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Forum Fight: The Story Forum

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The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
One Last Hope for the Worlds: Part I

Here it begins, the grand finale!
Fire Emblem: Awakening - "Run all you like-you can't escape fate!"

In the Dark Ones' hideout...

"My Master... We inform that our enemies are approaching Final Destination. They're travelling through the Gap Between Dimensions as we speak.", a cultist stated.

"Myeh heh heh heh heh... Good... The time... HAS COME!", the Master stated. "Their folly is bigger than I expected. The dimensions are already collapsing... merging together into a new world. The Gap is growing thinner each passing day..."

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn - Eyes of Rage

Meanwhile, on Magolor's ship...

"What is this... that I feel...? This foreboding feeling... I fear something terrible is about to happen...", Frostwraith thought.

The ship began to shake and tremble uncontrollably.

"What... What's going on?!", Mari reacted.

"Blast it! Something is wrong... We're losing control of the ship!", Magolor stated.

"WHAT?!", Sonic reacted.

Suddenly, Luco and Xiroey bust into the Lor's control room.

"Mari, Magolor! We're under attack!", Luco warned.

"I'll stay here... Mari, Sonic! GO!", Magolor responded.

"I got it!", Mari answered.

Arriving at one of the rooms, the group notices a pool of dark substance slowly growing into strange, incomprehensible creatures.

"More of the Master's minions, I imagine.", observed Blaze.

The dark substance suddenly shaped into a humanoid creature.

"I can definitely feel the Master's power coming from this creature... Watch out!", Frostwraith warned.

"We are the Shadows... We are memories given shape... We follow the Master loyally...", the creature spoke, as it began to transform.

"It's changing shape... Stay on your guard!", Luco said.

The creature eventually transformed into a shadowy copy of Palpatine.

"Palpatine?! Wait... It's just a shadow.", observed Xiroey.

"Strike me with your hatred! Let yourselves be converted to the Master's side!", the shadow stated.

"He even sounds and acts like him. I have a bad feeling about this...", Frostwraith thought.

Shadow of

Fire Emblem: Awakening - Annihilation (Galvanized)

"Charizard, you ready? Let's activate our power!", stated Luco, holding the Mega Stone.

Luco's Charizard Mega Evolved into Mega Charizard X and was ready to fight against the shadow of Palpatine.

The shadow attacked Charizard as soon as he evolved. Being a shadow, his sword wasn't as deadly as a true lightsaber, instead attacking with pure darkness.

"Charizard, use Fire Blast!", ordered Luco.

Charizard's blue flames proved effective in damaging the shadow, who attacked with a swift combo. It wasn't much effective as expected and Charizard managed to resist the attacks quite easily.

"Dragon Claw!", Luco yelled.

Charizard pierced the shadowy creature with its sharp claws, but the shadow didn't budge.

"Follow it with Wing Attack!", stated Luco.

Charizard obeyed, but it seemed inefficient as well.

"Physical attacks don't seem to be working...", observed Luco. "All right... use Flamethrower!"

The flames proved effective and the shadow began losing its shape.

"We are the Shadows... We are loyal to our Master... This is just the beginning... Submit to his will...", the shadow whispered before fading away.

Fire Emblem: Awakening - "Negotiation's not my strong suit..."

"This thing wasn't that strong, but something feels very wrong about this... How did it manage to enter the ship in the first place?", wondered Luco.

"I have a theory... As you know, the Gap Between Dimensions is what separates the different universes. It usually is a smooth ride but as you can see, the ship is shaking and is having severe difficulties in passing through the Gap, otherwise known as the Void.", explained Frostwraith. "My explanation, based on my knowledge, is that the dimensions are being merged altogether to form a new world."

"That was one of the objectives of the Master, isn't it?", stated Mari.

"Indeed it is... We're having difficulties passing through the Void, because it's becoming tighter as time passes on. If we don't arrive at Final Destination soon, we will all die here."

"That is not a very pleasant thought...", Xiroey reacted.

"It is not."

"What about the shadowy creature?", asked Ness.

"Judging on what I felt, the creature is a void creature being controlled by the Master. With the Void being shrunken, its essence has to go somewhere and it happened to be inside of this ship. Normally, Void creatures are shapeless, chaotic shadows, but the Master's powers seemed to have influenced them somehow...", Frostwraith stated. "What I can say for sure is that the Master is likely harnessing power from the void as the dimensions fuse together... I warn you: things are going to become much more chaotic from here on. The instability is getting stronger and I have a very bad feeling about what's going to happen..."

"That doesn't sound good at all...", Sonic noted.

"Nope, it does not... We must arrive at Final Destination urgently... And always stay on your guard. You never know when a shadow like the one we've defeated may appear."

At Final Destination...

"The instability grows stronger each passing day... At this rate, the worlds will be engulfed in chaos. Is this truly the Master's plan?", Master Hand wondered.

The beginning of the end!

Fire Emblemier

The Crests are to Blame
Apr 4, 2013
United States
Switch FC
Meanwhile with FireEmblemnier and his group.

"It feels like an earthquake is happening on here, what is going on?!" asked Fire

"I don't know, but it doesn't seem like anything good" replied Lyn

"We should go to the control room and ask what's going on" added Cloud

Fire nodded and the group rushed towards the control room. Once there, Fire heard a conversation going on and he listened in...


"What I can say for sure is that the Master is likely harnessing power from the void as the dimensions fuse together... I warn you: things are going to become much more chaotic from here on. The instability is getting stronger and I have a very bad feeling about what's going to happen..." Frostwraith said

"That doesn't sound good at all...", Sonic noted.

"Nope, it does not... We must arrive at Final Destination urgently... And always stay on your guard. You never know when a shadow like the one we've defeated may appear."

Fire and his group abruptly walked in the control room

"Sorry to interrupt, but are you saying if we don't stop the Master, soon the universe will be engulfed in chaos and anarchy?" Fire asked

"Indeed..." Frostwraith stated

"Then we better get rolling" Nino stated


Suddenly a shadowy figure appeared out of thin air, it seemed to be that lab experiment gone wrong, the camp feared.

"What the hell is that, and where'd it come from!?" yelled Raichu

"Not another shadow..." sighed Xiroey

Fire acted quickly, he pulled out his sword and sliced swiftly at it. The shadow seemed to not be phased by it.

"What the h-"

The experiment's shadow clawed at Fire's arm.

"Physical attacks, don't affect it, use an elemental attack!" Luco stated

Nino precisely hit the shadow with an icicle from her tome. The shadow of the experiment dissipated into nothing.

"Glad that's over with, now where were we." replied Fire.


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Chaos looked at the hologram with the deputy president, Naoi on the projection. Whilst discussing the restoration of New Hyrule, loud thuds came into the room.

“Is everything alright sir?”, Naoi asked with concern, a little worried of what trouble Chaos put himself into.

“Yes Naoi, stop worrying of me, I am fine”, Chaos answered, then changed the subject, ”So tell me of this new neighboring city…”

“It is called New Zion, owned by Smashboards residents who believed New Hyrule would not suffice through the wreckage the Master has caused, the two cities have come to an agreement of peace thankfully, it has become the newest city-state of Smashboards and will serve as the entertainment capital.”, Naoi answered with glee of the new citys arrival.

“Alright Naoi, I am glad of the service you have done, I shall arrive back soon to rule.” Chaos concluded as Naoi saluted and the hologram shut down.

Dimentio, who had been lying down the whole conference, floated by his leader and opened up his mouth, “I saw a bit of a dispute before…” He started to smirk.

“Within the group?” , Chaos looked up concerningly.

“Ah yes indeed. In fact, these hooligans are the closest, like family. I saw them literally fighting, however until the Viewing Room was shut off.” Dimentio continued without revealing names.

“Who are they?!”

“Hmph, I considered you would have guessed by now, but leaders are like sheperds, they only know one job. They were Mari, Sonic, and Magalor. Apparently they made up and are fighting side by side now.”

A moment of silence occurred, despite the Italians loud snoring in the background. Finally the last thud came through the room that made none shiver. Chaos was baffled of how quick the fight took off with no discussion, as well as the fact they quickly made up. Dimentio finally gave in more information on how she wanted to go to Earth to find Eric, to which Chaos lost his thought.

“We have to get Muhti out of there!”, Chaos exclaimed, “We can’t let them find him there!”

“Better yet, if they leave for Earth, how will they defeat the Master? You will not be able to reclaim the throne you had during the Dark Ages.” Dimentio added in, “how could you forgotten about that though?”

Chaos shook his head, “My power was extremely weak there, the peasant had control his body very strongly, restoring peace and order to Earth, I was lucky to grab on and ultimately control him. GOD DAMNIT!”

“I shall retrieve him, but where will he go?”, Dimentio asked.

“He shall go to New Hyrule where he shall make a speech on the heroes victory…” Chaos added with a giant smirk plastered across his face.

“And what purpose do you have at the moment?” Dimentio questioned as the leader only resided inside the ship.

Chaos took a deep breath, “ I suppose I truly have no purpose at the moment, however I plan on taking the Chaos Emeralds back,” and as a precaution on eavesdroppers,” …back to Master Hand in Final Destination in the future.”

Dimentio nodded, “When shall I go?”



The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
One Last Hope for the Worlds: Part II

The attack on Final Destination!
Fire Emblem: Awakening - "Run all you like-you can't escape fate!"

On Magolor's ship...

"We're arriving! Final Destination is just ahead. Brace yourselves, this will get rough!", warned Magolor.

"Okay!", stated Mari.

Magolor accelerated the ship at full speed, landing on Final Destination. The landing was rough and the ship got damaged.

"I sense something sinister here... I feel it... everywhere...", muttered Frostwraith.

"Glad you're all safe and sound.", Master Hand greeted. "I have found new allies that will join our efforts. Here are Marth, Roy, Ike and Chrom as well as their armies."

"Quite a good number of forces...", stated Frostwraith. "With a number so large of allies, we will have better chances against the Master..."

"That's why I called them. The Divine Dragon Naga has also offered her aid to us. We must make our preparations and attack the Master's realm soon.", noted Master Hand.

"Got it... By the way, I would like to report something... The dimensional void is shrinking. The Master has started to fuse the dimensions into one."

"So that's why there's instability... Final Destination acts as a nexus between the worlds and chaos will soon arrive at this place."

A tremor was felt and darkness began to surround Final Destination. Suddenly, a shadowy figure appears.

Fire Emblem: Awakening - Malefactor (Intro)

"Heh heh heh heh heh...", a familiar voice was heard. "I see that you little mice have reunited... Good... Time for me to cut the head from the serpent at last!"

"That voice! The Master himself!", reacted Frostwraith.

"Well, if it isn't Frostwraith himself... Guess that Soul Jar keeps you alive... Heh heh heh heh heh... I'll take care of the rest first, then I'll deal with you!", the Master answered. "Come, my minions! Crush these infidels!"

The shadowy figure divided into two humanoid figures.

"It shall be done... Master.", the figures stated in unison.

Fire Emblem: Awakening - Malefactor

"These figures again?", Ike reacted.

"Seems to be the case. We have to fight!", Chrom answered.

"You've fought these opponents before?", asked Pit.

"Yes. The Master sent one of those and they can be quite powerful. They can corrupt our minds to serve him.", Marth answered.

"Our Master... is supreme!", the figures said in unison, their arms turning into tentacles.

The tentacles attempted to grab Pit, who was pushed aside by Captain Falcon, who took the attack.

"Uuurrrgghhh... What... is... Gwaaaah! I must obey... Obey the Master...", stated Falcon, looking possessed.

"They're even more powerful than before!", reacted Roy.

"These things have a weakness against elemental attacks! Mages, attack!", ordered Chrom.

The mages flung wind, fire and thunder spells at the creatures, but the effort was in vain.

"What?!", Soren reacted.

"I conclude these creatures possess immunity to our spells...", calmly stated Miriel.

Whatever attack they used, the efforts were futile. They seemed to have complete immunity to any attacks. To make matters worse, Captain Falcon was possessed by the creatures.

"We must think on a solution... We can't let the Master overcome us!", Frostwraith stated.

"We'll need extreme measures... Prepare the Dimensional Cannon.", ordered Master Hand. "Can you all hold out for a little longer?"

Master Hand prepared the cannon. The creatures continued to attack, possessing teammates along the way.

"At this rate, we will be outnumbered...", Luco stated. "Charizard, Fire Blast!"

The attack drove the possessed Ness and one of the shadowy creatures.

"The Master's will shall be done...", Ness mumbled.

"Snap out of it, Ness!", Jeff said.

"Our Master... will prevail... PK... Flash!", Ness responded.

"Jeff, watch out!", Lucas yelled, throwing a PK Fire to cancel Ness's attack.

"The cannon is almost ready!", Master Hand warned. "Try to lure our possessed teammates out of the cannon's range!"

The cannon was fired shortly after, obliterating the mysterious shadows in the process and freeing the possessed group members from their influence.

Fire Emblem: Awakening - "Run all you like-you can't escape fate!"

After the battle, a tremor was felt and the Master himself appeared before Master Hand.

"Hyeh heh heh heh heh... Such toy you have there, big hand... I wonder, is it the weapon you're going to use to kill me? Bwa ha ha ha!", arrogantly stated the Master.

"What do you hope to achieve with the merging of dimensions?", Master Hand questioned.

"Myeh heh heh heh heh... Why would I tell such to my enemies? If you seek to know my motives... YOU'LL HAVE TO FIGHT ME!", the Master reacted.

"If it's a fight you want... so be it.", Master Hand responded.

The Master's Vessel

Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Final Destination

"Mwah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha... BWEEEE HEE HA HA HA HA! I face the legendary Master Hand in battle! Prepare to DIE!", the Master screamed.

The Master threw a wave of darkness towards Master Hand that critically hurt him.

"Urrggh... This... so powerful...", Master Hand muttered.

"Eehahahahaha! What chances do you expect to have... AGAINST EXISTENCE ITSELF?!", the Master reacted.

"You're nothing but a deluded fool...", stated Master Hand punching the Master, sending him flying.

"Heh heh heh heh heh... Barely a scratch...", the Master stated as he got up. "URRAAHH!"

The Master threw a ball of darkness at Master Hand, who dodged and grabbed the Master, throwing him to the floor with much strength.

"Is that what... your power? Laughable!", mocked the Master as he got up again.

The Master began charging another dark wave and Master Hand attempted to interrupt with his rocket attack. He was approaching the Master at high speed.

"Take THIS!", the Master screamed just as Master Hand got close.

"No! BROTHER!!!", Crazy Hand screamed, rushing towards Master Hand and taking the hit. "GWAAAAAAAH!"

Crazy Hand's scream was deafening and landed on Final Destination defeated. He seemed unconscious and barely alive.

"Crazy Hand...!!! No!", Master Hand reacted.

"EEEHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA...!! Yes! Yes! This is fantastic! What a noble sacrifice! What a pure, selfless action!", mocked the Master.

"You will PAY!", Master Hand violently reacted and viciously attacked the Master when he was off-guard.

"Argh! YOU FOOL!", yelled the Master. "I have no time for this anymore! Besides, it's not like my attack was fatal or something. If you truly want to be killed for real, I dare you to come to my realm! I WON'T BE SO MERCIFUL LIKE I WAS JUST NOW!"


The Master teleported away, leaving Final Destination. The group continued to make preparations for battle.

"Something is wrong... Why wouldn't the Master just kill him right away?", Frostwraith questioned. "He didn't seem that powerful."

"Was it just one of his avatars?", questioned Palutena.

"Surprisingly, no, it was not.", responded Frostwraith. "I could feel my own soul inside that body... This is what got me curious... He certainly wasn't fighting at his full power... Does he really have so much power like he claims?"

"I don't think there's a need to ponder those questions now... We'll surely find out when we arrive to his realm.", Master Hand stated.

"Wait... I feel someone coming...", Frostwraith stated.

Suddenly, a letter with a strange script is dropped from above.

"What does this say? I can't understand a thing.", Samus noticed.

"It's an ancient language... It asks us to open a portal using a spell inscribed here...", Master Hand noted.

"This could be a trap.", Snake observed.

"Yes, but it doesn't seem like the Dark Ones would send us a letter just after the Master was here.", observed Mari.

"Good point. It might be worth to check it out.", Dark Pit agreed.

"Either way, we should be prepared just in case.", Luco cautioned.

"Yes. I'll stay here and watch over Crazy Hand. Go check it out... I have a feeling of who might have sent this letter...", Master Hand stated.

What could that letter be? Find out soon...


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Grand finale--Part (II-A)

Fractis itineribus. Congregamini, et nunc ostendisti mihi viam.

(broken roads. Come together now and show me a path)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Xiroey's heart beat at a million miles a minute. He wished his feet would move faster.

Down another hallway, he picked a door at random.

"H-hey, who's the wise guy barging in her on me like thi-- Xiroey"? He and Crash locked eyes for a split second.

And that was all the warning Crash got.


Crash let out a yelp. Xiroey actually pounced on him!

"Dude do you have ANY idea how worried I was! When the deathstar blew up I couldn't find you anywhere! Then those crazy tenticle things attacked, and everything went craaaazy~ Then--" He sat up on Crash's stomach so he could catch his breath.


He hugged his friend tightly around the neck.

"Xir... *gak*... I can't..."

Xiroey ignored him.

"I am NEVER in a million years EVER doing something like that again! Heavens, we all almost died! Twice!"

"Xir..." Crash's face started to turn a comical shade of blue"

The seemingly endless stream of words that came pouring out of Xiroey's mouth finally came to a stop. He looked down at Crash. Then it hit him that he was sitting on top of him.

"Omigosh"! Xiroey let him go. He rolled off onto the rug, leaving Crash lieing on his back.. After about two minutes of oxygen, Crash was finally able to sit up.

"What was all that about"?... Crash's eyes burned into him. He looked pretty angry.

Xiroey might've felt guilty right then. But seeing Crash here, glaring at him with pizza stains all over his face, he couldn't be happier.

Crash tried his best to scowl at Xiroey, but he eventually realized that it wasn't working. He sighed, now that he actually had time to breathe, he could see that Xiroey seemed... oddly happier than usual.

"Well, at least the lot of you made it out okay. After that whole doppelganger fiasco, I decided I'd had enough, and went to take a nap".

Xiroey was finally thinking clearly as well, "Wait... You mean you slept through all of that"?

Crash rubbed his eyes.

"All of what"?

"The tentacles"?

"Say what now"?

"Do you even know about what happend to the death star"?

"Yeah? What about it? We're still invading aren't we"?

Wow. Xiroey had no words. Literally. He tried to speak, but it was like someone had flipped a switch in his brain, and he couldn't produce any sound.

"Crash..." Xiroey opted for a change of subject.

"Yeah? What is it"?

Xiroey burst out into a grin and dived him again. "YOU'RE OKAY"!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Ow... My neck..."

Charizard tried to take another step, but he was finished, he'd finally hit the brink of exhaustion. His legs wobbled and he fell forward. "Stick a fork in me, I'm done".

Behind him Spirit, Bowser, Typhlosion, and Latia weren't in much better shape.

"I thought... back there... I didn't think we'd actually make it" Spirit gasped for breath.

"That was a clutch teleport by Latias there. If not for her..." Typhlosion might've went on congratulating Latias' quick thinking, but then a foreing sound reached his ears.

"Hey guys" suddenly Typhlosion's voice went up several pitches "Where exactly are we..."?

"Mmmgh..." Charizard tried to look up. Just the act of disconecting his face from the dirt was quickly sapping all the stregnth he had left.



He'd finally managed to raise his head. But when he tried to look around his vision was all blurry.

"Gruh... Latias... where exactly did you say that portal went"?

"I didnt'... There wasn't enough time to... focus it... I just set... a path for... the nearest demension"

* * *

Thinking back that was quite a show Latias pulled off there. Charizard and Spirit, having come up with a brilliant plan to save Bowser and Typhlosion, decided to dive right into the gigantic army.

SURE THE ODDS WERE AGIANST THEM, but to **** with it, they were the good guys right?

They ended up getting captured themselves. Right as they were about to free their comrades, the troop's leader showed up. Charizard managed to put up a good fight, even after Spirit had been quickly dispatched, but even he couldn't win against such odds.

Imagine their luck when Latias showed up, scythe in hand, and saved their all their butts. Even now, Charizard wasn't quite sure what happened, but before they knew it they were all safe and sound, and hugging their knees for breath.

* * *

"--And they you cut a hole... IN SPACE"! Typhlosion recited the tale. He couldn't seem to get enough of that last part. Hearing that the death star was about to explode, Latias saved the day again. She spun her axe and cleaved a hole right through space. The portal was messy and jagged, and the ride nearly made the lot of them pass out, but somehow they'd managed to make it back.

"What were you two thinking in the first place"? Latias demanded, now that she'd finally caught her breath, she was in full angry-parental mode. "Those soldiers outnumbered you a million-to-one! And yet, you still thought some hare-brained rescue was a good idea"?

Charizard grunted sheepishly "...we made it out didn't we"?

Latias bashed him on the head. "You of all pokemon, I'd expect at least a BIT of sense from"!

"Well" Spirit tried to stick up for his bud "you know what they say, Youth is foolish".

Somehow that made Latias stop.


Charizard blinked. Good, he was able to see again. He looked around at everyone's faces. They were all a mess. Including Latias... Why was Latias looking at him like that?

"You can't be... You can't be a day younger than 31... can you"?

That set Charizard's heart pounding. The sentence was so completely out of the blue, he didn't expect it.

"W-wait... You mean... In human years"? Charizard's voice actually quavered. That was something it almost never did.

"Well yes, of course Charizard do live longer than humans by default, but you still can't be that young can you..."?

Charizard was speechless.

"Latias... If you go by human years... Charizard is like, 17. He's a minor."


"Do I really seem that old"!? Charizard's face went a deep shade of red.

"It's just... you're always so..."

Bowser pitched in helpfully "I always thought you were around 40 years old myself. To be honest"

This was too much, Charizard exploded on all of them.


"You're always so grumpy" Spirit said simply. Whose side was he on exactly?

"You have this wise-man thing going on when you lecture everyone" Typhlosion said.

"That and you're a horrible drunk" Latias chorused.

Charizard was beyond furious. He couldn't believe any of them.


The bushes around them russled.




Where were they again exactly?

"Oops... I think that portal might've taken us somewhere It shouldn't have..." Latias' voice came out unusually small...

"This is... Yoshi's Island isnt it... I recognize that particular tree... The Yoshi tribes live here".

"Yes, and ever since the dark one's invasion, they haven't taken very kindly to invadors".

They each took a collective gulp.

"...Charizard, you up for one last fight before ya pass out"?


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
One Last Hope for the Worlds: PART II-B

Lor Starcutter, Cabin Hallway.


After the whole spectacle that took place, Mari headed back into the Lor to prepare for the journey. She was only minding her own business, but Mari could not help but peek into the room Crash was sleeping in. Apparently, Xiro had found him after--

Wait, wha-- Was he sleeping here the entire time?! While everyone else was risking their lives for the sake of the Multiverse and everything in it?! Silently, she facepalmed.

She could not believe it. And from the looks of it, Xiro couldn't care less. As the Eon continued to express his happiness, Mari smiled to herself. It was a relief that Xiro was acting like his old self.

She just wished that he could act like that towards her.

Maybe she should just give him some time. Mari turned away and walked a little down the hall. But as she was thinking about the happy scene she'd just witnessed, a rather equally joyful memories creeped into her mind...

Some many years ago, Earth...

"Just put one foot in front of the other...that's it...almost there..."

She was only just a toddler, and taking her first few steps, reaching out towards her brother. She didn't see a small rock on her path, and tripped. Eric, reacting quickly, used his inherited magic to cast a levitating spell, catching her before she fell.

"Whew...that was a close one, wasn't it, little sister?"

Little Mari merely giggled and spun around in the air in pure bliss.

"Jeez, you're enjoying this WAY too much!" Eric chuckled as he set her down gently. "It's going to be a long time before you can do that yourself, though..."

A few years later....

"I...I can't do it!" An older but still immature Mari cried after trying for an infinite time to cast a simple spell. "Maybe I'm not magic after all..."

"Of COURSE you are, sister." An older Eric said, easily conjuring up both a fire and water orb and fusing them together to create steam. "You have it in you. You just need to bring it out."

"How, Eric?"

"Practice." He answered. "LOTS of practice, focus, and most importantly...hope."


"Hope." He repeated. "Without it, we would have nothing to strive for, nothing to achieve, nothing to look forward to. Hope is the one thing that drives us to become better at something."

"Even magic?"

"ESPECIALLY magic." Eric fondly ruffled his sister's hair. "But I think that's enough for one day. Why don't we go get a snack?"

That night...

In an unknown grassy field, the two siblings bundled up beside the campfire under an impossibly starry night sky.

"Eric?" Mari asked.

"Yes, Mari?"

"Why did Mom and Dad die?"

The older brother knew that she would ask that question one of these days. But he still didn't have a prepared answer. "...I don't know, sis. I...don't know why our people were attacked."

"Is it because we're special and magic and stuff?"

"Maybe." Eric poked at the fire with a stick. "Maybe not."

"Are they going to come after us?"

"...I...don't think so." A lie. He didn't really know if they were looking for them. And that's what scared him. "But you don't have to worry about that."


"Because I'm going to take care of you. I'm going to take care of both of us." Eric pulled his little Mari into a tight hug. "And when we grow up, we'll protect the world together."

"Really?" Mari asked in wonder.

"Really." Eric said with a smile. "I promise."

Present Day...


Clutching her white cloak around herself, Mari leaned against a wall, looking down at the clean metal floor. For some reason, her reflection was blurry and unfocused...

Was...was she crying? Out loud?

"No...I can't get like this...not now..."

Fearing that someone might have heard her small episode, Mari quickly wiped away her tears. Locking away that unbearable sadness in that usual place in her heart, she set out to help the others prepare for the final battle as well.

Somewhere in New York, United States of America, Earth...


The sharp voice that echoed through the room snapped him out of his deep thoughts. That voice belonged to Muhti, Present Muhti to be exact.

"Wha? Oh, sorry." Eric quickly apologized. "I was...thinking."

"You've been out of it lately. That's a dangerous thing to be this far in this war."

"Yeah, you're right...but I just can't help but think...what if Mari didn't survive any of this? What if...the Master somehow captured her, or brainwashed her or...or.."

"Believe me when I say this." Present Muhti said. "Your sister is perfectly fine."

"How do you know that?" Asked Eric.

Muhti smiled in a way that meant more than what it seemed. "Call it a hunch."

"...If you say so..." While he trusted Muhti, his words didn't exactly soothe his worries.

"Ah ha ha, Oh, but it is true!" All of a sudden, Dimentio flipped in from some unknown dimension, floating upside down. "I'm very sure that your sister is still alive, like a cockroach that refuses its demise even if you drop a nuclear warhead upon it!"

"Did you just compare my little sister to a cockroach?!" Eric yelled and stood up angrily, his hands already crackling with magical energies.

"Easy." Muhti put his arm between the jester and Eric. "I'm sure Dimentio meant no offense in that particular simile, RIGHT?"

"Hmm, yes, let's go with that." Dimentio flipped right-side up, taking on a more serious tone as he said, "Anyway, let's get down to business, shall we?"

Back on the Lor...

"Engine fully operational...Weapons all loaded and ready...Shields all charged and ready for use..." Magolor went through a full system check as he usually does, double checking everything so that they would be ready for anything the Dark Ones threw at them.

"Just TRY to get into MY ship...see what happens...I DARE you!" The wizard silently whispered to himself as he furiously typed in some codes that would increase the damage output of the main cannons. "If you think you can just come in here and try to hurt MY friends again, Dark Ones, you've got another thing coming..."

"Giving yourself a pep talk, Mags?~<3"

Magolor literally screamed as he was so focused on getting the Lor battle ready, he didn't notice Drawcia floating there beside him. "H-how long were you standing there?!" He asked frantically, a huge blush creeping up to his cheeks.

"Oh, long enough!~" Said the art witch casually. "I just wanted to ask you where that wonderfully azure colored hedgehog might have run off to."

"Umm...I'm not sure..." Magolor answered, glad that she moved on to another subject. "Last time I saw Sonic, he was up on the deck...why?"

"Just wanted to make sure everyone was accounted for, that's all.~" Drawcia said. "This IS the grand finale, after all! The final curtain call!"

"Does everything have to be so dramatic with you?"

"It makes life more interesting if you put a dramatic flare to it, Mags~" Drawcia smiled. "Tis' always been my style!"

"And what an annoying style it is!" Marx called from another room.

Drawcia merely rolled eyes. "Pay no attention to him. He has no class whatsoever!~"

"Hey, hey, hey, I'm classy as heck, ya--"

Without looking, Drawcia pointed her paintbrush behind her and unleashed a lightning bolt that bounded over to the next room, where a shrill scream of pain was heard a split second later.

"Anywaaaay.~" She continued. "I think I'll go looking for Xiroey next. Catch you later, Mags.~<3"

As she floated off, Magolor gave a huge sigh of relief. Turning back towards the console, he murmured, "Note to self: I am NEVER talking to myself EVER again..."

(((I'm gonna go eat something now. ^.^ )))

Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
[ On the lor in one of the rooms]

Wesker: Looks like were heading toward the master, after we defeat him i'm going back to my realm, Is my assistant coming along too?

Richard: Not really, ever since I traveled from my realm along with you, I've met some really great friends along the way, I may travel with xiroey and luco, back to their homeworld. As for the evildoing I did back at the labs, i'm done with all of that.

Wesker: That's understandable, all I have to say is have a nice time with your friends.

Richard: I will send you some letters about my experiences there if you'd-

Wesker: Please, i'd rather not know about that.

Richard: Ok then, now I guess we wait.

(Segment end, out of ideas now)


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
[ On the lor in one of the rooms]

Wesker: Looks like were heading toward the master, after we defeat him i'm going back to my realm, Is my assistant coming along too?

Richard: Not really, ever since I traveled from my realm along with you, I've met some really great friends along the way, I may travel with xiroey and luco, back to their homeworld. As for the evildoing I did back at the labs, i'm done with all of that.

Wesker: That's understandable, all I have to say is have a nice time with your friends.

Richard: I will send you some letters about my experiences there if you'd-

Wesker: Please, i'd rather not know about that.

Richard: Ok then, now I guess we wait.

(Segment end, out of ideas now)


I'll grab in a segment before everything soon. ^_^


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
"Know that sinking feeling you get when you're trapped on a foreign island, surrounded by bushes full of blood-hungry Yoshi's that want to feast on your guts"?


Typhlosion wasn't helping Charizard's nerves one bit. Or anyone else's for that matter. The russling in the bushes had apparently calmed down since they'd first noticed it. As much as they wanted that to be a good thing... they all knew better.

"Spirit" Latias beconed him back "you're too close to the edge.

"I think... I don't think we're in any danger here..."

"We don't know that for sure. Get back now before"--

Scratch that. Everyone but Spirit.

He took a step forward. The rest of the group watched with wide eyes as spirit stooped down next the the nearest bush and whispered to whatever was inside. He sat there for a minute, typhlosion thought his heart might leap out of his chest. When he finally got up and walked back, Charizard and typhlosion both let loose a breath they didn't know they were holding.

"Guess we lucked out" Spirit walked over to Charizard and gave him a hard slap on the back "looks like this particular group of Yoshi recognizes you Char".

"Ow... and what"?

A group of Yoshi that recognized him?

It was forever ago.

But that could only be.


There was no doubt about it.


They had lucked out after all.


The Dark ones were in huge trouble now. Literally.

Thud... SNAP!

The trees on the edge of the clearing were brutally snapped in half. Seeming to rise up out of the forest itself, a gigantic Yoshi smashed it's way into the clearing. At it's feet hundreds... no... thousands Yoshis came swarming out of the forest of every color.

Bowser's mouth fell wide open.

"Well ****. Forget master hand's army. With THIS much Yoshi power, we can practically take down the master all by ourselves"!


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Crash let out a long sigh. In just the last five minutes, he'd been rudely awakened, deprived of oxygen, tackled, sat on, and now, with Xiroey's arms wrapped around him he could barely move. It was strange then, he should've felt much more aggrivated then than he actually did. Maybe it was hard to feel angry when you were being squeezed to death?

"Hey... uhm... Xiro? I'm glad you're okay too and all but. Can I have my arms back"?

He felt the pressure around him relieve somewhat, he was finally able to free his arm and tapped Xiroey lightly on the sholder.

"Well now" Crash said as Xiroey finally released him, "now that we're covered how much you've missed me, why don't you tell me what's bothering you".

He saw a surprised light enter Xiroeys eyes. It wasn't too shocking for Crash, after all, he'd known Xiroey practically all his life. Even after being seperated for several years, his rival hadn't changed all that much. When Xiroey didn't say anything, he decided to pressure him lightly.

"I can tell when something's worrying you, you know. And don't think you can fool me with that fake smile either".

This really go a reaction out of him, He saw the tuffs of hair on top of Xiroey's head twitch as if an electric current had shot through them. His facade fell apart, when Xiroey fianlly spoke up again, his voice was a lot more low and serious.

"Charizard hasn't come back yet. Neither has my brother, I can't find them anywhere".

So that was it. Charizard and Spirit weren't with the group when they evacuated the death star. Of course he'd slept through the whole thing, so he didn't really know much.

He came to a decision.

"Xiroey". He made his voice firm, right now he needed total comprehension "I'm fine. I'm sure Charizard and your brother are too. Why don't you go talk to Xatu"?

That made him stand up in a hurry.

"Of course! Xatu! Here I've been wasting my time searching around the ship! Thanks Crash"!

With that, he was tackled to the ground and glomped again.

"I owe ya one"!

Just like that Xiroey was up and out of the room in seconds. Crash was left lieing on the floor slightly dazed.
Still, it looked like his talk worked.

For the first time in days, Xireoy looked genuinely happy.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"By the Gods, I'd give anything for a cookie right now".

Charizard blinked. He could hardly believe his ears, after everything that happened, after everything they'd been thorugh in just the last thirty minutes.

Typhlosion was still thinking about food?

When the Yoshi mob reached them, the clearing was thrown into utter chaos. Charizard was immediately tackled by a pair of small Yoshi, they didn't look like they were much passed thier teen years. They pinned him to the ground and pressured him with question after question.

"Dragon guy"!

"Flamey-Sempai"! <3

Chairzard had all the wind knocked out of him, luckily for him, his lungs were used to having thier air flow cut off. He had a cetain Eon to thank for that. "Riki"... "Yuo"... You've both grown a lot since I last saw you.

The latter Yoshi's face beamed with pride.


"I'm going to be chief one day, it's only natural that I grow up big and strong". Riki chorused after his Younger brother.

"Just like Dad, and butt out Riki, I'm going to be chief".

This behavior was typical for the two twins. Riki and Yuo were indentical twins. They were as tight as two Yoshi's could be. When he'd first met them, Charizard was able to note the strong bond between the two right off the bat.

Unfortunately, they also had a habit of squabbling. A lot.

"It's possible that you'll both be chief of your own tribe one day". Charizard said to put an end to the fight before things got out of hand. "Now would you kindly mind letting me back up"?

Both Yoshi smiled at him.

"Of course Sempai"

"We're sorry".

It was like the fight never happened. Once the two got off and he was able to stand, he could take a good look around for the first time. What he saw was even more shocking than when the great Yoshisaurus Rex had suddenly broken it's way through the trees.

"By the creator, every major Yoshi tribe is here".

He couldn't believe it. The clearing was a chaotic mess of Yoshi's of every color running about. Spirit and Typhlosion looked like they'd gotten the same tacke treatment he had. They were being attacked by questions, incliding why Typhlosions neck was on fire, and why Spirit wore a bright green scarf in the middle of summer.

But that wasn't why he was surprised.

What was was seeing each of the colored tribes all gathered together in one place.

"Something happened. You're all getting ready to fight something. Either that or you're running away".
It was more of a statement than a question. He directed it at the two twins.

"Big monsters are taking over the island".

"They came out of nowhere. They destroyed our villages. The thunderfoot tribe was the last to get attacked".

"Dad tried to fight him, but even he couldn't take them down".

Charizard could hardly believe that. As a matter of fact, he had fought their dad before. He was a good 10 stories taller than Charizard was, and, if that wasn't enough, he could incinerate an entire forest in one breath.

"The monsters are immunte to fire".

"We tried attacking with eggs, but they just shrugged them off like nothing"

Charizard's stomach dropped. This was bad. Not the invasion itself, but what it meant. Before he went and jumped to conclusions though, there was something he needed to know.

"How long ago did this happen"?

"3 hours ago. They came out of nowhere. Everything happened so fast, we went out to warn the other tribes as quickly as possible".

"Dad sent out a smoke signal to the entire forest, we were able to escape to the middle of the island without taking any casualties".

"Chielf LightHeart though"...

So all of this happened around the same time that they invaded the death star.

"What happened to Chief light heart"? Charizard asked Riki. He was the leader of the tribe of yellow yoshis. He was arguably the most accomplished user of herbs and medicines on the entire island. He'd even managed to patch Charizard up after that messy fight with the twin's dad.

"He's alive but..."

"but... well he..."

"Out with it" Charizard grunted impatiently, "what happened to LightHeart"?

"We think he's been possesed by evil spirits".

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The atmosphere around LightHeat's felt like it could snap at any moment. Charizard and Latias sat on the ground patiently. The campfire did little to warm thier spirits, around them, the few Yoshis that were still up this late looked like they might be ready to snap from nervousness at any second.

It was a huge relief when Spirit finally stepped out of LightHeart's tent. A relief that was immediately replaced with dread when they noticed the distressed look on the Eon's face.

"T-this is bad..." He looked up at Latias with tired eyes. It was obvious that he was stressed, after all, when he volunteered to take a look at LightHeart's condition, he also took the worries of the entire tribe onto his sholders. They were all counting on him, hoping that he could do something.

"I-I don't..." Latias held up a hand, cutting off the nervous flow of words that were about to come tumbling out of Spirit's mouth. She got up silently, walked passed her brother, who still seemed too out of it to do much other than stand there.

"I'll have a look at him", Latias said to snap Spirit out of his trance.

"T-thanks"... The two re-entered the tent. Spirit still looked a little shaken.

"Poor chief". The Yoshi nearest to Typhlosion looked at the tent with puffy eyes. She'd been crying all thorugh the night.

It was no secret to anyone that she cared deeply for the chief. The two had been seeing each other, quietly, for many months. When the truth finally was revealed to the tribe, and the two presented themselves to the tribe arm-in-arm, there was a huge celebration.

The two really were made for each other. True to his name, the chief was Warmhearted and kind. He was a healer, and also everyone's best friend. Amy, his soon-to-be-wife was a chef of the highest calibur. Her recipes not only tasted good, they revitalized the soul. One taste of Amy's cooking could immediately lift even the saddest of spirits.

Now, with the chief gone, it was like she'd suddenly lost half of her entire world. Cooking just wasn't the same for her anymore. Her food that night had certainly tasted good, but Charizard had been around to taste her cuisine before all of this happened.

He could only remember thinking that this is what food in heaven must've tasted like. The spiced stew tasted like it'd been prepared by angels.

"It's okay Amy, don't cry".

Typhlosion offered himself as a big fluffy pillow to cry on, which Amy gratefully accepted.

"Don't give up on the chief so easily Amy", Charizard said in the usual gruff manner of his "If i know the chief, he's not one to kick the bucket so easily".

This seemed to comfort her somewhat, she raised her face away from typhlosions side, her sobs became a bit more quiet.

"Thank you Charizard". Amy said. She was the only one in the entire tribe that called Charizard by his real name.

"Don't thank me. Right now, the chief needs us to remain strong. He needs you to stay strong. Have faith in him Amy."

* * *

The rest of the night dragged by slowly. Charizard eventually fell asleep, his tail wrapped snuggly around the campfire, the heat to him was bliss. After being curled around it for just a little while, it had lulled him comfortably to sleep. Amy fell asleep with her head resting comfortably in typhlosions lap. He and Celil were the only ones still awake.

"I guess everyone is safe here"... Typhlosion said. It was more to himself than anyone else. Cecil hadn't spoken a word the entire night. He sat at the corner of thier little circle, sort of in a space of his own. The only thing that caught his interest that night was the camp fire. He watched it quietly. seemingly oblivious to anything else around him.

"Gly...Xir...stop...I can't..." Charizard muttered in his sleep.

Typhlosion couldn't help but smile at him. Charizard was a big grumpy lizard. Yet as hard as he tried to seem cold and distant, he still cared about his friends a great deal.

"Floatz, hope you're still doing okay".

Typhlosion remembered the first day he met Xiroey. He just popped in thier room randomly one day. He had no memory, no idea of who he was, yet the two of three seemed to get along right away. Even Floatzel warmed up to him quickly.

When Latias and Spirit came out of the tent, Typhlosion was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't notice.
The rest of the camp, immediately stirred out their sleep. It was as if some unknown since had been triggered. Amy was the first to wake up, she rose her head up out of Typhlosion's lap, and stared bleary-eyed, at Latias and Spirit.

"Is he..."

"He's going to be okay" Spirit alredy knew the question was coming. He was glad to deliver the news. Espeically since just the thought of having to break bad news to the entire tribe made his stomach feel like it was tieing itself into knots.

Amy's relief was almost palpable, her face lightened considerably, she'd been looking so pale before. Now color returned to her cheeks, giving her face more of its usual luster.

"I knew it! I Knew he'd make it...i knew it..." Her body was wracked by sobs and she began to cry again.

"Well that's good", Typhlosion patted Amy softly on the back. I guess you guys also found out what caused him to get that way"?

"We did" Latias said "though I'd rather not discuss it here". A nod in Amy's dierection finished her sentence for her.

"Let's just all try and get some sleep" Spirit yawned, "we'll have plently of time to discuss this in the morning".

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Heheh... not done yet, I'll be adding more and more to this as the day goes on ^^


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
A bit of a point that is slowly opening to the new main arc. This covers what Luco wanted and an idea of where Eric is heading next *cough* Tokyo *cough* This part also has some extra details for next story.


“As we all know, the universe is in danger.” Dimentio stated, “pacing” back and forth from the Situation Room.

Muhti sighed with a bored expression, “A little too obvious Dimentio, Earth is one of many planets forming militias against the Dark Ones. Even the Pokemon world, have you seen Kanto? It is ruled by Gym Leaders while the Champion is trying to restore order with Red.”

“Ahaha! That is why I have come with a solution, we should turn Smashboards with its gained lands into an autocracy, you can rule supreme while repairing Smashboards! You would be deemed a much better hero than Smashfan!” Dimentio mentioned with a wide grin. Erics ears perked up to the idea of autocracy.

“No! We as humans would deny the idea of a dictatorship, any world would. Honestly, name one nation that turned autocratic that is now a democracy!” Eric shouted.

“Oh my, have we forgotten Britain? Or perhaps Turkey, when its founder restored the Islamic lands? The Koreans are also slowly turning democratic as well as the Russians, after the fall of the Soviet Union!” Dimentio mentioned.

Muhti looked at Dimentio with his brows furrowed. He rose and took his 2nd in command into a different room, signaling Eric for a moment of privacy.

Eric shook his head. After just a few weeks, the world was conquered and then won over by rebels. The mentions of his sister overflowed to his mind. The annexation of the New World Order styled Earth to Smashboards. The idea of autocracy in Smashboards. His physiological seemed much older than it should have been, which he was about to faint from the amount of stress piled over until a general arrived.

“Sir, I arrive with grave news.” The general reported, standing tall while saluting.

“At ease.”

“All, but one nation has agreed upon the idea of a democratic New World Order.”

“Well who is it? The Russians? The Chinese? The Koreans?” he stated with a worried look, the nations needed this, and a nuclear nation not accepting will not turn out well.

“No to all three of those, in fact it is one of our allies, which hasn’t peeped for a long time now.”

“Spit it out general!” Eric demanded.

“It is Japan sir, there seems to be a large source of power we cannot trace for some strange reason.”
Muhti shoved Dimentio into the room.

“Why would you say such a thing like that to Earth? Are you mad?” Muhti shouted with a hint of dark smoke coming out of his mouth, but he shook his head with confusion plastered on his face.

“Why did you mention autocracy?! Smashboards is built off of security and freedom to the people, why would Smashfan keep them alive?” Muhti retorted.

Dimentio giggled slightly, “Oh I can think of a few good ideas to keep them alive besides having them enjoy their ‘freedom’.”

Muhti looked hard into the jesters eyes, which failed in the end as they never changed expression unless he was hurt, “Give me one good reason why Smashboards should be ruled by a dictator.”

“Well… one good reason is that if we don’t, chaos will rule supreme with its’ invasions and treason against civilians, while in a democracy state…” Dimentio stated.

Muhti shook him off and left the room, as it was useless to go against the jesters sudden remarks of dictatorship.
Dimentio floated in place as the room grew dark, smiling still, “… and Chaos will still rule supreme if
Smashboards becomes ruled by a dictator.” Laughing darkly to himself, he left the room content.


Dimentio came into the room, watching Muhti consult with some personnel.

"What do you mean he left for Tokyo?!", Muhti shouted.

The terrified staff answered, "Japan was unresponsive to Earths call to New World Order, so he went to the Asian island.

Muhti heaved out with black smoke exiting his mouth.

"Let's go Dimentio, to New Hyrule."

"Your wish is my command."

And with that, the duo left New York for New Hyrule.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
One Last Hope for the Worlds: Part III

Fire Emblem: Awakening - "Run all you like-you can't escape fate!"

"This scroll is highly suspicious...", thought Frostwraith. "It contains a basic teleport spell... Who wrote this? Who sent this? I must think on a plan..."

Master Hand's army was preparing for the invasion of the dimension where the Master was hiding, as Frostwraith sensed the scroll's power.

"Hmm... Perhaps, we could send a small group and check that out...", Frostwraith thought. "Listen up, everyone! This mysterious scroll contains a teleport spell. To avoid unnecessary risks, we will send a small group to wherever that scroll leads to."

"A wise plan... If there's anything suspicious, we can always return back here. Even if we walk into a trap, it would be a big waste to lose the entire team.", Master Hand agreed.

A few moments later...

"Luco, Richard, Ness, Jeff, Cynthia, Rose, Chrom, Snake, Pit and Dark Pit, you're coming with me. I'd like if you came with me too, Master Hand. While stuck in this Soul Jar, I can't use many spells, but I can use some basic ones like the one inscribed in the scroll.", stated Frostwraith. "Chandelure! Could you use your Psychic powers to keep my Soul Jar afloat?"

Chandelure waved and made some ghostly noises, as if he was agreeing with the order.

"Thank you.", Frostwraith responded. "Now, let's get this over with..."

Frostwraith sensed the magic spell and recited the words, even without seeing the scroll itself. A portal opened and the smaller group alongside Master Hand went inside...

Pokémon Diamond / Pearl - Old Chateau

In a dark place with ancient ruins...

"What is this place...?", questioned Luco.

"These seem like some kind of ruins...", observed Cynthia.

"This could be a trap...", suspected Snake.

The small group walked the path along the way and there were no traces of life whatesoever.

"This place looks abandoned. Who would want us in a place like this?", wondered Pit.

"Calm down... I sense something... A magical power... It is strong...", quietly spoke Frostwraith from the Soul Jar. "Hmm... Yes... Yes, indeed... There is a huge source of power here, without a doubt."

"Perhaps whoever sent the letter knew about this and wanted us to get that source of power you speak of?", Luco questioned.

"Indeed, it is true. There's a possibility that someone wants to help us.", responded Frostwraith. "But, I can't help but feel that this could be a trap... We must be careful..."

The group continued on their way, until they found a strange shrine with a ominous looking book.

"Hey, look! There's a book over there!", said Pit.

"Perhaps, it is what we're looking for?", inquired Dark Pit.

"Yes, it is. I can feel the power emanating from this very shrine...", responded Frostwraith. "There's a book on it, isn't there? That book is probably the source of the power."

"The book looks sinister... Its cape is black and purple, looks covered in blood and has a skull drawn on it.", observed Chrom.

"Hmm... Could it be...?!", thought Frostwraith.

"I'll check it out.", stated Luco, who picked up the book and opened it. "I can't understand a thing of what's written on it..."

"Could it be a spell book?", wondered Ness.

"Damn... If only I could see while stuck in this Soul Jar, I could read the book... Perhaps, I'll use some of the power I feel and borrow someone else's eyes...", thought Frostwraith. "Hmph... Here goes nothing..."

Frostwraith, using his magic, managed to see a bit of the book through Luco's eyes.

"It can't be!!", suddenly reacted Frostwraith.

"What?", reacted Luco.

"That book... It is extremely dangerous! It is the Forbidden Dimensional Grimoire I've heard from stories of my family...!", explained Frostwraith. "Written by the Emperor Sorcerer himself, this grimoire contains forbidden magics that allow anyone to shape reality as one sees fit."

"Indeed, you are correct.", someone suddenly stated.

A raven came flying down and transformed into human shape.

"You're that Prophet, aren't you?", reacted Frostwraith.

"Yes. I am the Prophet.", Medivh responded. "It was me who brought you here. I had to make sure this book wouldn't fall into the wrong hands once I knew of its existence."

"So, it was you...", Rose noted. "The stars are now aligned... A positive future is clearer, now that this book hasn't fallen into the wrong hands."

"Yes... It is time for us to return to Final Destination. The time for the final confrontation as arrived...", Medivh stated.

A sudden rumble was felt.

"What... what's this?", Rose reacted.

"I do what my Master demands...", a voice was heard.

"Huh... This can't be... Father?!", Jeff reacted.

"I see you walk among the Master's enemies, son... Time for your punishment!", stated Dr. Andonuts wearing a strange, mechanical suit.

"So, he's been working for the Master...", thought Frostwraith. "It would be best if we found a way to defeat him without killing him..."

"Wait! Father!", Jeff reacted.

"Silence! You're no son of mine if you walk among the infidels! The Master will rule over all! Those who cannot be assimilated will be erased from the existence!", responded the crazed scientist.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Unfounded Revenge / Smashing Song of Praise

"Talking to him won't solve anything. I guess it's time to fight...", stated Dark Pit.

"Perhaps if we destroy the machines around him, he will be free from the Master's control.", guessed Frostwraith.

"Silence! The Master shall prevail!", the scientist shouted while shooting missiles from his machine.

Pit used his arrows to destroy some missiles. Dark Pit and Ness provided backup fire for the rest of the missiles. Cynthia sent her Garchomp to physically attack the maddened scientist.

"Jeff, can you fight? I know he's your father, but...", Ness stated.

"Yeah, it's fine. I know it's not his fault he's serving the Master.", Jeff quietly answered.

"Idiots! The Master will not be denied!", the crazed scientist stated, firing a laser beam at Dark Pit, knocking him down.

"Pittoo!", reacted Pit. "... I can do this on my own."

Pit fired a wide array of light arrows at Dr. Andonuts, damaging the machines around him further.

"The machines are almost destroyed...", sensed Frostwraith. "A strong physical attack should end this."

"Garchomp, use Dragon Rush!", ordered Cynthia.

The impact was strong enough to cause a malfunction on the machine, rendering it useless.

"Ma... Master...", whispered the scientist before falling unconscious.

"Father!", Jeff reacted.

"He seems unconscious... I can only hope that he returns to his usual self when he wakes up. For now, we must return to Final Destination.", calmly stated Frostwraith.

Using the same scroll they had used to teleport to those ruins, the group returned to Final Destination.

Transforming into a raven, Medivh flew away stating that they "would meet again."

The primary focus now was preparing to invade the Master's dimension and the eventual battles that will unfold.

Fire Emblem: Awakening - "..."


It can bring forth one's unknown abilities. It can make one discover oneself even further.

How to gain more? And at what price?

Some were driven insane by power... Lives were thrown away thanks to power...

Some saved their comrades in bloody battles... Others destroyed everything in their path...

It comes in multiple ways... It manifests differently in each individual...

In the end, what is power? How far can one go in the pursuit of power?

Could there exist a world without power? Is power a necessity?

There are many kinds of power... It can be used for good and for evil...

Is it the means or the end? Or is it both?

Much can be said about power...

Now... the true battle against the Master can begin!


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
I'm here, just slightly uninspired. ='(

If i'm in some situation it'll get me doing stuff. I guess it's just making up for all the filler I did back at the death star camp. :p

Fire Emblemier

The Crests are to Blame
Apr 4, 2013
United States
Switch FC
I'm here, just slightly uninspired. ='(

If i'm in some situation it'll get me doing stuff. I guess it's just making up for all the filler I did back at the death star camp. :p
So far almost all of my posts have been filler to keep me active on this thread... :ohwell:


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
So far almost all of my posts have been filler to keep me active on this thread... :ohwell:
Don't worry, it'll pick up. I just need something to happen around me and I can respond to it. Atm i'm hard pressed to come up with more backstory for Luco because most of my posts inherently contain it and now I just need to be able to relax and have some fun. Alternatively we go into the big fight or something happens.... I dunno, just a stimulus. :p

Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
I was thinking for some themes for the final battle, maybe even for the end, i'll add some soon and I want you guys to tell me which one will be suitable.

Note: they'll be pretty long music theme some of them is 13 minutes long.

Fire Emblemier

The Crests are to Blame
Apr 4, 2013
United States
Switch FC
I was thinking for some themes for the final battle, maybe even for the end, i'll add some soon and I want you guys to tell me which one will be suitable.

Note: they'll be pretty long music theme some of them is 13 minutes long.
I was also thinking of stuff for the end, too, I was going to use the credits for a certain game, maybe even two.;)


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Pst guys, we have a convo to discuss these things, it's called the "Forum Fight Discussion".


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York

Both Muhti and Dimentio had teleported swiftly into the newly constructed New Hyrule. Dimentio stood afloat while Muhti made a perfect landing with his two feet planted firmly, holding out his dual swords if the Dark Ones decided to make another visit. Instead the Supreme viewed to see that futuristic skyscrapers were under construction, the first one done was the capital, looming tall above the rest.

“What happened, Muhti? Did you really think we were going to put in the old castle with the same old huts? Times are changing may I remind you.” Dimentio replied to Muhtis stunned look.

Flying cars zipped above their heads. People were running along with hologram news of the Dark Ones main fortress, the Death Star, destroyed.

“I am just surprised how they were able to accomplish this so quickly.” Muhti said, with the same face he had plastered on when he first arrived.

“Technology is becoming better, we have better weaponry, wealth, and technology experts to help us along the way. We are more prepared for an attack than those pesky Dark Snubs.” Dimentio stated, as if he knew all this to begin with.

“Impressive” was the last word that escaped Muhtis mouth.

The next 20 minutes were quiet as they walked through the city streets, until finally they reached the capital gates.

“State your name and business.” A hologram of a general came up, who looked shocked as he saw the two famous people.

“Supreme Muhti and Vice-Supreme Dimentio, I am sorry of my actions, please enter.” The guard said with a worried smile.

The gates opened, well, the lasers disappeared as a large fountain with a garden surrounding it appeared. They entered slowly, to gaze the features of the new capital building. They finally reached the grand doors, which opened slowly as a meeting between leaders was held. All faced the two leaders with Naoi at the podium, apparently ranting of some issue. They awkwardly started to walk down the red-lined velvet flooring, noticing a few seats such as the Mushroom Kingdom, Green Green Hills, and Earth unoccupied. Some held their breath that the leader was alive, others gasped in delight, while a small portion grunted that the seat for Supreme was ultimately destroyed.

Finally Naoi spoke up, “…And it seems as though Muhti has finally arrived to reclaim his position.” Naoi stepped to the side as the duo walked the laser installed stairs, which only opened when authority arrived.

Muhti took the podium, “Hello everybody… I know how you feel, with those bags under your eyes and such, but the Dark Ones are retreating…”, he paused as the cold black smoke came out of his mouth, lightly. His voice became harsher, “No, they are not, how good would it be to lie? Since apparently the saying is, ‘Ignorance is Bliss’, is great, ha! I am afraid they grow stronger and mightier each day, they step on the ground claimed by us. I officially decided to hold a vote for dictatorship. If you reject, you’re a step closer to mayhem with your planet. Thus, I negate.”

He left the podium for the assembly to gasp and a shouting match started. What good would come if they sided with Master Hands Army in the end? Any would agree that they were only worthy for merely delaying d-day…

So choose now ladies and gentlemen:
Darkness or Chaos? Decisions, decisions, decisions…


The door slammed behind the rumbling auditorium.

“What the hell was that?!” Naoi demanded, eyes turning red.Others such as Light ,L, and the newly elected Mal (From the Total Drama series) whom took over the Doctors spot after rumors ran afloat stood silently as the conflict unfolded.

“Oh Naoi, it was simply politics in the working.” Chaos/Muhti smiled deeply and sweetly at Naois rage.

“Simply put Naoi, stay out of it, all of you, leave now for Muhti and I to discuss issues.” Dimentio filled in before more arguing followed. None left as they were in a state of shock.

“ I SAID LEAVE!”, Dimentio yelled while pointing to the door. They snapped out of it with angered faces. They then walked out of the general meeting room.

The door shut leaving the two alone once more.

“ You handled that poorly, Chaos.” Dimentio said, shaking his head.

“I do not think you realize this,” Chaos/Muhti started, raising his voice harsher, “But we are in a clinch for time, plus we are in a state of trouble, why not this perfect timing?”

“Ah Chaos, do you not realize you are just one of the rest that Master Hands Army faced? You are a mere bronze trophy on their stand, what do you say to that?” Dimentio snarled with an angered face, something new for the jester.

“Let us also not forget ‘they’ rose to power quickly, and had no way to handle it. Just look at the Master, he has been growing mad with power and nobody is able to tame him. I on the other hand know how to. Just look at Hitler, Bowser, and more! And also, I am at the top of the pyramid, unlike them.” Chaos retorted.

“And let us not forget about how they failed by opposing forces. Please, elaborate on how you plan to attack the Army, sir. Let’s start with the girl, Mari.”

“Her temper tantrum team and herself can’t resolve conflicts between each other. They almost killed each other as you told me before. Muhti has gone against her many times and defeated her, giving her mercy. This time I won’t.”


“A mere magician who apparently related to a power mage. You do realize the boy was captured for the weak and arrogant Master right?”


“He’s alive? Heh… boy can’t stay dead can’t he? He barely meets with Master Hand and the others nowadays; he’s a loner at this point.”


“He is basically like Frostwraith, except he can withstand the Master.”

“You seem overconfident against these people.” Dimentio sighed, “How about Xiroey?

“The Eon?”

“No the cashews they sell at the grocery store. YES THE EON!”

Chaos paused for a moment. He finally shook his head and smirked.

“Oh he’s a special one. I have plans for him…”
BTW Richard and Fire you aren’t forgotten. It is just that Dimentio never truly met you both or never heard of you.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
One Last Hope for the Worlds: Part IV

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance - Stratagem in Black Armor

In one of the Dark Ones' bases...

"Say, fellow Dark One, what were the Master's orders again?", stated a cultist to a samurai, clad in black armor and a cape depicting the Dark Ones' insignia.

"...To Final Destination, we shalt go. Master Hand, we shalt kill...", the samurai whispered in a calm voice.

"Ah, yes. It is quite as you say. Indeed, we were ordered to kill Master Hand. With the Master's powers, we shall crush him and end our opposition at once!", stated the cultist. "Glory for our Master, who shall change and create a new world!"

The rest of the soldiers cheered and chanted the Master's name, praising him with fanatical devotion.

Fire Emblem: Awakening - "Run all you like-you can't escape fate!"

In the Master's hideout...

"Heh heh heh heh heh... Our reservoir of souls is steadily increasing. This means my minions are doing their job well... I'm using all this power to slowly merge the dimensions... The gap between dimensions is shrinking every day...", mumbled the Master. "A new world... Yes, this is the birth of a new world. A world where I rule over all, as it befits my title and position..."

Meanwhile, at Final Destination...

"Has Dr. Andonuts woken up already?", asked Frostwraith to Ness.

"No. He's still asleep.", responded the kid.

"I see... Well, perhaps we should give him more time. Focus on preparing for the upcoming invasion. We need to be on our best fighting condition."


"Hmm... Could he be under the effect of a curse or something? He should have woken up by now...", thought Frostwraith.

Suddenly, the ground started shaking again.

"What the...?", reacted Roy.

"This power... This instability... Wait... There's someone coming...! I count one, two, three... Nine people coming? Hmm... I sense no malice though...", thought Frostwraith.

"Everyone stay on your guard!", yelled Frostwraith.

Two humanoid robots appeared from a portal. One was red and had long hair, the other was blue and had a arm cannon.

"Where... where are we?", said the red one.

"Wait, there seem to be people here, Zero.", said the blue robot.

"Ah... Have we met before?", Master Hand stated.

"Those two... I know them.", Chun-Li recognized. "Maverick Hunters X and Zero, right?"

Project X Zone - Opening Stage X (Mega Man X series)

"Chun-Li?!", reacted X. "What are you doing here...? What is this place, anyway?"

"Sorry to interrupt, but how did you get here in the first place?", stated Master Hand.

"I don't know. We were on a mission and were suddenly brought here.", responded Zero.

"Is that so...? Well, this is Final Destination. It is a place that connects to many different dimensions and worlds. A nexus of sorts...", explained Master Hand. "I am its ruler, Master Hand."

"What?!", reacted X. "We were transported to another world?"

"Right now, the dimensions are unstable. The very existence itself is threatened by a madman only known as the Master. He leads a cult devoted to destroy the existence itself... They are the Dark Ones.", quickly explained Master Hand. "I have assembled an army with many people from across the worlds and shall attempt to stop him. Will you lend us our help?"

"Once more, the dimensions are threatened... We have no other choice but help you. It is our duty.", Zero replied.

"I'll join too. I believe my powers will help us to restore the worlds to normal.", X stated.

"Very good! We will attack the Master's hideout very soon. I'm sorry to drag you into this, but I'm sure you understand.", Master Hand said.

X and Zero joined the team!​

"There still seems to be an opening to another world here... What's going on?", thought Frostwraith.

Another quake was felt.

"What now?", reacted Marth.

"... This one seems connected to a more distant world..."

The quake got stronger and a portal opened above with dead bodies of Dark Ones cultists coming from it.

"Huh?", Pit reacted.

"Corpses... They seem to be Dark Ones. Who could have possibly killed them?", Dark Pit stated.

"Hold on, the portal is still open.", warned Frostwraith.

A scythe suddenly fell from the portal. It was gray and had a red and black zigzag pattern on its blade. It also had a red eye.

"A scythe... This is getting weird.", reacted Luco.

"A pile of corpses, now a scythe... What could be the meaning of this? Wait... is this a soul I can sense coming from the scythe?", Frostwraith thought silently.

The scythe started shining in a bright light, turning into a human.

"Urrgh...", stated the white haired, red eyed boy the scythe turned into. "Whoa! Where... where am I? Wha--"

Before he could finish his sentence, a girl crashes down on him. Followed by a blue haired boy wielding a black katana that looked like a ninja and another boy with black hair with three white stripes, dressed in a suit and wielding two guns.

"O...K...", Palutena quietly stated.

"Are you alright, Soul?", stated the girl that came from the portal.

"Yeah, I'm fine, Maka... I just don't know where we are.", the white haired kid responded.

"Look! It's Black Star and Kid. Looks like they're here too.", Maka responded.

"Surely, Final Destination had its share of guests today...", stated Master Hand.

"What? What is this? A giant talking hand?!", reacted Soul.

"I am not your enemy. I can see that you came here from another world.", quietly responded Master Hand.

"Wait, are you implying we're in another world?", questioned Maka.

"Indeed. This place is known as Final Destination. It is connected to a wide array of different worlds and dimensions... They are all being threatened by a cult known as the Dark Ones."

"Dark Ones? You mean like the guys that attacked us before we came here?", reacted Soul.

"They talked about some Master and threatening us on how we would die in his name.", Maka stated.

"So, those corpses came from the same world as you... Is there any world they aren't going to destroy...?! Anyway, I have assembled an army with people from several worlds. Our objective is to destroy that cult. Their leader, only known as 'the Master,' wants to destroy all worlds. He has made his intentions quite clear from the beginning... I warn you that he's very powerful.", explained Master Hand. "I assume that the other people that came from the portal are your acquaintances?"

"Yeah. Their names are Black Star and Death the Kid. Their weapons are also humans with the ability to transform. Black Star's weapon is Tsubaki and Kid's weapons are Liz and Patty.", responded Soul.

"We come from the DWMA, an academy to train Meisters and their Weapon partners.", Maka continued.

"Hmm... so you have fighting capabilities... If you wish, I can return you to your world, but if you want to fight the Dark Ones, you're welcome to stay. What will you say?", asked Master Hand.

The conversation was cut short by a dark projectile coming from nowhere.

"What was that?!", reacted Zero.

"... The Master... Doth thee follow him? Nay, thou doth not follow him. His orders... My will are! In his name, I shall deliver thine deaths! Blame thyself not! For thou 'ave brought this upon thyselves! Come, fellow Dark Ones, 'tis time for us to bask in glory and earn our Master's praise! Our target, Master Hand, is!", a shadowy samurai stated as he emerged from the shadows, alongside several Dark Cultists.

"More Dark Ones! Soul, transform into weapon!", Maka stated, as Soul transformed into a scythe.

"X, are you ready? Cover me with your X-Buster.", stated Zero.

"They sure are persistent...", stated Master Hand.

Maka and Soul join the team!​

Fire Emblem: Awakening - "Run all you like-you can't escape fate!"

"So, that pathetic samurai is now attacking Final Destination? I didn't exactly order him to do that so soon, but whatever. There will still be an healthy dose of bloodshed on Final Destination. Heh heh heh... It is just what is needed to spread chaos across the Multiverse...", the Master quietly stated.

"My Master, reinforcements from the Burning Legion have arrived. Lord Kil'jaeden has just sent his elite troops to this realm.", reported Ganondorf.

"Good... it was about time the reinforcements came. Demons are powerful creatures that can spread corruption or merely destroy anything in their path. Master Hand won't stand a chance against me no matter how many dogs he has on his side! Heh heh heh... I shall love to look at every single one of their faces as I make them beg for their lives! Hyee ha ha ha ha ha! I shall make them know that someone is either strong and survives... or is just dead! Yes... truly, it will be a world worthy of my existence... A world where the strong rule over the weak unconditionally... And I, being the strongest being and its creator, will rule like a god! I will become... A GOD!"

The battle will be continued in the next segment. The main characters of the Mega Man X and Soul Eater series join Master Hand's army and help fight more of the Master's minions.


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
The light was blinding when Xiroey finally made it out onto the bridge. He instincitively put his hand up to shield his eyes, blorbs and shapes danced in his vision.

"--Xat..." Xiroey gasped, out of breath.

He stumbled forward, he had to lean against the wooden railing to support himself. Once his eyes had gotten acclimated, he could walk normally.


He looked around, now that he wasn't blinded, he could take a survey of his surroundings. The bridge was empty. Not a soul sturred anywhere in sight. The sail flapped softly in the breeze, it was the only sound he could make out save for the constant creaking and groanings from below deck.


"Aww, cmon now Xiro~poo, if you settle for just anyone, you'll never find that special someone"~<3


Great, the ship was talking to him. AND it was giving him bad nicknames.

"Now listen here"! He spun around, expecting to come face to face with some Great and Mystical talking Lor Spirit. Instead he found Drawcia, smirking at him.


"That's my name, last I checked" <3

"You wouldn't have happened to come across a Great and Powerful Lor spirit would y--"

When he saw the bewildered look on Drawcia's face he decided to change the subject.

"Have you seen Xatu"?

"Maybe" Drawcia said. She had a smile on her face that made him think she was holding onto some kind of secret.

Warning bells were already going off in Xiroey's head before he said it. But hey, he was despereate.

"C-can you tell me where he is"?

"I can"~ Drawcia smiled, then placed her paintbrush over Xiroey's mouth to stop the flow of words that she already knew were about to come pouring out.

"--if you answer me one question in return".

Danger! Danger! Do not engage! Abort! Abort!

"...Sure" Xiroey said, against his insticts.

"Great! Then... Mari, will you do the honors"?

He suddenly felt a great weight in his stomach, like an iron ball crushing his insides.

He hadn't seen Mari anywhere when he'd walked out here.

Come to think of it, why was Drawcia here, and why was she looking for him?

And how did she know where to find--


This is bad! This-is-bad-this-is-bad-this-is-bad-this-is--

"Mari"! Xiroey yelped, then prompltly spun on his heel and ran for his life.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

When he came to the world was fuzzy.


Someone was calling his name.


What? He was most certainly NOT an 'ake'!

...whatever an 'ake' was.

"Wake up..."

What? Why? He didn't have school this morning?


A terrible icy sensation washed over him. It paralyzed his senses and forced him to snap-to.

"H-hey...what the...big Idea"? He sputtered, coughing up frigid water.

"...Honestly, was that really necessary"

Xiroey blinked water out of his eyes. He was lying face-up on the deck of the Lor. Mari and Drawcia were both standing over him, the former with a metal pail in her hands.

"Mar...?" Xiroey said confused.

Then his senses came back to him.

"MAR--" Mari quickly cast a paralyzing spell on him before he could shoot up and run for the hills again. His limbs were bound tight. He couldn't move an inch.

"That was a nasty hit you took there, you really should look where you're going more"

Now Drawcia was lecturing him.

Come to think of it, what happened? He couldn't remember anything.

"When Mari called your name, you freaked out and ran right into the sheets. Then your feet got tangled and you tripped and hit your head against the mast." Drawcia explained, seeing him look confused

"Lucky you didn't knock something loose in there" Mari pinched the spot between her eyes.

He felt really small and meek right then. Now that his head was slightly less fuzzy, he remembered why he came out here in the first place.

Mari and Drawcia were both staring at him with stern looks on their faces. He knew he was probably in trouble, so he figured he had nothing to lose by asking...

"Have either of you seen Xatu"?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Xatu was waiting below decks. When he saw Xiroey and Mari walk in, his eyes lit up.

"Great, you both made it". Xatu smiled.

"Made it? You knew we were coming"? Mari looked confused.

Xatu made an odd expression at her. She got the message.

'hellooo, seer of the future here'? The look said.

"So, you two have finally settled things between yourselves"? Xatu said, seeing Xiroey leaned up against Mari's shoulder.

"We had to bind him in place, and he nearly knocked himself silly in the process..." Mari groaned "but yes".

"Honestly~ I don't know why he keeps trying to head for the hills. It's not like we all don't know about this demon-thing... Whatever it is".

"And he's not going to get any better" Mari said, this time looking at Xiroey "if he doesn't let us help him."

"...You don't have to talk to me in the third person y'know"... Xiroey said meekly.

Xatu repressed a chuckle

"Well, since you've gone though all this trouble, I suppose I should answer your question Xiro".

"W-wait, wha"?

He didn't remember asking Xatu a question.

Xatu saw Xiroey's eyebrows shoot up, and his smile from earlier returned.

"About Charizard and your brother... They're doing fine. There not too far away from us in fact".

"They made it out"!

Xiroey felt like leaping for joy.

"They're busy fighting their own battle now, as should we restore focus".

"Xatu"...Mari said "Do you think Final Destination will get attacked again"?

"I don't think" Xatu said ambiguously... then his next words brought a dreadful sense of clarity.

He walked over to the window and gazed out, a fight was already taking place.

"I'm afraid we're already in danger".


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Rain was pouring when Xiroey, Mari, and Drawcia rushed outside.

Final Destination was in Chaos, swirling dark clouds circled the platform, the amount of dark energy in the air was suffocating.

"W-what is"? Mari was about to inquire, then her instinct kicked in. She pushed Xiroey to the side. Her palms glowed a soft blue, and she unleashed an icy missle.

It struck a dark being, it's body, made completely of shadows, pulsed once before sizzling into mist.

"Ow". Xiroey rubbed his head.

"Oh Dear~You really should be more careful before you do knocksomething loose" Drawcia sighed.

"WHAT"? Xiorey sputtered. He thrust an accusing finger at Mari, "she"--

"Just saved your life" Mari said, then wrapped Xiroey in an electrical barrier. He manged to look up just in time to see a massive shadow-beast run face first into it. It let out a loud boar-like squeal, then poofed into smoke like the monster before it.

Mari calmly dusted Shadow-monster-bits off of her pants. "...twice" she completed, then held out a hand to help him up.

He took it. Mari managed to lift him up with surprising ease.

"Wow, she really has gotten stronger hasn't she"? He found himself drifting off into his own thoughts.

"...Uhm Xiro..."?

Mari coughed once, snapping him back into reality.

"Can I have my hand back"?

"You ha--"?

His face suddenly flushed bright red.

"Gah! You're not me mum"! Xiroey cried. He cringed away from Mari as if she'd suddenly sprouted 3 extra heads.


"MY MUM TOLD ME NOT TO TALK TO STRANGERS"! Xiroey shouted, a bit louder than necessary. Then, using an age-old maneuver he'd practiced many times, Xiroey promptly spun on his heel...

Then ran away as fast as his legs could carry him.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

From far away, almost too softly to hear, an announcers voice could be heard...
"Xiroey! Has left the brawl!"


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
Lor Starcutter, Main Entrance/Exit

"You think we're too late?"

Magolor hurried along as fast as he could float across the hall, with Sonic leading on at a considerable pace. They had been sent by Xatu to help the others outside in Final Destination.

"Not if I have anything to say about it!" Sonic cried. He reached out and grabbed Magolor's cape. "Hey! Careful with that, this is the one Mari sewed that time--GAAAAAAH!" Without warning, Sonic picked up his speed and zoomed out of Lor.

Final Destination

"And there he goes." Drawcia shook her head and sighed. "Honestly, that Eon really needs to calm himself, and this is coming from someone like me!~" She turned towards Mari. "Wouldn't you agree, dear-"

Drawcia stopped short when she saw the look on Mari's face. She looked...sad. Sad and confused....and alone.

Oh, dear...

"Sweetie?" She asked gently. "Are you alright?"


"What the...?!" Sonic literally had to Drift out of the way to avoid crashing into Xiro.
Unfortunately, he lost his grip on Magolor and he flew in a high arc across the sky.

"WHYYYYYYMEEEEE?!" The Wizard screamed.

"Whoops..." Sonic scratched the back of his head in embarrassment. "Sorry, Mags..." The blue hedgehog looked back at the retreating Eon and wondered what made him so riled up. "Huh...Never understood that guy...probably never will..."


Sonic looked backwards and saw Drawcia and Mari standing a few meters away from him. It looked as if Drawcy was trying to grab Mari's attention, but...the look on her face...

You didn't have to be the fastest thing alive to figure out what happened.

"Hey, Mari!" Putting on his gentlest smile, he walked up and tugged at her sleeve. That snapped her attention back to reality.

"Huh?" Mari sounded as if she was really putting some thought into something, but it was chased away.

"You OK?" Sonic asked.

"Um...Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine." Mari answered softly.

"Xiro ran from you again, didn't he?"

"How did you...?"

"I kinda almost ran into him. He looked like he was running from Darkrai himself or something. So, did he?"

"Yes...but that's not...That's not important right now." Mari raised her voice with reassurance. "He probably needs some time to himself to battle the demon inside or...something..." She began to walk away, but was pulled back as Sonic grabbed her arm.


Mari didn't look back at him, but Sonic could tell she was listening. "Do you want me to go check on him for you?"

That prompted a full heel-face turn as Mari looked at her teacher with bewilderment.

"I said if you wanted me to go check on him for you." Sonic repeated.

"But...I thought you didn't trust Xiro completely..." Mari said.

"Pfft! Water under the bridge!" Sonic waved his hand as if to dismiss the thought. "He's been acting like his old self lately, apart from the whole demon thing and all the junk that came with it. Besides, I think he deserves a second chance, dontcha' think?"

Mari was speechless. For a while. "Buh...you...the...You yelled at him!"

"Yeah...that I did-"

"Promise me you won't yell at him!"


Mari was looking seriously at him. The change in her mood was so sudden, it was a little intimidating. "If you're going to talk to him, don't yell at him. He has enough on his plate already. None of this is his fault, you know! I mean, if only he would speak to me directly, I would-"

Realizing she was close to yelling, she suddenly stopped short, and a small blush appeared on her cheeks. "I'm...just really worried about him...and I hate it when he runs away from me...it's like he's afraid of me and...I know it's that demon making him behave this way but..."


Sonic gave her a thumbs up and smile. "Don't worry about it for now. We'll help Xiro as soon as we take care of all our business...and don't forget, you're not the only one feeling all worried."

He was right. If her brother really was out there, he was probably venturing off to the ends of the worlds for her, if he wasn't already dealing with the Dark Ones himself.

"I promise I won't yell at him." Sonic added.


"Cross my heart!"

"...OK." Mari smiled. "Thanks, Teach."

"No problem!" With that, Sonic ran off in Xiro's direction.

"Be careful!" Mari called after him. "And just ask him if he's OK!"

"I will!" Sonic called back, and soon he was just a blue speck in the distance.

"...Well, now that that's all resolved..." Drawcia spoke up. "Need I remind you that Final Destination is still under attack?"

"Yep." With a flourish, Mari summoned her Light Ring. "Let's kick some darkness butt."

"Annnnnnnd, she's baaaaaack!~<3" Drawcia giggled, then suddenly remembered something. "Oh...has anyone seen Mags and Marx?"

"Let go of me!"

A group of dark beings had gotten to Magolor first, and were throwing him around like a ball in a game of Keep-Away.

"Why!" THUD. "Does!" THUD. "This!" THUD. "Always!" THUD. "Happen!" THUD. "To!" THUD. "MEEEEEEE?!" Magolor screamed.

"Hey, hey, hey! Hands off my friend!" Marx swooped down and dived, looking for an opening. The dark beings laughed coldly at him, continuing to toss the wizard around like a rag doll. "Magolor! Magic them in the face or something!"

"Too!" THUD. "Much!" THUD. "Evil!" THUD. "Darkness!" THUD. "Only Light magic will work!" Magolor managed to wiggle out of one of the dark being's grasp and shocked him with a lighting bolt. The dark being shrieked and disappeared.

"You should've called me sooner, Magolor!"

All at once, a powerful light spell in the form of a bright light was casted across the area, causing the dark beings to scream horribly and dissipate. From the light, both Mari's and Drawcia's silhouettes could be seen.

"Mari!" Magolor cried happily.

"Took you girls long enough." Marx sarcastically said.

Drawcia rolled her eyes. "Do us both a favor, Marxy, and don't be a smart alack. Then again, since when was Marx ever smart?~"

"HEY!" Marx yelled angrily.

"Is this really the time to argue?" Magolor interrupted. "By the way, where's Sonic?"

"He went to check on Xiro." Mari answered simply. "He, uh, kind of freaked out again."

Both Magolor and Marx looked at each other and nodded. "He ran away again." They both said simultaneously.

Mari groaned in frustration. "Is it really that easy to figure out?"

"You two are like an open book sometimes." Magolor said.

"Um, hellooooo!~" Drawcia huffed in annoyance. "Does anyone care about Final Destination and it's current situation AT ALL?!"

"Right..." Magolor noticed some more dark creatures coming out of the dark clouds. "We need to eliminate those clouds. Since only Light magic will work in with this much darkness in the air, Mari will destroy them. The rest of us will cover her. Got it?"

"Got it!"


Mari immediately dashed for the edge of Final Destination, slashing her enemies out of the way with her Light Ring. More creatures had spawned and started to chase her, while Marx, Magolor and Drawica were dealing with the ones closest to them.

Mari dodged and sliced, kicked and punched, and blasted her way towards the edge. When she was close enough, she casted a shield behind herself, and sat cross-legged on the floor. She began to murmur the incantation for a purifying spell, one that would dispel all evil darkness surrounding the platform. But before she could complete the spell, her senses came on full alert, and she ducked to avoid a large crystal made of pure darkness.

"Crystal..." Mari whispered, and when she turned, she was face to face with shadowy form that took the shape of...

"Mephiles...?" Mari wondered aloud.

The shadow didn't say anything.

"Not Mephiles...it's just some shadow copy...The Master really needs to step up his game." Mari looked at the shadow and rolled her eyes sarcastically.

The Mephiles-lookalike growled deeply and pointed his crystal sword at her, which was radiating with darkness. It was challenging her.

Mari smirked. "I think I'm going to enjoy this."

Decisive Battle! Vs. Shadow of Mephiles

Music! (I think you'll like this one, Xiro.)

The Shadow wasted no time attacking, attempting to drive his sword straight through her. Mari blocked the attack with her Ring and, with her other hand, let loose a strong beam of magic though the hole. The Shadow was not prepared for that and took the hit directly, the beam creating a large hole in its chest. However, the hole slowly repaired and closed itself.

"Oh..." Mari looked up and the Shadow gave her a wicked smile before kicking her away. Then he summoned smaller shadows that sticked close to the ground, and raced towards her rapidly. One of them lashed out and stuck to her arm, another latched on to her leg, slowly they were entangling her in a web of darkness.

"Gah..." Mari tried to get up, but the shadows were pinning her down. Meanwhile, the Mephiles copy, with the same wicked smirk on its face, was slowly approaching her, dragging his dark crystal sword across the floor. Soon he was looming over her, and as if making a sacrifice, rose his sword over her head.

Come on, think, Mari, THINK!

He plunged his sword downwards, and those quick reflexes Sonic had so finely trained came into play. The world seemed to play in slow motion, and Mari willed her arm over to her other side. The sword was coming in so slowly, and when time seemed to flow normally again, it struck the shadow holding that arm in place. As soon as it was free, she grabbed onto the sword, holding it with every iota of her strength. Quickly, she casted a smaller version of the purifying spell, cleansing the crystal sword of all traces of darkness. The Shadow screeched in pain and recoiled, hissing loudly at her.

Mari took the time to hack away all of the shadows with her new weapon. When she got up, she examined it. "Thanks. It looks much better now, don't you think?" The crystal sword was now glowing with a soft blue light, and it was almost transparent.
The Shadow roared in anger and began to slash at her with very sharp and very long claws. Mari dodged this way and that, blocking some of them with her new sword. She pretended to feint a dodge and kicked the side of his head, hard. While he was disoriented, she sneaked behind him and slashed his arm clean off.

The Shadow seemed to notice, but was still too dizzy from the kick to his head to regenerate. "So that's your weakness..." Mari whispered. She grabbed his shoulder and motioned for him to look up at her.

"Peek-a-boo." Mari said, before raising her hand over his face and blinding him with bright light.

The Shadow screamed and began to attack wildly, but all in vain. Confused and blind, he unleashed a barrage of dark crystal spikes...in the opposite direction from where Mari was standing. "...OK, I think that's enough." Mari said after a few minutes of watching him attack nothing. The crystal sword she was holding turned from blue to a bright white. She lifted it up, pointed it at him, and let loose a strong beam of light, much larger then what she could conjure up on her own. The beam completely obliterated the Shadow copy of Mephiles, leaving nothing behind.

Mari was stunned. She didn't mean to make the beam that big. It was so bright, everyone in Final Destination must have seen it. She brought the sword up to give it a closer look.


There was nothing extremely unordinary besides the fact that it was made completely out of an unknown crystal. There were no special markings or strange energy coming off it either...


The voice was so clear and strong that it caused Mari to take a quick look around before realizing that the voice was in her head.

"...Did you just speak?"

No answer.


Still no answer.

"...Eden...huh." Mari regarded the sword with a small smile. "Something tells me you'll come quite in handy later on..."


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
One Last Hope for the Worlds: Part V

Fire Emblem: Awakening - Misericorde

The samurai stood quietly after speaking his menacing words and showing his extreme loyalty to the Master. Several cultists accompanied him and showing no less fanaticism than any other of the Dark Ones.

"Thou shalt defend thyselves...? Truly, thou art as the Master has told...", the samurai spoke. "Strong and capable. Worthy of populating the Master's world."

"What exactly is your Master's plan, anyway?", inquired Frostwraith, speaking from the Soul Jar.

"'Tis not the time to talk anymore... A mission, I have and prevail, I SHALL!", the samurai stated, refusing to answer the question. "The time to talk over is! 'Tis time to speak with steel!"

"If more bloodshed is needed... We won't hold back! Chandelure, are you ready?", stated Frostwraith, ready to give orders to Chandelure telepathically.

Chandelure made a gesture and his flames started to glow brightly.

"For thy opposition of my Master... I shalt execute you!", the samurai stated. "We shalt cut you down and bring glory to the Master's name!"

"Long live the Master!", the remainder of the cultists chanted in unison.
The King of Fighters 2002: Unlimited Match - Cutting Edge

The samurai attacked Pit with a quick slash of his katana. Pit was swift enough to guard the attack and counter by cutting with one of his bow's halves.

"Angel, why doth thou fight?", the samurai asked as they dueled.

"I fight for Lady Palutena and to protect humanity from people like you!", retorted Pit.

"Weak... Cut down, thou must be...", whispered the samurai in response. "Behold! THE POWER OF THE MASTER!"

The samurai's katana became imbued with a dark aura and severely damaged Pit, causing him to collapse.

"Truly... I deserve to live more than you do...", whispered the samurai. "Who shalt be my next prey...?"

Captain Falcon shot one cultist after another, but they kept coming from the portals opened in Final Destination. Samus, Snake, X and Zero remained close to him and provided backup fire.

"These cultists may die quickly, but there are sure a lot of them...", commented X.

"Their zealotry rids them of the fear of death and that actually proves to be an advantage to us.", responded Snake.

"It is pathetic. It is a shame that so many lives are wasted like this...", stated Zero as he cut down another cultist with his Z-Saber.

The fighting between Master Hand's Army continued, with the samurai looking quietly, as if wanting to choose one particular opponent.

"You...", the samurai whispered, as he used dark magic to drag Marth towards him. "Draw your blade, you shall... Fight, we must!"

Following his words, the samurai made a swift cut, almost hitting Marth if he didn't react quickly enough. Marth quickly retaliated with a swift slash, hitting the samurai's face.

"Hrggh! Lose, I shalt not! Live, I must! For the Master!", the samurai retorted, attacking Marth again, who blocked. "Urrrggghhh!"

The samurai exerted so much strength, he managed to send Marth flying and knocking him down unconscious.

"Weak...", the samurai muttered.

Meanwhile, Dark Pit, Ike, Chun-Li were engaged with Shadows shaped like Dark Cultists.

"They keep coming one after another...", Chun-Li commented.

"This isn't time to talk! We must not hold back against them!", Dark Pit aggressively retorted while shooting down the Shadows one by one.

"I never gave up on any fight. And I'm not dying here either!", Ike stated as he swung his sword, Ragnell, around.

"Dark Pit, watch your back!", Ness suddenly screamed.

"Whaa--", the dark angel reacted as he looked back, finding himself close to being cut down by a knife wielding cultist. "Palutena!"

Palutena heard the angel, granting him flight and allowing him to dodge the cultist's attack.

The samurai remained quiet as he chose his next 'prey'. He silently looked at the fighting.

"Too easy... This has been... For more prey, I hunger...", the samurai whispered ominously. "I shalt end..."

Using dark magic, he drags Crono and Maka towards him.

"Draw thy weapons! Wilt thou survive? Or wilt thine lives be taken by the Master?", the samurai spoke quietly. "Let thine abilities speak!"

"This samurai kind of gives me the creeps...", Soul commented.

"Thou, the power to cut me down hath, yet thou fear me? What the Master despises, thou truly art! In his service, cut ye down, I shalt!", the samurai proclaimed.

"Quit down your talking and let's get this over with, shall we?", Maka answered.

The samurai attempted to make a diagonal cut to finish off Maka in one blow, but she defended it with her weapon partner. Crono sneaked behind the samurai and hit him with a surprise attack, causing him to flinch and give Maka a chance to attack.

"Thou think I was not prepared for this situation?! 'Tis far too predictable! Bask in the Master's power, thou shalt!", yelled the samurai, unleashing a wave of darkness.

The wave sent Maka and Crono flying, but they managed to get up.

"Thou survived... Cut you down, I shalt!", responded the samurai, jumping and targeting Crono, attempting to impale him. Crono blocked the attack and Maka struck from behind, knocking the samurai down.

"Well, it seems that two opponents are too much for you, huh, samurai?", mocked Crono.

"Technically, we're three...", Maka corrected.

"Mock me, thou dare? My patience for thee ended has!", the samurai retorted, rushing at Crono and knocking him down in one blow. "Next thou art!"

The samurai moved at lightning speed, grabbing Maka before she has a chance to defend herself. Suddenly, Soul becomes partially transformed, his upper human body emerging from the scythe's blade and punching the samurai, catching him off-guard.

"Didn't see this coming, did ya?", mocked Soul, before reverting to his fully transformed state as a scythe.

"Thou hath no honor?! Thou hath not consideration for rules of a fight?", the samurai retorted.

"Oh, please... Says the zealot samurai who blindingly serves the Master, who's bent on destroying the worlds.", a voice from behind the samurai is heard, revealing to be Marth.

"How art thou still alive?!", reacted the samurai.

"You delivered me a powerful blow, indeed, but I have survived far stronger attacks before. I won't be defeated so easily!", responded Marth.


"What's all this noise... Where am I?", the ninja kid thought to himself, as he woke up.

He held his ninja sword and looked around.

"What kind of place is this? And there is a lot of fighting here... Well, I am the great Black Star! It's obvious that I am needed here.", he kept thinking.

"Black Star? You're awake?", a voice came from his sword.

"Yeah. I just woke up in this weird place. Wait--is that Maka and Soul? They're fighting a samurai alongside another guy. Lots of those guys are just like the ones who attacked us before I woke up here.", responded Black Star. "We gotta help them, Tsubaki!"

"Right! We can find out what happened later.", Tsubaki responded.

"All right!", screamed Black Star as he jumped high.

Marth kept defending each of the samurai's blows with his sword, Falchion, but the samurai proved to be quite persistent.

"Maka, look above!", stated Soul.

"It's Black Star!", noted Maka.

"Yahooooo! Here comes! Soul Force!", yelled Black Star, just before punching the samurai and unleashing a powerful energy from his fist.

"ARRGH!!", yelled the samurai in intense pain, dropping his guard, allowing Marth to stab him on his chest and kill him off.

"You arrived just in time.", stated Soul, as he reverted to human form.

"When you're AWESOME like me, defeating one of these guys is piece of cake!", loudly responded Black Star.

"L...long live...the Mas....... I... where... Where am...... It... it is... over...", muttered the samurai, coughing blood, before truly passing off.

Maka and Soul quickly explained the situation to Black Star and Tsubaki, while Marth joined the rest of the army against the cultists.

Black Star and Tsubaki joined the team!​

"Bwah hahahahaha! You will never defeat the Master!", a mad cultist yelled as she shot fireballs non stop towards Chrom and his Shepherds.

Riding on his horse, Frederick stabs the mad cultist with his lance, ending her life instantly. More cultists emerged from the darkness surrounding Final Destination. A heavily armored Dark Overlord attacks Frederick with a huge flail, hitting Frederick hard, but he manages to survive and use his ability, Luna, while wielding an Armorslayer sword to strike the overlord hard.

Meanwhile, Master Hand himself tried to get rid of the cultists by shutting down the portals that kept opening. Protecting him were Luco, Frostwraith's Chandelure and Palutena, who remained on the defensive, staying close to Master Hand and attacking the cultists that came after him.

"Will this ever end? The Master must be desperate to keep sending his men towards here.", commented Frostwraith.

"I don't sense any fear of death in them. They are willing to sacrifice their lives in this battle out of devotion towards the Master. Sadder is the fact that most of them are actually normal people who were kidnapped and brainwashed by the Master. I am supposed to protect humanity, not killing them...", said Palutena.

"You must not feel bad about that, Goddess. We know who's responsible for all of this.", comforted Master Hand.

"... I swear by all existence I will kill you! Your crimes shall not go unpunished! Even if I don't kill you, I will die trying!", thought Frostwraith.

Final Destination was an authentic battlefield. Many soldiers from Tellius, Akaneia, Elibe and Ylisse constituted a large percentage of Master Hand's army and evenly matched the number of cultists. Arceus called upon many Pokémon to aid him, contributing to the army as well. Same could be said about Goddess Palutena and her Centurion army.

"They still keep coming!", yelled Zero, as another portal opened and more cultist came from it.

"Let's keep the heat on them, Zero!", responded X.

"Targets identified: X and Zero. Alignment: Enemies of the Master. Protocol in execution: Eliminate all enemies of the Master.", said a Dark One woman with a creepy mask, speaking in a emotionless monotone.

"Is she even a human, speaking like that?", wondered Captain Falcon, shooting another cultist.

"I'm sure of it. She probably is another victim of the Master's brainwashing.", Samus commented.

"We should finish her off, then. She likely cannot be reasoned with.", noted Snake.

Though he could exactly see while part of his soul was stored in the Soul Jar, Frostwraith used his magical perception to detect everyone's position in relation to him and have an idea of what was happening around the Soul Jar itself.

"We have no choice but to kill innocent people like this. It has become kill or be killed... I wonder how this chaos will affect each being and the dimensions themselves. Chaos... There's no telling of what will happen if the worlds become completely consumed by chaos... We must prevent it... at all costs!", kept thinking Frostwraith, almost obsessively.

"Every single of my powers isn't being enough to drive these cultists out of here... I'll need to use a powerful artifact to dispel the darkness around my realm...", Master Hand thought. "I shall use... the Eye of Sargeras! This powerful demonic tool can amplify power immensely. It could be used to amplify my powers and dispel the darkness entirely."

Master Hand took the magical eye and began channeling power through the Eye.

"Is Master Hand using the Eye of Sargeras?!", thought Frostwraith. "He must be quite desperate to use such a powerful artifact!"

A tremor was felt on Final Destination itself, distracting both cultists and Master Hand's allies. In a few instants, the darkness was dispelled and the cultists were weakened. Palutena and Arceus sent their divine powers towards the cultists, granting an hard fought victory.

Fire Emblem: Awakening - "It appears the capital was spared the chaos."

"So, it's finally over...", calmly stated X, with a sigh.

"We faced a few losses from the Crimean and Akaneian armies.", reported Titania, deputy commander of the Greil Mercenaries.

"The Master is growing more powerful every day...", stated Master Hand. "We have no other choice but attack as soon as possible. Tend the wounded and rest well. The real battle is just starting."

A few minutes later...

"And that's how we ended up here? Well, they seem trustworthy allies and whoever this Master guy is, it is my duty as a Grim Reaper to ensure he won't take any more innocent lives!", stated Death the Kid. "Will you help me, Liz? Patty?"

"OK!", stated Patty, the youngest of the Thompson Sisters and one of Kid's weapons, capable of transforming into a gun.

"Yeah, of course. We must protect our world.", stated Liz, the elder sister and the other of Kid's weapons: a gun like her sister.

Death the Kid and the Thompson Sisters joined the team!​

Fire Emblem: Awakening - "Run all you like-you can't escape fate!"

"That idiot samurai! His delusions ended with him being killed! Aargh! I have no need for fools like him anyway! Is the next batch of soldiers complete, Lord Ganondorf?!", stated the Master.

"Yes, Master. The clones have been tested and they are incredibly loyal to you.", responded the Evil King.

"Good. That should make up for the losses we suffered in this battle... I fully expect them come here soon... I eagerly await this moment... THE MOMENT O THE SLAUGHTER! BYEH HEH HEH HA HA HA HA HA!!!", responded the Master.

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance - Raising Morale

The next day, on Final Destination...

"We're all set, Lord Ike!", stated Queen Elincia of Crimea, with her army standing behind her.

"King Marth, our forces are ready to fight!", stated a soldier of Akaneia to Marth.

"The Centurions are all ready to battle, Lady Palutena.", said Pit to the goddess.

"I spoke to Master Hand and he managed to bring our units of Maverick Hunters via portal.", stated X to Zero. "Will you lead them?"

"Good idea. You will be the second in command.", responded Zero.

"You guys ready?", stated Frostwraith.

"Yeah. Charizard's ready for a fight too.", responded Luco.

"I'm ready too.", Richard responded.

"The Lor is ready to transport our armies. I so want to kick that Master on his face!", responded Mari.

"I am prepared for everything.", stated FireEmblemnier.

"Good to know. I hope Xiroey is okay with him being summoned by Xatu and all that. I believe that, even without him, we can do fine.", stated Frostwraith.

Master Hand soon appeared to check if everyone was ready.

"Is everyone ready to move out? Today, we enter the Master's realm and fight him at long last. We have to be prepared for the worst situations, though.", stated Master Hand. "I'll give you one more hour to further prepare yourselves."

It was one hour that passed quickly, as everyone was checking if everything was alright. After all, in the Master's realm, there would be no telling of what dangers could await them, so all caution was necessary.

"I will open the portal to the Master's realm and bring every source of power at our disposal. I will fight personally as well. Everyone... Good luck!", spoke Master Hand before opening the portal.

"It's time...", whispered Frostwraith, as his Chandelure carrying his Soul Jar entered the portal. "Destiny awaits..."

Fire Emblem: Awakening - "The life force here shall renew me!"

The group finally arrives to the Master's realm...

"This world... It is... twisted.", sensed Frostwraith.

"So this is the Master's realm...", observed Pit. "It's dark... It's hard to see anything."

Dark clouds surrounded a desolated wasteland. The world was illuminated by the faint will-o'-the-wisps floating around. Occasionally, lightning bolts granted more visibility. Bones of all sizes and shapes were seen along the landscape, which was consisted mostly by black volcanic ashes.

"This world has been corrupted... I can sense nothing but evil around here.", stated Death the Kid.

The group marched forward the barren landscape. Soon, they begin to have more visibility and noted a huge tower far away.

"Look at that huge tower...", noted Chrom.

"The darkness seems to come from there.", responded Dark Pit.

"Indeed, I can sense a huge source of power far away... That must be the tower you speak of.", stated Frostwraith. "Without a doubt, the Master must be hiding there."

A slight tremor was felt and a shadowy figure materialized right before Master Hand's army.

"This power...!!", sensed Frostwraith. "It's him..."

The figure revealed himself to be none other than the Master himself, possessing Frostwraith's body.

"Heh heh heh heh heh... Well, hello there...", the Master greeted with a sarcastic tone of voice that indicated nothing but sheer malice. "How are you doing? I should welcome you all to my realm. And look who finally came here... Master Hand himself... and let's not forget about the Soul Jar you kindly brought along. Truly, this will be... magnificent."

"I have come to kill you, Master!", reacted Master Hand.

"My, my... How unbelievably rude! To think that the 'ruler' of Final Destination would display courteous behavior... Truly, I was mistaken.", the Master mocked.

"Tell me something, Master. What exactly do you pretend to do with merging the dimensions into one?!", asked Frostwraith.

"Well, if it isn't Frostwraith himself... Tell me how much do you miss your body and the rest of your soul? Bwa ha ha ha ha! You could become one with me, you know..."

"Why don't you just answer my question?"

"Ah, yes... Monsieur Frostwraith always thinking about the grander things of the Multiverse... Heh heh... It is my wish to create a new and united world. Ambition, fear, sadness, love, envy, anger, despair... The list goes on and on... They do have something in common... It drives humans to become what you mice would call 'evil'... Yes, the same 'evil' that drives people to kill each other... More or less the same for the other living beings, they kill each another to survive, after all. So, my objective is to spread chaos throughout the worlds, which, among other effects, would draw the inner bloodlust of all living beings causing massive carnage and fighting... Seeing the ground turning crimson with blood is, indeed, a satisfying premise... That carnage would lead to many deaths, bringing the survival of the fittest idea to an extreme. The more capable would survive longer. After I deem the fights as over, I would use my powers to turn all those survivors into my loyal followers, obeying every single order without question... Using said strongest beings as role models, I would increase my ranks and make their minds one with mine, like a hive of insects where I would play the role of a Queen. In this case, I suppose 'God' would fit me better. With all of this, We would become Legion and all in-fighting would be impossible, since no one would have the will to question me. After all, I would be one an many, the Alpha and the Omega of all... With in-fighting among living beings impossible and a completely new world justly ruled by me, wouldn't that be... the meaning of peace?", rambled the Master.

"Peace?! At the cost of free will?"

"What a complete naive fool you are... FREE WILL IS THE SOURCE OF EVIL! AS LONG AS THERE'S NO OBEDIENCE TO A MASTER LIKE ME THERE WON'T BE ANY PEACE! HUMANS AND LIVING BEINGS LIVE TO KILL, TO SLAY! FREE WILL CREATES AMBITION AND AMBITION BECOMES EVIL AND EVERYONE STRUGGLES FOR POWER AND DOMINANCE! No... Only when We all become Legion and I create a world equal to all will there be everlasting peace!", the Master responded.

"You're insane... You're willing to break fundamental laws of the dimensions for your delusions? You speak of how evil is ambition, yet you have a very twisted goal and intend to use any means necessary to achieve it. That sounds like the same evil ambition you just described... And the 'peace' you seek? How is that not just a thinly veiled farce in a pitiful attempt to hide what you truly are: a power-hungry madman with delusions of godhood that wants nothing but power and control over others.", lectured Frostwraith.


"Oh, great... I will die in the name of peace... Sounds about right...", said Frostwraith sarcastically.

To be continued...

And the Master has officially gone to a whole other level of insanity.


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York

“What do you mean he just, ‘ran off’?” Dimentio questioned at the holographic Future Chaos.

“Well, Dimentio, the Eon just stated, ‘STRANGER DANGER’ and ran off, what do else do you expect from me?” he stated, “We could take full advantage of this, how long until the voting ends?”

“Tommorow as ruled out by Muhti. He seems weary of this dictator role.” Dimentio said.

“It doesn’t truly matter fool, take your mind off the peasant and bring him to Final Destination to stop Xiroey NOW!

"We can’t have him running off like that.” Future Chaos demanded.

“Yes sir.” Dimentio said. The holographic image then disappeared.

Dimentio walked into the Assembly Room, where some leaders remained, still deciding upon the matter or plain old debating. Muhti sat on top of his throne worried. Dimentio approached the ruler.


“Yea?”, Muhti answered, not facing the jester at all.

“We have to go to Final Destination.” Dimentio requested.

“Not now, Dim.” Muhti stated.

“There is major trouble arising right now.” Dimentio lied with glee. “You could be the hero who saves all!”
Muhti finally faced him and sighed, “Fine, let’s go.”


Future Chaos closed down his holographic link with Dimentio. He finally saw a beam of light come out from outside.

Chaos then yawned and walked out.

“What are these hooligans up to now?” he thought out loud.

He finally exited the Lor and saw Mari meeting up with her group, holding the sword as if it was a toy. He studied it closer and gasped.

“Impossible, how could she have that sword?” Chaos instantly recognized it and casually walked by the group.

They perked up their ears as they heard Chaoss harsh footsteps. Mari ushered them to put their weapons down as he arrived.

“Morning everybody. How are you all?” Chao asked with a smile on his face.

“H-hey Muhti.” Magalor greeted nervously, “we just fought off some enemies and Mari found this sword, she says it’s nothing special though.”

“Yep, too bad it had nothing good from it.” she filled in.

Chaos smirked and confronted her, “Oh, it’s a shame you’ve said that about dear Eden.

Mari shivered at the way Chaos mentioned the name. Magalor, Marx, and Drawcia made curious looks at her.

“Is he telling the truth?” they asked concerningly.

Chaos lightly laughed, “Why of course I’m not. Besides why in the world would you all of a sudden trust me?”
The three ex-antagonists let out a sigh, while Chaos held onto his smirk, exchanging eye glances at Mari.

“Oh and Mari, your brother is dire need of you. He left New York for Tokyo to check some… stuff.” Chaos added in.

Mari paled even whiter. She knew he couldn’t be lying after the whole Eden incident.

“Why Tokyo?” she asked cautiously.

“I am unaware of why he has done such a thing. But one thing is certain; you should really check out your brother some time or another.” Chaos then turned with his hands behind his back and started whistling. He finally froze and noticed the eerie presence of Master Hands aura… gone. He let a slight laugh and continued walking.

Those Chaos Emeralds… Will be mine!


The duo appeared at Final Destination.

“Do you hear that?” Dimentio questioned.

“Yea…” Muhti responded, finally letting out black smoke, “He has arrived…”

Xiroey was seen on the horizon, shouting out “STRANGER DANGER”. Behind him was Sonic, gaining on him each millisecond.

“I got Xiroey, you take out the Hedgehog.” Chaos ordered with a slight nod from Dimentio.

As Xiroey zoomed by, his fur seemed to become darker and darker. He stopped in front of Chaos and Dimentio with fright.

Sonic finally stopped behind Xiroey as well.

“Well Xiroey, you appear to be like a single soldier cornered by an army.” Dimentio said with a creepy smile.

“We are NOT part of the same army Dimentio! I want Xiroey to come back with ME.” Sonic stated as his anger boiled for Muhtis group.

“Over my dead body hedgehog.” Dimentio stated. A fight broke out between the two as Chaos neared Xiroey.

“It’s been so long…” Chaos stated as he approached him.

Was going to write more, but decided to see where you guys would take it *cough* Xiroey *cough* :p


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
Forum Fight: One Last Hope For The Worlds: Promises.

The Master's Realm, a few minutes earlier...

Mari couldn't completely focus in the task at hand. Here she was, right in the middle of enemy territory, and she was still thinking about her brother.

He was on Earth...in Tokyo, Japan...

The real question was, How did Muhti, of all people, know of her brother? It completely baffled her. She didn't tell anyone else besides Magolor, Sonic, Drawcia and Marx...and she was absolutely sure that Eric himself would NEVER side with the likes of him, right? At least, for all the right reasons, right?


He knew.

He knew all along.

Mari stopped short and fell behind everyone else. It was only logical. Muhti had KNOWN that her brother was alive. And he was keeping that from her. Her own brother. For who knows how long. Her own brother.

Her fists tightened and her face gave way to a snarl. And just like that, her hatred for Muhti leaped to a whole new level.

"Muhti..." Mari silently cursed. All at once, rage filled her heart and painful thoughts raced across her mind...

How...how DARE HE?! Does he even know HOW LONG I'd been morning for him before I discovered he was alive? How much it hurt even to THINK about him? How much I went through to make sure I would keep his promise, to protect anyone I can, in his memory? Does he even know how much I miss and love my brother...?!?!!!


She blinked and suddenly, Magolor was right there, shaking her shoulders and looking like he would faint any second. Seeing his face like that, Mari forced herself to calm down. It wasn't easy, but she did.

"Mari...? Are you OK?" Magolor asked gently.

"...Yeah...I'm OK." Mari quickly lied. She wasn't OK. On the inside, she was furious!

"You...you looked really angry..." Magolor still spoke in a calm voice, as if yelling at would set her off. "And that sword..."

Mari glanced down and noticed that Eden was glowing a fiery orange-red, and there was so much energy coming off it that it was almost impossible to hold it steady. She felt like she wanted to...hurt someone. Badly. Very, very badly.

"Yeah, you looked like you wanted to completely annihilate something." Marx added.

Mari stood there silently, not saying a word for a while. Slowly, the rage within her heart slowly cooled until it was a small flame, but still burning strong. Eden somehow reflected this by dimming its glow until it was almost normal. Almost.

"I'm fine." Mari finally said, walking pass her friends. Soon they encountered the Master himself. But as he was babbling about his great Legion plan and how free will was the root of all evil, Mari made a vow.

Muhti...After we defeat the Dark Ones...After we kill the Master...After I find my brother...

I will find you. And I will make you pay.

That's a promise.

Meanwhile, In Final Destination...


Dimentio looked like he was having the time of his life as he fired spell after spell in rapid succession at Sonic's feet. Sonic easily avoided all of them, but he was getting really peeved at the fact that the jester was laughing at his face.

"Laugh all you want, Dimentio, but I'm still going to come out on top!" He called.

"Oh, we'll see about that...Teach."

"Don't you dare call me that!"

Sonic leaped up into the air and tried to land a Homing attack on him, but the jester merely flipped into another dimension. When he flipped back, there were several clones of him scattered around the platform.

"Hiding, huh? I'd expect that from you." Sonic taunted. Then he had an idea.

"You know, I have better things to do than waste time playing with you. I have a promise to keep!" Sonic turned his back and pretended to walk away towards Xiro. " Yo, Xiro!"

Suddenly, an almost transparent wall appeared in front of him. "What the...?"

"Xiroey...is a little busy at the moment..." The real Dimentio smirked evilly. It was then Sonic realized that he was trapped inside one of Dimentio's magic boxes, and whatever plan he had line up for him backfired in his face.

There was only one thing Sonic could do. "XIROEY! Whatever Muhti has to say to you, don't listen!" He banged his fists on the wall, trying to draw the Eon's attention. "Just forget about me and run away--"

(As Mari vows vengeance against Muhti (who is really Chaos) in the Master's Realm, Sonic the Hedgehog squares off with Dimentio in Final Destination, who has the blue hero in his clutches. What has the jester done to Sonic? Find out in the next posts! :D )


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
One Last Hope for the Worlds: Part VI

Fire Emblem: Awakening - "Run all you like-you can't escape fate!"


"Oh, great... I will die in the name of peace... Sounds about right...", said Frostwraith sarcastically.

"IT... IT IS RIGHT! I WILL USE YOUR BODY AND TEAR YOUR SOUL AND EVERYTHING APART! THE WORLD BELONGS TO MEEEEEEE!", yelled the Master. "This realm will become red with your blood, in which I will bathe and bask upon my glory! I hunger for blood! I CAN NEVER HAVE ENOUGH BLOOD!"

"I won't let you damage this or any other world any further, fiend!", responded Master Hand, punching the Master.


"Careful, everyone. Mind that he's possessing Frostwraith's body. We can't afford to attack him directly. Instead, aim for the aura surrounding him.", explained Master Hand. "I will fight him directly. All of you will focus on his minions!"

The Master's Vessel
Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Final Destination

"Impudent meddler! You shall not stop me this time!", the Master yelled at Master Hand, shooting a dark wave at Master Hand.

Master Hand grabbed the wave and threw it back at the Master, nullifying its power.

"You reflected my attack?! Hmph... It seems I will rely on more drastic measures to deal with you!", reacted the Master.

Master Hand took no hesitation in attacking the Master with his lasers and damage the dark aura around him, hurting him.

"I see... the aura is the Master's essence itself. If I can damage it enough, it will likely lose its grip on Frostwraith's soul...", thought Master Hand.

"Damn you!", reacted the Master, jumping high. "TAKE THIS!"

The Master came crashing down towards Master Hand, with his hands covered in dark energy. Master Hand dodged the attack and punched the Master as he landed, sending him flying.

"HRRGH!", the Master groaned as he landed.

The Master got up and slashed Master Hand with his own hand by using his dark power to materialize a blade of energy.

"Gwaah!", Master Hand screamed, crashing to the ground.

"This was one of my weakest attacks! It seems that you're not so strong after all!", mocked the Master.

"I... I wouldn't...", groaned Master Hand as he got up. "I wouldn't be so overconfident!"

Master Hand charged towards the Master, grabbing him and throwing him to the ground.

"Damn this... This is not going according to my plan... IT ISN'T PART OF MY PLAN! DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE!", yelled the Master madly, throwing dark energy balls crazily.

Master Hand dodged the energy balls and shot more lasers from his fingers, damaging the aura further.

"You... YOU'RE GETTING ON MY NERVES!", yelled the Master, preparing an attack.

Dark energy began to gather around his hands, forming an increasing mass of pure darkness. Fearing something powerful, Master Hand attempted to interrupt, only to be kicked viciously by the Master himself. Master Hand couldn't resist and was sent flying, crashing into the ground.

Master Hand started bleeding and had difficulties in moving.

"Hyeh heh heh heh heh... HAAA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!", the Master laughed hysterically. "At long last, I'll see you dead... DARK BEAM!"

The Master shot a pitch black beam from his hands, hitting Master Hand hard and rendering him unconscious.

"BYEE HEEE HEE HA HA HA HA HA! HAA HA HA HA HA HA! HYEE HA HA HA!", the Master laughed insanely. "At long last... With you out of my way, I can finally start to build my worl--"

A ray of light suddenly struck the Master, interrupting him and damaging the aura around him even further.

Pokémon Diamond / Pearl / Platinum - Arceus Battle

"GWAAAAH!", screamed the Master. "WHO DARES DEFY ME?!!"

"I shall not let you destroy the world I created.", stated Arceus, fading in before the Master. "For the damage you have to the multiverse, there's only one suitable punishment for you."


"Your delusions will not change who you truly are. You are powerful, but you're no god. For breaking the laws of the multiverse, you will be subjected to divine punishment.", Arceus calmly stated, preparing an attack.

Arceus quickly shot another ray of light, hitting the Master and further damaging the aura.


"I should inform you that the minions you've sent to fight us have been defeated. Outnumbered, they didn't stand a chance.", stated Arceus.

"It's not like those worthless fools had any value to begin with! I can send more!", stated the Master madly, opening portals to send more of his minions.

"Embrace judgement...", calmly stated Arceus, summoning the Dimensional Cannon, which had the Chaos and Sol Emeralds, the Time Gears, the Eye of Sargeras and many other sources of power attached to and most importantly, contained Frostwraith's Soul Jar.

Arceus, Palutena, Dyntos, Naga, Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, Reshiram, Zekrom and Kyurem began chanelling their power to the cannon, charging it even further.

The cannon shot and quickly obliterated the dark aura surrounding Frostwraith's body.

"Quickly! Frostwraith!", yelled Palutena.

The Soul Jar was opened and the tiny soul fragment quickly charged toward the body, entering inside it and expelling the Master from it.

"BLAAAAAAAAAAARRRRGGGHHHH!", screamed the Master, who simply looked like a bunch of dark energy. "Hmph... You managed to take me out of this vessel... Heh heh heh heh heh... It's not like I needed it anymore... For I have many spare bodies cloned from Frostwraith! So... I still have the upper hand... If you want to kill me so badly... COME TO MY TOWER! I shall be waiting at the top... I shall eagerly await for you mice to come...! I shall await your slaughter! It will be a bloody shower and I shall have the meal of my life as I soak in your blood and drink it! HYEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HA HA HA HA HA...!!"

The Master began floating and flew quickly to the tower.

Fire Emblem: Awakening - Chaos

Frostwraith opened his eyes, finally reclaiming his body after it was hijacked by the Master.

"Frost, are you okay?", stated Luco.

"Yeah... I'm fine.", Frostwraith responded.

Frostwraith's Chandelure quickly came to him.

"Chandelure!", reacted Frostwraith, upon seeing his partner. "I'm sorry if I made you worry..."

"Frostwraith... We must hurry. The dimensions won't last much longer.", stated Arceus.

"What about Master Hand? Is he okay?", stated Frostwraith.

"He's injured, but his power isn't gone. He will recover quickly.", responded Arceus.

The group reunited and continued to move forward.

"Hmph... It feels a little odd... Having a body again after all this time stuck in that Soul Jar...", mumbled Frostwraith. "I should materialize my sword first..."

Frostwraith spawned his sword and swung it a bit.

"A little bit rusty, but not bad... Guess I'll need to go daily training...", commented Frostwraith. "This dark world... I feel I've been here before... Before it became tainted by the Master and the Dark Ones..."

The group eventually finds a mysterious temple.

"I think we should rest here for a while.", advised Frostwraith.

"Why is that?", reacted Pit.

"We cannot push ourselves too hard. We may be in a hurry, but there's plenty of time for breaks like this too. Besides, that temple is highly suspicious. What if it's guarded by Dark Ones?", responded Frostwraith.

"He has a point.", agreed Samus. "We don't know what could waiting for us in that temple."

"Exactly, that's why we need to review our equipment, tend our wounded before moving on. Also, Master Hand needs to recover too. We should move in about two hours...", stated Frostwraith, before walking away from the army.

Summoning his tent, Frostwraith enters inside with his Chandelure and picks up a book, which he starts reading.

The Master loses and Frostwraith is back! However, there are still trials that await Master Hand's army before the final showdown against the Master.

Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
time to write a part.

[In the Master's World]

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBnf98KdpWM -Kansai - Rococco

Master Hand: Careful, everyone. Mind that he's possessing Frostwraith's body. We can't afford to attack him directly. Instead aim for the aura that is emanating from him, I will fight him directly while all of you will focus on his minions.

Richard: Master Hand, don't attack him by yourself, remember what happened to crazy hand?

Master Hand: Yes but I still want you to focus on his minions, do not help out!

Richard: Okay but i'll still help you fight him from a distance while taking care of his minions as well! I have a lesson I need to teach him about trying to play genius when that is obviously my job!

Frostwraith: Richard, I'm sure Master Hand can handle the master by himself, just help us focus on the master's minions for now.

Richard: I already know what's going to happen to master hand if he takes on the master by himself, it'll be master hand's fate, which is why I must help him.

Wesker: Frostwraith, listen to what he's saying, i'll help you fight the master's minions alongside our other allies while Richard assists master hand. This is our last stand for the dimensions as well as our homeworlds.

(I just thought I'd start it out a little frost, sorry if it wasn't what you were thinking of)

[Segment End]

Fire Emblemier

The Crests are to Blame
Apr 4, 2013
United States
Switch FC
Time for some character development.
Several years ago...

A young FireEmblemnier is seen trying to ignite an unlit torch with his mind. Embers could easily be seen sparked, but not a single flare.

"I can't do it, it's way to hard." groaned Fire exhausted from trying to light the torch.

"You must continuing trying, until you light the torch, I could stay here all night, until you finish." replied Fire's mentor.

"hmm... fine.." Fire sighed

"Ok, like I said before focus your mind, on what your trying to do, without focus, you will never be able to light the torch" the mentor stated.

FireEmblemnier nodded, and focused on the torch. He put the image of him lighting it in his mind, and with a slight exhale a flame burst.

"Excellent my pupil, you will master the arts of the mind in no time!" Fire's Mentor exclaimed

Fire grinned, and then he asked "What's next?"

"Careful, everyone. Mind that he's possessing Frostwraith's body. We can't afford to attack him directly. Instead, aim for the aura surrounding him.", explained Master Hand. "I will fight him directly. All of you will focus on his minions!"

After those words, Fire knew one thing a war was ensured. Suddenly, though, a figure in some sort of high tech armor blasted FireEmblemnier with a energy pulse. He saw it coming and braced himself, hoping the blast wouldn't be too strong. He easily took in the blast, he then quickly rushed to the armored figure. The armored figure and Fire were face to face, Fire looked into the visor of the figure and realized it was his mentor, Mewtwo.

"Mewtwo?!" Fire was baffled why was his mentor working with the master, and why was his first target, his own apprentice, so may questions he didn't know the answer to. All he knows is that he's in the battle for his life.

VS. Armored Mewtwo
FireEmblemnier's Mentor​
What will happen next? Find out when I feel like posting the battle!​
Also hope you enjoyed the plot twist of my Mentor being Mewtwo, and on the Master's side with that.​


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
As it turned out, Xiroey's feet were able to carry him pretty far.

He wasn't really sure where he was going. He wasn't really sure of anything other than running.

Was that his purpose in life?

To run forever? With no true destination? Guided onward by will and fate, sprinting away from his troubles, and away from his horrible destiny?

He began to slow. Not because he was tired, but because there was nowhere else to run. He'd literally run out of platform.

This close to the source of the suffocating dark aura, he fount it almost impossible to catch his breath. He doubled over, quickly becoming light headed. He knew he should probably run again, until he was away from the dark clouds, but they were like a vacuum sucking him in. He tried to move his feet, but they were hunks of lead.

"You like them? The Master went all out with these"?

Someone was talking to him. Mari? No, he was being silly, Mari was far far away now.

He tried to turn around to face his opponent. Being stuck with your back to the enemy was one of the worst scenarios to be in. He couldn't even rely on his senses, the dark aura made his head foggy.

"Heheh, not much of a talker are you? That's weird, I could've sward I saw you screaming your head off earlier".

Xiroey tried to turn around. It was hard, but as long as whoever it was behind him was wasting time talking, he knew he had to try. He just needed vision. If he could only move his legs.

"Seriously, 'stranger danger?' What are you, in preschool"?

Of course, a spell! He felt dumb for not thinking of it earlier. He didn't need to see, he just needed to affect a big enough radius.

Better yet...


There was a soft grunting sound from behind, his sudden outburst must've confused whoever it was because they'd gone silent.

He charged up energy. He couldnt' transform, whatever the clouds were, they were supressing the majority of his powers, including his ability to transform back.

That was okay though, this particular hex only affected spell-casts. It fatigued the victims mind, until they were too tired to think or focus thier spells.

He didn't need a focused spell though, he just needed a big enough blast.

He heard footsteps, whoever it was behind him, they must've figured out what was up, they were running for him now.

He felt his fingertips crackle with stored power. He decided to quote one of his favorite video game characters for the heck of it. He pointed his palms at the ground. Then fired.


He flew. The blast's recoil caused him to quickly pick up velocity. It was like that time back in the forest, he was a human bullet.

The thing, he saw now what it was, it was 7 foot tall, shadowy bear-beast. It watched him fly with an amused look on it's face.

The look made Xiroey nervous, It was like it was expecting Xiroey to fly away.


He cursed, then transformed back into his true form. Wings sprouted from his back and caught the air. He felt himself stabilize.

All that time, he'd been so focused on the clouds at the edge of the platform, he hadn't even bothered to look up.
The sky above him was a swirling vortex. He could feel it trying to pull him in, like the clouds below ground were. He was able to fight back and adjust his path.

He needed to do something about those clouds. He had a feeling that something, somewhere was causing them. And whoever it was probably somewhere nearby.

He heard a growl from below. He looked down--and nearly gasped in surprise.

The bear thing was running for him. It seemed kind of foolish, since he was way up in the air. Maybe he was looking for some big shadowy tree to climb?

The air near him sparked. His sensed immediately alerted him to the danger, and he swirved to the side. A lightning bolt nearly hit him. He felt the fibers of his left wing singe slightly.

"Great. Fly away and become poke-barbecue, or land and become bear-meat".

Xiroey got the feeling Destiny really didn't like him right now.

He decided to take his chances with the bear. He was too close to the clouds, and even from this distance he could feel them begining to sap his stregnth. He angled his flight downwards. Maybe if he could fool the bear, he could out maneaver it. He focused. He wasn't sure how one of his illusions would affect a shadow being without a real 'mind', but he tried creating an illusionary look-alike of himself.

He'll probably be able to sense me, even if I go invisible. The look-alike probably won't work either. I need to play my cards carefully here.

He and his double split off in seperate directions. Not surprisingly, the bear ignored his clone intirely and went straight for him. Lightning began to pour like rain. He tried to zig inbetween them, but there were a billion lightninb bolts too many. Eventually, he had no choice but to take a direct hit.

The electricity ignited his nerves like fire. He became semi-conscious.

He wasn't really aware of it, but he was on a direct collision course with the floor of final destination.

Yet again, he had a feeling of deja vu.

Maybe Crash would swoop down and save him again.

Down below, he heard another growl. The bear was running in to secure it's prey.

He was blacking out.

In a last ditch effort, he tried to prepare his Luster Purge. If this bear thought he was an easy meal, he was in for one heck of a shock.

The bear leaped for him. This was it. His body glowed bright white. He saw a sharp pair of black claws arc toward his face.

Then, just like that, they were gone.

It took him a while to realize what was happening, but when he regained his senses somewhat, he realized that he'd been rescured. Sonic was standing over him. He was leing on the ground at the hedgehog's feet. He thought his wing might be broken.

Sonic flashed him a brief thumbs up, then turned to face the shadow beast.

"I gotta hand it to ya Xiro, for a human, you're pretty fast".

The bear regathered it's wits. It pulled itself up, focusing his hateful gaze on the blue hedgehog.

It pawed the ground once. Twice.

Then was knocked clean over again by Sonic's spin dash.

"Is that all you've got? They just don't make bad guys like they used to".

Sonic landed neatly on his feet. He wiggled his finger at the beast and beckoned it forward again.

The bear's gaze went blood red. Hate empowered every once of it's being. It roared at sonic, showing a deadly set of canines.

Xiroey tried warning Sonic to be careful. But just the act of speaking made pain shoot up his broken wing, all the way down his spine. He blinked away tears, and tried his best to watch as Sonic danced his way around the bear's attacks again and again. He purposefully let the bear get close, sometimes missing a swipe by mere millimeters. With each missed attack, the bear grew more and more enraged.

Xiroey knew what sonic was doing. Sonic was keeping the bear's attention on him. Right now, Xiroey was defenseless.

Sonic evaded a low swipe at his neck. He saw the bear lean forward, the attack sent it off balance for just the briefest of milliseconds. Sonic capitalized on it with unpredictable speed, he dashed all the way behind the bear, then spindashed into it from behind. The bear went tumbling.

It was almost comical, seeing a bloodlusted beast of pure evil do a bunch of front flips. It didn't stop until it had spun sevreal meters away. It lied on it's back, still and unconscious.

He expected Sonic to strike some kind of victory pose, but as soon as he saw the beast was no longer a threat, he went straight for Xiroey.

"Hey, you alright". The cockiness from earlier was gone, he looked down at Xiroey with conscern written all over his face.

"Yeah... I thi--"

Xiroey winced. That fall really did a number on him.

Sonic saw the pained look on Xiroey's face, then seemed to come to a conclusion.

He reached into behind himself. Xiroey wasn't really sure what he was doing, but eventually he managed to produce of of the chaos emeralds.

Xiroey wondered why sonic decided to pull out one of those. He held it close to Xiroey's wing.

He saw Xiroey cast him a worried look and smiled back reassuringly.

"Don't worry... I've done this before... once."

Sonic closed his eyes. The emerald glowed brightly.


A bright green flash burst inbetween them. At first, Xiroey thought, maybe, the emerald had activated. But when the flash cleared, the emerald was on the floor.

And sonic's hand was on fire.

"None-a that now."

A portly plumber with a black mask and a familiar italian accent appeared between them.

Xiroey's mind was blank at first. It took him a second to register what happened. A second too long.

Luigi fired a fireball at him. Instinct took effect before his mind could stop him. He transformed back, and leaped quickly to his feet.

"Good-a reflex. But how about-a this"?

Luigi leaped at him. It was quick and unpredictable, Xiroey manged to look up just soon enough to see a fist enter his view. Then he saw black and blue.

Sonic manged to recover from having his hand ignited, and saw Xiroey under attack. Luigi laughed, seeing Xiroey trying to cover a bloody nose. Unfortunately, he was enjoying himself a little too much--and left himself wide open to one of Sonic's flying kicks-to-the-face.

Luigi went down.

And Xiroey saw his chance.

He hated to abandon sonic, but, as he was, he was no help to anyone. Even transformed, he could still feel the splitting pain in his back. He wouldn't let that stop him though.

Luigi looked up, and saw Xiroey poised and ready to sprint. Xiroey spared him once glance before he took off. He pointed a finger at Luigi and cried out at the top of his lungs.


He ran away. Aparently, he also caught sonic by surprise, because he watched Xiroey go with an atonished look on his face. Sonic glanced down at luigi, and delighted in his equally confused look.

"Catch ya later". He stuck out his tongue at Luigi, then took off after Xiroey.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Post segment 1 of 2 -- Just explaining what happened after Xiroey and Sonic split off from the group.

Gotta head to sleep now but

Second part~ The confrontation with Muhti(Chaos) coming soon ^^

Fire Emblemier

The Crests are to Blame
Apr 4, 2013
United States
Switch FC
VS. Armored Mewtwo
FireEmblemnier's Mentor​
"Ah, Fire, let's see how powerful you have become since your training with me." Mewtwo boldly stated.​
"Wait! I can't fight you, your the one who trained me." Fire replied trying to escape the deadly battle that might occur.​
"Silence, you must! Now come at me with your best" Mewtwo stated with a grin.​
FireEmblemnier knew there was no way out of this battle, he had to fight his mentor.​
"Fine then. If you really want a fight that's what you'll get!" Fire yelled​
Fire without hesitation fired a beam of flames at Mewtwo. Mewtwo quickly pulled up a light screen, that just barely made the flames dissipate. He then quickly retaliated with a flurry of Psycho Cut. Fire one by one dodged each of the attacks swiftly, but the last one sliced into his arm.​
Fire clinged onto his arm in pain, when suddenly, Raichu jumped in front of him.​
"Don't worry, Fire, I got this, just focus on that arm of yours" He stated with enthusiasm, Raichu, then shot a quick bolt of Lightning at Mewtwo.​
"Don't leave, me out of this Raichu, He's only after me" Fire stated, holding on to his cut arm.​
Fire put up a PSI shield, to absorb Mewtwo's attacks, then pulled out his sword. Mewtwo, noticing the shield, lunged at Fire with a Drain Punch. Fire quickly reacted with a parry. Raichu jumped and charged at Mewtwo with a Volt Tackle, Fire then, quickly ignited his sword with Flames and slashed at him. Mewtwo smirked at the both of them and pulled out a peculiar stone. He then Mega-Evolved into Mega Mewtwo X.​
"Oh Cr-" Raichu said, but was abrupt-ed by a uppercut from Mewtwo.​
Fire was in awe, but then quickly snapped out of it, after seeing Raichu blasted in the air. He charged at Mewtwo with his sword, slicing pieces of the armor clear off. Mewtwo laughed, but was interrupted by another slash from Fire, causing him to drop to stone and de-evolve.​
"Are we done here?" stated Fire panting from exhausting battle.​
"I sure hope so." Raichu said clambering on his feet.​
Fire pulled Mewtwo up.​
"Why were you fighting on the Master's side, anyways?" Fire Asked​
Mewtwo was silent for a moment, but then spoke.​
"If you want to know, I'll tell you. I never cared about the Master's goal, the moment I joined his army is the moment you joined Mater Hand's. I wanted to see how much you grown ever since your training." Mewtwo replied.​
"Well then, if your not fighting for the Master, why don't you fight with us? Just think about it for a moment." Fire stated.​
Mewtwo, again was silent, thinking it over. He then nodded in agreement.​
"Wait... what just happened, one moment we were fighting, the next he's on our side, I'm confused." Raichu said baffled.​
"I fill you in, later, but let's just worry about the rest of his army." responded FireEmblemnier​
Mewtwo joined the party!​


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
One Last Hope for the Worlds: Part VII

Fire Emblem: Awakening - "Negotiation's not my strong suit..."

In the Master's realm, near the temple Master Hand's army found...

Frostwraith looked at his books, all of them written by their ancestors and passed down by the generations. He stared at one book in particular.

"What does this book contain?", he questioned. "No... I must not open this one... Not until I am done with him... The unfinished book... The one my father never lived to end it. His research... What could it be? What sort of unique power could he have sought?"

Frostwraith stored his books in his bag and looked outside his tent, seeing one of his wooden statues he used for training. He approached it slowly and assumed a stance, wielding his sword.

"Now!", he suddenly yelled, cutting the statue in two. "Hmm... Indeed, my sword skills are lacking... Nothing that daily training won't fix... But now, I must go back to the camp and prepare myself."

Frostwraith used his special bag to store his stuff and walked slowly to the encampment where the rest of the army stayed.

"This group's size has grown considerably... Hmmm... 'Group' seems to be an understatement by now... Indeed, 'army' is a more fitting term.", mumbled Frostwraith, as he observed the others, thinking out loud. "Hmm... Yes, multiple people from several different dimensions, each with their own capabilities and powers... Such an interesting observation must not be overlooked..."

Frostwraith picked up a notebook from his back and began writing on it.

"Hmm... Looks like I'll have a lot to write here later.", mumbled Frostwraith as he looked at the last things he had written in the notebook. "I certainly hope I don't overlook any detail..."

"So, he's the one being talked about lately...", Frostwraith overheard.

"He's a bit of a mysterious guy...", another voice spoke.

Frostwraith looked in the direction the voices came, seeing X and Zero.

"Frostwraith? That is your name, right?", reacted X as he noted Frostwraith's presence.

"Yes. Is there something I can do for you?", Frostwraith responded.

"Er, it's nothing.", X responded.

"You have joined this army not too long ago, yes?", Frostwraith responded.

"That's correct.", responded Zero. "My name is Zero, case you don't know."

"I am X. We're Reploids.", continued X.

"Reploids? Why does that name feel vaguely familiar...? I feel like I've heard that name before...", reacted Frostwraith. "Well, never mind. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must be going..."

Frostwraith continued to be on his way, looking around the camp.

"Interesting... That guy over there just transformed into a scythe... Here's something I never seen before. Truly a testament to how there are many different worlds out there...", observed Frostwraith.

Frostwraith suddenly steps on something.

"What is this? Hmm... A book... Not just any book, this seems to be a magic tome. Indeed, I am quite familiar with this one... Its red coloring and power... No doubt this is a tome of Bolganone. Powerful fire magic...", commented Frostwraith. "Maybe I could keep it... It could be handy later, after all."

Frostwraith stopped for a second.

"Hmm... Guess it's almost time to get moving...", he calmly stated. "We don't have much time to lose..."

Fire Emblem: Awakening - Chaos

A few minutes later, the group was ready to advance through the Master's realm, heading inside the temple they had found.

"This temple... It can't be!", reacted Frostwraith. "I knew this place was familiar..."

"What's so special about this place?", stated Soul. "It's just some ruined temple..."

"The six pedestals, the tablet with the ancient writing... This is the Temple of the Forbidden Ones...", grimly stated Frostwraith.

"Temple of the Forbidden Ones?", reacted Samus.

"I can sense a lot of power here... Even more than the last time I came here.", observed Frostwraith. "I will read this tablet again... There sure are answers here."

[COLLAPSE="Inscription"]The Dark Voice lives...
The Dark Voice breathes...
The Dark Voice whispers through the heart of the living...
The Dark Voice has died already...

The Dark Voice was born...
Time and space are unknown to the Dark Voice...
Even Death fears the Dark Voice...
The Dark Voice is magic...

Every moment passes, the Dark Voice is born and dies again...
The Dark Voice thinks...
The Dark Voice knows all...
The Dark Voice commands...

All living beings are one as the Dark Voice!

A wish makes one die as long as the Dark Voice lives...
The Dark Voice is the truth...
The Dark Voice is one half...
The Dark Voice is happy...

The Dark Voice bleeds...
The Dark Voice is sad...
The Dark Voice is the herd composed by all the living...
The Dark Voice is good...

The Dark Voice is the seed of all the trees...
The Dark Voice is the remaining piece of the puzzle...
The unknown is known solely by the Dark Voice...
The question is: why does the Dark Voice exist?

Time, space and all the dimensions are as one in the Dark Voice!

The Dark Voice is legion...
Look around you and notice how all ties to the Dark Voice...
The Dark Voice is nothing but an illusion...
The Dark Voice is evil...

The Dark Voice is like a caring father to all of the living...
The Dark Voice is the brother and sister that all always wanted...
The Dark Voice transcends space...
The Dark Voice is perverted...

The Dark Voice is divinity...
The Dark Voice is one of many parts as a whole...
The Dark Voice is perfect...
The Dark Voice transcents the very existance itself...

Real or virtual... the Dark Voice is both!

The Dark Voice is older than some think...
The Dark Voice is the right path...
The Dark Voice is an ideal pursued by the strongest...
The Dark Voice is modest and careful...

All that remains in all existance is none other than the Dark Voice...
The Dark Voice consumes...
The Dark Voice watches...
The Dark Voice never forgives...

The Dark Voice transcends reality...
The Dark Voice transcends imagination...
The Dark Voice transcends time...
The Dark Voice is caring...

The Dark Voice has always existed, exists and will always exist!

The Dark Voice is a monster of unspeakable ferocity...
Look around you and look at yourself, for all you see and feel is nothing but the Dark Voice...
The Dark Voice is history...
The Dark Voice is barely real...

The Dark Voice survives...
Anything that happens is the Dark Voice's doing...
The Dark Voice is innocent like a newborn baby...
The Dark Voice awakes...

The Dark Voice is the beat of your heart...
The Dark Voice never forgets...
Think of anything and notice that the Dark Voice already had the same thought...
The Dark Voice is but a memory of a past long gone...

The Dark Voice will rise from its slumber and bring peace to all!

The Dark Voice is demonic...
The Dark Voice is caring and forgiving...
The Dark Voice has atoned all sins...
The Dark Voice is twisted and depraved...

Order exists within the Dark Voice...
The Dark Voice doesn't exist...
The Dark Voice is natural...
The Dark Voice is freedom...

The Dark Voice has forgotten all...
The Dark Voice is alone...
The Worlds are as one within the Dark Voice...
Nothing has any meaning, except the Dark Voice...

Bow down to the will of the Dark Voice!

The Dark Voice is the messiah everyone is waiting...
The Dark Voice sleeps gently...
The Dark Voice is to be expected by anyone, anywhere at any time...
All questions have an answer tied to the Dark Voice...

The Dark Voice began...
The Dark Voice is gone forever...
The Dark Voice is the key that opens all doors...
The Dark Voice is the very concept of humanity...

The Dark Voice is the one everyone counts on...
The Dark Voice is the friend everyone trusts...
The Dark Voice has no will of its own...
Every path leads to the Dark Voice...

All that happens is part of the Dark Voice's scheme!

No one knows about the Dark Voice...
The Dark Voice is, for it is neither...
The Dark Voice is the secret everyone hides...
The Dark Voice is a manifestation of jealously...

Emotions are tools used by the Dark Voice to expand its influence...
The Dark Voice is the monster everyone feared in their youth...
The Dark Voice is just past the border...
The Dark Voice is the temptation all seek to resist...

The Dark Voice fights...
The Dark Voice is eternal...
The Dark Voice is tempting...
Count the walls around a squared room, the fourth is the Dark Voice...

Nothing can stop the inexistant Dark Voice!

The Dark Voice has chosen everything...
The Dark Voice rules through an iron fist...
All existance belongs to the Dark Voice...

You are the Dark Voice![/COLLAPSE]

"That doesn't make sense!", yelled Rawk Hawk. "Can't that Master punk not be a coward and face the RAAAWWWK?!"

"The answers were all here and I never got them entirely right... This Dark Voice is none other than the Master... This is basically his plan...", Frostwraith observed.

"Halt, intruders!", a cultist said as he suddenly appeared before them. "How dare you taint this temple! Only the Dark Ones may set foot in this holy place! For your heresy, you shall be punished!"

"You sure are quite enthusiastic, aren't you?", a woman stated as she walked in.

"L-Lady Aversa?!", the cultist reacted.

"Don't be so surprised, sweetie. I am here to help you, after all.", stated Aversa.

"Aversa?!", reacted Chrom.

"She's not the same woman you know.", stated Master Hand. "This Aversa is from another world... One already on its path to ruin."

"Oooh... If it isn't Master Hand and his dogs... Come all to me, I have a kiss ready for you all... Hee hee hee...", mocked Aversa, in a seductive tone of voice.

Next segment: Battle against Aversa!


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
A bird that can't fly might as well be dead
What will you do now?
Will you lay down and die...
It took all of his willpower just to remain conscious. He wasn't sure how his feet were moving. Maybe he'd finally lost it and instinct had taken over.​
His throat hurt.​
He was shouting? It seemed odd that he'd be doing that. Wasn't the point not to draw the attention of the people that were chasing him? He couldn't think about that now. He wasn't aware of anything else but running. Running and the unbearable pain in his back that threatened to steal his consciousness at any moment. He could clearly see the way ahead of him, but, in his mind it was all a haze.​
Run away...
Quicker than fate...
Can never escape...
He came to a stop.​
No... That wasn't quite accurate. Something... Someone made him stop.​
Every sense in his body fired on at once. Colors, sights, sounds... everything.​
There was someone in front of him.​
"Xiroey... It's been so long".​
Something about Muhti seemed... off. He wasn't sure why he didn't notice it before. Maybe the pain in his back was making him dilusional?​
Come to think of it, someone called out to him.​
Their voice seemed pretty familiar at the time.​
He tried to look back at whoever had been calling him before, but Muhti put a hand on his sholder, forcing his attention forward.​
This was too much. He was tired of the world not making sense. He angrily shoved Muhti's hand away.​
"What do you want Muhti"? Xiroey growled.​
He saw a brief grimace cross Muhti's face, like he'd been hurt. The look was gone in an instant, but there was no doubt.​
"So... that's how you speak to me after all this time. I suppose I deserve that".​
He didn't have the slightest clue what Muhti was talking about. And--​
Why was--​
He couldn't move--​
Muhti couldn't be--​
A pair of arms wrapped around him. Muhti was hugging him. For a moment, he got a similar sensation to when Charizard wrapped him up in his wings. There was something familiar about the hug.​
He shoved Muhti away. Hard this time. He didn't realize it at the time, but somehow his stregnth had returned to him. Now that his mind was clear, he could process the sounds of a scuffle from behind him.​
"--that's right! Dance Hedgehog! Dance!"​
He turned his back on Muhti. "Sonic"!!​
There was a wall in between him and whatever was happening. He couldn't see thorugh it. When he tried to look for a way around, he realized that the wall seperating them wasn't actually a wall at all. It was a box.​
"They can't know. Not yet."​
Muhti spoke again. Only this time his voice wasn't his own.​
The sound of it sent chills down his spine. That voice struck too many familiar chords in his head. He turned around, becoming slightly dizzy with images that began to re-appear in his mind.​
"I'm sorry. I know it's hard. Somethings been supressing your memory all this time. I'm not sure what. I couldn't find you before, but whatever it is, it's been supressing my link to you".​
He tried his best to glare at Muhti. It wasn't hard, since he pretty much had the King of all Headaches.​
"Hey! Shut it will you, you're not making any sen--"​
He slowly moved his hands away from his head. Muhti must've pulled some miraculous dissapaering act or something. Whatever he did, he wasn't standing there anymore. Someone else was. They locked eyes. Xiroey felt a stab in his chest.​
"Ugh..." Chaos said "You're making me feel worse than I already do. Can you please just... stop looking at me like that"?​
"You're not"-- Xiroey tried his best to speak in between sobs.​
"I'm not your friend, no".​
The person standing before him wasn't a person at all. And he wasn't standing. Xiroey found himself looking at a very-familiar lookalike of himself. A black latios floated a few meters away. The only difference Xiroey could see were the eyes. They never seemed to settle on any one color, they were constantly shifting, just like thier owner.​
"Do you remember now"? Chaos whispered softly.​
Xiroey nodded. He couldn't believe it. Even with his memories returned. His legs were so wobbly he could barely stand.​
He tried his best to walk toward Chaos. Failing that, he transformed and Glided over.​
The pain in his wing was gone. He wasn't sure when that happened.​
He didn't care. He didn't care about anything else at that moment. Chaos embraced him again. Only this time Xiroey didn't push him away.​
"I'm sorry" Chaos said as Xiroey's tears began to flow freely. He held the Eon's head close to his sholder and whispered softly in his ear.​
"I'm sorry, Son".​


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
"Xiro... I'm so sorry".

His facade melted away as quickly as his disguise. Xiroey couldn't see Chaos change anymore. He had his face buried in his dad's shoulder, letting himself be held close just like when he was young. He remembered everything, the valley he grew up in, playing with his brothers and sisters, a sky filled with a billion pulsing stars--never the same color. But most of all, he remembered one of the kindest, most benevolent figures he'd grown to look up to.

He could feel the fake emotions melt away, and Chaos was himself again. And he was as powerful and benevolent as Xiroey remembered him.

"You don't know how happy it makes me to hear that" Chaos said, reading his emotions "but I don't deserve it. A father has to be more than kind. It was my duty to protect you... yet"--

Chaos wanted to go on. He wanted to explain each of the billions of ways that he'd failed as a parent, but something soft and scaley cut him off.

"You did everything you could" Xiroey looked him directly in the eye, placing a claw over his mouth "i'm not angry. We've both made mistakes, everyone does. But everything you did do, I know you did out of your best efforts to protect me. All of us."

With all the memories that came rushing back, one in particular appeared that was much darker. It scared Xiroey, and he tried his best to hide it from Chaos. The memory explained everything about the demon that possesed him, and why it made him act the way it did.

A pair of gold eyes, that were slowly started to fade into purple continued to stare back at him. Chaos might not have been able to speak right then, but those eyes told him everything.

"Stop apologizing alright? If you really want to do something for me"...

He trailed off, suddenly he had trouble keeping eye contact. It embarrassed him a bit to ask, but, when he thought about it, he realized he wasn't asking this just for him. He knew it would help Chaos too.

Feeling a bit braver, he removed his claw from around Chaos' mouth and asked

"Can you please hug me and sing to me the same way you used to when I was a kid"?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"So you're saying the Master planned all of this"?

It was disturbing news for everyone. Charizard hated to confirm everyone's fears, but they needed to know. The sake of the entire multiverse was at stake.

"It makes sense", Charizard explained to the ten-some pairs of eyes that were watching him. Spirit, Latias, Typhlosion, Bowser, and even Amy, who'd just found out who this 'master' was and what his plans were for all of them, each stared back at him with troubled expressions. "All of us had our attention set on the death star. According to Bowser, Impact City was under attack only minutes before he was transported there by some strange magician. It's safe to say, with Master hand's army holed up in another demension, and with Impact City focused on trying to reforify it's defenses, there was no one left to fight back against the master's main forces."

"So basically, what happened here to Yohsi's Island..." Spirit realized

"Has probably happened everywhere else too. Yes".

Charizard gave them all a moment to digest what they'd just heard. Latias seemed to recover the quickest, she bit down on her lower lip, the same way she usually did when her mind tried to figure out all the angles.

"We can't stop him, can we"? Spirit must've came to the same conclusion Latais did because Charizard saw her eyes darken.

"They're too spread out. Even if we did manage to rally all of Impact. The City would still be left defenseless".

"So what then"? Latias exploded. Her mind had given up on trying to find the answer, and now all she could do was let out her frustration "we just... leave everyone to die. Or get brainwashed"?

"I hate to admit it sis, but... do we really have any other choice"?

"Innocent people are getting hurt as we speak. We've all seen how ruthless these cultists can be. Smashboards might never be able to rebuild itself the same way again".

Amy watched the tempers flare back and forth. At first, she'd been content to simply sit quietly and let the experts discuss her fate, but, seeing the conflicts starting to escalate, she decided it was her time to step in.

"What we need to do... is focus"

She made her voice as hard and forceful as she could. It was really strange for them to hear such a strong voice come from such a small and gentle Yoshi, but at that moment, Amy's gaze had enough fire in it, even Charizard took a couple steps back.

"We can't do anything about what's happening everywhere else. But what we can do is stop the person that's causing all this in the first place".

"...Amy's right" Latias said, feeling her anger settle into newfound resolve.

"We can't do anything about the rest of the multiverse"

"But we can stop the scumbag responsible for causing all this in the first place" Typhlosion bared his fangs at the mention of the Master's new nickname.

Charizard looked at all of them, somehow Amy had managed rally everyone and set them back on the right track. He examined the pint-sized Yoshi closely. She carried with her an air of confidence and clear-headedness that Charizard hadn't noticed before.

"She'll make a great leader", Charizard reasoned to himself.

There was only one thing left to do then. Every minute they spent standing around was another innocent life lost. They needed to act now.

"I suppose we have no more business here then. Amy, I'm sure you'll watch over the rest of the tribe until Light Heart recovers."?

He knew what her answer would be even before she said it.

"We'll be fine. You guys go on and save the multiverse".


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
One Last Hope for the Worlds: Part VII

Fire Emblem: Awakening - Monstrosity (Intro)

"Lady Aversa! There's too many of them!", the cultist stated.

"Don't worry. I can summon Risen to match their numbers. You and me will handle this Frostwraith fellow...", Aversa responded.

"Of course, ma'am!", the cultist responded.

Aversa calls her black pegasus and starts around the temple.

"She wants to fight me personally? She seems to use dark magic... Let's go, Hydreigon!", Frostwraith quietly stated, sending Hydreigon and riding it.


Dark One

Fire Emblem: Awakening - Monstrosity

"Ooh... I didn't know you could ride such a fancy dragon... This will be interesting...", mocked Aversa, in a seductive tone. "This Goetia tome shall be your demise and your soul will be given to the Master."

Frostwraith remained silent and prepared a wind spell. Aversa dodged and attacked Frostwraith with Goetia. Being a Dark-type Pokémon, Hydreigon resisted the spell and so did Frostwraith, thanks to his magical abilities.

"Ooh, you're going to be tougher than I expected...", Aversa mocked.

Frostwraith attacked Aversa again, shooting a bolt of darkness, hitting her pegasus. Aversa countered Frostwraith's attack using Goetia again, but, like before, Frostwraith resisted.

"Picking a fight with me was your greatest mistake...", murmured Frostwraith, preparing an attack against Aversa. "Wind Blade..."

Frostwraith channeled magic power through his sword and swung it, shooting a magical sickle at Aversa, hitting her hard and knocking her down from her pegasus. The fall was high enough for Aversa to be knocked on the floor.

"As I expected... Wind magic is effective against fliers...", thought Frostwraith.

"Lady Aversa!", the cultist reacted. "You fool! How dare you harm Lady Aversa like this?"

"You and that woman picked a fight with me, I show you no mercy.", bluntly responded Frostwraith. "Hydreigon, return!"

"Perish, in the name of the Master! Spectral Blast!", the cultist reacted, launching a dark magic spell.

Frostwraith brushed off the spell like it was nothing.

"How did this happen?!", reacted the cultist.

"You expect that someone inexperienced in dark magic could hit me like that? Know your place!", retorted Frostwraith. "I shall show you what real dark magic is!"

Frostwraith's hands started to become covered in pure dark energy.

"You're about to witness your end...", calmly stated Frostwraith.

"I'm not afraid of your empty threats! The Master will prevail! My death means nothing!", reacted the cultist.

"Say your prayers!", responded Frostwraith, holding his right hand up and forming a huge sphere of darkness above him.

"Lady Aversa's Risen minions are vanishing... What is going on...?!", reacted the cultist.

"Looks like he's absorbing the magic around here...", reacted Marth.

Frostwraith quietly looked around him, finding all Risen zombies to be gone.

"The time has come...", Frostwraith whispered. "ANNIHILATION!"

The pitch black sphere hit the cultist, imploding and leaving nothing behind.


"Even his soul is gone!", reacted Maka.

"What the hell kind of spell was that?!", reacted Chrom.

"It was Annihilation. A dark spell passed down by my ancestors that eliminates body and soul of a victim. It is a very dangerous spell, indeed.", calmly explained Frostwraith.

"Don't you think it was a bit extreme to use such a spell like that?", questioned Palutena.

"I suppose so... However, I'm not one to hold back in a fight.", responded Frostwraith in his usually calm voice. "It's not like I can use this all the time, either. After all, a spell of this magnitude consumes a huge amount of power."

"So, why did you use so much power for a mere cultist?", questioned Zero.

"I just felt like it...", responded Frostwraith, with a sinister smile.

"You can be a bit creepy sometimes...", Luco noted.

"Well, I suppose dark magic can make me feel a bit more... sadistic... than usual. Magic has its side effects and with this realm covered in darkness, anyone can become corrupted. If it weren't for my innate magic power, I would have gone insane.", explained Frostwraith. "Well, let's get moving... This inscription seems to have a special meaning... There appears to be a door sealed off by this inscription... Indeed, this merits investigation..."

To be continued, I guess...


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
Final Destination

I promised her.

I promised I would check on him.

So how did I lose?

"Penny for your thoughts, Sonic?"

The blue hedgehog scowled as he tried once again to fight the paralyzing spell Dimentio had suddenly casted. It was useless. He was completely immobile. Not cool.

"Oh, I get it. Thinking about your precious pupil, aren't you?" The jester gave off a dark chuckle. "Like a shadow clinging to its owner, you and Magolor are. Except she doesn't exactly need you both anymore, does she?"

Sonic growled. "She'll always need us."

"Right...poor little Mari, too defiant for her own good. I wonder where she got that from..." Dimentio turned around and pretented to sigh sadly. "Now she's gone off to face the Dark Master all alone...Oh, well, at least she has that Halcandrian with her."


Sonic immediately started to fret over her. How could she have gone off without him? Or anybody else for that matter--

Wait a minute, am I seriously going to believe this guy?

"She'll be OK." Sonic said with a smirk. "I believe in her. Plus she's not alone. Frost and the others are there too, I just know it."

"You believe in her." Dimentio scoffed. "How corny, like an old western movie which has lost its luster."

"You really don't care about anyone, do you?" Sonic said. "Don't you know that if we fail, everything ends? That includes you AND Muhti!"

"Hmm, I know." Dimentio floated upside down, with his back still turned towards him. "But why get my hands dirty?"

Ungrateful, selfish jerk! When I get my hands on you...

Wait. Xiroey!

Sonic struggled with all his strength. He willed his head to one side so that he could get at least one glimpse of--


The hedgehog blinked a couple of times to make sure he wasn't seeing things...it looked like...Muhti was singing to Xiro.

While holding him in an embrace.

I...I don't...understand...is Xiroey...

"Eyes on me, Sonic. Don't get distracted, now."

Sonic felt himself being levitated forward. Dimentio was facing him now, with a wicked smile on his face. "Oh, but don't worry, I still haven't forgotten about your little student...

I bet you're just dying to see her!"

The Master's Realm

"Psst! Mags..." Marx scooted to one side next to Magolor, speaking to him in a low whisper. "I think Mari's still steamed."

Mari was a little a ways from the rest of the group, training and parrying an imaginary enemy with Eden. It seemed that with each passing second, her attacks became more relentless and cruel.

"Really." Magolor said sarcastically. "What was your first clue, the fact that she's training or that Eden is on fire?"

"What do you think has her so...mad?" Marx inquired. "I mean, I've seen her angry before, but this...it's different."

"How so?" Magolor asked.

"Well...considering she looks like she'll kill anything that moves, I'd say something's really got her ticked off."

"She needs time, Marx...unfortunately, that's something we're short on." Magolor wanted to go talk to her, but he's learned from experience that it's better to wait until she cooled down some more--

"MAGOLOR! MARI! Come quick!"

Drawcia was rushing towards them as quickly as she could fly. "It's Sonic..."

Immediately, Mari's ears perked at the mention of his name. "What? What about him?"

"He...he's here...Oh, but..."

"But what?!" Mari screamed. "Drawcy!"

Drawcia look upon her with sad eyes and said:

"He's not breathing at all."
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