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Forum Fight: The Story Forum

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Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Awww Frostwraith, I wanted to imagine a funny sneaky section where mars follows you two around. Suppose your power don't allow for that. Aww well. :ohwell: :p

Okay, here's my third chapter. And this, is, where, I, start, networking, so to speak. You'll see why but this is an important chapter for everyone in the pokeworld/close to the pokeworld to read. ;)

Whether you incorporate it in to your story, though, or leave it, that's up to you!


A knock on the door at the cabin is heard throughout the forest. A girl of about fourteen years opens the door and exclaims at the wearied Luco with Mewtwo in his hands. "Help... him..." Luco mutters, before they both go down. All the stops further harm from being done is charizard who has Luco's shirt in his teeth.

It was early morning when he woke. The sunlight was shining through the glass and he could hear humming alongside the smell of what must be breakfast. He opened his eyes a little more. The cabin turned out to be one large room, the kitchen taking up a side, the main area in the middle and four beds on the other side. He was on one of them. Mewtwo was on another. A pokemon of great power reduced to this? What happened?

He turned his head over and met the eyes of the girl he saw the night before. She beamed at him. "Breakfast! Bet you want something to eat, don't you?"

"Not sure if i'm that hungry right now but... okay."

He got up, slowly, and went to the table. I wonder what my new powers are? He hadn't tested anything out since the met Mewtwo yesterday. With the girl's back turned, he quickly experimented with a barrier. It was a lot stronger than his first one. Good.

"So what's your name?" Luco asked the girl, as she cooked.

"Oh, uh, mine? I'm Elle!"

"How nice to meet you." Luco was still a little too tired to really mean it but he knew he would later on, besides it only paid to be courteous.

"And..." She prompted.

"Hmm?" Luco stared at her blankly for a few seconds. "Oh, right, sorry. Yes, my name is Luco."

"Well how NICE to meet you, L-u-c-o!" She said, tasting the name, feeling how it went. "And uhh..." She came closer to Luco and whispered in his ear. "Is that really who I think it is?"

The voice inside their heads answered at once.

"I have a name."

In the blur of an eye, Luco was at the wall. The voice inside his head was overwhelming.

"Where is it!? Where is my crystal?"

Oh dud. How did he begin to explain to him what happened?

"I don't have your crystal! I can't get it back! It... it disappeared."


"It dissolved as I touched it... it's hard to explain but I can't explain it if i'm against the wall." Elle's voice came from the kitchen. "Yea! Let him explain..."

He was let down shortly there-after and began to explain his powers to mewtwo. He also explained why he couldn't go straight back and how his power was all throughout the world, likely in people's possession. "That would coincide with when I found the jewel... either way, you won't be free of me until you find me another."

Luco groaned in despair.

"Or one like it."

That was better.

Though he realized when mewtwo woke up that he could use telepathy again, he kept the conversation in the open, as Elle didn't pose a danger and he wanted to keep the conversation open.

"First of all, I need to build this place up. I need a place I can come back to in this world."

Elle spoke up.

"Build up!? Nono, this place is beautiful, how could you bui-"

Luco interrupted her. "Ha, no, not build up in that way. I want this place to be a place where travelers can rest, is all. Gardens and pokemon all around, I've been to the caves here and I think I can make things really great!"

"But... there isn't a lot of variety here, only numbers in the few species that are around this place."

"Yes... and I intend to change that."


The work took a long time. Day by day, they found themselves building this or improving that, keeping this in condition or thinking up plans for more.

The idea was to have a structure in the centre of the valley, as well as one nearby in the treetops which served as a kind of inn. The building in the middle (along the dirt road that was already there) would be a place people could eat. They wanted a bridge across the river to connect the valley with the rest of the region, as the other side only led out to plains and the ocean. The road came to an intersection next to the cafe where it split all four ways. As far as Luco knew, three actually went somewhere while the fourth trailed off in to one of the forests near the lake. He decided hat might be useful for something later on. Two of the paths took routes out of the valley where it opened up and the fourth led to a cave which was nearly empty except for a few zubat living in it. Across from the cafe was a grass clearing. Luco had plans for that but he didn't want to spoil anything for Elle so all he did was construct a park bench alongside a small pond around the side of the clearing and left it at that. The inn was at the edge of the forest, next to the grass clearing and would feature both inside and outside rooms. It was building the inn one day that they stumbled upon a Chancey in the woods... it didn't take very long for the Chancey wanting to help them when Mewtwo explained what was going on.

So they built and worked for a while. It was one day, as they were building a wooden platform next to the cafe that something drastic happened. Elle was still unsure about what would happen after the place got running and didn't really want to be seen with it too much. Luco was working at the platform when...

"Do you notice that?" Mewtwo's familiar voice in his head didn't provoke an action from him at once. It took him a moment to realize that mewtwo was bugged by whatever it was he was noticing. Luco turned around, where mewtwo was standing in the grass clearing. "Hmm?" He replied.

"Notice what?" Luco was sure he was talking about some kind of bug or something else.

"A disturbance-" He was cut off abruptly, looking up.

Above them was a small, pink, pokemon.

Above them was mew.

Immediately Mewtwo lashed out in rage at the legendary pokemon watching them. "What's going on!?" Luco had no idea why they were fighting. "We battled before..." That was all mewtwo said before he was back in battle, teleporting and launching spheres at Mew. They need to stop or they'll risk damaging what we've done. Indeed, that was exactly what happened. A missed attack when soaring past mew... and straight in to Elle's cabin. Five minutes later saw Elee running towards Luco wondering what all the commotion was about.... then she saw her cabin. "Oh no!!" she cried, starting towards the cabin... but Luco held her back. He wasn't sure whether they'd stop if she was in the cross-fire.

"Wait here." He told her. He jumped, slowly going higher and higher until he was at level with the tops of the trees around him. Dang this is gonna be harder than usual. He focused in ward and amplified his voice.

"Stop it! STOP IT NOW!!!!!!"

He caught the attention of the two. They turned toward him mid-air, blinking in surprise.

"See what you have done! Elle's cabin is ruined. Her home is gone. And you fly around like idiots blasting at one another? How could this have all started?"

"We fought before and he won. I need my revenge. I must destroy him."

"And yet have you considered that he did not kill you? When he could have? He sent you away, damaged... but he did not kill you."

That gave mewtwo pause. Mew looked at Luco with eyes that suggested he would have stopped as soon as mewtwo had.

"Then so be it. I do not want him here though."

"But, why? If you two stop fighting, he'll only he-"

"I do NOT want him here."

He floated to the ground and began to stride away. Luco floated to the ground along-side Elle. "What was that about?" She asked. "Why is he walking away?"

"Oh... he'll get over it, I wouldn't worry."

Mew began to giggle above them.


Eventually the valley was in good condition. The cafe and inn had been built... but there was no-one to run them, nor to work there.

"We still need people here... even if it looks like I am working with you." Elle looked at him and stuck her tongue out.

"That won't be a problem. Come with me."

They walked up the hill to where Mewtwo was. Though he had relented towards mew, Luco still often found him on the hill where he had been found not so long ago, staring in to the distance. It was on this day that he found him on a rock not too far away from the site.

"Mewtwo... I think it's time. I need you to send out a message. To anything and everything throughout these lands. Nothing specific, just to let pokemon know that there is a place they can find happiness, freedom, all such things if they feel they do not already have it. Include some memories of this place. Remember the warmth, the feel of sunlight, the lake and cave, the snowy hills, the plains beyond... it's time."

"You are sure? We could attract unwanted attention."

"I know... and I am sure. I do not want to risk the message not getting to anyone that needs it. We can deal with unwanted attention. Let's do it."


Mewtwo began to focus. Luco noticed Mew concentrating as well, a small way away. The force of the power emanated almost knocked Luco and Elle over. "I hope it's not so strong further away from the source! You almost burned my brain out with the strength of those thoughts!"

Even Charizard behind him seemed to be covering his ears. It seemed like the others had hid behind rocks. He was sure if he looked he'd find Pikachu and the others there.

So now... now it begins.

The message was sent.


Okay! That's my part of the story, the last part is the proper part to read but you can read the rest of it if you want as well. Respond if you want, don't respond if not. Hope you enjoy! ^_^


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
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Several Forum Fight Months Elapse...
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Xiroey pulls his hood tighter over his head to keep out the sand. His cloak billows wildly around him as the wild desert winds rip savagely at the fabric. He has to maintain a weak barrier around himself to prevent painful dots of sand from flying up into his eyes. He rasies his arm, draped in long sleeves, and checks a small charm he had nestled across his arm. It was glowing brightly. They were close.

"We're near our destination." Xiroey said to Xatu. It was phrased as a question, but Xatu knew that his ex-pupil already knew the response. He said nothing, choosing instead to focus onward on the path to their destination.

Slowly, the desert began to give away to lush vegitation. The sandstorm gradually weakened, and, slowly, the sun began to peek out overhead. Before long, the two had to stop to dry their shoes, for the ground had become quite wet. "There's been a rain" Xiroey observed, glancing up at the sky. Xatu nodded. The sky was completely clear, save for a few scare clouds. Nontheless, signs of the last nights rain were everywhere. The trees dripped moisture onto the dewy grass below. Several of the rocks were coated in a green blanket of moss. the buzzing of insects could clearly be heard busying around in the warm morning sun.

After some time, the two of them stopped for lunch. Xiroey opened his pack, which he kept hidden behind him benath his cloak. He pulled out a set of expensive looking pots and pans and placed them on down on the wet grass. He then opened up his bag and took out a bit of berries and chopped plants, then tossed them all into the pot. Xatu waited patiently as Xiroey prepared his signature sweet jelly for breakfast. When he was done, he served out a generous helping of the sticky mixture on a pair of two hot biscuts. Xatu took one, and nodded his thanks.

After their bellies were full, the two silently packed up and started again on their way. Xiroey caught minute traces of local wildlife here and there as they went. He felt out with his concsciousness and smiled as his emotions touched that of a small group of sentret. They were nestled away beneath a fallen cluster of rotting logs, and were storing away a supply of nuts for the harsher months that were yet to come.

"We're not far." Xatu said. Regrettably, Xiroey broke contact with his surrounds. Although, he never retracted his scan on his surroundings completely. As a wandering nomad, he was forever cautious.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The two eventually came across a wide bridge. It lead off into a Valley far off in the distance. Xiroey walked over to the edge, and allowed himself to glance off into the far drop below. A thin river snaked it's way between a set of mountains far far below. The drop didn't phase Xiroey however. He was a creature of the sky, and, as such, was not made squeamish by heights. The two of them crossed the bridge.

As they went, they began to be able to make out a wide clearing between the mountains on the other side of the bridge. Xiroey spotted sight of a lake, a cabbin, and a lot of grass. There were trees as well, quite a lot of them in fact. He smiled when he saw that this would be where they'd be resting for some time.

"It's beautiful." He said. He looked over at Xatu and saw that he was smiling as well. Thought of a soft bed and warm food nourished both their spirits. Unconsciously, they both began to quicken their pace. As they drew closer, they began to make out a few scare signs of wildlife here and there. Xiroey reached out with his mind and touched a few of them. He was surprised when he found out that some of the wildlife were releatively new to the area. In fact, three of the species he found had only just migrated to the valley within the month.

"Could it be they also heard the call" Xiroey thought to himself. Xiroey and Xatu had caught Psychic wind of a place of rest not far off from their journey to Mobius. Initially, he had suspected the work of a benevolent spirit. He'd met quite a few of those ever since he embarked on the hard trek with Xatu. But now, it seemed that some other force was at work. His suspicions were stirred for a brief moment. But, then he realized that there were no signs of malice coming from the valley below. The very aura the place gave off was clean and inviting. He dispelled his suspicions. Whoever it was that welcomed them, he decided that they did so out of a genuine desire to help those in need.

They stopped at the edge of the bridge. A well-crafted path led down to the small villiage-like settlement below them. Up this close, he could easily make out pokemon playing in the fields, hanging in the trees, and even a few people here in there. All and all, the place felt warm and friendly. He couldn't wait to settle down for the first time during his long journey.
They started down the path...


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Oooh, fun! Okay here we go!


Since he'd sent out the message, he'd been met with instant success. He'd seen Wingull and Farfetch'd as well as Mudkip on the first week, in addition to more pokemon already throughout the area. He'd also had a fair share of humans and trainers throughout and he'd seen many a pokemon battle in the area. The rules were clear and simple. No catching pokemon in the area, unless they agreed to travel with the trainer first. Maintain a happy atmosphere if possible and have fun. That said, there had been many instances where a wild pokemon would wander on to the battlefield and take the side of one trainer for no other reason than to test their strength.

Luco had also taken in another worker, Jason, a young kid around Elle's age. the two got along really well together and he enjoyed how they worked. Mewtwo often wandered around the area and Mew liked to play in the grass with the kids, odd seeing as he was usually such a shy pokemon. Charizard never strayed far for Luco's side and even he had been challenged to a couple battles of his own. With some training, Shinx had evolved in to Luxio and Riolu was enjoying a job serving dishes to customers on roller skates (because he enjoyed moving around on wheels ;)).

Luco was watching a battle take place. The two contenders were Simipour and Manectric. Though Manectric had the advantage, he was having a tough time with the water pokemon. Simipour never hesitated to blast Manectric with an attack but Manectric in return was having trouble hitting the fast and agile pokemon. However, a surprise came when Manectric's trainer shouted for Manectric to use Thunder. Though a hit-and-miss move, he put it deliberately in front of the Simipour so that she got hit by it when she tried to rush him down. "Manectric is unable to battle!" Justin cried out from the sideline and new pokemon were brought forth to battle. This time it was Torterra against Haunter.

Luco turned away to the path coming from the bridge and was pleasantly surprised when he saw more figures coming through. He began to start towards them to greet them when he realized one was another pokemon. A blue-haired, purple-eyed youth smiled amiably at Luco as he came to him, accompanied by an elderly Xatu. Luco got an odd feeling from the two but he wasn't quite sure what it was. Not powerful enough to read minds. That would save some trouble! He thought wistfully as he approached the two.

"Welcome!" He called. "I assume you got the message ha! Come to train a bit? Eat and rest? Or just enjoy the place? You can stay for as long as you like!"

He waited and prayed their response was a kind one.


Ball is in your court Xiroey. I don't mind if you RP me, i'm just... amiable, trying to be nice, if you think I should notice something then you can put that in. Powers at the moment are: Levitation, gliding, water sphere (works as an attack), water barrier, amplify sound, haste and one other thing I'll reserve for now.

Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
(Meanwhile back at the ship's interior)

Chris: He got away again.

Alice: I wonder where he went this time.

Chris: looks like he left something behind, looks like it was being turned into somerhing more deadly.

(Alice suddenly has a flashback)

Chris: What's wrong?

Alice: Wesker's assistant, i remember just before he disappeared, it looked like he stuck himself with something.

Chris: you don't think...

Alice interrupts: yeah, he turned around slowly and looked at me when his eyes started to glow red.

Chris: Oh boy, now we have two supervillains.

???: I wouldn't be so sure about that.

Chris: Jill?!

Jill Valentine: Hello chris.

Alice: You two know each other?

Chris: Jill and i were chasing after wesker, we got a tip from a source, umbrella's founder jack osbourne, after a run-in jill saved me.

Jill: Yeah, from being thrown out of a mansion window from the top floor.

Alice: i hate to cut in, but where is wesker and his assistant now?

Jill: they're gone, nowhere to be found on the planet.

Chris: How could you know that?

(Jill pulls out a complex target device and shows alice and chris they're not on the radar)

(To be continued....)


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio


The girl: mars I think some one is talking to u... us.

Say wha... I don't no them.. wha? I'm not following you but I must think u for opening up this portal that leads out of that deminsion....

The girl: thought wee would be stuck there for ever.

From here we can get to smash boards land. ....




Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Xiroey looked down at the young man greeting him curiously. A thought nagged him in the back of his mind. It came to him in the form of a small tugging sensation, followed by a sense of urgency and purpose. He Youth gave him a friendly smile. Xiroey decided he'd best not be rude and smiled in turn. He could tell that Luco was nervous, his emotions hit Xiroey like a powerful wave. He had to blink several times to clear his head. Luco's had a powerful mind, Xiroey felt it pressing strongly against his own. He took a deep inward breath to calm himself.

Luco's ears perked up, his mysterious guest was about to speak. "Please please be a friendly response..." He thought to himself. He thought he could defend this place pretty well if worst came to worst and a fight did break out. He was relieved when he saw Xiroey extend a hand to him. A small gem flashed inside a charm across his wrist. "Hi, I'm Xiroey" Xiroey said. He smiled again, genuinely this time. He felt Luco relax, Luco returned the handshake. "Luco." He said as he shook.

He made a small guesture with his head for Xatu to go on. The old bird hadn't said anything yet. Xatu blinked a few times, he'd been staring off into space again (Xiroey knew now that Xatu usually did that when he was recieving a vision from the present or the past) Xatu extended a wing to Luco and patted him on the shoulder. "Well met Luco." He said, then trudged off towards one of the cabins.

Xiroey sweatdropped nervously as he watched Xatu go. What kind of greeting was that? He could've at least given a name or... He nearly jumped when he realized that Luco was staring at him. No, that wasn't it. He was staring at... his wrist? Luco had his eyes trained on the braided charm on his left arm. The gem sparkled dully in the low light inside the canyon. (The sun wasn't fully in the sky just yet), Luco's eyes seemed to shimmer a multitude of different colors along with the gem. Luco almost jumped out of his skin when he saw Xiroey take the charm off and hand it to him.

"Here" he said, placing the charm inside Luco's palm. "I was told that this gem belonged to someone, and that I'd meet that person before the end of the next season. I think that person was meant to be you." Luco closed his hand around the braclet. Then looked up at Xiroey again. "Who are you?" He asked, slightly above a whisper.

Xiroey's eyes widened broadly when he saw that a few chefs near the lake were handing out baked Belue berry tacos. "Ohmygosh! Are those what I think they are!?" Xiroey shouted happily. Luco just looked at him like he'd suddenly sprouted a second head. Xiroey ran over towards the lake, his mouth was already starting to water at the sight of hot food. Luco just watched him go. He scratched his head as he watched Xiroey jump for joy several times shouting "Tacos!!! Tacos!!!"

Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
(Meanwhile after the mysterious zephyr teleported wesker and richard)

Zephyr: well here we are, now i must go.

(Zephyr disappears)

Richard: Come back here, you can't leave us!

Wesker: Where are we?

Richard: Well....(richard takes a look around) from what it seems it's very anime-like.

Wesker: What is that?

Richard: That's a....pokemon, oh no

Wesker: A what?

Richard: Were not supposed to be here, that friend of yours must've wanted to teleport us away from our world to desert us!

Wesker: He's not a friend.

Richard: Well Zephyr just made sure were dimensional interlopers, something i have no intention on being.

Wesker: Well while you sit here blaming the time traveler i'm going to find a way back, with or without you, richard.

(Wesker zips out of sight)

Richard: Wait for me!

(Richard tries to zip but only makes it a few inches)

Richard: Sigh, i'm alone now.

(Wesker strands richard to defend himself, richard has no idea what's to come after)



The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
mars16 posted a continuation, so here comes the rest of the story.
Frostwraith looked at both Mars and the little girl. Since they meant no harm, Frostwraith used his power to open another portal to the Smash Boards land...

"Seems that they passed through a dimensional gap... that's why you shouldn't use this kind of magic too much. Even masters in these arts must be careful or it could create a disturbance in the space-time continuum...", explained Frostwraith.

"I must admit that I never expected a simple human to be able to use such powers. I always thought that they were weak and pathetic...", commented Dark Pit.

"You know what they say... don't judge a book by its cover... When learning the dark arts, I went through great pain and some of my practices nearly cost my life. Anyone can use magic, but not anyone has a mind strong enough to master it. Especially for dark magic."

"That's interesting and all that, but we have something to do, right?"

"Yes, we must talk to Palutena."

Frostwraith and Dark Pit entered in Palutena's Temple, the starting point to many of Pit's adventures. Pit was inside, and so was the goddess.

"Pittoo! You've already returned, huh?", greeted Pit.

"Yes, and he seems to have brought someone else... who might him be?", said Palutena.

"Judging from your looks, you are Pit and Palutena, right?", said Frostwraith.

"That is correct.", confirmed Palutena.

"But who are you, anyway? And why is Pittoo with you?", asked Pit.

"You want answers... I'll give them. I am Frostwraith, a travelling warrior. I've met Dark Pit in Mt. Coronet, and I've helped him to return back here."

"So, did you find Arceus, Pittoo?", asked Palutena.

"No. This warrior said that we need an item called the Azure Flute. We thought you could track it down.", said Dark Pit.

"Of course... now deploying Palutena's Great Item Radar.", said Palutena, teasingly.

As revealed in the temple, the Azure Flute seemed to be in the Ruins of Alph, in the Johto region.

"Ah... the Ruins of Alph. I've been there before. I'll retrieve it for you. What do you think?", offered Frostwraith.

"Me and Pittoo could help, right?", asked Pit.

"Well, I wouldn't mind going with him... but I think he can handle that by himself.", responded Dark Pit.

"Will you go with me or not? Exploring ruins can be dangerous but I think it's nothing you can't handle.", said Frostwraith.

"Come on, Pittoo! Let's go! This will be fun.", said Pit.

"Well... what are we waiting for, then? I'm curious to what are we going to find there...", said Dark Pit.

"All right, are we all set? I'm going to open a portal."

Frostwraith and the angels went through the portal, arriving at the Ruins of Alph.

"I still wonder why would Master Hand wanted to get his... hand... on Arceus.", said Pit.

"We'll find out soon enough.", said Frostwraith.

They entered inside the ruins where they were attacked by a bunch of Unown. Frostwraith sent out his Chandelure, not only to fight back the Unown but to illuminate the way.

"Whoa, is that a living chandelier?", said Pit in amazement.

"Yes, it is a Chandelure. This one is my partner, I've met him since I was mere child.", responded Frostwraith.

The Unown kept coming, but thanks to Chandelure's Shadow Ball attacks, they stood no chance.

"Unown are known for their strange powers. While by themselves, they are flimsy and weak, in groups, they can create all sorts of illusions and even their own dimensions.", explained Frostwraith.

They continued to go deeper into the ruins and found a strange puzzle. Frostwraith spent some of his time to solve it, revealing to be an ancient drawing of a Kabuto. With the puzzle solved, a new path was opened, and, as Frostwraith could feel, the gap between dimensions was smaller in that area.

"I think this will do the trick...", said Frostwraith as he prepared a spell.

"What are you doing?", asked Pit.

"Not now, Pit. I must be focused on this spell or I could destroy this world in a few seconds."

Frostwraith began to cast a dark spell with his Chandelure attempting to commune with the Unown.

"What is it, Chandelure? What are the Unown telling?"

Chandelure made Unown shapes with his flames.

"Yes, I understand... Now let's do this..."

"Search... Increase... Nuzzle... Join... Observe... Help..."

"Hiii-YAAH!", shouted Frostwraith as he launched a spell to open a portal.

"Ugh... that was difficult."

"I don't even know what just happened!", said Pit in total confusion.

"This Frostwraith fellow is sure mysterious...", agreed Dark Pit.

"This portal will take us to the Sinjoh Ruins. That's where the Azure Flute is."

Frostwraith crossed the portal, arriving at the Sinjoh Ruins. There was a house, which Frostwraith and both Pits entered inside to find a Pokémon Trainer... she wore black and had long blond hair. She was, without a doubt, also researching those mysterious ruins. Frostwraith approached her.

continues on the next post... and one cookie for those Pokéfans who guess who that Pokémon Trainer is.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Ohhhh, stuff just got real!


Luco was bewildered at the two guests but could only assume they meant no harm. Thank goodness! He felt his power grow when he touched the gem. He snapped his fingers and a small rain cloud appeared above his head. "Nice to know I can make someone's life very unpleasant if I want to!" He laughed jokingly and got a few curious stares out of the people there. He also put his hands to the ground. A small symbol appeared and the ground 20m away was torn up by water. Best to test these things out where I won't accidentally harm someone else! After clearing that up as best he could, he tried one final trick: Telekinesis. The rock he was focusing on wobbled but did not rise. Not yet then.

He looked at Xatu wandering over to the inn. What a peculiar character. Very kindly... Xiroey looked to be immensely enjoying himself, ordering more Belue berry tacos whenever he remembered he'd eaten his last. Also peculiar... I get the feeling these two are significant in some way. I wonder why? Luco went over with Charizard to where mew was entertaining the kids and sat down awhile on the grass, enjoying the antics of tag and hide-and-seek. He was going to go over and eat when he noticed a trainer calling to him. Another battle? He thought humorously. Alright then!

Unfortunately for the other trainer, Charizard and Luxio had constant advantages over his own grass and water pokemon (respectively). He still put up a good fight and even managed to KO Luxio before Charizard finished the battle with fire blast against Liligant.

As he returned to sitting position, he noticed Xiroey staring at him with a smile. He grinned back and gave a thumbs up. I have no idea who he or his friend is but I get the feeling i'm gonna like these two!


Richard in the poke-world. I wonder how this will turn out?? :O


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Frostwraith Vs. Cynthia! Is this exciting or what?!
Wherever Muhti was... a small sized portal appeared above him, in which from there, a cookie fell, with Muhti picking it up.

Meanwhile in the Sinjoh Ruins, Frostwraith approached the trainer, who noticed his and the angels' presence.

"! Oh, I didn't expect to see someone here... You are a trainer like me, aren't you? You seem powerful and curious about this place too. Right?", asked the trainer.

"Yes. You got it right. I am Frostwraith. And these are Pit and Dark Pit. We are looking for the Azure Flute."

"You are looking for it, too? Let me guess, a giant hand asked you to find Arceus, right?"

"Actually, you are correct. Seems that Master Hand has a reason for that, but I have no idea on what would that be..."

"Before anything else, I must let you know, who I am: Cynthia, Champion of Sinnoh."

"Well met, then, Cynthia. As a fellow trainer, seeking to become stronger, I have a favor to ask. Would you battle me?"

"Of course. My Pokémon are already excited inside their Poké Balls. Let's get this started outside!"

Cynthia, Frostwraith and the angels went to the frozen ruins to initiate battle.

♪ Music: Vs. Cynthia Remix

"All right, let's begin! Go Spiritomb!", said Cynthia.

"Umbreon, do your best!", shouted Frostwraith.

Cynthia's Spiritomb started the battle with Shadow Sneak, hitting Umbreon with slight damage, thanks to his resistance.

"Umbreon! Toxic!", ordered Frostwraith.

Spiritomb was now poisoned, it wouldn't last much longer. Spiritomb attempted to use Will-O-Wisp, only to miss. Umbreon retaliated with Payback, dealing more damage on Spiritomb. With the posion taking effect, Spiritomb collapsed, becoming unable to fight.

"You will put up a good fight! Go, Togekiss!", said Cynthia.

Frostwraith's Umbreon used Toxic on Togekiss, who countered with Air Slash. Landing a critical hit, Umbreon went down. Frostwraith sent out Froslass, who outran Togekiss and delivered a powerful Blizzard knocking Togekiss out. Cynthia recalled Togekiss, switching him with Lucario, who delivered a powerful Dark Pulse on Froslass, rendering her unable to fight.

"Now is your turn, Chandelure! Fire Blast!" yelled Frostwraith, as he sent out his Chandelure.

Chandelure's attack was so fierce, Lucario didn't stand a chance, prompting Cynthia to switch to Gastrodon, who had type advantage against Chandelure. Chandelure, however, managed to outspeed him, attacking him with an Energy Ball, resulting in Gastrodon's demise.

"This is getting even more intense! Go, Milotic!", said Cynthia, in excitement.

Frostwraith switched out his Chandelure to Rotom, but even so, Milotic's Surf managed to defeat Rotom with ease. Frostwraith's hope was Gengar, who attacked with Thunderbolt, but Milotic resisted. Using Mirror Coat, Milotic retaliated, finishing Gengar off.

"Chandelure, Energy Ball!", ordered Frostwraith.

Chandelure managed to fire the projectile, defeating the already weakened Milotic. With already five Pokémon out, Cynthia sent her powerhouse: Garchomp, who quickly defeated Chandelure with a mighty Earthquake attack.

Now both Cynthia and Frostwraith were evenly matched. Frostwraith had his Hydreigon, Cynthia had her Garchomp.

Dragon vs. dragon, who will win? You decide!

Vote for Frostwraith's Hydreigon or Cynthia's Garchomp when posting.

1 for Hydreigon - Xiroey
0 for Garchomp


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
The next night brought with it a cold northernly wind. Xiroey sat atop a rock overlooking a vast lake in the middle of the valley. The cold nipped at him as the wind blew at his cloak. He had to keep his arms wrapped tightly around himself to keep out the chill. He chanted a few lines to himself in an ancient language, allowing the spirits of the present, future, and past to touch his mind. His senses opened up much farther than before. Soft sleeping thoughts touched him through his link, as his consciousness brushed past each of the inhabitants that were sleeping in their homes. He extended his link further, and was able to feel out each of the marine water and grass pokemon that inhabited the lake. A hungry sensation hit him as he brushed against the conscious of a hunting noctowl, his mouth watered as he felt it close in on a sleeping raticate.

He climbed down from the rock, and walked out onto the lake. His feet created small ripples on the surface of the water as he passed over it. He kept his mind relaxed and open. He no longer had any fear of falling into the freezing waters below. After hard months of training, he felt completely at home on the surface of the water. He began making fluid sweeping guestures with his arms. His feet glided smoothly over glassy surface. He started off slowly at first, but after a while, he quickened his pace. He began to skating across the lake as if it were made of ice. He leaped up into the air and twirled around like a figure skater, then came down easily without a splash. Still, the dance became even more erratic when he begin to move the water around him. He went up on a thin sliver of water, and skated back down onto the lake. He created entire waves at times, often allowing the water to carry him high into the air. He jumped off of one wave and allowed it to crash onto the edge of the lake as he came back down on solid ground. He opened his eyes, shutting of the link between himself and the environment, and suddenly he was himself.

Without a word, he began to make his way back to the cabin where he and Xatu slept. His beathing was hard, but his mind felt calm. Thoughts of war and blood, and of betrayal and conflict, they were far from his mind as he tucked himself snugly into bed. "One more week..." He thought to himself just a little while before he fell asleep. They'd stay there for one more week, then they'd have to move on. Though he was loathe to have to leave this place, he knew that their mineature vacation couldn't last forever.

Still, he knew he still had quite a bit of time to enjoy his stay here and hang out with some of his newly aquired friends. "I should go visit that Luco fella tomorrow" He decided with a yawn. He felt something strage while he was around Luco. Almost like...

Whatever he was about to think was lost. He couldn't keep his eyes open any longer. He began to snore softly as he drifted off into a deep dreamless sleep.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

My vote goes out to Hydreigon.
He was an invaluable partner back when I used to own Pokemon White :006:


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
(If we're doing music, this is the music i'd like to be associated with. Either this or a few other 4th/5th/1st gen battle themes: )

Vs. Luco! :p

Tough call on which poke should win. :o

Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
(Meanwhile after wesker abandons richard)

Richard: okay now to find a way back.

(As richard starts to walk, something grabs him)

Richard: Release me at once!

(Richard looks downward at the arms, and realizes that a beartic has grabbed him)

Richard: Put me down.

(Richard is then hauled off somewhere)

Richard: Now i feel like a damsel in distress.



Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
That battle theme doesn't suit me.


This on the other hand....

In the beginning it's me sending my army troops out, then it pauses (you see me in the thick cloud of smoke) and then it begins to have the dark feeling yet upbeat, like the battles.


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
I definately see what you mean.
I was sticking to a pattern of pokemon remixes tho :p

Otherwise, I would have used this:


Same basic conscept.
The begining part is the build up.

Then towards the end comes the part where the actual battle begins. ;)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

...And just for the heck of it, this one is mine :p



Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Luco wants me to make a plot twist :3

Should I do it?

I love being the villain. I wanted Light Yagami (Im a Gay if you spell it backward :awesome:) I wanted Dimentio to win in SPM. but that ain't happening. And I always wanted a villain to win because good guys disgust me.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Everybody wants me to make a plot twist :3

Should I do it?
Sure why not?

I really liked dementio in SPM, I thought he was gonna be the good guy and then he turned and I was like "I HATE YOU DEMENTIO GO TO THE UNDERWORLD WHERE YOU BELONG!"

Yea I think a bit more happiness can be done before we run in to our complication. I'm yet to get other fairy pokemon involved because I can't get over the idea of them all playing together. :p

EDIT: Is it still ok if we post something un-related?


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Sure why not?
It may take me a few hours to think of one. But feel free to post something NOT INVOLVING ME NOR MY TEAM.

I just thought of one :3

But Im very tired, are you guys willing not to post for a few hours?


Xiroey woke up steadily. He looked to his side to see Xatu still sleeping. Hm, the old bird isn't awake. Maybe I'll go check out Luco. The Eon finally woke up fully and started his way down to Lucos cabin of some sort.

"Hey Xiroey!", Luco said, scaring the blueg. Pokemon. He was obviously planting a cactus.

Xiroey smiled weakly and complimented the cactus's appearance.

"Thanks! But you know what would look better on the cactus?", Luco questioned.

"Not sure.... Ornaments?", Xiroey answered.

"Nope.... It's your blood...", Luco smirked, he picked up a phone while Xiroey was in shock. "Sir I located the Eon" He put the phone on speaker.

"Good, kill him, we'll send General Arceus to help you", the voice answered.

God damnit!, Xiroey thought quickly. You can never trust anybody anymore Xiroey furrowed his eyebrows.

"Bring it!", Xiroey roared his battle cry and rushed at Luco.

Xiroey v. Luco


Sorry for making it short. I made Luco a bad guy now! Happy with the short plot twist? :troll:


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
I wouldn't mind not poting for a while.

But, if Muhti decides not to write a plot twist, then I don't mind doing one.



Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Awww, but wait i'm confused. Are you using illusion and pretending to be me or is this mind control or am I not supposed to know or if Xiroey's not supposed to know but I am then you can always PM me i'm going crazy. >.>


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
You're going crazy.

You are the bad guy like me silly! *ruffles hair for a few seconds*


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
(Shameless Wreck-it Ralph reference)

"But I don't wanna be the bad guy any-" Wait that doesn't work. >.>

But, but I had plans and (you crazy) now I have to figure out a way to untangle myself the heck out of this mess! :mad: :p >.>

EDIT: I can work with it... for a while.


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
You're a bad guy. You CAN'T untangle yourself.

It's called a plot twist for a reason buddy :troll:


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
I made everything complicated again!

Because Im that badass *removes sunglasses slowly*


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
I know... but you didn't follow storyline. Suppose plot twists are there for a reason. :p

Oh but Muhti... you've forgotten one very, very important thing.


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Xiroey mentioned he was going to see you the next morning, and he did....

Anyways... Another part to this amazing plot twist.


Xatu finally woke up stiffly, rubbed his eyes because he saw a blur of yellow and purple.

"Hello Xatu. Long time no see...", Dimentio said with a smile.

"Dimentio, what brings you here?", the old bird questioned.

"Well... Since Xiroey is fighting Luco. I might as well sell this amazing floro sprout!", Dimentio yelled like Billy Mays.

"I don't want no damn florosprout", the bird grunted.

"Too bad! You have no choice with a price of $0!!!", Dimentio shouted and put the florosprout which also is attached to Xatus heart.

"And, survey says?", Dimentio peered near Xatu.

"I am sorry for disobeying you", the mind controlled Xatu apologized.

"Good, good back to the Castle eh?"


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley

Its an interesting idea, but even plot twists need some sort of relevant build up.

Like, someone does something that you re-interprate as a hint toward a much larger plan.

Theres just... nothing linking Luco up with any evil organizations. Perhaps you could've set him up as a dark mage or something?

Re-interpreted his workings at the valley as a way to gather a slave army?

The whole point of plot twists, is that they work as part of the plot.

If you get what I mean :V


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio
She not a little girl

Finally were back

The girl: great were back were we started.

You no.... I never got to no your real since the time I met you at that party and the other stuff.

The girl: I will never tell you my name. Ill never tell anyone my name.

But why?

the girl: because you....*subject changes* wasn't smash boards destroyed?

Yea it does seem abit different....




Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
I dunno, I suppose I could be 'brainwashed' but it wouldn't take long for Xiroey to realize that. All it would do is buy you time to do something (for instance, kidnap Xatu, etc etc.).



The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Hmmm... no one's voting on the outcome of Frostwraith's battle with Cynthia?

I will write the rest of my story by the end of the day (if the world doesn't end, that is).


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
I was thinking Dimentio out the florosprout on Luco while he was asleep since nobody was never around him. He was just a distraction so Dimentio could brainwash Xatu.


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Dawn of the final day

Less than 12 hrs remain

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"That's the spirit! Give it everything you've got!" Xiroey bellowed as Luco rushed him yet again. Luco's hands crackled with magical energy, he hurled condensed balls of water at Xiroey which flew at incredible speeds. Xiroey was able to bat them all away easily without rasing a finger. "Dammit!" Luco cursed as he saw his attack fail again. He kept up his asault, trying desperately do deal some sort of damage on the Eon wherever he could. All his attempts failed.

"Dammit Dammit Dammit!" Luco cried angrily. He was getting nowhere. Xiroey just stood there in the same spot he hadn't moved from since the fight began. He raised an eyebrow when he saw Luco levitate up into the air and gather up an especially large orb of water in front of him. Xiroey folded his arms and waited patiently for him to finish.

"It won't do you any good you know..." Xiroey yawned. Luco let the orb of water fly. Xiroey sighed when he realized that there was no getting though to him. "He's just going to keep attacking me until he finally manages to beat me into the ground..." Xiroey thought tiredly to himself. He let the orb of water come. He figured there'd be no point in trying to block this one, because that'd only prompt Luco to try again. Instead, he did as he had done a million times before in practice.

He took a deep breath and cleared his mind. He felt his consciousness expand again as closed his eyes and felt out his surroundings. Faintly, he felt a small impact as the orb of water hit him. As a dragon type, he was resistant to water. And since Luco's water spheres techically counted as a special attack, a single Calm Mind was all he needed to shrug the attack away. Amongst the various consciousness in the background, Xiroey could pick up the powerful feelings of bloodlust that were comming off of Luco. He realized that, somehow, they didn't feel right. Almost like the emotions weren't his own.

"I see... So you're being controlled" Xiroey said with his eyes still closed. Luco's response was to try to blast Xiroey with various water attacks again and again. He levitated a rock and launched it at Xiroey's head. For the first time, Xiroey felt a small ping of conscern, his Calm Mind wouldn't be able to guard him against anything physical. He raised his arm and tossed up his Reflect. The rock rebounded off the barrier and fell harmlessly away with Xiroey taking only minimal damage. "My friend should be done right about now." Xiroey said, seemingly out of the blue.

Luco had paused his attacks for a brief moment to catch his breath. He had his hands down on his knees and was breathing hard. Xiroey saw that Luco was exhausted and siezed his chance.

"Come with me" Xiroey said, "This place is no longer safe".

At first, Luco looked over at him like he'd just announced something crazy; like he had the eiffel tower in his pants. Then his eyes cleared, and he felt himself being pulled out of Muhti's control. Luco fell backward as he began to feel himself getting dizzy.

"W-what happened just now?" Luco asked. Man his head hurt. He looked up and saw that the blue haired kid was standing a few feet away from him. Why was he soaking wet?

"Feeling better?" Xiroey asked with a smile. Luco blinked like he had no idea what was going on. "Don't worry" Xiroey laughed "You should stop feeling dizzy soon. Just give it a few moments". Luco's head cleared, and finally he was able to speak. "It's you again... what happened just now? Why is the ground wet?" He swore again when he realized that he was standing in mud.

"Great... I just washed these shoes" Luco complained.

Xiroey grin widened. He wakes up in the middle of the night in the middle of a soaking wet battlefield, and the first thing he decides to complain about is his shoes. Xiroey walked over and helped Luco stand up. He washed a bit of water over his shoes to help clean the mud off, and Luco looked up at him with wide eyes. "You know water magic?" He asked unbelieving.

Xiroey's response was to raise his hand to the sould dew around his neck, and suddenly his black cloak reappeard around him. Luco stumbled back in surprise. He nearly tripped in the mud again, but Xiroey shot out a hand to steady him.

"Careful" Xiroey said, helping him back up.

Luco uttered a low "thanks", then his face reddened when he ralized that his question still handn't been answered.

"Who are you, and where did you learn magic?" Luco asked, starting Xiroey directly in the eye.

"You certainly don't waste any time getting to the point." Xiroey chuckled.

Luco wasn't smiling.

Xiroey cleared his throat, he figured that now would be a good a time as any to let the kid know.

"I'm Xiroey" He said, extending his arm to Luco again just like when they first met. "I'm a Sage."

Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
(Meanwhile after richard got grabbed and carried off by a beartic, he was then dropped off at a forest)

Richard: Thanks for kidnapping me, i should sue you.

(The pokemon pays no mind and walks off)

Richard: Ok now to see where this leads....(wanders through thick trees for a half hour before he comes up to a cave)

Richard: I've got a bad feeling about this (richard enters the cave and stumbles upon a familiar face).

Zephyr: Well if it isn't Wesker's assistant!

Richard: Zephyr!

Zephyr: i suppose you want revenge for me taking you from your precious world huh?

Richard: What i'd like for you to do is to take me back to my dimension!

Zephyr: No can do, crackerjack, you see my goal is to rule all the realms of each dimension, while all the inhabitants can do is watch in fear.

(Richard suddenly gets a sharp pain and has a vision of wesker abandoning him, richard's eyes flash red).

Richard: I won't let you.

(Richard then zips toward Zephyr and succeeds at grabbing him)

Zephyr: How can you be faster than me?!

Richard: Simple, a little of the t-virus can do wonders if the dna bond is strong enough. Now teleport me or else

Zephyr: There's no need to be rash!

Meanwhile elsewhere....
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