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Forum Fight: The Story Forum

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Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York

Muhti shook his head. "This is not good enough"

Xiroey gurgled up blooded, "What do you mean?"

"I mean I should've done something a long time ago", Muhti remarked.

"Well, here's your chance! TAKE IT!", Xiroey yelled.

"Nope. And as Dimentio would say, Ciao!", Muhti smirked.

Muhti snapped his fingers and teleported to a time where Smashfan was alive. The battle of Super Dimentio v. Mari, Smashfan, & Xiroey.

"You're crazy!", Smashfan remarked.

Super Dimentio chuckled, he had the mixture of 3 voices,"I get that ALOT Mr.Smash."

The battle finally went on with Mari finishing it off.

"Well, we did the deed", Mari said with a smile.

Xiroey nodded but then held up his hand to silence the trio. "Do you hear anything?"

"Why of course Young Xiroey.", the shadow remarked.

"Muhti?! Didn't you just die?!", Mari exclaimed.

"No, idiot. I come from the future.", Muhti remarked with a hasty tone.

"Hmph- I bet you're living on the streets now.", Smashfan predicted, but Muhti just chuckled.

"I actually own half of Smashboards, and now, Im going to promote democracy before his evil clutches obtains it", Muhti pointed to Xiroey. "And now, it's time to die!"

-Mari,Xiroey, & Smashfan v. Muhti-

Battle Music

"This'll be easy", Muhti scoffed.

Xiroey took out a weak looking sword and rushed at him. Muhti simply stood there and caught the sword while it was supposed to hit him.

"I've fought tougher versions of you. Like I said this is easy", Muhti said with a smirk.

He then took the sword and stabbed it on Xiroeys leg.

Xiroey screamed in pain while Muhti just laughed as Mari ignited her old necklace that held her life.

She blasted at him while he stepped to the side and walked up to her. He just stood there while she was confused, took the necklace and Smashfan tried hitting Muhti, but he failed. Muhti just smirked again and put on the necklace as it started to rot.

Smashfan tried conjuring his OP powers and make it all a dream, but that failed as well. He cursed and wondered out loud why it didnt work.

"Because, you die and retire, making me,Xiroey, and Mari
rulers.", Muhti answered.

"Ciao" Muhti transformed into Entei and burned the past figure.

"Lets see the future, shall we?", Muhti asked as he teleported.


Muhti fell as he teleported to New Hyrule.

"Wh-what's going on now?", Muhti asked.

Muhti looked at what appeared to the city of New Hyrule. People went their way. An officer came to Muhti.

"Mr.President, you shouldn't be alone, you should be in New Hyrule Castle."

Muhti smiled. He won!

"And what about Maris faction? Impact?", Muhti asked.

"Sir, Im afraid I don't know what you're talking about.", the officer answered.

Muhti nodded and thanked the cop. Did he win? Where were the trio and their dumb teammates now?

He took a walk to the castle, bustling with cars. He went in and greeted Dimentio. Then took the throne in front of Congress to make laws for its people.

Like nothing even happened.....

Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
Ok then luco i'll continue wnere i decided to leave hoping frostwraith would be here earlier, ahem anyway

(As richard and frostwraith continued to their next destination)

Arcadia music (Resident evil: afterlife) plays

Richard: Look down there! (Richard spots a couple of figures)

Frostwraith: Let's introduce ourselves to them

(Richard and frostwraith meet up with xiroey and his friends)

Richard: So what brings you here, the same sinister figure were after i take it?

Xiroey: I don't know who this figure you refer to is, all we know is that we've been attacked several times already.

Frostwraith: The same thing has happened to us back in smash world.

Richard: We came back because we found symbols that would lead us back here to a different destination though.

Xiroey: Sounds like you guys are on an adventure, mind if we tag along?

Richard and frostwraith: No, not at all, we could use all the help we can get.

Richard: Yeah, we're gonna need all the help we can get since we're up against something bigger than all of us.

(Richard, frostwraith, xiroey and his friends travel together to the next destination that may be another clue to discovering who or what is behind this whole ordeal.)

Edit: Sorry it took me so long.



Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
"Dementio, there!" Muhti barked. He pointed over to a dark figure hidden over in the shadows. The creature startled at the sound of Muhti's voice, it turned around and fixed a frightened eye on them. Then it turned and ran. "Dim?" Muhti tapped the jester on the shoulder. Dementio was already working. He shot out one of his two demential squares at the creature, and it emited a shrill shriek. When the two walked over to where it had fallen, they saw the object they had been looking for. A single small stone, with the letter "T" ingraved in the front. "About time" Muhti complained. He pocketed the stone. The two of them trudged on through the narrow tunnels. Dementio kept an eye out behind them as the two of them progressed forward in the cramped space. Finally, they came across a wide chamber. In the middle, Muhti could faintly glimpse a set of stairs leading upward.

Muhti nodded at dementio. Dementio cast out several negatively-colored spheres at the celing. The two of them casually made their way for the stairs as fainted pokemon began raining from the cieling. Dementio shot an orb of energy at one as it nearly toppled down on his head. Minutes later, they had made it to the top of the stairs, and were in a different room. This time simi-square with a single rock pillar in the middle. Muhti walked over to it. He placed his hand on the pillar, and the writing began to glow as the other's had. The rock prompted him to submit his "proof". Muhti's response was to take out a group of stones from his pockets and place them into the corresponding holes in the pillar.

"S - T - E - E - L" Muhti recited off to himself. The chamber rumbled. Muhti stepped back as the pillar shimmered and vanished. A new set of stairs appeard, these leading down into an impossibly black abyss. Muhti nodded his head at it. "After you." He said, prompting Dementio to go down the stairs first. Dementio shrugged, and casually floated down the stairwell. Muhti followed closely behind. In the darkness of the stairway, Muhti could see little more than a faint black blur in front of his face. That was dementio. He considered conjuring up a light so that the two of them could see better, but he decided against it. "Ain't about to be scared off by a little darkness." He grunted.

Suddenly the stairway opened up, and the two of them found themselves in a vast chamber. The two of them progressed into the middle. Muhti silently slid out his sword, Dementio conjuring up energy within his hands. Invisible lights in the room flared to life. Muhti shielded his eyes against it before it blinded him. When it passed, there was a Registeel guarding their way.

"Beep beep beep beep beep" Registeel droned. Muhti shrugged. He wasn't a pokemon, so he couldn't understand a word that registeel was saying. Dementio raised his hands and shot a bolt of energy at Registeel that nailed it square in the chest. Muhti was right behind him, and rushed registeel with a flaming sword. Within minutes, they had the legendary kneeling on the floor in defeat. Muhti raised his sword at it, preparing to deal the final blow.

"Halt!" Registeel beeped. Muhti halted with his sword still poised in the air. So it did speak! "You may pass." Registeel said simply. It's body shimmered, and a new hole opened up in the wall behind it. Muhti looked over to where Registeel had been standing a moment ago and saw that it had vanished. Good. They continued.

Eventually, the two of them came across an impossibly vast cavern. It was light inside, and the two of them could clearly make out several pillars lining the path up to a group of petrified statues. One of them towered above the rest. It had a thick body and a small head. There were small dots gorged into it that may have been eyes.

"Do not go near the statue" Muhti instructed. The two of them wallked on. As they came near the statue, they split paths, choosing instead to walk behind the pillars. When they reached the end of the room, they came across a stone wall. Etched in it were strange markings. Muhti recognized it as the ancient language.

"Finally" he breathed. Abruptly, he took out his sword, and slashed it at a single strange-looking symbol that resembled an "E". My fate doesn't belong connected to these people any longer. He reshiethed his sword. The symbol that stood for his name now had a nasty gourge down the middle.

It read Mu - hti instead of Muhti...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

That is the first part.
Posting it here in case anything happens (CPU shuts off again >:I)

Now for the next :p


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
"So... each of your names is Xiroey, Luco, Mari and Smashfan, right? Either this is a coincidence or a sign of something fated to happen...", said Frostwraith to his new allies.

"What do you mean?", asked Luco.

"Me and Richard found a strange cave in the Smash World that had our names engraved on the walls. They were written in an ancient alphabet only few people know how to read it."

"Frostwraith also felt a strange power in that cave... also, Muhti's name was also written in that cave, even though it was scratched.", continued Richard.

"I take it he was the one fighting you. He's a traitor, right?", said Frostwraith.

"Yes. He allied himself with Dimentio and claims to be from the future.", explained Xiroey.

"Hmmm... so that explains everything..."

"What are we supposed to do now?", asked Luco.

"We need to go to a safe place. But first, allow me to tell you how have I got here. During my travels, I met with Pit and Dark Pit from Skyworld. They were looking for Arceus, at Palutena's request. I decided to help them, and quickly found out that Palutena herself was doing a favor to Master Hand himself."

"Interesting...", commented Xiroey.

"I went to the Sinjoh Ruins to find the Azure Flute. I met Cynthia, the Champion of the Sinnoh League. After that, we went to the Hall of Origin above Spear Pillar, where we found Arceus. It seemed angry and once I mentioned Master Hand's desire, it quickly agreed to help him. I continued to explore the Pokémon World and eventually met with Richard... and the rest you already know."

"So, the creator of the Smash World is also involved in this... what might be Master Hand plotting?", questioned Luco.

"I have no idea. But I know there's something we need to do... that cave in the Smash World... could have Master Hand written our names there? What could Master Hand want from us? We need to find that out... for now, we must find a safe place, hidden from our enemies."

"Can't you just open a portal?", asked Richard.

"Well, yes. I also had the idea of creating a pocket dimension, but that would disrupt the balance between the dimensions even more, so it's not a choice. We need to think of a safe place, then I use my magic to open a portal directly to that place. From there, we start making plans on how to defeat Muhti and Dimentio."

After further discussion, they settled on staying in Skyworld. Not only it was a safe place there, but they could get help from Palutena on how to find Master Hand.

"We'll stay here for a while... I don't think that Muhti nor Dimentio have been here before. I am sure Palutena knows about Master Hand's location, so that's our first step. We also might want to enlist more help to us... Pit, Dark Pit and Cynthia, whom I met before, might prove to be powerful allies... well then, does anyone have any objections to the plan?", said Frostwraith

seems that Frostwraith, Richard, Mari, Smashfan, Luco and Xiroey have met at last. Master Hand has plans for them, or so Frostwraith thought, prompting him to return to Skyworld and learn from Palutena his whereabouts.

Frostwraith's plan basically consists on building a powerful army to defeat Muhti and Dimentio's minions. for him, the more allies, the better chance they would stand against them. Arceus and Master Hand would be "good for a start."


Smash Apprentice
Jun 28, 2012
if anyone's wondering where I am,the walk is pretty long...okay???(that and I'm grounded)


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
The newly formed group landed in Skyworld without a problem, starting to walk with weapons at hand. Adored by fans, until an old man stopped them.

Xiroey casually smiled at him and was going to encourage him that everything was going to be alright, until he spoke.

"Youre all idiots.", the man said

They all froze and stared...

The newly formed group landed in Skyworld without a problem, starting to walk with weapons at hand. Adored by fans, until an old man stopped them.

Frostwraith casually smiled at him and was going to encourage him that everything was going to be alright, until he spoke.

"Youre all idiots.", the man said

They all froze and stared.

"Excuse me?", Xiroey asked with a nasty tone.

"For one she", he pointed to Mari," should be dead, as well as him.", he pointed to Smashfan.

Mari looked bewildered, "How?!"

"Muhti stole the necklace from you during that battle.", the man answered calmly.*

Mari grunted and became distorted, and revealed herself as Zoroark.

"ZOROARK!! (THE HELL MAN!!)" , he growled with the group in fear.

"And Mr.Smashfan.... Died fighting Zalgo.", he commented.

Frostwraith just grunted," And how do you know all this?"

The old man smiled, "Because I work for Muhti, I am one of the trio of the Shadow Triad. I spoken too much."

The piece of the Triad took Zoroark & Zorua (Who was disguising himself as Smashfan) and left.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
^ @Muhti: Frostwraith wouldn't be person to smile like that. He is more of the stoic type, hardly displaying emotions. Of course that it doesn't mean that he doesn't care about the others. in fact, I have already told that Frostwraith is willing to help others in danger.

Also, in Skyworld, they weren't met by fans like that, since, besides Pit, Dark Pit and Palutena, there were only Centurions patrolling the area. unless you mean that, there were people to greet them or something? because that seems contradictory, as the group is supposed to be in hiding.

either way, the old man looks like an interesting addition...

just some details I want to point out to avoid nonsense.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
ah, whatever... xP

you can do as you like. anyway, the group got duped.


"What the hell... we just got duped. We need... a backup plan.", said Frostwraith calmly.

"Seems that Muhti is one step ahead of us. You wanted to find Master Hand, right?", Xiroey asked.

"Yes. Palutena must know his location...", responded Frostwraith with his usual deep monotone voice.

"Then, let's not waste any time.", agreed Luco.

The now smaller group went to Palutena's Temple, finding the goddess they sought as well as Pit and his counterpart.

"Lady Palutena, it's Frostwraith again!", said Pit.

"And looks like he got company.", continued Dark Pit.

"What could bring him here?", wondered the goddess.

"I only have one question, goddess. We need to find Master Hand. Do you know where he is?", asked Frostwraith.

"Well... last I knew, he was somewhere in the Mushroom Kingdom. I don't know why, but he told me that he wanted to check things out there."

"Interesting, I must say... well, goddess, you may want to know why I am asking such a question, but... the entire multiverse may be in danger.", continued Frostwraith.

"What do you mean?", wondered Palutena.

"From what I know, there's someone named Dimentio who wants to conquer all the dimensions... or worse, destroy them. We need all the help we can get and Master Hand sure got wind of this already."

"So, that's why he wanted to find Arceus!", concluded Pit.

"If my suspicions are correct, that's the reason.", said Frostwraith.

"Well, it makes sense. As we know, Arceus is one of the most powerful Pokémon in existance. It is essential that we get Arceus on our side.", agreed Xiroey.

"Couldn't have better said myself... let's not waste any more time. From that door, we can instantly enter the Mushroom Kingdom and find Master Hand and Arceus.", continued Frostwraith.

"Then, let's do this! I think you could use my help, right?", offered Pit.

"Well... I think I can go with you, too.", offered Dark Pit, as well.

"If that's okay for you, then, fine by me. I appreciate your help.", thanked Frostwraith. "Here, I have concieved this special bag, where we can stuff anything inside, no matter the size."

"So, we can infinitely stack up on any kind of item inside, eh?", asked Richard.

"Indeed... this bag has magical proprieties and can store an infinite amount of items inside. It's been useful in my travels, so I am sharing with all of you."

"Neat! I'll grab my best weapons!", said Pit in excitement.

Dark Pit did the same, stuffing his Silver Bow and Dark Pit Staff inside Frostwraith's bag. The other members of the group agreed to put their items inside of it, as well.

"So, are we all set?", asked Xiroey.

"Yes.", said everybody in unison.

"Then, let's find Master Hand and Arceus! We have no more time to waste!", said Frostwraith.

"Good luck for all of you.", said Palutena.

With Pit and Dark Pit on the group, Frostwraith hoped to compensate for the blow Muhti gave to the group. To reinforce the group even further, Frostwraith sent his Froslass to find Cynthia. Replacing her on the team was his Golurk.

Crossing the door at Palutena's Temple, the group arrived at the Mushroom Kingdom, only to find themselves among a barren destroyed wasteland...

"There's something wrong here... this same power I felt in that cave... could it be Master Hand's...?", Frostwraith thought.

"Look out! Enemies incoming!", yelled Xiroey.

"Everyone, prepare yourselves!", yelled Frostwraith as he unseathed his sword and sent out his Rotom.

how did Frostwraith replace Froslass with Golurk with such ease? He had a laptop in his bag.

Frostwraith's current team: Chandelure, Gengar, Hydreigon, Golurk, Rotom and Umbreon.


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
"Hot! Hot! Hot!" Xiroey yelped. He leaped around in the hot sand, flaling his arms and flinging dust particles everywhere. Luco raised an eyebrow as he saw Xiroey trip over a rock in the sand and fall flat on his face. "Uh... Xiroey? What are you doing?" Luco asked. Xiroey's response was to launch himself out of the sand, this time holding his face. "Hot! Hot! Hot!" He repeated. Frostwrath watched Xiroey panicing around with his arms crossed. "Is he usually like this"? Luco shrugged. Xiroey ran face first into a "?" Block. Frostwrath facepalmed. "Dude..." He began, speaking slowly. "You're wearing shoes"! Xiroey ran over into a shallow puddle and stuck his feet in. There was an ominous sizzling sound, Then Xiroey shot out of the puddle, screaming something about scalding hot water.

"I... Think his shoes are illusions." Luco thought aloud. Xiroey came at them again, this time crawling across the grounds on all fours. He finally ran out of energy, collapsing face-first into the hot sand. The group could hear wimpering as Xiroey's skin started to cook. Frostwrath's face showed a hint of concern. "Golurk." He looked over at his pokemon. Golurk got the message; he walked over and hoisted Xiroey up over his shoulder. Xiroey's enitre face and the fronts of his arms were pink. He muttered something that might have been a 'thank you' then passed out.

Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
Okay need to rethink this now need some time, okay got it now after 5 mins of thought here goes

(After the group had arrived in mushroom kingdom)

Xiroey: We got company!

(The group looked around)

Richard: it's an ambush! (Richard pulled out a pistol he got from his former boss)

Frostwraith: A gun? didn't they ban those a long time ago?

Richard: Where i'm from, guns are a necessity for defensive means. (Richard's eyes flash red and he zips at the foes surrounding him, while firing his pistol, one of the enemies attack and richard flips in the air and grabs the attacking enemy, slamming him down.) Any other takers?

Pit: Behind you Frostwraith!

(Frostwraith blasts one of the enemies with a negative blast of energy)

Richard: Yet they say guns are banned. (Richard laughs to himself)

Frostwraith: I wouldn't laugh too hard about that.

Xiroey: Look out richard!

(Two enemies go after richard)

Richard: No you don't.

(Richard fires two rapid shots at the enemies and they disappear)

Frostwraith: Look they're retreating!

Luco: i guess they thought that were too much for them.

Richard: Now let's get back to finding that old man.

(The group continues to look for smashfan's captor in the distant lands of the mushroom kingdom)



The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Frostwraith agreed to the new plan: to find the old man who duped them at Skyworld. As a member of the Shadow Triad, he sure had a lot of tricky moves to show and Frostwraith had to prepare himself for any kind of surprise, no matter how nasty.

Meanwhile, Frostwraith's Froslass wondered through the Sinnoh region to find Cynthia. She held a stone tablet inbued with magic that allowed her and any one who touched it to teleport back to her trainer.

While exploring the northern snowy area of the region, she found a severely wounded Sneasel.

"Help...", cried the Sneasel, who was clearly young.

"What's the matter?", asked Froslass.

"Some humans... they... attacked me..."

"Why would they do that?"

"I... don't know... they attacked me... they stole... my Razor Claw..."

"I would help you, but for the sake of my master, I must find someone quickly."

"I... under... stand... but... let me... he...lp... you... I think... these humans... were... after... after... Ar..."

"After whom?"

"Arc... us..."

"Arceus? Is that whom you mean?"

"Yes... I... I.......", muttered the Pokémon as he closed his eyes.

"No! Please wake up!", roared Froslass in despair, but the Sneasel already passed away.

Froslass took some of her time to bury the Sneasel. Afterwards, she kept going on, mourning the dead Pokémon. She knew what was needed to do, not only for her master, but for the sake of the entire world. No doubt that those who attacked Sneasel were more of Muhti's minions.
so, let me get this straight... Richard uses a gun as a weapon and Xiroey is a Latios who can transform into a human, right? and... what kind of abilities does Luco have, anyway?


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Lots of stuff happened while I was away, I see! Guys, i'll edit this post with a section of story. ^_^

My powers consist of water magic (for the most part, later on down the track i'll get elementary and stronger forms of other magic as well but my specialization lies in water). I can summon orbs of water and make barriers, levitate objects and levitate myself in the air. I can amplify my voice and my most powerful ability at this time is probably enchanting. Since it's just been christmas, i'm adding to my inventory a small 'regenerative' bracelet that helps me deal with wounds (at least until I get some healing magic) and a fossil on a necklace which i'm not quite sure what its effects are. Maybe opening a portal to ancient earth? :laugh:

Also, I wasn't quite planning on using it yet but since it's being used a lot, I suppose I can speak in people's minds as well. ;)

I have a few others which are small. My one other big one, i'm keeping secret, though I let Xiroey know what it was ages ago so you can verify i'm not doing it spontaneously. I haven't used that power yet. :p

It should also be noted, I need to collect crystals that give me my powers back. I've only collected four thus far and they were split in the pokemon world. I can see myself getting another rather soon, for surely a few of muhti's men found a couple...


Xiroey was probably the coolest of the group, save perhaps Golurk, as Luco kept casting water magic upon them to cool their temperatures. He wondered why Xiroey wouldn't just change in to Latios, as surely he could bear the heat far better in his original form. He decided against asking it out loud and used his mind, asking Xiroey why he couldn't just change. He got a dim response as Xiroey blacked out once again.

He had taken to punching the '?' blocks whenever he found them because of either the large amounts of wealth inside or the items he was given. "This star will certainly serve some use at a later date... A mushroom that makes people big? That could be useful... and a flying cape?? Yes please!"

He had to wonder where Mario and his friends were at this stage. Apparently not through here yet, or they wouldn't be seeing random goombas and koopas at every corner. In some ways it was nice. Koopas weren't as bad as they were made out to be, in fact one of them gave them a few throwing hammers for some of the coin they had collected and another was happy to talk to them as they walked for a while. The goombas seemed a little too busy to talk most of the time and the ones they did talk to complained of being severely under-powered. The lakitu and spines were perhaps the equivalent of the 'cool kids on the block' and were the envy of everyone for being able to fly and hurt people from above. One of them was particularly interested in filming the group from above, too.

They came to a large area of dunes and further desert (including some blocks), when Frostwraith held up his hand for quiet. "Do you hear that?" he asked. Indeed, it didn't take long for the sound of hushed whispers to reach their ears. "I can hear it from... everywhere?" Luco thought aloud. Suddenly the whispers stopped. The group got an eerie chill as the silence pushed in around them. Luco was feeling uneasy and decided he had to wake up Xiroey. He Pushed in through his mental barriers and gave a small burst of psychic power to release his friend from unconsciousness. "What's goi-" Luco shot hand out to cover his mouth. "Not now" he whispered. He put a hand on Xiroey's shoulder and sent a constant cool circulating around his body. "I need you to search out for other entities around here." Xiroey understood at once.

His mouth went open before his eyes did. "They're all around us, they've even covered our retreat."

"So the only way out is to fight then?" Frostwraith asked in a low voice.

"We could fly out" Luco suggested, "but that won't solve our problem entirely. Besides, I can sense something among these men. A gem, perhaps?"

"What do you mean?" Frostwraith asked again, with nought more than a whisper.

"I'm not at full power, Frostwraith. my power was scattered when I arrived in the pokeworld in small gems that i'm trying to recover. I assume one or two of them found their way in to muhti's army. I can sense a power, likely a gem, somewhere behind those dunes where they are hiding. I need that gem."

He nodded.

Richard, who had been quiet most of the time, yawned "Then with that settled, lets get this party started." They all called out together.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The 'party' went on for ages. Darry, the koopa they had befriended, was with them as well. He had a strong arm, they realised, and his hammers caused mass confusion wherever he threw them. Frostwraith and both pits were busy at work, the latter two shooting arrows from above to ensure the fighters below weren't surprised from an unexpected angle. All the pokemon were at work as well, Charizard and Golurk crushing enemies as they went, shooting beams and fire at others. Luxio was releasing lightning at all opposition around him when he began to glow white. "Congratulations." Frostwraith muttered at a glance and went on fighting. Riolu preferred to keep low and skid under the evolving pokemon to blast at incoming soldiers with aura. As Luxio became Luxray, so did his jolts become full on thunder. No-one around him stood a chance and Riolu kept under him, shooting small aura spheres at opportunistic soldiers. Pikachu was there as well and added some lightning of his own to the mix. Richard zipped about the battlefield and enemies were down in the blink of an eye as he reloaded and shot again. Xiroey and Luco were in the center, casting orbs at opponents. Luco ducked down and slammed his hand to the ground. A symbol appeared around him and a line of soldiers was disrupted by water savaging the land around them.

As the battle went on, things got harder. Enemies got in closer and most of Luco and his friends were at melee distance by now. Luco ducked a spear, blasted the soldier at point-blank range. Richard slid back on the sand to avoid a sword and shot the man in retaliation. Frostwraith swung back to avoid an arrow and put the group of archers firing at him in a cloud of darkness. Xiroey used ice spikes to remove enemies too close to him and the pokemon were back to back, still firing off beams and lightning and fire (and aura) at all around them. The army kept on coming and Luco feared they would be over-run. That was when he spotted the cap in the sand with a gem embedded in the front. He jumped to reach it and was quick to find out what it gave him. Healing, sense thoughts (different from mind speak), teleportation. The last one was particularly useful. He found himself teleporting from group to group, helping one or the other out. His general magic was stronger as well and he swiped his arm to see a condensed arc of water fly out and take out a line of pike men in front of him.

Still, the tide of battle was not in their favour. They were backing up against low ground, which would be the end of them. Luco knew this couldn't end well. He was going to send a beacon up to call a (temporary) surrender, when a gigantic force of energy swept over the battlefield. To think that would have been me at full power. The army against them was in chaos. A blur of white swept across the space in front on them and the soldiers there were gone. Another shock-wave of energy blasted through the field and the rest of them were either on the ground in fierce pain, or running away. Luco and his friends were untouched by the forces around them. Pit was wounded but Luco used his re-found healing powers to help him. In all, the group was weary but alive. It was a tiresome battle they had faced and they had held their own against thousands of muhti's troops. Darry shook his head in dis-belief and decided he'd had enough battle for a life-time. "Hey, maybe that Mario guy isn't so bad after all, not after this... Anyway, nice talking to you lot!" He walked off in to the distance.

It was then that the chaos stopped. They went over several dunes and found the two entities they had been looking for, waiting for them there. Master Hand and Arceus, both afloat in front of them. "Thank you..." Luco began. He could tell the two beings there were expectant of some kind of explanation. He looked to his friends for help...


Okayyyyy, here, we, go! Who writes the next section?? :D

When it comes to Xiroey's human forme in FF, I imagine him basically as a younger version of our good friend,



Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio

In smash world chained to a wall*

Wtf were....were am I

Weegee: I don't no.. ( arms chained to awall nxt to mars)

what! Weegee what are doing here.. what am I doing... h... how I can't get loose. I hate bieng trapped!!

Weegee: it was that one guy from sega realm.. the one with big EARS!!

Who..u you.mean


Damn I gotta get loose




Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio
Weegee and madio are different.

There from mustroom kingdom and weegee is appearantly still alive.

The were abouts of madio is unknown

Sucks how can a guy who gets 1ups every next level be dead lol



Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Actually, if you guys want to know exactly what he looks like... :p

[COLLAPSE="Hidden Message"]

Add on Purple eyes and you're pretty much set! ^^



Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Thanks :p
Kaito is awesum!


Tbh, I'd probably have to draw it.

You don't find very many anime dudes with spikey blond hair and red eyes. :V


Luco, you on the other hand... ;)


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Imagining Frostwraith isn't very hard. He has black robes covering his entire body. He wears black gloves, has a black cape with a grey skull emblem and a hood covering his head.
His hair is short and the color is a greyish blue, like this.
He has dark red eyes, his face is pale and has lots of scars, especially one covering most of his right eye.

He also wears a belt with his six Poké Balls on the right side and has his sword seathed on the left side.


Luco did a great job at describing one epic battle! =D
Besides Golurk, all Pokémon there are Xiroey's partners, right?


Master Hand and Arceus awaited the group in the middle of the sandy wasteland.

"What brings you to this forsaken place?", asked Master Hand.

"Great One, we are fighting against someone named Muhti.", explained Frostwraith.

"He's allied with Dimentio, whom we seek to defeat.", continued Xiroey.

"We presume then, that each of you is... Xiroey... the Latios disguised as a human...", started Arceus, who communicated via telepathy.

"Frostwraith... the wandering dark mage...", continued Master Hand.

"Luco... a powerful water mage..."

"Richard... the reluctant world traveller..."

"Pit... the Captain of Palutena's Army..."

"Dark Pit... the dark counterpart to Pit..."

"Yes, that's everyone in the group.", agreed Luco.

"Even with all your might... your power is insufficient. Your recklessness will be the end of you.", warned Master Hand.

"Is that why are you going to lend your power to us?", asked Frostwraith.

"Not yet... we shall only lend our power when we find yourselves worthy of using it.", answered Arceus.

"First, you need to find more allies, you need to build an army that can withstand Dimentio's might. Muhti was also one of the chosen, yet he chose to betray you. He must be punished for such treason.", said Master Hand.

"The old man you've met before... find him and defeat him. That is your first objective.", ordered Arceus.

"Once you have completed this first trial... meet me at Final Destination."

"There, we shall reveal your next mission..."

"In order to defeat the old man... you will need to find new allies, otherwise... you won't stand a chance against him."

Both entities faded away as their voices echoed in the vast sands... with a set objective coming from the two powerful entities, the group set off to find the old man...

Meanwhile, Froslass finally made her way to the Pokémon League building in the Sinnoh region. Using her Ghost-type abilities to pass through the walls, she finally met with Cynthia. The champion recognized that Froslass from her previous battle with Frostwraith. Understanding Froslass, Cynthia agreed to follow her into the Mushroom Kingdom. Using the stone tablet, both teleported away to the Mushroom Kingdom, meeting with the rest of the group.

"It seems that we would meet again, after all...", commented Frostwraith.

"Your Froslass told me everything. Master Hand wants me to aid you, right? Let's not waste anymore time, then.", said Cynthia.

"Well done, Froslass... you can rest now.", said Frostwraith as he recalled his Froslass, storing her on his laptop.

The group continued their long march through the sands. With Cynthia on their side, they have become more powerful as a team.

Eventually, the group arrives at a coast.

"Hmm... from this sea, we will arrive at Rogueport...", remembered Frostwraith.

"Do you think we may find Muhti's minions there?", asked Luco.

"It is likely."

"Guys, I spoke to Lady Palutena and she said we'll find the old man Master Hand spoke of!", noticed Pit.

"That's great news, let's go after him.", said Xiroey.

Frostwraith sent out his Golurk and Hydreigon to aid the group in crossing the sea. Charizard offered his help as well. Frostwraith and Richard flew on Hydreigon's back, while both Pits and the remaining Pokémon were flying on Golurk's back. Charizard transported Luco and Xiroey. Cynthia called her Milotic to transport her.

"We should arrive at Rogueport in one hour. Ready all your weapons during flight, we may find some enemies during our way.", warned Xiroey.

Frostwraith and Luco prepared their minds for using magic, Richard loaded his pistol, Pit equipped his Palutena Bow, Dark Pit equipped his signature Dark Pit Staff, Xiroey readied his powers as well. With everything set, they went off to Rogueport and find the old man serving Muhti...

Decided to have the group explore the setting of the second Paper Mario game... also, who doesn't want to include Rawk Hawk in this story? maybe he could join the team as well?


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio

*still chained to a wall*


Weegee: were's my bro when u need um.

*doom, door opening*

*cave light switches on*

.....who is that! LET ME FREE!!

+mario 63 bowsers trap+

Wilfre: shut up!!

Wha? Wilfre? You should be dead.... and u look so much weirder.

Wilfre: ITS ALL U AND SMASH FANS FAULT!!!!!!!!!!!!

......proly need a hair cut

Wilfre: shut up!

Is he the one with the big ears?

WEegee: I don't think so... I thought it was someone else... smaller with big ears and over sized fist...




Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Blond hair?!

The hell?!

Im a brunette FYI :mad088:


Muhti finally took his eyes off the ingraving.

"Lets go", he nodded towards the ancient stairs, until both heard a cry from beyond the room.

"Who the hell was that?!", Dimentio quietly shreiked.

"Im not too sure, follow closely", Muhti whispered.

The duo tip-toed towards the noise, only to see a giant hand sobbing.

"He betrayed me!", the hand cried, he tended to have a British accent, and his voice seemed unmatured.

Muhti tapped on one of its fingers, "Who betrayed you?"

"Oh, sorry dear lad, Master Hand, he said I was too stupid to be part of the group", the hand answered.

"Wait... You're Crazy Hand?!", Muhti concluded.

The hand seemingly nodded, "I only act crazy is because Im bored. In fact, Im the smarter of the two."

"Would you like to stay at New Hyrule Palace?", Dimentio offered.

Crazy Hand shook his..... Uh..... You get the idea, "No, my good lad, I could neve-"

Muhti stopped him, "Crazy Hand, you have no shelter, please, come."

"Wait a moment, you're Traitor Muhti?!", he asked.

"Traitor Muhti? Hee, I guess that's my new name, yes I did, but only to stop the war. Now that I did, everything here is peaceful, if they come here they'll only want to bring Smashboards into shambles again, divided into factions and wars. Would you want that Crazy Hand?", Muhti answered sincerely.

Crazy Hand nodded, "I suppose you make a good point. But how do we know you're not doing evil deeds?"

"My nation is a democracy, they know every law we pass and they can turn it down, do you consider that evil? The evil ones is Xiroey and his friends, as stated before, going to bring Smashboards into servitude.", Muhti answered again impatiently now.

The member of the Shadow Triad came to the rescue at this point, "Sir, I found Zoroark and Zorua, they would like to record the information gathered."

Muhti nodded. "Lets see what they're up to.... Care to join Mr.Hand?"

"Yes m'lad, lets have it!", Crazy answered cheerfully.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
it's battle time! :awesome:
The group arrived at Rogueport at last. Frostwraith focused his mind as he felt a strange presence.

"Who's there?! Show yourself!", yelled Frostwraith as he made a gesture to the remainder of the group to back off.

"Hmph... so you can feel our presence... that's to be... expected... from a dark mage, or something like that.", said a man in black.

"He's one! He's one of the Shadow Triad, Frostwraith!", warned Xiroey.

"You seek to oppose Muhti. I will finish you here.", said the Shadow Triad member.

"I don't think so!", responded Frostwraith. "Fight on, Chandelure!"

The Shadow Triad sent out his Banette.

Chandelure started with a Shadow Ball attack, finishing Banette off in one hit.

"Hmph... you were just lucky. That Chandelure... is going down. Absol! Attack!", said the Shadow Triad member.

Frostwraith switched out Chandelure, replacing him with Umbreon.

"Umbreon, use Toxic now!", ordered Frostwraith just after Umbreon avoided Absol's Night Slash.

"You won't stop me like that! Absol, use Megahorn!"

Absol hit Umbreon hard, who was severely hurt. Umbreon got up and used Confuse Ray on Absol.

"Now the tides have turned, no?", said Frostwraith with a hint of sarcasm.

Absol's confused state let himself open for attacks, prompting Umbreon to attack it with Iron Tail. Absol was still up and luckily attacked Umbreon with another Megahorn move, finishing Frostwraith's Pokémon off. However, Absol's poison eventually made him faint as well.

"It's time to settle this once and for all, Hydreigon!", said Frostwraith.

"Pathetic. Go, Bisharp...", muttered the Shadow Triad member.

Hydreigon proved to be faster than Bisharp and launched a powerful Focus Blast at the foe, crippling him and finishing the battle.

"Like this would change anything... hmph...", muttered the Shadow Triad member before teleporting away.

"You can't let him get away!", shouted Pit.

"Don't worry... he's not the one whom we seek. He was likely here plotting something.", answered Frostwraith.

"Anyway, this proves that there are Muhti's followers here. We must be careful and stay on our guard.", concluded Xiroey.

"Where are we going to next?", asked Luco out of curiosity.

"Maybe we should go to Glitzville... I sense something coming from that place...", answered Frostwraith.

if the Shadow Triad is following Muhti, then what about Ghetsis?

Also, the Rawk is coming...

Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
As the gang started to leave rogueport, Richard started to wonder who the man in black was when suddenly.

Richard: Ow (Richard gets another vision again).

Pit: Richard, what's wrong?

Richard: I keep seeing this massive figure as if it stands almost 20 or more feet in height, it has red eyes.

Frostwraith: That can't be any of our enemies were seeking out, richard.

Richard: I know but it seems this figure is intent on stopping us as well.

Luco: Whoever this enemy is, he'll go down just like muhti.

Xiroey: I don't think it'll be that easy, luco.

Richard: Whatever this figure's real identity is, it's certainly no pawn!

Frostwraith: There's the blimp!

(The group boards the blimp and heads to glitzville)



The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
After some minutes aboard the blimp, the group arrives at Glitzville...

"Glitzville... we have finally arrived here. The main attraction here is the Glitz Pit, an arena home to many fights. The champion of this arena is Rawk Hawk, also known as the Feral Nuclear Reactor.", explained Frostwraith.

"Feral Nuclear Reactor... sounds like overkill.", stated Pit.

"Well, he is the champion of the arena. That's why we're going to make him join us.", continued Frostwraith.

"So, the plan is to challenge this Rawk Hawk guy and make him join our ranks?", questioned Dark Pit.

"Exactly. We need to remember one of Master Hand's requests: to find new allies."

"He did say that we needed more help to defeat the old man we seek. This Rawk Hawk fellow sounds powerful enough.", agreed Xiroey.

"Speaking on that old man... he isn't too far away from here. I can sense his presence... but first, let's head inside the Glitz Pit."
Who will be up against the Rawk? :awesome:

Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
The group heads inside the glitz pit as a match takes place

Richard: Look over there!

Frostwraith: That's our guy were going to recruit!

Xiroey: Where's Rawk hawk's opponent at?

Richard: Here comes the ring announcer, grubba

(The ring announcer/promoter grubba enters the ring and readies himself with his microphone.)

Grubba: Right, now this here will be a match from one ya'll from our crowd watching.

(Crowd cheers)

Frostwraith: it's so loud here!

Pit: That's a crowd for you, frostwraith.

(Grubba grabs his hat and draws a random name.)

Grubba: It seems our champion will be brawling a newcomer from the very back watching.

Richard: The very back is where we are now.

Grubba: Will richard please come down.

Richard: What!?

Frostwraith: I'm shocked it wasn't me, well go get him richard.

Richard: I'm afraid i might go overboard in fighting this guy, as my speed will overwhelm him.

Xiroey: Don't worry just give it all you got richard, we'll be cheering for you!

(Suddenly two arena security guys grab richard and escort him to the arena)

(Crowd starts to chant rawk hawk)

Rawk Hawk: alright small fry, you ready to feel the rawk?!

Grubba: Match begin!

(Rawk Hawk goes to do one of his rolling mid air attacks on richard, richard zips out of the way and rawk hawk connects with the ropes, tangling himself.)

(Crowd watches in awe at richard's speed)

Rawk Hawk: What just happened?

Grubba: I don't believe my eyes folks, this newcomer just dodged the champion's attack in the blink of an eye!

Rawk Hawk: Who are you?

Richard: just someone from a group looking for allies, mr. grubba this match is over now, i win by future outcome of the match.



Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Wow, you guys went into hyperdrive while I was gone :p
I won't inturrupt on your match, Richard, so...

How about I write a summary of Xiroey and Impact's story instead ^^
Some of it is for you newer guys who just joined our FF Family
Other parts are for Muhti, to help prevent him from misinterpreting some parts of the story.

Aaanyways... Starting with Impact:

Whoops made a mistake in here.
Mistake is in red.

Edit: Done!
Man, that was long...

Muhti, the section that is directed at you is located at the bottom.
I marked it off for ya ;)

[COLLAPSE="Hidden Message"]

---This section is for those of you who are new and decided against reading through the past stuffs. It's kinda long... so reading it is totally optional ^^.---

--If you are Muhti, please scroll down--

At the start of the last story, back when Smashfan was still alive, a meteor crashed into the Smash world. The impact was devistating, destroying much of the mushroom kingdom and the beautiful pokemon world. Xiroey was seperated from Cid (Now Master Cid of Impact) Lucario, and Gengar in the explosion, and Muhti lost an ally in Gary, who died in the impact. At the same time, he gained one in torchic (Now Blaziken).

Months later, with the rise of the antagonist army, a group of protagonists decided to ban together and create a force strong enough to bring down their foes. A small base was established at the site of the meteorite impact. That is where Impact got it's name. Later, behind the scenes, Impact expanded. It took on more protagonists, and even a few antagonists (Bowser <3. Together, they decided to work together for the good of the Smash worlds.

Impact helped Smashfan and his group throughout their travels in small ways. They saved Xiroey's life, rescuing him from the rubble of the meterite impact. After extinsive treatment, he recovered in one of Impact's medical rooms. They did not know that he was a latios then. Just that he was different than most humans, and had lost his memory. He enlisted in Impact's forces, and was brought to stay with two other pokemon that would become his war partners. Typhlosion accepted him immediately when they first met, but Buizel was a bit less friendly. Not long afterward, however, Buizel would risk his life to save Xireoy and the two would become good friends.

Eventually, Xiroey left Impact to join Smashfan's group. Impact didn't come back into the story again until later in the story, when Xiroey and Mari and Muhti's group were need of supplies and immediate repairs. They were led to one of Impact's newer bases, which was hidden inside a Volcano, and docked their ship there. Before Smashfan's group could meet up with the trio at Impact, Muhti betrayed everyone (big surprise). He gave a highly pursuasive speech, and, to everyone's surprise, managed to convince many of Xiroey and Mari's friends to join the antagonist side.

Mari tried to stop him, but Muhti surprised her as whe was searching through one of the hallways in Impact to find Xiroey. (He wasn't around when Muhti betrayed everyone.) He badly wounded Mari then took her off to a sperate demension.

Then it was plot twist time :p

Shortly before all this happened, we were introduced to an alternate space that was dark and cold. Someone was laying there in the snow, supposedly in a state of suspended animation. A voice spoke thorugh the darkness. It said many things to the figure laying in the snow. Perhaps the most ominous was that it had to "kill the person that called it their shadow" The scene melted away and changed. Then the figure suddenly found itself deep in outerspace. A white scythe materialzed in it's hand, then it shot it's way toward earth. The amount of time the trip took is unknown, but when the figure finally did hit earth, it did so smack in the middle of the meteorite crater.

A yoshi that belonged to impact would later explore the crater and fall in. He'd stumble across the person that had fallen from space and bring them back to the base for medical treatment. Shortly afterward a girl would wake up in an all-white room with no memory with anything, not even her name.

Fast forward to Muhti's betrayal. The girl woke up in the room again. They were running countless tests on her to see what could possibly be wrong with her memory. Immediately after one of her doctor's left, the girl got a strange sensation of urgency coming from somewhere in the building. After some debate, she decided to follow it. She blasted the door with a power that surprised her, shattering from it's henges. Despite her shock, she decided to carry on down the building in search of the feeling. It stronger the closer she got-- Advancing from urgency, to dispair, to a feeling so dreadful it made her physically sick. She was sucked in through a portal in the wall, and was taken into Demension D, where Muhti and Dementio had taken the nearly-dead Mari and both her and Xiroey's friends. (Ex-friends now).

The girl did battle with Muhti and Dementio's group. Muhti summoned Taboo to take care of her. Muhti was a bit surprised when he saw her take out a white scythe, and fight Taboo using tactics that he was used to seeing. After a fierce battle, the girl was defeated. After watching the battle, Muhti was finally able to put a name to the battle style she'd been using. It was almost exactly like Xiroey's. Surprise! The girl was Latias!

Dementio placed a flourosprout on Latias after she was defeated, and she joined Muhti's group. Mari woke up while this was happening. She tried to stop them, but was defeated again. Mari was stubborn though, she tried again. Again, she was defeated, and Muhti decided to steal her necklace, which was the only thing holding her life.

With his victory, Muhti left Mari for dead. She was left in Demension D to rot. She was wounded badly, and without her Neckace, her time alive was limited. She died alone in Demension D.

Smashfan was pretty outraged at this point. And so was Mari. (In real life haha). But Muhti revealed that Mari could just respawn elsewhere after she died. By the rules of Wreck-it-ralph, she was in her own universe, so she could respawn. (The Pokemon world was part of Mari's universe. She used to live as a pokemon trainer before she joined up with Smashfan's legendary group.)

[On that note: Luco, Frostwrath, Richard, and Xiroey are all in danger now. Xiroey is now out of the pokemon universe, so he can't respawn. Frostwrath isn't part of the Mushroom Kingdom i'd assume, so neither can he. Richard is from earth, so he can't respawn anyway (natural earth rules apply). and Luco is from a seperate demension.]

Back to the story...

Mari respawned in the Mushroom Kingdom. In bowser's castle iirc. Bowser was angry at first; Mari was a tresspasser on his land. But Mari explained her predicament to Bowser. Bowser decided that Mari was of no threat, he let her go. Secretly, Mari decided to seal one of Bowser's airships. She chanced across the Innocent Bowser Jr. and convinced him to lead her to Bowser's airship hangar. Bowser Jr. immediately knew something was wrong with Mari. He insisted on coming with her. Mari declined at first, but Bowser Jr. was adamant. Eventually, the she agreed, then the two of them were off to get back her necklace.

While on the airship, Mari called Sonic. Sonic was working with the Wreck-it-Ralph organization which sponsored between-world travel. Sonic had a fight with the guy who ran the show. Ralph was lost, and the man refused to do anything to help him. He recieved a call from Mari. Mari told him everything that was wrong, and sonic immediately rushed over. (He's the fastest thing alive, so it didn't take long.) Buuutt... as a parting gift... he decided to teach the man he'd been arguing with a lesson. He embarrased him in front of all his viewers, then revealed him for the sick man that he was for leaving Ralph to fend for himself. You can guess, he was mad. But sonic was out of there before he could even call his name.

...Xiroey and Mari eventually met up again at Sydney. Xiroey was traveling with Gliscor and Chryalis at the time. They'd washed up on the beach mysteriously after their trip through Veridian. (I'm not sure how this happened.) Their initial objective was to rescure Charizard from a group of native Yoshi.

...Not so much after a group of hungry birds attacked them. In an insane stroke of luck, they chanced upon the airship that carried Mari and Bowser Jr. Mari rescued them all from the birds, then they all took off together to get back Mari's necklace.

One thing you should know about Mari... She'd stubborn as a mule. She also has an overpowering desire to help those that are close to her. She was sick of feeling like a burdon to everyone. In her condition, she knew she'd only slow everyone down. It was tearing her to pieces inside, but she repressed it. You can probably imagine, it didn't make her deteriorating condition any better. At least... until Gliscor found out.

[Another bit of Backstory: When gliscor was introduced into the story, he was with Charizard in a lab. The two of them were working together on a cure that could purge their body of anything that wasn't made of their genetic code. (Of course... stuff like cell Mitochondrian--which has it's own set of D.N.A.-- isn't effected by the drug). They had a several mutated cells withing their bodies. They were born with them. Slowly, they were eating away at Gliscor and Charizard's lifespans. They'd be dead within the year if a cure wan't found soon. When the story started, they'd finally created the cure. They were extremely excited when they did. Gliscor, in fact, was sooo excited... he blew up the lab.

...And half the town as well.

The angry mob that came after them couldn't stop them though. THey escaped with the cure, later to meet up with Xiroey and Mari's group]

Gliscor believed taht the cure could help Mari. It was a total shot in the dark, but the plan was ingenious. Gliscor took Mari down to a lab at the bottom of the ship. The plan was dagerous, but simple. Gliscor gave Mari a black drug that put her into a state that was only a hair's breth away from death. Then he gave her the cure he crated. It purged everything out of Mari taht wasn't part of her genetic code. Food, essential vitemins (He had to give her an emergency supplement to counteract taht, and of course the black drug. He was also supposed to give her a shot of adrenaline to wake her up... But samshfan wrote that part of teh story.

And he forgot :mad:

Anyway, after Mari was brought near death. Her link to the necklace was destroyed. If the necklace was destroyed, she died. If she died, the necklace was destroyed and the link was broken. Mari was good as new.

(....there was also a big misunderstanding during this part of the story when SOnic walked in on Mari lying on the floor (apparently) dead. And gliscor was the only one in the room with her. Yeeeaaahhh... they got into a fight. Thankfully, Gliscor won.)

A bit later, they came across Smashfan, inside the Halberd. Yay!
Then they came across Muthi and his airship. !!! :mad:

A battle ensued. At first, it looked like our team was about to lose...

But surprise! Charizard appeared! With Valoo!
The battle turned in our favor, and Muhti was forced to rejoin our group.

The story gets very long and extended at this point...
I kinda don't want to go through all of it haha

But, in short, we go through a lot of trials. Through Muhti's betrayal, we find out our main villians. A group of baddies called the Plague. Our group went off in search of the plague. They were attacked at every corner. In the pokemonworld, in the mushroom kindom, in the minecraft world... It was long and... well... we were starting to get bored xD

But then it was plot twist time! >:D

During a slower part in the story, Smashfan played the flute from Super Mario Bros 3. It brought everyone to saffron City.

Everyone Except Xiroey.

Somehow, the plague managed to snatch him up mid teleport. He was brought to plague City. THere, they did performed an experiment on him that inserted something dark into his body, right next to his heart. Xiroey became a shadow pokemon at that instant.

...He was evil for all of 2 story segments, but then it was revealed that he'd escaped the dark influence from whatever was inside him. He became normal again, but he still maintains his shadow pokemon abilities. His eyes, likewise, have remained changed.

Through him, Latias was able to trace Muhti, Smashfan, and Mari's groups down to Plague City. The battle there was greusome. In the end, it all came down to a 3 on 3 battle between Xiroey, Muhti, and Smashfan V.S. the head Plague members. (Mari was K.O.'d at this point) Our team was brought to it's knees. But then...almost everyone that had helped us up to this point showed up.

THen the battle was vastly in our favor.

Then Smashfan pulled his biggest plot twist of all. He brought out Zalgo.
Zalgo was the hardest fight we'd ever done in FF (at least while I was here). We didn't escape unscathed. We won, but at the cost of Smashfan's life.

You guys probably know the story from that point. How the factions were created, and how the war between Xiroey Mari and Muhti began...

--This section is for You Muhti.--

Impact is not a communist organization. In fact, it is a Military government. You see, Impact City is not your run of the mill City...

It is composed 85% of Impact recruits. Nearly everyone in the city is a trained fighter of Impact. Refugees and Impact family members are welcome into the City as well. It is meant as a safe haven.

The way the system works:

The military is in charge of the towns protection. It governs law enforcement around the town. As you can imagine, acting as a cop for a bunch of trained fighters isn't easy. Only the toughest and most trustworthy of Imapact's military can make it into the security force.

THis actually has a good effect on the well-being of the city. The officers are strict, but fair. They do not seek to abuse citizens, only maintain peace. They do not interfeere unless they find that a situation cannot be resolved on it's own (which often it can). THis is because, the whole of Impact City is united in a single cause: TO see the smash world delivered away from war. Since Mari and Muhti came into their respective factions. The two have been expanding and taking over territory.

Obviously, this invonves a fair amount of violence. Many innocents were killed. Impact made it their job to stop the two, and also deliver the lands that were captured by Muhti and Mari's factions away from their forced leaders.

In terms of how Impact is governed: This is done through elected members of town. They have to proove their worth in both Politcal knowlege, character, and trustworthiness. In a way, it's sort of like a Military Democracy. The people act as the leaders, and are elected by themselves. Then the electoral college (Impact) Tests each leader in several key traits, and sees if he or she is fit to rule.

Those people are who make the laws for the city.

Only 7 members are allowed into this position at one time. And all laws are decided on by a vote of majority.
There is no limit to how many times a leader can be elected back, and new elections are held yearly.

Impact also works in conjunction with the Board. As you saw, the board is consisted of each of the head figures from several different lands. (Bowser, Princess Celestia, King Mickey, and a few that have yet to be revealed...)

Together, they try to come to agreements over how to maintain the well-being of the Smashworld as a whole.


Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
(Anyway continuing the story then)

Richard: the match is over mr grubba, i already know the outcome of who wins and rawk hawk is tangled in those ropes, immobilized.

Grubba: Ladies and gentleman, we may have a new champion now.

Rawk Hawk: Nooooo!! (Rawk hawk struggles to untangle himself but makes the tangle even tighter)

Richard: Don't struggle, you'll make the knot worse.

Rawk Hawk: My title... i can't lose it!

Richard: There's bigger things to worry about than your championship title, i have no intention on taking it.

Rawk Hawk:... You're not?

Richard: No. Now hold still while i untangle you (Richard takes out his gun and presses it downward against the ropes and shoots, cutting the rope. Richard gets disqualified though but doesn't care)

Rawk Hawk: Why are you here in glitzville then?

Richard: My friends and i came here hoping to recruit you, and since i just showed you what i'm capable of, would it be enough to convince you to join us cuz we can use all the help we can get?

Rawk Hawk: Yeah, i guess you've proven yourself so i'll join your little group then.

(Richard and Rawk Hawk meet up in inside the building just outside the arena door when suddenly...)


(The group looks over to one of the doors leading to the back of the arena)

Rawk Hawk: Looks like the blue shelled shellshocks want to join as well.

Shellshocks leader: Yo we seen that match you had with the champion, we were impressed and wanted to join your team since we heard you need all the help you can get.

Frostwraith: This is greater than i expected.

Luco: I guess richard's a great crowd pleaser.

Richard: Come on now, you know i did it just for the mission

(The group got an extra member to the team besides rawk hawk, the shellshocks who joined after witnessing richard's speed)



The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
so... the current team consists of:
Xiroey, Luco, Frostwraith, Richard, Pit, Dark Pit, Cynthia, Rawk Hawk and the Shellshockers (consisting on two Shady Koopas and one Shady Paratroopa)

and the Pokémon accompanying them:
Frostwraith's team (Chandelure, Golurk, Hydreigon, Gengar, Rotom and Umbreon), Cynthia's team (Milotic, Gastrodon, Togekiss, Spiritomb, Lucario and Garchomp), Luco's partners (Charizard, Luxray, Pikachu and Riolu)...

Pokémon on storage (may switch in and out of the main teams):
Frostwraith: Froslass
Cynthia: Braviary, Eelektross, Glaceon and Roserade

did I miss someone? I just want to keep track of the current characters as the team is already quite large...

EDIT: No Gliscor, it seems... >_> my mistake!


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley

You guys don't have to read it.

It was meant as a summary on my character, but it kinda turned into a summary as the story as a whole somewhere towards the middle. :p

I put your part at the bottom Muhti. :p


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
wait wait wait....

You guys came to Hyrule Castle when I took over.

I won the battle and explained I wasn't doing anything bad, just helping Dimentio reclaim the kingdom that was enslaved, the Dark Tribe, which is now New Hyrule. After you left, Dimentio was betrayed by the Plague and joined you guys later on.
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