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Forum Fight: The Story Forum

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Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Smashfan is with you -.-

[COLLAPSE="Finale Part 9"]As the sensei and the grasshopper began to fight once more, Muhti retreated into the huge chamber room where the fighting was occurring. "I'll take that!", Muhti snatched Spirit away from Maris bracelet. "MUHTI!", everybody except the villains cried out. The leader of the Protagonist Army looks at everybody, frozen, just staring at the Army Leader with shadow aura coming off him on top of that.... He had XANAs symbols for eyes. "Who's Muhti?", he quietly laughs to himself, " You have no leader now! SCRAM!", he echoed. Well, that was basically Discords time to be a maniac along with XANA and Dimentio, he started laughing like a maniac as well and complimented XANA, "Dear old XANA, I hope you haven't forgotten about the Mind Realm", he then pointed to Smashfan and Mari, who were rubbing their heads and was asking what was going on. "NO!", Muhti/XANA protested, "I WILL NEVER LET YOU HEROES WIN!

Not until my last breath that is......"

*Meanwhile at the Pokemon Elite Four*

Everything: 10001011101010001010101010010010010101001010101000101010111010101010101111010100101010101010101010...[/COLLAPSE]


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
(in the corridors of my mind, i am trapped in binds of darkness)

...why did this happen?

...HOW did this happen?

...when was it decided for us protagonists, the delivery boys of justice, to actually FAIL?

...and why am i asking myself these questions?

???: "smashfan. do not give up. there is still hope for your world, and those of your friends..."

you again?

(the evil clouds clear, leaving only a black void with me and the cybernetic ghost of christmas past from the future)

cybernetic ghost of christmas past from the future: "you only suffer defeat because of your mortal bonds. it is the human nature. nobody's perfect, after all..."

well, ya' got me there... but what can i do to get us out of this sh**?

cybernetic ghost of christmas past from the future: "when the time comes, you will know what to do..."

and what if i die out there? then even if we DO win, it's game over!

cybernetic ghost of christmas past from the future: "no..."


cybernetic ghost of christmas past from the future: "there is another..."

(the mind sequence ends, i wake up in the middle of getting hit with a sunbeam from celestia)


princess celestia: "smashfan?"

floatzel: "ah, good, you're awake. don't mind us, we're just getting HORRIBLY OWNED by HIM. (points to muhti)"

...muhti turned tail on us again, didn't he?

discord: "'fraid so, mi compadre..."

alright, i've had about enough of this... everyone...


THE F**K...




get UGLY...

discord: "(shoving everyone else back) ...alright, alright, you heard the man, back off."


XANAmuhti: "heh. so you've broke free of your mind control. i'm impressed at your willpower..."

y'know all those times you went evil on us? well, that sh** ends HERE and NOW!

(switches into an evil leo avatar)

COME AT ME, BRO... (emits dark energy from hands, shooting it at XANAmuhti)

+Smashfan vs XANAmuhti: Grunty's Challenge (banjo kazooie: nuts and bolts)+


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
I didn't turn tail! -.-

Don't you know when XANA becomes a gas and goes into a body he can control it temporarily.

Meh. Im not posting no story ATM too early :yawns:


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
((( Woo! This is getting Epic!

I'm still gonna miss ya, Smashfan. :(

Also....Shouldn't we vote on who should be the main writer?

If we do, I vote Xiro!

Sorry, Muhti. :troll:

[COLLAPSE="Can't think of title..."] ( XANA/Muhti laughs maniacly as he holds Spirit in his hands.)

Spirit: Brother! Help me!

Xiro: Spirit!!

Sonic: Wait a minute...Look at Mari.

(Mari stares at XANA/Muhti with a deadly stare, then pushes Smashfan to one side as she charges for him.)

Mari: THAT'S MINE!!!

(Mari glomp tackles XANA/Muhti and trys to get The Soul Dew (AKA Spirit) back.)



Sonic: NOT what I was planning....

Mari: Listen, you Computerized Jerk-off! You can mind control my friends...

Turn them against me....or whatever....

But the minute you try to kill one of them, Guess what?

(Mari Takes back Spirit, puts on her bracelet, and then matirializes A HUGE Machine gun...Strangely similer to Heavy's Gun, Sasha.....)


XANA/Muhti: OH, SH-

(Mari unleashes rounds of bullets at XANA/Muhti's face, but due to Muhti's armor, Only caused signiffigant damage.)

Sonic: She's back. -.-

(Cut to Smashfan in a daze.)

SF666: There is another...could it be...?

(Mari is sent flying towareds Sonic's feet.)

SF666: NAH.

Sonic: Mari?

Mari: Ow...Sup, teach?



Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
Hmmm.....Not sure.....Xiro is good with plot twists.....but you, as always, would be the perfect villan....

Me, I'm just....ehh.....Below average?

I say we see what Smashfan says.


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
[COLLAPSE="Intro to the Grand Finale"]

XAMuhti smiles at the charging Smashfan and then clutches on to him. "Why won't you punks die?!", XAMuhti cried out, "JUST DIE!" XAMuhti clutches on to the struggling Smashfan harder. "HEY DIMWIT!", Xiroey cries out. XAMuhti looks at the direction of the voice and smirks, "Yesss?" Xiroey stops gritting his teeth and yells, "I GOT A SURPRISE FOR YA!" "Ohhhhhhh Surprises! I love 'em!" , XAMuhti said. "Good....", Xiroey smirks in turn.


After a few minutes Muhti gets up and shakes his head,"Ow... What happened?" "**** happened", Smashfan said seriously, "Lets kick some Plague *** shall we?"


"They've stop the noise....", the figure observed, "My turn...."

((Smashfan, ya know what to do :p))[/COLLAPSE]


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Wow, I missed a lot.

Take my advice: NEVER pull an all nighter.

Uh... Muhti.
I can't use Roar of Time O.o


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Xiroey Xiroey Xiroey

I can make you use Roar of Time ALL I WANT

Mari. On the left SF666 on the right

Me in the middle :p

This took me 20 minutes to draw.

God it's been awhile since I drew.

I drew like a BAWS back then, now Im just a little kindergartener >:O


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
not bad, but...

...why is it i apparently have a Discord avi in the pic?


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
My best guess is that Muhti drew the picture in perspective.

The 70 foot tall thing is prob. just an illusion.


Is that a Discord next to you btw?


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
Pritty good......I draw, too, I just don't know how to upload them into the interwebz....:(

................Is Anyone at a loss at how the story should end?


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
leave that to me, mi compadre.


discord: "i don't know about you guys, but i like my villains how i like my coffee (snaps fingers)"

(it starts raining marshmallows indoors)

discord: "...with marshmallows!"

XANA: "(getting pelted by large marshmallows) GAAAHHHH!!!"

has anyone ever tried marshmallows with their coffee IRL? f**king DIVINE! :bee:

XANA: "(breaks free of the marshmallows) foolish draconequus. (generates another large sword)"

muhti: "aw, no."

XANA: "now you ALL shall feel my wrath at it's fullest!"

(generates another dark energy bolt) not if i disintegrate you first!

+square-off: Sombra's Entrance+


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Nope, I've got several ideas.

I'm just... not that good at writing ffa fight scenes yet.

Soooooo... many... characters...


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
(meanwhile, outside, king sombra continues to hold off the massive mobs of antagonists. bodies trapped in crystal everywhere)

N: "wherever this guy is, get 'im! he's one of sonic and mari's chums!"

dr. eggman: "how, though? he could be anywhere with all this smoke everywhere."

garble: "then let's see if we can't light the place up! (breathes fire into the smoke)"

king sombra: "AARRGH!!"

garble: "ha, got 'im! i wasn't even aiming!"

(king sombra rises from the shadows)

king sombra: "you will pay DEARLY for that, dragon!"

garble: "O.O ah, crap-"

(sombra tackles garble, dragging him into the shadows)

garble: "AAAAAGGGGHHHH!!!!"

(the commotion from the battle atop Plague Spire is heard by sombra)

king sombra: "(thinking) hmm... the others may need my assistance..."

(king sombra casts a spell that encases all the antagonists outside Plague Fortress in crystal)

king sombra: "i grow tired of this stalling."

(sombra advances for the battle in Plague Fortress, returning to his true form standing on a quickly advancing crystal point)

king sombra: "prepare yourself... XANA..."


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
The 90 foot thing is a shadow caused by the XANA sign out the window.

The shadow itself is XANAMuhti with Venom arms "screaming out"


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
WHAT??! You're awesome at writing fight scenes, Xiro!

If anyone is not good at them, it should be me.....

Can't do much, Smash needs to edit....


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
[COLLAPSE="Final - Closing Segment"]
-Gengar shakes his head in wonder-
Gengar: I... have no words for this...
-Latias races through the room, scythe flying. She dances to her left, then aims a swift arcing cut directly at Vexus' head-

Vexus: You're too slow darling.
-Vexus dodges, then retaliates by sending out a powerful electric charge-

-Latias' eyes glow, and her Psychic easily creates a barrier strong enough to stop the blast. Unfortunately both Antoine and Floatzel aren't so fortunate and go down under the assault. Latias feels her comrades go down, but she doesn't stop.-

Latias: Vexus. First one down...
-Her Psychic breaks. She comes directly at Vexus, then time aiming for her lower body. Vexus does a short hop to avoid betting legged right then and there. The the move costs her dearly.-

Latias: [glow]Mist Ball[/glow]
-Vexus cries out, then a thick hazy mist fills the room.-

Latias: (I won't forgive any of you for what you've done to our world!)
-She thrusts her hands out and feels for Vexus' presence through the mist. Once she has her, she uses her Psychic to bring her near-

Vexus: *choaking* You honestly think your small group of friends can make that big a diffrence?

... *gak* look around you... you're already... too...

-Latias' psychic constricts more of the crucial electrical impuses to Vexus' brain. Her eyes start to flicker out-

Latias: We will bring back our world.
-She clinches her fist, and Vexus' gives her last breath. Then her circuts die out.-

-The scapped Vexus falls to the floor-

XANA: Noo! You fool!
-Muhti and Smashfan both rush at XANA as a group. Muhti reaches out and transforms Smashfan into a humongous battle axe. Somehow, he manages to keep running despite the extra weight.

Muhti: You're next XANA!
-XANA's eyes glow menacingly-
XANA: Oooh, don't think you've bested us yet.
-XANA turns into darkness just before Muhti swings. The axe passes harmlessly through him, distorting his body a bit. Then he reaches a shadow hand out and grasps Muhti by the neck-

XANA: Looks I have no more use for you my pet...
-XANA's eyes glow deep red. Muhti makes the mistake of looking into XANA's eyes then his glow blood red as well-

Xiroey: No! Let go of him!
-Muhti's body goes limp, he drops the Smashfan-Axe-

Xiroey: (D*mnit! We are not losing another comrade!)
-Xiroey gets a flashback of both his parents dying before his eyes. A single white-hooded figure casts him a cold glance before disappearing into the cold rain.-

Xiroey: (Not again...)
-Muhti stops breathing, and his face starts to go pale. Smashfan's transformation fades, and he ends up lying on the floor-

Smashfan: *nngh...* What the f*ck just happened...?
-Xiroey rushes directly at XANA-
Xiroey: Let go of him!!!
-Muhti looks over at Xiroey. His entire body is ghostly white now-

Muhti: T-this is my fight... you idiot...
-Xiroey ignores him and summons out his Lance-
Xiroey: Draco Meteor!!!
-A bright ball of energy shoots out from Xiroey's palm, and aims itself at XANA. XANA meerely flicks his head without looking and it goes out.-

[Xiroey's Sp.Attack Harshly fell!]

-Xiroey keeps up his charge-
Xiroey: (Cocky ***stard... I am not just going to let this happen!)
-Muhti casts him an angry glance, despite being near death-
Muhti: I told you... to get BACK!
-A powerful blast of energy knocks Xiroey away. His back crashes up against a far away wall-

Xiroey: *crack!*
Muhti you... Id--

[Xiroey fainted!]

Latias: Brother!
-Professor Clam. crawls through the room on 8 long robotic tentacles, a-near perfect duplicate of the ones Dr. Octogonopus used to use. Red lasors shoot out of several guns hidden inside the arms-

Prof. Clam: Hahahahahahahaha!~
You Protagonists honestly think you've won?

Well, heres a surprise!
-Prof. Clam opens his mouth and a small red metal ball comes out. A small red light flashes on the top-

Prof. Clam: Good bye.
-XANA drops Muhti before the life-drain is completely done. Then throws up a protective barrier around himself and the other antagonists-

Muhti: *GASP!!!*
You... I'm not though... with you yet...
-Xiroey rushes up to Muhti, then throws a barrier around him-

Xiroey: Why don't you just shut up with the tough guy act and let your friends help you for once.

Muhti: ...thought... you were... dead...
-A soul dew flashes around Xiroey's neck. Then it dissaprears-
Muhti: *smirk* Heh...
Didn't know you were loaded...

Xiroey: Brace yourself Muhti...
-All of the other pokemon find one or two protagonists and throw up protects around them as well. Charizard manages to fit the unconscious Floatzel and Buizel in his easily, due to his size.-

Prof. Clam: You think those pitiful barriers will save you!?!

-He lets the bomb fall-


[COLLAPSE="Final - Closing Segments"]
-Slowly, our small group of protagonist come to. They wake up in the middle of a vast flaming crater. The building they were just in, as well as vast portion of Plague City is gone, reduced to cinders by the blast.

Not only that, but after looking around a bit, we realize that much of our attack force is missing as well.-

Smashfan: *nnngh...* A-are we sill alive...?
-Xiroey wakes up, somehow he ended up getting knocked over next to Mari in the blast-

Xiroey: N-no way...
Just us three...?

I saw the others block it...
-XANA, now back in his human form, crosses his arms smugly. He sticks up his nose to the group-

XANA: So, now do you fools understand just what you're dealing with?
Your fight was a lost cause all along.
-Smahfan looks around and realizes that Discord is also gone.-
Smashfan: *gridding his teeth*

XANA: Ooh...?
You want to know where your friends are?

Xiroey: Gengar... Charizard... Latias...
-Mari still doesn't wake up. The soul dew on her bracelet looks completely spent.-

Muhti: *scough* See what you get for pressing yourself too hard?
Shouldn't forgotten about your friends and worried about yourself for once--
-Muhti's retort is cut off. He looks up and suddenly sees Xiroey's hand at his throat-

Xiroey: Listen Muhti. I don't know what happened to the rest of our firends.
I know one thing for certain. And that's that I am not about to let you or anyone else die here. Am we clear!?!
-Muhti smirks at him, despite having Xiroey's hand around his neck-

Muhti: My god... you are both alike...
-Xiroey's eyes glow dangerously-

Muhti: Skff~
Stuff it man. I a'int dyin' here.
Plain and simple.
-Xiroey lets go.-

Xiroey: Smashfan?
-Smashfan gets up and readies his battle stance-

Smashfan: We came here to do a job.
I don't know what happend to Discord, or Diamond Tiara, or Silver Spoon.

But I know they're all out there somewhere. And it is our job to make sure we finish the job here so that they can all return home safe.
-XANA laughs-

XANA: HAH! A pretty speech, protagonist leader. But you've no home to return to--

Xiroey: No!
-Xana looks at him curiously-

Perhaps you've not seen the the state of your precious world since you've traveled down here?

There's nothing left.
Your quest?

It was for nothing. There's nothing left for you to protect.
-Smashfan draws a nasty looking broadsword from across his back-

Smashfan: Wrong you are XANA.
As long as the three of us are still standing. There still lies hope for our world.
-Muhti gets up-
Muhti: *scough*
I never was one for pretty speeches.

But I'm with our leader there. You're not going to get out of an *** whooping that easily.
-Xiroey takes out his lance-
Xiroey: (Mari... When you wake up...
We need everything you've got... We're going to end this here. We will protect our firends.)

Battle Music Upgrades!

Protagonists V.S. The Plague!


[COLLAPSE="Final - Closing Segments"]
-Smahfan jumps high into the air to avoid XANA's darkness attack. Latios sees the movement, and swoops down mid-flight to catch him-

Smashfan: *oof*
-He looks down and pats latios on the back-

Heh, nice catch.
-Latios grins-
Latios: What do you say we raise us some hell?
-Smashfans eyes glint dangerously. He raises his sword into the air dramatically-

-Latios lets out a screeching battle cry and dives-

-Muhti rolls over to the side, just barely avoiding becoming lazer fry-

Muhti: Oh, you should not have done that.
-He charges Prof. Clam head on.-

Prof. Clam: You protagonists are too predictable--
-Prof. Clam's side erupts in pain. he looks up and sees one of his tenticles fall, the skewered wires send painful electric jolts up his side-

-Smashfan spins his sword around eagerly as he and latios begin to re-gain altitude.-

Smashfan: Oh yeah! I'm loving this!

Latios: Just wait... It gets better...
-Latios tucks his arms in to his sides. His reduced size cuts down his air-residtance to practically nothing, and he and smashfan blast through the air at blinding speed-

XANA: Professor. Ignore the boy. Take down the legendary, he is of the most threat to us at the moment.
-Just as XANA says that, he takes a nasty swipe to his shoulder. Latios shoots down into a wild dive, and aims a blindly fast Steel Wing at him before XANA can even blink-- The resultign force sends XANA sprawling several feet, and onto his back.-

Latios: Now... lets see how they like this.
-Latios' body glows, then thunderbolts begin raining out of the sky-

Muhti: Like h*ll I'm letting you jerks have all the fun...
-Muhti reaches over and turns Mari's unconscious body into a large gun. To his surprise, once Mari vanishes, he ends up with two guns in his hand instead of one.-

Spirit Rifle: *nnggghhh* W-what happened just now...

-Muhti grins wickedly-
Muhti: What happened? I'm now officially your new master for the time being.

Now pipe down and make with the energy bullets.

Spirit: W-why am i...

As you wish...

-Spirit's gun barrel glows brightly. There's a large "Skreeeeeeeeee" sound as a bright energy orb appears in front-

Muhti: Astalavista~ Fishes...

-Muhti's Spirit-rifle erupts! The blast shoots gourges itself into the ground, leaving a deep trench in it's wake.

Professor Calamitus couldn't move out of the way fast enough...-

Mechanicat: Professor!

-The smoke from the blast clears. Professor Calamatus stands in the middle of a deep crater inside of a powerful electrical barrier. The attack didn't come without it's toll though-

Professor Calamatus: D*mn... These arms are getting heavy...
-The robot arms on Calamatus' back lose their power, then each of them falls off. He falls out of the air, then lands on his butt in the middle of the hot crater-

Prof. Clam: AHHH!!!
HOT!!! HOTT!!!

-XANA darts back and forth quickly. Several thunderbolts come near him, but none get close enough to deal any real damage. Latios and Smashfan zoom through the air at high-speed, occasionally ducking down to make a swipe at a member of the Antagonist group before taking to the air again and making more thunderbolts fall-

Mechanicat: -after nearly getting fried by one of Latios' thunderbolts himself-

I've had just about enough of these games!
-Mechanicat takes out a purple disk, and inserts it into a drive in his chest. A small humming sound comes from his body as the content of the disk downloads. Then shortly after, a large purple wave shoots out from his body.-

-Latios' flight suddenly comes to a halt. After that, he and Smashfan drop out of the air like rocks.-

Smashfan: Ahh!
What the blazes just happend!?

Latios: *Panicing*
I-I think it's Gravity!
I-I can't fly!!!

-Latios transforms back into a human in mid-air. He then spins around to catch Samshfan, and throws up a barrier at his back to cushon the fall-

-The both hit the ground with a crash-

-Muhti looks up and sees XANA suddenly standing directly in front of him-

XANA: You're next...
-Muhti lets both of the guns drop out of his hands, then transforms himself into the form of a familair black charizard.-

Muhti/Charizard: Don't think so.
-He slugs XANA in the chest-

-XANA recoils back from the attack. He looks down at his plate mail and sees a crack-

XANA: ooooh, you're pay for the dearly Muhti...

-Muhti/Charizard blows tosses his head and blows smoke from his nostrils-

Muhti/Charizard: Come here and try it.

[Muhti used Swords Dance!]



Smash Apprentice
Jun 28, 2012
so...what kind of new story???
If it includes captain falcon,roy,pit,and lucas,I'm in...


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York


Im about to puke out my cereal with this friend crap. THANK GOD I only have Dimentio on my original team.

Onto Mari *does happy dance*

SHE WON'T WRITE A POST WITH HER AND HER TEAM! SHE HAS TO INCLUDE US NO MATTER WHAT! (Unless she ruins it by bringing them back -.-)

(Edit: Im serious my stomach really hurts now)


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Well, Xiroey Mari and Muhti are likely to become fierce rivals come the next story.

Why don't you channel that frustration into your writing?
What's a good rival/rival relationship without a good dissagreement?

Opposing values are what make these things after all.


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
[COLLAPSE="Final - Closing segments"]
-After a long, brutal, and violent fight, Muhti, Xiroey, and Smashfan each lay on the ground, spent. Smashfan lets his broadsword fall out of his hands, no longer able to wield it. Muhti's Charizard transformation melts, and he's left panting on his back. Xiroey tries his best to summon his lance, Lysander into his hands, but it doesn't come.-

-On the antagonist side, both XANA, Mechanicat, and The gourd are left standing. The only casualty is Professor Calamatus, who managed to run himself haggard inside his flaming prison-

-Mechanicat licks his paws with satisfaction-
Mechaniact: So this is what it comes to.
-With a great effort, Smashfan manages to push himself up into a sitting position. He reaches a trembling hand for his sword. But he can't quite manage to grip it around the handle-

Smashfan: ...We... We are not spent here... Muhti... Xiroey... get up...
-Xiroey pants heavily, but manages to push himself up as well. Dispite his efforts, Lysander still doesn't come.-

Xiroey: Ow... These guys are a lot tougher than we initially gave them credit for...

I've never... been this tired...

Muhti: -still on his back-

Y'all two can wear yourselves out all you like. I'm taking a rest here if you don't mind.
-The gourd chuckles-
The Gourd: So, you admit defeat then Smashfan?

Your allies there don't look like they can take much more.
-Smashfan's eyes blaze with a deadly fire-
Smashfan: We are not...
-He snatches his sword up off the ground and stands-

Smashfan: We will not... be defeated here...
-Smashfan summons up the last dregs of his energy and rushes out in a blind charge.-

-XANA waves his hand dismissively-
XANA: I useless guesture...
-Smashfan dives at him, aiming a wild downward cut at XANA's head. The attack would've cut him in half--but XANA easily bats Smashfan away before the attack connects.-

-Smashfan hits the ground in a heap. His sword gets sent skidding across the rocky terrain, far out of his reach-

XANA: *sigh*
Smashfan... you of all people...

I thought at least you would be able to see reason.
-Smashfan stands-

Smashfan: My old foe XANA. You've forgotten one important fact.
No matter how bleak things may be. Or how hopeless they may seem:

Good always prevails over evil in the end.
-XANA pauses, as if considering the notion. Then decides to dismiss it and charges Smashfan instead.-

-Smashfan tries to throw up a defense, but doesn't have energy enough to react.-

Xiroey: Smashfan! Nooo!
-Blood sprays across the battlefield. Smashfan looks down, and sees XANA's hand sticking through his chest.

Right through the heart-

Smashfan: *hurk...*
-XANA's hand makes sickening *squishing* sounds as he pulls it out of Smashfan's heart cavity-

XANA: Alas... this is farewell...
Old friend...
-Smashfan falls-

Xiroey: NOOOO!!!

-Mechanicat shoots a powerful electric pulse at Xiroey before he can get any ideas.-

Mechanicat: Now now, just you sit there and watch like a good little legendary.

it'll be your turn next...
-Xiroey does several painful summersalts across the ground before coming to a halt at the edge of the crater. He looks on helplessly as XANA picks up Smashfan's helpless body.-

Xiroey: Smash... you can't...

-Just as Xiroey is about to pass out from the exhaustion of it all, a unexpected voice barks across the wide clearing-

(???): Focus Blast!

-A stray energy orb shoots out and blasts XANA away. The move catches him completely off guard.-

XANA: *smoking*
W-what is the meaning of...
-The sound of movement comes from one edge of the clearing. Both Xiroey, Muhti, and the Wounded Smashfan look up and see a sight that instantly lifts all their spirits.-

Discord: Surely you weren't about to start the final boss fight without me were you Smash?
-Gengar throws up a fist, and slugs a random Enderman in the face without turning around-

Gengar: Take a rest now bud.
You fought a good fight. Now let the rest of us take over.

Silver Spoon: XANA! You're reign over all of Smashboards ends here!

Princess Celestia: May the spirits of Harmony be with us, and may we all return home safe...
-Smashfan grins once more before passing out-
Smashfan: Friends...
-Xiroey looks over as Smashfan hits the soil-

Xireoy: Oh no you don't smash! I am not letting that happen--

-Xiroey looks up, shocked. Gengar stumbles back a few steps, a nasty hole opening up in his chest. Nevertheless, he smiles and gives him friend a "thumbs up".-

Gengar: Smash will be just fine mate...
-Mechanicat growls angrily-
Mechanicat: You're wasting your time! All of you!
-Charizard throws a few punches into his palm-
Charizard: *snort* Your tail is mine... kitty.
-Mechanicat blinks back shock-
Mechanicat: D-did he just call me...
-Princess Celestia raises a single regal hoof into the air. A dramatic beam of light falls on it from somewhere above the rocky ceiling. A sign?-

Princess Celestia: Friends! Comrades!
For Equestria! For each of our worlds!

-The battlefield erupts in chaos-

Battle Music Change!
(Gundam Unicorn - Desert OST)



Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
((( I wanna end it here!...Well, If You, Smash, Say otherwise, I'm cool with that.)))


[COLLAPSE="Finale."] "Smash! NOOO!""

"....For our All our Worlds! CHAAARRGE!"


(Mari suddenly opens her eyes and sits upright.)

Mari: What the....

(Mari looks around and sees the chaos explodeing around her.)

???: MARI!

(Mari looks behind her and sees Sonic fending off XANA.)

Sonic: Get out of here! Save yourself!

XANA: Oh, I don't think so....

(XANA catches Sonic by his quills and throws him down, standing over him, and rasied his sword like he was making a sacrifice.)


Mari: NO!

(Mari races over to Sonic, Snaching Spirit from the ground where Muhti last left him, and Recklessly tackles XANA away.)

Mari: That's IT!




(Mari's body starts to glow a strange, white color, and she starts floating off the ground.)

Muhti: *Whack!* What the F*CK are you doing now, woman?!

Mari: SHUT IT. I'm trying to save you all!

Muhti: Yeah, well, What if I don't want to-

(Mari blasts Muhti straight into a wall.)

Mari: My God.....OK.....

(Mari closes her eyes....and takes Spirit off her wrist?)

Spirit: Mari? What are you doing?!

Mari: ....I'm doing my job, remember? I'm a Guardian....Whatever that means....

Spirit: ....You not doing...that spell?

Mari: .....


That spell will kill you! There has to be-

Mari: Tell Xiro I'm sorry. And....Spirit? Thanks. For everything.


Spirit: NO-

(Mari teleports Spirit back to Xiro, tears in her eyes.)

XANA: Are you quite done?

Mari: .....Fortuna...

Mana...Oxyriden Norfina.....


Xiro: Aww.......My...Everything....

Magolor: Just relax, I'll cast that healing spell in a minute....How's Smashfan?

SF666: Not doing good...Ow...

Gengar: Don't mind me, I'm just slowly bleeding to death here....

Magolor: *Sigh*....


Spirit: -OOOOOO!.....wha?

Xiro: Brother....?

Spirit: Xiro! Mari...She's....

She's gone insane!

Magolor: When isn't she. -.-

Spirit: No...you don't understand....She....

She's casting Soul Crusher!

Xiro: Soul Crusher...? That doesn't sound good....

Magolor: No...That's impossible...I never taught her that spell! Even I don't know it!

Gengar: YOU call that impossible?!

(Mari's Body was glowing brighter with every passing second. She then suddenly Charged at XANA and punched him in the face. While XANA was dazed, Mari went to work.)

Mari: Star Dome!

(A barrier made completely out of Star pieces about Five feet Surrounded XANA and Mari.)

Mari: Minto....Geaesa Mortuna Firla.....


Mari: Ciberna Astro Borunta....

XANA: Very well, then...I'll make your death nice and PAINFULL!

(XANA raises his sword in a desperate move and brings it down upon Mari.......
Except She caught it between her hands and smirked.)

Mari: Gotcha.


Sonic: It's too dangerous! Magolor, Enough! Mari's got it covered!

Magolor: NO! You all don't understand! We have to stop Mari from casting that spell! She'll kill herself!

Xiro: How does this Soul Crusher work?

Magolor: It's one powerful spell....she must have reached a breaking point in her will in order to cast it...
Anyway, It was originaly created to bring down two beings at the same time...but someone modifyed it.

Anyone within the range of this spell-which is about 5 feet-is instantly drained of all of the life force they have, killing them.

But there's a price....

Sonic: I don't like where this is going, Mag...

Magolor: In order to cast the spell....You need to destroy your own soul...or a soul, which ever is fine.

SF666: GODDAMIT MARI! Why do you have to put yourself in danger for-*ack!*

Gengar: Take it easy Smash....

Xiro: It's like Pain Split, Destney Bond, and Parish Song Combined....

Sonic: Is there anyway to stop it!?

Magolor: No....You have to be really close to use this spell....And it's a one time thing. Anyone within the spell is As good as dead. No exceptions.

Xiro: There...has to be a way....

Magolor: I'm thinking!

-Back with Mari-

XANA: HA! You think you can defeat me with your weak magic?!

Mari:.....Oh, yes.

See you in hell, XANA.



EDIT: ((( LOL, MAYBE NOT....My imagination failed me....)))


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
I didn't get ninja'd O.o

I said I was writing the next story's intro.

Should we leave this thread alone when SF leaves? And make this a monument of some sort when SF was here. I can make a new thread.


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
i've other ideas for what becomes of this thread upon my departure... when i go, i want the three of you to take my place as the main hero. together. muhti especially.


(a shadowy figure on a crystal pillar nears)

???: "did i miss anything important?"

(king sombra joins the battle)

king sombra: "your time has come, XANA. your reign of terror is at it's end."

XANA: "maybe, but... there is still another..."

discord: "say WHAAAAAAT?"

XANA: "though the plague union is in control of smashboards, there were... ulterior motives for it's creation..."

what rubbish are you blathering about now?

XANA: "the plague union was brought together with the intention of reigning over smashboards with an iron fist... in Mechanikat and Vexus's case, it wasn't just a metaphor..."

sonic: "very funny..."

XANA: "but the first four members; Mechanikat, Vexus, Calamitous, and myself, were brought together by a higher being... one who prefers not to involve himself in earthly affairs."

the gourd: "wait, WOAH wowowowowowowoah! you guys were formed by some god being and didn't tell ME about it?! what the hell, dudes?!"

XANA: "he told us that our mission was to prepare the world of smashboards for his arrival. but... all he showed to us of himself was a pair of pitch black, bleeding eyes..."

...who was he?

XANA: "we are not sure, but... what we do know is, he is awaiting his opportunity to enter the world of the living..."

narrator: "hello, everyone..."

the narrator?!

discord: "how did you survive?"

the narrator: "heheheheheheh, EHHHHEHEHEHEHEHEH, AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

...narrator, i don't like that creepy laugh you just gave off.

XANA: "...he's here."

(explosion from just offscreen, and a loud screech is heard)

???: "y̮̟̹͈͙̥͇̑ͨ̏ͣ̅̓́̚̚o̶̹̩̱̝̜̽̑̀͠u̱̲̘̜͍̐͛̈̇ͨ͘ ̧͓̯̼͍̝͓͎̗̝ͬ͐͛̄̊͗͒͢a̮̬͍͈̩̎͆͑̚ŗ̛͖͖͇̱̖̆̑ĕ̵̡̮̜̫̟͈̤͎̘̹̇̓ͫͪͥ́̚ ̢͔̙̇̓̀͋̉͒̄a̭̭̦̺͈̹̱̫̐̒̒̇̑ͥ̈́l̄̑ͭ͑҉̰̮̳̼̹lͧ̋͏҉̮̳̣̥̩͍͉ͅ ̨̙̦̠̜̊͊̉̓͟m͖̞̝̤̣͛̿̏̄ͥ͝o̸̷̖̜ͨ͋͐̊̊̏ͥ̇̉ͅr̄͐̓̎ͮͣ͏̸̻̗̺͔e̐ͥ͋̃̎͑҉͕͉̮̼͙̹̺͝ ̨̟͔̟̼̤̞̣̣̿ͫͣ͝ş͇͍͙̝̯̻͇̣̓͛̃ͯ͠t̷̨̻̬̯̗̱̜ͮ̂̈̈́͑̇͊̍͘ư̻̝ͤ̏ͨͩͪͨ͂̚p̸͖͙͎̘̲̼͇̉ͭi̙̜̼̻͉ͩ̿͜d̷̤̰̖̳͖͖̾̑͗͌̈́̒̏͟͡ ̸̢̖̬̜̱̠̝̹̀͒t̸͇͓̰̣̪̎͊ͦ̌̍ͭͤh͑ͭ҉̤̤̦̪̰͉ą̦̼̫̣͔͚̋͊͒̔̕͡n̷̵̵̠͌̿̿ ̡̦̬̞̯͐͗̑͝i̡̺̩͎͍̩̤̞̞͕ͦͮ̀ͬͥ̚͘͡ ͚̹̂͊̓t̴̢̝͍̙ͪ͆ͬͯ̌ͫ͢h͕̼̝ͧͬ́ͫͭ͘o͙͎̜ͨ̎ͤ̏ù͆҉͓̱̖̱͢͝ĝ͉̪̿̃͋ͮ͐̇͜h̞͈͙͍̜̗̰͓̦̿̅͐͆̈t̯̜͚͍͕̮̬͆ͪ̓̿ͭ̂͐ͥ͢.̵̪̦̗̖͕̱͌ͫ͠"

(a large figure rises from the ground)

XANA: "so... YOU were the one responsible for the plague union's creation... Zalgo..."

all sans zalgo and XANA: "OVER-THE-TOP ANIME REACTION!!!"

zalgo: "y̘̥̘̙̩̭̪͖͗̒͛ͣͬͯͅę̸̞͎̜͇̦͍̓͒ͬ̀̃̆ś̳͚̬ͮͦ͑̌͊̑ͮ̒́͘.̡̧̠̪̖͙͖͓̮̮ͬͫ̊̽̃ͧͥͮ ̧͈͇̳̖̙͉͉̲̍̊͌ͭͧ̃b̛̛͍̜͕̹̭̱̲͂ͧ͂͛ͩͅủ̷͐͒̓̕͏̼̭͖̠̹t̷̴̥͚̝͙̎ͮ͘ ̵͔͍̖̍͐͋̇͋̆ͧ̃͠n̺͉͈͛̀͊ͦ͛ͪͅō̝̘̍́͑͝ẘ̶͖͎͖̺̞͔̙ ̡͎̱ͦ̊̿̂̉͞t̶̼͈̹͉͖̺̆ͫ̍̓͑̾͂̚h̷͈͇̞̩͔̬͖ͣ̿͂̄ͤ͘͟ǎ̧̞̍̍ͅt̰̖͉̼̯̼̽̂̊̓̓̃ͬͭ ̲̺̹͚̠͕͓̊ͥ̍ͫͬ͋ͣy̼̣͓͉̞̅͋̓̆ͣo̢̦͉̯͌͊ͬͦͦͫ̄͒ų̭̖̲̬̰ͦ̃͂̈́̉͂̉̐́͡ṙ̳̞͓͈̖͔̭ͧ̔ͅ ̢̞̬͉̭͖̦̟̤͕͂̈̇͟͝p̽͏͚̳̟̱̗͎̣͢u͔̟̣͇͚̰̩̳͒ͧͫ̀ͣ͂̚r͉̭̺̃̽ͮ͞ṕ̠̦̗̦͖̽oͧͣͥ̏̔̉ͮ͏̬͎͔̟̙̱ͅş̷͉̟͍͉͚͈͚̑̓ͮ̿ͮ͒͞é̉͗ͨ͐̑̍ͤ͂́҉̧̰͉͚͈͚̞ ̸̧͕̲̪͙͓̒̅̿h̲͕͍̬̫̤͊̍ͥͯ͋͗a̸̷ͬ̾ͨ҉̗̼̱͖s͕̻͖͖̬̞ͭ͑͊̌͐͑͆ͨ́ ̡͈̩̖̻̘ͭ̍ͨ̑̏ͫ̂̾́b̴̶̙̟̠͖͚͍̦̐͒̑͜ēͬ̃͋͆ͪ͌̈͏̶̱͚̟̹̣̝ͅè̴̦̦̣̘͒̄̽n̸̮̦ͬ̏ ̫̯̻̖̰͙̍̑͛̐̾̋ͤ̚͝f̵̨͍̭̜̪͈̓̃̓ͪ̊u̸̡̙͇͔̗̙̺̗̲ͮ͂̿͑̓̊̄ͦͅļ͇̘͕͖̐̔̾ͨ̎f͔̣̙̉͒ͫ̾͋͐̑ȉ͌ͦ̒̀͏͍̪͕l̳̭͈͔ͫ́ͮ͒̓̽l̜̈̍͑͂ͣê͕̲̩͋́̓ͫ̐́͆͜ḓ̼͇͓̙̞̓̂͛̿͛̀͠͠ͅ,̷̗͎̗̠̮͉͓̞̜ͤ̇ͣ̽ͮ͟ ̵̧͉͖̙̿͌͞ͅẙ̶̡̫̘̰̘̻͉͈͎͊͗o͙̲͕͕̱̙̟ͫ̒ͫͩ̈́̕͝ú̍̑͒̀҉̰͎͍ ̷̨̣̻̻̪ͩ͋́ŝ̴̤̻͚̩͇̦͊ͯ͌h̵̸̜̞̬̪̦̻̿̍̂͂̐ͅa̛͓̯̮͙̬͍̯̖̽̈́̕l͔̰̼͚̫̯̘͉̅̆͋ͧ̎l̛̦͖̬̳̙̜̪̺̋̑̇͌̀̅̂͘ ̼̫̟̫ͨ͑͆ͯ͆̀ͩ̓ͅb̵̓̀ͪ͏̦̘͕̪̘̻͚̥e̹͉͍̖̣̝̿̄̄̌̎̅ͯ͆̇̀͜ ̭̱̜̠͓̥ͨ͌́̕͢d̢̮̪̱̅̃ͪ̽̂̂ͧ͒́ȩ̫̜͖͔̝͔̉̒ͬ͐͋͘s̢̠͈̀͌̀̾̕t̴̰̼̃̐r̈́ͨ̕͠͏͕͚̹̖͖̙o̰͚̼̜͇ͨ̽ͨ̄ͨ͑͋͒ͪ́͟y̸̢̢͓̫̹̪̩̿̽͗̈́ͅe͋̾҉̰̜͙̣d̛̲̳̓͊̑ ̮͇͍̜ͤͮ̃̈́̇͌͝a̸̵̫̮͈͈̗͕͕̋͟l̟̞͙̭̩̪̦͗̉͋̏ͯͮ̅ͥ́ͅo̺̹̣͓͙͖̟̼̳ͮ͆̊ͩn̮̞͙̬͔͎̻̺ͯ̉͘͜g̢̛̳͙͉̫͚̳̹̾̈́̓̇ͭ͂͌̓͝ ̼̟̜̬̤̮̋̌̽ͥ̈ͥͅw̨̬͇̠̥͇̖̩͌̒̅̚i̸̳̜̤̩͌̓́͛͒͘ţ̠̝̺͉ͬ̓͐̾ͅh̢ͣͧ͛̾ͤ̌̌̿ͯ҉̙͙ ̷͈̫̈́ͥ̓̂̋̑̒ͨt̢̤͉͈̫̠ͣͥ̅̚͢h͎̝̞̤̪̦̞͑ͬ̏͝e̹̼͍̱̻̍ͅs̶̖̟͉̘̗̑̌ͬe̅̂̓͑̓̕ͅ ̫̦̻ͯͩ͠f̪̙͙̾̋̈ō̴̢̥̼̞̥ͬ̂̊ͅö̰͙͙͖̻̰̤̜͇͗ͧͩl͔̙̮͎̳͔̼̔̉͆̚i̸̥̪͍̙̹̥̦̲̽̀ͭs̛̥͒̍͆͜͞h͛̑ͩ͏̖̖̮̦ ͔̦͓͎͉̱̲͒͐ͥ̄̒p̣͖̟̯̞̭̍ͯ̿͋̍̚r̀͐͒҉̨̺̯͖͖̯̭̲̟ͅo̷̱̺͕͓ͬt͆͒̐҉̹̗̟͈̱̟̤̕ã̶̦̬̦͋ͬͫͤ̀ͅg̅͛̂͌͋̄͊͝͏͕̼̟̟̱̪͇͈o̮̬̦͇̻̻͆͡ņ̛͇̫̘͇̜̮ͥ͗̄͆ͩ̽ͪ͠ỉ̩͎͇͖̣̣̪͂͌ͮ͒̂͂ş̴̰͉͆̽ͪͧ͝t̴̰̠͇̞̹̘̮̤ͥ͊ͯ̇ș̨̮̖̻͕̫̻̊ͣ̃̾ͨ̊͑ͬ͘͞.̛̯͇̼̖͔̤̣̼̿̎ͧͧͣͮͮ.̙̖͚̟̬̄̃̈͟.̩̜̥̜̠̠̠̪̈́̈́ͤ͒ ̢̻̭̗̠̠̋̏̀A̶̧̳̱͎̳͛͌̌̓͂̇ͥ̊̃͞N̞̮̾̈́ͫ̽̎ͭͦ̌͠͠D̝̹̎̌ͧͩ̓ͤͅ ̡̺͉͍͚̓ͤͧ͂̌̐͛ͥ̈t̵̬̳̫͎̞̹̲͛̄̚͠h̡̽͛͋ͣ̅͂͠҉͉͙͕̻̤̤e̱̬̯͖̹̦͇̅̋ͯ̑̅̐̑̚͟͞ ̻̜̖͖̘͂͢r̩ͭ̽ͫ͞e͙͎̘̞͕̫͇̳͍ͧ̉ͦ́ḁ̗͓̜̥̲͖͈͒̐̏ͤ͞l̶̨̢͙̘͓͕̱̬͚ͨ͊ͥ̆͋̀ͭm̐͛̄҉̳̖͉͍̱͡ ̶̢̘̺̺̝̭͆̀ͮ͂ͭ̔o͎̣͕̮̥̫̗͂̆͆̏ͩͨ̚͜f͖̺̗͖̜͌ͭͬ͗ͧͩ͛ ̠̩̰͓̣̥̼̿s̻ͮ͛m̴̱ͭ̅ͫ͘͢ȁ̝̦̥̟̮͙̝͚́͐̄ŝ͖͖͚͚̭͍̆̄̂̂̽̃ḧ̵̬̟̱́̓͡b̒̓͒͡҉̧͉̮̱̤̩̹̥̻ǒ̦̖͑͢͡a̸̭̩̯̹͉̺̗͙̎͗ͨ͘r̜̞͈͖̦͒ͭd̷̪̩̺̯͎̤ͪ̇̃̀s̵̢̼̤̘̅̅͆ͯͨ̄̃ͪ̓͠.̝͎̺̣̠͎̼ͮ̌̍ͦ͌̑͛ͮͅ.̴̸̲͚͕ͫͮͧͩ͛ͬ̒͢.͎̜͚̮͕͖̓͛̓͐͐̿̀"

(zalgo turns into a 200-ft.-tall beast)


princess celestia: "has returned..."

the gourd: "to destroy the world of smashboards..."

XANA: "...no. i cannot allow this!"


XANA: "as much as we wish to see smashboards in ruin, it is hardly worth it if we cannot use that to usher in a new era... we will join you to defeat zalgo. for us. for ALL those on smashboards... for the greater good..."

then let's do this...


XANA joined your team!


Professor Calamitous joined your team!


Mechanikat joined your team!


The Gourd joined your team!

only one problem...

discord: "zalgo is A GIANT WITH POWERS BEYOND OUR WILDEST IMAGINATION... how are WE supposed to even stand a chance?!"

princess celestia: "we'll find a way... (gulp) if there is one..."

king sombra: "i have a plan. it is likely that even a creature like zalgo has his weak points."

...his lack of compassion... or empathy... his weakness must lie in his heart!

professor calamitous: "how corny..."

king sombra: "i will stall him while you all make your way for zalgo's heart..."

charizard: "how exactly will you do battle?"

king sombra: "do not worry. i am prepared for that..."

(king sombra sinks into the dirt... and from the point where sombra melded with the ground, up arises a giant crystal golem *sporting sombra's head* roughly the size of zalgo)

king sombra: "go! now!"

+Crystal Giant Sombra vs Zalgo: Makuta Battle, First Phase - Bionicle: The Game+


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
i've other ideas for what becomes of this thread upon my departure... when i go, i want the three of you to take my place as the main hero. together. muhti especially.
*Looks around innocently*

Who me?

Btw Im not writing a story piece until the next story.

Im not fighting Zalgo with ALL these characters.
May 1, 2012
I just have a question.... Isn't that cat Mechanikat from the show "krypto the super dog?"

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