[COLLAPSE="The End"]Gengar: Raaaaggh!
Stop it!
-Gengar looks at a group of Endermen and they all teleport behind him-
Gengar: -runs a different direction-
Stop it!!!
Xiroey: Gengar! Calm down would ya, just try not to look at them directly!
-Genagr looks over at another group of Endermen-
Gengar: STOP IT!
-Xiroey sighs deeply-
Xiroey: Arceus help him...
SF666: Everyone on your toes. Enderdragon is approaching.
-Everyone except for Gengar prepares themselves-
Xiroey: It's no good isn't it.
As long as the crystals are intact, we can't kill it.
SF666: Correct. Four of us will stay to combat the dragon.
The rest will take care of the crystals.
Xiroey: All right.
-Enderdragon makes a nosedive for the group-
SF666: Everyone except for Xiroey, Mari, and Gengar!
Find a seperate pillar and climb to the top!
Destoy the crystal floating over the bonfire!
Everyone simultaneously: Right!
-The group splits off in seperate directions-
Xiroey: *mumbling*
The leader is back...
SF666: Prepare yourselves.
-Enderdragon bumrushes Smashfan's group-
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
-Floatzel, Typhlosion, and RED scout make for a tall tower on the edge of the island.-
Floatzel: All right guys. We're going to have to do this quick. You all ready?
Typhlosion: -running on all fours-
I was a born climber. This'll be a piece of cake!
RED: Yo, how we gon' do this?
I don't see any handholds!
-Both of Floatzel's fins extend out into long fanglike Icecicles-
Floatzel: We'll make our own handholds
-He launches the spikes into the tower-
- - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - -
-Antoine, Keldeo, and Charizard make off as another group-
Keldeo: *pant* How... exactly am i supposed to climp up
-Charizard flies low to the ground similar to how he does in brawl. He easily keeps up with the small group-
Charizard: Whoever said anything about climbing?
Both of you, get on my back!
-Antoine and keldeo both do as their told. Antoine grabs hold around charizard's tail while Keldeo does it's best to wrap it's hoves around Charizard's neck-
Charizard: Lets do this.
-He takes off-
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -
-Princess Celestia, Flim and Flam each make for an especially tall tower at the highest point of the island-
Princess Celestia: *pant* Quickly you two!
Make haste, for our friends lives are at stake!
Flim: You don't have to tell us princess.
Flam: Agreed. We'll guarantee we'll do our best do deliver quality assistance.
Celestia: Thank you both.
Now lets hurry!
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -
-Smashfan steps to the side as Enderdragon rushes him. He tires to retaliate with a swing, but the dragon's wing grazes him, and he gets sent spinning-
Gengar: Smashfan!
-Another Enderman appears behind him-
Gengar: I told you to
stop that!-Gengar spins around and Shadow Claws the poor man's head off-
-It depixelates-
Genagr: Yeesh~
-Another two teleport behind him-
Xiroey: Gengar, stop messing around!
It's coming back!
Gengar: Comes from you!
You never fight seriously!
-Gengar launches a pair of shadowballs at his two shadowers-
-Xiroey looks over at the incoming dragon with a determined expression-
Xiroey: You know what Gengar...?
You're right.
-He opens his palm, and a group of shimmering lights appear there, in a straight line-
Xiroey: But those *****es captured Regirock.
Every second we waste here is a second that they can do terrible things to him.
-The lights begin to solidify-
Xiroey: Frankly, I'm not going to let that happen.
-The lights form into a Shimmering white lance-
Xiroey: (No more games!)
-Genagr jumps back, bumping into a pair of Endermen as he does so-
Gengar: Whoa!
You're really gonna bust
that out now!?
-Xiroey spins the lance around over his head-
Xiroey: Everyone else is getting serious.
Bout time I get serious too.
SF666: All of you!
Get ready!
-Mari smiles over at Xiroey-
Xiroey: -blinks-
W-why are you looking at me like that?
Mari: Regirock will be fine.
I'm sure of it.
-With that she leaps up. Landing on top of Enderdragon's shoulders-
SF666: Mari! Not yet!
We need to wait until the crystals are--
-Smashfan gets Bumrushed by the dragon's head-
Smashfan: Gah!!!
-He falls down and drops his weapon-
Xiroey: Smash!
Smashfan: *grunt* Don't... lose focus...
-Xiroey nods. Then focuses back on the dragon-
Xiroey: All right Mari. Time for us to help out.
-Enderdragon makes another dive for the Trio-
Xiroey: Gengar!
Genagr: I see em'
-Gengar dematerializes just as the Dragon reaches him, then pulls out his mallet-
Gengar: Too slow!
-He slams his mallet into the dragon's back-
-Xiroey rushes after the dragon as it takes off again, then throws his Lance at it as it gains altitutude-
Xiroey: lets see how you like this.
-The lance sticks itself into the dragon's tail. The dragon roars out in pain, then the lance suddenly shatters-
Xiroey: That should slow him down-
-Ice starts creeping up the dragon's tail from where the lance struck-
Gengar: Niiiiice!
SF666: That only slowed him down temporarily.
As long as there are crystals around, it can always revitalize itself.
-Gengar stops celebrating-
Genagr: ...right.
-Xiroey's lance reappears in his hand-
Xiroey: Then we'll just have to keep hacking away.
(Mari. What were you thinking just now?)
- - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - -
Floatzel: No time to waste!
Up the tower, double time! go!
-Floatzel sticks another pair of Ice Spikes into the tower and pulls himself up. RED scout fallows just below-
RED: You don't need to tell me Yo.
You just focus on those Ice-whatevers so we can break this "crystal".
-Floatzel looks up and sees Typhlosion nearly at the top-
Floatzel: Hmm... Big guy wasn't lying...
RED: Hurry up!
No telling when that dragon-thing might decide to come for
us instead!
-Floatzel sticks in another pair of spikes-
Floatzel: Oh, It'll have to.
It has to heal itself eventually. Thats for sure.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - -
-Mari looks back and sees the back of the dragon starting to freeze-
Mari: Okay...
This is new...
-The dragon roars, then does a barrel roll to shake Mari off-
-She grabs tightly onto one of the dragons spines to anchor herself. The world appears to do a 1080 as the dragon spinns around faster and faster-
Mari, you have to do something!
You won't be able to hold out like this for long!
Mari: Ooh, I intend to.
-The entire island suddenly fills with bright light-
Mari: Open "Star Portal"!
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Minecraft Skies
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Gliscor: What the...?
What happened here?
-Gliscor looks down and sees nothing but charred forest and destruction-
Gliscor: Did something take place here?
-Gliscor's communicator whirrs to life-
(???): Gliscor, have you located them yet?
Gliscor: -scanning the forest-
No. No sign yet.
How about you Electivire? Any news to report?
Electivire: No. Nothing thus far.
Gliscor: Okay, let me know if--
-The communicator suddenly explodes with loud static-
ZEE-ZEE-ZEE-ZEE-ZEE-ZEE-ZEE-ZEE!-Gliscor winces from the pain-
Gliscor: Oww...
Porygon-Z, stop messing around!!!
-The static stops-
Communicator: ZEE?
-Gliscor rubs his forehead, fighting back a migraine-
Gliscor: Ugh... I just had to let Xiro convince me to take his
pet along...
Communicator: ZEE!
Gliscor: Not now Z.
I'll play with you later.
-The communicator goes silent-
Gliscor: Z?
Communicator: ZEE...
Gliscor: I'm sorry Z. Don't be sad.
-The area next to Gliscor's head pixilates. A hole opens up in the middle of the blocky portal, and Porygon-Z flies out-
Porygon-Z: ZEE!
Gliscor: Haha, okay.
In a second. I need to look out for--
What in the world...?
-Gliscor looks down and sees a strange sight. The three Regi's and darkrai being led away into an airship by what appears to be a single pony.
Gliscor: Electivire!
I've got something!
-Electivire's voice sounds inside Gliscor's ear-
Electivire: Roger.
Your location?
Gliscor: Just travel a little further up the path you're on.
You'll see it.
Electivire: Got'cha.
-Gliscor lands down in the clearing and waits for his comrade Elecitivire to arrive-
-Registeel stops. Then turns around-
Registeel: -beep- (Intruders!)
-The rest of the group turns around as well-
Diamond Tiara: *sighs*
What is it now you bag of bo--
Who in Equestira!?
-Gliscor and Porygon-Z stand in the middle of the clearing. Sizing up the small group before them-
Gliscor: Three legendaries and a pony...
Might get messy.
Porygon-Z: ZEE...
-Electivire speeds into the clearing. Then doubles over to catch his breath-
Electivire: *pant* Ran a Marrithon...
What is... it that you wanted to show me...?
-Diamond Tiara calls out to Gliscor's group-
Diamond Tiara: You three!
What do you want!?
-it's gliscor that returns the call-
Gliscor: What is this!?
Why are the three Regi's being caried away.
Regirock: Regi...rock...
-Diamond Tiara jabs Regirock with her hoove-
Diamond Tiara: Ooooh, I'm not done with you quite yet my pet.
You'll see much worse that that just now once I take care of these three pests...
-Gliscor and Electivire both assume battle stances. Porygon-Z floats around randomly, fascinated by the trees-
Gliscor: Prepare yourself Electivire...
Electivire: Right.
Free For All!
(Music - Remix! V.S. Team Zephr)
[COLLAPSE="Minecraft Forest"]
enough struggle!
Sleep...-Electivire rolls to the side to avoid getting swallowed up by Darkrai's black abyss-
Electivire: So... They even managed to capture the mighty Darkrai?
-Regice fires it's Ice Beam at Gliscor-
Gliscor: WHOA!!!
-Gliscor thows up a Sandstorm around himself to block the shot-
Gliscor: -inside the tornado-
Phew... *shudders*
hate Ice!
-Porgygon-Z flies up into Registeel's face. Distracting it-
Registeel: -beep- (Unidentified attacker! Eliminate!)
-Porygon-Z whirls it's arms around like a Windmill-
Registeel: -beep boop- (Combat procedures initiate!)
-Registeel swipes his Metal Claw at Porygon-Z)
-Porygon-Z retreats then spins his arms faster-
Porygon-Z: Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z!!!
-Out of nowhere, Porygon-Z stops. Completely frozen.
Registeel: -beep- (?)
[Porygon-Z was Paralyzed! - It may be unable to move!]
-Diamond Tiara ducks a
ThunderPunch from Electivire-
Diamond Tiara: Did that...
thing... just Paralyze itself!?!
-Porygon-Z just floats frozen in midair, it's arms forming a cute little Y over it's head-
Registeel: -beep- (Unamusing! Destroy!)
-Registeel's body crackles with electricity. It sends a Thunderbolt flying at the Paralyzed Porygon-Z-
-Porygon-Z suddenly wirrs back to life-
[Porygon-Z used Trick Room!]
[Porygon-Z's Trick Room twisted demensions!]
Registeel: -beep- (Die!)
-Registeel's claws connect with only air-
Registeel: -beep- (?)
-Porygon-Z reappears behind Registeel, whirlling it's arms around much faster than before-
Porygon-Z: ZEEEE!
-Three powerful energy beams shoot out from Porygon-Z's tiny body. One made of Ice, one Fire, and the final Electricity-
Gliscor: Nice going Z!
-Electivire dodges a Dark Pulse from Darkrai.-
Electivire: Little dude's pretty useful.
Who knew?
[A Critical Hit!]
-Registeel Faints-
Porygon-Z: ZEE!
Gliscor: Keep it up, little buddy.
-Gliscor's launches himself beneath the soil, dodging a Thunderbolt from Regice-
Regice: Reeeegggiiiiiiccceeee! (Resistance is futile! Give up!)
-Regirock fights weakly against his restraints-
Reeggiiii....rooocckkk... (Brothers... stop...)
-Porygon-Z flies over at Diamond Tiara-
Diamond Tiara: *squeals*
Eeeek! Get away from me you deformed!
-Porygon-Z stops. It's arms droop down to it's sides.-
Porygon-Z: ZEE...
-Gliscor lauches out of the dirt, landing a flying uppercut to Regice's head-
-Regice stumbes back, stunned-
Gliscor: Don't listen to her Z!
You're not wierd. You're
special!-Porygon-Z perks up again-
Porygon-Z: ZEE!
Diamond Tiara: *cough*
I'll admit, It is kind of cute...
But it's still in my way!
-She legs one of her enchanted ropes fly at the floating polygon-
Porygon-Z: ZEE!
-Porygon-Z dives back into Cyber Space. The rope keeps flying, eventaully wrapping itself around a tree-
-Porygon-Z reappaes in Diamond Tiara's face-
Porygon-Z: ZEE.

-Diamond Tiara makes for the inside of the ship-
Diamond Tiara: *EEEEEE!*
I've had enough of this mess. Darkrai, you take these fools!
-She runs up the ramp and into the automatic doors. The shut tight and lock behind her-
Darkrai: *Snorts*
-Electivire comes at Darkrai with a Blazing fast Low Kick. Darkrai retaliates with his Dark Pulse-
-Regice launches an Ice Punch at Gliscor's head. Gliscor counterattacks by summoning up his Stone Edge to create a makeshift rock-sheild-
-The rocks explode on contact-
Gliscor: GAAAH!
Regice: Reeeggiiiiiii!!!
-Electivire and Darkrai keep at it. Neither one able to gain any solid ground over the other.-
A worthy opponent!
I am going to enjoy your suffering immensly!
-Electivire cracks his knuckles-
Electivire: Would that be before or
after I beat you into sludge?
Enough talk!
We'll see with one of us is superior!