azeroth.

The black raven continued to fly, crossing the dimensions.

In Dimension D, the raven flies around, landing and appearing before, Luigi, Dimentio and the Doctor. Transforming into a human, Medivh begins speaking.

"The path you walk shall lead you to your own demise.", warned the Prophet.

"And... just who are you?", inquired Dimentio.

"I am Medivh, one of the Prophets.", Medivh responded.

"A prophet? What kind of nonsense is that?", reacted the Doctor.

"You must aid those who also seek to defeat the Master, lest the world ends!", said Medivh, his tone of voice rising.

"Who? The rebels? Please, we have no time for rambling prophets.", responded the Doctor.

"Whatever you call them, only united against the shadow, will you be able to save the worlds from the flame! This is no time for petty conflicts! The fate of the worlds is at stake!", continued Medivh.

"Please, just go away.", said Dimentio.

"You ride atop a high horse... your fall will be painful... I have warned you, yet you don't listen. My job is done here.", said Medivh, as he walked away, transforming into a raven and flying away.

Medivh continued to search the dimensions, looking for those whom he saw in his prophetic visions.

"Huh? What is this?", Dark Luco said, as he noticed a raven flying around him.

"Young boy... I shall warn you once... your petty quarrel with your counterpart leads you nowhere... now is the time to unite with those who oppose the Master and end his tyranny for good.", Dark Luco heard in his head.

"Who said that?", reacted Dark Luco.

"Think carefully on the words you heard... for I shall only warn you once...", the voice said as it faded out.

The raven flew away, leading to places unknown.

"I have fulfilled my mission... now, I must guide those who are willing to unite against the shadow that plagues the worlds.", Medivh thought.

In an unknown place...

"Medivh will continue to seek those who are willing to defeat the Master and bring peace to the world... his guidance will be accepted by those willing to do it.", said Zeratul, one of the Dark Templars of the Protoss.

"My prophetic visions are similar to that of Medivh... surely, this can't be a coincidence.", said Zelda.

"Princess, my visions do match the future you see. That is why we are the Prophets... we see the future that will come if the problems of the present are not solved...", responded Zeratul.

Why do I have to say? Enter the Prophets and their visions!


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Don't suppose you could remove the 'petty' from the sentence regarding D. Luco's thing with luco? Only reason I say it is that it'll be bigger later (like I can't explain it now but trust me :p) and I assume the prophet kinda knows this?

Otherwise, like the segment. =)

I see the devs are playing MIND TRICKS with us.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Oh my goodness, just had an idea to satisfy Mari and still have my awesome idea at the same time! Now to get it just perfectly as I imagine...

Got it!

Oh and mari, forgive me on this one: I'm still not used to your characters. I'll try to keep them in character, just let me know if i'm straying away from it.

So with that sorted, lets get this part of the arc sorted!

Oh btw, anyone find it funny how the events on the lor are meant to last like 20 minutes or so but it's taken days to write it up. Makes it feel longer. :p


(The lor was falling, and now the ground below it and the Halberd was in sight. There were scant minutes left on the clock.)

"There's no time. As much as I HATE to say it, we have to detach from the Halberd now or we'll be as smokey as that blob with wings back there. Mari's a strong girl... she'll be okay." Sonic sniffed.

"I..." Magolor stopped. He knew there was no other option. Not with the time they had. "Damn you, Mari... you'd better come back from this, or i'll, i'll..." He fought back a tear.

"Detaching." He said, quietly.

The Lor groaned as the ropes holding it in to the Halberd snapped: It was being put in to full power to break away from Dark Meta Knight's doomed ship.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Luco and mari burst in to the open: They were on the outside of the Halberd. "Xiroey!!!" Mari called in to the distance.

"I can't..." See him. Luco's thoughts finished off his words. "Mari, it's hard to explain. We don't have much time, he'll be fine but we need to get out of here or we won't be!" He noticed the Lor breaking away from the Halberd. "The rest of the party will be fine... Look." He pointed to the Lor, slowly righting itself. It descended below the Halberd to the point where they could not see it anymore unless they planned on falling from the ship.

"Now, let's figure a wa-"

Luco's reflexes kicked into gear. He heaved Mari back by the arm in to the hallway of the Halberd, milliseconds before the gleaming white blade appeared there.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-_1732J39k (the fierce battle)

"I see I am only left with two pieces of prey now. A pity, but if I can at least take you down, the loss of this beautiful ship of mine won't entirely be in vain." Dark meta Knight appeared at the doorway to the outside of the Halberd. He advanced slowly, as Luco and Mari retreated. "Your face... what... happened?" Luco was more in shock at the fact that Meta Knight looked like the living dead rather than the fact that he was an enemy. "Luco, stay back from him!" Mari cautioned quickly. "You won't take us alive... we can BEAT you down."

Dark Meta Knight seemed to chuckle. "But in how long? Mangled as I am, I can still put up a fight..." He stopped. "But it's not like I need to, for I have you far enough inside to kill you."

Luco's heart stopped for a moment. "What... do you mean?"

D. Meta Knight considered him. "A fail safe... if the ship was to ever be overrun, I wanted a way to destroy any valuable information or items I might have been keeping. " He pulled out a button and antennae. "I would simply make it so that the ship... and it's secrets... would burn all the way to the ground where the pirate's corpses would rot... or in this case, you."

An... explosion?

The wall behind him suddenly fell out. The way outside was clear again... and it looked as though Dark Meta Knight would be sucked out. His eyes even seemed content as he began to drift, via the wind, outside the ship, to a point where he would not be harmed from the explosion. "It will be so satisfying to see the damage wreaked on me by your wretched fire cat, thrown back at her two-fold! May you both die screaming in pain..."

Luco was holding on to a ladder rung on the opposite side of the hallway to stop himself falling as the ship began to lean. Mari was plastered to the wall on the other side. Luco couldn't think. The few thoughts he had were centered on what would happen in the next few seconds. Time, time... if only there was... wait!

D. Meta Knight unfurled his wings to prepare to stop himself when he was outside the Halberd... and then he stopped. He looked in alarm to his left to see his left wing had been impaled by a broken metal pipe. The wind was still pulling him back: He had no way to free himself from it. He struggled with it a moment, then Luco could see him realize his fate. His eyes took on a harder tone. "So be it. If I must die, then you will die with me!!" He pushed the button.

The ship suddenly lurched to center. Mari was thrown in to Luco's arms as fire came at them from all sides.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idBSLlnvqKM (Oddly, this fits. Skip to the eight melodies section.)

The Lor touched down and the party inside immediately exited the ship. They were on a barren plain. The sky was dark and overcast but the Halberd was clearly visible, coming down to earth at a speed Sonic would be hard pressed to match. "Is she still in there?" Drawcy asked, before continuing. "I haven't seen a sign of escape at all..."

They all kept watching anxiously...

Without warning, the ship exploded.

"What!?" Magolor was dumbfounded. His emotion was soon replaced by a dull sense of loss. "No... Mari..."

They watched as the remainder of the Halberd burnt up in the sky, bits and pieces flying off in all directions. It filled their eyes and its meaning filled their hearts. It streaked across the sky. It almost looked beautiful, for a time. Even the sky seemed to lighten because of it. Gradually, it began to burn itself out, until only the shell of Dark Meta Knight's ship remained. It crashed upon a distant hill and broke apart. The plain was dark again. Sonic looked at the hill in absolute despair.




Mari and Luco were directly behind them. "Guys, no need to weep yet. I mean, it's not like we DIED or anything!" Luco said happily.

There was a chorus of amazement and cheer. The amalgamation of emotions that burst forth was like an eruption.

"How did you get out? Really?" Sonic asked, looking at them both in turn.

"I... can't say I know. It all stopped for a while." Mari smiled. "Oh, well... I just gave us a little bit of time to get out." Luco winked. "Thank GOODNESS that's over!" Magolor cried. Blaze looked content from her position on the Lor.

Luco couldn't help but smile with the others. They'd come out of it okay.

Then he remembered Xiroey.

Time... did we buy enough?


So I hope that was a fitting conclusion to the events concerning the Lor and the Halberd! ^_^

Now i'll leave things for a moment, then I might get started on the whole thing with D. Luco and the purple emerald. :o


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
I believe it's time for another segment focusing on the big bad, the Master.

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn - In My Hands

In the Dark Ones' hideout...

"My Master, I bring news.", a cultist said while entering the Master's room.

"Report.", the Master responded coldly.

"It seems that our plan of burning the Amazon Forest didn't work. Our spies told that some mages have disrupted the spell.", reported the cultist.

"Hmph... whoever they are, I will make sure they shall regret the day they disrupted my plan... anything else?"

"Yes, Master. Some similar mages have also protected the leader of Japan from drinking the poison we prepared for him. The Chinese and Australian presidents, however, have perished. I have sent some of my fellow cultists to usurp their place."

"So... our plan did partially work... but I AM NOT SATED! Whoever those mages are, they are to be destroyed! Think of a plan and quick!", reacted the Master.

"My Master, I have more information.", continued the cultist.

"What?", the Master flatly responded.

"The Dimensional Seal that the Dark Services have developed is now complete. Should we activate it and seal this dimension?"

"Do it now. It is important to have this dimension hidden away... impenetrable. No portal or teleportation spell other than those conceived by me should allow entry to this dimension. Anything else?", the Master responded.

"I have one last bit of information. The intruder on the Death Star is still on the loose. He has killed many Stormtroopers already. He also appears to have disguised himself as a Stormtrooper."

"Is that so? Hmph... whoever that idiot is, I'll be sure to teach him what it means to defy me! Activate Self Destruction Protocol 2T without warning.", ordered the Master.

"But, my Master... that will..."

"That will make all Stormtroopers' suits self destruct, killing the person inside. Yes, I am aware of that. I have thought of this genius plan after hours of meditation! Not even spies will stop ME! HA HA HA HA HA!"

"But we will lose a massive amount of troops, my Master!"

"We have more clones on mass production... were you forgetting that? Those deaths will be a means to an end."

"O-of course, Master!"

"Very well... is that all?"

"Yes, Master."

"Good. Now piss off!"

The cultist left the room, as Ganondorf entered in the room.

"Ah... Lord Ganondorf. What brings you here?", the Master reacted.

"We have successfully made our first Muhti clone.", the Gerudo King reported.

"Hyeh heh heh heh heh heh heh... HA HA HA HA HA! This is going just like I expected... very well... as you know, we have a container holding the souls of fallen cultists. Inject one of them in that body and have him find Muhti's lapdogs. Our spies have located them at Dimension D. Deceive them and once they let their guard down, kill them.", commanded the Master.

"That shall be done.", responded Ganondorf, leaving the room.

"Now what to do... I still have to amend my failed plan of destroying the Amazon Jungle... heh heh heh... I have a great plan...", said the Master, making a devilish smile. "You there! Put me through to Lord Sidious."

"Yes, Master.", a cultist guarding the room responded, turning on the holographic communicator.

"You have called, Master?", Palpatine responded.

"Yes. Lead the Death Star to the Solar System, but keeping a large distance from Earth. Prepare the cannon with the same power as a meteor. No more and no less. Aim it to the southern India and fire when I give the order!", commanded the Master.

"That shall be done, Master.", Palpatine answered, cutting the communication.

"These fools on Earth will never see this coming... hyee heh ha ha ha...", the Master said with a sinister smile.

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn - Threat of War

In the Death Star, after Palpatine cut the communication...

"Good... good!", Palpatine said. "You heard the Master! Set course to the Solar System and charge the cannon to Meteor level!"

"Of course, sir!", a cultist responded, preparing the cannon.

Another cultist entered Palpatine's room.

"Activate Self Destruction Protocol 2T without warning? Very well... we have nothing to worry about this, as long as the intruder is dead and we have more clones on production.", responded Palpatine upon receiving the Master's order from the cultist.

Palpatine touched one of the touchscreens, eventually selecting the protocol.

"The Stormtroopers' armors have begun self destructing, Lord Sidious.", reported a cultist.

"Good... now, how much time until we are at the specified location?", responded Palpatine.

"At the speed of light and thanks to some wormholes and portals, we will arrive on the desired place in 15 minutes.", reported one of the cultists.

"Is the cannon ready?", asked Palpatine.

"Yes, sir.", responded the cultist operating the cannon.

"Lord Sidious, the protocol was executed successfully. The intruder should be dead by now.", reported the same cultist who gave the protocol order.

"Everything went according to the plan...", evilly said Palpatine.

15 minutes later...

"Lord Sidious, the cannon is ready and we've arrived to the place. We are around 598400000 kilometers away from Earth.", reported the cultist operating the cannon.

"That is four times the distance from Earth to the Sun... it's a good spot. Aim the cannon carefully and wait for the Master's order.", responded Palpatine.

The holographic communicator was turned on by Palpatine.

"Is everything ready?", said the Master.

"Yes, Master. The intruder was eliminated and the cannon is ready to fire.", responded Palpatine.

"Very well... HYEH HEH HEH HA HA! HAA HA HA HA! What a wonderful show! Lord Sidious... go ahead AND FIRE!", commanded the Master maniacally.

"You heard him! Fire the cannon!", ordered Palpatine.

"Mobilizing power... power has achieved Meteor Level... the cannon is aimed at the southern India. The point is located at latitude 15º08'46.54"N and longitude 76º59'37.43" E.", reported the cannon operator. "Preparing to fire in 3... 2... 1... 0!"

The cannon fired a meteor shaped orange laser at the specified point, which traveled at the speed of light.

"The beam will take around half an hour to hit Earth.", calculated the cultist.

"Hyeh heh... I know...", evilly said the Master. "The time has come, my minions! At this rate, Earth will be ours very soon! Hyeh hee ha ha ha!"

32 minutes later, a huge explosion is felt on Earth as the laser beam hit its surface. The blast had a radius of around 1000 km, devastating a great part of the country as well as causing enormous tidal waves that would devastate nearby coast of the Indian Ocean.

The media immediately got wind of this, as the newspapers had captions such as "Disaster in South Asia", "Enormous explosion in India causes tidal waves across the Indian Ocean" or "Terror in India".

In the residence of the Indian president, a message in blood said "This is only the beginning, Earthlings..."

Demon! You will regret all of your atrocities!

The Death Star's cannon was fired and the results weren't pretty... at this point, only killing the Master will make him stop his rampage.


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
^ ouch, man...

Location: Ponyville Town Square

Smashfan paced back and forth in one of his avatar's six bodies (specifically, his Keldeo body), while his teammates and the other 5 bodies watched. "We need a plan to get out of here and get back to our friends." Keldeo-Smashfan brooded. "But it's not likely we can do it with just the..." he began doing a head-count of the team... "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 of us and the rest..."

Ashley rolled her eyes and said "I'll ignore the fact that you technically counted yourself 6 times for the sake of saying that 10 isn't so bad."

Smashfan's Stantler avatar, being the closest to her, had to respond to Ashley first. "As true as both of those statements are, we've barely survived the last few attacks. these Dark Ones mean almost as serious business as card games..."

"Wow..." Mewtwo surprisedly exclaimed. "that is pretty serious..."

Keldeo-Smashfan continued. "We've got to come up with a plan before we can make our way out of here..." Everyone pondered for some time. until finally, Twilight Sparkle looked long and hard at Smashfan's multi-person avatar and had the idea to end all ideas.

"Got it!" she exclaimed.

Ponyta-Smashfan asked a simple "What is it?"

"Since the Dark Ones have an army at their disposal," Twilight explained "We'll just make an army of our own! Spike, I need you to send a letter to Princess Celestia, tell her that the royal guard is required in Ponyville, along with anypony else in or around Canterlot."

Spike, being the loyal assistant he is, got to writing the summons ASAP.

But Twilight's plan didn't end there. "Ashley, Mewtwo, could you two rally all of Ponyville to the town square?"

"I see what your thinking, Twilight. and this could be an excellent benefit to our effort." Mewtwo said. "I'm in."

"Same here." replied Ashley.

"Good," said Twilight. "we're going to need all the help we can get!"

Smashfan and crew are now gathering an army to match the Dark Ones. sh** is getting real now!


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Frost is really trying to rid me:

•Killing me first hand

• When I revive myself he says that I'm just a shell

• TRIES to explode my future self with the Storm Trooper outfit on


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
@Xiroey: Blow stuff up is simply child's play for the Master.

@Muhti: The Master has a very deep grudge against Muhti... and with more than enough resources to kill him, he's going all out.

You have seen his development as a character: the more he conquers and dominates, and the more power he gets, the crazier and more destructive he will become. His bloodlust will never be sated and he will always hunger for more chaos and destruction.

But I think I'll stop having the Master to blow stuff up for a while... my next segments will be focused on the Prophets.


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
(((OK, That was AWESOME, LUCO. Now for some much needed back story stuff...)))

The Lor Starcutter, Mess Hall.

Xiro...why did you run away? What did I do?

What has happened to you?...


The sudden sound snapped Mari out of her deep thoughts but then relaxed as she saw Marx pulling the cork off of a bottle of sparkling water with his sharp teeth. "See, told you I could open it! Who needs hands?!" He said after spitting the cork out.

"Right you are, Marx." Magolor brought out some stainless glass cups. "I'll get started on dinner. Who wants Mac and Cheese?"

"I DO!"

"Chilli dogs?" Sonic asked.

"Pfft. Of course." Magolor said. "What about you-"

"I'm going to my room. Save some for me." Mari said with a surprisingly cold tone. With a swift swish of her snow white cape, she teleported out of the mess hall.

Silence tainted the air for a few minutes before Drawcia spoke up. "We should give her some time to herself. She's had a tough day."

"I hear ya...yeesh..." Marx said. "I mean, After what Muhti did to her, I'd be boiling mad too....Well, if I was a girl..."

"What DID Muhti do to Mari?" Magolor asked.

"Oh, he kissed her."

"...Say what?" Sonic whispered. "He kissed her?"

"Yep. Just leaned in and-"

"We get it, Marxy." Drawcia interupted Marx. "And....Xiro...."

"It's total Chao poop!" Sonic yelled, getting on top of a table. "Mephiles isn't anywhere near the same level as Xiro. He couldn't have killed him. Heck, I bet he wasn't even on the ship!"

"...You really think so?" Magolor said.

"Think so? I KNOW SO. Wherever Xiro is right now, I'm sure he's just fine. He and Mari just need to patch things up, that's all. I bet as soon as they see each other, they'll be thrilled to finally see that they are both alright..."


Xiro's not alright. There's something inside him, something that wants to take control...but what?

It had been several hours since Mari had locked herself in her room. There were scented candles everywhere, all floating in midair in a perfect circle around Mari, who was also levitating with her legs crossed.

Meditation was a great way to relieve stress, and reflect on various things. Mari had done this at sundown everyday since she first stepped into the Temple of Gaia in Spagonia. Not only did it help her focus on certain things, if she did it long enough, visions would come to her. While it never dawned on her that she could have a gift for seeing the future, she prefered to keep that underdeveloped. What was the point of living life if you already know what was going to happen?

Think...Something not only made Xiro's appearance change, it made his personality change as well...which means it's getting stronger...

And that vision back at the Frontier...that's what would happen if the "something" was allowed to take Xiro completely.

No...I won't let that happen. I owe him so many things...I have to find out exactly what is going on with him. And to do that...

I have to talk to him.

“But he was afraid of me…” Mari said to herself. “He…growled at me.”


“Because he knew what you are…”

The voice came from everywhere and nowhere. Mari’s hands were instantly covered in a cold mist as she prepared an ice spell in no time flat. Her gold-colored eyes darted around the room, looking for any signs of danger.

“Do to be alarmed, Guardian. I will not hurt you.”

At the mention of the word ‘Guardian’, Mari fought back the urge to ask how did she (At least, it sounded like a she…) know that. Instead, she asked, “Who are you?”

“You are wise to doubt me…Very good. It seems you know much about trust.”

The hell I do. Mari thought. “You didn’t answer my question.”

“You are also wise to the smallest detail…a product of the Halcadrian wizard Magolor?”

“Whoa, Whoa, Whoa…” Mari said. “How did you know about Teach?”

“I know many things about you, Mari. Like what happened to your family…”

A memory. A burning house, surrounded by strange hooded figures. Three manage to escape, a man, a woman, and a teenage boy. The woman was holding something wrapped in a blanket of many colors, and it was squirming. The hooded figures immediately give chase, tearing through the surrounding village with blast of thunder, fire, and ice. They held strange swords, and strange shields, and strange daggers. The man and the woman knew who was chasing after them, but the boy did not.

“Mom! What’s happening?! Who’s trying to catch us?!? “

“Just keep running!”

The trio manage to come to reach the forest, and hid among the brush. The hooded figures scatter across all directions, determined to find them. The man peeked out of the brush for a moment before turning to his son.

“Eric, I want you to take Mari and run as fast as you can to the south. Don’t stop for anyone or anything. And whatever you do, do not let ANYTHING hurt your sister or I will ground you for a year.”

“But…What about you, Dad?”

“Your mother and I will create a distraction for you. Just make sure Mari stays alive. She’s…our last Guardian. And so are you.”


“Just make sure your sister lives, OK?” The woman brushed the soft hair off of her son’s forehead. “And everything will be just fine. You’ve been taught everything your father and I know. Just make sure you teach her everything YOU know.”

“But…What if I can’t?”

“You will. Make sure that when you grow up, you get a well protected job, OK? Something that will protect you, your sister and every living soul you can protect.” The woman smiled. “It’s been our purpose for 5,000 years. You must make sure that your sister lives to continue the line.”


“Be strong, Eric. Be strong for you and Mari. I love you.”

“No…don’t go! Mom! Dad! NO!”


(((Yay, Back Story!)))


Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
That's a good story about your character's past, mari. Yet i don't know where i am in the story, seems i was neglected.... as long as i don't die.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Ah sorry Richard, it's been too long since you've posted: I entirely forgot where you were.

I'm pretty sure you were on the Lor, at least, so chances are you're pretty safe. :p

And thanks Mari! ^_^

Also, even I feel like you're going to large measures to stop whatever Muhti is planning lol. Shouldn't he be allowed to kill Palpatine and thus further disrupt the master, seeing as that's what you want anyway? :p

Just saiyan'. It's your story, i'm just advising you so as to let Muhti have his fun haha. Embarrass

Basically, I think what muhti is trying to say in his light-hearted jokey way is, he'd like a little more maneuver-ability in his stealthy endeavours. :p

If it conflicts with your story-line in a particular way, then tell us and we can work out from there. Otherwise... well, even gods make mistakes, as evidenced by the fact that we (I'm thinking FF chars here but it's a stance sometimes taken in RL too) live in imperfect worlds. :p

I mean, maybe the master fails to notice muhti for once? =)


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Plot twist!
In the Death Star, Muhti noticed all of the Stormtroopers' suits explode one by one.

"What the hell... oh bull...!", he thought as he noticed that the suit he was in was about to explode.

Removing the bulky suit was going to take a lot of time. Too much time for him to survive the self destruction.

"I gotta do something...", Muhti thought, his heart beating at a lightning fast pace.

The little countdown he could see on the visor was just about to hit zero. Muhti prepared himself for his imminent death...

...but the suit remained intact as the timer hit zero.

"This is odd...", Muhti thought. "But I've got to hide myself from the surveillance cameras."

15 minutes after the beam hit Earth, a cultist enters Palpatine's room.

"Lord Sidious, I bring dire news. The intruder is alive.", reported the cultist.

"The Master won't be pleased... the suit he stole likely has a malfunction. We have to think of another plan. We must not let that intruder disrupt the Master's plans! This Death Star is far too important to be lost.", responded Palpatine, angered, but calm.

In Dimension D, the evil Muhti clone looks for Luigi, Dimentio and the Doctor. The Master had assigned him the mission to deceive and kill them.

This will do.


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.

“STOP!!” Mari shook her head vigorously to rid herself of a memory she wished she could forget. Tears were forming out of the corners of her eyes, but she wiped them away.

“You lost everything that was so dear to you…and at such a young age…”

“Why do you show me this?” Mari demanded. “Who are you?!”

“I have watched over your family line for 5,000 years.” The voice explained. “I am what you would call the First Guardian.”

“The First-“ Mari stopped short. “So wait, does that mean I’m related to you?”

“Mmmm…in a way…you could say that.”

“OK…” By now, Mari was having a very hard time trying to accept all this. Maybe she was finally losing her marbles?

“I assure you that I am not a figment of insanity, Mari.”

Mari sighed angrily. The fact that this mysterious voice could read her mind did not amuse her in the slightest. That, and the other fact that she knew way too much.

“So…You were watching me the whole time?”

“Ever since you, your brother, and your mother and father were born…”

“You ..you knew my parents?” Mari whispered gently, as if she thought if she spoke too loudly, the voice would vanish. Luckily, it did not.

“Yes…and many generations before you.” The voice paused and Mari imagined that she was remembering all those said generations live and die. That gave her the idea that she was a sort of spirit…or maybe…

“So what you’re saying that you’re some kind of Guardian angel or something.” Mari asked with a sarcastic tone.

“Do you believe in angels?”

Mari scoffed. “Believe? Heck, I met one face to face, for crying out loud! Ever heard of Pit? “

“I’m afraid I have…and what happened to him and his darker counterpart…”

“Wait, what are you talking about? What happened?”

For the next hour, the female voice explained what transpired while Mari and the rest of her group were on the Halberd’s Revenge. The terrorist attacks on Earth, how Ganondorf killed Pit and Dark Pit, how the Master killed Muhti and took his body to the Death Star and the Master’s plans to recruit the biggest army the Multiverse has ever seen…

And with each vile act of the Dark Ones’ and their maniacal Master told, Mari’s hatred towards them grew ever hotter and brighter.

“They…they must be stopped...by any means necessary!” Mari stood up with new purpose, the candles seemingly putting themselves out and settling down to the floor.

“Or everything we hold dear will be lost…”

“No.” Mari’s eyes began to glow with passion and determination. “I won’t let this or ANY worlds know what it’s like to lose everything…my family died trying to save me, and by Chaos, I will do the same if that’s what it takes!”

“Good.” The voice chuckled. “You remind me of when I was your age…”

“Well, try to focus on the here and now, uh…sorry, what’s your name?”

“Lynx.” The voice answered. “You may call me Lynx.”

“Lynx…” Mari repeated. “That’s a nice sounding name…”

“Thank you. In any case, you are right.” Lynx said. “We must focus on what is happening now. You must take the Chaos Emeralds that you have and take them to Master Hand. I suspect that the Dark Ones’ already heard of the Halberd’s Revenge’s crash landing.”

“Right. The energy signatures of 4 Chaos Emeralds are pretty much hard to hide for long.” Mari mused. “Then we should figure out where the Master is hiding…Master Hand’s plan won’t work if we don’t know where he is…”

“I sense that the Master is hiding away in a sealed dimension...” Lynx paused. “We will need some powerful magic to break the seal…or at the very least, someone who knows how to travel between dimensions…”

“Someone who has powerful magic and can travel between dimensions…” As Mari ran through a mental list of people who can do either one or the other, one person came to mind. Mari groaned.

What troubles you?”

“There’s only one person I can think of that fits BOTH of those descriptions. Unfortunately, this person is a well known traitor and completely bonkers…”

“And who might this person be?”

Mari sifted through her short, black hair with one hand as she muttered the name.


“EVERYBODY WAKE UP!!” Mari’s voice echoed through the cabin rooms of the Lor. It was already well into the night, but the time didn’t matter to the girl at the moment.

“Meh…five more minutes, Manic…trying to sleep…” Sonic turned over to the other side of the bed, pulling the soft sheets over his head.

“Teach! Wake up!” Mari banged her fists at Sonic’s bedroom door. “We’ve got evil to fight!”

“No…don’t wanna…get up…”

“Sonic the Hedgehog, if you don’t get up in the next five seconds, I’m gonna—“

“What do you want?” Mari quickly turned her head behind her and saw a yawning, almost sleepwalking Sonic leaning against the wall with his pillow tucked under his arm. “It’s, like, 4:00 in the morning…”

Mari looked back at the door, then at Sonic, then back at the door again. “How did you…never mind. We gotta get moving to Final Destination right. This. Second.”

“Can’t we do that when the sun actually comes up—GAAAAAH!!”

Out of frustration, Mari conjured up a small sphere of water and flung it at Sonic’s face. The water snapped the crust and sleepiness from his eyes. “What the hay! What you do that for?!?”

“Stop being a baby and help me find Magolor’s room. We need to hustle, Sonic! And then we gotta get to Dimension D.”

“Did…you did not just call me a—wait, what was that last part?” Sonic asked.

“Oh, NOW you’re paying attention. Come on, Teach, I thought you were the fastest thing alive! MOVE IT!” Mari screamed.

“Jeez, what’s gotten into you?”

“I’ll explain everything when everyone’s up. Now come on! The Dark Ones are getting stronger by the minute!”

(((So now Mari and her group are heading towards Final Destination. Frost, you can write up when the Lor arrives to give the Emeralds to Master Hand. I’m guessing that if the Dark Ones’ Master sealed the dimension he was hiding in, Dimentio would probably know how to break it, since he travels through dimensions all the time. I have Super Paper Mario too, ya know! :p )))


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
location: Castle Dedede, Dreamland

The throne room of the castle was all but barren. A thick penguin-like figure in red garbs was on a golden, mechanized, almost futuristic chair apparently custom-built to support his girth. the King was viewing many a television program through a large screen that came from the wall.

"Hey, it's season 3!" the King spoke in a thick Foghorn Leghorn-esque accent. He was watching what appeared to be the fourth episode of MLP:FIM's third season; One Bad Apple. the King jabbed a fork at the plate on his lap, only to find it empty. Flustered, he tossed the dish onto a medium-sized heap of broken tableware. "YO, ESCARGOON!"

"Right away, sire!" said a voice. A beige snail-like being entered the room, he quickly brought the King a cart with a full 3-course meal atop it, shoving a previous one out of the way and into an even larger heap of mangled dinner carts.

"Bring in two more," the King ordered, taking one of the plates from the cart. "I gotta catch up with season 3 A.S.A-now, and I don't wanna have to be bothered with running outta grub!"

Just then, the phone in the very corner of the large room began to ring.

Disturbed by the ever-annoying ringing, the King yelled "Nrrrrrgghhh, AND GET THAT PHONE!!!"

Escargoon slithered quickly over to the corner. "Honestly, of all the days the phone could go off, it had to be his majesty's pony break..." he grumbled to himself. he picked up the phone, responding with "Hello, you've reached the castle of his majesty, King Dedede. Unfortunately, the King is off on important royal business and won't be back until century after next. Please leave a message after my attempt at imitating a beep so that we can-"

Before he could finish, however, the other end responded. "You're not fooling anyone, Escargoon. put me on the King's screen."

Escargoon seemed to recognize the identification aura of the voice on the other end. "S... Smashfan? you're alive?!" without second thought, he pressed a button on the phone which changed the channel of King Dedede's TV screen.

The King was very annoyed. "HEY! what gives?! ESCARGOON!!"

"Sire." Escargoon said in a very serious tone. "You've got to see this."

Dedede simply scoffed and muttered "Only thing I gotta see is my program."

The screen changed from static to a live cam of Smashfan.

Dedede burst out without thinking, saying "Hey, I was watching that, ya'-" THEN he noticed something. he recognized the called after reading the identification aura being emitted from him. "Huh? Smashfan? is that really you?! I thought you was dead!"

"Was dead, Dedede." Smashfan explained. "Ashley found the ancient ritual of my internet heritage and brought me back to life."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Dedede responded. "Look, I was kinda in the middle of catching up on-"

"Listen closely, Dedede." Smashfan interrupted. "This is important." He began to explain what's been going on.

"A new organization called the Dark Ones has arisen, and are threatening to conquer and destroy the entire multiverse. We're in Equestria, building an army that will hopefully be able to hold off theirs. We need you and your army of Waddle Dees to come to Ponyville town square immediately. Time is of the essence, and we need all the help we can get..."

Escargoon slithered over. "Well, sire..." he asked "What do you think?"

King Dedede paused for a solid minute. then gave his verdict. "...I'm in." he said. "If these Dark Ones think they's could make a better king of Dreamland than me, they'll have to answer to yours truly!!"

King Dedede and Escargoon joined your team!
Without a moment's hesitation, Escargoon had guard captain Waddle Doo round up all the Waddle Dees in the castle and bring them all to the gate, where the King and Escargoon where waiting in a large airship.​
"Alright, all ya' dunderheads, listen up!" Dedede spoke through a megaphone "We's heading to war to help out an old friend of mine! these Dark Ones think they're the boss around here. well they're wrong! as you all know, I'M the only one fit to rule Dreamland! so if they want to take over the place, or any of these other worlds, they're gonna have to fight for it! and WE'LL be bringing the bigger fight!"​
The airship opened up to allow the Waddle Dees to board. King Dedede continued his speech. "We'll rendezvous in Ponyville with a whole mess of other armies, we ain't just gonna let these new guys take over our turf! now LET'S GET MOVING!!"​
With that, the airship doors shut as the last Waddle Dee unit boarded. the crew prepared the airship for travel, it lifted from the ground, then blasted off to find the nearest dimensional rift.​
Dedede proudly announced as the airship soared the skies. "for me! for us! for smashboards! but mostly, FOR ME!"​
And the ship flew through a dimensional rift, hidden in the clouds, which lead to the skies of Equestria...​
In case that last part felt kind of glazed over, the dimensional rifts are leftover link patches from the period where all dimensions were patched into one. after the initial Zalgo incident was over and all the dimensions revived, the worlds were once more separated. all that remains are certain sweet spots in the dimensional patching where one dimension could lead to another. each world has at least one, and many of them lead to different dimensions. Dimentio didn't bother to get rid of them because he found them convenient for those who wished to tour other worlds (also, something about an energy field that prevented the removal of the rifts). Yet despite the knowledge every dimension has of these gateways between worlds, not all rifts have been discovered. Scientists of every world are still trying to figure out how the dimensional rifts work, so that they may eventually be able to generate their own and travel through dimensions at will without having to seek out the rifts (because some of them are in pretty inconvenient locations...).​


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
The Great Reunion at Final Destination!

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn - Battle is Joined

Samus and Captain Falcon immediately heard from Master Hand that the 4 Chaos Emeralds were safe and that Mari had returned to Final Destination. Samus' Starship, the Falcon Flyer and the Lor land on Final Destination and all members of Master Hand's group were reunited.

"Welcome back, everyone. I must congratulate you all for arriving safely and for your progress.", Master Hand began the reunion.

"As we speak, the Master of the Dark Ones plans on conquering the entirety of the multiverse.", Crazy Hand continued.

"In his bloodlust, he has killed thousands of innocents in his atrocities across the worlds. This will not stand.", said Master Hand. "We have to stop them at all costs!"

"But for that, we will need power to match his. All souls lost in this conflict have been used by the Master to empower himself.", Palutena stated.

"It's time for the Master to pay for his crimes. We must find the last Chaos Emerald and, then, attack the Dark Ones themselves.", commanded Master Hand.

"Quite the brave words you say...", a voice was heard by everyone as a black raven flew to the center of Final Destination.

The black raven morphed into a human.

"Who... are you?", Master Hand inquired.

"I am a Prophet. My name... is Medivh.", said the figure. "You are all united here for a reason."

"To defeat the Dark Ones, right?", inquired Luco.

"That is correct, young boy... your name happens to be... Luco. Am I certain?", the Prophet responded.

"How do you--", reacted Luco.

"Like I said, I am a Prophet. I saw the future that will come if the Master conquers all. He's close to achieve his goal... in my visions, I saw despair... horror... pain...", Medivh said. "If you don't unite as good, you will not save the worlds from the flames... That's all I have to say for now..."

Medivh went to his black raven form and flew away...

"Hey, wait!", reacted Mari.

"It's no use... he's gone. But who's him really? He seemed desperate.", uttered Sonic.

"If he's really a prophet like he says... I assume that he has seen what we all fear: the Master's tyranny over the worlds.", noted Jeff.

"Correct.", said Master Hand. "He said we were united for a reason."

"That suddenly reminds me...", said Richard. "Me and Frostwraith once found a strange cave with many names inscribed in it. It was long ago, but... I remember it well."

"Interesting... perhaps there's more to this prophet that what we know?", inquired Master Hand.

"He saw the future... that's enough reason to choose champions that would perform the ultimate task of defeating the Master.", a familiar voice was heard.

"FROSTWRAITH?!", reacted Luco and Richard at the same time.

"Yes... it is me... well, sort of... see this jar? It is a soul jar I made. During my dreams, I also had prophetic visions. One of them had me engulfed in darkness. I interpreted that as the Master consuming my soul and taking control over my body and actions. And I was right.", the voice said, coming from the mysterious jar.

"How can you suddenly speak now?", inquired Luco.

"You have... six Chaos Emeralds... all five Time Gears... all seven Sol Emeralds... the Eye of Sargeras... the Lustrous, Adamant and Griseous Orbs... that's some massive power you got there. It is enough to injure a god... and resurrect the dead back to full life.", explained Frostwraith.

"So, that means...", Mari started.

"We can resurrect Pit and Muhti, yes. Unable to obtain such powers, the Master has resorted to an alternative...", Frostwraith continued.

"Souls.", Palutena completed.

"Exactly, goddess. The Master was desperate for souls that he made those mass killings on Earth.", noted Frostwraith.

"You said we can resurrect Pit, right?", interrupted Ness.

"That's right. All this power won't be enough to kill the Master yet... you're missing one last Emerald. But, like I said, it is enough to resurrect the angel himself. In fact, his soul hasn't left the body, so he is not exactly dead, which only makes things easier."

"Well, let's get started then.", prompted Master Hand as he placed Pit's body on the center of Final Destination.

"Why aren't you putting Dark Pit's body in that circle too?", inquired Lucas.

"It's not necessary. Dark Pit's life depends on Pit's, one cannot exist without the other.", explained Master Hand.

The artifacts were placed near Pit, and power began to gather around its body, overwhelming the Master's devious spell on Pit. Using her staff and godly powers, Palutena managed to resurrect her captain, who was waking up, as if from a long night of sleep.

"Uhhh... humm... where... where am... I? Lady... Palutena? Lady Palutena!", said Pit, getting up cheerfully.

"Welcome back, Pit.", responded a very relieved Palutena.

"Ugh... to think this happened again...", Dark Pit grumbled.

"Dark Pit... alive and well too.", said Master Hand.

"So, everyone's here?", said Pit, checking around his surroundings.

"Well, yes.", said Frostwraith.

"That voice...", reacted Dark Pit.

"Yes, it's me. You may be back from the dead, but you already have a task.", said Frostwraith.

"We're to find the last Chaos Emerald, so that we can finally face against the Master himself. I have a feeling that we will find more about the Prophet that came here.", said Master Hand.

"Prophet?", inquired Pit.

"A strange man appeared claiming himself to be a prophet... apparently we're some sort of chosen ones that will defeat the Master. Some crazy stuff.", said Mari.

"I wouldn't believe that much...", Dark Pit responded.

"Believe it or not, that's why we're here, right?", responded Spirit, Xiroey's brother who just waltzed in. "And where's my brother anyway?"

"Oh... that. When we raided the Halberd's Revenge, we lost him... but he's still alive... I know it.", responded Mari with sadness.

"There's no point dwelling on this... we have to focus on our task of finding the last Chaos Emerald.", said Frostwraith.

"There's something you need to know, guys... I just remembered... before we find the last Chaos Emerald, we must go to Dimension D.", remembered Mari.

"Dimension D?", questioned Ness.

"That happens to be Dimentio's location... he's one of Muhti's allies.", responded Crazy Hand.

"That is not good... I don't trust them at all.", said Frostwraith.

"We need their help anyway. Apparently, the Master sealed his own dimension... and guess who knows a lot about them?", said Sonic.

"Dimentio.", responded Luco.

"Exactly. Now, we must get moving! The Master's defeat is getting close!", Mari said.

"I object. Muhti is not to be trusted... it may be unwise to ally with them...", Frostwraith interrupted. "Have you forgotten that we once were at war with him?"

"But Muhti is dead!", yelled Mari.

"Hmm... that explains everything... In that case... it might be a good idea to convince Dimentio and others of Muhti's group to join us. I doubt they would be stupid enough to not join us in the war against the Dark Ones.", responded Frostwraith.

"That means we're good to go?", Ness said.

"Of course. You are the ones who will fight, not me. I cannot do anything while my soul is split between this jar and my possessed body.", responded Frostwraith.

Street Fighter IV - Rose's Theme

As the group reunited in Final Destination, Rose finally found her destination in Japan.

"Ryu... you must go!", Rose said while appearing to Ryu floating.

"Rose?", reacted Ryu.

"The world is on the verge of collapsing! You must warn the other warriors."

"What's going on, Rose?"

"You do know about the recent happenings, don't you? They are the work of some unknown entity... but my visions have guided me... Shadaloo is involved!"


"Now, you know what to do! I also have my own mission."

"Just be safe, Rose..."

Ryu left that place, leaving Rose alone.

"The stars are aligned! I must follow the path I see... the path to a new world...", said Rose, heading towards the nearby city of Osaka.

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance - Stratagem in Black Armor

The cultist was controlling the cloned body of Muhti, stealing his identity and attempting to deceive Dimentio and the others. He searched Dimension D far and wide, looking for Dimentio and the others.

"Heh heh heh... these fools will be completely blown away...", the cultist whispered.

He continued to walk for many hours straight...

Meanwhile, in the Dark Ones' hideout...

"So... Master Hand's dogs are united in that forsaken Final Destination backwater? Heh heh heh... the gang's all together, isn't it? And have SIX of the Chaos Emeralds, not to mention other shiny, delicious, powerful artifacts... though my genius plan of killing the intruder failed, these news make me... animated.", evilly said the Master.

"There's more, my Master.", the cultist reported.

The cultist reported further news.

"So... King Dedede thinks he can top me, the Master? The alpha and omega of existence? How delusional that idiot is! I could simply reduce him to a pool of blood with one touch of a finger! But instead... I will see that he suffers for defying me! I shall plunge his little miserable kingdom into eternal chaos!", rambled the Master. "For now, I have enough souls to sustain me... and Palpatine should get rid of that insect still plaguing the Death Star! Gah! I shall personally KILL the one who made that flawed suit!"

The angels are back in action and so is Frostwraith (sort of, but still)! Tasked with finding Dimentio, the group leaves Final Destination once again...

Meanwhile, a member of the Dark Ones is possessing a cloned body of Muhti, stealing his identity while the real one is dead... this can't end well, now can it? :evil:


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
And the future one is lurking in the Death Star like "Die Hard"

Also, Muhti kept one Time Gear to himself so that the "Rebels" don't interfere with the new Smashboards government.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
And the future one is lurking in the Death Star like "Die Hard"

Also, Muhti kept one Time Gear to himself so that the "Rebels" don't interfere with the new Smashboards government.
I'm sure that Xiroey's group stole that Time Gear. That means Master Hand has all of the Time Gears.


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
"Mu- Muh- Mu- Muht- Muhti!"

A voice cracked through his ear piece, he heard a familiar voice on the other end.

"Should we teleport to you? We already reported to the news, we're staying in Dimension D.", Dimentio added.

"Dim, did you not remember the plan?" F. Muhti questioned.

"That plan went down, your corpse is right here in front of me, and it's scaring me!"

"Sh-shut up.", the Doctors voice was heard from the background.

"Forget that, listen, the Master has put some barrier up so that no entry is allowed, I wouldn't advise coming here."

"Alright, whatever you say boss."

F. Muhti roamed in silence, looking from enemies from each corner, as if the Master was going after him again. Two minutes passed until Dimentio piped up.

"Hold on, Luigi says he heard something. We'll check it out."

"Roger that."

The line disconnected as the ear piece powered off. It was literally eerie for 10 minutes, as Muhti kept walking, holding his tomahawk as if something was going to attack him suddenly. He dismantled surveillance cameras as he went, looking for the lair.


Luigi went closer to the bushes. Frightful, scared, nervous, all the emotions Luigi usually has.

Finally Cloned Muhti came out.

"I'm back!"


Gonna end this short since I'm lazy and I'm using an iPad.Will probably write a large segment tommorow.

So now Dimentio knows that F. Muhti is still in the Death Star. How will he react to the Muhti Clone appearing out of the blue?


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
We did, in fact :p

Btw Frost... Why you do dis?

First you blew me up.

Then you teleported me into the group like... outa nowhere...
staaahhhpppppp :urg:


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Seems I made some mistakes... (=_=);

When did I blew you up? When the Death Star fired the laser? Even I am confused... (?_?);


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Sorry if it was confusing. I left hints though that would tell you guys where I was. :[

Falling down into a forest, which randomly caught fire. (The Amazon)

Also, Xiroey is too afraid to be around Mari since he merged with his other half. Gaurdains and sinister creatures... not a good mix :p

I guess I'll give you guys a rough outline of what happened...n stuff...

  • Xiroey's group fought Mephiles on the halberd, but they were too weakened to put up a fight against him and lost.
  • Mephiles spared the group and left everyone passed out there, later targeting Mari's group.
  • Xiroey woke up before everyone else. The inner demon was only stirring more and more, and he eventually realized he couldn't fight it anymore. He gave up and merged with his other half, which changed his appearance drastically (a description will come later :p).
  • The ship was starting to fall, he decided to do one last thing for his freinds before he left them for good, and teleported to Luco's location, so he could open a portal to save the ship.
  • He brought Luco back to the halberd, but ran into Mari before he could tell Luco his plan. He got scared and ran away, leaving the halberd far behind.
  • He came back to his senses later on, and tried to find the Halberd again. So he could ACTUALLY TELL LUCO WHY HE BROUGHT HIM THERE... but... he couldn't find it.
  • Then he started getting attacked, and SURPRISE, his childhood rival shows up and challenges him. And wins.
  • He saves Xiroey before he can fall to his death
  • The two have some friendly catching up
  • They walk into a villiage, on their way to an unknown location, but realize that the forest was on fire. (the cultists' doing)
  • They put it out but hear a scream immediately afterward.
  • I blow up
  • Then I'm back in the group
INCEPTION!!! :laugh:


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Oh snap... I didn't you were in the Amazon... :urg:

I thought you would have fallen to well... Dream Land? Because Dark Meta Knight ship? =S

Weeeell... what now?

Must have been crazy the last few days... (=_=);
Oh wait, I AM crazy. >_>

(The beam did take half an hour to reach Earth so... something? I don't really know anymore...)


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
"Retcon powers activate"?

Yeah... we gotta retcon this.

You can thank yours truly for that. (-_-);

I'll edit the Death Star beam scene to have the Master blow up another area of the planet... TOMORROW!
I am just too tired... @_@


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Lol don't worry about it man.

We've all done it at least once before :p

Wana see my junk pile? (derp posts)
You should see it, I think you'll laugh...


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Im sorry to interrupt, but we didnt make a FF conversation so that it looks pretty :/


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Don't make it blow up Australia.

Or Luco will turn in to dragon forme. We all know **** happens when Luco turns in to dragon forme. :troll:

But to get more on topic, i'll let peeps write up stuff (btw Mari don't be afraid to include me: Luco's super easy to RP. He's just, really nice, always looking for gems to get his power back (I literally started posting on FF on the same page you left, so feel free to start there if you need to see the premise of him and why he needs the gems, etc.), then maybe this weekend i'll look at getting D. Luco in to the mix.

Just a memo, but while Luco is easy to RP, D. Luco... isn't. I don't mind if you're trying to RP him and make him trying to kill Luco but don't make him go over the top and no matter what happens, don't have him change his viewpoints or standpoints. Not because i'm stubborn on his character, because his story depends on it (this is revealing so much @.@). :p

Basically, be careful when RP-ing him (he's not off limits but I do suggest you PM me/post on the FF convo first as to what you want to do with him so I can explain how I want him to be RPed). :p


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
I rode a slight wind current down to the ground, letting it carry me partially as I righted my position for landing. The pads on my feet helped cushion the landing so that I touched down silently. A few moments alter, Xiroey was at my side.

"You said you sensed trouble nearby. Where from"? I inquired, keeping my voice low.

Xiroey pulled up near me, his eyes darted around quickly, searching for signs of trouble. "...Can't...I can't... sense them now" Xiroey said uncertainly. He drew in a few inches closer, we should've been in the spot the scream came from, yet this part of the villiage was completely deserted. Leaves and old weeds tumbled down the empty allyways, creating a dry russling sound that only further exacerbated the feeling of abandonment in the area.

"Looks like we dropped into the shady part of town" I said, taking in the cracked walls and empty windows.

"Yeah," Xiroey agreed "That, or we just dropped into a trap".

"Very good Eon, what was your first impression". A calm male voice spoke from everywhere at once. Xiroey and I were immediately on our guard.

"Who are you!" I demanded.

The voice chuckled, making my backside tingle. "That information is... insigificant... ".

"Bull!" I roared. I was terse seconds from losing my patience patience before I felt a rough hand settle on my shoulder. I paused, just about to tell the voice what else of his I thought was irrelevant, then turned around to look Xiroey in the eye. His face was calm, his eyes pressed into mine, passing a silent message: Relax, this is what he wants.

"How sweet..." The voice cooed.

I couldn't help myself, I growled back "Come here and I'll show you sweet!" I said, clenching my fist.

"Haha... how precious... the two rivals reunited as good friends again. I think I might cry".

"You will be in just a secon"-

"Crash". Xiroey spoke up, his calm tone made me pause again.

"Nngh... sorry mate, he angers me is all". I sighed.

"Good... So the beast is capable of showing self-restraint. An interesting change of pace".

I felt the blood drain from my face. "H-how did you know about my"-

"We've been keeping a close eye on the two of you... Very close".


"And now" The voice continued "i believe it is time to test how the both of you have matured"

Xiroey's ears suddenly perked up. He cast a quick glace at me, then to his left, making a small gesture with his head as he did so. I picke up on the meaning.

Behind us...

My muscles clenched, "Yeah?" I said, still facing the same direction "Well, I think you'll be surprised at what you SEE!" That was the cue. Xiroey and I sprang into action. He was the first to dart ahead, I felt the air grow hot for a second, possibly as he deflected a magical projectile. I spun around soon after, coming face to face with a bulky wall of ice.

My eyes lit up. "Nice..." I whistled, complimenting my rival on this new trick. Xiroey made a soft sound that sounded kind of like heh... then his eyes glowed the barrier shattered, forming into levitating spears of ice. Suddenly, a robed figure was revealed, he was standing several meters away, carrying a strange scythe which bent inward at the handle. Just then I was hit with a brief memory from my childhood. i stood before a similar figure on the day I first evolved into a Dragonite. I almost forgot about what happened then, how he was watching me. I had just turned around after a difficult fight against an angry druddigon and... there he was... watching me from the shadows of some trees. Like he'd been there all along.

"You!" I shouted, rushing him head on, completely oblivous to the attack Xiroey was preparing behind me.

"Crash! Careful, don't just rush him blindly"! I heard Xiroey call frantically behind me.

My opened my palms, exposing my claws "I'll have this one done with easy!" I growled confidently. The figure eased himself confortably into a fighting stance, watching me come. As I drew within range fo a few feet though, my senses suddenly became skewered. Space seemed to warp for a second, and suddenly I was levitating helplessly in the air. My limbs were paralyzed at my sides like hunks of lead.

"Zero Graviga" The figure said, raising his palm toward my face.

"C-crud..." I thought.

I caught a swift moment out of the corner of my eye, Xiroey was suddenly in his human forme, and coming at the figure from the side, possibly hoping to flank him while his spell still held.

"Good..." he said, then the wait was abruptly removed from my limbs and I fell toward the ground.

The figure pivited on his heel, turning to face Xiroey who was coming at him with a pair of blue swords. Their weapons clashed for a second, Xireoy had his swords crossed in an "X" trying to force away the opponet's scythe. He forced the blades outward, leaving the figure with no choice but to hop back, just barely avoiding the sword tips.

"Thundara"! Xiroey cried, raising his palm at the sky.


A ring of thudnerbolts fell around the figure, temporarily surrounding him in an elecrical cage. Xiroey branished his swords again, and rushed the figure before he could move. He scored a slice on the figure's left arm, his opponent cried in pain and shock, but managed to bring the hilt of his weapon up in time to block Xiroey's follow up attack.

Xiroey's eyes glinted, his lips rose the tiniest bit on the sides.

Big mistake

He ducked and stepped forward, pressing the flat of his blade against the figure's weapon as he did so. His momentum forced the figure back again, only this time he was off ballance, and began to topple backward. His sword quickly poofed out and he suddenly had his palm pointed toward the figures chest.

"Die." he said coldly. The air vibrated for a split second, and suddenly a powerful shockwave burst from Xiroey's palm. I expected the fight to end then and there. I'd never seen my rival give off such a display of raw power before.

Unfortunately, that gave the figure all the time he needed to teleport out of the way of the attack and take me around the neck. I gagged as my air supply was cut off, red and blue spots began to fill my vision.

"Resting on the battlefield? Shameful, did you truly think this fight was over"? He whisperd the words sharply into my ear...

"Hurk..." I croaked. I tried to utter something to the figure about tic tacs, but as his arm squeezed tighter around my neck, causing my windpipe to contract.

"Crash"! Xiroey gasped.

My eyes must've been playing tricks on me because one moment he was there, the next he was at both of our sides, replaced by a cloud of black smoke. His eyes were already glowing as he uttered a spell "Aeroga"!

I felt a powerful gust hit just then. The figure cried as a thin vertical blade slammed itself into his side, only barely prevented from slicing straight through him by a weak magical barrier. His arm slackened around my throat, I siezed my chance and wrapped my tail around his leg. I pulled it up toward me. He toppled backward again.

"Take this!" I grunted, then stomped my foot on the ground hard. I felt a tremor, and then heard a fading cry as the figure hit the ground, only to have it explode back up in his face.

He was airborne, the effects of my Earthquake had him stunned for the moment, Thankfully Xiroey already had my back, and was firing off his spears of ice.

The figure slowly lifted his head, seeing the attack come just in time. He vanished again, the ice shards continuing to fly at nothing. Suddenly he was on me again. I saw the tip of his blace whiz at me out of the corner of my eye.

"Not falling for that again bud" I said, ducking and swiping my tail out at his feet. Unfortuantely, he was already wise to that trick by now. He backstepped quckly, taking a moment to regain his ballance before he spun around to meet Xiroey's swords for a second time.

"Now Crash"! Xiroey said, trying his best to force back the scythe tip that was ever so slowly inching down on his neck.

I spun around quick as I could.

"You nuts or something? I'll hit you too!"

Xiroey only grunted, he was slowly losing the power struggle and the scythe was inching closer.

"Now Crash"! he cried urgently.

I groaned, power serged into me, gathering up in my chest and traveling upward into my maw.

"You better not die from this" I grumbled in my head. I really hoped my rival knew what he was doing.

I shot my Hyper Beam at the figure's open back. He never had time to react. It hit him dead on, swallowing he and Xiroey up at the same time.

"Xiro!" I cried as the beam faded, and I could speak again. I looked around, the blast managed to cleave a long fat trench into the ground, leading up to the side of a house, which had a comical round hole blasted through the middle of it.

There was no sign of the the figure or Xiroey.

"Sweet mother of Arceus, what have I done..."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
The Lor Starcutter, Main Deck.

"Everyone ready to go?" Magolor called over his shoulder as he prepared to split the very fabric of space-time to get to Dimension D.

Mari looked across the deck. Sonic was busy napping under one of the Lor's flags, Marx and Drawcia we're having some kind of argument, and Blaze was...looking out a window like always.

"Yeah, we're pretty much good to go...Oh, wait, where's Luco?"

"Wait for me!" Luco, with a sack full of supplies, ran at full speed towards the Lor. Mari reached out grabbed his hand to hoist him up on board.

"Thanks, Mari."

"No problem."

"Everyone's all accounted for! Punch it!" Mari yelled.

"OK! Next stop, Dimension D!"

The Lor rose out of the ground and from it's helm, a huge ray of bright blue light shot out, tearing a hole in the dimensional fabric of space in the shape of a Warpstar. The ship ignited its thrusters and entered the portal. It closed soon afterwards.

Dimension D

"...I estimate that Future Muhti will be back in a matter of hours." The Doctor explained, sipping a cup of tea to distract his mind from the corpse in the middle of the room.

"That is...if he manages to avoid all of the thousands of Stormtroopers in the Death Star..." Dimentio smiled. "Other then that, he should be fine!"


The jester tapped his ear piece twice to switch to the channel Luigi was on. "What is it?"


"Another...Muhti? Are you quite sure?"

"It-a creepy! I thought-a he was-"

Luigi never got to finish his sentence, for it was at that moment that the Lor Starcutter had arrived in Dimension D in a burst of blue light.

Oh, wonderful, it's that little girl and her friends again. Dimentio thought. What could they possibly want in a time like this?

As the group started to disembark, Dimentio snapped his fingers and Muhti's corpse was transported to a different location. He wasn't going to let on about Muhti's death...although there was a chance that Mari had heard about it by now.

Mari was the last to step down from the Lor. He noted that she had gotten a little taller and her hair was much shorter...but the one thing that stood out the most was her gold-colored eyes. Those weren't there before.

"Dimentio." Mari spoke with a serious tone.

Dimentio bowed slightly. "Ahahaha....Well, if it isn't Mari and her gang of misfits...it's been a while."

"Not long enough..." Sonic murmured.

Dimentio ignored the hedgehog (And also made a metal note to get back on him later.) and continued speaking. "I would love to catch up on old times, but I'm kinda in the middle of something at the-"

"I know that the Dark Ones' Master killed Muhti and now his future self is on the Death Star." Mari spoke quickly and decisively. She was clearly not in the mood for small talk.

Dimentio made no move to show that he was surprised. In fact, he was, and he wanted to know how exactly she found out. "And who told you that little morsel of information? Do tell."

"An old family friend of mine." Mari simply said. "I have a deal for you."

"A deal?" Dimentio's ears perked up. "What...kind of deal?"

"You help us break the dimensional seal over the Master's dimension and we resurrect Muhti for you. Sound good?"

"Hmmm...dimensional seal?"

"The Master created a dimensional seal to govern who teleports in and out of his dimension." Mari explained. "We can't defeat the Master if we can't get to him. We figured since you have the most experience with this kinda stuff, you'd be our best shot."

The jester was silent for a few second before suddenly bursting out in insane laughter.

"Ahahahahahahahahahahaha! Oh, this is rich...While your deal is as tempting as the last piece of chocolate cake on a silver plate, I think I'll decline."

Mari balled her fists in anger, and gritted her teeth. "My...friend told me that we needed someone with powerful magic who can travel between dimensions, and you're the only one we know that can do both."

"Hmm, nope. Sorry. Maybe when I'm in a better mood. Ciao!" With a smile, Dimentio lifted his right hand and prepared to teleport to another, more private part of Dimension D.

But before he could snap his fingers, Mari was instantly on him at near inhuman speed. She grabbed his purple and yellow poncho by the fistfulls and dragged him up to her eye-level, so he can see exactly how pissed/ off she was.

"Listen to me, you worthless excuse for a jester!!" Mari screamed at his face. "You don't like me, and I don't like you. I get that. I also get that if we don't defeat the Master, everyone and everything we know and love will die. DIE! That includes you!" She shook him back and forth to put some emphasis in her point. "Look, I want to believe that you don't care about anyone but yourself. But somewhere in that dark and twisted heart of yours...you actually care about Muhti. No, don't look away from me. You do. You can convince everyone else that you're ruthless and merciless, but guess what? I'm too smart for your tricks, Dimentio. If you don't help us...Muhti's efforts will all be in vain. We can help you. Let us help you."

"Psst. You really think Dimentio's gonna help us?" Marx whispered in Magolor's ear.

Magolor shrugged. "Hard to say. He's probably going to either ask for something in return, or he's going to back-stab us pretty hard afterwards...or..."

"Or what?"

"Or maybe we just need put our trust in Mari to convince him to join us..."
(((Your move, Muhti...)))


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
Ahhhh...it's finally happened to me!


I'm doomed!! :scared:

Muhti, I think you should write up Dimentio's answer. I can't think of anything for once....


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Dimentio got up slowly, flying back up into the air. He brushed off the dust Mari caused and cleared his throat.

“If you’ll excuse me, gentlemen and…” he paused and looked at Mari , “tomboy, I must discuss with my colleagues, ciao!”

He teleported to Doctor Who and Luigi in a football huddle.

“What do you suppose we do?”, Dimentio asked.

“Are you bloody kidding me? We go with them! If we can save Muhti then we’ll win in the end.” The Doctor whispered in a harsh tone.

“I-a agree, Dimentio” Luigi added on nodding with the Doctor.

“Ugh, fine, I’ll tell them that I’ll teleport them.” Dimentio disappeared and went by the group again.
“As an overrule has occurred within ourselves… We shall help you, but only for temporary.” Dimentio said.

“Is it me, or is Dimentio acting a bit more…. Serious?” Marx whispered to Magolor, who in return nodded.
Mari smiled, “It’s nice that you guys can help” she said in a mocking tone.

Dimentio grunted and said something under his breath, “Alright, everybody board the Lor!”

Everybody started back to the Lor, some flying, some casually walking, Mari watching as if she was in charge, which she was. Finally Luigi and the Doctor went on, Dimentio staying just in case of some malfunction.

After everybody boarded, and the power was on, Dimentio used his maximum amount of energy to teleport the hunk of a ship right outside the Death Star from the outside.

Dimentio rubbed his head in pain, “Now it’s my turn to teleport…” He paused to hear something walking, which was strange since nobody could access Dimension D unless it was Dimentio himself or a big energetic mechanism.

He looked behind himself to see Muhti (?), alive and well.

“Muhti!” Dimentio said with a grin.

“Hey buddy!” Muhti (?) said in glee.

Dimentio looked at him suspicion “Weren’t you supposed to stay in the Death Star?”

“Heh heh… I decided to come back to my friends to see how everybody is.”

“Where’s the Chaos Emeralds?”

“Chaos What? Oh… uh…” Muhti (?) stuttered.

“And who are you?” Dimentio demanded.


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Above...? No, impossible. Perheps, the side?

I tensed my grip on my sword, no way I was going to let him catch me off guard. Sooner or later, he'd break cover. I just needed to keep my senses on full alert.

Perhaps Below...?

I spun around swiftly, sparks flying and stinging me on the nose as I brought my blade up to intercept a swipe at my head.

"Found you" I grinned.

We stayed locked like that for a moment, Blades screeching as we both tried fruitlessly to gain some ground over the other. I pressed my weapon into his, trying my best to get him off ballance, but for every inch I gained he'd redouble his efforts, only to bring us back to another stalemate.


"Blizzaga" The figure droned, cutting me off before i could finish uttering the spell.

Just as my mind took the time to process what happened, the air in front of me exploded, If I had time to register one thing--it was that If this was what getting mowed over by a station wagon felt like, this one must've been carrying the motherload.

I stumbled backward, suddenly feeling very hurt. And even more ticked off.

"Y-you'll pay... for..."-

"Blizziga" The figure chanted again, raising his palm and launching another icy assault at me before I could recover. The second hit was even more painful than the last. I could feel my blood freezing on contact. Even more, I could already feel my consciousness slipping...

No... Have....Have to...

I felt my body move. I pushed off hard with both feet, suddenly leaping at him and raising my sword high over my head. I swiped at him wildly, aiming to cleave him clean in half with the tip of my sword. He deflected the blow mindlessly, bringing the scythe around and forcing my sword out of the way.

I teleported away to avoid a counter attack, and suddenly my sword as arcing down at his side. Again he deflected my blow, and again I teleported, this time aiming for his right thigh. This continued for some time, with me gradually getting faster and faster in my onslaught. I felt my sword swinging wildly even before I gave the command. I teleported again, this time aiming for his back, then the leg, then the soulder. Still he blocked each and every one of my attacks. I pressed myself to move faster. My sword became a faint blue blur, Creating gleaming blue crescents that would appear spontaneously then vanish, only to reappear a millisecond later.

Finally, I had him. In a fit of instincitve and primal fury, I brought my sword up in a crazed rising slice, forcing the figures scythe out of his hand from sheer force alone. Instinct took over the rest, I slashed at him once, then again, carving into a weak magical barrier he barely managed to summon up around himself. I was teleporting around him faster and faster, desperately trying to find a weak spot in his magical defense.

Then figure screamed. My Sword implanted itself firmly in his back. The blue sparks went to work, draining the poor man of whatever magical or physical defenses he had left.

But I still wasn't done. Lips moving of their own accord, I uttered a quick spell, preparing to deal away with the figure for good. The air charged with energy as a string of unfamilar words tumbled out of my mouth, forming together invisibly into a signle devistating spell. As I uttered the final word, an imaginary trigger was pulled, and the air before me burst forth with magical energy. I began to move back from the force of the spell, but a second magical force stopped my movement and held me firmly in place.

Not enough... Finish what you started... Make sure he never walks this earth again.

I didn't fight against what my instincts told me. Bringing my other hand up, I began uttering a second spell, and just like last time, the air began to take on an electric-like charge.


I stopped.

"C-crash...?" I said uncertainly. I didn't even know what I was doing anymore.

"It's over mate, you won" I felt him rest a hand on my shoulder, just as his words sank in.

I... I won...?

"Come on Bud... Lets go".

My hand fell to my side. Had I really been ready to blow up an already-dead opponent?

"Crash... when... how...?"

"That explosion just now was pretty hard to miss" Crash laughed, giving my shoulder a squeeze.


"Come on man, look at em. He's down. He won't be moving or bothering the two of us ever again."

"Right..." I said, moving along with him; Eventually, the two of us leaf the battle-scarred village behind.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

Finally found the energy to finish this battle...


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
"Ow, I told you not to touch that spot"!

"Well I'd be done by now if you weren't such a baby, let me just..."

"No, I told you I don't WANT your help. I'm starving, I need food!" In a mad fit of Eon rage, I decided to chunk a box of band-aids at Crash's head. Which he subsequentally ducked.

"Dude, it's not even that bad, If you don't let me treat the wounds now they'll become infected and"- Crash ducked as our next few nights dinner tried to make contact with his face."REALLY"? He shouted.

"Plenty more where that came from" I growled, reaching for another sack of berries.

"Aagh, your worse than Druddigon when he stubs his toe on an oran root" Crash stomped his foot impatiently, trying his darndest to get me to keep still so he could tend to my right arm"

"Yeah, well for your information those ***in things hurt" I growled indignantly.

Crash sighed "Dude, if you don't let me"-

"No! I told you I didn't want you help, If you want to help out so badly get me something to eat!"

"You just tossed dinner at my head" Crash said with exaggerated patience.

"You made me do it. I keep telling you to back"-

I howled like I'd suddenly been possessed by an evil spirit as a sharp pain shot through the entire right side of my body. Crash stood back, an exhausted look on his face.

"You're being awfully dramatic you know" Crash said, sighing deeply.

"Aaaaah! told... you... not... to...-

"That freeze heal should take effect any time now, give it a moment would ya". Crash cut in.

Sure enough, the blue hue in my arm gradually died down, becoming a much warmer pink color. With it, the pain gradurally died down as well, subsiding down to a dull ache. I still wanted to slug him in the face thoguh.

"Remind me never to try and help you out again" Crash yawned, it was late, and truth be told, laying down on the grass was sounding mighty inviting right about now.

"Jerk..." I muttered stubbornly, scooting myself over to the sack of berries on the ground and taking a few out.

"Oye, pass me a few of those would ya" Crash beckoned.

"Take as many as you like" I yawned, and tossed him the entire bag. Feeling a bit sleepy myself, I decided to lie my head down on a soft rock, which was pillowed out quite comfortably by a thick coat of moss. I heard the sound of a bag russling as Crash caught the sack and proceeded to take a few berries out.

"Ahh, thanks" He said gratefully, before quickly scarfing down several of the berrries in the sack. Eventually I heard a satisfied belch come form behind me, followed by another faint russling sound as Crash also lied down.

"Ahh man. Was that crazy or what"? He yawned. It took a while, but I eventually realized he was talking about the fight in the village.

"It was strange. He said he wanted to test us, yet part of me can't help but feel like he wasn't going all out against us. Like he whole thing was already planned out from the very begining".

"Like getting his butt whooped" Crash supplied, cluckling softly.

"Mmm... Maybe" I said seriously.


"Nothing" I said, yawning again, before turning around trying to find a more comfortable position.
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