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Forum Fight: The Story Forum

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The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Continuing the story...

In one of the rooms of Lor Starcutter, Magolor's ship...

"Bull's eye!", cheerfully yelled Pit as he hit the center of a target with an arrow.

"Not bad... It looks like our skills are as sharp as expected.", stated Dark Pit.

"Well, isn't it obvious? You both have the exact same capabilities with a bow. And that's good. We need all the strength we can have.", noted Cynthia, watching both angels to practice their shooting on a wooden target.

Alder enters the room, gaining Cynthia's attention.

"Champion Cynthia, would you like to have a training battle?", asked Alder.

"Sure, let's see how polished are our skills. I haven't battled with you for a while, so why not?", responded Cynthia.

Cynthia sent her Spiritomb, while Alder sent his Accelgor and the battle begun. Pit and Dark Pit were watching.

What could be the Master preparing now? Hmph, that accursed fiend will pay dearly for what he has done.

How many people have died thanks to his mindless ambition? How many lives he intends to take?

Will his bloodlust ever be sated?

It doesn't matter! He has to be stopped at all costs!

In the Master's hideout...

"My Master, we have news.", said a cultist wearing their trademark black robes and holding a mace, accompanied by two other cultists dressed the same outfits and holding machine guns.

"What is it?", stated the Master, while sitting on a throne.

"The United States have elected a new president.", said the same cultist.

"That means we have control over that country, yes?", responded the Master.

"Indeed, as the most voted candidates were all fellow Dark Ones."

"Good... this is why I love democracy. Hyeh heh heh heh heh...", said the Master, smiling sinisterly. "Begin writing the new Constitution and trick the other politicians by showing a fake Constitution. If it doesn't work and the voting goes against it... you may want to kill some politicians and steal their identities and shift the voting to our favor!"

"Of course, my Master.", said the cultist bowing to the Master before him and the other two cultists left.

"United States of America... and that's my first country under my control... soon, all countries will follow the same fate!", evilly said the Master.

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn - In My Hands

In the White House...

"This new Constitution will abolish all basic freedom of the American people, Mr. President! Where was the prosperity you mentioned in your speech?", said a senator.

"You dare question my--no, the Master's--rule? Don't be naive! A new era will begin soon and, under the Master's rule, the world will surely prosper! The USA have degraded so much, it irks the Master!", stated the new President.

"What?! You're ins-- urk!", yelled the senator, just before being stabbed by a cultist nearby.

"Hmph... there goes another weakling. Through discipline and obedience, this country will be reborn in the dawn of a new age!", maniacally stated the President, clearly a member of the Dark Ones. "Before I forget... all religions are to be abolished, for the Master stands above the divine!"

"Mr. President, this is the new flag we propose.", stated another cultist, holding a flag.

The flag had five red stripes and five blue stripes alternating between each color, each blue stripe had ten skulls, for a total of fifty, representing each state.

"Ah... the skull emblem of the Master, copied fifty times, representing each state... the Dark States of America will be born... and a new era shall begin!", stated the President.

The Dark States of America... the Master's influence continues to spread throughout the Earth... :evil:

Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
another short segment back at the lor Richard: All this arguing makes me think were enemies instead of allies. Wesker: Obviously i should've recruited my own umbrella security. Richard: i already did that, when we were hunting the last time gear in our realm i packed my communicator and told them to watch over us, not to mention they're carrying purge bombs with them. Wesker: How many? Since we have 24 ships, one bomb per ship. Wesker: *smirks* Richard: Yes, you know what i mean wesker. Wesker: The destruction of the death star and plenty of firepower. Richard: They should be following the lor any minute now, i hope magolor won't mind. [Segment Done]


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
location: Sugarcube Corner

Smashfan666's next stop in rallying the citizens of Ponyville was Sugarcube Corner, establishment of the Cake family and their kitchen hoof Pinkamena Diane Pie (better known as Pinkie Pie).

"Mr. and Mrs. Cake-" Smashfan said, before Mr. Cake interrupted.

"We'd just heard about the army, Smashfan." he said. "And we'd be more than happy to lend our services."

Smashfan saw that word was spreading faster than he knew Sonic could run.

"Why don'cha take a break for a while, Smash?" Mrs. Cake said. "Your friends seem to have the alert situation under control. we'd be more than happy to get something sweet on those thin bones of yours!"

"Thanks, I appreciate that." Smashfan stated. he knew a quick while off would do him some good. "I'll have the usual. make it a double."

"Make it a triple." said a female voice close to him. "Put it on my tab, Cup Cake."

Smashfan's mind processes came to a stop. he knew he heard that voice somewhere before... he just couldn't put his finger on it.

"You got it, Marcy!" said Mrs. Cake, and galloped off to the kitchen with Mr. Cake.

Smashfan looked to his right, and saw a familiar face from the days when the Forum Fighter Union was still active. Marceline the Vampire Queen.

"Been a while, Smash." said Marceline.

"Yes it has." Smashfan replied. "So, Marceline. what brings you all the way out to Equestria?"

"Thought the change of scenery would be nice."

"Well, you certainly picked an excellent spot, I can tell you that..."

"So, you're building an army." Marceline continued "What for?"

"A group called the Dark Ones has been seeking to conquer the multiverse, and we need all the help we can get. so we're building an army of our own to match theirs."

Just then, the Cakes arrived with their order. a triple serving of marshmallow creme-filled cupcakes with red icing and a side of hot cocoa.

"Ah, thanks." Smashfan told the two.

"You're welcome!" said Mr. Cake

"Enjoy, you two!" added Mrs. Cake

Marceline took one of the cupcakes and sucked the red from the icing. "I've heard a lot about the Dark Ones, Smashfan. and I can say this is pretty smart thinking, but you're going to need more than just an army."

"You sure?"

"Positive." Marceline responded. "The Dark Master is off-his-rocker level of crazy. he's a power-hungry dictator who'll stop at nothing to get whatever he wants, even taking matters into his own hands if need be..."

"Sounds kinda like Glenn Beck..."

"I once heard he has the power to rip people's souls right out of their bodies and convert them into energy for his own use."

"Wow..." at this point, Smashfan was actually unsure. "F@$# Glenn Beck, this guy's more like John McCain!"

"Exactly." Marceline replied "We're dealing with a very powerful enemy here, Smash. I suggest we get crack-a-lackin' and find some way to defeat him."

"Right." agreed Smashfan, finishing off his hot cocoa and ringing the bell at the counter. "Could I get a to-go box for this, please?"


Marceline joined your team!
Soon enough, Marceline and Smashfan (lugging a to-go box in his left hand) made their way to town square to regroup with the others.​
"We may be in for deeper $#@+ than first thought, everyone." Smashfan disclosed grimly. "We have to double our efforts so that we can stand a chance in case the Dark Master comes out to fight."​
"We need to make the army bigger;" added Marceline "Sandwich the front and back lines with heavy artillery, call in everyone you can!"​
"I'll put out a message to all pokemon in the surrounding dimensions..." said Mewtwo.​
"Spike, send a note to Princess Cadence saying that the crystal guard and any available crystal ponies are needed right away!" put in Twilight.​
"On it!" Spike confirmed.​
"We may be on the precipice of absolute destruction, folks..." Smashfan stated, then took out his transdimensional phone and began scrolling through the contacts. "Send to... ALL..."​


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Yet another segment. Gotta keep this thread alive.

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn - Eyes of Rage

In the Death Star...

"Are the defenses ready?", stated a Dark Commander.

"Yes, sir. The deflector shield is ready, the cannons are ready and the ships are on patrol.", responded a Stormtrooper.

"Good. Supreme Commander Palpatine demands all defenses ready for the incoming invasion from Master Hand's army.", stated the Commander. "This will be a glorious battle for the Master!"

"Yes... it will.", spoke Palpatine as he entered the Death Star's control room. "Though we underestimated their strength before, we still have the upper hand. As strong as they are, we must proceed with utmost caution. This is a battle we cannot lose! For the Master, we will forge a new universe ruled by the Master himself! Praise the Master!"

"HAIL THE MASTER!", said all the cultists and other Dark Ones, making salutations. "Eternal glory for the Master, Lord of the Existence and the One Above the Gods!"

Meanwhile on Earth...

Washington DC, United States of America, 1500 UTC

"Citizens of the United States of America... I hereby announce of the approval of the new Constitution and the new identity of the country. The dawn of a new era is upon us! Times change and today is a day that is irrefutable proof of such statement.", began the US President speaking. "For the safety of this country, we will instill new safety measures to combat any opposition to the new laws."

The President spoke for around fifteen minutes, stating the changes of the laws in the new Constitution.

"Any who doesn't demonstrate absolute loyalty to the Master will be prosecuted for such crime. Any who worships something other the Master is to be killed with no mercy.", was one of the highlights of the speech that generated unease around the world.

Some people began to revolt, but as soon as such protests began, many cultists acted in conformity to the new laws by mercilessly killing any of the protesters.

"The Master demands obedience and discipline! Only then will the country prosper as a unity of states!", was another highlight of the country. "Among people, there's two kinds: for the Master, or against the Master. Those who obey him... or those who oppose him. Those who cling to one who's strong... or those who perish for being blind weaklings."

The streets of the USA soon became overrun with patrolling guards on pitch black uniforms or in cultist robes. Anyone who tried to revolt was immediately killed and so were those suspected to be enemies of the Master. Soon, the country became a land of despair and tight watch. The media were censored and any kind of entertainment was quickly banished from the country, with the people forced to work for the Master himself.

"Let us become a new and orderly land of prosperity. Long gone are the United States of America... for we are the Dark States of America!", finished the President, instilling a warped dictatorship across the former USA. The borders were tightened and efforts on developing the military were some of the new measures taken by the Dark Ones' junta.

The new country quickly cut off diplomatic relations with the remainder of the countries, becoming isolated and no information about this new state available outside of the country. Radio jammers were installed across the country to block foreign transmissions and the media focused on the cult of the Master and other news related to the Dark Ones.

The world was at unease, as one of the most powerful countries became under control of the mysterious and tyrannical Master.

The Master truly wishes for control...


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
I believe now is a good a time as any... :evil:

♪Sight Your Gun - El Cazador♪

The Yoshi scurried quietly along the dim streets, making nary a sound as he dashed between shadows. Safely tucked away in his spot behind a allyway dumpster, the Yoshi observed a group of figures. They were hooded in black and red robes, and carried themsleves with an air of confidence. Or was it arrogance?

"Lay waste to our beautiful country will ya'? Well, this Yoshi certaily isn't having any of it", He whispered. The figures, were holding their usual nighttime patrol. The Yoshi knew they'd be here around this time, he'd studied their patterns dutifully, so he knew what rounds they usually took and when. Trailing an obvious group such as this was no problem for his superior tracking skills. He expertly weaved his way between hiding spots. His Soft-footed boots padded noiselessly on the concrete as he stole himself another hiding place behind a mailbox.

"That's right... Now stop" The Yoshi said, as if commanding the group of figures to his will. Sure enough, as the group reached a four way intersection, they paused briefly to survey the area. Their leader, a cultist wearing black robes with ruby red skulls stood at the front of the pack. The Yoshi knew, just by observing the cultist, that he'd be a problem when a confrontation broke out. His aura alone was enough to make the Yoshi quiver slightly in his boots.

"He's a strong one. I'll have to take him out quickly, otherwise this whole operation may go up in smoke".

The Yoshi cradled an egg at his side. His eyes focued themselves on the back of the leader cultist, staring up his back to the top of his perfectly shaved head. "That'll make a nice mark" The Yoshi said, imagining a bright red target on the back of the cultist's cranium.

He pulled his arm back. He'd have to time this just right. "Wait until they've finished surveying the area". He told himself. He'd lob the egg just before they began to move on again; after they've grown confident that no threats lurked in the immediate area. They were in for a surprise; And the Yoshi was going to make sure it was a big one.

The leader cultist began to raise his arm. That was it! The signal for the rest of the cultists to continue. He wouldn't let him finish the guesture. The Yoshi lobbed the egg, sending it in a high arc so that it passed over the street lamps. It flew out of his sight, blending seamlessly with the overcast skies momentarily. Then he heard it, a grunt sounded from far away.

"Bulls Eye"! The Yoshi smirked.

He quickly readied another egg, taking a split second to aim, before lobbing it after the first. Another grunt was heard, and the Yoshi began to feel a sense of satisfaction building within himself.

"That'll teach you to"- The yoshi began, but was cut off. His senses registered something, it was faint, kind of like a soft buzzing. It took him little more than a second to realize what it was, and he quickly dashed out from his hiding place.

The spot behind him exploded. Hexed Lightning shot up from under the sidewalk, completely decimating the trashcan he was just hiding behind. "Tumbling toadstools" The Yoshi cursed. He dived, the added boost allowed him to just barely bring himself out of the blast radius in time. But then, the asphalt in front of him was starting to glow red as well.

"****" The Yoshi cursed. He reached into the satchel he kept at his side and took out a long roped, topped with a metal claw. He spun the rope around once for good measure, then turned around and tossed it up at a street lamp. The rope went taught as the claw latched snugly in place. He immediately began to swing in the opposite direction.

"You'll have to do better than that" The Yoshi taunted them. His feet touched up against the side of a building and he pushed off again. As he reached the apex of his jump, he gave his Rope a good tug and it released itself from the streetlamp.

The bricks in front of him glowed bright red and exploded The Yoshi was quickly showered with bricks and mortar. Reflex kicked in and he tossed an egg at one of the larger bricks and crushed it before it had a chance to inflict any major damage. The knockback from the explosion actually proved useful, since it increased the Yoshi's speed as he flew backward.

A little ways away, the Yoshi heard the Cultists beginning to rally themselves. His feet touched solid ground again, and he was left facing a group of three remaining figures.

Wait, three...

Mr. Bald-Head was missing from the group.

"Your efforts are cute". The yoshi heard a voice speak from behind him. His hide pricked, and he jumped backward quickly. He spin around mid jump and landed softly on his feet. "You... I'll make you pay for what you've done to our country"! The Yoshi growled passionately.

"Really" The cultist smiled crookedly," and you think you have the power to bring The great Master's reign to an end"?

"You're just another crooked group, We've faced tougher opponents in the past". The Yoshi spat, he already had an egg poised ready at his side.

"You sound confident" The cultist noted unemotionally"

"Freedom is what this country is built on. You might be able to break us physically, but the heart and drive that made this country lives on in the hearts of those brave souls exsist who still cling to hope".

"Hope"? The cultist repeated. The air began to get hot, the Yoshi felt sweat starting to bead up on his forehead. "There is no hope! The weak either alliance themselves with the Master or they perish like the weaklings they are! There is no hope, only subjugation"!

The Yoshi paused. "Funny" he said, "Most cultists speak of glory and fulfillment under this 'master's' rule. Funny you'd use that word".

The cultist laughed ironically. "Yes, I suppose it is. And you know what, you can keep laughing, as you rot with the rest of the filth that make up this rotten country"!

The cultist released his Magyics and the air started to shimmer with an intense power. "It won't work"! The Yoshi said defiantly, although he already felt the draining effect of the spell starting to tax at his limbs. He could barely move his legs, and it was slowly becoming harder to stand.

"But Perhaps" The cultist began a lot more calmly "Your 'expert' tracking skills can be of use to us".

"N-ot in your wildest..." The yoshi tried to force out, but the effort soon became too great for him.

"Seek out a group. I want you to track down this group and bring us something they possess."

The Yoshi fell to his knees. He wanted desperately to tell this bald idiot to 'shove it' but the spell drained at his willpower as well. He felt his consciousness beginning to slip. He used whatever energy he could just to remain lucid, but even that was becoming too much very quickly.

"You'll find them camped out in the Amazon. I recently engaged one member of their members, a black haired youth with an uncanny awareness of his surroundings. Excersise caution so that you are not detected, and bring us the Soul Jar belonging to the mage Frostwraith."

"Y...e...s.... It... will... be done..." The Yoshi said mindlessly.

"Good, now go. Do not fail the master". The cultist commanded. He waved a hand at the Yoshi and he was gone.

Shortly afterward, the cultist was back at the head of the pack. He gave the signal for the rest of the group to continue as normal. They followed without question. As for the two unlucky fellows who'd been felled by the Yoshi's eggs, they left them behind.

Such weakness would not be tolerated amongst the master's ranks.


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
If you don’t like something, pm me. Hopefully I did everything well.

Dark States of America, New York City, Brooklyn Bridge

“State your name and business.”

“Proud Dark Cultist of the Dark Ones. Hail to the Dark Master! I am here to secure Wall Street.” the Cultist pronounced clear and proud.


The Cultists eyes furrowed at the iron blockage, sealing him from the jewel of the DSA, and the world.

“And who are you? To deny the great and powerful Master?!”, he shouted enraged.

“I’m afraid that’s classified, the United States doesn’t allow trespassers such as peasant scum like you.”, the voice stated emphasizing the United.


The voice laughed at the threat made at him, “Do you hear this Dimentio? This man thinks he can just take New York.” He stopped laughing at a dead halt.

"Anyways, this place is magic proof, only I am allowed to use magic as well as the one I'm talking to in my headset: Dimentio. Maybe you're 'Master' if he has the power to break through the seal."

The cultist cursed heavily and chuckled, "Never defy the Master. He will pou-"

"Leave, now, or I will kill you."

The cultist cursed again and left in rage.

“Hmph, have it your way for now! You’re lucky I don’t have reinforcement, but remember this! The holy Master never forgets!” the cultists voice descended as he walked off the Brooklyn Bridge.

On the other side, Muhti stood there and watched him leave, keeping his hand on one of his swords if he returned and decided to attack. He finally took a breather and started walking to the capital of what remained of the US: WTC 1.
“Welcome back sir.”, the man greeted F. Muhti as he walked through the doors, Smashboards Army was protecting every corner of the city, because if the Dark Ones caught NYC, they caught the world.
The man followed F. Muhti as he went into the elevator.

“Any new data?”, Muhti questioned.

His companion shook his head, “No sir, other than they already changed the flags and cut off what was the USA to the rest of the world, country leaders of Russia, Britain, France, Israel, Turkey and so on are questioning of what is going on, rumor has it that World War 3 may occur any time soon. Our troops are also stationing every bridge and air, we refuse joining the ‘Dark Ones’.”

Muhti looked at him, “Thank you Lieutenant, please follow me.”

The elevator rang as they reached their destination. They walked across the hall and into a gigantic room, where everybody except Dimentio who was swirling around in his chair, stood.

“Welcome President of Smashboards, it’s an honor to have you here.” ,the Mayor of New York complimented.

“Thank you as well for attending.”, F. Muhti arrived at the head of the table as the man whom he was conversing sat.

“As you know, we are the last hope for the United States of America.”, he cleared his throat, “Other countries thanks to our lieutenant here, have been worried of what America has come into, the new Germany as they proclaim.”

Muhti held onto his chin, thinking hard,”The Dark Master is obviously not going to let this slip, I would presume that he’s going to make an appearance sooner or later.” Muhti concluded looking up.

“I want you all to guard the whole city perimeters, EVERYWHERE, use US soldiers, NYPD, Smashboards
soldiers, and New Hyrulian police wisely, they are at their use. Is that clear? And if the Dark Master arrives, I shall deal with him.”, Muhti arisen from his chair, “If you see any US politician, do not let them in, nor any citizen, they may be in disguise, is that clear?”

They all nodded in agreement. They were then dismissed by F. Muhti, except for the boy he was speaking to earlier.

“You are dismissed you know.”

“Yes, I’m sorry, it’s just…”

“Times are tough, I understand, but we will destroy these pesky people who are responsible.”

“That… and some other family issues.”

“I’m betting they’re safe”, F. Muhti cooed,”, but right now, you need to focus on your military strength against these New World Order plotters, Eric.”


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Addendum to all that happened.

In the Dark Ones' hideout...

"So, New York has been spared from my graceful influence? Hmph... I suspect that brat, Muhti, and his dogs are behind it... if he doesn't comply to my wishes... I will destroy him like anyone who opposes me.", stated the Master, coldly.

"According to our spies, it is indeed him and his dogs, my Master.", stated a cultist. "But do not fear. We have another country soon in our hands. Though Japan and Australia weren't conquered, we have indeed taken mighty China under our control."

"So, they were successful... one of the most powerful countries in my hands... hyeh heh heh heh heh heh! Have them declare the same laws and forge an alliance with the Dark States of America.", ordered the Master.

"That shall be done, my Master.", responded the cultist, bowing to the Master before leaving.

"The People's Republic of China will cease to exist... and the Empire of the Dark Dragon will be born...", evilly muttered the Master.

That's another country on the Dark Ones' hands...


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Two cultists dragged a prisoner from the Dark States of America to a room in the Death Star...

"I am an innocent man! Please let me go!", yelled the prisoner.

"Mercy is a foreign concept for the Master, swine! Besides, we don't care whether or not you're innocent. You were in that prison, all we did was to pick some prisoners. Those were the Master's orders!", stated one of the cultists as they approached an avatar of the Master.

"My Master...", said the cultists in unison, bowing to him. "We brought some prisoners."

"Ah... that one seems to have potential...", darkly said the Master. "Take him to the laboratory..."

Dragging the prisoner, the cultists entered a nearby laboratory and made the prisoner sit on a chair and tied him to it.

"What?! What are you--", yelled the prisoner.

"Shut up!", said a cultist, kicking him viciously and covering his mouth afterwards.

A few moments later, the scientist on the laboratory forced the prisoner to drink a dark blue liquid and began hypnotizing him, turning him into another follower of the Master.

"We still have many people to convert into our ranks... some will obey thanks to fear, while others must be forcibly converted... it doesn't matter how we do this, what it matters is that they obey the Master.", stated the cultist, who seemingly had authority over the scientist.

"Of course...", responded the scientist, smirking, while also taking a sample of the converted prisoner's blood. "Now we extract his DNA and begin mass production of more clones..."

"Clones that will know nothing but loyalty to the Master... many in numbers and efficient, yet disposable at the same time... Heh heh heh... With a huge interdimensional army, we will conquer any opposing countries and purge the multiverse of any opposers of the Master's cause!", evilly stated a cultist nearby.

Dark Base of Los Angeles, Dark States of America

"Fellow member of the Dark Ones... are the bombers ready?", stated a Dark One soldier in a black military uniform.

"Yes... we will prepare the bombing of New York soon. As an entire city of opposers, it shall be entirely destroyed for defying the Master.", stated a cultist, in their trademark black robes.

The cultist turned his attention to a protesting soldier, refusing to wear the military outfit of the Dark States, complaining about the state of the country.

"The President is a madman! The ideals of freedom and justice many have died for have been destroyed!", rambled the soldier.

Drawing a gun, the cultist sneakingly aimed at the soldier's head, killing him in cold blood.

"The Master has no use for weak minded fools like you...", whispered the cultist with complete indifference and extracting a sample of the dead soldier's blood. "But, even in death, you can still be... useful for him... hyeh heh heh heh heh..."

In Mexico, close to the border with the DSA...

"Halt!", stated a cultist to a drug dealer who attempted to illegally cross the border. "Pledge your allegiance to the Master if you want to cross the border."

"What?", reacted the dealer, unaware of the recent changes.

"Hmph, another lowly idiot...", whispered the cultist. "Kill him!"

The guards began to fire against the dealer, killing him without mercy and extracting his blood, like many of their victims.

Mexico attempted to speak with the Dark States' President, but without any luck, as the President refused to talk with what he deemed to be "pathetic weaklings."

The borders were heavily fortified, having been reinforced by the Master's technology. Large walls equipped with heavy artillery and laser weapons formed the borders, blocking any access entirely, unless given by the guards.

In another city of the DSA...

"That church is still standing... unacceptable!", said a cultist to a group of Dark Ones. "Burn it down!"

The cultists went ahead and set the church on fire, causing panic inside.

"Crap! It's that new police force!", heard the cultist, who quickly grabbed the young man who said that.

"Say what again?", coldly stated the cultist. "Learn something new today and repeat this phrase after me: the Master stands above the gods!"

"You are nothing but terrorists who took over this country!", retorted the citizen.

"You won't obey, huh? I shall have no mercy.", stated the cultist, killing the young man.

"You may kill as many of us, but we will never give up!", stated an old woman.

"Oh sure? Well, grannie, let me speed your journey to the afterlife!", responded the same cultist, shooting the old lady.

With fear instilled in the streets, the people dared not to mess with the cultists out of fear they would be killed on the spot, like the two victims. Black robed men and women patrolled the streets wielding machine guns, ready to fire at anyone suspected to conspire against the Master.

Filler stuff, I guess.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
I think it's time for a little battle counter!

Btw I have the best battle theme for the final confrontation with the master. Like, I want you to believe me so if you really want me to i'll show it to you know if you need convincing but I also wanna keep it a surprise so if you can trust me on this one then it'll be all the better when we actually do come to face the master.

WAIT. Maybe it'd fit better with D. luco actually... oh gosh... now i'm not sure! I'll think on it... ;)

Anyway, i'll edit this post soon, just going to check some other stuff super quickly.


"How have the countries been coming along, Kanze? I noticed Japan's spaceship fly into orbit." Alyse inquired.

"They've finished developing basic technologies and are putting them to use. Even with USA dropping off the radar, they've made a lot of progress." He went silent for a moment as he considered his home country. "But Japan has finished their space ship as you know. They were particularly selective about their crew, I don't think they wanted to risk taking in an undercover cultist. Anyway, the ship is equipped with high power laser and plasma technology. Switzerland has added to it and have given Japan warp technologies - ha, it's like Star Trek! - so they can escape a situation they don't feel comfortable in. Australia has almost finished their energy shield which should protect from anything massive and Europe has created optimal infantry weapons for use on the battlefield. Other countries are now following suit."

"Cool. Now we need to seriously identify just who it is we're dealing with. I'll go search the galaxy - at first - and see what information I can find. Liha has gone to intercept the spaceship, i'll be bringing them with me."

"Okay. I suggest you add your own enchantments to the ship - it's strong but I still get the feeling it's somewhat of a glass cannon, at least until Australia finishes its work on the energy shield. Make sure these baddies don't destroy the ship, alright?" He sounded tired.

"Yeah. I will."


Just a quick segment to show that the world is developing in their technologies. Feel free to include that info in any segments you give about the earth. =P


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Sorry, just need to get out a little more backstory before we continue with the main plot. The death star is in the earth universe yes? I'm just a tad confused as to where we are and what we're trying to do right now. Anyway, not important right now. :p


The two pokemon champions battled in front of Luco as he walked into the room. "Spiritomb, dark pulse!" Cynthia shouted. Hmm... he watched as the wave traveled towards and hit Accelgor, though the bug pokemon wasn't especially shut down by the move.

"Uhh, maybe, maybe I walked into the wrong roo-"

"Hey Luco!" Pit had noticed him. "I heard you took out the fake master with a tank shot. Good aim!"

"Oh yea... thanks pit." He smiled. Something was troubling him though. "Hey I might be back a little later. Good luck, you two." he said to Cynthia and Alder before departing the room. He walked a little through the ship. He had heard some commotion from one of the other levels but had decided to leave it be for the time being. He paced awhile in the empty corridor.

"Help... me..."

Luco's head shot up. That was...

"Brother... help us..."

Luco could hear someone coming down the hall. I need to be alone for a moment. He immediately teleported himself to outside and on top of the lor. It was cold but he was used to cold - being the water guardian also gave him power over ice. He regulated the snowflakes around him to feel warm without melting. He then closed his eyes.

"Where are you... Dark Luco?" He sent out, warily.



"You have forgotten, I know."

"Forgotten? What is there to remember? You have always been my nemesis!"

"I have? Then let me ask you this. What was your life like before you became the water guardian?"

The question hit him without mercy.

"My... life?"

He had asked himself a few times but an unpleasant feeling assaulted him whenever he tried to remember. The truth was he did not remember the life he had before he became a mage. It was blanked out.

"Yes. Your life. Well?" Luco knew D. Luco had caught him.

"I... I had no life before I was a guardian. Is this some trick, Dark Luco? What are you playing at?"

"This is no trick..."

"I don't believe you."

"Fine. Then I will show you."

The crow nearby that had seen Luco on the top of the Lor, then saw his body shimmer and begin to disappear...

Luco was warped off the Lor.


I'll continue this a little later. ^_^


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Enter a new character!

Street Fighter IV - C. Viper's Theme

New York City, Dark States of America - 1400 UTC

"Many of our agents have mysteriously disappeared...", stated a woman with long, red hair, speaking on the phone. "Has the Interpol found anything?"

"No. Those so-called 'Dark Ones' have hacked the database and removed all profiles of the agents of the FBI, CIA and other American agencies.", stated the person on the phone, another agent of the CIA.

"So, they literally disappeared from the system... And we have no idea where the agents have been taken to.", responded the woman.

"That's what you must find... Although it would be the best choice if you infiltrated the DSA and disguised as one of those fanatics, it's not an option.", stated the other agent.

"Why is that?"

"They are known to drug and hypnotize other people into forcibly following their leader: a mysterious entity they worship and whom they only refer to as their Master."

"Their victims become mindless slaves to that 'Master'... I see. We will have to use other methods to find more information."

"One last thing, Crimson Viper: they appear to have a base of operations in the South Pole. Satellite images reveal a strange black area around the South Pole, as if something interfered with the pictures taken. Whatever it's situated there, they likely want to keep it as a big secret."

"Understood, sir. I will inform the Interpol about this.", stated C. Viper, cutting the call.

Meanwhile in the Lajes Air Base, Azores Archipelago, Portugal...

"I will be a matter of time until these Dark Ones become aware of this base... besides New York, the US bases scattered through the world are the only areas free of their influence.", stated a CIA agent.

"Yes, according to Crimson Viper, some European countries will send some reinforcements to this base. Being situated in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, this base is an important place we must secure.", stated another CIA officer.

"Intel has shown that Japan and Europe have been producing high tech weapons... However, the Dark Ones also possess technology never heard of before.", stated the CIA agent.

"For now, we must secure this base against possible attacks. Those were Crimson Viper's orders.", stated the other CIA agent.

Enter Crimson Viper (from Street Fighter IV), a CIA agent and part of the resistance against the Dark States of America... she doesn't appear to be affiliated with Muhti, though, but she seems to be cooperating with the Interpol.


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Things had suddenly started to get very awkward in the corridor. "So... Your answer then"? Sonic inquired impatiently. His hand still hung in the space between the two, Xiroey stared at it curiously without uttering a word.

"So, that's all then. There's nothing else"? Xiroey said dubiously.

"Look! I said I was sorry alright, I'm doing my best here, the least you could do is give me a response"!

"Okay". Xiroey said, then left it at that.

The air hung still for a few tense seconds. It might not have been a very long period of time to any normal person, but to the fastest thing alive, it was a nightmare! "Well... Fine then". Sonic said, retracting his hand, "welcome back anyway, or whatever"

"Thanks". Xiroey said unemotionally.

Sonic sighed, then began to walk away, "Well, Miss Psycho Cat, I tried doing things the nice way and"-

"But" Xiroey piped up, cutting sonic off as he began muttering to himself "I think you have me confused. I was never mad".

Sonic turned around "Okay NOW what are you trying to say, you honestly want me to believe that you weren't angry this entire ti"- Sonic's angry outburst was cut short a strong pair of arms took hold of him from behind. He looked up in surprise, only to find that Xiroey wasn't standing in the spot he was just in.

"Why would I be mad"? Xiroey laughed "You were only looking out for Mari after all. And besides, everything you said. I've basically been telling myself that this whole time. Only worse".

"Aaacckk"! Sonic protested.

"Oh, I keep forgetting you people need air to breathe" Xiroey joked, then put Sonic down.

"Well..." Sonic said, looking a little flustered.

"Thanks for the apology bud, I'm gonna go see what Charizard wants now, see ya around"! Xiroey said, then turned on his heel and left.

Sonic simply stood there and watched him go.

"Man, I never did understand that kid".


Xiroey found Charizard lounging about in a private room. He was resting backward on a couch, with his tail placed carefully on the edge so that it wouldn't ingite the fabric. As he walked in, the first thing that hit him was the smell of pizza and berry juice.

"Hey, whats going on in here guys"? Xiroey inquired, causing both Charizard and Gengar to look up.

"Dude! You're back"! Gengar exclaimed, while rushing to his feet.

Xiroey 'offed' softly as his friend glomped him hard. "I thought I was going to have to deal with his sour butt for the rest of my life"! Gengar said, releasing him and inclining his head toward Charizard.

"Hey Xiro..." Charizard yawned, ignoring Gengar's jibe.

"Hey buddy"- Xiroey paused "Wait, did you just call me 'Xiro'"?

Charizard rose form the couch, he gave himself a good stretch, then open his mouth and let out a wide yawn. "Yeah... I did... what of it"?

Charizard might've been calm, but Xiroey's head was spinning "You normally call me 'kid'.. or 'shrimp'... or"

Xiroey stopped rambling when he noticed his friend walking toward him. "You talk too much, calm down and have a pizza or two will ya"? Charizard yawned, then embraced Xiroey tightly.

He was so surprised, his brain didn't register the lack of air, and he still tried to speak. "W...Who are you, and.... what did you do with.... Charizard..."?

"Zee"! A cheery voice piped up from across the room. Charizard released Xiroey and turned to yell at the voice" Hey, don't rush me, I told you I was just taking a break to rest my eyes"!

"What are those two yelling about"? Xiroey muttered softly to Gengar.

"Char here hasn't slept since you left" Gengar chuckled "He's pretty much been up everyday playing chess with Z to pass the time".

"But that's..."

"I know! It was pretty scarry, I tried watching the first few minutes... It was like watching a pair of giants duke it out"!

Xiroey lowered his voice further "Any clue who's winning so far"..?

"Don't know" Gengar responded in equal tones "They've been at it for days... I don't even think either one of them has lost a piece"!

"You just gonna stand there in the doorway, or are you going to come in and let Xiroey inside"? Charizard interjected. The hair on the back of Xiroey's neck stood up when he realized that Charizard had been standing behind him the entire time.

"How he HECK do you do that"? Xiroey cried, turning around to face him.

"Do what?" Charizard said innocently "Take a seat would ya, I'm trying to finish my nap".

"Better do as the lizard says mate". Gengar said, walking past him back to his previous spot on the rug.

Xiroey continued to stand there for moment, he was still in shock from earlier; but then the scent of uneaten pizza hit his nostrils again, and his brain kicked back into action.

"Oye! Is that stuff still hot? How did you order pizza in the middle of the demension anywa- Wait, waht do I care! I'm getting me some"!

Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
another short segment back at the lor Richard: All this arguing makes me think were enemies instead of allies. Wesker: Obviously i should've recruited my own umbrella security. Richard: i already did that, when we were hunting the last time gear in our realm i packed my communicator and told them to watch over us, not to mention they're carrying purge bombs with them. Wesker: How many? Since we have 24 ships, one bomb per ship. Wesker: *smirks* Richard: Yes, you know what i mean wesker. Wesker: The destruction of the death star and plenty of firepower. Richard: They should be following the lor any minute now, i hope magolor won't mind. [Segment Done]
I wrote this to tie in with the lor, so no one won't forget it.


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Mario Galaxy - Purple Coins Theme

"Everyone, quick lets move! Lets move! Don't let them penetrate the main wall! Go"! Typhlosion's abnormally deep voice carried a far distance over the plane. Dispite the noises of troops running and spells flying, most had no problem hearing his oders, even from far away.

Among the ranks, Latias pivoted on the balls of her feet and narroly evaded a fire bolt spell from an enemy cultist. He had a black tome in his hand, which he used to help channel his energies into quick barrages of spells. It was only thanks to Latias' speed that she managed not to be overwhelmed. "Your aim is weak" Latias said drily. She stepped smothly between another series of spells. Thunderbolts and fireballs alike continued to whistle past her as she moved with surprising speed and grace. If not for the deadly projectiles everywhere, and the agonized screams of people dying, it might've looked like she was dancing.

"And your defense" She continued, as she managed to get in on the man's space "needs much improvement". She spun and avoided another spell, then slammed the man in the head with the blunt end of her scythe.

"Not bad pipsqueak" A large flaming-haired turtle said from nearby. It felled two nearby cultists successively with a sweep of his claw.

"Not bad yoruself" Latias shot back "Things should get a lot easier for a little while now, I think I just took out one of their leaders".

"Glad to hear it then". Bowser huffed, then turned to deal with another group of cultists who tried to overwhelm him with fire.

For the most part, things were going well for the band of defenders. You wouldn't think such a well organized force could be strung together in such a small amount of time. But somehow, the group had managed to get outside the cities main walls in time to put an end to an end to a surprise raid. Of course, it also helped that Impact City had known about the rise of the Dark Ones for a while. Not much escaped the city's radar. When word spread that major countires of the earth had been under seige, Impact was one of the first to recieve news. Hidden spies were practically everywhere around the multiverse these days.

Typhlosion was positioned at the back of the group. The group he had then might t not have been the one he fought with, but he had the help of serveal other generals to help keep everyone in order. Bowser was one of them.. It seemed like every chance he got to get in on an enemy cultist, another of them would go down screaming.

That goes without saying, Typhlosion certainly didn't slack off any himself.

"What is this? 800 B.C. Who even uses catapults anymore"? Typhlosion cursed. A bulky wooden contraption on wheels was rolled toward the front of the enemy lines. A pair of cultists began cranking a set of levers on both sides, which wound the mechanism needed to launch a large iron ball in the middle.

"Uh-uh, that ain't gonna fly" Typhlosion said, then took a brief second to appreciate the pun he just made.

Latias and a few others managed to spot the contraption as well.

"You three" Latias pointed to a two young men carrying swords and an elderly woman, who also happened to be the City's most famous sorceress. The sorceress nodded "We'll back you child, hurry before that thing punches a hole in our beautiful city"

Latias nodded in turn, then began to rush toward the pair of cultists, who had managed to crank the mecanism through half way. Typhlosion was on his way as well. He ran forward on all fours, and was surprisingly agile to have such stubby arms and legs.

"No, you all focus on fighting, I'll handle this" Typhlosion commanded.

He rushed the first of the cultists, a woman in her middle ages. She had a pained look on her face as the lever gradually put up more and more resistance.

"I don't think so"! Typhlosion roared, causing the pair to pause. He pounced on top of the woman on the left. She barely had enough time to scream in surpise before Typhlosions fangs were at her neck, then she scremed no more. The other cultist, getting over his initial confusion, began working double-time, trying to get the lever cranked in time. Typhlosion snarled at him from the other side of the catapult, then stepped back a few feet and rammed into the side of it with as much force as he could.

An ominous groaning noise was heard and the thing began to topple over. The cultist screamed, seeing a good ton and a half of wood begining to lean over him.

Typhlosion snorted as the cultist was mercilessly crushed by their team's own device.

"This is our city. You and your filthy lot will never get your hands on it. Got that"? He spoke to no one and everyone in particular. Satisfied, at least for the moment, he began his trek to the back of the line. Along the way, he manged to fell a few cultists, most of which were either too preoccupied otherwise to either put up a deefnse, or didn't get out of his way in time.

Things were looking up Slowly but surely and the dark ones were being forced back.

"Yeah! Look at em tremble! What do you say we really give them something to be scared of"! Bowser jeered.

"I'll cover you from behind" Latias said, readying her scythe.

Bowser cocked a bushy eyebrow at Latias' dry professional attitude "You'd best put that fancy weapon of yours to good use then. Otherwise you'll just get in my way". Bowser said, then rushed at the enemy head on.

"My skills are more than adequate, I'm sure you'll find". Latias said, then followed after him.

Together, the two managed to muscle their way through to the other side. They were on much less friendly grounds now, and already spells of variosu types were being aimed directly at them.

"Time to give this 'Master' of theirs a little surpise" Bowser chuckled, claws flashing.


Master Cid gazed pensively at the fight below. Being head of the city, it was natural that his base of operations was situated in one of the highest towers in the heart of Impact City itself. From his vantage point he could examine the entirety of the fight below. Impact troops were steadily forcing the Dark Ones' forces back. It was only a matter of time.

Sighing , he turned away from the window toward the center of the room.

"Good, Commander Floatzel, I could use some good news" Master Cid saluted the water type, who bowed low in return. "Master". Floatzel said respectfully.

"I trust you have something to report"?

"Yes" Flaotzel confirmed, standing back erect, "King Micky has managed to infiltrate several enemy tanks. They'll be of no problem to us anymore. A catapult was also sighted, but Typhlosion managed to disarm it before it could cause any major damage to the City".

"A catapult"? Cid said with raised eyebrows.

"Heh... Hardly believed it myself til' I set eyes on the thing". Floatzel chuckled.

"Well ahh... at least now we know the Dark ones will truly stop at nothing to achieve their goals". Master Cid thought aloud.

"Certainly looks like. Bowser and Latias have also managed to pierce through enemy lines. they've caused major disruptions already, it looks like this fight could very well be over before night breaks".

"Good Good. that's welcome news. Anything else"?

"No Sir, Typhlosion is rallying the rest of the troops forward as we speak, we'll drive these guys back and show em a thing or two. They'll think twice before ever attacking our city again". Floatzel spoke with conviction.

Master Cid nodded at the good news, "We cannot allow ourselves to become lax just yet. As we all very well know, anything could happen before this all ah-"

"Is that a trumpet"? Floatzel piped up, hearing a faint echoing tune from below.

Master Cid's eyebrows went up as well. He turned and ventured back to the window, looking down, he was greeted with a rather peculiar sight.

"They're waving a white flag" Master Cid said.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
The Invasion of the Death Star!

After a few hours on Magolor's ship, the group arrives at Final Destination at long last.

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn - Battle is Joined

"You're finally here...", stated Master Hand upon everyone exiting the ship. "We must prepare for the upcoming battle against the Dark Ones!"

"We will raid the Death Star and put an end to their massive supply of troops. If we manage to destroy this spatial fortress's central generator, the path to the Master's hideout will be open again.", continued Palutena.

"We found out that several cores power the entire space station. We must split into several teams to accomplish this feat in a reasonable period of time.", planned Master Hand.

"That seems a good idea. After all, we cannot risk ourselves into getting killed all at once.", stated the young genius, Jeff.

"I agree. Teams of around five members will do it fine.", noted Snake.

"No doubt those cores are protected by their most elite generals. Our joint efforts will take down the Dark Ones once and for all!", predicted Magolor.

"Teach, I'll come with you and Xiro... and where's Luco, anyway?", stated Mari.

"Luco does seem to be missing...", observed Lucas.

"As much as I hate to say it, we can't dawdle for much longer! We have to attack the Death Star now! Their vile influence is spreading throughout the multiverse much faster than I ever imagined.", interrupted Master Hand, having a sense of urgency in his voice.

"We have no choice then...", calmly stated Pit before raising his head and make a confident stance. "We must end this!"

"The Death Star is divided in several sectors, each powered by its core... each team could go after each of the cores before joining forces to destroy the central core.", directed Palutena.

The group spent some time dividing into teams...

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn - Pray for Victory

"So, your team is Mari, Xiroey, Sonic, Blaze, Magolor and Charizard?", inquired Master Hand.

"Yes, we will take the Chaos and Sol Emeralds to aid in our task.", responded Mari.

"What about the remaining members of Impact?", questioned Arceus.

"They will be together with the Cynthia and Alder. Krookodile, Porygon-Z, Gengar, Spirit and the others. Oh, and Frostwraith's Chandelure told me that him and the rest of Frostwraith's Pokémon wanted to be with us too.", replied Xiroey.

"A Pokémon team... interesting...", commented Master Hand.

"Snake will join with Richard and Wesker to infiltrate the Death Star's Weapon Factory.", told Palutena to Master Hand.

"I will team up with Samus, Pit, Dark Pit and the Rawk Hawk.", stated Captain Falcon.

"What about Crono, his friends and Arc? They haven't appeared much in this story as of late!", reminded Pit.

"They will stay here and join with Luco when he returns.", responded Palutena.

"Is everyone ready?", stated Frostwraith within the Soul Jar. "I'm afraid I can't be joining the fight, but together, you will overcome any obstacle. I'm sure of it."

"Well... if everyone's ready, then hop aboard my ship. We will be near the Death Star in about one hour.", noted Magolor. "Drawcia and Marx will stay on the ship to protect it from enemy attacks."

"Naturally... the Dark Ones must have a battalion of spaceships to defend their most important base.", Dark Pit stated.

"Before you go, you will need our power.", noted Dyntos, God of the Forge.

Light shined in each of the group's members, each feeling empowered and more ready to fight than ever. Entering inside the Lor, taking the Chaos and Sol Emeralds with them, the group heads towards their destination: the Death Star.

Street Fighter IV - Rose's Theme

"I must warn them... my powers will guide me in my next mission...", calmly stated Rose as she walked the streets of a city in the Dark States of America.

"Halt, woman!", yelled a cultist. "Pledge you allegiance to the Master or be killed in his name!"

"I knew this would happen... my visions do not lie...", thought Rose, charging some power before yelling. "Never! I cannot forfeit my mission like this!"

"Prepare yourself to die! The Master's will is supreme!", stated the cultist, ready to fire his laser machine gun.

Predicting his movements, Rose quickly used her powers to reflect the laser shots, the cultist dying by his own fire. More cultists appeared, only to be stopped by Rose's fighting capabilities. Gaining trust from the citizens, Rose explained the situation, giving hope to them before taking off to her destination.

Street Fighter IV - C. Viper's Theme

Meanwhile, in New York City...

"Excuse me, are you the one known as Muhti?", calmly stated C. Viper.

"What if I am?", reacted F. Muhti.

"My name is... well, it doesn't matter. I am a CIA agent. I have been assigned to gather information about the Dark Ones and protect the United States of America."

"Very well... we share a common goal, then. Do you know anything I should know, officer?"

"Of course. These Dark Ones have a secret base in the South Pole... rumors tell that they have a portal leading to... other worlds.", told C. Viper.

"So, that's how they managed to set foot on Earth... Thank you for the information. It will certainly be useful to me.", responded F. Muhti.

"We fight under the same flag, after all... well, I must go. If you will excuse me...", C. Viper stated, as a helicopter flew behind her, the CIA agent entering inside it.

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance - Stratagem in Black Armor

In the Dark Ones' hideout...

"My Master... are you sure about this? That plan could backfire!", stated a cultist.

"DO NOT QUESTION MY AUTHORITY AGAIN! This is the last warning I give you before I kill you!", reacted the crazed Master. "I will use Muhti's soul to create an avatar of myself and finish his future self! Only by using his soul this avatar can match his fighting prowess... After all, I have already assimilated his powers, so I have no further need of his soul..."

Using his powers, the Master creates a body made of black fire shaped like Muhti's body.

"This powerful avatar of mine has the exact same capabilities as Muhti, so he will be a perfect match on a fight! This time, I won't lose against that whelp again!", stated the Master, before teleporting the avatar to New York...

Long segment! But there's still stuff to come!

[collapse="The teams:"]Team Blue: Mari, Xiroey, Sonic, Blaze, Charizard, Magolor
Team Impact: Gengar, Krookodile, Porygon-Z, Spirit, Alder, Cynthia, Frostwraith's Pokémon
Team PSI: Ninten, Ness, Lucas and friends
Team Spy: Richard, Snake, Wesker
Team Hawk: Samus, Captain Falcon, Rawk Hawk, Pit, Dark Pit
Team Luco: Luco, Arc, Crono and his team (will join the fight when Luco returns)
On the Lor: Marx, Drawcia, Tetra, Helmaroc King (defending the ship from the Dark Ones)[/collapse]


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
(((Woo! We're gonna blow up the Death Star! LET'S DO IT!! >:D )))

The outskirts of space, one hour later.

"I don't know, Magolor..." Dark Pit said nervously. "One lone ship against thousands? We might not stand a chance, even with the gods watching over us."

"Ha!" Magolor scoffed. "They might have access to advanced technology, but obviously they haven't even heard of capabilities of Halcandrian Tech, which I invented myself. Watch and learn."

Magolor typed in a command in the Lor's computer, and pressed Enter. The whole ship shimmered for a brief moment before seemingly returning to normal.

"Uh...what just happened?" Marx asked.

"You'll see." Magolor said with a smile. "Now we just have to find a place to land..."

"Uh, hate to break it to you, Mags, but do you not see the GIANT FLEET HEADING STRAIGHT FOR US!?!?" Exclaimed Marx.

Sure enough, the Dark Ones space armada was enormous. Even Sonic was impressed with the sheer size of the fleet. "Jeez, I've seen Eggman build some pretty big stuff, but he's got NOTHING on these guys!"

"Don't worry, we're just going to sail right passed these and land on the Dark Side of the Death Star. They'll never know what hit them." Magolor said smugly.

"I think he's lost it." Xiro added.

As the Lor edged closer to the fleet, the passengers on board grew more nervous by the minute. But once the Lor actually REACHED the fleet, they took notice.

"What the PB and J?" Marx said in confusion.

Magolor laughed. "As I thought. They have no Shadow-Zone detecting technology whatsoever. What armatures!"

"Shadow Zone?" Mari asked.

"I've teleported the Lor to a Shadow Zone." Magolor explained. "Explaining it would greatly confuse you, but in laymans terms, imagine our dimensions in layers. I just moved the Lor up a few layers and voila! We're practically invisible ."

"Magolor, my man!" Sonic praised. "I did not know the Lor could do that!"

"Well, it couldn't, not at first. I added some upgrades after we got the last Choas Emerald from Dark Luco. I figured we needed some extra fire power in the future."

"You figured right!" Sonic raised a hand. "Up top!"

Magolor hi-fived Sonic while the Lor continued to weave through the fleet, eventually reaching the Death Star.

Magolor smoothly landed the Lor in a hidden Docking Bay. "The Shadow-Zone only affects the Lor and those inside it, though. After we step off, It won't protect us."

"At least we have the element of surprise. " Xiro said hopefully.

"That won't last for long." Mari said. "OK, is everyone ready?"

The whole group nodded.

"Then...let's take the Death Star."


"Testing, 1,2,3. Team Blue, do you copy?"

Mari clicked the communicator in her ear. "This is Blue Leader. Reading you loud and clear."

"Blue 1 responding." Said Sonic.

"Blue 2 responding!" Said Magolor.

"Blue 3, ready and waiting." Xiroey answered.

"Blue 4 responding. " Said Charizard.

"This is Blue 5. All accounted for and awaiting orders." Blaze finished off.

"The Lor will act as our Base of Operations." Tetra said through the Lor's supercomputer. "We can track all Teams locations here. We'll alert you when something's headed your way."

"Go get them, dears!~" Drawcia screamed in the background.

"Kick their butts, guys!" Marx also screamed. "Oh, and be sure to give one of the commanders a good solid punch in the face for me, Mari!"

"Will do." Mari chuckled amusingly. "Blue Leader out."

Mari turned to the group. "OK, our ultimate goal is to destroy the Death Star. But to do that, we need to destroy all of the sector cores. We got Sector Core
2 to smash. After we do that, we all head to the Central Core and blast this place to oblivion." Mari paused. "First off, I wanna say something. No splitting up. We'll all die one by one if we all go off on our own."

"Right." Magolor agreed.

"Also...I took notice that two of each of us have a natural ability. So Blaze and Charizard, you cover our rear. Toast anyone that tries to get the jump on us. Magolor and Xiro, you guys are our magical defense. Magic shields and attacks are all on you. I'll try to help out when I can. Sonic and I will take the front, since we both have the fastest reflexes combined and can spot things quicker. Everyone clear?"

They all nodded.

"Good...then let's move it!!"

(((We're gonna blow up the Deeeaath Staaaaarr! :D )))


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
That is no moon! It's a space station!

Star Wars - The Imperial March

"Lord Sidious! The Death Star is under attack! It's Master Hand's army!", alerted a cultist.

"How is that even possible? Our fleet would have destroyed them completely!", reacted the Sith Lord.

"Our surveillance cameras have spotted them appearing out of nowhere.", responded the same cultist.

"So... they got us off guard... Initiate Emergency Protocol 1. All troops are to defend all sectors! I must go warn the Master.", stated Palpatine.

An alarm siren played loudly across the moon-sized space colony, with a robotic voice stating: "Emergency Protocol 1 activated... Intruders on board. All soldiers are to remain on tight guard..."

Death Star Environmental Research Facility - Entrance

"So, they finally fired the alarm... we must head to the core and destroy it!", stated Captain Falcon.

"Right, these cores should shut down this area of the Death Star. The guards inside must have been noticed of our presence, we must stay on our guard.", replied Samus.

"Don't worry, 'cause these guys are no match for the RAAAAWWWK!", loudly stated Rawk Hawk.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Opening / Menu (Metroid Prime) [Subspace Emissary Version]

The corridors were dimly lit and the team was met with some Stormtroopers that were easily defeated. Donning the Three Sacred Treasures, Pit had reliable firepower that pierced through the armor of the Dark Ones' soldiers.

They stumble at a door bearing the symbol of the Dark Ones. Below it, the caption "Death Star Environmental Research Facility" could be read.

"What could be on the other side of the door?", wondered Pit.

"Let's find out... it's locked.", stated Captain Falcon.

"One of those guys has a card...", observed Dark Pit, taking a card from a dead Stormtrooper's body.

"A key card. This should open the door to a member of the Dark Ones. Tight security... the Master is really concerned about the loyalty of his minions.", responded Samus.

Using the card, the access to the facility was granted. Entering the newly unlocked door, the group finds themselves... in a rain forest.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Environmental Noises

"What? Where... where are we?!", reacted Pit.

"It seems to be a forest... it's hot and raining too...", noted Dark Pit.

"Is this really inside the Death Star?", inquired Pit.

"An environment simulator... they must be raising wildlife in their natural hab--", stated Samus, being interrupted.

"Watch out!", said Falcon, forcing Samus and the angels to duck as a rapid living being flew right through them.

"What was that?!", reacted Rawk.

"That thing could have torn us apart in an instant... We have to be careful...", stated Samus.

"It seemed like a reptile of sorts...", observed Dark Pit.

"A dinosaur?", inquired Falcon.

Walking through the tall grass and tropical vegetation, the group advanced through the simulated forest.

"It's awfully quiet here... and blugh! There are nasty insects crawling through my legs...", stated Pit.

"It almost feels as if we're being watched...", added Samus.

"Come on, you cowards! Face the fury of the RAAAW--", began Rawk, before Dark Pit punched his face.

"Keep that mouth shut!", angrily retorted Dark Pit. "We cannot risk ourselves to a certain death!"

Advancing through more vines and other nasty plants, Team Hawk arrives at a small pond with fish swimming.

"Something tells me those fishes won't be so friendly to us...", stated Pit.

"Piranhas... they will surely bite... why would the Dark Ones have these environment simulators rich with wildlife?", questioned Falcon.

"I have no idea... I'm sure we will find out.", replied Samus.

Continuing to explore the jungle, the group is attacked by some velociraptors that were easily taken down with Samus's missiles. Pressing forward, they arrive at a open area, where a cultist awaited, clad in dark red robes bearing the Dark Ones' skull emblem with fire design behind it.

"Hmph... The twin angels look familiar... I shall roast your feathers for being such thorns in the Master's glorious path!", stated the cultist charging fire on his hands.

"Mind controlling others and force them to do your bidding... I won't have mercy on puppets such as you!", retorted Dark Pit.

"Heh... plucking your black feathers will be quite fun... maybe I will use them for pillow stuffing! Hyeh ha ha ha ha ha ha! Now die in the Master's name!", responded the cultist.

Kid Icarus: Uprising - Dark Pit's Theme

Equipped with a pair of Beam Claws, Dark Pit's speed was quite fast thanks to his weapon's light weight. Dodging each of the cultist's fireballs proved easy, shooting some lasers now and then at the cultist.

"The Master will bring his strength to the world! As a servant of His Greatness, I shall not lose to a wimp like you!", the cultist retorted during the battle.

Dark Pit simply ignored the cultist's remarks and remained focused on the battle. He sliced the cultist viciously with his claw's laser blades, dodging each of the cultist's flame spells.

Despite the angel's speed, the cultist managed to grab Dark Pit, who responded with a merciless kick on the cultist's face, causing his nose to start bleeding a little.

"Ugh... you insolent whelp!"

Using his wings' help, Dark Pit managed to climb across a tree, but the cultist used fire magic to burn down the tree, forcing Dark Pit to hop from tree to tree in order to gain height and attack the cultist from above by stabbing the claws on his head and knock him down.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Environmental Noises

Defeated, the cultist lied on the floor, coughing heavily.

"You... idiots... long live... the... Master...! Glory... urrrggh... unngh... Where... where am I? Are you... an angel?", stated the dying cultist. "I... I'm sorry..."

Dark Pit closed the eyes of the dead man, who was another victim of the Master's vile brainwashing.

Dark Pit stood quietly looking down at the dead cultist's body.

"Are you okay, Pittoo?", stated Pit, approaching his black winged twin.

"...I'm fine."

"Another innocent life enslaved by the Master... I wonder how many innocent lives have already been thrown away like this...", noted Samus, speaking with sadness.

"It really makes you question, doesn't it?", stated a man, clad in formal black and blue robes.

"Who are you?", asked Captain Falcon.

"My name... is Goenitz.", the man responded.

The King of Fighters '96 - Trash Head (Goenitz's Theme) (Arranged)

"I am impressed at how far you've made.", began Goenitz. "Anyway... that man there. He was but a normal citizen... he had a normal life, wife and kids... Only to be abducted by the Master himself. Seeing his ferocity in battle wouldn't make you think that, would it?"

The team remained silent.

"The grand question is... when you fight... What do you see in your foe? Is he an obstacle in your path? Or he is a fellow living being? Let those questions sink on your minds... Well, I must go for now. I look forward to see how will you fare against the foes that lie ahead...", said Goenitz before fading away as the wind blew through his robes.

"What a mysterious fellow... Has he been watching us the entire time?", questioned Falcon. "His questions were quite pertinent too."

"I suspect that he knows something we don't.", stated Dark Pit in his deep voice, showing signs of distrust.

"Let's move forward. I believe we will meet with him again.", stated Samus.

Moving with the rest of the group, Pit looked back at the dead cultist with sadness over the fact that they couldn't save an innocent man from the clutches of the tyrannical Master.

Who is this Goenitz guy? His question do make some sense... but is he friend or foe?


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
New York City, USA
“Mr. Prime Minister, I presume that the retaking of Washington is going to occur sooner or later?”, F. Muhti asked at the screen which showed 8 screens; the UK, Japan, Russia, Australia, France, Turkey, South Korea, and Israel attended the electronic meeting.

“Yes, we will begin soon,”, the UK PM stated, “May I ask, is the Doctor with you?”
The Doctor overheard his name and came to the projectors. He smiled his famous grin and greeted the PM.

“Such an alliance, I may say,” the Australian commented on Muhtis squad, only resulting with Muhti nodding and giving a half grin, then all everybody heard was an explosion.

“President of Smashboards!”, one of his temp advisors rushed into the room, heaving in his air as he spoke, “There was an explosion at Times Square, and it seems as though as if there is a dark figure awaiting.”

Muhti looked at the screens and thanked the leaders for attending and rushed downward without the Doctor or Luigi toward the epicenter of the chaos.

As he ran out, people ran past him, screaming as smoke billowed through the streets, as if 9/11 were reoccurring all over again. He sprinted, without seeing any reinforcement and finally reached the Heart of Manhattan. To Muhtis surprise, it wasn’t the Dark Master, but a familiar figure with two dark swords and a fiery flare around him, F. Muhti also spotted a dark heart in the center, looking like a Chaos Heart, but it was way smaller and more darker.

F. Muhti pulled out two of his blades as the lights went off and the sky grew dim as if the Dark Ones were taking over the sky, only it was turning nighttime.

“You there!”, F. Muhti shouted, “HALT!”

The figure didn’t comply, but instead, took out two swords of its own and grinned deeply.

“It can’t be… my soul?”, F. Muhti understood now, the Dark Master finally made use of his soul and now, he had to find a way to retrieve it.

Vs. Muhti Soul

The first lightning bolt electrified, then followed a downpour of rain.
“It ends here!”, F. Muhti shouted as he ran with his dual swords dragging against the ground, when reached his opponent, he took out one of the swords and performed a diagonal swing, Soul jumped back and laughed hastily, in return Soul conjured two black fireballs and threw them at Muhti.

He deflected it with the other sword, it burned slightly, but not heavily.

Another lightning bolt followed as they each rushed at each other, this time, Soul held two shadowy dual swords and Muhti held out a tomahawk. Muhti pressed the tomahawk against Soul, but Soul caught the axe with his swords and threw it up. He then disappeared. Muhti looked around, knowing the trick himself and looked behind himself; nobody. When he turned back again, Soul stood there smirking and slashed his sword at Muhti, which hit him in the arm. Muhti held back the pain, but proceeded to scream as he flew up and threw his own magic balls which were taught by Dimentio. One connected while the other missed. The one that hit Soul, hit him in the chest, and when he flew a little, it seemed as though the heart almost flew out into the open.
Muhti idled for a moment to recalculate of the event that occurred before his eyes. While not paying attention, Soul seized the opportunity and raised his own axe and brought F. Muhti to the ground, which in this case, he was heavily bleeding. He couldn’t move at all at this moment. Soul came up laughing like a mad man. He walked up over to the dying Muhti and raised his own tomahawk.

“HEIL THE MASTER!”, he shouted as he slammed the tomahawk against Muhtis leg, making him experience the pain before passing out and dying.

He howled again in joy.

He raised his weapon again as when he slammed the axe again, Eric came in solo with an Assault Rifle, helping his leader. While Soul was distracted, Muhti conjured his magic again and blasted Soul off of him.

“RUN!”, Muhti shouted as he flew, since he couldn’t walk at this point. Soul noticed what was going on and flew as well to Muhti, leaving Eric alone.

Muhti punched Soul as he flew up to him, and went for the Empire State Building to heal up for a bit.
Muhti arrived feeling weak and damaged, he laid his head against the building and gasped for air. He slowly took out a HP regen, used only for Pokemon, but in this case, desperate times calls for desperate measures. And since he didn’t dare bring out Blaziken since it was raining and if he brought out Dark Arceus, he was screwed with civilians questioning him.

He drank the regen and felt a little better. He got up and limped around the building.

The third lightning flashed and he thought he saw Souls silhouette. He walked around again looking at his surroundings.

“One… two…. Tying my shoe….” A voice said creepily.

“Dimentio, this isn’t funny!”, Muhti said enraged.

“Three…. F-“

Muhti was then flung against the rail of the Empire State Building, having only one arm holding on since his other arm felt weakened.

“I didn’t finish did I?”, Soul came out of the shadows, “ I have the same mindset as you, I knew you’d be here.”
He laughed hastily.

“Well”, he bent down in front of Muhti and smiled mockingly warm, “This little piggy went to the market” he pulled out one of Muhtis fingers.

“This little piggy stayed home,” Another finger.

“Meh, screw it, and all these piggies went wah wah wah, just like their host” Soul laughed as he let go of all of Muhtis fingers, but as that happened, Muhti grabbed onto Soul and brought him down with him.

“THIS LITTLE IDIOT WENT SKIING!”, Muhti shouted as he scraped Soul against the wall, the back of his shirt scrapping against the wall of the building.

Soul caught on and gripped onto Muhti, “BUT THIS ONE WAS WASHED AGAINST THE BUILDING” He then took
Muhti and wiped him back and forth against the wall.

Muhti then regained control and held onto to Soul with both arms, “AND THIS LITTLE PIGGIE WENT WAH WAH WAH, ALL THE WAY INTO HELL!” He shouted as they both landed against the concrete floor, with Souls back against the floor.

Was it over?

Future Muhti awakened in the infirmary, shaking his head and regained his hearing.

“He’s awake!”

“Wha?”, F. Muhti questioned, still not able to hear.

“Well, well, if it isn’t the one who saved me.”, a familiar voice said, that familiar voice was Muhti himself or the present one at least.

Finally Future Muhti caught on and looked around himself, he saw Luigi, Doctor Who, Dimentio, Eric, and Muhti himself standing around him.

“What happened?”, F. Muhti asked, wanting answers of what occurred.

“Well, after the chaos that occurred, I retrieved your soul and was luckily able to resurrect yourself.”, Dimentio said with glee, “Now it’s literally two peas in a pod.” He joked around, but F. Muhti ignored the joke.

“What about NYC? Did the Dark States catch on?”

“No, luckily Eric here was able to do it.”, the Doctor stated, patting Maris brother on the back as he himself smiled with pride that he saved his country.

“And Soul?”

“Dead, disappeared at least, only my soul was there according to Dim.” Muhti stated with his mask on, since he couldn’t look at himself and vice versa.

“Well-a, we got-a business to do eh?”, Luigi said shaking, not wanting to leave haven behind.

“Sadly yes, and that is why I’m leaving Eric in charge of NYC. Eric, I want you to go ahead and conquer
Washington, and I have talked to leaders so that you will lead the USA, first term, if you succeed that is.” F. Muhti said.

“Muhti, I want you to go to the Sahara or at least around there, somebody powerful will be waiting for you. He will lose brain cells, so convince him that he’s with you. The rest of you, we’re gonna pay a visit to the Master by going to the South Pole!”


Muhti is back and about now that his soul was retrieved thanks to Dimentio. His main mission is to meet a powerful man/woman to help him out in the future.

Eric, Maris brother, is left in charge of the army to eliminate the New World Order proponents and claim President of the USA.

And for F. Muhti, Dimentio, Luigi, and Doctor WHo, they'll go to the Death Star and retrieve the Chaos Emeralds that belonged to F. Muhti and defeat the Dark Master alongside the heroes!


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Another chapter in the Death Star!

Walking in the damp, simulated forest, the angels, Falcon, Rawk and Samus steadily defeated some guards patrolling the facility. It didn't stop raining and the heroes were all wet, their feet covered in mud.

They stumble at another door, leading to another sector of the facility...

Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Norfair

"This seems to be a lava cave...", stated Pit.

"Careful, Pit. There are surveillance cameras around this area. If we're spotted, they will likely send their elite troops against us.", warned Captain Falcon.

Walking the rocky path, a few red blobs fall from the ceiling. Those were no more and no less than Red ChuChus.

"Those are Red ChuChus, Pit. They produce a substance that can be used to heal wounds, but you have to defeat them first!", stated Palutena. "Thankfully, your arrows of light will make short work of them."

"Weaklings! Is this the best this Master guy can send against the Rawk? Har har har har har!", loudly said Rawk Hawk, while crushing a ChuChu beneath his bulky fists.

"Sigh...", reacted Dark Pit, upon hearing Rawk's loud voice.

The group walked deeper into the cave, the temperature of the air rising as they walked down the path.

"It's awfully hot here...", stated Pit, sweating.

Samus had her Varia Suit activated to protect from the heat. They were now crossing a high-tech looking bridge over a large pool of lava, where they noted strange lava creatures wandering about.

"Those creatures are originally from Zebes...", commented Samus upon watching the creatures.

"Considering the ChuChus are native to Hyrule, I think we know what is the purpose of this facility... the Dark Ones probably make experiments and raise all sorts of creatures to do their bidding.", concluded Captain Falcon.

Arriving at the other side of the bridge, the group members notice another door, entering inside and finding themselves at a room with more lava. Apparently it was a lava river, with some lava falls around some walls. Closer observation to the complex and Samus concluded that the room they were before was part of a dam that used the lava's flow and heat to generate heat.

Inspecting the area and everyone staying on guard, an alarm is suddenly activated.

"Blast! We have been detected!", reacted Captain Falcon.

"Let them come 'cause the Rawk is here to teach them a lesson! Har har har! Get ready 'cause you're about to get RAWKED!", yelled Rawk Hawk.

A noise is heard and suddenly a large dragon arrives near the group: it was none other than Ridley himself, enhanced with cybernetics and vicious as ever. Space Pirates and Stormtroopers came shortly after.

Metroid Prime - Vs. Meta Ridley

Samus loaded her cannon and Ridley came charging at her. The bounty hunter swiftly dodged the attack and shot a missile at Ridley, damaging him a little.

The Space Pirate leader delivered a swift blow with his tail and followed the attack by grabbing Samus and ramming her against a wall. Noticing this, Pit shot a arrow of light at Ridley to drop her.

Cultists were after Samus as well, prompting her to activate her Morph Ball transformation and detonating some bombs to take down the cultists, rolling between Ridley's legs and, upon returning to normal, she shot a few plasma shots, followed by a missile at her nemesis.

Roaring, Ridley took flight, shooting fireballs at Samus, who got hit by some, but managed to get up and fire more shots at the airborne Ridley, who responded by flying down at high speed, charging at the bounty hunter who predicted and dodged the move, causing Ridley to crash on the rocky surface of the simulated cave.

Angered, Ridley delivered a merciless tail swipe at Samus, knocking her down. Approaching Samus, Ridley attempted to grab her again, but Samus reacted and fired a super missile at her foe, stunning him. This was followed by a charged plasma shot that crippled one of Ridley's wings.

The tides were turned to Samus's favor, but Ridley wasn't one to concede defeat so easily and, despite the crippled left wing, still put more of a fight than expected by attacking quickly with his claws and tail, shooting fireballs from his mouth from time to time.

Ridley came charging at Samus again, who jumped over him and countered with another powerful super missile that hit him on his back, the explosion being powerful enough to send him flying to the lava, defeating him.

More Stormtroopers kept coming and Samus joined the fight with the rest of her team, shooting each of Palpatine's soldiers one by one with her arm cannon.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Norfair
"That's the last of them... whew...", sighed Pit, after defeating countless of Dark Ones' soldiers.

"Look above...", stated Dark Pit, pointing to a crystal shaped object.

"What could that be? A switch?", observed Captain Falcon.

Using the Wings of Pegasus, Pit flew up high to hit the object and confirm Falcon's statement: it was a switch. The switch made another door open, which headed to the Death Star's Geothermal Power Generator.

Arriving at the generator's room, the group noted the lava flowing through a turbine that generated energy. The lava continued to flow to another chamber where its heat was also converted into more energy. This chamber used a small amount of energy generated from the turbine to generate even more energy. Rather obviously, once the turbine was destroyed, the energy production would be cut and, consequently would bring the Jungle and Lava sectors down.

Samus entered in her Morph Ball transformation, while the remainder of the group backed off. Using a Super Bomb, Samus destroyed the generator complex, causing the power to go down, shutting down surveillance cameras and other mechanisms.

With part of the Death Star down, the group advanced towards the rest of the facility...
More yet to come.

Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
(Short segment to get team spy started) Richard: these air-lock doors remind me of our lab at the abandoned ship in our realm. Wesker: This place has a Similarity to ours, but more technologically advanced. Snake: This is not the time to compliment this lab you two- *an alarm goes off* Snake: It's show time. Richard: Here comes trouble! (Some stormtroopers and a cultist enter). Someone can finish the rest, you know why i can't.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
More Death Star stuff.

Team Impact comprised by some Impact members, Pokémon Champions Alder and Cynthia and Frostwraith's Pokémon were assigned to raid an energy generator complex within the Death Star.

Despite the many soldiers guarding the area, they proved inefficient on defending the complex as the Pokémon's abilities far surpassed the fanatical followers of the Master.

"Zee!!", Porygon-Z suddenly screamed.

"Who's there?", reacted Spirit.

A familiar boy with long green hair approached them calmly.

"N?!", noted Alder.

Pokémon Black / White - N's Theme

"You... You haven't learned, have you, Alder?", coldly stated N.

"What are you doing here?", questioned Alder.

"You still bind Pokémon to your control. That is unforgivable! That... goes against all the Master has made me see!", N responded, ignoring Alder's question, yet showing his loyalty to none other than the Dark Ones' Master.

"What ya think? He's gotta be possessed or something, no?", Gengar questioned, whispering.

"Not possessed... brainwashed would be more accurate.", stated Frostwraith's Chandelure, whose personality almost matched his trainer's.

"I will show you how opposers of our cause are dealt with! My friends... please aid me!", stated N, sending Zekrom and Reshiram.

"He's going to unleash his all on us, Cynthia. We cannot falter! Go, Volcarona!", said Alder.

"Garchomp, it's time to fight!", said Cynthia, sending her Garchomp.

Pokémon Trainer
Pokémon Black / White - N Battle! (Remix)

"I am unstoppable and so is the Master! My friends will protect the Master from his enemies!", N declared. "Zekrom... use Dragon Claw on Garchomp! Reshiram, attack Volcarona with Draco Meteor!"

The dragons attacked mercilessly both opponents, knocking both Volcarona and Garchomp in one hit.

"This is starting worse than I expected...", reacted Alder as he saw the ferocity of both Reshiram and Zekrom's attacks.

"There's something definitely abnormal about the Dragon-types... they are more aggressive.", noted Cynthia.

"Guys... is it just me or there's some sort of evil aura around Reshiram and Zekrom? It strangely seems familiar, don't you think?", Frostwraith's Chandelure stated, looking at the Impact members.

"It can't be!", reacted Spirit.

"Yep... both Reshiram and Zekrom were turned into Shadow Pokémon.", stated Krookodile.

"Bingo!", stated Chandelure. "Those are Shadow Pokémon... I don't think Cynthia and Alder stand a chance against N."

"So... we need to think of something.", said Frostwraith's Froslass. "Dragons are weak to Ice, so I could use my powers to stop them... however, it is still too risky."

"Vanilluxe, go!", meanwhile stated Alder, as he sent his Ice-type Pokémon.

"Glaceon, use Blizzard!", ordered Cynthia, just as she sent her Glaceon.

Vanilluxe and Glaceon's combined Blizzard moves proved to be efficient, yet the Dragon-types didn't hold back. As Shadow Pokémon under the command of a brainwashed N, they were a force to be reckoned with and their bloodlust wouldn't be easily sated.

Reshiram viciously attacked Vanilluxe with his Fusion Flare move, knocking Vanilluxe down instantly. Consumed by a bloodthirsty rage, Zekrom attacked Glaceon with a powerful Focus Blast, also knocking him down easily.

Alder sent his Excavalier, while Cynthia sent out her Spiritomb.

Cynthia's Spiritomb attempted to use Hypnosis on Reshiram, only to be outran by Zekrom, who unleashed a powerful Bolt Strike on the Ghost and Dark-type Pokémon that sent it flying and rendering it unable to fight.

"That is what happens when you attempt to harm my friends...", stated N, speaking in a monotone, saying the words very quickly.

Escavalier was easily crushed by Reshiram's Blue Flare. With each of the Champions having lost three Pokémon, N has an enormous advantage against the Champions.

"Not even the Champions of Sinnoh and Unova can't stand against the Master's might. Truly, they are not so worthy of such title.", coldly stated N before ordering both Reshiram and Zekrom to attack Alder and Cynthia themselves.

"Oh, no you don't!", yelled Frostwraith's Chandelure, unleashing his Psychic powers to hold back Zekrom for a few seconds.

Frostwraith's Froslass followed and also used her Psychic powers to hold Reshiram back.

"Z, use Trick Room NOW!!!", yelled Chandelure.

Porygon-Z made a few wacky movements before using the move. The plan succeeded and the distorted dimensions allowed Cynthia and Alder to escape from N's Pokémon.

"My friends, I don't know what they have done to you, but I must make you walk the right path... even if by force.", stated N.

"Oh, sure... the Master's righteous path.", sarcastically responded Chandelure, whom N understood perfectly.

"No! What have they done to you?! You... m-must be eliminated! Zekrom, attack!", said a maddened N.

"You forget that your fancy dragons are at a disadvantage with Trick Room on play, now don't you?", angrily provoked Chandelure. "Spirit, now!"

"All right!", responed Xiroey's bother, transforming from his human form to a green Latios.

"It's Luster Purge time!", yelled Frostwraith's Rotom with a child-like enthusiasm.

Spirit's power proved to be a match against Zekrom and Reshiram. Both the black and white dragons attempted to retaliate, but missed their moves, giving room for Spirit and Frostwraith's Hydreigon to unleash their Draco Meteor attacks on both Zekrom and Reshiram.

"My friends... were defeated?!", reacted N. "NO!!! YOU WILL PAY, YOU WILL PAY!!!"

Frostwraith's Chandelure slowly approached N discreetly and started to use Hypnosis on him, putting N in a hypnotic trance, causing the young trainer to fall asleep.

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn - Eyes of Rage

Meanwhile, in the Dark Ones' hideout...

"Why are my plans failing?! WHY!!!", manically yelled the Master, shaking his host's body's arms erratically. "Centuries of planning and it's all failing?! DON'T THEY KNOW WHO I AM?! The Alpha and the Omega of all that exists?! Aaaargggh!"

"But, my Mast--urk!", said a cultist, before being killed by the Master.

"SILENCE! I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU!", roared the Master as he killed the cultist.

He continued to walking around his room like crazy and overall shaking and hitting the table, not too different than a child throwing a massive tantrum.


The Master is just having a breakdown. He will be his usual self after this... oh wait. :evil:


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
The Death Star, Sector 2

"The Master is all knowing, right? So...if we, like, goof off or something, he'll know, right?"

The cultist merely acknowledged the other with a nod. "You wanna know the real reason I joined?"

"...Uh...Not Reall-"

"First off, the world is fu*ked." The cultist continued. "Secondly, the Master gonna kill anyone who gets in his way, including those Forum Fighters and Impact and Master Hand's brats. Better join the winning side while you're still alive. And thirdly, there isn't a force in the Multiverse that can destroy the Master anyway, so were all pretty much screwed. UNLESS you side with him. So that's what I did."


"Nope. The Master doesn't care what happens to me, you, or those brats. No if, ands, or buts about it. You wanna know why? Cuz he's as crazy as hell."

"Heh, I actually agree with you."

The two cultists both looked behind them and saw Mari levitating upside down in the air. "Now, what was it that you called me?" She asked with a happy tone. "A...brat?"

"Sh*t!" One of the cultist screamed. "How the fu*k is she doing that?!?"

"Why don't you ask my Teach that?" Mari pointed back in front of them. When they did, Sonic was waiting for them with a double supersonic punch to the face. Both of the cultists fell to the ground in a heap.

"That's...78 for me, 84 for you. I'm catching up!" Sonic smiled. "All clear!"

"You guys are having way too much fun with this, aren't you?" Xiro asked as the rest of Team Blue all appeared out of thin air, thanks to Magolor's invisibility spell.

"Are you kidding me?!" Sonic said giddily. "This is exactly what those jerks deserve! And being the one that serves them that punishment? I say, more please!"

"...You kinda sounded like Shadow for a minute there." Mari joked.

"I did?"

"A little."

"Can we get a move on?" Charizard said impatiently.

"Oh. Right. Onward!"

Team Blue quickly went back into formation and dealt with any Dark Ones that happened to cross their path. Fortunately, Mari's strategy was perfect. Blaze and Charizard handled the fire, Xiro and Magolor handled the magic, and Mari and Sonic were the front lines of defense: a speedy defense, to be exact.

A few minutes and countless felled Dark Ones later, (in truth, both Mari and Sonic lost count and agreed to a draw) they found themselves in a very wide room with almost no light whatsoever. Mari and Magolor both casted light spells and the room was instantly flooded with bright light.

"Wonder why it was so dark in here?" Sonic asked no one in particular.

"Hahaha...." A cold laughter filled the room, putting all of the teammates on edge. "Oh, Sonic, Sonic, Sonic...I've told you time and time again, but it just doesn't seem to get into your silly little head, does it?"

A sudden blast of black shot into the air, breaking the light spell and plunging the room back into darkness.

"I'm at my best in the shadows..."

All of the hair on Mari's neck stood up as she realized who it was. "Mephiles..."

"You're kidding me..." Xiro materialized his swords, ready for battle.

"What's it going to take to kill this guy?!" Mari sighed in frustration. "I thought I got rid of you on the Halberd's Revenge..."

"Mmm...that you did, Mari. I was actually quite shocked to find that a lovely girl like yourself could banish me to another dimension...and it took some doing to get out, for your information."
Mephiles's voice was everywhere at once, so it was hard tell where he was.

"I...I what?" Mari had a confused look on her face. "I banished you?"

"You mean you didn't know...?" Mephiles asked curiously. "So...that means..."

Mari felt something scraping against her neck, and almost screamed when she saw sharp claws dancing across her skin. Mephiles's voice was in her ear. "You couldn't banish me even if you wanted to..."

"Hey! Get your filthy hands off her!" Xiro slashed the space behind Mari, but Mephiles just evaporated into a dark mist and laughed.

"Do you think you all, a hedgehog, a alien, a girl, a dragon, and a half possessed Eon, can defeat the all mighty Master?!" Mephiles's persona suddenly shifted to an angrier mood, and Mari could see in the darkness his eyes change from lime green to a blood red. "Guys...you are not going to believe this... I think Mephiles has been brainwashed."


"I know him, and he thinks he's some kind of superior being." Mari explained. "So -- wouldn't say something like, 'the all mighty Master' or whatever..."

"Are you saying that Mephiles was brainwashed this whole time?!?" Sonic yelled.

"Enough of this foolishness!" Mephiles screamed. "Now you will all die in the name of the Master!"

(((So...is Mephiles the Dark brainwashed? Or is he really accepted his role as a Dark Ones pawn?

....naw, he's brainwashed. ;) )))


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Well lets get back into the mix!


Luco found himself in empty space. In front of him was Dark Luco. "Hey!! I didn't ask to be here! What are you doing?? I KNEW this was some trick!" He was going to cast a spell, any spell at Dark Luco, when he noticed something: Dark Luco didn't have eyes or veins of darkness. They were normal... his eyes were like faded gold and green.

"We don't have the time, Luco. This is a big risk on my part, I know you hate me but for once just listen. Please, just listen..."


What's going on?

"Okay." Luco observed the surroundings around him change to a scene.

It was a birth on earth, from many years ago. He saw two young infants who had just been born, one in each hand of their mother. "Who is this?" Luco asked. The feeling he got when he tried to think about these things was present: He felt sick to his stomach - no, to the bone.

"I thought you might have forgotten but I wasn't entirely sure." Dark Luco replied. The scene changed suddenly and Luco was now viewing his universe as a whole.


"Our universe goes by certain laws. Many of these laws are shared by others and in some universes the laws are entirely different. But ours are things such as how physics work, our elements and chemicals, and so on... but we also have special rules regarding magic, most specifically guardians of the four 'classical' elements - Earth, fire, air and water."

Luco understood. "What are you trying to say?"

"Hold on, i'm not finished. When a guardian of one of the four elements dies, a new one from the universe is chosen. However, when the universe was created, a few rules were set in place. The idea was that a guardian shouldn't live forever, so in the event that they became corrupted with power or couldn't fulfill their duties, they would be culled so a new guardian could take their place. If they hadn't died by normal means - that is, being killed by magic or bullets or... you get the idea - they'd be killed eventually by their dark mage."

Luco frowned.

"However, it is expected that at the worst, a rogue guardian will find one of the few ways to make themselves invincible as well as immortal. There are very few people who have found methods of becoming invincible that we know of - we can only assume the status was put in so people could face the toughest of adversity and come through for the greater good - and the way changes randomly so as to be harder to find - but a good example is of the legend of Achilles, who was dipped in a river with all but his heel to make him invincible. That river then disappeared a few years after his death, which was, an arrow to his heel."


"Well what i'm trying to say is, even 'invincibility' was given limits. Achilles had a weakness of his heel but there would have been another way to kill him and the same method is used for guardians who attempt to become immortal - a person of blood ties to you can kill you as normal. This was the idea behind creating the mirror mage. The universe is a cruel place, though. It was left to continue on its own after a long while and in that time, it had a hiccup. I suppose you could think of it as a malfunction. Dark Mages were originally meant to kill their counterparts only when they became rogue. Until that time, they would be kept in stasis. This was the original reason for erasing the guardian's memories of when they were human: The dark mage was kept hidden away in their own pocket dimension (and thus there was no need to erase THEIR memories, so the idea went) until the time came and they didn't want guardians agonizing over the fact that their relative would try to kill them if they went mad. However, after the hiccup, dark mages were immediately woken and would try to kill their counter mage as soon as possible. They were robbed of their will to do so in every place but their pocket dimension.... for a time. In fact, only for a few days. Then no matter where they went they would be in the mindset to kill their counter mage."

"So why are you 'normal' here?"

"Another malfunction, this time to our advantage. Occasionally anywhere I will revert to my normal mindset, sometimes for a few moments and sometimes for a couple hours. In these moments I tried to find a way to break out and communicate with you - I never knew how long it would take for me to reach you and I was afraid I would suddenly turn and attack you, seeing as I never knew exactly how long I would be in normal mindset for. However, what I did find was a spell that would turn a small space of my owning into a place where I was my normal self for a set time, one that I knew. That is, I am me for about twenty more minutes, so we need to be quick." He looked as if he had a great deal of urgency in his eyes.


"So you're saying... the first child in the first thing I saw here... was me... and the other, was..."

"Me, yes. We're brothers, twins even."

That was the trigger. Realization flooded over Luco as a conglomeration of memories added themselves to his mind. He remembered how he used to play on the beach with...

"Del... brother!" Luco looked at his brother again. The half-smile he always had, almost like he was embarrassed. His face was warm like always.

"We don't have much time. We can over-ride the universe now. The power of our wills can turn things right again. We can even let the other guardians know. Focus, focus on those memories we have..."

They put their heads together, Luco thought for a moment he saw his brother's eyes beginning to darken again. No....

"Focus, put the energy in and I can direct it! NOW!"

Luco felt a gigantic amount of energy leave him, through Del and into the cosmos. Del fell down on to his knees and sat on his legs, head held down.

"Brother? Brother?? DEL?!?"

Luco sat down and looked into Del's eyes. They had gone black again but he wasn't moving as if he had turned back into a dark mage. "Brother, Del, I love you, please, don't go again, please!"

Del's eyes looked empty.

"Please...." Luco felt tears roll down his face as he hugged his brother tight.

A teardrop fell onto Del's shoulder.



"B... brother?"

Luco pulled back and looked into Del's eyes again: They were shining a brilliant golden-green. "Luco!" He was hugged back by his brother. With the hug, Luco felt his energy returning.

"Now, we need to get back to help our friends."

"Ahh of course." Del shook his head a moment. "Where are they? Somewhere in our universe? Since this pocket dimension is connected, we can travel there now."

"Yes... they'll have assaulted the Death Star now. Lets warp there."

"Any restrictions on warping?"

"They'll have barriers... but our combined strength should allow us to pull through. Besides, the group will probably be in the center of the star by now anyway."

"Okay... lets do it, together, brother."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

In the center region of the death star, Luco and Del appeared. They were in a corridor. Everything was calm but Luco could see scanners at every few metre intervals - if they crossed one, alarms might go off.

"I see, the other groups haven't come here yet. I'm going to try to contact them now." Luco sensed friendly presences in several sections. He took a couple minutes to locate Mari.


"Luco, where have you BEEN!?"

"It's kinda complicated... can you explain what's been going on?"

"We're trying to shut down individual power cores so we can reach the center. Where are you now?"

"Oh! Hah... yea we might... be in the center."

"We? Did you pick up Crono, Ark and their group?"

"Wha??? I was meant to pick them up?"

"Well duh! You were meant to assault one of the other power cores! But seeing as you're in the center, maybe you can work from the inside to clear us a path in! How did you get in anyway... and who are you with!?"

"Hard to explain... Anyway, warp them to your location and try to travel to some point. Keep a tracker on our locations so we can meet up. It took quite a bit of power to warp in here and I suspect any mages around the area will have sensed the disturbance, so i'd rather try to lay low and get to you guys for now. See you there!"

Del was observing the surroundings. "The sensors will go off at anyone not in uniform or robed with a certain code, like a barcode. However, teleporting all the way will take considerable energy. So I guess that means..."

He stepped across the path of a sensor.


The alarm could be heard throughout the whole station. "I guess we're in for it now!" Luco shouted, as he heard the footsteps of cultists coming towards them from a nearby corridor. "Lets skedaddle!"

They began to fly through the corridors. "Oh, by the by Luco... I think this is yours!" Del tossed a small shining gem across as the flew. Luco caught it and felt his energy restore as the gem dissolved.

"I think that's one gem away from full power!" Luco shouted. I've got heaps of miscellaneous magics I can use now... and everything else is stronger. I'm almost there!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BxJY65vCfIA (one of the most epic themes I have ever heard! Been saving this!!)

They kept flying as Luco kept tabs on his friends' positions. "Turn right here!" He shouted. "Now straight ahead!"

They kept going, knocking out stormtroopers and cultists alike along their way.

"Now right!" Luco shouted. "We're getting close!" They turned right and stopped. In the center of the corridor ahead stood a cultist in deep black robes. "A general?" Luco said aside to Del.

"I don't know... but he can be taken out like any other i'm sure. The master's fatal flaw is that he doesn't bother buffing his followers up much because he thinks that would be a sign of weakness. That is, if this guy dies, it's not like he'd have a reviving spell cast on him because the master would think he's weak."

Luco was in thought as the black-robed figure began to chant a spell. "Hey Del, you remember that old martial arts technique we used to practice when we were young? The one which require two people?"

"Yeah... you have something in mind?"

"You betcha. Lets try a little variation on it..."

The spell launched at them was surprisingly strong - it took more than a little effort to dispel it. "Fine, now it's our turn!" Luco threw at the cultist. "Not in the name of our lord, the master!" He shouted.

"Yea, about that... we're kinda here to, you know, stop him?"


"K, if you wanna keep believing that..." Luco signaled to Del.

"Heeeaaaaarrrr!!!" They ran straight at the cultist together, both charging spells. They then separated, bounced off the walls of the corridor, came together, hi-fived (for effect!) and launched with the other hand their spells. The two balls of water circled around each other, going straight for the cultist. He reached up a barrier to protect himself from the orbs but they suddenly split from circling each other and went around and behind the cultist, hitting him square in the back and forcing him forward... straight into the open palms of Luco and Del, rigged with gigantic icicles. The two ice lances went straight through the cultist and out the other side. He coughed up blood. "You... will die... by the master..." his head slumped, then his body as Luco and Del willed the icicles to disappear.

"He didn't revert? We might have been able to save him." Del asked.

"I think he must have been one of the original and first followers of the master. He probably joined of his own will when he thought there was no other way or something."

"Yeah. Well, where are the others?"

"Once they shut down their core, they'll want to find a way to where we are. We can blast through this wall at the end to reach their sector."

They charged spells and blew the wall apart, minimizing noise in the case someone on the other side wasn't friendly. On the other side was a huge drop. They climbed to where they blew out the wall and looked in. They saw a gigantic room with what looked like a small generator in the middle. There was a bridge on both sides from the generator to the end of the room. On the bridge on either side of the generator stood what looked like armoured knights with dark auras around them. "Our best bet is to wait in silence until Mari and her group come in to destroy the generator. We can help out from the sidelines but we want the element of surprise." Luco made the hole Del and he had made shimmer and a faint silhouette of normal wall appeared there. "That'll make it look like we haven't broken the wall through, on either side. We'll climb into the walling and watch the generator while we wait for Mari's group to come in and blow it up."

Del nodded. They climbed into the space where the hole was and watched together.


Well THAT was a long segment... but it was important! Basically D. Luco is actually Luco's brother, named Del. They're now in the walling between the center sector and the room which has the generator team Blue is trying to destroy. They'll wait and help out from the sidelines if Mari's group has any trouble with the knights at the generator.

Hope you enjoy!


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Ah right!

Hope you don't mind the somewhat brutal way I deal with this, Richard. =D


Richard zipped between stormtroopers: He'd give Sonic a run for his money. His destination was the cultist at the back. He rushed at him with feral speed and lifted him off the ground by his neck. The cultist panicked all the way to his death. Richard snapped his neck and used his body as a shield to defend against shots from stormtroopers. Snake had taken advantage of the distraction and had planted C4 under the enemy's feet. Wesker stepped back.


A gigantic flash lit up the room and all that Richard could hear for a moment was a strange 'eeeeeee' in his ears. His eyes adjusted back to the room and the ringing in his ears eventually faded. The stormtroopers were finished and the only ones left in the room were the three spies. "Even I hate being so close to C4..." Snake commented. "Can we keep it stealthier from now on?"

Richard smiled. "Yes. Let's continue."

The team sneaked stealthily on...



Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
"You can't take us all on, Mephiles." Magolor said. "You're hopelessly outnumbered."

Mephiles raised an eyebrow at the wizard. "And you can't hope to defeat me when I can do THIS!"

The demon gathered all of the shadows in the room and absorbed them into his body. He began to change, with strange crystalline-like armor replacing his fur and claws. His feet seemed to disappear in a cloud of darkness as he rose from the ground.

"Oh, no..." Sonic gasped, recognizing this form. "Careful, guys: he's a lot more dangerous when he's like this..."

"Oh, and YOU would know that better than anyone..." Mephiles teased, his transformation complete. "Tell me, Sonic...do you feel that cold, heavy feeling in your heart? Not sure what that is? Well, allow me...it's FEAR, hedgehog. Pure, undiluted fear."

Sonic gritted his teeth. "I'm not afraid of you. Not even a little!"

"Not even a TEENY bit?" The demon asked, clearly enjoying messing with the blue hedgehog's mind. "Not even when I cut through your weak heart? Not even when I fused with Iblis? Not even when I-"

"ENOUGH!!" Suddenly cried out Blaze. She threw a huge fireball straight at Mephiles's direction, but he laughed and easily backhanded it away.

"You...have no idea how many have suffered because of your wicked acts and twisted lust for destruction!" Blaze shouted, a burning fire of rage in her eyes.

"Twisted?" Mephiles scoffed. "I am merely giving humanity what it deserves! And when the Master sees that I have brought him your bleeding heads, he will reward me with great power!"

"Ooooooh, yeah, he's DEFINITELY been brainwashed." Mari said. "He would NEVER say that..."

"Grrr...and for denying me, lovely Mari, YOU will be the first to die by my claws!"

Vs. Mephiles, Second Forme

Mephiles first manipulated the shadows to create perfect clones of himself, one to counter each of the members of Team Blue. But, keeping true to his previous statement, they all lunged at Mari. She rolled off to one side and casted as many light spells as possible in the space of a few seconds. After that, Mari willed them to circle her in a ring of light, which glowed with magical energies. She spoke a short incantation, and the ring of light solidified. She quickly grabbed her new weapon and jumped into the air, using her impressive speed to slash through one of the clones. A second later, it vanished.

"Neat trick!" Sonic gave her a thumbs-up.

Mari returned the gesture and went back to work. Sonic watched her for a few seconds as she helped Xiro make mince-meat out the rest of the clones. But for every clone felled, two more took its place. Sonic knew that the REAL Mephiles would try to sneak around and surprise them with a fatal blow. Looking closely, he watched the shadows around the edge of the room. He could see a few clones hiding out, but one of them was just leaning back, not doing anything, relaxing...

And staring right back at him.

"Found ya!" Curling up into a ball, Sonic spun in place to build up power for his Light-Speed Attack. Suddenly, he shot forward like a rocket, giving Mephiles no time to counter. Strangely, though, he didn't move. The blue blur slammed into the wall, making a fairly large dent. "Ha! How'd you like that, you...wha?" When Sonic stood up, Mephiles was no where to be found. "Was it another clone?"

"Oh, you poor, poor hedgehog...tut, tut..." Sonic turned around. His emerald green eyes met with 5 pairs of lime green ones. "You've become so gullible, it's not even funny anymore." The clones all said at the same time. Then they all extended their right hands and a faint ball of Dark Chaos energies appeared.

"Oh, cra-"

Meanwhile, Blaze was burning her way out of a mob and Charizard was busy Fire Blasting and Flamethrowing as many clones as he could. "There seems to be no end to them..."

"The real one has to be around here somewhere! Keep searching!" Magolor summoned up star-shaped portals in the ground and brought forth dozens of spikes, impaling the clones en masse.

"Nice glowstick." Xiro stood back to back with Mari, using his swords to keep the clones at bay.

"Glowstick?" Mari arched an eyebrow. "Really?"

"Well, I don't see how it can get us out of this."


Muttering another incantation, Mari's ring of light sprouted blades, looking a little like an oversized saw. She flung it outward, and the weapon made a full sweep of the room, slicing through a good portion of the clones like cotton candy. It returned to Mari, who caught it smoothly in her hands. Then she turned back to Xiro like it was nothing. "Well?"

"...I stand corrected." Xiro said.


"Oh, sweet Chaos, SOMEONE help me!" Both Xiro and Mari looked up to see Sonic running UPSIDE DOWN on the ceiling trying to avoid the merciless onslaught of the Mephiles clones, who were tearing up the place.

"...How is he doing that?" Asked Xiro.

"I've...sometimes wondered that myself..." Mari answered.

"Hello! Are you gonna help me or not?!" Sonic yelled from above.

Help came from a different person, however, and that person turned out to be Chrono. Using his katana, he redirected his Lighting magic towards the mob of dark clones, destroying them and giving Sonic enough time to run down the wall to safety.

"'Bout time you guys showed up!" Sonic slowed to a stop and paused to punch the lights out of a nearby clone. The rest of Luco's team joined the fight, and slowly began to turn the tide of the battle.

"FOOLS!! All of you!" The clones cried all at once. "Drown into Darkness!"

The clones all melted into a dark, sticky substance that covered the floor, dragging all of Team Blue and Team Luco deeper into the floor. If they didn't do something soon, they would be consumed and possibly suffocate.

Mari struggled against the dark quicksand, and even tried to slice it open with her ring of light, but nothing worked. "Well, guys...any ideas?"
(((Physics got nothing on Sonic! XD

All joking aside, Team Blue and part of Team Luco are facing Mephiles in his crystalline Forme, when suddenly he surprises them all when he summons a consuming darkness that threatens to bury our heroes and heroine alive.

Xiro or Luco can continue the battle. :) )))


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
(((It's short, but read it anyway. :glare: )))

Dark States of America, 10 miles from Washington, D.C.


The young male, who had dark colored hair and eyes, picked up his head and looked toward the soldier that called him. "Yes?"

"We'll be arriving at Washington soon. Your orders?"

The young adult put his hand to his chin and sighed. "Lay low and keep an eye out for any Dark Ones forces. Our mission is to take back D.C., and if we do that, we take back America."

"Yes, sir..."

He paced back and forth across the room. He was holding something in his hand, a piece of paper or a letter. The male looked rather nervous...

"Permission to speak freely, sir?"

He looked at him in surprise, but he replied, "Granted..."

"Is...something troubling you, Eric?"

Eric knew that the soldier would say something like that, so he told him. "It's...a family matter, it's the least of our worries."

"Family issues should be addressed as soon as possible, sir."

"Not when the fate of the world is at stake..." Eric sighed heavily. He walked up to the soldier and gave him the paper he was holding. "You seem trustworthy...I want you to go back to NYC and give this to the one called Muhti."

"Yes...but, what is it, sir?"

"It's...a letter explaining why I can't take the role of President...call it a pre-resignation letter or something..."

"What? Why?" The soldier asked.

"You can read it, if you want. I've given a fair share of excuses in there...but I think, in the end, Muhti will know the real reason why." Eric explained. "After we take back Washington, I'm going to Mobius, Spagonia."

"Er...why, sir?"

"Because that's where people last saw her."


"...My sister."

Eric looked back into the distance. "I've...haven't seen her since she was a baby...and I'm guessing she hasn't been keeping tabs on what's happening on Earth. Oh, but I've been keeping tabs on her...at least, until the Dark Ones invaded. All I've heard now is that she was off training in some temple...on Mobius. So that's where I'm going after this."

"Sir...that piece of info is weeks old. Your sister could be-"

"DON'T remind me..." Eric replied coldly. "Just...ready the troops or...do something useful..."

"...Yes, sir."

As the soldier left, Eric grabbed the assault rifle on the wall and reloaded it for the battle to come. As he readied himself, though, he muttered:

"Where are you, Mari?"
((((Just something to tie a few loose ends. :) Muhti can write the Washington takeover. ))))


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
This segment will be quite... icy.

"Wh-where... where am I?", mumbled N, as he slowly opened the eyes, as if awakened from a long sleep.

"So... you're awake already.", Alder responded as he heard N's voice.

"What happened?", inquired N.

"You have been brainwashed to serve the Dark Ones. This is one of their bases.", responded Cynthia.

"Where are Reshiram and Zekrom?", asked N.

"They are being purified by Celebi. They too were consumed by the Master's darkness.", stated Frostwraith's Chandelure.

"I know I must do something...", whispered N, getting up. "Kyurem is somewhere close..."

"Could the Dark Ones be using Kyurem for something? We must find out at once!", responded Spirit, now in his human form.

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - Snowpeak

Team Hawk, whose members were Samus, Captain Falcon, Rawk Hawk, Pit and Dark Pit, continued to explore the Environmental Research Facility of the Death Star. They entered the third sector which was an icy mountain range.

"They have entire ecosystems in this space station... Quite impressive.", stated Captain Falcon.

"The Dark Ones likely have some form of distorting space... this is an entire mountain range here...", observed Dark Pit.

"And likely use technology than no one has heard of before...", continued Samus.

They kept moving through the ice field. Snow fell slowly and a chilling wind blew gently. Beneath the snow was solid rock so damp it was hard to walk on.

"This is deserted... it almost feels unnatural.", stated Pit.

They spend a good amount of time walking on the ice in the virtual environment. Eventually, they found a hooded figure clad in dark blue clothing: another of the Dark Ones.

"The path to foolishness is corrected with discipline and harsh training...", said the cultist in a monotone voice, before teleporting away.

The cultist immediately appeared in another place.

"The Master's world is a world where the laws of nature take over...", he continued, before fading away.

Appearing in the same place where he was, he utters yet another phrase: "Opposers will be dealt with as coldly as the ice you step in..."

Materializing a spear made of ice, the cultist takes on a battle stance.

"I am a cryomancer on the Master's service! In his name, I will claim your heads on this very pike I wield!", the cultist stated.

Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door - Rawk Hawk Battle Theme

The cultist attacked Rawk Hawk first, using an icy spell against the Glitz Pit fighter.

"You wanna take on the Rawk? You gotta prepare for a RAAWWWWKING!", loudly stated Rawk Hawk after he blocked the attack.

"Die...", retorted the cultist attempting to impale Rawk Hawk with his spear.

"Is that all you can do, punk? These babes crush that icy stick with no effort!", retorted Rawk Hawk, punching the cultist and sending him flying a considerable distance.

"Strength alone... it is useless on one who's a mere meathead... the supermacy of the Master is leagues ahead of the likes of you...!", aggressively said the cultist, still keeping a low voice.

The cultist attempted to attack Rawk Hawk again with his spear, only to be grabbed by hawk.

"Whatever ya say, punk. You're the one being RAAWWWWWKED!", yelled Rawk Hawk as performed a suplex on the evil ice mage.

"...Die...", the cultist responded as he unleashed a massive icicle.

Rawk easily shattered the icicle with one punch, then proceeded to do a massive backflip, leaning on a wall, jumping and diving at the cultist as the latter prepared another spell.

"Harharharharhar! Is that all you got, punk? You ain't got nothing on the champ! How does it feel to be RAWKED?", mocked Rawk Hawk.

"Embrace the cold...", whispered the cultist, as a hexagram appeared around him.

A blizzard began to blew towards Rawk Hawk and the fighter couldn't move due to the cold.

Pit intervened by shooting an arrow of light at the cultist to interrupt the spell.

"Afraid of a little light, baby? I still got some moves to show ya! You messed with me and now ya board the pain train, pal!", said Rawk Hawk as he jumped on the cultist, grabbed him by his neck and, while still grabbing the cultist, he spun his arm around before throwing the cultist brutally to the floor.

The cultist attempted to get up, but he was far too injured to accomplish that.

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - Snowpeak

"The Master's will... it is supreme... I may be dying... but at least... I die with glory... I die in his name! Long live... the Master!", stated the cultist, using his remaining strength to praise his Master. "My death... it means... nothing...!"

With the cultist dead, the group advanced towards the next sectors of the facility.


Meanwhile, Alder, N, Cynthia and the others continued their path in the Death Star. They eventually stumble across a room which had a label stating "Power Generator 5K - Only authorized personnel may enter! Intruders will face the wrath of the Master!"

"Kyurem is past these doors... I know it.", N stated.

"This is a power generator... could they be holding Kyurem captive?", questioned Cynthia.

"That's not out of the question... This door is locked so we will have to force our entry.", noted Alder. "Bouffalant, use Head Charge!"

The Pokémon busted the door with ease, sounding an alarm...

"Emergency on Power Generator 5K: Intruders detected. All nearby soldiers are to eliminate the threat.", a robotic voice was heard throughout the Death Star.

Will continue later...


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
5 Miles from Washington DC.

“We have made good progress from the past day sir”, the lieutenant informed Eric.

“Thank you.”, Eric replied with a serious tone in his voice.

He looked out from the camp and noticed nobody was there.

“Strange”, he muttered to himself.

“Strange indeed.” A voice standing beside him said, with a normal expression.

Eric turned around to see Muhti with a assault rifle equipped to his chest, wearing general clothing.

“Hello, sir. It’s nice to see you on a night like this.”, Eric greeted with a salute.

“At ease, soldier.”, Muhti said still looking off into the distance.

Eric calmed his body and looked at the horizon again with Muhti.

“I received your letter.”, Muhti said, still looking at the ground as if something is going to happen.

Eric nodded weakly, he knew that one of the reasons he came was for the letter.

“Is that what you wish? Seeing your sister? Miles and planets and galaxies away? That is not a wise choice.”,
Muhti said with his eyes furrowing.

“Yes, sir”, Eric said, he didn’t dare retort back at him.

“Russia, North Korea,Iran, Syria, and other Middle Eastern countries just sided with China, which has been brainwashed so to speak. Get ready for World War 3, Russia has started attacking countries such as Poland and Syria and Iran are fighting against Turkey. South Korea has been attacked by the North, but that’s no surprise.” Muhti said, changing the topic.

There was an awkward silence, as Eric tried to comprehend with what his leader told him. The only noise was the soldiers crackling jokes under the moonlit night.

“Five minutes.”, Muhti muttered, he turned around and walked off.

Jets were heard soaring through the sky with an United Kingdom emblem on it, as well as another one with a French flag on it.

“MEN RISE!”, Muhti shouted with Eric standing aside him,” TODAY, WE WILL TAKE BACK WHAT WAS OURS!”

Every soldier cheered, raising their weapon into the air.One shouted something horrible of the Dark Master, another shouted something about getting the UNITED States of America back.

hey all shouted again with muffled yeses, one was heard to saying no, which most chuckled at, even Muhti.

½ Mile from Washington DC
Eric risen hand in front of the militia. “Freeze”, Eric said with a loud voice, but not loud enough to be heard by the enemy.

A large plane arrived with the USA flag on it, coming from the United Nations in New York.
“What is that?”, Eric questioned Muhti.

“Bombs, we’re going to bomb Washington.”, Muhti replied.

Right above their head the plane exploded. Everybody rushed as two deeply black jets with the DSA flag and the
Dark Republic of China on it, intercrossing each other. Soldiers cried in pain as their legs or arms or other body parts were torn off by the explosion.

They started running for Washington at this point…. With no hope of survival left as they reached the Dark Ones base of America…

Dark States of America Capitol; Washington Dark Columbia

Planes were flying everywhere, with some falling over, mostly the ones from the UK, France, and the Allies in general. Eric finally picked up of where he was after an hour of wandering around frantically. Finally in the midst of the fire blaze, he found a base, luckily the flags were Britain, USA, France, Spain, Portugal, Turkey, Japan, and Australia (The last three were luckily able to come even though they were attacked by China, Syria, or Iran) There Eric found many of the US militia men, some ere panting and others were lying down, who knew where the other 7/8s of the army were. The other soldiers from the different countries were helping the US, scurrying with water and bread.

Eric crept up to the base and found the doors. He pushed them open and saw Muhti, unharmed, as well as other men such as the Allies Generals. He joined silently listened in.

“I say we move in through the back!” the French General said with a thick accent.

Muhti tsked and seemed to repeat again,” As I’ve been saying, it’d be easier if we surrounded them! If that were to occur, then they have no choice, but to give up!”

The French gave him a daring look as he finished with his argument.

“All in favor with my plan, raise your hand.”, the French General said.

The Spanish, Australian, and the Portuguese raised their hand, leaving the Japenese, Turk, and the British.

“This isn’t helping.”, the French said disgustingly.

Eric piped up. “If I may sirs, you may want to look at what you can do to surround them, adding to Muhtis plan, you can attack underground and by air. And also realize they have a smaller ‘line of best fit’ to hit if we go all together by the back.

Commotion started as they started to side with Muhti.

“Well, I rest my case.” Muhti said, shining his trademark smirk to the French General.
Washington is being planned to be attacked by the Allies! What is in store for the major armies of the world? And also, where are the Dark Cultists? Are they planning something to contradict with the surprise attack?


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Wow, Muhti, that segment was quite good!

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn - In My Hands

"My Master... I have good and bad news.", a cultist stated as he came to report the news to the Master himself.

"Yes?", the Master responded in his raspy, deep voice that echoed through his rather large room.

"It seems that China under our influence has managed to gain quite a few allies...", responded the cultist. "Russia, Middle East and North Korea are yours, my Master."

"Hyeh heh heh heh heh... I knew he would do quite the job in manipulating them to our favor... Humans are only driven by power and greed... exploiting it is quite easy, you know... Anyway, you had bad news...? Is that what you also said?"

"Yes, my Master. Muhti and a majority of European countries, as well as Japan, South Korea, Australia and US resistance have begun to advance towards Washington DC. Combined with our attacks on several countries... all seems to point to a World War."

"A... World War? And you call that... bad news? HYEH HA HA HA HA HA HA!! HO HO HO... I apologize... but you made me laugh! This is exactly what I wanted! WAR! BLOOD! DESTRUCTION! SOULS! HYEH HAH HA HA HA HA HA! Those pitiful humans are playful little things indeed...", the Master said with enthusiasm. "Listen... order the DSA to launch a nuclear bomb or two in some random city. A few more deaths would be like adding cherries to the cake!"

"My Master, but if we lose Washington DC, we lose an important place under our control!", the cultist objected.

"Ah... THEN WHAT ARE YOU INCOMPETENT BUFFOONS WAITING FOR?! Defend the city! OR FACE MY WRATH! Anyway, the DSA President is around this very hideout, so... we could change the capital's place or something... I know! Instead of nuking a random city... why don't you nuke Washington instead?"

"My Master, are you mad? We will lose many troops if we do that!"

"AARRGGH! YOU QUESTION MY RULE?! MY SUPREME RULE?! I said nuke Washington DC and YOU OBEY! WHAT'S SO HARD TO UNDERSTAND?! Any deaths are in my name, after all! HAVE YOU FOUGHT A WAR WHERE NO ONE DIES?! Those are justified deaths! Those are deaths that serve MY CAUSE!", retorted the Master, angrily.

"F-fine, my Master... it is quite as you say. We will prepare the B-2 bombers to launch a nuclear bomb on Washington DC.", said the cultist.

"Ah, nuke New York too. I want to get rid of that pest, you know!", said the Master.

The cultist nodded, bowed to the Master and left, leaving the Master alone.

"Blasted fool... I must check the situation on the Death Star...", mumbled the Master, turning on a screen. "I have planned centuries for this... I CANNOT GO DOWN LIKE THIS!"

"Muhti, sir!", an agent of the CIA quickly rushed to Muhti. "I have dire news!"

"What is it?", Muhti responded.

"Intel has shown us that the Dark Ones are preparing nuclear weapons... we overheard some talking and they plan to launch two nuclear bombs in Washington DC and New York!"

"What?!", Muhti reacted.

"The only way is to prevent that is hijacking those planes before they launch the nukes.", another agent stated.

"I will think of a plan, then.", responded Muhti.

The Master seems pleased that a World War has begun... it only furthers his goals... and sates his appetite for bloodshed... :evil:

Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
Thanks luco, i'll write another segment, now

[after the battle, the spies arrive at the weapons sector]

Snake: it's dark, find a switch.

Wesker: found one,(wesker flips the switch and a room filled with different guns appears).

Richard: it's a weapon haven, ak's, M's, and AR's are here too.

Snake: You sure know your weapons well.

Richard: Well i'm not a genious for nothing, anyway look another door.

(the three head to the door and notice a sign that says, sector 4)

Wesker: i don't think that room is empty.

Richard: let's prepare ourselves, grab a weapon from over there, i'll take the Mac12 and Tec9, you two grab either a machine gun or automatic assault rifle, something tells me we won't need pistols or shotguns for what's to come, and take all 24 boxes of ammunition from that table. Meanwhile i'm going to set a purge bomb up and alert the others what room it's in and the time limit.

Snake: A purge bomb?

Richard: yes, ( richard turns on his communicator and alerts the others that a purge bomb is being set up) hey guys, were in the weapons storage room, i'm setting a purge bomb to detonate in exactly 35 mins, we have to hurry though, do you copy?

(Meanwhile, in another room on the deathstar)


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
"Well, this is lovely isn't it"? Xiroey mused. He glanced curiously at the stuff that was slowly swallowing him alive. "Hey Char, doesn't this stuff kinda remind you of that one Muk we found in"-

"Xiro, is this REALLY the time for that"? Mari shouted.

Mari continued hacking away at the stuff with her ring, but for every rent she managed to make in the gunk, the stuff would only regenerate. "You know what" Xiroey said, causing Mari to pause "I take it back, that is much cooler than a glowstick.

Mari sighed and let her Light ring fade. "That does it, we're all done for".


Short segment because I gotz a block :l


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Er ma gersh, looks like i'm coming to save your behinds! <3

But tomorrow, when I get back from school... it's almost midnight. =C


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
"By my hide, haven't these people ever heard of air conditioning"? Krookodile complained. Bouffalant's Head Charge made short work of the door, causing a burst of air to smack the group head on like an icy sledgehammer.

"K...Kyurem...He's... He's in there..." N stuttered. However, his resolution held strong, he treked into the frigid room without a moment's hesitation. "Guess we all have to". Krookodile sighed. Being a ground type and all, Krookodile wasn't exactly fond of the cold. His insides shivered to think that the room ahead of him must've been a good 30 some degrees colder than the one they were in.

"Bear through it Krook" Said a voice at the aligator's side. Krookodile turned and saw Spirit standing next to him. The green haired youth placed a hand on his shoulder. Krookodile nodded, a sort of unspoken agreement was formed between the two, they'd try to endure the climate the best they could. The life of a fellow pokemon was at stake.

"You two coming"? Chandelure snipped impatiently at the duo. Krookodile suddenly started when he realized that he and spirit were the only two left stalling at the door.

"Yeah Yeah, don't get your toga in a knot. Outa my way". Krookodile shoved past the angel into the harsh climate. The significantly colder air hit him all at once, causing every last part of him to start shivering on contact. To his amzement, that wasn't all he noticed upon stepping in.

"Zee"! Porygon-Z chirped.

"I think Z just summed it up. Hoooly ****"! Krookodile whistled. Standing before the group was THE most colossal Ice plateau any of them had ever seen. The sheer bulk of it took such an impossibly large amount of space that it was impossible to guage how big the rest of the room actually was. Ahead of them as a lofty set of steps leading upward to Arceus knows where. Adler glanced at the monumental structure in with his arms folded. Almost appreciating the sheer size of it.

"I have to hand it to them" Adler hummed "These cultist might be a bunch of lunatics, but they certainly don't lack anything in aesthetics."

"This is hardly the time to appreciate the scenery Adler" Cynthia said sternly. As if in reponse, her Garchomp let out a low groan in protest. Cythia dug at her pockets and retrieved a pokeball so that she could let the pokemon inside.

"No use dilly dallying then" Chanelure said. He floating casually up the ice steps. At a slight push from Cythia Adler and the rest of the gang began to move forward as well. Gengar somewhat lagged behind the group, his sinister smile was nowhere to be seen, meanwile a comical pair of icicles hung vertically from where his nose might've been.

"F-f-f-f-f-f-f-frak... I h-h-h-hate the cold..." Gengar complained, taking deliberate slow steps up the mountain.
He yelped as Krookodile's tail suddenly snaked behind his back and ushered him forward. "Come on, you. If Spirit and I can take it, you should be able to hand it just fine".

"Unnnnng" Gengar groaned stubbornly. Krookodile continued to usher the ghost forward, although he did it good-naturedly. After a while, Gengar began to walk normally on his own.

Before long, the group reached the top. Gengar, suddenly taking on an unknown burst of energy, immediately rushed past the group to the top of the plateau and did a face dive in the snow.

"Finally! Oh my Arceus, my feet are killing me"!

"Get up". Cynthia said without sympathy. She nudged Gengar in the side softly with her boot. Before Gengar could protest, the entire mountain was shook by a powerful vibration.

"That sounds like Kyurem!" N shouted over the loud roars.

The snow in the center of the plateau began to sink inward. It swirled downward and fell deep into an unknown pit, forming a sort of icywhirlpool as hidden panels in the plateau began to open.

"On your guard, each of you" Adler warned.

A single figure was raised out of the pit on an elevating platform. He stood at the center of the plateau facing the group calmly, like a host would a group of guests. "Welcome, It seems that somehow, you each manged to make it here intact". Spoke the saturn-haired figure . Cynthia and Adler recognized the main immediately.

"Colress"! Adler half-shouted.

Colress bowed slightly at the hip. "Thank you for the introduction, Adler, however I'm afraid I cannot stay long." On that note he turned away and began to pace away from the group.

"Hold it right there"! Chandelure called, he already had his Shadow ball charged and aimed at Colres's back. The scientist stopped, and turned back around, facing the pokeon coldly.

"Oh there will be no need for that. After all I'm not your enemy. Rather..." He reached into this pocket and took out a strange device.

"What do you plan to do with that" Chandelure demanded. He still wasn't sure if Colress's sudden appearance here marked him as friend or foe, and he wasn't about to take any chances.

Colress chuckled softly at Chandelure's question. "You'll find out soon enough." He presed a button on the device, and for a moment, nothing happened.

"Was uhh... Was that supposed to do something" Krookidile said curiously.

"ZEE"! Z shouted loudly for no apparent reason.

Colress chuckled again. "Well, I suppose I'll leave you all to sort things out amonst yourselves. He began walking calmly down the other side of the plateau.

"Not so fast"! Chandelure intervened, firing his shadow ball at Colress' back. But no sooner did he fire it did a group of Magnezone close in around him and deflect the shot.

"Do me a favor and help despose of these pests for me okay Magnezone"? Colress said softly to one of the Magnezone. It hummed and emitted a series of wierd beeping sounds. He petted the pokemon fondly, then after that he was long gone.

"He's got to be brainwashed"! Cynthia shouted over the ruckuss Z was making.

"Heyhey! Easy there mate, what's gotten into you all of a sudden"? Gengar desperatly tried to calm Z down. Powerfull spasms were shaking the pokemon's body. Z lied face up in the snow, apparently unable to do anything but shake and emit an annoyingly loud static-y noise that made the rest of group cover their ears and squint in pain.

"That device must've done something. Each of you, step away" Frostwraith's chandelure warned. Everyone else was about to comply, but a sudden thunderbolt from the group of Magnezone prevented them from retreating any further.

"Great" Gengar complained.

Z suddenly rose up off the floor. The loud noise stopped, however his body still shook slightly. He faced everyone calmly for sometime, prompting Gengar to try and move a bit closer to him.

"Zee? E...everything allright bud...?"

Zee suddenly zapped Gengar with a weak thunderjolt. "Ahh"! Gengar cried. His hand immediatly flew to his mouth where Z had shocked him.

"He's gone rouge, each of you get away from him now"! Cythia ordered.

V.S. Porygon Z​

Pokemon XD Gale of Darkness- Sim Battle

Z rose into the air slowly and began ushering a group of multi-colored orbs around himself. Everyone else managed to recover and prepared themselves for a fight.

"Each of you, retrieving Z is our first priority. He may be one of our own, but hold nothing back"! Cynthia commanded. She tossed out a pokeball and released her frosslass.

"Accelgor, use Focus Blast"! Adler commanded his own pokemon. Accelgor fired at Z with a condense energy ball. Z barely reacted to the attack, the orb flew in a straight path toward Z, but as it reached halfway toward it's desitnation it suddenly phased out. Like an invisible eraser had suddenly wiped it from exsistance.

"That cant' be good". Gengar muttered.

Z emitted another loud burst of feedback, forcing everyone to cover their ears. Seconds later, Cynthia and Adler were immediately felled by respective orbs of lightning and Ice. "No"! Spirit screamed. Cynthia lay on the floor completely incased in an ice crystal. Meanwhile, Adler was sprawled a little ways down the plateau, blue jolts danced around his limbs, .

"Careful, each of you! Z is one of Impact's best fighters. Do NOT underestimate him"! Krookodile said gravely.

Chandelure swore under his breath. Charging another shadow ball, he fired at Z again, only to have the it deflected by one of the Magnezone's thunderbolts.

"No worries, I'm on it"! Gengar said as he beganto rush forward. He stuck his tounge out at the nearest magnezone as he charged at it. The pokemon squinted it's eye angrily at Gengar and unleashed another powerful jolt at him. Gengar swiftly pivoted to the side, just seconds before the attack hit, then took out his trusty mallet, and began batting the rest of the pokemon's attacks away.

Spirit, you help Gengar. Chandelure and I will take care of Z" Krookodile ordered, seconds later Z fired at them with an Ice Beam. Krookodile reacted quickly and intercepted the attack with his sludge bomb.

"Go"! He repeated. Spirit needed no further prompting. He summoned his trusty white axe to his hand and began rushing at the group of Magnezone.

"Try to get him down to our level" Chandelure said as Z began charging another attack.

"Agreed." Krookodile said.

Z pointed his arms at the duo and began lauching a rapid series of attacks at them. Moves flew out of Z's arms one after the other: thunderbolts, ice beams, tri-attacks, the works. Krookodile summoned a shield of pointed stones around himself and began launching them at Z in retaliation. Chandelure, meanwhile, dodged each of Z's attacks with surprising speed, only barely getting glanced by one of Z's Ice beams.

"Something's off" Krookodile mused. He sidestepped an Icebeam from Z, begining to think that dodging these attacks was becoming a little too easy.

"Krook, behind you"! Chandelure warned. Krookodile's heart jumped as he leaped forward. He spun around one in mid-air, coming face-to-face with a pointy Icicle, which was slowly being levitated toward the spot he was just standing in. "I should've known Z would try something like thi--Gah"! Krookodile suddenly cried out in pain. The spot beneath him exploded, one of Z's orbs struck the ground at his feet, causing him to hop up and down frantically while cradling his foot.

"Z, come back to your senses, we aren't your enemies"! Chandelure called at him. Z didn't seem to awknowlege the words though, he continued firing at the two with even more rapid-fire attacks.

"Guess we really do have no choice then". Krookodile said, all of a sudden recovered. He squatted down low on his flanks, casting his eyes upward at Z, then as one of his stones deflected another of Z's attacks, he leaped at him. His claws went up and snatched at Z with preditor-like swiftness. Doing a breif summeraunt as Krook reached the top of his flight, Krookodile pulled his arm back then tossed Z down toward the ground.

"All yours Chande"! Krookodile called as he turned around in mid-air. Chandelure's tiny eyes glowed bright purple, and he immobilized Z as he fell. "Got him"! Chandelure responded. Krookodile seized on the opportunity. He hit the ground and bounced slightly, then rushed at Z head on. He pulled his fist back as he drew close, then slugged Z in the torso.

Z's eyes registered pain, but, just split seconds before the attack hitt he manged to throw a weak barrier around himself in time to sponge the attack. Z raised his arms and blasted the both of them away with his Dark Pulse. He then spun around to face Krookodile, and shot at him with his aura sphere. Krookodile saw the attack coming and managed to use Protect to guard himself just in time.

"Zee"! Krookodile heard Z call from just behind him. He looked behind himself worriedly, and immediately ate a face full of ice beam.

"Aagh, do these things ever run out"? Gengar complained.

The ghost type was busy beating away mercilessly at a Magnezone's face. The poor pokemon had no choice but to attack, since Gengar's taunt prevented him from doing anything else.

"You know, that Taunt-punch combination is a little cheap". Spirit said, swinging his axe around and bringing it down on a magnezone's head as it flew by.

"Yeah"? Gengar dealt the final blow to the Magnezone, then stuck his tounge out at another one, and began flying toward it, only to repeat the process, "Well, I think you and that 2 cent scarf of yours can shove it". He replied rudely.

Chandelure and Kroodile meanwhile were already on their last legs.

"Crud... That last attack... really did a number on me..." Krookodile panted. He stared Z down, the opposing pokemon showed no signs of fatigue, and was already charging up another group of orbs around himself to launch at the two of them.

"You have to hit him with your brick break" said Chandelure, who shounded only slightly less exhausted. "I'll stun him with my psychic one last time. Make it count".

Z lauched his attacks at the two of them. That was all the signal they needed. Krookodile immediately began rushing Z head on, weaving in and out of Z's attacks with even more of his surprising swiftness. Chandelure meanwhile, took aim on Z. It's eyes glowed again, and soon Z's body was encased with a faint blue aura. The attacks stopped, but allready Chandelure was starting to feel the strain of restraining such an opponent. "Hurry"! Chandelure warned.

Krookodile put an extra bit of burst to his step and leaped at Z. Z only had enough time to glance up helplessly at him before Krookodile's fist came down on his head and knocked him out cold.

"Got em" Krookodile said as he caught Z in his arms. He landed near the edge of the plateau. Judging by the silence he heard, Spirit and Gengar had manged to finish up with their job as well.

"Good work... everyone..." Chandelure said slowly.

"Little guy put up one heck of a fight for such a small pokemon" Krookodile panted. Then glanced at Cynthia and Adler. "And we didn't exactly escape completely unscathed".

"Yes" Chandelure agreed "But at least we did gain some useful knowlege. Colress came out of a platform hidden in the top of the plateau. That leads me to believe that the generator is actually inside this mountain".

"You think Kyurem might be"-- Krookodile began. Then a thought suddenly struck him.

"Wait. WHERE's N"!?!


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
Sorry for the long wait, guys. MY SERVER went down yesterday... Just when I finished. Stupid...

The Death Star, Sector 2

"...This is really it, isn't it?" Magolor asked gravely. "We're all going to die here, aren't we?"

"Nobody panic!" Sonic yelled for all to hear. "There HAS to be a way out of this goop!"


The area to Mari's left began to bubble up and rise, forming a nightmarish, melting shape of the demon Mephiles. "You call my darkness GOOP?! How dare you, hedgehog..."

"Yuck!" Mari exclaimed at the sight of Mephiles's melting form.

Slowly, Mephiles turned around to face Mari and grinned wickedly. "Oh, THERE you are, Mari. Enjoying the show?"

"You know," Mari retorted. "For someone who's supposed to have affections for me, you have a really weird way of showing it!"

Mephiles crossed his arms and chuckled darkly. "Heh...you really DON'T understand the ways of darkness, do you?"

"Why don't you come over here and I'll shove that darkness up your FACE!" Clearly fed up with the demon and his riddles, Mari somehow managed to free her other hand and unleashed a powerful beam of light straight at him. The sudden move completely caught him by surprise and hit him square in the chest, knocking him back to the opposite wall. The recoil from the shot also knocked Mari in Xiro's arms.

"Whoops. Sorry." She quickly apologized.

"Uh...it's...OK." Xiro said slowly.

"No, really, it was the backlash from the beam that-" A invisible lightbulb went off in Mari's head. "Wait a minute...Xiro, remember that stupid but bold move you made to distract the Master doppelgänger?"

"Stupid...? Oh, you mean when I used the force of the beam to launch myself at him?"

"That's the one." Mari glanced back at Mephiles, who was slowly recollecting himself--literally.
"Mind if a use a little variation of it?"

"If it can get us out of here..." Xiro said. "Be my guest."

"Then hold onto my shoulders and don't let go."


"Damnit, Xiro, will you quit gawking and--you know what, screw it, just hang on!"

Yanking his arm towards her, Mari pointed an open palm directly beneath them and fired a rather large beam that completely obliterated the floor and the goop, which made a sickening SPLAT on the walls.

Wither Mari was still angry at Mephiles or just plain annoyed at Xiro, it was probably one of those reasons why she made the beam so large. It also a little too powerful for the situation at hand, which is why instead of coasting through the goop like she had planned, they ended up sailing 20 feet through the air.

Luckily, Xiro managed to transform on instinct, and swooped down to to catch Mari before she fell into the goop again.

"Oof!" She cried as she landed on Xiro's back.

"You OK?" Xiro asked her.


"Next time, try NOT to blow up the entire room."

"Sorry..." Looking around the room, Mari could see that nearly everyone was neck deep in the black darkness. "Now who do we save next?"

A loud scream pierced through the air, followed by gargles. Both Xiro and Mari looked at each other and simply said:

"Gulg...can't....breathe! HELP!" Sonic kicked his legs against the goop, but it only made him sink further. He tried to look for something, ANYTHING, that could be used as a lever to pull himself put of the darkness. But the nearest person who could help him was Charizard, who wasn't fairing too well with the goop either.

He tried to call out to the dragon, but as soon as he opened his mouth, the dark substance rushed in to consume him. As the goop dragged the blue hedgehog down below the surface, he shut his eyes, waiting for the end...

It never came. Suddenly, Sonic felt something grab his hand and lift him up and up and up...when he opened his eyes, he was staring into Mari's bright gold ones.

"Mari!" He shouted in joy.

"You OK, Teach?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm pretty much--" Sonic suddenly felt a sharp pain in his stomach, and his face turned a bit green.

"Sonic?" Mari asked.

"Oh, man, I think he's gonna hurl!" Xiro panicked. "Just don't do it on me, I'm flying here!"

Sonic quickly nodded, turned around, and blew chunks and dark goop towards the ground below. Fortunately, no one was below them at the moment. After a few minutes, the hedgehog returned to his natural color.
"OK...OK, I'm good now..." He said, gasping.

After the gross episode, Xiro and Mari continued to pick up all their friends before they could drown. Since Charizard could fly and can carry much more people than Xiro can, they rescued him first, then dragged the rest of Team Blue and Team Luco out to safety.

"That's everyone, then?" Xiro shouted. "Char?"

"It appears so!" Charizard yelled back.

"Great, then let's--"

"M-m-m-m-m-ma...." Magolor stuttered. He tugged at Mari's cloak a couple of times to grab her attention. "MARI!"

The goop that was left behind had started to gather itself up into the air, and soon it formed a giant tsunami of darkness that was tall enough to overwhelm the heroes: and Mephiles was riding the wave, laughing evilly and looking very much like some kind of psychotic surfer.

"RUN!" Mari screamed. "I mean, FLY, XIRO, FLY!"

Both Xiro and Charizard dive-bombed towards the exit, with the wave and Mephiles hot on their heels. The teams paid no mind to the stormtroopers and cultists they knocked down, as they were consumed by the wave of goop that swiftly came behind them.

"We can't out run this...maniac forever!" Xiro yelled over the rushing sound of the wave.

"...I have an idea!" Mari pointed to her left. "Go this way!"

"Are you sure they'll be here?" Asked Del. Both he and his brother Luco were still waiting for both teams to come and destroy the generator, but now Del was beginning to grow nervous. "You've haven't heard from them?"

"No..." Replied Luco. "But they'll be here, we just have to wait a--"

The huge doors that sealed off the generator room suddenly burst open, and two blurs came out, flying at speeds even Sonic would find impressive. A split second later, the wave that was chasing them flooded into the room, overtaking all of the cultists and dark knights.

"LUCO!?!" Mari yelled from Xiro's back. "If you're here, get off from the ground, now! That goop can swallow you whole!"

"What did she just-" Del started to say, but his eyes widened when he saw something creeping up behind Luco. "Brother, LOOK OUT!!"

Luco had just enough time to turn around and block an oncoming attack from the demon himself, Mephiles. "So, you must be the other dogs that Master Hand sent..."

"And who are you?" Luco asked.

"Who am I...?" Mephiles spoke slowly, his voice dripping with malice. "I am...YOUR DEMISE!!!!"

((( That...was kinda long...

Mari and Xiro manage to save everyone and take the fight to the generator room, where Luco and Del were laying in wait. Mephiles didn't let up, though, and somehow found their hiding place. Will Luco be able to fight him off?)))


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Oooh, great segment Mari!!

Oh by the by, the generator room is a bit like in the original Star Wars - two doors on either side of the room with a small bridge connecting them and the generator in the middle. A gigantic drop on either side of the bridge. :3

Fightin' Mephiles hum?

I'll write that segment tomorrow if I can! :D


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
Oh, mmmmm...OK, I'll remember that.

By the way, the goop is made out of shadows, so they float. :)

Don't forget that Mephiles is brainwashed!


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Sorry for a ****ty nuclear chase down, I’m not good with chasing or dealing with nukes so bear with me please. And sorry for rushing it abit, i was lucky to write it and I knew I wouldn;t be writing anytime soon during the weekend, maybe Sunday if I was lucky.

Muhti stormed into the base.

“How much longer until the nuclear bomb is launched?” Muhti demanded as he tapped his foot impatiently.

The man checked the databases of DSA and confirmed that, “Washington DC in 5 minutes, New York for 10 minutes.”

Muhti smiled at the news, “What an idiot the Master is, I wanted to bomb DC in the first place…”

The man looked up and questioned Muhti why.

“Because, they have no power there, the President may be gone, but we’ll make a rumor that he died from the explosion, the media will spread it and the sheople will catch on hee hee hee.” Muhti said with a deranged look on his face, as if the brown eyes were starting to turn black.

“Sir, are you okay?” the man asked.

Muhti then shook his head and thanked the man for assisting him.

“Two more minutes General.” The British came up, “What do you plan to do?”

“First off, I have magic, so making a large shield is no problem, I’m just worrying of New York, that’s all.”

The British General nodded and strolled off towards the Spanish General.

“Showtime.” Muhti muttered as he walked off.
The nukes were in clear site. Everybody stayed inside as instructed as Muhti stood there, mumbling some kind of chant under his breath.




Muhti rose to the air and unleashed his maximum power of creating a large dome of a shield that could protect anybody from anything, even radiation.



The nuclear warheads rose into the air and came back down, one of them proceeded to the Capitol and another at the Supreme Court.

The noise was tremendous. Everything was aflame and smoky as citizens rushed out of their homes in panic….. in chaos.

MORE MORE! I DEMAND MORE CHAOS!”, Muhti shouted with multiple voices screaming out as his eyes went completely black and his hair frizzled everywhere, you can even see his heart pulsing out with energy. “WATCH AS EVERYBODYS LIVES ARE SQUANDERED, I WISH TO SEE MORE DESTRUCTION, MORE DEATHS, MOR-

“General stop it!” Eric said as he rushed out, for he was the first to notice the strange behavior.
Muhtis neck then turned…only his neck… facing Eric and hissed,”MOVE AWAY FROM ME YOU PEASANT ONLY THE TRUE MASTER OF CHAOS CAN TELL ME WHAT TO DO!

“Muhti! YOU NEED TO STOP!”, Eric shouted again as people started pouring out.

When Muhti heard his own name,his brain rejoiced and relaxed, his eyes went back into the soft warm state, his neck turned straight, and his hair settled as he went down. While that whole argument happened, the mushroom clouds were still rising upward as Washington became a battleground.

Muhti heaved in air quickly as he tried getting up from where he fell, “What happened?” He questioned, rubbing his head.

“For starters”, the Turk started, “you have NYC to protect. I heard the computer in the bunker is able to do it itself, so go after it, we’ll aid you.”

Muhti nodded as he rose, he heaved in air with red eyes showing tiredness, “Let’s get this over with…”
15 seconds until lift off

“Are you ready?” one of the lieutenants asked, patting Muhtis shoulder as he marked his position, he nodded and looked at the 4 pilots. Muhti nodded weakly in response.

The shield still held off, it could still be held up for days, but once you leave, you can’t go back.




The jets roared as the nuclear bombs (3 of them) soared as well. Muhti also lifted off with his flying abilities and went the same speed as most of the jets.

The nukes were in front of them as they reached their first mile, they concentrated on one nuke at a time. The first to go was 4 miles away from its destination.

The two others finally out sped two jets as they started to slow down. The Portuguese jet and the Turkish one remained in air as well as Muhti. As they neared New Jersey, the jets had enough ammo to rid of the second nuke, causing a mini mushroom cloud in the sky, very little radiation.

Finally the last two jets landed off, they ran out of fuel, leaving Muhti with the dust to bite, only it wasn’t dust, it
was a dangerous chemical.

Muhti tried boosting himself as he saw the Verrazano Bridge. The nuke was heading straight for Times Square, which luckily wasn’t that close.

Muhti finally launched magical beams of energy, but that didn’t work, and it was far too risky by the city.
Muhti finally sped up and was in front of the bomb. He grabbed onto it and led it to a different direction, straight for the Atlantic. Luckily the nuke was light enough to hold onto. He finally brought the explosive right outside of Manhattan and into the water, with him on it as the water became a very polluted area, for the bomb went off with Muhti on it
He was slapped a couple of times by a citizen, since he was out cold.

“WAKE UP!” he shouted.

Muhti went straight up as he hacked out the radiation. Luckily, thanks to his powers, he couldn’t die easily from things such as nuclear gas.

“Sir… are you alright?”

Muhti heaved in and out and thanked the man. He weakily rose and shook the mans hand.

“I am Noah, my sister Alicia here wouldn’t let me come near you sadly. We’re just glad you’re saving our lives in the United States, apparently my sister can’t see that.” Noah hissed at his sister, who was tanked out with weapons as she shook her head.

“Well, it was nice meeting you and thank you as well” Muhti said, weakly smiling as he returned the shake. The teen boy, who seemed slightly younger than Muhti ran off to his bigger sister.

“The United States of America is back to its feet” Muhti smiled warmly as the sun peaked out. “Now to deal with China…”

Things Happening around the World:

-Japan has been overtaken by China, the Japanese had to leave America the next day or their families would be killed.

-Australia is the same thing.

-South Korea has been overtaken by the North and formed one Korea, under a dictatorship of Kim Jong Un
-Turkey has lost a bit of land, especially the Kurdish area, it remains the only country in Asia that sides with the Allies

- America lost 2 states; Alaska was overtaken by Russia and Hawaii by the Axis Powers as China proclaims its new countries

-Canada has been started to been invaded

-Since no government officials were around, media were able to report that the new president was dead and that Eric was confirmed the 1st president of the New United States of America, people bought into it as Muhti hypothesized

-Americas new capital was decided to be in New York while DC was going to be rebuilt

-America and its allies have met in secret locations for future planning, with Eric as the new Major General

-Egypt was the first country in Africa to be overtaken by the Axis

-South Africa, Brazil, Chile, Venezuela, join the Allies

- Cuba joins the Axis
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