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Forum Fight: The Story Forum

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The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
I should note that Master Hand has asked Mari, Sonic, Magolor and Blaze to find the Chaos Emeralds alongside Richard and Wesker.

Of course, Mari, Sonic and Magolor weren't in Final Destination to hear the order, so Blaze, Wesker and Richard are currently searching for the Chaos Emeralds.

Once the 7 Chaos Emeralds are collected, the cannon will be powerful enough to defeat the Dark Ones' Master. That also means that the final battle is getting closer.


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
(((Eh, Blaze appeared out of nowhere and told me, Sonic and Magolor. So now we're all looking for the emeralds. DO NOT QUESTION THE LOGIC!

Cuz I'm not editing this post AGAIN. :glare::glare: :glare::glare::glare:


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Mari, no need to get upset... (-__-);

You could be write a short segment involving Sonic meeting with Blaze, since they know each other and Blaze could inform him of Master Hand's intentions...

@Xiroey, your sig is funny.


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York




Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
Eh, I wasn't being serious. Xiro and Muhti know that already.

Bottom line, get used to it, Frost. :grin:

(@Xiro: I missed you too, buddy! *glomps*)


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia

Visions came to him, swimming in front of him, behind him, all around him. Floating in empty space, he was not sure if he had died and become nothingness or whether something else was happening altogether. He could occasionally hear voices but couldn't gleam anything from it: "... Luco... it was him... why, though...?" and so on. He went back under.

To his muddled senses, the only thing he could tell was that this wasn't his imagination. Empty space, with something floating through it. When he looked more closely, he could see himself... no, not quite. His features were different. His eyes... they were not blue, but black. And his veins had a tinge of that as well. He seemed to be looking for something. He stopped suddenly in a place. He put his hands together as if he were trying to rip open something... which is exactly what he did. He opened the portal that had closed behind Luco so long ago. Luco's vision was beginning to fade... No... it's, him... he'll kill them... he'll kill them all... he... can't... I... must... his vision was almost entirely gone, as he saw the portal close behind his mirror mage. Then his vision was gone, and he was once more subdued by the dark.


To sum that up, a 'dark Luco' has entered the world looking for me. His powers are like mine except his powers were never scattered - he's at full power. From my placings, he shouldn't run in to you but he creates another issue for me... and another facet of my backstory, as will be revealed.

Luco's still totally out and unconscious though. That just introduces dark Luco. :o


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Oh but ummm, don't worry, you guys are essential for this as well. :p

EDIT: Gah, why don't I think before I double post?? Sorry, my brain's a bit muddled right now. :(


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Always have some surprises, eh, Luco?

I have a huge lunch break at Fridays! Yesssss! It means I can continue the story right now without waiting for the classes to end!
Pushing the heavy stone door, Frostwraith, both Pits, Champions Alder and Cynthia and the PSI kids enter the ominous Tomb of Sargeras.

Warcraft III - Awakening (Night Elf Theme 2)

The air was damp, but that was expected since those ruins were in the middle of the sea. The inside of the ruins was pitch black, requiring a source of light to illuminate the way. Frostwraith's Rotom used its power to light a flashlight Frostwraith had.

"We must remain silent... or the tomb's guardians will spot us.", whispered Frostwraith.

Walking the dark corridor at the entrance, the group arrives at a small hall with a huge gate on their left, a pathway to their front with a destroyed gate and a blocked path to the left. Frostwraith looked around to check for enemies. Using the flashlight powered by Rotom, Frostwraith noted some runes written in the walls.

"What could those runes mean? They seem familiar...", thought Frostwraith. "Wait... those are orcish runes!"

Frostwraith stopped to read the runes.

"What do these runes mean?", whispered Ness.

"They tell a story of an orc warlock named Gul'dan... he opened this tomb ages ago..."

Gul'dan and his lackeys rose these ruins from under the sea, hoping to find a powerful demonic artifact.

"Quickly, you fools! Find the primary passage way! We must reach the chamber of the eye before the tomb's guardians awaken!", Gul'dan said to his minions.

A loud roar is heard and the minions, scared, start to run away, prompting Gul'dan to kill one of them and say:

"Spineless cowards! I said move!"

The minions continue to advance...

"What could be this eye the runes refer?", wondered Pit, whispering.

"It's probably what we're seeking.", answered Dark Pit.

"Without a doubt... Gul'dan was power-hungry and no doubt sought the power inside these ruins to himself... whatever horrors he awoke in this foul place, we must face them. With Sargeras being the founder of the Burning Legion, and this being his tomb, this is likely an hideout for the demons belonging to the Legion.", explained Frostwraith.

"We have fought those demons before, so they're alligned with the Dark Ones.", Cynthia remembered.

"Yes... they're likely using this place as one of their bases.", responded Frostwraith.

"Let's get moving then... hmm... the path splits in two.", observed Alder.

"The broken gate seems to be the main route... but, let's check the closed gate first.", said Frostwraith, still whispering.

"We must avoid making noise, right? I think it would be a good idea to push the gate slowly.", Jeff suggested.

"That seems the better plan. Garchomp will give us a hand.", said Cynthia.

"Golurk, help Garchomp...", whispered Frostwraith.

The two Ground-type Pokémon used their strength to open the gate. On the other side, was a pile of treasure.

"I sense the dead lurking here... stay on your guard.", said Frostwraith.

"Got it.", Pit responded.

Entering the treasure filled room, skeletal orcs ambushed the group, but were fended off by the combined force of Garchomp and Golurk.

"I get it...", whispered Frostwraith.

"What?", flatly inquired Dark Pit.

"Gul'dan led his minions to a certain death... even dead, they bear a grudge for their suicide mission and viciously attack any living here.", observed Frostwraith. "Thankfully, we can use that to our advantage."

"How is that possible?", questioned Ness.

"As a master in dark magic, I know many spells related to necromancy. I can use my powers to raise these skeletons and command them against our enemies.", explained Frostwraith.

"That's gross...", commented Lucas.

"Whatever you say... it will be quite handy in dealing with the demons... even though they are pretty flimsy.", commented Frostwraith.

"Strength in numbers... clever strategy.", said Alder.

Using dark magic, Frostwraith put the defeated skeletal orcs back to life and began to control them.

"They're bound to my will now. They will surely help us somehow.", said Frostwraith, after finishing the spell.

"Let's take all this loot while we're here.", suggested Pit.

"Not a bad idea.", Frostwraith whispered, starting to retrive the gold and artifacts inside the large chamber. "Hmm... what is this?"

"What's with that sinister looking shard?", reacted Paula.

"A shadow orb fragment... this contains powerful dark magic and will surely help to enhance my spells.", said Frostwraith.

After retrieving all the loot inside the room, the group goes back to the hall, entering through the other path.

"Ready yourselves... demons await in the next room...", warned Frostwraith.

After crossing the corridor, they arrive at a even larger chamber, where a Doom Guard awaited.

"A Doom Guard is just ahead. Seems to be a sort of overlord. We must fight him!", said Frostwraith.

"Turn back, you mortals! None may defile the Tomb of Sargeras!", roared the Overlord.

"It's huge!", reacted Pit.

"Light powers work best against demons! Hold nothing back, everyone!", said Frostwraith.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Gourmet Race

The overlord began to attack the group. His huge size proved to be a match for even Golurk and Garchomp.

"PK Flash!", yelled Ness, shooting the PSI energy at the demon, who managed to resist.

"The attack proved to be useless! How are we supposed to defeat this thing?!", Dark Pit said.

"You mortals cannot hope to stand against us!", roared the demon.

Frostwraith launched a light spell at the demon, who proved to be weak against.

"The weakness is light. PSI attacks won't be so useful as we expected.", said Frostwraith. "Demons have also incredible resistance to every other kind of magic."

"This going to be though, but we must fight as best as we can!", said Cynthia. "Garchomp, use Dragon Rush!"

"Golurk, DynamicPunch!", ordered Frostwraith.

"Physical attacks seem to work well too.", observed Dark Pit.

"So, we know what to do!", said Frostwraith, drawing his sword. "I'll cut this thing down!"

Imbuing the sword with light, Frostwraith jumped and stroke at the demon. In a fit of rage, the demon used his large sword to counter Frostwraith, who was sent flying across the chamber. The orc skeletons under his control collapsed as well, as Frostwraith lost the focus on his spell.

"Urghh!!", yelled Frostwraith, severely injured from the demon's attack.

Pit shot arrows using the Bow of Palutena, which proved to be moderately powerful against the demon.

"Why aren't my attacks doing more damage?!", said Pit.

"Did you forget it's a boss we're fighting?", snarked Dark Pit.

"Right...", said Pit.

The demon focused on the PSI kids, summoning a rain of fire against them, also injuring them.

"Garchomp, use another Dragon Rush attack.", ordered Cynthia.

Garchomp rammed at the demon with full strength, causing it to fall.

"Good! He's down!", Pit observed with enthusiasm. "Take this!"

Pit shot a charged arrow at the demon's chest, crippling him.

"Golurk... finish him... Focus Punch!", ordered Frostwraith, as he was bleeding heavily.

Golurk immediatly obeyed and began focused its attack. The demon was about to get up when Golurk landed the attack, killing the demon once and for all.

"Frostwraith, are you OK?", asked Cynthia.

"This is going to be tougher than I expected... the kids are also gravely injured from the demon's attack... we cannot advance in these conditions...", said Frostwraith, who was clearly having difficulties in speaking. "I must charge my healing magics... just hold on..."

Demons and beasts... who said this was going to be easy? :evil:


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
The Lor Starcutter, Hal Training Room #8

"Wait, wait, wait! GAAAH!!"

A loud BANG! echoed throughout the room as Magolor hit the back wall--Upside down. He groaned in pain from his chest, where Mari dealt him a fire/ice combo spell with her fist. Not only did her speed and magic skills had nearly doubled since last time, her strength had doubled as well; and he had seen the proof. Or rather, felt it.

"Ouch...that had to hurt..." Sonic said quietly to himself. Leaning against the far corner of the room, he whistled when Mari was on Magolor a split second later, grabbing him by his cape and flinging him up into the air. When he was at a good hight, Mari murmured something and a whip made of pure light energy materialized in her hand. She sweeped her arm above her and the whip wrapped itself around her teacher. "Hah!" She yelled as she brought her arm down, dragging Magolor to the ground at great speed.

Sonic couldn't tell if Magolor was screaming out of pain or terror, but it was soon cut short when he hit the steel floor. "And...that's game." The Blue Blur raced over to Magolor, who had an mixed expression between pride, pain, and downright annoyance.

"How in the name of the stars did she get so...so...?"

"Capable? Strong? Grown up?" Sonic suggested.

".....Yeah. What you said."

It was at that moment Blaze entered the room and saw the wizard slowly get up from a huge dent on the floor. "What happened?" The princess asked.

"Magolor just got his butt kicked by a girl." Sonic snickered. "No offence, Mari"

"Eh. None taken."

"I take it you were sparring?" Blaze questioned.

"Uh-huh." Mari anwsered. "Although I may have taken it a liiiitle too far..."

"It's nothing!" Magolor piped up, already working on a self-healing spell. "I'm actually quite impressed on how she's progressed. A little miffed...but impressed."

Mari drew circles on the floor with her foot while looking down in embarresment. "Well, if it weren't for you, I would have never had an interest in magic."

"Uh, helllloo?" Sonic waved a hand in front of Mari. "What am I, chopped liver?"

"Yeah, I wouldn't have learned how to fight properly if it weren't for Sonic, too." Mari said while smiling.

"Hmm...I'll accept that..." Sonic said while pretending to be serious. Then he laughed. "Naw, I'm just kidding. Come on, I wanna spar with you next!"

"Wanna join in, Your Highness?" Mari asked Blaze.
The princess smiled. "Please, just call me Blaze."

"Oh. OK. What about you, Magolor, wanna spar some more?"

"No thanks..." Magolor said while finishing his spell. He felt much better now. Sore, but better. "I think I've had enough fighting for one day."

"Aw, come on, Magolor! Scared?" Sonic taunted.

Magolor stared at Sonic with playful, yet dangerous look. "I'm not scared, but you'll regret saying that."

Sonic laughed cheerfuly. "Challenge accepted, friend! How 'bout tomarrow?"

"Fine with me!"

Magolor sighed contently as he sat down on his hoverchair in front of the Lor's control panal with a nice, steaming cup of tea. He ran a quick security scan, going through the ship's cameras first. He saw Mari, Sonic, and Blaze having a three-way sparring match in Hal Room 8, while Richard and Wesker were asleep in their rooms. After going through the rest of the ship, Magolor desided to check the ones outside, too. Just to be safe...

He saw nothing out of the ordinary, just a flock of Starly heading west and a beautiful sunset over the North Sea. The view was fantastic--It reminded him of Popstar and Dreamland, in a way.

Using a pad to navigate the camera view, Magolor checked the west, east, and north courses. All seemed well. It was as if the Dark Ones had no idea where they were at the moment. And Magolor wanted it to keep it that way, using the new stealth cloak he installed not too long ago. As Captain of the Lor Starcutter, it was his responsibility to oversee the safety of the ship and its crew. And Magolor felt he was doing just that.

Now, I'll just check the camera behind us and then I'm going to take a nice, long nap...

The wizard clicked the south course camera and was greeted with nothing but clouds and more clouds. Magolor nodded with satisfaction. The journey was going along smoothly without a hitch. Seemed appropiate, after all-

What the...?

Something out of the corner of the screen had just faded in and out for a second and that caught his eye. Magolor was really good at spotting even the smallest detail, so he rewinded to the second where the object had appeared and took a frameshot. It was small, dark, and very far out in the distance. Using the Lor's advanced technology, he zoomed in and cleared the fuzz around the object in question.

A ship. A battleship. Magolor's heart sank to his gut. He knew that ship!

"Everyone! I need everyone on the bridge this instant! NOW!"
A few minutes later, everyone was present, though it took a few more minutes to wake up Richard and Wesker.

"What's up?" Mari asked.

Magolor looked at each of them before giving out the news. "We're being followed."

Mari crossed her arms. She looked a little frightening with her percing gold eyes. "By who?"

"Well...see for yourself."

Magolor went to the control panal and brought up the image of the ship. Mari's eye wided with suprise while Richard, Wesker, and Blaze stared at the picture in confusion. Sonic did as well, but for a diffrent reason.

"The Halberd." Mari said. "But..."

"Why is the Halberd all the way out there?" Sonic interupted. "Is Meta Knight stalking us or something?"

"Who are you refurring to, Sonic?" Blaze asked.

"Meta Knight is a knight from Dreamland, on the planet Popstar." Magolor explained. "He helped defeat me back when I was possesed by the Master Crown and tried to take over the universe. He's not to be taken lightly."

"You tried to take over the universe?" Blaze arched an eyebrow.

"It's a long story..." Magolor said. "I'll tell you later. Right now-"

"That's not the Halberd."

All eyes turned to Mari, who was staring at the image.

"...What do you mean, 'That's not the Halberd' ?" Sonic said after a few seconds.

"The colors are all wrong. So are the wings. I don't know about you guys, but I know the Halberd when I see it and that is not it." Mari said with an edge to her voice. "We're not being stalked by Meta Knight."

Magolor just blinked and looked at the image of the Not-Halberd. "So if that's not the Halberd...then who's following us?"

"Keep following them." Dark Meta Knight ordered. "I want to catch them while they think they are safe..."

The crew kept up their pursuit of the Lor, maintaining their cloaking device as best as they can. Lately, it was on the frizz and Dark was hopeing that it would hold.

"Sir. The cloak is starting to fail us. We will need to land to make proper repairs."

Dark cursed under his breath. He was hoping to follow them to wherever they were heading and catch them on land, but now it was impossible.

"Oh, well...Cut off the power to the cloak and get us to ramming speed. It's time."


"Oh...And bring the Jester as well, I have use for him..."

"Yes, Sir Dark! Right away!"


"Uh, guys?" Sonic pointed to the camera view of the south. "Whoever is salking us is planning to welcome us to Dave Jones locker!"

"It's Davey." Mari corrected him.


The dark colored Halberd suddenly phased into view and was heading towards the Lor at a rapid speed.

"It's going to ram us!" Blaze cried. "Move!"

"It's coming too fast!" Magolor grabbed the controls to move the Lor out of the way, but he knew there wasn't enough time.



(((DUN DUN DUN!!)))


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
“Gerbils want to steal my pudding”! Latios cried, suddenly springing up and banging his head on the roof of the cave. Gengar’s stirred when he heard a soft thud behind him. “Low ceiling mate”, Gengar mumbled. He tossed over slowly, and was greeted with the sight of two fierce purple orbs glaring down at him. “Don’t get all glarey with me mate, you’re the one that woke up and tried to do jumping jacks”.

“Oil Can…” The eyes growled, they still stared over at Gengar menacingly.


“I don’t know” The glare softened, Latios descended down from the ceiling, looking weak and defeated. “I never knew trying not to wake up could be so exhausting”. Latios rubbed his head where he bumped it.

“Mmm, afraid you’ve lost me mate”. Gengar tossed over onto his stomach so that he could face his friend better. Before he left, Frostwraith instructed him to watch over Latios in case he woke up. Since he knew Xiroey better than anyone else, Frost figured he’d probably be able to Xiroey down in case he went on another rampage. Looking at Latios now, the first thing that caught his attention was his eyes. They were purple. Again. But, he couldn’t tell if this was a good thing or a bad thing. He was still black, not that that was surprising…

“What, you want something? Spit it out already”. Latios said in a surprisingly harsh tone. Gengar winced.

“Relax, I’m justjoking.” Latios sighed when he saw Gengar’s expression “gosh, you ghosts are so sensitive”.
He roosted directly next to where his friend lay, his wing resting just above Gengar’s head. “Mate…?” Gengar wasn’t sure if it was safe to go back to sleep. What if Latios was secretly waiting for him to drop his guard so he could slash him open. Whoever this was laying next to him, his personality was nothing like that of the friend he’d grown up with…
“Relax Gengar” Latios cut in in the middle of his thoughts, “I still haven’t gotten a lid on this… whatever it is yet. Go back to sleep…” Latios yawned heavily. He sounded a bit more like his old self that time.

“A-alright mate, sweet dreams”. Gengar huddled into the thin blankets above his pallet. He tossed himself over so that his back was facing his friend, and tried his best to drift back to sleep. Several minutes later, he was still wide awake. He was patiently waiting until he heard snoring. He still wasn’t sure… he had to make sure…
“Eep”! A short exclamation escaped him when he felt something rough and padded wrap around him. It lifted him out of his blankets, and soon it was carrying him up into the air.


He was silenced when he felt the space around him suddenly get a lot warmer and a lot more cramped. It took him a while to realize what it was at first, but when he did all of his fears instantly vanished. The rough object he’d felt earlier was his fiend’s claw. Latios was hugging him.

“Relax bud. Come on, lets go out for some fresh air”.

“Mmph”. Gengar made a small sound that might’ve been a muffled protest. It was hard to tell, since his face was being squished.

Latios carried him outside the cave. The instaint the pair left the cavern, the temperature dropped substantially. Iwas snowing lightly, the cave our group was in was located at the top of a narrow path winding its’ way up the mountain. Looking down, Latios could see a dense congregation of white trees which might’ve been a mystery dungeon. He and Gengar flew down to the base of the mountain, where powdery trees soon blocked off all view of the horizon. Latios finally let Gengar down.

“Ahh”! Gengar inhaled as much of the frigid air as he could. Okay, so he was greatful Xiro was mostly back to his old self and all, but that didn’t mean anything if he didn’t leave him any air to breathe! Latios noticed Gengar’s annoyance, he gave him an apologetic look.

“Come on, it shouldn’t be that far”. Latios waited until Gengar caught his breath, then he flew off into the dense wood.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Tetra tried her best to remain vigilant, despite her eyes watering whenever the cool air stung them. Beneath her, Helaroc’s feather’s provided her some warmth as the pair of them flew high above a white topped mountain range. For a moment, Tetra’s concentration was broken when she felt the surface beneath her begin to rumble and vibrate. The beat of Helmaroc’s wings started the slow; Tetra knew he was starting to reach the limits of his endurance.

“I’m sorry Helm, just a bit more and we can rest. I know it was selfish of me to force you along on this trip in the first place. Just try and hang on a bit longer okay”. Tetra patted Helmaroc on the head, hoping he would be able to hang on just a bit longer until they reached their destination.

“I really hope what that old bird said was true”. Tetra said mostly to herself. A few months ago, Tetra and her group of pirates were greeted by a mysterious visiter on the bow of her ship. It was a strange bird, with totem-pole like markings on his feathers, and a far-off gaze that made it seem like it could stare straight into your soul at times. Xatu came to them then, completely out of the blue, with a request that made absolutely no sense to any of the pirates then.

“When darkness again strikes and the strength of your friends isn’t enough, head over to Full Moon island at the edge of Sinnoh, there you will find a valuable ally.”

Tetra hummed softly as she recalled she recalled Xatu’s advice with perfect clarity. She made sure she took a map of the unfamiliar territory with her before the pair set off, so there was no threat of either of them getting lost. That, and she naturally had an excellent sense of direction.

Halaroc shuddered again. Tetra came out of her thoughts momentarily, seeing a puffy white cloud starting to stream out of the corners of Helmaroc’s beak. He wouldn’t be able to push himself much further.

“Okay Helm, we’ll take a break here for now. It looks like there’s a small clearing in the middle of those trees over there; we can rest there for a bit and re-gather our strength. She pointed Helmaroc off in the direction of the clearing she spoke of. Helmaroc gave no response, but to turn himself slightly moreso to the east, in the direction of the small gap in the trees.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“Xiro, it’s really cold out here, are you sure this spot you were talking about is close”? Gengar shivered as the cold air bit into him. He was now shivering beyond his control, and there were icicles hanging slightly diagonal from where his nose might be. When Latios saw it only a few moments before he had to resist the urge to chuckle, for his friend’s sake. It was ironic because Gengar didn’t even need air to live, so there was no nose there for icicles to form from. It also amused him whenever Gengar pretended to be out of breath whenever he hugged him too tightly. Latios figured it was just his way of saying that he was alright now, and wouldn’t worry about Latios suddenly trying to rip open his insides.

Latios stopped at what looked like the heart of the forest. There was an enourmous tree standing before them, both in height, and in the sheer amount of ground the trunk took up. It must’ve been three miles wide at least! Latios slowly floated up to the three, the tops of it were bare, since it was a different species of tree from the pines that mostly made up this wood. Gengar followed along cautiously, not sure what this place was about, or why his friend was taking him over to a gaint tree in the middle of a frigid forest in the middle of the night…

“Mate, I’m not sure we should be out here. What if more pokemon show up”- Gengar suddenly froze. A shrill scream made his blood freeze colder than the chilly temperature. Latios stopped when he heard it as well, His ears were directly vertical, he was listening for any signs of danger nearby.

“Gengar, did that scream sound familiar to you”? Latios spoke directly in his mind. Gengar got the message and responded mentally as well. Best be cautious, in case there were enemies waiting. “No, can’t say it did. It did sound feminine though. Maybe Mari or one of the other girls are back, and got lost on their way through the forest”?

Latios shook his head, “No, Frost could just teleport them up to the cave remember? And even if he couldn’t somehow, Mari wouldn’t scream like that unless she saw a ghost or something, and there are no Shuppet in this part of the forest…”

They heard the scream again, this time followed by a sound that might’ve come from a giant duck.

Or a mutated chicken.

“Helmaroc”! Latios accidently exclaimed aloud as realization hit him. His heart started beating faster, Tetra and Helmaroc went missing ever since their group went to meet Impact at the battle frontier. What were they suddenly doing in the middle of a mystery dungeon in the middle of nowhere?

And there were monster houses. Of course, Tetra wouldn’t know that. She wasn’t from this section of the multiverse…

“We need to get over there”. Latios said urgently. Thankfully, Gengar was already two steps ahead of him, His eyes glowed blue like they always did when he was prepared for a battle.

“What are we standing around here for then? They’ll be Ursaring chow if we stand around here any longer like a couple of old ladies”. He took off in the direction of the screams.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“Helmaroc, keep pushing them back, they can’t harm us if we continue to keep them out of range!” Tetra and Helmaroc were trapped in the middle of the clearing. The landing was rough, despite their attempts at a careful landing. On their way down, a random updraft hit Helmaroc smack in the face and made him veer off his intended course slightly. They ended up crashing down through the tops of the trees, and one of Helmaroc’s wings had a nasty sprain.

As if that wasn’t bad enough, there were a circle of Shedinja and Banette closing in on them, They mostly hovered at the edge of the clearing at first, their empty eyes gazing at them eerily from the edges of the clearing…

Tetra shot off another round of her slingshot as a Shedinja got a little bit too close. The ghosts were starting to make their move on them. Just her luck, she had the forsight to pack a small bag of rocks with her and a slingshot in case they ran into any trouble. The rock didn’t hit the shedinja with too much force, but it managed to knock away the little 1 hp the ghost type had. The rocks managed to hit the bug-type super effectively, enough to bypass it’s wonder guard ability.

But there were still a lot more…

“Helmaroc, look out”! One Banette finally decided that the pair of intruders were of little threat, and decided to blast them with a hearty dose of it’s thunder. It hit Helmaroc smack in the chest, and it stumbled back a few steps. Tetra cursed, she launched a few rounds of her slingshot at it, but the small stones had little effect on the lithe ghost. It vanished before the rocks could hit, causing them to crash harmlessly across a tree trunk a little ways behind it.

Tetra cursed again. “Helmaroc, hang in there. We just have to think of a way out of this”. Her resolve melted slightly further when Helmaroc took another blast again. The ghosts were getting more confident, Now the air streaked with lightning and Blue Fire bolts and as the Banette and Shedinja began to launch off their attacks with reckless abandon. The intruders were helpless against them, they saw no reason why they should play it cautious any longer.

Helmaroc wasn’t able to last long. A few seconds of taking thunders straight to the chest, and he was done. He collapsed dully in the snow.

“No!” Tetra tried her best to rush to his aid, but a pair of Shedinja soon stood In her way.

“Back off”! Tetra threatened, she unsheathed her dagger, and prepared to use direct force against them if need be.

A familiar roar made her pause though, just as she prepared to fight every last ghost there with everything she had, A black latios and a Gengar burst into the clearing.

“Tetra!” Latios’ was ecstatic when he finally set eyes on her. The excitement in his eyes turned to shock when he saw how badly hurt she was.

“Ghosts”!? Gengar was just as surprised to see so many ghost types hovering around when they’d seen there had been virtually none on their way there. A pair of banette answered him, they launched a dual-shadow ball attack at him, forcing him to action. Gengar dodged the group-attack, then retaliated with a double-shadow ball of his own. Both banette fell in an instant, he spun around to deal with the next threat.

Five shedinja went after latios next. They darted around at speeds that made Latios dizzy. Two shadow sneaks hit Latios on his left side, and he cringed. One shedinja, seeing his chance, managed to get in an X-scissor directly against him, leaving a red X-shaped wound in the middle of his forehead. Latios roared angrily, several glowing orbs were summoned up from the immense pool of power Latios had. He launched them at each of the shedinja separately. The attack did it’s job, each of the shedinja were out in an instant.

Tetra, taking advantage of the added backup, managed to take down a few ghosts as well. She nailed one banette with her slinglshot as it tried to sneak up on Gengar. It gave an angry shriek, then retreated somewhere off into the forest. It wasn’t long before Gengar returned the favor. The feat confused Tetra completely, but Gengar pulled a giant wooden mallet completely out of thin air, and crushed an unfortunate group of Shedinja flat. When he raised the hammer, the shedinja were out cold, in a wide circular crater left in the snow.

“I think their starting to give up, everyone keep up the pressure”. Latios instructed. His hidden power dealt with even more of the ghosts. The attack created several projectiles at once, so Latios was able to make quick work of the weak ghosts. Gengar was hard at work as well, His shadow balls and Hammer (Which was actually his Sucker Punch) were easily able to take care of the ghost types in one or two hits. With Tetra there as added support, it wasn’t long before the group managed to drive the ghosts off.

Latios collapsed when he saw the last ghost finally lost hope in the battle and run. “And… don’t let me…. Catch you around my neighborhood… again…” Latios tried his best for a sassy remark, but had to fight to catch his breath. He managed to beat those ghosts down good, but he wasn’t without injuries himself. The same could be said for Gengar and Tetra. No one was without a few cuts and bruses, and everyone looked like they were out of breath.

Then there was Helmaroc…

“Stand back…” Latios called on the last bits of his energy, and managed to fly shakily over to where Helmaroc was collapsed. “What did they do to you…” Latios had to fight back rage when he saw the charred feathers on Helmaroc’s neck and chest, and a few on his stomach. The ghosts were relentless in their attacks; Latios thought he could detect the faint scent of roasted meat…

“Easy now, you’ll be okay in just a sec”. Latios let his Heal Pulse go to work. It slowly began repairing the damage done to the burnt tissue. The feathers were effected as well, straightening out and bending back into place. His entire frontside remained black, but that was mostly from the burn residue the electric attacks left behind. Latios wouldn’t be able to do anything about that until they got somewhere where a bath wouldn’t spell instant death. For any of them.

“Okay, looks like he should be okay now. He just needs to rest for a bit”. The glow in Latios eyes died down. Helmaroc was breathing regularly again.

“T-thank you… Thank you so much…” Latios was shocked when he turned around, and saw Tetra staring at him with tears streaming down her face.

“Hey now, no need for that! We wouldn’t just leave you to get attacked by ghosts on your own, we’re all on the same team after all. Besides, we’re friends, aren’t we”? Latios tried his best to avoid becoming flustered himself. It was hard, seeing Helmaroc all beat up…

“No, you don’t get it… This was all my fault… If I had only picked a better resting place…” Tetra collapsed to her knees, with her head buried in her hands. Her sobs didn’t begin to die down until she felt a rough claw rest on her shoulder.

“Tetra, we all make mistakes. You were tiered, and I’m sure you only had Helmaroc’s best feelings at heart. Nothing could’ve prepared you for what happened. It was a stroke of bad luck, nothing more.” Latios couldn’t help but feel a bit like Charizard when he spoke the advice to Tetra.

The words seemed to have some effect, the tears finally stopped, but Tetra’s body still shook occasionally as sobs rocked her. ‘She’s exchausted, physically and emotionally’ Latios thought to himself as he tried his best to console her further. Eventually, Gengar cut in with a bit of advice each of them were trying their best not to worry about.

“Umm, we should probably get out of here… In case they come back with reinforcements… Ya know”. Gengar said the last bit a little awkwardly. He hated to interrupt on such an emotional moment.

“You’re right…” Tetra agreed a little wearily. She picked herself up, and walked over to where Helmaroc lay.

“How will we take him with us? He’s too big to carry”.

Latios shook his head. Truth be told, this whole time he had been trying to come up with some sort of a solution to that. Quite frankly, he didn’t have any.

“We may have to camp out here for tonight” He eventually said. Gengar and Tetra didn’t like that one bit.

“But, it’s isn’t safe here”! Tetra protested.

“I’m with her” Gengar piped up “We can’t just wait around here and hope the kind ghosts of the forest won’t try to attack us in our sleep”!

Latios quickly calmed the two of them. “Relax, Relax. I’ll set up an Ice Wall around us that will stop any attempts for the ghosts to try to attack us. Also we can take turns sleeping, with one of us keeping watch at all times. That way, we’ll always know if a ghost is about to attack us”.

“I suppose… that could work”. Gengar eventually agreed. He had to admit, the thought of having to keep watch wasn’t didn’t exactly sound fun. Okay, so sitting still for long periods of time was somethign he normally did. He was a master stalker after all, used to hiding in the most uncomfortable of places for extremely long periods of time… But this! Staring at a blank wall of ice with nothing to do for hours and hours until his shift was over and he could finally catch a few hours of bedrest?

Latios saw the look on Gengar’s face. He wasn’t happy about it either, but it was the only option available to them at the moment.

“I’ll take first watch” He said. He began his work on fortifying their makeshift fortress for the night.


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
“That man…” Charizard saw everything that happened in the cave only moments ago. Of course, when Frostwraith instructed Gengar to watch over Xiro for the night, he made a silent agreement with himself to help out as well. He didn’t want to admit it to himself, but he couldn’t help but worry constantly about that kid… about his safety…

Charizard shook his head to clear it. Any longer and he’d be signing adoption papers! He tried, for the millionth time, to shut himself off the the whole ordeal. Getting himself wrapped up with others was a sure fire way of getting hurt whenever that person betrayed you. But, something about the kid… they way he tried his best to make him smile, telling him corny jokes and doing the dumbest things even though he pretended that he hated it…

He finally managed to press the matter aside for the moment. There were other things he had to worry about. Like that man that attacked them before. He knew the name of his twin brother… Of course, Charizard wasn’t about to correct him when he got his name wrong. His twin brother was named Theodore, his human name before he became a pokemon was Maximillion. The mistake was understandable though, as a human he was warm and cheerful, while his brother was a serious and stotic. People often got their names confused, calling him ‘Teddy’ like the famous scientist. The name stuck, and Charizard was forever pegged with a nickname that shouldn’t have even been his.

How the man from before knew of his twin brother though was a mystery. Charizard had to admit, his brother could be very secretive at times. He’d often go off on his own, sometimes leaving for weeks on end, with little word to him, or his parents. His parents tried several time to put an end to the behavior. Vanishing with random friends that none of them had ever met in the past, sometimes coming home bloody and battered without a word to anyone… Charizard had to admit, it was strange.

But, how did it all tie in? And why did that man think that he was his brother?

Charizard glanced outside the cavern again, realizing that his friends weren’t back yet. They had been gone for about three hours now. Surely, it doesn’t take that long for a simple bit of fresh air?

Charizard shook his head again for the millionth time. He couldn’t let himself get sucked in. He couldn’t let himself get hurt again…

But in the end, Charizard couldn’t help himself, he ended up uttering a few words softly into the wind, hoping that somehow, his fiend would hear and head his small bit of advice.

“Be safe, Kid”.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Meanwhile: Back at Spear Pillar.

“The dark ones are preparing another attack. Where, I do not know”.
Xatu stood on the flat edge of Final destination, there was no sunset to gaze off into here, but somehow he still managed to receive a few vague visions of the future. What he saw wasn’t pretty.

Master hand was silent as Xatu relayed his message. “They plan to attack again, as a demonstration to, not only the people of the multiverse, but to us as well. They’re tired of us interfering with their plans”.

“This is disturbing news Xatu, any idea of where the attack might be held”? Master hand was unusually still. Slowly, the cogs in his head were working. The fate of the entire multiverse was at stake.

“I can see nothing more than what I have told you now” Xatu said. He stepped away from the edge of the platform, approaching the Master Hand and the legendary Trio.

“Crazy Hand has left on reconnasasance, If we’re lucky. Or unlucky. He may have some news to report on his return. Let us hope for the best.”

“For everyone’s sake” Xatu agreed “Let us hope”.


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Morning brought a bit of light through the gap at the top of the barrier. Gengar rose tiredly, from his spot in the middle of the barrier. He walked over to where his friends lay, lieing a hand on each of their shoulders and softly shaking them both awake.

“Morning” Gengar greeted Latios as he rose sleepily. Tetra sat upright as well, slowly rubbing sleep from her eyes. “Morning” Tetra croaked in reply. Latios said good morning as well, but when memory from last night hit him, he was already distracted with a new task that he had to see to. Tetra was automatically awake when she saw Latios float ever to where his ‘patient’ slept.

Of course, last night… Helmaroc…

Latios looked like he was greatly relieved when he floated new Helmaroc and he was breathing evenly. Just to make sure though, he checked to make sure that his heartbreat and respiration rate were normal. Careful not to disturb the beast, he send weak psychic probes into Helmaroc’s body, trying his best to search for any signs of distress. His eyes stopped glowing, and he smiled faintly when he realized that everything checked out okay. Helmaroc was sleeping normally now. Somehow, he’d managed to heal Helm back to near-perfect health. He’d be just fine whenever he woke up.

“Is he…?” Tetra was almost too worried to voice the rest of her question.

“Helm will be just fine. He’s sleeping is all. He must’ve had a hard flight”.

Tetra heaved a great sigh of relief when she heard the news. Finally, it felt like a weight was lifted from her shoulders. The guilt from before fell away; all that was left was an overwhelming feeling of gratitude. “Thank the gods”. Tetra said, relief showing clearly on her face.

“So, do we wait here for Helm to wake up”? Gengar was now fully up and operational. Instinct told him that they should probably try to get moving as soon as they possibly could.

“Aye, it shouldn’t be long now. He’ll probably wake up within the next hour or so. We can eat a brief meal before then.” Latios set out into the trees just as he said it. Tetra and Gengar were confused at first, but only minutes later, Latios returned with an arm full of berries.

“Eat up”. He grinned, setting the berries down on Gengar’s pallet.

“Oye!” Gengar’s eyes lit up at the sight of so much juicy fruit “Where…?”

“The place I wanted to show you before, it’s full of some of the tastiest, juiciest berries you’ll ever find. It wasn’t a long flight there and back, since I already knew the way”. Latios grinned with pride, then picked up a fat Pecha.

“Just make sure you guys leave some for Helm too. He’ll probably need a lot. Not that there isn’t plenty here to begin with”. He eagerly bit into the sweet fruit. Gengar and Tetra’s faces lit up as well. They picked a fruit each for themselves. Surprisingly, after just one fruit each, the three of them felt stuffed to maximum capacity.

“Ahh, that was good” Gengar huffed.

“That tasted almost like a peach from our dimension, only maybe a little bit sweeter. Either way, it was good”. Tetra looked satisfied. She tossed the core of the fruit off into the snow where it would probably grow into a new plant eventually. Once their meal was done, the three of them stood and walked over to where Helmaroc was sleeping to check on him again.

Tetra’s heart practically did a 360 flip when she saw that the bird was awake. It was dutifully cleaning his feathers of the black gunk the Banette’s attacks left behind. It stopped suddenly, when it saw everyone approach.

“You’re awake”! Tetra exclaimed, feeling more relieved now more than ever. Helmaroc answered with more of his usual silence, but Tetra thought she could see some trace of a greeting in the bird’s eyes. He was glad to see her as well.

“Great! Helm, we brought you some food”! Latios pointed over to where the still-tall pile of fruit sat on the ground. There was a loud growl from the bird’s stomach when it caught sight of all the food.

“Guess we’re heading out once Helmaroc is finished eating” Latios said cheerfully. A loud gulp from the middle of the clearing punctuated the end of his sentence.

“Yes, we can finally set out on our mission again at last”… Tetra sighed greatfully.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
The Tomb of Sargeras: Part 2!
Warcraft III - Awakening (Night Elf Theme 2)

Frostwraith was bleeding heavily from the demon's attack. The large demonic blade that hit him left a large injury in his torso. The best he could do was to use magic to lessen the wound, but the presence of demonic power made him unable to use high level healing magics.

"I... I... can't breathe...", Frostwraith said weakly, showing difficulties in breathing.

"No! Frostwraith, just hold on!", said Pit.

"Oh, I know...", suddenly reminded Cynthia. "Lucario, use Heal Pulse!"

Lucario used the move, relieving Frostwraith's wound. Bandaging the wounded part, Frostwraith managed to get up at last, but still had some difficulties moving around.

"Ness and Lucas are really in bad shape. The demon's fire managed to hurt them badly.", reported Dark Pit.

"There's something I can do then... just give me a little time.", responded Frostwraith.

Frostwraith began to charge a spell, which manifestated as a ball made of water.

"Rain of Tranquility!", said Frostwraith, releasing the ball upwards.

The ball began to form green tinted, light blue clouds, beginning to rain inside the tomb.

"The kids' burns... they're healing!", observed Pit.

"This is a powerful healing spell, though we can't rely on it too much... If I abuse this magic, I will grow weak and tired.", explained Frostwraith.

With the injured members treated at last, the group continued to advance through the tomb's narrow corridors. Demons awaited them at every corner. They weren't as strong as the Doom Guard they faced before, but still proved to be a match against Frostwraith and the others.

"Hmm... there seems to be another hallway ahead... I don't sense any demons though, but I feel life anyway.", observed Frostwraith.

Arriving at the hallway, they are attacked by a Hydra. It didn't prove to be much of a threat compared to the demons they have fought before, but still managed to defeat Frostwraith's Golurk.

"The Dark Ones here really are no joke!", said Pit.

"Except the Hydra we faced wasn't affiliated with the Dark Ones at all...", noted Frostwraith. "It was just a sea creature that managed to enter inside this place. Now, take a look... more orcish runes..."

Alone, Gul'dan stood in the middle of the chamber.

"Blasted, feeble-minded weaklings! They're likely dead by now!", the warlock said. "Still, I must press on... my power should be enough to..."

An ominous, evil laugh is heard, interrupting Gul'dan's speech.

"Is that you, Sargeras? You seek to mock me? We'll see who laughs last, demon, when I claim your burning eye as my own!", Gul'dan said as a shadowy, demonic figure appeared before him, engulfed in blue flames...
"Another mention of this eye...", said Cynthia.

"This so-called eye is very likely what we're looking for... it's probably some sort of demon artifact. No doubt it contains a tremendous amount of power...", speculated Frostwraith. "Gul'dan, in his ambition, was likely lured to this place after knowing of this artifact's existance..."

"So, our objective is to retrieve this artifact?", inquired Ninten.

"Indeed... if we're to have a chance against the Dark Ones' Master, we will need the eye's power, no matter the cost!", said Frostwraith.

"Even if it requires you to throw your life away?", a voice said.

"Who's there?!", reacted Frostwraith at the unexpected presence.

A man jumps from a small pillar nearby.

"Ha ha ha ha ha... you just came here to throw your life away, didn't you? I don't know if you're brave or stupid... either way, the Master has demanded that you were brought alive to his presence.", said the man, whom Frostwraith recognized.

"Rugal! How the hell are you still alive?!", reacted Frostwraith.

"Hardly matters how I am alive... what it matters is the new power I have obtained...", Rugal responded.

"So, you would face against me again, even after I have defeated you before... know your place.", aggressively said Frostwraith.


The King of Fighters '95 - Guitar, Omega and Rugal

Rugal grabbed Frostwraith by his neck, difficulting his breathing. Frostwraith reacts with a kick on Rugal's belly, knocking him down. Rugal attempted to grab Frostwraith again, but Frostwraith jumped over and stroke Rugal with a dark bolt.

Getting up, Rugal threw a Reppuken, but Frostwraith managed to jump over the shockwave and countered the projectile with more dark magic. Rugal attempted to do a Genocide Cutter, which proved successful, injuring Frostwraith.

"The Hydra's corpse... it could be used to my advantage...", whispered Frostwraith.

Rugal threw a chain of punches at Frostwraith, who used healing magic to treat his wounds a little. After luring Rugal to have the Hydra's corpse behind him, Frostwraith used a necromantic spell to raise the Hydra's corpse, who viciously attacked Rugal, heavily injuring him.

"How was that possible...?", said Rugal, in pain.

"Your overconfidence clouds any path to your victory... now take this!", yelled Frostwraith, launching a wave of darkness, seemingly defeating Rugal again.

"Easy enough...", said Frostwraith as he prepared to leave.

But Rugal ambushed him with a Genocide Cutter, knocking Frostwraith down. As Rugal prepared to give his final blow to Frostwraith, Frostwraith kicks him in the face, while still lying on the floor.

The tides have turned and now, Rugal was knocked down. Frostwraith ensured that Rugal got up again and delivered him another kick to knock Rugal down again. Frostwraith used this opportunity to attempt to kill Rugal by choking him. Rugal retaliated and the two kept exchanging blows.

As the fight kept a regular pace, Frostwraith unexpectedly attacked Rugal by grabbing him from his neck and throwing him against a wall, knocking Rugal unconscious. This time, Frostwraith launched an ice spell to further injure Rugal.

Kid Icarus: Uprising - At the Seafloor Palace

"What an idiot... let's get a move on, everybody.", said Frostwraith.

The group advanced to the exit of that chamber, leading to a seemingly outdoor place. Instead of ruined floor, now stood sand, and more abundant water. Besides some buried pillars and rocks, the group noted the presence of coral and many sea plants.

Beating a few more sea creatures, the group found themselves on stone soil with water at a very low tide, enough to walk without problems.

"We seem to be outside of the ruins now... yet, the rocks here form a path as well. Let's follow it.", said Frostwraith.

In a more deep puddle, something caught Frostwraith's attention.

"Another shadow orb fragment... perhaps I should retrieve this one as well...", whispered Frostwraith.

And that's it for now...


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
“WROOOAAARRR KID, WHERE WERE YOU! YOU HAD US ALL WORRIED SICK!” A slightly less than cheerful Char greeted Xiroey and Gengar as they finally returned to the cave. They both looked beaten and ragged. Charizard’s eyes glanced over the wounds the two of them had, his rage doubled.


“Charizard” Latios said wearily, he gave his friend a breif hug, then walked over to the edge of the cave, where he could collapse in peace. Charizard looked confused at this, his rage died instantly as Latios embraced him, but that still didn’t do anything to satisfy his curiosity about last night. All thoughts of not getting involved flew completely out of his head at this point.

“He’s… allright, isn’t he”? Charizard glanced over at Latios with conscern. At least he wasn’t attacking anybody, that was something to be grateful for. But, those wounds… There was an X-shaped scar on the top of his head that could’ve come from anything…

“A little trouble helping out a friend is all” Gengar smiled wearily. He gave Charizard a friendly pat on the leg (He’s too short to reach Char’s shoulder) then walked over to the heart of the cave for a good night rest this time.

Charizard just stood there looking confused.

“Allright then… sleep well.” He sat down at the front of the cave to watch over the two of them again, in case either of them needed help.


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Muhti breathed heavily, he was lying down on the battleground next to a sea of dead bodies. He was awoken by Palpatine, who chuckled.

"And we thought you betrayed us", he said. He held his hand out to grab Muhti.

Muhti stood up straight and thanked graciously.

"How long?", Muhti asked.

"3 days, 2 hours, 37 minutes and...", Palp checked his watch, "23 seconds."

Muhti shook his head, "I'm so sorry."

Palp patted his head, "Don't be, Ghetsis is in worse trouble than you."

"Wha- happened?", Muhti coughed up.

"He's dead."

"Oh", Muhti looked at the ground.

"Let's get going. Gather some supplies, we'll be expecting you.", Palpatine returned to his former state of commandering.

Muhti nodded. Palpatine then disappeared using the Dark Masters bit of power.

Muhti scavenged items such as Master Balls, HP Potions, etc. The Pokemon Stadium was deserted.

"Another step closer to my master plan.", Muhti chuckled while bending to pick up a Max Revive. "Seems as though the Dark Master fulfilled part of it with controlling Xiroey, but how to gain control of Frostwraith?"

He paused. Then looked at his two Pokemon he owned. His Blaziken and his newly caught Dark Arceus, the Satan of Pokemon. Muhti smirked widely. He knew how to kill the all-powerful Dark Master, he just needed the Dark Masters actual name, he continued to plan. Muhti shook his head, he was taking this too far. "How was Dimentio able to do this?" , he thought aloud.

He continued to walk, smelling the pollution of the fire of Black Kyurem, it reminded him of the street of New York City.....

The young Muhti walked the streets of Time Square, as an orphan. He was give stares by pedestrians. Cops didn't bother, they saw this type of thing everyday. He remembers the faint image of his parents, hearing them say that the 12th generation was uber powerful, that keeping him would be dangerous. He never remembered the words, I Love You, he heard words of hate. He wasn't beaten, but he wasn't loved as well.

Muhti looked at the New World Trade Center. The New World Order War was finished, the People won led by a 25 year old leader. That leader was assassinated by a once powerful banker and inventor, that banker killed the 1st President of The New United States of America.

The Year of 2348, the year he met Dimentio, the dimension traveller and time traveller.


I hoped I did well.

@Mari, check your PMs later on.



Not the soft/furry Pokemon expected. Blaziken trusts Muhti with his life, ever since the Impact. Blazikens actual name is Meteor, after the Impact caused by the Meteor. Blaziken was toughened up after seeing many of his friends die from the fiery ball. He would've been killed if it wasn't for Muhti, Meteor would've been killed.


Is an exact replica of Satan, only in Pokemon forme.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
The Tomb of Sargeras: Part 3!

At Final Destination, the divine circle consisting of Master Hand, Crazy Hand, Arceus, Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, Palutena and Dyntos, continued to build their divine weapon which now had a fitting name: the Dimensional Cannon.

Currently powered by the Sol Emeralds, the Lustrous, Adamant and Griseous Orbs and the Time Gears, the cannon was powerful enough to kill powerful demons. But, Master Hand remained skeptical on how to kill the Dark Ones' Master.

"Frostwraith and his companions have been doing well in the forsaken Tomb of Sargeras. Should they get the power residing there, our weapon will become more powerful, but still insufficient to kill the Master. We need the 7 Chaos Emeralds as well to have a minimal chance against the Master...", said Master Hand.

"Mari and her team are currently after them... once Xiroey awakes, we will send him and the remainder of the team to aid her.", planned Arceus.

"That sounds good... Mari and Xiroey are close friends, so it's wise to have them in the same team.", agreed Master Hand.

Frostwraith and his teammates continued to walk in the shallow water. Besides the sound of their feet splashing on the water, the place was eerily silent.

"I suspect a trap...", said Dark Pit.

"Do any of you guys hear something?", inquired Pit.

"Something is coming from underwater...", noted Frostwraith.

A dull sound was heard louder and louder, culminating in a humanoid giant sea creature to rise from the deeper water.

"No way!", exclaimed Pit.

"What is that thing?!", reacted Ness.

The creature roared loudly.

"Aaaaugh!", yelled the timid Lucas.

"This is a Sea Giant... not just any Sea Giant... it's a Sea Giant Behemoth!", observed Frosrwraith. "They use the anchors of sunken ships as weapons and have brutal strength. This fight will be a tough one! Hold nothing back!"

Kid Icarus: Uprising - Boss Fight 1

The giant creature smashed on the floor with the anchor in an attempt to crush Frostwraith. Enraged, the sea giant picked up a boulder and threw it at Pit, injuring the angel.

Cynthia sent her Garchomp to fight the sea monster, but even the mighty Garchomp looked wimpy when compared to the sea creature.

"Dragon Rush!", commanded Cynthia.

The attack proved to be mediocre against the sea giant. Alder contributed to the battle by using his Accelgor, who easily outran the sluggish brute. Accelgor used his speed to distract the giant.

"Accelgor proves to be useful to distract the monster... now's our chance! Let's not forget we're fighting on water, we must be cautious when using electric attacks.", warned Frostwraith, as he progressively launched dark spells at the brutal creature.

"Are you OK, Pit?", said Palutena.

"Urrgh... that creature isn't toying around... I'm fine, anyway...", said Pit as he got up and back to fighting.

The sea giant was persistent and hurled another boulder at Pit, who dodged this time.

"Accelgor, use Bug Buzz!", ordered Alder.

The Bug-type Pokémon proved efficient in distracting the giant, avoiding the monster's brutish, sluggish moves.

"Everyone! Climb up these rocks! Golurk will help you!", said Frostwraith.

"What are you planning to do now?", inquired Lucas.

"I'll explain later. Golurk, grab everyone and transport them to that cliff over there!", responded Frostwraith.

Golurk immediatly obeyed and everyone was atop the cliff. The sea giant began to approach the group and proceeded to hurl another boulder at them, but Golurk easily defended the group by crushing the incoming boulder with a punch.

"We're safe here... Golurk, remain defensive... Anyone who has thunder abilities, prepare your attacks. Rotom, Charge now and Discharge when I say.", commanded Frostwraith.

Pit and Dark Pit equipped a pair of Shock Orbitars, the PSI kids with PK Thunder began to charge and Luco's Pikachu and Luxray, under Frostwraith's care, also began to charge. Frostwraith charged a high level thunder spell and Rotom was charged and ready.

Golurk managed to hold well against the sea giant, while the team prepared the final blow.

"3... 2... 1... NOW!", yelled Frostwraith.

Everyone opened fire and brutally zapped the sea giant, killing him. Golurk survived thanks to its Ground-type.

"That was quite a show... now let's move on. There's another entrance to the ruins just ahead... we're getting closer to the power we seek...", informed Frostwraith.

The group passed through the last corridor, arriving at a chamber with a huge door and some orcish runes.

"More runes... seems that Gul'dan was already desperate here...", said Frostwraith while reading the runes.

Gul'dan coughed heavily, his body covered in severe wounds. He knew he was defeated by the demons. But still managed to utter some last words...

"If my servants... had not abandoned me, I could have claimed the Eye and...", Gul'dan said. "Damn you, Sargeras! I won't be beaten like this! I am Gul'dan! I am darkness incarnate! It cannot end... like this."

"It ends here... the runes clearly show that his life was nearly over. He was foolish enough to face such strong demons on his own... I can't imagine what horrors await in the other side of the door...", commented Frostwraith.

"Let's move on. We have managed to hold well so far.", responded Alder.

"Yes. Golurk, push the door.", commanded Frostwraith.

On the other side of the door waited a powerful, blue skinned Demon Lord and a magic green stone.

"It can't be... Archimonde!", said Frostwraith.

"Ha ha ha ha ha... you little mice have just made it to the cheese... unfortunately for you, you have just fallen into a trap!", roared the Demon Lord, Archimonde. "Now, watch as your life fades away as the ruins collapse into you!"

Archimonde uses a spell with the artifact and the tomb comes crumbling down. Between Frostwraith and the remainder of the group, falls a huge boulder, separating both.

"Go on without me! Get out of this wretched place!", said Frostwraith, as another stone fell to him, knocking him down.

"No! We can't do that!", responded Pit.

"It's an order! GO! Leave me behind for your lifes! I can do this on my own... just get the hell out of here!"

The group began to make their escape, leaving Frostwraith behind.

"Muhahahahaha... wait here, Frosty Frost... I will entertain your mates, only to extend your suffering...", evilly laughed Archimonde. "Enjoy your last moments of freedom... heh heh heh heh heh..."

"Urrghh...", grunted Frostwraith, who was sandwiched between a broken pillar and the floor.

Archimonde began to pursue the escaping group...

Now what will happen next? Find out in Part 4!


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Got the family over for a few days... i'll probably post later this week/weekend. =)

That said, i'm still faithfully reading all your posts! ^_^

Speaking of which, we haven't heard from Mars in a while! :o


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
“Xiro, that’s enough! Mother of Arceus, what’s gotten into you”? Charizard’s protests gradually grew louder and louder as he watched his friend push himself even closer to the edges of his indurance. Xiroey was back in his human forme again, a decision he made earlier that morning. Sweat poured from every pore of his body due to the force of his intense practice session. Xiroey seemed to be trying to master some kind of technique; at least, that’s what Charizard hoped he was doing. It looked a lot like he was trying to run himself into the ground. And drown the plant life while he was at it!

“Too weak, it can be stronger”! Xiroey ignored Charizard’s protests, spinning around and delivering a roundhouse kick at thin air. The motion summoned a small tidal wave that slammed itself into the thick trunk of an old pine. Xiroey used his current momentum to his advantage and performed a second backwards kick, resulting in a second tidal wave. The pine tree groaned, Xiroey thought he could see a small bend at the base of the trunk where his repeated attacks hit the sturdy pine.

“A bit more”

Xiroey jumped and performed a triple spin kick that Latias had taught a few years ago. The effect was 3 consecutive blasts of water that slammed into the resilient trunk. He landed soundlessly, and proceeded to drop into a low sweeping kick. Still, despite his best efforts the tree resisted. Very little evidence showed of his attacks on the trunk’s surface. Even the small bend he saw, he wasn’t entirely sure if that wasn’t there to begin with.

“Ahh! Why… can’t… I… get… this… RIGHT!?!”

Xiroey’s heart was pounding loudly as he forced himself to increase the pace. He took a risk and activated his skill link ability. Using his Dragon Dance, he was able to increase his speed and power. With Calm Mind, he was able to focus the power behind his surf into more concentrated attacks.

But the only damange done was to himself. The tree resisted everything he tried to throw at it. In one final desperate attempt, Xiroey rushed the Trunk head on. His eyes glowed faintly, and he slammed the slammed the ground beneath the trunk with both hands. A large water jet shot up out of the ground like a geyse; it enveloped the tree, causing the branches to bend upward from the pressure.

The water jet faded, and Xiroey collapsed at the foot of the tree, his face slightly steaming as it made contact with the snow. Charizard watched it all with a mixture of concern and curiosity. That last attack was a bit more successful than the others. The branchces above certainly looked like they’d been hit by a powerful water geyser. Each of the branches bent upwards at a 40 degree angle, some broken due to the intense pressure. But, truth be told, the feat wasn’t all that impressive. This pine was dead. Charizard could’ve done the same thing with his bare hands.

“Kid, what exactly are you trying to accomplish”? Charizard finally decided to move closer now that there was no threat of tidal waves hitting him in the face. Xiroey was laying faceplant-style next to the battered treetrunk. A muffled moan could be heard, though if Xiroey was actually trying to tell him something, Charizard couldn’t tell.

He flipped Xiroey over.

“Hey there, you look exhausted. Now what did we discuss about abusing your Skill Link ability a few days ago”? Charizard nudged him softly with his foot, causing Xiroey to groan a second time.

“Oh, well it looks like speech isn’t possible for you right now.” Charizard sighed. “That, and I’m going to have to carry you back again”.

Xiroey’s eyes widened when Charizard mentioned that they were leaving his training spot. He wrecklessly tried to force himself up into a sitting position.

Whoa! Are you insane? You bloody idiot, you’re going to end up killing yourself if you try something like that again”! Charizard bend down and scooped Xiroey up just as he passed out. He was surprisingly heavy, now that Charizard was forced to carry all of his dead weight.

“I just don’t understand you sometimes”… Charizard thought tiredly to himself. He dutifully began the walk back to the cave where his other patient was sleeping.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

EEnter Luco. We now know what happened to him after he passed out on the battlefield. Charizard carried him back with him, leaving both Spirit and Z behind to watch over the frontier.

I'm not sure exactly what condition Luco should be in. He took a lot of damage, so there might be wounds. I'll wait until Luco Pm's me about his character before I try to include him :p


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Tetra and Helmaroc finally decided to land at a small port at the edge of the Unova reigon. The two landed silently on the lantern lit streets, Helmaroc roosting on the ground as quietly as an owl. Tetra dropped gracefully down from the bird’s back shortly after it touched the ground.

The two were now in an eerily silent port town at night. Soft gurgling could be heard a bit to their right where the waves hit up against the storm barrier. Aside from the sound of the surf and the quiet crackling of lantern flames, the port was a ghost town. Not a soul was in sight for as far as either of them could see.

“My, these folks sure do go to bed early” Tetra mused as she surveyed her surroundings. Helmaroc expressed his concern as well. He glanced around wearily, as if expecting enemy forces to attack them at any given second.

“You’re right Helm, it is odd. Look, the lighthouse isn’t even lit. I think something might’ve happened here”.

Helmaroc shuffled his feet uneasily. Tetra was met with more of the bird’s usual silence, but she could see it glancing around. Searching the shadows carefully, scanning the bushes and buildings for signs of an ambush. “I don’t like this at all” Tetra said. She began walking towards of the town Inn’s. The tried the door, and found out that it was unlocked. No light could be seen through the door’s cracks; Strange, since the tavern would usually be open, even at this time of night. She walked inside, and was met with pitch black.

“Wait here Helm” She whispered softly to the bird just a few steps inside of the building. “Keep watch, in case anyone tries to come in. I’ll be back in just a second.” Tetra vanished into the darkness of the building.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
The Tomb of Sargeras: Part 4!!!

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Escape from Ganon's Castle

Running through the crumbling ruins, the group wiped out every beast standing their way. Thanks to Cynthia's Garchomp smashing the way through the rabble, the group quickly managed to exit the forsaken tomb.

"We made it out of here...", sighed Ness.

"Yes, but... Frostwraith was left behind...", noted Jeff.

"Heh heh hah hah hah hah hah...", Archimonde laughed, appearing before the group. "You little mortals were faster than I expected... more fun for me while I'm scourging you from the world!"

Meanwhile at Final Destination, Palutena observed the group, thanks to her divine powers. Upon knowing that Archimonde was attacking the group, Master Hand handed the Dimensional Cannon at the group.

"There's no way they can defeat Archimonde on their own. We need to use the prototype cannon!", said Master Hand.

"We must start charging it right now, brother!", said Crazy Hand.

"Without a doubt, we must lend our powers.", agreed Arceus.

Back at the Tomb of Sargeras, Archimonde engaged the group in battle. Pit was entrusted with the cannon, while Palutena's Power of Flight lasted.

"Pit, you must hold out against Archimonde while the cannon charges.", ordered Palutena.

"OK!", the angel responded.

"But, in order to unleash more power, you will have to keep passing to each of your teammates. Try holding out for now, then pass the cannon to another when I say.", explained Palutena.

"You mortals believe you can defeat me? Come! Show me if you will be strong opponents!", yelled Archimonde.

the Defiler

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker - Ganondorf Battle

Archimonde began channelling demonic magic through the Eye of Sargeras. To keep the team busy, the Demon Lord kept summoning all sorts of demons, coming directly from the Twisting Nether.

"Archimonde is using his troops to stall you while he charges his spell. Try getting rid of as many demons as you can!", Pit said, repeating the orders from Palutena.

Pit had to remain defensive, as he was the one holding the Dimensional Cannon. Meanwhile, Dark Pit was engaged in combat with a succubus.

"Your black wings are quite beautiful... hm hmm...", flattered the demoness, while attempting to whip the black angel.

"Flattery will get you nowhere! Now feel a rain of death!", yelled Dark Pit in response, shooting an energy arrow from his Silver Bow.

"You're tough... I feel that I will enjoy this too much...", said the succubus in a provoking tone of voice.

Cynthia and Alder fought hard, using their Pokémon. Garchomp and Volcarona remained focused on killing lesser demons.

Archimonde remained focused on his spell. The cannon was still far from being charged.

"Ness! Behind you!", warned Pit from above.

"Whoa!", said the kid, startled by the succubus who nearly ambushed him. "PK Flash!"

Succubi weren't as resistant as the other demons, but had a sick pleasure in torturing and butchering the others. They were known for seducing men and leading them to their ruin and despair.

Ness's PK Flash proved powerful against the succubus, but as soon as the demoness was slain, another beast came in to take her place. The fel beast began to absorb Ness's PSI powers. Dark Pit came to Ness's rescue by attacking the beast.

Seeing Lucas cornered by three Doom Guards, Volcarona used Rage Powder to attract them and flying away to dodge their swords. The Doom Guards didn't hesitate to throw demonic fire balls at the Sun Pokémon who began to absorb sunlight.

"Volcarona, SolarBeam!", ordered Alder.

SolarBeam's light proved to be the Doom Guards' undoing. Archimonde used the now complete spell to summon a Rain of Chaos. Now obscured by demonic clouds, the sky was dark as night. Glowing green rocks begin falling from the sky, transforming into Infernals as they hit the ground.

"Uh-oh... Pit, those are Infernals! They're immune to any sort of energy attacks.", said Palutena, Pit and Dark Pit being the only ones to listen and pass the message to their teammates.

"You're putting a better fight than I expected... that pleases me enough to crush you beneath my feet!", roared Archimonde, summoning more Doom Guards.

The amount of demons was overwhelming, prompting Palutena to use some of her power against them. Even so, the forces outnumbered the group.

"The power of flight is running out! Pass the cannon to Pittoo!", ordered Palutena.

"Pittoo! Take it!", yelled Pit, throwing the cannon at his dark twin.

"All right, activating the power of flight...", said Palutena.

Dark Pit was now holding the cannon, which still needed charging. Archimonde proceeded to join the fight. Alder sent his Accelgor to distract the Demon Lord.

"Accelgor, Focus Blast!", yelled Alder.

The move barely affected Archimonde, though.

"Is that all what you can do, puny wretch?", mocked Archimonde, attacking Accelgor, injuring him almost fatally.

Archimonde began to channel another spell using the Eye of Sargeras. He kept summoning more and more demons. Volcarona had trouble in charging SolarBeam attacks, thanks to the demon clouds covering the sky. Living to his classification as the Sun Pokémon, he managed to replace the sun, giving Cynthia's Roserade the opportunity to fire SolarBeams with more ease.

Five intense minutes later, Dark Pit's flight ran out, passing the cannon to Ness, who managed to use his PSI abilities to float and teleport when necessary.

"The cannon is almost there! Just tough it out for a little longer!", yelled Pit, boosting the team's morale.

Archimonde began to tire out of summoning demons to seriously enter in the chaotic fray. One punch he gave and Volcarona was instantly knocked out. A Rain of Fire spell followed, giving Cynthia's Roserade severe burns.

"Look at how flimsy they are! Truly, they cannot stand against the Legion's might!", arrogantly roared Archimonde.

As Archimonde attempted to crush Ness and his friends, Cynthia's Garchomp pushed them aside, taking the attack for herself. Cynthia recalled Garchomp, sending Milotic, who attacked Archimonde from the sea water.

"Ness, the cannon is ready!", warned Dark Pit.

"Okay! Let's fire this thing!", said Ness, pulling the cannon's trigger.

The cannon launched a small but lightning fast white beam at Archimonde, who immediatly fell horrible pain.

"GWAAAAAARRRRGGHHH!!", yelled Archimonde. "Uuurrghhhh!!"

Archimonde became engulfed in white light, surrounded by the Roman numerals from 1 to 12, just like a clock, and many other strange symbols. The Demon Lord's body began to dissipate, while Archimonde let an almost deafening scream.

Meanwhile, in the ruins, Frostwraith saw his Golurk severely injured.

"Go...lurk...", called Frostwraith. "Lift this..."

In pain, Golurk obeyed, having much difficulties in moving itself. He threw a weak, but powerful enough punch to push aside the pillar crushing Frostwraith.

"Rebirth...", murmured Frostwraith, doing the highest order healing spell.

His bones were no longer broken and he was in top physical condition. But the spell nearly drowned his magic energy. Unlike other mages, he was a descendant from a living being made from magic: Adam Frostwraith, "the Ice Ghost" mentioned in the Tale of the Emperor Sorcerer and first member of the Frostwraith family. While this gave him exceptional magic capabilities, it also made him dependant on magic energy, also known as Mana.

Being descendant from normal humans too, Frostwraith could survive without Mana, although only in a coma. This was the highest drawback, as unlike normal mages, abusing of his magic made him enter in a temporaty coma, until he fully recovered, whereas normal mages simply became unable to perform spells.

Feeling weak from using the Rebirth spell, Frostwraith relied os his sword skills and his Pokémon to fight against the remaining demons. He notes Rugal's body as he made his way to the exit. Unexpectedly, Omega Rugal gets up.

"Ha ha ha ha ha... look who's alone now...", evilly said Rugal.

"You just won't die, will you?", responded Frostwraith.

"The demonic powers around these ruins made me survive... and now I am in possession of such powers! I will make you suffer for your constant opposition!", said Rugal.


The King of Fighters '95 - Guitar, Omega and Rugal (Arranged)

"With the demons' power inside of me, I'll massacre you!", yelled Rugal, who was ready to get his revenge of being defeated twice.

Rugal attempted at grabbing Frostwraith's neck again, but Frostwraith predicted the attack and dodged it, countering with a dark bolt aimed at his back. Turning around, Rugal threw a demonic energy ball at Frostwraith, who deflected it with a mirror spell.

Rugal resisted but was still hurt by the deflected projectile. Frostwraith remained on ground to avoid getting hit from Rugal's signature move: the Genocide Cutter, a powerful kick uppercut.

Rugal attempted to grab Frostwraith again, but Frostwraith ducked and grabbed Rugal's legs and threw Rugal to the air, and launched a weak light spell, which proved powerful on Rugal, thanks to the demonic power flowing through him.

"Looks like having absorbed the demons' power gave him a weakness to light spells...", thought Frostwraith as he avoided the incoming Reppuken projectiles thrown at him.

Dodging the projectiles, Frostwraith hit Rugal with a weak light spell to stun him and proceeded to kick Rugal on his belly. Frostwraith's body was inbued with low level light magic, but he was already feeling weak due to using the Rebirth spell. His Mana was running out and so were his capabilities. If his Mana ran out, it would be a sure victory for Rugal.

Knowing this, Frostwraith remained on a defensive strategy, avoiding using magic and patiently dodging the attacks Rugal threw at him. He was getting progressively tired and the chances of victory were getting slim. Rugal took advantage of his situation and minutes later, Rugal managed to land a Genocide Cutter on Frostwraith, knocking him out for good, but still remaining conscious.

Meanwhile, the group was worried about Frostwraith. Palutena, using her powers managed to confirm that Frostwraith was still alive and engaged in a fight with Rugal.

Back at the ruins, Rugal grabbed Frostwraith by his neck, with the latter being unable to do anything about it, for being in very weak fighting conditions.

"Repeat this after me: I will never take on a god again!", evilly said Rugal.

As the crime lord prepared to take Frostwraith away, a ray of light coming from above retrieved Frostwraith at the last minute.

"Damn this!", yelled Rugal in frustration, expecting the merciless wrath of the Master.

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn - The Pledge

Back at Final Destination, Master Hand praised the team's efforts in obtainingthe powerful artifact known as the Eye of Sargeras. Possessing tremendous amount of power, the Eye was ideal to boost the cannon's power to a whole new level.

"Well now, everyone. You shall all join Mari in finding the 7 Chaos Emeralds.", commanded Master Hand. "Xiroey, having awakened already, needs backup, so you will join with him."

"As you wish...", said Frostwraith.

A portal was opened and they found themselves near the Battle Frontier again.

"Chandelure, if you find anyone from Impact, send a Will-O-Wisp beacon, got it?", said Frostwraith calmly to his main Pokémon.

Few minutes have passed, and the blue skull shaped beacon was now visible. Frostwraith and his companions followed it, leading to a cave. Frostwraith correctly assumed that Charizard would be inside and entered in the cave.

"If it isn't that dark mage guy...", grunted Charizard.

"I see that Luco is in horrible shape. Master Hand has ordered us to give you backup. We must look for the Chaos Emeralds before facing the Master...", quickly explained Frostwraith. "This cave seems an ideal hideout, we should remain hidden here."

"Is that so? I will call Spirit and Z then.", prompted Charizard.

"Don't trouble yourself with that. My Chandelure can do it.", said Frostwraith, with Chandelure obeying immediatly. "Master Hand wants us to stay united. By the way, these are Luco's Pokémon. Master Hand has suggested that I would look after them."

King of Fighters '98 - The ЯR (Arranged)

Meanwhile, in the Dark Ones' Hideout...

"My Master, I have dire news.", reported Palpatine, speaking to the mysterious orb of darkness in the center of the chamber.

"Fire away, Lord Sidious.", ordered the Master.

"Archimonde has been defeated by our enemies. He had taken Frostwraith alive, but chose to chase after his dogs to fulfill his bloodthirsty pleasures.", Palpatine reported.

"Archimonde... you traitor! Useless mongrel! I should have sent Lord Kil'jaeden instead!", yelled the Master in a terrifying rage.

After Palpatine delivers the whole report, Rugal enters inside the room.

"Rugal Bernstein... you almost had Frostwraith caught... that's commendable. Unlike that useless idiot, Archimonde, you were competent. If it weren't for that goddess, we'd have Frostwraith here now. I must reward you fittingly with a portion of my own power.", said the Master. "Come and approach this orb from which I speak through..."

"As you wish, Master.", responded Omega Rugal, approaching the orb as the Master asked.

"Touch it.", the voice said.

Rugal touched the orb and a small black cloud engulfed Rugal briefly. The omega letter on his back began to glow in purple and dark red alternately.

"For now... we make preparations to capture Frostwraith... alive!", grimly said the Master. "I have perfected the plan at last... come and listen, my faithful minions..."

What could be the Master plotting? I'll reveal it very soon... :evil:


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Sorry for double posting, but here comes...

The Reveal!

:evil: :evil: :evil:

Metal Gear Solid / Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Cavern

Frostwraith finished mounting his tent, just outside the cave. Spirit and Porygon-Z and the other members of Impact were looking after Xiroey and Luco inside the cave. Night had already fallen and Frostwraith, still exhausted from the whole ordeal in the Tomb of Sargeras, went for a walk, leaving his belongings inside his tent. His Pokémon were given the order to aid the Impact members to guard the camp.

Alone, only with his magic sword to defend himself from possible enemies, he went for a walk in the nearby woods. The woods were quiet, the wild Pokémon slept and a few Hoothoot, Noctowl, Murkrow and Honchkrow flocks flew over the tall trees. All this quietness was ideal for some meditation that would help him to restore his abilities.

Frostwraith sat in a tree stump and began to meditate for a while. He hears some steps.

"What the...", Frostwraith whispered, drawing his sword. "Who's there?"

"My fists anticipate with a fight to the death! I shall bleed your life out of you!", a figure spoke.

"The hell are you?!", reacted Frostwraith.

"I am Akuma! My presence heralds your death!", the same figure yelled.

"If it's a fight you seek, I'll gladly give you one! You can't hope to stand against me!", said Frostwraith.

"Prepare to meet your maker!", yelled Akuma.


Street Fighter IV - Akuma's Theme

Akuma began the fighting by shooting two Gohadokens at Frostwraith, who crouched to avoid them. Frostwraith proceeded to attack with a dark bolt. Akuma dodged and used Asura Warp to approach Frostwraith.

Frostwraith backflipped and stroke with three dark magic bursts, hitting Akuma. Akuma attempted to strike Frostwraith with a Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku. Frostwraith dodged the spinning kick move and countered with a wave of darkness, which Akuma dodged. Akuma charged a more powerful Hadoken, hurting Frostwraith.

Frostwraith was determined to win the fight. After fighting the Burning Legion at the Tomb of Sargeras, a simple crazed martial artist wouldn't pose a challenge, or so Frostwraith thought.

Frostwraith began charging ice magic, throwing a clutter of icicles at Akuma. Some icicles missed, others hit him. Akuma prepared to use a Shoryuuken at Frostwraith, who was open after the ice magic move. Frostwraith was launched to the air, but managed to counter Akuma, by attacking from above using a wave of darkness, hitting Akuma.

Akuma was beginning to tire out, but so was Frostwraith. Akuma threw more Gohadokens at Frostwraith. Using a barrier, Frostwraith blocked the projectiles and rushed at Akuma to kick him, knocking him out.

Akuma began to grund and suddenly got up with a red tinted skin.

"I will end your existance!", yelled the now white haired, red-skinned Akuma, clad in a purple fighting outfit.


Street Fighter Alpha 2 Gold - Akuma's Theme

"Holding off your power before, eh? Let's see who runs out of power first!", said Frostwraith to provoke Akuma.

Akuma merely grunted loudly and threw a more powerful Hadoken at Frostwraith, hurting him. Frostwraith also began using more powerful spells. Akuma blocked and began charging some power.

Akuma used Asura Warp to get behind Frostwraith, but with quick reflexes, Frostwraith surprise attacked Akuma with a light inbued kick. Akuma quickly got up and prepared to use a Shin Shoryuuken, fully inbued with power. Frostwraith rolled backwards and countered with a lightning bolt aimed upwards, knocking Akuma on the floor.

Akuma persistently got up again and attacked Frostwraith with a chain of punches. Frostwraith got knocked down and Akuma jumped to strike at Frostwraith from above. Frostwraith reacted by kicking Akuma while still lying in the floor, knocking Akuma.

Both got up at the same time and shot projectiles at the same time, causing them to cancel each other. Akuma now attempted a Raging Demon attack, grabbing Frostwraith and dealing a powerful chain of blows. Frostwraith was already bleeding from parts of his body, but managed to use some healing magics every now and then to keep himself in minimal shape.

Frostwraith stroke now with mixed magic, by combining fire and dark magic to throw ominous blue and purple will-o'-the-wisps at Akuma. Akuma was starting to get even angrier, becoming even more mindless and feral. Attacking Frostwraith with even more brutality, Frostwraith had no choice but to use a more powerful healing spell.

Akuma attempted another Raging Demon move, but Frostwraith predicted and shot a fire beam at Akuma, knocking him for the second time.

Akuma rose again and began speaking with an even deeper and feral voice, as if some demon lived inside of him. His beads broke and started orbitating around Akuma, as his skin and clothing became dark blue and blue flames started to surround him.

"Rrrrraaaaaaaaarrrrghhhh!", roared Akuma maniacally, his voice echoing in the woods and scaring off the wild Pokémon.


Street Fighter IV - Oni's Theme

"I am no human... Oni is supreme... I shall grind beneath my heel... ALL THAT EXISTS!", roared Oni ferociously.

"Such power...", muttered Frostwraith.

Oni began shooting huge Hadokens. Frostwraith was hit by them, becoming overwhelmed by the power known as Satsui no Hadou.

Now becoming seemingly without a human soul, Akuma, or rather, Oni, attacked Frostwraith in a way no different than a beastly creature. His blows proved to be much stronger than before and Frostwraith and no choice but to rely on high level magic.

"Come! I shall not be defeated by someone like you! Your Master shall not prevail, Dark One!", yelled Frostwraith, launching a purge spell.

"Oni has no master... I AM YOUR DEMISE!", roared Oni.

"Just a crazed fool, I see... whatever thing he is, I will crush him with my magic!", thought Frostwraith.

All that came after was a spectacular exchange of Hadokens and light spells, each projectile exploding on contact with another. Frostwraith launched a wave of light at Oni, who was barely affected. The two continued to exchange blows.

Oni suddenly begins charging a powerful projectile. Knowing that it would come something horribly powerful, Frostwraith conjures a mirror to deflect it. Oni let loose another powerful Hadoken, which broke the magic mirror.

"Damn!", Frostwraith reacted and quickly dodged the projectile by rolling.

Oni proceeded to rush at Frostwraith and grabbed him from the neck, launching the dark mage upwards and striking with a brutal Shoryuuken move, which released a massive ammount of blue energy shaped like a 天 (ten, meaning heaven) kanji.

Frostwraith was already getting at his limit, but he pushed on and attacked Oni with a Black Hole dark magic spell, crippling Oni.

Both Frostwraith and Oni stood weakly, coughing heavily. Both were wearing out, but still prepared powerful moves. Oni began to charge a beam, while Frostwraith charged the ultimate light-dark spell: the Dual Dragon Blast.

Both projectiles were fired and, upon collision, they caused a massive explosion, forming a huge crater in the middle of the woods.

The explosion was loud enough to alert the group, consisting on the angels Pit and Dark Pit, the PSI kids, Crono and company, Arc, Rawk Hawk, the Shellshockers and Impact. Frostwraith's Pokémon and Impact remained on guard, while the remainder of the group began looking for the explosion's site in the mazy woods.

Oni was nearly knocked out and so was Frostwraith. Frostwraith managed to launch another spell at Oni, finally defeating him, rendering him unconscious.

Frostwraith, having abused of his magic powers, collapsed due to exhaustion, but remained conscious, unlike Oni.

Pokémon Black / White - Ghetsis Battle!

The group ran through the woods looking for Frostwraith who seemed nowhere to be found.

Frostwraith remained lying on the floor, in panic, since he couldn't move. "What if the Dark Ones ambush me? I am defenseless...", he thought... correctly. That precise moment, Palpatine appeared before him, holding a dark orb.

Besides him were Ganondorf and Kil'jaeden.

"The Master's plan was genious... that fool Akuma was a puppet easy to manipulate. Lord Kil'jaeden, take the body away to our base.", said Palpatine, with Kil'jaeden doing as ordered. "Now... who do we have here? Frostwraith... the one and only... ha ha ha ha ha ha..."

Ganondorf took the evil looking Master Sword lookalike, in reality, Ghirahim, and held it up high, summoned the Demon Lord.

A voice began to be heard from the dark orb, before Ghirahim could say anything.

"Do the ritual, Demon Lord.", the Master ordered.

"As you wish, my Master.", responded Ghirahim.

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword - Dramatic Descent

Ghirahim snapped his fingers, causing a rain of yellow spikes rain down over the crater, forming a barrier.

Ghirahim prepared a spell on Frostwraith, who was now unconscious. He began to dance, humming a song. [See here to see how's it like]

Palpatine and Ganondorf watched silently as Ghirahim danced and put the orb on Frostwraith's chest.

The orb began to dissipate into a cloud of pitch black smoke, which covered the whole of Frostwraith's body and consequently entered inside the body.

"The ritual has been finished...", evilly said Ghirahim, followed by a collective evil laugh from Sidious, Ganon and Ghirahim.

The body remained floating for a while. Suddenly the eyes open and instead of Frostwraith's dark red irises, now were in a purple tone so dark it was almost black. The body begins to exude a black aura that appeared to absorb any light that passed through it.

"This body... perfect... I walk among the living! I AM THE MASTER!", yelled the Master, now using Frostwraith as a host. "Ghirahim... die!"

The Master threw a ominous projectile at Ghirahim, prompting Ganondorf to absorb into the Master Sword lookalike.

"Fortunately... once Master Hand know this... it shall be too late... hee hee HAA HAH HAAAH!", yelled the Master. "Lords Sidious and Ganon, to the base NOW!"

The Dark Ones obeyed and left the scene... just as the group arrived. The Master jumped over the crater to meet with the group.

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn - Boss Intro 2

"Frostwraith! You're safe...", said Pit, relieved.

"Of course...", the Master responded, in a much deeper voice than that of Frostwraith.

"Is there something off?", inquired Cynthia.

"I have embraced my destiny!", yelled Frostwraith (?), releasing a burst of black smoke.

"Something feels wrong...", whispered Dark Pit.

"How have I fooled you... I've been working with the Dark Ones this whole time! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!", yelled the Master.

"No...!", said Lucas in panic.

"YES!", manically said the Master.

"No... that's not true... you're not Frostwraith, you fake!", said Pit.

"Oh...? Is that so...? Well, I don't have to pretend anymore, now do I? But do tell me, little angel... did you figure that all by yourself...", dully said the Master. "...or did you have some sort of DIVINE inspiration? Heh heh heh... anyway... I've been looking for a suitable body for ages... and now I shall rule all! I shall become all! I AM ALL!!! I am the true heir to the Emperor Sorcerer!"

"What are you talking about?", inquired Alder.

"Frostwraith didn't tell you... What a fool. Anyway, long ago, there was a wise man who was perhaps the most powerful sorcerer to have lived. He was the Emperor Sorcerer who ruled many, but not all, dimensions. He was admired among the lands he ruled. However, he had no heir and even after many attempts to have a child with her wife, no child would bear... desperate, he used explicitely forbidden magics to create an offspring from his and her wife's own blood. The result of the experiment was a mage known as Adam Frostwraith, the first of the Frostwraith family...", began the Master to explain, with the group remaining silent. "After commiting such atrocity, he went to exile, hated from those who once admired him... in his anger and despair... he hired assassins to massacre all who opposed him, including his wife. Now with regret and only his wealth and artificial child left, he went to a dimension that was outside his influence of power. He raised the child as his own heir and trained him in the arts of magic. At a young age, the child, Adam, already surpassed his "father"... and that is the general gist of the story."

"What does that have to do with anything?", questioned Dark Pit.

"You honestly believe in a perfect attempt, angel? Methinks no! Before Adam was created... the Emperor Sorcerer made many failed attempts at creating life. One of them... proved to be unstable and dangerous, leading the Emperor to seal it in an orb... which remained on the possession of the assassins he hired. Those assassins were known collectively as... the Dark Ones.", revealed the Master. "Years and years sealed in the orb... that creation began to accumulate the hatred geared towards the Emperor Sorcerer... the ambition and brutality of the assassins... overall negative emotions... what the Emperor Sorcerer didn't know, is that that thing was his first successful experiment to create a mind... a conscience! THAT THING IS ME!"

The group remained silent from the revelation and connection of the Dark Ones with Frostwraith.

"I began to slowly gain speech capacity and most of all... POWER! LIKE THIS!!!", yelled the Master, sending a brutal wave of pure darkness, knocking down everyone in the group.

"I don't care who you are! We will take you down!", exclaimed Pit.

"Ooh... doth the puppet protest and challenges... the Master?! How quaint... no... how funny!", mocked the Master.

Dark Pit helped Pit to get up.

"So dependent on his existence... poor, poor Dark Pit... or Pittoo... or Pittooey! Hee heee haaaa!!", mocked the Master, showing hints of pure madness.

"I'll make you pay for all you've done!", said Dark Pit angrily, charging at Frostwraith's body only to be held back by a powerful burst of black smoke.

"Fool... I could give you... independence... freedom... the ability to fly on your own...", said the Master, approaching Dark Pit, putting him into a hypnotic trance.

"What are you doing?!", said Lucas.

"Ah... lil' Lucas... I could bring your mother to life... your brother too... what joy would it be to see Lucas's family reunited!", manically said the Dark Ones' Master, putting Lucas in a hypnotic trance too. "I can make your wishes come trrruuuueee.... obey me... and you will be promised freedom... happiness..."

"Yes... my... Master...", Dark Pit and Lucas said in creepy, monotonic voices at exactly the same time.

They have become mere puppets for the Master.

"Beautiful... such is the beauty of having a body and using tremendous power! Look at me! I am perfect! I am beautiful! I am strong! I am... the Master! The ruler! The ALPHA! THE OMEGA! THE EXISTANCE! THE ENTIRETY OF THE DIMENSIONS! NONE WILL STOP ME! NONE SHALL BAR MY PATH!", said the Master in a psychotic tone of voice. "The weak will perish and the strong will live! Those labelled as weak only have two choices as the swine filth they are: SUBMISSION... OR DEATH!"

The Master followed the speech by commanding Lucas and Dark Pit to send their maximum power and incapacitate the group.

"Enough, minions. It's time to plan... the future! THAT IS ME, THE MASTER!", maniacally said the Master.

"Quite as you say, my Master.", said Lucas and Dark Pit, simultaneously in robotic voices.

"To the rest of you... I shall bid my farewells... adieu!", said the Dark Ones' Master in a dull playful tone before vanishing in a puff of black smoke, taking Lucas and Dark Pit.

Street Fighter II - Ryu's Theme (OCRemix - Ryu to Four Pianos)

The group returned to the camp to warn Master Hand of this twist of fate. They had all of Frostwraith's stuff, except the sword. Upon using his Psychic abilities to read the somewhat mourning team members, Chandelure learned the truth and began to cry. His flames began to burn weakly as well.

Chandelure looked at the moon, crying for his trainer, but also felt a little hope and motivation to restore his partner to normal.

"Lucas...", sadly said Kumatora.

"A new hope will arrive... we must be strong... for the worlds' sake!", said Master Hand from the communication orb.

How's this for a plot twist?! :evil:

I have planned this for a very, very long time...


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
The Dark Halberd's helm slammed hard into the back of the Lor, sending it spinning into the clouds. Inside, the ship's passengers were being thrown around like dolls. Sonic had just enough time to catch Magolor midair before crashing into the floor--or wall. At this point, the Lor was completely sideways!

"Thanks!" Magolor said, already making his way towards the controls.

"No prob--Oof!" Something large and warm had just hit Sonic in the face. "Richard, get the heck offa me!"

The girls fared better: Blaze landed smoothly on her feet while Mari casted a gravity spell around herself. Running along the walls, she made her way over to Magolor.

"Stabilize the ship!" She yelled.

"I know, I'm working on it!" Magolor shouted back. "At least the cloak is still-"

As soon as he said that, the Dark Halberd opened fire; lasers and missiles from all directions came roaring at the Lor. One of the missiles scored a direct hit, knocking off the cloaking device and revealing the Lor's exact location.

"Of course..." The wizard said with an annoyed tone of voice. At this rate, it won't be long before the ship was completely defenseless--not to mention UPSIDE DOWN.

Magolor pushed a green button; outside, the Lor was instantly surrounded by a light-blue high energy shield, deflecting all other fire coming from the Dark Halberd.

"That should keep them busy for a bit..." Magolor said. "OK, Mari, I need you to stay here and try to pull the ship upright. You think you can do that?"

"Watch me." Mari said with a dangerous smile. Grabbing the controls, she yanked them hard to the left, and the whole ship slowed to a stop at a 115 degree angle. "Well, at least I got it to stop..."

"Good enough!" Magolor praised. "Everyone else, follow me! I have a plan..."
Dark Meta Knight growled with anger. His efforts to cripple the Lor Starcutter were failing.

"Sir, the Lor had deployed it's shields and stopped it's spinning momentou-"

"I can see that!" Dark snapped back at his crew. "Keep hitting them with missiles and lasers. DO NOT use the Combo Cannon unless I give the word."

"Yes, Sir Dark!"

Dark Meta Knight sat back in his chair and looked over to the out cold jester Marx. He stirred for a while before settling down. Dark knew he would awaken soon, just in time to see the Lor and all his friends burn...


Dark snapped out of his wicked thoughts. "What is it?"

"The Lor is opening fire...but not at us!"

This put a confused look in the Dark Knight's blood-red eyes, which were only seen through his scarred mask.

"What are they firing at?"

"Nothing, Sir...just the sea..."

Why would the crew waste precious ammo on the sea? Dark thought. Unless they’ve all gone mad…

“Sir! The Lor!”

Dark watched as the Lor fired only it’s lasers towards the sea. It seemed foolish at first…but then it suddenly dawned on him.

“They are using the force of the laser shots to realign themselves!” And sure enough, the Lor was slowly regaining its balance.

“Charge the Combo Cannon and fire at my signal. We must keep them off balance. Once they are helpless, we move in. Understood?”

“Keep it up, guys!!” Cried out Sonic, rapidly pushing buttons to fire off as many lasers as possible. With Sonic’s reflexes, it was a lot…too many to count.

Magolor had lead Sonic, Blaze, Wesker, and Richard to another section of the ship, where all of the weapons were controlled. He had tasked them to fire as many laser as they can to push the Lor to it’s upright position. He also added that the person who fired off the most lasers would win a prize. So far, Sonic was winning.

“Eat my dust, slowpokes!” Sonic laughed out loud. Even when under attack, Sonic still got a kick out of any nasty situation.

Meanwhile, Magolor looked out the window and saw that the horizon was almost fully straight. “Come on…Just a little more…”


The wizard jumped at the voice, then sighed with relief when he saw that it was only Mari, speaking to him through the magic mirror Sonic first used to call him to the Frontier. He pulled it out of his pocket.

“What is it?”

“The sensors are detecting massive energy spikes coming from the Dark Halberd.” Mari explained. “I think they’re planning another attack.”

Magolor shouted something Mari couldn’t quite understand.

“Uh, what?”

Magolor blushed slightly when he realized that he shouted out loud.

“Uh…sorry…Halcandrian curse word, please don’t pick up that habit…”

“Oookaay…” Mari said awkwardly. “I’ll just pretend I didn’t hear- HOLY SH*T!!”

“Mari! What did I just—Waah!”

Magolor, along with everyone else, was suddenly thrown to one side as the Lor banked hard to the right, nearly avoiding the huge blast from the Combo Cannon. During the chaos, Magolor dropped the mirror, and it cracked in three different places.

“Oh, no!” Magolor quickly scooped up the mirror. The image was fading fast, but he could just make out something creeping behind his student before the mirror shattered completely.

“Mari! Mari, if you can hear me, get out of there! GET OUT!”

On the bridge, Mari struggled to keep the Lor under control. The blast from the Dark Halberd had narrowly missed, but it also threw off the ship’s balance again.

“Magolor, I need more time to—Magolor?”

Mari picked up her magic mirror and saw that it was broken; it was cracked in several places. Then, without warning, the mirror shattered. The second it did, the figure that was behind her wacked the back of her head with the blunt end of a sword. The last thing Mari saw was a pair of armor plated shoes before succumbing into darkness…

“Hey…Hey…Hey! Wake up!”

“Narg…” Mari slowly began to open her eyes. Her head was pounding, and her vision was all fuzzy. “Where…where am I?”

“The Halberd’s Revenge, Dark Meta Knight’s battleship. A cheap knock-off, if you ask me. So, where were you all this time, Mari?”

“How…did you know my name…?” Mari shook her head lightly, and blinked several times to get the fuzz out of her vision. When she turned to her left, she couldn’t believe who was sitting there.


The jester smiled weakly. “Hiya, Mari. How’ve you been?”

“I’ve been better…ah, my head…” She tried to raise her hand to sooth the pain, only to find that she was chained up tightly to the wall. Mari was in some kind of cell.

“Hey, at least he didn’t beat you up. Wish I could say the same for me…” Marx lifted his chained feet and wings gently. They were riddled with deep cuts, as if he was slashed repeatedly.

“Oh, my stars…What happened to you? Did he do this?”

Marx nodded. “Yeah. He wanted to know where you, Sonic, Drawcia, and Magolor were hiding. Truth be told, I didn’t have a clue. He didn’t believe me.”

Rage boiled deep within Mari’s soul. She breathed slowly to calm herself before she spoke again.

“And Magolor? Where is he now?”

“In another cell with Sonic and two other people.” Marx said. “But they took this purple cat woman up to the bridge. The Lor is being dragged across the sea, in case you were wondering.”

“Blaze…” Mari said worryingly.

“Dark Meta Knight also wanted me to tell Magolor…” Marx continued. “Return what is rightfully mine or the Lor and your friends will all suffer at your mistake.”


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
More evil! :evil:
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn - Eyes of Rage

The Master, now using Frostwraith's body as a vessel, reunites with his minions again.

"Everything has been according to my marvellous plan!", manically said the Master.

"What do we do now, Master?", inquired Palpatine.

"Destruction! Destruction! And more destruction! Send the whole armies! Release the beasts! Plunge the world into chaos!", yelled the Master, whose vessel's body was covered in a pitch black aura, making him look like a walking shadow.

"It shall be done... ha ha ha ha ha...", responded Palpatine.

"A report, Master.", said Ganondorf. "We have started to build our implants and preparing Akuma's surgery. It won't take long for this project to finish."

"Wonderful job... as always, Lord Ganondorf. Now... send your battalion to destroy some dimensions. The worlds will cease to exist and I shall build my world from scratch and rule as the Supreme Emperor Sorcerer!", said the Master.

"Quite as you say, Master.", said Ganondorf, leaving the room.

"Such wonderful pain... such artistry is the golden melody of people screaming in agony as they despair and fight in vain for their pathetic lifes! Hyeh hyee ha ha haaaa!!", maniacally yelled the Master.

The Master took some steps and exited the room. Having control of Frostwraith's body, he also had access to his knowledge and memories.

"Who should I torture first? Who will be the one to bleed to death by my hands? Hyeh hyeh... I cannot contain such anticipation!", yelled the Master. "Oooh... I know... I KNOW! Such a magnificient plan! Such genius!"

The Dark Ones' Master walked through the corridor, approaching Lucas and Dark Pit.

"What do you want from us, my Master?", immediatly asked Lucas, upon noticing the Master's presence.

"Come with me, boy. And the angel too.", responded the Master.

"As you wish, Master.", dully responded Dark Pit.

The Master, being followed by Lucas and Dark Pit, enters inside a room with a shadowy blob thing.

"The blob here... compacted souls ready for any kind of uses... a huge source of power... a magnificient conception of mine! Fruit of my excellence and wisdom!", maniacally said the Master. "Now... I should prepare myself for a little surprise... those fools will never see it coming! Hee hee HAA HA HA HA HA HAAA..."

What could be the Master plotting? Hint: it's definitely not good. :evil:


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Oh umm, nothing big but I should probably clear it up now:

With Lucas... In smash brothers he's portrayed as a really timid kid but in actuality in the games, he's only like that or the first 3 out of the 8 chapters: He matures later on and becomes really awesome. Since i assume this is after Lucas'/Ness' adventures, it's probably best to have Lucas as sensitive but definitely able to fight. :)

Of course, if he's being controlled then it doesn't matter what his personality is like for it, does it? :p

I also plan on writing some-thing soon but i'll let a few others post before i do. ^_^


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Oh umm, nothing big but I should probably clear it up now:

With Lucas... In smash brothers he's portrayed as a really timid kid but in actuality in the games, he's only like that or the first 3 out of the 8 chapters: He matures later on and becomes really awesome. Since i assume this is after Lucas'/Ness' adventures, it's probably best to have Lucas as sensitive but definitely able to fight. :)

Of course, if he's being controlled then it doesn't matter what his personality is like for it, does it? :p

I also plan on writing some-thing soon but i'll let a few others post before i do. ^_^
I've explained how the Master manages to manipulate and bend others to his will in the private convo. You might want to check it out! ;)


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Muhti looked up at the darkening sky, his brows burrowed into his eyes a bit. He’s done it, Muhti thought.

“Don’t go back, he will kill you.”, a voice said with another vomiting.

“What’s going on Dimentio?”, Muhti asked the jester.

“He finally took Frostwraith as a vessel, it’s not looking pretty, Ganondorf tried to tell the others secretly that they will kill betrayers, putting you at the top of the list.”, Dimentio said.

Muhti nodded, he knew this was going to happen, no surprise. Muhti pointed to Doctor Who, who was vomiting continuously, “What’s up with him?”

Dimentio smirked, “He’s been exposed to what actual happens when you dimensional warp, he always had his TARDIS.”

Muhti shook his head, “Anyways, I want both of you to go to New Hyrule, and announce a State of Emergency, we’ll need all the forces to end this madness.”

Dimentio sighed, “This reminds me of a ping-pong game, The Dark Ones on one side, and the Rebels on the other, and we’re the ball. We ping-pong back forth on both sides and one of them screws up and sends us off on our own, until the opposing player finally picks us off the floor.”

“I suppose your extended simile is correct, just leave, I have business to take care of.”, Muhti ushered.

Dimentio nodded then looked at the Doctor and smirked once again, “Ready for another round?”

The Doctor caught up with his breath,”NO!”

Dimentio laughed, stopped suddenly, and said, “Deal with it” then left.

Muhti heard a cannon blast, he covered his ears. He looked at the sky again and saw two ships, The Lor and a darkened version of the Halberd. “Jackpot”, he muttered.

Mari was stuck in her cell, not crying since she knew she was going to escape. “Captured again Princess?”, a dark figure questioned.

“Go away Muhti, I’m not dealing with you at the moment.”, she glumly said.

“Too bad”, he sat next to her.

“What do you want?”, she asked.

“Actually, what do you want?”, he returned the question back to her.

“Hmm.. I don’t know, CAN WE GET OUT OF HERE?!”, she exclaimed.

“Nah, that’s not good enough, how about your brother?”, he suggested.

“What?”, she quietly asked.

“Your brother.”, Muhti repeated.

Mari regained focus, “How can I trust you?”


Muhti looked around at the blank cell, “I don’t know…”

How to get her trust and make her follow me in order to fufill my needs? He thought. He finally came to a quick decision. He kissed her. For 10 long seconds and when he tried breaking out, she came back, but finally he stopped it. He sighed when it finished and left Mari dumbfounded.

“Well? Now can you trust me?”, Muhti asked.

She blushed. “I trust you…”

Muhti smirked inside his head. Got her in my little mind game.

“Are you ready?”, he questioned her.

Without an answer, both of them fled off to the past.

They then surfaced right by a dinner table, a mother, father, a young daughter and an older brother.

“Mommy!”, the older one asked. “When can I play ball with my friends?”

“After you finish your food.” The mother urgently said calmly.

“Mother…”, Present-Mari said, she walked up to her mom.

“She won’t see you.”, Muhti said sternly.

The past Mari vomited on her bib. The brother laughed.

“How gross…”, Muhti said with a smile.

Mari looked up, “Take me to his later years… His Apex.”

Muhti raised his hand, “As you wish.”

They went forward into the future.The earth was moist with blood. Gun fire heard from around.

“The New World Order Rebellion, the end of it that is. The People v. The Government. Your brother was the General, and will become the 1st President of The New United States. Amazing huh?”, Muhti asked.

Mari ignored his statement and continued to watch her brother kill the last of the Bilderberg Executives and his drones. Everyone cheered from near and beyond. The war was finished.

“Such an amazing time huh?”, Muhti said.

Mari continued to ignore him and looked at Muhti teary eyed, “Take me to his death.”

“As you wish.”, Muhti performed a bow and they were gone once again.

Their last visit was in the White House v2.0 , the Presidents Room. There they saw Eric, Mari’s brother, telling his American citizens of what they planned to do and what citizens can do to mend the governments mistakes, the crowd cheered, the initiater, as if time froze, a hooded figure that resembles the hooded figure that follows Xiroey rushed into the room with a gun. He launched the trigger at the President. The bullet went spiraling as Mari screamed; she couldn’t do anything. Eric then froze and went tumbling down to the horde. Everybody screamed, except Muhti and the assassin. As if the assassin heard Mari, the figure walked up to her, took out a sword and swished it through her neck and disappeared. She finally froze.

“Muhti…”, she said trembling. She finally cracked from her tough egg shell.

“Don’t worry.”, Muhti said as he approached her. He then hugged her, with her crying on one side, and Muhti smirking menacingly on the other.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
I've explained how the Master manages to manipulate and bend others to his will in the private convo. You might want to check it out! ;)
Oh it's not that, i'm totally fine with the manipulation of him, it's just before-hand everyone was making him shout in fright at every turn. Just saying that doesn't have to happen. :p


“This reminds me of a ping-pong game, The Dark Ones on one side, and the Rebels on the other, and we’re the ball. We ping-pong back forth on both sides and one of them screws up and sends us off on our own, until the opposing player finally picks us off the floor.”
That's clever. I actually really like that.

EDIT: Oh WOW, I forgot one of my old abilities!!

I can control the weather as well (check the post after my first meet with Xiroey, I make a small rain cloud.

It's significant because of its usefulness. :p


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Writing another short segment...
While the Master was plotting his next step and Muhti met with Mari, Master Hand's group remained in the camp.

"How did Frostwraith, I mean, the Master manage to manipulate Lucas and Pittoo like that?", inquired Pit, speaking to Palutena.

"It seemed to be a sort of hypnosis or something... either way, we have to find a way to cure their conditions...", responded the goddess of light.

"Yes... but something feels empty about the group. Frostwraith was always vigilant, but now... he's gone.", said Pit, with a sigh.

"Well... it feels weird to say, but... it's like I still feel his presence among you...", said Palutena.

"What does that mean?", asked Pit in response.

"I'm still not sure...", answered Palutena.

Frostwraith's Chandelure remained quiet, watching the full moon. His flames burned weakly. It was as if he was mourning someone, specifically his trainer.

A few minutes later and Pit, as the messenger of the goddess Palutena, managed to reunite the group to hear Master Hand.

"All right, everyone. I must commend your efforts in this war against the Dark Ones. Even though we lost three teammates to them, we still have a chance to win. It is wise to watch the tides of the war and use it to our advantage. We can't let the Dark Ones take what is precious to us! We shall fight to the end!", spoke Master Hand with conviction, raising the team's morale. "Ahem... for now, you will stay there and watch over Luco and Xiroey until they're in good shape. Mari and her teammates are looking for the Chaos Emeralds, and once Luco and Xiroey become ready, we shall join Mari in her efforts."

"Got it.", Ness and Pit agreed.

The story is in your hands for now, Luco and Xiroey.


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
Oh, great, Mari thought when Muhti first appeared in her cell. This jerk again.

"Hey, what's he doing here?!" Marx exclaimed. Muhti ignored him and sat down next to her. When he asked her what she wanted, obviously it was to escape her cell.

Then he mentioned her brother, Eric. Just thinking about him made her heart ache.

"How can I trust you?" Mari asked him. Of course, she knew she couldn't. Muhti was unpredictable when it came to loyalties, and that only made him even more dangerous than he already was. "WELL?!"

"I don't know..." he replied.

Just as I thought... Mari said in her head, and she was just about to say so when Muhti suddenly leaned in and gave her the first kiss of her life. And the worst part? The guy that gave it to her just had to be Muhti.

"Uh..." Marx said awkwardly. "OK..."

Afterwards, Mari was left with a million different questions zooming through her head. Did...did Muhti just kiss her just to confuse her, or did he really have strong feelings for her...? No...Muhti must be trying to gain her trust, and since he would rather kiss her than hurt her...

"I trust you..."

Muhti then took her back in time, to when she was a toddler to when Eric became president. That came to her as a suprise; she had never heard her brother rise to such a high position.

Then Muhti took her to his death. Eric was giving a moving speech, when suddenly a strange hooded figure burst into the Oval Office. Mari screamed when she saw the assassin kill her only brother. She gasped as the assassin turned towards her: it was the same hooded figure that had been following Xiro around!

The assassin suddenly unsheathed a hidden sword and swiped it across her neck. While it didn't do a thing since she was time traveling, Mari swore she could feel it's coldness.


Too much. It was just too much. Too much to bear, too much to remember, too much of a sorrow to carry. She hugged and cried on Muhti's shoulder, simply because there wasn't anybody else there to comfort her.

"Take...Take me back to the Halberd's Revenge. Outside the cells." Mari said while sniffing. "Please..."

Muhti brought her back without another word.

Marx kinda jumped when the pair flashed outside the cell, but then growled when he saw Mari's tears.

"Hey, hey, hey! What did you do to her!?" Marx yelled angrily at Muhti.

"No...he didn't do anything..." Mari said. "I'll explain later..."

A few minutes later, Mari had Marx free and all healed up. Then she proceeded to free Sonic, Magolor, Richard and Wesker.

Sonic was none too pleased when he saw Muhti. "What's this tratior doing here?" The blue blur said with a bite to his voice.

Magolor wasn't too happy to see him either. "Isn't he working with the Dark Ones?" He accused.

Mari didn't answer either question and instead turned to Muhti.

"My friend Blaze is still being held prisoner on the bridge. We might have to go through Dark Meta Knight to free her." Mari stared at Muhti intensely. "l'm only going to say this once: will you help us?"

"SAY WHAT?!?" Sonic exclaimed.

As soon as Mari asked, she saw the faintest of smiles on his lips. Oh, he was planning something, and Mari was going to be right there beating the SH*T out of him the second he tried something. He can count on that...


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Well I have one, so... here goes.


When Luco woke up, he found both charizards staring straight in to his eyes from above with interest: He had been stirring for some time. "He's up." One said, turning to make sure the group heard. The other bent his neck down to touch his forehead to Luco's. "Thanks... buddy..." He was unconscious for so long and yet he was still exhausted. His injuries were still there, the only difference was that they were not bleeding. I imagine magic would not have worked on me in comatose state... why? He sat up to find many of the group members there at his side. "You're awake!" Xiroey smiled but Luco could sense a trace of more in that smile. He faltered, trying to find his voice again. "What... what happened?" He croaked. He tried to summon some water for himself but all that came was a few measly drops. I'm not strong enough for anything right now... "Oh... here." Xiroey summoned some water in a wooden bowl and tried to hand it to him but his hands weren't strong enough to lift the bowl. "Oh uhm... here." Xiroey lifted the bowl to his lips. He drank some, then slightly shook his head to say he'd had enough.

"We... ran into some difficulties while you were out. The biggest one is, Frostwraith has been possessed... by the master." Luco registered it dully at first but the meaning of it became sharper quickly. "You mean, he's....?"

Xiroey hushed him. "No, at least, I don't think so. He's just... not there." Luco felt a twinge of sadness at that. He had like Frost, and coming to know the mage over the time they had spent together was interesting. So curious was it to meet a person who's greatest goal was to strengthen themselves. Though most everyone in the group shared this, it was one of Frostwraith's driving motivations... Luco hoped he'd see that again.

He looked around the cave. It was night-time outside, where the battle had taken place. The walls of the cave were dimly illuminated and though he was first and foremost of the water, the earthy feel of the cave seemed inviting and honest. "There is more bad news." Xiroey continued. "Along with Frostwraith, they took Dark Pit and Lucas... hypnotized. Without Frostwraith, getting them back will be a much greater issue." He sighed.

"But, the good news is, you're awake! Lets get some food into you, you look hungry enough to try and eat Gengar, which is saying something!" He smiled at that, but a faint memory tugged at him. It was back at the valley, the first time he had met Xiroey. When he first saw him, the look on his face was weathered and serious. Yet when they first greeted, his manner went from gruff on entry, to polite, to cheerful... and they had become friends. We bring out the best in each other, I think. Luco looked on wearily as Xiroey made up some soup and gave the bowl to Luco. He ate some, though his stomach was not ready for a full portion. "I think I might sleep a little more, if that's okay with you. I'll just get my strength back." He smiled wearily at the group. "We can figure out what to do soon. Not all hope is lost, guys." With that he looked over at Xatu. The old bird's expression never changed when he saw him: Calm, content and wise. He went to settle back into sleep, hugging mew alongside him.

In his dream, he saw the valley. He saw the people there, his workers, Elle, mewtwo and the pokemon there. They faded in to black and the valley he was in came in to view. He shuddered. On the edge of the valley was a figure. Like him, though his eyes were black and his veins were too. Luco felt himself getting dragged deeper in to sleep, unwillingly. He's found us... and he won't let me help... he's... here.... His vision faded in to black at the same time as his mind... and the only sign to the group that something was terribly wrong was the way he tossed and turned on the ground in his sleep....


There you go Xiroey, that might give you something. Remember, Dark Luco is just like me, except he has full power (he even has dragon form, though it is far weaker). He's nowhere near indestructible but I suggest having the group there to fight him collectively, cause he can still cause tidal waves with a click of his fingers... and all of that jazz.

Also his motivation is to kill me. That means that at first he probably will want to get past you before making a scene: Trying to persuade you or slip past you.

And the last thing is, he's one of the few people that know my one big weakness (electricity), and though he is my mirror mage (and thus a water one), we can both use elementary spells of other magics.

He's on the edge of the valley... so if you want to write a quick backstory scene, that's okay too... if you want to go straight in to battle, well that's fine as well! ^_^

Hope I gave you some inspiration!


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
NOTE: Read Xiroey's next post first, then read this one.

I still have some surprises for you!
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword - Ghirahim's Theme

As he observed his reservoir of souls forming a blob, the Master began to grin creepily, showing all of his madness.

"So... Luco's awake already... what a grand ability this body has... to sense the life force of others! Truly a Frostwraith! Only that family has such abilities... thanks to my unparalelled magnificence, those abilities belong to me! Hyeh heh hah ha ha...", evilly said the Master. "Now it's time to warn them how their hope is lost..."

The Master turned to Lucas and Dark Pit.

"You need us, Master?", asked Lucas.

"Oh yes... oh yes, I do! You see... your former comrades are still being a thorn in my side. I think you two would be best to... persuade them into submission to my will...", said the Master with a dull tone, showing a fake sympathy that served only to emphasize his evil. "If they don't comply... crush them."

"Yes, Master.", responded both at the same time.

The group was still in the cave, Luco was now asleep, and Frostwraith's Pokémon were guarding the place, as Frostwraith ordered.

"Guys... we must go outside! The sky is getting dark!", reported Ness.

"That means...", said Xiroey.

"We're under attack!", yelled Pit.

The group headed outside, where they saw strange black blobs attacking the camp. They seemed weak and the group managed to overpower them.

After moping the blobs, a shadowy figure arrived. It was Frostwraith, possessed the Master.

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn - Boss Intro 2

"Well, we meet again, friends.", said the Master in a playful, sadistic tone. "Your persistance is quite... impressive, isn't it? Even after threatening to end each of your pathetic lives, you still choose to oppose me, the alpha and omega of the existance. If only you'd submit to my will... but I do have a clue that you will simply remain a thorn in my side, yes?"

None of the group dared to speak, fearing that the Master could try some of his nefarious tricks.

"Cat got your tongue, no? Well then... I shall have you crushed by my minions... hope you don't mind.", said the Master, before vanishing in a puff of black smoke.

Suddenly, Dark Pit and Lucas enter into the scene. Their eyes had no expression and looked determined to battle their former comrades.

"Pittoo!", reacted Pit.

"Stop calling me that, you sniveling puppet!", reacted Dark Pit agressively.

"Look who's calling a puppet!", reacted Ness.

"Blind fools... the Master has already enlightened us. I will be happy with Mom and Claus, thanks to the Master! I will not let you, Master Hand's puppets, to stop my wish from being granted!", said Lucas.

"I guess it's no use talking to them...", said Charizard.

"I don't know, Char... Spirit was also tricked by the Master... we will have to fight them, no matter the cost.", said Xiroey with determination.

"Looks like we have no choice here.", agreed Charizard.


The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Mini-boss Battle

"You can't win... just give up and join us so we can fight together again...", said Lucas with conviction.

"You can't expect us to show mercy if you insist on opposing the Master. The Master has granted my wish of flight... I will gladly use his power against his enemies!", shouted Dark Pit.

"I only serve him to be happy. If you can't understand this... you're vicious and heartless!", said Lucas.

Dark Pit took flight, while Lucas remained on ground, using PSI powers enhanced by the Master, as evidenced by the black aura around his attacks.

From the dark cloud above, rained strange black blobs. The Master clearly wasn't toying around this time, as the black blobs seemed to get stronger as time passed. That left the majority of the group distracted with the strange creatures.

Ness and Pit remained locked in combat against Lucas and Dark Pit. Pit was granted flight by Palutena, prompting him to defeat Dark Pit in the air as quickly as possible.

Below, Lucas was battling Ness, both using PSI abilities.

"PK Thunder!", yelled Lucas, launching the thunder attack at Ness,

Ness managed to dodge the projectile and countered with the same move, hitting Lucas while he had the guard down. Lucas got up and hit Ness with more PSI powered punches, knocking Ness down.

"Master, lend me your power!", yelled Lucas as he stretched his arm upwards.

A pitch black lightning bolt falls from the sky, empowering Lucas.

"Now take this!", said Lucas sending a strong PK Fire attack inbued with the Master's power.

Ness was quick enough to activate his PSI Magnet ability to absorb the projectile. Ness approached Lucas and attacked him with his baseball bat, sending Lucas flying towards a tree. Lucas was fatigued, but remained persistent.

"Ness... I only want... to be... happy... please stop...", said Lucas.

"No. I can't do it. Whatever lies the Master has told you, I'm not buying them.", Ness attempted to reason with Lucas.

"You speak ill of the Master... I can't let you live...", Lucas responded, getting up and attacking Ness with renewed ferocity.

Ness had no choice but use a powerful PK Flash attack against Lucas, knocking him down.

While Ness and Lucas fought in the ground, Pit and Dark Pit fought in the air, both launching arrows at each another.

"Pittoo, stop this madness! The Master is not whom you think! He's our enemy!", said Pit, who, like Ness, attempted to reason with his twin.

"First of all, stop calling me that! And YOU are the one who knows nothing about the Master! If I help him, my wish will be granted! I will soar the skies as I see fit and most of all, I won't be dependant on your life anymore!", said Dark Pit, embracing his loyalty to the Master, much like Lucas.

"All lies! The Master is using your and Lucas's wishes to delude you!", said Pit.

"Don't speak ill of the Master, for he's the savior of the dimensions!", Dark Pit responded.

"If that's how you really think... I won't hesitate to take you down!", responded Pit.

Dark Pit managed to swiftly dodge the fired attacks by Pit. Using the Master's powers, Dark Pit had unlimited flight, unlike Pit.

Both Lucas and Dark Pit had their wishes exploited by the Master, much like Spirit before them.

Pit flew higher to attack Dark Pit from above, hitting him. Dark Pit followed his light counterpart, only for Pit to soar to a lower altitude and shooting one of Dark Pit's wings, crippling his ability to flight.

"Urggh... insolent pest!", yelled Dark Pit, who hit the ground.

Pit charged another arrow and hit Dark Pit, defeating him.

Dark Pit and Lucas recovered from the fight.

"This is far from over!", said Dark Pit aggressively.

"We have failed this time... but you can't stop what's fated to happen.", said Lucas calmly.

Dark Pit grabbed Lucas and flew out of that place, returning to the Dark Ones' base.

"They got away...", stated Xiroey.

"Yeah... we couldn't snap them out of their condition, unfortunately.", said Ness.

"There must be some way we can reason with them...", commented Charizard.

Meanwhile, Chandelure looked after Frostwraith's stuff in his tent. Following Palutena's orders, Pit entered inside the tent, much to Chandelure's curiosity.

"Try looking at his bag.", said Palutena.

"Okay...", said Pit as he took out all sort of objects from the bag, such as wooden statues, books, potions and other magic artifacts.

Beneath all those objects was a strange jar.

"What could be this?", asked Pit.

"I can sense something inside... is it a soul fragment?", said Palutena. "That explains why I still feel Frostwraith's presence... he made a Soul Jar."

"A Soul Jar?", questioned Pit.

"Yes. According to Master Hand, those are jars containing a soul or part of one. There seems to be a fragment of Frostwraith's soul inside that jar.", explained Palutena. "As long as the soul is contained in the jar, the Master will never take full control of Frostwraith's soul. I think this is the key to expel the Master from his body."

"Sounds amazing! Look, there's a small paper here. Can you read it?", observed Pit.

"It says: 'What if the Dark Ones possess me or something? It sounds absurd, but my Master has always thaught me to consider all possibilities. In fact, I just have to remember that they did this before... that cultist in the ruins has mentioned about my supposed potential. What could this mean? I can't simply risk all my efforts and become a puppet for the Dark Ones... a Soul Jar is the best answer to this...'", read Palutena.

"Interesting... maybe Frostwraith already knew of the Dark Ones' plans?", said Pit.

"Not exactly... he merely thought on that possibility. It just seemed to happen. Knowing him, he was a very cautious person, it doesn't impress me much that he actually made this for emergencies. Perhaps we could even communicate with him, somehow...", said Palutena. "I will speak with Master Hand about this."

"Great!", said Pit.

Pit left the tent, after hiding the Soul Jar in Frostwraith's magic bag.

That will do for now.
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