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Forum Fight: The Story Forum

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Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
Ponyville Battle Zone - Beneath Enemy Fleet

As the legions of stormtroopers and supersoldiers descended from the swarm of battleships above, Smashfan and his minisquadron prepared to penetrate.

"Ready for cloaking, smash?" said Future Xiroey.

Smashfan took out what appeared to be four simple gold wristwatches, giving one to himself and each of his teammates. "Just hit the 8utton, and the Cloak and Dagger will put up a light-8ending energy field which will effectively turn you invisi8le."

"Y'know," marceline spoke up "for someone who doesn't play Spy that often, you sure know a lot about how the class works..."

"I 8lame the fact my F2P 8ackpack so few spots for weapons to make a decent loadout... and that it's a tricky class to play anyway."

Having no proper hands with which to activate the watch's invisibility field, the accompanying Dalek instead had the cloaking device hotwired into his circuitry, from which state he could directly activate the cloak. "READY FOR IN-FIL-TRA-TION..."

Each of the four activated their respective Cloak and Daggers, becoming as transparent as the glass on a freshly-cleaned window...

"Alright, remem8er; the cloak will flicker if we 8ump into anyone, so try squeeze your way through tighter clusters if it isn't possible to a8scond."

As the team spread out, one could not see through the cloak, but Smashfan had stuffed at least 55 white crayons in his mouth to silently utilize a well-known TF2 meme... "Gentlemen..."

+Wading the swarm+

As Smashfan scrambled between the battalions of stormtroopers with Dalek in tow by the blaster, Future Xiroey quickly assumed Latios form underneath his cloak and began to fly over, with Marceline following right behind.

They all occasionally had to stop and wait for the cloak meters on their watches to regenerate before continuing, but they managed to find zones in the action where the enemy troop stayed immobile. haven't these Dark Army guys played an FPS before? or are at least savvy enough to know to keep advancing?

In time, the four had reached the main ship of the fleet. Each was beamed aboard by silently following retreating soldiers.

"Well, here we are..." smashfan whispered...

They found themselves on a teleporter pad in a large chamber. silently, they clung to the walls and snuck into the control panel for the teleporter pad.

Future Xiroey, using his shadow magic, placed the guards and the ones working the pad into comas.

"That oughta keep the so8s out of out hair for a while. Dalek, ready to download?"


the Dalek plugged into the control panel.

"You sure this is gonna work?" asked Future Xiroey

"Each of this place's teleport panels should be a8le to send their soldiers into any part of the ship as well as down to ground level, which means there must 8e a map of this place downloaded into it."


"Good work." said smashfan "Let's move quickly. 8e sure to keep your cloaks up in case we're 8eing monitored around here..."

the group then set out to find the control deck of the ship to take out the admiral in control, and therefore neutralize the fleet...


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Hm, time to pull some magic!


Luco stretched himself awake after some time. He sat up within his tent and looked around. I really wish I could tell whether it was morning... Sigh...

It took him some time to throw off his lethargy and crawl out of the tent, away from the warm clutches of Charizard. As he came out of his tent, he noticed a few people milling about the campsite. It really is like a war camp. What are we preparing for, really? I've always wondered about the morality of passing judgement on those who might threaten us... but when you are the one oppressed, is it all you can do to fight back? And after that... what will be left?

He forced the questions out of his mind for now. As the survivor, it was instinct to fight back and that was all there was to it. After the events of the valley, there was no alternative for him. For the valley was the first place he found true friendship in a universe that otherwise seemed to alienate and despise him. He was protective of Earth - but now that his memories were more intact he found himself periodically despising the people that lived within. What had they done to him? That was still buried under years of memories that simply could not all flood back to him at once, as if they were water from a bottle with a neck too small to let all the water out at once. He let the tension out of his body and focused on the tasks before him. He did some exercises (though as a being of magic this wasn't truly needed, it was more out of habit from a life ages old) and came back to the camp. He knew he'd need to wake everybody up soon. But for the time he had left...

He walked over to Xiro's tent but stopped as he saw Xiroey and Mari together. Mari was staring intently at Xiroey. "... I... well... it's just, i'm not sure if i'm..." He stopped, as if in thought. Luco didn't often do it to friends - but something gave him an urge to. He glanced over xiroey's mind. The barriers were okay to get past because he didn't need to go deep, only knowing what he was thinking of saying. "Do I look the same to you? Am I the same? What if I hurt you? Would you ever be able to forgive me? I don't even know if I would forgive myself..." The list went on. Even at this level, there was some pressing darkness directly behind these conscious thoughts. Luco couldn't see it per se but he could feel it there. It had obviously detected his presence but he had promptly slipped out of Xiroey's mind before it began to growl at him.

Luco smiled empathetically. "Classic Xiroey... don't put the burden on yourself all the time." They turned, with some surprise, at him. He went on. "Truth be told, none of us have been the same for some time. It ha surely been a long time since you two have seen each other and the fear is that time separates all things... but if you can remember back when you would tell each other everything, if only for the sake of that relationship, would you be able to recapture that feeling? The truth is, we are powerful people, with only each other for assistance. Our greatest fear is our greatest weakness - that is, we're worried that we could be turned upon each other and the resulting consequences. But why does it need to be like that? Who gives a darn what other people think, we have the right to feel love as anyone else does, correct? So... don't be afraid to like and to love, never be afraid to share."

He wasn't sure where he was going with this. But somehow he had the feeling that it was making more sense to them than it was to him... maybe they know the rest for themselves? He didn't want to delve in to a mind to find out. He hated it when it was friends he loved. He stepped back. "I'll let you think on it... that's just how I feel, I think." He said that and meant it but at the same time, he didn't feel like right now was the right time to share his own burdens with them. When they wanted to know, or were obviously stable again.

Luco left them and walked back around. He decided it was time to wake everyone else up. As he did so, he was notified by Richard that the fake Drawcia crisis had been resolved. He sighed some relief and went back to mobilising the campsite. Mobilising our troops of war...

... but we are also individuals, we have our own stories... troops are only made up of the people that make them, people with many interesting and unique stories and in that sense, a group of people united under a cause can be a beautiful thing. So while we may, let us be merry, for the end will soon be upon us, the end which we must all face to begin anew.




The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Versus Emperor Palpatine!

"After being cornered around by all sorts of fanatical minions, we're all finally together... Good.", stated Frostwraith, his voice echoing from his Soul Jar.

"I'd think it's finally time to face against the commander of this space station and destroy the Central Core.", noted Luco.

"Exactly... Once that core is down, it's the end of this place.", continued Captain Falcon.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's get moving.", stated Dark Pit.

"Don't get too cocky... As far as my knowledge goes, Palpatine is incredibly powerful. He has full control over the Dark Side of the Force and stands among the most powerful Sith Lords of all time. While he was bested by galactic rebels before, he seemingly gained the Master's trust and, with the Master's powers and the Dark Side's power combined, he's more powerful than ever.", explained Frostwraith, warning the group about their next opponent.

The group began walking towards the central room of the Death Star. A huge door bearing the Master's insignia marked the importance of the place... and a sign of a powerful opponent waiting on the other side.

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn - Boss Intro 2

"Ha ha ha ha ha... Impressive that such pitiful insects managed to destroy several of the Death Star's cores and defeated some of our elite troops.", laughed Palpatine. "It takes power and bravery to come this far... A pity is that all your efforts were in vain... Heh heh heh..."

"I take it you're Palpatine, right?", inquired Mari.

"...And I take it you're just some pathetic girl, mewling around the Master's propriety! Ha ha ha ha ha...!", mocked Palpatine.

"How dare you to insult her!", retorted Sonic.

"Me? Insulting her? I'm just stating how weak you all are. It's true, you managed to accomplish quite some feats here, but nothing compared to what the Master can do!", stated Palpatine with a smirk. "This is the Death Star. The Master chose me to command and protect this space station... The paragon of our technology and the most powerful weapon to ever exist!"

The group remained silent.

"You are nothing but insects compared to the Death Star's might!", yelled Palpatine.

"It takes more than power to take us down!", challenged Pit.

"Is that so...? What are you? ...Ah, yes, just some flightless angel kid. What is a little boy compared to the Master's power? Nothing! It is simply inconceivable that a naive kid such as you can defeat the powerful entity that is the Master!", Palpatine retorted angrily.

"Well, old man. What if the flightless little angel kid is capable of destroying gods?", stated Dark Pit to provoke the Sith Lord.

"Heh... ha ha ha ha ha ha! Gods? What are gods compared to the Master's might? Surely, you could have used a better example... now could you?", mocked Palpatine. "My point still stands. The Master is the strongest being to ever exist, thus he has all the right to create a new world... a world where only the strong and the loyal can exist!"

"You're insane... and we'll never allow the likes of you to prevail!", Del retorted.

"Well... isn't that cocky? Insane or not, I was willing to negotiate... Seems that it would be futile, considering how naive you lot are...", the Sith Lord responded.

"Negotiate?", Xiorey questioned.

"If only you would pledge your loyalty to the Master... With his guidance, you would be worthy of belonging to the world the Master is creating.", Palpatine replied. "You are not without potential!"

"Never!", Pit retorted.

"Is that so... Guess I couldn't sway you into obedience and loyalty... It's time then...", devilishly stated Palpatine. "You will pay for your lack of faith!"

Palpatine quickly unleashed Force Lightning on Pit, sending him flying across the room, screaming.

"And in the end... I stand right...", calmly stated Palpatine. "You are all weak insects..."

Palpatine began smiling again.

"... and you will all perish.", finished Palpatine, unleashing another wave of Force Lightning on Pit.

"Aaaaugh!", screamed Pit.

"I can see he's suffering... a lot... You know, it's not too late... to reconsider your choices.", Palpatine stated with a smirk. "Otherwise... he will die."

Master Hand used his telepathic powers and sent a message to the group: "Accept his request and then strike when his guard is down!"

"Fine, stop! We will join you.", reluctantly stated Luco.

"Is that so... wretch?", Palpatine stated as he stopped attacking Pit. "I do not fall for such easy ruses. I can't see any shred of... willingness... in your voice."

"What?", reacted Luco.

"Well... maybe I should do something else to better sway you wretches into the Master's side...", stated Palpatine. "You there!"

"Yes, sir?", a Stormtrooper answered.

"Fire the cannon at full power. Show them the Master's might!", ordered Palpatine.

The cannon was aimed at an alien planet, where extraterrestrial life prospered and many different sentient alien species prospered and lived in harmony.

"The cannon is ready, Lord Sidious.", a Stormtrooper stated.

"Good... Now fire!", Palpatine responded.

The cannon fired a green laser that obliterated the planet in a quick instant.

"See? Have you witnessed the power? Have you seen how quickly was the planet and its inhabitants destroyed? Can you see how futile any resistance is?", Palpatine said calmly, while smirking and showing signs that he was enjoying himself. "I shall give you... one... last... chance..."

"Okay... we... give up. We surrender!", replied Luco.

"Ah... I can see it all... Your anger, your sadness, your grief... It makes you focused and determined... It makes you stronger!", the Sith Lord devilishly stated as he attempted to manipulate Luco.

"We will bow down to you, Lord Sidious, and pledge our allegiance to the Master!", declared Captain Falcon, dropping his gun.

"In the name of the Master, we promise to follow his strict orders without question and proceed in doing his bidding!", Del calmly stated, while focusing his mind to launch a spell.

"Ha ha ha ha ha... Good! Good!", replied Palpatine, as he got up from his throne and approached the kneeling members of the group.

Palpatine walked around the team members and approached Ness, who suddenly attacked Palpatine with a PK Flash attack, sending Palpatine flying across the room.

"Aaaaaarrrghh!", screamed Palpatine, before crashing on a wall.

"Everyone, get ready!", yelled Luco.

"You fools! You deceitful traitors! You have pledged your allegiance to the Master! And now, I shall punish you all for being cowards! Troops, bring Kyurem to this room and attack those wretches! In the Master's ideal world, treason means DEATH!", insanely yelled Palpatine, as he felt frustrated for being easily deceived.

"Now, who doesn't fall for such easy ruses?!", mocked Dark Pit, as he fired an arrow to the angered Sith Lord.

"Kyurem, GLACIATE!!!", madly yelled Palpatine.

Kyurem roared loudly and the air became cold as ice.

"His cries... he feels pain...", whispered Xiroey.

"He's under control of that old man. I can sense the darkness surrounding it.", observed Frostwraith's Chandelure, who happened to be near Xiroey.

"Your frozen corpses will be a fitting to the Master!", stated Palpatine as he used his powers to control Kyurem who was caged in a power generator.

Boundary Pokémon

Pokémon Diamond / Pearl - Mt. Coronet (Remix)

"Let none of those wretches survive! Everyone here shall fight to the death or face my wrath!", Palpatine ordered to his soldiers.

"He's sending the cultists and his soldiers to attack us as well, huh?", noted Pit.

"We have to fend them off. They aren't going to hold back against us.", replied Dark Pit.

"And neither we will!", shouted Pit.

The angel twins continuously attacked the Stormtroopers that were after them. A shoot out between bows and guns, the angels wouldn't stand a chance if it weren't for their divine powers.

"Mari, me and Frost's Chandelure will face Kyurem. You and your pals should aid Luco and Del and fight against those cultists.", suggested Xiroey.

"Yeah, just leave it to me! Good luck to you both!", Mario stated as she prepared to help Luco and his twin.

"A wise choice... Chandelure should be able to resist Kyurem's Ice moves, while Xiroey can deal a good amount of damage against Kyurem... But he must me more careful.", thought Frostwraith.

"Rrrrrraaaarrghh!", Kyurem roared.

"Kyurem!", Chandelure called.

"Rrrgghh... For... the Master...", Kyurem stated.

"Damn.. Step back, Xiroey, and let me handle him closely. Can you use Fire moves?", Chandelure stated.

"Sorry, I can't..."

"Hmm... Never mind. Just keep attacking with your Dragon-type moves.", replied Chandelure.

Chandelure used his fire to protect him and Xiroey from Kyurem's ice. Kyurem aimed at Xiroey with his icicle attacks, but Chandelure kept using his fire to melt the ice and attack Kyurem.

Alder and Cynthia were busy attacking the cultists. Chandelure asked for Xiroey to bring Charizard and have him attack Chandelure so that his Flash Fire ability could be used against Kyurem. Charizard had a few Rock moves at his disposal, which were quite useful to damage Kyurem.

"Yes! I can sense the darkness losing its grip on Kyurem!", Chandelure stated as he and Charizard attacked Kyurem.

"Nice!", replied Xiorey, who stood behind the Fire-type Pokémon, launching Dragon Pulses whenever he could.

"Rrraaarghh... H-help... me... Please...", Kyurem roared.

"It's working... Now, let me finish this.", Chandelure stated as he prepared an attack.

"What do you think you're doing?", reacted Charizard, as he noticed the huge amount of power Chandelure was storing.

"Preparing THIS!", replied Chandelure as he fired an Hyper Beam against the cage, causing it to malfunction and explode.

"Gah!", stated Charizard as he was blown away by the explosion, hitting a cultist in the process. "What were you thinking, silly ghost?!"

"Rrrrgh... T-thank you...", Kyurem whispered before collapsing.

"Let's aid the others!", Xiroey said.

Alder and Cynthia ordered their Pokémon, Volcarona and Garchomp, to attack any of the Master's minions, whose number was reducing at a quick pace.

Fire Emblem: Awakening - Mastermind (Intro)

"How was this possible...? It hardly matters... I'm going to destroy you all in a matter of seconds!", said Palpatine, drawing his Lightsaber.

"You and your Master underestimate us.", stated Luco.

"Die!", Palpatine responded, attacking Luco with Force Lightning.

"Not so fast, old man!", Del yelled as he run towards the lightning and deflected it with his powers.

"Damn you both and damn you all!", Palpatine yelled as he jumped and attempted to strike from above and impale Del.

Pit shot an arrow, causing Palpatine to drop his weapon and fall to the ground.

"Perish!", Palpatine yelled, using Force Choke to attack Pit, who acted as if being asphyxiated. Xiroey came to the rescue by interfering with his Psychic powers.

Palpatine yelled in frustration and challenged Xiroey to a duel to the death. Xiroey drew his icy blade and jumped towards the Sith Lord.

Dark Lord of the Sith
Fire Emblem: Awakening - Mastermind

Xiroey and Palpatine quickly attacked each another, exchanging and defending each of the blows.

"Persistent pest!", yelled Palpatine, who unleashed a small amount of Force Lightning.

Xiroey saw the attack coming and avoided it quickly. The duel was fierce and Xiroey knew that if Palpatine hit him, it would be painful.

"Lightsabers are quite dangerous, as they can tear apart anything with ease...", whispered Frostwraith.

"Hah!", Xiroey yelled as he launched a few icicles toward Palpatine, lowering his guard for brief seconds.

Xiroey stabbed him with his sword, hurting Palpatine.

"Hrrghh... YOU FOOL!", yelled Palpatine, launching a powerful bolt of lightning, launching Xiroey.

Xiroey was stunned for a few seconds, giving Palpatine an opportunity to cut him down with his lightsaber.

"No...! Xiroey!!!", yelled Mari.

A green Latios suddenly flew towards Palpatine, saving Xiroey at the last minute.

"Hang in there, brother!", stated the green Latios as he shifted into a green haired boy.

"You! You stand among these idiots too? Betrayer! You shall die like your brother!", yelled Palpatine, swinging his sword to cut him down.

"Hi-yah!", Spirit blocked the attack, causing the Lightsaber to fly upwards.

"No!", Palpatine reacted as he noticed that Spirit managed to disarm him.

"Yes!", joyfully stated Spirit to mock Palpatine.

Spirit attacked Palpatine with a powerful projectile, sending the Sith Lord flying and buying the tiny amount of time to pick up the Sith Lord's Lightsaber.

"What do you think you're doing, fool?!", yelled Palpatine, weakened.

"Atoning for a past mistake! Now die!", responded Spirit as he jumped.

"You... YOU WOULD'T DARE!", screamed Palpatine, as he saw Spirit jumping towards him, ready to strike him down.

"Hyaaah!!!", shouted Spirit as he lunged Palpatine's neck with the Lightsaber.

Using the Force to keep him alive, Palpatine attempted to drag Spirit down with him, but Spirit grabbed him and launched him towards the Death Star's Central Generator.

"Hrrrraaaaarrrrrrghhhhh!!!", yelled Palpatine as his body disintegrated and faded away in a blue and white smoke.

With Palpatine dead, the group used some time to rest and recover. The Central Core still had to be destroyed, but Frostwraith warned that the core could have a mechanism to protect itself.

The group was planning their next move and resting from the intense battle while doing so. They suddenly hear the door opening.

"What? Who's there?!", reacted Luco.

"It is I, Rose...", stated a woman familiar to most of the team mates.

"Rose?", Luco stated.

"It is as I was foretold. You managed to smite one of their most powerful minions.", Rose replied.

"Who is this group, Rose?", Guile questioned.

"Sounds like you've met before.", Chun-Li stated.

"I met them not too long ago... They are a group fighting against these Dark Ones. I saw them in my visions.", Rose replied.

"Hmm... It looks unusual.", stated Chun-Li.

"They come from several different worlds. The Dark Ones want to destroy everything, not just the Earth.", Rose explained.

"That's right. Also, you all seem trustworthy. How about you join us and help defeat the Central Core?", Luco suggested.

"I certainly won't mind. I'm already used to this world travelling business.", stated Chun-Li. "My name is Chun-Li and I'm an agent of the Interpol. I'm investigating the cases related to the recent happenings on Earth."

"I'm Guile, member of the US Army.", Guile said. "Now, let's blow up this thing. We have found much evidence here already and this is a weapon too powerful to exist."

"Well met, now let's go!", Luco stated.

Chun-Li and Guile joined the team!
Will write the Central Core battle later...​

Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
Frostwraith's back, finally we can get on with the real fight- the dark master now. i'm going to look over the central core battle for some ideas, I know that kyurem collapsed after being freed, not much has been noted when he'll wake up.


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley

"The tension at camp was almost tangible. The atmosphere felt almost nothing like the night before, when the groups had met up, and old freinds reunited. "See ya managed not to get yerself killed" Krookodile greeted Charizard. It was no surprise that the dragon had managed to prepare himself for departure quicker than most other units in the group. Skills up thorugh years of exploring were slow to fall off. "See you managed to keep those ridiculous pants in-tact" Charizard noted, making a vague guesture toward Krookodile's pair of cargo pants, which, through some form of black magic, managed to remain completely unblemished, despite the number of trails they'd been through.

"Pfft, don't act all jealous, you know you secretly want a pair for yourself".

"I'm trying to pack" Charizard said, closing his satchel to let Krookodile know that the conversation was over.

"Ahh right" Krookodile called after him "gonna go check up on your eon friend before we head out. I understand"

A grunt from Charizard was the only response he got back. Krookodile couldn't help but laugh to himself. It was just as he thought, Charizard still hadn't changed one bit.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Muffled voices were there to greet charizard as he reached his destination. The flap to Xiroey's tent was left slightly ajar, allowing the unnatural light that came form inside to spill thorugh.

"...Spacial distortions up ahead. I think we'll have to be especially careful"

Charizard ducked through the flap. Xiroey and Gengar's faces both lit up when they noticed the company that had suddenly decided to join them. "Char"! Xiroey exclaimed, embracing his friend in a tight hug.

"Hey Xiro..." Charizard said returning the embrace for a brief moment. When he noticed Gengar's staring eyes however, he broke contact.
"Ehm..." Charizard cleared his throaght. In all honesty, he'd forgotten the reason why he decided to come here in the first place.

"We were thinking Char" Xiroey said, providing a much appreaciated reprieve from the awkward atmosphere

"We have no clue what to expect once we inter the inner chambers of the death star" Gengar completed for him.

"--So it'd probably be better if"

"--One group went ahead of the others and--"

"Aaagh, would you both stop that" Charizard exploded. Listening to the two of them speak in turn was starting to give him a headache.

The two paused. They actually hadn't noticed what they were doing until Charizard pointed it out.

"...Anyway" Xiroey continued, uninturrupted this time "We were thinking, perhaps, it'd be better if we didn't just barge into the inner chamber as one big group. It'd be much easier for the master to lay a trap for us that way and take us out all at once."

It was at the moment that Charizard rememberd his reason for entering the tent.

"Right, I had that same idea actually" Charizard patted the blue satchel he had stashed across his shoulder. The very same one Xiroey had given to him as a gift a long time ago.

"We've already put a reconnasance group together, we'ere getting ready to head out as we speak."

"You want one of us to join the first group"? Xiroey inquired

"Both actually" Charizard confirmed "If I'm not mistaken, both you and Ghosty here are capable of moving ahead invisibly. Gengar's ghost typing also gives him the advantage of being able to pass through walls. He can disable any traps before they become a problem for the rest of us".

"...And you want me to sense ahead for anyenemies lurking to ambush us". Xiroey completed.

Charizard nodded, "Our group will be heading out in five minutes. Think you can both be ready by then"?

"Allready packed" Xiroey grinned. What charizard probably didn't know was that neither of them had anything on them to pack in the first place. Everything, including the tent and sleeping bags had come out of Marx's hat.

"Good" Charizard sighed "Meet us outside then.


"Hiya brother, so that big black lug decided to drag you in with the rest of us aye"? Spirit, Mari, and Richard were already waiting for them at the entry to the next sector. "Not exactly" Xiroey laughed. He cast a tentave glance toward Mari. She returned the look. He could tell from the look in her eye that she was troubled by something. He couldn't help but feel guilty that he was the cause of that.

"All right, no use dillydallying here. Every minute we waste is another minute for our enemies to prepare for our arrival." Charizard whipped the group into action.

"You and I will stick to opposite sides" Xiroey whispered to Spirit.

"Good idea. I'll stick to the back and cast my senses out for any possible back attacks"

"Thanks... Nice to see you again by the way bro".

"You too".

With that brief exchange, the group set out. The journey to the doorway into the Central core was a surprisingly short one.

"Guess this is where I come in" Mari stepped forward.

"...Great, the queen of breaking things should have us skipping into the central core in no time" Gengar muttured under his breath.

"That's provided you still have legs to skip with" Mari shot back. Gengar had forgotten just how keen Mari's hearing could be at times.

A short incantation was all it took. Spell complete, Mari raised both arms, summoning up a ring of magic circles that bathed the corridor in mystic multi-color lights. The sound of metal tearing was horrible to all their ears. The mighty door collapsed inward, putting up very little resistance against the spell.

"Lets go". Charizard said, wasting no time with congratulations.

They entered a cube-shaped room covered completely in reflective green tiles.

"Wow... they're like millions of tiny mirrors". Xiroey gaped.

"Not so tiny" Richard corrected him.

"Richard's right, they might look small from here, but when you take into account the size of the room, any one of them could be the size of an average human being. Easily".

"That's not all" Charizard said, pointing. The group followed his claw up to what appeared to be a dark horrzontal line inbetween two rows of tiles.

"Holes in the walls"? Xiroey mused.

"Possible ambush" Richard corrected him. It was just then that Xiroey noticed that everyone in the group had prepared themselves for a fight. Richard had his gun loaded in ready, Spirit had his senses cast out taught as a string, and both Mari, and Gengar held glowing orbs in their hands.

We're already under attack?

What came next was something none of them expected.

"The tiles they're..." Xiroey gasped

"That glow. The entire room is lighting up". Spirit growled

"They're generators"!

It was too late for the group to turn back. A set of hidden doors slammed themselves shut behind them. Blocking off the exit Mari had created for them.

" ...F*** I should've known. That door came down much too easily." Mari cursed her own carelessness.

"No time to worry about that now" Xiroey pointed a toward a group of menacing shadows, which were rapidly approaching the group.

"My gosh, GOLEMS"! Spirit gawked

"That speed, Golems were always known to be for their unwordly power and defense, but I've never seen one move that fast" Richard said suspiciously.

"It's the room" Xiroey calculated, "The spacial distortion Gengar and I must've detected earlier. This entire room is like an artificial Trick Room gernator.

"But..." Mari realized the implications of what Xiroey just said.

"Right. The Master knew we'd try to send our swiftest units ahead to scout for traps. What better way to eliminate said units".

"That crafy little..." Richard grumbled. He, of all people, wasn't used to being outsmarted.

"We'll just have to fight them" Charizard said. Xiro"--

"Right". Xiroey already had the air around them shimmering with infintesmal shards of ice. Mari, meanwhile began casting support-based spells on the rest of the group.

As Xiroey's Icy Wind worked it's magic, the group began to feel themselves growing lighter and more nimble. "They're... nearly... upon us" Xiroey said gasped, his own weakness toward ice showing itself.

"Hang in there Xiro, we'll bust out of here". Spirit was oddly unaffected. He had his axe poised and ready to tear **** up.

"Now"! Charizard gave the call.


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
WARNING: Probably my most crap post ever. I dare you to read on. Basically Earth is retaken. I warned you. WARNING WARNING WARNING

These were troubling times on Earth. Despite the New United States of America president Eric constantly dragged on his speeches of hardships and war; they all felt lost, unlike his sister when she made speeches of friendship everybody felt determined and shooken from it. The Union of Dark Asia and Oceania States were proceeding their attacks on Europe, mainly Turkey, who lost half of its geographical size. It would be a matter of time before Europe is included in the name of UDAOS. They were recouping from the surprise rebellion of Americans and they didn't want to touch South America because of Brazil, despite its lack of appearance in the war. None knew what the country was doing. Here is the status of the continents.

N. America:

Recouping from the war as Mexico and most of Canada is annexed to NUSA while the other part either was invaded by Dark Russia or started a new country of their own.

S. America:

None know what is going on in the southern American countries

Asia and Oceania:

Invaded by the Masters cronies. The only chunk remaining on the Allies side is half of Turkey.
Japan remains unknown by both forces


Building defenses as the Dark Ones keep on strengthening. None is there to help them unlike in the past when the USA helped them a lot.


Ignored by everybody sadly due to its lack of cities and political/economic gain.


The Dark Ones valve to Earth shut as Future Muhti, Dimentio, Luigi, and the Doctor (deceased now) closed it up.

(I'm sorry but when I get a chance to write WW3, I have to exaggerate it a little... moving on. Oh also Luco, Japan would give up easy now that I think about it since America is their military. Have you learned nothing from history class? Shesk)


On a breezy, polluted morning in Dark China, NUSA fighter jets arrived as well as British warships/ submarines. Old American, Spanish, French, British, Turkish and other countries war tanks, appeared on one side while the Chinese, Australian, Russian, and Dark Turkish tanks were on another side, waiting for the other to attack, like it was just a game of chess. Did I mention there was a flower on this beautiful morning?

The Allies Base, Beijing 7:00

Each general took a look at the map, with Eric and Muhti at the helm.

"The only way to rid them is to rid of the Dark Cultist that leads the Dark Asian and Oceanian alliance. Otherwise they have half of the worlds population for them to use as soldiers, but if leaderless, then their army is useless.", Muhti said to each of the men and women in the hut.

"We've also received notice from the Chinese Rebels that their forces are ready as well, but their depleting quickly since the Dark Masters minions are killing them for not obeying them.", the British general said.

"How are they reaching them?", the newly appointed American general asked.


They all stood in silence until Muhti piped up," I'll go against this cultist."

"But you can die like that!", Eric exclaimed.

"Then why isn't my future self dead yet?", Muhti questioned harshly, leaving the clique stunned.

Muhti walked by the entrance and picked up his dual weapons and said without turning around, "Fire at will." And with that, he vanished instantly.


The loud boom of a military tank went off and the battle began. The opposition attempted to delay the Allies by using their Air Force but since the battle was by water, the ships successfully took down each jet. While that was occurring Muhti appeared at the bottom of the ancient Chinese temple.

He slowly walked up as he heard the occasion bomb set off as the battle started to head into a large town. When he arrived, he saw the Master (or was it?) meditating.

When he opened his eyes, for the first time, he smiled, "Glad you could join us, Muhti."

Before Muhti could make a comment about the us part, he was knocked in the head by a force from behind. The Masters temporary smile dissappeared as quickly as Sonic would run and his eyebrows furrowed.

"Get up", the Master snarled as a powerful Cultist arrived next to him. Muhti slowly got up but was kicked.

"I said GET UP!"

As he slowly elevated from the blow the Master gave he noticed that the cultist (that is the Chinese leader) was going to have his turn at kicking the leader of Smashboards.

Finally Muhti launched dark magic of his own at the cultist bringing him a few yards behind. Muhti then disappeared then reappeared at the same spot in a combat position.

Vs Dark Master Clone &Grand
Chinese Cultist

Muhti went rushing at the cultist with fury. He rose his weapons but was blasted to the side thanks to the Master.

Muhti teleported to the cultist and punched him. The cultist launched a veil around him which harmlessly pushed Muhti, but was ultimately bruised by the Master.

"This is a very fun game now isn't it?", the Master mocked Muhti.

Muhti then decided to go after the evil Frostwraith and launched dark spheres at the host. It hit, only the Master nudged it off and laughed.

While that action occurred the cultist took his turn and casted a bolt of electricity from his hand that knocked into the hero.

Muhti, finally exhausted, gave up as the Master walked up to pick up his frail body. When he retrieved the frail body, a cannonball went through the fake Master as he disappeared like vapor. The Cultist looked angry when he saw a human, Eric, come up with a large blaster.

He quickly took out another gun and shouted, "PUT YOUR HANDS BEHIND YOUR HEAD NOW!"

The Cultist slowly rose his hands with no expression on his face. He then launched two dark magic balls at Eric as he also threw up his shield.

Eric went straight to the floor as the magic went above him. He then took a few shots from his gun. The Cultist with ease dodged them, except for one that luckily hit his arm. Eric then launched himself for hand-to-hand combat.

They each took their turn, with punches and kicking and a sprinkle of dark magic. Finally, both tumbled down the stairs of the ancient temple, leaving Muhti to his slumber.

They both landed with a bang, but since the Dark Cultist could easily recoup, he rushed to Eric and picked him and tossed him. He laughed at his victory as the NUSA president laid frail.

"And this, my fellow Earthling, is what happens when you screw up the Masters plans."

He suddenly pulled out a sword, and right as he was going to stab Eric, the body suddenly lifted itself up with an aura Mari usually has.

" And this", Eric mocked with a powerful voice," IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU MESS WITH MY SISTER, MY COUNTRY, AND ME!"

He launched a blinding, powerful wave of magic, just as Mari would do, only it felt stronger than hers.


Muhti awoke with a start.


He saw Eric coming up with the Cultists body slumped on his shoulder.

"Come on, we have to announce our victory." Eric said with a smile.


And this my friends, concludes World War 3. The Dark Chinese surrendered with no leader. All the other cultists were soon in hiding as the Allies went into the capital and took control. But now everybody faces a global economy failure, and everybody decided that one country was necessary, and New World Order was established a week after the raid of Beijing. Eric became the leader and the provinces/states were the countries. And now, back to your regular programming at the Death Star.


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley

The golems were great powerful creatures covered in imposing looking black armor. They moved foward in a wedge shape, the biggest and baddest of the group making up the head of the charge. Spirit navigated his way toward the head of the group where Xiroey and Mari were busying themselves buffing up everyone else as much as they could.

"They won't make it through me". Spirit proclaimed. He had a barrier up around the group just in time to block a straight punch from the first of the golems, which would've ended half their group on the spot.

"Thank you". Mari winked. Using the barrier to her maximum advantage, Mari cast an Area of Effect spell at the Golem's feet. ensnaring its feet in a sticky pool of lava.

"To our left" Charizard warned everyone. Somehow, the next in line of the charge had managed to flank them in the short amount of time it took them to dispatch the first golem.

"The master isn't messing around now" Xiroey noted. His form shifted to reveal that of a darkly-colored latios. The golem swung a heavy pole arm at them. Xiroey flew into the path of the weapon, he'd have to stop that at whatever the cost.

Xiroey tried to beak the weapon with a well placed Dragon Pulse, but he misjudged his angle of flight. The blunt weapon shaft hit him and sent him flying backward. Richard suddenly found himself exposed and facing imminate doom.

"Virgio"! Mari snapped. The shaft of the weapon snapped in half, sending the golem reeling off ballance.

"Richard nodded a quick thanks at Mari for saving his life. A pair of strategically placed shots at the glass orbs that made up the Golem's eyes caused the great monster to shudder and become immobile.

"Their eyes are their weakness!" Richard shouted. He spun around on his heel and placed two more bullets into the eyes of anothe Golem. It lost all power mid-stride and fell flat on its face.

"The eyes? Rather obvious weak spot isn't it"? Spirit frowned. He dropped his barrier and screeched intot he face of the next approaching golem. The shock waves caused the green cystals in the golem's eye sockets to vibrate and then shatter.

"Xiro! Xiro did you get that? AIm for the eyes"!

"I heard you" answered a black blur, whizzing by overhead.

"Try to axe MY friends do you? Well, I'll show you exactly what happens to those who endager the people I care about"!

Glowing white orbs surrounded Xiroey's body. He arced his flight downward, avoiding a would-be fatal blow from an enourmous axe.
The golem tried to follow up with a swift backhand swing, but Xiroey had already realeased his own attack. The orbs flew in all-different directions. They split off into pairs, striking and crippling several golems at once.

"We got this fight in the bag" A voice said from Richard's side. Gengar rematerialized, holding ten crystals .
With the golems' weak spot discovered, it didn't take the group long to bring an end to the skirmish. A bit later, the group found itself tired, winded, and standing in the middle of a wide circle of fallen enemies.

"There's bound to be worst up ahead". Charizard cautioned.

"Indeed" Richard said "and every moment we waste just gives our enemies more time to mobilize against us".


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
"I don't like this..." Sonic grumbled. He'd been pacing back in forth in the same spot for the past half hour. His consolers, Magolor and Blaze half expected him to carve a cartoony hole into the ground, but that's be impossible on hard metal.

"Mari's with Xiroey and his friends" Blaze said "Surely we can trust them to watch over her".

"I don't trust Xiro! Not completely anyway".

"Sonic, be reasonable. I don't like sending Mari off on her own any more than you do, but we've had this discussion before haven't we? Mari needs to make her own decis"--

"I KNOW THAT"! Sonic's rage exploded. He kicked the nearest thing he could find. Incidentally, the group's lunch was instantly scattered to the wind.

"Sonic..." Magolor tried. His stomach already ached for the lost of the tasty treats he'd packed for the trip.

"I'm going after them" Sonic resolved.

"You'll do no such thing." Blaze said sternly "We've already agreed on a plan. We're not to set out until thirty minutes after"--

"Then you all can go ahead and stay. I'm outa here"!


Blaze tried to stop the blue hedgehog, but he was already gone. Blaze cursed silently in Mobian. "Must he always rush into ahead without thinking things through"?

"Sonic never was one for waiting around".

Magolor cast a worried glance back at the rest of the camp.

"It's been about twenty-five minutes now. I suppose it's about time the rest of us set out as well."

Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
I'll go ahead and write a segment now

[After the Central core room battle]

Richard: If the Master is up ahead, and we all have to battle, I would like to teach him a lesson to not outsmart me!

Xiroey: Hahahaha, looks like someone's all ready to take on the master.

Charizard: I doubt it's the master we'll be facing.

Mari: I think I agree, the master is one not to make his appearance known.

Wesker: Whoever it is, we need to be focused, remember rule number 1?

Richard: Eliminate the threat, before it eliminates you.

(The group continues on ahead)

[Segment End]

Fire Emblemier

The Crests are to Blame
Apr 4, 2013
United States
Switch FC
Ok, so here's my first post to get me into the story. Hope you guys like it.

+And Then There Were None-Mother 3+

"Nobody here, huh..." remarked FireEmblemnier as he was looking around the distant wasteland, he once called home.

"Don't worry though, we will get revenge on the fiend who destroyed this world, your world." replied Samus, who was waiting by her gunship.

"I had enough of being here, can we leave."

"Of course, the others are waiting in the gunship."

FireEmblemnier couldn't help but stare at his destroyed home as the gunship was lifting off to leave. As soon as the world was no longer visible, he went to see how the others were doing.

"Hey, Fire, do you know where we're heading next?" said Raichu

"Ask Samus since she is the one driving the ship, I forgot to ask"

Raichu nodded and went to the cockpit. FireEmblemnier was then interrupted by Nino.

"Fire, I heard that, one of the bases of the enemies is being attacked, you think we should tell Samus."

"I say we should" said Lucas, as he was walking in.

"Ok, I'll tell Samus, immediately"

FireEmblemnier entered the cockpit where Raichu and Samus were driving.

"Hey, Samus, have you heard anything about a base of the people who destroyed my world, being ambushed?"

"Yes, the Death Star, I was even heading there right now, to see if we can help, it isn't the first Space Station I've destroyed."

"That would be great, I'm going to tell the others to be prepared."


As the gunship approached the space-station, the tractor beam pulled it in. They tried to escape, but it wouldn't allow them. As it came into the hangar, it seemed no one was around. The 5 of them soon exited the ship.

"Let's try to find these allies and see how we can help" said FireEmblemnier
Anyways, tell me if I need to change anything.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Ahh sorry Fire, I forgot to tell you - as a lover of Mother, I may-or-may-not (without the 'or-may-not' part XD) have already pulled in the major Mother characters from 1, 2 and 3. Raichu and Nino should be fine though - Samus is with us too iirc.

Dang, I should have ealised how many characters we've pulled into our story-line... hey Fire, is it alright if I try to pull you into the main story-line asap? That way you won't have to worry about which characters you're using anywhere near as much.

And frosty, do you happen to have an updated list of which characters are where, by any chance? ^_^

@Muhti: I haven't been RPing them for a little while - but the guardians of earth, fire and wind are still watching over Earth (and thus protecting Japan as it's their main base :p), if you know what I mean... =/

Seeing as Japan isn't in that segment though, it should be easy to edit it yah? Maybe make it an unknown zone, seeing as they'd want their work to be somewhat secret so he DM's baddies didn't get a hold of it? :o


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Sorry for the DP, but seeing as the one before was for updates, I reckon a story-line post deserves it's own slot, if you know what I mean. Don't mean to make it a habit, though! :p


"Drac, freeze her now!"

Dracilus turned his attention to the oncoming Mermaid.

Frozen and... zap.

He threw his hands out slightly to the side and gained his strength. Electric bolts hit the ground around him as he prepared one of his most powerful spells, which would be doubled due to the mermaid being frozen.

"Jupitel thunder!!" He motioned his hands straight towards the frozen mermaid and a ball of pure electricity flew towards her. She was KO-ed instantly by the devastating attack.

"Mm but we don't want to kill her Drac."

"I know, Blue (this was short for 'blue silhouette', his good friend)." He took out his capture mallet and tapped the unconscious fish-like creature, who instantly turned into a small cube. "Ah look at this, blue! She has a DNA piece we can use!" Dracilus was excited at this prospect. To get any creature as a pet, you had to extract DNA from them and get all 4 DNA types before you could clone them as a pet.

"We should take this back to Dr. Jacob. I've been wanting a mermaid pet for many weeks. I hear they use an electrical debuff on enemies, along with attacking by themselves. At class 3, they're a great pet that's easily obtainable."

Blue nodded and they left the Nukaruka post by the beach. They traveled for some time before coming upon a peaceful village with homes. After walking around the settlement for a few moments, it didn't take them long to find the 'mad' scientist: Jacob was easily identifiable by his white lab coat. He was always moving, even in place. "Hey Dr. Jacob, would you be able to extract this DNA strand? With any luck this'll be the last one." Drac held out the cube. DNA strands, when revealed as one of the 4 types (A, C, T and G) had a tendency to double-up rather than filling the one or two slots you actually needed. "You've been getting T types all day, Drac... but fine, we can try this one. You need a type G strand do you not? They seem to be rarest, unfortunately." Jacob pulled out a small syringe and injected the cube Dracilus gave him at this point. He took the syringe to a machine behind him and pushed in the liquid there...

"Well what luck, dracilus! It seems you can obtain your first mermaid pet! This strand is a type G strand!"

"Ahh yay!" Dracilus was overjoyed at the news. Farming the area for several days, even with blue was a tad tiring.

"Alright then, lets create it!" Jacob handed a DNA binding protein to Dracilus, who bound 1 of each type together and made a full DNA piece. He stared at it in wonder. "Go on." Blue urged, smiling. Drac tugged at both sides of the strand, and the whole thing shattered, leaving a small round token with a picture of a mermaid's head. "Ah fantastic! There you go, you can summon one at will every 2 minutes. Congratulations!" That was Jacob.

They both thanked dr. Jacob before leaving. "A mermaid pet, beautiful... this will be so helpful!"

As they walked, they suddenly heard an ear-wrenching sound from above. They had their hands on their heads but when the sound finally stopped and they looked up, they both noticed...

"A rift in the sky?" Blue commented, before turning to dracilus. "I'll get the Silhouette family and we'll discuss this." He was surprisingly quick for such an unexpected event. "You're strong enough to take care of yourself around here but be careful. We don't know what that is, at all." Dracilus nodded. "Good luck. See you again soon." Blue summoned his peco peco and rode away on the over-sized bird.

Drac looked again at the newly formed rift. Something inside him stirred his curiosity. "I wonder if I can get closer to it by getting atop the mountain...?" He wondered. He looked at mt. Mjolnir and decided he could do it. "I'm a competent sorcerer, so lets see what this is!"

He left whistling.

Dracilus has entered the situation! (kind of...)


Yeah, in case you're scratching your heads, Dracilus is a new character. I dunno if any of you know the game Ragnarok Online 2 (legend of the second) but if you do, that's where he's from. As it happens, Smashboards is one of the few places I don't use the username 'Dracilus' or 'Draco' (or OberinDraco if Draco has already been taken). Ragnarok is a pretty solid MMO based on anime-like characters - though it's really buggy, I quite love it. So I'll try to explain any rules to it as I go, but basically so far:

  • In Ragnarok, you can get pets by killing them - don't worry they respawn - (I made my post tamer than that and used 'capturing' with a 'capture mallet', which in Ragnarok is another thing altogether), finding DNA strands, getting all four types (you don't know what each partial strand is until you open or 'investigate' it), binding them together and opening the resulting full strand. This creates a clone of the creature which you can use anytime you want with very little mana cost and can be done once per 2 minutes or has an even shorter cooldown if you get more pets. Pets are summoned for about 30 seconds at a time though in FF I might stretch that a bit)
  • There are many classes in the game. Sorcerers are one of them and are basically meant to be a mixture of the Support and DPS types. Their skill tree represents a hybrid of damaging spells and healing ones, only one of 3 or 4 classes in the game thus far with healing abilities without resorting to potions. Dracilus, both the one I actually play and in FF that I just introduced, is a sorcerer. He leans more towards DPS but has maxed out two of his most important healing spells and is thus quite formidable there too.
  • Although that picture could be dracilus, my actual character looks much different and the more I think on it, he looks a little like the Luco Muhti presented that I loved so much. He has blondish-whitish hair with a small headband thingy and his staff is a bit different. otherwise he's not overly different, I suppose, except his face is a bit happier haha. As a fun fact, he also has a mermaid pet which has an electrical debuff. So yeah, most of the info I got here is from the game.
  • Blue isn't that important, except my brother who also plays this game has 4 and almost 5 level 50 (max level in this game) characters, all with the last name 'silhouette'. One of them is a priest (big healing class) and his name is BlueSilhouette. I modeled blue in FF off of him.
Hope that clears stuff up! :)


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
Mari sighed, wiping her brow even though she didn't really break a sweat. While she didn't actually feel PHYSICALLY tired...inside..she felt...EXHAUSTED. Why was that...?

Maybe...it was all of this. Xiro. The Dark Ones. The constant struggle between...well, everything. That, and she needed food. And a shower. A LONG shower. And maybe a hug.

"Guys...I don't think I can-"

Suddenly, the world went completely white, and she felt a strong presence. A very familiar presence. One that she thought she would never, EVER feel again. And just for a second...for a moment... She thought...



When she came to, she found herself starring straight up at Sonic's emerald green eyes. Magolor was floating to her right, with Xiro and the rest of the group looking over with consern. "I think she's snapped out of it." Sonic announced.

"Are you all right, Mari?" Magolor asked, placing his small hand on her shoulder.


"You were saying something about not doing something..." Xiro explained. "Then your eyes glowed white and you fell. Sonic was just coming in here when it happened."

"You were just laying here, your eyes wide open, as if you were in some kind of trance." Blaze said.

Mari wasn't really paying attention to anything at the moment. She was trying to figure out what the hell just happened.

Then it hit her, like a falling piano dropped from a 500 foot building.

"Brother." Mari whispered.

"Huh...?" Sonic gave his pupil a confused look.

Mari stared up at the ceiling, as if she was somehow looking for something. Or rather, someone.

"Eric is alive. I felt his power...his...essence..." Mari's eyes had started to tear up a little. "My brother is alive."

"..OK, whoa, whoa, WHOA!" Marx exclaimed. "I thought Mari's brother was dead..."

"No...he's alive..." Mari's lips turned up in a smile, and she started to laugh. "Eric...is alive...!"

"Any chance she's finally lost it?" Gengar suggested.

"Uh...guys...I think we have bigger problems...!" With his sword, Xiro pointed to the next threat.

A single little robotic bee was flying towards them, examining the group with upmost curiosity. "What the...? That's a Badnik!" Sonic exclaimed.

"Dr. Eggman's robot minions?" Magolor asked.

"Bingo. Sonic scowled. "Either Egghead joined the Dark Ones, or the Master jacked his blueprints or something."

"So?" Gengar shrugged. "It's just one."

"In all the years I've battled Eggman..." Sonic said. "I have never seen just ONE badnik..."

The room suddenly filled with the sound of buzzing, and from a hole in the wall, a whole SWARM of bee badniks was making their way right towards them.

"Uh... Mari...you might wanna save the crying for later...!"


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
The swarm of robot bees looped once in the air before completely encircling the group. They tried to put the squeeze on them, flying in tighter and tighter circles. Magolor threw up a temporary dome-shaped shield before flying towards his still dazed student, who was kneeling with her head still pointed upwards.

"Eric..." Mari mumbled.

"Mari, as much as I would like to get to the bottom of this," Magolor said frantically. "This REALLY isn't the time to--"

"The shield's breaking!" Xiro called out.

"Mari, please snap out of it!" Magolor gently shook her shoulders, but to no avail. Mari was still in shock.

"No good..." Sonic glanced at Mari with concern, then he drew his attention to the badnik swarm. "OK, everyone form a circle around Mari. These things are pretty frail; one good bonk and they fall to bits."

"How many of these things are there?" Marx wondered out loud. "A thousand? A hundred thousand?"

"One of Mari's psychic spells would come quite handy right now." Blaze suggested.

"Yeah, except one problem, she's paid a visit to DelusionalVille and won't be back until next winter." Gengar stated with as much sarcasm as he could muster. "Can't we just hit her in the back of her head or something? Knock some sense into her?"

Everyone looked back at the ghost-type as if he'd gone insane.

"I'm not hitting her." Marx announced.

"Me neither." Xiro said.

"It was your idea." Sonic suggested.

"I didn't say I would do it!" Gengar protested.

Blaze looked at the whole mess with one sad nod. "For the love of Chaos..." The fire princess snapped her fingers and a whisp of flame appeared near her arm. Mari's sleeve caught on fire. She blinked once, then screamed as she tried to put it out.


A short water spell, which took the form of a sphere, completely soaked her down to her bones. Mari didn't mean to make the spell so strong, but damn it, HER ARM WAS ON FIRE. At least she had her shower.

"Welcome back to reality." She heard Spirit say.

Mari took one look around herself. She was in the middle of a circle made of her friends, who were standing behind a cracked barrier which was holding back...

"Are those...Badniks?" Mari said. "Does that mean...?"

"Less talking, more smashing." Sonic watched as the cracks on the barrier grew larger. "There's gonna be a loooooot of spare parts after this is over."

The barrier gave way. The swarm soon charged afterward, their metal stingers gleaming with some kind of liquid. That was new, thought Sonic. He bended his knees so that he could jump and Homing Attack the first badnik that got too close for comfort...

The whole robot bee swarm suddenly stopped dead in their tracks, a faint blue glow surrounding each and every single badnik, an invisible force preventing them from advancing any further. Sonic stared at Xiro.

"Not me." The Eon said. He jerked his head to his left. Mari was standing up now, her closed fist outstreached, her eyes glowing with the same blue aura that was around the Badniks. She brushed past Sonic, out of the circle. She turned her fist into an open palm, and she unleashed a powerful psychic burst that blew apart every single badnik. Every single one. Their parts fell to the floor like heavy rain.

A tense silence followed.

"WOO!" Marx suddenly screamed. "Free stuff!" With that, the jester from Dreamland scampered around collecting some parts, and putting them in his hat.

Magolor face-palmed himself. "What would you do with broken Badnik parts, Marx?"

"Huh...no Flickies. Or anything." Sonic murmured.


"Eggman usually uses a living thing to power a Badnik, most of which are my little bird friends called Flickies," Sonic explained. "But I don't see anything, just a bunch of scrap metal. Maybe the Master or Eggman made a few improvements."

"Strange..." Magolor mused. The wizard turned to his pupil. "What do you think, Mari?"

Mari didn't answer, but she did turn to her teachers with a strange look in her eyes, one that showed unshakeable resolve.

"When all this is over," She said grimly. "I'm looking for my brother."

Then she just turned around and started to walk into the deeper chambers of the Central Core room without another word.

"Wha...what the....Mari! What did you just say?!" Magolor raced off after her. "Your brother?" But...!"

"Oh, boy." Sonic crossed his arms and sighed. "When Mari says something like that, there's no way to convince her otherwise. She's a little stubborn like that."

"Understatement of the Century." Marx said, returning from his scavenger hunt. "You really think Eric could be out there somewhere?"

"Who knows? It's bound to get us into some kind of trouble, though." Sonic fondly smiled. "I think she picked that up from me. The real question is, though, if she what she meant by 'after all this' was AFTER we blow up the Death Star, or AFTER we defeat the Dark Ones..."


(((...Not to sound impatient or anything, but I REALLY want to blow up the Death Star. Please? XD)))


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Actually, we do not blow up the Death Star until my team joins up with you guys. I will write later hopefully.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Time for Luco stuff n' stuff. Muhti did you get my comment on Japan, Earth and the 3 guardians? :'(


Luco stood anxiously at the edge of the campsite where they had retreated to. He looked out further and wondered what had happened to the 2 main groups that had gone ahead. I hope they haven't pushed themselves past their limits...

He had walked behind the campsite and through the tunnel through which they had come. He had forgotten how long and extensive the cave system was. He almost got himself lost half a dozen times before he saw the familiar crumpled metal ahead of him. This was when he also noticed a sound. He hadn't heard it before - and he surmised this was because there was no system of announcements within the cave network. I wonder whether the 3 liches were wanted guests... In any case, he could hear an announcement drilling itself over and over since he could see the metal: "Intruder alert." He thought that rather standard, though by now he would have thought they would have let it go - they had been here for several days and the sound should have driven the starship soldiers mad. So why is it that this sector's announcements haven't been changed... That was when he realized he had answered his own question. Sectors... yes, I see! They must have to use different announcements in different sectors. This is the biggest one with our influence, so it's the one they're using it on. But what else is being announced in this station? He walked into the corridors, which were so empty it was almost eerie.


As he kept walking, he noticed some of the lights had been destroyed. Even the corridor seemed warped by this point. What else lives in this thing? He put a mental barrier around himself as he felt a faint sense of danger. He kept walking and noticed more lights had been destroyed. By this point it was affecting the visibility of the corridor noticeably. But his curiosity of what else was happening in the death star kept him walking. His sense of danger grew, however, and it was at around this time he began to hear things.

They came in short bursts at first, small sounds. The dropping of something metallic upon more metal, or perhaps even a scrape here and there. They were many corridors away but something told Luco to keep his presence here hidden at the utmost. He was beginning to have regrets about coming here but by now he was losing his way - the corridors were becoming too dark for him to find his way back unless by using magic and if the thing around here could pick up magic, he'd be found. This gave Luco the shivers - something told him he didn't want to run into whatever was making those sounds. He kept walking.

Suddenly from behind him, perhaps only 100 m away he heard a laugh. He turned around out of instinct but saw nothing there. He kept going but his nerves prompted him to run. It's found me. He noticed as he ran that the walls were an odd colour and he found the floor an uneven terrain, like it was... blood, and these are fallen storm troopers... He began to sprint and noticed a shadow from the corridor behind him. Turning his head he saw a bright light in the distance and pushed himself forward with magic. Looking behind him, his heart skipped a beat. The thing he had heard was something out of a nightmare, perhaps from some other world. A person but so twisted she had long ceased to become human. There were black pits where her eyes would have been with small red dots in the centre and her teeth were so long they came out of her mouth. Her flesh seemed to have almost been melted off in some parts. Her nails had become claws, stretching several inches into sharp points and her clothes were ragged and torn. She opened her mouth at him and inside he saw only darkness. Her hair was dirty and stuck together and that was the last he saw of her - he ran straight into a wall. Or, rather, a force-field. He had enough wits about him to manipulate the force field around himself and allowed himself through, sealing it back shut at the last moment as the thing crashed into the force-field behind him.

He stepped back and looked up at the sign to that section: 'Foreign bio-labs experimental facility'

He noticed the announcements here were different but first, he also noticed another thing. A voice, coming from behind him:


Luco gave a sigh and turned...


To be continued....


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia


Luco turned around but couldn't help peeking at the thing behind him. It was almost like a zombie. He looked back ahead, knowing he was facing storm troopers. He smiled and waved at them, before teleporting behind and away from them. He kept teleporting for some time until he lost them from behind him and took a moment to catch his breath. He let his heart beat slow down before beginning to listen to the announcement here.

'Unidentified ship in orbit. All hands in sectors 5 and 7 to "forward defense" stations. Unidentified ship in orbit....'


Luco settled himself in and camouflaged himself next to the wall within the alcove he was sitting in. He sent out a long-range probe outwards. He found his friends on one side but he was looking on the other side entirely. He kept going outwards, past the borders of the space station and...

I've found someone? Someone not corrupted?

Luco realised he hadn't much time. He looked around once more and probed his thoughts to Del. "Brother, lend me your strength. Do not ask why, I will explain it to you later. Please..." He was met with a wave of powerful energy in less than a few seconds. "Of course." Del said. "Please be careful, brother."

Luco took in the wave and prepared to warp. He judged his distance and said some words. His surroundings began to disappear...

He found himself on a small ship but no further had he landed there than he found himself in the grip of some immobilizing spell, with a girl holding her hands out toward him. "What happened?" Came a voice from the front. "Someone has joined us, Fire. I don't know who or what he is but seeing as he had the nerve to warp in here, do you mi-"

"Wait!" Luco gasped. The spell had restricted his breathing slightly, though he felt like if he had the motivation to he could have broken out without too much difficulty. Still, he did not want to risk breaking the ship and he didn't want to start a war when it wasn't needed. "Whoever you are, you're not corrupted by the master, I can sense that. I don't know why you're here but you're obviously against them because they're about to pull you in from a tractor beam and kill you."

"So what? We can deal with some gun-holding maniacs."

Luco noticed Raichu staring at him with vague annoyance. He looked back to Nino. "There's more than just them inside... plenty more. Trust me, if you want to take them down, you can't do it alone. I already have a large group of friends inside that has infiltrated the main sector and defeated the leader but we need to deal the final blow. Please, any help in this is welcome. Then we can talk on why we're all here. Please...." Luco knew he was coming across as very young from the tone of his voice. Perhaps he hadn't fully recovered after seeing the thing or knowing it was in the same general sector as his friends (though hopefully far away enough not to be a danger to them), perhaps he was just strained from everything but his voice was higher than usual, like a child's. It didn't matter. All he wanted was their response. He hoped it would be an affirmative - as he didn't know what would happen to them if they said no and he realised he didn't have quite enough power to fully warp himself back without serious consequences. But if we can disrupt the tractor beams we can land in a different - and closer - sector.

He waited for a response from the front of the vehicle.


Alright Fire, it's your turn!


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Time to get back on business!

Fire Emblem: Awakening - "Now, that's a declaration of war if I ever heard one!"

"My Master, we lost contact with Lord Sidious.", stated a cultist to the Master.

"...Damn this... damn them! DAMN IT ALL, YOU INCOMPETENT FOOLS!", screamed the Master. "You failed to protect the Death Star, the paragon of our technology, power and my genius! Palpatine was supposed to DISPOSE THEM ALL! HE WAS WEAK IN THE END! HE WAS NOTHING BUT ARROGANCE AND FOOLISHNESS!!! AAAAARRRGGGGGHHHH!"

"M-my M-Master... we still have this hideout. Lord Ganondorf and Lord Kil'jaeden are preparing our defenses should they attack this place.", answered the cultist.

"You all better get to work and quick! For all they've done to ME, I shall watch them perish one by one with utmost delight! Heee hee ha HA HA HA!! Kyeeh yeh hyeh hahahahaha!! You sense me, Frostwraith? I'm going to use your own body to tear your companions apart! TO SQUASH THEM LIKE INSECTS! Hyeh hehehehehehehehehehe... Don't worry, though... you're not going to miss anything... I shall let you watch everything... the carnage... the blood... all of the morbid details...! I eagerly wait for this show... I HUNGER!", the Master maniacally rambled.

"Y-yes... I-it is... quite as you say, my Master.", stated the cultist.

"Of course it is, you dimwit! Now go! And prepare yourself. If you're going to die, then die at my service! Ha ha ha ha ha!", mocked the Master.

The cultist left the room, leaving the Master alone.

"Once I put my opponents out of my way, everything will BELONG TO ME! Entire worlds mine to subjugate where everyone bows to me... I SHALL BECOME THE GOD THAT ALL GODS WORSHIP! HYEEH HEE HEE HA HA HA HAHA!", manically screamed the Master while making strange and twitching gestures and prancing around madly.

The Master is getting crazier and crazier. That's to be expected from a villain deliberately written to be over-the-top, right?

Fire Emblemier

The Crests are to Blame
Apr 4, 2013
United States
Switch FC
+Fire Emblem Path of Radiance: With Us+
"Nino, you can cease the immobilizing spell." said FireEmblemnier, trusting Luco.

"Understood, Sorry 'bout that, though." she said while lower the spell.

"Fire, got any ideas how to disable the tractor beam?" Raichu asked, while still glaring at Luco.

"I just might have the plan, Raichu. Also Luco, don't worry about Raichu, it takes him a while to warm up to people, but once he does he can be very reliable, it just takes time though."

"Oh, I don't mind" Luco stated with the high pitched voice still lingering. He thought of his friends still on the Death Star with that Hellish Experiment in the same sector.

"Um, Fire you should focus on disabling the tractor before we all get killled!" interrupted Nino.

FireEmblemnier went to the cockpit for a better view of the Death Star, searching for a way to disable the tractor beam. He noticed a dish that seemed to control the power of the tractor beam. Fire closed his eyes and focused his mind. A pulse of physic energy knocked out the dish. Raichu grabbed hold of the steering, and regained control of the ship from Death Star's grasp. Luco directed them to the sector where the rest of the group was.
This was somewhat different than my original post before the DDoS. Yet, the changes made were subtle.


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
An unfortunate stormtrooper fell to the floor with an icicle sticking out of his back. Xiroey walked by him casually, lifting his hand to stop of bullets from the his comrades. "Please retreat".

It felt useless saying it. This close to the center of the death star, the master's control held the strongest. He doubted any of them could comprehend the words he was saying, much less think of running away. A few more bullets clacked against his barrier. Xiroey spared one final look at the two people he was about to kill, a man and a woman. The sector lit up breifly with a white light and he moved on.

Thier group was moving ahead again. Luco and the others would be waiting behind at the last safe zone until they'd managed to scout the way ahead. Not surprisngly, the center sector was the most heavily guarded portion of the death star. Within the first few minutes of thier search, they'd managed to trigger three traps, take on several wounds ( thankfully none of them lifethreatening) and get seperated from one another through the dense maze of hallways.

"Tank". Gengar helpfully pointed up at a gaint metal nozzle that was pointed at the two of them.

"S-sorry" Xiroey blinked a few times. He sent a bolt of lightning into the center of the tank. There was a brief pause as the sparks caught, then the tank's fuel tank exploded.

Gengar hastily jumped out of the way, nearly getting skewred by a flying shard of flaming metal.
"Watch it"? Gengar shrieked, a little cranky at almost having his face cleaved off.

"Sorry" Xiroey said again. Looking around, he wasn't able to descern any clear ways forward. Gengar was the only other pokemon he'd managed not to get seperated from. The rest of his friends were arceus knows where, no doubt facing untold dangers of their own.

"No problem" Gengar dusted charred metal bits from his arms "any idea where to next"?

They stood at the edge of a "+" intersecion. Not only did all the hallways from here look the same, but It was so dark the two of them could barely see their hands in front of their faces.

"Maybe we should just keep going straight"?

"There's probably going to be booby traps that way"

"Theres going to be booby traps no matter which way we pick".

Hoping for the best, Xiroey picked the right hallway and kept moving forward.

"heyhey"! Gengar ran after him "That's it? You're just going to pick a halway willynilly and hope one of the traps here doesn't kill us"?

"There are dead bodies this way". Xiroey said, pointing to the bodies of storm troopers lieing scattered on the ground.

"Gyarados breath...! What in kanto"? Even though he was accostumed to the dark, he hadn't noticed the dead bodies laying around until Xiroey pointed them out.

"I sensed bits of life lingering down this hallway. Most of these stormtroopers here are either dead or dying".

"And you want to go TOWARDS the hallway of death instead of turning another way?"

Xiroey steps over a dying storm trooper. She muttered something that could either have been interpreted as "Die" or "Help". Blood gurgled thorugh her lips and spilled onto the floor. Her words were garbled beyond comprehension.

"The storm troopers came from this way. The hallway is littered with dead bodies because they've already set off each of the booby traps for us." Xiroey said. He reached into his pocket and took out his hunting knife. He'd used the very same knife to cut apart the meat rations from last night. Without looking, he tossed the knife into the woman's forhead. There was a sick thuding sound as the woman's arm dropped from his jacket. "This hallway is the only lead we have" Xiroey continued "The longer we spend wondering around lost, more innocent people are gonna die".

The hallway took them to a metal door. It was similar to the enterance to the central core, but much smaller.

"I got it" Gengar stepped forward. His knees were still a little shaky from walking down that long hallway. He was certain there'd be a chainsaw or spike trap waiting for the two of them somewhere along the way, but somehow they'd managed to make it thorugh just fine.

"Looks like my hunch was correct" Xiroey sighed.

"You say that like you were afraid we'd get axed or something" Gengar glared at him. His palm steamed and the door fell inward.

"Like I said, it was the only hunch I had". Xiroey stepped thorugh the doorway.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Bowser woke to the sound of his ears ringing.

"Nngh", He tried to pull himself up off the ground, somehow, he'd manage to get himslef stuck on his back. He hated it when that happened. A few good swings of his legs allowed him to sit upright, thought it didn't do him much good. A brief survey of his surroundings revealed nothing but Black, black, and more black.

"A-am I dead...?"

His words were repeated back to him, as if echoed by a ghost. It suddenly dawned on bowser just how vulnerable he was, sitting alone in the dark.
"Whoever's doing that, you'll cut it out if you know what's good for you" An angry sneer spread his face. He wasn't sure who he was sneering at exactly. Perhaps he'd hoped it'd help scare the spooks away?

Bowser stood, taking extra care to make as much noise as possible. Whoever it was that abducted him, he wouldn't give them the satifcation of seeing his fear. No, it was the spooks that had a reason to fear him.

"...cut it out if you know what's good for you".

A chill slithered it's way up Bowser's spine.

"Relax Bowser, it's just an echo... You're getting yourself worked up over nothing".

He still didn't know where he was, but he figured it wouldn't help much if he just sat around. His hand found it's way to the wall, his claws traced even lines across the smooth surface. He'd stick to his wall and this wall only. The groove he cut in the metal with his claw would let him know if he was traveling around in circles. If he happened to come across the grove again at any time, all he'd have to do is go off in search of a different wall and repeat the process. It' migh take him a while, but it was better than wondering around for days, even weeks in the dark.

He couldn't have possibly guessed the amount of time, but his calw eventually found it's way to a thin groove in the metal. Bowser grunted in irritation. Just as he thought, the wall went around in circles. So his captors had dumped him inside a laberynth of sorts.
Taking extra care with his steps, bowser turned an estimated ninety degrees and set a path toward the opposite side fo the room. It was nervous work, he couldn't even see his right claw in front of his face, much less see where he was going. For all he knew, the laberynth could be booby trapped.

"...Don't think about that Bowser, you're just going to stress yourself out... need to remain calm"--
His foot caught on something solid. Whatever since of calm Bowser managed to work up vanished in an instant. He toppled forward, cursing the names of each and every God and diety he knew. Whatever it was he tripped over also cursed.

" ****, Spearow's dung, that hurt"!

A surge of hope sprang into Bowser's chest. He knew that voice! Bowser forced himself upright again. Allowing the ball of fluff beneath him ample room to regather himself.

"...What the blazes? Where in Kanto are we"?

"Typhlosion". Bowser tapped him lightly with his claw to let him know he was there".

His eyesight rushed back to him so abruptly, he nearly cried out agian. Typhlosions flames flared up, illuminating the space around them a bright red.

"...Bowser"? Typhlosion eyed him with a lost look on his face.

"Blasted..." Bowser cursed. Here he was finally able to see again, and he was already blinded. WHy hand't he thought of using his fire breath to light the way?

Bowser exhaled sharply. A great weight fell on top of him, wrapping itself around his ribs and crushing his lungs.
"Bowser, its you! Thank Arceus, I'm glad you're here"!

Bowser tried to escape the death hug.

"Typhlosion... how did you... end up... on the floor..."?

It was the best distraction he could think of. Typlhosion released him, caught off guard by the question.


Typhlosion's ears scrunched up. Bowser sat, watching him carefully. The same lost look from earlier returned.

"Do you have any idea how any of us got there in the first place"? Bowser tried again.

Again, silence.

"Perhaps we should both get moving. I can't remember anything past five minutes ago. One minute we were just outside Impact City... the next"--

"That mage"! Typhlosion shouted, stooting up all of a sudden.


"The three of us were stadning around. You, me, and Latias. THen this mage spoke to us. He had these freaky red robes with black skulls".

"You think that mage is responsible for bringing us here"?

"It had to be him. he said somethign about... being useful... to his 'master'".

That didn't help clear much up for them.

"Well, were' not very useful to anyone locked up in this hellhole are we"? Bowser snorted.

As an experiment, Bowser took a deep breath, and exhaled two long streams of flame through his nostrils. The fire trailed onward for several meters before flickering out, leving only the faint glow eminating from Typhlosion's flames.

"This isn't a laberynth. Bowser cursed, "It's a cell".

"They've got us locked up"?

"Yes, unless there's some secret door somewhere, I doubt either one of us is going anywhere any time soon".

A look of panic entered Typhlosion's eyes "Can't bust out"?

"Doubt it. If there's anyone who knows a thing or two about kidnapping, it's me. If they were cunning enougbh to get us here, they'll have picked a cell strong enough to hold the both of us. For all we know, each of these walls could be a mile thick".

"So... we just wait here until we die of thirst or"-- He didn't want to say "starvation". The thought was just too horrible to speak aloud.

"We need to get moving" Bowser set off in an unknwon direction.

"W-wait" Typhlosion snapped out of his panic "Where are you going"?

"If we can find the door, we might be able to bust through it". Bowser elaborated.


"The wall is bound to be thinner there. I've seen cells with some thick walls. But who ever heard of a mile-wide door"?


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Can't introduce drac yet and earth seems to be pretty quiet right about now so it looks like i'm checking in on Luco!


The sector Luco and fire landed in was little more than a cargo hold and it took more than a little effort from Fire to get his ship in amongst the dozens upon dozens of crates in the painfully small bay. In effect it was like another room, except it had a force field separating the room from space. It was hidden well enough though, which was what they wanted. Luco felt painfully drained at this point and had no wish to go through the bio-labs facility again so he made minimal magic use, searching telepathically for Del instead. It took him some time to locate his brother back at camp but when he did the response was an alarmed one.

"Luco! You left and I couldn't reach you telepathically... I was worried something had happened but the others um... forced me... to stay..."

"Oh yes, very odd i'm sure. I don't suppose you happen to be magically shackled to the wall right now then?" Luco smiled at the antics it must have taken to bind his powerful brother in the first place.

No answer.

"I thought so. Looks like i'm going to have to ask the big man himself."

Luco sent out a message towards Chrono. "You guys can let Del off the hook, literally - i'm fine but I need his help to get back."

Fire looked toward Luco at this point. "Any response?" He asked. He noticed bags under Luco's eyes. "Mm. Yeah. I'll be alright". Luco turned around to look at Fire and suddenly noticed something he hadn't before. Behind him, on the ship... a small gem was embedded in the front. Luco jumped and ran over to it to examine the power gem. "Where did you get this...?" Luco asked. "Nino had it when we met together again about a year back. She pushed it into to ship for me - it's like a beacon of light." Luco resisted the urge to tap the gem then and there. "Listen... this gem is a fragment of my former power... I really, really need this and it'll help us now as well. Can I please absorb its power?"

"It is part of you...?"

"Kind of, part of my power. It fragmented when I fell into the pokeworld, before my first encounter with anyone I know now. I've regained all but, from what I can judge, two pieces of power needed to restore me to full power and this will help me for the battle ahead."

"I see..."

"I wouldn't normally ask, though, I can enchant items anyway. I can give you another gem with power you can use if needed. I'm begging you for this one."

Nino looked at him uncertainly. Luco was desperate.

"Alright, go ahead... be careful, though."

Luco nodded and tapped the gem, watching it dissolve and feeling a burst of power flow through him. Epic water spells, finally... Tidal break, black hole and watery tomb. These will come in handy.

He felt his power again and reconnected with Del.

"Okay, teleport us to base!"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Introductions were long but Luco knew the big people Fire needed to meet were mostly away. "What's going on?" He looked at Del.

"Most of the others have gone forward. I felt the loss of an evil presence as Palpatine died but I do not exactly know what has happened to the rest. I won't go on and abandon everyone here though. We'll have to wait, for the time being."

Luco walked to the back of the camp, where they'd come in from. The barrier there was very close to the camp. Strong - but there was only one. Luco wanted a larger area of safety and more barriers, for fear of that.... thing that was still lurking in the nearby sector. "Del, come with me this way for a moment... we need to fortify this position for now, so i'm going to push this barrier further out and make more. We should make the entire cave system a safe area, or as safe as possible, while we wait for the others. Have another barrier that's the strongest right here where this one currently is and we should be okay." Del nodded and they begun to push the campsite outwards.


Kinda short but at least Fire's back in with the group. Frosty, if you get the chance can you put up a quick updated list of who we have around. I know we have like dozens and dozens of characters with us so if you need help give me a shout ok? ^_^


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio
*After a long trip to Real life realm, Mars suddenly returns only to find a huge change with in the SF REALM!!*

No seriously this stuff changed ill have to read up a bit -___-

It use to be just sentences, but now its paragraphs and *


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
*After a long trip to Real life realm, Mars suddenly returns only to find a huge change with in the SF REALM!!*

No seriously this stuff changed ill have to read up a bit -___-

It use to be just sentences, but now its paragraphs and *
Welcome back Mars!!!

It's been ages ^_^

Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
I thought this place was abandoned a month ago. Guess it isn't, regardless I have no idea where the story has taken place other than a cave.


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Guess this place needs a bit of a revival ;)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Gengar stepped forward out of the shadows. His gaze was traveled upward, illuminating his face in a soft white glow.

"I've never..."

Xiroey's curiosity was piked. "Gengar?" He had to admit, it was odd, coming out of the pitch black into a room like this. He could see in much more detail now. The two of them stood in a dome-shaped room. The walls were smooth and impossibly black, yet they reflected light like polished marble..

"It's a dome of mirrors"?

No, that didn't seem quite right. This wasn't like the generator room from before. This room was more like one big mirror. And the walls were so smooth, any irregular shape would stick out like a sore thumb.

"Guess we don't have to worry about being abushed..." Xiroey stepped forward as well, joining Gengar in the soft light. His friends gaze was still focues upward. A look of pure amazement was spread across his face.


"Ahh, nice of you both to join me here"?

Every alarm in Xiroey's brain went off at once. He spun around away from Gengar, coming face to face with a man the entire multiverse had come to know and hate.

"Master". His dual-swords came to him by instinct.

"Oh"? The master stepped away from the enterance. His demeanor seemed much different than it had been in each of their last encounters. "Bit late to be searing your loyalty to me don't you think? And after you mercilessly slaughtered so many of my best soldiers. Master Hands army really is a bloodthirsy bunch".

"Takes one to know one" Xiroey wasn't going to let this man get to him. He knew how the master liked to mess with people's heads. "Finally decided to leave the safety of your throne have you? Decided to come play with us bloodthirsy ruffians"?

He raised his sword a notch higher. The Master glanced at the weapon much like he would look at a stinky piece of rotten cheese.

"Put that away before you put someone's eye out" The master spat, a bit of his cool demeanor falling away.

Xiroey scoughed "Fat chance I'll"--

His words caught in his throaght. He looked down at his hands stunned. He was certain he'd been holding his swords a moment ago.

"What...?" He stared up at The Master in disbelief "what did you do"!

The master smiled. "Do? What are you talking about? I never did anything. I was just telling you how you shouldn't play with swords. After all". The master paused to study his nails "You might hurt someone if you're not careful".

Xiroey's arm suddenly felt very heavy. His eyes shot downward in surprise. Gengar, who'd been staring up at the ceiling a moment ago, now laid face down on the floor. Xiroey was positioned on top of him with both swords burried in his back.

"W-- Gengar! Gengar no"! He let go of the swords like they were made of hot iron. They vanished instantly, but the two jagged holes in Gengar's back were still there.

"Gengar"! He tried to roll Gengar over, but suddenly Gengar wasn't there anymore. It was someone else.

Xiroey gawked at the bloody heap of flesh that was spread out before him. He felt like he'd been stabbed in the heart. His eyes welled up with tears. "M--M..."

He tried to fight against it. Deep down, he knew what he was looking at couldn't have been real. Yet, why was he so choaked up. He tried willing the image to go away, then realized with dispair that his willpower had left him a long time ago. He felt weak and helpless. Here he'd been trying to play hero again, and another person had gotten hurt because of it. He reached down and took the person's arm. He cried bitterly for them to wake up, but it was too late.


A powerful force swatted Xiroey to the side. He landed on his back, so that he was stuck looking up at the impossilby large face of his brother Spirit.

"Brother... help... it's mom... she's..."

Spirit kicked him. Xiroey was sent rolling again, this time he didn't stop until his back crashed up against the support beam to their house.

"I knew we couldn't trust you! You killed her"!

"I-- I didn't... I"--

Xiroey shook his head. He fought against the bad dream.

Footsteps. Spirit was walking towards him again. Xiroey fought against all the memories that tried to assault his mind at once. He stood up, but his legs were a lot shorter and stubbier than he remembered them. He looked up at Spirit and saw that he looked as big and powerful as ever.

"I'm not a monster..." He felt a familiar buzzing in his hands. His dual swords were back.

"How dare you".

He stepped toward his brother.

"You pick on innocent people. You act like you have a god given right to end other peoples lives".

Spirit extened his hand, summoning his Axe, Reignor.

"You mess with other peoples lives. You steal their memories".

Xiroey's steps became steadier and less clumsy. He was back to his normal size.

"Then, if all of that wasn't bad enough, you disrespect my mother".

Xiroey charged the Spirit lookalike. His first sword came up and parried Spirit's axe blow. He saw an opening in the side and took it. He slashes with all his stregnth, cutting the lookalike clean in half.

Just like that the illusion faded. He was back in the dome room. Suddenly he was on his back. Gengar was lying next to him, looking like he'd just gone through each of the different kinds of hells.

"C--cheap trick... hypnotizing us both like that".

Gengar rolled over and became sick on the floor.

"Clever, so it was the lights then..." He wasn't sure when he'd looked up exactly, he must've done it shortly after Gengar did. Right before that fake master showed up.

"Shouldn't have looked up at the ceiling..." And with that Xiroey rolled over and spat his morning's breakfast onto the floor.


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Muhti woke with a start. He looked around, his bedroom was still tidy and filled with notes from his senior year of high school.

He did his daily routine and reached the apartments kitchen. He approached with his usual good morning to the family and began to eat.

The twins, Noah and Alicia, began bickering at each other. One was a magician who worked with his father and older brother, while the other was attempting to join the military. Total opposites. The father and Muhti discussed of current events and came to the conclusion that Earth will become a better place, unless something horrible happened.

"It is a beautiful morning in New York City..." the news chopper said gleefully as the reports rolled in.

Muhti took his bag, iPod and headphones and left the building. He walked by the Empire State Building and found his school.

He entered the building with a moan, "First day..."

Everybody crammed in the auditorium. Homerooms were assigned slowly as Muhti walked in.

Finally it was 8:34 and a loud explosion was heard. Everybody started to panic as try looked outside.

"THE NORTH TOWER WAS HIT!", one shouted in horror.

As terror spread across the school, emergency vehicles flushed out the noises. The only person remaining calm, was Muhti, eyebrows scrunched and veins appeared on his forehead.

He got out of his seat and he walked with anger out of the school, although security warned not leave the building. With the little magic and being the cocky self he was, he blasted the guards away lightly.

He went outside where he saw the smoke rising. He attempted to fly and was successful, but was barely in control and only for a limited time.

As he went the tower, everything became blurred... as if something was forcing it not to remember. People screaming, Muhti saving multiple people until finally... The blast of the tower became very strong, it blasted Muhti away abit, with some man in his hands... dropped. He lost control of his flight and started to fall by an alley near the tower. More blurred areas...

"Ma- I- h- per-...?"


The strange remark out of nowhere did nothing to obliterate the dream.

"Yes... D-"


F. Muhti woke up in a pond of blood of Doctor Who. He took a moment to process what just occurred.

Who was that? Interrupting like that?

Noah and Alicia? He had a family?

Visions of 9/11? Why then? That was long ago. Did he truly save people that day?

So many questions unanswered, but nothing fit.

Luigi snapped his fingers multiple times until the leader gained his conscious.

"How long was I out?", Muhti asked, rubbing his head gently.

"Awhile, Dimentio and I destroyed the -a core already.", he responded, tears forming.

"What is it? Where is the Doctor?", Muhti asked forcefully. Luigi gave in his confidence and pointed behind his boss, where the doctor laid dead.

Muhti stared for awhile, confused by the events unfolding.

"The Master killed him... right?" Muhti said in a more calm tone.

Luigi looked at Dimentio, then back at Muhti and nodded slowly. Muhti then clenched his fists and cringed his teeth. He teleported the body to Dimension D, where he could stay for awhile.

Muhti walked up to the lower core, where Dimentio floated. He grabbed the jesters ponchos forcefully and brought him down to show eye to eye.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU SAVE HIM?!", he spatted angrily into his friends face. Dimentio continue to smile his traditional smile while Muhti whacked him.


The room tensed up as it became silent. Muhti shook the clown away and turned his back on him.

"Come on, before the Master sends his cronies here.", Muhti ordered, picking up one of his dual swords from the ground, "Let's see if we can find somebody from Master Hands Army."


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio

Still not sure why im sent back here, all my friends are missing, smashfan is know were to be found, The girl is missing and and Ive lost all of my powers!!

Gotta stop talking to my self.....

:marth: I sent you back to the real world Alive, Remember you died back in Forum fight. I thought I'd give you a second chance of life. You are human again, no super powers and stuff.

.........Maybe you should have asked before warping me of the things i needed to protect my self..

:marth: Is'nt it great to be a normal human being again with no weird special traits?


:marth: Well later, enjoy your life, and don't be evil again and get killed by a BUNCH OF HERO'S and die again, because you wont get a second chance...*piece*



Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Nice to have you back Mars! :grin:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"This is it, I'm sure of it"! Spirit beamed at the big dark hallway to nowhere.

"Excellent" Charizard said with as much unenthusiasm as he could muster "so you're absolutely positive of this one"?

"Should bring us to the center of the death star in no time flat".

"Great". Charizard grinned, then turned and trudged off in the opposite direction.

"Hey"! Spirit started "where are you going"?

"The right way"! Charizard called back

Seeing the gap between them widening, Spirit stole one last glance their one ticket to freedom.

"Charizarrrddd"! Sprit cried after him. He wasn't his brother, so he didn't have access to fancy teleporting. It amazed him how fast Charizard could move when he wanted to.

Spirit sprinted in the direction Charizard went. It was dark, so he could see little besides Charizard's tailflame. He stumbled several times, he had to keep his hands positioned out in front of himself in case he fell.

"Enemies". Charizard stopped. He stuck out his arm without looking back. Spirit, unable to see anything else besides Charizard's tail, never saw the barrier coming and ran right into it. He rebounded off of it and fell backward, landing on his tush with a soft "oof".

"Thanks for the warning there bud... ow". Spirit rubbed his sore ribs.

Charizard didn't respond. His gaze was focused below. It took a minute for Spirit to realize why Charizard would be looking down, then he realized that the two of them were actually standing on the edge of a steep metal cliff.

"Careful not to make too much noise"

Spirit picked himself off the ground and shuffled his way towards the edge. Charizard motioned for him to crouch down.

"They've captured someone". Charizard kept his voice low. When Spirit didn't respond he tilted his head toward a row of Storm troopers. They were marching at the head of a long line. The sound of a million boots crashing against a metal floor echoed through the hallway like thunder.

"There, in the middle of the first line".

This time, Spirit did see them. There were two prisoners. It was hard to tell details, as far away as the two were. However, spirit was able to make out what looked like a ring of light around the head of the left prisoner.

"Are those..." Spirit didn't want to say it, because he could hardly believe it.

"They look like flames. If I were to make a wild guess, I'd say some of our Impact friends managed to get in here somehow".

"That's what the evidence says but... how would typhlosion have manged to get here in the first place"?

"Hard to say. However he got here, It's clear what they plan to do with him, and whoever else it is that's next to him".

Spirit clenched his fists, "They're going to brainwash them both".

Charizard nodded, then got up and made his way down the hall, parallel to the edge. Spirit followed a few paces behind.


"I'm hungry".

Gengar moaned for the upteenth time. He made an exaggerated show of falling forward and fainting form exhaustion.

"You ate the last of our trail mix remember". Xiroey reminded him. He kept walking forward, leaving his friend to roll around on the floor.

"Hey"! Gengar shouted angrily. Vigor magically reappeared in his limbs, and he sprited back to Xiroey's side.

"So you're just going to leave your helpless starving friend behind"? Gengar punched Xiroey in the arm.

"Gengar, you're a ghost type... You can go weeks without eating".

"IT FEELS LIKE IT HAS BEEN WEEKS"! Gengar began lagging behind again. "Please! Can we just... stop at a PokeMart and grab a hamburger"? He clutched at his stomach.

"Gengar..." Xiroey stopped "You had a gaint breakfast before we all left this morning. How can you be starving already"?


Xiroey was about to open his mouth to correct him again, then stopped.

Gengar's ears perked up, his eyes darted to his friend, hearing an ominous growling sound echo from that direction.

"W-what was that..."?

Xiroey didn't respond. Gengar thought he looked pretty shaken, but it was hard to tell when you could barely see past your own face.

"Maybe we should go out in search of an enemy barracks or something"... Xiroey said after a long pause.

"What"? Gengar's mind was spinning. There was a potentailly dangerous, flesheating beast nearby, and Xiroey was blathering on about finding a bed?

"Dude, I don't know what kind of crazy stuff that Demon-thing is telling you right now, but in case you haven't noticed THE TWO OF US ARE IN SERIOUS DANG"-- He paused. His mouth was still hanging open when it finally clicked in his mind.

Xiroey looked down and was surprised to see Gengar glaring at him again.

"What is is no--OW"!

This time it was Xiroey's turn to be mad.



The two of them stopped, they would've kept arguing longer, but then their stomachs both growled at the same time.

Their eyes met. In that brief second a clear message was passed through some invisible link. They both started forward again, filled with a new purpose.

"I saw some enemies come from this way".

"Great! When we find the barracks, I'll check the cubbords, you check under all the mats"!

Fire Emblemier

The Crests are to Blame
Apr 4, 2013
United States
Switch FC
+Mother 3:phantasmagoric+ (It goes well with the first part of the post)
+Mother 3:Green Train's Fun too+ (Goes well with 2nd part of post)
+Final Fantasy VII: Fighting+ (Goes with 3rd part)

After settling into the camp, FireEmblemnier was unpacking his belongings. He found a pendant with a crystal shard at the bottom of his bag. He picked it up, looked at the crystal, and put it around his neck tucking it under his shirt.

"What's that?" asked Raichu with Nino, staring at FireEmblemnier.

"Oh, this pendant, it's one of the last things I have to remember about my world..." said FireEmblemnier

"And" said Nino curiously.

"Well, I don't know much about it, just how I got it. It was about a month before my world was destroyed, I was walking through a cavern, that was usually used as mining facility, when I found a bunch of these shards scattered around the cavern. One peculiarly stood out, it just seemed different from the rest. When my world was on the verge of destruction, I put it in my bag, and escaped, leaving my home behind. It don't expect it to be anything special, but it's part of my home, so I just have to keep it." answered FireEmblemnier.

"We understand, Fire" Raichu said


FireEmblemnier noticed Luco and Del setting up Barriers, and he knew he could help.

"Del's not the only one who can set up Barriers" stated Fire, He then put up a bulky Physic Shield at the end of each of the halls, that wasn't already covered.

"I also can push them out further if you need me, too."

"It should be fine for now, Thanks Fire" said Luco.

"Don't mention it, I'm going down one of the corridors with my group, right now, so we'll catch up later." Fire responded.

FireEmblemnier got Raichu and Nino and went down a corridor, he found the Death Star to be like a Maze, and kept track of the path he was taking. A few Storm Troopers came by, but Nino disabled their guns with a spell. Fire found it would be better just not to kill them and let them run. He then heard gunshots and ran towards it.


Down the corridor lead into what seemed to be an abandoned Barracks. There were 5 Storm Troopers shooting at someone, Fire couldn't see the person very well, but he seemed to be cunning enough not to get shot by the Troopers. He noticed He was holding a rather huge sword. FireEmblemnier then shot a ray of PSI Fire at one of the stormtroopers and ran out with his sword. The person became more clearer, he had Spiky Blonde Hair, and a Metallic Bracer on his Shoulder, he then sliced a Storm Trooper with his giant sword. Nino used her Ice tome, Fimbulvetr and took out another. Raichu sent out a electric charge, shocking one of the troopers to death. FireEmblemnier finished the final one by slashing at him with his sword. The room became quiet for a moment, until FireEmblemnier finally spoke.

"I'm guessing your on our side, right?" asked Fire

"By your side, do you mean against the Master? If so then yes, Anyways what's your name?" said the person.

"FireEmblemnier, you could just call me Fire, I might have to ask the same for yourself. Also what type of sword is that?"

"Cloud, Cloud Strife, this sword I have is a Buster Sword." he responded

"Anyways, we need all the help we can get will you join our cause, we have a large group with us, willing to stop the Master."

"Sure, we can talk more on the way."

I added a new character to my group, and gave some more story development for my character. Anyways hope you enjoy this post.


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Future Muhti and his team considered the choices. Dimentio suggested to teleport to the group, but Muhti hastily denied the plan.

“What if they were in combat? Have you thought of that?”, Muhti questioned, “We should go manually up the stairs near the Central Core then...”

“How about you shut up and I'll plan”, Dimentio said with anger mixed in.

“I-a think we should follow Muhtis plan.”, Luigi said quietly, afraid that he was now in trouble. Instead Muhti laughed and proceeded to the stairs. Luigi quickly followed with Dimentio lagging behind, considering if he should revolt or not.

This was the time where Muhti had his thinking time, no fighting, no bickering, no talking etc. just to himself...

Who was that being at the end? Who was that voice trying to cut up everything? Why did the being started to say somebodys name? Did it start with a D?

He paused in his tracks and took a look at Dimentio, who was floating behind him.

“What is it?”, he questioned impatiently, “Did you decide to teleport to them?”

“No, just had some thoughts.”, Muhti replied.

“Ah haha, but Sir Muhti, if your girlfriend Mari is in trouble, what would do then?”, Dimentio said with a stretching smile.

“Wha-?”, Muhti looked back at the jester, eyes furrowed, feet planted firmly on the ground.

“I saw you two, making out in the cell, taking her to the “past”, which was only the future.”, Dimentio continued with his annoying smile.

He couldn't have known, he was too busy...

“Wouldn't you want to help your girlfriends friends as well? They have been very friendly to you, otherwise your head would have been on their mantle already.”, Dimentio kept going, making Muhti enraged.

Finally, Muhti took out his axe and started running towards Dimentio.


Dimentio started teleporting everywhere in the hallway, laughing each time he appeared.

He's delaying me... What for?

Luigi started crouching with his hat covering his face. Muhti then sensed where Dimentio was going to end up, then... He was floating only in front of him.

“Having fun I see?”, Dimentio said, his voice then turned serious,” Although I am afraid that your time is up Future Muhti, we cannot have a ruler such as you. M'Lord has reported he has found your main operating system in your brain.”

“What? Dimentio what are you talking about........”, F. Muhti paused, his body felt strange.

I am going through what Frostwraith had.... The Dark Master again? Impossible, this being has been with me for years now...

Muhti had his body grow cold-blooded, his mind went rapid with ideas changing. Appearance didn't change though, for disguising purposes. His soul went out, darkened. Then finally, Muhti appeared in front of the two members, only difference was he looked like his brown eyes were shaded in more.

“Welcome my Lord.”, Dimentio greeted with a tone never heard before: monotone. He then returned to himself shortly.

“Luigi, I think you two have met.”, Dimentio returned to his former state, his darkish comical ways.

“Yes, isn't tha-that Muh-ti?”, Luigi said shivering.

“I am afraid not”, Dimentio said, “, but he shall be recognized almost immediately, for this is the being that consumed you and became Super Dimentio...”

“... Luigi, meet your good old friend, Lord Chaos.”


Future Muhti has been removed from the setting as a similiar setting emerges. Lord Chaos has replaced the protagonist as an antagonist and is the reason why Muhti became a horrible being in front of the heroes. Sorry for a crap intro of Chaos, but I think this was the best time. Please remeber Chaos and Muhti are identical except for eye color, which is almost the same as well. The reasoning of how Chaos came in the first place will probably be explained real soon.


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio

{Furr Mountain}

He takes my powers.............. My fire..... my Hadas emblem, The energy connection I had with Asora!......

And leaves me here in the middle of nowhere........

O but wait I had ninja like ability's before i died!! And could sustain a high amount of...... durability.....

Gotta stop talking to my self

Madio: Yes you do, really need to stop talking to your self..

What are you doing here?

Madio: Looking for Mustrooms


Madio: So i can take them back to Mustroom Kingdom

Why? Are you hungry!

Madio: No

Feeding others?

Madio: NO!!

Princess said u were to small?

Madio: NOOOO, its just what I DO!! Geez you ask to many questions.



Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio

Wow, Mustroom Kingdom looks pretty F*d up!
What happen Dude?

Madio: Stupid stuf, Bad guys, other post that are bsed off of the destruction of civilizations and all that crap...


Madio: No, dont say anything, its been like this for some time now.... Its not even Bowders fault...

Shh we need to find out who did this, its like a base camp out here, a bad one, is... so this is why your collecting Mustrooms..

Madio: Uu wont find out who did this, no one will... Its like it just happend, unless maybe you go back a few pages and read, you proly wont find out anytime soon.

Alright listen bro

Madio: Im not your bro

...Alright listen Cuz

Madio: Im not your Cuz


Madio: Were not Friends

Alright listen plumber I gotta-

Madio: I retired

Ma.. U.. uu , your just a prick, I dont care, I had a plan but no... I dont CARE!

*Walks away*


Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
.....okay now I really have no idea where we are, was going to write, but from what I've read it looks like we've split up into different sections in the death star?

Someone Elaborate on where I am!


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio
....................................Death Star


?: Ok so we have Damon, Blair, Rock, AckoFF...!?

Damon: Yea were here to what we do best!

?:.... and what is that?

Damon: You see we are the top Paranormal investigation group and were here Consult the ghost rooming around in your House!!!


Damon:....well let us in

?: Wait a minute how the hell do you even no my house is haunted?! Madder a fact no one should no I live out here! And why the hell do you want to help the ghost.

Damon: First off I never said help the ghost, I want to get ride of them-

?:But you said Consu-

AckOFF: Please dont cut off the team leader dude.

Damon: Yea As I was saying.......

Blair: I want to get ride off them

Damon: I want to get ride of them!! Blair has the ability to since ghost a mile away and look were here!

?: Like dude I leave at least 3403 miles away from civilization!



Damon: @ your house is haunted and the ghost are gonna end up killing you if you dont let me do MY DAMN JOB!!!!

?: Well ok.... just dont touch anything.

Rock: Shut up



Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Isn't Richard one of the few still back at the campsite in the cave system? Afaik currently it's something like:

Richard, Fire and Luco: All around main camp

Xiroey, Mari and friends: Scouting ahead but haven't returned

Frosty: Inside the jar at main camp

Muhti: Earth

Mars: Somewhere in the aethos. :D

Smashfan: Somewhere else in the aethos. :D

Did I miss anyone?

My apologies - i'll write a segment sometime soon. :D


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Oh wow duh. :facepalm:

Sorry Muhti, I didn't forget you and I am reading your stuff, I just brain-froze, went for F. Muhti and forgot entirely that you'd infiltrated the death star.

Derp. :(


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.

Far off ahead, Mari blazed her own trail towards the core. "Blazed" meaning exploding through the walls with blasts of fire and rock. Magolor, Sonic, and Marx followed at a safe distance.

"Someone should go talk to her." Marx piped up.

"While she's like that?" Magolor shook his head in disagreement. "Let her cool off for a while. It's impossible to--"

"I'll go." Sonic said. Magolor and Marx turned their heads towards the blue hedgehog, who was already making his way to his pupil.

Marx shook his head solemnly. "Whelp, there he goes. Might wanna get that extra coffin I got in my hat..."

"Mari wouldn't hurt Sonic, he's known her even longer than I have--wait..." Magolor gave the jester a strange look. "You have a coffin in your hat? What for?"

"Eh...long story, but since we've got time to kill, I'll tell you. See, I was robbing this guy that made 'em..."

As the two ex-villains chatted, Sonic had caught up with Mari, who was just about to launch another spell to break open another wall.

"Mari, wait!"

Mari didn't spook easily. Ghosts were the exception, but other then that...

Sonic had caught her completely off guard and the spell fired off in another direction. Mari angrily whirled around with a look of fury in her eyes.

"What?! Can't you see I'm...!"

She stopped when she saw Sonic's calm, emerald green eyes staring concerningly at her. Sighing, Mari ran her hand across her hair in a stressful way.

"Sorry." She spoke softly. "I...I have a lot on my mind."

"I can tell." Sonic spoke gently. "But tearing down walls like no tomorrow is not going to help...well, maybe a little, but still."

"If we don't stop the Dark Master, there might not BE a tomorrow..." Mari's voice became...weak. Almost like she was...scared. "And...and if there's no tomorrow..."


Mari looked down at the blue hedgehog as he gave her his familiar smirk. "We'll stop the Dark Master. And we'll make him pay for all he's done."

Sonic reached out and held her hand. "And after that...we'll find your brother."

Mari looked down in sadness. "That is...if he's still...still..."

"I have a feeling that he would've stayed alive for his little sister with all this craziness and stuff happening right know." Sonic said. "And you gotta do the same for him. So no more crazy stunts, OK?"

Mari chuckled. Sneaking in a precaution while cheering her up. Clever. Very clever. "No promises, Teach...but I'll try."

"Good enough for me!" Sonic let go of her hand and looked around the hall they were in. "Huh...where are we, anyway?"

"I'm thinking that we're the closest ones to the Central Core." Mari said. Which was good. The sooner they destroy the Death Star, the sooner she can go search for Eric. "We should wait for the others in some safe place and--"

"Yo, check this out! They got an entire kitchen in here!"

Mari looked beside her and found that Sonic was no longer there, rather he sprinted ahead and found some kind of enemy barrack.

When the Magolor, Marx, and Mari went inside, Sonic was already raiding the rations. "Let's see, we got some Hotwings, some Mushrooms, a couple of bags of poffins, a TON of Lemonade and Fresh Water...oh, SWEET! Chili! AND HOT DOGS! Now I just need to find some buns..."

Mari was about to scold him for wasting time when...


Sonic's ears twitched at the sound and he turned his head towards her. "Mari...was that your stomach?!"

She blushed. "N-No...!"


Sonic threw his head back and laughed. "Wow! That's even louder than when Knuckles gets hungry! Ha!"

"Oh....S-shut up and give me a wing!"

"While were here filling up out supplies...where is everyone?" Magolor asked.

"Probably out trying to kill us. And we're here raiding their food! Aha! There's the buns!" Sonic looked at the group with a huge smile on his face. "Guess what we're eating? Hint: it's delicious!"

(((You know where this is going, don't you, Xiro? :awesome:

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