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Forum Fight: The Story Forum

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Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
Come on guys (Luco, Frost, etc.) This thread is gonna expire if someone doesn't post. I can't keep this thread alive by myself you know. This is my last attempt to keep it alive, otherwise it's dead.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
After a week hiatus...
[collapse="WIP"]"I wonder... what happened to N?", stated Alder, as he walked the corridor, shortly after defeating the soldiers that had attacked them.

"I have no idea, but that scientist was more involved with the Master than I expected...", noted Cynthia.

"Colress... The last time we fought him, he stated he would leave the Dark Ones...", remembered Alder.

"The Master might have done something to him... he definitely seemed more... evil and twisted.", observed Cynthia.

Cynthia, Alder, Chandelure and the members of Impact continued to advance through the corridor. The air was cold and the walls were covered in a thin layer of ice.

"Kyurem should be close by...", observed Alder.

They approached a door which proceeded to open automatically as it detected their presence.

The room was chilling. No doubt the temperatures were way below 0ºC. The group members hear a roar.

"That roar... It's Kyurem!", stated Alder.

"Hmph! Our enemies are close. We must move Kyurem out of here!", a voice was heard.

"They are using Kyurem as a means to harness power...!", observed Cynthia.

"Warning: intruders detected. This room's temperature will reach absolute zero in 60 seconds... Please evacuate it immediately.", a robotic voice was heard.

"Quickly, we must get out of here!", stated Krookodile.

"Zee!!", Porygon-Z responded.

The group began running away from that place, heading towards the Central Core.

Few hours later, near the entrance to the Central Core of the Death Star...

"Look above, guys!", stated Luco, looking upwards.

"It's Pit and the others!", noted Mari.

Pit landed with his group and in that moment, Ness, Lucas and the remainder of the group arrived just in time.

"Sorry to keep you waiting!", cheerfully greeted Pit.

"Well... now we're all regrouped again.", observed Ness.

"The cores have been destroyed. The Central Core is just past these doors. Once we destroy it, it will be the end of this space station!", Captain Falcon said.

"Yes. Are we all ready?", inquired Cynthia.

The group took a little time to rest, but afterwards, they were ready to face against the Death Star's Supreme Commander: Palpatine.

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn - Boss Intro 2

"Heh ha ha ha ha ha...", laughed Palpatine as the group entered in the room. He was sitting on a throne in a room with some cultists and Stormtroopers. "So, you made it to this place. I'm quite impressed by your strength, even if it pales against the Master's and mine..."

"I take it you're the one commanding this. Am I right?", inquired Luco.

"The Master has assigned me with commanding and protecting this space station... the Death Star! The paragon of our technology and the most powerful weapon to ever exist!", claimed Palpatine. "And you are nothing but insects intruding in the Master's propriety..."

"Your threats mean nothing! We will take you down one way or another!", confidently threatened Mari.

"Silly girl... Your bravado will only lead to your demise! I am willing to make a deal... You see, the Master values strength above anything else... If you join his cause alongside me right now... your lives will be spared and you will be promised power over the world that the Master will create!", stated Palpatine.

"No! We will never join the likes of you!", retorted Pit, drawing his bow.

"Pitiful little wretch... you will pay for your lack of faith!", angrily stated Palpatine, unleashing Force Lightning on Pit.

"Aaaargh!", screamed Pit in terrible pain.

"I knew... you aren't as strong as I expected...", devilishly said Palpatine, smirking. "Witness the Master's power once more! This is your last chance to join him!"

The cultists began operating the Death Star's cannon to an alien planet, where extraterrestrial life prospered.

"Fire the cannon at full power!", ordered Palpatine loudly.

The group witnessed the planet being shattered into minuscule bits shortly after the Death Star's laser was fired. With the planet, all of the inhabitants were wiped out in an instant.

"See? Had you not being so stubborn, the populations there would have been spared...", Palpatine calmly stated, keeping a smirk in his face, a clear sign showing that he was enjoying himself.

"That's it... it's time for you to pay!", stated Mari as she attempted to attack the Sith Lord, only to be driven back by Force Lightning.

"You cannot defeat me with such feebleness...", continued Palpatine. "I'll give you one third chance..."

A cage was transported by machines to the room, where N was imprisoned inside.

"If you don't pledge your allegiance to the Master now... he will die.", coldly stated Palpatine.

"Say yes...", stated Master Hand, via powerful telepathy. "Deceive him and attack when he lets his guard down."

"Fine! We surrender!", stated Captain Falcon, dropping his gun.

"We will bow down to you, Lord Sidious, and pledge our allegiance to the Master!", declared Dark Pit, dropping his bow.

"In the name of the Master, we promise to follow his strict orders without question and proceed in doing his bidding!", Del calmly stated, while focusing his mind to launch a spell.

"Good!", stated Palpatine, as he got up from his throne, approaching the kneeling members of Master Hand's army.

He approached Ness, who suddenly used his PSI abilities to send Palpatine flying as a surprise attack.

"Aaaaugh!!", yelled Palpatine as he was flying towards the other side of the room, crashing on a wall.

"Quickly!", said Luco, as they all got up.

Ness secretly managed to retrieve the cage's key just before he sent Palpatine flying and N was freed.

"You deceitful wretches... The time for negotiations is over!", stated Palpatine, who was very angry. "This time... you will all die! Bring that icy dragon here."

"Yes, sir!", responded a Stormtrooper.

The mechanism where Kyurem was imprisoned appeared in the room. It was equipped with cannons and generated energy from Kyurem's power.

"Your frozen corpses will be a fitting offer to the Master!", coldly stated Palpatine.

<To be continued...>[/collapse]

Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
Yes, were back in business, the sith's force lightning? Judging from the speed the lightning is shot from the powerful sith leaders in the movie, and the dodging speed of my character, i'd say it would be a near miss, cuz both comparisons are pretty fast. Hmm.....


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Darn it Frostwraith, you ninja'd me haha. :p

Richard's plea worked too well!

EDIT: Also, Frostwraith, there's a little something wrong with that - Luco is kinda unconscious... :p

Okay okay, lemme see...


The group walked in silence. Not a silence that was awkward or perceived any barriers between group members but one of understanding and the focus of a job that needed to be done. The halls around them were oddly silent as they walked through near darkness. After some time, the group had come to a T-intersection where a sign, just legible, read 'CENTRAL SECTOR ---->'.

Now the group had come to the end of the passageway. "Wow...." Mari peered ahead. In front of the party, the floor came to an abrupt stop. In fact, some of it had been crumpled as the metallic ground gave way to rock passageway. "A bit cliché don't you think?" Sonic asked as he looked inward. The party could hear the sound of drops and a faint rushing sound within the cave. "It'd almost be peaceful if it weren't for the location." Came a soft voice from Del.

"Yeah." Xiroey answered. "It's been really silent. I wonder if something is waiting for us... I know not all the cores have been quite shut down yet, so I imagine the other teams will take down the last couple or so. In the meantime... I suppose we get as far into here as we can."

The group walked onward, though Del noticed a small turn from his brother, still asleep. He put his hand on Luco's shoulder as the group walked on.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The cave was almost as quiet as the corridors they had been walking in before-hand. The walls were now jutting out at different sections and the lights looked like they had come from an earthen medieval period. "You know..." Del said. "this cave reminds me of when Luco and I were kids. We used to play this game where you went around a big, snowy world. It was a really old world and there were many mythical creatures. You could go into caves a lot like this one. I can't quite remember the name... I think it had something to do with the sky...?"

They kept walking. Water drops would occasionally hit one of them, but it wasn't anything of worry. In fact, it tasted fresh. The gushing sound ahead was slowly getting louder. The group turned a corner and the rock roof above them rose and settled above about 30 or 40 metres high. The slope of the ground went down and then settled in a large section of the cave. In the dead middle, a ravine split the two sides of the large room and on one side of the ravine, a waterfall could be seen flowing down past the ledge on the group's side of the cave to between the two sides. Connecting the sides was a small, rocky bridge that lead to the other side of the room and in total the room would have been around 75 - 100 metres long and wide. On the far end of the room, Del observed a small metal door with a keypad on it and a small black screen.

"Very nonchalant door, isn't it?" Del whispered.

Xiroey came up behind him. "Hey why ar-" he went silent as Del clamped a hand over his mouth. "We're being quiet, cause of that."

Xiroey looked on. Over the other side of the room, a figure stood in the dead centre of the space, looking straight at the wall on the group's side. He didn't move an inch. He was robed, in a rainbow colour.

"What's so bad about him? Cmon, we can take him on!" Xiroey whispered, and was about to rush in when Mari grabbed him. "Xiro, look closer." She said.

Xiroey squinted at the figure. "Woah!" He gulped to stop himself saying that any louder. The figure's face could not be seen.... except for his eyes, which were glowing a blood red. "And look at his hands." Mari said.

Xiroey looked again. he noticed the hands looked small but... but... "Wait...." he muttered.

The hands were pure bone.

"Is that, a lich?" he resettled with the group in the small opening. "I think so." Mari said. "Judging from how undisturbed we've been lately, i'd say the master thought he only needed this one guy to take us down when we got here... which means he's probably one of the master's best minions. We can't treat him lightly." She whispered back.

"Listen." Del said. They stopped talking to hear.

"V-5, T-7, A-3, B-14, Z-1, M-20, G-10..." With each number + letter he said, the air around him shimmered different colours. Del closed his eyes. "I wonder why he has a weakness like that... basically, his barriers only seem to last a certain amount of time. From the way he's saying it, they last about 5 minutes each. He's constantly renewing his defenses."

"But it looks like he has a lot. How are we meant to hurt him?" Mari asked. "Well, I guess we'll have to distract him? His barriers aren't affecting us now, and the worst he can do with that is sting us with acid and electricity and the like IF we touch his barrier. If we can get him to use offensive spells somehow, we might be able to wear the timer down on his defenses. If we can get him to speak, that's another thing that will stop him saying a spell." Del replied.

"And what's to stop him from renewing his defenses as soon as he casts one long offensive spell, like something that summons an enemy?"

"He constantly casts defensive spells on him for the full 5 minutes and immediately repeats. If he uses even one spell, that's one defense that's down for 5 minutes of whatever he chooses because he chose to use an offensive spell. It'll be a slow battle to start but if we can target a weakness from a spell he doesn't cast, we can work our way in to him. But be wary, at first he'll probably only try to omit spells he doesn't need, like making his barrier acidic. There's still a weakness in that, however. Anyone who's resistant to lightning and has skill with magic can then touch his barrier and disable some other function. You see what I mean? The more offensive spells he casts, the better too. It'll be slow, so keep in mind what he casts and how long it lasts. Make something magic go off in your brain when the timer runs out or something, then take advantage of it somehow. Now the rest of our group is going to need to try to deal with offensive spells. If he casts one of those, guys, try to deal with it as best you can. If he summons things, try to keep them off of us so we can best focus on dealing with him. Also, some of his spells have non-magic weaknesses. Remember to look for patterns in his casting and focus on what he hasn't cast. Work out the patterns based on what you can and can't do at different times."

"So what spells do what?" Mari asked. "How can we judge what to use if we don't know what he's doing?"

"Well it's difficult but I did pick up on one thing. 'G-10' seems to be a really important spell which sets up his main barrier. The other few i've been able to work out are his electric and acidic barrier buffs - 'N-8' and 'L-11' respectively. The last one I know of currently seems to be a buff which dispels magic that comes in contact with the barrier: 'A-1'. Thankfully that has a physical weakness, we just need a non-magic projectile to break it - It's as flimsy as glass." Del said.

"This sounds like a recipe to turn my brain into pudding..." Mari choked on a laugh from Xiroey's joke. "Hey, think of it as brain training!" She responded quietly but couldn't stifle a small giggle.

"WHO IS THERE? V-2, T-22..." The lich's voice was skeletal and reverberated around the room. His blood red eyes had focused themselves on the doorway.

The group ran out and spread out along the other side of the room. "we're here to pass you on and take you down, lich!" Del replied, not altogether answering the lich's question but still making his point.

"SO BE IT. X-9, E-5..." The lich went on. "Look!" Del said. "He just omitted N-8! Someone break his magic dispel buff in 5 minutes, someone else who can take acid and can use magic be ready to go and dispel his electric buff! Go!"


Battle - 'Karlan', lich of protection!


Okay, I hope this gets something going! :p

Hope I didn't ninja frost here or anything!

(WIP haha.)


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
And I've at least 3 full plates at the moment, so it's hardly a wonder I rarely think anymore...


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
A lich functions the same as most other enemies, this one is only special because of his enchantments. Otherwise blind him with science light or something? :D


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
Okay, I think I've got something...


Ponyville Battle Site

It was murder and bloodshed without end. Every troop in sight was being swallowed alive by the dreaded Painis Cupcake. Smashfan666 was beside himself; He couldn't just let the lives of many be lost in vain. he had to think of a plan to stop the Gmonster before them... Alas, his mind wasn't working properly today (but then, when was it ever?)...

Then, he appeared before him...

"I will eat you!"

All hope seemed lost...




From the distance, a black blur swept past the two, carrying Painis into the air. Smashfan couldn't get a good look at the black blur, but he could've sworn it was...


The unknown legendary threw the GMonster to the ground, launching him into space by rapidly summoning a platform made of...

Gray crystals?

Everyone in the area was stunned. what legendary could possibly possess the dark magic of the King?

As Painis left the atmosphere, the legendary flew down to Smashfan, donning a familiar human form...

It was truly a strange sight...

Hovering before him was Xiroey with what appeared to be the eyes that signaled the dark magic of King Sombra.

"Smashfan..." spoke the Xiroey lookalike.


"Yes, it's me... Xiroey..."

This? this couldn't be Xiroey! since when did Xiroey know the elder magic of the King?!

"I am Xiroey from the future..."

Oh. Well, that explained at least a bit...

"Over a period of time I will leave to your mind to determine, I've trained in a place beyond space and time; learning the arts that the king used during his reign..."

"Why's that?" asked Spike

"...All in good time, dragon. What's important now is that we storm the approaching fleet before they throw another Gmod freak at us."

The entire populace was deep in thought. They weren't sure if this really was a future Xiroey, why he had to learn the dark arts, or if he could be trusted knowing such power. But two things were clear...

He was little different a scenario than when the Daleks allied themselves with the heroes, and he clearly wished to see the Dark Master dead as much as the others...

Future Xiroey joined your team!
But, as if coinciding with Future Xiroey's statement, a blue can of Bonk! Atomic Punch landed in front of them.​
"...F**k, too late."​
What appeared to be the head of a Scout emerged from the can...​
he spoke in a manner similar to the previous GMonster, speaking in spliced voice clips.​
"I am Ass Pancakes."​
Pancakes' body fully emerged from the Bonk! can with a 'zhoosh!', moving in the same spastic manner as Painis Cupcake​
"I am gonna BONK you."​
and similar to Painis before him, Ass Pancakes gave a creepy smile.​
"Get ready, apparently-Xiroey..." smashfan mumbled​
"Way ahead of you..."​
And then the Gmonster took out his signature weapon... the dreaded Warhammer of Zillyhoo...​
The freak lunged toward the two. But before his hammer could connect, Future Xiroey raised a barrier of crystal.​
"What the hell?" Pancakes said, and repeatedly slammed his hammer into the wall of shadow crystal before him.​
"This shield won't last forever." Future Xiroey stated. "Smashfan, think of something!"​
"Well..." smashfan began "Barring only your little stunt with Cupcake earlier, a GMonster can only be defeated by another GMonster... Maybe if I can change my avatar, we could stand a chance against him!"​
"Good idea! Just work fast, I think he's already starting to break through!"​
Sure enough, a small crack began forming on their end of the barrier...​


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
(((Been a while since I posted...I keep saying that...)))

Sonic reacted quickly and recklessly, as always. He jumped up into the air and landed a Homing Attack on the magic dispel barrier, shattering it completely. Afterward, he dashed backwards and slapped hands with Mari in a sort of tag out fashion. With one counter hex in each hand, Mari didn't think she would have enough time to dispel the barriers.

"Screw it." She said under her breath. Taking a HUGE risk, Mari combined BOTH counter hexes and threw them at the lich. The combined energies of the hexes both exploded on contact, not only taking out the acid and electric barrier buffs but damaging him as well.

All of a sudden, Someone grabbed her shoulder, yanked her backwards, and spun her around the other direction. Mari was now face to face with a very angry and very much awake Magolor.

"What on Halcandria were you thinking?!?" The alien wizard screamed. "How many times have I told you to NEVER mix two counter hexes together? You have no idea what kinds of magics would react badly to each other! You're lucky it didn't spontaneously combusted or something-OOF!"

Magolor was cut short when his pupil suddenly pulled him onto a hug and laughed. "I love you too, Teach." Mari said. "But right now, we got a lich to defeat."

"A LICH?!" Magolor exclaimed. "What the heck happened while I was out cold? Speaking of which, how the heck did I end up knocked out anyway? All I remember was being snatched up by the Master and... "

"I'll explain later. But first I need your help. You remember that one spell that you told me to never EVER do without another person?"

Magolor narrowed his eyes. "Absolutely not. No way. It's too risky-"

Mari met his gaze with a steely one of her own. "Teach, we don't have a choice. It's either us or that lich, and I don't need to tell you what happens to the Multiverse if we fail."

The wizard tried to reason with that fact, but since when could he convince Mari, of all people, to listen to reason? Let alone himself. He sighed. "Fine...but only if that other person is me!"

"Uh...that's the idea, Magolor."

"Ah. Well, in that case..."


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia


"Brother... brother we need you!"

"They... me... need me?"

"Yes... Do not talk, only listen."

It was far quicker for Del to transfer imagery to Luco instead of words. Luco took it all in at an instant but still felt odd.

"Now... wake up brother!"

Luco opened his eyes and sat up, looking across the room.

"D-7, U-4, H-20..." Karlan never stopped muttering. It took Luco a second to figure out what he was doing, then he was already on the ball.

"So he left out F-8 and T-2?" Luco shouted aloud, thinking of the knowledge Del had shared with him. "His mid-section is way more exposed! Ness, if you please?"

Ness looked surprised and happy all at once and launched a PK fire straight towards Karlan and shattered the last of his mid-defenses. Karlan seemed to think a moment, before casting another spell to strengthen back that defense. Then he did something unexpected.

"If you think you can defeat me just like this... then you are gravely mistaken..." Luco watched as, one by one, Karlan's defenses began to fade and ebb away whilst Karlan talked. What is he doing?

"... There are 3 great liches, of which I am one." He looked at them and repeated his words. "I am only one."

Luco heard chanting and turned towards the cave wall, where he saw a figure detach itself from the side of the room and slowly get up. "I think we might've miscalculated on this one, actually..." Mari immediately jumped back as she was closest to this figure. Luco looked to the other side and noticed Xiroey had edged away from another robed figure.

"Meet my friends, then. Teron and Criphas, liches of Offense and Darkness respectively. I introduce to you the master's elite triad! Feel our wrath!


Luco immediately felt his powers suppressed by a wave of energy. Which one's work is this? He barely had time to think, for Teron was already upon them and tearing through their allies. Mari jumped above the onrushing attacking lich and blasted him with spells, but to little effect as Karlan sent up barriers around his ally. Teron came straight for Luco with a rapier in hand and slashed so fast through the air that it sounded as if he was making a black hole. Luco's watery defense was immediately broken. Luco jumped away and instead turned on Karlan who seemed intent on keeping Teron safe. He blasted him with a quick orb of water but he was too slow in doing so. He felt the rapier slide across his stomach before he heard it. He immediately went to one knee, whilst Teron moved on. His senses felt ablaze and then dulled, as he realised he was bleeding out at a sickening rate. He immediately focused and put effort into healing himself, as hard as it was due to magical suppression, and looked to see what had happened to Karlan with his orb. He had noticed Karlan flinch with the hit but a shadowy darkness quickly surrounded him and soon he was firing off barriers again. So Criphas is their healer...

Luco saw Xiroey clash with Teron but seemed to have already learnt from Luco and was much quicker to react. He materialized swords and went to strike at Teron but was met with a hindering barrier from karlan across the room. He was stuck with recoil when he felt a stab from the side. He was down, too. Luco watched as Mari and Del suffered similar fates. Criphas had summoned beings of darkness to deal with everyone else. The battlefield was chaos.

"You see? You cannot defeat us for we can cover each other. Your teamwork can never reach ours!" karlan looked triumphant.

Luco looked at his comrades. Maybe not... but we're friends... we will make it work! We must!!

The room fell quiet except for Karlan's speech - the team was down.

Luco looked at Karlan and shook his head. He would never understand. I can see that now. I cannot waste this chance on him.

"Paula..." His voice was so soft the liches didn't notice him.


Paula was crumpled on the floor a little way away from him. She struggled up at the mention of her name and looked at him. He nodded at her and she clasped her hands together. Luco looked across at Pit and met his eyes, nodding as well. He found Rawk Hawk and nodded at him too. When he found Mari and Magolor's eyes, he noticed they looked already in thought, as if they had something else planned.

Paula's voice picked up strength and gained Karlan's attention. "Stop it." He said abruptly. Paula did not stop. It seemed to Luco as if the room were getting a little brighter. "Stop... it." Karlan said again. Still Paula did not stop. Luco noticed Pit slowly and silently drawing his bow. He looked at Mari and Magolor. All of them have focused on a different Lich...

Paula reached the end of her crescendo and light burst into to the dark and damp cave. Teron immediately moved to stop Paula but was bumped aside by Rawk hawk. "RAWWKKKKKK!" He shouted triumphantly. Pit shot his arrow straight at Karlan. Karlan immediately said something and a barrier appeared... but his attention had been successfully diverted. Paula signaled at Criphas and a beam of light pierced through him. The lich's scream was quickly silenced as he disintegrated from the chest outwards. Luco felt the magic suppression immediately lift.

Luco concentrated and thought of ice. Ice as far as the eye could see. He saw a cave and entered it, where he saw thousands of icicles. The one that appealed to him, though, was one with a gigantic base, perhaps 6 or 7 metres wide... and a small tip, like a lance. He willed it towards him with as much strength as he could muster...

And above Teron suddenly was the same icicle. Luco felt no regret as he let his magical tethers keeping the icicle above him go and watched as it crashed down and impaled the Lich of Offense. His bones shattered with a crunch and he was no more.

Mari and Magolor got up. Luco sensed a great presence of energy between them as they faced the final lich, Karlan.


Hmmm! Waiting to see whatcha pull Mari. :D


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Man, feels good to finally be posting here again <3

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ranks of stormtroopers sped by below, the Yoshi observed them curiously as they rushed forward with no real sense of direction or purpose. Kind of like they were trying to get away from something. Fast.

"You know you're an idiot right Copo? Most rational Yoshi's would've hightailed it out of here a long time ago". He sighed not-to-softly. It wasn't like anyone would take the time to notice him anyway, everyone below him was too busy trying to save their own skin to take the time to glance upward at the ceiling. Much like what he should've been doing. Not hanging from pressurized pipes, some thirty metres off the ground, heading towards something... or someone that would probably either kill him, or skin him alive, or both.

"Wonder if a Yoshi can survive having his skin peeled off"... The Yoshi half chuckled at the morbid thought. His hand reached another pipe as his momentum quickly carried him forward. By now, he could already see the end of the corridor. Storm troopers were pouring out of the doors that lead into the next sector. The dark walls were painted an eerie-red hue as red alarms sounded a little ways below.

"Why exactly am I doing this again"?

The Yoshi reached the end of the hallway. He let go of the pipe, rebounding of the nearest wall like a gymnist, and landed softly on his feet. As usual, his padded boots made virtually no sound as he snuck his way into the next sector, shoving his way though the paniced mass that was hastily trying to force it's way though.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Wonder what those two are up to" Xiroey said in aside to his buddy Charizard.

"Beats me, probably some fancy magic that'll either us up... or him... Lets hope it's the second".

"I'm sure Mari knows what she's doing. She's Mari after all". Xiroey said with convincition. He glanced upward at Charizard and saw a light of confidence in his eyes as well.

"I'm sure she does" Charizard agreed.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

" Someone's been busy making a mess of things" The Yoshi whistled. He glanced around the remains of the room. If it could even still be called that. Much of what used to be the heat core had been blown cleanly away. rest of the room was little more than a ball of smoke. Glancing down, the Yoshi could scantly see what might've been a pit of lava. It was certainly hot enough in the room. He had to take several swigs from his water canteen just to prevent himself from sweating out instantly.

"You expect me to get past this" The Yohsi appeared to hiss at no one in-particular. He made a sweeping guesture with his hand, indicating toward all of the thick smoke that made it nearly impossible to see, and the red light below, that looked... and sounded like it would turn him into melted butter in a heartbeat if he took one misstep and fell in.

"Are you saying that the Master, in all his wisdom, was wrong to chose you to take on this mission. The master does not tollerate weak--"

"Yes, Yes, I know" Copostor cut off the voice in his head.

"Good, then get moving then". The Yoshi felt an odd sensation in the side of his head, like a small spark as the connection between him and Mr. Red-bald-guy was closed.

"Great, looks like I have to do all this on my own... some help you guys are". He moved forward cautiously. He still hadn't figured out a way he was supposed to get across.

"...Think this is where the mass of storm troopers were running from"?

"Maybe Luco or Mari's group already made it past here".

"Only one way to find out".

Copostor listened to the conversation from a safe spot in the left corner of the room.

Now he had visitors. He cast a nervous hand toward his satchel, where he kept most of his tools for sticky situations such as these.

"Man, if these people are really with the group that did all THIS, I might be in some real trouble here..."

Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
Man, feels good to finally be posting here again <3

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ranks of stormtroopers sped by below, the Yoshi observed them curiously as they rushed forward with no real sense of direction or purpose. Kind of like they were trying to get away from something. Fast.

"You know you're an idiot right Copo? Most rational Yoshi's would've hightailed it out of here a long time ago". He sighed not-to-softly. It wasn't like anyone would take the time to notice him anyway, everyone below him was too busy trying to save their own skin to take the time to glance upward at the ceiling. Much like what he should've been doing. Not hanging from pressurized pipes, some thirty metres off the ground, heading towards something... or someone that would probably either kill him, or skin him alive, or both.

"Wonder if a Yoshi can survive having his skin peeled off"... The Yoshi half chuckled at the morbid thought. His hand reached another pipe as his momentum quickly carried him forward. By now, he could already see the end of the corridor. Storm troopers were pouring out of the doors that lead into the next sector. The dark walls were painted an eerie-red hue as red alarms sounded a little ways below.

"Why exactly am I doing this again"?

The Yoshi reached the end of the hallway. He let go of the pipe, rebounding of the nearest wall like a gymnist, and landed softly on his feet. As usual, his padded boots made virtually no sound as he snuck his way into the next sector, shoving his way though the paniced mass that was hastily trying to force it's way though.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Wonder what those two are up to" Xiroey said in aside to his buddy Charizard.

"Beats me, probably some fancy magic that'll either us up... or him... Lets hope it's the second".

"I'm sure Mari knows what she's doing. She's Mari after all". Xiroey said with convincition. He glanced upward at Charizard and saw a light of confidence in his eyes as well.

"I'm sure she does" Charizard agreed.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

" Someone's been busy making a mess of things" The Yoshi whistled. He glanced around the remains of the room. If it could even still be called that. Much of what used to be the heat core had been blown cleanly away. rest of the room was little more than a ball of smoke. Glancing down, the Yoshi could scantly see what might've been a pit of lava. It was certainly hot enough in the room. He had to take several swigs from his water canteen just to prevent himself from sweating out instantly.

"You expect me to get past this" The Yohsi appeared to hiss at no one in-particular. He made a sweeping guesture with his hand, indicating toward all of the thick smoke that made it nearly impossible to see, and the red light below, that looked... and sounded like it would turn him into melted butter in a heartbeat if he took one misstep and fell in.

"Are you saying that the Master, in all his wisdom, was wrong to chose you to take on this mission. The master does not tollerate weak--"

"Yes, Yes, I know" Copostor cut off the voice in his head.

"Good, then get moving then". The Yoshi felt an odd sensation in the side of his head, like a small spark as the connection between him and Mr. Red-bald-guy was closed.

"Great, looks like I have to do all this on my own... some help you guys are". He moved forward cautiously. He still hadn't figured out a way he was supposed to get across.

"...Think this is where the mass of storm troopers were running from"?

"Maybe Luco or Mari's group already made it past here".

"Only one way to find out".

Copostor listened to the conversation from a safe spot in the left corner of the room.

Now he had visitors. He cast a nervous hand toward his satchel, where he kept most of his tools for sticky situations such as these.

"Man, if these people are really with the group that did all THIS, I might be in some real trouble here..."
I think this song might fit the segment of this story, I know it's been five years since this song was made but I figured someone may like it so here's the

link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJidPQGzU84


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
Battle Zone (Ponyville, Equestria)

When the bright light of Smashfan's avatar change died down, an entirely new figure stood before the Future Xiroey, who could only mouth the words "oh my god..."

The next words that escaped smashfan's lips had a similar effect to the GMonster lisp, but mixed also with another, almost intoxicated voice...

"GuTs AnD GlOrY, lAdS!"

As the maniac scout with the dreaded hammer broke through the shield of crystal, he was surprised that stood before him...


There was the established Future Xiroey, of course. but Smashfan had taken a new form. he was now a cross between a BLU Demoman and the purple-blooded troll clown Gamzee Makara; donned in a pirate hat, a battered wood shield, and shutter-shade glasses. Also, he was armed with a frying pan.

He rushed towards Ass Pancakes, summoning a hat not unlike those worn by toy nutcrackers.

"sToUt ShAkO fOr TwO rEfInEd!"

Pancakes looked confused, and a little annoyed. "Uhh, no!"

Smashfan let out a smirk: this was his cue to strike...

he quickly discarded the cap. "aLrIgHt, TwInKlEtOeS..." he readied his pan, as AP did the same with his hammer.

"tImE tO eAt MoThErF**kInG mIrAcLeS!"

+Battle Between Freaks+



Without hesitation, both parties rushed for eachother, armaments at the ready.

When both weapons clashed, it played not unlike a typical swordfight for the first couple seconds.



Smashfan grew tired of the cliched battle strategy and only saw reason enough to strike the hilt of Pancakes' weapon and pan him in the side of the head.



"AaAaAaHaHaHaAa! I mIgHt O' tAkEn A bIt To MuCh OfF yOuR hEaD! AaAhAhAhAhA-"

In that moment, AP serioused the **** up. the gloves were off...

"Bring it!"

He gave a quick strike with his hammer. he blindsided Smashfan, nailing him right in the chin!


"Haha! hey, lot a' good that pan did ya! HAHAHA! AHAHA! AHHHAHAAA!!"

Smashfan couldn't believe he let his guard down that easily... He knew what he was up against, and he got the picture that he couldn't slip for even a fraction of a second...

He readied his weapon once more, prompting Pancakes to do the same.

"yOu CoMe WiDe At Me AgAiN, bOy, AnD i'Ll sTiCk ThAt HaMmEr RiGhT uP yEr A**e!"

Smashfan performed a shield charge, dashing right past AP.

"Missed me!"

Or did he? yes, in the moment of confusion, he pulled a bottle of Faygo from his person for no visible reason, shaking it up.


Then he began to sidestep around Pancakes.

"C'mon, c'mon! Go, go, go!"

After some time went by with neither party making a move, Smashfan charged again. Ass Pancakes readied his hammer to deflect him...

But, in a rather bizzare move, Smashfan exchanged his pan mid-charge for the bottle of Faygo! he held it in front of himself like a gun, then twisted the cap off, spraying a stream of fizzy carbonated wicked elixir all over the GMonster, forcing him to drop his weapon. a waste of a perfectly good beverage, but a necessary sacrifice to take down an abomination of this caliber...

"Auuugh!" AP said, dripping wet. "This is a real frickin' embarrassment..."

Smashfan then flicked his glasses off his face, picking up the warhammer from the ground.


He was now in control of two mighty melee mashing apparati...

"Ah, crap..."

"DoN't FrEt, BoYo! I'Ll Be GeNtLe!"




In impossibly rapid succession, he smacked both weapons against the now-defenseless freak's skull. effectively reducing it into dust inside his now-floppy head... And for the final blow, he slammed the warhammer onto his back, lodging it by the edge of it's head between his spine and ribs that used to be connected to said spine...

All that remained off Ass Pancakes was a broken, floppy-headed, soda-drenched pile of bleurghegghh with a colorful hammer wedged in it's back... Smashfan lowered his head down to look closely at it's pathetic remains...

"nOw ThAt Is A bLoOdY dOmInAtIoN! iMaGiNe If I hAdN't BeEn DeMoPaN..."

Smashfan picked himself from the ground, opened another bottle of Faygo that he pulled from seemingly nowhere, and dumped in onto the ground as a final sendoff to the fallen freak...

"Au ReVoIs, MeS aMi. ThEe WiLl SuReLy Be MiSsEtH bY sOmEoNe OuT tHeRe..."

After the battle, there was a moment of silence...

Comically, the warhammer wedged into the mess on the ground that was once Ass Pancakes shattered. signaling that wasn't the real Warhammer of Zillyhoo he was wielding all these years... but really, that was no surprise, given GMonsters like him...


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Warning, following content contains rage.
Click at your own risk.



...Well, I had a rather long post ready, but my laptop died before I could post it.

THE BATTERY TOLD ME IT WAS AT 32%!!!!111!one *mad*

...sigh... Might try to repost it later.

Too busy being mad at life atm to retype it now :facepalm:


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
"Glad I'm not he one that's gotta clean this mess up".

Bowser stepped forward slowly, taking deliberate caution not to impale his foot on anything sharp.

"For such a loud-mouthed group, they were awfully squishy. I've met feebas with more fight in them than these freaks" Typhlosion trudged mindlessly over the bodies of several fallen cultists. "Barely even had to get my fangs dirty on these freaks".

Bowser gave typhlosion an odd look. "Awful dark words coming from you General Teddy Bear". Bowser said with heavy sarcasm.

"Carefull, or I'll rip your guts open just like that one cultist". Typhlosion threatened darkly.

"The one with the with the bad eye"?

"There'll be koopa bits all over the place" Typhlosion described, waving his arms around as if mimicking an explosion.

"Who's to say I won't bash your skull in first with my fist"? Bowser shot back.

"Hope your fist is flame proof"

The two glared at each other breifly, then typhlosion ruined the moment by falling backwards with his hands over his stomach.

"Oh god..." Typhlosion wheezed as laughter spilled out of him.

Bowser was pretty red in the face himself, he couldn't help a few chuckles from escaping. "Told... ya..." Bowser said, then broke out into full-bellied laughter.

"I sleep in a pit of lava you idiot" Bowser said as his chest rose and fell rapidly.

"Yeah? Well my fire's hotter than that. It'd still leave a burn mark I bet". Typhlosion retaliated.

"Please I'd squash you in no time flat"

"Wana bet"?

The two both tried to rise rapidly to their feet, but thier hysteria wouldn't let them remain upright. Within seconds the two were right back where they started, splayed backwards and laughing uncontrollably.

"Ahh..." Typhlosion finally breathed as his giggled died down.

"Thats better, now you sound more like the typhlosion I know".

Typhlosion smirked, "I'd still rip your guts out though"--

"You two done rolling around in the dirt, or are you gonna start giving us a hand"? Latias stepped in, regarding the red-faced pair like a parent scolding two misbehaved children.

"Nothing here but a bunch of blood and guts. I say we head back at grab a bite to eat" Typhlosion said, his usual insatiable hungar returning.

"Second that" Bowser echoed.

Latias sighed, "To think, the two of you are actually Generals..."

She paused, her hand tensed instictively around the hilt of her weapon.

"Cultists" Typhlosion snarled as he sniffed the air.

Bowser was already back on his feet. "Where"? A quick glance around the feild revealed little more than blood and carnage.

"I don't like this" Latias whispered.

A cold voice cut through the clearing, causing even latias' heart to leap.

"Well, that was a jolly good show your bunch put on. Very impressive".

The three spun around simulatenously. There was a hooded figure standing there that wasn't there before.

"Good job, the three of you peformed admirably" The figure praised them, stepping causally over the bodies of his or her dead comrades.

"Who are you"? Typhlosion barked. Something about this particular cultist didn't sit well with him.

"All in good time" The culsist said enigmatically. He pulled back his robe, revealing an ivory staff, topped with a black skull with two rubies for eyes. Then he reached for his hood, pulling it back slowly so that his bald head was clearly visible.

"The three of you could be usefull to us indeed".

Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
"Glad I'm not he one that's gotta clean this mess up".

Bowser stepped forward slowly, taking deliberate caution not to impale his foot on anything sharp.

"For such a loud-mouthed group, they were awfully squishy. I've met feebas with more fight in them than these freaks" Typhlosion trudged mindlessly over the bodies of several fallen cultists. "Barely even had to get my fangs dirty on these freaks".

Bowser gave typhlosion an odd look. "Awful dark words coming from you General Teddy Bear". Bowser said with heavy sarcasm.

"Carefull, or I'll rip your guts open just like that one cultist". Typhlosion threatened darkly.

"The one with the with the bad eye"?

"There'll be koopa bits all over the place" Typhlosion described, waving his arms around as if mimicking an explosion.

"Who's to say I won't bash your skull in first with my fist"? Bowser shot back.

"Hope your fist is flame proof"

The two glared at each other breifly, then typhlosion ruined the moment by falling backwards with his hands over his stomach.

"Oh god..." Typhlosion wheezed as laughter spilled out of him.

Bowser was pretty red in the face himself, he couldn't help a few chuckles from escaping. "Told... ya..." Bowser said, then broke out into full-bellied laughter.

"I sleep in a pit of lava you idiot" Bowser said as his chest rose and fell rapidly.

"Yeah? Well my fire's hotter than that. It'd still leave a burn mark I bet". Typhlosion retaliated.

"Please I'd squash you in no time flat"

"Wana bet"?

The two both tried to rise rapidly to their feet, but thier hysteria wouldn't let them remain upright. Within seconds the two were right back where they started, splayed backwards and laughing uncontrollably.

"Ahh..." Typhlosion finally breathed as his giggled died down.

"Thats better, now you sound more like the typhlosion I know".

Typhlosion smirked, "I'd still rip your guts out though"--

"You two done rolling around in the dirt, or are you gonna start giving us a hand"? Latias stepped in, regarding the red-faced pair like a parent scolding two misbehaved children.

"Nothing here but a bunch of blood and guts. I say we head back at grab a bite to eat" Typhlosion said, his usual insatiable hungar returning.

"Second that" Bowser echoed.

Latias sighed, "To think, the two of you are actually Generals..."

She paused, her hand tensed instictively around the hilt of her weapon.

"Cultists" Typhlosion snarled as he sniffed the air.

Bowser was already back on his feet. "Where"? A quick glance around the feild revealed little more than blood and carnage.

"I don't like this" Latias whispered.

A cold voice cut through the clearing, causing even latias' heart to leap.

"Well, that was a jolly good show your bunch put on. Very impressive".

The three spun around simulatenously. There was a hooded figure standing there that wasn't there before.

"Good job, the three of you peformed admirably" The figure praised them, stepping causally over the bodies of his or her dead comrades.

"Who are you"? Typhlosion barked. Something about this particular cultist didn't sit well with him.

"All in good time" The culsist said enigmatically. He pulled back his robe, revealing an ivory staff, topped with a black skull with two rubies for eyes. Then he reached for his hood, pulling it back slowly so that his bald head was clearly visible.

"The three of you could be usefull to us indeed".
I like this Music from one of my favorite racing games besides GT5 and this soundtrack from it may just be the right one for this segment xiro. here it is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7LqLuS78LCo


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Grrrr, Mari why did ya have to disappear on me?? :(:(

I'll have to think of something ridiculous to write now when I get back so your spell will still be incredibly awesome. ;)


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.

While Magolor worked on the incantations, Mari stood guard and watched as the others take care of the other lichs. The only one that was left was Kalen.

"Done!" Magolor exclaimed. "OK, all we need to do is pick two different elements that work well together."

"Or we could do the opposite." Mari suggested.

"And there is no force in this universe that can change your mind...?"

"How bout Fire and Water? I'll supply the fire. You can use these giant waterfalls."


Mari waited for a response. "What?"

"Nothing..." Magolor said. "I just thought that you'd come up with something crazier..."

"I got a bunch of other ideas, if you wanna try--"

"NO! Let' just....do the Fire-Water Combo spell..."

Mari raised an eyebrow. "If that rolls with you."

The two began to chant in sync. Seconds later, a few whips of fire had began to form around the pair, while the water from the waterfalls bended and stretched over to them. As the flames grew in size and the water accumulated, the last remaining lich fortified his defenses even more as he put up barriers against the two elements.

"Now what?" Magolor quickly added in between incantations.

"Just because he has a barrier doesn't mean he's completely untouchable." The spell was complete. "Just do what I do, OK? This spell needs our full focus."

Magolor nodded at his pupil.

The lich laughed and shook his head. "Fools...you can never hope to penetrate my defenses!"

"Watch us." Mari defiantly said. "NOW!"

They fired the spell directly at him...or so it seemed. Just as it looked like it was going to impact, both streams of fire and water collided and created steam. While the steam itself didn't harm the lich in anyway, it provided great cover for Mari's REAL plan.

"YAAAAA!" Jumping out from the steam, Magolor leaped up and literally tackled the lich, hanging on to his rags as tightly as he could.

"Gah! Release me!"

Those were the last words the lich ever spoke. While he was preoccupied with Magolor, Mari was right behind him with one very long and very sharp Light Ring, which she delivered to his neck. The head fell with a THUMP.

"...Well...that was...kinda gross..."


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Huzzah! <3

Oh Mari, in case you don't know, Marle is a character from Chrono Trigger. Feel free to look her up if you need info if you decide to do anything as a segment. ^_^



The room was silent. Luco took a moment to search out everyone. The battle was a tough one and many were wounded. It took some time to heal those that were not injured. He was exhausted. I must forge on....

Once everyone was healed, Luco walked over the bridge and to the metal door, where he stopped. There was a passcode. Hm. He thought a while, then went over to Crono. "Crono, you can control electricity, correct?"

"Yup, I can. Is the door locked?"

"Yea..." Luco would have said more but he was tired.

"Mm, i'll unlock it then." Crono walked over to the door, put his hand on the pad and closed his eyes...


Crono opened his eyes.

"I think we're too exhausted to go any further for now. We need to rest. We'll use a watch system." Luco announced. "Watches will be for 3 hours each. I'll take first watch, along with Richard and Ark. Xiroey can take the next watch, along with Ness and Charizard. Mari can have the next watch, and although i'd give her Magolor, old wizards must have their sleep. With Mari can go Sonic and Marle. And the last watch can be taken by Pit and Dark Pit, along with Del. Remember to wake the next person up at the end of your watch. Wake us up if need be. Otherwise, get as much rest as you can guys. We'll need it." Luco began setting up camp in one of the darker corners of the cave. Other tents and assorted sleeping places grew around this. Our party is numerous. We number below 100 yet our power is better than that of an army.... I hope it will be enough to face the Master.

Luco allowed people time to sleep, before starting his watch.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Luco's watch had been uneventful. He watched as Ark and Richard settled themselves to bed. He rubbed his eyes and looked at the camp.

Soooooo tireedddddd...... *yawn*

He crawled past people over to Xiroey and shook him awake.

"Buddy... it's.... it's your turr....... turnnnn....."

Luco was asleep before his head hit the ground.


Just a relaxed segment while we wait for something new from Frosty's end. Can take it anywhere. ^_^


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley

Thead, I revive thee!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Sleeping on the job"? A gruff voice cut through the silence,making Xiroey to sit more rigid. "Oh, just you Gengar" Xiroey sighed, "Don't do that, I thought Darkrai himself had come to whisk me away someplace dark and, well--" he took a breath to calm himself "How do you and charizard hide your prescense so well"?

"Depends, how do plan to watch over us with your eyelids in the way"? Gengar dodged the question.

"You know the answer to that".

A strange expression touched Gengar's face, his mischevious smile faded, and, for a moment, moment he looked almost... serious.

It's that thing isn't it

He felt gengar touch his mind.

You see right thorugh me don't you? Xiroey responded, sounding a bit annoyed.

"You're not too hard to figure out" Gengar said, aloud this time. Then his smile returned, "I figured, your eyes closed like that, you must've been talking to it. Tell me, does the thing go 'rawr' or does it say 'grr'?"

"How should I know, maybe I should let it out for a sec so you can ask it" Xiroey snapped, then realized too late that his friend had only been joking. "Gengar I'm"--

He held up a hand to cut him off "Stressed" Gengar completed for him "It's alright, I can't imagine how hard it must be for you to be here" He added that last bit with a general nod toward Mari's tent.

"Thanks" Xiroey said. It helped to have a friend that knew him as well as Gengar did. "She scares me" he couldn't help admitting.


he nodded.

"She can be pretty scary" Gengar half-joked, then he saw the look in his friend's eyes and grew more serious.

"Do you have any idea why you feel this way whenever you're around her"?

Xiroey shook his head negatively "I wish i did. It's not so bad now, though at first I had to spend practically every other second convincing myself that she wasn't go blow my head off."

"I know that feeling" Gengar said truthfully.

"But still" Xiroey continued, she's a great friend. I'd trust her with my life".

"She's certainly bent on protecting it. All of us, for that matter. She nearly gave her life for us more times that I can count."

"I wish she wouldn't be so reckless" Xiroey said grumpily.

Gengar raised an eyebrow, "You and your mood swings".

"You're one to talk" Xiroey countered.

"Hey now, I'm the rational one in this conversation!" Gengar said indignantly.

"You're 5 feet tall, yet your tounge is half as long as this room, You float, yet you aren't made of helium, you turn yourself and others intangible, and you can put anyone to sleep just by looking at them. Exactly what about that is rational"?

"Since when is anything rational"? Gengar pointed out.

Xiroey sighed "You just contradicted-- Nevermind. The air between them grew silent. Gengar sort of knew what Xiroey was going to say next, though he hoped deep down that he wouldn't bring it up.

"I don't think I can stay here" Xiroey admitted.

"Well, yeah. I know I certainly wouldn't want to stay here. Every stormtrooper and their momma trying to kill you"--

"Gengar" Xiroey said patiently

"I know, I'm just saying. It won't be the same if you leave is all..."

"What other choice do I have"?

Gengar was about to open his mouth to protest more, but a big hulking shape cut between them, cutting the conversation short.

"What are you doing up"? Charizard yawned, addressing Gengar.

"Having a conversation with my best friend? Who invited you here anyway? No girls allowed".

Gengar huffed as a foot connected with his face.

"I'll take over this shift" Charizard said to Xiroey, ignoring the angry cries that came beneath his foot.

"Thanks, Xiroey said, hugging him, then left greatfully to catch some more sleep".

"Peh" Gengar spat, some time after Xiroey had left "When was the last time you washed your feet"?

"Sometime after the last time you actually stopped talking. You should get some rest too". Charizard said, a bit more softly.

"Fine..." Gengar grunted. He calmly dusted himself off and stalked away toward camp.

Charizard watched them both go, a look of conscern on his face.

"I need to have a talk with that kid" he muttered. A thought came to him and he quickly turned around. "Not much of a night-watch if I'm sitting here lost in my own thoughts."


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
"They're organizing"

Krookodile spun on his heel, sending a pair of magnezone reeling away in a high arc with the tip of his tail. He tried to complete his turn so that he could face the next threat, but a parting gift from his 'friend's' sent him flying abruptly to the side.

"I call butt on that one" Gengar said angrily "You!" He pointed to the nearest magnezone "no backshots" The magnezone responded with a series of buzzes. It's body sparked ominously while it's arms began rotating.

"That mean's it's going to attack" Cynthia said calmly, not looking away from her own fight".

"I know what it means. I'm just trying to have a civil conversation with this jerk before i bash it's head in is all"--

Cynthia cleanly ducked as Gengar's body went flying overhead.

"Garchomp, use Dragon Rush" She commanded without missing a beat.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Gengar woke in the middle of the night. An insistant buzzing had stirred him out of his sleep, and it had only gotten more intense the more he tried to ignore it.
Exhausted, and a little bit grouchy after being awoken in the middle of his nice dream, he reached beneath his sleeping mat, into his satchel, which was stored in a way that it wouldn't be visible to anyone else, less they tried to peer beneath his blankets.

"Whaaaat"? Gengar moaned into a tiny transciever. It was barely the size of two of his pinky's, and the voice that came out of it was even smaller.

"You can drop the act" Came a curt reply at the other end.

Gengar yawned and rubbed at this eyes. He didn't like waking up shortly prior to being yelled at. "They're all sleeping" Gengar finally repsonded, in a voice that wasn't his own.

"And none of them questioned your being there"?

Gengar smiled smugly "I picked this character well. He's well known in this group for coming and going as he pleases.

"Good". The voice said, seeming to ignore Gengar's boasting.

"The jar isn't here". Gengar said. He already knew the reason behind this call so late at night.

"But you know where it is"? The voice insisted.

"Yes, it's onboard their ship. But it's guarded. It might be a bit tricky to get a hold of it without being seen".

"Well." The voice said simply "That's why the master chose you now isn't it"?

"Don't worry, I'll get it" Gengar said confidently, then cut the connection.
He rose up out of his sleeping bad and retrieved his bag from under the mat.

"I'll be seeing you again soon". He said to Xiroey's sleeping form. Realizing he no longer had need for it, he dropped his disguise. His image blurred momentarily, and was replaced by the significanly smaller shape of a dark Yoshi.

The operation had all gone according to plan. All bald-guy had to do was fight the Eon kid long enough to nab a few memories, and he could put up this subterfuge easily. He stored two devices in his satchel, one for comminications, and the other to alter his shape to onlookers. Now it was time to dissapear.


A safe distance away, The Yoshi took out a silver vile. It contanined a liquid which was filled with the memories of another individual. He drank it down in one gulp, and suddenly a profound knowlege of shapes and colors began to fill his mind.

"Nabbing that jar will be no problem~<3" He said, in a perfect immitation of Drawcia.

MPH Deku

Smash Journeyman
Jul 14, 2008
the sea of unconsciousness
And then suddenly, MPH Deku makes a return in the dead of night to the wilting Smash Forums!

...whoa, sheesh, you people seriously buckled down this forum fight thing, huh. I'll back up and leave it to you professionals then. ._.;


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
And then suddenly, MPH Deku makes a return in the dead of night to the wilting Smash Forums!

...whoa, sheesh, you people seriously buckled down this forum fight thing, huh. I'll back up and leave it to you professionals then. ._.;
Oh nononononono! Feel free to stick around! We don't mind a bit of crazy fun - we just decided to try out a big story-line. I actually feel a bit bad because I worried that people would have less fun with a more organised system hah. :o

But feel free to RP as you like! If you want to 'buckle down', then you can try that if you like too! We've all been learning (myself included) to RP over the past 10-20 pages - i'm enjoying it though. ^_^


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Weeeeeeell.....I'll think about it. I mean I've done RP before but not with posting this detailed.... XD
You totally don't need to be detailed if you don't want to. ^_^

Smashfan isn't as detailed for instance but his RP still works. :D

Just do whatcha feel like. I can add you to the convo too in case you wanna know what's going on in the current story. ^_^

MPH Deku

Smash Journeyman
Jul 14, 2008
the sea of unconsciousness
A year ago ago smashfan was pretty much the most detailed person....kinda funny. XD

...or was that two years ago, don't really remember...

And that'd be nice, yeah, but I might just read through everything instead! :p

Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia

(While everyone was asleep, including Richard until he heard someone talking)

The jar isn't here.

He recognized the voice as xiroey's friend gengar and listened to what he was saying.

Gengar: Yes, it's onboard their ship, but it's guarded.

Richard laid still, wide awake but silent as he listened to gengar grab something. he then lifted his head slightly to where he could see without being noticed.

Gengar: I'll be seeing you again soon.

Richard then seen gengar transform into a small dino-like creature, he realized it was not xiroey's friend and grabbed his communicator and watched as this shape-shifter then made another transformation.

Richard: *whisper* Drawcia? I've gotta warn Wesker.

(Inside Magolor's ship, wesker hears his communicator ringing)

Wesker: What is it?

Richard: (whispers) There's a shape-shifter approaching magolor's ship.

Wesker: what are you talking about?

Richard: *whispers louder *Gengar transformed into a small dino like creature, and now he looks like that drawcia person now who is headed toward the ship.

Wesker: what is it after?

Richard: *maintains loud whisper* A jar, I've got a bad feeling it's the jar frostwraith's soul is in. Right now the false drawcia is near the ship.

Wesker: Ok, i'll ready my gun and enter the room where the jar is kept. Just keep that false ally busy.

Richard: already on it.

(Meanwhile outside the ship)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NmYr-5ASCHc- Day to live ( Segment song)

Richard: Stop right there, now.

(Suddenly almost everyone wakes up to the commotion)

Pit: Could you keep it down a little Richard?

Drawcia: yes, can't you see he's trying to sleep?

Richard: I overheard what you're after, and you're not getting frostwraith's jar!

Drawcia: what are you talking about?

Richard: Don't play dumb with me, I watched you morph from a tiny dinosaur like creature into a false drawcia, and I heard you're after a jar on this ship, the jar that contains frostwraith's soul.

Pit, Luco, and some others: False drawcia? Frostwraith's soul jar?!

Drawcia: Sigh I thought this would go easy but I guess not.

[Looks as if Richard had secretly caught the false gengar up to his tricks]


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
The Camp, Death Star.

"Mmpf...." Mari rubbed the sleep from her eyes and let out a huge lion-like yawn. While she really wanted to keep on sleeping for, oh, say, 3 weeks, she had next watch. She came out of her tent and stretched for a bit before walking towards Charizard.


The great fire dragon opened one eye. "What?"

"It's my watch. Go to sleep or something. You've earned it."

Charizard huffed. "By yourself?"

"You try to wake up a hedgehog and a alien wizard without getting lectured. Also, Marle is kinda worn out too. I didn't want to wake her."

Surprisingly, Charizard smiled. "You always put others needs in front of your own, bedhead?"

"Bedhead? What the heck are you talking about-"

Unbeknownst to Mari, she woke up with her short hair all out of place. It looked a little like a Starly nest or something.

"...Thanks for not laughing at me."

"You might want to fix that before everybody wakes up. Don't want it ruining your image."

"Yeah...now go get some rest already."

Charizard blinked once, as if taking a mental picture of Mari, before walking off. Mari could swear he was silently chuckling to himself.

She pulled out a comb form some invisible pocket and started to fix her hair. It wasn't long before she ran into one of those impossible (not to mention quite painful) knots.

"Ow...OW! Come on...oops!"

Mari pulled a little too hard and the comb slipped out of her hand. It went sailing all the way towards Xiro. It bounced of his head once before landing behind him.

Immediately, Xiro jolted up. "I'M AWAKE! I'M UP, GODDAMIT-"

The Eon took one look at Mari and paused ever so slightly before covering his mouth, trying not to let out a hearty laugh.

Mari sighed. "Go ahead. I won't blame you. But savor this, because you're not gonna see me like this aga-"


Xiro covered his mouth again and looked around nervously. Fortunately, he didn't wake anyone up. Mari could hear stifled chuckles and giggles for quite a few minutes.

"...Are you done?"

"Nonononono...pfft...Oh, sweet Arceus, my sides...OK, Ok, I'm done..."

Mari looked at Xiro and kinda let out a laugh of her own. It was very refreshing to see Xiro rolling on the floor in complete hysteria while laughing his head off. Besides, she probably looked pretty ridiculous.

"Sorry for waking you up." She apologized.

"It's OK. Something bonked me on the head, though."

"That was my comb. Could you, ah, hand it over to me? It's behind you."

Xiro handed the comb back to Mari, who continued to fix her hair. "So..." She asked. "How've you been doing? No crazy urges?"

"...so far."

"That's great." Mari grunted a bit as she pulled a few hairs out of her head by accident. "Glad to see that you're still you."


"Why are you afraid of me, Xiroey?"

Where did that last question come from, she had no idea. It just...came out. Xiro, on the other hand, was completely caught off guard.

"W-what? I'm not...I mean...uh..."

"The Dark Halberd. And plenty more times. Why is it that you're always afraid I'll do something to you?"

And just as she thought, the question was making Xiro feel more than uncomfortable. So that meant the problem wasn't Xiro...

Mari sighed. "Am...am I really that cold and scary sometimes?"

The Lor Starcutter

"Now what in the name of Leonardo Da Vinci is going on here?" Just as Richard revealed the fake Drawcia, the REAL Drawcia stepped onto the deck along with Marx, who did a double take.

"Oh, great." The jester groaned. "Now there's TWO annoying hags..."

Drawcia took the time to whack Marx on the back of his head with her paintbrush before facing the fake.

"Well!~<3 Look who we have here? An imposter? HA!" Drawcia scoffed. "No one can hope to impersonate the greatest artist that ever lived! Me! The Queen of Art!"

"Modest, much?" Marx added.

The fake Drawcia looked from the real one and Marx. Suddenly, the fake charged and tackled the real Drawcia, knocking her over a table. The two struggled and spun around the room, knocking things over.

"Richard!" One Drawcia called. "Shoot the other one! He's the fake!"

"He's lying!" The other Drawcia called. "I'm the true Drawcia! Shoot him, Richard!"

Richard aimed his gun at one Drawcia, then the other. "I...I can't tell which witch is which!"


"NO, HIM!"



"HOLD IT!" Marx cried out the top of his lungs. Everyone stopped what they were doing. "There are only three people that know Drawcia better then anyone, and that's me, Mari, and Magolor!" Marx hopped over a fallen flower pot and continued. "So the only way we know which Drawcia is which is...a test!"

(((And I'm done. XIRO can continue the first part, and the last part I'm gonna do later. So...yeah. It's been a while...)))


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
Ponyville Battle Site

Smashfan666, donning yet another new avatar, stands atop a cliff; overlooking the looming fleet sent by the Dark Master. the armada had not sent another of theirs for some time... Smashfan suspected this was some form of dare to come at them bro... or a trap...

Either way, he had a plan ready... he, Marceline, Future Xiroey, and a Bronze Dalek were to penetrate the mothership during a massive cluster**** distraction created by the rest of his forces. from there, they would track down the captain and hijack the ship. their own army alone could not cross dimensions all at once with such accuracy, and they were not about to go scurrying around for a dimensional rift that led to wherever the Death Star was... It was, however, more than likely the Dark Army had the technology to accurately cross dimensions at will, given they seem to be able to show up everywhere they were...

Evil always seems to have the cooler tech way before the good guys. Smashfan could not ****ing understand why that was always the case...

Either way, if Smashfan and his resistance army could get ahold of the technology needed to bore through dimensions, they could storm the Death Star and join the fight... this would not be an easy task, but definitely one that smashfan's power over Internet Memes could handle with some degree of ease... he hoped...

"Smashfan" Marceline said, the rest of the minisquadron following. "Our cover's all ready to go."

"Excellent." Smashfan responded.


"I'm just hoping your avatar's cloaking device can conceal your webaura and my dark energy..." said the Future Xiroey.

"It should." smashfan answered. "So long as we don't 8ump into anyone, getting in should 8e a cakewalk..."

"However, it's the getting THROUGH part that i'm worried a8out........"

"Pshaw, smash." Marceline said. "I'm sure you've got more than enough memes up your sleeve to get us out of a jam..."

"Funny thing, Marce;" smashfan responded, in attempt to sound badass. "I think you'll find that memes aren't the only thing up my-"


...After the huge wave of playing cards subsided, Smashfan pulled himself together...

"Heh... yes, that..."

"Anyway," added Future Xiroey "we're ready when you are..."

"Good." said Smashfan. "Send the army out, and tell them..."

he removed his avatar's glasses for a moment here...

"'Right 8ehind you'..."

+Requiem for a Dream, intense part+

After smashfan's forces were given the signal, King Dedede saw fit to deliver the first strikes. he alerted the waddle dees station by a long line of cannons, putting on a false french accent.

"Zmashfan haz given uz ze signal, FIRE OUR SH**!"

Waddle Doo responded, in a similar accent "But I am le tired..."

"Vell, have a nap, ZEN FIRE ZE MISSILES! I havez ze business to attend to..."

Dedede walked forward, joining a Red Dalek, a COD Pro, and many other generals...

They all took out vuvuzelas and blew a tune of war...

+Tune of war+

Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
@Mari, I also left a link with the segment I did, if you clicked the link you would see a nice looking racecar from GT5, and one of my favorite cars. I picked the song because I thought it to be fitting with the segment


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
LOL at Mari's double - person situation. I remember when paper mario did a similar thing.

Well, Luco and Del are asleep.... so i'll have to letcha write this one. :p


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Guess what! FROSTWRAITH IS BACK! :evil::laugh::demon:

Fire Emblem: Awakening - "You have power... like mine."

"Hurry...! You're close to Palpatine's room...", I thought as the team advanced to the Central Core's Room.

I could watch them thanks to the part of my soul stored in the Soul Jar.

With the rest of my soul contained in my body, possessed by the Master, my vision was foggy, shrouded in pure darkness. Although darkness isn't evil by itself, it is tempting and many people succumb to it, in their lust for power and their greed.

I'm not that kind of people. I do not seek power for myself. Knowledge and justice is what drives me. In my journey, I have learnt that vengeance only begets blood and destruction. But what if vengeance brings justice? Is it just to kill someone of their misdeeds? Such are difficult, yet important questions... However, the Master is too big of a threat and there's no time for philosophy. He must be killed at all costs... The entire concept of existence is at stake!


Evil cannot be entirely annihilated. It will never cease to exist as long as the concept of good exists. Like two sides of the same coin... One concept cannot exist without its opposite.

After the storm, comes something good... However, that good thing that comes after said storm is but the calm before another storm...

Our next big foe is Palpatine... We must prevail in battle and end his life if we are to succeed and defeat the Master himself. The Death Star should be destroyed at all costs before it causes more destruction than it already did.

Urk! What is this... that I'm feeling? Did the Soul Jar fall into the wrong hands? I trust it will be protected at all costs... My life ends if the Master gets a hold of this soul fragment and fully fuses with me. This cannot happen!

Will be writing the battle against Palpatine very soon... Can any of you make it so that the group on the Death Star is all united?


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia

Basically you make up a character - you, in some way - with certain powers. You put them in any world and play as them. Then you just write stories about them, basically. We usually have some over-arching story which we follow but you can RP yourself in a smaller area first if you don't feel ready to join the main group just yet, or alternatively you can join in right where we are! ^_^

Try to give your character a background too - it makes them more interesting, gives them depths and often limits. =D

I'll link you to an old rule-set I created ages ago...


And finally, if you're serious about joining, i'll add you to our group so you can see what's going on more clearly and ask direct questions without having to put them directly in the thread. ^^

Fire Emblemier

The Crests are to Blame
Apr 4, 2013
United States
Switch FC
Ok, after reviewing the rules a few times, let's see what I can do.

Powers and Abilities: My character FireEmblemnier, is a Physic, much like Lucas, Ness, and their respected party members. Including some but not all Physic powers from their games. These powers include PSI/PK fire, shield, lifeup, brainshock, counter, Offense Up/down, and my "favorite thing PSI", PSI Courage. I can also use my PSI to speak to creatures that don't have use of the human language
Besides my PSI, I also have a one handed sword that's most of the time in a sheath at my hips. This sword can also be powered by two of my PSI, Fire and Offense Up, respectively.

Personality and etc: My character tends to be quite of a show-off sometimes, by even taking on enemies by myself, yet I know when it could get out of hand, so it won't hapoen to much. I tend to try to differ things from right and wrong. Once, I form a bond with my allies, it's hard for me to betray them, even if they betray me, this could be considered a flaw. I'll try to add more, later.

Also you could add me in the main plot.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Kewl! You don't necessarily have to introduce your whole character in the whole first post, when you do it. Having mystery and things to decide upon the way is fun. ^_^

I'll leave it up to you - but now that we've got who you are, your next step is properly introducing yourself IC (in character). That is, your first post where you play as your character. Set it in a world and have him do something or start off something about his storyline perhaps?

Anyway, we can find a way to put you into the main storyline. In the meantime, i'll add you to the convo. ^_^

Also, for anyone that didn't notice, I updated the FF ruleset with a new rule - it's no. 7 - but it's nothing big or scary. :p

Anyway, welcome to FF! Frosty or someone, could you please give an updated list of who's in our party, who's died, what worlds have been destroyed and what's still around, etc? Basically just interesting stuff there for Fire to work with? ^_^


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.


The Lor Starcutter, Bridge.

"OK, Drawcias!" Marx proclaimed, marching in front of the two identical art witches like a general inspecting his troops. "I'm gonna ask you a series of questions that no one but the REAL Drawcia should know the answers to. The one who gets the most questions right wins! And the other one will get a swift but very painful butt-kicking delivered by yours truly."

The small jester smiled mischievously when he said this, showing off every single one of his very sharp teeth.

"QUESTION ONE! What was one of Drawcia's first creations?"

"Terror Teddy." Both Drawcia's said at the same time.

"And where did Drawcia unleash said creation?"

"Ooo! Ooo! I know this one!" The Drawcia on the right exclaimed. "At...um...a forest?"

"Hmmm..." Marx said. "Be more specific?"

"Ugh, this one is so obvious!" The other Drawcia said. "The VERIDIAN Forest, dearie. ~<3 So sorry about all that. I don't know what came over me."

"You DON'T know?" Marx eyed Drawcia #2 suspiciously.

"Oh, now I remember!" Drawcia #1 yelled. "I was possessed by the Plague Union! Doh, I can be so forgetful sometimes. ~<3"

"True." Marx nodded. "OK, you're both tied 2-2. Whoever gets this next one right wins. Ready?" He paused. "456 times 77 divided by 5 plus 90 minus 89 equals...?"

"Umm...What does that question have to do with-"

"JUST ANSWER IT! You both have 10 minutes! GO!"
10 minutes later...

"The answer is...uh...uh..." Drawcia #1 shuddered. "Ummm....oh, dear..."

The other Drawcia smiled wickedly. "7,023.4"

Marx did the math in his head and also smiled. "You are correct. Which means..."

The jester opened his mouth and fired a huge beam of blue energy at the winner. The imposter didn't have enough time to dodge and took the attack dead on, crashing through the wall into the Death Star's hanger bay.

"Drawcia needs at least FOUR days to solve a math problem like that." Marx spat on the floor in disgust. "I'm a MASTER of deception and trickery. Next time, try NOT to take the form of someone I know."

"Mags is going to absolutely POP when he sees this hole." The real Drawcia looked at Marx with gratitude in her eyes. "Thanks for not being wrong."

"Am I ever?" Marx boasted. "But...now we've got a problem. The jar isn't safe here anymore."

"So? Let's just take off and hide in the Dark Side of the Death Star, like before." Richard suggested. "With Magolor's Shadow Zone Tech, we'll practically be invisible."

"And leave our friends high and dry when this place goes KA-BOOM?" Marx shook his head. "Don't think so." The jester took a quick glance outside. He didn't see the imposter anywhere. "K, here's the plan. I'm gonna go do something crazy while you guys deal with the look-alike."

"To what crazy thing are you referring to?"

"I'm gonna take Frost's Jar and see if I can join up with Magolor and the others."

"That IS crazy. So crazy, it just might NOT work."

"Marxie, dear...if any of the cultists find out that you have the jar..." Drawcia warned. "They won't hesitate to...to..."


Marx looked at the art queen with undeniable determination. "They DON'T know I have the jar. So no worries, OK? It's time I took a page from Kirby's book and be a hero for once...did I really just say that?"

Taking the jar, Marx placed it inside his hat, which was a portal to his very own pocket dimension. "Anyway, even if they DID somehow get my hat...they'd have to go through an entire dimension filled with almost everything I've ever stolen, pillaged, and swiped. Once I join up with Magolor, he can magic it away to Popstar, Mobius, Mushroom Kingdom...anywhere else but here."

Drawcia sighed. "Well...I suppose..."

"You just get to the others." Richard reloaded and armed his gun in a cool-like fashion. "We'll clean up things here."

Marx nodded. With that, he unfurled his wings and flew down the corridor with great speed.

((((.....I....finally......did it........god, I need to get out more. XD

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