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Forum Fight: The Story Forum

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Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
-posted so that Xiro doesn't double post or Smashfan or Mari if she gets back-

Im sorry but this story is getting dragged out. Im starting to get bored.


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
-Xiroey teeters left then right before finally falling unconscious on top of his own torture table-

-Mehcanicat pokes him-
Mechanicat: *psst*

Vexus: No good. he's out.
-Mechanicat moans sadly-
Mechanicat: Mmm. I had looked forward to giving him grief once the match was done.~

Vexus: Later.
For now we have other things to discuss.

Mechanicat: Hmm...?
Now? But...

Vexus: I know. Much of the board is away.
But I'm afraid this can't wait.

Mechanicat: They've found our location.
-Vexus nods-
Vexus: Unfortunately we miscalculated in bringing him here so soon.
It was our initial plan to incapacitate that sister of his before bringing him into our quarters. But it appears she still lives with Smashfan's group.

Mechanicat: It seems unreasonable that she's be able to track him this far underground.

Vexus: *sigh*
If it were any other person, Yes.

But I'm afraid the Eon's have an especially acute sense for each other.
-Mechanicat fiddles with one of his tools-
Mechanicat: How soon?

Vexus: From Smashfan's current position I give it about 3 days.
-Mechanicat curses-
Mechanicat: Do you know how long it takes to get these fools in line for an actual assault!?

Vexus: I know.
-He walks over to Xiroey, and takes something out of his pocket. After waving it under his nose again, Xiroey shoots up, then gags.

Vexus: Wario's socks.
They make quite a potent Smellingsalt.

Xiroey: *cough* What's the big Idea?
Who shoved that piece of trash under my--

Vexus: Latios. It appears we have use for you again.
-Xiroey stops-
Xiroey: Yeah? *cough*
What is it?
And I go by "Xiroey" while I'm like this by the way.

Vexus: Very well...
-Vexus waves over to a chair-

Vexus: Please sit.
-Xiroey does as he's told-

Vexus: Now first, We'd like to congratulate you on your win against Diamond Tiara. It was very well played. That surprise Earthquake at the end is exactly the kind of unpredictability we're looking for.

Xiroey: Yeah?
So what's this plan of yours then?

Mechanicat: *purrs* Nice and to the point.
I like this one.
-Vexus shushs him-
Vexus: The hour draws neigh.
You know of Smashfan and his party correct?

Xiroey: ... Yeeeeaaah.
We did sorta travel together for almost a year.

Vexus: Good.
Then you also know of their weaknesses.
-Xiroey stops for a second to think-
Xiroey: From the best of my knowlege:

  • Mari is afraid of Ghosts, and has an overwhelming desire to protect everyone.
  • Muhti is sneaky and cunning, but it shouldn't be too difficult to press his buttons in an actual fight.
  • Typhlosion seems like a nice guy at first but he'll lose his temper quickly if his friends are in danger
  • Glicor hates ice and--
-Vexus stops him there-
Vexus: Good good. That's quite enough.
We're not the ones who'll need this information.
-Xiroey looks confused-
Xiroey: Okay. So why do you ask then?

Mechanicat: Smashfan and his cohorts will be at our very doorstep within the week. We'll be sending you and certain of our most trusted members out to... "greet" him when he arrives.

Vexus: You know his weaknesses.
And also, we've noticed you have certain... capabilities that make you quite useful in team assaults.

Xiroey: You want me to play support.

Vexus: You'll be the general of this organized group of baddies.
I trust you'll not fail us.
-Xiroey salutes-
Xiroey: Whatever pleases the Plague Union, Sir's.

-Vexus chuckles-
Vexus: You'll leave at daybreak.
Take this opportunity to rest and think up a strategy.
-Xiroey waves his hand-
Xiroey: Strategy?
No need. I already have one.

After traveling with these buffoons as long as I have, it shouldn't be too hard thinking up a way to tear them apart.

Vexus: Good. I'll leave you to it.

-The meeting comes to a close.-



- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Saffron City - The Next Day
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-Mari walks back into her hotel room, refreshed after her first hot shower in weeks-

Mari: Oooh Mobius, that was nice...
-She falls down on the nice pillowy bed, and lets of all her worries fade away.

Mari: So nice...

-Mari lays like that for a while, enjoying the sweet comfort of not being on the move. The relief of not having to watch her back-

Mari: If I had known Saffron City was a Safe Zone, I'd have come here ages ago--

-Mari's senses go on high alert. She doesn't move, but she alows her senses to feel around the room.-

Mari: (Someone's here...)

(???): Relax Mari. I mean you no harm.

-Mari shoots up. Xiroey has barely enough time to inhale before mari shoves a knife under his throat-

Xiroey: Heh~
Impressive reaction time as usual Mar.

-Mari glares at him hatefully-
Mari: What do you want trator?

-Xiroey laughs-
Xiroey: Heheh.
You fling these insults around as if I ever had a choice in the matter.

-The knife inches closer-

Mari: What do you want?

Xiroey: *gulp*
Actually... I came to check up on you.

-Mari blinks back shock. She wasn't excpecting that kind of response.-

Mari: Why should I believe you?

-Xiroey breaths deeply, then closes his eyes.-
Xiroey: ... Spirit?

-Mari's Bracelet glows faintly-
Spirit: Brother...?
That you?

Mari: Yeah. It's him.
Though I wouldn't get too excited.

He's with them now.
-Spirit pauses for a second.-
Spirit: Hmm...
This is interesting indeed...

Mari: Yeah?
What's intersting...?

Spirit: I sense darkness in him...
Yet no evil clouds his heart.

-Mari drops the knife-
Mari: X-xiro...?

-Xiroey grins-
Xiroey: How ya been Mar?

-Mari pulls him into a tight hug-
Mari: Xiro! You have no idea how worried we all were!
When Smashfan brought us all here you suddenly weren't there and--

Why is your hair black?
-Xiroey looks up-
Xiroey: Ooh...
Yeah, that. I can change it back if you like...

Mari: No. It's fine.
I was just...


Xiroey: *choaking* Might help if you stopped squezing me first...

-Mari lets him go-
Mari: Oh... Sorry.

Xiroey: *gasp*
Okay, you're not going to believe this...
-Mari sits down on her bed-
Mari: ...

Xiroey: I met up with two of the Plague heads.
The've appointed me as their head general.

-Mari's eyes go wide for a second-
Mari: Xiro... Thats...

Xiroey: I know.
They trust me to lead the main assault.

Mari: ..But you won't... Right?

Xiroey goes silent-

Mari: ...You're not actually going to do it!?

Spirit: It makes sense when you think about it.

-Mari snaps-
Mari: Yeah!? And what if they find out he's been faking all this time?
We have NO idea where the Plague is located. He'd be all alone and--

Xiroey: Actually, odds are my Sister has been looking for me this entire time. She probably knows, so you can ask her.

Mari: Wait... So that means...

NO! that doesn't answer my question.
Why would you go with an attack against your friends?

We need you here so we can--

Spirit: As long as my brother leads the first assault, he can spread dissent amonst his own ranks. We'd be able to blast through the first wave and make it into Plague territory like cake.

Xiroey: [continuing where Spirit left off] Don't worry.
Once the First wave goes up in smoke, I'll rejoin up with Smashfan and your group.

The Palgue won't know what hit em'
They'll be left wondering what could've possibly went wrong with their attack, and that should throw them off ballance.

Spirit: Plus, lets not forget the advantage of easy passage.
We should have no problem invading Plague territory if my brother is to lead the main assault.

Mari: *sigh*
Looks like Smash's group has its' first double agent.

Xiroey: Heheh~
They won't know what hit em.

-Xiroey peeks out the window-
Xiroey: ...Every second I'm out of my room is a risk that they'll notice I'm gone.

I need to head back.

-Xiroey prepares to leave-

Mari: WAIT!

-Xiroey pauses-

Mari: ...Good luck.
And don't do anything stupid okay?

-Xiroey smiles-
Xiroey: We'll meet up again before long.
Enjoy your vacation!

-With that, Xiroey vanishes inside his dark orb-



Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009

...i believe i was captured by The Gourd earlier, was i not? :\



Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
i'll admit this is going on for a bit long, which is why we'll have to get all our affairs resolved.

@Xiroey: please do, plz :)


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Ahem, I shall do it.
*Mari just stood there dumbfounded that a Plague member had just visited her*

Muhti: Hey Mari

*Mari jumps and has shivers by the sound of her name*

Muhti: Where's Smashfan?

Mari: Uhhhh *shakes head* Im not sure. How are your wounds?

Muhti: *chuckles* Doing fine. It's weird how Smash and Xiroey just dissappear

Mari: Yea, and it's not like one o them turned on us

*covers mouth quickly*

Muhti: What was that?

Mari: Uhh....

*Magalor rushes into the cabin*

Magalor: Hey guys. I think you may want to see this!

*The three rush out to see codes of 1 and 0 closing in on then*

4th Doctor: It appears the Pokemon world is falling to an end as well as Equestria.

Gengar: NO! Not the Pokemon world!

*Buizel pats his back*

Buizel: Every world is dieing.... But where will we stay?

*Everyone pauses for a few seconds while the coding rushes in*

Dimentio: I GOT IT!

*Dimentio snaps his fingers as the group teleports somewhere*[/COLLAPSE]

[COLLAPSE="Dimension D"]

*The group collapse on the floor with aching backs and moaning*

Dimentio: This and Plague City are the only two areas that won't turn into coding.

Silver Spoon: I can understand Plague City, but why here?

Dimentio: Because this is MY dimension not coding. It's real.

Discord: And Earth?

Dimentio: I wanted to feel special.

*Everyone groans at the sound*

Muhti: Alright, everyone go do anything you can to prepare, Dimentio, Mari, Sonic, and I will discuss a plan.

*The group splits up with one on one side and another on the other side*

Sonic: So?

Muhti: We need to attack tommorow. We should all split up and disguised as villains.

Mari: How?

*Muhti reaches over to touch Sonic, who then turns into Magikarp*

Sonic/Magikarp: HEY!!!

Muhti: Hehe *touches sonic again to his former state*

Dimetio: So that's our plan?

Mari: It's too simple.

Muhti: It worked for Hyrule.

Mari: But you lost!!!

Dimentio: We were lax at that point and my "masters" betrayed me

*Shadow creeps on the group*

Mari: Hey Shadow.

Shadow: Hi umm... Look at this

*Shadows points to Discord, Buizel, and Gliscor*

Mari: They're

Dimentio: Depixelating

Muhti: Not that their world is gone... They're technically gone too. Alright WE NEED TO HURRY! NOW![/COLLAPSE]


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
(the background begins to flicker)

king sombra: "what? what's going on?!"

(the ground begins depixelating)

muhti: "wait a minute... it's not the fact that their worlds are gone, it's... THIS place is going!"

queen chrysalis: "i THOUGHT this place was safe from depixelation!"

dimentio: "okay, so MAYBE i stretched the truth a bit there. there are still SOME cracks it can slip through."


(a metal ball hits floatzel on the head)

floatzel: "agh! hey, OW!"

metal ball: "uuugh.. wh- ? i'm not dead! I'M NOT DEAD! :D"

mari: "and you are... ?"

metal ball: "oh, right. introductions and all that. *ahem* my name is Wheatley."

4th doctor: "ah, right, that intelligence dampening sphere!"

wheatley: "do NOT. bring THAT. UP."

4th doctor: "okay, very well. european sphere."

wheatley: "...can we just skip the horrible jokes and join forces already?"


Wheatley joined your team!

princess celestia: "if we can just find a way out of here-"

wheatley: "i think i can help with that, but.. it's RATHER risky..."

discord: "(eagle talon already halfway gone) who cares if it's risky?! JUST DO IT!!"

(wheatley's internal components spin around, and the group flashes out just as the ground beneath them finishes depixelating)

(the team reappears in the subways of plague city)

wheatley: "AGH! AGHBLBLBL- wha- ? ahh, they TOLD ME that if i used my teleportation device, i would die! they told me that about EVERYTHING! honestly, i don't even know why they bothered GIVING me this stuff if they didn't want me to use it!"

sonic: "well... we're here... Plague City..."

king sombra: "well... it seems to be the only safe place for the moment..."

dimentio: "yeah, given this 'earth' is inaccessible. even i, dimentio, can't seem to reach it!"

wheatley: "everyone else okay?"

(floatzel, discord, and gliscor look all over themselves)

gliscor: "DING! all limbs are in order!"

mari: "i guess we should start forming a plan, then."

big macintosh: "eeyup..."


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Plague City
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Latios: People!
Exactly at three o'clock, the enemy is due to be crushed by your fierce charge, destroyed by your grenades and bayonets. The honor of Belgrade, our capital, must not be stained. Soldiers! Heroes! The supreme command has erased our regiment from its records. Our regiment has been sacrificed for the honor of Belgrade and the Fatherland. Therefore, you no longer need worry about your lives: they no longer exist. So, forward to glory! For King and Fatherland! Long live the king! Long live Belgrade!

-Plague city enters an uproar-

Koopa Troopa: Uhm... what did he just say?

Heartless: I have no Idea... I think it's supposed to be a movie refrence?

Koopa Troopa: Beats me, but it was pretty inspriational...

Latios: Our enemy is at our front door.
Men! Prepare to charge!


-Latios smiles inwardly to himself-
Latios: (*snk* Charge straght to your doom that is...)


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
[COLLAPSE="Powerless"]*The group trudges on to find a hiding spot within the train stations*

King Sombra: Hungry.....

Mari: Tired.....

11th Doctor: Home sick....

Discord: Chocolateless.....

*As they made their way the group found a television that flashed Disco- I mean the news*

News Reporter: "Hell"o Plaguers, News Flash coming your way:

The Mushroom Kingdom, Green green hills, the Dark Tribe, and SmashCity has started to depixelate.

In other news, the Plague Union is trying to find a group headed by these people:

*The tv screen showed a few faces, such as:

•and Dimentio (Which had a bigger jackpot then the rest)*

Dimentio: Hey! Im more valuable!

News Reporter: The Plague has already captured their main leader Smashfan666 as well as Xiroey, who has switched sides.

Mari: Stu-*glitches a bit* stupid traitor

Sonic: Mari you-you're glitching!

Dimentio: Lets all *falls onto the floor face first* FUUUUUUUUUU-

King Sombra: Somebody lost their powers!

Muhti: Haha. I can't glitch or anything since Im from Earth!

Mari: Wha-what about me?

Little Mac: You're life is connected to another person, that's why.

Spirit: So-sorry Mari. My fa-fault

News Reporter: In other news, a puppy was murdered! YAY!!!!

Silver Spoon: Sick, twisted din-ding bat!

Muhti: Alright plan time!

Discord: I-I say we-

Dimentio: MY HAT!!!

11th Doctor: Hmm It's gone.

Dimentio: NO **** SHERLOCK!

Discord: *ahem* As I was saying....[/COLLAPSE]


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
I have a question:

Did Mari drop dead anytime these past few days?

I know it's Thanksgiving but really?


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
She is missing the best part :/

This is like... the grand finale man.
Smashfan's last stand.

Which btw, i'm curious about what'll happen in here once SF leaves


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
She is missing the best part :/

This is like... the grand finale man.
Smashfan's last stand.

Which btw, i'm curious about what'll happen in here once SF leaves
Well Im taking the position of main writer.

And you know how my brain functions as a villain without Smashfans guidance


Plus you and Mari would probably write:

"Ohh! I need to protect my friends and find out my true family ad protect them! LETS ALL BE FRIENDS EVERYONE! YAY!!!!"


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Well, my character is mildly based off of Sora from KH.
He draws much of his stregnth from his relations with other people.

Remember when he suddenly reappeard in the story as an 8 year old kid with reduced fighting abilities? It was because he had lost his best friend, and after several months in-story it began to affect him.

(on that note, I'm still very surprised you had him bum-rush you in the castle.
I had him perched on top of regirock for a reason. :facepalm:)


As for Mari.
My best guess is that it's a result of her having lost the people she cares about.


And how are we going to find our true families?
Both our parents are dead. -.-


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Why is it that everyone's parents are dead? :facepalm:

*Batman song plays*


But really, that line is overused and pathetic to my mind.

"I need to save everyone"





Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
(later, after the plan has been discussed)

news reporter: "in other nenews, we hear that the plague ununionion has plans to geget a new pluginin installedalled to fininallally fix all of plplplague city'sty's connection problblblblblblblblblblblblblblblblblblblblblblblblblblblblblblbl-"

--[News Reporter has left the server (connection loss)]--

(a bot takes the reporter's place)


king sombra: "so, it's agrgreed then."

muhti: "sombra will turn into shadow and hold off anyone who might come looking for us-"

dimentio: "while wewe make our way tototo the plague unununununiononon's fort-"

--[Dimentio has left the server (connection loss)]--

dimentio *BOT*: "(german voice) FORTRESS... NO, WAIT, DON'T TELL ME. I TIMED OUT?"

big macintosh: "eeyuyup."


king sombra: "very wewell. i will holdold thethem off. just hurry!"

(king sombra's body explodes, turning him back into his shadow form, which proceeds to encompass the entirety of plague city)

(elsewhere, in the pub we last saw N in, the place goes dark as the shadow leaks in)

dr. eggman: "hey, who turned out the lights?!"


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York

*The mob starts charging in until a shadow covers everyone's eyes*


--Koopa Troopa has left the server--

Koopa Troopa (BOT): *in Donald Trumps voice* HEY!!!

*As the mob freezes they hear some shouting and running*


Xiroey: M-M-Muhhhti...

*The Protagonists run within the shadow and mob, towards the fort*

Xiroey: Every-one-one stay! I'll handle them.

???: How can you when you can't see them?

*Xiroey was then given a round house kick to the jaw*


--Xiroey has left the server--

Muhti: Stupid Pokemon.... IM READY FOR A REMATCH!

Xiroey (BOT): *In Miley Cyrus's voice :troll:*Im ready for one too....



Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
[COLLAPSE="Webs and Ice"]
-Latios shakes his head a few times to clear it-

Latios: *Zzzt* W-what was that just now?
Did i black out?
-Latios senses danger coming from him right-
Latios: (They're here.)
-Latios throws his protect up, and Muhti's foot recoils off the barrier-

Latios: (Him...)
-Latios aims his Icy Wind at Muhti while he's still vulnerable-

Muhti: (Heh, he's awake...)
-Muhti teleports away in time to avoid the blast-

Latios: Muhti, stop this nonsense!
We fight for the same caus--
-Latios' eyes glow blue. Muhti comes charging at him with his sword drawn, only to meet powerful wall of water-

Latios: Waterfall.

-The water wall shoots out and launches Muhti straight into a building.-

Latios: Forgive me Muhti, but I can't fight you now...
(Thunder Wa--)
[Latios was Paralyzed - he may be unable to move!]

Latios: (What...?)
-Muhti chuckles softly in his ear-
Muhti: Couldn't sense where I was just now could you?

Latios: (Body won't... respond...)

Muhti: Now, Payback time.
-Muhti summons up a sharp sword made of ice-

Muhti: Word on the street is, you Dragons are vulnerable to ice...

Latios: *Ba-bum* (M-move!!!)
-Muhti examines his sword lovingly, savoring every moment-

Muhti: Now where to begin...?
I know.
-Muhti plunges the sword into deep Latios' rib cage-

Latios: {!!}

Muhti: *whispering* You like that?
Why don't I give you another.

-Muhti summons up another sword, and plunges it into Latios' armpit-

-The paralysis prevents him from crying out-

Muhti: Hmm...? I was certain you'd scream out like a girl after that one.

Latios: *hurk* M-Muhti... stop...

-Muhti pauses, another sword in his hands-

Muhti: Hmm? You wan't me to stop?

Latios: We're not enemies... you idiot...
-Muhti laughs-

Muhti: Oh that!
Don't worry Xiro, I know all about that little deal you made with Mari.

Latios: wait... then why are-- *hurk*

-The next sword goes just beneath his right wing-

Muhti: Don't inturrupt me when I'm trying to speak.

Latios: D-amnit Muhti...

[Latios Fainted]

Muhti: *sigh* Well, that didn't last long--

-Muhti sees stars-

(???): Now, why am I not surprised?

-Muhti rubs his head, then gets up-

Muhri: You bleeding hearts should be thanking me.
I just did you all a favor.

-Muhti gets yanked up by his collar-

Latias: You knew good and well that my brother was working for our team.
You twisted piece of scum.

-Muhti smiles-

Muhti: Yeah, what of it?
Not like the idiot didn't deserve--

-Muhti slips a dagger between her ribs. Latias recoils back, then lets him go.-

Muhti: *dusting himself off*
Pick me up like that again, heifer, and the next one goes into your heart.

-Latias pulls the knife out-

Latias: (R-recover--)

Muhti: Heal Block.

-Latias' wound doesn't close.-

Latias: Muhti... W-why would you...?

Muhti: Because I don't like you either. Now lay there and die.
You both fought your hardest and died bravely in battle. The end.

-Muhti walks away-

Latias: M-muhti...

-Muhti spins around and takes out his sword. Both he and Latias' weapons clash-

Latias: If I die here, you twisted piece of garbage, I'm taking you with me!

Muhti: You make it sound like I'm the evil one.

-Latias gets shot back by a sticky web. It pins her to a nearby building-

VenoMuhti: Not now.
Next story, until then. Enjoy what time you have left.

-Munti teleports away to rejoin the fight.-



Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
???: "decided to join the winning team, muhti?"

(diamond tiara steps out from the shadows)

diamond tiara: "i'm not surprised. the plague union really is fit for coldblooded killers like you and i."

venomuhti: "oh, please. who have YOU killed?"

diamond tiara: "what, you haven't heard? (throws down a broken duel disk and a Dark Magician card)"

venomuhti: "so, you're saying YOU killed the pharaoh? how so? you're a harmless little filly!"

diamond tiara: "now now, muhti. (holding ruby amulet) are you forgetting about this little number a certain teen titans villain sent me?"

venomuhti: "ah, i figured another had something to do with it."

diamond tiara: "look. you want to kill smashfan. I want to kill smashfan. if we were to team up, baku-boy wouldn't stand a chance!"

venomuhti: "i appreciate the offer, young lady. (walks away) but i don't really work well with minors. in fact, even the plague union members are a bunch of no-hope dimwits. especially XANA."

diamond tiara: "so that's it, huh?"

(venomuhti disappears into the smoke)

diamond tiara: "...you'll regret this, you little idiot..."

(diamond tiara turns invisible using a watch)


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
[COLLAPSE="The Final Battle Part 1 of many Parts"]*Muhti teleports back to the Protagonists (BTW VenoMuhti doesn't come till the next story :p)*

Buizel: MU-MU-MUHTI!!!

Muhti: Im back. What is it?

Buizel: It's Mari... And Discord...

*Buizel points to the group observing what appeared to be new bots*


Mordecai: Hes worse than us....

Luigi: A-And That's s-saying something


Magalor: I a-also want to s-say.... Well..... You're our-ur new main leader until we retrieve Smashfan.

Muhti: Alright...

*Everyone stares at Muhti*

Muhti: What?

11th Doctor: Your command leader.

Muhti: Okay then. CHARGE!!

*The group barge through the doors and start killing off guards as they run across the halls*

Gengar: I-I FOU-FOUND-

--Gengar disconnected from the server--


*Everyone rushes towards Gengars voice*

Muhti: Good job Gengar... Or whatever you are.


*as the group rush upstairs they find two doors, one with screaming behind them and another with silence*

Sonic: Is t-t-th-that Smashfan screaming?

Muhti: GO IN NOW!


Mechanikat: Why hellooooo everyoneeee...... *licks paw*

I see you found my little lair.


Mechanikat: Oh him... Ah.... Here he is...

*A dark Smashfan walked out*

Marx: Crap... Two of our team leaders are villains....

Mechanikat: *purrs* Actually 3 *whistles for someone else and a dark Mari comes out*

Muhti: But how?!

Mechanikat: You all are stupid and can't see... We would've won by now if it wasnt for you! *points to Muhti*

Muhti: Hehe, alright, *turns to group* We can't kill them, try to find a way to make them into protagonists again, except for the cat, him you can kill.

Mechinikat: I CAN HEAR YOU!!



Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
mechanikat: "four against what appears to be 30? now now, that's HARDLY fair. (presses a button)"

(3 more figures warp in. Professor Calamitous, Vexus, and Diamond Tiara)

prof. calamitous: "gentlemen..."

vexus: "hate to break it to ya', but the old days of your goody two-shoes 'better policeman' forum fighters are NUMBERED!"

diamond tiara: "what now? nearly all the most powerful forces across the worlds are ours, we've smashed your homess into barren wastelands, it's all over, just give up!"

dark smashfan666: "wait a second, wasn't the gourd in the room before muhti burst in? what the f**k happened to HIM?"

(the gourd comes out of the nearby bathroom)

the gourd: "sorry, had take a huge dump. note to self, NEVER eat taco bell after chili dogs... anyway, i'm ready!"

mechanikat: "your move, muhti..."

muhti: "...F**K 'EM UP!"

+VS Plague Union and Dark Clones: Battlefield Ver. 2+


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Trying something new with my fight scenes n stuff.
Sorry if it's a little hard to read for now.

[COLLAPSE="Final - Part 2"]Latias: Everything okay brother?
-Xiroey hacks away at a mob of Plague soldiers with a bloody Ice sword. They each go down with a scream-

Xiroey: After all we've been through... *hurk*
The end is finally in sight.

We can't... give up now.
-Latios blasts a giant Nobody in the chest with a thunderbolt. It looks down at the gaping hole in it's torso, then charshes into one of the buildings-

-Several more soldiers fall victim to Latias' scythe-
Latias: We need to find the Gourd's main headquarters.
We can't afford to wear ourselves out here.
-Latias steps to the side before a Paratroopa can jab it's lance at her. She meerely tosses her head, and it gets sent flying into a mail box-

Latias: I'll see if I can locate everyone else.
Cover me while I search.
-Xiroey pulls the ice sword out of his back, and tosses it at a Shadow Golem. The sword shatters into a million fragments, which proceed to jab themselves into the golem's body.-

Xiroey: Be quick. I have a bad feeling that something's about to go down, and I don't like it.
-A group of plague solders try to overwhelm Xiroey in a group assault-

-Xiroey's eyes glow dark purple-

Xiroey: [glow]Shadow Rave[/glow]
-The group of soldiers charge directly into field of black spikes-

Xiroey: -over several agonized cries in the background-
They're getting organized.

Looks like they must've found a replacement general.
-Latias' eyes snap open-

Latias: They're close. We can fly there from here.

Xiroey: Good. You lead the way.
-Xiroey covers their escape by summoning up an enormous wave of water. It sweeps through the City, swallowing up everyone and everything in it's path.-

Xiroey: Time to transform.[/COLLAPSE]

[COLLAPSE="Final - Part 3"]

Antoine: Charizard here!
-Antoine shoots a bolt of energy at Charizard. It nails him square in the chest, causing his body to glow with newfound power.-

Charizard: *chuckle* Gear Shift... Nice.

Antoine: Only the best for my comrades.
-Mechanicat ducks a swiping claw from Floatzel-
Mehanicat: Fools! They have a Baton Passer.
Take him out first!
-Antoine bows deeply-
Antoine: You flatter me cat~ <3
-Just as he says that, he does a swift backflip in order to avoid getting roasted by Diamond tiara's Magic Missle-

Antoine: My appologies demoiselle~
I try not to keep a lady waiting.
-Diamond Tiara's eyes glow sinister red-
Antoine: My my, such displeasure </3
I must be losing my touch~
-Charizard delivers a crushing blow to Vexus midsection. She staggers back a bit, before short ciruting and passing out.-

Charizard: *snort* Pathetic.
-Dark Smashfan swings his sword at Muhti with deadly precision. Flowing easily from Overhand cut, to back hand swing, to rising slash.-

-Muhti holds his own sword out, trying his best to beat back Smashfan's assault-

Muhti: (D*mn... I shouldn't be having this much trouble against this guy.)
-Smashfan throws Muhti off ballance with a Right shoulder feint into a swift low kick. Muhti's legs fly out from under him and he goes down. Smashfan pulls out a gun and prepares to shoot him as he falls.-

(???): Not so fast!
-Smashfan's eyes glow purple, and then he fall asleep-

Gengar: *phew* Made it just in ti-- OYE!
-Gengar jumps back before Diamond Tiara can launch her Dark Pulse at him.-

Gengar: HEY! Demon pony!
Eyes on your own opponent!
-Diamond Tiara bats antoine bats antoine's attack away with a hoove before slamming Gengar into a wall with an invisible barrier-

Diamond Tiara: I'll fight whoever I darn well please.
You'll all be dirt beneath our hooves before long.
-Charizard takes a Magic Cog to the face from Mari. Blood squirts out from his nose from where the cog connects.-

Charizard: ****. Should've kept my eyes open better...
-Vexus shoots a mechanical fist rocket at Charizards torso while he's distracted. The attack knocks the wind from his lungs-

Charizard: *gasp* Really... need to keep my eyes open better...

-Antoine dodges another attack from Diamond Tiara, and Baton Passes a glowing blue orb over to Charizard and Muhti. Instantaneously, their wounds begin to heal-

-Muhti gets up off the floor-

Muhti: Thanks. But don't take your eyes off your own fight.
-Antoine salutes, then launches a wall of fire red paint at the ground, creating a flaming wall between Diamond Tiara and himself-

Mari: *gasp* Just like old times eh Gliscor?

-Gliscor launches a quick flurry of attacks at Mari. The two seem to be moving at hyper- fast forward. Gliscor swipes his claw at her head, then instantly goes down to avoid a spinning kick counterattack to his midsection. He pounces at her, reading his X-Scissor, but his attack meets nothing but air. A cold blast strikes him in the back, taking much of his stregnth away.-

Gliscor: AAAAH!

Mari: Heheh~
Now hold still, It'll all be over soon.

-Gliscor tosses up a sandstorm around himself before Mari's next Ice Beam hits.-

Gliscor: (Gotta counterattack...)

-His sandstorm crumbles. Mari comes at him with a frozen sword in her hands.-

Gliscor: (I can't let that hit me)
-Gliscor shoots away to safety.

Mari: Predictable.
-She spins around and shoots another Ice beam at him as he retreats-

Gliscor: Fish!
-He spins around and tosses up his Protect to block the blast-

Gliscor: *wince*
(The next attack is likely to come from...)

-Mari reappears at this exposed side-

Gliscor: Sand Tomb!

-The floor beneath Mari turns into Quick Sand-

Gliscor: Now stay!
-He tosses up a Sand Tornado around Mari so that she cannot escape-

Gliscor: (This'll finish it.)
- He blows a thick purple cloud into the tornado. The air inside Mari's death trap becomes dark and poisonous.-

Gliscor: (That'll hold her for at least a few minutes... I gotta go help the others. )



Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
[COLLAPSE="Finale Part 4"]
Amidst the fighting a crash comes from the tinted the window, straight at Muhti to be more exact

Muhti: Ow....

*vision clears up*

Everyone's still fighting....

*looks up*

Oh hi Xiroey and Latias! *smiles*

Latias: Hmph~ that's for almost killing us.

Muhti: Yea yea yea, can't you see we're fighting half the leaders of Smashboards?

*a knife comes straight at Muhti but only is a few centimeters away from him*

Dark Mari: HERE'S MARI!

*a few yards away you can see Gliscor face palming and muttering curses*

Xiroey: *senses danger coming in a few minutes* Sis... Go, NOW!

*Latias pauses for a moment to protest, but flees to fight somebody new*

Dark Mari: Awe, how cute~

*swings knife around like a toy*​

Too bad she has to see blood dripping. Now she'll know how I felt when Eric was killed!!!

Muhti: You sicko!

Xiroey: C-Calm down M-Muhti...

*Muhti sensed action right behind him as he jumped in the air while seeing below him Smashfan trying to slice him*

Dark SF: Hmph- What's with the stuttering Pokemon?


Muhti comes rushing down with sword in hand directly​

Xiroey: *smirks* Let's do this![/COLLAPSE]


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
I don't feel like writing all that again, so I'll just put down a shortened version of what went on -.-

[COLLAPSE="Final - Part 5"]
-Xiroey looks around and servey's the fight going on-
Xiroey: Looks like we made it just in time sis.
-Latias takes out her Scythe and prepares to whoops some serious tail-
Latias: Brother, to your right...
-Xiroey takes out his familar blue sword-
Xiroey: I already know...
-Mari comes direcly at him, a freezing sword aimed for his Neck. Xiroey waits until the very last minute before the attack strikes-- then he spins behind her and aims a downward diagonal cut at Mari's back.-

-Bright blue sparks fill the room-

[Mari Fainted!]
-Xiroey's blue sword vanishes-
Xiroey: Sis...
-Latias catches wind of Xiroey's plan before he even has to speak it. She nods, then raises her arms to the group-

Latias: *muttering* Light Screen, Heal Pulse, Reflect, Wish, Safeguard, Heal Bell...

-Xiroey does the same-

Xiroey: Tailwind, Dragon Dance, Dragon Dance, Dragon Dance, Calm Mind, Calm Mind, Power Split...
-Vexus realizes what Xiroey and Latias are planning-

Vexus: No! Stop them quick!
-Too late, a flurry of support moves fly out, increasing the groups' speed, power, and defense drastically. At the same time, each of their wounds begin to close.-

-Charizard takes one good long sniff and realizes there's no longer blood in his nose-

Charizard: *chuckle* This is more like it...

Music Change - Revamped Battle!

(Music - Remix! Pokemon Ametrine V.S. Champion)



Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
You didn't follow on -.-

It was supposed to be an epic battle of me and you VS Mari and SF

BUt no, you go do your own lil' sh**.

I just realized lol is in my auto correct o.O


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
That is what happened in the original version tyvm. >_>

Muhti and Xiroey team up and defeat Smashfan,

Latias takes on Mari and defeats her.

And then, to rub salt on old wounds, Xiroey and Latias support the team by healing their wounds, and increasing their capabilities.


I could care less about your rage though.
You're not the one who had to write all that.


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Dude, I once had 3 long segments down.

I went off to do something and came back when my browser refreshed and deleted EVERYTHING.

It happened multiple times to me.

I still love you Xiro <3

No homo though


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
(in a rampage of shooting fireballs at the team, diamond tiara next sets her sights for silver spoon, whom she promptly chars with flame)

diamond tiara: "(lands on the ground, walking over to a half-scorched silver spoon) you see now how useless it is to keep going? how everything you love can be stripped away from you in seconds? it's a lost cause, silver. why do you insist on continuing this pointless fight when you KNOW you're going to lose?!"

silver spoon: "because... i still have friends that i can fight for..."

diamond tiara: "filly-fooler nonsense..."

+BGM: Midna's Lament+

silver spoon: "diamond... when you saw your dad shot down... (struggles to get back up) what was going through your mind?"

diamond tiara: "shock... frustration... panic... sadness... if you had to watch your loved ones get killed right before your eyes, you'd feel the same thing."

silver spoon: "maybe... but unless i'd lost everything... i'd keep fighting for what's left..."

diamond tiara: "silver, my dad meant THE WORLD to me! when i saw him get blasted into swiss cheese... it felt like i HAD lost everything! like all i ever really cared about was gone... just like that..."

silver spoon: "he really meant a lot to you, huh?"

diamond tiara: "silver, he was my father! of course he meant a lot!"

silver spoon: "i know what it must be like for you, diamond... to have somepony you were close to, and to just watch them die... but if the same thing had happened to me, i wouldn't turn all psycho like this... i'd go to my friends for help... they'd know what to do..."

diamond tiara: "like that'll help much, it's not like this is something you can easily recover from."

silver spoon: "maybe not alone... but at least i'd find some comfort knowing there's still somepony i can turn to..."

diamond tiara: "...you're lucky you have ANYPONY to turn to..."

silver spoon: "diamond... try and remember all the good times we've had together..."


silver spoon: "i know there's still a shred of compassion in you... you're not a sadistic killer... you're Diamond Dazzle Tiara Rich... you're my friend..."

(the evil red glint fades from diamond tiara's eyes, tears replacing them...)

diamond tiara: "(picking silver spoon off the ground and hugging her tightly) i... i'm so sorry... i was just so flustered, i... *sniff*"

silver spoon: "welcome back, diamond..."

(discord cuts in, ruining the BGM)

discord *BOT*: "Euugh, gag! can we just wrap up the sappy stuff? we're in the middle of a fight!"

--Plugin has finished installation, restarting server...--

(everyone disappears, then reappears 2 seconds later, signalling that the new plugin has finished installing)

mechanikat: "ah, there we go! there should not be any more lag problems..."

dark smashfan666: "speak for yourself, i had to edit in a bunch of images for a flashback sequence with a TOSHIBA that has NO antivirus!"

prof. calamitous: "...i wouldn't consider that a smart move."

dark smashfan666: "believe it or not, it was even worse WITH antivirus..."

dark mari: "...okay, you have a strange computer."

diamond tiara: "plague guys!"

vexus: "hmm?"

diamond tiara: "i'm THROUGH taking orders from you! (throws amulet on the ground and smashes it with hoof) you see, an old friend of mine taught me something very important. that you shouldn't let your emotions cloud the way you think. not only am i not going to be your little errand-filly anymore, but i'm lending my help to those who REALLY need it!"


Diamond Tiara joined your team!

mechanikat: "preposterous! you don't have any abilities on your own. you're no help to muhti!"

diamond tiara: "maybe, but at least i won't be alone..."

(the shards of the shattered amulet flash, spark, and then explode in a bright flash of light. then, everyone who was trapped in the amulet *which is MANY characters* is set free)

princess luna: "uugh... what happened?"

storm_surge: "where were we just there?"

joker: "WHO are THESE ugly mugs?! i see a purple and green cat, a bee-colored queen, a bald scientist, a guy with a squash on his head..."

goat soothsayer: "it's like walt disney threw up!"

muhti: "woah... that's a LOT of backup..."

mechanikat: "very well, i'm up for a challenge..."

???: "IDIOTS!!"

(a grey smoke materializes. XANA has arrived...)

XANA: "you would all SURELY die against a protagonist force this massive!"

muhti: "no..."

diamond tiara: "XANA..."

XANA: "so.. muhti... we meet face to face at last..."

muhti: "i'm not going to just sit back and let you destroy smashboards, XANA."

XANA: "so it's a battle you want, human?"

(XANA shifts his physical form into that of william)

XANA: "then it's a battle you shall get..."

(the battle music gets an upgrade)

+battle music: SSBB Theme (Tonindo mix)+


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Your on the bad guy side Mari.

See I told you she'll be back by Monday!

I'll edit this now!



(I feel more comfortable writing action scenes like this, not a script or anything)

Muhti and XANA start fighting midair. Punches and kicks were launched at each other, until XANA finally takes his sword and swings it at Muhti, which makes him go down automatically.

XANA lands swiftly on his feet and walks over to Muhti. "So how does it feel to be on the losing sides?", he says adding onto a chuckle. "You are so easy to kill", XANA takes his sword and digs it 1 inch into his neck. "So", he whispers, "Ready to go to hell?" A blast comes straight at XANA at light-speed. "DON'T YOU DARE", the mysterious yelled. "Dimentio", XANA smirks," Long time no see.... NOW SHOW YOURSELF!" He looks right, left, down, and then.... Up, where Dimentio was there smiling crookedly with a spell ball within his hands, the size of 3 Discords combined. "This one, is for almost killin my team", launches at the horrified XANA, and Muhti.... He dissappeared. Dimentio conjures another one, this time, the size of the fortress. "This one, is for almost killing me and betraying me! I ONLY BETRAY PEOPLE!" Launches down harder than ever. Then the laid out XANA tries getting up again as Dimentios eyes widen when he makes an spell ball thrice the size of Plague City." AND THIS ONE IS FOR.... UH... FOR THE HELL OF IT!" Launches down with all his might. And then... There was silence in the city.....

Dimentio flies down to XANA like nothing ever happened. "Hello XANA, are you willing to show that pretty face of yours?" Dimentio lightly takes XANAs powerless head, where he showed signs of anger and started growling, but Dimentio cooed him off. "There, there, now who doesn't need dear ole' Dimentio now? I think sir XANA wants him, buutttt sir XANA tried killing him and kicked him off the team." Dimentio puts his face a few inches from XANA, letting out the breath of mints out of his mouth as he gripped onto XANAs face. "Now this is called payback", Dimentio whispered lightly, "This is what you stupid pieces of crap need. Now, I must leave, may your team die off and burn in the depths of hell.", Dimentio smiles and waves his hand, "Ciao!"

As XANA laid there, he breathed out one word, "Fu*k"[/COLLAPSE]


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
((( Oh, OK, I guess I'll start Mass murdering, then! :psycho: )))


[COLLAPSE="The awesomeness that one part of the final battle!...Or Whatever..."]XANA: This...is not over........Mari!

(Mari suddenly flys down to XANA, in a new black outfit.)

Mari: Yes...?

Xana: Heal Bell....

(Mari quickly casts Heal Bell, Restoring XANA to full health.)

Muhti: FU*K YOU, MARI!

XANA: Now....Make sure the blue hedgehog and his popstarian friends meet the most agonizing deaths possible...and while you're at it, Destroy Xiro and his sister, too...

I will deal with Muhti...

Mari: Of course, Master...

(Mari flys off towards Xiro and her own group.)

XANA: Round 2?

Muhti: Bring it, Jerk.


-Meanwhile, in another part of the fortress....-

Xiro: There's *Crash!* Too *Whack!* Many of them! *Whack whack whack!*

(Xiro and the others where fighting off a new hoard of Code Lyoko enemys, Crabs, Those block things, Manta Rays, and other stuff....

Untill they all disappear in a flash of light....)

Mari: Hello, Teach...Ready for another spar?

Sonic: Ah, here we go again...Student Vs. Teacher!

Think you can keep up, Mar?

Mari: ...

Sonic: What's wrong? Mar?

Mari: That line...

(Mari's eyes suddenly glow a bright orange...)


Sonic: (!!!) That move-!

(Mari suddenly unleashes a Hyperbeam so strong, it sends Sonic flying out of the fortress.)

Xiro: Sonic!....when did she learn that move...?

Mari: Uh uh uh...

(Mari sends her knives at Xiro, which he then pulls up his Protect to deflect them...)

Mari: I'd knew you'd pull that trick...

(Mari disappears and reappears right inside His barrier, catching him completely off guard.)

Mari: BOO!

Xiro: WHA-

(Mari wastes no time and Jabs an ice knive deep into his sholder. Xiro Screams in pain and backhands Mari off of him.)

Xiro: GAAH... ( That's the same thing Muhti did to me...GOD, I hate teleportation.... )

Mari: Now...Where's your sister...?

Xiro: No...Way...I'm....

Mari: Pfft...Fine. Don't tell me.


(Something wizzez by Mari and Kicks her in the face faster then she could blink. Mari hears a familiar chuckle as she eats dirt.)

Sonic: Still got a lot to learn, Mar....

Mari: I thought I killed you.

Sonic: Puhlez! I once helped stop a planet sized bomb from going off and destroying the entire universe...

You really think one Hyperbeam can put me down?

Mari: No....

(Mari's eyes glow orange again.)

Mari: Maybe 10 more might suffice!

Sonic: HaHa....Xiro...Stay outta this one.

Gimme all you got, Mari![/COLLAPSE]

[COLLAPSE="Student VS. Teacher"](Mari unleashes another Hyperbeamat Sonic, But he simply Dodges it; the beam tearing a hole in the wall.)

Sonic: Whoa... If she doesn't destroy me, it's the fortress that'll get pummled...

Mari: Eyes on me, Hedgey! Icy Wind!

(Mari send a blast of snow and ice, only to have Sonic Dodge to the left.)

Sonic: Nya Nya! :p

Mari: Grr...Let's see how you like this....

(Mari's eyes change from orange to blue as she charges up another attack.)

Sonic: Oh, Come on...

Mari: Waterfall!

(Sonic jumps to avoid the attack....Then lands face first into the stream of H2O.)

Sonic: Ghuhhaagg!

Mari: Now this!

Hydro Pump!

(The room is now half full of water as Sonic gets pounded aganst the wall. He sinks like a stone to the bottom afterwards.)

Mari: Oh, I'm not done!

(Mari Jets under the surface and slugs Sonic upwards, out of the water and into a floating piece of rock. Mari resurfaces and floats over her teacher.)

Sonic: *cough* Arg... that's...playing dirty...

Mari: *giggles* It's no secret that water's not your element...Teach...

Sonic: You're right....So...let's even the odds a little!

(Sonic's body starts to glow a bright blue as he gets up.)

Sonic: Sonic Wind!

(A sudden gale blows into the room as Sonic speeds around, makeing the water twist and turn into a cyclone, with Mari right in the middle of it.)

Mari: I know this move...

(Mari Puts up a barrier just in time to deflect Sonic's homing attacks, seemingly coming from everywhere.)

Mari: ( I can't keep this barrier up forever... )

(Regretably, Mari opens a star portal to send the water cyclone to some random dimention...)

Sonic: Now that that's out of the way...

Mari: Well played, Sonic...No wonder I chose you as my teacher-

(Mari suddenly screams in pain and a diffrent voice takes over...

Mari/Spirit: Don't! She's Still in here! I can-

(Mari takes over again and laughs.)

Mari: You won't do a thing....


Sonic: So Mari got taken Over...But Spirit is still in there....Xiro!

Forget what I said! I need your help with this! I got an Idea to bring Mari Back!

Mari: Heh....No....

I'll kill you before you do a thing!

Sonic: Not likely! Now pay attention, Mari....

I think It's time for another lesson![/COLLAPSE]
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