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Forum Fight: The Story Forum

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Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.


Muhti: ...Fine.

(Muhti shakes Mari hand quickly.)

Muhti: :glare: But don't think we're BFF's or anything. I still hate you. Just slightly less now.

Mari: Meh, Good enough.

Sonic: So...Should I call...?

Mari: Nah. You can go.

Sonic: OK.
If you need anything...

Mari: Sonic. I'm gonna be fine. Trust me.

Oh, and If you see Xiro, Tell him to meet us at GUN HQ, OK?

Sonic: Aw, not there...OK....

(As Sonic runs out the door, Dimentio puts his hand to his chin and thinks for a bit before speaking up.)

Dimentio: Word of this truse will spead like wildfire...

Mari: That can't be.

Muhti: What?

Mari: We want the person who wants us to fight to still think we're mortal enemies.

Muhti: OK...HEY! Waitaminute! What about that spy?

Mari: Spy...?

Dimentio: Word on the street is that you have someone ploting to stab you in the back. It's rumored to be the one you left in charge during your leave.

Mari: Oh, no! :bee: Uncle T would never do that.

(Muhti was about to answer back when he processed what Mari just said.)

Muhti: Uncle T...?

Dimentio: Last I checked, You didn't have any family left, Mari.

Mari: He's not my Uncle by blood....But I do consider him as family.
He's the one that brought me up after my parents were....you know...

Muhti: ...And you didn't tell us this because...?

Mari: You didn't ask! :)

Dimentio: Great...So who is your uncle?

Mari: Oh, It's someone very famous. We all know him, and he's helped in the evacutation of the whole Plauge Union mess...

My Uncle is Commander Tower of the Guardian Unit of Nations.



---GUN HQ---

Commander Tower: So...You better have a D*mn good reason to come here...
Sonic the Hedgehog.

Sonic: I do. Mari and some other friends are coming to plan or something.

Commander Tower: Mari and...?

Sonic: Xiro, his Friends, Muhti, his-

Commander Tower: You mean my neice is with that pyscotic Manic?!

Sonic: She's negotiating with him...Don't worry, She'll be fine...

Commander Tower: She better be, or else I'll have your hide as a trophy.

Sonic: Sheesh....

Commander Tower: Agent Shadow?

(Shadow the Hedgehog walks in from the corner of the room.)

Shadow: Commander. Faker.

Sonic: Good to see you too, McPoutnStine....

Commander Tower: As we can all tell, The explotion on the border came From Mari's Fraction. And I know for a fact that my neice would not attack unless unprovoked.

I would like to pin this on the Muhti boy...but it's not his fault eather...

Sonic: So?

Commander Tower: Our spies have stationed around the area captured this photo...Just before they were assasinated.

(Commander Tower brought up a blured picture on a huge computer showing a hedgehog shaped shadow...With lime green eyes.)

Shadow: It...It can't be...

Sonic: Aw, Mari's not gonna be happy about this....

Commander Tower: We can comfirm that This "Shadow Being" Is none other then...

Mephiles the Dark.[/COLLAPSE]


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Muhti's City
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Xiroey: Note to self... Never let Charizard come up with the plan...

Charizard: *snort* Quit your complaining you big baby.
I got is all in didn't I?

Xiroey: Yeah... But...

-Xiroey looks around at the large mob of people fans filling up the town square-

Xiroey: These people are from Earth Charizard...

Charizard: I know. That's why I had you turn your hair blue.
All you had to do was play us off as your pokemon and we fit right in.

Xiroey: *groan* Yeah but...
These people...

Random Cosplayer: Woooooooowwww!~
That costume!

How did you get your hair to look like that?
You look like someone straight off of Shojin~

Xiroey: Uhhh...

Teenage Inuyasha: Hmph~
This guy's costume ain't so great.

One good slice of my Tetsaiga ougta cut the chump down to size...

Female Crona: Iiiiiiii.... Don't think that's such a good idea...
I don't know how to handle violence like that...

Xiroey: Can we please get out of here...?

Charizard: ...Both of you get on my back.



Smash Apprentice
Jun 28, 2012
-as they fly off into the distance,one young,sad looking child stares...his name?Royal...-

Royal:That was interesting to say the least...
-suddenly a large shadow looms overhead!It's Muhti's bodyguard!Ganondorf!!!-
-Royal starts running,screaming for help but nobody comes...-
-Suddenly a braviary lands next to Royal-
Royal: No..no...no...noooo!He's got me!!!
Ganondorf:What's that bird doing??? Shoo!!!Get out of here you stupid feather covered nest sniffing pile of sh-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Royal:was...was that brave bird???
-A man in a cloak walks by,and speaks in Royal's mind-
?: Hello there,I couldn't help but notice your predicament,shall I help?My name Is Gal-er...just call me Sir...
Sir:no problem Royal
Royal:wait,how do you know my name?*crack*
-everything goes black-

this'll be fun!


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.

1. Commander Tower is the boss of GUN, or The Guardian Unit of Nations, Which played a vital role in The game Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic Heros, Sonic Adventure 1 and 2, ect....

2. Mephiles the Dark is a demon of darkness (Who Looks like Shadow.) bent on destorying everything and everyone alive or breathing and was the main villan in Sonic Next Gen. (Better known as Sonic 06)

3. More info on both characters can be found on Wikipedia or The Sonic Wiki....

4. So we're suppose to fight? OK...I'll see what I can do....

5. (Muhti already knows this part.) You know how Smashfan had a thing for the Changling Queen? Well, Mephiles has a thing for Mari.... To add some suppence....


----Mephiles the Dark----

----Commander Aberaham Tower----



Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
[COLLAPSE="Part 1"] Muhti: Da-...Wha...But...


Mari: It's a long and complicated story...

Dimentio: And I thought I had weird family Ties....

Mari: Uncle T's not weird...He...Just dosen't like anyone that's not human or of sound mind....

Muhti: In which case, We'll get along juuuust fine....*Slasher Smile*

Mari: Uh...Muhti?

Muhti: Thanks for telling me your secrets...friend....

(In a swift move, Muhti flips the table over and while Mari was dazed, He stabs each of her sholders to the wall. Mari screamed in pain.)

Muhti: You think I would fall for that old trick? Bury the hachtet? Forgive and Forget?

Mari: Muhti...

Muhti: Please, Mari. If you we're going to double cross someone, do in a way that is actually effective.

Mari: Muhti...Don't....This isn't what Smashfan Wanted-

Muhti: Who cares about what Smashfan wanted?! HE'S DEAD! GET OVER IT!

(There were a few tense seconds of scilence.)

Muhti: It's time for a NEW World Order....and this time,

It dosen't involve you.

---Cut to outside the city, In the outskirts of the Lake, where we can hear Mari's screams in the background. Hidden in the shadows was Mephiles the Dark.

Mephiles: ...Excellent....Now it begins....But first.

A little...Challange...For Xiro....

(Mephiles disappears in a cloud of darkness.)

(Meanwhile, Mari is laying in a pool of her own blood, trying despreately to stand.)

Mari: Muhti...why.....

Spirit: You know what this means, Mari. War.

Mari: Just...what i didn't want....Spirit...

Call...your brother....please...........before....

(With that, Mari fell to the ground, not moveing....)


[COLLAPSE="Part 2"]---GUN HQ---


Shadow: What is it, Faker? Dreaming about eating a chilli dog?

Sonic:...Something's wrong with Mari.

Shadow: How do you know?

Commander Tower: I knew it!

(Commander Tower presses a button on the computer.)

GUN Soldier: Sir?

Commander Tower: I want all available units to converge on Muhti's Fraction! Find my Neice!....And if she's hurt in anyway...

Go forward with Protocall "Night Sweep"

GUN Soldier: Sir, yes, SIR! All right men! MOVE!

Shadow: Protocall "Night Sweep"...?

Commander Tower: If Muhti Really did do any harm...Then by all means, if it's a war he wants, It's a war he'll GET!

All GUN bases on all Seven Continents! This is Commander Abraham Tower.

Let's make some war.

Shadow: Sir, I don't think this is such a good idea...right, Sonic?...Sonic?

Commander Tower: I would assume he went to go help Mari.....Very well. At least the Hedgehog is on our side. Shadow, I want you and Team Dark to Track down Mephiles the Dark. And I want him ALIVE.

Shadow: For what reason?

Commander Tower: It's not your place to ask, Agent Shadow. I thought we talked about this.

Shadow:...Right away, Sir....[/COLLAPSE]


Smash Apprentice
Jun 28, 2012
Muhti,I'm apparently fighting you,or your evil twin...hm.....I have an idea now...good...


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
[COLLAPSE="That Night..."]

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Muhti's City
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

(???): You'll catch your death out here in the cold you know.
-Xiroey sits with his legs dangling off of the tallest building in the city. The cold night air nips at him through his jacket as he takes in the view.-

Xiroey: ...Charizard...
-Charizard walks over and plots down next to him-

Charizard: Yeah? What is it?

Xiroey: *sighs* Why are we here...?

Charizard: Hmm?
Xiroey, you should already know why we came here.

Xiroey: ...
-Charizard grumbles, then scoots closer and places his wing around Xiroey's shoulder.-

Charizard: You Idiot...
You know you can't be out here in the cold for very long.
-Xiroey says nothing, although his hands finally stop shaking from the cold.-

Charizard: You still care for them don't you?

Xiroey: ...

Charizard: ...
You know, typically when you call someone over, it tells them that you actually plan on saying something.

Spill it. What's on your mind?

Xiroey: ...Charizard... I'm scared.

Charizard: ...Yeah?
-Charizard takes a look down at the long fall ahead of him. He might've recoiled a bit from it, except that he was well acustomed to heights by now.-

Charizard: Frankly, I'd consider you a fool if you weren't...
-Xiroey groans unhappily-

Xiroey: Charizard, stop quoting movies. I'm serious right now.

Charizard: I know. So am I.
-Xiroey goes silent for the longest time before speaking up again. He opens his hand like he usually does when he calles Lysander up, but instead, an unfamiliar weapon appears there.-

Xiroey: Just looking down at how peaceful things are below. It's almost like... these people...

It's like they've been living this way all their lives. I know there are probably some who wish things would go back to the way they were; but, with time those people will become less and less.

Pretty soon, this will become the norm.

Just thinking about it, I realize... things are changing so fast...
-Charizard looks at him curiously.-

Charizard: But you still didn't answer my question.

Xiroey: No.
That's part of it.

Charizard... Is it really right for us to launch an assault against these people? They don't want this war any more than we do. All they want is to go about their lives and live peacefully as before.

Why should they have to pay for our mistakes?
-Xiroey is surprised when Charizard chuckles-

Xiroey: ???

Charizard: *snorts* Sorry.
Just now... You reminded me of someone else I used to know.

Xiroey: Huh?

Charizard: Heheh... Don't worry about it.
Kid, your heart's in the right place.

Sure, you'll occasionally come across things in life that you can't change.
Maybe they'll be a war, maybe there wont.

But if worst comes to worst, and these three do evenually end up duking it out--The best you can do is to give it your all, and fight so that fewer people have to suffer for crimes that aren't theirs.

Xiroey: But that's just it!
I did give it my best!

And you know what I got because of it?
-Xiroey lets the unfamiliar weapon fade, then brings Lysander into his hands. The usually long shaft was cut jagged at one end. He holds two metal rods in his hand instead of one, apparently the weapon had been split in half.-

Xiroey: *sniffing*

Lysander was a testiment of my will... It was given to me so that I could help those who couldn't otherwise help themselves...

It's very name, "Liberator" was given to it because of my old resolve to free the innocent from oppression.


Charizard: Yet...?

-Xiroey throws looks for a second like he's about to throw the weapon fragments off the building. But he lets them both fade instead.-

Xiroey: Charizard... I almost died...
I did give it my all.

But in the end, my all wasn't good enough.

Charizard: Yeah, but you didn't right?

Xiroey: *grumbles*

Charizard: The simple fact is:
You're still here.

And since you're still alive, that just means that you'll have to work harder and get stronger.

Xiroey: ...

Charizard: ...
Tell you what.

When we finish up our work here, I want you to come with me to Mt. Discipline. I'll train you.

-Xiroey's ears perk up at that-

Xiroey: W-wait... You mean...?

Charizard: It's been a while, I've benen looking for someone to pass
my teachings on to.

I see now.
The person worthy of learning the secrets that I know...

Xiroey, prepare for the training session of your life.



Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
A black mist exits Muhtis mouth. "Ugh.... What happened?", he grumbled. "YOU DONT KNOW WHAT YOU DID?!!?", the bracelet on Maris wrist bellowed. Muhti looked at the bloody Mari. "Wh-who did this?", Muhti cried out. Spirit sighed, "YOU ALMOST KILLED HER?!"

"What are you talking about? All I remember was Mari asking for tea, then I blacked out, now I'm here I guess.", Muhti innocently said.

"Mephiles..... He enjoys screwing with peoples minds.... He must've done it.... But how is the question.", Spirit acceptably answered.

After that there was a sudden burst through the door.

"Hello Sonic", Dimentio slurped his tea.

"Uhhh, first off..... WHAT HAPPENED TO MARI?!", he yelled out.

"Mephiles took over Muhtis body and used him to almost kill Mari" ,Spirit repeated to Sonic.

"Speaking of Mephiles... He may be working with the Impact", Sonic concluded.

Dimentio spat out his tea, " WHAT?!"

"So that means....", Muhti questioned

"Our Impact buddies are at New Hyrule City", Uncle T pantily (he just ran up 50 flights of stairs) cried out.

Mari slowly got up and faced everybody, "Ow... Everything hurts... MUHTI YOU ARE DE- Uncle T?"

Uncle T looked at Mari, "It was Mephiles hon, not Muhti"


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Mushroom Kingdom Skies
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Lucario: You're.... both.... insane!!!
We are going to be in so much trouble when we return to impact.
-Beneath him, Latios unleashes an ear-piercing shriek-

Charizard: Yeah! That's what I like to hear!
Screw impact!

Lucario: W-what!?!
-Latios grins and picks up speed-

Latios: Hang on.

Lucario: *gulp* Hang on to wha--aaaAAAAAAAAAAAA!
-Latios goes into a steep dive. He angles himself down toward the battlefield where Mari and Muhti's factions duking it out.-

Latios: Lets put an end to this.

- - - Writing style shift - - - -

The two factions never knew what hit them. Latios hit the ground running, transforming back even before he even hit land . He targeted a man with a heavy staff first, and knocked his legs from under him. Then he snatched the man's staff away from him, and snapped it on his knee as he fell.

Charizard was immediately in the action as well. His body began to glow again with millions of swirling colors, then he slugged a poor man in the chest. The force of it knocked him out before he even had a chance to realize what was happening.

Lucario was a tad confused at first. A small woman wielding poweful magic shot at him with a fiery missle. After that, he was on full alert. He unleashed his aura sphere at it, and the two attacks clashed. Smoke billowed up from the resulting collision, and lucario was on the woman just as she realized her attack had failed. Latios laughed in excitement as he succesefully disabled his sixth opponent. His next was a tall man dressed up like the knights of templar. The man fixed Latios with a steady gaze. Latios took note of the man's expert stance, and the tall shield standing in bewteen the knight and himself. "Didn't you hear?" Latios called over "We're putting an end to this petty war here and now! You got any problems with that"? The man didn't respond. Latios noticed the knight was shifting himself over into into his blind spot for a surprise attack. He didn't move, he let the knight get himself into position, and held out his arrogant facade to draw the man in.

"Scoot around all you like old man. You won't be able to touch me."

Just as he said that, he heard clanking over to his right. Latios stidestepped just as a mighty battle axe came down and nearly cleaved off his head. He took a moment to admire his reflection in the shiny metal, then rushed up at the man's exposed front and delivered a powerful Thunderbolt there.

Needless to say, Electricity and metal don't mix. The man never stood a chance. He went down with a heavy clang. Tiny sparks danced around the man's torso from the gaping hole Xiroey's attack left in his chest.

Charizard enjoyed similar success. He was the equivalent of a massive army tank. That is, if the tank had been filled up the the brim beforehand with a million jolts of caffiene. He was little more than a faint grey blur on the battlefield. Every now and then, a member of Mari or Muhti's factions would catch sight of it, then it'd be the last thing they'd ever see. He sped around, crushing torsos, splitting heads, bashing in skulls... After a while, many of the men on the battlefield lost heart and ran. Those that decided to retreat, charizard left alone. Still, the massive pile of destruction he left in his wake was staggering.

Surprisingly, Lucario was just as efficient. He wasn't quite as fast or powerful as the black brute, but he was just as effective. One group of seasoned veterans made the mistake of charging him head-on. It took lucario all two seconds to fry the pair with a giant aura sphere, and the two were no more. Lucario lashed out with an almost infinite supply of attacks. He nailed one man in the heart with a ThunderPunch, then delivered a solid blow to another's adam's apple with his Iron Tail. One especially unfortunate guy, probably the most egotistical of Mari's bunch, managed to annoy successfully annoy Lucario with a bunch of arrogant jeers. Lucario calmly walked up to the man, and delivered a swift metal claw to his neck, then he was no more.

The battle was over almost before it started. After seeing most of their freinds and comrades go down, the final few stragglers finally decided to abandon the fight, and took off for each of their respective territories. The trio merely laughed and watched the people run. They had succesfully managed to end a battle between two mighty factions in a matter of minutes.

"That's it! Run cowards! Run, and don't ever let me see your stinkin' sorry faces again!" Charizard jeered.

Lucario smiled contently and gave his neck a few much needed cracks. "That was quite invigorating indeed" Lucario sighed.

"Invigorating? We kicked both their sorry hides all the way to Kanto and back! I don't know about you two, but I'm heading over to the bar later to celebrate!"

"Charizard my friend, I might just be tempted to join you."

Meanwhile, Xiroey looks over at the carnage the three of them caused and sighs sadly. Charizard managed to catch wind of his friends sadness in the middle of his celebration, and decided to do his best to console his friend.

"Why the long face chum? I saw what you did out there? You were fantastic!"

"Yeah..." Xiroey admits "But it still saddens me that this was the only way we could've ended it."

Charizard sobers up when he takes in the bloodshed the three of them caused.

"Yeah, war is messy all right. But, despite what happened here, take heart that it only took a few casualties to stop an entire mob of soldiers from wiping themselves out.

I won't make light of those that did fall. They fought bravely, and probably each had families to attend to when they returned. They each have my prayers.

But when we managed to stop so many more from suffering the same fate--At least then, that gives their loss meaning. We fought a good fight here today "

Xiroey takes in Charizard's words, and feels some of his burden begin to lessen.

"You're right" He says, "They didn't die for nothing. When I said that I'd do anything it took to see this fight come to an end, I suppose that means I may occasionally have to fight as well."

Charizard grins when he sees his friend lighten up some.

"Good" Charizard grunts, then pats his stomach. "Welp, all that fighting sure works up an appetite. What do you say we head back to the base and grab us some grub?"

Xiroey looks a little lost at first, then is surprised when he hears his own stomach growl. Oh right, all that fuss earlier, and he'd forgotten to eat anything!

"F-Food sounds good" Xiroey agrees.

((This was my first time trying anything like this. Hope I didn't do too badly :X))


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Trying to take my style? :glare:

As Xiroey turns he has a hand around his neck. "Hello Xiroey", Muhti says with eyes widening, "You enjoy killing our factions. Don't you?"

Mari, Dimentio, and the rest pop out, loaded with weapons straight at the trio. "So Xiroey, how would it feel to kill your people? Dimentio was kind enough to put your sister in chains as well as 'Atoine the Spy~'. You do realize this wouldn't happen if it wasnt for the Board nor the Impact.", Muhti pauses for a moment," You wanted me and Mari to go to war didn't you? And have the land for ye'self? Well you made a big mistake buddy."

Lucario starts charging at Muhti until a knife goes about an inch away from his face. "Go away Pokémon", Mari sneered. "Mari, my good buddy! Can ya help?", Xiroey laughed uneasily. "I don't think she can buddy", Muhti mimicks. Muhti then turns into Ampharos and constantly does ThunderShock, killing Xiroey slowly... Until he blacked out.

((I seriously need to write carefully. I've been rushing to get my point out :/ and when I say I'll be editing, Im expected to be done in 10-20 minutes. It took me an hour to get the Sidekicks Chance Prologue and Chapter 1 to get finished D:))


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
((It makes writing certain scenes a lot easier. Writing skit-style works in a lot of cases, but it gets hard when fights don't have a lot of diaglogue. That's why I changed it.

Oh, and if you think it might take you a while to post something, why not just post a disclaimer before hand?

It takes me and Mari over an hour sometimes to get something down after we announce it. ))

[COLLAPSE="Part 1"]Charizard and Lucario look on as their first comrade falls. Xiroey appears to give Mari one last desprate look before his charred body hits the dirt.
"He didn't try to defend himself..." Charizard says in shock. Muhti looks down on the fallen Eon and spits in his face. "...Shouldn't have shown your face around here again. Filthy coward." Muhti spat harshly.

"To think... all this time. These were the friends Xiroey was fighting so desperately to protect." Charizard muses to himself.

"You got something to say tubby" Muhti challanges the big lizard.

Charizard returns the challenge by giving Muhti a cold look.
"Yes, as a matter of fact. I do."

Charizard nods at Lucario. That was the signal he was waiting for.
Lucario sped at Muhti with his claws bared. Muthi turned up his nose at the attack. He'd had countless idiots try to bum rush him before. He picked his usual response and sidestepped the attack at the last moment. Lucario saw it coming. As soon as lucario hit the ground, he dug his foot into the dirt hard. Then pressed off in the opposite direction with all his stregnth. The attack caught Muhti completely by surprise. Lucario pounced at Muhti, allowing his Extremespeed to give himself extra momentum, then slashed his Metal Claw at Muhti's neck.

Muhti teleported away before the attack hit. Lucario kept going, and would've fallen on his face; but he managed to catch himself on his two front paws, and did a neat summersault to halt his momentum. "Nice try" Muhti began, "But you'll have to try harder if you want to..." He got no further. He looked down just as he felt all of the air leave his lungs. A black fist was settled there, buried deeply in his gut.

"Lights out" Charizard said, then Muhti's entire world went black.[/COLLAPSE]

[COLLAPSE="Parting words"]

Mari gasps sharply when she sees Muhti fall down with blood pooling out of his mouth. Charizard regards the boy in the dirt coldly for a few seconds, then casually steps over him so that he can retrieve his own.

Mari's soft voice catches his ear as he stoops down to retrieve his friend.

"I-Is he...?"

"Dead?" Charizard finishes.

Mari only nods.

"No. Luckily for him and you, my friend here still cares a great deal about the both of you. As much as I dislike the psychotic freak, I'd never finish hearing Xiroey's mouth if I actually killed him."

"So, he'll be..."

"He'll probably wake up a few hours from now. Most of them do."

Charizard leans his neck down, and scoops Xiroey up. He allows his limp frame to settle down into a natural position across his back. He Hooks his arms around his neck and grabs up his feet. In the end, Xiroey winds up looking like a human backpack.

"We'll be back soon. Though I know not when. You'd do best to think hard on your actions until then.

The war you fight now is meaningless. Carry on, and countless more innocents will die. Despite what you saw here, you and Xiroey both fight for the same cause; to keep everyone safe. Look hard, and you'll see. This was the only way he could've ensured that as many possible lives were spared."

Mari takes in Charizard's words and nods. Charizard smiles when he sees that Mari is letting them both go.

"I've heard a lot about you" Charizard calls back just as he's about to take off. "You may have been misguided, but your heart was in the right place. I have no doubt you'll make the correct decision when the time comes."

When those parting words, Charizard launches himself off in the direction of the Johto reigon. Lucario looks over at Mari and nods a quick "Hello" Then he follows.



Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Muhti started to get up with pain. "M-Mari?", he mumbles. Uncle T shakes his head, "Never trust an Impact, they may seem all nice, but in reality, they want to see you fall." Mari nods and looks at Sonic, "How long will it take to get the full army to head to the Boards land?"

Sonic takes a minute to think, "Possibly a day or two."

Mari nods in approval, "Alright, then."

Muhti winces in pain, "How come none of you helped me?!"

Dimentio laughs hard at this one while Muhti gives him a pissed-off face, "Because it was funny!"

Mari ignores Dimentios laughter and looks at Muhti, "Maye Impact is the good guys here?."

Muhti looks at the smoke," Maybe.... Or maybe not."

Mari scratches her head in confusion," But how do we know?"

It was Dimentios turn to answer questions, "Well, I was talking too 'Atoine the Spy~' and he said it himself, the Board wants to see us fall."

Sonic is still confused at this point, "But isn't it Impact who wants us down?"

Dimentio shakes his head, "Impact made an agreement with the Board, they are allies, fighting for the same cause."

"Which is seizing into power.", Mari finished.

Uncle T smirks, "Well that settles that, so what's our game plan?"


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
(((Hm...If everyone writeing like this, Maybe I should switch too...))


-Mari's POV-

This was just too much. Who were the Good Guys? The Bad Guys? Us? Impact? Xiro? Me? "So, what's our game plan?" Uncle T said. I sighed. At least there were some people left I could trust. "Like I said before, We need to ban together. The first thing we need to do is stop fighting each other." Muhti nodded. "So I guess we're on the same team." He said. "I guess so." I turned around and started to walk out the door. "Where you going, Mar?" Sonic asked. "In case you haven't noticed," Dimentio droned, "We are in the middle of a war-"

"NO!" I screamed, spining on my heel. "No more war! No more hurt! I've had it! I just want peace, Like Smashfan said! Why can't we just-" I stopped myself. Took a deep breath. Tried to remember the peace and harmony I experianced in The Temple of Gaia. "Look...I know things are....changeing. But we can't let that get to us. We have to figure out who really wanted to start a war before one actually STARTS." Uncle T cleared his throut. "That would be Mephiles the Dark, who we think is working for Impact." "Unfortuantly...." I said sadly, with a hint of annoyance. Ever since Mephiles and I met, He always had an...Attraction for me. Which was as weird as hel*....Now I knew what QC felt like...

"So now that we know Mari's boy-" "Don't even go there, Muhti..." If he was going to make fun of me, he better have the nerve to back it up, even if we are allies. "Mari." Sonic pointed to the door. "We should go apoligize to Xiro." "You're right..." After what Charizard told me, the least I could do was say I was sorry, if he cared that much..."Uncle T, Do you think you can send a team of GUN Special Ops to find Mephiles?" "Already taken care of, Hon." Uncle T smiled. "I sent our best team, Dark, to track this demon down." "That's great-" Hold On. Did he just say...? "Team Dark?" "That's right." "Did you send Shadow too?!" If he did, that would mean- "Of course. He's leading them." "GAAAH! Uncle TEEEE! That's bad! That's very, very bad!" Without another word, I dashed outside. "Hey, wait! You'll want backup!" Sonic said, following straight behind. If Mephiles saw Shadow....It was going to be a bloodbath.

---Snow Forest---

"And I forgot to pack my winter clothes...." Rouge the Bat wrapped her black scarf tighter around her neck. "This place is so cold...." "Pull it together." Shadow said gruffly. " A little cold weather isn't going to slow us down." "I guess the weather isn't the only thing that's cold here..." Shadow ignored her comment. He was used to it by now. "He's likely to have a Chaos emerald in possesition...He can't maintain his form with out some source of power nearby..." "Is that how he manages to stay looking like you?" Rouge asked. "No...I bet he has other ways of getting energy..." "Do you think he'll still remember us?" Rouge shivered. "And I wish Omega was here..." "He's in Shamar, protecting the Prince from a possible assasination attempt." Shadow informed her. "And to answer your question, I have no doubt he will. Why do you think WE still remember HIM?" "At least Shamar was warmer....And after Solianna, I wish we still don't. After what he did to Sonic-" "Never happend anyway." Shadow added quickly, cutting her off. "Let's look over that hill over there." Shadow never liked to dwell on the past, for good reasons. Especially if it involed the death of someone he knew.

Behind them, A strange shadow was stalking them like a cat would a mouse. Mephiles licked his some blood off of his fingers, belonging to a soldier of Muhti's fraction that just so happened to cross his path. He chuckled darkly. It was going to be soooooo pleaseing to rip Shadow's heart out of his chest....but he needed to get them into the right place first....


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio
WERE the.....

Him it seems im lost again.......

The girl: Atleast you got me.


*Mars checks his pockets*

wOOA I DIDnt even no I had this!!!!!

The girl: Its green!!....

Yea...what is it....?

The girl: WEED!!

NOOO!! Its .... not... I dont think so... .....hmmmm.... lets find out.

*Opens the bag*




Smash Apprentice
Jun 28, 2012
[COLLAPSE="Part 1"]-when royal woke up,all he saw...was the ground-
Royal:AAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!WOOOOAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Royal:huh?WUAHHHHH!!!!!!A BIRD!!!!!!!!!!!
?:Don't worry,we'll land shortly.
Royal:Who are you?Oh,sir...how are you?
Sir:Fine,how do you feel?
Royal:Like sh-
Sir:We're landing.Hold on.
Royal:To what?The bird's beak?
Sir:No,hold on to me.
Royal:How will you hold on?
Sir:Don't worry,I will...[/COLLAPSE]

[COLLAPSE="Part 2"]-When the trio landed,Royal felt at ease-
Royal:This is so refreshing,what did you guys do to this place?Put puppies all around??Because I can't see them...
Sir:No,this is just where I live.
Sir:You will live with me until you become stronger.
Royal:Yo-You're adopting me???
Royal:I'm an orphan,my parents died when I was 6, they died at work...They were soldiers...But there is no war that I've heard of,I've asked everyone I know...
Sir:Well...There is a war,but you must train right now.You must prepare.If you do not,you will stand no chance against the opposing forces,you are one of the last survivors!You must not die!!!
Royal:Does your house have like,a different gravity???
Sir:What?Weren't you listening at all?
Royal:No,why would I listen to you rant?
Sir:...this'll be fun...
Royal:This way!!!!!
Sir:Where are you going?COME BACK HERE!!!!!HEY!!!!!!!!!!!
-Royal leaves the house,chasing some unforeseen force,what will become of him???Will he live,or die???[/COLLAPSE]


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
"Mmmmm... Something smells good..." Xiroey muttered happily. He could make out Lucario's hushed voice coming from somewhere nearby. "You you should be doing that?" Lucario whispered worriedly. Xiroey wondered what the two might be talking about. Man... something sure smelled good. And hot. Something smelled hot. That wasn't right. Things didn't smell hot. On that note, things were starting to get very uncomofortable--

"YAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" Xiroey screamed, then jumped 10 feet into the air.

"Xiroey's up" Charizard chuckled.

"Maybe you shouldn't have done that" Lucario muses.

"Yeah? Kid's fine. A little roasted maybe, but 'least we finally got him up."

"Yeah," Lucario agrees. "We got him up all right. But now he's notcoming down..."

Charizard blinked. Lucario was right, the kid had been airborne for an awfully long time.

"Xiroey?" Charizard called up into the darkness.

No response.

"Great, now look what you did. You lost Xiroey" Lucario admonishes him.

"Did not... He went and lost himself. Besides, he couldn't exactly have gone anywhere could he?"

"Mah hedd is shtck" came Xiroey's weak response.

"Oh dear..." Lucario gasped.

Charizard grumbled with annoyance. How the blazes did this kid manage to...

" Charizard... there are rats up here... I don' t think the big one likes me..."

"You'd better get him down" Lucario suggests

"Yeah Yeah, I'll light this place up so we can see where the kid went"

"Preferrably without lighting up the kid himself?" Lucario adds.

Charizard does his best to look annoyed at the blue fighting type, then shoots a small pillar of flame up into the dark ceiling. He couldn't help but laugh.

"K-Kid... How... How in the would did you..."

Lucario looks furious with the gaint lizard for a few seconds, then gazes up at the ceiling and couldn't help snickering himself.

"Y-You should really get him down from there charizard... T-That doesn't look very comfoatable..."

Charizard and Lucario both looked up and saw Xiroey, hanging with his head stuck between two horizontal pipes in the cieling.

"...Make any hangman jokes and I will kill you" Lucario snickers...

"...heheh... you know me too well. Come on, I'd never be that insensitive."

"Dhon't mnd me..." Xiroey mumbled through the pipes "Gning t' be mauled alive by rats here..."

"All right, all right" Charizard gasps, wiping away tears. "Lucario, give me a hand will ya?"

Lucario manages to regain control of himslef. Then lights up a small aura sphere so that Charizard can see.

"Better" Charizard says gratefully.

Careful not to whack Lucario in the head, Charizard gave a great flap of his wings, then rose into the air to rescue his trapped friend. Lucario shifted uneasily as he heard several dubious sounds come from above. Xiroey shrieked in pain at one point. Apparently one of his ears had gotten wedged during the unsticking process. Finally, after five agonizing minutes, the Eon was finally free. The trio sat down on the damp concrete floor. Despite the awkward moment that just happened, the atmosphere was pretty tense. Things were about to get serious from this point on.

Charizard opened up his satchel, and took out a small folded map. He placed it on the ground near his tail-fire for all to see.

"This is a detailed map of the Johto sewer system" Charizard began, all business "According to the information we just recieved, Latias and Antoine the spy should currently be being held prisoner in one of Dimentio's lower dungeons. Presumably, the same one you were in, Xiroey."

Xiroey noded. He knew the one.

"Assuming out lead in Muhti's City wasn't lying, there should be a secret entrance to one of the dungeon cellars somewhere beneath this sewer. I'm not sure what the man meant exactly when he said it'd be difficult to miss, but we should be nearing up on it right about now."

"So, do we have a plan for when we do finally make it inside?" Lucario asks.

"Yeah," Charizard confirms "We'll have Xiroey here scout out the area for any possible guards who might be lurking, and toss us up a cover illusion to hide our approach."

"An illusion huh?" Lucario mumbles thoughtfully

"It'll be particularly usefull since It'll hide both sight, scent, and sound. As long as nobody flat out bumps into anyone we should be fine. Any questions."

Charizard looks over at the two figures sitting across from him, and find a set of determined gazes coming from each.

"Good" He closes the map "Then lets get this over with. I haven't eaten breakfast yet, and it's already mid-morning. I don't know about you two, but I've got me a bar to crash."


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio

*Mars and the girl KNOCKED out unconscious(Yea I spelled it wrong so what)*

*Heavy wind blowing away burnt leafs and dead cats*

*Chao start crawling out of a hole in the ground*

*A silver winged bird flying over the destroyed area*

*A blue jay starts picking at Mars and The girls Unconsious bodys as if they were possibly dead*

^Screen fades to black slowly^



Smash Apprentice
Jun 28, 2012
Xiroey,ornge needs you.(will continue story next week when I have mechanical access back...I'm grounded...)


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
(((Won't be able to post this weekend. Sorry, boys!)))

---Snow Forest---

"Shaaadow...." Rouge complained. "Let's turn back, already! This snow storm is getting worse by the second....I'm sure even Mephiles wouldn't stay out here for long..." "Not untill we find him!" Shadow barked back. "You know what will happen if we let that demon live." "I know. But can't we at least find a nice, warm cabin and call it a night?~" Rouge batted her eyes, like she always does when she wants her way. Shadow was immune to it and just kept walking. "Hmph..." Rouge followed quietly behind.

-Mari's POV-

Man, It was cold. And here I was without my jacket. "Sure is cold, ain't it?" Sonic said. He sped next to Mari, Kicking up snow in his wake. "You think we're too late?" I asked him. He shook his head. "We would have heard screams by now." "Right...Sonic?" "Yeah?" "Are you sure you want to go up against Mephiles? I mean..." "Don't worry!" Sonic had a determained look on his face. "Last time he caught me by suprise. THIS time will be diffrent!" He smiled a dangerous smile, the kind he got when he was about to do something brave. "Besides, I have at least 5 emeralds. What are the chances he's gonna have-"

Sonic suddenly ran smack into something and flew about 3 feet before hitting the snow covered ground. "OW! Watch where you're going, road hog!" A female voice screamed.
A voice I reconized. "Rouge?" I ran over and helped her up, brushing the snow from her jacket. "Oh. Mari. Haven't seen you in a while!~" Rouge beamed. "Can you do me a favor and pound the jerk that crashed into me?" "MMMPH! MMPH!" Behind me, Sonic had his whole body stuck in a pile of snow. "That jerk would be Sonic." I said. "Oh. We'll, he's exused. Guy never sees where he's going anyway..." Rouge leaned herself to one side.

"Just help the blue idiot for once..." Was that...? "Shadow!" The black hedgehog walked next to Rouge and stared at Sonic, Who was trying to get himself out. I saw the faintest traces of a smile on Shadow's lips. "What did he ran into this time?" "ME." Rouge said


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Muhti and Dimentio started their way back to the castle. As they walked by people from Muhtis and Maris factions, (well, they weren't factions anymore, they were a nation now, Mari and Muhti came to the agreement that New Hyrule City would be the capital) rushed out and crossed the borders with glee on their faces.

"Beautiful day isn't it Dim?", Muhti sighed in relief. Dimentio just shook his head, "The war isn't finished yet, we as a larger group has to face the bigger danger, The Board and Impact." Muhti kept silent to think about it, until a crackle came from Dimentios walkie.

"What is it Doc?", Dimentio snarled unpleasantly.

"Uhh. The fourth Doctor found intruders in the dungeon, he just sent General Luigi to fend them with Light Yagami ,PSY from S. Korea, Teleporting Fat Guy, and the Giratina we had.", the 11th Doctor said worriedly.

Dimentio did a facepalm and screamed," WHY IN HELL WOULD YOU SEND PSY?! HE ONLY SINGS!!"

"He can do more than sing sir......", the Doctor said mischeaviously.

"Alright fine", Dimentio grunted.

Dimentio finally put the walkie away and started to look for Muhti, he finally found him.

"Muhti what the he-", he paused for a moment when he saw what Muhti was facing off.

"Get out of here! You're doing nothing, but causing a ruckus in the nation.", Muhti protested to the masked man in red.

+Mr.Ls Theme+

"Mr.M will never give up in destroying the two factions!", the plump man yelled.

Muhti sighs and joins the screaming match with him, "IT'S A NATION NOW!"
Muhti pushed the man aside and kept on walking with Dimentio following him.

"YOU RUE THIS DAY PRESIDENT MUHTI! BUT YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE LAST OF, MR.M!", the man kept screaming until Muhti and his companion couldn't hear him.

"I can't put my finger on it", Dimentio began, "Why does he look very familiar?"


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York

Anyways... :troll:

Can I end the story short? I have a feeling that the story is just keep repeating over and over and over again.


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio

Uugh....wtf happen las...a.....A get up, get off me.

The girl: (shaking head) wtf happen I can't remember anything.... did... did we.... ur amazing.

It was the bag of green stuff, it knocked us out , it must hav cauzedd one hell of an explosion! Look around u. And stop coming to conclusions!!!!




Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Forum Fight Ending

(Sorry If I ended this early, but it's just going to repeat)

Maris group was stunned before it hit them. Mephiles rushed out of the branches and stunned them all. Mephiles finally stopped and looked at Shadow and his team.

"Well, well,well... Looks like I just didn't catch Shadow, but even his friends", Mephiles smirked. He began walking slowly towards to group casually waggling his dagger between his fingers, until he reached up till Shadow.

"Hello, old friend....[I\] how's your life been? Mines been miserable, ya know.", Mephiles placed the dagger right underneath the frozen hedgehog, "Now you're feel my pain I've suffered while you relaxed!" Mephiles raised the weapon and was almost an inch away until he heard a shout.

"Mephiles. STOP!"

Mephiles recognized the voice immediately and stopped. He looked around for a quick moment and fell to his knees, "Yes, my Lord"

A leader came out with his troops, some of them, like Psy, Light, etc. each holding Xiroey, Charizard, Latias, Antoine, and Lucario, handcuffed. That leader was none other than President Muhti. "Good job Mr.Mephiles, you shall be promoted soon." Muhti faced Mari and her gang, all frozen, some in shock and others, not surprised. "I would like to announce the defeat of The Board, my troops were able to reach their little lair" Muhti turns to Xiroey and gives him a cold stare.He unfreezes Mari and her team. "Don't trust him yet.... He may be playing mind tricks with us.", Uncle T cautioned Mari. "Dimentio", Muhti began,"Send Xiroeys and Maris friends to Hell, where they can't escape, since Mr.T here doesn't like my little game I set up."

Dimentio waved his hand and everyone (except Muhtis troops, Xiroey, and Mari) slowly fell to the ground and became breathless. Muhti smirked, "So, who's going to save your *** now?" Mari looked fiercely,"YOU WON'T GET AWAY WITH KILLING MY FRIENDS!"

Muhti just smiled,"They're already dead, how can you save them?"

Xiroey piped up,"Well, they have Marxs hat."

Dimentio tossed Muhti and colorful hat,"You mean this one? Just admit it, you lost, I own Smashboards"

Mari and Xiroey were at a lost of words, each slowly looked at each other, then at Luigi, then Psy, then Light, and finally, the harsh looking Muhti.

"I've been waiting for this day, now that you-know-who is gone, I am taking control as Main Writer", Muhti announced, then looked at one of the soldiers, "Hey can yo-"

"I know, I know, take 'em to the dungeon", she complained.

Muhti cached a glimpse of the soldier and looked coldly at her, sighed and said," No, First of all I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to Dimentio. Second of all, Dimentio, teleport these two to Earth."

"Where on Earth?", questioned the Jester.

"Istanbul", Muhti answered. Dimentio nodded and snapped his fingers, and the pair was gone, without their normal team.


Dimentio whistled Super Dimentios theme as he walked in front of the Army with a flag raising high. "So how is life going to change here Muhti?"

Muhti stared at the sky and simply annswered, "Life will be simple, government shall be a Democratic Republic, Im just sick and tired of these factions whiny ness, but now most of them are dead, in Hell, probably rotting."

"Do you suppose they could come back to life?"

"Possibly, but it's a very slim chance of that happening. So now I will fulfill Smashfans request, restore Order and Balance within Smashboards."

They finally reached New Hyrule Castle, Dimentio floated to the top, and placed the flag on the top, marking Smashboards as a legit nation.

Muhti sat on the couch, watching the News of Smashboards being newly owned. "It would be a shame if everybody actually knew Im not Muhti...", the black smudge started to cover all over Muhtis body,"Just some alien controlling his body", Venomuhti finished.

To Be Continued........


Smash Apprentice
Jun 28, 2012
Forum Fight Ending

(Sorry If I ended this early, but it's just going to repeat)

Maris group was stunned before it hit them. Mephiles rushed out of the branches and stunned them all. Mephiles finally stopped and looked at Shadow and his team.

"Well, well,well... Looks like I just didn't catch Shadow, but even his friends", Mephiles smirked. He began walking slowly towards to group casually waggling his dagger between his fingers, until he reached up till Shadow.

"Hello, old friend....[I\] how's your life been? Mines been miserable, ya know.", Mephiles placed the dagger right underneath the frozen hedgehog, "Now you're feel my pain I've suffered while you relaxed!" Mephiles raised the weapon and was almost an inch away until he heard a shout.

"Mephiles. STOP!"

Mephiles recognized the voice immediately and stopped. He looked around for a quick moment and fell to his knees, "Yes, my Lord"

A leader came out with his troops, some of them, like Psy, Light, etc. each holding Xiroey, Charizard, Latias, Antoine, and Lucario, handcuffed. That leader was none other than President Muhti. "Good job Mr.Mephiles, you shall be promoted soon." Muhti faced Mari and her gang, all frozen, some in shock and others, not surprised. "I would like to announce the defeat of The Board, my troops were able to reach their little lair" Muhti turns to Xiroey and gives him a cold stare.He unfreezes Mari and her team. "Don't trust him yet.... He may be playing mind tricks with us.", Uncle T cautioned Mari. "Dimentio", Muhti began,"Send Xiroeys and Maris friends to Hell, where they can't escape, since Mr.T here doesn't like my little game I set up."

Dimentio waved his hand and everyone (except Muhtis troops, Xiroey, and Mari) slowly fell to the ground and became breathless. Muhti smirked, "So, who's going to save your *** now?" Mari looked fiercely,"YOU WON'T GET AWAY WITH KILLING MY FRIENDS!"

Muhti just smiled,"They're already dead, how can you save them?"

Xiroey piped up,"Well, they have Marxs hat."

Dimentio tossed Muhti and colorful hat,"You mean this one? Just admit it, you lost, I own Smashboards"

Mari and Xiroey were at a lost of words, each slowly looked at each other, then at Luigi, then Psy, then Light, and finally, the harsh looking Muhti.

"I've been waiting for this day, now that you-know-who is gone, I am taking control as Main Writer", Muhti announced, then looked at one of the soldiers, "Hey can yo-"

"I know, I know, take 'em to the dungeon", she complained.

Muhti cached a glimpse of the soldier and looked coldly at her, sighed and said," No, First of all I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to Dimentio. Second of all, Dimentio, teleport these two to Earth."

"Where on Earth?", questioned the Jester.

"Istanbul", Muhti answered. Dimentio nodded and snapped his fingers, and the pair was gone, without their normal team.


Dimentio whistled Super Dimentios theme as he walked in front of the Army with a flag raising high. "So how is life going to change here Muhti?"

Muhti stared at the sky and simply annswered, "Life will be simple, government shall be a Democratic Republic, Im just sick and tired of these factions whiny ness, but now most of them are dead, in Hell, probably rotting."

"Do you suppose they could come back to life?"

"Possibly, but it's a very slim chance of that happening. So now I will fulfill Smashfans request, restore Order and Balance within Smashboards."

They finally reached New Hyrule Castle, Dimentio floated to the top, and placed the flag on the top, marking Smashboards as a legit nation.

Muhti sat on the couch, watching the News of Smashboards being newly owned. "It would be a shame if everybody actually knew Im not Muhti...", the black smudge started to cover all over Muhtis body,"Just some alien controlling his body", Venomuhti finished.

To Be Continued........

NO!I'm needing to continue the story and KILL YOU!!!!!!!!!!!Okay???I'm waiting until I get my priveledges back


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
The story will continue in my next post.
No worries aken.

-Speaking of which, I may have to rethink my plot after that curve ball muhti pulled-


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio

Not captured like most people***

There's a tree here.... hmmm

The girl: so

U don't. Under stand! The explosion should have wiped out every thing in this area and......

I. Can't type no more on this phone at the moment.

*meanwhile* else were where else weren is all its own 4 now



Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Smashboards - ???
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


With the cloudless sky, arceus graces us with yet another full moon. Though times have changed, at least that much has remained the same...

This moon... I sware by my father's remains. It'll be the last he ever sees.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Raphiel: heheh, gracias senior, you've been muy corroporative for us today.

Flank: This one was a lot more talkative that the last few we had to go through. I didn't even have to get my hands dirty.

Rapiel: Hahaha, hey, I think he's still breathing, should I poke em?

Flank: Do whatever pleases you, We got what we came here for. Not like we can go anywhere until the boss gets back anyhow.
-Raphiel stoops down and pokes an unconscious guard in the neck with an extended finger. The guard emits a low grunt, but otherwise doesn't respond.-

Raphiel: Aww, pity, and he was so much fun to play with...
-Flank casts his comrade an annoyed glance from atop his stack of crates. This is what he had to put up with everyday. Raphiel and his obsessive whining, it was starting to give him a headache.-

Flank: Say, how much longer until we break the surface?
It's been ages hasn't it, I sick and tired of these walls.
-Raphiel looks up from his experiment with the half-dead guard.-

Raphiel: Huh? ID'nno, a few hours I guess...
Boss said it wasn't far...
-Flank takes out a dagger and eyes it causally-

Flank: A few hours--
-Flint's ears perk up at the sound of someone approaching. His eyes take on a murderious glint, and he cats his knife out into the shadows. Theres silence...

Then a lone figure steps out, clothed in all black robes-

Flint: Boss! Took ya long enough, where've you been?
-The figure takes a look around at the clearing, then at the guard lying dead on the floor. Is face shows the faintest hints of a smile as he takes in the each of the man's broken fingers. These two must've had a lot of fun with this one.-

Figure: Flint, Raphiel. I take it your objectives are both complete?
-The two lackies salute. Flint drops down from his seat atop the crate stack, and walks over to greet his superior.-

Flank: Nice to have you back chief.
Aye, this one was much corroporative he was...

Raphiel here sure had his deal of fun, didn't you Ralph?
-Raphiel grins idiotically-

Raphiel: That I did mijo~
Sang like a pretty bird this one did.

Tweet tweet~
-Flank manages to look highly annoyed at the bad bird impresion-

Figure: Hmm... Very well then, I leave it up to you, Flank to brief me on the intel as we move forward. Come, both of you.

Both: Aye!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Indeed, times have changed a lot...
Looking up at the starlit sky tonight, I see the same set of dots, illuminated by the very same orb as any other night. The same boring sea of white and black. Boring was good, I liked things that way.

Predictable, no guesswork invonved. It made things easy when you wanted to get over an another person. I should know, It's what I do for a living.


We're getting close. Flank, Raphiel and I. We've been on this very same train for nearly a year. Coountless times, we've come close to reaching our goal, only to reach another dead end. That's the way things worked underground. Nowadays's you couldn't even trust your own brother not to stab you in the back.

Even now, our journey has not been met without resistance.

I gazed down upon my next victim, a pale man dressed in all white cloth. He gazed up at me with those trimbling pleading eyes that never failed to tick me off. I kept my face cold and hard. I knew the man would be looking for some trace of emotion in my eyes, anything, rage, vengeance, greed. Those were the emotions men understood. I hid them all.

"So, are you going to make things easy, or do I need to break another finger?" I asked casually. I grabbed hold of the man's hand and pulled his index finger painfully back. The man tried his best to squirm free, but my Psychic had him held strong.

"P-p-please..." the man pleaded.

His index finger snapped. I took a deep breath and sighed over the man's agonized cries. There it was again... Always with the "please".

"Look," I said, hiding impatience "Clearly you don't want to be here anymore than I do. So spill it, where is your master hiding?"

The man piped up in a small quivering voice

"M-master... h-he doesn't hide... Our m-master would never hide from his problems..."

"Is that so?" I said, admiring the man's loyalty.

He nodded, he had a pained look on his face. I'd only taken out two of the man's fingers so far, i hadn't even broken any major bones yet. Still, he had that near-broken look in his eye that told me he was almost ready to submit. I casually snapped the man's arm.

"Good," I said, over the man crying out in pain.

"Then, If he's been so kind to place himself in plain sight, would'nt you mind kindly telling us where we can find him?"

"D-devil..." The man sobbed.

I gave the man my best shark smile.

"Why sir, you flatter me... Here, why don't I patch up those wounds a bit, you don't look well."

I placed a hand on the man's chest, he looked at me confused for a second, then cried out even louder than before as each of his bones mended themselves then snapped back into place. When it was all over, the man was good as new. And so the cycle continues.

"All right... I'll talk..." The man said, not wanting to go through another heal/torture session.

I raised an eyebrow, then kindly releaed my psychic on the man so that he could move around. I didn't have to worry about him turning traitor on me. I'd already know it if he tried anything. Plus it'd be simple to catch him again, i wouldn't even have to lift a finger.

"Go on." I said.

The man paused for a second to gather himself. He cast a worried look at me to make sure that I wasn't pulling his leg just to toy with him. He was only met with the same emotionless stare as always, so he sighed and figured he may as well take the only opportunity that was offered to him.

"I was intructed to be our Master's guide into the city for the week" The man began. "This master... such is the term we grace all our clients with... he was a bit stranged. He liked to prattle on for long hours about the most random things. I thought he was pretty easy to get along with, despite his odd tendencies..."

My eyebrow raised up a small margin at that. A friendly man with unortodox tendencies here and there. This just may be the man we're looking for. I nodded my head at the man, urging him to carry on.

"I-I haven't seen him since he undocked at Library Island a few weeks ago. H-he said he was going to go visit an old friend... then I never heard from him again. It's not far from here actually... just a few blocks and you can catch a bo--"

I raised my hand to silence the man. I'd heard all I needed to know.
"So he has been here..." I thought quietly to myself. Could it be? Was on full year of long tireless searching finally coming to an end?

"Thank you sir, you've been of great help. You may leave."

The man looked at me with eyes wide. He could'nt believe it. Was i really just going to let him go?

"T-thank you master" The man stammered, bowing.

I waved my hand at the uneccessary title.

"Just go... I've better things to do than to have you waste my time with your polite garbage. In case you haven't noticed, I'm not one of your fat-pocket clients."

The man stood a little taken aback, but was greatful nontheless at the mercy that was being shown to him. He bowed to me one last time, then took off down the alley, heading for the safety of the streets.

I looked over into the shadows nearby where flank was hiding.

"Kill him" I said. Then got up and headed out to catch the next ferry.

- - - - - - - - - Main Story- - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Library Island
- - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Greetings Carl" Venomuthi smiled. "It's been too long hasn't it?"

Venomuthi gazed down sharkishly at the overweight aligator trembling beneath his foot. K. Rool still couldn't beleve anyone had made it down the mountain this far.

"V-venomuhti..." K. Rool breathed. He yelped as muhti stabbed his sword into the ground just next to his head.

"Lets cut to the chase" Venomuhti said, wasting no time, "You have something I wan't. It's taken me 3 weeks now to navigate through the system of caves beneath Mount Library, and my feet are tired. Don't make this any longer or harder than it needs to be."

K. Rool's face beaded up with sweat. So it was true, Venomuthi was here to take away his most prized treasure. But, he couldn't just hand it over to him. He's spent his entire life trying to get that, perhaps if he could stall the man long enoguh...

"You have five seconds to answer before body parts start coming off" Venomuhti said simply. Oh well, there went that idea.

"I- I don't..." K. Rool began, then was cut short as the sound of footsteps was heard coming down the wide staircase.

Venomuthi grunted with frustration. He really wasn't in the mood for another distraction.

"Dementio, what do you want? Can't you see I'm in the middle of something?" Venomuhti began. Then suddenly looked down. Why was the floor getting hot?

Venomuhti jumped back several feet. Just in time, the floor beneath him exploded, and K. Rool was shot somewhere off into the cieling.

"Greeting's president" A soft voice called out from the shadows.

Venomuthi's pulse quickened. He knew that voice.

"Xiroey, old friend" Venomuhti smiled. "How've you been? Mari still whining about "friends" and "guardains" and all that?"

A short black-hooded figure stepped out into the wide chamber. He pulled his hood back, revealing a mane of spikey black hair, and two murderous purple eyes.

"Still stomping on whomever you please in order to get your way..." Xiroey mused, gazing up at the ceiling.

Venomuhti took a good look at Xiroey's face and laughed.

"Ha! You're one to talk! Look at you, those eyes. You have the eyes of a killer Xiro. What's wrong, your wittle friend's death make you mad?"

Xiroey looked up and gave Venomuhti his famous blank stare.

"Friends who...?" Xiroey said, then nonchalantly pulled out a pair of guns.

"Hmm..." Venomuhti mused. He jumped to the side just as Xiroey unleashed a volley of Ice bullets near his head. He reached out his hand an shot out a string of web. Xiroey lazily waved his hand at it and it's trajectory was defelcted.

"Ooh" Venomuhti cooed "Someone's got a new set of tricks"

Xiroey vanished, then reappeared at Muhti's side with his gun raised above his head.

"Just die..." He said simply, then brought the gun down.

Muhti raised his sword up just in time to block the blow. The two weapons clashed, and sparks flew through the air. Venomuhti was a little stunned at first, then he looked up and realized there were a pair of sharp blades hidden beneath the gun barrels.

"Sneaky" he said, then kicked his ex-friend in the crotch.

Xiroey went down, grunting from having his babymaker's abused so harshly. "Thanks for stopping by" Venomuthi said, then he brought his foot down on Xiroey's head. Searing pain shot up his foot after he realized that his attack didn't connect. He looked down and saw a set of black spikes poking out of the ground where Xiroey's body should be. And his leg was impaled painfully on one of them.

Venomuhti heard a soft voice whisper in his ear before it disspeared again.

"One Year..." It said, Then the entire room went quiet.

Venomuhti grunted, then pulled his leg out of the spike. His pant leg was rapidly turning red. He'd make that pesky Eon pay as soon as he got his hands on him. But where did he go...?

The ground beneath him rumbled. Venomuhti looked down and tried to jump back just as the ground beneath him exploded. Unfortunately, his wounded leg wasn't about to have it. He cried out and was stuck there as he got pelted by several tons of heavy rocks.

A black latios shot up out of the deep fissure it created in the gound. It took no chances, and shot several black Thunderbolts down into the dust. Down below, Latios heard someone cry out in pain. He got him!

A powerful force whacked Latios in the back of the head. He went down and hit the ground right next to the deep hole he created.

Oh right... Venomuhti had that...

"Careless as always" Venomuhti sighed, brushing dust off his pants.
Both he and his leg were completely fine.

"I haven't had the luxury"Latios growled darkly, then his body began to glow a multitude of swirling colors"

Venomuhti raised an eye at that. Where had he'd seen that before?

The swirling colors stopped. Latios floated there for a sec to give his neck a good crack back and forth, then he sped at Muthi with speed rivaled only by one famous blue hedgehog.

"At last, my search comes to and end" Latios said, as he was getting ready to deal the final blow. Venomuhti was lying beneath him on the ground. He couldn't move. Somehow the Eon had managed to restrict all of his movements... but how...?

Latios raised up a claw, It lit up bright blue with purple flames dancing around the sharp tips. Venomuhti raised an eyebrow at it.

That was new...

"Shadow Cleave..." Latios said, then brought the claw down.


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Hmm... I write wierd when I haven't slept.
Sorry guys, It's probably a little hard to read in some spots :(

Dumb exams are making it hard to sleep :I


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Venomuhti looked around quickly for a moment. The walls..., he thought. He weakly raised his arm and shot a web at it. A chunk of the wall came off and flung towards the attacking Xiroey, he started flying across the room screaming, "Yeouch!"

For a few minutes, the both of them layed there. Venomuhti finally started laughing, "So how was Turkey?"

"What?", Xiroey tried getting up.

"Istanbul, Turkey, the place I teleported you", He gasped for air," I suppose Mari is still there"

"Ho-ow did you know?", Xiroey asked while still fidgitting.

"I know Mari, she has problems copeing, so she's touring and probably resting her head, unlike you." , Muhti finally got up and raised his large laser, "This babe can launch you out of Smashboards, so without a further a do", he inhaled air heavily and exhaled when he yelled," IMMA FIREIN MAH LAZOR!"

Xiroey was blasted away harshly.
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