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Forum Fight: The Story Forum

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Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Funny thing about being hungry... It makes people kiiinda angry.

Another funny thing.

It's a LOT of fun to throw things when you're angry.

"And that's for telling me I can't wear white on labor day"! Another storm trooper went flying. Xiroey glared at the empty hallway. He wished he had more subjects to fling. He'd lob the whole d***ed death star if he could.

"Well, we'll certainly make good progress toward the central core if we continue at this rate". Gengar was feeling just as ravenous as Xiroey was. If not, moreso. But he was also lazy, and he didn't mind letting his Demon-crazed friend do all the raging for the both of them.

"Wow, nice arc on that one" Gengar whistled, apparently Xiroey had found more Storm Troopers to throw "These humans are awfully aerodynamic aren't they"?

Xiroey might've answered, but he was too busy lobbing things around with Psychic energy.

"Not that I mind, I've barely had to do any fighting this entire trip. You keep on going at it tig--"

Gengars words caught in his throght when, out of things to throw again, Xiroey finally got fed up with puny humans and decided to blast apart an entire wall.

"err" He finished "maybe you might want to be a bit quieter..."?

He jumped, suddenly Xiroey focused all his attention on him. Gengar noticed a dangerous look in his eyes that he'd never seen there before.


Gengar was tempted to respond with just how many ways that question was stupid... but he decided to try a more rational approach instead".

"Well, you see... Walls are objects... They're barriers, they help divide things... When people want to store food, the wall is not usually the first place that they--"


Okay, Xiroey has lost it.

"Well, if link can find priceless gyms by throwing around random pumkins, then maybe we can find a wall with food stashed in it"

Gengar's hands crackled with an unstable energy. It wasn't like he had a better plan.

"You might want to stand back"...


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Uhm, um um um ummmmm....

Kay.... lets see then!


Luco was looking up at the ceiling. The stalactites always had water dripping from them and Luco had traced them back to a river that was actually above them but probably below some bio observatory or something of the sort. Although he was looking at them, his mind had been wandering for a while. It'd had been far too long since the central core group had gone out. He knew he needed some kind of way to know where they were - but any attempts at telepathic communication beyond roughly where they had killed Palpatine seemed to fail. Of course they'd put a psychic barrier there just to stop us. I mean, it's like they know we'd come in this far! Wait...

What if... what if the master intended we'd come this far? A barrier there could be for no other reason than to spite us. So he knew we'd kill Palpatine? Then... then... what does that mean for the central core group?

"Luco? LUCO? Hello!?!?" Luco came out of his thoughts and noticed Ark standing in front of him. "I think we're beginning to run out of rations. Our food stores aren't going to last forever and unless you can make food or something..."

"So much of what people eat originally comes from the earth and the water. It's not that hard to make food if you have the know-how, Ark." Luco smiled, stood up and walked to one of the larger tents - their food stores. Walking inside he was almost taken aback. The crates with rations took up less than a quarter of the tent. "I see." He said. "Give me about an hour, this will take some time."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

After about an hour and a half, Luco stood back to admire his work. He'd materialised grain, fruit, vegetables, meat and even sweets which were difficult to make. It had taken him ages but he'd replenished the stores back to near full. He came out but felt strangely rotten. That hour and a half was time he could have used. Used for what?

He stopped mid-walk and looked towards the inner core door. He knew the camp needed tending - but Richard would keep it safe and presumably Fire. He felt like he would do better elsewhere. Beyond that door.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Chrono was taken aback when Luco ran straight past him from nowhere. "L-Luco?" He blurred out in surprise. "I'm going to where i'm needed most!" Luco called back. "They haven't come back but I KNOW I have the power to help them if they're in trouble. We'll come back, just wait and see!"

Then Luco vanished beyond the confines of the door to the inner sector of the infamous death star.


The writing feels derpy - but the important part is that Luco is coming into the central core. :p


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
So, the Central Core battle is for when Muhti joins us, yes? Guess I'll have to wait a bit more time to progress the story...

Fire Emblem: Awakening - "Negotiation's not my strong suit..."

The place was dark and lonely. Sorrow wavered through the air and souls wandered aimlessly, crying for vengeance, their wishes and life dreams unfulfilled.

This was the Underworld... The place where the dead depart to. An excess of souls kept its denizens quite busy, unable to guide them to the afterlife.

There could only be one explanation for this. The Master's warmongering. His fury and madness left nothing but despair in the worlds he attacked...

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn - Eyes of Rage

Meanwhile, at the Dark Ones' hideout...

"M-my Master! Dire news!", a cultist stated.

"Speak.", the Master responded.

"We've lost our dominion on Earth! Our forces couldn't withstand the Earth armies.", the cultist reported. "It seems Muhti was heavily involved in this"

The Master remained silent for a short time, holding his arms upwards, twisting them, kneeling with only one knee, turning his head to his left and leaning his body to the right, creating a strange posture.

"M-Master?", the cultist reacted.


"M-m-my Master..."


The dark aura around Frostwraith's possessed body intensified and the Master continued to scream madly, his voice sounding more demonic and other-worldly, echoing evilly in his room. One could say he has truly lost what he had left of his sanity in what it seemed a tantrum of massive proportions.

Bad news, the Master has officially gone insane.


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
(((Oh noes! D: )))

Enemy Barrack Food Storage, Death Star.

"Mmmm..." Sonic licked off some Chili from his fingers and reached for his 5th chili dog. "Anyone who doesn't love these things is either insane or doesn't have a sense of taste."

"Well, maybe if they had some relish or something..." Marx took another bite of a Hotwing and took a swig of Lemonade as well. "Hmm...hey, guys? I've been wondering..."

"What is it?" Magolor said after he finished a bottle of Fresh Water.

"Do you think the Dark Master knew that we were going to beat Palpatine?"

The sentence almost made Mari choke on her chili dog. "W-what?"

"Well, think about it." Marx finished off his Lemonade and popped opened another. "The Master has some of the most evilest villains under his employ, has almost nigh infinite power, has super advanced technology AND the body of our friend who's ancestor was one of the most powerful sorcerers in the Multiverse."

Marx stared at the group with a seriousness that he rarely showed. After all, he was a jester, a jester who loved to pull pranks. But now was not the time for such silliness, and Marx knew that. "If I had all that." He stated. "I would pretty much be set for Multiverse Domination. I would do it pronto."

"So what's he waiting for?" Magolor questioned for everyone else in the group.

"He's got a point." Sonic drank some of Marx's Lemonade by mistake, which prompted an annoyed stare from him. "If Egghead had all that at once, Mobius would've been taken over a looooooong time ago." Sonic chuckled fondly as he remembered all the times he foiled his nemesis' plans. "It's a good thing that I was around to stop him."

"...Wait." Mari, completely recovered from her choking incident, suddenly realized something. "How have you always stopped Eggman?"

Sonic was confused for a moment, but he got with the program. "Usually, I use the Chaos Emeralds...usually."

"And the Emeralds have almost god-like power...Gods..." Mari murmured.

"What about Gods?"

Mari looked at her teacher and said, "I think that the Dark Master might try to kill the deities in Final Destination."


"...Can...can he even...?"

"He has the resources...and...he probably has the power."

"But to kill a God, Mari! SEVERAL, at that!" Magolor exclaimed.

"It's not like it's not possible. I've defeated Demi-gods and such, but..." Sonic sighed. "Actually, can he even get to them? I mean, they ARE gods. They probably sealed off the dimension to anyone but us."

"They could probably use the same resources they used to spread out across the Multiverse." Mari explained. "That...and they are all in the same place."

"But they wouldn't stay there for long, right? They've got other stuff to do." Marx suggested.

"Marx," Mari said. "I'm pretty sure that saving the Multiverse is at the top of their to-do list right now."

"So...if they...actually die...what would happen then?"

Another silence.

"...At the very least," Magolor spoke up. "The Master seems too preoccupied with killing US than Master Hand and the others..."

But for how long? Mari wondered. Surely, if the Master manages to get rid of us, he would go for Master Hand next...but that's not gonna happen. Not while I'M still breathing.

"Hmm...maybe that's all we're riding on." Sonic said, apparently thinking the same thing. "Heh, well, as long as I'm still running, the Master's gonna have to go through me if he wants to-"


The entire wall the group was facing suddenly collapsed. They all jumped up and and half expected the Master himself to come walking through the rubble...

"Is it just me, or did I catch the smell of poffins the moment I took down this wall?"

Mari immediately recognized the voice.


The smoke cleared, and the ghost Pokemon set his gaze at her. "Hey, look, buddy, it's Mari and the rest of-"

Xiro practically shoved Gengar out of the way and sniffed the air above him. Obviously, he smelled the food.

Mari couldn't help but grin as Xiro swiped Magolor's spare Hotwing and immediately scoffed it down in no time flat.


Then...without thinking, Mari leaped up and hugged the Eon tightly. It was only when she wrapped her arms around him when she thought, Holy sweet NOVA, why am I...?

"Um..." She could feel a blush creep up her neck and face. "H-hi, Xiroey..."

(((Eating and thinking...about stuff...yeah, not much...)))

Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
[Meanwhile back at the cave base]

Richard: Well since luco just left for the central core, I guess we just stand guard until he gets back.

Wesker: Reminds me of when OUR forces back at umbrella had guard duty.

Richard: That was a while back but everytime they slacked off you'd shoot one of them.

Wesker: That is true, still brings back memories though.

Richard: Well let's get back to watching over the base and not taking memory lane trips then.

[Meanwhile Elsewhere......]


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
“I-a hereby decl-clare my allegiance for the Dar-ar-k State of Smashboards… also known as Smashboards.” Luigi announced with fear and more than his usual paleness found in his face. He had his right hand up while pledging his allegiance.

Chaos looked at Luigi and nodded, “Good job, now as my predecessor told you people, let us find some of those pests.”

They made all kinds of twists of turns of the seemingly endless hallways of the Death Star. Finally they found life, but it wasn’t the heroes, it was a gang of Stormtroopers.

“Freeze!” one of them said, pointing his gun and the group, the others followed along his lead.

Chaos simply dropped his weapons slowly, none of the others followed since they didn’t have anything on them. The group of Stormtroopers walked towards the weakened team. One faced Chaos and stated he was the one that recovered Earth to humans.

“Come with me.” He said with a tone of hatred. Chaos clenched his hand and the man started choking out of the blue. The trooper kept hacking and coughing whilst his team members started to attack. Dimentio then proceeded to launch attacks against the pair that was going to capture him while Luigi spewed fireballs which appeared to have a darker tone of green, as if a part of Mr.L was part of him again.

It came to one as Chaos grabbed him by the throat and shoved him against the wall.

“WHERE IS HE?!” Chaos demanded in a harsher tone than Muhtis.

The Trooper looked at him with his red toned eyes, tired from his job.

“Over my dead body.” He responded.

“Boy, I will make sure your body is tossed into outer space with no helmet on.” Chaos said really close by his ear. “How would you like to die? Seeing yourself die from your head exploding without your precious oxygen or peacefully slumped against the wall?”

“OKAY! I don’t know where he is; only the high tiers know that piece information. Although, I have heard shouts from what seemed to be two Pokémon.”

The Trooper gave directions to the shouts and said they disappeared randomly. Chaos shook him off afterwards as he ordered Luigi to incinerate the Trooper. Luigi followed orders, although very slowly as if he wanted to refuse.


Chaos and his elite squad followed the dead Troopers directions as it led to another hallway, no shouting to be heard or any Pokémon to see.

“He lied, DAMNIT!” Chaos shouted in rage.

Dimentio then inspected the hall while Chaos fumes slowly died off. He shook his head as he searched for some passage. He gave up as he put his leg bent against the wall with his arms crossed. When he leaned in too sturdy and hard, he fell into it.

Chaos shook his head in disgust for not figuring that out sooner as he entered the room with Luigi to find Xiroey and Gengar feasting like kings, while Mari and her group were silently talking amongst themselves. They each looked at one another as awkwardness filled the room. Gengar slowly took a bite out of his chicken, but was caught by Chaos, who appeared to be Muhti to them. Gengar took note as he stuck out his stubby hand with the chicken.

“Want a piece?”


After a month of absence, Muhti/Chaos teams meet up with a chunk of Master Hands Army. Although this is the case, Present Muhti remains with Maris brother at Earth.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Just wanting to update - but also keep things interesting. Be aware Luco doesn't know much behind Muhti and such - so he thinks Muhti is Muhti (not Chaos) and is being pesky and annoying (by which I mean, trying to do evil-ish stuff). But forgive me if I RP wrong, I thought it'd be easier to RP if you guys were 'alone' without my presence, so i'll just wait from the sidelines.... uhh, you'll see what I mean. ;)


The corridors were dark here. In fact, most of the lights weren't even on, though Luco kept hearing noises from other, more lit areas of the sector which sounded as though part of it had activity. Skidding in the darkness, he had to concentrate on where he was. Turning left, then right, then ahead, he ran whilst using magic to muffle his sounds. He didn't get any vibes of danger like in the bio-lab but he'd rather not alert people to his presence.

He came to a halt after noticing a door to a small chamber that, from outside, looked like it led to the night sky. Luco was taken in for a moment and came to the door, noticing it wasn't pulling him in.

"Xiroey? Mari?" He called, softly. He heard nothing from within. He got the slightest sense of something wrong as he begun to step into the room and immediately followed his sense, stepping straight back outside as the door closed on its own. He'd had no response and the room didn't seem to lead anywhere so he decided it would be best to leave it. Instead he followed the wall to another large hallway and began to run down it once more.

He came cautiously to a slow when he noticed a wall that looked as though it had been cleanly blasted through. Oh, sure signs of them! Knowing their ways... was this an escape though?

Luco looked cautiously at a long line of broken walls. In the far, far distance he thought he might have seen a pinprick of light - but back here he wasn't sure if that was just his imagination or not. He began to drift towards it--


A force from nowhere pulled him straight behind into the wall. "And just where do you think you're going?"

Luco forced his head upwards and pulled back in shock. That was a figure he hadn't seen since, since...

"Dimentio? You're here?" Luco tensed up inside but immediately felt a jolt of pain from the master of dimensions. "Pulling one partially into another dimention hurts, doesn't it?" He stopped exerting the pain. "Never fear, I don't plan on fighting you at all... our friends, however, do need some time to talk alone. So if you'd kindly, i'd ask you to wait."

Luco felt himself pulled in further to the metal wall. "No friends here to your aid, I see? How curiously noble. Then it's sealed. You will stay here for a time, perfectly safe mind you, i'm not so mean. Once we're done, you shall be free to return to those people over there." He nodded towards the light.

Luco considered. It's more than one person, according to him. They'd be able to take Muhti if he wanted a fight.

"Good then." Dimentio left him there, and Luco let himself relax for the time ahead.

I'll repay you kindly for this, Dimentio, oh how I will.

I can change it if needed, that's just my way of saying 'go nuts'. :D


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
And here's more evil... :evil:

Fire Emblem: Awakening - "Now, that's a declaration of war if I've ever heard one!"

In the Master's hideout...

"Are the troops ready?", the Master asked.

"Yes, Master. Anyone who dares to set foot on this place will be decimated by your power.", stated a cultist.

"Hyeee hee hee hee hee hee! Then, we shall patiently wait... Like a predator waits for its prey. Since they will likely attack this place, we will ensure that they're eradicated once and for all! And then... the worlds will fall in the righteous hands... MY HANDS!", the Master rambled. "They should know that one either serves me... OR ONE IS DEAD! Hyee hee ha ha ha ha..."

Fire Emblem: Awakening - "You have power... like mine."

Meanwhile at Final Destination...

"Master Hand... can you hear me?", a voice echoed in Master Hand's realm, where several deities watched over the worlds.

"This voice...", Master Hand reacted. "Is it the divine dragon, Naga?"

"It is indeed...", the voice answered. "I have come to aid you in this time of need."

"If you are willing to help me, I am most grateful. I need all help I can get to save the Multiverse.", Master Hand stated.

"Good... I will summon my chosen warriors... They come from different worlds and eras, all soon to be threatened by the Master.", stated the divine dragon.

Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon - Fire Emblem Theme

"Marth, the Hero-King of Altea... Ike, the Hero of the Blue Flames of Tellius... and Roy, the Young Lion of Elibe.", Master Hand stated as the heroes and their companions were summoned by the divine dragon.

"Final Destination? That's where Naga summoned us?", Marth questioned.

"Brave warriors, your worlds will soon be in danger.", warned Master Hand.

"What's happening?", questioned Ike.

"A powerful entity only known as the Master seeks to destroy the worlds and subjugate all under his tyranny.", stated Master Hand. "I have been recruiting denizens of several worlds to build my own army, so that the Master can be stopped."

"If that's the case, I will be willing to help.", stated Roy.

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn - Eyes of Rage

"Master Hand, you think you're so clever... Heh heh heh heh heh... ALL YOUR EFFORTS... SHALL BE FUTILE!", a sinister voice echoed.

"Who's this?", Marth reacted.


"You? You think you can stop us with empty threats? I have never lost a battle, what makes you think this will be different?", Ike retorted.


Darkness began to envelop Final Destination. The power was so alien, not even Master Hand or Arceus could stop it.

"What's going on? This power... it cannot be from this world!", stated Titania, one of Ike's allies.

"We have to find a way to resist it...", stated Shiida, one of Marth's allies.

"Hyeeh hehehehehehe...", a voice was heard, as the darkness began to shape into a hooded figure. "You will all die in the Master's name..."

"What is this thing?", reacted Roy, as he unsheathed his fiery sword.

"Hyeh ha ha ha ha! Die in the Master's name!", stated the mysterious entity as his arms turned into a lot of tentacles.

"Whoa!", reacted Roy as he was almost grabbed by the tentacles, dodging them at a close second.

"Ha ha ha ha ha... In the Master's name, you shall die!", reacted the figure.

"Not even our divine powers can harm it... What is this thing?", reacted Palutena, upon noticing her powers were futile against it.

"You cannot defeat... THE MASTER!", the figure stated. "Die... in his name!"

"There's got to be one weakness in this thing... Come, we must fight!", stated Marth.


Super Smash Bros. Melee - Fire Emblem

"You cannot defeat... the Master!", stated the figure as it multiplied in smaller copies.

"Great, now it is replicating itself...", Ike stated.

"The Master... is invincible!", the figure stated as he attacked Ike with a powerful surge of darkness, knocking the mercenary with ease.

"Urgh... I am powerless... What is this thing...?", Ike muttered as he was lying on the floor.

"The Master will prevail!", the figure kept saying.

"It blindly praises the Master and viciously attacks anything...", observed Master Hand.

The figure attacked Marth, who seemed to resist its power, although not for too long, as he quickly began to tire unnaturally.

"What... is this thing? I'm feeling powerless...", Marth stated as he fainted during the battle.

"The Master will claim his rightful place in the entire existence!", the figure stated, as he kept attacking Marth. Using this opportunity, Roy stroke the mysterious figure with a fiery blow, seemingly damaging the being.

"HRGH! THE MASTER SHALL WIN!", the figure screamed.

"It seems to be weak to elemental attacks...", observed Roy. "Lilina! Now!"

Lilina, Roy's friend and a mage, casted a Bolganone spell on the figure and it seemed to work. Soren, Ike's strategist, joined the fray, slinging wind spells at the figure.

"HOW DARE YOU DEFY THE MASTER!", the figure yelled. "None defies the Master... and LIVES!"

The figure unleashed a wave of darkness that paralyzed the combatants easily.

"Urgh... why can't I move...?", Roy stated.

"The Master wills you to bow to him!", the figure stated, forcing Roy, Lilina, Soren and the others to kneel before it.

"This power... I... I must... resist...", Soren uttered as he tried to resist. "...My Master... what is... thy bidding...?"

"We... are yours...", Roy muttered.

"Blast! That thing is brainwashing them!", Master Hand stated, powerless to do anything.

"I got this covered.", calmly stated Arceus as it absorbed the powers of a Flame Plate.

"He's weak to natural elements... It explains why my powers weren't working.", stated Palutena.

Arceus's body began glowing orange and light surrounded its body.

"Taste Judgement!", stated Arceus as he unleashed his most powerful move on the figure. The figure began to burn on multicolored flames.

"HOW DARE YOU... OPPOSE THE... MAS...TER...", the figure screamed as it faded away.

Fire Emblem: Awakneing - "It appears the capital was spared the chaos."

"That was close. What was that thing?", stated Roy.

"One of this Master's minions, it seems.", observed Marth.

"These minions appear dangerous...", observed Master Hand. "All we've been fighting were just mad cultists, soldiers or monsters. This thing was unlike anything we've fought. The Master must be desperate to convert us to his side."

"It will take more than those things to make us join him, then.", Ike bluntly stated.

"Right. You will wait here. My own force will be here soon enough and then we will strike the Master's hideout with all our might.", stated Master Hand. "I have finally found a way to access it, now that the Master sealed his dimension away. It's a place only known as the Temple of the Forbidden Ones..."

Fire Emblem: Awakening - "Run all you like-you can't escape fate!"

"So... the specimen we sent to Final Destination had that crippling weakness... Still, I am quite impressed by their power.", said the Master with a sinister tone. "You have done a good job, Dr. Andonuts. I figure you know your next task."

"Yes, Master.", stated the scientist, leaving the room.

"Heh heh heh heh heh... HA HA HA HA HA! Their fate is sealed! Soon, the world will bow to me... whether they like it... or not!", the Master maniacally stated.


Fire Emblemier

The Crests are to Blame
Apr 4, 2013
United States
Switch FC
Oh, cool to see some more Fire Emblem people in the story. Anyways, I see a lot of you have food on the mind in these posts.
"Finally, we're back at camp! After that almost pointless venture" sighed Raichu tired and hungry from all the walking.

"It was not pointless, Raichu, we got a new member in our group, Cloud, plus we got a good look on the area." Fire replied to Rachu.

"That's why I said "almost"." Raichu said avoiding to look idiotic.

"Can we just get something to eat, already! I haven't eaten in hours!" Nino shouted at the group.

"I agree with those words" responding Cloud.

"Ok, Ok, so lets go get some food out of the storage, so I can keep you all from complaining." Fire said annoyed with the group, even though he also was hungry.

The group went to the storage, once there Cloud started to hand some food out to the members of the group. He started with Raichu by giving him Poke-feed.

"Why are you giving me that, I don't eat Poke-feed, I'm not an animal" Raichu responded

"Aren't you a Pokemon, though" Cloud replied

"Yes, I am, but it would be degrading eating that filth, so can you pass me the steak, now."

Cloud put back the Poke-feed and gave Raichu some steak like he asked for.

"Thank you" replied Raichu, while devouring the steak.

The group ate to their heart's content, and then soon went back into the main camp area.
This post really shows off Raichu's attitude, I'm trying to give him.


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio

......There dead

Madio: There not dead, there just taking a very long time to get here.

I forgot who we were waiting for

Madio: Weegee!!

Last time I seen him we were locked up in a cave, me him and the girl... I think she was there..

Madio: He will come, just wait.




Madio: So whats with you and the girl?

...I met her at a party. We quickly became friends and then

Weegee: Hey guys!



Madio: Stop complaining, she--

Weegee: We need to get moving, we've wasted enough time!!


Its time to kick into RPG MODE GUY!!!

Weegee: Hell yea, the team is back together!!!



Fire Emblemier

The Crests are to Blame
Apr 4, 2013
United States
Switch FC
"You guys stay here at the camp, ok?" Fire stated

"I don't mind staying, but, Fire, may I ask where are you going" asked Nino

"Exploring other parts of the Death Star" Fire responded

"Let me come!" Raichu demanded.

"No, I need you stay with the others, I'm only going to be gone for a short while, but anything can happen."

"Fine..." Raichu said

FireEmblemnier went down a corridor, that he didn't go through, yet. He ran into a few already dead Stormtroopers, but just ignored them, and continued on. He soon found himself in another barracks, and he heard talking going on. As he walked into the main barrack he noticed a giant hole in the wall, there, he saw were people chowing down on food and chatting. He walked in, still not knowing who they were.

Short post, I just wanted to introduce my character to the other forum fighters. :p


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Chaos looked at the chicken with disgust, since it had Gengars drool all over it.

“Er… No thanks” Chaos pushed the chicken away , barely touching it.
After the chicken was swallowed, a sphere with magic went whizzing past Chaos.

“AND THAT’S FOR DITCHING ME!” Mari angrily yelled. Chaos looked at Mari and shook his head.

“ I have my reasons for doing so little Mari, if I hadn’t ditched you, you’re little brother down on Earth would’ve burned to death, now that everybody is well, why are you so angry at me?” Chaos questioned with a smirk plastered on his face.

Mari sighed and looked troubled by the hearing of her brother.

“Now since that is settled, where is the rest of the group?” Chaos asked.

“Scattered everywhere”, responded Sonic.

Xiroey gulped down a whole cup of lemonade, “I think this is nice, having a picnic with my friends while eating this buffet.” Xiroey was about to have another chili dog until Luigi snatched it from him and shoved it into his mouth.

“Sowwy” Luigi apologized, and then swallowed the meal, “I was hungry.”

Mari was about to ask of Earth and her brother to Muhti/Chaos until Dimentio silenced everybody.
“I think I heard something…” he stated as he exited the room, leaving them be.

Luigi began scuffing things down his throat as Xiroey and Gengar watched in amazement, while slowly taking small bites as their bellies became full.

Maris group except Mari herself resumed speaking amongst themselves.

Chaos stared at Xiroey for a little while until Mari snapped her fingers in front of him.

“Hm?” Chaos seemed to snap out of it as he looked at the young adult before him, “What is it?”

“I want to know what you did to Eric, Muhti” she demanded, “You showed some parts of his life, what did you do to help him?” Her eyebrows scrunched as her hands placed themselves at her hips.

Chaos bursted out laughing as he messed up Maris hair for a bit, “You seem more demanding these days Mari, I wonder what has gotten into you.”

“It’s my BROTHER we are talking about.” She said angrily as knives were shown in her teeth.

Chaos sighed as he shook his head until another person started to enter the room, at first they expected Dimentio, but it was a different figure.

Mari charged up her magic spells, Chaos with his swords, and Xiroey with his own. The figure cried out for mercy, “WAIT! I MEAN NO HARM!”

They slowly lowered their weapons except for Chaos and Sonic, who ran to grab the person who surrendered easily.

“How do we know that you’re not one of them?” Sonic demanded. Dimentio then entered into the room without paying attention to the conflict.

“Because… I know where the camp is…” Fire replied.

Sonic still held on tight even though he didn’t have exact confirmation on their alliance.

“Sonic, I think that is enough.” Magalor cautioned, but was ultimately ignored.

Luco then entered the room, a bit out of breath with the conflict with Dimentio. He then saw Sonic clutching onto Fire to his left.

Usually it is Muhti who demands questions, what kind of twist is this? Unless he wanted to protect Mari from any danger . Luco thought as he yelped.

“HEY!”, Luco shouted, “Sonic, he is with us, do not worry.”

Sonic looked at Luco then let Fire down gently.

“Sorry about that” Sonic apologized to Fire as he nodded in response, shocked by the events unfolded recently.

Dimentio looked around the room and smiled, “Well isn’t this a pleasant family reunion?”


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Some backstory and stuff on the Death Star.

Fire Emblem: Awakening - "..."

"Don't cry, son... Please, be silent!", stated a woman, as she calmed her son. The baby had red eyes and purplish white hair.

The child cried in panic and the mother seemed nervous. She only wanted to protect her son.

"I hear a baby crying. We must be close to the one we seek!", stated a cloaked man from the other side of the door.

"Heh heh heh heh heh... Even here, the power is strong. The blood... is perfect.", another voice was heard.

"The Master will be quite pleased that we found the Emperor Sorcerer's long lost descendants. But the baby... he has everything! He has the full potential!"

"You fiends! You will never harm my son!", said a man, angrily while shooting a fire spell at one of the cultists.

"Urk! Who do you think you are, fool? You dare oppose our Master!?", the cultist stated.

"I dare! You will not take my son from me!"

"Bold words from some who's about to DIE!", evilly yelled the cultist launching a dark spell at the man.

"Urk...! This magic... too powerful... My son... please... live...", the man stated as he drew his last breath.

"No!", the woman reacted as she heard her husband die. The baby started crying.

"DADDY!!!", he screamed, aware of his father's death.

With this, the cultists found the room they were hiding, attempting to kidnap the baby. His mother fought the cultists with magic, but their dark magic proved to be too much for her.

The baby cried in terror, as the cultists began to take him. Almost leaving the mansion, an old sage attacked the cultists with light magic, weakening them. The old sage used this opportunity to take the baby with him and teleport away from the place.

"You're safe now, child... I'm a friend of your parents.", stated the sage to the child, who cried.

Frostwraith regained conscience, a small part of his soul stored in the Soul Jar.

"Were those... memories?", Frostwraith stated. "I remember this... My parents' assassination... You will pay for this, Master... YOU WILL PAY!!"

Street Fighter IV - C. Viper's Theme

Chun-Li and Guile continued to investigate the rooms near the Central Core, when they meet with C. Viper and Cammy.

"So, we meet again.", stated Viper. "We found these stones in one of those storage rooms."

"Do you have any idea of what they are?", Chun-Li asked.

"No. The boxes weren't labelled either.", noted Cammy.

"I suppose we should keep them.", stated Chun-Li.

The four joined with Luco, Xiroey and the others.

"Chun-Li, you have come.", observed Luco. "Who are those two?"

"They are helping with the investigation and how these events relate to Shadaloo. They are Crimson Viper of the CIA and Cammy White of the British Special Force Delta Red.", Chun-Li answered.

"We came across these stones during our investigation. Do you have any idea of what they are?", Viper asked.

"Hmm... Let me see.", stated Luco. "Hmm... I can feel a fiery power emanating from them. These are no ordinary stones, that's for sure. Mind if I keep them?"

"It seems that they might be important later. I think you should keep them.", Viper stated, giving the stones to Luco.

C. Viper and Cammy joined the team!

Fire Emblem: Awakening - "Run all you like-you can't escape fate!"

Meanwhile, at the Master's hideout...

"My Master...", said a man bowing to the Master. "Due to our experiments and Master Hand calling more help from the other worlds, rifts between dimensions have begun to appear everywhere. It seems that the dimensions are slowly turning unstable. Moreover, one of our fellow cultists has found a precious treasure in Japan... A relic known as the Portalstone."

"The Portalstone... I've heard of that before. A powerful stone capable of opening paths to other worlds... Heh heh heh heh heh... Now THAT'S a precious item. A good source of power to mold the world as I desire!", the Master stated with a wicked smile.

"It seems that it has been used by an ancient clan to bring chaos to the world.", the man responded.

"Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh... Hyee ha ha ha ha ha!", the Master laughed. "This is perfect! PERFECT! And I thought everything was lost... now that we have such a powerful artifact, I shall prevail!"

"Soon, the world will be yours, my Master."

"Yes... You have done quite the good job... Leopold Goenitz.", the Master stated, smirking. "Heh heh heh heh heh.... Hee hee hee hee HA HA HA HA HA!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!"

Meanwhile, on Final Destination...

"Can you feel this? This instability?", Master Hand asked.

"Yes. The dimensions are falling apart slowly... There's hardly any distinction between time and space. Whatever the Master is doing, we have to stop it before it's too late.", Dyntos noted.

"That's why I brought more help from another world...", Naga stated. "I have summoned brave warriors from the future of Marth's world. Chrom and his Shepherds will soon arrive."

"We need all the help we can get... If we wait too long, the Master will claim the world as his own and our mission will fail.", Palutena noted.

"That's right... We have no choice but to attack the Master as soon as possible! Fortunately, the seal the Master put in his dimension is also losing its effectiveness.", Arceus noted.

Meanwhile, Chrom appears.

"Where... where are we? What kind of Outrealm is this and... is that the Hero-King, Marth?", Chrom stated.

"It's right, Chrom of Ylisse... The worlds are falling apart that we brought help from different times. Those are not Einherjar. They are the real deal. You heard my counsel before... There the imminent threat of one known as the Master. He's far more powerful than any kind of being... But the whole existence is at stake. If we don't defeat him, we will all perish under the Master's grip.", Naga spoke.

"Very well. It shall be my duty to protect those in need.", Chrom stated.

It seems the Master has got a new toy AND Goenitz is revealed to be one of his servants! How will things turn out?!

Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
[Meanwhile back at the camp]

Del: since fire and luco are away, I might as well go look for them.

Richard: I wouldn't go anywhere just yet., look at the figure near the barriers.

Wesker: A closer observation tells me it has no pits in it's eyes, only red dots.

(Richard, Wesker and Del look at the figure not intimidated, well except for del who twitched nervously while staring at the figure)

Del: Uhh you guys go ahead i'll just wait over here.

Richard: You don't suppose that thing is what luco was scared of right?

Wesker: idk but the teeth on it look like they extend out of the face when it opens its mouth.
the claws look like they extend too.

Richard: I don't think the claws extend, but I know it's staring at us. Del make sure that barrier is going strong, I think it's trying to come through, if that happens we'll have no choice but to defend the camp from it!

Del: it won't come through, i'm sure of it.

(Trouble may be lurking in plain sight for the camp, Meanwhile...)


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
Dark Army Fleet Mothership

The group was split in two to cover more ground. Smashfan decided to take the Dalek with himself to provide cover for Xiroey and Marceline from afar, using the combined Dalek hacking prowess and smashfan's VriSpy avatar's energy sappers to interfere with the ship's defense systems at terminals strewn throughout.

so far, things were going well... so far...

Dark Master's Personal Throne

From many dimensions away, the Dark Master sat on his throne, observing the battle out in ponyville on one of many monitors. The many downfalls he's suffered recently has given him an outlook where even the slightest detrimental happening set him on tangents of madness...

"Honestly. First we lose Palpatine, now that Smashfan thinks he can just go and drop off my dimensional monitors! He amasses an army, and he and some of his own troops go missing during the action... what is his plan!?"

he was visited by a supersoldier of his high guard in his ragesteam ventilation...


"hmm... did you catch what they looked like?"


"dark magic?"


the master could not believe what he was hearing... he had no clue whether this was the work of smashfan or not, but he could tell there were at least a Spy about his ships...

"...tell them to activate the flame-wall systems, immediately."


Dark Army Fleet Mothership - Group: SF-DK

Smashfan and the Dalek were almost finished disabling one of the final terminals of the 2nd floor, when the walls briefly shot a stream of flame.

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" smashfan screamed, hands on fire. his cloak failed with the flame engulfing him.


smashfan's only option with the lack of a fire extinguisher was to change his avatar, but he did not want to risk being detected...

"hey, there they are!"

the two were being sieged by stormtroopers and super soldiers from just down the corridor...


with no options left, smashfan switched to the first avatar he could think of to douse himself, then grabbed the dalek and ran.

"d8MN YOU, DARK MASTEEEEEEEER,!,!,!,!,!,!,!,!"

Dark Army Fleet Mothership - Group: FX-MC

the two's Cloak and Dagger watches were melted in the fire cleanse feature imbued into the walls. they decided to find the nearest elevator and GTFO.

...they heard two screaming voices.

Smashfan and the Dalek thundered past them!

"Smash?" future xiroey exclaimed

"what happened?"

"tALK L8ER!"


...they saw the legions of stormtroopers and supersoldiers.

in unison, the two followed suit behind smashfan while yelling "SH*TSH*TSH*TSH*TSH*TSH*TSH*TSH*TSH*TSH*TSH*T"




Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio

...... So were are we going first?

Weegee: I dont know, I thought you were the leader of the group.

Oh ME, I thought you were dude

Weegee: No Im to young..

To young, you got years on me!!

Madio: Im the leader

No your not

Madio: But im the oldest

And that's why your not

Weegee: So whats the solution?

No one leads, lets just get going.

Weegee: Thats just it! Were to?

Fire Emblemier

The Crests are to Blame
Apr 4, 2013
United States
Switch FC
Whats taking so long....
Xiroey is is making a segment, so Frosty can make the Death Star blow to smithereens. So, we just have to wait a little while, until he can get to his computer. You and Richard can still post though since you're not with us, right now.

Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
[Meanwhile back at the base on the Deathstar]

Richard: it's taking a long time for xiroey and the others to get back, maybe I should check on them.

Del: but we were asked to remain at the camp.

Richard: I know that, but they haven't come back yet, And i'm starting to get suspicious.

Wesker: if we want to leave we have to deal with that thing behind the force field.

Richard: Fine then, i'll engage the thing, luco's afraid of, Del open the entrance way and go find fire and the others. I'll catch up with you all after this.

(Del opens the entrance to the base, while Del, Wesker and the remainder of the group go find xiroey and the others)

(Battle scene)

Unknown entity vs Richard

Theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wS0jS-Fg0w

The figure started to run at Richard, Richard noticed it was a slow speed, it then tried to slash at
Richard, but Richard dodged with ease. Richard then thought of something, ( maybe if I stand next to the wall as it tries to lunge at me...) Richard then zipped toward the wall, stopping next to it.

Richard waited for the figure to get closer, as it did it tried to stab at him.

Richard: Too slow

Richard zipped out of the way as it lunged its claws straight into the wall, it tried to pull but it was stuck, Richard then aimed his gun against the Entity's back and started firing.

Richard: This will teach you not to intimidate my friends.

The Entity started screaming as countless bullets were shot into its back. Richard noticed it wasn't moving as much.

Richard: Now to end this! (Richard then aimed his gun at the back of the entity's head and fired, the figure stopped moving.)

Okay since everyone is most likely with xiroey's group, I better catch up with them now.

Richard leaves the base and heads down the corridor fire went to catch up with the rest of the group.

[Segment done]

Fire Emblemier

The Crests are to Blame
Apr 4, 2013
United States
Switch FC
I guess I can post about my group who stayed back at camp, right now.

"It's been a while since Fire left, I though he said he will be back soon." complained Raichu

"Just be patient, I'll bet he'll be back any minute" responded Cloud.

"...but what if he isn't?" Raichu asked

"The we'll go find him." interrupted Nino

"Like I said Fire has his wits about, I'm sure he's in no danger." stated Cloud.

"You haven't gotten to know Fire that much, have you?" replied Nino and Raichu simultaneously.

"Are you saying we should go get him, now?" asked Cloud.

+Fire Emblem- Together we Ride+

Nino and Raichu nodded their heads in agreement. The group went down the same corridor Fire went down and found arrows piercing the walls plus slashes coming from them, also. In front of them, saw a mysterious figure, they couldn't see well ahead.

"Nino?" responded the mysterious figure.

Nino recognized the voice "Lyn!"

The figure became more visible, it was Lyn. She had her katana the Mani Katti and her bow on her. There was a dead Storm trooper on the ground in front of her.

"Nino what are you doing here, anyway?" asked Lyn putting away her katana

"We're here to blow this abomination to smithereens! How about you?" Nino replied

"I was captured and put into a prison cell, but I escaped and got my weapons back, and soon ended up here." Lyn answered.

"Hey, Lyn since it seems you have no other plans, right this second, want to help us with this goal?" Nino asked.

"Sure thing, lets get this show on the road." Lyn responded.

The group continued heading toward FireEmblemnier
Yet, another character added to my group, and they'll be were everyone else is soon.


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
"Give it up, you can't win"!

It amazed Xiroey, just how strong Gengar could be whenever drumsticks were on the line. He tugged with all his might, trying to wrench the juicy succulent lump of meat from his friend's hands. Gengar gave no ground, managing to match his efforts with deceptive ease.

"Go Gengar! You've almost got it"! Mari pumped her fist into the air.

"Hey, I thought you were on my side" Xiroey groaned.

"Oh was I"? Mari seemed to ponder it for a moment "No, I don't think so."

Her words were like a knife in his back. He was certain she was just cheering for him a few minutes ago.


Sonic was seated on top of a cubbard, he'd been quietly watching the chaos enfold below until now. He planted his hands down at his sides and dropped down, landing easily on both feet.

"Teach"? Something about Sonic's serious tone made Mari pause. Even Xiroey and Gengar temporarily put a stop to their tug-of-war.

"Look, I know you're probably going to chew me out for this. But I can't just sit here and keep quiet while you continue to put yourself in danger."

This was sudden. The room grew quiet, Luco, Muhti, Fire, and the rest of the crew all temporarily forgot about their empty stomachs and focused their attention of the blue hedgehog.


Sonic noticed Mari's angry tone and cut her off anyway "I know. I made a promise that I wouldn't keep trying to protect you from everything."

"Way to kill the buzz Sonic. Mari's been happy this entire time, why did you have to go and ruin that". Sonic looked over at Muhti and saw that he had a smug look on his face.

That was the last straw, all of the pent up anger Sonic had been holding down up till now exploded at once.


Sonic's voice broke. He'd finally reached a point where his rage had surpassed mere words.

"Dude..." Muhti suddenly spoke up, "what's your deal"?

Sonic punched him. Hard. The whole thing happened so quickly, It took the rest of the room a few seconds just to realize what happened.

"You make me sick..."

That broke the spell on the rest of the room. Mari's tripple decker sandwich dropped to the floor. Xiroey and Gengar both watched it fall. It seemed to tumble in slow motion, but it was too far away, they couldn't save it.

"Sonic, why--"

Mari would've gone further... if not for the sound of weeping coming from beneath the table.

She turned.

Xiroey and Gengar were both crouching on the floor, crying over the fallen sandwich.

"You two..." Mari wasn't wasn't sure how she should've felt at that moment.

"M-Mari... how could you...?"

Xiroey's cheeks were streaked with tears.

"Such a perfect sandwich... A sandwich of this calibur should never be casted to the side so... so..."

Fire raised an eyebrow at Gengar.

"This... This kind of thing is common around here"?

Mari sighed, then turned to him, pinching her nose.

"You get used to it, don't worry".

"Does this mean I'm off the hook" Muhti said, faking an innocent look.

"Youuuuuuu!" Sonic's face reddened a few shades "I'M NOT DONE WITH YOU YE--"

"Sonic"! Mari's voice was sharp. Any other time, Xiroey wouldn't have thought It possible, but Sonic actually stopped in his tracks.

Sonic stood with his fist clenched. Mari and Muhti both had his eyes on him. He seemed to be at war at himself for a minute. He looked up at Muhti, then at Mari, then at the rest of the room.

"I need some air" Sonic left the room in a huff.

The room was silent again.

"...He does know there's no fresh air in here... right"? Gengar scratched his head.

Luco gave him an odd look "You got over that a bit quickly didn't you"?

"Got over what"?

Luco's mouth opened, he thought of responding, then decided to let the subject drop.

"So". Chun-Li finally broke the awkward atmosphere. "Everyone's eaten their fill then? We should get going should we not"?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Bowser hated marching.

"Hey! Stop pokin' me"!

Bowser snapped at the storm trooper nearest him. He'd managed to jab him in the rib with the butt of his rifle for the billionth time this trip. The storm trooper didnt' respond. No surprise there, bowser doubted any of these troopers had any brain cells left.

Next to him, Typhlosion wasn't faring much better.

"Hey, That's my foot"!

"Watch it, you're on my tail"!

--- Need to cut off here, school's closing. Will continue tomorrow with this tomorrow afternoon :p --


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia

How long has it been since you've truly been happy, when you've fully relaxed? How long has it been since you felt once more the open breeze of air and the wild crashing of the sea?

Luco looked inquisitively at Gengar. "You got over that a bit quickly didn't you?"

"Got over what?"

Luco stopped as he opened his mouth to say something. Instead, he closed it again. A really tense moment had just shaken the room and here was Gengar and Xiroey acting like it was a warm summer's day.

A moment of incredible remembrance took him and he was taken back to his first encounter with the group of friends he had made. He remembered so well the way he had fallen into the wings of Charizard, the way Xiroey wouldn't stop eating Belue berry tacos on the day they met, their first pretend western gun fight (that would have been a LOT more dramatic with tumbleweed!), Muhti's short, 'electifying' (painful!) encounters, how Frostwraith knew their meeting was of universal effect, Richard's to-the-point style of everything, Mari's huff and puff attitude when she and Xiroey were re-united (and his own ultimate move), Fire's almost conduced way of meeting him and the swiftness of their trust after barely nothing had happened.... everything that happened to the detriment of others of the universe had also brought them together to restore it... and so...

"Hehe... hahahaaa.... Ahahahahahahaaaa!" Luco leaned back on one hand and stifled his laugh with the other. "Um... Luco?" Mari looked at him the exact same way she had looked at Xiroey and Gengar. "N-n-n-noo, haha, I mean um..."

"Luco, are you okay, Luco??"

"I'm sorry. I just, I was thinking... i've been so serious all the time recently - it's been so long since i've actually enjoyed what i'm doing. Being here with you guys... it's crazy - but I love it. I was just thinking back to how everyone met and the circumstances under which we did. And... Xiro, remember when I found out the whole thing with Latios and you saved me from an exploding sentence just as I was gonna lecture you? And I just... haha.... I just...

Ah, It's good to be with you guys. Never stop being who you are... I know I won't. Everything will be ok over time, I think... I guess I just needed to laugh again."

He went back silent...

But, at least for now, nothing would stop him smiling.


Fire Emblemier

The Crests are to Blame
Apr 4, 2013
United States
Switch FC
Fire was looking at the fallen sandwich remembering the arguments and fun times he had with Raichu and Nino. He then remembered he told the group he would be back soon, when in actuality was here for awhile. He knew who couldn't just walk away at this moment to get them, so he would just have to let them wait. Even though he just ate, watching everyone else eat made him hungry again, so he grabbed a fresh sandwich and chowed down. He didn't understand the argument between Sonic and Muhti, well, but decided it was better off not to get involved too much. He heard footsteps coming down the hall where he came. He peered over to see none other than Raichu, Nino, and Cloud. He also noticed a girl next to Nino chatting with her.

"Nino? Raichu? What are you guys doing here?" asked Fire

"Hey, Fire, I see your ok, we came here because you haven't came back in awhile." responded Nino.

"Oh, and this is Nino's old friend, Lyn" added Raichu

Raichu, then noticed everyone eating and quickly dashed toward the food. Fire was amazed that Raichu sprinted towards the food, even though he just ate.

"Nino and Raichu told me a lot about you, Fire, from your skills to your personality." said Lyn

"Thanks, I'm guessing your part of the group, now?"

"Yep, and all be happy to help in any way" responded Lyn



The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Time to get things moving!

Close to the Death Star's Central Core entrance, the group was finally reunited. It was time to destroy the Dark Ones' space station at long last.

Everyone was getting ready to enter the room, but Luco wondered at what were those stones Chun-Li had given to him.

"These stones... they resonate power.", stated Luco. "A fiery, hot power that calls to me..."

"I'm sure we'll find out what is their purpose soon...", a familiar voice echoed from a jar.

"Frost?", Luco reacted.

"Hmm... You see, you and your Charizard share a strong bond... Do your feelings tell otherwise?" noted Frostwraith.

"You're correct...", Luco stated.

"Give one of these stones to Charizard."

Luco gave one of the stones to Charizard. It was a black and blue stone, whose fire was intense and somehow majestic, as Frostwraith described.

"Nothing seems to be happening.", noticed Luco.

"But you feel the power. That's what it matters. You'll find the answers very soon... as we move forward to the Central Core.", Frostwraith stated.

The group arrived at the room, where a orb of pure energy was located at the center. Around it were machines and strange lifeforms harnessing the power to distribute throughout the entire space station.


"Oh, this is just great...", Xiroey stated sarcastically.


Pokémon X / Y - Gym Leader Battle!

"If we destroy this thing, that's the end of the Death Star, right?", Mari asked.

"Seems like it. We have no time to waste!", Sonic stated.

The mechanisms activated a barrier that protected the core from any kind of attack. Meanwhile, several turrets fired missiles and lasers nonstop and that proved difficult for everyone to figure out what to do.

"There seem to be some devices generating the barrier... We have to locate them and destroy them!", Captain Falcon noted.

Luco's Charizard breathed fire in all directions, but the mechanisms seemed resistant to fire.

"Fire, watch out!", warned Samus as a missile approached Fire, prompting the bounty hunter to push him aside and fire a super missile to destroy the incoming fire.

"Blast it! Nothing seems to be working. Not even the Three Sacred Treasures are doing any damage! What's going on?!", stated Pit.


"Wait a sec, what?!", reacted Gengar.

"This is madness...", Spirit stated.

The Central Core began shining in a bright light that almost blinded everyone.


Luco knew he had nowhere to run, but held tight anyway, using all his power to protect himself. The Core fired the laser, which shined brightly. Just as the laser was about to hit him, Luco's Charizard pushed Luco away and took the hit for himself.

"No!", Luco screamed.

The laser's explosion was so strong, Luco was instantly rendered unconscious too.

*No music*

"... Is this... a dream...?", Luco thought as his vision was unclear. Everything was foggy and he felt dizzy. "I... I am not alone... who... who's there?"

A faint roar was heard from far away.

"Is... is that... you...? Chari...zard?", Luco attempted to speak.

The roar responded. Luco's vision was getting cleared and he held a small stone.

"T-this power...", stated Luco as he closed his fist and began feeling power flowing through his veins.

Pokémon X / Y - Route 15

"It feels warm... My soul feels like it's burning.", noted Luco, as his consciousness was slowly returning and saw Charizard before his eyes.

The Fire-type Pokémon roared loudly. It was injured, but he hasn't lost any fighting capability.

"What... what is it you're trying to say?", Luco asked.

Charizard held the black and blue stone and roared, flapping his wings and started to fly. The stones began shining and bright light enveloped Charizard, its shape changing. A loud roar was heard once again.

"W-what...? What is this?", Luco questioned.

The light faded away, only to find Charizard looking different. Its skin was now black and he had blue fire on his tail and mouth. His Charizard has evolved into Mega Charizard X.

"This is... unbelievable!", noted Alder. "Who knew such potential would exist?"

"He looks much more powerful than before, that's for sure.", Cynthia observed.

"Outstanding...", Luco reacted. "Charizard... Let's finish this!"

Charizard roared loudly.

Fire Emblem: Awakening - Divine Decree (Ablaze)


"Charizard, use Blast Burn!", Luco ordered.

Charizard's blue flames were much more powerful than before and easily melt away some of the equipment, causing it to malfunction.

"Are you all ready? The core's exposed!", noted Frostwraith, speaking from his Soul Jar.

"Time to end this once and for all. Garchomp, attack the core!", Cynthia stated.

Captain Falcon used his gun to stop the incoming fire. Samus, Snake and Richard cooperated with Falcon by locating and shooting missiles.

"PK Flash!", Ness yelled as he used his PSI powers against the exposed core.

Pit and Dark Pit's arrows damaged the core efficiently as well. Guile's Sonic Booms proved effective at cutting down incoming missiles.

As the core was getting destroyed, the power was progressively getting weaker and the defense mechanisms started to shut down or malfunctioning.

"The core... It's getting red!", observed Lucas.


"Damn it! There's no way we can escape from this place in five minutes!", Snake reacted.

"We have to get back to Magolor's ship at once. But first... let me leave this here...", stated Samus, leaving a Super Bomb besides the core, setting its time to match the core's.

"Now we must go!", stated Sonic, running as fast as he could to the area they first entered the Death Star.

Sonic arrived at the Lor quickly and only 3 minutes remained.

"Sonic? Where are the others?", reacted Tetra.

"This place is about to blow up in around three minutes. We need to contact Master Hand immediately or we'll be toast!", Sonic stated.

"I'm sure this ship's technology can shift everyone out of this plane of existence and remain unharmed from the explosion.", noted Marx, activating a mechanism on the ship.

It was pretty close, but everyone made out of the Death Star safely, thanks to Master Hand's intervention at a close second.

The Death Star blew up, shattering into tiny bits and leaving no trace of it behind.

Fire Emblem: Awakening - "Run all you like-you can't escape fate!"

"So... the Death Star has been destroyed by our enemies...", coldly stated the Master.

"Yes. Apparently, they all survived.", a cultist stated.

"Hmph... I'm getting sick of these games... I MEAN REALLY SICK!", violently stated the Master, hitting with the fist on a table. "How could they have survived such an explosion...? It matters not. They will dare to attack this place and I shall welcome them... WITH THE BLOODIEST BATH OF ALL EXISTENCE!"

"My Master, our realm is heavily defended. It's likely that they won't survive much longer. The day of our glory draws near!", the cultist spoke.

"Yes... Once we end with them, their power will belong to me! And then, I shall create a new world where all shall bow before me! I am the strongest being to ever exist. Naturally, all shall follow me or perish for their defiance! It's the law of nature! Ones with strength get all, and the others cling to them or are prey to the ones who are capable! There's no denying that! Mercy shall be an unknown concept in the new world where I SHALL RULE SUPREME!", spoke the Master, whose aura became darker and stronger and his voice became twisted and demonic.



Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Haha, I love that: "It was prettty close, but everyone made it out of the Death Star safely..." :-D

I can fix the inconsistency really easily. Give me some time to think of something and i'll have us out in no time. :-D


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Alrighty i'll get everyone at the camp out!



Del looked straight towards the metal door to the inner section. Go and look what they've done.

Ark sat nearby eating a cheese and tomato sandwich. "Should... should we be worried about that?" He frowned slightly at the door and stood up. "Hm, well it means we're about to set a record."

"Oh yea?"

"Yup. The record of getting a 50-man campsite packed up in the shortest amount of time. Lets go!" Del signaled the rest of the campsite. "We need to get this place clear in 5 minutes! I'll be opening a portal to the Lor, just focus on getting everything packed up. Everyone break!"

Everyone immediately set to their work. When the threat of imminent ejection into open space was nigh, everyone was surprisingly organised about putting all the tents in order. It was all done within 3 and a half minutes. "CENTRAL CORE SELF-DESTRUCTION SEQUENCE WILL ACTIVE IN 90 SECONDS. ALL FOLLOWERS OF THE MASTER ARE TO EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY." The announcing voice droned. "And us as well." Del had finished the blue portal. "We'd better hope the others are on that thing." He began waving people through.

"Del, Del are you there? Can you hear me? Are you and the others almost out?"

Del gave a sigh of relief.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Luco was pacing worriedly at the internal deck of the Lor when the first people began piling in. He nodded as each one came through. Once everyone else had come through, Del came in last. "Ah brother, it's good to see you..." his eyes wandered next to Luco, where the large black and blue dragon sat staring intensely at Pikachu who had begun to play the game of jumping on top of Charizard. Charizard's aim was to keep him off. "What happened?" He asked. Luco showed him the stones. "Chun-Li found these. Frostwraith hinted that they'd do something for Charizard and it seems he was right. Meet my ultra buddy." He grinned. Lucca looked through a small gadget of hers. "They call him 'Mega Charizard X' in the pokeworld. It seems to be a new thing there and only some are known to react to the stones. Apparently Gengar can as well, actually." She tapped her glasses.

"Oh... I see! Maybe Charizard can hold on to it somehow... I have an idea! ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Lets get him to swallow it!" Charizard squealed, a sound Luco had never heard before - and jumped to the side. A snort of blue fire came from his nostrils. "Maybe if we hide it in some food..." Luco began scheming how to get his draconic friend to swallow the thing.

"Wait... we're missing something. Mar- no... Richard!!"

"What!?" Luco looked around. Richard was nowhere to be seen. "He left our group to go after you guys. We thought he would have caught up to you."

"He's still on the star!? It's going to blow in 30 seconds! How do we find him in that time!?"

"Luco, we'll need to pull him back together. Add our power to the other. We can do this so stay calm." He held out his hand. Luco took it and they swept the station.

Richard was zipping through a small metal corridor. It was back towards the camp-site, but he wouldn't make it there in time. "The inner core's been shut down. We can put a portal in front of him now." Del noted. They selected a door at the end of where he was racing. "CENTRAL CORE SELF-DESTRUCTION SEQUENCE WILL ACTIVE IN 15 SECONDS. ALL FOLLOWERS OF THE MASTER ARE TO EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY."

"Put it down... now." Luco and Del opened up a portal in front of Richard. He zipped towards it and entered through. "Close it now and lets get out of here!" Not realising they had put the other side of the portal directly in front of them, the portal closed as soon as their concentration had been broken - that was, by Richard running straight into them. They tumbled on to the deck of the Lor right as Master Hand shifted them outside of harm from the incoming explosion.


That's the camp and Richard sorted. ^^


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
I was already with the group reunited in frost's segment. But in your segment luco, you make it look like I was the troublemaker.:laugh:
Oh sowwy, I forgot! @.@

I was trying to make it look like you hadn't made it there yet n' such.

Well in that case we'll just chuck in IC that you wandered off or something? :p


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
(Moah Character development...I think! :D )

The Lor Starcutter, Cabin Room 7

*Knock Knock!*

"I'm not in the mood, Magolor!"

*Knock Knock Knock!*

"Go away!"


Sonic growled annoyingly as he jumped off his bed and swung open the door, ready to yell the ears off of whoever was--


"...I need to talk to you!" Sonic answered to Mari in a much less louder voice then planned, but still commanding. He stepped forward in an attempt to walk out of his room.

What he didn't expect was Mari to push him down so hard he fell backwards on his butt.

"No, Sonic." She said in monotone, her eyes a little dark as she...locked the door?

"I need to talk to YOU."

Quickly getting over the shock of the fall, the blue hedgehog immediately tried to jump to his feet and yell at her, but found that he could not move. Mari had casted a psychic spell that rendered him immobile.

"What's this all about?!?" He cried as he was gently lifted up and put on the bed sitting down.

Mari's gold eyes stared right into his emerald green ones.

"I didn't ask for this, you know."


"I didn't ask to be working together with Muhti. I wasn't asked to go and save the Multiverse. You and Magolor didn't ask me to become your pupil. See where I'm going here?"


"I'M the one who asked YOU to teach me how to fight. I'M the one who chose to defend the Multiverse from the Dark Ones. I'M the one who has to be working with Muhti." Pause. "I don't like it. I REALLY don't like it. But I still choose to be."

Mari was pacing around the room in silent fury, but she was still staring at Sonic straight in the eye. Finally, she stopped. "Why can't you get it through your thick blue head that I'm my own person?"

She unlocked the door and stepped out of his room. "You keep this up and I think I really WILL have to leave."

"WAITJUSTAMINTUTEYOUCANTDOTHATNOTWHILEIMSTILLAROUNDYOUWONT!" Finding that he was free from her psychic grip, Sonic scrambled out of his bed and placed himself on Mari's path.

Her eyes glowed an angry blue as she growled, "Watch me."

Casting another psychic spell, she flung Sonic down the adjoining hallway with a wave of her hand, sending him flying...right towards Magolor, who was on his way towards the engine room for a system check.

"Waah!" Magolor swerved to the side on instinct and let his friend slam into the wall. "What the...Sonic, how many times have I told you not to sling shot yourself in the hallways just to beat your so-called record?! I swear--

"MARI'S LEAVING!" Sonic yelled suddenly, and ran back down the hall where he last saw her.

Magolor stopped mid-rant and took a few moments to process what Sonic said. After that, he dropped the clipboard he was holding and flew after him.

Training Room 3

"...This isn't the way to the escape pods, Sonic--"

"Don't care!"

The Training Room was much too quiet as the two walked inside.

"Are you sure Mari said she was--"

"She's up to something, Magolor, and we're going to stop her before she gets herself killed or--"

"Or what."

Mari stood in the center of the circular shaped room, wrapped in her white cloak, her head hanging down.

"Mari!" Sonic started to walk to her with angry purpose. "Pushing me down and holding me against my will is no way to respect your teacher!"

She didn't answer.

"Mari! Answer me! Or at least look at me when I'm--"

The doors suddenly slammed shut, preventing any kind of escape. "What the!" Magolor exclaimed as he tried to open the doors manually. "The...the doors won't open! Someone jammed the controls!"

Sonic was beyond ticked off now. "WHAT'S THE MEANING OF ALL THIS?!?!" He screamed.

Mari raised her head and, in a sort of calm voice, said, "You don't seem to understand at all, do you?"

"What?! Understand what!?"

"That I don't need you anymore."

At those cold words, All of Sonic's rage that builded up to this point suddenly died away...and was replaced by a look of hurt and confusion. "Wh...what...?"

"You...you don't mean that...!" Magolor said with the same look and tone.

Mari merely shook her head and sighed. "You leave me no choice..."

The attack was so sudden, Magolor didn't have time to react and was blown back towards the ceiling, knocking his head and temporarily becoming quite dizzy and disoriented as he fell back towards the floor. Sonic, on the other hand, dodged the attack smoothly and also caught Magolor in the process.

"What the hey, Mari!" Sonic retorted.

"Sorry, Sonic. I guess I have to pound it into you until you get it." Mari got into a fighting stance.

"We don't have time for this!"

"Neither do I." She responded. "So I'll make this quick!"

(Has Mari gone mad? Why is she attacking her own teachers? Will she really leave? Find out in my next segment! :D )


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
The Master's next plan... :evil:

Fire Emblem: Awakening - "Run all you like-you can't escape fate!"

Meanwhile, in the Dark Ones' hideout...

"It is finished, my Master.", said a scientist wearing a black lab coat with the Dark Ones' insignia marked on the back.

"Show me. I have to ensure the experiment was a success. We didn't kidnap all those people on Earth for nothing.", responded the Master, who was unusually calm and focused, even after losing much of his forces following the destruction of the Death Star.

"Yes, Master. Your will shall be done.", stated the scientist, exiting the room for a while and bringing armed soldiers afterward.

The soldiers wore typical army clothing, except black and having the Dark Ones' insignia where a symbol of an army would be.

"I have brought them, my Master. They have passed on the tests and they prove to be effective killers.", the scientist replied.

"Ahem... Soldier A-850, your Master commands you!", stated the Master.

"....... Yes, Master?", the soldier replied with a dull, emotionless monotonic voice, not moving even one muscle.

"I demand you to stay on guard duty. Our enemies draw near!", the Master stated.

"...... Beginning mission: defend the Master. Engaging defensive mode.", stated the soldier as if she were a robot, before going away.

"You there! Soldier A-701. Who are you?!", the Master asked to another soldier.

"...... Soldier A-701 of the Dark Ones. I serve only the Master. Any orders, Master?", the soldier responded in a monotone.

"I want you to identify some of our enemies. Will you come here?", the Master stated.

"Yes, Master.", the soldier responded.

The Master showed a picture of Master Hand in a screen.

"Identifying target...... Target identified. Subject name: Master Hand. Leader of the opposing army and priority target. Mission is to destroy him and his subjects.", stated the soldier, still in a monotone.

"Hmm... Very good... Hyeh heh heh... The experiments went more than well...", whispered the Master. "A-701, defend this hideout!"

"Certainly, Master.", responded the soldier, before staying silent for a few seconds. "...... Beginning mission: defend the Master. Engaging defensive mode."

The Master ordered all soldiers to get out of his chamber and only the scientist remained.

"You have done quite a good job... Heh heh heh heh heh! They have skills and obedience! They follow their Master's orders without question, just how I expect from my minions.", the Master stated.

"My Master, our new method completely destroys any emotion and wipes out the memories of the subjects. Thanks to the creatures you've found, there's no way you can revert a subject back to his or her former self.", the scientist reported.

"Myeh heh heh heh heh... This is unbelievably good... Bwa ha ha ha ha! A world where none shall question my orders... where everyone obeys me, the rightful ruler of the multiverse!", the Master maniacally stated. "It's good to see progress like this... Maybe I will be willing to test these subjects against Master Hand's dogs! I can't wait to see the looks of their faces when they see my finely crafted soldiers!"

"Yes, Master... It is quite as you say...", the scientist responded before leaving.

The Master's lust for power... It never ends!


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
Decisive Battle – Student VS. Teacher!
When you face off against another, the first thing you should do is assess their abilities. Learn what attack pattern they like and see if you can find an opening!

Mari started off simply: she sent several fireballs in Sonic’s direction. With a simple backflip, he avoided them. Magolor, now recovered, put up a shield in advance to stop her attack.

When you think you’ve got it, waste no time trying to throw them off their game. Keep them busy! Make sure they’ve got no time to react and strike!

Sonic launched himself at his pupil in a homing attack, which Mari deflected by summoning shields just beyond her arms and crossing them over herself. Sonic continued to spin at her, creating sparks.

Meanwhile, behind her, Magolor attempted to talk some sense into her. “Please, Mari! We don’t have to do this! Stop!”

If you’re dealing with more than one enemy, you have to keep track of them at all times. If you’re going to deal with them one at a time, you’ve got to keep the other ones distracted!

“I think YOU’RE the one that has to stop! YOU are forcing me to do this!” Mari yelled.
“That’s not true! Can’t we just talk this out-“


She managed to knock Sonic back straight at Magolor. “Eep!” He conjured up a shield on instinct and knocked the living spinning blue ball of death back at his student. Mari merely threw Sonic back at him, starting a very strange game of tennis for a few minutes.

Realizing that this was going nowhere, Mari launched Sonic up high into the air and quickly casted a small hex in the room that would come into play later.

Sonic landed smoothly on the floor, staring at her with a burning rage in his eyes. “Beyond words, huh? I guess the only thing left to do is to take action!” With that, he began to run in fast circles around her, creating a swirling cyclone that almost lifted her off her feet.

If your enemy has a tactical or superior advantage over you, you have to find a way to use that to YOUR advantage. Make THEIR strength YOUR strength!

Mari let herself be picked up by the cyclone, all while keeping an eye on the speedy hedgehog: which was harder then she thought. Nevertheless, as soon she was swept up to the top of the room, she prepared an ice spell and grabbed onto one of the sides of the huge windows separating the Viewing Room from the Training Room.

Sonic put on the brakes and looked around. To him, Mari had seemingly disappeared. “Hey! I’m not done with you yet!”

“Uh…Sonic?” Magolor pointed up at the windows. As soon as Sonic turned his head, Mari launched her ice spell at him. She frowned when Sonic again dodged her attack.

No matter what she threw at him, Sonic would either dodge or counter her attack with his superior speed. She HAD to find a way to stop him…or at least slow him down. Easier said than done. If only she could hit one or both of his legs with ice...

Wait…Ice! Of course!, Mari thought. Conjuring up another ice spell, she aimed this one towards Magolor. “Gah!” He cried as the spell narrowly brushed his hat, frosting most of it. Mari did not stop there, though, as she fired off one ice spell at a time in rapid succession.

Sonic noticed that Magolor wasn’t really fighting back. “Hey, Mags! Get it in gear already! All you’re doing is just defending. You’ve gotta attack sooner or later!”

“But…I…I don’t want to hurt her…” Magolor protested.

“You think I don’t feel the same way?” Sonic retorted. “Look-“


Magolor pushed Sonic out of the way as another ice spell hit the floor, creating many icicles coming out of the spot where the spell landed. “You guys might want to do something about my higher vantage point, you know. I can easily pick you out from up here!” Mari boldly stated.

Sonic growled. “How about you stop cowering up there and come down here?”

Mari pretended to think about it. “Hmmm…maybe if you came up here yourself, we wouldn’t have a problem…”

“Heh! You asked for it!” Revving himself up in that classic figure-eight maneuver, Sonic prepared to run up the wall. He blasted off with great speed…

…and tripped?

“Notice anything about the floor, Teach?” Mari said as soon as he was faced flat on the ground. It took almost all of her will not to laugh at that picture-perfect moment. I mean, come on, the fastest thing alive just tripped! How could that NOT be funny? She could not help but giggle slightly at the thought.

Sonic muttered something under his breath as he tried to pick himself up. Mari had covered the entire floor with her ice spells. She knew that he wasn’t as fast on ice then on a normal surface. Despite the situation, Sonic couldn’t help but commend her on this smart move. Luckily, he had magic on his side.

“Magolor! I need you to melt this ice!”

“I think he’s a little busy at the moment, Teach.” Mari had suddenly appeared beside him, holding her open palm in front of her, which was glowing a familiar blue. Sonic followed her calm gaze to find Magolor caught in one of her psychic spells.

“Magolor!” The blue hedgehog turned towards Mari. “Let him go!”

“If you insist!” With a wave of her hand, she sent Magolor flying back to the opposite wall, where he crashed into it with a loud BANG! He impacted the wall so hard, some large pieces of it seemed to fall on top of him.

“NO!” Sonic finally got back up on his feet, and aimed a wild punch at her abdomen. Mari caught the fist, only to find another flying towards her face. She raised her hand to catch that one too, and both student and teacher were locked in a battle of both strength and wills.

HOW COULD YOU?!” Sonic screamed at her. “He’s more then just your teacher, he’s your friend! And so am I!

“I don’t like how things turned out, either.” Mari said. “In fact, I never thought it would come to this.”

“So STOP! Let’s just…talk or something!”

“Oh, NOW you wanna talk.” Mari sarcastically rolled her eyes. “Like I said before, I’m beyond words. Besides, I think you should stop worrying about Magolor and start worrying about yourself.”

Meanwhile, Magolor was slowly digging himself out of the massive pile of rocks. He was able to cast a spell where he was made intangible for only a moment, but he didn’t complete it properly in time and still ate a face full of dirt. Suddenly, he heard a scream. Thinking it was Mari, he started digging as fast as his little hands could manage. Finally, he freed the upper part of his body out of the pile and almost gasped at what he saw. Sonic, sitting backed into a wall with Mari standing over him, her open palm ready to deliver what was sure to be a powerful spell.

“No, Mari! Don’t!” Magolor yelled.

“Magolor!” Sonic cried. “She’s not listening to me! You’ve got to attack NOW!”




“Oh, for crying out loud…” Mari face-palmed herself. “I’m right here, Magolor!”

“...Ohhhh…Sorry in advance!” Looking away, he tried to cast a fire spell in her direction.

Keyword, “Tried”. Nothing happened.

A smirk appeared on Mari’s face. “Something wrong, Magolor? Try again.”

“What the…?”

Spell after spell, they all failed. Magolor found that he couldn’t attack Mari at all. “I’ve gotten pretty good at casting hexes.” She explained. “I casted an All-Defense Hex on the room a while back. All magic users can only use defensive spells. It’s nothing much, a really strong warlock could probably figure out how to break it, but you were so concerned about NOT attacking me that you didn’t notice.”

“But…” Magolor asked. “You said all magic users…how come you’re not affected?”

“I’ve got a magical immunity against hexes. I discovered this when I saw that one of the fake Master copies casted an energy draining hex and I wasn’t affected.” Mari turned her gaze back at Sonic.

“You’re just…It’s just one surprise after another with you…” Sonic said with a strange smile on his face.

“You should be used to that by now.” Mari didn’t smile back, but you could tell that she was agreeing with him.

“So, uh…are we cool?” The blue hedgehog asked.
“Oh, yeah.” This time, Mari smirked, but there was a mischievous vibe to it. “We’re REALLY cool.”

A bright flash of light suddenly exploded from Mari’s hand, and when Magolor could see clearly, he nearly fainted at the sight.


There he was, incased in a thick layer of ice, complete with a look of surprise on his face. The scene would have been funny to Magolor if it weren’t for the fact that a very scary looking Mari weren’t walking slowly towards him.

“And…and now you’re going to freeze me too…?” Magolor tried to not let her know that he was kinda scared, but he was pretty sure that she could tell anyway.


Hope lit up the Halcandrian wizard’s eyes…only to be chased away by the sight of many rocks being levitated by his pupil’s psychic spells.

“…Oh, NOVA…”

“I’m just gonna bury you under a few hundred pounds of rock…that’s all. Don’t worry, with the little hole you dug yourself, it’ll just feel like I’ve put a really low roof on top of you. And, uh, don’t worry about Sonic…the ice will melt eventually. And the hex will wear off as well. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve gotta go drive the Lor. It’s no fun if you always put it on autopilot.”

(((I DID IT!!!!)))

Fire Emblemier

The Crests are to Blame
Apr 4, 2013
United States
Switch FC
I really wanted to write something but my creative sparks aren't with me right now.

Need something to happen haha. :p
I plan on making a Halloween theme post today, don't worry. ;) So it might give some inspiration for a segment.


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
Lor Starcutter, Bridge

As Mari placed her hands on the controls of the Lor, she was starting to have second thoughts.

OK, so maybe leaving the first people that had ever truly cared about her incased in ice and under a pile of rocks trapped in a jammed training room wasn't the greatest idea in the world. But she had good reason, right? If Sonic wanted to make such a big deal about her safety, then she had to FIGHT for her independence, fight for her own choices--

...But Magolor already understood that, in the way of not attacking her during their battle. So it's really Sonic's fault here, right? But...

"Hey, hey, hey, Mari! Whatcha doin'?"

Marx bounced along on top of his ball whilst eating from a bag of chips, looking over Mari's shoulder as she typed in commands.

"You're steering the ship?"

"Uh-huh." Mari simply agreed.

"Man, Magolor NEVER lets me steer the ship."

"That's because you don't know how."

"But YOU do." Marx paused here for a moment. "You know, it's kinda heartwarming to know that he actually trusts you enough to steer his own ship. I mean, this isn't just his ship, the dude actually LIVES here. So it's like you're steering his house or something."

Those words cut her more deeply than she imagined. "You're not helping, Marx."

"Not helping? How?" Marx inquired. "Am I making you nervous?"

"No, it's not-"

"Oh, I get it. It's Sonic, isn't it?" The jester jumped up and sat down perfectly on his ball, eating a few more chips. "Listen, I don't wanna insult him or anything, but the guy doesn't know when to stop and think and when to consider the odds and stuff. He just goes and does it, you know?"

"Yeah..." Mari murmured, trying to focus on the Lor. It wasn't easy.

"He means well, though." Marx continued. "He's only doing it because he cares, Mari. I mean, I know I would care about someone I convinced not to commit suicide..."

"Marx..." Mari said with a growl.

"After her whole family went and died..."


"I guess that WOULD drive someone to jump off a cliff like you tried to do..."


"So I guess you were lucky that Sonic was out on a run at that moment!" Marx finished with a toothy smile. "I mean, what are the odds? Or it could be that, you know, whole FATE thing and whatnot..."

Mari put the thought of kicking Marx's ball away for now to ponder that. What if...Sonic had decided to run somewhere else on that day?

Would she still be here?

"And then you told me that you both hitched a ride on the Lor when you guys were still battling Muhti. I mean, if it would have been any OTHER spaceship...or who knows? Hey, did Magolor blow a fuse when he found you here?"

"...No..." Magolor had actually welcomed them both with open arms...er, hands. If his ship hadn't appeared at that exact moment, neither she and Sonic would still be alive.

Would they?

"I know I've only been here for just a while compared to you guys, but even I can see the really strong bond between the three of you." Marx hopped down from his ball. "Sure, you're going through some tough times, but hey, everyone gets those. Am I right or am I right?"

"...Right..." Mari whispered, thinking a bit more deeply now.

"But I'm sure you guys will get along just fine. I mean, I know you guys had an argument just now, but maybe Sonic just needs to cool off for a while, wherever he is. By the way, Magolor's been gone an awful long time now. I guess checking up on all 120 Energy Spheres takes longer then you think, huh?"

"You're doing this on purpose, aren't you." Mari deadpanned.

"Doing what?" Marx asked with a confused face.


"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"I think you do."

"Still no clue." Marx shrugged and started to walk off the bridge. "Well, I guess SOMEONE has to find them. If you'll excuse me..."

"You're just doing this so that you can have the chance to drive the Lor in loop-de-loops!" Mari quickly stated.

"Still have no idea what you're saying!" Marx called back before the automatic doors shut behind him.

Mari sighed heavily as she set her gaze back to the controls. Don't go after him, she repeated in her head. They deserve it; they need to know how strong you've become...

...Sonic could get a cold, though...

Marx counted off exactly 30 seconds before the doors opened and Mari sped off down the hallway. "WATCH THE SHIP!" She yelled as she turned towards the mess hall.

The jester waited a few more seconds before sighing in relief. "Seems my powers of persuasion CAN be used for good after all." He said to himself. "My work here is done..."

Walking back towards the bridge, Marx let out a mischievous snicker.

"Now to reap the rewards!"

With a final heave, Magolor lifted the last piece of rock that was trapping his cape. He wiped some sweat from under his hat and rested on the ground.

"I'll...get you out...in a minute, Sonic." Magolor said in between deep breaths. "Just let me...Whew...catch my breath..." The wizard doubted that the iced hedgehog could hear anything. The ice looked pretty thick.


His ears perked up when he heard Mari's voice. She was standing there awkwardly with two steaming mugs in each hand and a blanket.

"I, um...brought you some coffee..." Mari said in a small voice. "Light and sweet, just the way you like it."

Magolor wasn't sure what to say to her, and he guessed that Mari was in sort of the same position. "Coffee is exactly what I need right now."

She sat down next to him as she handed him his coffee. "I...uh...I'm...sorry..."

"It's OK." Magolor placed his hand on her shoulder. "I understand why you needed to assert yourself. Being alone in that pile of rocks gave me time to think...or re-think, in this case. I already got the idea a long time ago." Magolor casted his gaze towards his swift but currently frozen friend. "I'm not the you should be apologizing to, though."


"We're still friends, Mari. Nothing will ever make me think otherwise." Magolor beamed. "I'll leave you to unthaw Son--OOF!"

His windpipe was constricted as Mari squeezed Magolor in a tight hug. "You're...you're awesome, Magolor."

"Why, thanks, but...*hurk!* could you...hug a little...*gasp* more loosely? You're kind of choking me...!" The Halcandrian took a huge breath as his pupil released him.


"Hah...it's quite alright..." Magolor brushed himself off and took one last glance at Sonic before shaking his head. "But really, freezing him? Do you know how ironic that's going to be for him?"

"I was mad." Mari simply said.

Magolor shook his head again before teleporting out of the room, seeing that the doors were still jammed. He made a brief note to fix that later...right after he was done eavesdropping.

Mari walked calmly towards her other mentor, taping the ice with her knuckles. The ice made a slight tinging sound. She circled around Sonic once, twice, then three times before finally spotting a weak point and struck there.

The ice cracked wide open, and Sonic fell to the ground along with all of the pieces of ice. Mari almost called back for Magolor, but stopped herself when she heard him groan.


Sonic managed to bring himself to one knee, and shook his head this way and that to clear the fog in his mind. He was chilled right down to the bone, and he couldn't help but shiver slightly.

Suddenly, he felt a warm and heavy something cover his back and shoulders, and he raised his head to see Mari kneeling right in front of him, covering him with a blanket.

"I thought you needed some help to warm up." His student said. "So I brought you this and some hot chocolate."

Sonic stared at her for a few short seconds before sitting up right and taking the mug.

He took a sip. "You froze me." He said in a neutral tone.

"Yeah." Mari answered.

"Do you know how ironic and annoying that is to me?"

"Pretty ironic. Even Magolor said so."

"And it was the whole reason you did that in the first place."

"...Pretty much." Here, Mari smiled sheeply. "I'm not gonna lie. It felt pretty good."

Sonic took another warm sip and cracked out a smile. "I bet it did."


The blue hedgehog looked at her and raised his hand. "I know what you're gonna say." He said. "I'm just going to tell you to can it."

Mari looked her her teacher with complete surprise, which was quickly turning to hurt. "Teach...?"

"I'm the one who should be saying sorry."

Mari let out a sigh. It felt like a huge weight had been lifted off her chest. "Oh...for a minute there, I thought..."

"I would be mad?"

"Aren't you?"

"Nah..." Sonic waved a hand as if to dismiss his previous feelings. "I WAS, but not anymore. You practically handed my butt to me."

"I was mad, too..." Mari admitted.

"Hey, we were both angry. I guess the only sane person in this situation would be Magolor. I kinda feel bad that I dragged him into this." Sonic scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment. "I guess he just left me in here, didn't he?"

"Actually, I sorted things out with him just a few minutes ago."

"Wha--?...Mari, how long was I on ice?"

Mari's face grew red. "Uh...a few hours...maybe more?"


"Hey, in my defense, I had to go cool my head too!" She pointed out.

"...You got a point..." Sonic crossed his arms. "You froze me, though."

"Yes, I know."

"And you left me trapped in ICE for who knows how long..."


"Still..." Sonic considered. "You DID beat both me AND Magolor...at the same time..."

The blue blur was silent for what seemed like forever.


His sudden response had caused Mari to jump. "Uh...OK, what?"

"I'll let this one slide." He said. "BUT JUST THIS ONCE."


"And...I promise that whatever choice you make from now one, I'll gladly respect it." Sonic gave her his familiar thumbs up and smile. "And that's a promise I won't break!"

"...Sonic..." Mari reached out and pulled him into a hug. "You're the best."

"Heh, I know that!" Sonic chuckled. "And we'll start off by looking for Eric!"

"What?" Mari backed off and stared at him. "My brother?"

"You said that you sensed his essence back at the Death Star, right?" Sonic reminded her. "We can just drop off the others at Final Destination and go looking for him right now!"

Mari couldn't believe what she was hearing. "But...The Dark Ones...and The Master...and Xiro..."

"I know...but if you really want to, we can. You, me, Mags, Marx and Drawcy...and anyone else that wants to come with us. Totally your call."

"Teach...as much as I love my brother...none of that will matter anymore if the Dark Ones take over completely. Even if we did find him, it would already be too late..."

"You're sure about this?" Sonic asked.

Mari didn't respond for a while, but she nodded.

"OK." Sonic took off his blanket and took the last sip of his hot chocolate. "Then let's get back to the bridge before someone worries."

"Right behind you, Teach."

As both of them got up, the doors suddenly snapped open, revealing both Magolor AND Drawcia leaning against it.

"Uh..." Magolor looked around nervously. "I, uh...was fixing the door!"

"Buuuusted!~" Drawcia giggled.

"Were you guys eavesdropping on us?" Mari asked.

"NO!...maybe." Magolor said. "I really was fixing the door!"

"While eavesdropping." Sonic gave Magolor a knowing smirk.

"Yes...I mean, No! I didn't hear a thing about you or Sonic or Eric--" Magolor caught himself, but far too late.

Sonic laughed. "Real smooth, Mags."

"Gah...in any case..." Magolor moved on, "We should go and see to the safe passage to Final Destination. We should've been there hours ago..."

"Hey, wait..." Sonic realized. "If Magolor and Drawcia are here...who's steering the ship?"

As soon as the words left his mouth, the whole ship rocked from one side to another. The intercom crackled to life, and Marx's voice could be heard all over the ship.

"Heh, sorry about that! Looks like we've hit some interdimensional turbulence...but MAN, am I having the time of my LIFE! Thanks for letting me take the controls, Mari!"

"I told him to WATCH the ship, not veer it off course!" Mari yelled. "That, and he guilt-tripped me."

"Marx was always good at that..." Magolor adjusted his hat a little before heading off to the bridge, with the rest of the newly reconciled team right behind him.

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