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Forum Fight: The Story Forum

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Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
(the area begins to darken)

drawcia: "huh?!"

muhti: "what the- ?!"

lyra: "what's going on?!"

(a screen drops down into the minecraft forest. the screen flickers for a while before showing Diamond Tiara and both the corrupted regis, along with a corrupted Regigigas)

diamond tiara: "us, that's what's going on!"

evil regice: "regice! r-regice! (old ganon, beam up!)"

evil registeel: "RRRRREGI... (we have a little surprise of our own.)"

CDi ganon: "understood, masters!"

(CDi Ganon, Metallo, Gravityman.EXE, and Magmortar warp away)

evil regigigas: "GIIIIGAAAAAAS... (now, you foolish ones...)"


evil regigigas: "GIG- (you will-)"

CDi ganon: "(warping in front) DIE!"

(the screen turns off and flies away)

drawcia: "i don't wanna take any chances with those freaks! c'mon, sonic, we're out!"

evil sonic: "as you wish, milady..."

(drawcia and evil sonic turn into paint and fly away)

marx: "...what was with the (sizzle!) earlier?"

RED scout: "AH, CRAP!!"

(the whole forest is catching on fire)

waluigi: "NYAAAAAAH!"

mari: "they must've dropped some kind of fire bomb!"

gengar: "we have to find a way out of here before the whole place burns up!"

lyra: "c'mon, everyone! let's go!"

+escape music: Forest of Flames - MOTHER3+


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
I just HAD to do this. This has nothing to do with the story though but Im doing this as a pun:

[COLLAPSE="Just for trolls. Dedicated to Smashfan :p"]Discord: Did they come back yet? *sips chocolate milk*

SF666: Lost probably. Jeez, we need to advance to the Plague! And what-

Discord: Shhh, Dimentios coming out of the shower.

Dimentio: Hey guys, I can't find my clothes- DISCORD!!!!!!!

Discord: What?!


Discord: What clothes? *smirks*

Dimentio: *facepalm* IT'S ON YOU!

Discord: Oh this?

Very comfortable.

Dimentio: Im never wearing that again. *transports another pair of his clothes on him*

Discord: Do you want it back?

Dimentio: NO! JUST BURN IT!

Celestia: Wow, you got Dimentio to rage. You have some tricks up your sleeve Discord.

Discord: Yea well... I bet he has tricks he hasn't shown us yet Im afraid....[/COLLAPSE]


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Xiroey: Sure... WHY NOT!?!

-Gengar floats up beside Xiroey and Mari. Keeping an eye out for falling branches-​

Gengar: Just one thing after another it feels like...

Mari: *pant* This is really starting to get old.

-Xiroey sighs-​
Xiroey: Remind me to murder that stupid pig gannon when we finally get out of this.

-Red pulls up beside the trio.-​

RED: I wouldn't do that Yo.
You heard him. If you do " You will DIE!!!"

Xiroey: Not funny Red.

-A blazing tree falls down just in front of the group, blocking their path-​

Gengar: Oh ****!

Xiroey: Careful guys. It's our next enemy. We better run for it!!!

-Mari laughs-​
Mari: Is Xiro always like this when he gets mad.

Gengar: Pretty much Yea--

-Ominous cracks come from somewhere off the trail-​

Lyra Heatstrings: We need to move.

Xiroey takes out a glowing hammer-​
Xiroey guess we'll have to cut our way through then.

-Mari raises an eyebrow-​
Mari: Okay Xiro.

1. This isn't Marvel



Xiroey: Don't care.
-Xiroey throws the hammer at the tree, and it shatters into a million pieces-​

Mari: -getting pelted by wood-
That works...​

Gengar: Enough gawking! Lets move!


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
[COLLAPSE="Minecraft Forest...."]Mari: There's the exit!

(Mari runs at full speed forward....Untill she gets knocked back by a Dark blue blur....)

Dark Sonic: Aw, What's the rush?

I would Kill to get a chance to see you burned alive!

Mari: Sonic....

Guys, Get out of here! I'll hold him off here!

Xiro: But...

Mari: Buts are for billy goats! I said I'll Deal with him and that's final! GO!

Dark Sonic: Deal with me...? Mari, Mari, Mari....

I'm the one that taught you everything you know!

(With that, Dark Sonic dashes forward, letting loose punch after punch...

That is, Untill Mari flashed him with a blinding light.)

Dark Sonic: Gah...

You think a little light show will stop me?!

Mari: No...But this might-!

(Marx suddently jumps from behind Mari, armed with a Scope Gun.)


(Marx lets loose a charged shot, hitting Sonic Right in his gut.)

Marx: Bull's eye!

Dark Sonic: *cough* How...Where did you get that...?

Marx: Hellllooo? *Holds up his hat in the air* I have wings and a hat that is an entrance to space itself. I have a LOT of random stuff just laying around in here.

Mari: ...Ya know, I thought I told you to get out,,,Cuz the forest is burning and stuff...

Marx: And leave you with Crazy Mr. Pincushion Here? Uh, No.
I'm sticking with you!

???: And that go's for me too!

(Magolor teleports next to Mari.)

Magolor: You might need some experianced Magic to bring Sonic back to his sences....

Dark Sonic: Pftt. Three against one?...That's not fair....

Allow me to Even the odds a little!

(Dark Sonic Puts his fingers in his mouth and Whisles.

Immedatley, A blob of blue paint knocks away Marx's Scope gun.)

Marx: HEY! I Paid for that!

???: Teehee...Oh, Marx, you are so funny when you're angry!~

Marx: Drawcy....

Magolor: Drawcy, Please don't do this! I don't wanna hurt you!

Drawcia: And you, Magolor....Always such a gentleman....But the one person I would hate to harm...the one person I see to have some true potenial...

Is Mari.

Mari: Me...?

Drawcia: Oh, of course!~ Mari...You have been training your very hardest to become stronger...and you have! You've become very fluent in the ways of magic....

And now I think It's time for you're next lesson....DARK MAGIC.

Marx: NO! nonononononononononononononoNO!

Drawcy, You know what that does to you! It messed me up, it messed Magolor up, it messed you up...

Heck, It even almost KILLED Mari!

Mari: Marx has a point....

Drawcia: So it's a no, then?~

Magolor: Absolutely not.

Drawcia: Hmmm....I think you need a demenstration before you make up your mind...You see, A while back, Discord showed me some of my old creations...and how they felt when I threw them away....So I used Dark Magic to bring back someone very dear to me....


Drawcia; Mari, Magolor, Marx....I would like you to meet my first best friend!

Terror Teddy!

(A huge 50 foot Zombie Teddy bear breaks through the burning trees.)

Terror Teddyzilla: RRRROOOOAAARRR!!

Marx: OH. MY. NOVA!

Drawcia: Now, Teddy...I want you to get rid of the jester and the wizerd....But the girl....I want her alive!

Dark Sonic: Oh, this is gonna be fun...

(((Mari, Magolor, and Marx VS. Dark Sonic, Drawcia, and Terror Teddyzilla.)))[/COLLAPSE]



Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
[COLLAPSE="Muhti gets bored"]Muhti: *watches fight beneath him*

God this is irritating.

*walks away to kill a cow*

Muhti: HI YAH! *slaughters cow*

This is boring now...

???: Muhti....

Muhti: What the... *walks to a cave*

*the voice grew louder*

???: Muhti....

*Muhti walks to the 16th level and finds diamonds, as well as another player*

Muhti: Hello Herobrine. What brings you here?

Herobrine: Actualy that question should be for you

*launches himself at Muhti while Muhti teleported to Smashfan*[/COLLAPSE]


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
(( Okay so... Funny story. This is a LOT harder than I thought it would be. :laugh: ))

[COLLAPSE="3 way battle!!!"]Marx: Stop this Drawcy!
We don't want to hurt you!

-Magolor steps in front of Marx, his eyes glowing with magical power-​
Magolor: Give it a rest Marx.
It's obvious they won't listen to us. For now, they're our enemies.​

Dark Sonic: You should listen to your friend there Marxy~

-Marx grids his teeth-​
Marx: Fine... If that's how you guys want it.

-Without warning, Mari suddenly appears on top of Death Teddy's shoulders-​

Mari: Magolor!
Mirrorstorm! Do it now!

-Magolor opens up a wide demensional portal-​
Magolor: With pleasure...

Drawcia: Not so fast dearies~ <3
-Drawcia begins whipping her paintbrush through the air like a composer conducting a symphony-​

Dark Sonic: You two try not to get in my way.

-Magolor unleashes an enormous Ice Spike from the depths of his portal. Then shoots it straight at the Death Teddy's shoulder.-​

-Dark Sonic Suddenly appears at Magolor's side-​

Magolor: {!!!}

Dark Sonic: SHORYUKEN!!!
-Dark Sonic deliver's a crushing uppercut to Magolor's face-​

-Magolor goes flying-​
Dark Sonic: Ready. Set. GO!

-He launches a Homing attack straight for Magolor-​

Marx: Mag!

-Drawcia's voice comes from behind Marx-​
Drawcia: Oh I wouldn't worry about him darling~

-Marx spins around and comes face to face with a army of Sailor Dee​

Marx: Guess we have no choice but to fight.
-Marx opens his hat and takes out a pair of fire flowers-​

Marx: -spitting fire into the air-
Alright *****es who wants to be first!

-The death teddy roars as the Ice spike sticks it's way into it's shoulder-​

Mari: My turn now.

-Mari hops down from the death teddy's shoulder while it's still in a rage-​

Mari: Maaarrriiiiiii~

-Mari materializes a home run bat into her hands and whacks the ice spike with it. Hard.​
-Billions of shards of ice fly into the air-​

-Dark Sonic halts in the middle of his attack-​
Dark Sonic: What the--?

-Dark Sonic suddenly gets spiked by an orb of dark energy-​
Magolor: Never take your eyes off you opponent!

-The ice shards suddenly halts in mid air. The air around the battlefield shimmers like diamonds-​

-Drawcia sidesteps to avoid a projectile Brawl Capsule from out of Marx's hat-​

Drawcia: Marxy dear, you'll have to do a lot better than that.

-Marx makes to toss out another random object from inside his portal-​
Marx: I'm just getting warmed - *huck*
-Marx gets slammed into a tree trunk by something big-​


Marx: N-not Cool...
-passes out-​

Mari: MARX!
-Dark Sonic appears at Mari's side-​

Dark Sonic: *whispering* One down...

-Mari makes a wild kick at Dark Sonic, but he vanishes-​
Mari: Mag!

-Magolor calls out in the middle of assaulting Drawcia's army with magic orbs-​

Magolor: Everything is set up?

Mari: It's done! Do it now!

-Magolor teleports to Mari's side-​
Magolor: Ready when you are.

-Magolor tosses up a Magical barrier around Marx and himself-​

Drawcia: What are they up to...?

-The soul Dew on Mari's necklace turns white-​
Mari: Luster Purge!

Dark Sonic: No you don't!
-Dark Sonic charges at Mari-

-then eats a face full of Magolor's barrier-​

-The entire area fills up with bright light-​

Dark Sonic: GAAAHHHH!!!!

(( Billions of Ice Mirrors, an Explosion of light.
I think you know where I'm going with this ;)))



Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.

[COLLAPSE="3 way battle continued!"] (The Luster Purge is reflected off the Ice mirrors, hitting everyone within a 3-mile radius. The Terror TeddyZilla Roars as the light hits him right in the eyes, Blinding him.)


Drawcia: Shh....It's OK! Drawcy's right here....

Where did they all go?!

Dark Sonic: I don't care....When I find them, they are gonna wish they never messed with-

(Dark Sonic Suddenly finds himself face to face with Mari)

Dark Sonic: Oh. That was easier then I thought!

(Dark Sonic Winds up a punch, but when it makes contact, The Mari-lookalike Shatters into a million little bits.)

Dark Sonic: What the...?

Drawcia: Hmmm....Useing Luster Purge to hit everyone while at the same time creating a covor to hide them selfs....

It's flawed, though. That Luster Purge must have Hit them as well...

(As Drawcia looks around, she Sees Ice mirror everywhere reflecting either Mari, Marx, Or Magolor.)

Drawcia: Looks like we'll have to do this the old fashioned way!~

-Not 10 Yards away...-

Mari: Marx! MARX!

Marx: Guuuuhh.....Mommy?

(Mari Slaps Marx across the face.)

Marx: OW! What...Oh. Hi, Mari.

Magolor: You Ok, Marx?

Marx: Yeah...Just a little sore....

Mari: All right. We need to plan our next attack, and fast.
This trick is not going to last forever....

Magolor: Any Ideas?

Marx: .....I got one!

-A few minutes later...-

Death Teddy: Rawr.... *rubs eyes...*

Drawcia: There, There....Drawcy will make it all better....

As soon as she kills a certain wizard and jester....


(Drawcia turns around and and sees Marx making funny faces her.)

Marx: BLEHH!! :psycho:

Drawcia: YOU!

(Drawcia charges at Marx with deadly intention....But it turns out to be just another Mirror.)

Drawcia: Grr....Where Are you?!

???: Right here!

(Drawcia Turns around just to see a fist full of Luster Purge hurling right at her. She gets blown across the field right into a burning tree, knocking her out.)

Mari: Uh, oh....

Marx: Drawcy!

(Marx runs to Drawcia and drags her out before the Tree can set her on fire.)

Marx: Oh, Drawcy...I'm sorry....

???: Very, very good....

Mari: (!!!) Marx, LOOK OUT!

(Mari pushes Marx out of the way, and takes the oncoming kick from Dark Sonic head on.)

Mari: *hurk!*

Dark Sonic: Aw, taking one for the team?

That's so cute!

(Dark Sonic Spindashes for Mari...But is knocked away by a dark orb.)

Magolor: Mari! Take care of the giant Teddy!

I'll Deal with Sonic.

Dark Sonic: Heh heh....All right, then!

Let's see who's the better teacher!

Magolor: Oh, Let's...

(As Magolor and Dark Sonic duke it out, The Terror Teddyzilla is rampangeing, due to the fact that he couldn't hear Drawcia anymore.)


Mari: Damn...this is not good...

(A burning tree limb bearly misses Mari)

Mari: And this Fire is getting worse.....
Marx, Do you know anything about this thing?

Marx: Well, It was one of the first paintings Drawcy brought to life....

Mari: Paintings?

Marx: Uh...Yeah.

Mari:.......(!) That's It! (Spirit!)

Spirit: You rang?

Mari: (Do you know Rain Dance?)


(Xiro, Magolor VS. Dark Sonic next!)


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
[COLLAPSE="Part 1"]


Xiroey: ...Does it ever end?
-Xiroey sits over on the sidelines, hidden amongst the branches of an old oak tree. He watches the violent proceedings with a very unamused look on his face-

Xiroey: What in the world is wrong with this planet!
-Xiroey pounds his fist into the tree trunk. The tremor caused by the blow shakes loose several leaves.-

-A deep throated roar reaches him from somewhere off in the distance-

Xiroey: Great...
Why not!?! The more the marrier right?!

(???): Heheh~
What's got you in such a foul mood?
-Xiroey clenches his fist in frustration-
Xiroey: What exactly is the point in all this?
Why do we waste our time fighting here anyway?

(???): I couldn't tell you.
Can i sit?
-Xiroey scooches over on his branch to make room-

(???): Thanks Mate.
-Gengar plops down beside him on the treebranch-

Gengar: Sooo, whats up?

Xiroey: A migraine...
-Gengar laughs-
Gengar: Yeah me too.
I was about to go down there and help out.
But I figured "what the heck!" Ya know?

-Xiroey remains silent-

Gengar: ...
Look Bro.
I know you probably hate me from what I did earlier--

Xiroey: --It's fine Gengar.
I'm not mad at you.
-Gengar lets out a giant breath-

Gengar: Phew!~
For a second when I saw you all mad I thought you might try to chop my head off again.

-Xiroey sighs-
Xiroey: ... Gengar.

Gengar: Yeah. What?

Xiroey: I'm glad your back.
-Gengar tilts his head-
Gengar: Are you going to be like this for the rest of the night?

Xiroey: ...

Gengar: *sigh*
I'm glad I'm back too.
- ... I missed you, you know.

Xiroey: ...I thought you said I was a terrible friend.
-Gengar stares off at the fight taking place below-
Gengar: Yeah. I said that.
But the truth is, I never thought you were a terrible friend.
I think... I was just trying to place off my guilt on you.
If anyone's the terrible friend it's me.

-Xiroey goes silent again-

Gengar: You know.
Typically this is where you but in and say:
[Imitating Xiroey's voice]: "Oh, you aren't a terrible friend Gengar"
Something like that.

Xiroey: ... Marx is hurt.
-Gengar pauses mid-sentence-
Gengar: Hmm...?

Xiroey: This has gone on long enough.
-Xiroey jumps down from his branch-

Gengar: Xiro!
What exactly are you doing!?!
-Gengar looks down and sees Xiroey running off towards the fight-

Gengar: Oh boy...
That look in his eye just now.
Why do I suddenly have a sinking feeling about this?​

[COLLAPSE="Part 2"]
[The rain continues to Fall]
-Dark Sonic spin dashes at Mari, and unleashes a deadly series of kicks at her.-

Dark Sonic: D*mnit! *pant*
Why are you so hard to hit!!!
-Mari sidesteps in order to avoid a 180 summersault aimed at her face-

Spirit: Nice Work Mari.
Now step to your left.

-Sonic busts out a whirling spin kick at Mari's abdomen. Mari easily steps out of the way, and his attack meets nothing but air.

Mari: *sweetly* Awww, whats wrong Sonic?
Can't keep up with a girl?
-Dark Sonic grids his teeth-
Dark Sonic: I'm going to get soooo much pleasure from tearing out your insides...

-Mari shrugs-
Mari: Water Pu--

(???): Water Pulse!

-Mari and Dark Sonic both stop-
Mari: Hey, do you mind?
-Dark Sonic blasted by a condensed ball of water-
Dark Sonic: *sputter* Hey!
Who did that!?!

-A second water pulse is shot out in answer-
Dark Sonic: Heh... Not falling for that agai--

(???): Trick Room.
-Sonic freezes-

Dark Sonic: Wha--?

-Out of nowhere, Dark Sonic feels a pair of strong hands grab his arms and hold him down-

Xiroey: No moving out of you...
-Dark Sonic gets blasted by the Water Pulse-

Dark Sonic: Abbblll *cough*
Let... Go-- *AAAHHHHH*
-Dark Sonic gets zapped by a thousand volts of electricity-

Mari: W-what the...?
-Xiroey lets Dark Sonic go and he falls to the ground in a smoking heap-

Xiroey: Lay there. Until I can figure out what to do with you.

[The twisted Demensions went back to normal]

Spirit: Well. Guess my brother's in...

-Drawcia's voice is heard over the pounding rain-
Drawcia: Nooooooooooo~
Death Teddy. Darling, speak to me~

Death Teddy Puddle: ...Raaaaaooooooooooooo........

Drawcia: No!
-Drawcia tries her best to keep her creation from melting, but all her efforts fail-

Mari: Drawcy...?
You all right?

Drawcia: Ooooohhh...
I'm not through with you yet Dearie~

-Xiroey steps forward-
Xiroey: We're sorry about your pet Drawcia, but do you mind telling me
what the point is behind all this?
-Drawcia laughs-
Drawcia: The point...?

Spirit: Careful Mari... I sense something dark coming from her.

-Dark clouds envelop Drawcia's body-
Drawcia: You want to know the point!?!

Mari: Oh no... that's...

Xiroey: Mari... What is that?

Mari: Xiro!
We need to stop her!

Xiroey: Say no more.
-Xiroey makes a mad dash for the edge of the clearing-

Drawcia: Oh, that's quite enough of that sweety~
-Xiroey gets repelled backward by a powerful dark barrier-

Xiroey: -rubbing his nose-

Mari: Xiro! We need to attack it together!

Drawcia: It won't work!
You'll both pay dearly for what you did to poor teddy~ </3

Xiroey: (She's right... It's too strong.)
-Mari charges up the beginings of her Luster Purge-
Mari: Xiro!!!

Xiroey: We can't break through...

Mari: Thats quitter talk!

Xiroey: The barrier is too strong.

Mari: Xiroey, quit being such a girl and man for once!

Xiroey: I'm not!
I'm telling you it's--

Drawcia Soul: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!

Spirit: Are we too late...?

Xiroey: Fine, but don't cry to me when--

(???): Haaaiiiiii~Yah!
-A dark blob flies in and aims a flying karate chap at Drawcia's force field-

Xiroey: What... In... the...world?

Gengar: Take THIS!
Brick Break!

-Gengar chops the barrier again-


Xiroey: Is he actually...?
-Gengar continues to attack the barrier-
Gengar: Take THIS
and THIS
and some off--

-The barrier explodes-

-Gengar gets launced against a tree and gets knocked out-

-Drawcia soul rises up into the air, fully healed from earlier-
Drawcia Soul: Now... Where were we~ <3

Mari: Well... he tried.

Drawcia Soul: Hahahahahahahaha!

Xiroey: Aww, shut up you.
Transform all you like. It's your turn next.



Magolor: Sure... Everbody just forget I'm here.

(???): Quit your whining you big baby...
-Dark Sonic rises up off the ground0

Magolor: *snicker*
W-wow Sonic... I gotta say, I don't know what you did, but the new look suits you.

Dark Sonic: -fur sticking straight up-
I'm not in the mood or jokes you little

Magolor: *teasing* Oh sorry...
Did I make you mad?
-Dark Sonic manages to stand completely upright-
Dark Sonic: Laugh it up while you can...
It'll be the last thing you ever laugh at in your life!


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
[COLLAPSE="A New Challenger Has Appeared!"]Muhti: Oof-

Dimentio: Muhti! Welcome back! Discord over here keeps imitating me.

Discord: Oh yes Muhti, now watch as I teleport like a gay little jester!

Dimentio: Im- Not- GAY!

Muhti: Wh-

Dimentio: Don't ask, hey Muhti, who's that behind you?

Muhti: Huh?

*turns quickly*


Herobrine: Hello Muhti. Hello Muhtis stupid friends.

Discord: *in Dimentios voice* I know Im stupid and homo!

Herobrine: Anyways~ *paces towards Muhti and pokes him* We have business to take care of~

Now lets PVP, shall we?

Muhti: Im sorry Herobrine, we don't allow greifers nor PvPers here.

Herobrine: Is that so?~ Too bad that Im op. Now you'll feel the wrath of the Plague!

/god Herobrine
/I diamondsword 1
/I bow 1
/I arrow 124[/COLLAPSE]

[COLLAPSE="Herobrine vs Muhti"]Herobrine:Now lets play Minecraft!

*lunges at Muhti*

Muhti: Urgh *teleports*


*both fighters tumble out*

Muhti: Where are we?

Herobrine: Doesnt matter... As long as I kill you.

*Herobrine starts flying up ward with /fly and launches an fire arrow at Muhti, causing him to collide on a building*

Muhti: Ow... *transforms into Mari* This is Liberty City from GTA.... AND I WON'T LET YOU KILL MY FRIENDS! Wait... What the fu*k am I saying?

*Takes a step back and makes a super-jump at Herobrine and transforms into Generator Rex and punches Herobrine*

Herobrine: Aha still 10/10 HP.

Generator Rex (Muhti): We'll see about that.

*transforms in Notch*

Notch (Muhti): *swedish accent* What are ya gonna do?

Herobrine: AHAHAHAHA That old man won't do anything!

Notch: Oh really?

/ban Herobrine

Herobrine: Wait, WHAT?! NOOOOOO-

*slowly depixelates as Notch/Muhti*

*transforms back*

Muhti: That's just a little taste of my new powers. *Looks at the computer screen of Mari and Xiroey and smirks then mumbles* and that isn't all I could do.

*teleports back to Smashfan and co.*[/COLLAPSE]


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
...dunno what that was all about.

discord: "and, what's your story?"

(one explanation later)

(we're all heading out to the minecraft forest, all piled on top of the super speedy cider squeezy 6000)

galacta knight: "do we REALLY have to crowd ourself atop this thing"

10th doctor: "well, it IS the only working transport we have now."

meta knight: "DON'T... F**KING... REMIND ME..."

discord: "what say we pop in some jammin' tunes? (holds up a doughnut)"

flim: "hate to burst your bubble, but this thing doesn't exactly have a radio, nor the mechanics to play a... powdered doughnut..."

discord: "(pops open the top of the podium, plopping the donut in it) much better!"

+jammin' tunes: Accidents Will Happen+


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York

Do you freaking expect us to wait several hours for you to edit?

Nah ah, that isn't happening.


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
i agree. ADVANCING ANYWAY :troll:


(princess cadence, piled atop meta knight and galacta knight, begins to wake up)

princess cadence: "uuugh... nnhh..."

dimentio: "sounds like she's waking up!"

regirock: "regi-r-regi-r-regiROOOOCK (crystal princess... are you alright?)"

princess cadence: "(waking up, looking at the hulking rock golem gazing at her) regirock? ...a legendary?"

cadence, are you okay?

princess cadence: "y-yeah... the last thing i remember was flying through a HUGE snowstorm, then someone shot me in my left wing."

discord: "yeowch. but believe look on the bright side; (flexes bat wing) the west wing isn't always the best wing..."

princess cadence: "you need to get regirock to safety, now!"

floatzel: "why? what's going on?"

princess cadence: "the plague union, THAT'S what's going on. they've captured all but 4 of all the legendary pokemon. they've captured Arceus, Lugia, the weather trio, Meloetta... the only legendaries they haven't captured are Regirock, Keldeo, and the Eon duo."

excalibur: "latias and xiroey..."

muhti: "what have they done with the legendaries?"

regirock: "r-regi-r-regi. r-regi. (my brothers... the plague union is corrupting them!)"

princess cadence: "(getting up) i'd like to help, but- (grabs wing) AGH!"

dimentio: "don't you worry your pretty little head about that wing of yours, mrs. cadenza."

(dimentio grabs cadence's injured wing, healing it)

princess cadence: "ahh... thanks."


Princess Cadence joined your team!

latias: "princess, my brother is still out there! we have to find him right away!"

princess cadence: "what?! where is he?!"

muhti says he's in a burning forest biome.

flim: "i can see it up ahead! we gotta pick up the pace!"

(flim and flam speed up the SSCS6K's driving speed)


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
[COLLAPSE="Minecraft Forest..."]- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Deep Sleep
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"What have they done with the Legendaries?
"My brothers... The plague is corrupting them"

"4 left..."


-Gengar starts awake-
Gengar: Ahh!
-A fat stream of drool flies up and hits him in the face-

Genagr: Bbblllaaah!
Get it off Get it off Get it off Get it--
-calms down-

Gengar: Wait... what was I doing just now?

(???): Gengar...

Gengar: Ahh! scary dream voice!
Say, would you mind telling me--


(???): Your fear...

Gengar: Y-yeah...?
Fear tastes good. What of it?

(???): ...

Gengar: ...
Okay, I'm in the middle of a very important battle right now.
-gets up-
If you don't mind...
-A pair of strong hands close around Gengar's throat-

(???): Your Pain...

Gengar: *choaking* W-wha... I can't... see...

(???): I WANT IT!!!

-The air around Gengar suddenly gets impossibly hot-
Gengar: Aaack... *choaks*

(???): Give me your PAIN!!!

Gengar: I don't know... who you are...
But get your hands... OFF!
-Gengar throws out a full-body Protect, and forces the pair of hands off-

(???): Gaah!

-The dark figure retreats. Gengar looks up and sees a pair of hateful red eyes staring at him from only a few feet away-

(???): You'll pay...

Gengar: Look. I don't know what beef you have with me mate.
But try something like that again, and you'll know the true meaning of torment!
-The red eyes laugh-
(???): Torment...

-The entire area goes black. Gengar suddenly finds himself falling down an endless pit-

Gengar: W-what the!?!

(???): No flying away for you... little ghost...

-Gengar starts falling faster

Gengar: Who are you!?!
What do you want!?!
-Gengar's question is only meant with more laughs-

Gengar: ... (Man... I can't tell which direction the noise is coming from)

-Gengar's descent stops-

(???): My void...

This is MY void...

Gengar: -floating in empty space-
Yeah? Well I don't like it.
I'm blowing out of this joint!

(???): No way out...
No direction...

Gegar: Sir, I don't think you know who you're talking to!
-Gengar summons up a pair of Shadow Balls-

(???): Hahahahahahahaha!
You're efforts!


-The Shadow Balls both flicker out on their own-
Gengar: Da H*ll?
-Gengar cries out as a sensation hits him of a thousand needles digging into his flesh-
Gengar: Aaaaaggghh!

(???): PAIN!!!!

Gengar: -grinding his teeth-

You like PAIN?

Well get a load of this!
Pain Split!

-A hole shatters in the empty space-

Gengar: *falling*
Oh boy... here we go again...

-Wakes up-
Gengar: AHHH!

[SFX]: ...where'd you go dearies, I'm not throw playing with you yet!

Gengar: Guys...

-Gengar gets pinned against a tree-

(???): That... hurt...

Gengar: Listen scary voice from earlier...
I really have places to be right now--
-Gengar gets slammed against the tree trunk again-
Gengar: *dizzy*
Al~righty bud. You asked-d f-for it!
-Whoever grabbed him gets blasted back-

(???): AHHH!

-Gengar drops back to the gound-
Gengar: (Now, to see who's been behind all these--)
-Gengar cuts off then tosses himself to the side. Just seconds later the tree behind him explodes-

Gengar: Oookay!
**** is totally going down!

(???): Take Thi--

Gengar: --Not this time!
-Gengar throws up a Substitute just as his attacker hits him.
As the sub breaks, the entire area fills up with smoke-

(???): !!! (Where...)

(Behind the smoke): Dooouuublleeee... Shadow Claw!
-Gengar's attack connects. He's rewarded by a very satisfying scream from his attacker-

Gengar: Critical Hit! B****!
-The smoke clears-

Darkrai: Fool...

Gengar: Darkrai?

Darkrai: You Die!!!

Gengar: All these two letter sentences are getting old bro.
-Gengar dematerializes just as Darkrai shoots a billion volts of Dark energy at his head-

Gengar: Heheh~ :p

Darkrai: Your life is mine...

-Gengar mimicks a stereotypical Blonde girl's accent-
Gengar: Guuuurl~
If you want this
you had better put a ring on it.

Darkrai: ...

-Darkrai suddenly gets Karate chopped in the head-
Gengar: Hai~Yah!
Fell for it!

-The Gengar Substitute vanishes-
-Darkrai falls unconscious-
Gengar: ... Well. That was surprisingly easy.
Now I wonder where

-The Darkrai on the ground vanishes in a puff of smoke-

Gengar: -stops-

Great... Fell for my own trick.
-Darkrai floats out from behind a tree-
Darkrai: No more games...

-Gengar gives his neck a good crack. Then beckons him over-
Gengar: Put em' up. Son~

Boss Fight - V.S. Darkrai
(Music - Kingdom Hearts V.S. Nobodies)


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Hyrule Plaza
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Registeel: -beep- ( Enough of this foolishness!)
-Antoine does a neat flip through the air and lands on top of Registeel's shoulders-

Antoine: Nowhere to run now!

Registeel: -beep- (!!!)
-Antoine leaps off and launches a fiery wave of red paint at Registeel-

[Super Effective!]

Charizard: Keep it up Antoine.
We've got this match in the bag.
-CDi gannon launches a fire ball at Charizard. He easily bats it away-

Charizard: Hmph.

Registeel -beepbeepbeepbeep- (Damage level Critical! Damage level Critical!)

Antoine: What's the deal?
Did i break it~?

Charizard: Don't let your guard down!

Antoine: I know! I know!
It's just--
-Antoine eats a facefull of flying fish-
Captain Knuckles: Oye! Nice one Flapjack!

Antoine: ...ow...
Does anyone even still watch that show?
-Floatzel comes racing past. Followed shortly afterward by Sparkman.exe-

Sparkman: Whats the matter otter!?
Can't take a little jolt!

Floatzel: It's a strategic withdrawl you MORON!
Get the **** away from me!

Sparkman: Oh nonononono~
We'er just gitting started!
-Floatzel pumps his legs even harder-
Floatzel: Whatever man!
Eat my dust!

-Antoine stops to gaze at Floatzel running for his life-
Antoine: Hmm... That's something you don't see everyday.
-Antoine gets smacked by a slimy mackrel-

Antoine: *grrrr*
Alright you filthy wet hillbillies!~
Now you've made me mad!

-Charizard ducks a crackling punch from CDi Ganon. Then retaliates with a fiery haymaker of his own-
Charizard: Boom! Headshot!

-CDi Ganon sees stars-
CDi Ganon: Y-you... YOU WILL DIE!!!
-Charizard cracks his knuckles-
Charizard: Seriously?
Find a new punchline. :glare:
-He slugs Ganon again-

Floatzel: G-g-get the h*ll away from me you creep!

Sparkman.exe: heheheheheh~
Come back otter!

I won't bite!

Floatzel: NO!
-starts running faster-

Antoine: Can't keep up.
-Antoine whizzes past Flapjack, turning his shirt over his head-

Antoine: Antoine the theif is too fast~
-He kicks Kaptain Knuckles in the rear-

Charizard: Hmm...
Figures Antoine would find a skill that would help him run away.

Antoine: Extremespeed has much more useful purposes than running away
-Captain Knuckles tips a tall barrel of Maple Syrup onto the ground-

Antoine: Oh dear...
-His feet get stuck-

Captain Knuckles: Got you now! You slippery varment!

Flapjack: Caaaptaaiiin!!!
Help! My shirt is stuck!

-Knuckles turns around-
Captain Knucles: Not now Flapjack... Can't you see I'm busyeeeeeeeee--
-Knuckles does a comical 50 foot jump into the air-

-Antoine whips spins his tail around, a bunch of nasty looking yellow barbs sticking out of the tip-

Antoine: *tsk tsk..*
You should never turn your back on your opponent
My good captain~ <3

-Flapjack finally manages to fix his shirt-
Flapjack: Heey! You can't do that to the Cap'n!

Antoine: Uhm... Behind you kid?

-Flapjack crosses his arms-
Flapjack: I'm not falling for that one.

Typhlosion: *growl*

-Flapjack feels his back get fuzzy and warm-
Flapjack: Oh fishpaste...

-Typhlosion roars-
Flapjack: AHHHHHH!!!!
-Flapjack makes a break for it-

Typhlosion: *phew
Hate doing that to a little kid...

Charizard: Better scare his pants off than have him injure himself.
-Charizard sidesteps a DynamicPunch from Registeel-

Typhlosion: True... True...

-Floatzel comes racing back, having made a full lap around the town-

Floatzel: GET! A-WAY!!!

Sparkman.exe: Hahahahahahahahahahahaha--*hurk*
-Sparkman gets yanked up by the head-

-Typhlosion shoves his nose into Sparkman's face. Then stares deeply into his eyes-

Typhlosion: I don't like you...

Sparkman: *gulp*
Easy there big guy... I don't mean nobody no ha--

-Sparkman zaps typhlosion with a powerful surge of electricity-

[Typhlosion doesn't flinch]
Typhlosion: That all...?

Sparkman: *trembling*
W-wow... You're a tough one a-aren't y-you?

-Typhlosion snorts. Then slams Sparkman's face into the ground-

Typhlosion: Earthquake.
-Typhlosion steps on Sparkman, crushing a gaping hole through his chest-

Antoine: Whoa... Harsh...

Charizard: -wobbling-
Easy Typhlosion! You're shaking up the whole town!

Registeel: -beep- (You're mine!)

Charizard: Don't you beep at me boltface!
-Charizard slams Registeel in the head with his tail-

Registeel: *malfunctioning*

Charizard: And quit that annoying beeping!
-Charizard hits Registeel with his Flare Blitz. Registeel gets knocked over and faints-

Typhlosion: Woooo!
Two down! :bee:

Antoine: ...his mood sure changes quick...

-Another league of plague minions file into Hyrule square-
Antoine: Well...
That's just great.


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
-Genagr does a backflip off a tree. The spot beneath him explodes, showering him with dirt-

Gengar: Missed me again Darkrai!~
Gotta do better i'm afraid.

Darkrai: Hold Still!

-Darkrai launches out a pulsing black sphere. Gengar easily anticipates the attack and airdodges-

Gengar: Nopenopenopenope--

-Gengar suddenly materializes up in Darkrai's face-
-Darkrai looks up and sees an enormous hammer looming over his head-

Gengar: Type Wild Motha ...
-Darkrai eets mallet. Then he eats dirt-

Gengar: Ha!
Eat it!

Darkrai: *grumble*
You're going to wish you had never done that...

Gengar: Oh dear...

-Gengar makes a makes a break for the hills. The area around darkrai heats up, then everything around him within a 40 radius explodes-

Gengar: Aaaaaaaaahhhhh!
-Does an action move dive.-

[slow motion]: Gengar: You... can't... touch... thissss...
-Looks down beneath him and sees a rock-

[slow motion]: Gengar: Oooohh.... ****.....

-Gengar eats rock-
-Darkrai rises up out of his crater-
Darkrai: *pant* (Where is he...)

-Gengar comes rushing past with a rock literally stuck in his face-

Darkrai: ...

-Gengar runs into a tree and falls over-
Gengar: Ow...

Darkrai: Why did I bother with this fool...?

Gengar: *mumbling* that hurt...

Darkrai: [glow]Dark Void![/glow]

-Gengar shoots up-
Gengar: I'm out!

-Gengar manages to get out of the way in time--just before the spot he was in gets swallowed up by an impossibly dark abyss-


Darkrai: Enough Ghost!!!


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
(suddenly, darkrai feels a sharp stab to his back)

darkrai: "....GAAAAAHHHHH.... (falls over)"

(the dark void dissipates)

???: "gengar. YOU'RE sure fortunate to be all in one piece."

(the figure steps out from the shadows... a certain pokemon with an MLP-like body)

gengar: "ah, yes. a survivor from equestria, i take it?"

keldeo: "my arceus i get that a lot... listen. someone... or someTHING has kidnapped the other swords of justice, Terrakion, Virizion, and Cobalion. i also hear a similar thing has been happening to the rest of the legendaries..."

gengar: "Darkrai's Nightmare... i think i have an idea of what's happening to them. i was fighting off Darkrai before you Secret Sworded him up the ***. except, he wasn't acting like himself. he seemed... twisted... and even earlier, i was ambushed by Regice and Registeel, except they had dark color schemes, and were a lot like Darkrai earlier. whoever's capturing the legendaries must be brainwashing them into vicious monsters!"

keldeo: "then something MUST be done..."


Keldeo joined your team!

gengar: "listen, i'm close friends with Latios. we have to find him first!"

keldeo: "then let's go!"

(gengar hops on keldeo, taking a stick from the ground)


keldeo: "...MUST you?"

gengar: "c'mon, how could i NOT?"

(keldeo runs off deeperinto the forest)

gengar: "(singing) my little pony. i used to wonder what friendship could be..."

keldeo: "(thinking) yet another thing that i get a lot... interesting..."

(darkrai begins to get up, seeing gengar and keldeo running into the distance)

darkrai: "rrrgh... i'm not finished with you yet, ghost-type... (follows them)"


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
(((AAAAHHHHH I'm so sorry, guys. My internet went down because of a sudden storm. CURSE YOU, MOTHER NATURE!! Annnnnyywayyy.....Back to battle!)))


[COLLAPSE="Continueing...."]Drawcia Soul: Heeheehee....You can't hide from me!~

(Drawcia Soul sends a blob of green paint and it dizzovles the rock.)

Xiro: Sh** she found us!

Marx: Mari!

Mari: I'm on it!

(Mari quickly threw up a barrier over Marx and Xiro, Then Charged right into Drawcia.)

Marx: HEY! I didn't mean go into the battle ALONE!

Drawcia Soul: Oh, I was expecting that from you, Mari...

(Drawcia Soul formed a wall of Blue paint, which quickly turned into ice.)

Mari: Pftt...please...

(Mari pulled a swift kick at the wall, but Drawcia was no longer behind it.)

Mari: (!!!)

(Mari ducked just in time to avoid a dark Glob of paint aimed right at her head.)

Drawcia Soul: Doh, I missed!~

Mari: Drawcy...

(Mari suddenly disappeared and reappeard right in front of her.)

Mari: This has gone on long enough.

Luster Purge!

(Mari's fist connects with Drawcia's side and she is sent flying into a nearby rock formation.)

Drawcia Soul: ggguuh....

-Drawcia returned back to normal.-

Mari: Drawcy?

Drawcia: You'll...pay for that...dear~....

Marx: Hey, Mari! Mind leting us out?!

Mari: Sorry.

(Mari let the barrier fall to allow Marx to check on Drawcia)

Xiro: She seems pritty weak...

Marx: Dark Magic takes a lot outta ya.

Mari: Looks like this is a good time to-
Wait, where's Magolor?

???: Right here.

(Magolor walks over from the shadows, behind him he was carrying Dark Sonic in a levitation bubble.)

Magolor: I'm telling you...

He was Fast. It wasn't easy.

Mari: Alright....Here go's...

Heal Bell!

(The sound of a thousand Bells fill the air; Drawcia is the first to awaken.)

Drawcia: Oh...My head...

Marx and Magolor: DRAWCY!!

(Marx and Magolor glomp Drawcia with hugs. )

Drawcia: Marxy...Mags...What happened?

Sonic: Aaaow...Where am I?

Mari: Sup, teach?

Sonic: Mari?...What in chaos happened here?!

(The all looked around the destruction they had made)

Mari: Long story short...

You and Drawica went nuts and Brought in a Giant Death Teddyzilla to kill us.

Sonic: ...I have got to stop unwillingly trying to kill people...

Xiro: Well, It's all over now.


(Gengar and Keldeo ride into the clearing.)

Xiro: Bro...what are you doing?

Gengar: Being a cowboy.

Keldeo: Enough with this pretending. You are Mari and Xiro, correct?

Mari: Yeah...?

Keldeo: Smashfan needs all the help he can get. I can lead you to him.

Magolor: That's great! Where to?

???: You all...are not leaving here alive...

(Darkrai rises out of the ground from the shadows.)

Mari: ...Darkrai...?

Darkrai: Little ghost...


(Darkrai dashes for Gengar, Only to eat a facefull of Protect.

Mari: Get outta here!

Marx: Aw, not this again...

Mari: Darkrai...It's me! Mari!


Darkrai: ....Mari....

(Darkrai turns from Gengar to Mari and back again...

Then suddenly dashes for Mari, Picks her up, and runs deeper into the forest.)

Mari: GAAAH! Lemme GO!

Sonic: MARI!

Magolor: Let's go, guys!

(Sonic runs after Darkrai, leaving Magolor, Drawcia, and Marx Running after him.)

-A little while later...-

(Darkrai Drops Mari in a dark clearing.)

Mari: OW!....You could've been a just a little more gentle-

(As Mari looks up at Darkrai, The first thing she sees is his eyes glowing a sinister purple...)

Darkrai: Fall...

Fall into my Nightmare...


[COLLAPSE="Part 2: The Nightmare."]

Mari: Gaahh...Where...

???: Mari....

Mari: Darkrai?

(Mari slowly wanders around....she can't see a thing...)

Mari: Darkrai...This is not funny.

???: Mwahahaha....Fear...

is not funny...little girl.

It's delishious...

Mari: I'm not gonna listen to your twisted c*ap-

???: ...Sister...

(Mari bumps into something behind her...and when she turns around, she gasps.)


Eric: Sis...run...run far away....

Don't come back....

Mari: But...Eric...Brother....

Eric: Look...

(Eric points to the distance...an as he does, smoke rises into the air.

Mari follows where Eric was pointing to and Sees a burning house.)

Mari: ...no...no...this...

Eric: Run...Don't come back....

You have to-

(A glowing knife suddenly explodes through Eric's chest, and Mari sees a strange hooded Figure....the same one Xiro Fought!
behind him, Flames and smoke rise into the air, and painful screams are heard in the background.)

???: Well....Look what we have here.

The Last of the Guardians.

Mari: No! NO!

This...this already happened!


(Strange dark hands sprout from the ground and hold Mari in place.)

Mari: NO! NO! LET ME GO!

(The hooded figure rasies his knife....)

Mari: NOOO!

(Darkrai appears next to Mari and wispers in her ear.)

Darkrai: Yesss.... [/COLLAPSE]


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
[COLLAPSE="Meetings and Greetings"]Darkrai: Its time you met your fate......Guardian

*The hooded figure stabs Mari through the chest as she screams in fright*


All: MARI!

*The Guardian awoke and stared at the group in horror, then collapsed and fainted*

Magalor: WHAT THE HELL?!

Darkrai: Ahaha,she'll be gone for awhile. *ghostly air leaves his mouth as the it screams* Now whose next? *looks at Xiroey*

Xiroey: Oh no you don't

*twirls finger like a girl*

Darkrai: Too late

*Xiroey jumps in the air realizing Darkrai was behind him, Darkrai catches him in mid-air and starts sucking his fear of his nightmare*

Sonic: The main heroes.... we will crumble without the main ones....

???: I think you forgot us two, Sonic

*A gun is shot at Darkrai multiple times*

Darkrai: AHH! Ugh.... Muhti and Smashfan...

*Discord floats around Darkrai*

Discord: Don't forget me, Cadence, Cylestia, Dimentio, Buizel, etc.

Also, did I mention me?

SF666: Nobody cares about you Discord, you're just the sideline protagonist


Muhti: *gets in front of Discord SF666* No! No more fighting within teams, it's getting stupid and OLD! NOW STOP!

*A silence beckons within the ruins of the forest*

*Until a dark chuckle is fabricated*

Darkrai: How cute.... Too bad your Xiroey is gone now... Thanks for the distraction! *Throws Xiroey on the floor like a toy* 2 down, 2 to go...... Or 3... Since we have mars....[/COLLAPSE]

[COLLAPSE="Xiroeys Nightmare"]
*Xiroey wakes up in a black void, nothing but him is there*

???: Hello Xiroey....

Xiroey: *jumps back with cold shivers rushing against his back* WHO'S THERE?!

???: *laughs menacingly*Trying to like like a hero hm? Oh yes, your question, well...... Your biggest threat. Let's put it in those terms

Xiroey: *shudders* Which is.....?

* The voice draws out of the dark, revealing a person who keeps transforming into random characters every 2 seconds, lastly showing a Venom*

Venom: Surprised to see me again?

Xiroey: Anti

Venom: That.... But I'm referred as Venomuhti. You'll see me a lot in the future. After Smashfan depixelates, you will see a whole new world!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Xiroey: And what do you think you'll do to do that? Lick your fingers delicately? *laughs*

Venomuhti: No *scratches the wall causing a horrific sound until his an inch in front on Xiroey* I have other plans *takes out large tongue and licks Xiroey all around because that's what Venom freaking does* But for now... Enjoy the Muhti you have now *Opens mouth and swallows a screaming Xiroey*

Its time for a New World Order!!!

*Looks behind him and transforms int Roger Dearly from 101 Dalmatians with the pipe and starts walking*

Well then

*Takes out pipe and puts on shades*

S*its gonna get *transforms into Ming-Ming from Wonder Pets* SEWIOUS!!![/COLLAPSE]


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
???: "that's good enough, darkrai. we'll take it from here."

darkrai: "...as you wish, milady."

(darkrai disappears, and the teams are snagged by ropes and beamed onto a large aircraft)

(trying to free self from the ropes) ghhh... stuck!

discord: "no worries, i got this... (snaps fingers, but all that happens is the sound of an engine backfiring) what the- ?!"

???: "(chuckles wickedly) you like it? the gourd made it special. he used similarly enchanted steel cages to trap every legendary he came across. the rope adapts to the powers of those it binds, and nullifies them."

dimentio: "you sick little- ...you are one clever b**ch..."

(the corrupted registeel, regice, and regigigas step forward, then making way for their master; diamond tiara)

diamond tiara: "thank you. it just goes to show, 6 heads really ARE better than one."

silver spoon: "diamond, please stop! this isn't like you!"

(diamond tiara trots up to silver spoon, clutching her by the chin with her hoof)

diamond tiara: "heh. it is now, spoony. you're welcome to join me if you'd like. you don't know what you're missing out on."

silver spoon: "no way! i know you're still upset about what happened to your dad, but these guys are pure EVIL!!"

diamond tiara: "...suit yourself. regis, prepare the last 4 legendaries for transportation to the gourd's lab."

regigigas: "REGI, REGIGIGAS... (what about the other prisoners?)"

diamond tiara: "drop them off at the nearest End portal."

gengar: "(to me) End portal?"

i don't like the sound of that...

(transition, regice, registeel, and diamond tiara are overseeing our exile into the End)

discord: "...gyeh. i don't know what's worse; the end, or the silverfish if we miss..."

regice: "*pokes discord with a spear* REEGGGIIIICE! (get in there, ya' DNA composite!)"

(discord falls into the end portal, then the two regis throw the rest in)

diamond tiara: "any last words before you get thoroughly dominated by endermen, smashfan?"

...f**k you.

(meanwhile, regigigas is preparing the teleport pads to send out regirock, latias, keldeo, and xiroey)

xiroey: "keldeo, your horn!"

keldeo: "i can't use sacred sword on him, xiroey. this f**king enchantment won't allow it!"

xiroey: "no, use it to cut the ropes!"

keldeo: "?? oh!"

(keldeo first slices the ropes binding xiroey and latias, who then free keldeo)

latias: "yes!"

regigigas: "REGI?! REG!! (wha- ?! NO YOU DON'T!)"

(regigigas charges after the 3 escaped legendaries just as they go for regirock)

keldeo: "AAGH!!"

(regigigas swats the 3 away from regirock using his fist)

regigigas: "REGI! (take that!)"

keldeo: "what NOW?!"

xiroey: "we fight, durr!"

regirock: "r-regi-r-regi-r-regi. r-regi! (no, friends. you need to get to the others, quickly! go now!)"

latias: "but regirock-"

regirock: "r-regi-r-regiROOOOCK... (do not worry about me, just GO!!)"

(the three exit the room and escape the ship, pursued by regigigas)

(the last of us are thrown into the end portal)

diamond tiara: "there. now that that's taken care of-"

(xiroey, latias, and keldeo shove diamond tiara out of the way)

diamond tiara: "AGH!! (gets up) how did they- ?! REGICE! REGISTEEL! AFTER THEM!!"

(the two corrupted regis pursue the group, who are now stalled at the end portal)

keldeo: "(looking behind, seeing the two regis) oh, just fantastic..."

latias: "what do we do now?"

xiroey: "...the only thing left we can do."

(the 3 jump into the end portal)

registeel: "...GI-GI-GI-GI (...great)"

regice: "regice r-regice regice... (mistress tiara's going to have our ***es mounted on the wall for this...)"

(the two make their way away from the end portal)

registeel: "registeel... (this sucks...)"

(meanwhile, in the end)

keldeo: "aagh... note to self, never dive into an end portal head-first..."

gengar: "keldeo? is that you?!"

xiroey: "...gengar?"

(keldeo frees everyone from their rope bindings)

thank goodness you guys are alright!

4th doctor: "i don't know about you lot, but i'm none too comfortable getting all these funny looks from the natives..."

flim: "...wuh-oh..."

xiroey: "okay, i'm starting to think coming here was a HUGE mistake."



queen chrysalis: "...oh god."

drawcia: "WHAT WAS THAT?!"

iron will: "up there!"

latias: "wh- what is that thing?!"

xiroey: "enderdragon..."

sonic: "we have to fight that?!"


discord: "i'm going to say 'yes'..."

+enderdragon battle: VS Tabuu+


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
[COLLAPSE="The End"]Gengar: Raaaaggh!
Stop it!
-Gengar looks at a group of Endermen and they all teleport behind him-

Gengar: -runs a different direction-
Stop it!!!

Xiroey: Gengar! Calm down would ya, just try not to look at them directly!
-Genagr looks over at another group of Endermen-
Gengar: STOP IT!
-Xiroey sighs deeply-
Xiroey: Arceus help him...

SF666: Everyone on your toes. Enderdragon is approaching.
-Everyone except for Gengar prepares themselves-

Xiroey: It's no good isn't it.
As long as the crystals are intact, we can't kill it.

SF666: Correct. Four of us will stay to combat the dragon.
The rest will take care of the crystals.

Xiroey: All right.
-Enderdragon makes a nosedive for the group-

SF666: Everyone except for Xiroey, Mari, and Gengar!
Find a seperate pillar and climb to the top!

Destoy the crystal floating over the bonfire!

Everyone simultaneously: Right!
-The group splits off in seperate directions-

Xiroey: *mumbling*
The leader is back...

SF666: Prepare yourselves.
-Enderdragon bumrushes Smashfan's group-

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - - -
-Floatzel, Typhlosion, and RED scout make for a tall tower on the edge of the island.-

Floatzel: All right guys. We're going to have to do this quick. You all ready?

Typhlosion: -running on all fours-
I was a born climber. This'll be a piece of cake!

RED: Yo, how we gon' do this?
I don't see any handholds!
-Both of Floatzel's fins extend out into long fanglike Icecicles-
Floatzel: We'll make our own handholds
-He launches the spikes into the tower-

- - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - -

-Antoine, Keldeo, and Charizard make off as another group-

Keldeo: *pant* How... exactly am i supposed to climp up that?
-Charizard flies low to the ground similar to how he does in brawl. He easily keeps up with the small group-
Charizard: Whoever said anything about climbing?
Both of you, get on my back!

-Antoine and keldeo both do as their told. Antoine grabs hold around charizard's tail while Keldeo does it's best to wrap it's hoves around Charizard's neck-

Charizard: Lets do this.
-He takes off-

- - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - -
-Princess Celestia, Flim and Flam each make for an especially tall tower at the highest point of the island-

Princess Celestia: *pant* Quickly you two!
Make haste, for our friends lives are at stake!

Flim: You don't have to tell us princess.

Flam: Agreed. We'll guarantee we'll do our best do deliver quality assistance.

Celestia: Thank you both.
Now lets hurry!

- - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - -
-Smashfan steps to the side as Enderdragon rushes him. He tires to retaliate with a swing, but the dragon's wing grazes him, and he gets sent spinning-

Gengar: Smashfan!
-Another Enderman appears behind him-

Gengar: I told you to stop that!
-Gengar spins around and Shadow Claws the poor man's head off-

-It depixelates-

Genagr: Yeesh~
-Another two teleport behind him-


Xiroey: Gengar, stop messing around!
It's coming back!

Gengar: Comes from you!
You never fight seriously!
-Gengar launches a pair of shadowballs at his two shadowers-

-Xiroey looks over at the incoming dragon with a determined expression-
Xiroey: You know what Gengar...?
You're right.
-He opens his palm, and a group of shimmering lights appear there, in a straight line-

Xiroey: But those *****es captured Regirock.
Every second we waste here is a second that they can do terrible things to him.

-The lights begin to solidify-

Xiroey: Frankly, I'm not going to let that happen.
-The lights form into a Shimmering white lance-

Xiroey: (No more games!)
-Genagr jumps back, bumping into a pair of Endermen as he does so-

Gengar: Whoa!
You're really gonna bust that out now!?
-Xiroey spins the lance around over his head-
Xiroey: Everyone else is getting serious.
Bout time I get serious too.

SF666: All of you!
Get ready!
-Mari smiles over at Xiroey-
Xiroey: -blinks-
W-why are you looking at me like that?

Mari: Regirock will be fine.
I'm sure of it.
-With that she leaps up. Landing on top of Enderdragon's shoulders-

SF666: Mari! Not yet!
We need to wait until the crystals are--
-Smashfan gets Bumrushed by the dragon's head-

Smashfan: Gah!!!
-He falls down and drops his weapon-

Xiroey: Smash!

Smashfan: *grunt* Don't... lose focus...
-Xiroey nods. Then focuses back on the dragon-
Xiroey: All right Mari. Time for us to help out.
-Enderdragon makes another dive for the Trio-
Xiroey: Gengar!

Genagr: I see em'
-Gengar dematerializes just as the Dragon reaches him, then pulls out his mallet-

Gengar: Too slow!
-He slams his mallet into the dragon's back-

-Xiroey rushes after the dragon as it takes off again, then throws his Lance at it as it gains altitutude-
Xiroey: lets see how you like this.
-The lance sticks itself into the dragon's tail. The dragon roars out in pain, then the lance suddenly shatters-

Xiroey: That should slow him down-
-Ice starts creeping up the dragon's tail from where the lance struck-

Gengar: Niiiiice!

SF666: That only slowed him down temporarily.
As long as there are crystals around, it can always revitalize itself.
-Gengar stops celebrating-
Genagr: ...right.
-Xiroey's lance reappears in his hand-
Xiroey: Then we'll just have to keep hacking away.
(Mari. What were you thinking just now?)

- - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - -

Floatzel: No time to waste!
Up the tower, double time! go!
-Floatzel sticks another pair of Ice Spikes into the tower and pulls himself up. RED scout fallows just below-

RED: You don't need to tell me Yo.
You just focus on those Ice-whatevers so we can break this "crystal".
-Floatzel looks up and sees Typhlosion nearly at the top-
Floatzel: Hmm... Big guy wasn't lying...

RED: Hurry up!
No telling when that dragon-thing might decide to come for us instead!
-Floatzel sticks in another pair of spikes-
Floatzel: Oh, It'll have to.
It has to heal itself eventually. Thats for sure.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -
-Mari looks back and sees the back of the dragon starting to freeze-

Mari: Okay... This is new...
-The dragon roars, then does a barrel roll to shake Mari off-
-She grabs tightly onto one of the dragons spines to anchor herself. The world appears to do a 1080 as the dragon spinns around faster and faster-

Spirit: Mari, you have to do something!
You won't be able to hold out like this for long!

Mari: Ooh, I intend to.
-The entire island suddenly fills with bright light-

Mari: Open "Star Portal"!


- - - - - - - - - - - -
Minecraft Skies
- - - - - - - - - - - -

Gliscor: What the...?
What happened here?
-Gliscor looks down and sees nothing but charred forest and destruction-

Gliscor: Did something take place here?
-Gliscor's communicator whirrs to life-
(???): Gliscor, have you located them yet?

Gliscor: -scanning the forest-
No. No sign yet.
How about you Electivire? Any news to report?

Electivire: No. Nothing thus far.

Gliscor: Okay, let me know if--
-The communicator suddenly explodes with loud static-

-Gliscor winces from the pain-
Gliscor: Oww...
Porygon-Z, stop messing around!!!
-The static stops-

Communicator: ZEE?
-Gliscor rubs his forehead, fighting back a migraine-
Gliscor: Ugh... I just had to let Xiro convince me to take his pet along...

Communicator: ZEE! :bee:

Gliscor: Not now Z.
I'll play with you later.
-The communicator goes silent-


Gliscor: Z?

Communicator: ZEE... :(

Gliscor: I'm sorry Z. Don't be sad.
-The area next to Gliscor's head pixilates. A hole opens up in the middle of the blocky portal, and Porygon-Z flies out-

Porygon-Z: ZEE!

Gliscor: Haha, okay.
In a second. I need to look out for--

What in the world...?
-Gliscor looks down and sees a strange sight. The three Regi's and darkrai being led away into an airship by what appears to be a single pony.

Gliscor: Electivire!
I've got something!
-Electivire's voice sounds inside Gliscor's ear-
Electivire: Roger.
Your location?

Gliscor: Just travel a little further up the path you're on.
You'll see it.

Electivire: Got'cha.
-Gliscor lands down in the clearing and waits for his comrade Elecitivire to arrive-

-Registeel stops. Then turns around-

Registeel: -beep- (Intruders!)
-The rest of the group turns around as well-
Diamond Tiara: *sighs*
What is it now you bag of bo--

Who in Equestira!?
-Gliscor and Porygon-Z stand in the middle of the clearing. Sizing up the small group before them-
Gliscor: Three legendaries and a pony...
Might get messy.

Porygon-Z: ZEE...
-Electivire speeds into the clearing. Then doubles over to catch his breath-

Electivire: *pant* Ran a Marrithon...
What is... it that you wanted to show me...?
-Diamond Tiara calls out to Gliscor's group-
Diamond Tiara: You three!
What do you want!?
-it's gliscor that returns the call-
Gliscor: What is this!?
Why are the three Regi's being caried away.

Regirock: Regi...rock...
-Diamond Tiara jabs Regirock with her hoove-
Diamond Tiara: Ooooh, I'm not done with you quite yet my pet.
You'll see much worse that that just now once I take care of these three pests...
-Gliscor and Electivire both assume battle stances. Porygon-Z floats around randomly, fascinated by the trees-

Gliscor: Prepare yourself Electivire...

Electivire: Right.

Free For All!
(Music - Remix! V.S. Team Zephr)


[COLLAPSE="Minecraft Forest"]

Darkrai: enough struggle!
-Electivire rolls to the side to avoid getting swallowed up by Darkrai's black abyss-

Electivire: So... They even managed to capture the mighty Darkrai?
-Regice fires it's Ice Beam at Gliscor-
Gliscor: WHOA!!!
-Gliscor thows up a Sandstorm around himself to block the shot-

Gliscor: -inside the tornado-
Phew... *shudders*

I hate Ice!
-Porgygon-Z flies up into Registeel's face. Distracting it-
Registeel: -beep- (Unidentified attacker! Eliminate!)
-Porygon-Z whirls it's arms around like a Windmill-

Registeel: -beep boop- (Combat procedures initiate!)
-Registeel swipes his Metal Claw at Porygon-Z)

-Porygon-Z retreats then spins his arms faster-
Porygon-Z: Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z!!!
-Out of nowhere, Porygon-Z stops. Completely frozen.

Registeel: -beep- (?)
[Porygon-Z was Paralyzed! - It may be unable to move!]

-Diamond Tiara ducks a ThunderPunch from Electivire-

Diamond Tiara: Did that... thing... just Paralyze itself!?!
-Porygon-Z just floats frozen in midair, it's arms forming a cute little Y over it's head-

Registeel: -beep- (Unamusing! Destroy!)
-Registeel's body crackles with electricity. It sends a Thunderbolt flying at the Paralyzed Porygon-Z-

-Porygon-Z suddenly wirrs back to life-
[Porygon-Z used Trick Room!]

[Porygon-Z's Trick Room twisted demensions!]
Registeel: -beep- (Die!)
-Registeel's claws connect with only air-

Registeel: -beep- (?)
-Porygon-Z reappears behind Registeel, whirlling it's arms around much faster than before-
Porygon-Z: ZEEEE!
-Three powerful energy beams shoot out from Porygon-Z's tiny body. One made of Ice, one Fire, and the final Electricity-

Gliscor: Nice going Z!
-Electivire dodges a Dark Pulse from Darkrai.-
Electivire: Little dude's pretty useful.
Who knew?
[A Critical Hit!]

-Registeel Faints-

Porygon-Z: ZEE! :bee:

Gliscor: Keep it up, little buddy.
-Gliscor's launches himself beneath the soil, dodging a Thunderbolt from Regice-

Regice: Reeeegggiiiiiiccceeee! (Resistance is futile! Give up!)
-Regirock fights weakly against his restraints-
Regirock: Reeggiiii....rooocckkk... (Brothers... stop...)
-Porygon-Z flies over at Diamond Tiara-
Diamond Tiara: *squeals*
Eeeek! Get away from me you deformed!

-Porygon-Z stops. It's arms droop down to it's sides.-

Porygon-Z: ZEE...
-Gliscor lauches out of the dirt, landing a flying uppercut to Regice's head-

-Regice stumbes back, stunned-

Gliscor: Don't listen to her Z!
You're not wierd. You're special!
-Porygon-Z perks up again-
Porygon-Z: ZEE!

Diamond Tiara: *cough*
I'll admit, It is kind of cute...

But it's still in my way!

-She legs one of her enchanted ropes fly at the floating polygon-

Porygon-Z: ZEE!
-Porygon-Z dives back into Cyber Space. The rope keeps flying, eventaully wrapping itself around a tree-

-Porygon-Z reappaes in Diamond Tiara's face-

Porygon-Z: ZEE. :glare:
-Diamond Tiara makes for the inside of the ship-
Diamond Tiara: *EEEEEE!*
I've had enough of this mess. Darkrai, you take these fools!
-She runs up the ramp and into the automatic doors. The shut tight and lock behind her-

Darkrai: *Snorts*

-Electivire comes at Darkrai with a Blazing fast Low Kick. Darkrai retaliates with his Dark Pulse-


-Regice launches an Ice Punch at Gliscor's head. Gliscor counterattacks by summoning up his Stone Edge to create a makeshift rock-sheild-

-The rocks explode on contact-
Gliscor: GAAAH!

Regice: Reeeggiiiiiii!!!
-Electivire and Darkrai keep at it. Neither one able to gain any solid ground over the other.-

Darkrai: Finally!
A worthy opponent!

I am going to enjoy your suffering immensly!

-Electivire cracks his knuckles-
Electivire: Would that be before or after I beat you into sludge?

Darkrai: *laughs*
Enough talk!

We'll see with one of us is superior!



Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
[COLLAPSE="The Yogscast"]Muhti: Bullsh*t!

*Muhti trudges off to a pillar*

They bring in Gengar but not me!

???: Is the wittle lad upset?

*Muhti shrieks and jumps back a few feet*

Muhti: Da fu- Yogscast?!

Simon/HoneyDew: Hello there!

Muhti: What are you doing here?

Honeydew: Me and Lewis have been trying to kill this Dragon for days! But I suppose your friends could help.... Can we join?

Muhti: Sure, I guess, what are your talents?

Simon: Digging holes, eating jaffas-

Muhti: You're in!

Honeydew/Simon joined your team!!

Xephos/Lewis joined your team!!

Muhti: So where's Lewis?

Simon: Hmm *lightbulb* *dwarven accent* Follow me! I'll lead the way![/COLLAPSE]


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
((( O-O You guys are fast... Also, How many crystals are there? Three?)))

(A HUGE Star shaped portal appears right in the enterdragon's path, and it closes as soon as it go's through.)

Sonic: MARI!!

Magolor: Great aniancts...so that was her plan...

Shoot, Why did I teach her that spell?!

Xiro: PLAN?! What plan? She just trapped herself in another dimention with that Thing!

Marx: So she could buy us time to destroy the crystals without it distruping us...

So she could finish it off!

Gengar: That girl's got some guts...

-Star Dimention-

Enderdragon: ROOOOOAAAAAR!!!

Mari: All right, ya sorry exuse for an 8- bit model...
I have to admit, I've never played Minecraft.
So I have no Idea how to kill you.

Enderdragon: Rrrraaaa-

Mari: Will you stop roaring already?!

(Mari matirializes one of her knifes and jams it into it's skin.)

(The enderdragon screams in pain and flips over, With Mari desperately trying to hang on for dear life.)


Spirit: I'm now convinced that you are completely insane!

Oh, god...I think I'm gonna puke...:sick:

-End world-

Xiro: Is there any way to bring her back?

Magolor: Actually, it should be about-

(Another Star portal opens up and the ender dragon flys out, breathing fire.)

Magolor: ...5 seconds...

Sonic: Take cover!!

(Everyone dives for a near by trench, and looks at the enderdragon flying eraticley in the sky.)



(Yet another star portal opens up and the ender dragon once again disappears into it.)

Marx: Da fudge?

Magolor: It's a continuos spell...

Xiro: Meaning?

Magolor: Meaning the enderdragon will pass from the Star Dimention to the End world and back again at regular intervals.

Opening portals like that must take a lot of energy...

Sonic: Then there's no time to waste!



Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
[COLLAPSE="The End"]

Gengar: Say hello to my wittle friend ****es!!!
-Gengar conjures up a pair of Shadow Balls, then goes nuts-
Xiroey: *facepalms*
Gengar... for the last time!

-Gengar's only response is to blast a group of Endermen into pixel dust-

Xiroey: ...

SF666: Someone needs to get up there.
I don't know what Mari was thinking, but this is far too dangerous.

-The enderdragon reappears out of Mari's star portal-
Xiroey: Guess that would be now huh?

-Smashfan prepares his weapon-
Xiroey: Got'cha

-Xiroey's lance vanishes-
Xiroey: (Some other time Lysander...)

-Gengar blasts another group of Shadowers to bits-
Gengar: What gives man?
Ya'll got a plan or something?

Xiroey: Yeah. Something like that.

-The Enderdragon makes another nosedive for Smashfan's group-

SF666: Prepare yourselves!

Enderdragon: Raaaa-- *hurk*

-Mari's voice comes from up on top of the Dragon's back-
Mari: I told you to shut it!

Gengar: Brave girl...
-Gengar Slugs an Enderman in the face without turning around-

-Enderdragon dives straight for Xiroey this time-
Gengar: All you bro.

Xiroey: Lets see how he likes this.
-Xiroey throws up an Ice Wall just as the dragon charges him. Ice shards fly everywhere, most jamming themselves into the dragon's skin-

-Enderdragon roars out angrily-

Gengar: Sweet!

SF666: Indeed, but where'd he go?

-The pair look up and see Enderdragon heading into another star portal. Followed shortly behind is a tiny blue jet-like figure-

SF666: Great. Two nutjobs...

Gengar: Honestly?
I blame discord.

-Smashfan rubs his head-
SF666: Know what Gengar?
I agree with you.



Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
(meanwhile, in the minecraft forest the ship begins to take off. the 4 regis are beamed aboard just as it leaves ground level)

diamond tiara: "forget THIS noise!"

regigigas: "GIIIIGAAAAS! (we've something else for YOU to play with!)"

diamond tiara: "darkrai, get ready for some HUGE backup! meanwhile, we've got a rock monster to boost with darkness!"

darkrai: "hmm..."

(the airship flies off)

gliscor: "what's that crazy filly doing?!"

(the nearby lake begins to ripple)

electivire: "...ripples? in minecraft water?!"

(a large green lizard rises from the water)


electivire: "...OH MOTHER OF ARCEUS..."

gliscor: "(takes out communicator) uh, hi. HQ?"

communicator: "yeah?"

gliscor: "i think we're going to need a LOT of backup, here."

+Rayquaza & Darkrai battle: The Encounter+

(meanwhile, onboard diamond tiara's airship)

diamond tiara: "so as you can see, thanks to that rayquaza, we've already taken care of both those pesky groups of heroes. there should not be any more problems for some time."

XANA: "excellent, ms. tiara. it would appear you are more of a valuable asset to us than that idiotic jester."

the gourd: "by the way, how are those enchanted ropes working out?"

diamond tiara: "they're working out just fine, gourd. thanks for your concern."

mechanikat: "we've informed another underling of ours about your success. he was kind enough so send us this, (holds up a ruby on a neck band) and asked us to send it to you."

(the ruby necklace materializes on the control panel)

XANA: "so from us, to you, compliments of the Master of Games"

diamond tiara: "(wears the necklace) thank you, masters."

XANA: "he told us the necklace works by absorbing the powers of the foes the wearer defeats."

diamond tiara: "(smirks) perfect."

XANA: "he has taken the liberty of pre-murdering a slew of foes for you. i'm sending the list now."

(the printer prints out a list of foes that the M.O.G. defeated for imbuing a set of powers in diamond tiara's necklace)

diamond tiara: "(reading from the list) control freak, marik, princess luna, johnny x, krysk, all 3 main members of Team Avolition... (slasher smile) oh LORD yes! >8D"



Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
And now to Electivire with the Weather!!!


Electivire: Thank you, Narrator.

Narrator: Oh nononono~
Don't thank me. I'm merely doing what these fat suits pay me to do.

Stage is all yours my yellow friend.

-Electivire tugs at a stiff tie around his neck-
Electivire: *hmph*
All right then...

-He jams a baton into a blank green poster on the wall-

Electivire: As you can see.
Half of our employed staff are idiots and forgot to put up the display, so I'll just have to waste my time describing what is actually going on.

-Electivire's baton slams itself into the top corner of the poster-

Electivire: There is going to be rain.
Yes. Lots of rain.

I highly reccomend you carry an umbrella on your person if you plan on ventureing outside for the next week. Also...


Electivire: ...
Ignoreing that...

There will be a plot-twist front heading in from the lower--

-The assistant Director runs onstage. Clutching a clipboard and pen near his chest-
Director: Uhm... excuse me Sir.
It appears that the staff is having technical difficulties out back and--

-Electivire gives the man a very dangerous look-

Electivire: What difficulties?

Director: *gulp*
It appears a group of endermen from the main story got in and--

-Electivire fixes the man with a very impatient stare-
Electivire: And you're telling me this why?

Assitant Director: T-they're heading toward the stage...


-Electivire blows angry smoke from his nose-

Assistant director: *sweating*
I'll just... Bye.

-He takes off for the safety of his office-

Electivire: OKAY.
So, as it turns out. The staff is even more incompetent than I originally thought.

So, I'm just going to make this quick.

++More crashing heard from backstage++

Electivire: *grr*


-Slams his baton into the wall again. Most likely where Muhti's picture originally was supposed to be.-

THIS guy is a totall ***** bag. My guess? He'll likely go about killing things left and right.

Why you might ask?

I don't know. The guy clearly has issues.

(Bless her heart)
Is a borderline-useless character who is good for nothing more than making the storyline interesting.

"I will protect my friends"




-electivire pauses for a second to cool off-

Alright... And Xiroey...

I'm not even going to start on him.
I mean, Seriously!

What has this guy actually done
thoughout this entire story besides whine about his family?

And then he goes and introduces a bunch of pointless characters so he can--

-A group of endermen appear on stage-

Enderman: Mwooooohh....

-Electivire throws his baton at it-
Electivire: NOT NOW!

-The enderman gets whacked in the head and falls over-

Electivre: Gawd...
As I was saying.

++The back curtain crashes onto the main set. Electivire hears the sound of more Endermen approaching++

*Over the sound of Electivire raging in the background*
Announcer: Thiiiss... Might be a good time to take another Commercial break.

+Cut to black+

Please note that the views and opinions expressed by Electivire in this short do not necessarily express the views of the actual story writer in any way. Electivire is a copyright character of Nintendo
©. The story writer does not make any claim to the actual character.

Several endermen were harmed in the making of this short.



Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Aww I love you too Xiroey :)



[COLLAPSE="Path to Lewis"]*Muhti starts following the dwarf, taking his bow and shooting multiple pillars as well as listening to Simon sing*

Simon: IMMA DWARF AND IM DIGGING A HOLE! DIGGY DIGGY HOLE! *Enderman teleports in front of Simon*

Muhti: I got him *lifts up diamond sword, jumps in front of Simon and kills the 3 meter creature*

Simon: Thank you lad. *ahem* IMMA DWA- wait, we're here!

*There was a little stair case dug out in the End, the two of them follow it downward*


Lewis: Really? *gets up but bangs head on the wall* ow *rubs head* These bloody small cabins

*Simon peers near Muhtis ear*

Simon: Psst.... He's the boring one of the group.

Lewis: Simon Im right here, Im not stupid

Simon: *continueing* Hes also stupid, can't figure out puzzles so he uses TNT

Lewis: Hey! The TNT is always your idea!

*Simon moves away from Muhtis ear*

Simon: *ahem* I don't recall saying anything to this dear boy.

Lewis: *groans* Forget it.

*The group of three walk upward towards the chaos*

Lewis: Who are these people?!

Muhti: idio- I mean my friends..... They're helping to slay the Enderdragon

Lewis: GOD DAMNIT! Now we can't get he exp!

Simon: There there Lewis.... Don't get your panties twisted in a bunch. Say, how many pillars did you destroy with the bow Muhti?

Muhti: 4 or 5 I don't remember.

Simon: *smiles from ear to ear* We have work to do.[/COLLAPSE]


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
(((..........I'm gonna hurt that oversided generator. Very Badly. :demon:

...and I'm very good at Origami, for your information!)))

-Star Dimention-

Mari: Alright...How to kill you...

(The enderdragon suddenly banked right and did about 50 loop-de-loops.

At number 51, Mari fell off.)

Mari: Waaa-

(Mari's fall is broken by something soft.)

Mari: Ah...
Next time, Xiro, When I do something Dangerous, Don't follow me.

Xiro: Yeah...You are nuts.

???: Mmh mmhp mmpp!

Xiro: What the..? Is some one else back there?!

Mari: Uh...

(The Something Soft that Mari landed on was actually Sonic.)

Sonic: Ow...

Xiro: Sonic?!

Mari: OK, How, When, and Why did you get on Xiro's back?!

Sonic: -.-
Mari, You know the answers to Questions one and two.

Mari: Well, duh, but seriously! You should have stayed!

Sonic: And miss the best roller coster ride of a lifetime?

Not a chance!

(As the enderdragon divebombs for Them, Sonic jumps on it's back.)

Sonic: My turn!

Mari: ....Ugh...

(With that, Mari jumps on, with Xiro following behind.)

Sonic: Woohoo!

Mari: Your haveing a lot of fun not dying, arn't you?!

Sonic: Are you kidding me?!

This is what I live for!

(Sonic climbs up to the enderdragon's head and grabs on to it's ears.)

Sonic: Yeehaaw!

Mari: :facepalm:

(Mari winds up a punch and hits the enderdragon with a full on Luster Purge.)

Enderdragon: GRAAAAAHH!!!

(Already, the enderdragon began to heal itself.)

Mari: Hurry up, Smash...



Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
[COLLAPSE="Star Demension"]

Latios: Ugh, I've had just about enough of this!

-Sonic Slingshots of of Latios' shoulders, aiming a Spin Dash straight for the Dragon's Nose. The dragon roars out in pain.-

-Latios dives down to catch sonic before he falls into the empty abyss-

Sonic: Thanks...

Latios: No prob.
-Mari continues trying to batter the Dragon with Varios Magical attacks.-

Mari: Why.... *pant*... won't ... you.... DIE!
-Mari unleashes a Thunderbolt straight for the dragon's head-

-Enderdragon roars-
-Mari hops of before it starts spinning again. Landing behind Sonic on Latios' back-

Latios: He doesn't give up does he?
-Enderdragon casts a hateful eye on the group-
Sonic: Sweet mobius. This thing is more stubborn than Biolizard was.
...And that's saying something.

-Enderdragon opens his mouth wide. The air around the group suddenly gets uncomfortably hot-

Mari: Is that...

Sonic: I'm pretty sure it is...

Latios: Oh dear...
-Enderdragon blows a blazing hot torrent of fire at the group. Latios spins to the side to avoid the blast. Enderdragon tilts his head after them, trying to catch Latios in the stream of fire-

Latios: This thing is really working my last nerve...

Mari: We might not be able to continue avoiding it forever.
We need to get some ground on this thing.

Sonic: Yeah, fat chance though. Evertime we do something, it just keep healing itself!

-Enderdragon takes another deep breath.-

Mari: Here we go again...

Latios: You know what?
I've just about had it with this overgrown lizard.
-Latios dives to the side to avoid the blast-

Mari: -ducking low to Latios' shoulders-
You have a plan Xiro?
-Xiroey grids his teeth in frustration-
Xiroey: Yeah, stop messing around. That's what!
-Latios suddenly comes to a halt. He turns around to face the dragon. Enderdragon stops as well.-

Mari: Xiro... what are you doing?

Xiroey: Both of you.
Things are about to get very wet up in this demension.

- - - - - - - - - - - -
Minecraft Forest
- - - - - - - - - - - -

Gliscor: Electivire?
W-what are you?

-Electivire holds a glowing blue sphere in his hands. It continues to glow brighter and brigher, until eventually Electivire releases it and it goes flying off into the sky-

-Raquaza opens it's mouth and roars.-

Electivire: Shut it lizard.
I'll deal with you soon enough.

-Darkrai shoots his Shadowball at Electivire while he's distracted. Electivire catches sight of the attack out of the corner of his eye, then dives to the side to avoid the attack-

Electivire: Oh don't worry. I haven't forgotten about you.
-Thunder roars overhead-

Electivire: heheh~
Now's when things get interesting.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Star Demension
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Mari: -looking up-
In a Star Demension?

-Sonic shrugs-
Sonic: You got me...

-Enderdragon roars at the group. Then prepares another torrent of fire-

-Latios simply floats there, watching it-

Mari: *whispering* Uhm... That might be a good cue to move out of the way Xiro...
Just saying.

Latios: Don't worry Mari.
We'll be fine.

-Enderdragon blows another burst of fire directly at them-

Latios: Perfect.
-Latios opens up his claws and summons up a condensed ball of water-

-The fire gets closer-

Mari: Uhm... Xiro...?

-Latios shoots the waterball off toward the stream-

-The entire demension fills up with steam-

-Latios shoots off toward the the Dragon's silhouette, he positions himself directly above the beast, then lets his Icy Wind fly down on it.

-Theres a nasty crackling sound from below-

Mari: ... What the...

Sonic: Did that really just...

-The steam clears. WHen it does, the entire dragon is encased in a thin film of ice-

Mari: You froze it!

-Sonic pumps his fist into the air-
Sonic: Woohoo!

-The star portal reopens. The group finds themselves back in The End demension-

- - - - - - - - - - -
Down Below
- - - - - - - - - - -

SF666: *pant* That should be... the last one...

-Smashfan looks up and sees the Star Portal starting to reopen-

SF666: Okay Good... Now to finally deal with this thing--

-Just as Smashfan says that. He sees a giant hunk of black exit the portal. It pauses in the air for a split second. Then start falling down into the empty abyss-

SF666: ... Uh...

-Muhti walks up behind Smashfan-
Muhti: Why the dumb look Smash?
Something happen?

-Smashfan shakes his head-
Smashfan: I don't even...

-A loud explosion comes from below. The Enderdragon hits the edge of the map, and Instantly dies-


SF666: ...

Muhti: Heh...
So much for their precious experience...


- - - - - - - - - - - -
Minecraft Forest
- - - - - - - - - - - -
[Last Turn - The Rain stops]

Gliscor: Thank Arceus...

-The sun peaks back out from behind the clouds-

Gliscor: Frankly, I exactly sure what happened just now...
But Da~yum.

-Raquaza and Darkrai both lie unconscious on the groud, their bodies crackling with electricity.

Electivire: *snorts*
This fight would never have ended if I hadn't done something.

-Gliscor shakes his head-
Gliscor: Yeah... But...

Porygon-Z: ZEE!

Gliscor: ...
What Z said.

-Electivire dusts off his hands. Then starts walking off toward the odd-looking stone building-

Electivire: You coming?
Darkrai said the rest of the group is trapped somewhere in there.

We need to pull em' out.

Gliscor: ...



Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Silly Xiroey, Enderdragons don't flame fire.

*gives nuggy to Xiroey*

You silly, silly, silly id- friend!


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Hey, It's a dragon.
Maybe it just diddn't feel the need to breathe fire.

He's already broken enough as it is :/

..Plus, I've never actually played Minecraft.
I just went and researched it so I could write this :ohwell:


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
((( Not all dragons breath fire...But Xiro has a point. )))

Mari: Aahh...Oh, Man, Did that hurt...

Xiro? Sonic? You guys OK?

Xiro: Ow...Yeah...

Sonic: I think I bent a quill...

???: Mari! Xiro! Sonic! You're alive!

(Marx, Drawcia, and Magolor run all the way to the trio.)

Marx: Aw, yeah, You showed that lizerd! Woo!

Drawcia: Yes. Very well done!~

Magolor: Indeed.

I'm suprized your still even standing, Mari, with that continuos spell and-


Magolor:....Of course. -.-

Sonic: Why am I the one that always have to carry girls?

Marx: HEY! Who said you had to?
I'll do it for ya!

Xiro:...Marx....You don't have hands. :glare:


Sonic: Guys, It's OK!

(Sonic picks up Mari and starts to walk off.)

Xiro: Where are you going?

Sonic: Well, We gotta figure out some way to get outta here...

I think we should go find Smashfan. Discord could probably poof us out of here like he always does...

Magolor: Sounds like a plan to me...




Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
(suddenly, gliscor on a rope enters, the rope disappearing in midair)

gliscor: "guys! i'm here!"

charizard: "gliscor?"

gliscor: "grab on, we're getting outta here!"


(below the stage, the enderdragon that would have spawned from the dragon egg is flying up)

princess cadence: "!! good plan, gliscor."

(everyone grabs eachother in a chain formation, then gliscor pulls on the rope he is secured to. then, the rope retracts back out of the end)

discord: "buh-bye, pixel breath!"

enderdragon: "(RRRROOOAAAAARRRRR!!!!)"

(back in the stronghold)

silver spoon: "*pant, pant* THAT was close..."

xephos: "still wish we could have gotten the experience..."

honeydew: "just let it go, man."

electivire: "well, now that you guys are out of the end... now what?"

iron will: "GUYS! you better see this!"

(we exit the stronghold, there is suddenly a long stretch of track in front)

xiroey: "...that... wasn't there before, was it?"

(behind the tracks is a large chest and a sign that says 'TAKE THESE, THEY'RE MUCH FASTER THAN WALKING')

(i open the chest, seeing a minecart in every last space)

woah... that is a LOT of minecarts!

princess celestia: "someone must've known we were here... but how did they set all this up in so little time?"

magolor: "who cares? we can actually go somewhere now!"

everyone, get in a minecart!

(i begin laying down minecarts, which each person gets in, and i push once they're in their minecart. after all of the others, i finally get in a minecart, then lay down a piston to propel myself)


(all the carts catch up once they reach the redstone-propellor rails, then BANG! it's like a rollercoaster ride!)


discord: "I KNOW, RIGHT? (begins humming the original Thomas the Tank Engine intro)"

(cut to chowder's wisdom tooth)

wisdom tooth: "now i bet you're wondering; 'just where are those guys going to end up, anyway?' ...hell if i know. why are ya' askin' ME, anyway?! i might be a wisdom tooth, but it's not like i know every-freakin'-thing! anyway, yer' just gonna have to keep watching to find out..."
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