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Forum Fight: The Story Forum

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Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
@Muhti: Japan/Aus shouldn't have been taken by China - they have superior technology to deal with the invasion, especially Japan hehe. =/

Couldn't China go the other way towards India?

Especially seeing as Kanze, Liha and Alyse would be working hard to ensure those places weren't taken... =C

Actually... i'll allow Japan to be taken and Aus. too as long as we assume the technology Australia was creating was put to use for the Japanese spaceship?

I'll write my segment tonight, got a friend over atm. :D


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Ohhhkay, a small segment to get things going - i'm going out soon.


Luco flew out from the wall cover into the vision of the group, with Mephiles hot on his heels. "So you can fly, can you?" Both asked the other at the exact same time.

"Yes." Again, they had said it at the same time.

"Stop that!" Luco shouted.

He threw a small orb at Mephiles but kept his guard up to see what would happen. Mephiles backed away to the side. "Let me show you the power of the dark..." he smiled and disappeared for a moment, before re-appearing again, this time with many many clones. Luco looked around for a moment. "Hear me..." the voice seemed to come from everywhere. "Your death is at hand!"

"BEHIND YOU!" Sonic shouted at Luco. Where have I seen this before?

Luco summoned a water barrier all around himself, then suddenly expanded it. It hit all the clones at once.... except for one, the one behind him. Luco pivoted around to face him, recovering from recoil - he had been charging an attack. Luco saw an opening. He pushed his open palm out in front of him and summoned an ice spear - long enough so that part of it would materialise inside of Mephiles. The dark hedgehog saw the faint silhouette of it and pushed himself to the side again before the ice solidified. "Ha!" Luco said. He summoned water within the panels of the wall on either side and forced the panels out of their sockets, pushing them together at incredible speeds.

"Brother, watch out!!"

The two steel plates clashed together and Luco saw a dark substance oozing out of them. "What's there to worry about De-"

The energy spear went straight through his chest.

"BROTHER!?!?" Del cried from the wall as Luco fell from flight.

Funny... it's like when I first lost my powers... but, who will save me now?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"NOOOOO!" Del screamed. He leapt out of the wall and hovered Luco, and was about to work the healing spell on him when he was hit by a small orb of darkness by Mephiles. He barely kept his psychic hold on Luco but he realized that would be worthless if his brother bled out. He kept lifting Luco up and onto the bridge for the others to watch over. "It seems you didn't notice me." Mephiles stated, noticing the dark magic hadn't phased Del at all. He conjured a new one, far bigger. "Well i'm talking to YOU." He launched the sphere straight at Del.

Del needed only to face Mephiles and the barrier appeared at will in front of him. The orb had done nothing.

"Die." He stated, flatly. His voice betrayed no emotion.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BxJY65vCfIA (sorry just needed to use it again this one time! :p)

He lifted his hand and a large 2D 'ring-like' apparition appeared in front of him, with many smaller holes in its rim. He lifted the other hand and psychically began to spin the ring. As he did so, hundreds of energy-based missiles flew out from the holes and aimed themselves straight at Mephiles.


(the idea for that attack Del just did was taken from something i've loved for a long time: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZ11jMakitQ)

To clarify, Mephiles created yet another clone behind Luco after Luco had destroyed the others and switched places with it. He's known for being somewhat of a coward. :p

Anyone can write what happens next if they want to. =D


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
It's been a while since I continued this...

Death Star Environmental Research Facility - Sector 3A: Icicle Cave

One... two... three... click! BAM!

Another of Samus's bombs helped to pave the way through the icy cave. The team was often ambushed by cultists and other ice creatures, including Freezards, Wolfos or Chilfos of Ganondorf's army and Shadow Ice-type Pokémon.

"There's just no end to these creatures... urrgh... my legs feel horribly cold.", complained Pit, shivering.

The path was rough and the floor was slippery. Samus blasted off another bunch of Dark Cultists, while the angels were engaged in a fight against a White Wolfos, a powerful wolf-like creature belonging to Ganondorf's army of monsters.

Captain Falcon used his gun to fire at the Stormtroopers while Rawk Hawk attacked more brainwashed Shadow Pokémon.

"Hail... the Mas...ter...", the cultist uttered before dying.

"These cultists are certainly devoted to their Master...", observed Samus.

"Hmph. More like puppets than anything else...", harshly said Dark Pit.

"Some of them have been brainwashed to serve as his slaves and regain their sanity as they die.", observed Captain Falcon. "Others appear to genuinely believe in the Master's cause..."

"Pit, watch out!", suddenly stated Dark Pit.

"Wah!", yelled Pit, as he was hit by a Zebesian Space Pirate.

"Falcon... PUNCH!", uttered Falcon as he used his powerful punch on the Zebesian, knocking him out.

As the Zebesian was about to get up, Samus immediately fired a missile at him, defeating him once and for all.

Continuing to walk through the icy cave, they arrive at a door. There was something written on it: "Death Star Environmental Research Facility Cold Core"

"Cold Core... This should be one of the cores we're supposed to destroy.", stated Captain Falcon, after he read the sign.

Opening the door, they found themselves at a corridor. The air was still very cold and the walls were covered in a tiny layer of solid ice.

They eventually find another door which lead to a large, circular room with a huge glowing orb made of ice with dark particles orbiting around it.

"This must be the core we must destroy!", stated Pit, arming himself with the arrows of light.

"You fools! You will not destroy anything.", said a cultist who appeared in the room. "The Master's patience for your games is over! It's time for you to die a most painful death!"

The cultist snapped his fingers and teleported away. Suddenly, the core becomes protected by a barrier and tons of turrets and cannons appear in the walls, creating a powerful defense mechanism.

"This must be a security system! They certainly won't hold back in defending their base!", stated Falcon.

Death Star Environmental Research Facility's
Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Boss Battle Song 1

"Intruders detected... Nearby soldiers are to aid in the core's defenses.", a robotic voice echoed throughout the room.

A bunch of Stormtroopers entered the room to protect the core as well.

Samus activated her Morph Ball transformation to deploy bombs around the small laser turrets.

Pit, Dark Pit and Captain Falcon used their weapons to fire against the incoming Stormtroopers. In such situation it was literally kill or be killed as one shot could make a difference. Thankfully, both the angels and the F-Zero racer were nimble to keep dodging the Stormtroopers' fire.

Rawk Hawk took care of the demons that came from another door to aid the Stormtoopers.

"Whenever you get the chance, fire at the barrier surrounding the core!", Palutena said to Pit has he kept shooting the incoming demons with his arrows of light.

A huge demon approached Samus, still in her Morph Ball transformation. Just as the demon was about to cleave her into two halves with his gigantic sword, Samus deploys a super bomb that took care of the demon easily. Samus was now the target of a nearby plasma cannon.

Turning off the Morph Ball, Samus fired a few shots to shut down the plasma cannon.

More Stormtroopers arrived to the scene, but were surprise attacked by Rawk Hawk as he dived towards them from the air.

Dark Pit aimed at the core's barrier and kept firing. A demon walked just behind him and was about to eat him whole, when Falcon punched the vile beast aside.

Even more Stormtroopers arrived, only to be blasted away by Samus.

"These guys just keep coming...", stated Pit, noting the incessant arrival of Stormtroopers.

"Perhaps we can find a way to lock those doors... Maybe there's a control center around here...", responded Falcon as he continued to fire at the Stormtroopers.

"Or we can simply blast them...", responded Dark Pit. "Hmph!"

A laser had been fired and almost toasted both Falcon and Dark Pit. Samus quickly destroyed the laser turret using a super missile.

"Their defenses are thinning out already.", noticed Pit.

"What?! Is that all these punks got?! Harharharharhar! They got nothin' on the Rawk!", arrogantly stated Rawk Hawk.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever...", bitterly responded Dark Pit. "How about doing something useful?"

"WHAT?! Now you're asking for it, punk!", retorted Rawk, before being interrupted by Captain Falcon.

"How about you both stay focused on destroying that thing?!", angrily said Falcon for the lack of cooperation between Dark Pit and Rawk Hawk.

Meanwhile, Pit and Samus took care of destroying the remaining turrets.

"System failure... The security system has been destroyed. Activating the core's central defense mechanism...", a robotic voice said. "Five opponents detected..."

The core was suddenly armed with five laser guns directly powered by the core itself. Each gun was aiming at each team member.

"Watch out, Pit! That security system is equipped with five lasers, each aimed at you! Avoid those lasers and keep attacking the core.", warned Palutena.

The team kept attacking the icy core. One of the laser guns began charging.

"White laser incoming!", yelled Samus.

"It's aimed at Pit!", noted Captain Falcon.

Pit used the mirror shield to deflect the laser and damage the mechanism. Afterwards, Pit continued to fire at the core.

"Watch out for the red laser, Samus!", warned Falcon.

"I got this...", whispered Samus.

The laser was fired and Samus dodged the laser thanks to her agility and destroyed the gun using a missile.

"Incoming yellow laser!", noted Dark Pit. "It's aimed at Rawk Hawk!"

"Color coded lasers... interesting.", observed Falcon.

Rawk busy at punching the core and didn't listen to the warning.

"Rawk, watch out!", said Pit running towards him and pushing him aside and, if it weren't for his mirror shield, he would've become toast.

"Hey, punk! What do--", rambled Rawk Hawk before being interrupted by Dark Pit.

"You should be thankful that you weren't turned into a fried hawk, idiot.", retorted Dark Pit.

"A pitch black laser!", noted Samus.

"I'll handle this!", responded Dark Pit, readying his bow.

The laser was fired and Dark Pit dodged the laser and countered by firing a charged shot from his bow, destroying the gun.

"Blue laser charging!", warned Pit.

Captain Falcon was fast enough to jump and destroy the gun with a Falcon Punch.

Now that the five guns were destroyed, the team could focus on destroying the core itself.

"Security alert... Cold Core's defenses have been destroyed.", a robotic voice was heard.

"Now it's just a matter of time this thing goes down!", stated Falcon.

With the five members of the team targeting the core's barrier, it was destroyed in some seconds.

"The barrier is down! Now's the time to finish this!", yelled Pit, firing arrows of light nonstop.

"This thing better prepare for a RAAWWWKING!", Rawk Hawk roared as he jumped and dived towards the core with enough strength to finish it off.

The core was about to blow up, but the team managed to escape just in time.

"Whew... that was rough...", sighed Pit.

"One of the cores has been destroyed... we should go to the next sector of the facility.", responded Samus.

A different battle segment...

Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
[Meanwhile back at the weapons facility]

Richard: Okay the purge bomb is set to detonate in 35 minutes, when it does, the blast radius will gain pulling strength as it grows. When it's at it's maximum size, let's just say rooms surrounding the blast radius will be gone, along with some guards and other sectors.

Snake: How big is the explosion before it dies down?

Wesker: Every purge bomb made by Umbrella makes a Meteor-sized Crater on the surface of earth, then it stops growing and stays at that size for just a moment before the explosion shrinks and disappears very quickly, leaving behind a crater sized hole.

Snake: (gasps)

Richard: since the death star is planet like in size, one purge bomb explosion will take a piece of it off, but 23 more can wipe it out., anyway let's get going, we have 33 minutes and 50 seconds til impact.

(the three enter sector 4's door)

Snake: some stairs.....

Richard: this can only mean that were nearing a core room.

Wesker: this room doesn't appear to be guarded.

(richard takes out his communicator and switches to map form)

Snake: that a neat gadget.

Richard: one of umbrella's technology, anyway this room is empty, but the map is reading three entry points, the Weapons factory room, the frozen core room and sector 4B, the Weapons Factory core seems heavily guarded and it had an orange sphere symbol that represented a sector core, the frozen core room isn't heavily guarded, i assume mari's team took care of that. Let's head to the weapon's factory and destroy the core along with whoever's guarding it.

Snake: Great. Let's go, no time to waste with that bomb counting down.

(The team head inside the weapons factory)

Snake: get down! (whispers)

Richard: I'm seeing three cultists and two stormtroopers, one of the cultists is wearing a black and red robe while the other two are wearing regular black robes.

Snake: Well lemme throw this to attract their attention (throws a grenade and hits the floor next to the cultists

Cultist (red and black robed): Intruders!! Find them!

Richard: they're distracted, start firing!

(Richard starts firing both machine guns he picked up from the weapons facility, killing the two stormtroopers immediately)

Cultist (black robed): It's one of those master hand members.

Cultist (red and black robed): let's see them dodge this! ( the cultist leader fired a ball of dark energy at richard)

Richard: Too slow! ( richard zipped to the side, easily dodging the shadow ball)

Cultist (red and black robed): What the?! How did you move so quick over to the left side of the room?! What are you?

Richard: The t-virus is what enables me to move at the speed that i want.

Wesker: We both are mortal, but you can't fight something you can never understand, but the virus's gifts can't be obtained by just anyone, most likely you'll be turned into reanimated people.

Cultist (black robed): sounds grim but we won't chance it, for our master you will-

Richard: Enough. (Richard fires the tec9 and mac at the two black robed cultists, killing them)

Leader cultist: !! You'll pay for that! (the cultist fires another shadow ball at richard, richard zips again to the north part of the room, facing the dark cultist)

Leader cultist: N-n-noo! (Richard zips toward the leader cultist and appears, grabbing the cultist by the neck and lifting him off the ground)

Richard: This is your end!

Leader cultist: Aaaaaarrrgghh- (snaps neck)

Snake: Kinda brutal, but just what i do in my line of work.

Richard: only 31 minutes left til weapons storage explosion, let's hurry up and destroy the core.

Snake: Already got it covered (snake plants some C4 charges and throws a grenade). Run!!!

(The group run out of the weapons factory room outside where the other two doors are when.....<boom>)

[Meanwhile somewhere nearby]


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
"Hmm... Elevator music... well THIS is anticlimactic" Krookodile observed.

Upon stepping onto the hidden platform, it was no surprise when the group found themselves inside an utterly massive elevator shaft. Looking around, the inside of the elevator looked like it could house the entire united states Army, tanks and all, and still have enough room for a group of teenagers to throw a sleepover party.

But the music! The group was only a few minutes in, and already most of them were scant seconds going stark raving mad!

"I don't know" Adler chuckled, "I kind of like it".

All eyes in the elevator immediately turned to him. "What"? He said defensively.

"Look" Cythia said, coming to Alder's aid "I know we're all weary, but are we really going to let something as small as elevator music"-

"Horrible elevator music" Krookodile Added.

"I liked them both better when they were frozen" Gengar complained.

"Everyone! Would you jsut... listen to yourselves! It's. Just"-!

"Drones"! Gengar butted-in.

"FINALLY"! Krookodile sighed, "anything to save my ears from that satanic mess"~

Krookodile brandished his claws, ready to slice at the first drone that tried to draw near the group.

"Yeah, come and get some! I'll slice your robot guts out"~ Krookodile spat.

"Arceus help me" Cynthia facepalmed, she calmly sent out her Garchomp. "Garchomp use Dragon Rush"!



The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Continuing the story with more of the Master's villainy! :evil:

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance - Burning Ambition

In the Dark Ones' hideout...

"Master, Muhti and his forces have retaken the United States' mainland as their own.", reported a cultist. "Meanwhile on the Death Star, one of the cores has been destroyed by Master Hand's army."

"...Incompetent... irritating... AARGGGH!! YOU FOOLS! YOU MONGRELS! I AM THROUGH WITH THIS!", the Master viciously reacted, unleashing part of his power, killing the cultist in the process. "I am the ALPHA! THE OMEGA! I CANNOT BE LOSING LIKE THIS! The plan was perfect!!"

"My Master--aaaarrrgggh!", another cultist spoke shortly before being killed by the Master as well.

"SILENCE!", the Master screamed. "It took me centuries of planning and preparing my OWN ARMY AND IT ALL ENDS LIKE THIS?! NO! I MUST THINK OF SOMETHING! I! SHALL! PREVAIL!"

The Master calmed down and walked around the room. Given his anger, none of his minions dared to speak to him, rendering the room in absolute silence.

"Hmph... at least we have several countries under our control... listen up, dogs! I'll ensure that Muhti is punished for opposing me!", the Master started speaking, planning another of his schemes.

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance - Stratagem in Black Armor

Somewhere in Siberia, Russia...

"Take them to the camp!", ordered a cultist to a Dark One soldier.

Lots of people from around the world were being taken to a newly build Dark Camp, where opposers of the Master were held prisoners. There was no discrimination in whatever traits or creeds.

There appeared to be a total of ten thousand prisoners, held in the camp for "opposing to the Master," according to the cultists.

"Are they all in the pit, fellow follower of the Master?", a cultist asked another.


"Fill the pit with gasoline and pulverized wood!", ordered the cultist to the soldiers.

The soldiers did as commanded.

"LET THEM BURN! They should have known better than to oppose the Master!", a third cultist yelled.

The soldiers obeyed, throwing torches to the pitfall the Dark Ones made and a fourth cultist was filming the whole thing.

"Send this to Muhti.", the third cultist ordered a soldier nearby, having taken a CD from the fourth cultist.

"Of course!", responded the soldier, taking the CD with the film saved.

Meanwhile in the newly restored USA...

"Muhti... the Dark Ones have sent this.", a police officer said, giving the same CD to Muhti. "It seems to have a message..."

Muhti took the paper and read it out loud: "Actions have consequences. Your opposition to the Master has made us take this decision."

"Should we watch it?", stated the officer.

"I suspect this isn't going to be pretty...", Muhti commented.

Muhti and a few others began to watch the video...

Will continue to write stuff later...

Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
Just a reminder to some ppl, my character (Richard) has the same traits that albert wesker has, except for the lab coat, which is white.

He has the t-virus (Speed, Strength, and accelerated healing) and is part of the umbrella corporation (Albert's assistant) and uses the same technology (purge bombs, even the futuristic aircrafts used in the movie, afterlife and commands Umbrella's security forces.

He also carries a gun, just like in the game (RE:5) he is a force to be reckoned with, nearly impossible to kill (thanks to his speed from the virus).
Unlike wesker, who obviously got killed from toying with chris, Richard doesn't mess with people when it comes to survival. He is calculating, (like wesker who is a genius villain in the movie) and can dodge/counter attacks, like in the game. When enemies are near, he waits for an attack, then dodges it at bullet speed then zips toward his foe and grabs he/she by the neck and either snaps their neck or just shoots them.

In the beginning after my character left the Resident Evil realm and landed in the pokemon world, he was shortly met by a druddigon who wanted to assist him but richard refused, believing he was fine alone. Now realizing he cannot do some things alone, he wanted some assistance.

Despite being in an uneasy alliance with wesker later in the story, richard still wishes to reinvite the druddigon he refused, back into the group, but he knows he can't (being in space is the reason why). He's swore to himself when all of this mayhem is over, he's going to stay in the pokemon realm with xiroey, and ask if the druddigon still wants to ally alongside Richard. Either yes or no, Richard still won't be going back to his realm.

that's all for my character's info, Now you can RP him as best as you can now (Xiroey, Mari, Frost, Etc.). Just read the description info, i know you'll get an idea.

Thanks, guys.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012

Death Star Environmental Research Facility - Sector II

"With Cold Core down, we're one step closer to shut down this entire station!", stated Pit.

"Right, your next target is the core that powers the second sector comprised by the desert, swamp and ocean simulators, before reaching the Bioweapon Research Area.", Palutena responded.

The group continues through the corridor that heads towards the second sector of the facility. The air was getting warmer as they approached the door heading to the desert simulator.

Upon attempting to open the door, an alarm is fired.

"Halt, intruders! Pledge your allegiance to the Master or burn!", a cultist stated, suddenly appearing. He was wearing more sophisticated robes than the other cultists. Judging from his looks, he seemed to rank higher than most foes faced before.

"Is that so? Let me take you on!", Captain Falcon responded.

"You will regret this, mortal!", responded the cultist.

F-Zero - Port Town (F-Zero X Style Remix)

The cultist unleashed a powerful wave of darkness at Captain Falcon. The attack was much more powerful than those of the other cultist they faced before.

"Urrrgh...", Captain Falcon mumbled, stunned from the attack.

"I told you, mortal... To oppose the Master is to oppose your own existence!", stated the cultist. "Bow to him! Bow to the Master!"

The cultist began using a nefarious looking spell.

"That... that is a mind controlling spell!", warned Pit.

"Never!", Falcon retorted as he got up and attacked the cultist before the spell was complete.

"Hmph. Blind fool! DIE!", the cultist responded, launching a spear made of black smoke.

Captain Falcon dodged the attack and fired his gun. The cultist teleported away, dodging the shots.

"How's that even possible?!", reacted Pit, as he saw the cultist dodging the shots fired in a blink of an eye.

"The Master's power is superior! It grants us, his followers, to prevail over mere mortals like you!", the cultist responded, as he teleported right behind Pit and kicked him harshly.

Pit was sent flying to the other side of the room, but Falcon caught the cultist off-guard and attacked him with a Falcon Kick to knock the cultist down and pointed his gun at him, ready to fire.

"Hmph!", the cultist muttered, before teleporting and appearing again with a copy of him.

"One of them is fake...", observed Dark Pit. "Watch out! If you attack the fake, it will blow up."

Captain Falcon kept his distance from the mad cultist and his clone, both of which wouldn't stop shooting dark bolts. Thankfully, Captain Falcon was fast enough to dodge the majority of the spells. Shooting the figure on the right, he noted that it simply teleported away.

"That's the true one...", whispered Falcon, before shooting the other, which exploded shortly after.

The true cultist appeared again with another clone.

"You've got to be kidding me...", Falcon reacted, as he shot the figure on the left, that blew up, damaging the true cultist with the explosion.

"Hmph...", the cultist grunted, teleporting away again.

"Falcon, above you!", warned Samus.

Looking up, Falcon saw the cultist attempting to impale him from above. He barely dodged the attack and shot the cultist in the leg.

"Arrrgh!!", the cultist yelled from the pain of the shot.

"Falcon... PUNCH!!", yelled Falcon as he attempted to attack the cultist, who teleported away.

The cultist appeared again with the injury seemingly healed, as if nothing happened.

"You cannot defeat me! Your fate is to follow the Master or die!", the cultist stated.

"We will see about that, fiend!", retorted Captain Falcon as he ran to approach the cultist and punch him again.

The cultist conjured a barrier, halting Falcon's movement.

"Burn! In the name of the Master!", the cultist fanatically stated, conjuring blue fire on his hands.

The fire balls approached Falcon, prompting him to dodge each.

"Further resistance is useless, mortal! Your fate is written in stone! OBEY OR PERISH!", the cultist stated.

"We have all faced tougher odds than you. We won't lose to a deluded fanatic like you!", Falcon stated. "Come on! Show me your worst!"

"Your words will be punished by the Master himself!", retorted the cultist, shooting a huge ball of darkness that seemed like a black hole.

Falcon dodged and Pit entered the fray by deflecting the ball with the Mirror Shield, one of the Three Sacred Treasures.

Dark Pit and Samus readied their weapons as well, backing Falcon and Pit. Rawk Hawk remained close to Dark Pit and Samus, ready to rush at the cultist for when he was knocked down.

"Time to end this!", yelled Falcon.

"A glorious moment will be when I see the five of you drown in your blood!", stated the cultist, drawing a knife and running towards Falcon to stab him.

"Sorry to say, but that won't be happening!", Pit stated, aiming his bow at the cultist and firing an arrow, hitting the Dark One and stunning him with light power.

Overwhelmed by the arrow's divine power, the cultist was open, prompting Falcon to shoot him in the head with his gun.

The cultist immediately fell to the ground with no last words. Proof that he died a quick death.

"He was quite tough... maybe they've sent their elite troops.", commented Samus.

"Judging from the robes and fighting skills, I'm certain that he was one of their elite guards.", observed Falcon.

"Let's head to the next section.", stated Pit, prompting the group to leave the cultist's body behind.

Another of the Dark Ones dead...


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Richard, on your last statement of that he's a powerful force to be reckoned with, well, everybody's main character and maybe the main characters partner, like Charizard, Dimentio, Sonic, etc. is a force to be reckoned with :p But now that we know, I can easily RP your character considering all the hardcore movies I've watched haha

South Pole

"We've arrived" the Doctor reported. Luigi lowered the flame from his fireball he was holding as they speculated the portal. Muhti, Luigi, and The Doctor each had their share of bruises and minor injuries from Dark Cultists, while Dimentio seemed to be untouched.

"It's like a Nether Portal..." Muhti observed.

"The question is: which one is hell?" Dimentio said with a smirk on his face, clearly amused of his joke.

The Doctor took out his Sonic Screwdriver and did an analysis of the portal.

The three behind him breathed steadily in the freezing cold as air came out in a form being able to be seen.

Muhti tightened up his black coat and walked across the snowy ice to the Doctor. He kneeled over and asked if anything was peculiar of the portal.

"Well," the Doctor began, "I've concluded that this portal is powered by none other: the Chaos Emeralds."

When the last two words were said, each members icy ears perked up.

"But its not on this side." The Doctor said, putting his trusty screwdriver away. "It's on the lowest part of the Death Star."

Lower Core of Death Star

They each exited the portal with ease, and soon found out that the Lower Core was abandoned.

"Is-is this safe?" Luigi stammered.

"Nonsense, of course it is." The Doctor coaxed knowing that it was a complete lie, why would somebody leave powerful entities such as the Emeralds be left alone for anybody to grab? That was hard to believe.

Dimentio appeared in front of Luigi, which startled him. Dimentio gave a hardy laugh and went to F. Muhti.

Muhti looked at the place where the only place that had light in it, the chamber where the Chaos Emeralds were stored.

"Yes!" F. Muhti shouted in glee.

"Muhti don-" the Doctor pleaded, but was interrupted by none other: Ganondorf, who apparently jumped in front of the rushing Muhti as any boss would.

"Who dares to mess with the Master and the power of the Emeralds he rightfully deserves?!" he shouted in rage, forming shadowy balls of energy.

F. Muhti had enough of what was repeated to him over and over again, 'Who dares to mess with the Master?' and he had enough of waiting to retrieve the Emeralds that he had in the first place.

"Who dares to mess the Master you ask?" Muhti mimicked with a furious face plastered on, "The Supreme Leader of the Universe does in fact."

"I've messed with the Master and what happened? I'm still here aren't I?!"

Muhti clenched his fists tightly and shook them in front of Ganondorf.

"I've been killed by the Master, that's no lie, but I was able to reside that and I'm alive. Do you understand what I've also done?! I tricked the Master and took America for my own and instead he's too afraid to reveal himself! But of course, he's residing in such a weak body such as Frostwraith, so I give him credit, but that's no excuse, he could've used a far more powerful host such as me! But he knows I'm way too powerful for him! I'm the Almighty Muhti! The one who dares to mess with the Master, does that answer your question, Ganondork?!" Muhti ended with bewildered eyes, bulging out with anger. In return of his raging speech, Ganondorf started laughing.

"Boy, you've made a horrible mistake!"

He reached his arm out and formed a tight fist, which made the Emeralds revolve around himself. Each Emerald seemed to be engulfed by Ganondorfs body, or at least, it was Ganondorf, but now, it's his true form that took his place: Ganon.

----will write battle tommorow----


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
I have been thinking some ideas I want to incorporate into this segment.

Team Hawk managed to cross the desert area without much problems, but the heat and constant fighting against the Master's minions wore them out and now they entered the swamp simulator.

"Bleugh... this smell...", reacted Pit.

"The smell of dead bodies...", stated Dark Pit.

"Yes... the smell of the dead...", a voice echoed through the room.

"Who said that?!", Rawk Hawk reacted. "You better not be one of these punks or you're in for a RAAAWWWKING!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha... the substances found in swamps help to decompose bodies quite quickly... ideal for killing someone...", the voice reacted.

A dark cultist, wearing purple robes with a skull pattern fades into the swamp. Four fireballs floated around him: one blue, one orange, one green and a purple one.

"...without leaving any clue. Indeed, it is... the perfect crime.", the cultist continued. "Gaze upon this magnificent landscape... for it shall be your resting place! Come, my minions! Rise from this putrefying grave and fight the Master's enemies!"

The cultist performed a spell and lots of rotten corpses and skeletons began to rise from the swamp's mud.

"Ha ha ha ha ha! Go get them, boys! Their pretty faces shall look much better once they've rot enough! HA HA HA HA HA!", madly stated the cultist.

Sonic Heroes - Boss 3 (Robot Carnival / Robot Storm)

"Looks like we got our hands full...", commented Captain Falcon.

"Heh... this will be quite fun. You ready, Pit?", stated Dark Pit, smirking.

"Yes! It's time to crush some zombies!", said Pit with enthusiasm.

"It's time for RAWKING action!", Rawk Hawk yelled, making a battle stance.

"Mwah ha ha ha ha! Glad to see you are... enthusiastic about your own deaths! Let's see who will last longer! LET THE BLOODSHED COMMENCE!", manically stated the cultist, doing a gesture, causing the zombies to charge mindlessly at the group.

Falcon made roundhouse kicked a pair of them, only to have three more just behind him. Pit and Dark Pit faced zombies on opposite directions, covering each another. Samus deployed bombs and lured the zombies into them which proved quite effective against the mindless dead.

"Mwahaha! Crush them all, boys!", the cultist stated, floating high above.

More zombies rose from the murky waters of the swamp.

"Pit, behind you!", warned Dark Pit, just about to shoot a zombie just behind the white-winged angel.

Pit rolled to avoid being hit by his twin's fire, slashing another zombie afterwards. Though the zombie was headless, it continued to go after the team members.

"Come on, punks! Is that all you've got? Ya mess with me and ya get destroyed like THIS!", Rawk Hawk yelled as he performed flashy moves on the zombies, knocking them. "The champ is not easily destroyed by brainless idiots like you! Har har har har har!"

Falcon combined his fighting abilities with his gun to destroy as many zombies as he could, but they would always come in huge numbers.

"Their numbers don't seem to be reducing... on the contrary, we're being completely overwhelmed.", noted Falcon, as he kept fighting zombies. "Falcon PUNCH!"

"Muhahahahaha! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!", the cultist laughed as he kept summoning more and more zombies.

The fighting continued and suddenly, it was as if there were no more zombies to spawn.

"Is it over?", questioned Pit.

"Muhahaha! The fun is far from over! This was just the first wave!", mocked the cultist. "Come on, boys! Crush them in the Master's name!"

More zombies rose, but they were also accompanied by other undead cousins: ghosts.

"Ghosts! Physical attacks won't work... which means only the angels and me can attack them.", noted Samus. "Take my Paralyzer, Falcon. You will need it to hit those ghosts."

"Thank you.", responded Falcon, taking the gun.

"Rawk, you should focus on the zombies.", said Samus to Rawk.

"Muhahaha! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!", laughed the cultist.

"Hmm... the arrows of light seem quite effective on the ghosts too.", observed Dark Pit, as he watched his twin to quickly dispose of the ghosts.

The black winged angel slashed another zombie in half, only to find out that these zombies were far more durable than the others as the two halves continued to move towards him.

"Ho ho ho ho! Are you all having fun?", mocked the cultist, as he summoned more zombies and ghosts.

Three zombies were about to overwhelm Rawk Hawk, but Captain Falcon came to the rescue. Rawk continued to show off his flashiness in combat, but the zombies were seemingly endless.

"Where are all these zombies coming from, Lady Palutena?", questioned Pit.

"It seems that the swamp is full of dead bodies. Those are probably victims of the Master that are being animated by the cultist.", responded Palutena.

"A sacrilege against life!", remarked Dark Pit.

"Couldn't agree more... Anyway, keep the heat on them. The cultist is certainly playing to win.", responded the goddess.

Samus kept her usual strategy of drawing the zombies to the bombs, using her missiles and shots to protect her allies in case they were overwhelmed. Of the five, Samus was the most versatile attacker.

The horde of zombies and ghosts defeated, the cultist prepares another spell.

"Muhahaha! So... you've made this far, eh? And here I was... thinking that those handsome corpses would be enough to finish you off... HA! It doesn't matter. Wave three! HA HA HA HA HA! You know the rules, boys! CRUSH THEM ALL!"

More zombies rose from the mud. This time, they were wearing armor that made physical hits inefficient. Besides the improved zombies, ghosts were abundant, as well as a new foe: skeletons. Unlike zombies, skeletons were faster and more cunning, but easier to be defeated.

"So, now's the real deal, huh?", commented Dark Pit.

"Harharharharhar! How pathetic are these weaklings?", said Rawk Hawk as he easily grabbed a skeleton and slammed it against a tree, breaking the majority of its bones in an instant.

Samus blasted some missiles at the skeletons and armored zombies, defeating them easily. Ghosts remained problematic, but her energy weapons proved quite effective against them, requiring fast switching between the weapons.

Like the previous two waves, the horde was disorganized, which gave the team an advantage even if they were severely outnumbered.

"Muhahaha! Get them all!", the cultist yelled.

"I can say there aren't much more bodies to be used by the cultist.", warned Palutena.

"It means this is almost over, right?", responded Pit.

"Yes, so just tough it out for a little longer!", affirmed Palutena.

Rawk Hawk's brutish punches made short work of most skeletons. While Rawk handled the skeletons, both angels focused on disposing the ghosts. The armored zombies were more troublesome, leaving Samus to take care of them using her bombs. Using Samus's Paralyzer, Captain Falcon halted the advance of as many creatures as possible, so that the team wouldn't be overwhelmed by the walking dead.

Coordination was the most vital element to overcome the foes and eventually gave victory to the team.

"There's still one armored zombie behind you, Captain Falcon!", warned Pit, shooting an arrow, which Falcon dodged, but the zombie didn't, given his sluggish movement.

"Hmph! So... you proved to be quite resistant... my hordes were insufficient to destroy you all... it seems that I have to kill you all personally!", angrily stated the cultist, teleporting to the ground.

Kid Icarus: Uprising - Boss Fight 1

"DIE! In the name of the Master!", screamed the cultist, shooting a bolt of darkness at Pit.

"Not so easily!", retorted Pit, defending and deflecting the bolt back at the cultist using his Mirror Shield.

Pit used the Wings of Pegasus to fly, forcing the cultist to use his dark magic to float at will.

Pit shot an array of arrows at the cultist, but he avoided them.

"Hah!", yelled the cultist, shooting one of the four fireballs orbiting around him. The fireball had a boomerang effect, as it came back to him after a while.

Pit dodged the fireball and, flying close to the necromancer, slashed the cultist using his divine bow in a combo of melee attacks, kicking him afterwards.

"You... you will regret opposing the Master!", retorted the cultist, shooting a wave of darkness that hit Pit.

Slightly dizzy, Pit lost control of his flight for a while, giving the cultist the opportunity to attack him again by launching his four fireballs at the angel.

"His wings caught fire!", observed Captain Falcon.

"We need to do something now!", stated Dark Pit as he took flight to grab his twin.

Samus quickly fired a missile at the cultist, but that didn't affect his flight.

"Your little angelic friend will burn in the Master's name! AND YOU'RE NEXT, WENCH!", retorted the cultist, shooting the fireballs at Samus, who rolled away in her Morph Ball form.

Meanwhile, Dark Pit quickly dipped Pit's wings in the mud to stop the fire. Pit's wings were injured, but he was able to stand and fight, readying his bow to aid Samus to fight against the necromancer.

"You're not dead yet? Burn again!", reacted the cultist, shooting the fireballs at Pit, who dodged them this time.

Using the cultist's opening, Samus shot a super missile at the cultist that would've killed him if it weren't for his magic powers. Nevertheless, the missile was enough to send the cultist to the ground, who, despite being weakened and injured, remained determined to kill his opponents.

He summoned two skeletons, hoping to get an upper hand. The skeletons were easily defeated by Pit's arrows and Samus fired plasma beams at the cultist.

"Urgh... I cannot die like this...!", stated the cultist, weakened.

"Unfortunately, you can and you will.", retorted Captain Falcon ready to kick him.

The cultist attempted to conjure a barrier, but it was too late. The cultist was knocked out by a Falcon Kick, leaving him open to one of Pit's charged arrows of light.

"AARRGHH!!", screamed the cultist as he was hit by the arrow, becoming unable to fight.

The cultist coughed heavily, attempting to utter some last words.

Pokémon Black / White - Unwavering Emotion

"...Where...? You... have saved me...... Is this nightmare... finally over?", the cultist said. "Am... am I free?"

"...Yes.", responded Samus.

"Thank... you... brave warriors... He's too... powerful... b-but... I'm sure... you will make it...", the cultist uttered amid his coughing, shedding one single tear. "Ah... my dear... I...I'm sorry... for what I have done... I will be joining you soon..."

"This is unforgivable.", stated Captain Falcon.

"Apparently, he was aware of every single act he committed while brainwashed...", stated Palutena.

"This is vile beyond belief.", stated Dark Pit, angered.

"Yet another innocent live you've taken...", a familiar voice was heard, approaching.

"You again...", reacted Captain Falcon upon noticing Goenitz's presence.

The King of Fighters '96 - Trash Head (Goenitz's Theme) (Arranged)

"Correct. It is I, Goenitz, again.", calmly stated Goenitz. "Have you ever been accused of crimes you didn't commit? Have you ever felt yourself as if someone took control over you, yet you can't do anything about it?"

"Where are you going with this?", responded Pit.

"That man you killed... he killed his wife, shortly after joining the Dark Ones.", told Goenitz. "He inhabited Earth and was quite rich... until his business failed and all the money he worked so hard to gain was gone from one day to another. Quite tragic, if I do say so myself."

The team listened to Goenitz's story.

"Consumed by despair, he was met by a man who promised to restore his reputation and handed him a contract with his company... or so it seemed. That alleged contract was nothing more than a Dark Pact with the Master. Slowly, he became more ambitious and power hungry as the man whom he signed the contract seemed to guide him in the right path. Manipulated and cursed by the Pact, he was ordered to kill his wife by the one whom he signed the contract. He did so... yet, at that time, he already had no control over his actions. Everything he had done by then were merely business procedures, so he merely followed such orders... however the Pact's curse made him little more than a puppet to the Master himself, yet tricked him into seemingly possessing conscience. This man realized that he had become a puppet once ordered to kill his wife, as he watched that he couldn't control his body anymore since it was bound to the Pact's curse."

The group remained silent.

"I know... it is quite a tragic story. You do not know, however, which cultists are willingly serving the Master or which are brainwashed to serve him. It is hard to determine one's guilt given such conditions, isn't it? Give it some thought..."

Wind began to blow gently.

"Ah... a wind is blowing... Well, I must bid my farewells for now... I am sure we will meet again somehow...", said Goenitz as he faded away.

Rather interesting segment if I do say so myself...


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Niice, 6 star segment Frost. I graetly enjoyed reading that~

Also, sonic has a lot of good songs no?

"Incoming"! The room spun around 360 degrees as Latios performed a spinning maneuver though a group of storm troopers. Sonic spin dashed at the Trooper nearest him before he could make a move for his gun. His lightning reflexes kicked in and he snatched away his weapon as he fell "I don't think he has any use for this any more" Sonic yawned, tosssing the weapon to Mari.

"Thanks Teach" Mari Grinned, then imbued the weapon with magical properties and used it as a makeshift club to bash some poor troopers head in.

"Thats uhh... that's an effective way to use the weapon". Sonic coughed.

"Isn't it?" Mari said, it was impossible to tell if she was joking or not, "What are you looking at"? Mari suddenly demanded to a trooper next to her who'd been trying desperately to be invisible.


The walls echoed with a solid smack as the Trooper went flying 50 some feet, only to vanish a ways down the hall.

"Harsh Much"? Xiroey mused, suddenly back in the fray after having transformed.

"What are you on about Xiro"? Mari inquired.

"it's just that you didn't let him... Ahh"- he ducked sharply as Mari's Gun-club went whizzing over his head. A faint scream was heard as another of the Master's minions collapsed. "Do you mind?"?

"He was about to shoot you" Mari said without emotion.

"Oh"... Xiroey began, "T-thanks then. I guess".

"We're all going to be toast if we don't move it out of here pronto". Charizard growled, whilist chucking a trooper against the wall.

"Not our fault" Xiroey grunted.

"Isn't there supposed to be a switch or something that opens the way into the next sector. We're all sitting ducks as long as we're stuck here". Sonic bounced against a wall, narrowly evading several rounds of enemy fire. He hit the ground rolling, then delivered a rising kick to the backs of some troopers. "Too slow" Sonic taunted.

Xiroey whistled as yet another trooper went flying over his head. "These guys are awfully aerodynamic aren't they"? he noted drily.

"You'll be awfully aerodynamic if you don't quit standing around". Charizard threatened.

"I love you too buddy" Xiroey said, then summoned his guns. "Okay, who wants some"?



"I won't let you come near him" Del said resolutely, he ducked a claw swipe from Mephiles, then delivered a sweping kick at his legs. Mephiles reacted quickly however, and managed to sidestep the attack. "Tick Tock" Mephiles taunted, laughing at Del's frantic attempts. He raies his palm toward him and shot several dark spheres towards the pair of brothers.

Del merely glanced at the attack, and it rebounded off a solid barrier. "My turn" He pointed his hand at the ground and it the moisture instantly cooled and turned to ice. Mephiles leaped back as a circle of icy stagmites shot out of the floor.

"Nope nope, times wasting" Mephiles said, taking sadistic pleasure in Del's anguish.

Just need a few seconds and I can...

Del had to think fast. How could he distract Mephiles long enough to tend to Luco's wounds? He spun a quarter circle and launched an icy spear at Mephiles before the hedgehog could flank him.

"Oh too bad" Mephiles said with fake syphathy as he evaded the attacks, he curled into a ball mid-dash and spindashed at Del's legs. Del seeminly had no time to react to the attack, and was unable to prepare a counter-attack before Mephiles reached him.

But Del was feinting. Mephiles leaped out of his dash and tried to dispatch Del with an acrobatic kick to the face, but his attack ended up meeting another one of Del's barriers. Grunting in frustration, Mephiles bounced off of it and briefly took to the air.


Del made. A sweeping guesture with his arm toward the ground. A circle of stalagtites fell from the ceiling, directly above the spot Mephiles was flying towards.

"Not bad". Mephiles complimented him. He managed to summon an energy shield around himself just in time to vaporize the ice before it did any real damage.

"Thank you" A voice said from behind Mephiles. The hedgehog started. he looked toward the ground and realized that the previous Del had vaporized into mist.

Mephiles grunted as he was sent flying across the room. Del recovered from the recoil of his water blast and teleported behind Mephiles again, only to deliver a vertical roundhouse kick to the Hedgehog's face.

"Good Bye" Del said emotionlessly, He clinched his fist and a magical symbol appeard on the floor, at the exact spot Mephiles was headed. The hedgehog looked down just in time to see his doom before the Symbol was ripped apart with water, with the hedgehog in it.

"And good riddance" Del finished. Wasting no time, he teleported back to Luco and began working on a heal spell.

"Come on..." He chanted in his head. Why wasn't Luco waking up?

"Awww... Looks like your wittle friend has already died... I'm sorry". Mephiles said mournfully.

Del didn't even waste time turning around, He pointed his free hand at Mephiles and lauched a water orb at him.

"Sorry Kiddo, but that's life. Your brother's gone, his soul belongs to the master now".

As much as he didn't want to let the Hedgehog's words get to him, since that's obviously what he wanted, Del couldn't help clenching his fists in rage".

"He's not... dead..."

Mephiles tilted his head. "Okay? He's not then, go on believing that if you wan"-

Del spun around without warning and lauched a pair of water orbs at the hedgehog. "You're anoying"! Mephiles easily dodged the attack, but Del was already counting on that. He raised his hand and a thin hollow circle of water appeared in front of him. Just as Mephles landed, he launched the projectile, which spun at Mephiles like a Buzz Saw. Mephiles raised an eyebrow at the attack, already preparing to toss up an energy field in defense.

"Outa my way fuzzy" Shouted a familiar Blue Hedhog as he rammed Mephiles in the back.

Mephiles grunted audibly as he went flying yet again, but managed to halt his flight mid-way and levitated in mid-air.

"I see your friends are back" Mephiles said with a hint of bitterness

"You bet your foot we're back"! Mari shouted, then tossed a glowing assault rifle at the hedgehog's face.

"You shouldn't play with guns like they're toys" Mephiles bantered, easily destroying the weapon before it drew clsoe.

"You should lighten up and have fun more" Said another voice from Mephiles side. The hair on the hedgehog's neck stood up as he turned around, suddenly coming face to face with Xiroey, who was grinning form ear to ear.

"Hi" He said cheerily, then gave Mephiles a hearty Luster Purge to the face.

Meanwhile on the ground, Mari was swiftly rushing to Del and Luco's aid.

"He's hurt" Mari observed.

"Don't come near him". Del said instictively. He was reluctant to let anyone come near his brother in his weakened state.

"Relax" Mari said softly "I'm a friend" She knelt down next to Luco and began administering an advanced heal spell to treat his wounds. Del watched a little dubiously, but made no move to stop her.

"It's all right now Luco. Come back to us"...

The Battlefield outside of Impact

"Rediculous! I saw we blast these fools out of here now, it's obviously a trap"! Typhlosion howled, why couldn't any of these idiots see reason?

"I'm with General Badger-bear" Bowser growled, the only other person around with any bit of reason.

"Because it wouldn't be in the spirit of what this city stands for if we confronted them on such shady terms" Latias countered, "We wont' let them anywhere near the City. Let them send a runner over to deliver their message, if it's a retreat, then we can get out of this battle without losing any more lives."

"Latias speaks reasonably" Cheif Braviary added, "Let them send a runner".

"Aaaagh"! Typhlosion roared, the blaze on his neck shot of another few notches. "Fine! Let them send a runner. I'll tear his stinkin limbs from his body if they try anything sneaky"!

Latias nodded, it was obviously as good an agreement as they were going to get.

"We should send the message over then, I'll communicate it to them telepathically.".


The runner was surprisingly unimposing. For such a ruthless and diabolical group as the dark one's, one would expect the runner to be more... Intimidating...

"Message from our head commander" Disclosed a small scrawny man with a rat-like face. He opened a formal pachment and held it in front of his face, somewhat helping block out the hostile stares the members of Impact were giving him. "Ahem..." he began awkwardly "Surrender your city to the master now, and we will promise to spare everyone in"-

The man got no further before he was cleaved in half by a blade of light, launched directly from Latias' scythe.

The other generals looked upon her with disbelieve written all over their faces.

"It was a clear declaration that they had every intention of taking our city. No use in letting him live in that case". Latias said simply.

"Rodent deserved what he got" Typhlosions spat. Then tilted his head up and roared loudly for all to hear. A general sturring went up amongst the Dark One's ranks as the cry carried all the way across the field.

That was the signal to advance they'd all been waiting for. The members of Impact charged forward again, eager to drive this sinister force far far away form their city once and for all.


"That should do it" Mari sighed. The light from her hands steadily began to fade. Not a visible scratch was left on Luco's body, and he appeared to be sleeping peacefully.

"So fast"? Del said with disbelief "You couldn't have finished treating him so quickly! Look he still hasn't"-

"Your bother will be fine" Charizard said with such an air of finality that Del had no choice bu tot believe it.

Mari nodded her head toward the dragon in thanks, "Charizard's right, he's just sleeping now. Each of his vitals are fine, there's no more threat to his life now than there was when he brought you here".

"Speaking of which" Charizard butted-in, "how did you manage two manage to teleport all the way over to the core anyway"?

Del sighed, the toll of what had just happened was still weighing heavily on him "It was no real feat once my brother and I conjoined powers. We should be able to repeat it once he wakes up".

Charizard looked at Mari, to del, then back to Mari again. Mari saw the message and already know what Charizard was getting at. "Perhaps I could perform the other half of the spell in Luco's place"... Mari began.


"Great, Now I have to fight you do I"? Mephiles said with clear annoyance.

"Preeeety much" Xiroey said without sympathy, he tossed his gun up in the air, then caught in in his other hand. He then pointed it at Mephiles and fired. The bolt bounced awkwardlya cross the ground, splitting into two identical bolts with each bounce it made.

"That's the best you can come up with"? Mephiles scoughed. He simply levitated, and the attack pased beneath him harmlessly.

"Yeah" Xiroey agreed sadly, from inside Mephile's ear "but then again, I reeeally suck at fighting." He blasted a shockwave at the side of Mephile's head. The hedgehog just barely had enough time to toss up a barrier before the attack rammed itself against it.

"Haaiii-Yah"! Xiroey grunted as he teleproted forward and chopped the barrier with his fist, the energy field shattered instantly, admitedly stunning Xiroey a bit as the energies dispersed.

"Idiot". Mephiles shook his head, He raised his palm and shot a greed beam at Xiroey's chest while he was stunned.

The beam traveled swiftly. Xiroey watched it come helplessly, very nearly about to be dealt with the very same way Sonic was, and the same way Charizard almost was.

"Ow". Xiroey said blandly. Mephiles eyes widened and he half-turned to see Xiroey standing there looking comically hurt.

"Why are you looking like that"? Mephiles said in his best unamused tone.

"Your attack" Xiroey complained "I tried looking into it because it kind-of looked like a colidascope if you stared at it in just the right way, but then I realized that staring at bright things can give you retna damage, so now my head is kind of hurting, which is wierd considering that one of my attacks is actually a giant blast of li"-

Xiroey was cut off mid-ramble as one of Mephile's claws came scant millimeters away from his nose. "Hey, cut me off why don't ya"? Xiroey said, leaning back from the attack. He teleported a safe distance away, and re-summoned his guns.

"You go explode now. Okay". He began shooting the weapons rapid-fire. The bolts traveled in a wide variety of different ways. Some flying straight, some curving in and out, some bouncing across the ground, some flying in a high virtical arc. They each had one thing in common though, and that's that they were all traveled almost too quickly to be seen... and that they were all homed in on Mephiles.

"TakeThisAndThisAndThisAndThisAndTHISAnd"~ Xiroey chanted cheerfily as he fired his weapons with glee.

Mephiles managed to evade most of the shots, but many either traveled in too awkward a way to predict , or otherwise flew at him at just the wrong moment, so he ended up getting hit more times than he'd liked.

"This wiiiillll end it"! Xiroey said from behind Mephiles as his clone was still firing his weapon. He pointed hsi hand at Mephiles, completely oblivious to the electric bolts that bounced off of him, and lauched a shockwave at the back of Mephile's head.

Unfortunately, he was greeted with rather painful explosion as the clone of Mephiles exploded on him. His clone instantly phased out as his concentration was broken, and he was stunned breifly.

"Got you with your own coward tactic" Mephiles teased. Xiroey looked up and saw a rapidly growing Hedgehog foot quickly drawing closer to his face.

Xiroey cursed, then wend down under the attack. Mephiles pounced on him as his back hit the ground, and began clawing mercilessly at Xiroey's eyes.

"Aaaah, get off"! Xiroey grunted, he'd just barely managed to throw his arm over his face in time to prevent being blinded, but then his arm ended up getting cut up badly. In a last ditch move, Xiroey's body began to glow. Mephiles recognized the attack and backed off.

Not quite.

Xiroey's feint had worked. He focused on the floor in the spot Mephiles was standing in and spikes hot upwards at the hedgehog's feet.

That'll take care of him...

Or so he thought, the spikes manged to connect, but they did no damage. The ones dirctly beneath Mephiles broke off at the base, falling over as if his feet were made of lead.

"What in kant"- Xiroey began, then was hit with Mephiles foot way too quickly for him to have just been standing across the room.

"Your attacks are Pathetic" Mephiles scolded.

"Really? How about mine" A feminine voice said, rushing at the hedgehog as Xiroey flew away from the attack.

"Mari, my sweet. If only you weren't so stubborn, you could've lived like a queen at my side. The dark queen you were meant to be". Mephiles shook his head sadly. "But alas, you choose to align yourself with these..."

"These people are my friends" Mari said, as she delivered a speedy kick to Mephiles face, surprising even him!

Mephiles grunted as he flew back, but he managed to halt his momentum before he crashed up against the wall.

"Fine, you've made your decision, you can rot with the rest of these swine"! Mephiles retaliated with a series of dark attacks. Each of which were countered by Mari's light spells.

"Is that the best you can do"? Mari yawned.

Mephiles face grew a tenge redder as his anger grew, His attacks grew more frantic, and he teleprted near Mari in the middle of one of his attacks and tried to land with a whirling kick.

Mari easily ducked the attack, a light barrier dealing with the dark bolts at her side. She focused on Mephiles as he flew overhead and aimed a powerful, but unfocused burst of psychic energy straight up. Mephiles was caught in the attack and began to ascend rapidly. The energies binded his limbs, surprisingly preventing him from moving as easily as he could.

"Sorry Mephiles, but I don't plan on comeing with you ever. So you can just kiss that dream good bye". She raised her arm upward and began chanting in a stange language.

Mephiles could do nothing to avoid the attack since the energies still pushed him upward, and some sort of hex prevented him from teleporting away.

"Already knew you'd try something like that". Mari said, finishing up the first of her spells. She began chanting again, this time powering up a particualarly powerful light spell.

Xiroey, now recovered, saw what Mari was doing and added to her efforts. He telported up to Mephiles and held him in an upside down Choak Hold.

"You're not going anywhere" Xiroey hissed into Mephile's ear.

Mari's spell was complete. A circle of light glowed above her, and a massive beam of pure light energy shot up at the pair flying upward in the air.

Xiroey watched the attack coming, and timed the moment perfectly when he needed to telport away to safety. The attack hit Mephiles square on, and he swiftly dissapeared from sight.

"That get him"? Xiroey asked as he teleported back to Mari's side.

"I think so. But then again, Mephiles is slippery, he could very easily have survived that... somehow".

"I don't doubht it" Xiroey sighed sadly".

Mari began to walk wearily toward where Luco was laying. Charizard, Sonic, and Blaze, Magolor and Marx were there. Guarding Luco as he slept.

"Thanks guys. Did it really take all of you to look over one person though"? Mari said as she walked near.

"Mari!" Nice job, you blasted that creep all the way to dreamland and back!" Marx cheered.

Mari blushed at the compliment despite herself, "It was nothing, really".

"My foot it was nothing, That was pretty d*mn sweet Mar~"! Xiroey said cheerily, coming up behind Mari and slapping her a bit too hard on the shoulder.

"Xiroooo..." Mari said darkly.

Red alarms went off, Xiroey instantly began to regret his decision. Mari turned on him.

"Ahh"! Xiroey cried, as Mari glomped him. "Nice job, holding that creep down. I swear if he had escaped again.. I woulda..."

"...agh... no... problem"... Xiroey forced out, still a bit confused.

"So, you were going to join up with Del to teleport us to the next Generator"? Charizard said, bringing the two back to the present.

"Right"! Mari said, suddenly releasing Xiroey so he could breathe.

Del looked up at Mari. "You ready"? he said.

"You kidding? The sooner we get out of here the better, lets do this already".


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
That was a really great segment Xiroey! =D

Though there was something that didn't quite fit in - you guys wouldn't know at this point about Del - so I was expecting some kind of high-tension scene where you're trying to understand what was going on. :3

But it's not really an issue. :o :p


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley


Great, now there are plot holes :facepalm:

I'll have to find out a way to retcon this so that it fits :facepalm:


Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
[continuing where i left off]

Snake: looks like we should head to 4b

Richard: Let's go, no time to chat, 30 mins and 30 seconds remain til the purge bomb detonates.

(The three run through sector 4B and reach the end of the corridor)

Snake: where are we now?

Richard: sector 4b was a path heading north inside the death-star, were almost to the middle of the death star now.

Wesker: were at the end of the corridor with three doors now, check your map and see where they lead.

Richard: Well two of them are additional sectors and were at a door that leads to the shadow room

Snake: i don't like the sound of that room, what are the sectors?

Richard: Sector 5a and a sector called R.

Snake: R sound intriguing, let's see where that leads.

Richard: Since were at the end of sector 4b i'll place yet another purge bomb for 29 minutes since that's how long the other has left.

Wesker: let's get going the time is ticking.

(the three head through sector R, who knows what is guarding this sector)

[Short segment done]


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Same it's 8:49 p.m where i'm at now
When I said it was late night here... I meant it was 1:43 AM where I am. :laugh:

The King of Fighters '95 - Hall, Bass and Melody

Snake, Richard and Wesker entered Sector R of the Death Star. They walked on a dimly lit corridor with many statues close to the walls, as well as several weapons on display.

"This may be some kind of trap...", commented Snake, noticing the lack of guards on the area.

"Yes... why wouldn't this sector be guarded...?", wondered Richard.

"It's odd, considering the huge amount of weapons here.", whispered Snake.

The three continued to walk on the dark corridor leading to Sector R.

A tremor is heard.

"What was this?!", reacted Snake.

"It seems to come from down below...", noted Wesker.

The tremor intensified and a figure quickly came from the ground. It was Akuma, who had previously challenged Frostwraith to a duel to the death, shortly before the dark mage was possessed by the Master.

Implanted with cybernetics and brainwashed by the Master, Akuma immediately challenged Snake to a duel to the death.

"My fists will make you bleed in the Master's name! BURN!", yelled Akuma, as he made a battle stance.

"I knew this was a trap... I will take care of this.", whispered Snake, telling his team mates to stand back.

Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix - Mountain Breaker (Akuma's Theme)

Akuma started by launching his mechanical arm at Snake, who jumped over and kicked Akuma on his face, knocking him down.

Akuma got up and shot an Hadoken with his mechanical arm, hitting Snake, who got up and used his pistol and attempting to shoot Akuma, but the fiendish fighter warped to behind Snake and surprise attacked him.

Snake got ahold of himself and used his CQC combo on Akuma. Hardly injured, thanks to his mechanical implants, Akuma countered by punching him with his mechanical arm and zapping Snake afterwards.

The fighting took quite a while. Snake eventually managed to plant a small C4 explosive on Akuma's mechanical arm to disable it and hinder his fighting capabilities.

Brainwashed by the Master, Akuma would fight in his name to the death. Even at a disadvantage, Akuma fought fiercely, even attempting a tweaked version of his signature move, Raging Demon, named Shining Gou Shock.

Snake managed to use his stealthy techniques to trick Akuma, planting mines and using C4 to injure the mechanized fighter.

With the mechanical arm missing, it was hard to properly match against Snake. Grabbing Akuma, Snake snapped his neck, finishing the opponent off.

"It's kind of odd... what are all those statues?", questioned Richard.

"Probably statues of the Master's elite soldiers or something. Shouldn't be much important... This cyborg seemed to be guarding the door on the other side.", commented Snake.

"Let's proceed, then.", stated Richard.

The group entered the door. The room looked like something coming from a luxury mansion.

They saw a man dressed in formal clothing. Someone whom Snake has met before and seemingly killed in a fight.

"Rugal?!", reacted Snake. "How the hell are you still alive?!"

The King of Fighters '94 - Rugal's Theme

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...", laughed Rugal, who was sitting on a throne. "I said I would be back, didn't I? Guess it's time for me to finish you off once and for all."

"You sure about that? Apparently, Snake has killed you before. How you managed to return to life is beyond me, but rest assured you will be killed again.", retorted Richard.

"Brave words from someone facing one of the Master's most loyal servants. Did you see those beautiful statues on that hallway?", stated Rugal. "Those are statues of fighters and warriors I have killed before. I bathe them in a special liquid and preserve their shape... forever."

"What?!", reacted Snake.

"Ha ha ha ha ha...! You three will make fine additions to my collection...", evilly said Rugal.

"Not if we kill you once and for all!", replied Richard, readying himself to fight.

Crime Lord

The King of Fighters '98 - The Ketchaku R (Arranged)

Rugal slowly got up from his throne, as if taking his own time.

"I have been resurrected by the Master to ensure your extermination! Ah... you had this pretty gem planted somewhere in the Weapons Facility, didn't you?", stated Rugal, holding the purge bomb they had set up before.

"How did--", said Richard.

"Ah! We, the Dark Ones, are always vigilant on you mice... You would think you could act all stealthy and not being noticed by the Master? Ha! How foolish. Well... that's enough talk. Time for me to add you three to my collection!", stated Rugal, making a battle stance. "Come!"

"I will take care of this ******* once more. You two, stay on guard for possible reinforcements.", stated Snake.

"Good plan...", responded Wesker.

Snake and Rugal started to fight. Rugal began by throwing a Reppuken projectile at Snake, who dodged and attempted to fire atthe crime lord with his gun. Rugal, however, used his powers to block the bullet somehow.

"Afraid to fight with your fists alone? This will be easier than I ever thought.", arrogantly stated Rugal.

Snake used his close quarters combat techniques, but Rugal managed to block all of his blows and used his signature uppercut move: the Genocide Cutter. Snake was injured, but proved to be a match against the crime lord.

Snake grabbed Rugal, when the latter tried to use a Kaiser Wave move. Snake threw him to the ground and attempted to asphyxiate Rugal, but the crime lord kicked Snake on his belly, getting up in the process and attempted to kick Snake.

Snake dodged the kick and countered with a punch, knocking Rugal down. Snake was about to take his gun when Rugal surprise attacked him. Snake fell, but got up faster than Rugal expected.

"You are more persistent than I imagined...", commented Rugal during the fight.

Using another Genocide Cutter, Rugal knocked down Snake. Rugal followed the blow with a Reppuken, hitting Snake further.

Snake was almost finished. Rugal approached to give the soldier the final blow, when he was interrupted by hy Snake himself, who kicked Rugal and managed to grab him successfully.

Snake rammed Rugal at a wall and tried to kill the crime lord. Rugal was running out of energy to fight, but managed to hold Snake off.

Both were bleeding from the blows.

The King of Fighters '94 - Rugal Intermission Theme 2

"You are stronger than I thought...", said Rugal, coughing heavily. "But this is just the beginning."

Rugal grabbed Cyber Akuma's corpse and began to absorb Akuma's power: the Satsu no Hadou.

"Ha ha ha ha ha... You haven't seen the full extent of my power!!!", yelled Rugal as he underwent transformation.

The room began to shake, getting destroyed in the process.

The chaos over, Rugal took in a new appearance and threw Akuma's corpse to far away.

Capcom vs. SNK 2 - The Lord GOD (Theme of God Rugal)

"Come, you fools! BASK IN MY POWER!!", yelled Rugal in a heavily warped voice.

Rugal threw a Kaiser Wave so powerful, it knocked down Snake.

Ready to fight the empowered Rugal was Richard. The massive amount of power exuding from Rugal made him intimidating, but this was an important battle for Master Hand's Army.

Richard zipped at Rugal, but the crime lord easily blocked Richard's attempt at killing him and used his signature Genocide Cutter, almost killing Richard in the process.

"Ha ha ha ha ha...!", laughed Rugal with a distorted voice.

Richard's only choice was to zip around to confuse Rugal, who kept throwing Go Hadoukens, Reppukens and Kaiser Waves in attempts to kill Richard.

Richard's strategy was to hit and run, confusing Rugal in the process. Growing tired, Rugal unleashed a wave of power in many directions, hitting Richard.

Attempting to use a Raging Demon move, Rugal warped and approached Richard, who managed to dodge at the last minute.

All that followed was Rugal warping around the room and Richard zipping back and forth, as each fighter avoided each another.

Trying to time with Rugal's warps, Richard zipped at the right moment to punch Rugal and knock the empowered crime lord down.

Rugal easily got up. He had power to spare and would use it at its full extent against his opponent.

Richard attempted to shoot at Rugal, but the latter avoided the shots easily by warping around. Richard was punched in a surprise attack by Rugal. Knocked to the floor, Rugal had the upper hand.

Richard feigned his defeat and allowed Rugal to approach him to seemingly give the final blow. Tricking Rugal, Richard delivered a vicious punch at Rugal's face, knocking the crime lord down.

While attempting to get up, Rugal was interrupted by Richard, who beat him down mercilessly.

Rugal conceded defeat, his power getting out of control.

"No...! Gaah... Why can't I... control this power?!", stated Rugal in frustration.

"This mind... is not strong enough... to control MY POWER!", a voice was heard inside Rugal's head.

Rugal underwent a strange transformation, becoming someone similar to Akuma.

This new figure, walked away, mumbling.

"I am the one with no name... I am nothing and everything.", the figure mumbled before the Dark Ones' Master suddenly appeared and used his power to eradicate the figure.

"YOU ARE BOTH USELESS! THAT'S WHAT YOU ARE!!!", yelled the Master as he pulverized the mysterious figure whom Rugal had transformed into.

The Master's power was overwhelming and caused a huge explosion.

"You THINK you'll get out of here alive?! HA!", yelled the Master, facing Snake, Richard and Wesker and pressing a switch.

"Activating Core R's Self-Destruction Protocol. The whole sector will self-destruct in few minutes.", a robotic voice was heard.

The Master teleported away, causing Richard, Snake and Wesker to run off before the sector exploded completely. They had just made it to a safe area at a close second.

"This should be close to the central core...", noted Snake.

"Yes... all the teams are to meet with each another before we head for the central core of this space station.", noted Richard.

Whew... this took quite the time to finish.

Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
Now to wait for mari, xiroey and luco to finish their segments to meet up with team spy (Snake richard and wesker).

Excellent job RP'ing my characters, Frost.


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
(((Haven't posted in a while...so this shall be a long one!

Oh, and Xiro, Marx is still on the Lor.)))

Death Star, Sector 2, Heat Core Entrance

Two of the Dark Ones cultists were standing guard over the entrance to the Heat Core. Suddenly, the space in front of the pair warped and collapsed in on itself.

"The fu*k...?" One of the cultists exclaimed.

They were blinded by a flash of blue light. The two teams had teleported into the hallway, right in front of them. Mari, using the light as cover, quickly disposed of the pair by rushing in between them and knocking their heads together with the force of a jackhammer. There was a sharp CRACK! followed by a THUMP as their bodies hit the floor.

"Jeez...you're not showing these guys any mercy, are you?" Sonic said as he casually stepped over one of the cultists. "And...is that his brains?"

"Looks like it." Charizard answered.


"You think these guys deserve any mercy after what they've done?" Mari said to the group while pinning the other cultist to the wall.

"Nope!" Xiro said in a cheerful tone.

"My thoughts exactly."

"Guys, take a look at this." Magolor had ran head of the group and found a small panel next to the door. "It's locked...the password's a four letter word...any ideas?"

"Uh..." Xiro scratched his head in confusion. "Since it's the Heat Core...try 'FIRE'"

Magolor imputed the word.

"ACCESS DENIED. 2 ATTEMPTS LEFT." A computerized voice said.

"Uh...how about 'HEAT'?"

Magolor tried again and got the same result. "One attempt left...I don't want to know what happens if we get this one wrong."

"How about-"

"No offense, Xiro, but could you shut it?" Mari spoke while never taking her eyes off the cultist.

"Can't we just bust it open?" Sonic rapidly tapped his foot in impatience.

"Brute force is not the answer to EVERYTHING, Sonic." Magolor said. "Sometimes you just need a little brains."

"Magolor has a point." Blaze said.

"I completely agree with you, Mags." Mari nodded. "However, let's see where it gets us this time." With that, she punched the cultists she was holding in the gut.

"Oof!" The cultist cried out.

"You. Tell us the password." Mari demanded.

"Ha...you all are fools...the Master will destroy you as long as you continue to oppose him!"

"So you wanna be that way, huh?" Mari inched closer and tilted her head in such a way that you'd think she was demented if you didn't know her. "Tell us or I will make sure that you never have any children."

"Hehehehe...no matter how much you torture me...I will never speak! LONG LIVE THE MASTER-"

The cultist's rant was painfully cut short when Mari kneed him somewhere VERY uncomfortable. The cultist screamed and made a rather strange expression.

"Ooooo..." Sonic winced. "That had to hurt..."

"I warned you." Mari whispered. "Tell. Us. The. Password."

"Go...to...hell/..." The cultist squeaked out.

"Fine. I guess I'll just-"

"Wait!" Magolor exclaimed. "What was the last word he said?"

"Uh, hell/?"

Magolor quickly floated back to the panel and imputed the password. "H-E-L-L ...hope this works." He pressed Enter.


Mari smiled and turned to the cultist. "Thanks. Pleasure doing business with you." After saying that, she chucked him across the hallway. A distant crash could be heard as both Team Blue and Team Luco entered the room.

The group was greeted with a blast of superheated air. The room was fairly large, with only a long, narrow bridge connecting to the core itself. Down below, hot, boiling lava broiled, filling up at least halfway below the bridge. Mari casted a protective spell on her white cloak to help her cope with the heat. "You guys OK?" She asked.

"I feel fine...I'm a fire-type, so this doesn't bother me." Charizard said.

"This is actually quite refreshing..." Blaze noted.

"Eh, I've felt worse." Sonic shrugged. "I've been to the core of Mobius, NOW THAT was HOT."

"This temperature feels kinda like Halcandria..." Magolor said.

"So is Del, Xiro and I are the only ones that have to deal with this heat?" Mari asked.

"Actually..." Xiro piped up. "I kinda feel alright."


"There's almost no moisture in here..." Del said. "I don't think my water attacks will work in here..."

"I guess I'm not alone, cuz I'm cooking over here, even with this heat proof spell..." Mari endured, though, and continued to lead the way to the core. "Keep your eyes peeled, there could be someone guarding this core..."

"...I don't see anyone..." Xiro brandished his swords, ready to face any foe that crossed their path.

"Then let's smash the core before anyone comes back!" Yelled Sonic as he broke into a sprint...and this is HIS idea of a sprint, mind you.

"Wait!" Blaze screamed. "There could be a-"

By the time Blaze got to the word "could", Sonic was already halfway to the core. Suddenly, out of the shadows behind the core, a huge clawed hand of darkness shot out and snatched up the hedgehog. The claw rose high into the air and slammed down hard into the ground, pinning Sonic.

"TEACH!" Mari cried.

"Mari, look out!" Magolor had spotted another hand snaking its way behind the group, and going straight for his pupil. Thinking on his metaphorical toes, he pushed her out of the way, so that the claw grabbed HIM instead.


"Hahahahahaha...well, will you look at this?" Out of the very same shadows, the Dark Ones Master himself stepped out into view.

"You..." Xiro whispered.

The Master didn't say a thing at first, merely staring at the group. Then, out of the blue, he spoke.


Mari almost jumped a bit when the Master addressed her directly. She wasn't expecting him to talk to her.

"If I recall correctly...these incompetent fools are your mentors?" The Master asked. "If so..." Waving his hand, he willed the hand carrying Sonic next to him. "It would be so very sad if they died by my beautiful hands...after all, what could be more painful then seeing your loved ones die?"

"Put one scratch on his quills and I will destroy you." Mari said with no emotion whatsoever.

The Master broke into maniacal laughter. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! FOOLISH GIRL! You think you have the power alone to face ME? Do not think for a moment that I will hesitate to strike you down. No..."

The Master placed one finger on top of Sonic's head. The moment he touched him, the hedgehog started screaming.


"NO!" Mari dashed forward, summoning her Light Ring and throwing it directly at the Master. He laughed again and simply backhanded the ring, swatting it away at the speed of a rocket. Mari had to duck and roll to avoid it.

Meanwhile, Sonic was squirming and yelling in pain. A fiery aura had begun to take shape around him, and Sonic's bright cobalt fur was turned into a darker shade of indigo. His quills drooped down, and bright white stripes appeared on his arms, legs, and head. His shoes disappeared. Finally, his green eyes slowly faded away, leaving only the white.

"Sadly, it shall not be I who will slay you..." The Master said, clearly enjoying the look of horror on Mari's face. "But rather, you will die by the ones you love! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

The Master waved his hand again, and all at once, Magolor had started to undergo a painful transformation himself. A dark substance surrounded him, morphing his shape into a floating entity with huge hands, a crown adorned with long horns, and a melting face that had a single eyeball in his mouth.

"No...what...WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO THEM!?!" Mari yelled at the Master in pure anger.

"Heheheheheh...they now serve me! The Master of the Multiverse!" The
Master released both of his new creations, and without another word, swiftly disappeared from sight.

VS. Darkspine Sonic and EX Magolor Soul

"Teach! Don't do this! I don't wanna-" Before Mari could finish her sentence, Sonic dashed forward and placed a fast roundhouse kick to her abdomen. She recoiled, holding her stomach and giving Sonic enough time to grab her leg and flip her over, dealing another blow to her backside. Blaze attempted to fire punch his face, only to realize that her fire was absorbed by the fiery aura around him. Sonic smoothly caught the fist in one hand, then quickly swooped down and knocked her off her feet. Using his superior speed, he caught Blaze's feet just before she hit the ground and threw her at Mari.

Xiro and Charizard took to the skies to deal with Magolor Soul. While Xiro and Charizard were swift in the air, they didn't expect the first thing Magolor would do was summon a GIANT BLACK HOLE right smack in the middle of the room. Del did his best to ensure that his brother didn't get sucked in, while Xiro and Charizard flew in the other direction. Magolor just as suddenly ended the spell, and went to work on another one. Xiro took the time to his advantage by taking out his guns and going trigger happy, unleashing one barrage of bullets after another. Magolor stopped what he was doing and summoned a star-shaped shield. The bullets bounced harmlessly off the shield. Picking up where he left off, the mutated wizard fired of a large beam of energy towards...the wall?

"Huh...I thought Magolor had better aim then that..." Xiro wondered aloud.

A Warpstar hole suddenly materialized into existence, and the beam vanished into it. Another portal appeared behind Xiro, and he barely had enough time to dive out of the way. Yet another portal opened and the beam disappeared again.

"OK, was NOT expecting that..."

The same beam warped again, this time heading for Charizard. He flapped his wings and the beam slipped harmlessly under him. It once again vanished into another portal.

Meanwhile, things weren't going so well for Blaze and Mari. Mostly because Mari wasn't really fighting back.

"Sonic, snap out of it, will ya!?!" Mari willed a shield to appear in front of her to protect her from Sonic's relentless punches and kicks. "It's me! Mari!"

"Mari, stop trying to talk him out of it and kick his a** already!" Xiro called from above.

"But...I know he's still in there!"

Xiro flew just above the bridge to get a better look at Sonic. "He's under the Master's control, I don't think he can hear you!"

Mari sighed. "Look, if you just give me enough time, I can--"

As Mari turned back towards the hedgehog, he was waiting for her with a sharp right hook to her cheek. The force of it completely turned Mari around so that she was facing the other way.

"Mari! Are you OK?" Xiro asked worryingly.

Mari didn't answer. When picked herself up, she glared at Sonic with dark shadows in her eyes. Xiro knew that look.

"Uh, oh...."

Xiro flew back a good distance away from her. Mari slowly wiped some blood off of her lips.

"Bad move." She said darkly. With a yell, she instantly dove after Sonic, her hands ablaze with lightning, catching him off guard.

Xiro watched as Mari proceeded to beat the living cr*p out of the dark hedgehog. "OK...she seems to have everything under control..." Casting one worried glance at Sonic, he raced back to help Charizard.

(((Eh...is that considered long or something? I don't know. :/

Once both teams reached the heat core, they encountered the Master waiting for them. In a sudden turn of events, Xiro, Mari, Charizard, Blaze, Del and the rest of Team Luco now must deal with the darker transformations of both Sonic and Magolor!)))


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Short segment...
Team Hawk arrived at the ocean simulator. As they entered the door, they found themselves atop a small island.

Walking a little, they eventually find a submarine of the Dark Ones. Obviously, it was guarded by a cultist. Instead of facing the cultist straight on, the group thought of an idea to kill him without being noticed.

The island had many palm trees that could be climbed. With this in consideration, the best idea would be using sniper-like weapons to kill their foe.

"So, you, Pit and Dark Pit can attack him from afar, yes? Me and Rawk will find a place to hide.", said Captain Falcon.

"Yes. It's likely that, once we kill the guard, the submarine's crew will be alerted, so we must keep a low profile.", replied Samus, equipping her Imperialist weapon: a laser weapon with massive reach. "Both angels' weapons also have excellent range, so we can defeat them before they even notice our presence."

Pit and Dark Pit were using an Insight Staff and a Dark Pit Staff, respectively.

A few minutes later, beneath the bushes and palm trees, Samus and the angels aimed at the cultist's head.

"We should fire alternatively. These weapons take a long time to reload.", stated Pit.

"It's the best idea... who will fire first?", inquired Dark Pit.

"I will.", Samus stated, activating a control in her Power Suit that allowed her to zoom in the cultist's head.

"He's very quiet.", whispered Dark Pit. "Makes him an easy target."

Samus aimed carefully at the cultist's head and fired the weapon, shooting a red laser that instantly killed the cultist.

"Look. The crew is getting out. Let's get ready.", stated Pit, holding his staff.

Dark Pit fired the shot at one of the cultists heading out of the submarine. Pit followed, killing another one. Just as a third cultist got out, Samus fired again, killing the Dark One in the process.

"The cultists can't all exit at once.", observed Samus.

"Well, that eases things for us.", replied Dark Pit, as he shot another cultist.

"Once we deal with all of them, we raid the submarine and put it to good use.", noted Samus.

"They have stopped coming... They must have realized there was someone firing at them.", stated Pit. "Lady Palutena says she can feel life inside the submarine... should we raid it?"

"That's our only option. We have to be aggressive now.", replied Samus.

Joining with Captain Falcon and Rawk Hawk, Samus and both angels entered inside the submarine to get rid of the rest of the cultists.

Before they entered, though, Samus had dropped a bomb, causing chaos inside the submarine. With the cultists driven off, the submarine was theirs to control.

Beneath the artificial sea were traps and nasty sea creatures to overcome.

"It's almost as if the Dark Ones had prepared for this...", observed Captain Falcon, as he piloted the submarine, launching torpedoes at the sea creatures that attempted to destroy the submarine.

Suddenly, a strange contraptions full of guns and cannons arose from depths of the sea.

"A defense mechanism! The cultists must have sounded some kind of alarm as we raided this submarine.", noted Samus.

"Well, we know what to do...", Dark Pit stated, smirking.

Death Star Environmental Research Facility's
Kid Icarus: Uprising - Underworld Gatekeeper

"Whoa! That thing is firing lasers and torpedoes nonstop!", noticed Pit.

"Don't worry, I got everything under control!", said Captain Falcon as he maneuvered the submarine, launching torpedoes at the mechanism to destroy each of its guns one by one.

"Fortunately, the submarine is heavy armored, so the incoming projectiles don't pose much of a threat.", stated Samus.

The mechanism activated a barrier and launched three torpedoes at the submarine, causing it to shake a bit.

"A barrier now?", stated Falcon. "What does this red button do?"

Pressing the button, the submarine activates a plasma cannon, shooting a huge plasma burst from it and destroying the barrier in an instant.

Although the barrier was destroyed, the mechanism still proved to be resistant to toe submarine's torpedoes. The plasma cannon took too much time to recharge, therefore Captain Falcon had to rely on the submarine's other weaponry.

All guns were destroyed and when it seemed the battle was won, the mechanism turns into a new form and begins ramming at the submarine, causing Captain Falcon to lose control of the vehicle.

"Well, isn't this great?", snarked Dark Pit.

"This feels like going forever...", sighed Pit.

Captain Falcon managed to fire a torpedo to move away the mechanism. Even more damaged, the mechanism turns into a new form. This time, it had a drill and attempted to destroy the submarine's cockpit.

"If that thing drills through the cockpit we will all drown here!", warned Pit.

"I know!", stated Captain Falcon, as he watched the incoming drill.

Falcon had no choice but to turn the submarine in another direction abruptly causing everyone to fall. The mechanism started to drill on the armored part of the submarine.

Launching more torpedoes, Captain Falcon managed to move away the mechanism again. It was showing signs of heavy damage and started to malfunction, displaying erratic movements.

"The plasma cannon has recharged.", stated Samus, as she watched the status of each weapon in a screen.

"Then, it's time to finish this!", yelled Pit.

Falcon pushed the red button and the plasma cannon fired at the mechanism, causing a short circuit on it and blowing the mechanism up.

"We did it!", stated Pit, jumping.

"Yes, now we can move forward to the next area.", replied Falcon.



Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Muhti raised his axe in defense while the monster called Ganon tried stomping on them first hand. He then took out his dual swords and tried clobbering Muhti as well as his group.

“Game plan?”, Dimentio shouted as Ganon roared in frustration.

“We don’t have a Master Sword, if only…” Muhti shouted as he dodged another blow from Ganon.

The Doctor was hiding somewhere, probably trying to get the electricity up and running so they can actually see the opponent.

“Take-a this!” Luigi shouted as he threw his fireballs. They merely hit Ganon, as he laughed with joy, and flicked the skinny Italian against the wall, where he laid uncomfortably.

“Oh boy…” Muhti mumbled as he raised his axe in defense against the dual swords. In the end, Dimentio interrupted the clash of weapons with magic, as he flung two powerfully lit beams of energy at Ganon. The quartets opponent looked disgusted at Dimentio as he tried to shoo him like a fly. Muhti used the opportunity to slash at Ganons face with his axe. Before Dimentio was flung against the wall like Luigi did, Ganon then focused on Muhti and summoned a cultist for Dimentio

Dimentio looked horrified as he saw the cultist pop up in midair.

How could he do such a thing? Dimentio wondered but remembered that Ganon had the Chaos Emeralds.

“Heil the Master!” the cultist performed his war cry before throwing dark balls of energy at Dimentio.

Dimentio easily dodged the attacks. He looked at the cultist with eyes of laughter as if he was mocking the cultist. The cultist uneasily threw more dark magic at Dimentio but failed.

Finally, Dimentio took the opportunity and enclosed the cultist in an explosion.

“You seem as scared as a Goomba about to be stomped on. Ciao!” Dimentio said laughing as he snapped his fingers and the cultists organs cam exploding out. After that, Dimentio was slammed against the wall unconsciously.
“DIMENTIO!” Muhti shouted out as his friend fell against the ground.

Ganon gave a stuffy laugh and grabbed Muhti against the wall.

“Say good bye little guy, watch as your life ends by the hands of Ganon!” Ganon slowly crushed Muhti, as he
wanted Muhti to see himself die; experience it.

Muhti reached his hand for somebody to come, but the loss of blood made his arm limp and sagged. He attempted to gasp for air and his face became purple.


The electrical went on and zapped Ganon. He stumbled backward as the Doctor fell from the ceiling.

“Good timing eh?” the Doctor said grinning.

“Couldn’t be better.” Muhti complimented as his face returned to normal.

Ganon rose upward, furious at this time. He used the Emeralds to his advantage as he conjured his own magic, and threw it at the duo.

Muhti rose his axe and jumped high in the air, hitting Ganon where his only weak spot was: his eye, as he learned from Light when he shot arrows at the invincible Anti.

Ganon shouted in pain as his eye bled, he then seemed to crumble and become Ganondorf, his humane form.
Ganondorf seemed as if the eye fell out and the bleeding stopped. He look angry as he took out his sword and rushed at Muhti. Muhti in return put his axe away and made a shield, while he took out his dual swords. Ganondorf went through the shield and slammed against Muhti.

One of Muhtis swords was out of reach, while one of them was. Ganondorf seemed to charging again with the sword. Muhti attempted to get the sword again and succeeded. He took the sword and clashed it against
Ganondorf. Muhti finally won as Ganondorf backed out and Muhti sprang up. Muhti charged at him with sword in hand.

He’s going to disappear, thought Ganondorf as Muhti charged at him, knowing of tactic beforehand. Instead, Muhtis sword grew a hazy black as it slammed against Ganondorf with godly might, as he slammed against the wall, in defeat.

Muhti and the Doctor slowly walked up to an unconscious Ganondorf, sitting back with a torn chest and eye missing.

“That looks disgusting.” Muhti said trying to look away, but gained the courage to look at it. The Chaos Emeralds finally exited it’s host and returned to F. Muhtis body once more. Ganondorf finally awoke and Muhti seized the opportunity to drag him against wall, clutching onto Ganondorfs arms, his eyes went completely.

“Mr. Ganondorf” F. Muhti said with a different sound to his voice, the Doctor and Ganondorfs ears perked to the new tone, “please advise the Master that Muhti is going to give him the a** whooping of a life time.”

Ganondorfs eyes also turned black, as if he was hypnotized, but he was. He nodded slowly as Muhti let go of the villain.”Yes… Master Ch….” He paused and said Muhti. He scurried away like a deer about to be shot to somewhere unknown.

The Doctor inspected Muhti, “Are you bloody mad?! Why would you let him go, better yet, why didn’t we follow him?! And what was the deal with the black eyes and hypnosis?” the Doctor shouted with rage.

Muhti calmly looked up at the Doctor and simply said, “There’s a time and place everything Doctor, you should know that by now.” Muhti then left the Doctor to examine both Dimentio and Luigi.
Don’t worry, the hypnosis is gone until Ganondorf does what he says. Hopefully I RPed his powers well.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
*is shocked that Muhti hasn't played Zelda games to the end*

You don't know what you're losing...

Zelda is easily one of the greatest franchises in gaming. Ganondorf is one of the best villains in video game history.

Finish Ocarina of Time. You won't regret it.

Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
i've played the skyward sword series, but i haven't seen ganon in this one only ghirahim, three times over, i'm stuck on the dark beast lv (the one where you have to seal him back in the prison) really hard though since his stomps send shockwaves that hit you when you try to get close.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Ocarina of Time and a Link to the Past are considered the two absolute best zelda games, with Majora's Mask and Wind Waker not far behind. Then probably Twilight Princess and Link's Awakening, then about everything else. I'm actually pleasantly surprised at how the good zelda games aren't necessarily all the older ones.

Personally my favourite is a Link to the Past. That world is incredible and I was just so happy when i heard the new zelda game was going to be set in a Link to the Past's world. <3

In any case, i'll write my segment soon, don't worry. Just gonna check some stuff. =D


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
(((This. Thread. Must. Not. Die!!!)))

Death Star, Sector 2, Heat Core

"And THIS is for punching me in the FACE!" Screamed Mari as she delivered the very same right hook back at Darkspine Sonic tenfold. Not surprisingly, the hedgehog growled and attempted to grab her other fist as she let it fly towards his chest.

He smiled very wickedly as he succeeded. But...

"Gotcha!" Mari had turned her fist into an open palm at the last second and let loose a strong lightning bolt. Hundreds of volts coursed through Sonic's body. Finally, for good measure, she swooped down, grabbed his right leg and judo flipped him across the room, towards the core. He made a fairly large dent as he collapsed against the core, knocked out.

Mari blew a strand of hair from her face. "Humph. That outta teach you a lesson for once..."

Meanwhile, Charizard was on top of Magolor Soul, Stomping and Metal Clawing the heck out of him. Xiro watched carefully for an opening, while glancing every so often at Mari.

Charizard spread his wings, and Xiro saw his chance. As soon as the dragon took flight, he quickly teleported right in front of him and delivered a huge helping of Luster Purge to his mouth/huge eyeball. Magolor Soul screamed in pain and wildly summoned a portal to his right. It turned out to be another GIANT BLACK HOLE. Xiro didn't have time to run, or prepare a counter attack. He watched helplessly as he was being dragged into his doom...

He suddenly felt a huge force push him out of the way, at a safe distance, long enough for Magolor to realize that the spell wasn't working and ended it. Looking around, he saw Mari working her psychic spells, preventing him from being pulled into oblivion.

"Thanks, Mari!"

"No problem. Now get over here so I can help you two."

"No need," Charizard had suddenly landed right next to Mari, so softly that she barely noticed. "Hop on."

Moments later, Mari, Charizard, and Xiro were all in the air, narrowly avoiding the blasts and spiked vines that threatened to impale them.

"Any ideas?" Xiro asked the other two.

"To be honest," Mari answered, "I have no idea what Magolor is capable of doing in this form...he doesn't like to talk about it much--"


"...Apparently, summoning Waddle Dees and throwing them as projectiles is one skill." Charizard noted.

"HOW MANY TIMES AM I GOING TO GET CHUCKED IN THE FACE TODAY?!?" Mari yelled as she threw the Waddle Dee right back at Magolor. "That was NOT COOL, MAGS!"

Magolor didn't come up with any witty comebacks, he just continued chucking Waddle Dees and Doos and other foes, hoping to knock the, out of the sky and into the lava below.

"I don't think he's listening to you." Xiro ducked his head as a Waddle Doo wizzed by.

"Then let's MAKE him." Mari murmured an incantation and her Light Ring materialized into being.

"Now you're talking!" Xiro said cheerfully. "On the count of three?"

"My thoughts exactly."

"What are you two up to?" Charizard shot the pair a look.




At three, Mari jumped off of Charizard. Xiro was right there to catch her, throw her, and speed off in Magolor's direction.

"Woo-hoo!" Mari yelled in delight as she flew in a high arc towards her teacher.

Magolor now had a dilemma: He couldn't attack both directions at the same time. So he went with defense and shield himself with his Star Shield. Mari saw it coming and quickly casted a powerful light spell, but she didn't fire it yet.

Mid-way through the flight, Xiro slowed down and timed the exact moment when Mari would land. At that moment, Charizard figured out what they planned to do, and sped off after Xiro.

As soon as Mari landed on Xiro's back, she unleashed her attack. Xiro also fired a large blue beam of his own, while Charizard breathed out a HUGE Fire Blast. The attacks all swirled, stretched, and combined...and shattered all five pieces of the Star Shield.

"Direct hit!" Xiro reached up to hi-five Mari, but she was too concentrated on the plume of smoke that was left behind.


Suddenly, a very small caped figure started to fall at a rapid speed towards the lava.


Immediately recognizing the figure, Xiro didn't need to be told twice. Swiftly diving down, he blasted off at full throttle.

"We're not gonna reach him-"

"Over my dead body." Extending an arm, Mari casted another psychic spell, slowing down Magolor's descent as much as she possibly could.

Xiro could feel the heat from the lava burning off his wings as he pulled up just in time for Mari to catch her mentor.

"Owwwww...awww...What the heck...Why do I feel so cruddy...?"


The hedgehog slowly opened his eyes and saw Blaze carefully walking towards him.


"You've finally come to your senses, it seems." The princess sighed in relief. "I was beginning to worry that Mari might have gone too far this time."

"Mari...? What do you mean too--wait, is...she the one...that did this to me?" The hedgehog spat out in disbelief. "Wait...all I remember is the Master grabbing me and...and..."

"He turned you and Magolor into darker forms of yourselves." Blaze explained. "Mari managed to quickly deal with you before helping Xiro and the others with--"


Sonic groaned in pain as he was glomped rather harshly. Mari wrapped her arms around him in a tight hug.

"You're OK." Mari whispered softly.

"Yeah, no thanks to you." Sonic chuckled, but even doing that kinda gave him a sharp pain in his cheek for some reason. "Heh...Ow..."

"I'm...I'm so sorry..."

"No need to apologize." Sonic reassured her. "If anyone should be doing that, it's me."

"No one is to blame here." Del spoke up. "No one except the Dark Ones and their Master."

"Del's got a point." Xiro said. In his arms was a very weak and frail Magolor.

"Mags...?" Sonic tried to get up to get a better look at his friend, but his knees suddenly gave out. Luckily, Mari was there to catch him.

"He...he doesn't look so good." Xiro looked upon the small wizard with concern. "I can berely sense any life in him..."

"Give him to me."

Gently taking Magolor in her arms, Mari started to speak in a weird language. Casting a healing spell, she quickly erased any trace that Magolor had ever been in a battle. The process only took a few seconds.


Like Luco, Magolor was now sleeping peacefully.

"...Where did you learn how to heal so fast?" Del asked.

"I taught myself." Mari handed her teacher back to Xiro, and casted another healing spell over Sonic.

Almost instantaneously, Sonic sprang to his feet, fully regenerated and refreshed. "Ahh...now that's more like it!"

"Lucky for you, it doesn't take much to help you heal, Teach." Mari said with a smile. "Not only is he swift on his feet, Sonic has an astonishingly fast heal rate as well."

"Expect nothing less from the fastest thing alive!" He boasted, doing some stretches to get his keep his limbs loose.

"Then why couldn't you do the same for Magolor and my brother?" Del accused.

"Because both Luco and Magolor were inches away from death." Mari replied. "They both were hit with very powerful and nearly fatal attacks. Plus, I think Magolor's Soul forme requires much more energy to maintain."

"Ya know..." Sonic lazily said as he finished up his stretches. "Aren't we forgetting something...?"

"Oh, right. The core."

"So...we just blow it up or what?" Xiro suggested.

"Blowing it up sounds good to me." Mari agreed.

"Yeah. Without killing us would be even better." Del said.

"........I got it!" Sonic snapped his fingers. "Everyone listen up..."

"In here! They're in the core!" A platoon of Stormtroopers were marching their way towards the Heat Core Entrance.

"Fools..." A cultists mused. "This is the only exit from the core. They've trapped themselves like the worthless rats they are!"


The cultist turned around to find Sonic scowling at him.

"I'm not a rat, I'm a HEDGEHOG. Here, let me show you!"

All hell broke loose as Sonic placed a sweet Spindash square in the cultist's chest. The Stormtroopers tried to shoot the hedgehog with their laser assault rifles, but he was just moving too quickly for them to get good shot.

"You guys GOTTA be faster than THAT!" Sonic taunted as he rapidly kicked a random trooper, who fell into the other troopers in a comical domino effect.

It wasn't long before Sonic all of the Stormtroopers in a heap at his feet.

"All clear!" Sonic called.

The rest of the group came out of the core room, relived that they would no longer breathe hot air. "Nice work." Xiro praised.

"We're not done yet." The hedgehog reminded him.

Mari nodded. Searching the felled Stormtroopers, she found enough grenades on them to create a makeshift bundle of explosives: Large enough to take out the core.

"Light it up!"

Mari pulled the pin on one of the grenades and gave it to Sonic, who threw it far, far into the core room.

"Now run for it!"

The whole group turned heel and ran as far away as possible towards the central core of the Death Star. A distant explosion could be heard behind them as they raced towards their destination.

(((Frost can write up when Team Blue and Team Luco arrive in the central core. Just remember that Magolor and Luco are still out of it. :grin: )))


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Continuing at last!
Pokémon Gold / Silver - Team Rocket's Hideout (Remix)

Team Hawk observed a map of the area they were. Apparently, the ocean simulator was connected to the Biological Research Facility. Crossing a tunnel on the submarine, they found they were inside of a room.

"Let's head up.", stated Falcon as he emerged the submarine from the water.

Exiting from the submarine, they found a sign stating they were in the Biological Research Facility. Apparently, the Dark Ones conducted experiments on living beings and researched bioweapons.

"We must stay silent...", whispered Samus.

"Luckily we found these Cloaking Devices in the submarine... they could be put to good use.", stated Falcon, holding five Cloaking Devices.

"They only last a limited amount of time, but it should be enough to trespass from the laboratories.", noted Samus.

"Okay, let's go.", Pit responded.

They entered Sector B1 through the nearby door, finding themselves at a corridor with many laboratories. Across the corridor were biohazard warnings.

"This could be dangerous... we must find suits to avoid the possibility of being contaminated.", observed Captain Falcon.

"There must be a storage room around here, then...", whispered Dark Pit.

"Laboratory B1.1... B1.2... Storage room B1.S1... this must be what we're looking for.", noted Samus.

Sneaking into the storage, the group members each wore a suit. There were suits of all shapes and sizes, finding two suits made for humans, two for angels and even one that fitted Rawk Hawk!

"Wow, the Dark Ones surely expect all kind of members.", noted Pit as he wore the protection suit that had a shape that allowed his wings to be protected too.

"Their Master intends to rule the entire existence with an iron fist... It wouldn't be surprising if he wanted to force many sentient creatures to aid in his nasty researches.", replied Falcon, wearing a suit as well.

"You have a point.", stated Dark Pit, dressing his suit.

Donning the suits for protection, the group heads toward one of the laboratories, using the maps scattered through the sector to find the quickest path to the Central Core.

"This is disturbing... look at the amount of corpses around here. Ugh!", stated Pit, as he observed a pile of corpses, seemingly disposed as failed experiments. Among them were humans.

"This being the Biological Research Facility, it is not surprising...", noted Captain Falcon.

"Among these corpses... are those Metroids?", observed Samus.

"Look on top of this table.", stated Falcon. "These seem to be reports."

"Can you read them?", asked Pit.

"Dark Ones' Biological Program...", read Captain Falcon. "Genetic manipulation... cloning... creation of super soldiers... development of new microorganisms..."

"They're tampering with life, using living beings across the multiverse to develop their own army... an army fiercely loyal to their Master.", observed Samus.

"A crime against nature...", whispered Dark Pit.

"Eww...", reacted Pit, seeing the body of a dead angel.

"Development of toxins... stimulating the physical strength to the limit... This report also states that most bodies succumb to the toxins... It also states that "only the strongest among the experiments will be cloned and improved upon." Apparently, they drugged these living beings to measure the tolerance to their own drugs... they seemingly disposed the bodies in this room.", stated Falcon.

"Let's move on... this is too disgusting.", stated Pit.

"The Master's ambition knows no bounds... he's willing to do everything to ensure he has power over everything... life included.", observed Samus.

They walked further into the laboratories, finding many kinds of living beings encased in strange colored liquids. They were seemingly sleepy, but also demonstrated suffering.

Meanwhile, in Sector B6 of the Biological Research Facility...

Street Fighter IV - C. Viper's Theme

"We followed the path on the base on Antarctica and it lead us here... It seems we were transported to outside of the Earth.", observed C. Viper.

"The clues Interpol and the US Army followed led to this exact same place.", noted Chun Li.

"Yes... this must be these Dark Ones' base. We heard Shadaloo had close ties with this organization.", noted Guile.

"My visions have also followed me to this place. It can't be a coincidence.", stated Rose.

"So, we are aiming for the same target...", stated C. Viper.

"Yes. There should be many important clues scattered around this base. However, we have no idea of how big this place is.", noted Cammy.

"This sign states this is a Biological Research Facility... Sector B6... Cloning Labs... Chief Operator: M. Bison.", read Chun Li.

"Bison... this time he will pay for what he's done...", stated Guile.

The fighters advanced onward to the sector.

Metroid: Other M - Title Theme

Team Hawk followed the maps, finding themselves in Sector B10, also known as the Zebes Creatures Research Center.

"This reminds me of Tourian... These Cloaking Devices won't last much longer, so we must prepare ourselves to fight.", stated Samus, preparing her Arm Cannon. "It's likely they made a clone from Mother Brain, considering the huge amount of creatures we saw on the other laboratories..."

"The amount of lives taken to fulfill a madman's ambition... From humans, animals, alien creatures... all have been exploited and used.", stated Captain Falcon.

"We all know how to end this.", noted Dark Pit.

"We have to take the Master down!", answered Pit.

"Yes. But first we must destroy the cores and meet with the other teams at the Central Core, so let's get moving quickly before the Cloaking Devices' effect expire!", stated Falcon.

"This Master punk will take a RAWWKING from the champ here! Make no doubt, folks!", announced Rawk Hawk.

Cloaking Devices are quite handy to avoid being spotted by cultists.

Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
[Continuing where frost rp'd me]

(Team spy, approaches the door to the central core)

Richard: this is definitely the door to the heart of the deathstar.

(Richard looks at his map again and sees five circle icons pop up on his digital map)

Richard: I'm picking up five more enemies on my radar and they're coming really fast.

Snake: That can't be an enemy.

Wesker: Unless it's one of our groups.

Richard: It's mari's group!

( Mari's team meets up with Richard's team)

Mari: Hey guys, good to see you again.

Richard: It's good to see you guys again too, anyway we found the door to the central core.

Charizard: That's good to hear.

Snake: Where are the others?

Xiroey: They're somewhere nearby, for now we have to wait for them.

[ Segment done]

Okay I think that's good for now, Now to wait for the other two groups to meet up.


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
“M’lord” Ganondorf stumbled into the headquarters, his hand over the eye that was forced out, “I’m very sorry of what I’ve done, but, I lost to the Muhti boy.”


The Master got up from the chair and stomped across the room, with cultists eyes pondering against the Master.

“Leave, before I kill you.” The Master mumbled.

“Yes my Lord.” Ganondorf grumpily said as he marched out, before he walked out, he spun around and added something, “Master, may I add that Muhti has jet black eyes?”

Ganondorf then walked out as the Masters ears perked up.

“Jet black? HeheheheheHAHAHAHAHAHA… Seems as if I must pay a visit to the boy myself.”
Lower Core

“Is this it?” Muhti inspected the core, looking beat up , but seemed to be working.

“I’d say so.” The Doctor said looking at the mechanism itself.

“Dimentio just plant one of your explosion boxes and we’re leaving.”

“Sure thing boss.”, Dimentio said proudly as he conjured a large explosion box around the core.

“Not so fast.” A voice echoed throughout the bare room. The box was disabled and a dark figure flew downward.

“The-a Master?” Luigi pronounced, scared to death.

The Master merely chuckled and looked at Muhti.

“What do you want?” Muhti questioned fiercely.

“I don’t want you, I want him.” The Master said calmly, showing he wasn't going to make any sudden moves, as if, he was afraid.

Muhtis aura grew a solid black as his pupils grew that dark color that was appearing more frequent now.

“I knew it!” the Master shouted with a smirk. “The one and only, living inside a weak host because he himself knows he can’t do anything himself. But I’ve made myself better for I AM THE MA-“

“Shut it Darky.” Muhtis face had no mouth like Mephiles, but was able to talk. “Before I give you the pounding of a lifetime.”

The Dark Master chuckled as a force field was raised between Muhtis body and his team, as well as the doors being sealed as well.

“You know, powers change throughout history, you may have been powerful ages ago, but now I am MORE POWERFUL THAN YOU!” the Master cried out as the entity took out 2 fiery swords, engineered by the Chaos Emeralds.

“Prove it.”
Unknown Entity v. the Dark Master


The Dark Master conjured a dark sword out of thin air before the entity slammed against him. He then made the black hands pop out and tried to take Muhtis body as it did with Sonic and Magalor. The Entity quickly made 2 healthy force fields as the hands hit against it.

The Dark Master made up for it as he threw a couple of dark magic beams at the Entity, hitting him multiple times. To the Masters disappointment, the wounds quickly healed and stitched up in a matter of seconds. The Entity rushed at the Dark Master such as Muhti would and lashed out a mix of dark matter and fire from the tip of the blade towards the Master like a whip. Smoke filled the room as the Entity couldn’t find his opponent anymore.

Finally, the Being turned around as the Dark Master preformed his rare move, an uppercut filled with magic.

He flew against the floor and took control of himself as he flew right back the Master. He charged one sword with fire and another with darkness as he did an X-cross against the Master. The Master stumbled back a couple of steps, feeling pain again for once again.

The Entity flew straight back at the Master, but the Master was smarter as he realized what Muhti was capable of. When the Being disappeared, he turned sideways and sensed his presence as he grabbed his neck. He slammed it against the forcefield.

“I’m going to make sure you die…”

The Dark Master performed a move similar to the Pokemon move, Luster Purge to Muhtis body so that he wouldn’t recoup.

The Entity stuggled and finally teleported away, knowing that his healing wouldn’t be as quick as before. He shook his head off before the Master made the Black Hand from before appear on his hand.


The Hand hit against the Organism with full might. Crashing against the wall with full force.


A black hand appeared once more from the ground, picking Muhti up and dropping him hard against the ground. The Dark Master slowly came up to the body, struggling to heal.

“Any last words, buddy ole’ mine? AHAHAHAAAAHAHA.”

The Entity looked up at the Master, who in returned glared at him.

“What goes around, comes around.”

A stretched palm of Muhti wrapped against the Master, electrifying him for a good minute or two. He finally let go, leaving the Master a bit injured, but not to the part of when he could be killed instantly.

“YOU’RE CRAZY!” the Master snarled as rubbed against Frostwraiths body.

“Not crazy.”, the Entity clarified, “Just simple Chaotic. Now scram before you end up like Bowser.”

The Master hastily teleported to his safe zone telling Muhti that he would regret what he did to the one and only Master, but Muhti(?) merely shook his head in disgust.
The Doctor saw everything, with Muhtis eyes becoming black, motuh disappearing, sword growing dark like with Ganondorf. This was more than just the Emeralds, much more powerful. And he saw Dimentio, laughing and hearing him mumble “M- lor-“ or something along those lines. And he perfectly knew what that meant. He ran over and took Dimentio and stuffed him against a wall.

“WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM?!” the Doctor exclaimed looking at the face of the forever smiling jester.

“Nothing, he’s always been like this. Never remembered?” Dimentio calmly replied.

“No he wasn’t somebody is controlling him!”, he confronted.

A blade then pierced through the Doctors heart, then another in his second heart. Blood gurgled from the Doctor as fell towards Dimentio, who teleported next to Luigi. Muhtis body appeared behind the dying Doctor.

“Too suspicious… Had to rid of the weak anyways.” The Entity said, not even caring about killing the Doctor. His blades slipped out as the Doctors body fell against the ground lifeless.

The Entity looked around as his eyes returned to the warm brown state and the black aura collapsed on itself and disappeared. His mouth returned once more, for Muhti himself, collapsed against the ground next to the bleeding Doctor.


So as it turns out, Muhti was being controlled ever since the beginning of the whole Forum Fight. Some of the time he was in control, while the rest was poking around, showing signs of mischief. But now that being controlling Muhti is coming out and will play a big role in the next story and the story afterwards. Not much I can give away other than that this being knew the Dark Master way before, rivalry perhaps?

All in all, the Doctor is killed leaving only a trio inside the lower end of the Death Star, with the Dark master scrambling for ideas to defeat him and Master Hands Army. Also the reason why the Master wasn't ranting like him usual self is because he's starting to realize a far more powerful being is coming into play but misjudged its power.

Hopefully I RPed the Master well and if I made mistakes which I probably did, I'll fix them. The knowing of the two great beings may or may not be a big thing Frost if thats' up to you, if you want to extend the story, explaining of how the two knew. But I won't reveal the entity until the next story.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
More stuff.
"We're close...", stated Samus, as Team Hawk passed through the last corridor in Sector B10.

"According to the map, there's a passage to the Central Core in the next room.", stated Captain Falcon.

The bounty hunters, the twin angels and Rawk Hawk entered the door, where a fierce opponent awaited them...

"Is this... a brain?", observed Pit.

"This is not just any brain... this is Mother Brain... or a copy of her. She seems to be controlling the living beings in these sectors.", responded Samus. "If we defeat her, the Dark Ones will lose control over their experiments and they will spread chaos throughout the Biological Research Center."

"That seems to be a good choice. We must get ready.", stated Dark Pit readying his bow.

"Look above... that's another core powering the Death Star.", observed Falcon.

"Mother Brain must be protecting it! It's time to bring her down and shut down this sector!", stated Pit.

"Time to finish this.", stated Samus, preparing her cannon.

Super Metroid - Theme of Samus Aran, Galactic Warrior (Remix)

"First, we must shut down the barrier protecting her... it's powered by five cores around this room. Each of us can focus on each core.", observed Samus.

Samus aimed a missile at a core, destroying it easily. Pit's arrows of light proved effective on destroying another of the cores. Captain Falcon and Dark Pit each fired at the cores, destroying them with few shots. Rawk Hawk relied on his physical strength to damage the core, enough to cause it to malfunction.

A strange noise is heard as the barrier is dismissed. Mother Brain summons Space Pirates in an attempt to get rid of each group member. The pirates proved to be rather flimsy, but their numbers were high, due to the fact they were massively cloned.

Every now and then, Samus would shoot at Mother Brain herself to damage her and cause slight disorientation among the Space Pirates.

After enough damage, Mother Brain begins to rise, revealing her entire body at last and shooting lasers at Samus, who used her Super Missiles to damage her.

"So, she's showing her true colors, huh?", commented Captain Falcon.

"She's huge!", stated Pit in shock.

The combined efforts of the team were essential to defeat Mother Brain. Samus used the strongest weapons on her arsenal, while Pit, Dark Pit and Captain Falcon used their weapons. Rawk Hawk took care of the incoming pirates.

"Aim to the eye! That's her weak point.", told Samus.

Mother Brain fought fiercely and resisted as much as she could, shooting beams that could potentially reduce anyone who came in contact to ashes.

The fight was long and tough, but victory prevailed as Mother Brain started to degenerate with each shot she took.

"We're almost there...!", yelled Pit, about to shoot a charged arrow of light.

Samus silently prepared another Super Missile, shooting it at the same time Pit, Dark Pit and Captain Falcon opened fire, leading to Mother Brain's demise.

"Warning: Mother Brain is down. Activating Self-Destruction Protocol B83-S. Sectors B8, B9 and B10 will self-destruct within 5 minutes. All followers of the Master are to evacuate immediately.", a robotic voice was heard.

"Quick! We must find a way out!", stated Falcon.

"Over there!", pointed Samus.

Entering the door that lead to the Central Core's room, the group managed to escape from the incoming explosion.

Another core is down.


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
In Equestria, the team was now waiting. waiting for their army to form.

Smashfan looked toward the sky... "Seems our first extension is here." he said. a golden chariot surrounded by pegasi guards and rode by the two regal sisters, Celestia and Luna, came into view from high above the clouds. more chariots followed, carrying unicorn and earth pony guards, as well as armed citizens of Canterlot.

Soon after, a battalion of crystalline chariots followed; carrying Princess Cadence, Prince Shining Armor, an army of crystal guards, and denizens of the Crystal Empire. both fleets docked in the open fields around ponyville, then rushed to the town square.

Princess Celestia was first to speak; "Welcome back, Smashfan. when we'd received Twilight's letter, we knew we had to get here as soon as possible.". Smashfan bowed before the equine goddesses of sun, moon, and love; and was about to explain his plan, but then the next sets of allies arrived...


King Dedede and his Waddle Dee army docked right in the town square, and many other armies soon followed: beasts from the Nightosphere, members of both RED and BLU team, the crew of the S.S. Enterprise, the crew of Planet Express, numerous Bakugan players, peasants of Peasantry, multiple pizza delivery boys, surviving members of the KND, many beybladers, and even the thousands among THOUSANDS of extremely young CoD players (called as a desperation move). all from the closer-proximity dimensions arrived in Ponyville with one common goal; to defeat the dark ones.

"...Yeah. as you can see, we've called in for heavy artillery."

Celestia couldn't help but let a slight chuckle escape. she whispered to smashfan "Rather melodramatic, if you ask me."

"Maybe, but it will be enough."

Smashfan prepared to let out a speech. but just then, a bright beam of light touched the ground.

"What the?!" he gasped. he had not accounted for this...

When the light faded, the figures seen truly shocked all in the proximity...


None could believe it. what vendetta could the Daleks possibly have against the Dark Ones?


Smashfan was the first non-dalek to speak through a chorus of "EX-PLAIN! EX-PLAIN!". letting out a stunned "......The f@%# are YOU GUYS doing here?!"


"Well, why don't you just take them out yourselves? you think yourselves high-and-mighty enough."

Three daleks turned their heads to Smashfan as he said this. "DO NOT IN-TER-RUPT! DO NOT IN-TER-RUPT! DO NOT IN-TER-RUPT!"

The Dalek Emperor motioned as if to silence the Daleks, as they ceased and backed away from the Emperor... as if in fear... "CON-TIN-UE, SMASH-ING-TON..."

"All i'm saying is that last time you tried to ally yourselves with your enemies, you tricked them into a death trap on some asylum for your own people..."


"I highly doubt that."


With that, a Green Dalek came forth and displayed a holographic image of a battle within the death star. a wave of Daleks was demolishing a large super-soldier, around the size of a small building...


They almost had the super soldier down, but the Dark Master teleported in with a wave of shadow. "What's this? you tin cans decide to 'exterminate' my poor super soldiers?"



"Oh? well, lemme think about this for a sec, uuuuuhm.......... NO!!"

With that, the dark master used an electrical bolt to short-circuit the Daleks attacking the super soldier. he then he then sliced a hole in the ceiling, dropping a thick slab of metal and at least 4 tons of items from the above storage room; effectively rendering them comatose...

"How the mighty Daleks have fallen... guards, take these hunks of scrap metal to the trash compactor..."

The hologram shut off, and the Dalek Emperor continued his exposition.


Smashfan pondered for a minute "Hmm..."

It took some time, but he eventually came to his decision. "Alright. but all of your troops will have to be accompanied by a chaperone; just to make sure you guys don't try any funny business."


"Just in case, Daleks... just in case..."
Dalek Emperor and his army joined your team (...didn't think I'd ever be saying that)
Needless to say, everyone was suspicious; and for good reason.​
"Are you sure we can trust the Daleks, Smashfan?" said Twilight Sparkle "They aren't exactly the safest warmonger race to be this close to..."​
"I realize we're taking a bit of a risk, Twi..." Smashfan said "But you saw what the Dark Master did to them in that hologram. besides, if they do try to pull anything, we've got plenty of generic FPS child players..."​
The Daleks all gave off an alert signal so loud that everyone within the vicinity heard.​
"...Was it something I said?"​
Surely enough, many TIE Fighters and Star Destroyers approached from the horizon. from one of them shot a red bullet, which landed on the ground nearby. this bullet, however, turned out to be something entirely else; a very strange RED soldier.​
"...what the- ?"​
The odd soldier got up in a rather spastic and jittery way. when he spoke, it sounded like multiple voice clips strung together in a frankenstein-like fashion. he said "I am Painis Cupcake."​
It was in that moment, Smashfan realized just how bad of a pinch they were in. the Dark Ones now control the GMonsters...​
Painis continued "I will eat you.", then took a moment of silence to smile in a very creepy manner...​
Smashfan reacted immediately. "EVERYONE, CHAAAAAAARGE!!!"​


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Meanwhile, in Sector B6 of the Death Star...

"They have been performing all kinds of experiments on all sorts of living beings...", stated Chun-Li.

"What could they be exactly aiming for?", questioned Guile.

"I have no idea. One of their objectives is the creation of super soldiers.", responded Chun-Li.

They continued to look for clues, fighting some guards on their way.

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance - Burning Ambition

Meanwhile, in the Dark Ones' hideout...

"The number of opposers keeps increasing, Master. Our enemies have managed to destroy many of the Death Star's cores.", a cultist said to the Master.

"I KNOW! If we lose the Death Star, we will lose years of progress and all our efforts will be in vain! Still, I can't shake away this feeling of anticipation... I long for the day I crush them by myself! I shall make them regret the day they dared to oppose me! HYEH HA HA HA HA HA!!", rambled the Master.

The Master turned to his many minions, including Ganondorf and Kil'jaeden.

"Listen up, minions! Our enemies have nearly conquered the Death Star, but do not fear! We shall prepare our final defenses in this very base! We will show them what it means to oppose me! Once we get rid of those pests, we will put every single living being in their place and we will rule the entire Multiverse!", spoke the Master. "A new age of prosperity and order will come and, under my just and strong willed rule, peace will reign and everyone shall bow to me eternally!"

"All hail the Master!", yelled the cultists bowing to the Master himself.

"Hyeh heh heh heh heh ha ha ha ha ha...!! HYEE HA HA HA HA HA... HAA HA HA HA HA HA!!", laughed the Master. "No matter how strong you are... none will ever dethrone me from the rightful place as the ruler of existence! Not even the gods will stop me! I am the TRUE successor of the Emperor Sorcerer and I will reign supreme as the Lord of Existence!"

"My Master, you have held back in your duel against Muhti before. Why didn't you crush him?", noted a cultist.

"That's because it wasn't my true self, you dolt! Whenever I want to meet with my enemies, I merely create an avatar of myself. Obviously, those are not as powerful as myself. Someone of my stature knows better than meeting disgusting, pathetic enemies personally. Avatars are effective and disposable at the same time. It makes my foes to underestimate me. That Muhti brat is simply fooling himself into believing he can defeat me.", explained the Master.

"But you noted something different about him, didn't you?"

"Yes. There's more to him that it meets the eye... heh heh heh heh heh... Nevertheless, he will never defeat me. In fact, none will ever defeat me. I am fated to rule all existence whether my enemies like it or not. Any opposers, no matter how strong they are, are to be eliminated.", coldly stated the Master. "Now, we must prepare our final defenses."

Metal Gear Solid / Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Cavern

Back at Sector B6...

"He is close...", whispered Rose.

"What?", reacted Guile.

"Bison... he's just past these doors.", Rose stated, pointing at a large door bearing the Shadaloo emblem.

Entering the door, the fighters found themselves at a laboratory.

"Bison! Show yourself!", yelled Guile.

"Hmph...", a voice was heard. "You have managed to find this place... you think you must be so clever, Guile."

"This time, there's no escape! Prepare yourself.", retorted Chun-Li.

"I'll handle him.", quietly stated Guile.

"I will like crushing you all with my Psycho Power!", stated M. Bison, as his hands started to glow purple. "Guile, you get special privileges... The others will be entertained by these wondrous clones of many fighters from the entire world..."

"It can't be! Charlie?!", reacted Guile, as he saw a clone of his dead friend.

"If it makes you feel any better, that's not him. But, you should be more worried about yourself... PSYCHO CRUSHER!"

Head of Shadaloo
Street Fighter IV - M. Bison's Theme

Guile avoided Bison's attack and shot a Sonic Boom projectile at Bison while he was open. Bison attempted to kick Guile, who retaliated with a Flash Kick.

Bison fell, but used his powers to warp and surprise Guile by attacking from behind using his Double Knee Press move.

"Kneel before the Master and I shall spare you...", stated M. Bison, while Guile was getting up.

Your threats are meaningless. You will be punished for your crimes one way or another.", retorted Guile, running towards Bison, performing a roundhouse kick on his nemesis afterwards.

"Fool. You will regret standing against ME!", stated Bison before attacking Guile again.

Guile defended himself and used successive Flash Kicks on Bison. The head of Shadaloo was wearing out as Guile successfully landed move after move.

Bison attempted one last move as he was getting up, only to be countered by Guile's Sonic Hurricane that finished the mad dictator off.

The other clones defeated as well, Guile and the other fighters unknowingly paved their way to the Central Core, gathering information about the Dark Ones and evidence of their evil acts.

"The sudden disappearances, the mysterious kidnappings, the bombings... It all makes sense now...", calmly stated Chun-Li, as she learned about the Master's plot.

Kind of rushed, but whatever.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
(Funny, our next major is called 'Shadowloo Showdown' :p)

I'll post a segment soon, I do need a cue from someone though, i'd like to be able to wake up during a battle or an issue so I can immediately jump to something. :p
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