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Forum Fight: The Story Forum

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The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Short, but necessary segment.
Street Fighter Alpha 3 - Scala (Theme of Rose)

In Osaka, Japan...

"I sense the same presence as before... the harbingers of death lurk in this city.", Rose whispered as she walked through the many streets of the city, eventually finding an old building.

Rose entered inside and she observed the same thing as the old house she found in Lisbon, Portugal: a Dark One hideout.

"This one seems abandoned...", observed Rose. "There must be some clues around here."

She picked up an old map on the floor that surprisingly matched the one she found in the Lisbon hideout. Both maps pointed to the South Pole, in Antarctica.

"This must be their main base on Earth... Now I know what to do..."

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance - Stratagem in Black Armor

Somewhere in Sydney, Australia...

"Are you ready for the next attack, fellow follower of the Master?", said a black robed figure on a screen.

"Yes. We're going to sink a luxury ship, which passes near this city. We already have some disguised cultists ready to blow it up as soon as it passes through here so that we can taste the horror of the people here... as if killing the Australian leader wasn't enough... heh heh heh... how are things going in South America?", the Australian cultist said.

"Though we failed to burn the Amazon, we found that one of Master Hand's dogs is there. Xiroey is his name.", reported the figure on the screen.

"Heh heh heh... I think this would be an opportunity to earn the Master's praise, wouldn't you say?", responded the cultist.

"Of course. We must not let him get away..."

In the Dark Ones' hideout...

"BLASTED IDIOT!", yelled the Master as he heard cloned Muhti's words. "I can't believe he forgot about the Emeralds! Such incompetence will not stand! ARRGGH! And that intruder on the Death Star! I WANT HIM DEAD! DEAD DEAD DEAD, I SAY!"

"My Mast--", a cultist attempted to interrupt.

"SILENCE! I need to think of a plan! How are the Metroids doing?! TELL ME AND NOW!"

"Y-yes... I... The first specimen is complete. We have tested their resistance and the results were satisfactory."

"You tested it against ice?"

"Yes, Master, we did. The genetic experiments were successful. Only a very powerful explosion will finish them."

"Then we can get rid of that nuisance on the Death Star. I want to find out who is him and make him pay for opposing me!"

"Quite as you say, my Master."

"And one more thing... That Muhti clone is no longer useful to me. If you find him, kill him. I don't allow failures within my ranks anymore.", coldly ordered the Master.

"Yes, Master. We will ensure that he pays for his failure.", said the cultist before leaving.

"Good! I can tell him he's in Dimension D. Master Hand's lapdogs are there too, so we must use this opportunity to kill two birds with one stone. NOW MOVE OUT!", responded the Master.

Rose finds the main base of the Dark Ones on Earth, in the South Pole. Meanwhile, cultists in Australia prepare to blow up a luxury ship, while in Brazil, other cultists make plans to ambush Xiroey in the Amazon.

The Master is largely displeased by Muhti clone's response to Dimentio about the Chaos Emerald. Considering him a failure, he sends his underlings to kill him... and take the chance to finish off the group and Dimentio and the others.

Also, it seems that the Dark Ones have mutant Metroids at their disposal... stripped of their natural weakness against ice, these Metroids are almost invincible...


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
"I hate Ice" I complained, digging my toe into the dirt and kicking up rocks.

"Oye, tell me about it mate" That basically summed up our entire during the entire trip. I walked a little ways behind Crash, complaining to him about all the little things that bugged me in life; meanwhile, he'd utter the occasional comment or word of agreement. It was all either one of us could do to distract ourselves, since the journey so far had been relatively uneventful.

"I just... I wish I didn't have to have this stupid thing inside me. Don't get me wrong, the power is nice but..."I trailed off into silence. Frustrated, I kicked my toe into the dirt again, creating small dust clouds that were immediately snatched away by the breeze.

"Storms comming" Crash said matter-of-factly. As if on cue, a couple of rain drops fell, a cold drop hitting me smack on the nose.

Curious, I looked up "Those storm clouds were there a moment ago..."

"Yeah man, the weather around these parts usually this...this..."

"Chaotic"? I finished for him. I wasn't sure why that of all words had suddenly popped into my head just then. Crash paused for a minute, as if mulling my suggestion over.

"Yeah, I guess that's it" He muttered, then continued walking.

After a few more minutes the two of us were soaked. I had to take the lead and conjure up a weak barrier around crash to keep the moisture out. It wouldn't do to have him getting sick while the two of us were still out in the open.

"Why aren't you walking under a magic sheild mate". Crash noted as it started to rain harder.

"Huh? Oh" I realized I'd just spaced out. I didn't even notice the rain pick up. "I...I'll be fine... My skin naturally repells water so..."

"But your not transformed" Crash cut in, taking note of my soaked clothing.

"I'm not...?" That actually caught me by surprise. I was already soaked to the bone, yet somehow I'd gone for this long without noticing any of it. A bit sullenly, I uttered a quick spell, one of the many that had suddenly appeared (or reappeared) in my memory since I'd let the beast inside me have it's own way. Water dropplets flew outward from my body like they'd been repelled by a powerful magnet. Seconds alter, a weak barrier formed over my head, protecting me from the rain.

Crash made a soft humming sound like he was mulling over something."i've... been thinking mate" he suddenly said after a long silence. At an awknoleging grunt from me, he continued "You've seemed a bit more... well... distracted than usual. Something the matter"?

I stopped walking, Thunder roared overhead, signaling to the two of us that the storm had finally fallen on top us us. Wind blew the drops directly in both of our faces, rendering the weak sheilds insufficient. Looking up, I could see different parts of the sky light up as lightning flashed just above the barrier of clouds.

"Do you think I'll ever see them again"? I asked. The question was posed toward Crash, but as I gazed upward I might've sent it out as a small prayer as well. Why did I of all people have to be born with this... thing? Why did it have to prevent me from being around everyone I cared about? Why couldn't some other latios carry this burden... why...

"Awww dude, it was just a simple question, no need to get emotional".

I sniffed and wiped at my eyes, "Come on" Crash said, his voice carried away as the wind blew stronger " we need to find shelter for the night. No way either one us can continue traveling in these conditions".

I sniffed again, and nodded my agreement. "No need, I can make us a fortress for the night... just... give me a few minutes".

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

A seismic earthquake-like explosion caused the both of us to shoot up out of our sleep abruptly.

"W...whatis...WHATS GOING ON!" Crash shouted, barely half-conscious.

"I don't..." I began, then I noticed something. Examining the feeling closer, I realized that it was actually a lot of somethings. "We're surrounded". I disclosed. Thankfully, the ice foretes around us still held, but there was no telling how long that would last.

"How many" Crash pressed, he looked a bit more awake now and had his trusty satchel already slung across his shoulder.

"8... or 9... possibly more. There are some hiding out in the trees and bushes well".

Crash silently cursed in pokemon. "Nothing left to do then wait for this gaint hunk of ice to come crashing down on top us then aye"?

"Aye" I agreed. I already had my swords summoned into both my hands.

Only a matter of time...

"Now!" I shouted, The barrier began to fall. We both shot out from under it in a full sprint. I had to dodge this way and that to avoid getting skewered by the falling ice. Looking gazing out from between the ice chunks, I could somewhat make out a splotch of red and black in a faint humanoid shape.

"So the dark ones have decided to pursue us here have they"? I muttered, tensing my grip on my sword, "Then they're in for a very unpleasant surprise".

Seeing a large ice chunk falling down just ahead, I pressed down hard with both feet, leaping up into the air onto the boulder. I could already feel a few of the cultists take note of me down below. Pressing off again, I lept off of the ice rock, just before it hit the ground and shattered. I did a neat flip, and soon, I had both my guns in my hands.

"Tag! see if you can keep up with us" I taunted as I pressed off of a tree trunk and shot at one of the figures in the back. His body suddenly spasmed as the bolt hit him and he fell down in a quivvering heap.

"Coward" One of them jeered angrily. A few magical projectiles whizzed by me head as they attempted to snipe me out of the air. Flipping again so that my feet were out in front of me, I pressed off of a falling rock chunk, launching myself back up into the air, away from a follow-up barrage of magical missles.

"Rapid Fire time! Go!" I spun around in the air, firing wildly while still upside down. The attack was immensely effective. My Shock Wave guns, true to their name, never missed their mark. With every few shots I fired, another cultist fell. A few who began to grow wise conjured up barriers to halt the attacks. I took note of them, and summoned my swords back into my hands. Feet pressing up against another tree trunk, I lept off again, this time angling myself towrard one poor sap who hadn't managed to turn around in time.

I quickly shot past him. I had my swords layed out at either side of me, almost like an airplane performing a dive-bomb. I sliced him as I fell and immediately rolled as I hit the ground. I felt most of the impact reduce as I moved forward, a pricling sensation at the back of my neck also told me that they were firing at me again.

"Gotta be faster than that I'm afraid". I said coming to a stop on both my knees. I instinctively formed a barrier at my back, feeling the air grow hot as another of the cultists tried to fry me with their missiles.

"Focus too much of your attention in one direction, and you might just miss something..." I warned them. My barreir held, easily batting away the weak attacks. Focusing, I summoned a bit of power into my arm and layed it out on the ground, which was still damp from last night's rain.

"I warned you".

I heard one man scream. I didn't even have to look around to know what happened. A gurgling sound came next, followed by a frightened cry from one of his comrades. I released a bit more power into he ground and another of the cultists met the same fate.

Eventually I stood, with another series of magial attacks, the barrier at my back fell. Turning the other way, I came face to face with two of remaining cultists. Five of the others either lied motionless on the ground or were impaled down the middle by black spikes.

"Just the three of us left. Crash ought to be finishing up right about now. What do you say we end this quickly hmm"?


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
I came at them quickly and without warning. One man, who sounded like he might've been middle aged, screamed as I swiftly chopped off his arm. Ducking and using the moment to my advantage, I shoved my gun beneath his chin and fired.

That left one more. After a few seconds of observation I could easily see why this, particular cultist was the last one standing. For one thing his robes weren't solid black with red trim like the other cultists I'd taken down already. Rather, his were a deep blood red color, adorned along the sleeves and collar with rubies black skulls. He carried an imposing looking staff in his hand, which was also topped with a ivory skull. A pair of ruby eyes glared at me from the from the staff, matching the steely gaze from it's owner as he removed his hood.

"Venire". Come

I recognized the Itallian command, obligingly, I traded my swords for a pair of glowing blue hammers. "With pleasure".

I was cautious with this one. Instead of rushing the man head on, I feinted forward, faking a blind charge, then immediately teleported, meeting up with the man's back. I swung my hammer at him, all intents focused on blasting the man's head clean off. The attack never connected. I felt a powerful force force my arm back, I stumbled backwards, losing both my hammers in a brief moment of panic. Still, the cultist didn't turned around. He just stood there smugly with his back toward me as I scrambled to regain my ballance.

"Predictable" The man said, in english this time.

My blood began to stir, I teleported away to a safe distance, trading my hammers for a pair of guns.

"Eat this you arrogant jerk"! I growled, then fired. The shot traveled quickly, far too fast for the human eye to follow. Still, somehow he managed to block the blow, the bolt coming up against a sturdy barrier.

"Weak" He said in an almost robotic monotone.

Growling, I fired two more shots. Only this time, tired of hearing the man's critisism, I teleported forward, just ahead of the attack and pounded at the barrier hard with my fist.

"Hiai!" I cried, feeling my Brick Break shatter through the barrier" And instant alter, I teleported away, and was rewarded by a soft grunt as my bullets met their mark. I was in for a surprise as well though, as I returned back to my original postion, I found the ground much wetter and slipperier tahn I rememberd it.

"fango fossa" Mud Pit, the man droned. Somehow he was already recovered from my last attack.

"Jerk..." I cursed. Feeling a surge of power shoort down my legs, I felt the ground rumble. Shortly afterward, I was airborne, propelled upward by a powerful geysier.

"I'll show you weak..." I muttered. As the geyser gradually weakened, the ground beneath me became soaked. Reaching for my power reserves again, I aimed my palms downward, facing them directly at the cultist.

"Lets see how you like being frozen" I thought to myself. A gust of cold air erupted from out in front of me. It quickly swept over the ground, turning the surface slick and coating the grass in trees in thin layer of ice. I Left nothing to chance though. I reached deeper, pulling out more power and launching out a powerful gust, which all but snapped the surrounding trees in half.

I wasn't surprised when the fatigued feeling hit me. The skill combination peetered out, and I slowly began to descend to the ground. My feet touched down on solid ice, yet somehow I didn't slip. Gazing around, there was no sign of the cultist.

"I know you're hiding. Come out and stop wasting my time".


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
The Lor Starcutter, Bridge

"...just hear me out, Mari." Magolor pleaded. "Dimentio just wants to use us so that we can bring Muhti back to life. Afterwards, he's going to double-cross us. I know it. He's done it before!"

"I'm not stupid, if that's what you're saying."

"No! It's just...I don't trust him. I never have and I never will." Magolor crossed his small hands over his chest and turned his head. "Not even if you paid me."

"Duh. I know that. Everyone here knows that." Mari sat down on the floor, crossing her legs. "Look, I'll think of something. Right now, Dimentio needs us to bring Muhti back and we need him to break the seal over the Master's dimension. If he got rid of us now, there's no way Master Hand would use those artifacts for him. So there's still time."

"For what?"

"To convince Dimentio that we're actually...not as bad as he once thought. Or still thinks."
Dimension D
"Well? I asked you a question." Dimentio fired up a small sphere of purple and yellow energy behind his back, ready to be put to good use. Dispite his pounding head, he asked, "Who are you?"

"Uh...what are you talking about?" The cloned Muhti said nervously.

"Don't play dumb with me. You are not Muhti." Dimentio spoke in a harsh tone. "I know this because he's right here."

The jester snapped his fingers and the corpse of the real Muhti suddenly appeared between them. Dimentio felt a sad tug in his heart. It pained him to see his friend like this. But that pain was quickly overshadowed by anger at the sheer nerve of this...imposer daring to put on a smile and trick him by calling him his friend. I don't think so.

Knowing that his cover was blown, the cloned Muhti unsheathed a hidden sword on his back and sprung froward, attempting to impale the jester. Dimentio simply snapped his fingers and teleported behind him, flinging the ball of magical energies at his back. It struck, leaving a harsh burn.

Charging up another sphere, Dimentio kept moving and teleporting around Dimension D, making the fake Muhti chase after him in a wild game of cat and mouse. Growing furustrated, the fake Muhit pointed his sword in a random direction and fired a beam of red energy.

Dimentio flipped himself into 3D, dodging the attack. He flipped back, and threw his own fully charged attack, which split into several smaller spheres. Then he created a copy of himself to further confuse the imposer into attacking the wrong one.

It worked. The cloned Muhti backflipped into the air, and slashed the fake Dimentio into nothingness. All the while, he failed to see the various sphere of magic hurling towards him. He only had a few seconds to acknowage that fact before they hit him flat in the face.

"Are you enjoying our little duel? Because I sure am!" Dimentio laughed as the cloned Muhti fell hard to the ground. Waving his hand, the jester levitated the fake Muhti right in front of him. "So before I end your game, riddle me this: Are you a creation of the Dark Ones?"

The cloned Muhti glared at Dimentio, and open his mouth to say something, probably a threat or an insult. But before he could get one word out, an arrow was shot from the shadows and sliced through the back of his head, the point coming out of his throat. Dimentio dropped the fake in suprise and looked to the sky. A huge airship was coming to a stop just some miles away, and it was crawling with the Dark Ones' forces.

"Well, this is as bad as 8-week expired milk left out on a hot summer day..." Dimentio said. "Better get out of here...Ciao!"



Snap. Snap.

"...that's odd..."


"...I'm...out of power..."
The Lor Starcutter, Bridge.
"...Ha! Full house. Eat my luck!"

"Aw, what?!" Sonic threw his cards down on the table. "That's the fourth time in a row! You're cheating!"

"Who? Moi?" Marx smiled slyly. "You're just lucky we're not playing for real money. Now hand over the cheese puffs and no one gets hurt."

"No. You probably have some extra cards in your hat or something! No one's that lucky!"

"Just give him his cheese puffs, dear.~" Drawcia collected the cards and began to shuffle them. "You'll get them back next round!~"

"Pfft. No way. Deal me out." Sonic popped a cheese puff in his mouth. "How about you, Blaze?"

"I do not completely understand this game...but I think I'll stay." Blaze sniffed one of the cheesy treats and ate one. "These things are quite delectable..."

"Aw, what the matter, Blue? Scared that I'll whoop your butt again?" Marx taunted.

"Whatever, man. I'm gonna go grab some shut-eye. Good luck trying to outsmart the cheater." Sonic said. The hedgehog walked over to one corner of the room and layed down to rest. He needed a nap.

"Party pooper." Marx said under his breath. "OK, cat woman, bring it on!"

Meanwhile, Magolor was doing his best to keep the Lor hidden in the dark side of the Death Star. He really didn't know why Dimentio would go through the trouble of sending them to space, but then again, who knows what's going on in that devious mind of his?

"So...basiclly Muhti left you for dead in DMK's ship?" Luco asked Mari, who was in the middle of meditation.

"Pretty much...but for a good reason. I'm still having trouble trying to get a grip on that..."

"That sucks."

"Yeah. It does." Mari shut her eyes harder, trying to block out the sounds around her while still paying attention to Luco. It wasn't easy.

"You know...If you need to be alone, I understand..." Luco stood up. "I know this must be hard for you...with Xiro and everything..."

"It's OK." Mari smiled reassuringly at him. "You don't have to worry about me. Besides, we've got bigger things to--"



Snap. Snap.

"Do...do you hear that?" Mari looked around the room and tried to find the source of the sound.

"Hear what?" Luco stared confusingly at her. "I don't hear anything."


"I do..." Mari closed her eyes again...focusing....

I'm...out of power...

"Dimentio?" Mari whispered. It sounded like him...but she had never heard him sound so...weak...

"I...I think something's happened in Dimension D..." Mari said with a grave voice.

Luigi and The Doctor, who were silently in their own little corner, picked up their heads at the news. "What?"

"Something happened...and Dimentio's in trouble!"

Sonic lazyly opened one eye. "So? Dimentio would have teleported here."

"If he was in trouble, he would-a have done it by now." Luigi explained.

"Quite right." The Doctor agreed.

Mari paced around the room in circles, debating on the matter at hand. "...Magolor, can you open another Warpstar Hole inside the ship?"

"Inside the ship?!" Magolor exclaimed. "I've never done that before..."

"First time for everything, Teach. Do it."

Shrugging his shoulders, Magolor typed in the exact location of the Lor in it's onboard supercomputer. He pressed Enter.

A swirling, star-shaped miniature version of a Warpstar Hole appeared in the middle of the room. "Huh. Would you look at that." Magolor said. "But...I haven't typed in a destination..."

"Let me handle that." Kneeling beside the wormhole, Mari outstreached her hands towards it. The wormhole glowed once, then twice, then three times before completely turning into a strange, green color.

"There. This should get me to Dimension D..."

"Wait, you're going back?" Magolor said. "Why?"

"I'm going to check up on Dimentio."

"Say what?!" Sonic leaped up from his napping spot and in the blink of an eye, blocked the way to the wormhole. "Noooo, you are not going to risk your life for someone who tried kill us all. Not on my watch!"

"Sonic...please step aside."



"NO! As your teacher, you are not going to save that backstabbing jester!"

Mari pinched her nose and sighed. "...Sonic...I have to."

"If Sonic says that you are to stay here, then you stay here!" Magolor yelled. "That's an order!"

"And since when did I follow orders?" Mari said with a smile. Taking a deep breath, Mari blew as hard as she could towards Sonic and Magolor. Using magic to amplfiy the wind, she blew them all the way to the back wall and into the table where Marx and Blaze were playing poker.

"OW!" Sonic exclaimed as he banged his head against the bottom of the table.

Magolor landed on top of Marx's mountain of cheese puffs, and struggled to dig himself out of it. When he did, he caught a fleeting glance of Mari diving into the portal.

"You are in soooo much trouble when you get back, young lady!" Magolor ranted. "Do you hear me?! SO MUCH TROUBLE!"
(((Mari to Dimentio's rescue!)))


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Premonition Gone Wrong

Antarctica, 0700 UTC

"I must hurry... I must find the passage to another world.", thought Rose as she walked over the icy ground, approaching a sinister looking building bearing a skull symbol similar to the bases she found in Lisbon and Osaka.

Rose sneaked inside, noticing some cultists wielding machine guns. Following the visions she saw, Rose managed to avoid being seen by the guards.

"Fellow servant of the Master...", Rose heard. "Where is the portal leading to now?"

"Dimension D. The Master has ordered us to attack there and in his name, we shall."

"Very well."

Guided by the voices, Rose finds the portal room, being ambushed by two guards.

"Who are you?! To sneak inside the Master's domain without permission... this is the end for you!", said one guard.

The guards attempted to grab Rose, but she quickly dodged and used her Soul powers combined with her scarf to counterattack the guards' ambush.

While the guards were getting up, Rose enters the portal room, arriving at Dimension D.

"Damn! We lost her! We have to warn the others about this!", the other guard yelled.

At Dimension D...

"What is this place? Yes... it is just like my visions...", Rose whispered. "I must go... they are close."

Meanwhile, at Magolor's ship.

"We have to do something...", said Pit.

"No. We're not moving.", Magolor objected.

"And we leave her to die? What sort of devilish idea is in your head? Do you think Master Hand would approve this? Would he approve us to leave a teammate to the dogs?", questioned Captain Falcon.

"You have to go back to Dimension D at once!", said Dark Pit suddenly.

"What?", reacted Magolor.

"Dimentio is being attacked by a whole army of Dark Ones. That's what Lady Palutena said.", reported Pit.

"And if Mari is going there, she's going to be slaughtered along with Dimentio...", stated Luco.

"Yes. The Dark Ones are the ruthless servants of the Master. They have no qualms in killing someone in cold blood.", agreed Jeff.

"After all, they already did many atrocities before.", stated Luco. "This would be just another killing for them."

"All right. We're going back to Dimension D.", reluctantly responded Magolor.

The ship began its course back to Dimension D. With Master Hand's help, they arrived at the strange dimension.

Deploying out of the ship, the group is confronted by a woman in pink robes with purple hair, floating from above and standing in their way.

"W-who are you?", stated Luigi, startled by the woman who made her surprise appearance by floating down to the ground.

"You all... you are the last hope for the worlds! I cannot let you pass!", stated Rose.

"I don't know who you are, but we have a friend in trouble. Would you please stay out of our way?", calmly asked Luco.

"I cannot! If you are destroyed, it's the end!", responded Rose, in a desperate tone of voice.

"We don't want to fight you.", said Pit.

"And neither do I.", stated Rose, making a battle stance afterwards.

Street Fighter IV - Rose's Theme

Luco attacked Rose by throwing some small icicles at Rose, but she reflected them with her Soul Reflect power and whipping Luco with her scarf, throwing a Soul Spark afterwards.

"This would be easier if you let us pass.", stated Luco.

"I understand, but I simply cannot let yourselves advance towards a certain death!", responded Rose.

Luco unleashed a surge of hot water at Rose, hurting her. Rose kicked Luco and gave two consecutive blows with her scarf. Luco retaliated by launching a sharp icicle at Rose and unleashing two water torrents that made a curved trajectory, both hitting Rose.

Rose stubbornly managed to resist and attacked Luco with a kick, followed by a Soul Spiral move, drilling Luco with her scarf.

Luco got up and jumped to kick Rose, but Rose jumped as well to use her Soul Throw move to grab and throw Luco back to the floor. Despite being on the floor, Luco managed to shoot a bolt of ice, hitting her, who was still in mid-air.

Getting up, Rose attacked Luco again, delivering more hits with her long, yellow scarf, followed by her enveloping the scarf around Luco and using her Illusion Spark move to heavily hit Luco.

In a fit of anger, Luco conjured a huge icicle that crashed from above Rose, hitting her horribly and finishing the fight.

"No... you must not...", stated Rose, before collapsing.

"She seems unconscious... let's take her back to the ship.", stated Luco, who carried the unconscious Rose to the nearby Lor.

"Now we must find Mari... we have wasted enough time with this woman.", Magolor stated, showing anger and worry about Mari.

The group walked quickly in order to find Mari.

"It seems weird... she didn't seem to have some evil intention.", stated Pit.

"It is true. I sensed no malice in her, but who is she? And what did she mean with us being the last hope?", noted Ness.

"She reminds me of that prophet... didn't he say he was one of the prophets?", remembered Dark Pit, emphasizing the word one.

"So, she may be a prophet after all...", responded Cynthia.

"I'm sure we will have the answers soon enough.", noted Alder.

"Everyone, look!", yelled Lucas.

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn - Boss Intro 2

"What!", reacted Luco.

"Lots of robed figures... two dead bodies resembling Muhti... Mari and Dimentio both alive and tied to a pole!", observed Jeff.

"This can't be good... one of those figures stands out... is he--", stated Pit.

"The Master himself!", reacted Luco.

The Master heard the echoed voices and turned to the group.

"Well, well, well... if it isn't Master Hand ragtag team of misfits... and look who's siding with them... Luigi and the Doctor. How classy.", stated the Master in a condescending tone that only indicated pure evil and sadism.

"You monster! You will pay for everything you've done!", stated Pit.

"My... aren't we aggressive! Your flattery will lead you nowhere, angel puppet. Is your goddess truly AFRAID of my graceful excellence and power? Heh heh heh heh heh... that little Rose, in her attempt to save you from yourselves... bought me enough time to cage these little dogs you see here... Mari and Dimentio! What a lovely pair. And the look on your faces... priceless! For you all know you don't have a chance to take me on with your most feeble of powers."

"What do you want? If you are so powerful, why won't you simply demonstrate it!", reacted Captain Falcon.

"Why? Heh heh heh... HYEH HEH HA HA HA! Delicious... haven't you all heard of negotiation? I'm sure that you would most prefer resorting to words instead of violence...", maniacally said the Master, his voice showing his pleasure in doing another of his vile acts.

"Where are you going with this?", stated Luco, calmly.

"Listen up, little boy... between lovely little Mari and idiot jester Dimentio, one will live and another will die. The question that remains is... who will live... and who will die in these lovely hands. Hee hee ha ha ha! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA...", maniacally stated the Master. "And don't even try to face me. You will be crushed in little seconds by me and my underlings here. So, which will be? Mari... or Dimentio? Which one lives... and which one dies?"

The group remained silent, faced by such a devilish dilemma.
"Cat got your tongue? No one shall speak? They say that silence is golden, yes... but this is no time for silence... or do you want both of them dead? The pleasure is all mine! Heh heh heh... it seems that, silence IS golden pour moi after all, am I certain?", said the Master, demonstrating his sadistic pleasure. "I will be generous enough to give you... five minutes... to make such decision. Consider it... kindness from yours truly, the Master of all existence."​

Thought they would save Mari and Dimentio? Nope, the Master is there and wants to "negotiate" with the group by pitting them in a dilemma.


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Sorry for making it short, I cant RP the Master within battle. That and Im on an iPad and I hate writing on iPads.


"Five minutes are finished!" the Master announced. He stood tall and proud over the group which he could kill instantly.

"And so survey says..." the Master said, ready to kill either Mari or Dimentio. For once they actually saw Dimentio with a sad face and Mari ;the same.

"We've decided..." Magalor started, but stuttered as he was coughing up their answer, for there was no answer, the group never decided. He wanted to choose Mari badly, but Dimentio was there leeway to the Death Star. Then a crack, snap, and pop sound came from the Master as he rubbed his back in pain, for the first time.

"WHO DARES TO HIT ME?!" the Master roared in anger.

He swerved around to see nobody, he turned back with a face of rage, right at the intruder of the Death Star: Future Muhti. (before you object that Im being godly, remember that he has all 7 Chaos Emeralds within his reach, but has no idea on how to use it except that it enhances his body strength.

"You!" the Master roared as he tried hitting him, "I've tried to be nice!" He tried hitting him again, it connected this time, hitting F. Muhtis arm. Luco and Sonic rushed over to Mari and Dimentio and untangled them.

"NO!", the Master shouted, "YOU WILL ALL FACE THE FURY OF ME! THE MASTER!"


I cant RP the Master within battle. Its all yours Frost. By the way, I can see a way D. luco can come here.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
He doesn't refer to himself in third person at all the time. Change that.

Check my most recent post...

Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
if this would've been a battle with the master i would happily put the battle music link i suggested in the ff conversation, but frost already changed the plot.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Versus: The Master?!

Despite being saved from the Master's grasp, Mari and Dimentio were too weak to fight.

"You wretches... I shouldn't have even attempted to negotiate! No... I made a grave mistake! One that only the weak make! I SHALL END YOUR PITIFUL EXISTENCE!", yelled the Master, in pure madness. "Underlings! ATTACK!"

Everyone quickly became distracted with the Master's minions, leaving Future Muhti and the Master by themselves.

"You... you have sealed your fate... Muhti.", the Master coldly said. "I'm using this very body to tear you apart."

Future Muhti attempted to attack the Master, but he was quickly driven off by the Master's sheer power.

"You are a fool, Muhti. In nature, the weak cling to the strong or perish. You caught me off-guard, but it was just that. Now I am using my power at its fullest! AND YOU WILL DIE!", yelled the Master. "You possess those Emeralds from the future, yet you have no idea how to use them! Unfortunately for you, I know very well how to use THEIR POWER!"

The Master quickly gathered the future Chaos Emeralds around him.

"What are y--", Future Muhti began.

"What am I doing? Ah, yes... it is a good question. A better question would be... what kind of idiot has artifacts when such idiot doesn't know how to use them! I will show you how miserable you are!", responded the Master, charging a huge ball of darkness.

"Oh sh--", yelled Muhti.

"DIE!", interrupted the Master, shooting the huge energy ball at Muhti, seemingly pulverizing him in an instant, with the Chaos Emeralds fading away.

Future Muhti disappeared. Was he dead? Or was he simply back to his own time? Those questions only the Master knew their answer.

"The laws of nature state that time is irreversible. It's the river whose infinite flow never comes back to the nascent.", coldly stated the Master, as his minions fought the rest of the group. "Heh heh heh... tampering with the laws of nature will lead you nowhere, Muhti... HYEH HEH HA HA HA! TRY HARDER NEXT TIME, IDIOT!"

The Master looked around and saw his minions being progressively defeated by the group.

"You dogs put more of a fight than I expected... hyeh heh heh.. still, your powers are weak.", stated the Master, in a menacing tone of voice.

His minions were all eventually defeated, leaving him against the group.

"You fiend... what have you done to Muhti?", Mari reacted.

"Little girl, in the world I am creating, the weak must pledge allegiance to me or perish. Much like all of you will. If you wish to take me on, rest assured this is the last day of your life.", coldly stated the Master.

"Never!", stated Luco. "Your reign of terror ends here!"

"Isn't that... precious? You should be well aware that I am possessing your dear friend Frostwraith's body...", stated the Master. "Heh... it hardly matters, I will kill you at long last. Shame as I was in a very positive mood. What a wasted opportunity for you all to live this day. You can thank that fool Muhti for forcing me to take... extreme measures. It shows as well how gullible you are in still trusting him. That makes you weak and for that weakness alone, you will perish much like him!"

"I don't think so!", Luco stated, his eyes brimming with determination.

"You will seek to oppose me still? Very well then. Come!"

The Master's Vessel
Evangelion 2.0 - The Final Decision We All Must Take

The Master sent a pitch-black beam at Luco, injuring him deeply. Using his magic, Luco recovered and attacked the Master, but his attacks barely did any damage.

"Your power... IS NOTHING!", yelled the Master.

"I can do this... there's got to be a weakness somewhere...", thought Luco.

The Master drew a sword out of nowhere and attempted to cut down Luco, who was very close to being cut in two halves.

Some light arrows came from the sky, hitting the Master as well. A PK Flash was also sent at the Master.

"Heh... more pathetic fools who think that can defeat me!", reacted the Master, upon seeing Pit and Ness join the fray.

Blaze united the Sol Emeralds to become Burning Blaze and attacked the Master using her fiery powers.

Despite the combined efforts, the Master remained resistant.

"Hyeh heh heh heh! Embrace your weakness! PLEDGE YOUR ALLEGIANCE TO ME!", the Master maniacally yelled.

Ignoring the Master, they continued to attack the Master. All of a sudden, Cynthia's Garchomp viciously hits the Master's head, easily crushing it and resulting in the Master becoming headless.

"WHAT?! How did this happen?", reacted Luco, at the sight of that strange event.

The opened neck began spilling a black liquid in all directions and the body began decaying at an insane rate.

"YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS!", a voice came from the decapitated neck, that incessantly spilled a bizarre black liquid.

Evangelion 1.0 - Les Betes

"What is going on here? He suddenly became so easy to be attacked... something is wrong...", noted Pit.

"It doesn't matter. Let's keep the heat on him!", stated Dark Pit.

Luco kept launching his icicle spells at the Master, each hit making his body rot even more and spilling more of that disgusting black liquid.

"DIE!!!", the Master yelled, shooting three columns of darkness that barely did any damage.

Few attacks later, the body begun to melt itself, becoming nothing but a pool of a sticky black liquid.

"Is it over already?", questioned Pit.

"Of course not!", a familiar voice was heard.

"The Master!", reacted Pit.

"I hope you did have fun defeating my puppet. Yes, what you fought was a fake me. Clever, am I not? Anyway, Future Muhti isn't dead. I just phase shifted him out of reality temporarily... he will be back in just a few moments... without the Chaos Emeralds, of course! I thought it would be fun pulling this at the last minute. Hyeh heh heh heh heh...", said the voice. "That said, the real me won't be so merciful! Ciao!"

Future Muhti suddenly appears in the same place where he was hit by the Master's attack.

"Where... where am I?", said Future Muhti.

"The Master got away...", stated the Doctor as he approached Future Muhti.

"Where are the Emeralds?", reacted Future Muhti as he looked around.

"They seem to be nowhere to be found...", the Doctor quietly stated. "I believe the Master took them."

"Damn this!", reacted Muhti.

Meanwhile, the group returned to the Lor, whose destination was Master Hand's realm: Final Destination.

"According to Master Hand, the Master's dimensional seal cannot be removed by normal means... I don't think that even Dimentio could remove that seal.", stated Palutena, talking to the angels, Pit and Dark Pit.

"Something must be powering that seal...", responded Dark Pit.

"It is probably run by the Master's powers.", stated Pit.

"It is... and I'm sensing that this force is coming from the Death Star itself.", responded Palutena.

"So now we must invade the Death Star, right?", questioned Pit.

"Right, but your group is still incomplete. That's what Master Hand stated.", reported Palutena.

"Wh-where am I?", said a voice nearby.

It was the woman Luco fought before, Rose.

"Looks like someone woke up already...", stated Dark Pit, clearly not amused.

"I remember now... you all appeared in my visions.", stated Rose.

"You see the future... what is your connection with that other prophet?", inquired Cynthia.

"I am Rose, a fortune teller. My powers enable me to see the future. That prophet you mentioned is just another one who saw the same future.", said Rose, still weak.

"A future where the Master conquers all, is that it?", questioned Captain Falcon.

"Yes... only you can stop him! It is your fate!", Rose stated in a desperate tone of voice.

"You seem trustworthy... will you join our efforts?", asked Alder.

"I will fulfill my mission, yes...", stated Rose before falling asleep again.

Back at Final Destination, the group exits out of the Lor for another battle reunion. Master Hand stated that they had to reunite with Xiroey, before going to the Death Star.

"We need all the help we can have. At least, Xiroey must reunite with us, then we can raid the Death Star and remove the seal.", noted Master Hand.

"Even if Dimentio used his powers, the seal wouldn't break. It is simply too powerful.", noted Arceus.

"We have tracked down the power's source and found that the Death Star has a powerful generator that feeds many of the Master's technological equipment. Once we take it down, the Master becomes at a disadvantage.", continued Master Hand. "We also need the 7th Chaos Emerald, so that we can empower our divine weapon, the Dimensional Cannon, the only key to defeat the Master himself."

Oh yes, I did a mock battle with the Master. :evil: Thought this would be over so soon? :troll:

All that needs to happen is... Xiroey return to the team.

Future Muhti is alive and well, but his Chaos Emeralds are nowhere to be found.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Two parts two write up here but the first one is just quick. :p

Oh frost, could you do an updated version of who's on everybody's team? I just want to make sure I know who to include and all that jazz. :p


"I see suspicious activity on the boat..."

"Are we intercepting?"

"We can... but in a far more subtle way..."

Alyse and Kanze were discussing the cruise ship going past Sydney, Australia. Alyse had been struck with an idea and kanze was trying to figure out what it was. In a slightly exasperated tone, Alyse sniffed.

"We're going to make the cultists think they've got this one in the bag. Then, we'll take it away from them!" She flashed a smile.

"But HOW!?" Kanze couldn't take the wait.

"Teleport everyone off the ship at the exact moment of detonation." Alyse said smugly. "They under-estimate us, surely."

"Yes, and with any luck it'll stay that way." Liha sat down beside them. "These clouds look and seem entirely normal. Someone could even pass through them and not notice us. We want this to be subtle and we can't give our position away until we know more about our enemy. On that subject, how is Japan doing? I know they have shared some of their technology with Australia, USA, England, China and Russia, who in turn have slowly been letting the information leak."

"Oh yea." Kanze replied. "They were even faster than I expected. They're in the middle of building a self-sustaining space-worthy battleship, of which i've taken great pains to keep hidden from this master guy. England and Russia have both invested a lot of effort in to developing weaponry and Russia has even come up with a gravity gun. USA and Australia have been building defensive capabilities for everything. Other countries aren't far behind. I hear Switzerland has been looking in to wormhole technology for ease of transport throughout space."

"Oh good." Liha said back. "In that case we'll have some allies soon. Now, I can detonate the bombs prematurely Alyse, if you wish. It will allow for easier timing for you teleporting civilians out of the ship and can also kill the cultists."

"Alright." Alyse said back. "In that case...

It's time to put our plan in to action."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Luco sat down to think. If that was just a fake version of the Master, i'm going to need more gems to compete with that! But I have to go to the pokeworld... where are the rest of them? Where can I get them? I need power!

"Remember, power isn't everything."

Luco sat up straight.

"You have your friends, remember? Find Xiroey, for he, along with the rest of your party, can help you unlock your true power. You are at your strongest with your friends behind you, so do not let them go!" He looked around; the scene was ever-going, a light blue colour with a grey and overcast sky above.

He felt a fuzzy sensation as a little yellow mouse curled up on his lap. "Well hello! What sparked this little show of affection?" Luco said cheekily. "Piikaaaaaaa..." came the reply. He felt another sensation at his shoulder and turned his head to meet the eyes of Luxray. "We need to unwind, we do. Just go to Cinnabar or Undella one time an relax... or if... I can help it again... the valley...." Luco still had trouble not tearing up when he thought about the first place outside of his own world he came to love. Mew came up beside him too and he found himself slowly enveloped by warm wings. Lucario put a paw on his shoulder. He looked over behind him to see the rest of the group, laughing and joking.

I'm surrounded by friends... we'll pull through, I know it!

A sharp sensation in the air caused Luco to stand up sharply, almost upending the almost sleeping pikachu below him.

"I see you're still nervous from last time? My apologies." Dark Luco said, materializing from warped space. The others hadn't noticed him.

"Nervous doesn't cut it!" Luco exclaimed, his hands crackling with magical energy. "What are you doing here?"

"I actually came to ask you something." He looked odd, an expression Luco hadn't seen before.

He outstretched his hand, and Luco hesitated, expecting some attack.


A large purple gem appeared, floating above his hand. "What in the name of darkness is this?"

The 7th Chaos emerald!!! Luco looked back again and met the eyes of Mari. She's noticed, at least. I wonder whether she simply doesn't want to disturb it?

"That... is something we very desperately need." Luco had no time for tact now; he knew his mirror mage could read him well enough to know if he was lying at face value.

"Oh." Dark Luco stopped. His arm shook for a moment, as if he was having some internal war with himself. What is he doing? Does he actually want to give it to me? Luco stared at him blankly for a moment, then saw he had a chance to take the emerald...

Dark Luco's hand closed around the gem. Luco saw his eyes change. Did he win that battle... or lose? Either way, looks like the others have no choice but to notice now...

"If you want it, you'll have to take it from me."


Took longer than I expected, i'll write the battle later. But i've set it all up! :p

So tiredddd.... *sleepy*


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
"Mari, can we speak to you for a minute?"

Mari, who was busy staring out into the distance, snapped out of her thoughts and turned towards Sonic and Magolor. The blue hedgehog had his arms crossed and his foot was tapping the ground at a rather rapid pace. The Halcandrian wizard had his hands balled into fists and looked like he was going to explode any second.

Needless to say, they were angry. Very angry.

"You disobeyed us." Magolor said. "US! Your teachers!"

"And where did that lead you?" Sonic continued. "Right into the Dark Ones' hands! Seriously! Even I know when something's too dangerous! And for Dimentio, of all people!"

"Teach..." Mari rubbed her eyes and yawned a bit before speaking again. Man, she was tired. When was the last time she rested her head on a nice, soft pillow? 3 days? Maybe more? "I had to...I couldn't just leave him to die...even if he did do some...questionable things in the past."

"You know who we're talking about, right? DIMENTIO. Crazy jester who tried to destroy all dimensions AND tried to turn us all against each other! And you wanted to SAVE him?!"

"You make it sound like saving people is a bad thing." Mari shot back.

"No!" Magolor shook his head. "I'm really starting to lose my patience with you..."

"All we're saying is that you need to think about the situation before butting into it head first." Sonic explained. "Dimentio could've just teleported after he-"

"Dimentio used his full power to teleport the Lor into SPACE. SPACE! Don't you think that would've weakened him?" Mari retorted. "And who are you to talk, Mr. Adrenaline Junkie?"

Sonic opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came to him.

"I don't believe this...You're actually defending Dimentio?" Magolor asked.

"As much as I don't want to and as scary as that thought is...Yes." Mari glanced at the jester in question, who was having a conversation with Luigi. "Besides...Don't you think...it's time we give them a second chance?"


"Uh, hello? Is the real Mari in there? Cuz I would like to speak to her." Sonic tugged on Mari's cape in desperation. "Come on...you're kidding, right?"

But the hard look and fiery determination in her eyes told him something else. While Sonic had always seen that look, something was different this time around. Like ever since she got back, that look in her eyes was...stronger? More passionate? He could't quite put his finger on it. All he knew at that moment was that Mari was dead serious.

"I'm not kidding. Maybe if we we're...more mutual towards them...maybe their feelings towards us would change..."

"You mean...like we tried to get to know them?" Sonic asked.



"I know it seems crazy...but I think the reason Dimentio joined us was to see his only friend walk this world again." Mari explained. "So...it shows he really does have a heart...dark as it may be..."

Mari turned her eyes away from Dimentio and suddenly sensed a strange yet familiar power...of a Chaos Emerald?!

"What the..?"

Some yards away, Luco was in a battle stance against his dark counterpart, who was holding the last Emerald they needed.

"Luco!" Mari ran to his side and with a few incantations, surrounded herself in an aura of light magic. "He has the last Emerald..."

"I know."

"If you want it, you'll have to take it from me." Dark Luco challenged.

"With pleasure!" Mari said. "Don't worry Luco, I got your back!"
(((Hey, Luco, Don't be afraid to include me in the battle too! Mari's pritty much a magic user, and her speed is much higher than a normal human's. Almost inhuman, in fact.)))

Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
disregard the dp, also i'll make my part short since my sentence space won't register so here goes: As mari joined the fray, richard decided to join in as well. Okay i've put myself in as well.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Hehe, okay Richard i'll have you in there too. =D



The battle began with Luco and Dark Luco launching spells at one another. Luco narrowly avoided a ball of electricity and sent one of his own back. Dark Luco would teleport and launch another ball from a different angle, causing a similar situation. And it was reset again, and again....

"Darn it, this isn't going anywhere!" Luco said, as he avoided yet another ball. From the corner of his eye, he noticed Dark Luco hurling yet another sphere at him and he prepared to take this one on... before it went around him. Luco swiveled his head to see the ball heading straight over at Richard, Mari and his pokemon. He immediately teleported, threw his hands to the side and threw up a large, sturdy water barrier around them. The electricity flooded harmlessly across the barrier.

"I couldn've done that myself..." Mari whispered. Luco heard a small curse from his mirror mage. "Oh!" You need your friends to defeat him! "Yeah.... yeah maybe some help here would be nice..." He teleported again, to Dark Luco's side and launched a ball of water at him this time. "I'm not that stupid..." he sighed as he blocked the attack, almost as if the action of pulling his hand up was draining more energy than the blocking of the actual attack. I know he's feigning that one. Luco didn't smile: He didn't want Dark Luco to catch on.

A gigantic beam of lightning flew straight at Dark Luco. He didn't even have time to think, so his reflexes kicked in: He did a full backflip to avoid it. He stopped for a time, then held his hand out and turned it upside down. Pools of water randomly collected on the ground around Luco and Mari. Luco leapt in to the air and levitated Mari while the ground instantly became torn up by leviathans made from water, jumping in and out of the pools Dark Luco had made.

They landed once Dark luco saw his attack wasn't working. "Creative!" Luco said, almost cheerily. "We can do that too." He leapt back in to the air and immediately froze the air around Dark Luco. He looked over to see an icicle with nothing in it. "Missed again." He heard from his side. "Not on my watch!" Richard blasted at him with bolts from his gun. He danced away from each one.

Luco thought for a moment. Then without warning, he condensed the water directly in front of Dark Luco's eyes. He saw his counter mage frown in confusion for a moment as he tried to work out what was going on to his vision. Luco immediately ran to mari while he did so and whispered in her ear, before teleporting over to Ness on the sidelines and asking for a spare water bottle. He returned to his original placement. "It won't work on me... i'm a water mage too!" Dark Luco rushed at Luco, vision repaired, but Luco slid back and expanded the water inside the bottle, exploding the bottle and immediately turning the water inside in to mist. He teleported outside the range of fog and immediately overheated the steam. The air inside must have been hotter than flame. He heard an angered cry from inside, before Dark Luco cleared the fog before him with his own powers.

Dark Luco immediately moved all moisture in the air away from the battlefield. He then began to create and charge up his own sphere of water for manipulation. He knew Luco wouldn't try to toy with something he was in perfect control of. "I'm not done yet!"

"Oh, but that's where you're wrong." Luco replied back. He focused for a moment and heard something like a gargle from his mirror mage as he drew moisture directly from Dark Luco's body. He turned the water in to moisture in the air and aligned it in front of Mari. "Richard, Mari, now!" He cried. Richard aimed and suddenly went trigger happy, shooting dozens of bullets in the space of a few seconds (how was he able to reload so fast!?) while Mari threw a supercharged beam of electricity. Of the three attacks aimed at him, Dark Luco couldn't counter each one. "Curse you, Luco! I will..." He stopped, and tried to mouth something that might have been 'save us'. Luco stopped his attack dead cold but his mirror mage had already teleported out of the scene. The other attacks hit the ground and a flash of electricity blinded everyone. Looking back, the purple and final chaos emerald lay in his place. "Did we..." Mari said. Did she see it too? "No..." Luco replied. "He's still somewhere out there, he got away before the attacks hit." Mari creased her brow. "At least it's over and now we have the last chaos emerald!" Luco said cheerily. He walked back with them and began to converse with Ark and his other friends.

What is he trying to get across? Is...

Does he know something I don't?

Luco dismissed it for now. Now was a time to be happy. He talked with his friends and let it go. Whatever would come...

He would take it with his friends.


Hope it's a somewhat cool battle scene! ^_^


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
I'm still here. I will be writing something tomorrow. I have this idea for a few days already, but I have been busy as of late.


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Sweat beaded up up on my face as my grip tightened subconsciously around my sword pommel. The hard crunch of our feet against frost was the only sound in the clearing, save for the sound of our breath, which we did our best to hide.

"I don't like this..." Crash whispered, he had his back pressed up against mine. Together we moved in a sort of rotating motion, setting a path toward the center of the field. "They're definately planning something" I agreed in hushed tones.

"Could have run for it" Crash suggested, although he didn't drop his guard.

"I would have sensed their retreat" I countered.

"Right". Crash sighed, taking another tentative step forward. "Feel like the ground's gonna blow up on us at any minute". He complained.

"Just keep moving".

Crash edged a little ways toward my left, bringing us though another slow rotation. My nerves were so irritated, that I almost started at the sound of another foot crunching in the frost. I let out a shaky breath when I realized that it was only Crash, stumbling off ballance a little bit".

"B-be more careful would ya" I whispered shakily.

"Sorry". He said softly.

At long last, the two of us made it to the the center point in the field. At least now we were in relative safety. Unfortunately it didn't help the two of us feel any less vulnerable. "I hate not being able to sense things" I complained.

"Aye, seems awfully fishy. Almost like they were prepared for this fight from the get go".

"Yeah, or they were"-

My sentence died before it was finished.

"Move when I give the command" I sent the command directly into Crash's mind. The air hung still for a few moments. Nether one of us dared breath too hard, for fear of giving ourselves away. It was like stalling at the edge of a very high cliff, you never knew when a gust of wind might come and push you to your death.

Not yet...

Crash's back tensed.


We took off in two seperate directions. I launched myself forward in a full sprint, pumping my legs as hard as I could to build up speed. The air was already starting to grow hot, prompting me to push forward a bit harder.

Did I give the command too late?

The air exploded. The blast centered itself in the very middle of the clearing and shot itself outward. In the back of my mind, I could feel Crash trying his best to get a fast enough running start to take to the air. The suction from the blast preveneted him from moving fast enough though, and the air was too thin for him to get enough lift.

" No Nonononononono"! I proceeded to curse ineligibly again in pokemon. "Darn it all, the explosion is hexed"! I spun around, eyes tearing up as I came face to face with an expanding purple ball of fire.

"Crash, you better make it out of here. Otherwise I'm coming back from the grave to haunt you".

I beagn chanting a spell.


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
The Lor Starcutter, Cabin room 7

"...Hey...Mari....Wake up!"

Mari slowly opened her eyes and sat up straight in bed. Rubbing the crust from her eyes, she looked around her room.

"Who...who said that?"

"Down here, sleepyhead."

She looked over to the side of her bed. "Oh, hi, Marx. Didn't see you there."

"Yeah, well, being less than 2 feet tall, I get that a lot." The Dreamlander hop onto one of the bedposts and balanced himself perfectly on top of it. "Had a nice nap?"

"Yeah...yeah, I had a pretty good nap..." Actually, Mari felt completely rejuvenated. She stretched for a bit before one thought hit her. "Wait, how'd I get here in the first place?"

"After Dark Luco escaped, you walked not two steps in front of you...and fainted." Marx explained. "Sonic carried you here, said that you just needed some rest. Turns out he was right, you snoozed all day and last night. It's about noon now."

"It is?..." Given that she hadn't had one ounce of rest for the last week, it was only a matter of time before she'd run out of steam. "Huh..."

"Magolor said that you shouldn't push yourself. Get as much rest as you need-"

"Sorry, Marx, but the Multiverse can't afford for us to be just laying around here." Mari threw off the covers and grabbed her cloak from her closet. "Besides, I feel good as new. Better, in fact."

"But Magolor said-" Marx had started to protest, but Mari was already out the door. Marx sighed. "There she goes again, never letting up for a minute...kinda like Sonic..." The Dreamlander shook his head and ran after her.


"Hey, guys." Mari announced as she strode into the bridge. "Did I miss anything while I was asleep?"

"Darling!~" Drawcia turned her attention from a portrait she was painting and floated happily towards her. "You're awake at last! I was beginning to worry..."

"I'm fine, Drawcy. I feel great, actually." Mari said. "So, can you bring me up to speed on what's happened lately?"

"Gladly!~" Drawcia said with a smile. "Well, we've just landed on this valley to restock on supplies...And Dimentio put some kind of itch powder on Sonic's fur, so he went to a near-by river to wash it off...Oh, and Magolor is just over there, giving the Lor some new upgrades...and...that's about it, I think..."

"Thanks, Drawcy. I'm gonna go talk to Magolor, K?"

"Oh, sure...in the meantime, I'll work on this lovely masterpiece..." With that, Drawcia went back to painting on her canvas. A quick peek reveled that it was of the same valley the Lor was docked on.

Mari regarded the unfinished painting for a moment before walking over to the captains' chair, where Magolor was typing some complicated codes into the Lor's supercomputer. He was also holding a large mug of black coffee.

"I didn't know you drank coffee, Teach." Mari said.

Magolor jumped the instant she spoke, and turned quickly to find his pupil standing beside him. "Mari! You're awa-Uh, I mean..." He cleared his throat, and took on a more serious tone. "You should be in bed, young lady!"

For some reason, Mari laughed when he said that. "Don't worry, Teach. I feel great. Better than great."

"You're sure?"

"I slept for a whole day and a half, Magolor. I feel just fine."

The wizard regarded his student for a second before taking a sip of coffee from his mug. "I'll take your word for it...want me to fill you in on-"

"Drawcia already told me. I know what I said earlier about Dimentio, but that was just plain wrong. You know, what he did to Sonic?" Mari shook her head in utter amazement. "I mean, itch powder? Really?"

"I'm really glad that you weren't awake to see that...it was...well..." Magolor trailed off his sentence, and shivered. "Yeah, let's just say it wasn't pretty..."

"Oh, I can imagine..." Mari said. "By the way, how is everybody?"

"Blaze went with Sonic out to the river, she said it wasn't safe for him to go alone...Luco's feeding his Pokemon...and everyone else is just hanging around or talking. We really were just waiting for you to wake up..."

At that moment, Marx ran at full speed to the pair, panting slightly. "Magolor...I tried to stop her...but she..."

"You're about ten minutes too late, Marx." Magolor stated. "And next time, actually lock the door when you check up with her."

"Oh...OK...in that case, I'm gonna go eat the cheese puffs I chea-I mean, won from Blaze. See ya." Marx turned on his heel and walked back to his room.

"Annnnyway..." Magolor continued. "Now that you're awake, we can actually plan our next move...as soon as Sonic gets back-"


A blue whirlwind of excitement suddenly burst into the bridge, and accidentally ran head first into Mari, knocking her to her back. "Guys, you won't believe what we just found ou-Oh, hey, look who's awake!"

"Ow...Glad to see you too, Sonic...though warn me when you're gonna glomp me like that..." Mari said while rubbing her back.

"Heh...sorry about that...kinda got carried away..." Sonic helped Mari up to her feet. "Glad that you're finally up and running!"

"Yeah...me too. But, um...what were you going to say a few seconds ago?"

"Huh? Oh! Right!" Sonic snapped his fingers and started to explain. "You see, that jerk jester sprinkled some-"

"-Itch powder on you, I know that already." Mari interrupted. "What happened after you went to the river to wash it off?"

"Hey, how'd you know that?" Sonic asked. "You know what, never mind. Anyway, me and Blaze went exploring for a bit and we found this village. And guess what? It was totally trashed. Everything was burned down. The survivors that were left were in pretty bad shape, so we helped out here and there. I asked them a few questions and...I got good news and bad news."

"What's the good news?" Magolor said.

"The good news is that yesterday they saw a black Latios pass through with some other Pokèmon." Sonic smiled. "I think you know what that means."

"Xiro!" Mari half screamed. "He's...he's alive!"

"That's great...but what's the bad news?" Magolor asked with dread.

Sonic frowned. "The bad news is that half an hour ago, they also saw a large group of Dark Ones cultists pass through as well, in the same direction. AND they had a tank. A big one."

"A...a TANK!?!" Magolor exclaimed.

"Isn't...isn't that a bit overkill?" Drawcia said, now finished with her painting.

"Hello? These are the Dark Ones. They LIVE for overkill. It's child's play for them." Knowing that Xiro could be just a few miles away, Mari wanted to help him as soon as possible. "There's no time for us to prepare the Lor for takeoff. We've got to get going!"

"But they have a TANK!" Magolor protested. "I don't think even the three of us together have the firepower to bring that down..."

"But the Lor does." Mari concluded. "OK, Magolor, you stay here and bring the Lor up to the sky. Sonic, Blaze and I will find Xiro and try to buy as much time as possible. The rest of you stay here."

"Ahahahahaha...oh, I don't think so..." In a wave of distorted space, Dimentio appeared. "Have you already forgotten our deal? Or were you going to scurry along like three rats after a rotten apple core?"

"Deal? What--Ohhhh..." Sonic face palmed himself and winced.

"We'll take Present Muhti to Final Destination AFTER we rescue Xiro." Mari said. "So until then, you'll have to be patient."

Dimentio stared hard at Mari for a good long while before he spoke. "Fine...but don't expect me to come to your rescue, like a small kitten stuck upon the highest tree in town!" With that, the jester teleported to another part of the Lor.

"Jerk..." Sonic whispered under his breath.

"We'll deal with him and Muhti later." Mari said. "Blaze is waiting for us outside. Let's move!"

(((Finally! Some results of watching 4 straight movies in a row! Anyway, Mari, Sonic and Blaze are off to stop another group of Dark Ones (and a tank!) before they reach Xiro, while Magolor prepare the Lor for takeoff.

Hope this is good enough!)))


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
I'm back!
At Final Destination, the group was united, while Mari was in the Lor with her partners...

"At long last, the hunt for the Chaos Emeralds is over. The Cannon is radiating a huge amount of power... enough to defeat the Master himself!", said Master Hand. "I must congratulate you all for your efforts."

"Our problem is that the dimension where the Master is hiding has been sealed off. Not even Dimentio's power is enough.", calmly stated Arceus via telepathy.

"The seal is made from the Master's magic technology and is being generated deep inside the Death Star, the most important base of the Master.", continued Master Hand. "It is heavily fortified and is the Dark Ones' main source of troops. We have to take down the Death Star's commander Palpatine and bring the space station down!"

"I should warn you that the Death Star has the same size as a planet, so it's going to be a long trial. We will need all the help we can gather.", stated Palutena.

"Xiroey hasn't come yet... him and his friends could be a great help to us.", stated Luco.

"I couldn't agree more...", a faint voice was heard.

"Frostwraith?", reacted Luco.

"Yes, it's me... as far as I know, the Master has access to powerful technologies and most of his army is made up by mass produced clones. Taking the Death Star down would be the key to wipe out most of his army."

"How do you know all this stuff?", inquired Ness.

"Let's say the Master's plan of consuming my body for his own... backfired. I can sense what he's doing as long as part of my soul fuels his powers. Thanks to this, I can provide intel on the Master's plans, though I fear some details may be a little off, but it's better than nothing."

"Well, those are great news.", responded Luco.

"Find Xiroey or wait for him... we need as much help as we can get...", said the voice, fading away.

A black raven flew and landed on Final Destination.

"It is as foreseen... your union will vanquish the flames of evil!", said Medivh, as he turned into human form magically.

"Wait, you're that prophet.", stated Luco.

"It is correct, young one."

"You! I saw you in my visions...", stated Rose as she walked in.

"You must be Rose... the fortune teller...", responded Medivh. "You, too, are blessed with the power of seeing the future..."

"The harbingers of death will conquer the worlds if we do nothing about them... is that the future you saw?", questioned Rose.

"It is the same future I saw, indeed... and only them can defeat the Master himself!", said Medivh, pointing the finger at the group.

"Are you saying we are some sort of chosen ones?", questioned Luco, trying to contain a chuckle.

"This does seem familiar...", stated Pit.

"It is a common story after all...", agreed Dark Pit.

"This is no joking matter!", yelled Medivh in his usual dramatic tone of voice. "If you don't defeat the Master, the world will end!"

"We know that!", stated Pit, slightly angered at the prophet stating something obvious.

"Xiroey is somewhere on Earth last I saw him... you must go and join with him! Then, you shall raid the Death Star...", said Medivh, as he transformed into a black raven and flying away.

"I guess we know our next destination...", noted Luco.

"Right. Let's go.", stated Ninten.

I guess you can continue from here on...

EDIT: Made some adjustments to avoid plotholes.


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
I had to shut my eyes against the light. Somehow, even before the explosion had reached me, the air managed to grow incredibly hot. It made it increasingly difficult to maintain the spell, since my throat was becoming increasingly hoarse. I croaked out a few more words, feeling the air buzz slightly with electricity as the spell began to take shape.

"...not taking us out that easily" I thought stubbornly. Sparks danced between my fingertips, they emitted a soft screeching that gradually became more audible the more powerful the spell became. Eventually, as the air itself began to spark, I ended the chant. In that short span of time, the explosion had already managed to engulf much of the field. It'd reach me in a little more than a second if I didn't stop it here.

I barked out a final word, the energies in the air erupted forward like an imaginary trigger had been pulled. A lightning bolt arced itself at the fireball; it quickly split off in 8 differnet directions, encircling the blast and containing it in a spherical-like cage.

Split seconds before the spell completed and the cage closed itself completely, the explosion crashed into the edge, causing the bolts to glow from yellow to bright purple. I grunted, the task of containing the explosion drained my reserves more quickly than I expected. It was only by a great effort on my part that I managed to remain standing. The spell effectively rooted me to the spot, forcing me to expend even more of my reserves as I stuggled to contain the blast.

"H-hurry... Crash... I...I can't..."


I started, seeing a faint blue flash at the edge of my vision. Before I could question what it was though, I was greeted by another sight. An alien-purple-cat-thingrushed past me, I had to blink to make sure I wasn't seeing things, because I couldn't sworn she was running in what looked like a fiery tornado.

"What in kant- ahh!" I was suddenly lifted off the ground by an aggressive force. My focus on the spell shattered, causing the energies to backfire and launch me up into the air. I ended up doing a backflip and landing with my back into something soft. The thing grunted and it ended up collapsing beneath me.

"Oww... what's the bright idea? In case you haven't noticed I was in the middle of containing a deadly ex- Oh hey Mari when did you get here"? Realization suddenly danwed on me as I saw the thing I'd landed on stir and move out from under me.

"Well, you sure know how to sweep a girl off her feet". Mari groaned, slowly getting back to her feet.

"Heh... what can I say, the ladies can't keep their arms off m- Hey wait, that's not important right now. When did you get here"!?

"A few moments ago... ow..." she winced "that's the second time I've had someone crash into me today".

"You should really look where you're going"? I said, mimicking Magolor's parental voice.

Mari just looked at me like I'd suddenly grown two heads. I blinked, despite everything else going on the moment had somehow managed to grow very uncomfortable".

"Uhh... Y-you look nice... Love the new look, the golden eyes and all". I stammered, feeling the words rush out of my mouth before I could stop them. Mari didn't move, she just stood there watching me curiously. My face instantly went red under the intense scrutiny. The blush must've alerted her that she'd been staring because she suddenly blinked and helped me up.

"Thank the stars, you're allright". She sighed "When you ran off earlier, I thought maybe that-"

"Mari". I stopped her. She paused, her mouth still forming the shape of her last word. Making a small guesture with my head, I brought her attention over to the center of the clearing; Sonic and Blaze were doing their best to combat the hexed fireball.

"Your friends need your help" I said gently.

She blinked, resignation dawning on her face. "Right" she agreed. I was about to rush over to help out myself, but I felt myself get yanked back by her arm. Before I could prostest though, I felt her arms warp around me and she hugged me tightly.

"D*mn it Xiro. I swear I'll personally hunt you down and kill you myself if you ever worry me like that again".

"I'm sorry". I apologized meekly. I could've stood there for hours, as relieved as I was to see her again, but I knew that now wasn't the time. Regretably, I pushed lightly on her shoulder, she sighed and let me go, so that the two of us were left facing each other.

"Charizard's going to have my hide when we get back. He might act tough, but I swear that dragon can be worse than Magolor at times".

"You obviously haven't met Magolor then" Mari joked.

I laughed myself, For a seond I forgot what we were doing, but the sight of a tiny purple ball with feet rushing into the clearning brought me back.


"Way to leave me behind guys. Totally not c- HEY, I see you found Xiro" Marx said.

"Found... Ahh!" I quickly spun around. Sonic was currently running around in blazing fast circles, whipping up a tornado that he used to contain the blast. Meanwhile, Blaze was employing her pyrokenetic powers to contain as much as the fire as she could.

"That's no ordinary explosion" Mari remarked.

"I know, I tried to contain it earlier, but it was almost like it was feeding off of my magical energy instead".

Mari blinked at that. "Since when do you use Magic"?

I was about to exmplain, but a sudden blue hedgehog rushed inbetween us and cut me off.

"Hey! Are you too slowpokes done chatting about the weather, because in case you haven't noticed we're in the middle of a situation here"?

"Hey sonic" I said meekly.

"You!" Sonic suddenly turned no me angrily, making me jump "I'll deal with you later". With that ominous warning, he sped off, rushing back to the edge of the tornado before it died out completely.

"Later". I echoed, looking over at Mari and Marx. Sonic was right, I had a lot of explaining to do.

I wasn't sure where Crash was, but at that moment I could only hope that he'd manage to get himself away to safety. Sonic began to slow, the tornado gradually dying down as his speed decreased. Blaze took on a pained expression as well, her powers quickly waning before she collapsed on both knees.

"That can't be good". I croaked.

Strangely, the fireball didn't grow any further. Rather, It quickly shrank, collapsing down into a thin vertical shape. The three of us watched it closely. It continued to shrink until it was no more than 6 feet tall, A set fo firey apendages detatched themselves from the main mass, and the rest of it slowly formed itself into a more human-like shape.

My throat grew tight, staring at us was a fiery doppelganger of the Master himself.

"Do weaklings like you DARE take on a GOD like me, the Master?! How foolish!" The Master began raving his trademark rant.

"We... might be in trouble here" I muttered mostly to myself.

" I'll not waste any introductions on a lowly group of pests. DIIEEEE!" The master exclaimed, then opened his mouth and breathed a gigantic ball of fire directly toward us".


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
"EVERYBODY GET BEHIND ME!!!"Mari screamed as she sprang forward the instant the Master attacked. She threw up her hands in a wide circle in front of her and a large barrier appeared, stopping the fireball from burning them all to a crisp. Unfortunately, the attack was so powerful that it broke the barrier itself, knocking Mari off balance.

"OW! How many times am I going to fall on my butt today?!?"Recovering quickly, Mari jumped to her feet in a battle stance.

"You...You DARE challenge my absolute power, little girl?" The Master's anger suddenly flared, making his flame-like body burn so hot, Mari had to take a few steps back.

"Hey, let's get one thing straight here, I am NOT a little girl, and you better take note of that before I beat the stuffing out of--WHOA!"Mari ducked out of the way as another fireball zoomed passed over her head. Apparently, the Master did not like being told. "OK, that is it. Trying to destroy the Multiverse is one thing, but interrupting me while I was making a point? Seriously? You're going DOWN."

The Master let out a wicked laugh that honestly sent chills down everyone's spines. "So enlighten me, how do you think you are going to defeat me?!The GOD of all EXISTENCE?!?" The Master smirked as wickedly as he laughed. "You should be bowing down at my feet!"

"Yeah...but before I do that..." Mari said with a wicked grin of her own. "You might want to take a look around, 'Master'."

Suddenly, about 4 dozen duplicates of Mari sprang forth from the edges of the clearing and surrounded the Master on all sides, blocking any means of escape. "You didn't think I was ranting just for the sake of ranting, did you...?"

"YOU!!" The Master screamed in pure anger, realizing he had been tricked.

"Eat this!" All at once, the clones charged at the Master, some with fire spells, some with water spells, some with light spells...at least one of every element except Dark was wielded by a duplicate Mari. Since the Master couldn't counter all of them at once, he slammed his fiery fists to the ground, creating a shock-wave of flame that spread outward from the point of contact and engulfing a good chunk of the clearing. All of the duplicates blew up in a plume of smoke that only grew larger with each duplicate destroyed. By the time the smoke cleared, the group of heroes was nowhere to be found...

"GAAAH! FOOLS!!REVEAL YOURSELFS SO THAT I MAY RIP THE VERY FLESH FROM YOUR BONES!!!!"The Master suddenly went wild with rage, sending attack after attack in every direction possible, and they all rained down like hell-fire on anyone under the sky...

Meanwhile, some yards away, the group was hiding behind a large rock formation just on the edge of the clearing. Mari had thrown up a shield over their head as to protect them from the raining fire. She also casted an invisibility spell for good measure.

"He seems happy!" Marx said sarcastically.

"Hey...I remember this one time....when I said that raining fire was cool..." Sonic heaved. "Well, guess what? I take it back...raining fire is BAD...and....hah....."

"I think you should set this one out, Sonic." Mari looked over to Blaze, who was very close to passing out. "Both of you. Let me and Xiro handle this."

"Usually...I'd be all against this....but......we don't have a choice, now, do we?"

Mari shook her head.

Sonic winced. "Just...be careful..." He set his gaze on Xiro. “At least you’re not going in there alone…”

“We have the Master outnumbered 6-to-1.” Xiro piped up. “Right?”

“Right—wait; there are only five of us here, minus Sonic and Blaze.” Mari said. “Who’s the sixth?”

“And did you tell him about the tank?” Marx asked.

“That would be my buddy Crash, he’s around here somewhere—Wait, what tank?!”

“There’s a tank coming here.” Mari explained. “Along with a fresh group of cultists. I think we have about 10 minutes before it arrives…”

“Meaning that we’re screwed with the Master until then, which by that time, we’ll be even MORE screwed.” Marx added glumly. “Anyone got a pen and paper to write my will?”

“Don’t you have those in your hat?” Sonic asked.

“Wait a minute, don’t write it up just yet…if we can hold off until the tank gets here, we can draw its fire towards the Master. With enough luck, maybe the tank will shoot the Master instead of us.” Mari paused. “All we have to is lure the tank out and hope we don’t get blown to kingdom come. If we can’t use the tank to our advantage, we can wait until Magolor comes here with the Lor and blasts all of the Dark Ones’ into next week.”

“That’s a good plan…” Xiro said. “But we can’t endure the battle with that hex in effect. By the way, how did you negate that effect anyway? Didn’t you feel your magical energies being sucked away?”

“Um…no, I didn’t.” Mari said with a confused look on her face. “Maybe that nap really DID fix me up…or maybe I have a magical immunity against hexes?”

Xiro stared at Mari for a few seconds before shaking his head. “You’re just full of surprises, aren’t you?”

“Hey, I didn’t know about this surprise myself. In any case, the only way to beat a hex is with a counter-hex.” Mari closed her eyes for a moment. When she opened them again, they were glowing. “Annnnnd….done.”

“That’s it?”

“Well, no, I have to cast it near the Master. So when I give the signal, we both charge at him from two different directions. You distract him while I cast the counter-hex. By then, the tank should be here. Got it?”

Xiro nodded.

“Good…I’ll circle around the Master and attack from the rear. You take the front.”




“What you said earlier…about my new look?”

“Um…” Xiro had started to blush again.

“Thanks. And the same to you, too.” Mari said with a smile. With that, Mari suddenly teleported from sight.

“Say…What do I do?” Marx asked.

“Uh…stay here and watch Sonic and Blaze?”

Marx shrugged. “Better than nothing.”
(((I hope I RPed the Master well. What do you guys think?)))


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Okay I'll admit, I've done some pretty dumb things during my lifetime. Actually, let me rephrase that, I've done some a lot of dumb things in my lifetime. I guess then I shouldn't have been surprised with what I was about to do. I adjusted my position on the tree branch, crouching down a bit further so that there was less of a chance that I might be seen.

"Target in position". I said in my best military commando voice. I shuffled my feet a bit, trying to maintain my ballance the best I could. "Sucker won't even know what hit em".

Up in the cover of the high branches, there was little chance of me being seen. I sat hunched over both knees, hiding myself behind a thick set of leaves. No any normal passersby, I probably looked like nothing more than a shadow behind a thick set of branches. I had my eyes set on a rather unusual spectacle down below. The clearing we were just in was in chaos. Fire poured from the sky like rain drops, incinerating everything it came in contact with.

"Kinda looks like fireworks doesn't it" Said a whisper from behind me.

"Hey there bud" I said without turning around "You're just in time. Jerk's finally gonna get what's coming to em". I grasped onto a nearby branch in anticipation.

"This is another one of your off-the-wall schemes isn't it" Crash sighed from his spot on a neighboring branch.

"This is going to be good" I said giddily.

"Thought so".

Suddenly Mari burst into the clearing. She charged the Master head on, both hands charged with differnet colored auras.

"Whos' that"? Crash said confused.

"That... would be my signal" I said, then turned around and began charging an attack at the sky.

"Whoa! Whoa! What do you think you're doing-"

"Crash" I said, cutting him off.


"Remember that physics argument you and I got into a long time ago"?

"We got into a lot of arugments back when we were kids." Crash said, crossing his arms.

" Yeah well, remember when you said that an beam had to actually hit something for there to be recoil"?

"Yeah. The push from the attack is causes the energies in the blast to condense, which is what causes the force that pushes you back, why"?

I smiled and edged backward toward the very end of the branch. Crash's eyes widened when he finally caught on.

"Oh no! Don't you even consider"-

"Too late"! I said cheerily. My palms glowed brightly, and I unleashed a bright beam of light into the sky. Just as soon as I did so, I felt the push back from the blast take effect and I flew off the branch like I'd been launched from a sling.

"Wooooooo"! I screamed, almost completely oblivious to the fact that I was hurling hundreds of miles an hour towards a horrible bone-crushing death.

Down below both the Master looked up. It was kind of hard not to. How often do you see an idiot shoot a condensed blast of energy into the air and hurl himself down several hundered foot drop?

"WHO DARES"- The master paused, then his face registered surprise when he saw me flying directly at him like a human torpedo.

"Why am I not surprised"? Mari sighed from her spot on the ground.

Just before The master and I made contact. began to transform back, a pair of wings quickly sprouted from my back.

"Eat this you creep"! I shouted, then rammed into him with my left wing, teleporting a split second before I hit the ground.

The Master's Firey form distorted. His torso split down the middle as the wind i created tore his body in half.

"Mari, blast him now"! I exclaimed, rematerializing several feet away.

She sighed "You guys and your dramatic entrances. Anyways, this creep is going DOWN!"


Tired.... can't... write... any... further...


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
I imagine Xiroey's current form to look a little something like this, except with purple eyes and different clothing:

But on to something I can do in the story! ;)


What in the world...?

Luco could only see fire and brimstone bursting out above the treeline. I hope they don't get themselves killed....

He turned back to the Lor and was about to go back inside when a flash caught his eye. He looked over to the East but saw nothing. He squinted and searched again, when another quick flash of light met his eyes. He used water around himself and turned the whole thing invisible so he couldn't be seen before flying closer. For some reason he heard no sound but the glimpses he got were worrying. Is that... a tank?

His suspicions were confirmed when he came directly above and saw the gargantuan hunk of metal crawl its way through the forest. It made no sound. They're using magic to snuff out the sound it's making... it's a surprise attack. One thing I think, our party definitely does not need that disturbing them.

He flew down and fell behind one of the walking cultists. "We're almost there so shuddup!" Someone in front said. "You shuddup boss!" One of the others said. "They'll be too pre-occupied to see us anyway and it's not like it's some master-given command!" The cultist in front halted. "Do not slander the master, even jokingly. I said be quiet!"

"Happily obliged." Luco let his invisibility fade and floated above them. "I'm afraid today isn't your lucky day... i'll be needing that tank now." He grinned.

5 minutes later the cultists were lying in a heap on the ground to the side. They'll wake up eventually... but oh man the look on their faces when they realize I took all their weapons and equipment! I wonder if they'll start using their own robes for tinder! Ha!

Luco clambered inside the stopped tank, closed the lid and kept on going. Now with this kind of firepower I can surprise whatever wanted the surprising on us!

The tank resumed a steady pace on to the location where the others were.


Heh heh. That was fun. :3


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
"Heuhahahahahaha! You think you can take on a God like ME, the master?" The master laughed sadistically.

I tossed a quick look at Mari.

Hit him while he's distracted.

"Does a mouse dare take on a lion. Does a mere pawn try to take on a queen"?

"They can try". Mari said defiantly. Suddenly the ground beneath the master began to glow as a magic circle surrounded him. "Nephina Oximora..." Mari began to chant in a strange language.

"Feutile! Now you will feel the power of a GOD such as myse-!" The Master began ranting, before the sight of me rushing at him cut him off. "Do you ever shut up about yourself"? I said exasperatedly. I ducked down mid run and aimed a twirling kick at the master's face. He sidestepped the move easily and was quickly at my side

"Insolent behaviour will be punished dearly" The Master warned, suddenly a lot more calm. He launched another fireball at me at point blank range. I winced as the heat from the fire scorched my arm, hitting me before I had a chance to teleport to safety.

I rematerialized at his back, slapping him in the rear with my palm and causing an explosion of blue sparks to dance around him, along with the flames that made up his body. "I won't..." I growled, following up with a bolt of lightning "...let you..." He deflected the attack, summoning up an invisible barrier aroung himself that knocked the lightning away, "hurt anymore..." I teleported behind his barrier and pointed my palm at his face, "innocent people"!

I fired, The Master suddenly ate a hearty helping of shockwave to the face. The fiery double stumbled backward as his face was blown clean off. Literally. The flames that made up his head scattered, leaving behind a flaming manifistation of the master that cut off sharply at the neck. I teleported out of the circle, feeling the energies from Mari's spell begining to gather around the center point. A glowing sphere materialized there. It pulsed softly at first, glowing a little bit like a soft lanturn. Then as Mari uttered the last few words of the spell, it suddenly took on a much harsher light, glowing from soft white to pink. It shot away from the center of the circle launched itself at The Master's chest.

"AAAAGGGHHH"! The master screamed hysterically.

"The counter hex is complete" Mari confirmed.

"Sweet! NOW it's time to kick some butt" I said excitedly. I could already begin to feel some of the energy the master had stolen rush back into me.

"You will all... suffer the most HORRIBLE of torments... The Master is THROUGH showing mercy to pests"!

"Come and get some" Mari taunted him, she slowly rose of the ground and began to levitate.

"It's a beat down you want, I'll be happy to oblige" I said, I had one of my guns aimed toward his head, which was gradually pulling itself back together.

"I want you to know Xiroey, you're an idiot" An orange and blue dragon called from the air above the clearing.

"So many insignificant fools, eager to become a gaping pool of blood beneath MY feet"!

"Sorry, not on my agenda for the day I'm afraid" Mari said calmly. She blasted The Master with a condensed elemetnal sphere. It traveled surprisingly quick, hitting the master squarely before he had a chance to react.

"I don't know who this guy thinks he is, but he is waay too full of himself" Crash yawned. He dived down from his spot in the air and lashed out at the Master with his claw. I ran at the both of them as Crash began to re-ascend.

"This will end it"! I said resolutely. My swords summoned themselelves to my hands, glowing brightly as the light within them increased in intensity.

Time to really put this skill-link thing to the test

I jumped at the master. As I reached the apex of my flight, I spun around and swung my sword at the master's head. He was prepared for me this time though. In what had to be one of the most incredible feats I've ever seen in a human, he reached up a hand and stopped my sword dead, leaving me handing awkwardly in the air.

"****..." I cursed meekly.

"You first." The master said ominously. Like a syphon, I felt the Master start draining my energy. It traveled out from my sword into his body, causing his flames to glow brighter.

"Crash..." I called helplessly. Somehow, The Master's draining curse had also left me unable to move.

"Hang on bud" He dive bombed The Master again. This time however, The Master was too preoccupied in the middle of his curse to evade the attack.

"AAAAAAAGGGHH" The Master screamed for the second time. His palm opened involuntarily and he realeased me.

"My turn" Mari said. She summoned up pools of water at the Master's feet and manipulated them so that they surrounded the Master in a magical barrier. "Both of you stand back!"

I teleported away obediently. Crash was a back in the air safely. He hovered a ways above us, watching as Mari worked her devious magic in an attempt to subdue the crazed master.

"...Nows a good a time as any" I muttered mostly to myself. Working a bit of 'magic' of my own, I summoned a pair of invisible screens in front of Mari Crash and Myself. Crash noticed what I was doing and grinned. "Man, wish I could learn moves like Reflect..."

"Yeah, well at least you can use Fire attacks" I said wistfully.

"True True".

"Hope this works" Mari said softly. She released her hold on the spell. The sphere suddenly rippled, then it imploded violently on itself.

"Niiiice" I complimented her, feeling a few droplets of water land on my cheek.

"Thanks, I don't think that ended it though".

The explosion of water droplets cleared slowly, I tensed my arm in anticipation, no way I was about to let that creep catch me by surprise again.

"Prepare yourselves" Mari warned.

Crash nodded. An moment later, the master, possibly throwing one of the worst tantrums known to mankind, possibly just extremely ticked off, attacked us with one of THE most massive beams of energy I'd ever seen! She sheer size of it took up over two thirds of the clearing, leaving almost no room for escape.

"Get behind me quick"! Mari warned. I quickly teleported away, meanwhile, Crash began a mad scramble, trying desperately to get behind Mari's barrier in time.

"Gotcha Bud" I said, latching onto him and teleporting him away with me.

The blast hit the barrier hard, and Mari grunted. "Why... didn't you... just teleport... to safety..."

"Would have taken too long, I wouldn't have been able to save Crash"! I screeched over the noise.

The three of us heard an ominous cracking sound. "That can't be good Crash said worried...

Mari continued to groan in discomfort, she pumped out as much Magical energy as she could. I added my efforts to hers, creating a barrier of my own to help fortify our shield.

"By the gods, I hope this holds" She said exhausted.

"Yeah..." I agreed "If the tank doesn't get here soon, the three of us are totally toast"!

The barriers cracked again.

"Oh no".

"Brace yourselves" Mari cautioned.

Seconds later the barriers shattered.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Luco obtained a Dark One tank!
These parts will be fun to write. =D

The many members of the group were scattered through the forest, where cultists devoted to the Master kept a tight guard around. Their orders were to eliminate any opposition, and more specifically, Master Hand's and Muhti's groups.

"Snake has planted some mines in the western part of the forest and Mari seems to have found Xiroey... both are fighting the Master!", said Cynthia, while flying on her Braviary's back.

"What?!", reacted Pit, flying close to Cynthia's Braviary. "We must help them!"

"They can handle it. That Master is just another of his fakes... but, I do admit that those fakes reproduce his personality quite faithfully. I wonder if those are avatars of him...", responded Palutena.

"Is that so...?", reacted Dark Pit.

"--you sure about it?", stated Cynthia, talking through a communicator, while the angels and Palutena were talking, drawing both angels' attention.

"Yes. Me and Samus have seen him hijacking that tank.", responded Snake through the radio.

"Seems everything is going as we planned.", stated Cynthia.

"The cultists operating the tank seem unconscious... maybe we could take them as prisoners...", stated Snake.

"I don't think there's much use in that...", objected Dark Pit. "Even if we tried to question them, they are just too deluded to answer anything helpful."

"I agree.", stated Captain Falcon, who was communicating on the same radio channel. "What we would likely get from them would be nothing more than fanatical praise for their Master and other such nonsense."

"Fair enough... we will leave them there.", responded Snake.

"More cultists are coming from the north! They're about to attack a settlement!", warned Alder as approached Cynthia and both Pits, flying on his Volcarona's back.

"We must do something! Cynthia, can you contact Luco? We need to stop them before it's too late!", stated Pit. "Pittoo, let's go!"

"Right!", stated Dark Pit, holding one of his signature weapons: the Dark Pit Staff, ideal for sniping.

"I'm coming with you!", stated Alder.

On the surface, on Northern Amazon...

"Hya ha ha ha ha... come on, you dogs! Let's burn this village down and kill these poor idiots as a fitting tribute to the Master!", said a woman clad in very revealing black clothing. She had black lipstick, dark makeup around her eyes, also wearing black, high heeled shoes. She seemed to be an high ranked member of the Dark Ones and her high pitched voice was imposing and scary.

"Yes, ma'am!", said the cultists preparing fire magic with their hands.

"Ho hohohohoho! The Master will be quite pleased with all this bloodshed! Nothing makes me feel better than killing those poor useless idiots that stand in our way! Burn them all!"

Before the cultists could launch the fire volleys, two of them were hit by incredibly fast projectiles, collapsing on the floor immediately.

"What was this?!", reacted the woman.

"Look above, ma'am!", said one of the cultists.

"What are those insects above?! A white winged and a black winged angel! I remember the Master talking about--", yelled the woman before being hit by Cynthia's Braviary ferocious talons.

"You were saying, woman?", stated Dark Pit as he landed, speaking in a condescending, yet bored tone of voice.

"You idiots! You will pay for defying me and the Master! I am Lady Maligna, one of the Master's servants!", stated the woman.

"I don't care who you are! We will take you down!", stated Pit, aiming his bow at her.

"Careful Pit... she's not a normal woman! She is a succubus, a feminine demon who seduces men, often leading them to their demise. As a rule, succubi delight in torture and causing pain to others, so stay on your guard!", warned Palutena.

"Got it!", responded the angel.

"I am going to succeed where others of us have failed! Now DIE!", stated the woman hysterically, as demonic wings, horns and tail grew from her body and her skin became more purplish, her eyes glowing bright in a sinister way.

the Succubus
The demoness equipped a whip she materialized with her powers and started swinging it wildly, hitting Pit with it.​
"Your blood will be so... delicious!", said the demoness, now with a deep, seductive voice, as she licked her lips.​
Pit got up and fired some arrows with his Palutena Bow. They proved effective against the demoness, as the arrows were made of divine light.​
Dark Pit stood on top of a tree branch, aiming with his staff and attempting to snipe the demoness that moved at a fast speed.​
Much like other demons, Lady Maligna was reckless and destructive when angry, but like what is usually expected from a succubus, she had intense pleasure in hurting others. She attempted at whipping Pit again, who dodged the strike and countered by slashing the whip with his bifurcated bow, cutting the whip.​
"Hmm... you cut my weapon, cute angel... I like your style... if only I could enlighten you and have you follow the Master's way.", said the demoness, posing and attempting to seduce Pit.​
"Never! In Lady Palutena's name, I will destroy you!", responded Pit.​
"You're SO BORING! Maybe... I will scratch you like a kitten and devour your bowels at dinner!", stated Maligna, drawing two knives. "How does that make you--"​
A lightning fast shot hit Lady Maligna on her head, hurting her severely.​
"Thanks, Pittoo!", said Pit, looking briefly at his twin before turning his attention to Maligna again. "Now it's time to end this!"​
"I DON'T THINK SO!", yelled Maligna in a hysterical voice and attempting to stab Pit.​
Maligna dropped entirely her seductive persona and went on a reckless bloodlust, like any demon would when defied.​
Pit's bifurcated bow and Maligna's knives proved to be a match for each another, as both the angel and the demon lady exchanged fast blows.​
Alder and Cynthia remained busy with the cultists that kept coming to aid Maligna. Cynthia's Braviary and Alder's Volcarona engaged the crazed fanatics, who proved to be weak against both Pokémon's powers.​
Pit did all his best to block each of the crazed demoness's attacks, but was becoming tired as the battle progressed. Maligna's speed proved to be too much for the angel and it didn't look like she was going to stop any soon.​
"Pit doesn't stand a chance...", whispered Dark Pit. "I need to use another weapon..."​
Picking up his Silver Bow, Dark Pit flew to the field and delivered a powerful kick at Lady Maligna by surprise, knocking her down.​
"Let's finish this!", stated Dark Pit.​
"Right!", responded Pit.​
The demoness, even more angry, used her speed to dodge the arrows shot at her, alternating between attacking Pit and Dark Pit.​
In this 2 vs. 1 fight, Maligna began to lose her advantage, as she was hit by both angel's shots, being unable to dodge her two opponents.​
"You pitiful wretches! Even if I'm killed, there's nothing you can do to stop the Master! His will is eternal!", yelled Maligna hysterically.​
After stating the last phrase, Cynthia's Braviary rushed in, attacking Maligna with his vicious talons again. The talons deeply scratched her face and she was knocked down again.​
Following this, Alder's Volcarona attacked with his flames, injuring Maligna even more, prompting both angels to fire charged shots from their bows and finishing Maligna off.​
Maligna's wings and other demonic attributes began fading away as a foul, demonic smoke leaked from her body. Her skin was returned to normal, revealing her to be a normal human.​
"Wh... where... am I...? I... I... this... nightmare... is it... finally over...?", uttered the woman, before definitely closing her eyes, laying dead.​
"She was an innocent woman... possessed by a demon... that's horrible and sad...", stated Pit.​
"The Dark Ones have taken this too far...", stated Dark Pit.​
"How many other of those cultists and demons we killed could have been victims of such a thing?", questioned Cynthia.​
"Being forced to fight for a madman against their will... this crime cannot go unpunished!", stated Alder.​
That moment, they saw the tank arrive.​
"Well, look who's finally here...", stated Dark Pit.​
"I believe this is the time to face against the Master again...", responded Alder.​
I'm finding it harder to make the Dark Ones even more wicked and evil... :laugh:

By the way, Lady Maligna is a character I made, but I used the official art for generic succubi from the Warcraft series.


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
"We're not gonna make it." Mari thought with dread as she saw the first few cracks form in her barrier. Even with she and Xiro's combined efforts, the Master was simply too strong for them. They were all going to die before the tank OR the Lor ever reached them...


Using as much spare magic as she could muster, Mari only had enough time to look at Xiro before she teleported him and the other Pokemon named Crash back to where Sonic, Blaze, and Marx were holed up, safely out of the blast's enormous range. The last-ditch effort completely left her wide open, and she found herself suddenly overwhelmed by the beam...
"What the...?" Sonic exclaimed as Xiro and Crash popped in front of them out of thin air. "What are you guys doing here?!"

"Hey...where are we!?" Crash yelled, a little discombobulated.

Sonic was about to answer when he was cut off by an extremely bright flash of light, followed by an explosion of epic proportions. The blast cut cleanly through several miles of the forest like a knife through hot butter, completely obliterating everything that was unfortunate enough to be in its path.

"MARI!!!!" Xiro screamed, finally realizing what she had done to save them. "No..."

"Oh, man...did she just did what I think she just did?" Marx whispered. "Magolor's not gonna be happy about this..."

The only sound that was present in that moment was the sound of the Master's own maniacal laughter and the sizzling ground that was forever scarred by his attack.

They all said nothing for a while...until Sonic looked up at Xiro with pure fury in his emerald eyes. "You..." He said, gripping the soft grass in a fist and ripping it off the ground. "You ABANDONED her!"

"What?" Xiro exclaimed, suprised that Sonic would make such an accusation. "No, she-"

"First, you brush us off at the Frontier..." With every word the blue hedgehog spat out, a strange black aura enveloped his body. "Then, you run off to Chaos knows where from the Halberd's Revenge..." He slowly stood up, his rage seemingly reigniting his strength. "And now, you left Mari TO DIE!! What is WRONG WITH YOU?!?!"

Marx let out a small "Eeep!" and scurried behind Crash's leg. "T-this is bad....B-blue's lost it..."

Xiro stood his ground and didn't give an inch at Sonic's sudden outburst. "She SAVED us! I know that I've done all those things in the past, but let me explain!"

Sonic actually snarled at the Eon as his fur started to take on a much darker shade. "Explaining yourself isn't going to bring her ba-"

"Jeez, Teach, don't get your quills in a knot. I don't think I've EVER seen you this angry before."

All eyes turned towards the voice that just spoke, and they found Mari herself standing just a few feet away from them. "It's like you always tell me, you need to take a chill pill."

"Mari!" Xiro and Sonic said simultaneously. At first glance, Mari seemed perfectly fine. But avoiding a huge blast of that size is nearly impossible... Xiro thought.

"You OK, guys?" Mari simply said. Despite being in pure disbelief, both Xiro and Crash nodded.

Mari nodded back. "Good." Then she started to sway backwards. Reacting quickly, Xiro caught her before she could make contact with the ground.

"Mari..." Sonic circled around the pair and gasped. "Sweet mother of Chaos...your back...!"

A huge gaping slash was cut deeply into Mari's back, staining her white cloak red with blood. It looked as if the blast had scraped her instead of completely DESTROYING HER. "But..how...?" Sonic stared to ask.

"I put everything I had into that barrier." Mari said, her voice surprisingly strong dispite her grave injury. "I had to put my faith on my speed to avoid the beam...although I think I still need some more lessons." She gently placed her hand on Sonic's shoulder, and all of the dark energies vanished and his fur returned to its bright cobalt color. "Don't blame Xiro...I was the one that teleported them here."

"Mari...I'm glad-"

Sonic was again cut off when the rock formation they were hiding behind broke into a million little pieces. "There you are..." The Master delightfully said, having found his pray. "Now, prepare to pay with your LIVES as I take all of your souls for my own!"

As the Master raised one fiery arm to finish off the group, the ground behind him suddenly exploded. He looked back to find a huge tank aiming its nozzle directly at him.

"Everybody scatter!" Crash yelled. The group took off in different directions. The tank fired off another shot and the Master screamed in pure agony as the shell pierced his fiery form and exploded, sending pieces of shrapnel and dirt flying everywhere. The explosion ripped the Master apart, and the flames slowly died away.

The tank's top flipped open afterwards, and instead of a Dark Ones' cultist, Luco stepped out with a huge grin on his face. "Bull's eye!" He yelled happily.


"I got him, didn't I?!" Luco said as he ran towards the group. "I just shot the Master with a TANK! And MAN, did that feel good!"

"Nice shot, Luco..." Mari said with her eyes half closed. "Glad that you came when you did..."

Luco's grin fell away when he set his gaze on Mari. "What happened to you? Did the Master...?"

"Yeah...and to be honest, I have no fu**ing idea how I did escape..." Mari closed her eyes completely, and went completely still.

"Mari...?" Xiro said worryingly.

"We've got to get back to the Lor." Sonic stated for all to hear. "If anyone can fix up Mari, it's Magolor...but he'll want an explanation..." He crossed his arms and stared hard at Xiro. "And YOU'RE gonna give it to him."

(((Now I wanna shoot the Master with a tank... :3 )))


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
"My man Xiro is innocent! Take me instead, please! Don't do it Mr. Wizard"! Marx and Drawcia were momentarily forced out of their rematch game of GoFish as Magolor came walzing though the main cabin with Crash literally on his heels.

"For the last time! Let go of me"! Magolor demanded.

"Noooo! Not until you swear by Arceus that you won't beat by buddy to a bloody pulp. Only I can beat my buddy to a bloody pulp".

"Agh! I'm not going to beat anyone to a pulp, now for the last time let g"-

Magolor's protest was cut short as he felt an intense weight abruptly release itself from his leg. "Allright then, You can go about what you were doing" Crash said, walking away casually.

"Well, THAT was quite the dramatic performance~" Drawcia applauded.

"I-I don't even know where all of that came from! One minute I was going to get more coffee, next thing I knew I just... threw himself at my feet"!

"Oh? I didn't know you drank coffee Maggies~"

Magolor's face flushed warmly beneath his cloak "Anyway" He deflected the question, "I'm just... going to check up on Mari again. You two watch over the cabin for me while I'm gone okay"?

"Mmph, No prowem Magwor" Marx muttered over a mouthful of cheese puffs.

Magolor sighed, then exited the room. "Gods, it's like it's one thing after the other lately"...


Xiroey and Sonic were already there waiting for him when Magolor entered the recovery room. As Magolor stood there, waiting for the automatic door to admit him into the chamber, the first thing he heard was the sound of a muffled argument from the other side of the entryway.

"...would have happened if you never went after me in the first place"

"Yeah well, you couldn't have at least gave us a warning before you suddenly TOOK OFF"?

"How was I supposed to warn ANYONE? I could barely think straight, let alone talk"!

The door opened completely and Magolor was suddenly blasted head on with the force of Xiroey and Sonic's heated argument.




"GUYS"!!! Magolor intergected over the noise.

"Mags, he"- Sonic began, before Magolor cut him off "I don't want to hear it sonic! Both of you, have some curtosy, can't you see that Mari still hasn't recoverd, yet you both seem hell bent on trying to shout her ears off".

"Mag's listen to me, I never asked for any of this to happ"-

"Relax Xiro", Magolor cut in again "I know you would never do anything to hurt Mari. Charizard already explained everything, including the parts about this 'demon' and why you left, you can leave if you want to".

"But" Sonic protested.

"Sonic, If I recal correctly, Xiro has risked his lives for us more times than I can count. He's been here fighting agaisnt these 'Dark Ones' of whatever they're called nostop, long before you or I got here. If nothing else, I think he's entitled to a small break so that he can get his head together. If it were Mari in his shoes you'd understand".

"But... aaagh! Fine"! Sonic relented, but only after throwing an acusing finger in Xiroey's direction, "But don't think I won't be watching you. You give me one reason to think you might slip up, one reason to think you might hurt Mari and"-

"Sonic"! Magolor said again.

Sonic huffed, and reluctantly let the matter drop. "I'll be outside on the bridge if anyone needs me" He muttered, then vanished in a flash of blue quills.

Magolor sighed, greatful that the room had finally quieted down. "Mags, I really am Sorry, I never meant for any of this to happen". Xiroey pleaded.

"There's no need to apologize, You did the right thing by leaving. Anyways, I don't think I'm the one you should be worried about right now". Magolor said tiredly.

"Thanks Mag" Xiroey said, bowing greatfully.

"No problem, go ahead and see what Charizard wants".

"Right" Xiroey said solumly. He got up from his spot by Mari's bedside, pausing for a moment to take one last look at the bed before he left the room as well.

"Sweet stars" Magolor sighed, once the room was empty, "Why is it that every time Mari goes off on her own, something terrible happens"?


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
In Magolor's ship, after the Master's avatar's defeat and while Xiroey and Magolor were talking...

"Thank you, Cynthia, for watching over Chandelure. I'm sure he misses me.", Frostwraith's voice was faintly heard from the Soul Jar. It sounded distant, echoing from inside the strange, silver jar with a skull symbol: the Frostwraith's family emblem. "I fear that I can't be talking to you for much longer... this requires too much power and tires my conscience."

"I understand... but rest assured that Chandelure is going fine."

The voice faded out and Cynthia left the room where the jar was stored. In another room, Pit and Dark Pit conversed with Palutena, preparing themselves for the invasion of the Death Star.

"You will be facing against powerful opponents, Pit. There would be no better time than this for you to wear the Three Sacred Treasures.", stated Palutena.

The Three Sacred Treasures' box appeared in the room, Pit equipping them.

Pit equipped the Three Sacred Treasures!

BAM!! A loud sound was heard and didn't sound good at all.

"What's going on?!", reacted Dark Pit.

"Blast! The ship was hit by something!", reacted Magolor, who was piloting the ship to return to Final Destination.

"The Dark Ones must be attacking us again! They have really stepped up his game, haven't they?", stated Luco.

"Look outside! Doesn't this guy look familiar?", stated Marx.

"It can't be!", reacted Magolor. "Is that 0²?!"

"A powerful being made of Dark Matter... the Master must have sent it to stop us!", stated Marx.


"I lost control of the ship!", stated Magolor in despair.

The ship began crashing towards the infinite gap between dimensions...

Alder sent his Volcarona to assist Pit and Charizard in the upcoming battle.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl - 0² Battle

"Remember, Pit, you're armed with the Three Sacred Treasures! Use the arrows of light to banish this dark being!", ordered Palutena.

"I will!", stated Pit.

"Well... are we ready?", asked Charizard.

"Yes, let's go!", responded Pit, who understood Charizard.

The big eye monster shifted its attention to his opponents: Pit, Charizard and Volcarona.

"We must defend the ship and give time to Magolor to regain control of it.", stated Alder, via communicator. "Now, Volcarona, use Fire Blast!"

Volcarona shot a large blast of flame at 0², but the dark beast resisted and shot sinister dark blobs at Charizard, prompting Pit to shoot them with light arrows, causing the blobs to fade away once hit. The blobs disposed, Pit aimed his shots at 0²'s red eye, causing it to bleed.

Charizard and Volcarona continuously shot fireballs at the being's eye, but it was showing resistance, even to Pit's arrows.

"Well, won't this thing die?", stated Charizard, noting 0² defense.

"Charizard, watch out!", yelled Pit, as a huge blast of dark energy was drawing close to him.

"Blast!", growled Charizard, as he barely dodged the move.

His eye progressively bleeding through Pit, Volcarona and Charizard's continuous fire, it suddenly began gathering more energy, releasing it as a red beam and hitting Pit severely.

"Augh!", yelled Pit.

"Are you okay, Pit?", stated a worried Palutena.

"I... I'm fine.", responded Pit.

0² closed in on Charizard attempting to hit him with his wings.

"Take this, you creep!", roared Charizard, hitting 0²'s eye with a Dragon Claw move, causing more blood to spill out from it, the dragon-like Pokémon becoming covered in it.

0² closed its eye, and began shooting dark blasts rapidly, hitting Pit, Volcarona and Charizard who couldn't dodge so many projectiles.

"Aim for the halo floating above it!", stated Palutena.

0² was more vulnerable as of now, causing the combined efforts of Pit and the Fire-type Pokémon to destroy the halo in less than a minute. Angered, 0² unleashed a flurry of green smoke, which was easily dodged by 0²'s opponents.

"Magolor has regained control of the ship, hold on as best as you can!", reported Palutena.

Volcarona and Charizard simultaneously used Fire Blast at each of the being's wings, further weakening it. Opening its eye, 0² attempted to fire another beam, but Pit used a charged light arrow that caused the being great pain, causing a stream of blood to be spilled from the eye.

Meanwhile, Magolor made the ship accelerate wildly, approaching 0² at high speed.

"What is Magolor doing?", grumbled Charizard as he saw the ship approach at high speed. "Oh cr--"

The ship came in at lightning speed, crashing on 0² and destroying it in the process. 0²'s last remnants soon dissolved into pure black energy that dissipated in the gap between dimensions.

With Pit, Volcarona and Charizard returning to the ship safely, Magolor continued his voyage to Final Destination...

This is what some would call "filler crap", but whatever.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Nothing happening? Well... evil time.

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn - In My Hands

"Heh... Master Hand's lapdogs are playful little things indeed... seems that they are stronger than I ever expected. I must admit I have... underestimated them.", said the Master, with arrogance and a hint of pleasure.

"My Master, you don't seem upset that you have been defeated once again.", stated one of the cultists.

"If only they would pledge their allegiance to me... they would have wonderful lives... hyeh heh heh heh heh. BUT! It is correct that I don't seem upset, but while I commend their strength for defeating some of my most powerful minions, I am not amused by that same fact! Don't they realize that I AM THE STRONGEST?! Such insolence must not be tolerated!", rambled the Master.

"Master, it seems that they're planning to invade the Death Star.", stated another cultist.

"Sure they may be stronger than I expected... but, in the end, weaklings are still weaklings! And they are delusional enough to think they can defeat someone above the gods! Let them come to the Death Star! Death itself will welcome them with open arms! Their insolence shall be punished by the natural order! The strong dominate over the weak! The weak cling to the strong or perish!", stated the Master, manically.

"Yes, Master. It is quite as you say. We will prepare everything to defend the Death Star.", responded a third cultist.

"Good. Now... where's Dr. Andonuts?! I need him right here!", the Master yelled.

"I'm here, Master.", stated Dr. Andonuts as he just entered the room.

"Ah... as you may know, your son, Jeff, is being quite a thorn in our side. If you can't turn him to us, just kill him for being the weakling he is.", coldly stated the Master.

"Yes, my Master. Your wish is my command. It is a father's duty to ensure that his son walks the right path, after all.", responded Dr. Andonuts.

"I knew you would... understand... hyeh heh heh heh heh... HYEH HA HA HA HA HA...", the Master evilly said, bursting into insane laughter.



Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
(((Some much needed character development, (if it can be called that...) and a little backstory.)))

Lor Starcutter, Bridge Entrance Hall, several hours later...

"...and then he just took his side! I mean, COME ON! Magolor's been my friend longer than Xiro has and he just...ARGGG!" Losing his lid on his anger, Sonic punched the metal wall to his left, leaving a large dent. "I swear, if he so much as LOOKS at Mari wrong, I'm gonna-"

"That's quite enough, Sonic." Blaze said calmly. "At this rate, you are going to destroy this ship...and it is not even yours."

"It's just..." Sonic slowly let his hand slip away from the dent he just made and sighed. "When Xiro told Mari to 'bug off' at the Battle Frontier...she took it pretty hard. I'd never seen him act like that, especially towards her."

"Why do you think that Xiro would say something like that?" Blaze asked.

"Heck, I don't know! I didn't care back then, all that mattered was...Mari." Sonic sighed once more, this time in frustration. "And then Xiro went all coo-coo bananas and I got the feeling that he wasn't the same anymore. I didn't WANT to believe it at first..."

"It seems to me that Mari is very important to you and you think that Xiro is some kind of monster."

"You bet that Mari is- Wait, monster?" Sonic looked at Blaze confusingly. "I don't think Xiro is a monster, I just think he bought a ticket and hopped on the next train to InsanoVille."

"I am thinking that this 'demon' Charizard spoke about had something to do with Xiro's train ride to 'InsanoVille'...if such a place exists..." Blaze added.

Sonic faced palmed himself. "It was a metaphor, Blaze. And that isn't important right now, it's Mari that I'm-"

"Xiro's well being isn't important?" Blaze cut him off. "So you don't care about him at all, then."

"WHAT?!?" Sonic exclaimed. "What are you talking about, Blaze, I care about everyone's well being!"

"Mari's especially."

"Well, DUH!" Sonic said. "I mean, Mari's a great kid, she's kind and compassionate, she's pretty strong mentally and physically, she puts the needs of others in front of her own, AND if she puts her mind to it, she can give me a run for my money in a race. 'Course, I still WIN, but-"



"You said 'kid'," Blaze said seriously. "But I can clearly see that Mari is a young woman of...hmmm, 16?"

"15." Sonic stated. "She's gonna turn 16 in a few months. So technically-"

"So technically she's almost a young adult. And you're afraid of what kind of trouble she might get into if she goes off on her own one day."

"Now, wait just a minute!" Sonic yelled. "First off, I'm not afraid of ANYTHING. Secondly, From now on, Mari isn't going anywhere unless both Magolor AND I allow it, and Thirdly, what makes you think that Mari would want to LEAVE US ANYWAY???"

"What is all this racket?" Magolor, upon hearing the argument outside the bridge, went outside to investigate. When he saw Sonic, though, he sighed and pinched his nose. "Oh, I see. You're still steaming and now you're taking it out on poor Blaze. May I remind you that cats have very sensitive hearing?"

"Mags, back me up for once!" Sonic said desperately. "Can you think of a good reason why Mari would want to leave us?"

"How? She's injured!"

"Not now...in the future."

"Oh." Magolor was silent for a few minutes before responding. "Well...she did it once, but that was for training...but I don't see why she'll do it again."

"Oh, sweet Solaris, not you as well..." Blaze groaned.

"See!?" Sonic cheered. "Both Magolor and I think that Mari should stay right here in the Lor from now on."

"Really?" Magolor said. "Actually, that's not a bad idea..."

"No, no, NO!" Blaze suddenly screamed, making both teachers jump. It wasn't like Blaze to suddenly blow up like that. Usually, she was cool and calm like ice. But she was at the end of her patience trying to explain to them. "FOOLS!!! You should let Mari do as she pleases!"

"Give us one good reason why." Magolor challenged.

Blaze stared at Sonic right in the eye and said only one word. "Freedom."

BAM. It hit him like a ton of bricks. Freedom. Sweet, sweet freedom. It was the one thing that Sonic valued above all else. As long as he had freedom--and his friends--he could overcome any obstacle and take down any foe that dared to take it away. Freedom. To just do what you want and never look back on anything...it's a powerful thing and a big reason why he chose to fight against evil in the first place. To protect the freedom of others, to ensure that they could live their lives however they wanted to.

To take that beautiful thing away from his own pupil...to deprive Mari of her freedom...was the most unspeakable, most horrible thing he could imagine.

Magolor, on the other hand, was a little confused. "Freedom? Do you mean that we don't give Mari enough freedom?"

"YES!" Blaze screamed. "Bad things do happen to her on a regular basis, yes, but that is the price to pay when you are a guardian...I was burdened with the power to control fire in order to protect the Sol Emeralds. But the people of my world feared me and my powers, and because of that, I spent my days alone...with no one to help me or comfort me..." Blaze looked away for a second, a slight glitter in her eyes. "I...I do not want Mari to suffer what I suffered by running away, because THAT is what she will do if you continue to pester her with your silly rules and such!"

Magolor blinked for several moments. "I-I..." He stuttered. "I never thought about it that way..."

"Now do you see?" Blaze asked. "Clinging to the opinion that Mari is still a child will only blind you to the fact that she is--"

"--ready." Magolor finished. "Ready to make her own choices...and now that I think about it, she's been doing that a lot lately..."

"Do me a favor." Blaze said. "When Mari wakes up, go and apologize. I'm sure she will forgive you."

"Yeah...you're right...we should both apologize, right, Sonic?" Magolor turned up to his right, but the blue hedgehog wasn't there anymore. "...Sonic? Where'd he go?"

"XIRO!!" Sonic yelled as he sped down the hallway, trying to find the Eon as entire wings and sections of the Lor sped by at high speed. Finally, he spotted him, stopping right in front of him so that he couldn't get pass him.

Xiro scowled at him. "What do you want now? I already told you--"

"I know you're still mad at me, and to be honest, I will totally understand if you're still mad at me afterwards." Sonic quickly explained. "But I just wanted to say...I'm sorry, man. I shouldn't have blown up at you like that."

"You shouldn't have." Xiro added.

"I know, I know. TOTALLY my stupid fault. It's just...Mari's my first and ONLY student, so...she kinda has a special place with me and Magolor." Sonic blushed a little when he said this. "And things have been so outta whack lately, I could BARELY keep up...and this is coming from ME!"

Xiro didn't say anything, but he was putting his full attention to what Sonic was saying.

"...Listen...I'm pretty sure this whole demon thing that's going on with you is the reason you're going...uh..."

"...Crazy?" Xiro said.

"You said it, not me." Sonic put his hands up in defense. "But let's go with that. That is the case, right?"

"...Right." Xiro said quietly. Sonic was a little worried at the few seconds it took for him to answer, but he just summed it up as nervousness. Or maybe he didn't know much about this demon thing himself.

"...Whatever you need from us, Xiro, we'll be glad to give it to you. No matter what, you're always welcome aboard the Lor Starcutter. And I'm speaking on Magolor's behalf, so you know I'm telling the truth...and by the way, I really shouldn't have brought up the whole 'taking off without telling anyone' part. I do that all the time! Heh-heh!" Sonic rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment .

"...You DO do that all the time..." Xiro admitted.

"Yeah..." Sonic said. Then he raised his hand in front of him, waiting for a handshake. "So...watcha' say? Can you forgive me?"
Meanwhile, in the Recovery Room...

"Don't worry, Little sis. I'm gonna take care of you, I promise."

The teenage boy poked the campfire with a large stick, watching the flames dance under the starry sky.

"Coo?" The small baby girl peeked out of her warm blankets and rubbed her sleepy eyes. She yawned.

The boy chuckled. "Yeah, I'm kinda tired too...it's...been a long day."

He grabbed the large sleeping bag and tucked his sister tightly underneath the covers. The baby giggled and tried to grab her brother's hair as he laid down next to her.

"No, Mari, no ripping off my hair. It's time to go to sleep."

"No!" The child protested, and continued to squirm and move.

"But you just yaw--ugh, never mind...Mom was right, you ARE a handful."

"Mami!" The little girl squeaked and clapped her hands.

"Yeah...I know. I miss Mom too...and Dad...and..." The big brother sniffed a little and wiped some tears from his eyes. He couldn't let Mari see him like this.

"Eyook?" Mari said quietly.

The boy sniffed again and sighed. "No, Mari. Eric. E-R-I-C. ERIC."


"No, you're not saying it right, Mari. ERIC. Go on, say it. Eric, Eric, Eric..."


Slowly, Mari opened her eyes, but soon closed them again, until realizing what she had been dreaming about.


She sat up straight in bed, but soon regretted it. White hot pain raced across her back, making her cry out slightly. "Gah..." Laying down again, Mari stared up at the ceiling.

"Great...just perfect...I just HAD to save Xiro and that other one at the last possible second and now look where I am...Magolor's gonna kill me..."

Mari didn't regret it, though. If she hadn't, it would be XIRO who would be laying here instead of her. But Magolor--and possibly Sonic--would be a different story altogether.

"Aww, man..."

(((Blaze called Sonic and Magolor fools...I can totally imagine her yelling that to them in my head! XD ...ha-ha...FOOLS! XD

Oh, and Xiro, Magolor has no feet. ^.^

I remember you doing that same mistake with Marx, except he had no hands.

LOL, Magolor has no feet, and Marx has no hands.

And Drawcia has neither! XD XD)))
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