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Forum Fight: The Story Forum

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Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
Sonic: WOOOOO! Awesome ride, right?!

(Mari is still out cold.)

Sonic: Oh, well...

Marx: Ya know, I was wondering....

I never got to teach Mari MY lessons...

Drawcia: Or mine-

Marx: Oooh, No! You are not teaching her ANYTHING about Dark Magic, She-witch!

Drawcia: Not even a little-



Marx:.....Now how about some tea while we wait? :)

Drawcia: Oooo, Yes, please!~

Sonic: ...creepy...

Magolor: That's Marx for you. -.-

((Night, boys! Happy Thanksgiving! :cool:)))




Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
[COLLAPSE="Journey to the Center of the Earth... Or is it?"]*at the back the minecarts*

Lewis/Xephos: This is the li-


*Muhti looks behind Lewis*

Muhti: The hell man!

Lewis: That wasnt me! I swear!


*Behind them is the little dwarf*

Simon: Hehe.... Did I do something wrong?

*Dimentio teleports to the group*

Dimentio: WILL YOU THREE SHUT UP?! Smashfan, Xiroey, I, etc. are making a game plan for the following posts. SO WILL YOU KINDLY SHUT IT?!

*mumbling* Stupid Three Stooges..... *teleports away*

*In front of Muhti is Discord*

Discord: *in a child's voice* ohhhhhhh you got scolded!!!

Muhti: *prepares a fist and grinds teeth*shut up Discord.

Discord: Tsk tsk.... One of the main heroes using profane language *holds up pipe and peers at Muhti* I for one could take your place

Muhti: *facepalm* The nerve of some pe-


Lewis: SIMMON!!!!

Simon: What?! I didn't do it this time!

*In the front a voice beckons*


*A green monster charges in*

Simon: Ho-

Muhti: ly

Discord: rainbows!

Lewis: It's a Mutant Creeper!!!

Muhti: It's a charged one as well!




Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
at least for my lead :/

i'm sure you guys can manage on your own once i do eventually leave...


(the minecarts are speeding down the track, colliding with the mutant creeper. just before it explodes, we reach a chasm that the track seem to go off)

everyone, hold on!

(the mutant creeper explodes at the edge of the chasm, but instead of the front carts, track, and ground blocks blowing up, we are just sent going backwards)

...was that SUPPOSED to happen?

darkwing duck: "beats me..."

(in no time, we reach the piston i used to propel myself at the tail end of the track)

dimentio: "...guys, we MIGHT want to fasten our-"

(the piston shoots us all back ahead)


(we reach the chasm, again)

discord: "...well, it was a nice round of bumper cars while it lasted."

(our minecarts go off the edge of the chasm, we are all screaming)

rover: "OHHH FEATHEEEEEEEeeeeeeerrrssss!!!"


(we landed in a pool of water at the bottom. one by one, we resurface)


keldeo: "well, at least we didn't land in a pool of LAVA."

shadow: "i'll say."

10th doctor: "hmm... i thought they eventually fixed that bug, chasm appearing through naturally like that... bah, must be thinking of a different time period..."

silver spoon: "guys... how do we get out of here?"

beats me...

discord: "but hey, as long as we're down here, pop quiz! what's shiny, valuable, and makes the best kind of armor and tools in minecraft?"

gliscor: "(raises claw) ooh! me, me! me! (rushes for the nearest wall, using Brick Break) DIAMOOOOONDS!!!"



...discord and gliscor are right. if we're going to go up against the plague union, we need to be as prepared as possible. so let's hunt us down some diamonds!


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
((( I'm gonna Miss ya, Smashfan... :( )))

Mari: Bleh! *cough*


Marx: Mari! Your awake!

Mari: Where are we? What happened?

Magolor: Gliscor got us out of the end and we all found a chest of minecarts and some tracks.

Then we ran into some mutant creepers....and...Well, We went backwards and fell into this chasm full of water.

Drawcia: At least we can all swim, right?~

Mari: Wait...Water?....*GASP!*


Magolor: Oh, Yeah, where is he?

Mari: He can't swim!

(With that, Mari takes a deep breath and plunges into the icy water.)

Marx:...Sonic can't swim...?

Magolor: I never knew that!


(Mari squints her eyes, ajusting to the darkness. Seeing nothing, She decides to conjure up a small ball of light.

Out of the corner of her eye, she sees a flash of colbalt. Mari swims as fast as she can to Sonic, Who was sinking like a stone.

Just as Sonic hit the bottom, Mari grabbed on to one of his shoes and started to swim back to the surface. But she stops for a moment to spot something glittering....)


Marx: ...They've been down there for quite a while...

Magolor: I still can't believe Sonic can't swim...

I mean, Who'da thonk it?

(Several Bubbles rise to the surface right next to Marx)

Drawica: EWW, MARX!

Marx: It's not me, I swear!

(Mari breaks the surface with a gasp, Carrying Sonic on her back.)

Mari: Gah...*pant*........Sonic?

Magolor:.....I...He's not Breathing!

Mari: Oh, Hell, no. You are not dying on me!

(Mari Flips Sonic over and gives him a Good, solid whack on the back. Sonic's eyes pop open and he coughs up water for about 5 minutes.)

Sonic: *pant*...*pant.*....Mari?

Mari: You OK, teach?

Sonic: Yeah.....just a little winded....

Marx: Hey, hey, hey! So let me get this straght...

You are the fastest thing alive, defeated a Evil genius with an IQ of 300 countless times...

Defeated an entire alian race, saved some worlds, Heck, Even the universe...

But you can't SWIM?!

Sonic: *shrugs* We've all got our faults...

Marx: -.-



Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York

*Xiroey looks at Lewis menacingly*

Xiroey: *picks another cobblestone* Tell your friend to SHUT UP!

Lewis: He was dropped on his head as a kid. Hehe

*Xiroey gives him an eye and begins mining again*

Discord: ♨ MnMmmMmmMmMm delicious. *looks at Maris group*

Why does she only include her team with her posts? Unless she is argueing or fighting with somebody. Or so depressed that she is going to commit suicide *a grin appears*

Luigi: Not-a my problem... Hey! A diamond!

*Everyone shouts in cheer except Maris group and Muhti*


*Transforms into a CaptainSparklez who has full diamond armor, a diamond sword, and a bow and arrows.

Discord: Haxor!!!!

Dimentio: Obviously, I shouldn't have given you powers in the first place.

Mordecai:*lightbulb* *to rigby* I can get the Power Gloves!

Rigby & Mordeai: Hmph hm hm hm hm

Buizel: Oh boy....

10th Doctor: I'll say.... *urgh*

Keldeo: Hey Doc, you okay?

10th Doctor: Oh course *staggers a few feet* I have to say, it was a nice time with al- of yo-

Muhti: Doc, do you need a doc?

10th Doctor: I SAID- *flames burst out of his arms and head, and you can hear him say NOO as he is ablaze*

Shadow: This could be

*puts on sunglasses*

A blazing situation.

*The fire stops as the doctor falls to his knees*

10th (?) Doctor: 'Ello, Im the Doctor

Doctor Who the Eleventh joins your team!

4th Doctor: Hello Matt Smith... I see you're not ginger.

11th Doctor: Sadly... But at least Im not bald *points to Xiroey*

Xiroey: HEY!!!

SF666: Come on guys! We need to get crack-a-lackin!

Discord: Yes mother....

SF666: Discord don't push it.

Discord: Sorry,

Sorry mum.....

SF666: Forget it...[/COLLAPSE]


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009

...what was- ?

(sound of bones clanking together)

big macintosh: "...aww tartarus no."

gliscor: "(with a cast over one claw) what, what is it?"

(a bunch of arrows shoot out from a cave, almost hitting gliscor)

gliscor: "GAHH!! hey, i just got this arm casted, you!"

floatzel: "awww f**k..."

(skeletons, spiders, zombies, and spider jockeys attack from the catacombs around us)

looks like we've got some company.

discord: "and NOT the good kind..."

(the army of mobs close in)

4th doctor: "anyone got any ideas?"

discord: "how about the usual?"

11th doctor: "which is?"

discord: "i think we all know... (opens an umbrella, with a loud train whistle accompanying it)"

discord: "we WRECK THEIR $#@+!"

+ambush battle music: Lord Woo Fak Fak: Self-Important Anglerfish - Banjo-Tooie+


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Gliscor: Uhm... guys?
-Gliscor feels something large and hairy crawling up his back-
Gliscor: S-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s...

-Xiroey impales one of the spiders with his lance and sends it flying-
Xiroey: Gliscor, everything all right man?
-Gliscor's entire body gets overtaken by wild shivers-
Gliscor: S-s-s-s-s...S-spi...

-Xiroey launches out his Icy Wind. Instantly freezing much of the mob where they stand crawl-

Mari: Oh, for the love of...
-Mari sends a knife flying at Gliscor's back. The spider emits a single "Screeeeee" then falls off-

-Gliscor regains control of his bodily funcions-
Gliscor: *phew* T-thanks Mari...

-Mari shrugs, then continues blasting away-

Xiroey: Seriously,
Can we get a flipping break for once?

We fell down a cliff!
My arceus!
-Xiroey throws his lance at large spider in frustration. The lance sinks its way into the beast's flesh. Then it explodes-

-The lance reappears in his hands-
Xiroey: I'm taking a loooooooooong day off once this is all over.

Gliscor: Yeah, you and me both.

-Gliscor feels something climb up his back again-
Gliscor: S-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s...

-Mari sighs-
Mari: Xiro...

Xiroey: I'll take care of it this time.
-Xiroey swipes over at Gliscor, and the spider dies-

Gliscor: Thanks...

Xiroey: Watch your back man.

-Muhti suddenly comes charging through, creating carnage left and right-
Muhti: Yall *****es are too soft!
Out of my way!

Xiroey: ...

Mari: -.-

Gliscor: I-Is he serious...?

-Within seconds all the spiders lie belly up on the ground. Most of them black or smoking-

Xiroey: ...Well, can't say I'm complaining.

Gliscor: That's Muhti for ya...

Discord: Ooh, are we all talking in turns now?
-Discord comes walking in, a rather unapitizing looking sandwich in his hand-

Gliscor: *Shivers* D-discord... I-is that...?

Discord: Oh, I'm sorry, did you want some?
-He offers Gliscor a bite of his sandwich. Gliscor takes one good look at the hairy leg poking out between the bread and faints.-

Discord: Hmm... Guess not then.


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
[COLLAPSE="LETS START THIS SHIZ!"]*after 20 minutes*

Magalor: *pant pant* Are we done?

*Muhti slashes at a creeper*

Muhti: That's the last of them....

Sonic: Thank God! I was gettin ti-

Dimentio: You? Getting tired *starts laughing*

Discord: Even I have to agree with my "father" *takes his last bite out of the sandwich*

Dimentio: Meh, I just did that for dramatic effect.

*They are then interrupted by Silver Spoon*

Silver Spoon: Guys! We really to get a move on!

Shadow: *snickers* Whats your rush?

*they all pause until Xiroey starts bending over hurling*

Xiroey: NOT AGAIN!!!

*Xiroey then has glowing red eyes and space black starts covering his sky blue skin*

Shadow Xiroey: Imm bbaaackkk!!!

Muhti: AW HELL NO!

*Jumps on Shadow Xiroey and slaps him until he is blue again, then Muhti starts screaming*


Mari: But Mu-


*Mari starts whimpering*


Discord: *whistles* Someone's gotten fiesty!

???: Yes, I suppose he did... But it's weird how brought up the Plague right when Im here!

Dimentio: Oh no.....

SF666: Finally showed your face, *insert name here*? And it also isn't wise to come alone without your Plague friends![/COLLAPSE]


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
(the unknown shadow leaves muhti's body)

???: "yes, smashfan. and i must say, you have good taste in avatars..."

(the shadow reveals his true form...)

king sombra: "however, your fight is not with me... well, for the moment, anyhow..."

princess cadence: "king sombra?!"

discord: "what are YOU doing here?"

king sombra: "your journey is more crucial to the survival of the world of smashboards than you think. i am here to simply make sure nothing goes wrong with your quest."

does this mean... ?

king sombra: "yes..."


King Sombra joined your team!

king sombra: "but do not expect our alliance to be permanent. i am only to aid you until your quest is over..."

muhti: "good enough for me..."


(the blocks are dissolving around us)

what's going on?!

discord: "as much as snow underground sounds like a good idea, it's not me this time!"

king sombra: "as i feared, the dimensions are growing unstable due to the plague union's foalishness. the minecraft world is disintegrating around us... we must leave, right now!"

i got an idea! (pulls out the flute from the NES zelda)

11th doctor: "where did you get THAT?"

i keep a LOT items on hand in case of emergency

(doo doo DOOO doodoodoooo!!)

(a tornado carries us away)

(and we land in... saffron city)


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Okay, I think two things should be said here:

  1. King Sombra is ****ing adorable! <3
  2. Mari whimpering defies all logic. She'd probably blow up the canyon first...

That beign said, nobody ninja me plz!


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Okay, I think two things should be said here:

  1. King Sombra is ****ing adorable! <3
  2. Mari whimpering defies all logic. She'd probably blow up the canyon first...

That beign said, nobody ninja me plz!
I can make her whimper all I want!

*Mari whimpers like like a little baby that has their lollipop taken away*


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Nnngghh... W-what happened..?

[SFX]: Heh, so you're finally awake are you?
-Xiroey slowly manages to force his eyes open. The first thing he notices is a grey ceiling. Next, that both his arms and legs are strapped down to a table-

Xiroey: W-what is this!?!
-Someone chuckles.-

Xiroey: Whoever you are, you have two seconds to reveal yourself before things start getting wet!

(???): Oh, there'll be none of that now.
-Xiroey struggles against his restraints-

Xiroey: (N-not good... I don't have enough energy to break the bonds...)

(???): You like it?
Beautiful contraption really. It's sapping every last ounce of power from you as we speak. That transformation of yours should wear off soon enough.

Xiroey: (My Energy...?)

(???): But don't you worry yourself about that right now.
After all, we can't have those pesky abilities of yours getting in our way when we shoot you up with darkness.

Xiroey: (Darkness...) Wait! So this is--
-The voice cackles-

(???): You guessed it.
-Xiroey looks over to the side and sees a dark shadow begining to take shape on the edge of the room. It steps into the light, revealing noone else but Mechanicat-

Xiroey: W-who are you?

Mechanicat: Oh nobody of importance really~
But, if you really want to get formal.

I suppose you could call me the leader of the plague.
One of them, anyway.
-Xiroey tries his best to summon up his guns. But they don't come-

Mechanicat: Ooh, I forgot to mention. Those bonds are special. Most of your abilities have already been negated. So no funny business.
-Xiroey continues struggling nonthelesss-

Xiroey: D*mmit! When I get out of here I--

Mechanicat: -inturrupts- Aren't you going to ask how we brought you here?
-Xiroey freezes-
Xiroey: ... Now that you mention it...
-Mechanicat walks over to Xiroey and pulls up a chair-
Xiroey: I've got a little secret for you Mr. Legendary~
-He leans over and whispers softly in Xiroey's ear-
Mechanicat: We've been watching you all along...

-Xiroey nearly slugs him in the face-
Xiroey: LIES!

Mechanicat: Oh really?
-Mechanicat gets up, then takes out a small metal remote. He points it over at the far wall, and several of the bricks suddenly shoot up with color-

Xiroey: No way...
-Over on the wall, Xiroey can see a picture of Smashfan, Mari, and Muhti, all grouped together at Saffron City. Along with the rest of the group-

Mechanicat: You like?
-Xiroey goes lightheaded-
Xiroey: Wait... So all this time...
When all those bad guys were coming after us...
-Mechanicat purrs happily-
Mechanicat: Genius isn't it?
I've got another secret for you Xire~oy.
One thats sure to knock your socks off...

-Mechanicat draws near to Xiroey's table again-

Mechanicat: Our army?
Isn't much larger than that of your pathetic "Impact".

Xiroey: You've been tracking us.
Sending wave after wave of enemies after us so we start to feel like your army is stationed all over the globe.

Mechanicat: Very good!~
My my, you catch on fast.
-Mechanicat walks away. He heads over towards a table with various contraptions sprawled across the top-

Xiroey: It won't work you know.

Mechanicat: *picks up a whirly drilly thingi-

Xiroey: Smashfan and the others.
They'll stop you.

Mechanicat: Oh, will they?
Or is it maybe...?

You're secretly hoping that Sister of yours can track you down to our location?

Xiroey: (Wait... How did he--?)

Mechanicat: You're far to predicable you know.~
You and your group.

Not to mention your loyalties...
-On screen, Muthi and Smashfan end up getting into a fight. In the end, Muhti storms off, heading who knows where. Smashfan scratches his head, frustrated.-

Mechanicat: Lets just say, you'll all tear yourselves apart soon enough.
-Mechanciat walks back over to Xiroey's table, A nasty looking drill in his hands-

Xiroey: W-what is that?

Mechanicat: What?
-he pretends to notice the drill in his hands for the first time-
-He flips on the drills "on" Switch

Mechanicat: It gets boring sitting up in this forretress day in and day out.
I figured we may as well have a bit of fun until your vessel is ready for it's Darkness shots.
-He gets nearer to Xiroey's table-

Xiroey: *sweating* W-wait...
Y-you never did tell me how you managed to bring me here.
-Mechanicat smiles evilly, now standing directly over Xiroey with the drill poised right over his chest-

Mechanicat: That's cute~
That terrified look on your face.
-Mechanicat digs the drill into Xiroey's chest-
Mechanicat: *over the sound of Xiroey's screams* All good things in time... my young legendary. <3[/COLLAPSE]


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
[COLLAPSE="Muhti & Vexus"]*From birds eye view, you can see Muhti stammering and pounding his feet*

Muhti: *mumbles curses* Smashfan *curses* apple pie *curses* leprechauns

???: Leprechauns? Like from Lucky Charms?!

Muhti: *turns to his right with his pissed off expression*

Hello Vexus.

Vexus: *waves hand casually* Hi Traitor! How's that jester of yours?

Muhti: *sighs* How are you going to torture me?

Vexus: Well... Im going to make you turn to your group, then *holds out a black knife* Im going to make you devil.

Muhti: Cool.... Then?

Vexus: Then Im going to attempt to kill your friends right after this!

Muhti: *turns to group* Okay, Im ready *rolls eyes*

Vexus: GOOD!

*Vexus is about to stab Muhtis back until he does a back flip behind the hideous she-demon then does a high round-house kick*


*attempts to stab him again*

Muhti: *files fingernails* You bore me *hurk*

Vexus: Never talk during a battle!

*Muhti crouches down with a knife in his heart*

Muhti: I can't *gasp* wait to see your blood *hurk* on my sword.

Vexus: Eh... *shrugs*

Muhti: Because.... I don't care what side I am on.... But I will kill those who get i-

Vexus: I think Im done here, go see Xiroey for me? Kthx.
*floats to Smashfan and Maris group*

Muhti: Hehehe dumba*s, *takes the knife that is a centimeter away from him* That was close though. But I'll go make sure I'll go see Xiroey, master *disguises himself as a darker version of himself which is basically Venom around him*

Muhti: Playdate time![/COLLAPSE]


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
(something hits me on the back of the head)


marx: "smashfan?!"

(i start to fade out. i see a feminine bee-like figure above me)

vexus: "this one's ours, now!"

(i completely go dark as i hear punches being thrown)

(i wake up on a flatbed, restrained)

wh... what happened?

???: "oh, nothing outside the usual..."

...haven't seen YOU in a while, gourd.

the gourd: "yes, but me and the rest of the plague union have seen PLENTY of YOU..."

let me guess, security cams in the trees or some sh** like that?

the gourd: "how'd ya guess?"

you always were the predictable sort, especially to not take into account that unicorns can teleport, as can anyone with the avatar of one.

(teleports out of binds)

the gourd: "wha-?!"

figures they'd stick me with the pathetic one i've had to deal with even more frequently than wilfre. villains always did have it out for me.

the gourd: "(sneers) haven't changed a bit, have you?"

not inside, yes. but i'm well ready to adapt physically!

(turns into shadows and circles the gourd)

the gourd: "enough of this! (throws acorns into the smoke, which explode)"

(i turn back to normal)

oh, so ya' wanna play dirty, do ya?

the gourd: "you should expect that from me now, my old foe."

+Smashfan vs The Gourd: Castle/Boss Fortress+


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Location: Plague City - Underground
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hmm... This should be it...
-Xiroey stands outside the entrance to a tall black building. He pulls his coat closer to himself to help block out the cold.-

Xiroey: Black never was my style...
But at least it's warm.
-he pushes his way into the building-

-Instantly all eyes fall on him, as he attempts to take a seat near the front-

Xiroey: *looking around*
Yeesh... don't these fools have anything better to do.
-A bartender comes out from behind the counter. He gives Xiroey a suspicious look, but doesn't say anything more on the matter.-
Bartender: What'll it be sir?
-Xiroey ignores the obvious sarcasm in the last word-
Xiroey: I don't want your dirt-rum scotch.
I've come here with orders from the Head Plague.
-All ears in the room insatntly shoot up. The bartender casts him a murderous glance-
Bartender: ...Pretty bold claim you're makin' there eye'.
Whats a kid like you doing in contact with the head Plague?
-Xiroey ignores the mans stare, chosing to examine his jacket instead-
Xiroey: I'll be doing the questioning if you don't mind.
-The bartender discreatly pulls out a knife from beneath the counter-

Bartender: Oh, so now you think you own the place?
Is that it?

Xiroey: Hmm...?
-He takes a good look around before returning his eyes to the unfrendly man in front of him-

A dump like this?
No. I wouldn't waste my time--
-The bartenders knife darts out toward Xiroey's throat. Xiroey doesn't move, the knife only gets about halfway before me man's hand pauses in mid-air-

Bartender: W-what...?

Xiroey: *tsk tsk*
You shouldn't have done that...
-The man retreats-
Bartender: W-who the devil are you?

Xiroey: Like I said, I'll be doing the questioning if you don't mind.
-Xiroey pulls out his gun and shoots the man in the chest-

-Theres a collective gasp from around the room-

Xiroey: *sighs*
Bunch of tough guys...
Act like they've never seen a killing.
-A tall man stands up out of his chair, and makes his way toward the front.-

N: Wow.
You killed him. You really killed him.

The guy always made terrible drinks.
But I didn't think anyone would actually kill him.
-Xiroey's gun vanishes-
Xiroey: Hmph. Why not?
You're all antagonists aren't you?

(Random Man): Hold up there son.
We'z may be antagonists, but we aren't savages.
-Collective nods from around the room-

Xiroey: Is that right?

N: Look we're going to have to ask you to leave.
I don't know who you are, but this is a public resting place.

Take your violence elsewhere.

Xiroey: Yeah?
And what if I refuse?

-N takes out a pokeball-

N: I'd rather it not come to that.

-Xiroey gives N a good look up and down, then sighs-
Xiroey: Fine. Obviously I'm not going to find any answers here.

-N puts the pokeball away-
N: Good.

Xiroey: But.
Before I leave...

-Xiroey tosses a wrapped package over to N. N catches it-
N: What is this?

Xiroey: A set of instructions.
They're from Vexus himself, so you best make sure you follow them precicely.

N: ...And?
Why are you giving me this?

Xiroey: Because. Of all the men in here you're the first one who had enough gall to stand up to me.

And also because I know who you are.
You'll be perfect for the task.

N: Which would be...?

Xiroey: The detailed instructions are inside.
But in short... We'd like you to kill someone.

Two someones.

N: Okay... Who?

Xiroey: Sonic and Mari.



Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
[COLLAPSE="Bar"]N: So that's it right?

Shadow Xiroey: Yep, just kill them both and you'll live an easy life.

N: Got it! *gets up and starts walking out with Pokeball in hand, as he leaves a shady figure walks in the bar and sits next to Xiroey*

Shadow Xiroey: Hello there.... Venom?

*the face was then revealed by the substance*

???: It's actually Muhti.

Shadow Xiroey: Ah... So they caught up to you.

*Muhti nodded and ordered a glass of water from the bartender*

Muhti: ftt yep, I don't drink.

S Xiroey: Meh

*Muhti grabs his water and gets up and motions his hand to come outside*

S Xiroey: Alright then... *follows Muhti*


S Xiroey: Muhti? Where a-

*a web is shot at S Xiroey from the pointy roof*

S Xiroey: Muhti! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!

Muhti: They never caught me fool!

Now how would like your funeral set up?

*lunges at Shadow Xiroey*[/COLLAPSE]


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
[COLLAPSE="Encounter"]Xiroey: Muhti, what the h*ll man?
-Muhti lunges forward and stabs his sword straight through Xiroey's chest-

-Xiroey choaks, then coughs up blood-
Xiroey: Y-you fool...

Muhti: What was that?
I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you over the sound of my Sword in your chest!

-He dids the sword in deeper-

Xiroey: *whispering* You really thought...
I'd be that stupid...?

-Muhti's senses go on high alert-
Muhti: An Illusion--*gawk*
*Muhti gets nailed by a flying kick and gets sent flying*
Xiroey: *tsk tsk*
Muhti, you should know me better than that by now.

As if I'd ever trust someone like you.
-Xiroey opens his palm and takes out his Lance.-

Muhti: Heh...

Xiroey: Hmm...?
Something funny?
-Muhti chuckles softly-
Muhti: Finally...
-Xiroey raises an eyebrow-
Xiroey: You've been on that caffiene stuff haven't you?
-Muhti hurls a web-bomb at Xiroey-
Xiroey: Fine, ignore my question then.
-Xiroey vanishes before the web can connect-

(Beside Muhti's ear): Leave now or you're gonna die...

-Muhti summons up a flaming tornado around himself, but Xiroey dissapears again before it connects-

Muhti: Your games won't work on me Xiro.
I know where you're hiding.
-A flying Shadow Ball hits him in the head before he can react-
Xiroey: Whoever said anything about hiding?

Muhti: (Cheap...)
What do you say we find a more suitable battlefield?

I tire of these cramped streets.
-Xiroey bows deeply-
Xiroey: After you...
-Muhti snaps his fingers and dissapears. Xiroey follows him in an orb of darkness-​

-Xiroey steps out of this shadow orb, setting foot on Skyarrow Bridge-

-Muhti hangs upside down from one of the wires-

Muhti: Took you long enough to get here.
-Xiroey scoghs-
Xiroey: Hey, we can't all be teleport happy idiots.
I take my time.

Muhti: Xiro... I didn't know you cared so much <3

Xiroey: ...Wasn't a compliment.

Muhti: I know.
-Muhti drops down from his web, setting foot on the bridge-

Muhti: Lighten up man. What fun is a death match if you're going to be all serious about it?

It's not like death is forever or anything--

-Xiroey taps his foot impatiently-

Muhti: Not buying it?
-Xiroey says nothing-

Muhti: *Sigh*
They don't pay me to write material this good ya know...
-Muhti shoots several blazing aura-balls at Xiroey without warning-

-Xiroey's lance flares into action, and he cuts them all down before they can reach-

Muhti: Good!
Now try this!
-He raises his arms over his head and summons up an enormous ball of fire-

-Xiroey spins his lance over his head-

Muhti: Hah!
What is that going to do?

Are you hoping you'll be able to blow it out?
-Xiroey spins the lance around faster, it makes a whirr-whirr sound as it picks up speed. Overhead, storm clouds begin to gather-

Muhti: Ohh, trying something new I take it?

Xiroey: *humming the "Song of Storms" to himself.
Gonna die...
Gonna die...
Blast you off into the sky~

-The fireball grows to rediculous proportions-

Muhti: *mimicks Spawn's voice from SC4*
Get a load of this...

-He lets the fire ball fly.-

[It started to rain]

-Xiroey pays no attention to the blazing death heading directly toward him. He continues to hum his little parody to himself. All the while, his lance slowly changes color from white to blue-

Xiroey: Give it up...
Give it up...
Leave or I will shut you up~

-The fireball crashes into the bridge-

[SFX]: *beep beep* *beep beep*



-Muhti stands in the middle of the flaming bridge, looking confused.-

Muhti: Da heck did that "WTF Bomb" Reference come from?

-The smoke from Muhti's explosion starts to clear. Muhti squints through the smoke, trying to see the damage his explosion caused-

Muhti: The fool.
Here I thought we were going to have fun, and he went and himself blown up.

-Muhti sees something shiny and blue inside the smoke-

Muhti: Hmm...?

-The rest of the smoke clears. Muhti looks down the bridge and sees Xiroey sitting inside of a glowing water barrier-

Xiroey: *waving his arms around like a jellyfish*

Muhti: -.-
I don't know what he just said, but I'ma asuming it was rude.

-Xiroey's water barrier pops, Water gets sent flying everywhere. Muhti ends up getting even wetter than he already was. Thanks to the rain-

Muhti: You're a blazing idiot.
You know that?

-Xiroey yawns and stretches his arms-

Xiroey: Aww, wasn't it you who said we should have fun with this?
I think I made a pretty good Jellyfish just now.

-Muhti doesn't smile-

Xiroey: Come on. I know you wanted to laugh.

-Muhti points a finger at him-
Muhti: Death Beam...

Xiroey: Oh shiz. Dragon Ball Z time in this Fish.

-Xiroey leans a little over to the side and avoids the shot. It keeps going, eventually crashing into one of the bridges support beams-

Xiroey: Oh dear...


-Xiroey barely turns around in time to block Muhti's sword-

Xiroey: Huh~
You're faster than I remember you Muhti.

-Muhti presses his sword up against Xiroey's lance-
Muhti: Yeah? Well I have other tricks up my sleeve too.

-Sticky webs fly out of Muhti's shirt. They wrap themselves around Xiroey's lance, then Muhti yanks it out of his hands-

Xiroey: Oye, that's not good.

-Muhti stabs at Xiroey's chest. Xiroey sidesteps, then aims a blast of water at Muhti's face-

Muhti: Bblbllblblbbblblbb


Xiroey: Yeah!
Now you're speaking my language!~ <3

Muhti: I flippinghate you!

-Muhti stabs the sword into Xiroey's chest. Xiroey looks down with an incredulous look on his face. Then he looks back up at Muhti and grins-

Xiroey: *Reaches over and pinches Muhti's face*
Got your nose~

-The Xiroey shimmers, then pops. Water gets sent flying everywhre-

Muhti: The h*ll?

-Xiroey drops down from the top of the bridge-
Xiroey: Water Clones are fun.
Say, did you know that water makes up over 70% of our--

-Muhti throws his sword at him-
Muhti: I DON'T CARE!!!

-The sword connects with the Xiroey clone, and it pops-

Muhti: *grr*

-The ground beneath Muhti's feet turns to ice. He loses his footing and slips-

Xiroey: Ahoy! Flying lance stab!

-Muhti looks up mid-fall. The first thing he sees is Xiroey flying through the air with a dumb look on his face. Then, just as he hits the ground, Xiroey lands on him and sticks his lance thorough his chest-

Xiroey: Yeah!
My turn for a chest shot!

-Muhti gurgles-
Xiroey: Hmm...?
Wait, you're not a clone?

-Muhti spits blood in his face-
Muhti: No... You Idiot...

Xiroey: Oh.
You all right?

Muhti: Do I look all right to yo-- *hurk*

-Xiroey digs his Lance in deeper. Moving it around in circles-
Xiroey: Just kidding!~
I don't care.

Muhti: H-heal--

Xiroey: Heal Block?
That's a good idea.

-Muhti winces as the sound of a thousand dissonant bells clangs across the bridge. He tries to heal his wound but he fails-

Xiroey: Sorry, all your healing abilities are blocked.
No cheating for you.

Muhti: I- I'm not through...

Dementio: I think you are.

-Xiroey tires to look over toward dementio's voice, but get blasted away instead. He gets sent flying off the bridge and into the water-

Dementio: Muhti, you okay?

-Muhti coughs up blood in response-

Dementio: *sigh*
You fool...
Now I'm going to have to take care of you.

Muhti: *sputter*

Dementio: You can kill him later.
Right now we need to go.

-Dementio snaps his fingers and the two dissapear-


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Ahh, Muhti~
You're not the only one who's had plans for this story ;)

I've been building up to this for a while.
Among other things...


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
No, the spotlight will shine on me the next story.

Go run along now...

....Enjoy it while it lasts :evil:


[COLLAPSE="Muhtis Retreat"]Dimentio: Im back!

*Dimentio drops the half dead Muhti*

NPC Mari: What the hell...

Dimentio: Uhhhh......

SF666: If they're gone for awhile, they turn into NPCs

Dimentio: Why?

4th Doctor: Don't ask now.

*Discord shakes his head while laughing

Discord: It's been twenty minutes and he's already been beaten to a pulp.

Silver Spoon: So, now what?

*Muhti starts getting up slowly, then transforms into Jake the Dog from Adventure Time*

Jake/Muhti: Whew, I almost died back there

11th Doctor: Well no **** Sherlock.

Muhti: Did he just- never mind...

SF666: Explain yourself Muhti.

Muhti: Well lets start that Xiroey decided to ignore me and make another side quest -.-


He basically joined the Plague

Luigi: So hes-a on the Plague Side?

*A random Darth Vader pops up*

Darth Vader: It's the Dark side idiot, get your facts straight.

Sonic: Go away Vader

Vader: Fine! Useless brats *starts trudging off*

Marx: *changes subject*

So where to now?

SF666: I say we go to -[/COLLAPSE]


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Hey, the story wasn't exactly going anywhere.
And most of us were running out of ideas~

Figured, may as well stir things up a bit. ;)


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Hey, the story wasn't exactly going anywhere.
And most of us were running out of ideas~

Figured, may as well stir things up a bit. ;)


But nooooooo-

Dear ole' Xiroey here had to stir things up

Goodness gracious man


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
iirc, we were heading to Saffron to regroup...

I'm also building up some things in preparation for the next story.
This was the best opportunity to do so.

If it's really bothering you, I can send you a PM of the general idea.
But honestly, that post sped things up if anything...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ooh, The last two posts don't make since due to Vexus being in SF's last post so I shall delete them :l


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
(xiroey wakes up, in a cagelike arena full of sand)

xiroey: "wh... where am i?"

(the plague union, sans XANA and The Gourd, step up to xiroey)

mechanikat: "xiroey. it seems another is also competing for your spot in our ranks."

xiroey: "is that so?"

vexus: "yes."

prof. calamitous: "it seems that the both of you are evenly matched in... uhh... uhhmmm..."

xiroey: "power?"

prof. calamitous: "ah, yes, that's it! power!"

xiroey: "heh. i doubt that, garden-lip."

vexus: "now, we've only one spot left for a high-ranking assassin, and she's been with us much longer. yet at the same time, you've also proven yourself quite useful."

(groundskeeper willie walks in, carrying full bags of sand)

groundskeeper willie: "dunnot min' me, plague union fellows. just missed a couple spots, speakin' in terms o' battlin' terrain."

mechanikat: "excellent, william, you get back to that. anyway, we've arranged a one-on-one battle to determine which of you will become our personal assassin. any questions?"

xiroey: "she, eh? so it's a chick?"

groundskeeper willie: "who says it's a chick? a li'l pony can be a mare OR a stallion these days! anyway, plagueies, i'm jus' 'bout finished 'ere. ye bes' get xiroey 'ere ready fer' tha' big fight!"

mechanikat: "excellent suggestion, cage attendee william. we will be nearby, xiroey... watching..."

(the three members of the plague union warp out Transformers Armada Decepticon-style while willie finishes laying down the sand and opens the door xiroey's opponent is behind)

groundskeeper willie: "(humming the Item Get music from zelda as the doors open slowly) didididididididididididididididididididididididi..."

(and xiroey's opponent is... Diamond Tiara)

groundskeeper willie: "DEE DEE DUH DEEEEEEE!!!"

diamond tiara: "remember me, latios?"

xiroey: "i'd never forget that sparkly little crown of yours on your head. OR the ones on your ***... that amulet's new to me, though... yet i can't help but feel i've seen it somewhere before..."

diamond tiara: "like it? the plague union forwarded it to me from the Master of Games."

xiroey: "Master of Games, huh? guess i'm in for a battle against an army of one, here..."

diamond tiara: "you could say THAT again! (fires electrical strikes a la Princess Luna)"

xiroey: "guess i'm in for a battle against- (dodges electricity) AGH!!!"

diamond tiara: "what's wrong, xiroey? can't take the fact that a little filly like me could be stronger than you?! (fires Quick Boomerangs)"

+VS Diamond Tiara: Bad Dog, No Biscuits - Cowboy Bebop+


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
[COLLAPSE="Part 1"]
-Xiroey runs directly into one of Princess Tiara's TNT explosives and gets lauched high up into the air-

(Inside Xiroey's ear): Are you enjoying yourself as much as I am?
-Xiroey doesn't respond. His entire body goes stiff as a board-

[Xiroey was Paralyzed! - He may be unable to move!]

Diamond Tiara: Pity...
-Her horn glows and Xiroey gets blasted straight down. He hits the ground with a great crash-

Diamond Tiara: *Yawns* How disappointing...
-Theres a faint blur on the ground. Something quick darts out of the smoke. Princess Tiara has a moment to registe surprise before she gets knocked away by a ton of Ice.-

-Xiroey glares at Princess Tiara, his eyes glowing deep purple-
Xiroey: [glow]Shadow Rave[/glow]
-Princess Tiara's trajectory carries her over to the far wall. She looks behind her mid-flight, and notices nasty black spikes begining to poke their way out of the stone-

Diamond Tiara: Sweet Apples!
-She feels a breath of wind hit her neck. When she looks back in front of herself, she sees Xiroey palm waiting there-

Xiroey: Thunder Wave.
-Princess Tiara realizes what Xiroey's planning-
Diamond Tiara: Nuh~uh!
-She teleports behind Xiroey before the attack connects, then hits him with a powerful Lunar Blast--compliments of Nightmare Moon.-

-Xiroey gets sent flying toward his own spikes-

Xiroey: Aaagh...!
-A powerful gust of wind blows behind Xiroey, slowing his flight to down a halt-

Diamond Tiara: Hah!
Is that truly the best a legendary can do?
-Xiroey glares at the little pony-
Xiroey: (Damn her... I don't know how, but I can't summon up a rainstorm while I'm around her... It's the best I can do to keep her away.)
-Xiroey looks up again and sees Princess Tiara hovering directly above him-

Diamond Tiara: Who gave you permission to stop?
-She prepares to shoot another beam at him-

Xiroey: (Retreat.)
-Xiroey manages to move away with Incredible Speed. Princess Tiara's blast misses, eventaully crashing helplessly into another wall-

Diamond Tiara: (Smart... That Tailwind did more than stop his flight...)
-Something powerful strikes Princess Tiara in the face. She gets launched straight up-

Latios: (Sonic. Mari. This next one goes out to you...)
-Latios's body glows blue then red.-

Diamond Tiara: (So careless... When did he--)
-Princess Tiara looks up, and sees a black Latios alraedy waiting there.-

Diamond Tiara: (S-so fast...)

Latios: [glow]Shadow End.[/glow]

-Latios charged directly at her in a cloud of dark energy-

Diamond Tiara: Like I'd let something like that hit me.
-Princess Tiara throws up a magical barrier arnound herself-

Latios: **** Can't stop!
[Latios Kept going and going - And Crashed!]

Recoil Damage!!!
-Latios falls out of the air in a blast of smoke. He barely manages to stay conscious-

Diamond Tiara: Hahahahahahahaha!
Nice try. You almost had me Legendary--
-Diamond Tiara stops talking. She sends a powerful blast of energy behind herself. Shortly afterward, theres a loud crash, and smoke fills the battlefield.-

Diamond Tiara: That trick is old.
-Latios flies out of the smoke, Swiping his Claws at her-
Latios: Taake...
-Latios vanishes before the claw connects.-

Diamond Tiara: W-what?
-Just as she tries to make sense of what just happened. Diamond gets brutally battered from all sides by Latios's ramming attack-

Latios: (Faster...)
-The spectators in the arena look up into the sky with awe. Latios flies around at jaw-dropping speeds, hitting Diamond tiara left and right before she has time to react-- or even touch the ground-

Diamond Tiara: (I-- I can't...)
-Latios finishes his assault, with a Flaming Elemental charge. Diamond Tiara gets enveloped by flames, then hits the ground in a crash-

Latios: (Not good enough.)
-Latios peers down through the smoke. What he sees confirms his suspisions. Diamond tiara threw up a barrier to stop the fall-

Diamond Tiara: *pant* T-that was pretty good...
-Latios' eyes glow dangerous purple.

Latios: I won't die here...

Phase Two! - Diamond Tiara V.S. Shadow Latios
(Music - Pokemon Remix! V.S. Team Ametrine)


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Junk Pile!

-Diamond tiara steps out of her flaming crater. She givers her mane a good shake to dislodge all dust-

Diamond Tiara: My information on that form is quite limited.
So you finally intend to fight my full-power do you?

-Latios says nothing. He flaots there waiting for her to make a move-

Diamond Tiara: ...*Sigh*
I never did like you strong silent types...

-Everybody in the arena covers their ears. The place fills up with a loud metalic screech 10 times worse than nails on any chalk board-

Latios: *wince* W-what is this...?

Diamond Tiara: *Smiling*
Curticy of control freak ~ <3

-The Arena Monitors spring to life. The support beats dislodge themselves from the stone wall, becoming jointed legs. A pair of metalic arms sprout out on the sides of the screen. A set of electrified outlets sprout from the tips, becoming fingers. The screen flickers once, then becomes an angry face with red eyes and evil smile-

Latios: (That's bad.)
-The TV monster roars-

Diamond Tiara: Kill him my pet!
Tear him to shreds!

-The monster leaps off of the wall like a Kangaroo. It sets a course directly for latios-

Latios: (It intends to crush me!)

-Latios tires to move out of the way, but realizes that theres something holding him in place. He looks down and sees diamond tiara grinning at him-

Diamond Tiara: *Tsk tsk*

Latios: (She caught me?)
-Latios looks up again. He realizes that the screen monster is only a few meters away-
Latios: One option left.
-Latios throws up his strongest Protect yet just as the Monster hits him. It crashes onto the irregular round barrier, then slides off-

TV Monster: Raaawwooo?
-Diamond Tiara looks up and sees the monster about to fall on her-

Diamond Tiara: Oh poo...

-A loud crash fills the arena. The entire place goes up in smoke-

-When it clears, theres a collective gasp from everyone. Including Vexus, whos watching from his own private booth-

Vexus: Latios! what's the meaning of this!?

-Diamond tiara opens her eyes and sees and realizes shes floating in the air.-

Diamond Tiara: W-what...? What happened?

Latios: I've got you now. You okay?

-Diamond Tiara looks up with utter disbeleif-

Diamond Tiara: Y-you saved me?

-She looks into Latios' eyes and sees no trace of the former evil there. Only genuine concern-

Vexus: Latios! What are you waiting for?

Latios: *softly* Diamond Tiara, you've allowed your heart to become a prison over the years. You still grieve over your family's death.

-Tiara's face goes pink with rage-
Diamond Tiara: I don't know what you want from me.
But I demand you put me down this instant!

Latios: I can't do that.
Not while darkness still clouds your emotions.

-The arena fills up with a soothing Pink light-

Vexus: Wait... Is that--?

Mechanicat: I believe that's Heal Pulse. If my data serves correctly.
-Diamond Tiara's expresion switches to shock, then back to rage, and then finally to peace, and she falls asleep-

Latios: Take a long rest. You fought a good fight.
You deserve it.

-Vexus rushes over to a button panel and slams down a button-

Vexus: Security! Kill them both!

-All lights in the arena suddenly flare on. They train themselved directly on the duo-

Latios: Time to make a break for it.
-Multiple waves of bad guys come flooding into the arena. Latios waves at them all once and smiles. Then both he and diamond Tiara dissapear in an orb of darkness-



Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
diamond tiara: "guess i underestimated you. heh. alright, no more kids stuff!"

(diamond tiara's physical form begins to change drastically, gaining a mishmash of different attributes. she gains two tails *a la Tails*, the back-tentacles and glasses of Dr. Octagonapus, a blue suit *courtesy of the BLU Spy*, the phantomlike tint of a Windigo in her coat, a gunslinger over her left hoof *Engineer* and a power glove over her right *a la the Angry Video Game Nerd*, and gains a firey mane courtesy of Ghost Rider. also, she changes in size, as she now towers over xiroey)

xiroey: "GHH! how many characters did you steal the powers of?!"

diamond tiara: "(grabs xiroey with the power glove) i could recite the list to you, but i'm afraid you'll use the time to attack me while i'm off-guard. (zaps xiroey)"


--[It's scarily effective!]--

xiroey: "(in severe pain from this shock-treatment) AAAAAAAAAGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!"

(pokemon low-health beeping)

xiroey: "(thinking) this isn't good, one more hit and i'm finished! i've gottsa come up with something, fast!"

diamond tiara: "yeah you do. (sparks emit from mouth) i'm charging mah lazer!"

xiroey: "(meepingly) 0.0 MOTHER..."


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Oh boy... My imagination fails me on this one.

Who are BLU Spy and Windigo, whats a Power Glove, What are Dr. Octogonopus' powers.
And is Angry Video game nerd some kind of Meme?


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
[COLLAPSE="Part 1"]

Latios: This is bad...
-The air around Latios gets stiflingly hot. Diamond Tiara opens her mouth wide, revealing a pulsing ball of energy-

Latios: Fine. If she won't let go...
I'll make her.
-Diamond Tiara howls out in pain. Latios is released from her grasp. Both Latios and part of Diamond Tiara's tenticles hit the ground in a heap. Latios' protect fades.-

Vexus: (...Very smart. Using his Protect to Sever Tiara's limb.
But how will you deal with what comes next?)

Tiara Operating Systym: Buffering Complete. Commence Meme refrence: "Firing Mah Lazor!"

-Latios looks up and sees an enormous wave of energy heading towards him-

Latios: (Dragon Dance...)
-An earsplitting crash shakes the arena. Dirt and Rocks fly everywhere, and billowing smoke makes it near-impssible to see. Diamond Tiara laughs triumphantly-

Diamond Tiara: Foolish Legendary!
You honestly thought you stood a chance?

You got exactly what you deserved!

-Diamond tiara stops boasting-
Diamond Tiara: (He survived?)
-Pain suddenly shoots up Tiara's left shoulder. She cries out in pain and anger, but when she looks Latios is already gone.-

Diamond Tiara: (Trying to run away I see...)
-Latios' voice comes from behind her-
Latios: Why don't we even things out a bit shall we?
-Tiara spins around, swiping a tentacle at him, but Latios easily evades-

Latios: (It's been ages since i last used this.)
Power Split!

-A glowing orb shoots out of Tiara's body and hits Latios square in the chest. Latios recoils back for a second, and then grins wickedly-

Latios: Heh...

Diamond Tiara: I'm through playing your games latios!

Latios: This power...
Feels nice...

-Tiara pauses-

Diamond Tiara: (What did he hit me with just now?)
-Latios' body glows brightly-
Latios: [glow]Luster Purge![/glow]
-A blindling light fills the arena. Much of the Audience manages to shield their eyes before the wave hits. Those unfortunate few who dont... Are instantly blinded-

[Critical Hit!]

Latios: She's distracted.

-Most of Latios' wounds heal on the spot. When the light fades, he looks up and sees Tiara glaring at him with a furious look on her face.-

Latios: Oh dear...

Tiara: *huff* That hurt you jerk!
-Latios gets a brief flashback of Latias slugging him, and Mari blowing up things-

Latios: Angry Woman Alert.
-latios moves out of the way just in time to avoid getting crushed.-

Diamond Tiara: Stand Still so I can squash you!
-Latios darts in and out between Tiara's feet. Dirt fies in his face as he narrowly avoids getting crushed several times-

Latios: (Why couldn't the Plague have normal hazing rituals like any other group?)
-Latios looks up and sees Tiara's hoof looming direcly over him-

Diamond Tiara: Bed Time... Legendary.

[COLLAPSE="Part 2"]
-Vexus stands up out of his chair and walks over to the glass widnow. He takes a good look around the arena once the smoke clears, searching for some sign of latios, but finds none.-

Vexus: (A pity... I had such high hopes)

-Mechanicat's voice booms over the speakers-
Mechainicat: We have our victor!
Congratulations, Diamond Ti--

-The ground beneath Diamond Tiara splits-

Mechanicat: Hmm...?
-The dirt directly beneath Tiara gives way. She falls backwards and lands on her butt. Shortly afterward, Latios shoots out of the hole in the ground-

Mechanicat: *whispering over Vexus*
It's not in my databases that Latios can learn dig...
what was that just now?

Vexus: *chuckles*
I think I know...

Latios: Thanks for the Power Boost Tiara.
Thanks to you I can finally put this TM Magolor gave me to use!

-Tiara blows angry tuffs of smoke from her nose-
Diamond Tiara: You're not making sense you Idiot. What TM?

-Latios materializes a single silver disk into his hands-


Magolor: Phew, now that that's over with...
*Magolor opens his cape and takes out a CD case*

Magolor: I found this lying around a little while ago.
It was lying around in Veridian forest all by itself and, I figured one of you might be able to make use of it...

*Gengar takes it and examines it closely*

Gengar: What is it?

Magolor: If i recall correctly, It's a TM.

Gengar: Hmm?

Xiroey: He means if you use it it'll instantly teach you a certain move. Depending on what kind of TM it is.

Which TM is it Mag?

Magolor: That's just it. I have no idea. I figured either one of you might be able to figure it out...
Latios: TM 26, EARTHQUAKE!

-Latios charges at Tiara before she can react. He fly's by and lands an earth-shattering straight-punch to her face. She sees stars then goes out cold.-

Mechanicat: *cough*
I-Isn't that move meant to me aimed at the ground...?

Vexus: Typically.
But apparently it makes a pretty nasty punch as well.

-The entire aduience gasps out with shock. (Those that can see anyway...). Mechanicat rises out of his chair agian. This time to anounce the true Victor.
Mechanicat: The WINNER!

-The arena shoots up with applause-

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