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The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
One Last Hope for the Worlds: Part VIII

Fire Emblem: Awakening - Chaos

The group remained stationed at the Temple of the Forbidden Ones. Frostwraith observed the ruins silently, studying them and reading the strange inscription on the wall several times, attempting to decipher its meaning.

"Hmm... There are strange magical--no, POWER--patterns flowing through the inscription in an odd way... Is it... converging?", Frostwraith thought.

"How long are we going to stay here? Don't we have to hurry up or something?", stated Dark Pit impatiently.

"Hmm... I see... I see... This is more than just some inscription...", suddenly stated Frostwraith in a quiet voice, thinking out loud. "This is a door that leads to the other side of this temple..."

"Can't we just bust through?", Pit questioned.

"Yeah! Sounds like a good idea.", Black Star suddenly shouted.

"The Rawk thinks the same. We must use our strength and crush this stupid thing! Here comes the RAAAAWWWK!!", yelled Rawk Hawk.

Attempting to crash through the door, both the loud ninja and the Glitz Pit wrestler and blown away by a powerful surge of magic.

"What complete idiots...", Death the Kid sighed.

"I didn't even had time to warn them... Oh, well. I figured this thing out anyway.", Frostwraith stated nonchalantly. "There should be six pedestals around here."

"Six pedestals?", Luco questioned. "Yeah, there are six marks here on the floor."

"As I sensed the power flowing through the gate, I noticed a strange pattern from the flow. Reading the lines over and over again made me realize that six of the 108 lines of the inscription had more power flowing through them. It's like the script itself has power. I think those lines may offer hints on how to unlock the door.", explained Frostwraith.

"Interesting...", noted Master Hand.

"Those lines are numbers 4, 8, 15, 16, 23 and 42. If I read them again...", stated Frostwraith. "4. The Dark Voice has died already. 8. The Dark Voice is magic. 15. The Dark Voice is the truth. 16. The Dark Voice is one half. 23. The Dark Voice is the remaining piece of the puzzle. And finally... 42. The Dark Voice is an ideal pursued by the strongest."

"Okay, so what could be the meaning of all that?", questioned Marth.

"I think we need six people that match those descriptions and each has to stand in one of each mark on the floor.", explained Frostwraith. "The fourth line... The Dark Voice has died already... This could mean someone who's dead..."

"We don't exactly have a corpse here...", noted Luco.

"Indeed, we don't, but... A ghost certainly fits the bill of someone dead, doesn't it?", Frostwraith. "Chandelure!"

Frostwraith sent his Chandelure and ordered him to go to one of the marks. Surprisingly enough, the mark began glowing.

"Will you look at that...", commented Soul.

"Next comes the eighth line: The Dark Voice is magic... Anyone who can use magic should qualify.", stated Frostwraith.

"I will go.", Luco responded, standing in on another of the six marks, causing it to glow.

"The fifteenth line: The Dark Voice is the truth. Hmm... Perhaps someone who believes in truth? Wait... Reshiram may qualify.", noted Frostwraith.

Reshiram moved to another mark and it began to glow.

"That means line number 42 should be Zekrom, for it represents ideals.", suggested Arceus.

Zekrom moved to the fourth mark, causing it to glow as well.

"Only two marks remain... Lines 16 and 23... The Dark Voice is one half and is the remaining piece of the puzzle...", calmly stated Frostwraith. "I have no idea about this one..."

"Maybe someone whose existence depends on another?", suggested Snake.

"Hmm... Pit and Dark Pit certainly fill that condition...", noted Frostwraith. "It may be worth a try..."

The angels stood on the fifth and sixth marks, causing them to glow. The ground began to shake and the tablet with the inscription began to fade away slowly.

"Guess it worked out... Let's move on, as we don't have much time left.", stated Frostwraith.

"Wait! Guys, Sonic is here and unconscious.", Mari noted.

"Someone should just carry him. We have to hurry!", Frostwraith immediately responded.

Mari carried Sonic on her back and continued to move forward along with the rest of the group. They found themselves in a wide and long hallway, eventually arriving outside, to the other side of the mountains.

"So, this was a passage through the mountains we saw before entering the temple...", thought Frostwraith, as soon as they found the way out.

Looking outside, they could see a tall, sinister looking tower where the Master awaited them. Just at the exit of the temple there was a shrine bearing the emblem of the Dark Ones.

"This looks like a strange shrine. Is this where the cultists perform their rituals or something?", questioned Luco.

"It seems a likely possibility.", answered Zero.

The ground began to shake again and dark clouds suddenly surrounded the group.

"What is going on now?", reacted Frostwraith.

"Unrepentant sinners... How dare you lay your fingers in the Master's sacred temple!", a voice spoke loudly. "You have gone far enough in your journey, blind fools... You shall not sully the Master's territory any longer!"

"Show yourself!", demanded Master Hand.

"What other choice do I have? I shall end your pitiful lives and cleanse your souls of your sins against the Lord!", yelled a mysterious figure that walked through the dark clouds, revealing himself to be a priest.

"A priest, huh?", Soul stated sarcastically. "Something tells me there's nothing saint about him."

"Silence! Someone vile like you shouldn't raise your voice against a servitor of the Lord! You shall not stand in the way of the creation of the new world!"

"A new world that completely violates all fundamental laws of the multiverse? No way in hell will I stand and watch it happen!", retorted Frostwraith.

"The Master has been appointed by God to cleanse the world of vile creatures such as you and bring forth the Legion that will dominate the new world. All living beings must abide by the laws of the divine! The Lord loves all life equally and so, you shall all be forgiven if you confess your crimes and cleanse yourselves... I came here in His name to guide you in the right path!", the priest fanatically spoke.

"Hmph. Like I would believe in such nonsense. Tell me, "Father," if your Master is so benevolent like your God, why were my parents and countless other lives destroyed by him? That doesn't sound benevolent at all...", responded Frostwraith.

"There are things that mere mortals like us cannot simply comprehend. All that we need to do is to comply with the divine laws and obey them.", calmly responded the priest.

"This is absolute nonsense... You are just another deluded fanatic. After all I've fought through my life, the last thing I would do now is giving up. You are in my way and I will cut you down!", stated Frostwraith furiously, unsheathing his magic sword.

"Raising your blade against me is like raising your blade against God! Will you sin even more?! This is your last chance for your salvation!", stated the priest.

"Like I care about gods! I forge my own path!", responded Frostwraith by attacking the priest with his sword.

"Urgh... I've tried to save you, but now I must cleanse you! Begone, foul demon!", the priest responded.

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance - Stratagem in Black Armor

Meanwhile, in the Master's hideout...

"Heh heh heh... Those dogs are still struggling, eh? It seems that Aversa couldn't stop them... Bah, such a useless wench she was! Though it seems she bought me some time, so I guess she still had some purpose...", the Master stated.

"My Master, according to our predictions, the dimensional merge will start in about two hours.", a cultist reported.

"Good. We have enough forces to stall those dogs until then.", the Master responded. "Right now, that foolish priest I brainwashed should be fighting them... Heh heh heh... Humans are interesting beings indeed... Some carefully chosen words and some magic to the mix and they make wonderful puppets, willing to fight to the death for ridiculous causes! Ha ha ha..."

Fire Emblem: Awakening - Id (Hope)

Frostwraith jumped and attempted to slash the priest who dodged by teleporting.

"Teleportation, huh?", grunted Frostwraith.

"O Lord... Please lend me thy power...", the priest stated, as he knelt in prayer.

The priest became surrounded by a light aura.

"Light magic, huh? This will be interesting.", said Frostwraith, smirking and charging dark magic.

"Is that dark magic I feel? How impure! How vile! Truly, you are an enemy of God to use such terrible spells! Come, demon, bask in the Lord's most sacred light!", the priest fanatically yelled.

"Shadow Shield...", muttered Frostwraith, conjuring a black barrier that absorbed the priest's light.

"How... How could the light of God be destroyed? Foul demon! Not even the light can reach you! You truly are beyond redemption!", the priest declared.

"Heh... Beyond redemption... How ironic...", responded Frostwraith, smirking again. "You may be deluded, yet I see you lack mastery on your magic..."

"Silence! Call me deluded all you want! It is what the infidels call the faithful because they are the ones lacking in faith! You will never understand the concept of faith, for you have sold your soul the demons!", the priest retorted. "Bask... IN THE LIGHT OF GOD! HOLY RAY!"

"Metamorphosis: Shadow Form!", yelled Frostwraith, turning into a shadow and dodging in the attack.

"Where did you go? Are you so afraid of the light you have to cower away from holy servants of the Lord like me?!", the priest angrily stated.

"...I'm right behind you.", whispered Frostwraith, catching the priest off-guard. "Shadow Stalk!"

Frostwraith rose from his shadow form, striking the priest with a punch covered in darkness, injuring him.

"Only vile infidels such as you would resort to such dirty and cowardly moves! How despicable! Now, it is time for me to cleanse your soul and grant you freedom from your vile influence!", declared the priest.

"Let's see what you got...", provoked Frostwraith.

"O Lord... Grant me thy powers... Grant me the right to be you hand in cleanse this world of evil... Let me become an agent of your Justice! Allow me to purge the demons into the depths of Hell! EXORCISM!", yelled the priest, launching a beam shaped like a crucifix.

"Looks like I underestimated this guy... Exorcism is a light spell of a very high level... I have no choice but to use...", whispered Frostwraith, preparing a spell. "Light Mirror!"

Frostwraith formed a mirror made of light energy, reflecting the priest's Exorcism spell back to him, dealing a great amount of damage.

"Augh... How did you... reflect God's holy light?", stated the priest in shock.

"Dark magic isn't the only kind of magic I've mastered, you know...", responded Frostwraith, with his hands glowing in light.

"Blasphemy! To think that such a vile being would be using the light for nefarious purposes! You're more dangerous than I thought! I pray that you shall burn in the depths of Hell!", angrily retorted the priest.

"Light, darkness... I don't care which I use, as long as I can use those powers to defeat my enemies and those who threaten the worlds' balance.", stated Frostwraith. "The Master you serve has gone far enough in his plan and it is my duty to stop him and all those who follow him. I'll give you this chance to surrender. I don't want to cause more bloodshed, but if you insist in standing in my way, I'll have to kill you."


"... I sense a conflict inside him... Indeed, I must be careful not to kill him... He's clearly under the Master's influence...", thought Frostwraith, as he watched the priest's erratic behavior. "Like a puppet with it's strings being pulled by the puppeteer..."

"DIE DIE DIE DIE! GOD DEMANDS SO! BWEE HEE HEE HEE...", the priest madly stated, surrounding himself in a light sphere and charging at Frostwraith recklessly.

Frostwraith reacted by defending himself with his sword.


"Damn it!", Frostwraith reacted, as he attempted to teleport himself far away from the priest.

The priest exploded, causing Frostwraith to be blown into a huge distance. Frostwraith managed to survive, even though he was severely wounded.

"Urgh... That crazed priest... I couldn't return him to his true self...", muttered Frostwraith, as his consciousness faded away.

"...Heh... Heh heh heh... My Lord... My God... I shall be joining you... in Heaven... I punished... the infidel...!", the priest uttered with a sinister smile, as his life faded away. "... Why... How... did this... hap...n...."

Fire Emblem: Awakening - "Run all you like-you can't escape fate!"

"And so, that priest died... Heh heh heh, good... He served his purpose quite well... With Frostwraith unconscious, it will be easier for me to gain more time. I look forward to crushing you at long last, Master Hand... The birth of the new world... is coming...", the Master evilly stated.

And the Master's evilness grows...
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Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
The song Chaos sang of was that of a far away land. Somewhere, tucked away in the leaves of a forgotten forest was the entrance to a valley. Oran Berries fields dotted the landscape, fed by an endless river. The air during the summer months was sweet, and during the cold season, rich Apsear berries grew in plentiful bunches near the mountains.

It was a place much like his old home, though the place Chaos sang of existed somewhere in the Pokemon world. The entrance to that foreign world had been lost eons ago though. Supposedly, tales of that place had managed to spread, becoming history and then legend.

Sometimes, mother pokemon sang it to their babies to help them sleep at night. It was a good way to help keep the bad dreams away.

The last few notes Chaos sang seemed to linger in the air for a while. The vision of the valley seemed to vanish alongside the last notes of the melody. When Xiroey opened his eyes, he realized he must've dozed off. Chaos was still holding him.

For a moment he thought he was back home in the valley.

"I used to sing you to sleep with that same song every night" Chaos said, finally letting him go so he could study him a bit more closely. "You were just a kid though then. You've managed to mature a lot since then".

Xiroey couldn't help but turn a tad red at the compliment. "Well, Y'know, after almost dieing a few times. It kinda helps. With maturity... and all".

"Yes" Chaos chuckled "I suppose that would help a bit wouldn't it".

Then his face got a lot more serious. It took Xiroey by surprise at first. Chaos took his Hand and forced his palm upward so that it was parallel with with the ground. Xiroey wasn't quite sure why Chaos had taken a sudden interest in his palms. He politely tried to tug his hand back, but Chaos' grip help firm.

"Uhh... Da--"

The words caught in his throat, suddenly he let out a scream. A powerful electric current surged thorugh him. It raced in through his palms and arced to every other part of his body. The energy felt like a million fiery claws ripping away at his insides.

Xiroey tried to jerk his palm away. He pulled with all his stregnth, but Chaos' grip was like an iron vice.

Then the energy intensified. Had there been any sleeping snorlax's nearby within a hundred miles, they would've bolted right out of their sleep. The scream that esaped Xiroey's throat caused the air itself to vibrate.

Finally. When Xiroey thought he wouldn't be able to take the pain any longer and he thought he'd be split in half the current stopped.

It was like someone had flipped a switch. One moment there was pain. And then... nothing.

When Xiroey managed to blink away tears, he saw Chaos was holding something. The object looked familiar.

It only took him a few seconds to realize what it was.


Chaos held the weapon out between two fingers, as if it were something foul and smelled bad.

"Typical of Arceus to meddle in affairs that do not concern him. Foolish, very foolish. This... thing... It's no wonder you haven't been in your right mind lately. An Ice elemental weapon? What was Arceus thinking"?

Xiroey didn't really understand what Chaos meant. What he did know was that a few moments ago, Lysander was just as much a part of him as... well... his arms or legs. It was what gave him the ability to manipulate light and create his beam swords, or summon his guns, or create walls of ice.

"I... I don't get it. Lysander won't come back to me".

He tried to will it to jump from Chaos' hand into his own, but the weapon didn't respond.

It wasn't a part of him anymore.

"You don't need to fight with this anymore son. Giving this to you in the first place was a big mistake on Arceus' part. Tieing an ice elemental weapon to a dragon is like... like...".

"Trying to teach surf to a Charizard"?

"Well, yes. That too". Then Chaos closed his fist and the weapon shattered into a billion tiny fragments.

"W-what what are you doing"!?

"Tell me Xiroey, has stormy contacted you at all since you got sepreated"?

"Stormy? Who's--"

The pain from earlier returned. A similar electricity began to arc through his vains. It felt like he was on fire, he tried to fight the energy back, but every time he tried to suppress it with his own power, it intensified. A filling of hopelessness began to overtake him. His own body was fighting against him. There was nohting he could do to make the pain stop.

Please, stop fighting me. I can't help you if you keep me locked away forever.
Xiroey recognized that voice. It spoke to him once back at the battle frontier.

And several times before and after that.

"She's a guardian. She hunts things like us"...
The voice spoke to him again

That wasn't me. That was this... THING pretending to be me. Please, stop fighting against me. You're hurting yourself.

Xiroey shouted back mentally. Why wouldn't he try to fight when it felt like he was beeing stabbed ON EVERY PART OF HIS BODY.

That's because you're fighting. Lysander isn't here to keep your power sealed anymore. You need to stop fighting agaisnt it or it'll destroy you.
"How do I know I can trust you"?

Would you rather let yourself be ripped in half by your own doing?
Xiroey decided he really didn't like this bossy voice.

He didn't really have much choice in the matter. He decided to trust... whatever this voice was. It took a great deal of willpower. The pain hadn't subsided at all. It had only gotten worst sense it began.

Somehow... though an immense force of will... (and a lot of faith), he managed to reach inside of himself, and disable each of the barriers he'd built against the asault.

With each wall he tore down, the pain got worse and worse. For a moment, Xiroey thoguht he'd pass out, but he managed to keep going, tearing down the rest of the walls until there was nothing left guarding him against the pain.

The next few seconds were pure agony. Xiroey actually blacked out at one point. When he woke up, he was back on board the Lor. Xatu was looking over him.

"Oh good, you're finally awake".

Xiroey blinked away sleepiness. When his eyes finally focused and the world had turn completely green, he was a bit confused.

Then he realized that Xatu was acutally standing directly over him. He looked up to see one very wise bird smiling at him.

"That was quite a surprise you gave us all" Xatu said, stepping back so he could sit up.

"W-what happened? How'd I get back"?

"Well. That's partially what surprised us. I didn't believe it much at first. But then again, you've always been full of surprises since the day I first met you". His voice changed then " By the way, were you aware your hair has turned white"?

"W-wait it HAS"?

How many times is my d*mned hair going to change on me before it FINALLY PICKS A COLOR AND STICKS WITH IT
Xatu laughed, "from the look on your face I guess you didn't know".

he walked away from the bunker where Xiroey was laying. The two were inside one of the Lor's outer cabins. This one in particular only had a bed, a dresser, and a single window on the wall opposite to the bed. Xatu walked to it and stared outside.

"It looks like your freind is eager to see you. I'm still not exactly sure WHERE he came from, but he did seem to be genuinly concerned for your safety when he brought you here".

Xiroey felt a tugging in his temple. His mind was trying to remember something. He managed to conjure up few images, but they ran away from him before he could even figure out what they were.

Whatever the case, Xatu still hadn't explained himself.

"I don't get what you're talking about? Do you mean sonic"?

"Sonic still hasn't returned. We're staring to get pretty worried about him actually".

That didn't sound good. Last time Xiroey had seen sonic, he'd been in a battle to the death with dementio. When Xatu mentioned a friend, Xiorey thought for sure he meant Sonic, but if not him... then who?

Just then, the walls of the Lor vibrated. A high-piched howl came from ourside, causing the entire cabin to shake.

Xiroey was speechless. He thought some more of his memories were returning now.

That roar.

Didn't... Dragons roar like that.

Just then, the entire outside vanished. A big round purple iris blocked off the entire window. It was slit down the middle, similar to a cat's pupil.

Suddenly, it sounded like the wall was speaking to him.

"Yo, Xiro, you up yet? We've got places to be".

"You're a big talking eye"! Xiroey screamed at the iris irritably. Who was this big purple thing to give HIM demands?

The eye went silent for a moment. "...Your combacks are as cunning as ever I see" It finally said.

For a moment Xiroey thought he could hear a faint chuckle.

"Xiroey" Xatu cut in "don't be rude. He's been worried sick waiting for you to wake up since he brought you here. Go out there and say hello".

Xiroey suddenly turned on Xatu

"Are you mad? There's a freaking giant talking EYE ouside the windo--".

Just then, the final memory clicked into place.

Xiroey's eyes went wide.

Could he seriously have forgotten something THAT big.

It was impossible.

And yet... There was that gaint eye, looking at him. That meant his memories couldn't have been lieing either.

Xiorey got up and walked to the window. When he looked a bit closer, he could see a few shiny black scales surrounding the big eye.

"St...ormy? Sweet mother of Arceus lad, YOU'VE GOTTEN HUGE"!

"16 years is a long time. You've gotten bigger too".

"Well yeah, but you're... you're...".

"Look, are you going to come out here, or do I have to come in there and get you. Because if I will if I have to. And if I do, I promise you, things are going to start breaking".


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
...A few years ago....

Green. Green as far as the eye can see. It covered hills and hills and trees and ground and oh, so many things. And the sky...such a unique shade of blue, with the most fluffy, pure white clouds you would ever see. The cool wind blew over yellow flowers, critters, and everything under the warm sun.

Green Hill Zone.

It wasn't just his home, it was his beginning. This is where he first met Dr. Eggman, back when he was called Robotnik, and the start of his first and many adventures to come. It was also where he would hang out with his friends when Eggman wasn't trying to take over the world. He loved this place. It's like, every time he would come here, something new was waiting for him.

And today was no different.

Sonic was just out for another run, like he would do every day. Feeling the freedom that only this Zone could give him. He decided to run all the way to the edge of the Zone and back, maybe even go for his all-time record. Then maybe he would break for an early lunch. He kinda skipped breakfast that day, for some reason.

He only got halfway through when he saw her.

He immediately put on the breaks, his red sneakers digging into the dirt, screeching to a halt. He carefully stepped onto an adjoining path he only treaded on once, for it lead to a nearby cliff. No reason to go there before. Until now.

Even with her back turned, he could tell she had seen better days. Tattered and ripped clothes, bruises and dirt littered her bare arms, and her long hair was a mess. She was sitting very close to the edge of the cliff, her hands litteraly ripping out the grass right from the ground. She wasn't looking down, though, she was looking up. At the clouds.


She turned around and the first thing he noticed was her face.

It looked...hopeless.

She turned back around. "Go away."

"You're a new face."


"So where are you from?"

"That doesn't matter. Leave me alone."

She was silent for a few minutes, then she sighed, finally looking down towards the ground below.

"It's not worth it, ya know." The blue hedgehog stated calmly. "If you're thinking about jumping off."

"And what if I am? Why would YOU care?" She suddenly snapped. "You know nothing about me."

"True." He said. "But I know enough to tell when someone needs a hand."

He held out his gloved hand out towards her. She didn't acknowledge it at first, still staring down at the ground. Shaking her head, she answered in a shaky voice. "You can't help me."

"Why not?"

"Because I've...I've lost it all. It's too...too late."

He didn't know what she lost, nor did he question how she came here. All he could do was say what he felt was what she needed to hear.

"Maybe it's too late to fix what happened...but it's never too late to fix yourself."

"..." She turned around, tears streaming down her face. "...How?"

Sonic smiled. "Wanna come with me and find out?"

She stared at his outstretched hand for a moment, before gently reaching out and taking it.

"What's your name?"


"I'm Sonic. Sonic the Hedgehog! Now why don't we go someplace a little less...dangerous?"

"...I guess so..."

With that, he lead her away...back on the right path.

"I think he's waking up..." Magolor said.

With a groan, the blue blur suddenly opened his eyes, staring straight up for a second before he shot up and yelled, "XIROEY!"

"Sonic!" Magolor happily clapped his hands together, only to stare confusingly at him at his outburst. "Wait, what about Xiro? Is he alright?"

"I..." Sonic shook his head lightly as he slowly remembered what transpired in Final Destination. There was Xiro, the fight with Dimentio, Muhti--

The singing and hugging.

"He's...I..." Sonic silently debated wither or not he should tell them about Xiro and Muhti. It wasn't that he betrayed them...

Xiroey would never do that.

In truth, Sonic didn't know what to make of it.

"I...I need to speak to Mari."


"What are you?"

Mari was staring at her weapon, Eden, for a while now, wondering exactly how this sword managed to find its way to her hands. She had never seen anything like it before...and yet she felt...some strange connection with it...

She knew that it could reflect her emotions, so perhaps it was connected with her heart somehow?

She also knew it could talk...at least, it did that one time....

Other then that...she had no idea.



She looked up and smiled a bit when she saw her mentor. "Feeling better?"

"Magolor fixed me up. I think he's been practicing with healing spells." Sonic sat down next to her.

"How'd you get here?" Mari asked.

"Dimentio sent me here...after he gave me a beating."

"What!?!" Eden flared to life as Mari's anger grew, completely startling Sonic. "No, wait, let me guess, Muhti told him to, didn't he!?"

"Mari...! Calm down! I don't know!" Sonic held up his hand in defense, noticing how Mari said his name, like if it was the most vile thing she would say.

Mari reigned back her anger, taking deep breaths. Eden's harsh glow slowly died down to nothing. "And...Xiro?"

Sonic looked down, hesitated for a moment...then told her what happened.

Mari didn't say anything at first. Then... "Are you sure?"

Sonic nodded. "Mari...I know this is hard to take but...I don't know what kind of connection Xiro could have with Muhti. But I DO know that he would never turn his back on us...on you."

"I know." Mari sighed. "I just...I don't...

I don't know what to think anymore."

"Welcome to da club then, fellas!"

Marx, Magolor, and Drawcia made their way over to the pair, overhearing what they were discussing. "Glad to see Mari isn't on full-on murder mode anymore." Marx said.

I think you're wrong on that one. Sonic thought. "Anything I missed, guys?"

"Well, we're in the Master's Realm, trying to get to the Master himself." Magolor explained. "Frostwraith's a bit out of it, though. We might be staying here for a while."

"Final confrontation already, huh?" Guess Dimentio wasn't lying that time...

"Mari..." Magolor continued. "I know you must be feeling confused right know, but we must--"

"I know, Magolor." Mari said. "Now's not the time. We gotta defeat the Master first."

"...I promise we'll figure this out afterwards." Magolor spoke in a determined tone. "We all will, right?"

"Here, here!~" Drawcia agreed.

"Yeah, right after we kick the Dark Ones and their Master right where the sun don't shine!" Marx cried.

"Don't forget." Sonic reminded the group. "We still have to look for Mari's bro!"

"Oh, yeah...that too!"

Mari almost wanted to cry when she heard all this. "Thanks, guys...I don't know what I'd do without you."

"You'd be stuck up the creek without a paddle, that's where!" Marx laughed.

Mari laughed right along side with him. "Yeah, pretty much."

"So...what do we do now?"

"I guess we should rest for a bit. We need all of our strength for this last battle."

Sonic grinned. "Sounds good to me!"


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Final Confrontation: Part I
The Legion Strikes

Fire Emblem: Awakening - "Run all you like-you can't escape fate!"

In the Master's hideout...

"One hour and thirty minutes left, my Master.", a cultist notified the Master.

"Hyeh heh heh... Good... Soon, my goal will be achieved... For now, we shall make important preparations... Call everyone to this very room! Gather the cult here!", ordered the Master.

"Got it!", the cultist immediately replied, leaving the room.

A few minutes later...

"My Master, I did as you demanded... All of us, the Dark Ones, are here.", the cultist stated, a massive number of cloaked people standing behind him.

"Listen up, underlings! Today marks the birth of a new world! My world, where I shall rule over all! I am greatly satisfied by your efforts in making this possible! Our enemies may be approaching, but we are more than a cult! We are the Legion that will stand and bask upon the birth of a new world! From today on, I am no longer a mere Master, but a God! I will become the new creator! The new Alpha! The new Omega! Today, I shall prevail! Today, a new era will be born!", spoke the Master.

"Praise be our Master... Praise be... OUR GOD! O GOD! We are yours! Use us as you see fit in the creation of the new world!", the cultists said in unison.

"From now on, we are one! We are Legion! One and many!", the Master stated. "Nothing can stop us!"

Meanwhile, on Master Hand's Army camp...

"Frostwraith is still unconscious, but we still have to move forward...", noted Master Hand, speaking with other powerful beings like Arceus and Palutena.

"Yes, we have to move forward.", Palutena responded.

"I shall go and announce that we'll depart in a few minutes...", Master Hand stated, reluctant in having to move forward without Frostwraith conscious and ready to fight.

Inside Frostwraith's tent...

"Ugh... That crazed priest...", Frostwraith muttered as he woke up. Though his consciousness returned, he was injured and couldn't fight.

He sluggishly got up and walked outside his tent, where his Chandelure stood by, guarding his trainer's tent from enemies. Chandelure noticed his presence and made a waving motion as a greeting.

"Chandelure! I must thank you for protecting me.", Frostwraith reacted.

"Frooost!", a voice called.

"Ah, Mari? What is it?", Frostwraith responded.

"You're awake. Nice! Master Hand was just preparing to move out. We gotta get going!", she responded.

"Very well, I'll be at the main camp in a few minutes."

"Okay!", Mari stated, as she left to the main camp.

"Now, I should transport all my stuff to the pocket dimension and... done.", Frostwraith whispered, as he used his magic to transport his tent to a pocket dimension he created.

Frostwraith looked at the main camp from afar and picked up a Poké Ball from his bag.

"I sense danger...", he ominously stated. "This energy... Oh, no..."

Running as fast as he could, Frostwraith arrived at the main camp.

"Frost, you're awak--", stated Luco, only to be interrupted by Frostwraith.

"Everyone prepare yourselves!", Frostwraith yelled, startling everyone.

A unbearably hot wind began to blow. This wind was accompanied by orange, yellow and red clouds, obfuscating the view.

"It's hot...! What is going on...?!!", reacted Captain Falcon.

"Where did this storm come from?", reacted Chrom.

"Keep your head down! I sense something terrible coming!", responded Frostwraith.

The storm subsided and a large demon appeared.

Warcraft III - Doom

"I finally found you, mongrels.", the demon menacingly stated.

"Who are you?!", Mari reacted.

"Puny little mortal, pay attention to whom are you talking with! I am Kil'jaeden, a commander of the Burning Legion. You are the ones who killed Archimonde and dare to oppose the Master! Don't think I'm going easy on you! Come, minions! Annihilate them all! Know that the wrath of a demon is eternal!", said the demon lord, before vanishing in a flash of light.

"He's gone...", reacted Magolor.

"Hold on...", Death the Kid reacted.

Portals began to open, summoning forth demons from the Twisting Nether.

"Demons!", reacted Dark Pit.

A Doom Guard began chasing after Frostwraith. Chandelure began attacking, but his flames were almost useless. Hydreigon popped out of his Poké Ball, using his sheer strength to attack the demon.

As the Doom Guard began to collapse, he let go a loud, sinister roar. The sky turned red and lava cracks began to rise from the ground, turning the area into something demonic, corrupting the landscape even further. More portals began to open.

"A demon horde... This can't be good...", Master Hand reacted.

"I must fight as well. My light powers should drive them out of here.", Palutena stated.
The demonic horde attacks!


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Final Desination looked a lot smaller when there was a giant dragon sitting in the middle of it.

Xiroey was lucky enough to take two steps when he came out the main door before he was snatched up by his shirt collar and rudely tossed into the air.

Xiroey screamed (mostly in anger) as he did a couple of neat carwheels in the air, then a big hard something caught him and his flight stopped.

Xiroey looked down and saw that he was sitting on Stormy's back.

"Storrmyyyyyyy, you big dumb dragon. DON'T DO THAT".

The scales beneath him vibrated, Stormy was huffing at him. "I'll do whatever I please. And you'll sit there and take it because I'm a lot bigger than you".

"Bigger my butt, I'll fry you up for dinner you big overglorified turkey"!

"Ooh, big threats. I'm really scared. Tell me, do you even know what your
abilites are now that that fancy lance of yours is gone"?

"Sure as rain, you bet I know what my abilities a--".

Truth be told, Xiroey had no idea what his abilities were.

His memories couldn't tell him that.

Because no one had ever told him. Ever.

"Ha, well while you've been playing around with that fancy stick, I've been training on my own for years!"

"You're been inside me this whole time. Or was that your "training" I felt whenever I ate too much and had too--
Stormy's neck snapped backwards very quickly. Xiroey didn't even know something that big could react so fast. He snatched Xiroey up again and he went flying.

...It was kind of graceful actually. In a really aggrivating sort of way.

Xiroey landed on Stormy's back again. He manged to land in a spot right between two sharp spines. An inch off and he would've been impaled.

"You're a bully, you know that"?

"Heh... must've 16 years spending time with an angry demon rubbing off on me".


"I love you too".

"Go jump in a river".

"WELL IT LOOKS LIKE THE TWO OF YOU HAVE GOTTEN REAQUAINTED"! Xatu was calling up to them from miles below. Xiroey looked down, and was a little surpised. The lor looked like a tiny toy battleship from this height.

"Xatuuuu!" Xiroey had to scream back at the top of his lungs just to be heard.

"Yes. Hello Xiroey! If you're ready, we really should get going now"!

Going? Come to think of it... The Lor did look a bit empty.

Those jerks... THEY LEFT WITHOUT US!

"What about Sonic"! Xiroey shouted back

"I'll stay here and look for him. You two take the portal Frostwraith left behind and join up with the main group".
The main battle was finally going to start. Xiroey felt a bit nervous. But he was excited too. They were finally going to give that jerk, psychopath "Master" what he deserved, A good old fashioned can of butt whoop, with a nice side vengeance.

As Xiroey thought that, Stormy roared again.

"And DragonFire". Xiroey added, remembering Stormy could read his mind.

"I don't really know who this master is yet. You've given me a lot of new memories to look through. Whoever he is though, I'm sure he'll taste nice and juicy when I gobble him up whole".

Xiroey raised an eyebrow at him "Stormy, don't you know evil is bad for your digestion"?

Stormy huffed again. Muscles in Stormy's back flexed, and then they were moving. Xatu called something else back to them, but by now he was already too far away to be heard.

"When we get to this portal, you realize we'll be fighing together for the first time".


"Think we'll be be able to do it... on the first try"?

Stormy was actually having doubts.

"Hey, it's not like this will be the first first time. You've helped me before remember. I'm pretty sure you've loaned me a bit of your power in the past. You saved my life like... twice".

"It's my job" Stormy shrugged it off "We look out for each other".

Traveling through dimensions reminded Xiroey a lot of riding a roller coaster. There were a lot of spins and loops. Some parts were slow, and others went so fast it made your head spin.

Xiroey stumbled out the other side of the portal, finding surprisingly little footing. He spun around once, his arms flapping in the air.

Then he fell.

And a pint sized dragon came spiraling though the portal and fell on top of him.

"Oh, Xiroey" Stormy jumped, "What are you doing lying around. We're in dangerous territory y'know".

"Stormmiiieee" Xiroey slurred "you don't look so good. Were there always two of you"?

Stormy blinked. He almost couldn't believe this was the person his spirit was tied to.

Xiroey sprang up in surprise as the spot near his butt lit up on fire.

"Good, you functional now"? Stormy huffed as smoke came out his nostrils.

"I am now. Thank you".

He looked around. Where exactly were they? The ground was sandy, that was why he couldn't find any purchase when he stepped through the portal. So the master's realm was a desert? He tried looking around and saw nothing. The sky was like black ink. Xiroey figured it was night time, but there wasn't a single star in sight.

"I don't like this place. The aura here is evil". Stormy's upper lip curled.

"Hey, you've dealt with evil for 16 years remember? Your 'training"?

"Yes I did, and it was horrible. Do you have any idea what that was like?"

Xiroey couldn't imagine. It must've been torture for stormy to have to go through that. And it was all his fault. He managed to forget completely about him. Xiroey practically abandoned him to fend for himself all this time. And even after all that, even when Xiroey had forgotten about him, Stormy had still tried to lend him his power whenever he could".

"Hey, that wasn't your fault. Remember? That group sealed me inside you".

Xiroey remembered that day 16 years ago when a group of hooded figures appeared. Chaos had been really distressed that day. Saying something about his children being murdered. Xiroey was little more than a baby then, he didn't really understand much about his siblings. He'd never even step foot outside the valley, and only he and Chaos lived there.

Eventually, when he went out on his own to seek out the being who would be his guide, Stormy appeared to him, and their tiny family grew by 1 member.

"You remember the Ordeal then"?

"I remember waiting at the top of a mountain. It was raining. Chaos told me to sit there and wait, and that someone would eventually come get me".

"And do you remember what happened after that"?

"Well"... Xiroey tried to will the memories to come back "The clouds changed... They floated down and changed shape. Then you appeared. You were a lot smaller then. You said you were going to be my partner from now on".

"Yes, and then you snatched me out of the air, nearly strangled me with those tiny arms of yours and said I was cute".

Xiroey chuckled "You were pretty cute".

Stormy growled, "Anyway, you accepted me. That means that, whatever happened, it was our job to look out for each other. You actually tried to defend me when the cloaked figures came. We got separated from our dad, so then you tried to fight".

"I barely did anything to them. I was powerless. They shoved me to the ground and conjured up this creepy looking circle. And then..."

"Then you blacked out and they sealed me inside you. Along with that stupid demon".

"Exactly, If we're supposed to look out for each other, how am I going to do that when I always black out"?

Stormy was a bit surprised when Xiroey had blacked out back at final destination. He decided not to say anything about it, and Chaos just told him to carry him back and that he'd see them both again very soon. That wasn't what Xiroey needed to hear though. If they were going to fight together, they needed to have faith in each other. Otherwise, they were fated to fail.

"Remember what you told your dad? You did everything you possibly could. You actually put up one heck of a fight for such a little guy".

"Well yeah... but then".

"So what if you forgot. It's not like that was your fault either. And about lysander, you don't have to worry about that either. Sure it also helped in keeping me sealed, but it also kept you alive didn't it"?

"I guess it di--"

"Then we have nothing else to discuss".

Xiroey sighed. Stormy could be very assertive when he wanted to be.

"Well, the past is the past I guess. We're still just standing around".

"Not much to stand around in. There's nothing here. But we do need to get going and find the main group".

Xiroey had an idea, "Perhaps if we follow this aura".

"Now you're thinking" Stormy said encouragingly. "ready to kick some butt"?

Xiroey flexed his palm, a few purplish sparks danced between his fingers.

"Lets end this".

"And that's exactly what we'll do when we join this fight".

Stormy went quiet. There was nothing left but the sound of the wind howling past them now. Stormy wasn't walking very fast, but, as big as he was, his long legs were able to cover a lot of distance in a very short amount of time. Before they knew it, they'd made it to the portal. It was stationed at the very edge of the platform.

"Rather small isn't it...?"

"Yeah, I won't fit through it as I am now".

Then stormy did something surprising. One moment there was a gaint dragon beneath him, the next, the was falling. He managed to transform and halt his fall near the ground before he went splat, but he was still a bit shaken up. Stormy had completely dissapeared.

"I'm right here".

A cute little chibi-version of stormy floated up to him. Somehow, his head seemed just a bit too big for his tiny chubby little body.

"D'awwww you're so cooote. You should stay like that fowever" <3

Xiroey felt a tugging at his shirt collar. At first, he thought it was adorable, how such a tiny dragon was trying to nip at his shirt. Then. He went flying.

"Aaaaaaaaaakdglskdadfasgslcncaosdkcl"! Xiroey started screaming in intelegable characters.
He didn't understand how. Somehow, law and physics had just flown out the window.

Ha. Flown. Dragon puns.

When he landed, his face was red with a mixture of anger and... just a touch of astonishment. He hadn't expected something so tiny to be that strong.

"Just my form has changed. My strength. however, remains the same".

"Cool. Good to know" ..."jerk" he added beneath his breath.

"Shall we go then" Stormy offered, pretending not to hear that last bit.

"Anything to put this whole thing to rest." Xiroey said, then stepped thorugh.


Traveling through dimensions reminded Xiroey a lot of riding a roller coaster. There were a lot of spins and loops. Some parts were slow, and others went so fast it made your head spin.

Xiroey stumbled out the other side of the portal, finding surprisingly little footing. He spun around once, his arms flapping in the air.

Then he fell.

And a pint sized dragon came spiraling though the portal and fell on top of him.

"Oh, Xiroey" Stormy jumped, "What are you doing lying around. We're in dangerous territory y'know".

"Stormmiiieee" Xiroey slurred "you don't look so good. Were there always two of you"?

Stormy blinked. He almost couldn't believe this was the person his spirit was tied to.

Xiroey sprang up in surprise as the spot near his butt lit up on fire.

"Good, you functional now"? Stormy huffed as smoke came out his nostrils.

"I am now. Thank you".

He looked around. Where exactly were they? The ground was sandy, that was why he couldn't find any purchase when he stepped through the portal. So the master's realm was a desert? He tried looking around and saw nothing. The sky was like black ink. Xiroey figured it was night time, but there wasn't a single star in sight.

"I don't like this place. The aura here is evil". Stormy's upper lip curled.

"Hey, you've dealt with evil for 16 years remember? Your 'training"?

"Yes I did, and it was horrible. Do you have any idea what that was like?"

Xiroey couldn't imagine. It must've been torture for stormy to have to go through that. And it was all his fault. He managed to forget completely about him. Xiroey practically abandoned him to fend for himself all this time. And even after all that, even when Xiroey had forgotten about him, Stormy had still tried to lend him his power whenever he could".

"Hey, that wasn't your fault. Remember? That group sealed me inside you".

Xiroey remembered that day 16 years ago when a group of hooded figures appeared. Chaos had been really distressed that day. Saying something about his children being murdered. Xiroey was little more than a baby then, he didn't really understand much about his siblings. He'd never even step foot outside the valley, and only he and Chaos lived there.

Eventually, when he went out on his own to seek out the being who would be his guide, Stormy appeared to him, and their tiny family grew by 1 member.

"You remember the Ordeal then"?

"I remember waiting at the top of a mountain. It was raining. Chaos told me to sit there and wait, and that someone would eventually come get me".

"And do you remember what happened after that"?

"Well"... Xiroey tried to will the memories to come back "The clouds changed... They floated down and changed shape. Then you appeared. You were a lot smaller then. You said you were going to be my partner from now on".

"Yes, and then you snatched me out of the air, nearly strangled me with those tiny arms of yours and said I was cute".

Xiroey chuckled "You were pretty cute".

Stormy growled, "Anyway, you accepted me. That means that, whatever happened, it was our job to look out for each other. You actually tried to defend me when the cloaked figures came. We got separated from our dad, so then you tried to fight".

"I barely did anything to them. I was powerless. They shoved me to the ground and conjured up this creepy looking circle. And then..."

"Then you blacked out and they sealed me inside you. Along with that stupid demon".

"Exactly, If we're supposed to look out for each other, how am I going to do that when I always black out"?

Stormy was a bit surprised when Xiroey had blacked out back at final destination. He decided not to say anything about it, and Chaos just told him to carry him back and that he'd see them both again very soon. That wasn't what Xiroey needed to hear though. If they were going to fight together, they needed to have faith in each other. Otherwise, they were fated to fail.

"Remember what you told your dad? You did everything you possibly could. You actually put up one heck of a fight for such a little guy".

"Well yeah... but then".

"So what if you forgot. It's not like that was your fault either. And about lysander, you don't have to worry about that either. Sure it also helped in keeping me sealed, but it also kept you alive didn't it"?

"I guess it di--"

"Then we have nothing else to discuss".

Xiroey sighed. Stormy could be very assertive when he wanted to be.

"Well, the past is the past I guess. We're still just standing around".

"Not much to stand around in. There's nothing here. But we do need to get going and find the main group".

Xiroey had an idea, "Perhaps if we follow this aura".

"Now you're thinking" Stormy said encouragingly. "ready to kick some butt"?

Xiroey flexed his palm, a few purplish sparks danced between his fingers.

"Lets end this".

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

first part is unedited becasue I POSTED IT IN THE WRONG SPOT!

... I'm acutally not sure what heppened to the edited version
Last edited:


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Final Confrontation: Part II
Eternal Wrath

Kid Icarus: Uprising - Boss Fight 2

"This doesn't look good...", Pit reacted as two Infernals charged at him. "Out of my way!"

Pit flew and attacked each of the demons with the Three Sacred Treasures equipped, firing arrows of light. The demons remained unharmed.

"Not even light can harm those creatures...What now?", Luco reacted as he watched Pit doing no damage to the demons.

Meanwhile, Frostwraith faced a succubus in battle. The seductive demoness attempted to convert Frostwraith to the demons' side, but Frostwraith wouldn't be tempted by her charms.

"I must not let my guard down... Charming magic's only defense is a strong mind...", Frostwraith thought, as he prepared a light spell. "Light Lance!"

The spear shaped projectile hit the demoness, who surprisingly resisted.

"These demons have an unusual resistance to light spells... This could be troublesome... Guess I'll have to improvise...", thought Frostwraith, drawing his sword. "Chandelure and Hydreigon, defend me!"

The Pokémon went to each of Frostwraith's sides, assuming a defensive stance and using long range attacks to enemies that would approach him.

"So... Will we have fun?", the succubus tempted Frostwraith.

Frostwraith smirked and took a sinister looking scroll.

"Don't worry, sweetheart... We're going to have lots of fun...", Frostwraith provoked and started to read the scroll.

"Ooooh... You think you can use our magic like that? I'm afraid puny mortals like you can't use such spells... or are you secretly wanting to betray your comrades and join me in the fun? I have a lot of goodies for you, handsome...", the succubus replied in a seductive tongue.

"I do appreciate your offer, sweetie, that's why I also have a present for you...", Frostwraith mocked, with an evil looking smile on his face. "Let's see if you like it! HELLFLAME WAVE!"

Frostwraith swung his sword, shooting a wave made of demonic flames, hurting the succubus badly.

"Chandelure, use Hyper Beam!", ordered Frostwraith.

Chandelure fired the beam at the succubus, defeating her. However, more demons rose to take her place.

"This will be a tough fight... I can't do this on my own...", thought Frostwraith. "Chandelure, come with me! Hydreigon, I need you to use Fly."

Frostwraith rode on his Hydreigon's back.

"There they are... I got too far from the group and those demons are after me...", Frostwraith thought.

Frostwraith watched the group, judging which ones were performing better in battle.

"I see they're having difficulties against that Nether Dragon... Hydreigon, I need you to prepare a Dragon Rush attack. Charge at that Nether Dragon! Full speed ahead!", Frostwraith stated.

Hydreigon obeyed, charging at the Nether Dragon with his full power. With Hydreigon belonging to a ferocious species, Frostwraith had expectatios that he would give a significant amount of damage to the demonic dragon. Hydreigon charged at full speed, diving towards the target. Just as he approached the target, Frostwraith jumped out of his back, relying on Chandelure's psychic powers to keep him afloat for a short amount of time and ensure a safe landing.

Hydreigon's Dragon Rush proved very effective against the Nether Dragon, but the foe still managed to survive.

"Frost! You arrived just in time!", Luco stated.

"I saw you on trouble with this dragon. I came to your aid.", Frostwraith responded, drawing his sword. "Hydreigon, Chandelure, return!"

"That was a cool entry. Do you always pull stunts like this?", Soul remarked.

"I don't think this is the time for chitchatting.", said Soul's partner, Maka.

"We need to focus. Hydreigon's attack proved to be powerful, but that dragon is recovering fast.", noted Cynthia.

The Nether Dragon roared loudly and attempted to attack Frostwraith.

"Here he comes again...", Frostwraith stated. "Let's go! Doublade! Aegislash!"

"Frost, watch out!", yelled Luco.

"Doublade! Aegislash! Sacred Sword!", Frostwraith ordered.

The sword Pokémon defended Frostwraith from the dragon's charge, by slashing him.

"Aegislash, assume defensive stance! Doublade, follow my lead!", Frostwraith ordered, jumping and attempting to attack the weakened Nether Dragon. The demonic dragon retaliated, but Aegislash, using King's Shield, defended Frostwraith.

"Aegislash protected Frostwraith from the dragon's attack... Impressive. They are well coordinated.", observed Cynthia.

"Now! Doublade!", yelled Frostwraith.

Doublade turned his two swords on opposite directions and started spinning, striking the dragon with Night Slash.

"Now's your chance! Cynthia! Luco! Maka!", yelled Frostwraith.

"All right! I'll try my best!", Luco responded, conjuring a high level ice spell.

"Garchomp! Use Stone Edge!", yelled Cynthia.

"Soul, you're ready?", Maka asked Soul.

"Yeah, let's go.", Soul responded.

"SOUL RESONANCE!", both yelled.

The scythe's blade became enveloped in light, changing its shape and Maka prepared an attack. Meanwhile, Luco attacked with a giant icicle, while Cynthia's Garchomp used Stone Edge to trap the dragon in sharp stones.

"The dragon is defenseless... GENIE HUNTER!", yelled Maka, striking the dragon with a powerful blow.

"What a stubborn creature... Even after all those attacks, he still attempts to attack...", thought Frostwraith. "Time to end this once and for all... Golurk! Focus Punch!"

The dragon was heavily injured, which enabled Golurk to charge the move effortlessly. Golurk charged at the dragon mercilessly, punching it with brutal strength and finishing it off.

Fire Emblem: Awakening - Chaos

"It's over... This was such a heated battle...", stated Frostwraith, worn out from the fight.

"We may want to check out on the others.", stated Soul, now on his human form.

The small group went to join the rest of the army, all of them worn out from fighting the demonic horde.

"Frostwraith! You arrived with such perfect timing!", stated Master Hand.

"This was an intense battle. Were there any casualties?", Frostwraith asked.

"A few, unfortunately, but we have to keep going on.", Arceus answered.

"That can't be helped...", replied Frostwraith. "We don't have much time left. This battle went far too long. We have to hurry and confront the Master!"

Fire Emblem: Awakening - "Run all you like-you can't escape fate!"

In the Master's hideout...

"Heh heh heh... Frostwraith managed to recover quite quickly... The dogs managed to defeat a demon horde... Their power is... impressive, to say the least. I have underestimated them for a good amount of time, but alas... they are too late... Legion has been born... The merging will begin in one hour... Yes... They're too late... It is hopeless...", the Master murmured. "I... have won."

Meanwhile, the group made its way to the tower.

"This is the place... He's here.", Frostwraith ominously stated.

"This is where the Master is hiding... It's huge...", Pit stated.

"We should make sure we are at our full strength. We need to be at our best fighting potential.", warned Master Hand.

A raven suddenly appeared before them, landing and turning into human form.

"Medivh?!", reacted Frostwraith.

"So, you have finally arrived to the Master's hiding place. Well done. It is as I foresaw. But, you must hurry! One of the Prophets will join you in this final battle... She shall aid you against the Master's evil forces.", stated Medivh.

"Who might she be?", questioned Guile.

"Some of you may know her.", stated Rose.

Medivh opened a portal and, from it, came Zelda, princess of Hyrule and one of the seven Sages who protect the Sacred Realm.

"Zelda?", reacted Master Hand.

"Master Hand. I'm sorry I couldn't help you earlier.", responded Zelda.

"Hmm... I won't blame you. I'm sure you had other important matters to take care of. Anyway, you shall be a great help for us. Your powers will be most helpful against the foes that await us in the tower.", Master Hand replied.

"Of course, I shall lend you all my power to defeat the Master.", Zelda stated.

"And this is all I can do for you... You are the light of hope towards the incoming darkness! Do not falter...", stated Medivh.

"What about you? Won't you join us in the fight against the Master?", questioned Ness.

"I'm afraid I cannot, young lad... I am unable to fight and my job is done... The rest is up to you.", Medivh responded, transforming into a raven. "Go forth! Climb the tower... May your union prevail against the shadow! I have done all I could do... I'm afraid we may not meet again... Farewell... and good luck."

"Shall we get going?", Zelda stated.

"Yes. We must go forward now! Our homelands and the balance of the worlds are at stake! We cannot lose now!", Roy answered.

The final battle approaches!


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Final Confrontation: Part III
Distorted Tower


Zelda joined the team!​
Master Hand and the rest of his army walked inside the dark tower, where the Master was hiding. Their footsteps echoed in the wide, silent hall of the tower. If it weren't for a few torches scattered through the walls of the hall, it would be impossible to see anything.

"This tower is oddly empty.", Frostwraith observed, his voice echoing through the chamber.

The group continued to move through the tower, finding a door.

"It won't budge. It appears to be locked...", Fire stated as he attempted to open it.

"There's a strange force sealing that door... I can feel it.", Zelda calmly stated.

"The door is locked by a magical force? I don't know about you, but I can't shake this feeling that we're being watched...", Death the Kid uttered.

"The flux of energy... It seems chaotic at first, yet it is strangely stable...", Frostwraith mysteriously stated.

Before anyone could state something, strange noises began to echo through the ominous hallway. The faint lights strengthened slowly until the room was well lit. From the floor, a mysterious black substance began to form.

"What now?", X reacted.

"They look like more of those strange shadow creatures from before.", observed Snake.

"Like those who attacked Mags' ship?", Mari added.

"Intruders... In the Master's tower...", a sinister voice was heard, as the shadow turned into the shapes of Frostwraith, Zelda, Samus, Xiroey and Death the Kid.

Fire Emblem: Awakening - Id (Dilemma)

"We... are the Shadows... Have you ever made a decision?", the sinister voice stated, echoing through the room. "Don't you wonder what could've happened if you have chosen the other path? Do you feel curiosity? Or perhaps it may be regret? All decisions you make cause a branch in the dimensions... There's always another of yourself... One that has made different decisions..."

"Parallel worlds... There's probably an infinite amount of them...", Frostwraith thought.

"We are the Shadows... We are memories given shape... Our God... The Master... We will show you the darkness of the heart of those whom we have given shape... We shall always obey the Master... For we have become Legion with him and his cult... Embrace your inner darkness... Embrace the power of us, the Shadows, and become Legion with the Master...", the sinister voice spoke.

Frostwraith, Mari, Zelda, Samus and Death the Kid were transported to a parallel dimension of the tower along with the Shadows.

"Where have they gone?!", reacted Rose.

"Something tells me they're in a parallel dimension... Defeating those shadowy creatures may be their only way out of there...", Master Hand stated.

In the parallel dimension...

"Face us... the Shadows... Stare into the eternal abyss... Become one with the Master...", the sinister voice spoke.

"Where are the others go?", Zelda retorted, as she noted the absence of the rest of the army.

"We are in a parallel dimension... We must fight those creatures by ourselves.", noted Frostwraith.

"If we defeat those creatures, we should get back to the real tower...", added Death the Kid.

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn - Origin's End

Frostwraith unsheathed his magic sword, Zelda summoned a bow and the Light Arrows, Samus reloaded her Power Suit's cannon, Mari prepared her powers and Death the Kid wielded his two guns.

Frostwraith jumped high and attacked his shadowy counterpart, who defended itself and countered with a Dark Bolt.

"How am I supposed to fight against someone who knows the exact same moves as yourself?", thought Frostwraith as he used Dark Mirror to reflect the shadow's Dark Bolt.

Shadow Frostwraith used another Dark Mirror spell to reflect the Dark Bolt again. He switched the magic mirror's angle so it could hit another opponent, as Frostwraith had placed a Dark Mirror as well. The Dark Bolt hit Zelda, giving her shadowy counterpart to attack her with a darkened version of Din's Fire.

"This is going to be more complicated than I expected... It's like they can read every move...", Frostwraith thought. "Death the Kid is fighting against his shadowy counterpart... I just need to dodge my counterpart's attack and..."

Frostwraith dodged the light spell his shadow cast and prepared a thunder spell.

"Forked Lightning!", he shouted, attacking all the shadows at once with lightning.

Mari attacked the Xiroey shadow with an icicle, proving to be effective. Shadow Xiroey flinched, giving Mari an opportunity for a follow-up attack. She kicked him and attacked with an array of icicles.

Samus noticed shadow Xiroey's weakness to ice and shot an ice shot to further damage it. Shadow Samus used this opportunity to attack Samus, who quickly defended herself. Both Samus and her shadow attacked each other with projectiles, dodging them thanks to their athletic skills.

Frostwraith remained locked in combat with his shadowy counterpart, both relying on sword fighting. Frostwraith charged his sword with lightning magic. On his left hand, he prepared a fire spell.

Shadow Frostwraith predicted Frostwraith's actions and attacked him with a spell unexpectedly. Frostwraith fell to the ground.

Meanwhile, Mari managed to defeat Shadow Xiroey and was suddenly transported out of the parallel world.

"Having defeated her opponent, Mari returned to the real world...", observed Samus.

Zelda transformed into Sheik to outrun her counterpart. She threw an array of needles to hit her counterpart before she could transform. Shadow Zelda summoned a sword and attempted to strike Sheik, who dodged and attacked Shadow Zelda with her chain whip, stunning her shadow counterpart for enough time for her to draw the Light Arrows again and finish her counterpart off.

As expected, Zelda was transported back to the real world. Frostwraith was having an hard time to get up, as his counterpart attacked him with lightning spells to stun him.

Death the Kid fought his counterpart using his twin pistols. Likewise, his counterpart also had a pair of guns to fight. The shoot-out between the reaper and his shadow didn't interfere with the rest of the fights. The shadow managed to dodge each shot, the only damage to have taken being from Frostwraith's Forked Lightning spell. Unexpectedly, the shadow didn't become stunned and managed to dodge the shots Death the Kid fired afterwards.

Similarly, the fight between Samus and her shadow had the two fighters to shoot and dodge each another's shots. Frostwraith decided to remain lying on the floor and activated a defensive spell to protect him from lightning spells.

"Thunder Shield activated... Now... the counterattack...", Frostwraith whispered as he activated the shield. "Searing Thunder!"

Shooting lightning from his sword and fire from his left hand, he managed to hit the shadow and get up. Observing Samus and Kid, Frostwraith decided to attack the three remaining shadows at once.

He began slowly channeling energy to his sword, while dodging his shadow's attacks and the shots coming from both Samus and Kid, as well as their shadowy counterparts.

"This should be ready in a few seconds and...", Frostwraith thought. "Chain Lightning!"

The lightning hit Shadow Frostwraith first before bouncing to the nearest opponent, Shadow Samus, and afterwards, Shadow Death the Kid.

"This proved to be more effective in flinching them... Backing the spell with a extra dose of magic power is never a bad idea after all...", Frostwraith thought.

Samus quickly turned into her Morph Ball, dropping a Super Bomb near her stunned counterpart.

"Everyone, watch out for the explosion.", Samus warned.

The explosion was massive enough to completely obliterate her counterpart. Frostwraith used Phase Shift to warp out of reality and dodge the explosion, while Kid hopped aboard his flying skateboard to dodge the explosion.

With Shadow Samus defeated, Samus returned to the real world.

"It's time to finish this...", Death the Kid stated, landing near Frostwraith.

"Yes.", Frostwraith responded.

"It's time for me to show the power of a Grim Reaper.", Kid stated as he started to float.

Frostwraith prepared a powerful spell, Yin-Yang Blast. Pointing his sword upwards.

"SOUL RESONANCE!", Death the Kid and his weapons, Liz and Patty shouted.

"The balance of the worlds must be protected...", Frostwraith stated.

Kid's guns turned into cannons and two energy balls started to form on the tip of Frostwraith's sword, one made of light and another made of darkness. The two remaining shadows attempted to interrupt the attacks, but Frostwraith used part of his magic to unleash a Forked Lightning spell to drive them back. Of course, this would slow his charging process, but he had no choice.

"Death Cannon!", Kid uttered, firing two powerful blasts that obliterated his counterpart, leading to his return to the real world.

"Now... I finish this!", Frostwraith stated, closing his eyes, before opening them again, his right eye turned completely black, save for a white iris, while his left eye was completely white, save for a black iris.

His shadow counterpart attempted to stab Frostwraith at the last minute, but it was too late. Frostwraith pointed his sword, which had an orb shaped like a Yin-Yang towards his foe.

"Light and Dark combination spell: Yin-Yang Blast!", Frostwraith shouted, shooting the energy orb at the shadow, resulting in an explosion of pure magic energy that destroyed the shadow.

"We... are the Shadows... Though you may have defeated us, know that the Master shall prevail...", the sinister voice spoke before Frostwraith returned to the real world.

The five chosen to battle the Shadows were now on the real world, where the previously locked door began to open slowly and silently.

Entering inside it, the group finds itself on an large staircase, leading to an upper floor. Upon arriving, they find themselves on another large chamber.

It looked like a church, with an altar dedicated to the Master, donning the Dark Ones' emblem. It also had several candles and pillars, as well as many chairs.

"Is this a church?", questioned Snake.

"Seems like it. It could be where the cultists perform their ceremonies or something.", observed Ness.

"We should look for a way to continue to climb this tower... I don't find any way out of here, other than the door from which we came...", Palutena observed.

A mysterious church and no way to advance... What could happen next?

Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
[Inside the Church within the Tower]

Palutena: We should look for a way to continue to climb this tower... I don't can't seem to find any way out of here, other than the door from which we came.

Richard: Something is amiss.

(Suddenly the group hears a sinister laugh and the master appears)

The Master: Heheheh, So you dogs have made it this far, most impressive but your journey shall end here!

Mari: The only one who will meet their end is you!

Frostwraith: Prepare yourselves everyone!

(I can't seem to find a way to advance the story epically so i'll just cut the segment here, someone take over please.)


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Riding atop Stormy's back made Xiroey wonder how he ever managed to get around before. The beat of his wings were like powerful thunderclaps. Stormy was surprisingly acrobatic in the air, maneuvering between up and downdrafts with ease. Xiroey manged to stay firmly on his back, despite all the looping and turning stormy did. It was a strange sensation at first, especially when, during a particularly tight flip, Xiroey happened to let go of the spine that had been steadying him. Somehow though, he managed not to fall off. It was like his legs were glued in place.

"Static electricity" Stormy explained. "one of the benefits of riding a Storm dragon".

If untold evils truly did lurk below, then they must not have learned to fly yet, because their entire trip had been uneventful. Stormy took the opportunity to explain many things to him. One of which being why their spirits were tied together and what their pact was.

"So if one of us dies..."

"The other will suffer the same fate as well. While linking spirits does grant us both great power, moreso than either of us could ever hope to achieve seperately, it also brings a great weaknesss".

Xiroey took a moment to mull over that. Wind rushed though his hair as stormy did another spiraling air maneuver.

"The air is strange here" Stormy remarked.

"Hmm". Xiroey noticed the same shortly after they'd taken fight. The air did feel a bit different here. Since meeting Stormy again, Xiroey had started to feel a sort of... new-found attachment to the wind. He'd been confused at first, thinking someone was whispering words to him. When he asked stormy though, he'd denied ever having said anything.

"The wind is almost as much a part of you as I am. I've seen your memories, you've asked the storm for help before haven't you".

"A few times. I've noticed I feel a lot stronger and a lot more clearheaded whenever it's raining".

"Well it's more than rain. Wind, water, lightning... even Ice. Our pact isn't only with each other. Essence of the storm makes up both of our souls. The wind may occasionally whisper you advice. Water is there to heal and protect. Lightning reinforces and stregnthens".

This was all a bit much for Xiroey to take in at the time, "And ice"?

He noticed Stormy hadn't mentioned anything about the last element, Ice. Xiroey had fought with ice plenty of times before, though he was careful when he did it.

"...Ice is like a double edged sword to us".

Gravity seemed to melt away as stormy pulled into a steep dive. The wind currents had shifted, blowing directly from the front. Stormy had to double his efforts just to maintain the same speed as before. Just like before, Xiroey managed to stay rooted on his back without flying off.

"The winds may be more favorable to us below. I don't understand, normally I can predict when the wind patters will change so abruptly".

Xiroey found out during their explanations that the wind spoke to Stormy too. That was how he could tell whenever the wind would suddenly change direction. Back before they'd entered the master's demension, Stormy could also speak to the wind, asking it to boost him from the rear. Flying with Stormy was like flying with a perpetual tailwind.

"The winds here are difficult for you to understand too"? Xiroey noticed his struggle.

"I--I don't know. I can hear it as I normally do. It's words sound... jumbled though.

Somehow, Xiroey didn't feel quite right about thier current situation. Something was amiss, and it wasn't just the wind. This whole environment felt wrong.

Come to think of it, they'd been traveling pretty fast. Yet they still haven't found any sign of the main group.

"Stormy" Xiroey said to take his mind off of things "you said Ice is like a double edged sword to us. Why is that"?

"Hmm"? Stormy seemed a bit out of sorts. He blinked once, then the question finally clicked in his mind, "right. Ice is like a double edged sword to us because your spirits are combined. You're weak to ice and so am I".

"So would that explain why most Ice attacks tend to hurt me more than they should"?

"We weren't completely connected before. But ever since you called out to me onboard the Lor, when you fought mephiles. I have been lending you a bit of my stregnth".

"...so that would explain it".

Something in Xiroey's gut still didn't sit quite right. Even though they were late to join the fight, the group coudln't have gotten very far. Only a short amount of time had passes since he ran away.

"Stormy. Stop. Someone's watching us".

The two came to a halt. Stormy pulled his wings back, using them like giant parachutes.

They hovered there for a moment.

Everything was silent.

Nothing looked any different. Just the same barren landscape. The same black sky.

"Come to think of it. Nothing really has changed. Everything looks exactly the same".

Xiroey was starting to worry. They couldn't jut fly around in circles forever. They'd eventually get tired.

What about food? They were in the middle of a desert.

And the master. How much time did they exactly have left before everything hit the fan?

"The aura". Stormy uttered a soft growl. Xiroey noticed it too. The aura was getting stronger.
Then he looked down. He could hardly believe his eyes at first. What he saw gave him one of the closest things he cold ever experience to motion sickness.

"The ground is... moving".

Stormy saw it too. "Of course. How could I be so stupid."

He turned around and flew in the opposite direction.

"That's why I couldn't understand the wind before. Because there IS no wind. Everything here is completely still. It's space it'self that's moving."

"So you mean..."

"We haven't acutally been going anywhere. This... terrain has been moving right along with us".

It wasn't long before they turned around that they began to see a structure looming in the distance".

"A tower...?"

"We're flying against the movement of space now. I'm guessing that's where this master of yours is hiding"?

Xiroey was about to respond. But just as he opened his mouth to answer, the tower began rapidly fading away."


"I see it. Drat, whoever's doing this must've caught on. Space is moving in the opposite direction now".

"We can't keep doing this forever! We need to find whoever's doing this"!

Stormy had an idea.

"And we will."

He suddenly pulled his head back, and the two shot straight upwards.

Xiroey held on tight to one of Stormy's back spines. He knew there was no danger of him falling off, but somehow it made him feel just a bit safer.

He looked up and saw something strange. The sky... seemed to be approaching them.

"Just as I thought" Stormy said, then he rammed straight though the sky, shattering it to peices.

The two ended up in a great library. The floor beneath them was made of polished marble. Hardly a scratch could be seen on it's perfect surface.

That is... save for the massive hole stormy had torn through the floor.

"Well... you two finally figured it out then. I'm impressed". A figure approached them from an ornate looking fire place. He'd been sitting there calmly, reading a tattered looking tome.

The title read Demonic Magycks--Torture and Subjucation. Vol. III

"Master Hand chose his army well. I thoguht for sure, the two of you would be lost to wander that endless landscape forever".

A memory stirred. Xiroey recognized the man's voice. It was smooth and oily, like someone who had a lot of practice speaking before crowds. The man calmly adjusted his robes, which were red with black trim around the edges. He approached a table set near his chair and picked up an ivory staff, topped with a black skull with two rubies for eyes.

"You again". Xiroey growled.

"It's been a while hasn't it. I've been watching your progress. So you've finally met your father hmm? And this" He cast an arrogant glance at Stormy. Which seemed like a suicidal thing to do for such a small man. Considering Stormy was three quarters the size of the library itself.

"You've even found yourself a pet".

That was all it took for stormy. He unleashed a shattering roar, causing every window in the library to break. Books tumbled off their shelves. Papers went flying everywhere. Collumns cracked, the staircase crumbled. The man seemed completely uphased by any of it.

"Well then" He said, calmly removing a shred of paper from his shoulder".

"I've waited for a very long time for the two of you to get here. It's been hard, finding ways to amuse myself. The tomes in this library hardly offer any means of entertainment you see".

Stormy roared at him again.

" You want entertainment? Puny man? "

"Yes. Yes please. Please do entertain me". he slammed his staff on the ground, and suddenly Xiroey and Stormy both found themselves completely paralyzed.

"You don't know how boring it is. Sitting here with no one to talk to. No one to torment".


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Future Chaos kept on walking throughout the Final Destination, while soulless whispers carried in the wind.

“Oh this is too easy! Thankfully the fool, the Master, has been able to draw their attention away from the real threat.” Chaos said with a chuckle to himself. He finally reached the throne room with the Chaos Emeralds neatly tucked into a weapon.

Chaos took slow steps towards the Emeralds, until Crazy Hand appeared in front of him.

“And what do you think you’re doing, Mr.Muhti?” Crazy Hand demanded, “I can crush mortals such as you for stealing such powerful material, it truly is that easy!”

Chaos smirked and laughed, “Try me!”

Chaos v. Crazy Hand

Crazy Hand formed a fist and charged straight at Chaos. Chaos threw his hand up as the flooring formed upward. Crazy Hand crashed into the wall and through the material. Chaos took one of the dual blades from his back and drew it by his side, blade downward. He started to run toward the Hand, dragging the sword on the floor. Crazy Hand pointed his index finger at Chaos and beamed a laser from it.

“Dance fool! Dance!” Crazy Hand shouted with glee.

Chaos was finally hit by the laser and was launched across the floor, where the Chaos Emeralds floated calmly in the mechanism. Crazy Hand was charging another attack against Chaos, and then launched himself at the target. At the same time, Chaos held onto the Chaos Emeralds until they finally merged with him. A glowing light occurred as Crazy Hand pounded into Chaos.

A loud explosion occurred as Crazy Hand was launched from the impact zone, slightly bruised. Chaos, now in his natural form of a black Latios, stood strong and looked extremely calm.


Chaos glided towards the injured Crazy Hand.

“You didn’t try hard enough Crazy.” Chaos said. Crazy Hand opened his fingers and sensed a familiar aura surrounding the Latios.

“You’re not Muhti, aren’t you…? Chaos…” Crazy Hand finally realized and remembered the horrific turnover of power from the gods such as Master Hand, Crazy Hand, Arceus, etc. to the one was there from the beginning: Chaos.

“If I was in my humane form, I’d clap for you for finally realizing that.” Chaos simply stated.

“No wonder a mortal such as Muhti rose into power quickly… You were in his body, residing it.” Crazy Hand slowly had memories flow into him, “Why are you back? Evil lost its luster and everything is balanced once more! You removed the Black Plague, Bowser as an evil dictator, Dr.Eggman is down, and a lot more has been done to balance good and evil!”

“Yes, you are correct. However, now the problem is those heroes. They’re destroying that very balance. They also have been killing my children till this day. I need them killed and for you to stay silent about it.” Chaos explained.

Crazy Hand arose lightly as he tried to process this all. “I guess I have no choice, do I?”

“No you don’t, if you make a pip about this and try to stop me. I will personally remove you and your buddies from your high rule over the galaxies. Is that clear?” Chaos threatened.

“Yes, Chaos, we shall let you fix up the universe…” Crazy Hand said softly.

“Good. G’day.” Chaos stated as he went back to where he came from, Future New Hyrule.


Chaos sighed as he arose from the little time he spent with his son. Chaos slowly returned to his humane form of Muhti. As he transformed the dual blades and Pokeballs of Blaziken and Dark Arceus reappeared once more. Dimentio floated downwards toward Chaos.

“It seems as the all-powerful one has finally stricken a tear on himself! It seems all creatures have emotions don’t they?” Dimentio mocked.

Before Chaos could retort against the jesters mockery, Luigi was seen on the horizon slugging towards them.

“Well, Imma ba-ack!” Luigi coughed up blood.

Chaos clenched his fist as Luigis bruises recovered at a quicker pace.

“This’ll do it…” Chaos said as he examined the green plumber.

Finally Luigi was healed with not a mark on him. Chaos looked at both Dimentio and Luigi, “I suppose it is time we leave, shall we?”

“I guess we have to anyways” Dimentio stated.

Instead of the group travelling through the dimensions, the landscape of Final Destination unfolded itself and slowly became Muhtis Head Office in New Hyrule.

“Wait, Chaos sir, um are we going to fight the Master?” Luigi asked politely, just so he wouldn’t have a guillotine slicing through his neck.

“No, why would we? It wouldn’t make sense to fight my enemy with other enemies. Let them slaughter themselves, I shall keep my hands clean from the party.” Chaos answered.

“Besides, if the Master wins, the Master has to go through my forces and I. Let us not forget I control most of Smashboards. And if the Rebels win, then they’ll automatically go to Earth, which is under my spell.” Chaos added.

“And the fact that the Master thinks he shall win by simply defeating an army of idiots is outrageous. All he ever does is prancing around like a mad man thinking he has ultimate power, but he forgets about me.” Chaos said smirking.

“Basically Luigi, just sit back, get some popcorn and watch this petty fight unfold.” Dimentio concluded as a bag of popcorn teleported into his hand.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Final Confrontation: Part IV

In the Church inside the Master's Tower...

Frostwraith wasted no second in attacking the Master, attempting to cut him down. As soon as the sword hit, he realized he had hit one of his fellow teammates.

"No! What just happened!?", Frostwraith reacted.

"What... are... you doing...?", said one of the members of Master Hand's army, a member of Roy's army.

"Damn... Something feels... wrong... I just saw him... The Master was here... Was it... some sort of illusion?", Frostwraith pondered.

"So, you just hallucinated? Was that it?", Master Hand questioned.

"It seems to be the case.", observed Death the Kid.

"Now I just noticed, ever since he recovered his body from the Master, he's been acting kind of unusual.", observed Luco.

"The Master's power... It feels familiar...", Maka stated. "There's some sort of twisted force in this room."

"Reality... Shift...", a whisper echoed through the room.

The dimensions began to distort and what looked like a church before now looked like a sinister dungeon filled with torture devices and blood stained in the walls. A few skeletons were hanging in the walls as well.

"From a church to a slaughterhouse...", commented Pit.

"Enemies of the Master... Your lives... end today... Your souls... consumed shall be... Legion... awaits you... Legion... you'll be a part of it. The Master demands! Unifying the world under the Master is our goal. In Legion, everything is one. In Legion, all are in unison. The Master's will is the world's will... You'll reawaken... as Legion! Parts of one... One in many parts... Let us begin our process to become one. We are Legion. You shall also be Legion.", a voice was heard.

"Who's there?", Master Hand reacted.

"Legion. We are Legion.", the voice responded. "One and many. Many and one."

A cultist covered in black robes donning the Dark Ones' emblem appeared out of nowhere.

"Another of the Master's cultists... As expected.", reacted Dark Pit.

"We will only fight the one the Master chose. Which of you saw His Grace in an illusion?", the cultist asked.

"That would be me.", Frostwraith responded.

"We await your challenge. Challenge us. Fight us. Prove yourself to us. We know your potential. We need you in us.", the cultist continued his cryptic speech.

"If it's a fight you want... It's a fight you'll have!", Frostwraith retorted.

"We will not fight with thou alone. We want to fight you.", the cultist cryptically responded.

"What the hell do you mean?", impatiently asked Frostwraith.

"Thou are not as one with thine Legion. This shalt be a fight between us and you, not between us and thou.", the cultist stated.

"You're getting annoying...", stated Frostwraith as he launched an ice spell at the cultist, who simply made it vanish.

"Use thine power. Become Legion as well. Only then we will fight. Only then shalt a duel happen.", the cultist retorted.

"What nonsense are you just spouting? I'm done with this. I will kill you!", Frostwraith retorted angrily, launching a light beam.

The cultist made it vanish yet again.

"This is not a fight between thou and us! This is a fight between you and us! Doth thou not understand!?", the cultist insisted. "Use thine power or we shalt force thou to do it!"

Frostwraith attacked the cultist again, this time using his sword, the cultist blocking the blow with one finger.

"'Tis weak... This power... We said we would force you to use the power.", the cultist coldly stated, preparing a mysterious spell. "Forbidden Discipline!"

"AARRGH!", Frostwraith screamed, the cultist remaining silent.

Master Hand didn't hesitate in attacking the cultist, but a mysterious force simply didn't let anyone approach him.

"BEGONE! Thou are not Legion! This is a fight between Legion and Legion!", the cultist retorted, never leaving his cryptic topic.

The cultist continued to inflict pain on Frostwraith, the rest of the army unable to do anything as the cultist's alien power was strong enough to keep even gods away from him.

"We shalt make thee use your power... Whether thou likest or not!", the cultist stated as he began yet another incomprehensible spell. "Discipline Act: Obedience!"

"All right... Fine... I'll do it...", Frostwraith conceded.

Frostwraith suddenly faced Master Hand and the others.

"I'm sorry...", he grimly stated, preparing a strange spell.

"What are you--", reacted Master Hand.

"Soul Link!", Frostwraith yelled, producing a magical chain that linked every of his teammates.

"The next step. Do it.", the cultist demanded, using a strange spell.

Frostwraith realized he had no control over his actions, his conscience having no longer an effect over his body.

"Soul Dominance!", Frostwraith yelled.

The chains suddenly extracted the souls of everyone, starting to orbit around Frostwraith.

"Now... You are one and many. Legion, you have become. Face us. In honorable combat. To the death.", the cultist grimly stated, as many shadows and more cultists appeared behind him.

Fire Emblem: Awakening - Monstrosity

With the Soul Dominance spell activated, everyone's body was now part of Frostwraith's will.

"I swore I never would use this spell... Yet I had no choice... In order to redeem myself, I'll end you!", Frostwraith stated, drawing his sword.

"It is not thou we're fighting, it's you!", the cultist insisted.

"Silence!", Frostwraith attacked the cultist with a ferocious cut.

Frostwraith used his power to control the currently soulless bodies of his teammates. It was the only way he could stand a chance against the shadows. It was quite difficult to achieve such a task, yet somehow, Frostwraith felt as if every body was a part of his own. It was a bizarre experience for him.

"Master Hand should punch this one... Now, Ness strikes with a PK Flash against that cultist over there...", Frostwraith thought. "An array of arrows from Pit and Dark Pit should end these four cultists... Damn, this is confusing... and tiresome... Maybe I can come up with a plan..."

Frostwraith used Lucas's eyes read on how to reverse the spell, keeping the body away from threats. At the same time, Frostwraith ensured everyone else was engaged with one enemy at a time.

Several minutes passed as Frostwraith attempted to read the reversal spell while fighting using many bodies at once.

"I must hold on... A little longer...", Frostwraith thought, as he violently beheaded cultist after cultist with his ferocious, anger filled slashes.

The number of cultists kept diminishing, but there were still a lot of shadows to deal with.

"Every soul has something that identifies its real owner... Interesting...", Frostwraith thought as he read the book through Lucas's eyes. "According to this principle, every soul whose body isn't dead, should be able to return to them on their own. This spell is the solution... I must try it and then finish this."

Frostwraith dodged yet another projectile from a shadow, attacking it with a powerful light spell afterwards.

"The amount of enemies has been reduced to a quarter of their original amount... This should be the ideal time... But, first I need the book in my possession.", Frostwraith kept thinking.

Using Master Hand and Palutena's bodies to drive the cultists out Lucas body's way, Frostwraith managed to reclaim possession of the book. He was now ready to reverse the spell. He began to charge the spell, using everyone's bodies to defend himself from harm. He gathered as many energy as he could.

"This should be enough power... Urgh... Soul Reset...!", he stated.

The souls made their way back to the original bodies. Having been conscious during the spell's effect, they were quick to assume fighting positions and finish off the remaining cultists.

"We... are finished...", the cultist who had challenged Frostwraith. "But, we will never perish... Legion is eternal... The Master lives... Legion lives..."

The cultist faded away as he finished talking.

Fire Emblem: Awakening - "Run all you like-you can't escape fate!"

"What an incredibly weird guy...", stated Frostwraith. "At least, this is over... I must apologize for using the Soul Dominance spell. I do not intend to use it anymore... Now that this room has turned into a slaughterhouse, it looks like the passage for the next floor is now open, while the one to the previous floor is gone... We should get moving."

Meanwhile, on the Master's chamber, at the top of the tower...

"Heh heh heh heh... Frostwraith has been doing quite well... Though this cloned body is powerful, it's not as pure as the original... The bloodline of the Emperor Sorcerer cannot be simply replicated... And I'm the true heir! Fit to rule the dimensions! My power will reach to its fullest once more as soon as I get to possess his body again!", the Master rambled.

"I believe the merging of the worlds will begin in around 40 minutes, if not less, my Lord God.", a cultist spoke.

"Lord God... How I like the sound of that... Heh heh heh... Truly, I am befitting of such title, for I am the one who will become one with existence itself. As soon as I regain control of Frostwraith's body, consume all the souls of the lives taken so far and collect enough artifacts, I will become the God of all. None will be even able to oppose me, for I will be the brains of Legion! The core of everything! The Alpha and Omega of all! And it all begins in less than one hour! I spent centuries planning this... and today will begin a new era!", the Master spoke.

The end is coming...


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
"You know, heroes really are naive these days".

Bald-Head took his time, taunting them, fully enjoying their helplessness. It had all happened too fast for either of them to comprehend. One moment they'd been prepared for a fight, the next Baldy had them totally under his control.

"The look of puzzlement on your faces tells me that you don't quite comprehend what's going on".

He paced over to the fire place, stopping by a small rectangular table. It was nearly buried in papers and fallen clutter. He carefully leafed through it, pulling aside the objects he didn't need. "Ah yes, this should suffice". He muttered.

When he returned he was holding a shiny-looking metal object. To Xiroey, it looked a bit like a giant tuning knife.

"Curious what this does" Baldy inquired, noticing Xiroey's interest "well you see, It all goes back to the eleventh century. You see, weapons as we know them now were a lot cruder back in the day. Little more than sharp sticks and wooden bows. And dragons, as you might remember, weren't easily phased by mans' crude instruments. They destroyed towns, ravaged farms, carried away livestock... and occasionally children."

"Yeah, well we wouldn't have had they weren't so intent on destroying everything. Man is like a disease on nature, we saw entire forests fall thanks to their recklessness. Wildlife was crying out to us for help!"

"And so the monster tries to justify his actions"...

He calmy walked up to stormy, tapping the knife in his other hand.

"At any rate, Storm dragons were a particularly interesting kind of pest. Destructive. And incredibly durable. A close study of a Storm dragon's scales showed that they were nearly as hard an Earth Dragons... which, by the way, are well known as the most durable dragons in exsistance. Their hide is nearly indestructable. But..."

He tapped the knife lightly against Stormy's leg. The knife rang with a strange pitch, but nothing else happened.

"Is there a point to this whole demonstation, or should i just eat you now"?

"Is there a point"? he repeated, "yes, there is".

Then he struck the knife against his leg with all his stregnth. There was a horrible shattering sound. At first Xiroey thought the knife had broke, but then he felt intense pain pass through thier link.

There was a sick pulling sound as Baldy removed the knife from Stormy's leg. Xiroey couldn't really see what was happening from where he was, but he thought he could hear blood dripping.

"Fastforward one century" Baldy spoke again "A genius inventor discovered though close examination that a storm dragon's scales reacted strangely around woolen objects. He found out that the scales... had an odd habit of sticking to clothes. Thats when they realized that there was a sort of field around the scale. Later on, more discoveries would be made and people would learn about electromagnetism, but at the time, this was a huge discovery. He also found that, when exposed to certain frequencies... the field would temporarily begin to break apart. You see. Storm Dragon scales are actually quite..." He slashed into Stormy's other leg this time. Xiroey heard something shatter again.

"Quite brittle".

"Xiroey... what is that thing...? That knife cuts through my scales like glass"

Xiroey had had enough of this demonstration. "Once I get out of this you're in for a world of hurt you twisted son of a"--

Then it was his turn. Xiroey blinked. He thought he was alone one moment. Then Baldy was suddenly on top of stormy's back, sitting next to him.

"Oh, don't worry. I didn't forget you Eon. Tell me, does it hurt? Seeing your loved ones suffer? It must be unbearable, isn't it?"

Xiroey... don't listen to him Stormy tried to speak though their link, but he could obviously tell that Stormy was in pain.

"You leave him alone, or I swear by Arceus' blood... I will end you".

"Will you"?

He got up. Ballancing on top of Stormy's back was tricky, but he managed to navigate his way to the Dragon's neck. He raised the tuning knife up. Taking his time, letting Xiroey watch as his partner was about to be beheaded.

"Well? I'm waiting? Are you going to end me now"? He said, then he slashed at Stormy's neck.

There was a cracking sound. Then the sound of muscles ripping. A river of blood hit the ground, turning the white marble bright red.

Baldy looked down. His expression was still confident. He had the situation totally under his control.

Latios took his claw out of his gut. More blood came spilling out.

Baldy didn't say another word. He just fell. There was a horrible crack when he hit the ground. Latios guessed more than just his ribs were broken now.

"Xiro...? what happened? How did you get out"?

Stormy could move now. The spell broke when baldy died.

"I don't..." Latios looked down at his claw. He wasn't really in control of his actions at the time. He just remembered seeing Stormy about to die and then...".


"Yes", he said, a little shaken.

"We should go".



Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
The Master's Tower

As the final battle loomed ever closer, Mari couldn't stop thinking about her brother.

Here I am, at the very doorstep of the Master himself, and I can't take my mind off of him.

That's funny, for some reason. Ha.

Mari casted a glance over to Sonic. He seemed completely focused as he ran, determined to not let anything get in his way. She looked over to Magolor and saw that she had the same expression. So did Marx and Drawcia.

"Hey, Teach."

Sonic snapped his head towards her. "Yeah?"

"I think I'm nervous."

Sonic blinked. "You?"

"I can't stop thinking about Eric." Mari admitted. "That, and...well..."



"I hear ya." Sonic nodded in agreement and smiled at her. "Everything will work out in the end, you'll see.

"I guess so-"


Mari stopped mid-sentence and stopped in her tracks. She suddenly felt a tingling sensation running up her hand and arm, the one that was holding Eden. Mari rose the crystal sword up to her eye level.

Storm. The sword repeated. It seemed to pulse with energy as it conveyed the message into her mind. Then, just as suddenly, the sword returned to normal.

"Storm?" Mari whispered. "As in, an omen...?"

Eden remained silent.

"I wish you would speak more than one word to me." She deadpanned. "Actually, I wish you would tell me exactly what you are."

"Are you talking to your sword?"

Mari turned around abruptly and found Magolor and Sonic staring strangely at her. "Uh..." Mari looked around nervously. "No...?"

The three were silent for a while.

"Actually, it's not so weird. I talked to my sword." Sonic said.

Magolor stared back at Sonic with a look that said, 'Are you serious?'

"What? It talked back!"

"...Swords do not talk, Sonic..."

"Well, the one I had did!"

"Guys...I think we should get a move on." Mari suggested.

Somewhere far away...

"The power...has awakened?"

"No...not quite. It still sleeps."

"For now. And the other?"

"Somewhere on another world."

"Do they know of each other?"

"We're not sure."

"And the girl?"

"Her power still sleeps...and the other's hasn't even stirred."

"Hmm...what about the two that are always at her side?"

"Her mentors. And her friends."

"Watch them. All of them...

...especially her. She...will be useful to us."

"What about the boy?"

"He's useless to us...for now."

"Shall I arrange the event?"

"Yes...if we are still here, that is.

The Master is...certainly an irritable one, indeed..."


"Where...where am I?"

"You're in a Pokemon Center, haven't you ever seen one before?"

"Uh...I'm...not sure..."

"Do you even remember ANYTHING?"

"...I remember...her."



"Is she your Trainer?"

"I saw her...in a dream..."


"She was...burning..."


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley

Don't start the final fight without us guys...

"Halt! In the name of the master"! A foolish cultist tried to block their path. They didn't have time to play games. Xiroey cut him down at the waist without so much as a passing thought.

I feel a disturbance in the space here. I think we're getting close.

"Good", Xiroey thought

Mari... I'm sorry. I never should have ran away. Don't die on me okay? All of you. Don't die on me.

Yet more cultists tried to block thier path, guarding the way to a grand stairwell leading upwards. Xiroey didn't stop for them. A relentless tailwind carried him forward, sweeping down anyone foolish enough to stand in his path.

"Fools, anyone that tries to stand in our path will be blown away" Stormy said. He was back in his mineature state, easily keeping up with Xiroey as he blasted through corridor after corridor at a hundred miles an hour.

"You! Halt, what do you think you're doi--"

Xiroey conjured up a blade made of wind and sliced the cultist down before he could complete his sentence.

They came crashing through a set of broad double doors at the top of the staircase. They came to an odd-looking ruin. Six glowing circles sat at the edges of the room. On the far side, a door stood ajar, admitting them the way forward.

"They were here Stormy".


"Just a bit further".

And so the wind began to blow again. Xiroey was an unstoppable force. He was the wind. Not even sonic could keep up with him now. The master's tower passed by in a blur. Fallen cultists littered the floor like forgotten clutter. Xiroey weaved his way though several blood-stained scenes, occasionally coming past a live cultist who was swiftly cut down before he could utter a single word.

"Life is fragile. Isn't it"?

"Yes. Just like baldy. All the power in the world won't help the master when I stick my claw in his gut".

When Xiroey reached a room that looked like a slaughterhouse, he did have to stop. A group of elite cultists were walking around the room, trying to arrange things back into place.

"The master won't be pleased when he sees his precious slaughterhouse destroyed like thi"-- The cultist stopped, Seing Xiroey and Stormy standing at the entrance. "You! What are you doing here? Halt in the name of the Master"!

Xiroey's hand transformed, becoming a Latios' claw. It was still coated in Baldy's blood. It dripped onto the floor, a warning of what would happen to them if they didn't move. Now.

"Fool! You dare desecrate this sacred place? You will be punished for your imputance"!

So that was the way it had to be.

Xiroey transformed, taking on the form of a black latios. His eyes burned a deep purple. Neither showed any hint of mercy. If they insisted on standing in his way. They would be cut down.

"You refuse to heed our warning? Very well, perish then! Soul Flame"!

A glowing fireball aimed it's way toward the two of them. Xiroey easily sidestepped the attack. The hallway behind him was incinerated in an instant. His claws caught fire. He rushed the nearest cultist, swiping him and the face and blinding him.

His two buddies tried to react, lauching magical missles at him. Xiroey batted them all away. Lightning protected him. The same way it protected Stormy. He spun around the blind cultist, ignoring him as he scurried around, searching the ground for his eyes. The second cultist was quickly torn apart by his claws. The tendons in his neck offered little resistance, and his head went rolling across the floor.

Meanwhile, Stormy was finishing off the third.

"I think they're just ahead" Stormy said, nodding towards the door at the edge of the room.

"...I think I can hear voices. They are close"!

"Your freinds are alive. We're just in time"!

"Well, they may not be for much longer! Go, Go"!



The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Final Confrontation: Part V
Warped Morality

Soul Eater - Soul Eater (Reprise)

Thump thump thump thump... Everyone's steps echoed through the stairs of the dark, silent tower. I felt a presence inside me and everyone... A strange, incomprehensible power... Trying to twist us, trying to drag us into the abyss... Is this what the Master wants? Is this what he meant by "Legion"? I cannot know...

As we slowly reach the top, this force gets stronger and stronger... Tempting us at every second...

Fire Emblem: Awakening - "Someone has to save you from your good intentions."

In the Master's tower...

"This tower is really tall... Why would the Master build something so big?", Pit wondered.

"If anything, it would be to satisfy his delusions of grandeur...", responded Frostwraith.

The group continued to climb to the top, eventually reaching to another door.

"Another door... What could be on the other side, I wonder...", stated Death the Kid.

"We should remain on our guard, anyhow. There's no telling what sort of sinister creature could be waiting on the other side.", noted Zero.

"Let's proceed with caution...", Master Hand warned.

The door was unlocked. It was big and heavy, which required multiple people to open it. Entering inside, they find themselves in what it looked like a child's bedroom.

With everyone inside, the doors magically closed and locked, rendering the group stuck in the room.

"A child's room? Look... It's filled with toys and seems quite colorful...", observed Soul.

"Does the Master have a child or something? No, that's not it.", Palutena commented.

"Whatever it is, it really looks out of place...", commented Mari.

A noise was heard afterwards.

"Hmm...? Is...... tasty...", a child's voice was heard.

"So, there really is a child...", whispered Snake.

"Who... are you? Oh... you... It's them... the Master's enemies...", the child stated as he slowly walked towards the group. His steps were irregular, moving as if he was a puppet.

"He's walking in an unsettling way...", thought Frostwraith. "Something tells me this child is no friend of ours..."

"Please... go away...", the child stated. "GO AWAY!!!"

"The door is locked, you fool!", Rawk Hawk retorted.

"Ah... Yes... Now I remember... Hmm...... I have never done this before...... But he trusted me to do this... Yes, he did. I must keep my promise... I don't wanna be punished, you know?", the child stated in an innocent tone, nodding with his head constantly. "But, I've never done this before... What am I supposed to do now?"

"You seem troubled, child.", Frostwraith spoke calmly.

"No! Back off! DON'T APPROACH ME!! I DON'T WANT TO DO THIS!", he reacted.

"What has the Master done to this child?!", Frostwraith thought.

"Aaah... Yes, I remember now. I remember everything now... Every detail is right here, right in my head...", he continued, suddenly calming down. "That's because I never killed anyone before... I don't kill people, you see? ...I'm a little hungry now..."

The child suddenly started giggling, slowly sporting a disturbing smile.

"My name is Nihilus...", he stated.

"Nihilus... From the Latin word "Nihil"... It means nothing...", Frostwraith whispered.

"I don't kill people... I eliminate them, ya see?", the child stated with a devilish smile as he started to draw a katana.

Suddenly, everyone was struck by a lightning fast attack.

"What incredible... speed...", commented Frostwraith. "He may be a child, but I should not underestimate him!"

"Still living? Yay! I like toys that are durable! This is gonna be so cool!", the child stated in a typical child-like enthusiasm. "Stay quiet, will ya? I just wanna cause more pain. Yeah, pain is fun! I'm happy now! I was kinda lonely here, ya know? Thanks for coming to entertain me! I'm really thankful!"

"This is beyond creepy...", Luco commented.

"I hope I can spare his life... He seems terribly misguided...", Frostwraith thought. "Everyone! Prepare yourselves!"

"Yeah, you got it.", Soul stated as he transformed into his scythe form. "Maka, you ready?"

"Yes.", she responded.

"Zero, I'll provide you back up fire.", X stated.

"I got it.", Zero responded.

"Frost, I'll help ya!", Mari stated.

"Very well, everyone else will stay back and only attack when I give the order. I want to knock some sense in this child.", Frostwraith stated. "Let's go, Doublade!"

"You're the ones who will play with me? Cool! Y'all different from the toys the Master gives me... I wonder how much blood will be spilled... Let's hope it will be proportional to the fun we'll have!", the child stated, as he prepared to draw his katana again.

Child of Darkness
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword - Lizalfos Battle

"Here it comes...", Frostwraith anticipated the Nihilus's attack. "Stone Wall!"

Frostwraith made a stone wall rise from the floor, protecting him from the child's attack. Doublade was protected by his natural immunity to physical attacks, being a Ghost type.

"Zero, X, Maka, Soul and Mari, you all right?", Frostwraith asked.

Everyone responded positively.

"Oh! You're more resistant than I thought... Gonna be real fun this time!", Nihilus stated.

"Why exactly are you doing this?", Frostwraith inquired.

"I don't wanna be punished, ya know... Plus, it's fun! The Master gives me fun things to do.", he responded.

"Please, I don't want to kill you. Could you drop the weapon and end this nonsense?", Frostwraith questioned.

"Aww... You don't wanna kill me in a bloody fight? That's not cool, ya know? I love seeing the blood splatting through all the floor. If I die in battle, it's guaranteed that I bathe in my own blood. If that's not cool, I don't know what is! C'mon, don't be such a boring tool... We're supposed to be having fun, ya see? Ain't no fun from me if you're not having fun either..."

"His standards of cool aren't exactly the same as mine...", Soul commented.

"I don't know what the Master's been teaching you, but...", Frostwraith stated.

"Ugh... You're so boring... Let's get straight to the kill... I'm sick of blah blah blah already!", the child stated, as he prepared another attack.

The swift cut hit Frostwraith, who defended himself with his sword.

"If that is how it's going to be... Then, so be it.", Frostwraith stated. "I won't hold back anymore. Doublade, attack with Flash Cannon!"

Doublade fired a light shot, but Nihilus managed to make it vanish somehow.

"Oh! Ya getting serious now! Cool stuff. Keep it, will ya?", the child stated enthusiastically. "Oh, I know. I have some cool stuff to show ya!"

Nihilus began to snap his fingers and the toys around the room began moving on their own.

"Looks like fighting is the only option... X, Mari, stay close to me and provide backup fire. Zero, Maka and Soul, you will handle those toys.", Frostwraith stated via telepathy, turning his attention to the rest of the group afterwards. "If I make a thumbs up sign with my left hand, you'll come and aid me. I want to avoid killing this child at all costs, but if I feel I have no other option, I want you all to come and finish him off."

Everyone agreed and Frostwraith switched his Doublade for his Rotom.

"Some of these toys seem mechanical... Zapping them could halt their activity... On the other hand, I could use them to my advantage...", Frostwaith thought.

Zero used his Z-Saber to destroy two times at once. A third was about to hit him when Maka cut it down with Soul.

"Rotom, use Shock Wave!", Frostwraith ordered.

A lightning fast slash came towards X, hitting him severely.

"X!", Frostwraith reacted.

"Hee hee... That's gotta hurt!", Nihilus stated enthusiastically.

"His guard is down... Time to strike...", Frostwraith quickly thought.

Frostwraith launched a light spell at the child, hitting him. Mari followed Frostwraith's attack by launching a few icicles at Nihilus.

"Ow... That hurts...", Nihilus reacted.

"I see Maka and Zero have stopped a few toys... Will you look at that big robot toy...", Frostwraith thought. "Rotom, over there!"

Rotom followed the order and used his machine possession capability to power up and gain control of the robot toy. It was more or less the size of a child and had laser weapons.

Nihilus attempted to attack Frostwraith again, who defended and countered with a lightning spell. Rotom fired a laser at the child, hurting him further.

"Ooh! Blood... Tasty, sweet blood!", stated Nihilus as he noticed a wound on his arm and started licking it.

X, Mari and Rotom used this opportunity to follow Frostwraith's attack, firing at the child.

"Ouchies! Hey, I was drinking my blood! That's not fair!", Nihilus complained.

"Drinking blood in the middle of a fight doesn't seem like a sound strategy, does it?", Frostwraith retorted, attacking the child with a cut from his sword.

"Ouch!", the child reacted. "You meanie!"

"I'll offer this chance for you to surrender.", Frostwraith stated, sheathing his sword.

"Surrender? What, that thing cowards do? I'm not a coward, ya know!", Nihilus responded. "It's like the Master taught me! Surrendering is for the weak... I'm strong! I'll make the Master proud!"

"Do you value your own life?", Frostwraith coldy inquired.

"Value... my life? What is that? I always have been told that I would die gloriously in the name of the Master. That's the meaning of my life. In nature, it's kill or be killed. The strong survive, the weak die... If you are stronger than me, it's okay if I die. That's how things are, aren't they? But, hey, if ya are stronger, then kill me! Go for it! Slash me! Rend me! Use all your magics and make drown in my blood! That'll be LOADS of fun! If you are gonna die one day or another, might as well die with a blast and having fun, yeah?", the child innocently responded.

"You are so very wrong about that, lad. This is enough. The Master is using you as nothing but a pawn in his scheme.", Frostwraith retorted. "Besides, I am much stronger than you are. I have more experience in battling than you. If I wished, I could tear you apart in an instant, but that wouldn't be strength nor would be rewarding for me. Yes, I was holding back this whole time."

Fire Emblem: Awakening - "Something is very wrong."

The child became confused at Frostwraith's statement.

"What? I... I don't understand...", the child responded. "I mean... I was having fun, but..."

"What a misguided little fellow... Look, you'll plenty of time to think about all this, but for now, please stay here.", Frostwraith stated.

"Hey, I can fight too...", Nihilus stated.

"No. You're too young to be fighting.", Frostwraith responded.

Frostwraith remained silent for a short moment.

"Soul Track...", Frostwraith whispered and his eyes started glowing.

"... According to the patterns, he seems to be from Earth... Could he be one of the people kidnapped by the Master? I should try something else... Memory Read... Ah, I see... some suppressed memories of his times on Earth... Unfortunately, I cannot use my magic to make him remember... Certain stimuli could help... Perhaps someone from his family could help him...", Frostwraith thought.

"What are you doing?", Master Hand questioned.

"I was using my magic to read the child's soul and mind. He appears to have been kidnapped from Earth and had his memories suppressed by an unknown type of magic.", Frostwraith explained. "Unfortunately, I have no way of restoring them."

"I see... We'll have to take care of this later.", Master Hand stated.

"I know, we must keep climbing this tower. This adds to the list of everything the Master must answer for.", stated Frostwraith.

"Hey... Look, uh... I can help you get out of this place, you know? The door can be opened in two ways... I think... If you open inward, you go down. If you open outward, you go up.", the child stated.

"Okay. I need you to stay here. If the Master finds out about you, he will kill you.", Frostwraith stated as he opened the door.

Everyone got out of the room. Frostwraith looked back and prepared a spell.

"Dimensional Lock!", he shouted, locking the room in another dimension.

Frostwraith followed the rest of the group, as they climbed closer to the top.

Fire Emblem: Awakening - "Run all you like-you can't escape fate!"

In the Master's room, at the top of the tower...

"Heh... That stupid child was even more useless than I thought... Well, it hardly matters anymore! After all, only half an hour remains! The rebirth is close! I have won already! There's nothing these dogs can do to stop me! Already, the gap between dimensions is so thin... The worlds will soon start to merge into one only dimension! I am unstoppable now! Mwa ha ha ha ha... MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!", the Master manically stated, his overconfidence growing more and more.

What will happen next?!

Fire Emblemier

The Crests are to Blame
Apr 4, 2013
United States
Switch FC

"Ugh... how much longer 'till we're at the top of this monstrosity!" Raichu sighed

"Raichu, the fate of the world is at stake walking up these steps isn't really that bad..." Fire responded

"You try climbing these steps on all fours, it gets real tiring." Raichu answered back.

"Are you trying to say, you want to be carried?" interrupted Nino

"Maybe, I'm just sick of all this walking." Raichu replied

"Well, I'm not carrying you!" Fire, Nino, Lyn, Cloud stated simultaneously.

They all looked at Mewtwo, who then rolled his eyes. Mewtwo used Physic to carry Raichu.

"Woo! I'm floating" Raichu exclaimed

Everyone sighed.

I really couldn't think of anything plot important, so I made a little funny segment.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Final Confrontation: Part VI
Kil'jaeden the Deceiver

Fire Emblem: Awakening - "Run all you like-you can't escape fate!"

At the top of the tower...

"You summoned me, Master?", stated Kil'jaeden, leader of the demonic Burning Legion.

"Yes, Lord Kil'jaeden. It is time. Go. Attack them.", the Master coldly responded.

"As you wish, Master.", the demon uttered.

Meanwhile, in one of the tower's staircases...

"A door...", Frostwraith reacted as the group stumbled with a door.

Frostwraith opened the door that led to a staircase outside that surrounded the tower. The staircase eventually led to a sort of arena, high enough to be greeted with the sight of the dark, barren landscape that surrounded the tower. Thick, dark red, black and purple clouds were prominent in the sky, shading that entire world of sunlight.

"This world has been completely defiled... The last time I was here, it looked nothing like this. The Master's power likely caused all this...", commented Frostwraith.

"You've been here before?", questioned Zero.

"Yes... To think the Master was hiding in this place all the time... No... It can't be... It is simply not possible.", Frostwraith stated his words loosely as he thought.

"It is always possible the Master and his cult could have been moving around the worlds, right?", Palutena stated.

"Indeed... Yet, there's something that bugs me.", Frostwraith responded.

"What would that be?", inquired Soul.

"When I was here, I found a strange cave with names written in an ancient language. I'm sure you, Richard, remember it.", stated Frostwraith.

"Yeah, I kinda remember that.", Richard responded.

"... You might want to see it for yourselves... Illusio: Memory Projection!", Frostwraith stated, casting a spell that projected his memories of the place as an illusion for the entire group to see.

"That is some really odd writing...", commented Luco.

"I remember I felt a very strange power when I was on that cave. I was not sure of what it was at the time and never gave it much thought, but now... This place, this power... Everything makes sense. In retrospect, I was quite close to my goal of killing the Master, yet I never realized it until now... I knew the Master's power was somehow familiar to me...", Frostwraith told.

"What about those symbols, then?", Pit questioned.

"Well...", Frostwraith responded by snapping his fingers, casting a spell. "See for yourself."

The illusions were manipulated by Frostwraith's power, with understandable writing replacing the ancient language.

"This...", Dark Pit reacted.

"Are those OUR names in there?", Death the Kid commented.

"Creepy...", stated Snake.

"There is one scratched name here. Look!", Lucas stated pointing his finger at one of the names.

"Yes, indeed... I remember that one quite well... If I remove the scratches from the illusion...", Frostwraith stated.

"Muhti?!", Mari read.

"Just what is the meaning of all this?! What could be the connection between us and the Master? Why is Muhti's name scratched like that?", Mari questioned.

Frostwraith remained silent, seemingly thinking on something. Suddenly, he raised his head a bit and opens his eyes widely as if reaching a conclusion after a long time without an answer.

"Legion.", he stated. "It all makes sense now... Remember his crazed plan of everything becoming one? What if this list is a list of all individuals he chose to be part of that Legion? Some of you can remember, he does hold a deep grudge against Muhti, right?"

"But that doesn't make sense! The name was already scratched before Muhti even became one of the Master's targets, right?", Mari stated.

"Indeed... But you're forgetting some of Muhti's allies were actually agents for the Master. Remember that?", responded Frostwraith.

"We also know this Master guy is a bit on the crazy side...", noted Captain Falcon.

"Yeah, remember when he said only some were worthy of becoming part of his Legion?", X noted.

"Whatever he was planning, he's been doing so for many years... How could he know everything that was going to happen?", questioned Ness.

"Simple. If recall correctly, Muhti did have access to time traveling powers, right? What if one of the Master's agents knew that this was going to happen, went to the past and made the Master plan all of this beforehand?", Frostwraith stated, raising even more questions about the ongoing conflict.

"The Master had eyes everywhere, indeed...", Master Hand commented.

"A complete madman driven by excessive ambition... We have to stop him at all costs...", Frostwraith whispered.

As the illusion was dispelled by Frostwraith and the group prepared to move forward, a hot wind begins to blow...

Warcraft III - Doom

"What?! This wind...", reacted Pit.

"It's a demon storm! Keep your head down!", warned Frostwraith.

Kil'jaeden appeared before them, standing tall and menacing. He was gigantic, his face being the only part visible on that floor, the demon lord standing in the ground below.

"He's huge...", reacted Luco.

"You foolish puny little mongrels... You still dare to resist against the Master? You mice fear death even less than I thought... Let me warn you one last time... There will be no mercy from me anymore. Your recklessness and your persistent meddling is over. Prepare to be crushed by myself... By my eternal wrath!", Kil'jaeden stated.

"It doesn't matter how huge and imposing you may be, demon... You are my enemy. Prepare yourself!", Frostwraith retorted.

"Hmm... You think a puny mortal such as you can stand against me? How foolish... Such idiocy must be properly rewarded... Die.", Kil'jaeden responded.

"That demon may be too powerful for even us to handle... We have no choice but to use the Dimensional Cannon... Lord Dyntos, prepare the cannon.", Master Hand whispered.

"Yessir! I will begin charging it while everyone else distracts the demon.", the God of the Forge of Angel Land agreed.


the Deceiver​
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn - Eternal Bond

"Listen everyone! Engage Kil'jaeden in combat while the Dimensional Cannon is charging! You must hold on as long as possible!", Master Hand stated as he, Palutena, Naga, Arceus and Dyntos charged the cannon with their divine power.

"Got it. Everyone, let's go!", Frostwraith stated.

"You think you can even hit me? Hmph... You are but annoying insects crawling in my skin. I'll crush you all in a matter of seconds.", Kil'jaeden responded, by punching the ground on the arena.

Many of Marth's soldiers were blown away by the quake. Frostwraith rode his Hydreigon's back and began firing light magic at the demon lord. Though not as effective as expected, it still was enough to hurt Kil'jaeden.

"Hmm? You are stronger than I expected... Commendable, but a pity all the same.", commented Kil'jaeden by retaliating Frostwraith's attack, using a powerful demonic fire magic to repel Frostwraith.

Frostwraith was knocked back and Hydreigon was heavily injured. With no other choice, Frostwraith landed and returned Hydreigon to his Poké Ball.

"You're tougher than I expected... But a human is still a human.", reacted Kil'jaeden.

Before Kil'jaeden made another move, Pit and Zelda fired light arrows at the demon. Dark Pit, wielding a Palutena Bow, followed with a weaker, but still effective light arrow.

Zero followed through by shooting an energy wave with his Z-Saber. Cynthia's Togekiss attacked the demon lord with a Dazzling Gleam attack, which proved to be effective against the demon. Marth flied on Shiida's pegasus's back, jumping afterwards to land a hit on Kil'jaeden using Falchion. X followed afterward by firing multiple shots.

With all those attacks, Death the Kid had enough time to fully charge a Death Cannon attack, aiming the attack at Kil'jaeden's head. Luco's Mega Charizard X attacked at the same time, firing a powerful Blast Burn at the demon lord.

"Urgh... This is getting bothersome...", Kil'jaeden reacted, having survived all the attacks thrown at him. He charged a demonic fireball, attempting to fire it at the ones who had attacked him.

Frostwraith quickly sent out Zoroark to rely on her Illusion ability and attempt to deceive the Deceiver into firing the fireball at a Magic Mirror he cast. Fooled, the demon fired the attack, only to be reflected by the mirror and ending up hitting himself with his own power.

"Now's the chance! Mari! Alder! Black Star!", Frostwraith yelled.

Mari fired a spear made of ice, while Alder sent his Volcarona to use a Hurricane attack. With Kil'jaeden distracted by the long range attacks, Black Star used this opportunity to strike.

"Tsubaki, Enchanted Sword mode!", he yelled.

"Right!", Tsubaki responded, transforming into her katana form.

Black Star jumped high, cutting through one of Kil'jaeden's arms, causing massive pain on the demon lord. Following this, two more Light Arrows were fired by Pit and Zelda, injuring the demon lord further.

Kil'jaeden was being overwhelmed by everyone's power, but still attempted to attack as he punched a group of Crimean soldiers, killing them all instantly. He started to lose his composure by attacking more recklessly and became more enraged.

N intervened in the battle as well, commanding Reshiram, Zekrom and Kyurem to attack the demon lord. The combined powers of Fusion Flare, Fusion Bolt and Glaciate greatly damaged the demon lord.

"How... How is this possible...?!", Kil'jaeden reacted.

"This is what happens when you underestimate your foes.", retorted Frostwraith. "I'll let Master Hand send the final blow."

"The Dimensional Cannon is ready to fire! Everyone stay clear!", Master Hand warned.

Master Hand floated to an upper area and pulled the cannon's trigger. Kil'jaeden attempted to teleport, but Frostwraith had secretly used Chains of Light to bind him to his place. Being a demon, the chains were much more effective than usual.

The cannon fired a white ray, hitting the demon lord, who screamed in pain and slowly faded away, leaving no trace behind.

Fire Emblem: Awakening - "Here we are! The Shepherds' garrison"

"It's over... Yet, this is not a time to celebrate... At least, not yet...", commented Frostwraith. "We must continue going forward..."

Kil'jaeden is defeated at last, yet victory is still distant...


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
"Do we have to step thorugh that? Last time we did it got me all messed up" Typhlosion shy'd away from Latias' portal as if it would scorch his fur of if he got too close. It had taken a pretty big effort from the whole group just to convince him to come along.

"I am not getting locked up in some dark empty cell again. And besides, we haven't even had a chance to eat anything yet. How am I supposed to fight at my best on an empty stomach huh?"

"Ty..." Charizard tried in as patient a voice as he could muster "You had plenty to eat this morning before we came here. And we've told you already, the portal is completely safe".

"Mostly safe" Latias corrected "I've only tried this once before remember"?

Charizard sent Latias a sharp glance "Shut it will you? Do you want him to run off on us again?"

Latias quickly amended her statement.

"Of course, nothing bad happened last time, statistically speaking, the chances of anything terrible happening this time should be lower this time. slightly. "

Charizard did a mental face palm.

"That's it! I'm leaving"! Typhlosion shouted, making for the safety of the Yoshi camp.

"No you're not! Spirit, Bowser, Grab him"!

The two moved forward on Typhlosion, seeking to hold down his arms.

"Come now Ty, don't make this any harder than it has to be" Bowser angled himself to cut off Typhlosions' escape.

"No! You're all mad! I'm not going there! I'm no--"

Typhlosions protestes died off as quickly as they started. His senses detected something. It smelled...sweet. Typhlosion knew that irresistible scent anywhere.

"No Ty" Spirit teased, "You only get the honey if you step through the portal".

"Spirit, where'd you get that? Gimme it, please"! Typhlosion tried to snatch the golden jar out of Spirit's hands. Spirit easily danced out of his reach, yet he made sure to remain close, letting the jar tempt him even more".

"Go on Ty. The portal won't hurt. And when you come out the other side, this delicious honey can be all yours".

"Well"... Typhlosion pondered it for a moment "I suppose if it's for honey I can go--"

Charizard's fist seemed to come out of nowhere for Typhlosion. He was sent flying before he even knew what happened. His flight carried him in a perfect arc through the air, then he vanished into the portal. It was a perfect shot, he landed directly in the center.

"...Char, that was kind of mean don't you think". Spirit groaned.

"He would've stood there all day deciding if I hadn't done anything"

Latias looked just as surprised as Spirit did, but, as usual, she was the quickest to recover.

"Well then. I suppose we should all step through too then? He'll probably be curled up in a ball crying on the other side".

"Yeah" Charizard said with a hint of remorse "He'll get over it though. Once he gets his hands on Spirit's honey jar, just watch, those tears will dry up in an instant".

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Smash Champion
Jan 27, 2014
Planet Omicron Persei 8
[This will be a bad attempt]

Future of the Mushroom Kingdom: Coming Soon, to this thread to another thread because of the many restrictions.


Luigi, shaking, went up, confronting him. Terindo. He had posessed his brother, and many other heroes of other worlds he's never heard of.
"So, plumber, have you finally made it? It's interesting how my powers of possession had effect on your brother, isn't it.?"
"You w-will face m-me." Luigi stuttered.
"I guess he was the central person in your universe. The Hero of Time, the pink puffball, the woman in the power suit, all of them. They all have a special place in there universe. Always second to your brother, huh?" Terindo mocked. "Your brother was never special anyways. Your universe is just pathetic."
Luigi, suddenly forgeting his fears, yelled. "Do not mock a my brother! He was special! And I will save him again!"
"And how are you suppose to do that?"
"First, I need-a-to kill you."

Characters:Luigi, Bowser, Master Hand and Crazy Hand, Fox Mccloud, Ness, Terindo, Egadd [Minor though], Daisy[Again minor], Mario.
The ones mentioned in Terindo's speech make cameos, but won't be major.

More coming soon.
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Deacon Blues
Dec 27, 2013
Final Confrontation: Plot Twist.
"Did you do as you we're told?"


"And the account"

"Eh, it's not like I need this excuse for an account anymore. Yeah, I've been spying on you guys this whole time.
My name? You already know me, admit it. I hijacked this account weeks ago. We had this plan since the very beginning. It was only a matter of time before we'd strike. And then Frostwraith came along. It was perfect, no one knew about this kid. He could've been anyone! To them, he was just another kid looking for some new information. But to us, it was a gateway.

Though I'm quite surprised no one has caught on to me since now. All those questions, all those videos. And no one ever found out the symbolism behind them. It's only a matter of time before our secret plan come into action. And there will be nothing that could stop it. But, until then. I'm leaving. This is Muhti, signing out."

"...What happened?..."
Frost wakes up in a small room. With a small computer next to it. he tries turning it on, but quickly realize it's broken.
Looking around, he sees some shadows out side the door...

After a few minutes. The computer screen starts to glow.
It reads "What will you do?"
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Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York

1. Luigi is on my team
2. Mario is dead from the clutches of an evil organization. My team blamed the others for his death as Luigi gravitated to my team.
3. Bowser, Master Hand, Crazy Hand, and Ness are already taken.
4. The Mushroom Kingdom is under Muhtis/Chaos forces

MGV you are fine. Just tie your story into the main groups if you can later on. Not a priority at the moment.
Last edited:


Deacon Blues
Dec 27, 2013

1. Luigi is on my team
2. Mario is dead from the clutches of an evil organization. My team blamed the others for his death as Luigi gravitated to my team.
3. Bowser, Master Hand, Crazy Hand, and Ness are already taken.
4. The Mushroom Kingdom is under Muhtis/Chaos forces

MGV you are fine. Just tie your story into the main groups if you can later on. Not a priority at the moment.
Edited. Should look a little better.


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Now yours is a bit confusing MVG.

1. Frost is w/ Master Hands Army while Muhti is at New Hyrule
2. Both their priorities is to rid of the Master. Frost is determined to defeat him once and for all while "Muhti" is laid back on the task.
3. Muhti isn't Muhti. He is Chaos. For all you know, Chaos is a self declared "god" who has drilled fear into the other gods that he still rules over. Xiroey is his son etc. etc. etc.


Smash Champion
Jan 27, 2014
Planet Omicron Persei 8

1. Luigi is on my team
2. Mario is dead from the clutches of an evil organization. My team blamed the others for his death as Luigi gravitated to my team.
3. Bowser, Master Hand, Crazy Hand, and Ness are already taken.
4. The Mushroom Kingdom is under Muhtis/Chaos forces

MGV you are fine. Just tie your story into the main groups if you can later on. Not a priority at the moment.
I didn't read the game right then.
My story is completely different and not related to any of the stories of others.
Damn, I'd make a thread for y own story, but it would be trashed because it would be "The same thing".


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
@ Substitution Substitution @ Luigi#1 Luigi#1

This is less of a game and more of a casual roleplay thing. You make your own character and you can participate in the story. Every post should be open ended, so that others can continue from then on.

A good start would be to start creating your own character, introduce him and tell the characteristics and abilities so that others may roleplay your characters. This is recommend as it shouldn't make sense to pop up out of nowhere.

(Maybe I'll create a social group about this, since I've reached the limit of people on my PM about this...)

Fire Emblemier

The Crests are to Blame
Apr 4, 2013
United States
Switch FC
@ Substitution Substitution @ Luigi#1 Luigi#1

This is less of a game and more of a casual roleplay thing. You make your own character and you can participate in the story. Every post should be open ended, so that others can continue from then on.

A good start would be to start creating your own character, introduce him and tell the characteristics and abilities so that others may roleplay your characters. This is recommend as it shouldn't make sense to pop up out of nowhere.

(Maybe I'll create a social group about this, since I've reached the limit of people on my PM about this...)
A premium member can open a convo with about 50 slots if that helps and I know Mari and Xiroey are premium.


Deacon Blues
Dec 27, 2013
@ Substitution Substitution @ Luigi#1 Luigi#1

This is less of a game and more of a casual roleplay thing. You make your own character and you can participate in the story. Every post should be open ended, so that others can continue from then on.

A good start would be to start creating your own character, introduce him and tell the characteristics and abilities so that others may roleplay your characters. This is recommend as it shouldn't make sense to pop up out of nowhere.

(Maybe I'll create a social group about this, since I've reached the limit of people on my PM about this...)
It's fine, I only planned on putting that in anyway. That's all.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
It's fine, I only planned on putting that in anyway. That's all.
Hmm, yeah, but it doesn't seem to tie in with the actual context of the story.

I mean, they are at a tower (which is the main antagonist's turf actually) and my character isn't alone, so him disappearing out of nowhere and awakening in a room sounds strange.


Deacon Blues
Dec 27, 2013
Hmm, yeah, but it doesn't seem to tie in with the actual context of the story.

I mean, they are at a tower (which is the main antagonist's turf actually) and my character isn't alone, so him disappearing out of nowhere and awakening in a room sounds strange.
Simple, assume along the way you we're captured by a "shadow figure" away from your friends. And who says this isn't in the tower?
(...And this is why I suck at role-playing, or reading for that matter...)


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Simple, assume along the way you we're captured by a "shadow figure" away from your friends. And who says this isn't in the tower?
(...And this is why I suck at role-playing, or reading for that matter...)
Well, it could be something like that.

I know that, given the story is on a middle point, it may appear confusing at first. I mean, that's how I started posting here. The best way to start this is creating your own character, introduce him and characterize him. Afterwards, you could find a way to enter in the main story.

Actually, this part of the Master is about to end, but you could be preparing something already. I remember stumbling across this thread like you did and all I did was to introduce my character and progressing through my own story, eventually finding a way to enter in the main story.


Deacon Blues
Dec 27, 2013
Well, it could be something like that.

I know that, given the story is on a middle point, it may appear confusing at first. I mean, that's how I started posting here. The best way to start this is creating your own character, introduce him and characterize him. Afterwards, you could find a way to enter in the main story.

Actually, this part of the Master is about to end, but you could be preparing something already. I remember stumbling across this thread like you did and all I did was to introduce my character and progressing through my own story, eventually finding a way to enter in the main story.
Eh, like I said. I only really wanted to post that. That's about it. Carry on...
What about me you ask? Well...


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Final Confrontation: Part VII
The King of Evil

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker - Ganon's Castle

At the top of the tower...

"Fifteen minutes... It is close...", the Master whispered. "You'd better buy me as much time as possible, Ganondorf... I never imagined Kil'jaeden would be so useless... They weren't supposed to take so little time climbing this tower..."

Meanwhile on another part of the tower...

"The power... is getting stronger... It's getting harder to resist its effects... The bloodlust inside me... Those hallucinations... Damn it all...", Frostwraith thought as he felt a strange power.

The group kept climbing the tower's outside staircase until a mild rumble was felt.

"Aargh!", Frostwraith reacted.

"What is going on?", Master Hand reacted.

"Look... In the sky...", X noted.

"Is that Skyworld...? Wait... I can see more... Is that a castle...?", Pit observed what seemed to be faint holograms on the dark clouds that surrounded the tower.

"I can see Ylisstol... And that looks like a castle bearing the symbol of Daein...", noted Chrom.

"The Twilight Realm can also be seen...", Zelda observed.

"Mute City and Planet Zebes...", Samus said while looking at another direction.

"So, the Master really went ahead with his plan of merging the dimensions... The gap between dimensions has grown thin enough the worlds have become visible in other dimensions, even if only in an holographic fashion...", observed Master Hand. "The power around here is becoming extremely instable... If the Master manages to pull this off completely, there's an high risk for this plane of existence to implode, wiping us out instantly."

"Won't the Master be eliminated from existence if that happens?!", Death the Kid quickly intervened.

"Yes.", Frostwraith stated ominously.

"Is he truly that foolish?", questioned the young Reaper.

"Unfortunately for everyone, he is. Like my ancestors, I have studied the dimensions and their properties. We're running out of time, so I'll make this quick. Every dimension has its own proprieties and laws, so trying to mix those different worlds and merging them is like mixing water with fat. They won't mix, no matter how much you force it to happen... And when you force something to happen, there are consequences.", Frostwraith replied.

"Well, this is all interesting and all, but we got to keep moving!", Dark Pit reacted.

"Yes. Let's go!", Frostwraith responded.

The group continued to climb the tower, entering inside it again and heard the sound of an organ.

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Ganon's Castle

"Do I hear an organ?", questioned Pit.

"It sounds sinister too...", Ness responded.

The higher they climbed, the louder the sound was. Eventually, they arrive at a room with a sinister looking door.

"It's coming from inside this room...", noted Samus.

"I sense a familiar presence...", Zelda stated.

"Same here...", Frostwraith added.

The group slowly opened the door, finding themselves in a large room, decorated with stained glass windows and quite artistic, yet sinister looking architecture. On the floor there was a long, red mat stretching from one side of the room to the other, where a man playing an organ was. Upon noting Master Hand and the others' presence, the man stopped playing.

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn - Boss Intro 2

"So, you've finally arrived... You have made the Master quite upset by arriving here to quickly... You are persistent, yet foolish.", the man stated before facing the group.

"Ganondorf!", Zelda reacted.

"Hmhmhmhmhm... You, too, are among those idiots? Heh... This makes things more interesting...", Ganondorf evilly commented.

"Why are you doing this, Ganondorf?", Zelda questioned.

"I want power. The Master is willing to give me power. I can start getting more power by snatching those artifacts you have... The Time Gears, the Sol Emeralds, those Orbs you got there and, of course, the Eye of Sargeras. Souls may have inherent power, but it is nothing compared to the power such artifacts hold! Well, well... And you too, Zelda, will be instrumental in my plan. That Triforce of Wisdom is resonating with my Triforce of Power. Hmph... Those toys are better off in the hands of those worthy to have them... I command you to give them to ME!", Ganondorf retorted, charging his power. "UOOAAARRGGHH!!"

Ganondorf unleashed a wave of dark energy that weakened most of the group's members.

"Pathetic fools... I have toyed with you long enough.", Ganondorf stated as he started to float and the ornaments on the room started to fade away.


Great King of Evil
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Ganondorf Battle

Ganondorf fired a magic ball at Master Hand, incapacitating him instantly.

"Ha ha ha ha... HA HA HA HA!", Ganondorf laughed.

"You fiend, embrace Judgement.", Arceus reacted, by unleashing his full power on Ganondorf.

The light stroke Ganondorf, but the damage was minimal.

"How is that even possible?!", reacted Pit.

"With the Triforce of Power in his possession, even a god has trouble fighting him... This is something I must do!", stated Zelda as she transformed into Sheik and used her Triforce of Wisdom to wield the Light Arrows. "Pit, Dark Pit and Palutena, I need your help. Ganondorf is much more powerful thanks to the Master's power flowing in him."

"You can count on us.", Palutena replied.

"Planning in the middle of battle will achieve you nothing! HA!", Ganondorf reacted by attacking Sheik with a lightning bolt. "Ha ha ha ha... HA HA HA HA!"

Sheik resisted thanks to her power and quickly stood back up.

"Also... his shots can be reflected by weapons with magical proprieties. Although, I don't know how reliable this can be...", Sheik noted.

"HA!", Ganondorf shouted as he shot a light ball at Frostwraith.

Frostwraith attacked the projectile with his sword.

"HA!", Ganondorf shouted as he reflected the projectile again, this time aiming at Marth.

Marth assumed a defensive stance, striking the shot with Falchion. The light ball, however, didn't bounce back to the Evil King, instead it went straight to Lucas, who absorbed the projectile with PSI Magnet.

"Hrrhm.... HA!", Ganondorf shouted as he shot many energy balls at once, hitting several members of the group.

"I've had enough of this charade, Ganondorf! DIE!", Master Hand angrily reacted, aiming to punch the Evil King with all his power.

Ganondorf simply brushed Master Hand aside with his power, incapacitating the denizen of Final Destination instantly.

"Ha ha ha ha... HA HA HA HA!", reacted Ganondorf.

"We need to try the whole reflect the projectiles thing... That's what might work. We need to protect those without hitting weapons, though.", Captain Falcon noted.

"Pit, Dark Pit and Palutena, I need you to stand by.", Sheik stated, wielding a bow.

"HA!", Ganondorf shouted, shooting another projectile at Sheik.

Sheik vanished, prompting Frostwraith to strike the projectile with his sword. The projectile bounced off and became aimed at Ike, who attacked it with Ragnell. The projectile was reflected back to the Evil King, who reflected it, the shot taking aim at Chrom.

Chrom attacked the projectile causing it to bounce to Frostwraith again. Attacking it with his sword, the projectile took aim at Captain Falcon. Zero was close by and attacked the projectile with his Z-Saber. The projectile now aimed at Ness, who used a Franklin Badge to deflect it back to Ganondorf.

"HA!", Ganondorf yelled as he reflected the projectile.

"He's persistent...", Snake commented.

Black Star attacked the projectile with his katana, the magic ball now aiming towards Roy, who countered the hit back to Ganondorf. The projectile had grown strong enough so that Ganondorf was hit by it.

"Uuorgh...!", Ganondorf screamed in pain.

"Now's the chance! FIRE!", Sheik yelled, firing a Light Arrow.

Pit shot a charged arrow using the Three Sacred Treasures. Dark Pit used Palutena's Bow to fire an array of arrows of light, while Palutena shot a light beam towards the Evil King.

"Death Cannon!", Death the Kid yelled as he fired two powerful shots at Ganondorf.

X activated his Second Armor and struck Ganondorf. Ness used a charged PK Flash at Ganondorf.

"Uuurgh...", Ganondorf roared as he fell to the ground.

Black Star trapped Ganondorf using his kusarigama, attacking the Evil King with Soul Force.

"Garchomp, use Dragon Rush!", Cynthia ordered.

"Volcarona, attack him with Fire Blast!", Alder ordered.

"Kyurem! Ice Burn!", ordered N.

Ike followed the attacks with Aether. Chrom followed Ike's attack by using Aether too.

"Charizard, Blast Burn!", Luco ordered.

"Uurgh... Uwwoo...", Ganondorf grunted as he was massively attacked.

Richard fired two shots at Ganondorf and Snake fired his RPG-7 at the Evil King afterwards.

Suddenly, Ganondorf gets up and pushes everyone around him with mighty strength.

"Still alive with all those attacks on him... Can't say I'm not impressed...", Frostwraith stated.

"Hmph... You are stronger than I expected... Still, you are in need of some lessons...", Ganondorf stated as he drew a sword.

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - Ganondorf Battle

Ganondorf jumped high and viciously kicked Pit and Dark Pit, knocking them unconscious. He quickly followed this attack by unleashing a wave of darkness that rendered Ike, Roy and Marth instantly unconscious as well.

"Who's next? You...", Ganondorf muttered as he attacked Frostwraith with massive power, knocking him down. Ness, Lucas and their companions were the next victims, followed by Samus and Captain Falcon.

"Finishing them all so quickly? That's pretty impressive!", Death the Kid reacted.

"Impressed by power? Shows how weak you are, boy.", Ganondorf condescendingly stated.

"Do you know who are you dealing with? I'm a Grim Reaper! I'm going to make you pay for all your sins!", the Reaper replied.

"...Is that so? Come, show me your power.", Ganondorf stated.

"Not so fast!", Sheik yelled, shooting a Light Arrow.

Ganondorf dodged it easily by jumping and then landed a powerful strike on Sheik. Ganondorf trapped her in a magic barrier afterwards.

"I will deal with you later.", Ganondorf coldly retorted.

Kid shot a few shots from his guns. Ganondorf, however, defended them all by shielding himself with his swords.

"Is that all your power...? Laughable.", Ganondorf replied. "Call yourself Grim Reaper all you want, you are nothing but a pathetic wimp. I won't waste time with any further."

Ganondorf unleashed a wave of darkness powerful enough to send Kid flying from one side of the room to the other. His weapons returned to human form as well.

"In the end, your victories were just sheer luck... Nothing more.", Ganondorf commented.

Richard and FireEmblemnier attacked Ganondorf afterwards but were quickly pushed aside by Ganondorf's power.

"Nothing but insects.", Ganondorf commented.

"Who are ya calling insects, punk?! The Rawk ain't going to take such a thing lightly!", Rawk Hawk yelled, punching Ganondorf, who barely budged.

"Hyah!", Ganondorf yelled as he attacked Rawk Hawk with a mighty sword blow.

With his guard down, Zero attacked Ganondorf, hitting him.

"Urgh...", Ganondorf grunted.

"Now!", Zero yelled.

Guile shot a Sonic Boom at Ganondorf, barely hitting him.

"Looks like he dropped his guard. Are you ready?", Soul stated.

"We have no other choice.", Maka responded to the scythe.

Maka and Soul activated Soul Resonance, the scythe's shape started to change.

"Aaaaugh...! Genie Hunter!", yelled Maka, attacking Ganondorf.

While the attack didn't do much damage to the Evil King, it was enough power to hurt him and make him undo the trapping spell he cast on Sheik. Transforming back into Zelda, she attacked Ganondorf with a Light Arrow, activating Nayru's Love afterwards to protect herself. With the spell activated, Zelda drew a sword.

"I've had enough of this... Come, Zelda! I will take your power and finish you!", Ganondorf reacted, preparing to fight.

Zelda stabbed Ganondorf, causing him to flinch and become open for more attacks. Ganondorf recovered and stabbed Zelda who would have been injured if it wasn't for her Nayru's Love spell. Zelda countered with two swift cuts, transforming into Sheik afterwards and delivering a third blow with a knife.

"Urgh... This isn't possible...", Ganondorf reacted.

Sheik jumped, clinging to a wall and through an array of needles, immobilizing Ganondorf even further. She drew her bow again and fired another Light Arrow at Ganondorf, seemingly killing him off for real.

*No music*

Defeated, Ganondorf collapsed to the floor.

"It's all over...", Zelda stated with relief.

"This battle didn't go well at all, many of us are wounded. We can't go on like this.", stated X.

"I know. Ganondorf was much more powerful than I ever met him before...", Zelda stated.

A sudden apparition faded in the room. It was Naga, the Divine Dragon.

Fire Emblem: Awakening - "You have power... like mine."

"Your destiny is close, yet you cannot proceed...", the dragon stated.

"Naga?", Zelda reacted.

"That is why I have come. I'm giving you my aid. My powers will replenish everyone back to normal. You are close. The Master is just at the upper floor... Do not falter...", Naga stated, fading away and healing everyone back to normal.

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn - Eyes of Rage

A shrieking noise was heard just after Naga faded away. Ganondorf slowly got up, coughing heavily, his eyes glowing in a sinister golden color. The mark of the Triforce appeared on his right hand, glowing in a bright golden light.

"You... I will destroy you all...", Ganondorf stated as he started to change shape.

"Now he has unleashed his true power...", Zelda stated.

"What did you just say?!", Dark Pit reacted.

"If he was already very powerful before, now it's going to be impossible!", Lucas stated.

"Ganon... The true form of Ganondorf... We cannot hold back now!", Zelda exclaimed, preparing her Light Arrows.


The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Ganon Battle

"Though he's now transformed into a beast, he has already consumed much of his power... We have a chance against him... We will not lose!", Frostwraith yelled.

Ganon roared loudly, the room becoming covered in darkness. He started to swing his massive swords around. Zelda fired a Light Arrow, stunning him for a fraction of a second.

"Even the Light Arrows are not as efficient as before...", Frostwraith noted.

Palutena fired a light beam at Ganon, which proved to be efficient, but he resisted. Ganon ruthlessly attacked the goddess, sending her flying across the room.

"Lady Palutena!!", Pit yelled.

"Pit...", Palutena responded weakly.

"GANONDORF!!!!", reacted Master Hand. "YOU FOOL!!"

Master Hand grabbed his head, pushing him with all his might. The beast tried to shoo Master Hand away, but Zelda intervened by attacking Ganon with another Light Arrow. Ganon barely flinched at viciously cut Master Hand with one of his swords. Master Hand struggled to get up.

"Master Hand is heavily injured... Is there no end to his power?", Magolor noted.

"I will fight as well. The Sol Emeralds' power will help us.", Blaze stated as she absorbed the power of the Sol Emeralds, turning into her powerful Burning Blaze form.

"Naga has given us her blessings... Let's go.", Chrom stated, unsheathing Falchion that glowed with a bright orange color.

"Chains of Light!", Frostwraith yelled, summoning chains made of light that binded Ganon to the ground.

Blaze fired a huge fireball at Ganon, damaging him slightly. Ganon struggled to break free of the Chains of Light and everyone used this opportunity to attack Ganon as best as possible. Though everyone gave their all, Ganon didn't seem to be much weaker.

Zelda aimed the Light Arrows at Ganon's tail, which seemed to be his weak point. Eventually, Ganon got free of the chains, attacking everyone like an untamed beast.

"Using the Dimensional Cannon is not even an option as it is still recharging from the battle against Kil'jaeden...", thought Frostwraith, who managed to hide from Ganon by hiding himself as a shadow. "What can we do now...?"

Zelda was persistent by firing the Light Arrows at the Evil King, but even so, there seemed to be no hope for victory.

"There's only one thing left to do, then...", Zelda thought. "Ancient Gods of Hyrule, you must lend us your power..."

As the heir of Hyrule and being the reincarnation of the Goddess Hylia, Zelda started to become cloaked in light.

"With my power... I'm going to seal this beast away!", stated Zelda.

"Embrace Judgement...", Arceus stated as he unleashed his most powerful move on Ganon.

"His power is diminishing... He can't hold much longer...", Frostwraith observed as he cast another Chains of Light spell to keep Ganon from moving.

Zelda unleashed a powerful ray of light that enveloped Ganon, the beast becoming weaker.

"Unbelievable!", Frostwraith thought as he sensed Ganon's power fading away very quickly. "This is the power of the Triforce, then..."

Ganon faded away with the light, victory being granted to Master Hand's army.

Fire Emblem: Awakening - "Run all you like-you can't escape fate!"

Meanwhile, at the top of the tower...

"Five minutes... Heh heh heh... At least, you were useful to the end, Ganondorf... Now, there's nothing the dogs can do... The fate of everything is sealed.", the Master stated as he watched Ganon being defeated. "We are victorious at last..."

Back on Ganondorf's room...

"It's all over for real...", Zelda stated.

"We must hurry... To the top of the tower...", Frostwraith stated.

Before they could get a move on, a mysterious, yet familiar to some members of the group, man appears, fading into the room. He was dressed in a priest's garb.

"It is you again...", Captain Falcon reacted.

"Do you know this man?", Master Hand asked.

"Yes, we met him in the Death Star.", Samus responded. "Same for the angels and Rawk Hawk."

"His name is Goenitz or something.", added Falcon.

The King of Fighters '96 - Trash Head (Goenitz's Theme) (Arranged)

"Yes, indeed... I am Goenitz.", responded the man. "I must commend your will and your powers... Perhaps you may have a chance against the Master."

"Who are you exactly? You always know where we are and knew a lot about those cultists.", Dark Pit stated.

"Who am I? I believe I have identified myself... Ah, I jest. Indeed, I know a lot about the Master and his cultists. You see...", stated Goenitz, pausing for a few seconds.

"Do you have something to say?", reacted the dark angel.

"Quite the impatient fellow you are... I see. Well, there is a reason I know a lot about the Master and his cult. Don't I look like I could lead a cult myself?", responded Goenitz.

"You work for him, don't you?", Frostwraith reacted.

"Astute judgement, indeed... I never expected anything less from the one the Master chose so long ago. Indeed, my allegiance lies to the Master. Indeed, it is true that my purpose here to annihilate you in his name. Don't take it personally... After all, I am his follower. Much like you follow Master Hand's will, I follow my Master's will. Conflict will always arise as long as different ideals exist. One side always eager to prove stronger than the other...", Goenitz explained calmly.

"Your personality is a stark contrast to everyone else we've met...", observed Frostwraith.

"A valid observation, indeed... It is true I don't seem as fanatic as the other cultists, but loyalty isn't the same as devotion or fanaticism, you see. Though we stand in opposite sides, I still have to maintain my honor and dignity, as should you. I may not be able to save you from your wrongdoings, but I can at least I can grant you salvation through death. I'd say it would be dishonorable if I killed you all in one blow, but it also would be so if you ganged up on me. That is why I shall propose a deal.", Goenitz stated.

"A deal? Sounds fishy...", commented Snake.

"I shall challenge one of you to an honorable fight to the death. Which of you will be ready to duel against me?", Goenitz calmly asked.

"I will.", Frostwraith stated.

"Very well, then... Your comrades will be out of this fight and merely watch. If anyone of them tries to attack one of us, I'll kill him or her.", stated Goenitz.

"I don't think you will have to worry about it. Come!", Frostwraith stated.

"And the wind is blowing...", murmured Goenitz.


The King of Fighters 2002 - Trash Head ~Spring Storm~ (Goenitz's Theme)

Goenitz summoned a tornado and launched it at Frostwraith.

"Magic Mirror!", Frostwraith yelled, casting a mirror to reflect Goenitz's tornado.

"Impressive... Quite impressive.", Goenitz commented. "I'm afraid you'll have to die today. In the name of my Master!"

"The one dying... IS YOU!", Frostwraith reacted, attacking the priest with his sword charged with dark magic. "Dark Edge!"

After slashing Goenitz, a blade of darkness formed from the sword's trail and dragged Goenitz to a wall. Goenitz launched several blades of wind, attempting to cut Frostwraith, who dodged by shifting into shadow form. Rising back to normal, Frostwraith launched a light spell at Goenitz.

"Now...! Searing Thunder!", Frostwraith yelled, firing a pillar of flame with electric sparks surrounding it.

Goenitz was hit by the spell, but still attempted to attack Frostwraith with blades of wind. Frostwraith used ice magic to freeze the air and nullify Goenitz's power.

"Very impressive! Truly, this is the power of the Frostwraith bloodline! The power my Master seeks!", exclaimed Goenitz.

"It's the power to protect the worlds from his madness! Polar Wind!", yelled Frostwraith, attacking Goenitz with cold wind mixed with ice particles.

"Madness or not. It must be and shall be done!", Goenitz retorted by defending himself from Frostwraith's spell.

"Persistent, aren't you? Chains of Darkness!", Frostwraith yelled, surrounding Goenitz with chains made of darkness.

Goenitz was stuck, enabled Frostwraith to deliver a powerful blow using his sword.

"DIE!", Frostwraith yelled. "Darkness Plunge!"

His sword became covered with a heavy layer of darkness that solidified, giving the sword a bigger, bulkier edge. Frostwraith stabbed Goenitz with the sword, seemingly killing him.

Goenitz fell to the ground, struggling to get up.

"Ah... 'Tis indeed gentle... The wind blowing... My Master... I have failed you...", stated Goenitz, kneeling and looking above. "You win, Frostwraith... Just this last time..."

Goenitz took a knife and stabbed himself, dying afterwards.

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn - Battle is Joined

"It seems the Master is just at the floor above us. We must prepare ourselves for the final battle.", Master Hand stated.

"It is finally close... My vengeance... will be done.", Frostwraith whispered.

The final battle is drawing near...
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Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
The air here feels strange

The stairs carried Xiroey and Stormy into an odd room. The two couldn't help but gaze around in wonder. A mountain of toys sat on one side of the room, meanwhile a children's table and play mat sat snugly in the center. The rooms only inhabitant barely seemed to notice them arrive. He got up from the table, placing down his empty teacup.

"Hi, are you here for the tea party"? A kid looked up at Xiroey and Stormy with big curious eyes.

"Uhh... You're not... what exactly is this"?

Stormy lowered his neck to the child and sniffed him curiously. Now that his surroundings were a lot bigger, he could afford to resume his full-size. The child giggled as Stormy huffed hot all all over him.

" H-hey stop that!" The child laughed playfully. He gave stormy a couple of pets on the snout.

"I don't smell evil on him" Stormy said aloud, blowing even more hot air over the kid.

"So he's not alligned with the master then? Why is he here"?

"I'm not sure... but... mmph". Stormy had to take a moment to lightly shake the kid off. He as starting to latch onto his nose and it was making it hard for him to breathe.

"You're a dragon" The kid said, beaming up at the two of them.

"Y-yes... That I am".

"You're cute. You're like a big big puppy".

Xiroey thought he heard Stormy groan slightly. Last time Xiroey had called him cute, he'd gotten the full beach-ball treatment while Stormy tossed him around like a helpless plaything. He couldn't exactly do that to a little kid though.

"Yes"... Stormy said, a bit mournfully, "I'm like a big puppy..."

That made the kid even happier.

"Yay! I knew it! I wish I had a pet dragon. I asked the Master to get me one, but he said I'd probably kill it if he did."

That made Stormy blink.


"He says I'm too young for a pet. All of the pets the master gives me die. I wish they could play with me more, Y'know? My pets always die on me when we play".

Xiroey was starting to feel a tad uncomfortable.

"Uhh... I'm kinda scared to ask this but. How exactly do you play with your pets. Also, what are you doing here, of all places? And why with the Master"?

"You ask a lot of questions" The child giggled. Xiroey opened his mouth to speak again, but the child shushed him. "It's okay. I ask a lot of questions too. The master says asking things is how you get smarter. You must be really smart".

"You're... kinda getting off topic here" Xiroey was trying to reason with the child, but his demeanor had somehow changed since they'd entered the room. He felt...different.

"Xiroey, I smell evil on him" Stormy warned. He backed up a few steps from the child.

"Aww, what's wrong? You both don't want to play? That's no fun. I've just been sitting here play teaparty all by my lonesome. That's no fun Y'now? Lets have some fun"!

Stormy leaped backwards, "Xiroey look out"!

A blade appeared at Xiroey's throat out of nowhere. The kid was standing on top of Stormy's back, grinning at him.

"You look strong. I love playing with Chaoslings. They don't usually die as quickly. You and me can probably play for a long time"!

Xiroey gulped. This was getting a bit too creepy for him. He tried inching away from the sword, but the kid just thrust it closer to his neck, drawing a bit of blood".

"Just you and me. No pets allowed. If Fido tries to intervene, I'll kill him. Understand"?

Stormy roared "What did you just call me you little brat"?!--

The kid was gone. He stood on top of stormy's snout now, a sword potitioned directly over stormy's eye.

"I told you to be quiet dog".

Xiroey could feel Stormy's temper flaring. He obviously could care less about the kid's threats, or about the sword that was a mere 3 inches away from blinding him. Xiroey really didn't want to fight against a kid, but common sense told him that this was obviously no ordinary child. He also called him a Chaosling. How could he possibly know something like that? Especially when Xiroey had barely found out about it himself?

"Enough, Xiorey said, standing up on Stormy's back, "I'll fight you".

"Yay"! The kid squealed happily. He put his sword away and hopped easily off of Stormy's snout. The 75-some foot fall didn't seem to bother the kid at all, and he landed neatly on both feet".

"Do me a favor Xiroey and rip that kid to pieces will you"? Stormy growled as Xiroey jumped off as well.

You know I can't do that. He's obviously being controlled somehow. I sense evil on him, but it doesn't feel natural. I think they might be supressing his memories.

Stormy growled at that. He didn't like being called a dog. But he let the matter drop. Xiroey approached the kid. Electrical energies slowly began building up in his hands.

"You wanted to play? Fine. But I hope you know, we 'Chaoslings' like to play rough".

"Great! You'll make a good plaything afterall"!

The kid lunged at him. He moved with such impossible speed. Xiroey barely saw him move. He evaded to the side just in time to avoid being beheaded, then he ducked a quick overhead cut by the kid.

The child giggled, to him this was all like one big game, he easily kept up with Xiroey's quick steps, thwarting all of his efforts to keep his distance".

I see I won't be able to fight from longrange agaisnt this kid. Very well, If it's a close quarters fight he wants...

Xiroey shifted stances. He pivioted on his right foot, just barely evading a swift one-two cut that nearly cleaved him in half. The kid was left exposed from the backside. Xiroey turned a full 360 degrees and sent the kid flying away with a harsh roundhouse kick.

He almost expected that to be the end of it, but the kid went flying into a wall. He managed to recover mid air and landed with both feet on the wall. Then he bounced off and came flying back at him.

The kid slashed at his neck, flying by at surprising speed. Xiroey ducked and the kid went rolling across the floor.

"He may be a child, but he fights like a grown man". Xiroey managed to build up enough energy and launched a lightning bolt at the kid. The child recovered from his dive and managed to get up in time to evade the attack.

"Ooh! We're playing with lightning now! This is so much fun"!

"Yeah" Xiroey thought to himself, "lots of fun". The lightning bolt bounced off the wall, ricocheting back towards him and striking the kid in the back.

He screamed, falling on his hands and knees.


Xiroey summoned up a pool of water from the floor. It snaked it's way up the kids arms and legs, up to his shoulders and froze. The kid was rendered helpless, trapped in Xiroey's icy prison.

"H-hey! Not cool! That's cheating, let me outta here"! The kid tried to struggle, but the ice was surprisingly resilient.

"Don't bother. That's hell ice that binds your limbs in place. It feeds off of evil, and frankly kid, you reik of it".

"I... I don't understand. You're not a demon, you can't use that spell! You cheated"!

Xiroey's eyes changed, for a moment they appeared to belong to someone else. Someone without love or sympathy. A pair of pupil-less ice-blue eyes gazed down at the kid, and when Xiroey spoke, his voice was much deeper. It sounded a bit like two voices were speaking at the same time. His, and something else's.

"There's no cheating in war kid. The strong survive and the weak bleed. Isn't that what your Master says"?

"What do you know of MY master"?

"I know enough. I know that when I catch him. He will bleed. Just as he made so many innocent people bleed".

Xiroey left the kid there to freeze in the ice. It slowly moved up his shoulders, covering his neck, and then his face.

"They're very close now Xiroey. Looks like we'll make it in time for the final fight" He was back on Stormy's back, riding up the final staircase that would lead them to join up with the rest of the group.

"Good..." Xiroey said, in his own voice again. "I'm not sure what just happened, but I think I would've killed that child if that fight had dragged on any longer".


Fire Emblemier

The Crests are to Blame
Apr 4, 2013
United States
Switch FC
+Toward The Starry Sky - Dragon Quest IX+

"Five minutes... jeez, we're really pulling at tiny strings here..." stated FireEmblemnier

"It would surely be a miracle if we all pull this off." replied Nino.

It sure would b--" Cloud began to say, but was cut off.

Suddenly, everything stopped moving, not a single sound or even movement. Even clocks stopped ticking. It was as if time truly stopped, maybe it even did. Fire and his group totally disappeared and time was still stopped. Moments later time started to flow again... but not at the tower... Fire became conscious, but didn't recognize any of his surroundings.

"Huh... one moment I was in the tower with Master hand's army, now I'm at some sort of observatory. What the hell happened?" Fire said to himself.

Fire observed his surroundings more, to find out what was going on. He noticed Lyn nearby, and ran towards her.

"Lyn! Do you know what's going on, or where we even are?"

"No clue, whatsoever, I did meet up with Mewtwo and Cloud, though." Lyn responded.

"Anyone else, here?" Fire Asked

"I don't think so, but we might as well search, let me tell Mewtwo and Cloud."

The four of them headed to the top of the observatory where they found a colossal tree.

"How does a place this large, support something maybe even twice the size and weight?!" Cloud stated

Fire shrugged. They stood in front of the tree for a while, when suddenly a ray of light shine down, and a girl appeared.

"Who are you?!" stated Mewtwo being cautious

"Don't fret, I am not your enemy, but an ally. My name is Celestia, ruler of the Realm of The Almighty. I have found two other of your friends, Nino and Raichu. I have summoned you here for a task I simply can not do. Corvus, a corrupted fallen angel has distorted The Realm of the Almighty to the Realm of the Mighty. All of you must go and stop him." she stated

"Sorry, but we can't the fate of the fate of thousands of dimensions are at stake, and the odds are against us, if we don't stop the Master in time." Fire replied

"But thou must. the realm we are in now is outside the dimensional plain, and I have frozen time inside the dimensional plain so by the time your back, it will be as if, no time has passed when you go back in it. I need your help to stop Corvus' plan from escalating."

"Fine, we'll need Raichu and Nino with us though. how powerful can this guy be?" Fire stated.

Celestia agreed and sent them to the top of the Realm of the Mighty where the throne room lied.
+A Temple with No Master - Dragon Quest IX+

"Ok, so past this room is one of the hardest fights, we will probably ever have, especially since their is only 6 of us. Are all of you prepared." Fire stated

They all nodded and proceeded in. There the menacing Fallen Angel stood, it was hard to stare at him due to his demonic look. He started doing a maniacal laugh that disturbed the group.

Suddenly Corvus disappeared, everyone was searching for him, in the throne room. Corvus sporadically reappeared in front of FireEmblemnier grabbing him by the neck.

"...Can Someone help me already, I'm being choked here" Fire said while being held by Corvus.

Lyn shot an Arrow at Corvus' wrist which made him let go of Fire.

"I'm guessing you want a fight, then, huh." Fire stated

+The Time Of The Decisive Battle - Dragon Quest IX+
VS. Corvus

Corvus continued laughing, it was as if he didn't find Fire and co. worthy opponents. Cloud charged at him with his buster sword. Corvus just grabbed it by the blade without even cutting himself, and tossed Cloud aside.

FireEmblemnier used PSI fire and aimed it at Corvus. The flames scorched most of the feathers and it seemed to damage him quite a bit. Corvus sent bolts of lightning down at everyone.

"Do you know this isn't even my final form, I'll show you true power." Corvus maniacally said.

All of the remaining feathers that weren't scorched flew right off and he started transforming.

"Everyone brave yourselves!" stated Mewtwo.

Corvus, now in his most demonic form, loosed a gigantic Magic Burst. The entire throne room was obliterated, and if it wasn't for Mewtwo's advice they'd all probably be dead.
VS. Corvus (Final Form)

Corvus shrouded everyone in a breath of Malevolent Darkness. It was impossible for anyone to see through it. Corvus, then teleported behind Mewtwo and slashed at him, Mewtwo, luckily parried it with a Psycho Cut.

Corvus started laughing maniacally again. Nino shot a huge ball of flames at Corvus pushing him back rather far. The Flames helped clear the Darkness also.

FireEmblemnier used PSI fire to shroud his sword in flames, and got in a defensive position. Corvus teleported to Fire and grabbed him. Fire used his flaming sword to cut off Corvus' hand. Fire dropped down and was caught by Mewtwo. Raichu shot a bolt of lightning at Corvus.

"You think you can stop a demon of such high calibur!" Corvus yelled and as a last ditch effort used a second and even more powerful Magic Burst.

It knocked everyone unconscious except FireEmblemnier. FireEmblemnier, heavily damaged, looked at all of his unconscious friends surrounding him. He had one last chance to stop Corvus, so he stabbed Corvus in the chest, and his sword snapped in two.

"...I... thought... I was.... Immortal..." Corvus said as he was fading into darkness.

Fire went on his knees and fell unconscious.

When Fire regained consciousness, he found himself back at the observatory. Everyone else was already conscious.

"You have done well, and as you promised I will send you back to the tower and have time start flowing again. Yet, before you go, I'll give you this to help with the fight against the Master." Celestia stated.

Fire was handed a blessed sword of exceptional craftsmanship. He didn't know what to say... yet, before he could say anything they were all sent back to the tower.

Everyone was staring at Fire, his clothes were torn up, and there was blood on him. Same with the rest of the group.

"What the hell happened to you guys?" Frostwraith asked.

"It's a long story, that will take more than five minutes to explain, I'll fill you in later, but now we must head to the Master, before time runs out." Fire stated.


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Crossing the rift between dimensions was fun. It was a bit like riding a roller costar. Only... there were no seat belts, or safety bars, or walls, or seats, and it was a lot more chaotic than riding a roller coaster. Typhlosion came flying out the other end, feeling a bit sick to his stomach. He wasn't sure what happened. One moment his senses were tempted by the irresistible scent of honey. The next thing he knew, he was on board the one-way train to hurl city.

Speaking of which, he did feel a bit like he wanted to hurl.

"Hey you! Fluffbutt! Git yer big stinkin rear off of me"!

Typhlosion looked down. Suddenly the ground was talking to him. And it was moving.

Come to think of it, his landing had felt pretty soft.

Whoever it was shoved his way out from under him, causing Typhlosion to fall on his back.

"Geeze, no manners. Just come flying out of nowhere and crush my spine why don't ya"?
Crash got up and tried to crack his back.

"Hi, who are you? Is this your home demension"?

"What"? Crash said, then he took a good look at the lump that had fallen on top of him. "Come to think of it, what's a Typhlosion doing falling out of the sky"?

Typhlosion pointed up, a thin glowing portal hovered a few feet above Crash's head.

"What in the blazes..." Crash flew up to inspect it. He was certain this portal wasn't here a moment ago.

"You came out of this"?

Typhlosion nodded. He took a good look around at his surroundings. He wasn't sure what kind of dimension this was. It looked dark. The walls were all black stone, the floor (now that Crash wasn't lying beneath him) felt hard and wet. And it smelled a bit like old mildew.

"Typhlosion? What happened, when did you get here"?

Typhlosion's ears perked up. He knew that voice. He'd only met it's owner once before, but when he had she'd been super nice to him. She had even let Typhlosion dig through her bag for berries.

"Mari"! Typhlosion roared.

Mari backed up a few instinctive steps. Typhlosion began running at her on all fours. She looked around for some way to escape, but it was too late. Typhlosion was able to quickly pin her to the floor.

"I remember you"! Typhlosion said, licking Mari all over her face.

"Gah! Typhlosion... get off! You're a lot heavier than you look"!

Typhlosion obeyed, but not before he picked Mari up off the ground like a tiny doll and began crushing her in one of his signature bear hugs.

"Well... you two must be good friends then". Crash snickered. He had to admit, it was a bit funny, seeing one of their strongest fighters tossed around so easily.

Sonic was the third to show up to the party. He took one good look at the mess Mari had managed to get herself into and shook his head in dissapontment.

"Cmon Mari, this isn't the time for messing around. The fate of the multiverse is at stake. Remember"?

"I... know that Sonic"! Mari tried to say. It was hard speaking with crushed lungs.

"Well come on then". Sonic turned his back on her and walked away. Unfotunately for him... he didn't get far. He walked away beneath the same portal Typhlosion had fallen out of. Sonic looked around confused, he could have sworn he'd heard someone screaming. A few seconds later, a big, black, blue-eyed dragon came falling down on his face.

"Ohey Char" Crash said casually. All signs of sonic were completely erased. He might've been smothered into a different demension as far as he knew.

"Crash..."? Charizard looked around. This wasn't final destination.

"I thought this portal was supposed to take us to wherever Frostwraith was. This isn't right, the group was supposed to meet up at Final Destination after the Death Star exploded weren't they"?

"We did..." Mari wheezed. She managed to force her way out of Typhlosion's death hug. Her asaultant was now busy digging his way through her bag. Mari decided to just let him. Better it than her again.

"Final Destination was attacked by more of the master's goons. We realized time was running out, so we decided to come here to the Master's realm right away" Crash explained.

"I see..." Charizard took in the ominous-looking tower around him.

"Can't say I'm impressed"...

The four of them froze suddenly. Massive footsteps sounded like they were approaching them from the rear. They turned back to face the way they came. They heard a beast roar. It sounded far away, but the force of it was enough to make the very ground shake.

"Oh great... more of the Master's forces". Crash prepared himself. Mari, Typhlosion, and Charizard each prepared for a fight as well.

Sonic was still laying on the ground. He muttered something about flying dragon butts and then passed out.

"What was that"? Frostwraith said, joining the rest of them.

"Trouble sounds like". Crash stated.

"The Master must be getting desperate. Everyone, prepare yourselves for a fight".

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Gotta go, so I'll cut off here. Will finish later tonight.
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