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Forum Fight: The Story Forum

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Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
(((Um. GUYS! I think we should do a little bit of a rewind. Also, We should Identify who are the good guys and bad guys. OK?

We'll use Antonine the Spy's diary as backstory. LET'S DO THIS RIGHT, PEOPLE!!)))

- - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - -

Ehem... Dear Diary...

*The sound of mad erasing comes from the background*

Oye, how do you even start one of these things? There's no way in Mobius I'm writing that. What am I, some teenage girl lying down on her over-furnished pillowtop, writing about this one guy who just happened to give her a look the other day--

*The rest of the page is intangible. From the looks of the messy writing and wild erase marks, the author must've gone off on a long rant before deciding to destroy the evidence.*

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
August, 13, 20XX

Dear Journal,

There has been much grief over the lost of Smashfan, meme expert, and former leader of the protagonists. After much debate between Xiroey, Muhti, Mari, and several other prestigious board leaders, it was decided that Smashfan's remains would be devided between four lands.

After his funeral, which was, to say the least, grandiose in all meanings of the word, Xiroey was entrusted with Smashfan's sword and shield. He carried them the top of mount blaze as a testiment to Smashfan's bravery and fiery spirit. Mari, after gracing us all with a stirring lament of Smashfan's past actions, was intrusted with Smashfan's armor. It now sits, lcoked away, on Mobius island, and is guarded heavily by Knuckles the Echidna. Muhti never came to Smashfan's funeral. He dissapeared shortly after our group arrived in Equestria, and was only heard from recently.

He shocked everyone when he suddenly showed up one day in Ponyville. A large golden monument was levitated into the square by none other than his his best friend, Dementio. It was decided that all of Smashfan's work, including his vast meme collection would be stored away in a library inside Dementio's castle (previously Hyrule castle) in gratitude for his generosity.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
October, 23, 20XX

Perhaps the most shocking day I have ever experienced. As payment for saving Smashboards not once, but a second time, Xiroey, Muhti, and Mari were offered a medium-sized plot of land each--about half the size of the Mushroom Kingdom. Muhti was all too eager to accept. Mari had to mull over it for sometime, but eventually accepted as well.


He hasn't been heard from since the begining of October. Since he never responded to the Board's offer, it was decided that half of his land would be devided between Mari and Muhti. They still search for him to this day.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
December 24, 20XX


As it turns out, Mari took smashfan's death a lot harder than any of us thought. She became obsessed with becoming stronger, and protecting those that were dear to her. She walked up into the board's headquarters one day, and declaired that she was a guardian and that it was about time she started doing her duty. She left the board shocked and confused. At first they were a little glad that Mari had found new resolve in Smashfan's death, and were proud that she'd managed to grow from it.

Then Mari invaded.

She took control of a small portion of the Hoenn reigon, a small island where the Battle Frontier is held.

" A game where best friends are encouraged to harm each other for sport? This I cannot allow!"

After that, the first battle frontier in pokemon history was no more.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Februrary 1, 2013

First thing's first. Aparently the Mayans were nothing but a bunch of stargazing idiots because the end of the world never came.

Moving on...

After Mari attacked and invaded unhampered for sometime, Muhti eventually decided that it had to stop. He began with an expansion of his own. He started with a few small islands a little ways off of the Minecraft coast, then moved his attacks over to bits and pieces of Equestria and the Mushroom Kingdom.

Muhti and Mari now control land of roughly equal size, and continue to expand to this day.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

October 23, 2013

I know it's been a while since I last wrote, but a lot has gone on these past few months.

Frankly... I don't even know where to start...

Xiroey appeared again. Apparently, he had been staying somewhere in the mountains, inside of a small mining town. He caught wind of Mari and Muhti's attack over Smashboards, and immediately rushed in to stop it. He targeted Mari first. My resources say, Xiroey and Mari got into a long argument before Mari eventually banished Xiroey from her Territory, and placed a hefty sum on his head. Incase he ever decided to return.

Shortly after, he attacked Muhti. Muhti wasn't so kind. When Xiroey told Muhti that his actions had to stop, Muhti brutally attacked him, and easily brought the Eon to his knees. He was placed inside of Dementio's dungeon for sometime, but he escaped.

He tried attacking Muhti again, but the result was the same. Muhti nearly killed Xiroey, and, in a last ditch effort, Xiroey gave Muhti a fully-charged Luster Purge in the face, and then escaped.

The black latios now roams the countryside. Rumor has it, he's thinking of a plot to bring both Muhti and Mari's empires to the ground.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!

Not so happy...

Xiroey dissapeared again. He's been spotted several time by random onlookers. A black Latios isn't so hard to spot in the light of day. But he hasn't made a move on either Muhti or Mari since he almost died.

There's been talk that Mari's grown weary of a political life, and has taken a temporary vacation. Her current location is unknown. Magolor, Marx, Sonic, and Drawcia have remained loyal to Mari since day one. They dissapeared around the same time she did.

Rumor has it that a civil war is about to begin. Between Muhti, Mari, and the rest of the board. There's talk of corruption within Mari's private quarters. Apparently there's been someone occasionally trying to run her land behind her back whenever she isn't paying attention. No further information about whether or not this information is true.

Impact has joined forces with the board, and now fights to put a stop to Muhti and Mari's attacks.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

May, 3, 2014

Smashboards has calmed down considerably in the last few months. Mari still hasn't shown up since she went on "vacation". and it's now clear that someone's been running things around town while she isn't around. Still. Nobody has made the first move on the other. All seperate lands are pracically equal in strength at this point. I've now visited each of the seperate three territories, and I have to say... there's a certain charm to be enjoyed in each. Muhti's is more free and liberal. Much like America on modern day earth. The laws are pretty strict, but most certainly not harsh, and there are only few dissenters who'd wish to see Muhti fall out of power within his land.

Mari's... is almost like a paradise.
Don't get me wrong, it has it's rough edges, but overall, she's done a good job of making sure the land stays clean, beautiful, and un-polluted.

The down-side, is that the laws about violence can sometimes be ureasonably strict. Pokemon Battles, Contact Sports, and other dangerous activities such as Mountain climbing can only be done with permission. Anyone looking to partake in any of these activities must undergo a state test, and earn a special license.

Not much more info on the subject.

The board's land is a mess. They desperately want to see Muhti and Mari fall, and are afraid that one of the two could attack again at any given moment.

Right now, plans are being discussed we can make this happen.

That's right. I've joined impact.

I haven't been identified yet, but I happen to have close relations with important leaders inside all three lands. They don't know yet that I secretly work for Impact, and can't wait to see Smashboards returned to how it was before.

I'll cut off here.
There's still much work to be done.

-Antoine the Spy~ <3

Please note that about half of what was written here, including the part about the territory/ civil war, was originally thought up by Muhti. I just wrote this long and winded thing out. :p


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio


I gotta refresh my music...uhh I mean my. We need to find smash fan and co.

The girl: who are they?

Don't worry about it....... let's find someone




Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
It's that time again.

Retcon Powers Activate!!! :006:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Snow Forest
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Charizard watched helplessly as Dementio teleported his two best friends away. He tried desperately to get some part of his body to move. Anything to wring the neck of that treturous psychopath. So close... if he could just move his right claw...

"Still not dead I see?" Venomuhti said without turning around.

Charizard ignored him. Slowly, he thought he could feel the movement in his toes starting to return. He kept at it. Just a little longer...

"I wouldn't try it" Venomuhti yawned tiredly, "Face it, you're weak and outnumbered. Even if you did somehow manage to break free, what could you accomplish?"

Charizard gave one mighty push, and suddenly he was off the ground. Venomuhti looked back with a hint of shock as the large black lizard suddenly sprung at him. Charizard raised up his claw and aimed a flaming Dragon Claw at muhti's shoulder. Muhti recovered. He dived toward the ground and rolled out of the way. Charizard spun around in mid air, then dug his foot into the loose snow. He had to flap his wings once to get enough push, but was soon back in the air, ready once again to claw the ex-protagonist's head off. Venomuhti was thrown completely off guard by the assault.

"Die" Charizard roared, landing a satisfactory swipe at Muhti's upper torso. Muhti recoiled back, and was forced to teleport away to safety before Charizard's tail bashed his head in.

"K-Kill him..." Muhti breathed.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"I'll Kill you" Latios growled.

He shot down from the roof and aimed a black thunderbolt down at the black-clad figure on the ground. Venomuhti easily teleported away, then retaliated with a dark energy sphere of his own.

"You're still too slow" Venomuhti teased. Latios dodged the sphere, then returned fire by launching out several sharp spears of ice. Venomuhti glanced up at the attack and yawned.

"Look, I'm not in the mood for you to waste my time with this nonsense. In case you haven't noticed I have places to be."

Venomuhti casually took out a sword and batted the icy projectiles away. Latios came directly at him this time. His claw was glowing deep purple, that meant...

Latios vanished. Venomuhti looked up with surprise. Then immediately checked at his back.

Not there.

"What are you playing at...?" He whispered to thin air.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Is this some kind of joke?" Venomuhti said, unamused.

Charizard grunted with satisfaction as he felled the final member of Muhti's group. Light gave a small shout, then was out as a big black tail came up and whacked him in the face.

"Pitiful..." Charizard grunted.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Pathetic" Venomuhti spat. He raised is sword and blocked a wild overhand cut from Xiroey's sword-gun. Xiroey raised his other weapon and aimed it at the wide hole Muhti left in his middle. Muhti looked down just in time to catch the gun aimed at his chest and his eyes widened.

"I win" Xiroey said simply.

Then fired.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"It's over" Charizard said simply. He had the furious Venomuhti trapped beneath his foot. His hand had been bound by a powerful rope he'd kept with him in his satchel. Venomuhti eyed Charizard hatefully.

"Don't bother" Charizard grunted, "That rope is restricting every one of your abilities as we speak. You're nothing more than a squishy human beneath my foot."

Venomuhti laughed

"You think you've won...?" Venomuhti said darkly.

Charizard growled, then blue scorching hot torrent of fire just inches away from Muhti's head. Muhti looked over at the steaming hole in the snow right next to his head and shuddered slightly.

"Dim? Do you mind?" Muhti said, surprisingly calm.

"Bout time you piped up" Dimentio sighed. He'd had a fun time watching Muhti and his friends getting taken down by one measly pokemon. But now it seemed his entertainment for the day was over.

"I always have to do everything around here don't I?"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"You never could do anything right could you?" Venomuhti said harshly.

Xiroey didn't respond. He simply took Venomuhti's arms behind his back and placed a set of special handcuffs around his wrists.

"Oh, don't think you're getting off easy." He said. "I've waited a full year to finally have this moment. I'm going to make sure that I get to enjoy it in the most long and painful way possible..."

Venomuhti wasn't phazed.

"So you're taking me down to your dirty rats nest is that it?"

Xiroey was silent. He shoved Venomuhti off in the direction of the stairs.

"Say" Venomuhti began, his tone unfittingly casual, "Aren't you even going to ask what it is I came here for?"

Xiroey still didn't respond, although Muhti noticed that the two of them had stopped. Good, he had his attention after all.

"It's taken me a year to find it. I've had to search virtually all over the continent, but finally, I've tracked it down."

"Speak. If you've got something to say then say it. Otherwise, keep it moving"

"All right" Muhti conceeded. "There's a room located at the end of the hallway behind that fat aligator's throne. Go inside, and you'll see what it is I've been searching for all this time."

"I don't like surprises" Xiroey said simply. "Spit it out. Otherwise, move it towards the stairs"

Venomuhti tsk'd.

"Xiroey... Xiroey... Xiroey... Fine, If you want to be the about it, I'll tell you."

It's the gateway to a new world...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Charizard dropped down on one knee. His breaths were long and ragged. He winced slightly as a fat wound on his shoulder pulsed painfully. Dementio floated casually above him and grinned.

"Not so tough after all" He sighed

Charizard grunted painfully, then rose shakily back to his feet.

"It ain't over... till one of us drops dead..."

"Drops dead huh?" Dementio agreed, "Yes, I think you're right, I've had my fun long enough."

Charizard's eyes glinted dangerously. This was it, he needed to get the first hit in or else he and everyone else was toast. Dementio smirked. He had the big lizard wrapped around his finger. He brought his thumb and index finger together. In less than a second, he'd have finally taken out Xiroey and Mari's last member.

"Ciao" he said.

Then the spot next to them exploded.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

--Forum Fight Resuming--
Other Demension-Xiroey and Muhti stepped out of the smoke and coughed.
Well... that was a rather interesting trip...

"I thought you said there'd be anothe world at the end of the door. Not a bunch of bloody fireworks" Xiroey spat angrily.

"Tsk... Tsk...I never said I knew for sure what was on the other side now did I" Muhti admitted.

Xiroey grunted angrily. Muhti had had his fun long enough.

"Move it" He said. "We're heading back, you've stalled your fate long eno--"

Something was wrong. The smoke cleared and Xiroey and Muhti realized they were standing in the middle of a pile of snow... No... an entire sea of it!

"...what is this...?" Xiroey said, not understanding.

Muhti only laughed.

"I told you didn't I? He said.

Xiroey looked up at him, his expression was furious

"What is this? Where the **** are we?" He demanded

"Don't know" Muhti yawned. Then pointed to the bewildered looking Clown and Pokemon standing a few meters away. "But one of them might..."


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
(((Meh, I'll go with this.))

Dimsdale, America

"Please explain to me WHY you're doing this again...?" Mari rolled her eyes and continued to talk with Sonic the hedgehog over the phone. "I told you, I'm doing charity. You know. Relaxing while doing some good for the world." "By babysitting a kid?" Sonic said sarcasticly. "Hey, it's a start." "Mari, You're a Leader of an entire fraction! How in the name of Chaos are you going to babysit a kid without anybody noticeing?!" "I put white highlights in my hair. And I'm wearing a pink shirt with butterflies on it." There was silence for a good 5 minutes before Sonic spoke again. "You must be really comitted to wear pink..." "It sucks, for your information. I feel like some girly girl." Mari stopped, and walked past a mail box that said 'Turner', and knocked on the door to an ordinary looking house.

"I even made a new name. How does 'Quincy' sound?" Mari asked. "Too smart." Sonic replied. "Hanzel?" "Too Over-the-seas-y..." "Vicky?" "Too Icky!" Sonic laughed. "Hey...How about Mary?"
"Mary?" Mari tilted her head to one side. "Isn't that too simple? I mean, I still got the first three letters of my name..." "Trust me, With the highlights and the...pink...one letter's all you need!" Suddnely, A voice in the background blurted out, "SONNIC! OH SONIC! WHERE ARE YOU!?" "Ack, Gotta go! She's right around the corner!" Sonic said nerviously. "Is Amy chaseing you again?" Mari asked, already knowing the answer. "Oh, you bet a million rings she is..." "Lead her to Spagonia's mall. I hear everything is 30% off." "Thanks! Gotta go!" "Oh" Mari said "Tell Uncle T to Tell Shadow that-" Click.

Mari sighed. "Hung up early...That guy has no patiance whatsoever...." Mari looked up to the Turner house. How hard could it be to babysit a ten year old?

Inside the Turner house, Timmy's room.

"MORE POWER, COSMO!" Timmy Turner screamed. "You got it!" Cosmo put the petal to the metal, and raced across the room as a toy car. Yes. Cosmo is the toy race car. You see, The Turner house looked ordinary on the outside, but on the inside, things were a bit diffrent. Timmy Turner, 10 years old, Had a secret- He had Fairy Godparents. Three of them, in fact, and with them, Timmy could wish for anything he desired. With a few rules here and there, of course. "Cosmo!" Cosmo braked, nearly avoiding the wall, and poofed back into his green haired and eyed self. "Have you seen Poof?" Wanda asked, Waving her wand in the air over her swirly, pink hair. "I've been looking for him everywhere and-" "Poof poof!" A small, round baby fairy with Purple eyes and PJ's poofed into the room. "Poof! Oh, where have you been?!" "Poofpoofpoof....POOF!" "Outside?" Wanda questioned, somehow understanding him. "And someone is out there?" "Oh, NO!" Timmy exclamed. "It's the new babysitter!" "GAH! And if she's anymore worse then Vicky, we're in for some MAJOR doo-doo!...Speaking of which" Cosmo went on, "I think Poof made a stinky...."

"All right, here's the game plan!" Timmy said as he grabbed a pair of magical binoculars, which can see though walls. "Wanda, You change Poof. Cosmo, You're with me. I may not have been prepared for Vicky when she came around, but that's all gonna change with this one!" "Ooo, What are we gonna do?" Cosmo asked, taking of his shoes. "We gotta wait until my parents leave...." Timmy said with a mischivous smile. "But I've got a few ideas...."


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
((Okay, trying out first person now))

--Charizard's POV--

Okay so... I'm not dead.
Well, neither is that demonic clown, but that can be arranged later. That's not important right now though, because right now I am really confused...

The two figures stepped out of the smoke, and glanced around with confused looks on their faces. I must've been going nuts because the psychopath on the left looked exactly like the psychopath laying on the ground. The one on the right though... The black clad youth seemed to recover from his initial shock, then his eyes fell on me. His eyebrows scrunched up for a second like he was fighting off a headache, then he seemed to reccolect something. "Charizard, that you?" My arceus, that voice sounded familiar! He paused for a second, staring me up and down, then his face lit up with delight. "Well well, it is you! I couldn't believe it for a moment, but those eyes of yours are a dead give away! Never thought you'd be the type to get down and dirty old chum". Chum? I wasn't chum's with this guy. Clearly this one needed to be straightend out because he... wait, that voice! But... that was impossible.

"Well, I told ya Didn't I?" The left one bragged. He had a smug look on his face. He also appeard to be tied up, which might've been a good thing. "What do you want from me? A trophy? I don't know what you hoped to accomplish with this little stunt, but don't think you've gotten it off easy."

"Of course not" The left one smiled, then held up his cuffed hands. Okay, this was just too wierd...

Dementio finally seemed to put his brain back together enough to work up a sentence. "Muhti" Dementio ventured. The Muhti lookalike looked up at the clown questioningly. "Yeah, that's my name. Not that I'm surprised. Even people on the otherside of this demensional chasm have heard of me."
"What are you blathering about?" Our Muhti said, rising up off the ground. "I don't know who you are, but you better have a **** good reason for pretending to be me." The other Muhti looked down at himself--the other himself. "Well, aren't you a good looking fellow. You must be the other-demension me then. Whats up?"

What's up? We were exchaning greetings now?I had enough. None of this was making any sense. "You!" I said, pointing to the dark one on the right. "You're Xiroey aren't you?" 'Xiroey's' eyebrows shot up. "Hey, looks like this one knows me too! I should've known you weren't actually Charizard. Our charizard anyway. The charizard I know would've been on the ground crying his eyes out with those wounds...

I looked down at the big oozing cut across my chest, and just then, my body started hurting for the first time. "Raaaaaaahhh!" I cursed in Charizard. It stung worse than... well, it stung worse than a lot of things.

"Well, what do you say we head back?" The chained-up Muhti suggested. The darker version of Xiroey eyed him evilly. "You're not in a position to make any suggestions right now" He spat harshly. Other Muhti only laughed. "Come on, lighten up, I showed you this place didn't I? You should be thanking me." Xiroey'd face was hard. Muhti sighed. "You really shoudl lighten up more." I shoved past the clown, then suddenly snatched up a fistful of Xiroey's shirt. "You're eyes..." I growled. Xiroey was completely unphazed. He returned my eye contact. "Yeah? You got a problem with them?" I blew a tuff of smoke into his face, which he didn't like. "Those are a killers eyes. Whoever you are, you're not him.

"I a'int anyone but me." Xiroey agreed. Then suddenly there was a gun in my face. I let out a confused grunt. When did I let go of his shirt? And why in the world did his guns have blades on them? "I wonder if I'll cause some sort of spacial anomoly if I blow this one's brains out." Xiroey mused to himself "Do what you want" Other Muhti shrugged. He looked back at me, not good. I needed to move or else I was--

There was a blur of movement, then suddenly Xiroey was pinned on the ground. "Who are you, and why do you sound like my brother?" Latias demanded. She pressed her knee into Xiroey's back. "S-sis...?" Xiroey coughed. "Don't you use that term with me!" Latias said angrily. She materialized her scythe into her hand.

Latias was up...

"Talk!" She barked.

"Well... You certainly have her attitude..." Xiroey mumbled to himself. "Look, I don't know what your deal is, but I--"

Xiroey was cut off. One second he was there, then suddenly he and the other Muhti were gone. Space seemed to warp for a sec, then there was a bright explosion, and everything went dark."


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio

+dark maze- bomberman hero+

*its dark, quite and no one else aroung but the black looking chao crawling on the ground*

*there's 3 tree on the left..... 4 on the right... "why are there so many tree"'*

*cutting down 2 tree's.... what...like what would that do... I'm mean like who would that effect....... oh its that bloody f****

I never thought id be seeing you here, this really brings back pages doesn't it

Tediz:"quick gett into character, zzzzzzzzzzzzhahhhaaha"

The girl: mars what now?




Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - -

Xiroey: Okay... So, stealing from typhlosion's cookie jar?
Bad Idea

Floatzel: *pant* Normally, I'd say I told ya so...
But right now?

-Xiroey and Floatzel turn a corner into Impact HQ's main lobby. Xiroey has to pump his feet hard to keep up with Floatzel's quick strides. Behind them, a very angry typhlosion chases after them with murder on his mind.-

Typhlosion: Get your scrawny hide back here Xiroey!

Xiroey: *running harder* I-I don't think I've ever seen him like this...

Floatzel: I have.
And I'm going to let you know now.

Unless you manage to get out of dodge quick, **** is going to happen.
-A loud crash comes from behind them-


Xiroey: *gulp* We're almost to the exit. Then I can fly the heck outta here!

Floatzel: Yeah? What about me?

Xiroey: You're faster than he is. You can out run him right?
-Theres another crash. Then the air around them starts to get hot.-

Xiroey: *gulp* W-what was that...?

Floatzel: I'm asuming that was his Flame Charge.

Xiroey: Wait... then that means...?

Floatzel: Hup. Was nice knowin ya~
-Xiroey feels himself get snatched backwards. Before his mind can process what just happenes, he ends up getting shoved directly into Typhlosion's face.-

Typhlosion: *growling* Gotcha...

Xiroey: Meep...

Typhlosion: Now how do you want it? Black eye? Broken arm?

Xiroey: Uhm... I could give you a hug instead? <3
-Typhlosion says nothing, and holds Xiroey in his menacing stare-

Xiroey: ... (I may be in trouble here...)
-Much to his surprise, as soon as Xiroey thinks that, he feels typhlosion's grip on him begin to loosen.-

Xiroey: Wait... What are yo-- *pmmmmf!!!*
-Xiroey is cut of as his face meets a thick wall of warm fur-

Xiroey: Mmmf!~

Floatzel: Well... That resolved itself rather quickly...
-Typhlosion smiles with delight as he nearly crushes the poor Eon to death.-

Xiroey: *suffocating* You're... too... tight....

-Floatzel chuckles-

Floatzel: I guess I shouldn't be surprised.
-When it's over, Xiroey falls over onto his back like a deflated potato sack. Typhlosion seems to forget his anger from earlier and gazes down on him with concern on his face.-

Typhlosion: Uhh... Mate, you all right?
I didn't squeeze ya too hard there did I?

Floatzel: Kid looks fine to me. A few vertebre out of place maybe, but probably nothing too severe.

Xiroey: *mumbling* Thanksforthehugbuddy. Sayisthatmycellphoneringing? Someoneansweritforme, IthinkI'mafallaslee---

[Xiroey Fainted!]

Typhlosion: ... OOps...

Floatzel: ... Typhlosion? Do you even remember what it was you were doing a moment ago?

Typhlosion: ...

Floatzel: ... Uhm... bud?

Typhlosion: ... I'm hungry ....

Floatzel: -.- Yep. Figured as much.


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio

* a used needle go'* through mars eye :happysheep:*


The girl: oh no. Are you ok

DO I look OK!!!

Tediz: they don't look like squirrels!?

Tedizz: I'm certienly confused now......

Tediz: hey dude sorry about ur eye we got u mistaken for some 1 else.

**** u




Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
(((Sorry for the holdup, Guys. Had a Family Emergancy.))

Turner House.

-Mari's POV-

"We're so happy that you decided to babysit our child for free, uh...Mary, wasn't it?" Mrs. Turner said. "Yep." I said, twirling my black and white hair. "AND at no cost!" Mr. Turner smiled giddly. "Now we can enjoy ourselfs at the PAWS Convention with no worries!" "PAWS?" I asked. "Parents with Adult Workaholic Syndrom." Mrs. Turner. "We want to know how we can spend more time with our son, Timmy." "Uh...."

I could not believe the irony of this moment, but I put on my best smile. I came here to RELAX, with a normal, 10 year old boy. How hard could that be? "Well, we need to go. Don't forget, His bedtime is at 9:00!" Mrs. Turner said. "AND DON'T LET HIM GET MY PUDDING FROM THE FRIDGE!" Mr. Turner screamed as they drove down the driveway and into the street. "OK....I offically decare everyone in Dimsdale completely wierd..." I mumbled.

I walked into the house and climbed up the stairs to Timmy's room. "Timmy?" I called quietly, knocking gentlely on the door. No response. "Timmy Turner?...My name's Mary, and I'm your new baby-" I opened the door slowly...And came face to face with a big, giant green cannon. "-sitter..." I looked up and there he was, A little boy in a pink shirt and cap with brown hair and blue eyes was sitting on top of said cannon, with a sinister smile on his face. "Awww, Frak!" I screamed just before Timmy said, "FIRE!"


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Haha, anyways, back to the story~

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Location - Unova Reigon Pokemon League
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"You won't be able to evade me forever! Seviper, use Poison Tail!" On the battlefield, a dainty looking flower pokemon twirls around gracefully and leaps just out of reach. Seviper's tail misses and rams itself into the ground. Gliscor leaps out of his seat "Yeeeaah! That's the way Lily!~" Gliscor cheers. Liligant bows deeply as Seviper misses her yet again. The crowd goes nuts. The ex-frontier brain goes red with frustration. No matter what she tried, no matter what tricks she tried to pull, she just couldn't manage to land a hit! Liligant easily evaded her again. A sweet smelling powder wafted into the air as she leaped over the Seviper's head. Lucy's eyes widened in horror.

"N-no... That's...!"

"End of the line sweety" The flower pokemon lilted daintily. Seviper took a good sniff of the sweet smelling powder in the air, it's eyes widened in delight at the scent. It took in long deep gulps through it's... well... tounge (snakes have scent glands on thier tounges). It greedily inhaled more and more of it. Time seemed to slow down with each gulp it took. A faint thought hit it that it should probably do something to defend itself. It was in the middle of a dangerous battle, with everything on the line for both it and it's trainer. Yet, all it could think about at that moment was the sweet intoxicating scent. Liligant's Petal Dance hit it like a tow truck. Seviper flew black from the severe hit it took. It rolled around on the ground for a while, before coming to a stop, completely unconscious, at Lucy's feet.

The crowd entered an uproar. Lucy sighed sadly, and took out a pokeball.
"We won't so much as make the 2nd round at this rate..." She returned Seviper to it's pokeball, then took out another one. "Thankfully" Lucy said, a determined look on her face "This battle is still far from over!"

A beautiful milotic burst onto the field. The pokeball flew back to lucy's hand as if yanked back by a string. Liligant eyed her new opponent warily. A type disadvantage... It didn't make any sense... Lucy was an expert fighter. So then why...? The answer came in the form of a thick white mist. It filled into the battlefield like water, and soon it became impossible for Liligant to see. Gliscor sweatdropped nervously. "O-oh no... that mist... That's Haze."

Liligant looked around helplessly. She tried her best to pick out some sort of form through the mist. Even a sound would help. But the thick fog hid everything. A powerful force struck her in the back, and suddenly she was flying through the air. She looked down mid-flight, and only then was she able to pick out a long cream-colored pokemon through the mist. The next thing she saw only made things worse. The milotic opened it's mouth wide, letting loose a powerful torrent of ice and "That's bad." Gliscor mumbled.

Liligant held her arms out at right angles to her sides, then began to spin around so fast her body became a complete blur. The crowd gawked in awe at what was happeneing. The Milotic's Ice Beam missed. It kept going, before vanishing helplessly somewhere into the sky. Liligant floated down gently like a helicopter. Her spinning became slower and slower, until eventually she landed lightly back on the ground on her feet. The mist cleared. Lucy stood on the other side of the battlefield, grinning. Just then, Liligant realized she was in trouble. As long as Lucy had her milotic's mist, her Quiver Dance would be of no use. Obviously, the milotic had some sort of trick that allowed her to see thorugh the thick fog. If she couldn't see her opponent she'd be at a severe disadvantage.

Lucy just stood there calmly, waiting for Liligant to make her next move. Liligant bowed her head shamefully, she had no choice. "Gliscor!" She called out. Gliscor almost knocked his drink out of his seat after hearing his name called. Liligant's voice reached him again, she didn't sound too happy. "Can we switch"? Gliscor had to blink a few times before the implications of what she just said finally kicked in. "Y-you don't think you can win this one?" Gliscor called back. Liligant took a while before she responded again. "I-I can't..." She admitted. The crowd boo'd angrily. Lucy smiled smugly at the flower pokemon. Liligant sighed , then was forced to walk over to the safety of the sidelines. Gliscor's face when he saw his friend being humiliated. He leaped out of his seat, and glided slowly down to the wide clearing below.

Milotic regarded Gliscor with a calm eye. This time it was Lucy's turn to be suspicious. Gliscor were weak to both ice and water. So then... what could the pair possibly be planning?

She didn't waste time playing guessing games. "Milotic, use Hydro Pump!" She cried out. The milotic opened it's mouth wide, then shot out a powerful blast of water. Gliscor instantly took to the air. He felt a small breeze as the water ball whizzed by and slammed itself into the ground just below him. Lucy kept on the offensive. "Ice Beam!" She called out. Gliscor was forced to bob and weave through the air as deadly spears of ice missed him again and again. His body glowed brightly, Gliscor's Rock Polish increased his speed to rediculous levels. He came at the milotic just as it had finished firing off another blast. By his calculations, it would need another 1.2 seconds before it'd be able to fire again. His claws glowed brightly. "Take this!" He said, then struck the milotic on the neck.

"Nooo!" Lucy's eyes widened in horror as she saw Milotic take blow after blow. Gliscor darted in and gave Milotic a powerful X-Scissor to the head, then swooped down and fired off a volley of pointy stones at it's back. Lucy was just about to order her Milotic to fight back, then her heart sank as she noticed something. Milotic was sinking into the ground!

Gliscor landed back on the ground and smiled like a vampire. He had milotic completely trapped.

"Three Us. You guys? Nothing!" Gliscor laughed. Then he slammed his claw into the ground. A shockwave reverberated across the rocky battlefield, causing the ground beneath Milotic to explode. A thick cloud of dirt flew into the air. Lucy had to shield her eyes against the mineature dust storm, but when it cleared, Milotic was nowhere in sight.

The crowd recoiled in shock.

Lucy looked up and saw that Gliscor was sitting on top of a tall pile of rocks. he was grinning like he'd just won the lottery. Lucy looked around frantically for where Milotic might be, but still she couldn't find it. The rock mound beneath Gliscor shifted. A large stone fell loose, and the whole thing came crumbling down. When the dust cleared, a long dusty form was sprawled out on the ground, completely knocked out.

"Lucy's Milotic is unable to battle!" The Announcer boomed loudly "The victory goes to Gliscor!"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Meanwhile, inside of a completely different stadium, Two more of Gliscor's comrades were having their own battle.

"Whaat? Me against you? That's straight up whack!" Krookodile growled angrily. Swampert darted over to the right just in time to dodge a wild swing from Krookodile's tail. It retaliated by using it's Ice Punch. "Obviously, these chumps figured they couldn't handle us. They went and pitted the two of us against each other..." He pauses to gasp for air. His Ice Punch misses, and he goes down on all fours. He leaps at the Kroododile again, this time using Brick Break. "That way... they wouldn't have to deal with us!" Kroodoile snaps his head forward and catches the Swampert's arm inside it's jaws. His eyes widen in surprise when he realizes that his teeth aren't sinking through.

The swamperts arms were hard as rocks!

The swampert opened it's mouth, and gave Kroododile a nice wet Hydro Cannon to the face. Kroodolile stumbled back. His entire face was searing with pain. Still, somehow he managed to blink the water away and dart his tail out in time to whack Swampert away before his next Ice Punch could connect.

"Bunch of spineless Chumps" Krookodile agreed. His body shot up with blue flames. Swampert tossed up his protect, and caught Krookodile's Outrage against his barrier. Krookodile stumbled back, but then the flames around his body shot up again and he charged Swampert a second time.

"It's rediculous really. The turnout this year is awful! I bet half these trainers didn't even train their pokemon to get where they were. They just fed them fat on a bunch of Rare Candys!" Swampert held his arms out and flat out stopped Kroododile in his tracks. Krookodile gulped with surprise. Man, those were some powerful arms!

"P-probably taught em' a few TM's too..." Krookodile stammered nervously. He didn't want to take another one of Swampert's hydro cannons again. He spun around and aimed his Dragon Tail at Swampert's shoulder. Swampert just tossed up his Protect again, and the attack was stopped.

"Aye, TM's... Like i said, it's pathetic." Swampert let his shield fall early. Krookodile's tail barely whizzed by swampert's face, and he stumbled forward while in shock. Thought of tanking another blast of water in his side made Krookodile hastily regain his ballance. Sure enough, another incredibly painful blast of water was coming at him. In a desperate move, he opened his mouth as wide as it would go, and gulped the entire attack down.

Swampert stared over at Krookodile like he couldn't believe what'd just happened.

"Wasn't expecting that" He said.

Krookodile just shrugged. Then Swampert got a hearty helping of Crocodile tail to the face.


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio
Xireoy is that a page from a chapter book?

What ever happen to characters talking individualy (if u no what I mean lol) I geuss it got boring.......



Darn, is it healed yet?

the girl: no its still bad ehh,,

I Hate thous tediz!! When I get my hands on them ill ripe the stuffing out of them... I need to get back to smash land, boards what ever its called.

The girl: I have an idea!

No thanks




Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
Turner House.

-Mari's POV-

I felt the cannonball wizz past my head as I ducked and rolled to the side. "I wish there was another cannonball!" Timmy screamed. Oh, yeah, right, like that was gonna-

WAM! Suddenly, another cannonball fired off, smashing into the wall next to me....Apparently, This was not the normal 10 year old boy I had hoped for. "Timmy! What in the name of Glob are youdoing?!" I screamed. "Oh, Like you don't know?" Timmy barked back. "You were gonna torture me, like they all do!" "Torture?...Timmy, I barely even know you! Why would I-" "Shoot now, Ask questions later!" Timmy grabbed onto a string connecting to the cannon and yanked it as he yelled, "FIRE!"

Nothing happened. Timmy frowned and yanked on the string again. "Hello, I said FIRE!" He said. "That's your que, Cosmo!" "Cosmo? Who the heck is Cosmo?" I asked. "Uh...." Timmy suddenly looked very nervous. "My...Imaginary friend?" "Arn't you a little too old for that?" I said to him. "NO!-uh, yes! I mean....uh....FIRE!" Timmy pulled the string again. No dice. "COSMO!"

POOF! A green cloud of dust exploded into the room. "Sorry, Timmy, I was busy giving Poof his bottle." Said a really....Uh....How should I put this....dull voice. "How's the Babysitting hunt going?" The voice continued. By now, the dust had cleared and I could see a person with green hair and eyes flouting in the air. He also had wings and a....wand? "Who...What....are you?" I said with amazment. The green eyed dude, who I'm asumming is Cosmo, looked over to me. "Oh......Uh......This is awkward....."

Timmy broke out in a nervous sweat, then jumped off the cannon. "This isn't what is looks like!" He said. "He's not a fairy and He isn't mine!" "A Fariy? He's a fairy?" I said. Cosmo flew over and wacked Timmy in the head with his wand thing. "Nice going, Timmy! Now she knows too much! Now we're gonna get sent back to Fairy World and we'll get demoted and we'll have to scrub toliets for the rest of the centery and-" "HOLD IT!" I sat down in his bed and sighed. I so going to kill Magolor when I get back... "Timmy Turner, I think you have some Explaining to do."

Timmy sighed. "Sorry, Cosmo...." "Ya know, You could just wish she'd never came here..." Cosmo said casually. "No....." Timmy said. "Besides, She's older then me by...uh....How old are you?" ""15" "by 5 years!" Timmy finished saying. "How can I compete with that? Plus, she's my babysitter...." Cosmo facepalmed himself and said, "Wanda's not going to like this at all..."

A few hours later....

"So let me get this straight." I said. "Children who have hard lives are given Fairy Godparents, who can grant any wish they want." "Right..." Timmy replied. "But they have to follow a set of rules, and If they break the most important rule, Which is to never tell anyone that you have fairies or of their existance, they get taken away?" "And punished..." Comso added. "That's harsh..." I said. "So....where do we go from here?"


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Swampert's eyesight flashed a multitude of different colors, as his back crashed painfully into the stone wall. "O-ouch..." was all he could say, before passing out in the dust. The crowd cheered loudly when they saw that one of the pokemon was officially down and out.

"Swampert is unable to battle! The victory goes to Krookodile!" The announcer bellowed.

Krookodile tried his best to remain standing so he could soak up his victory. But the truth was, every part of his body, even his toes, were all crying out in pain. He gave a weak wave back to the crowd, then decided it'd be best to walk away before he fell over. To his surprise, his three friends were already waiting for him when he reached the gateway back into the stadium. "Heyhey, nice fight. Nice going, gulping down that Hydro Cannon like that"! Nidoking smiled and gave Krookodile a thumbs up.

"Come now Nidoking, the poor guy looks like he's about to fall over. Let him through." Krookodile smiled, that had to be liligant. He blinked his eyes a few times. It was getting difficult to see...

"Waaah!" Gliscor cried. Krookodile wobbled for a second, then fell down at his feet. "Y-you okay bud?" Gliscor asked worried. He poked Krookodile with a claw. Liligant tsk'd, "Just as I suspected..." She pushed past Gliscor, and gave Krookodile a hand leaf back to his feet. "I'm really proud of you." She said as she helped the large Crocodile away. "That couldn't have been an easy fight. Swampert has a lot of advantages against you. "I-it wasn't..." Krookodile admitted. His vision was still pretty fuzzy.

"Well, I know just the thing to help you feel better!" Liligant declared happily. She led Krookodile through a large door at the edge of the hallway, then Gliscor and Nidoking were all alone.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Impact City - Hidden Base
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Whaaat!?!" Typhlosion nearly choked on his soda. He lurched backward off the stack of boxes he was sitting on, and went crashing onto the floor. Floatzel simply sighed, and took another sip of his Belue Berry juice. "So, Muhti's turned traitor on us again has he?" Floatzel said matter-of-factly. Xiroey sighed too. He didn't want to bring up the subject, but he figured the two of them deserved to know the truth. "Yes. It was his faction that was behind the assault on the board."

"You say that as if it's actually surprising" Came typhlosion's voice from behind the stack of crates."

Floatzel tossed his empty juice can at him. "I thought you were supposed to be knocked out." He quipped. There was a low grunt as the juice can struck typhlosion in the head, then typhlosion went silent.

"It is surprising. On our way while we were being carried off into the forest, I managed to pick up a few details from the guard's minds. Apparently Muhti and Mari had made a truce, and agreed to put an end to all fighting. Part of me knew it was all too good to be true. But..."

"...But you wanted to believe in him anyway" Floatzel finished for him.

Xiroey hung his head shamefully, he didn't want to talk about it anymore. A low voice came from behind the stack of crates. Floatzel was just about to toss his half-empty juice can at it again, except it swiftly rolled out of the way, and next thing he knew Typhlosion was sitting right next to him. He had an enormous grin on his face.

"Y-you seem happy?" Xiroey asked confused. Typhlosion only grinned wider. Okay, things were starting to get wierd. "What's that dopey grin about Ty?" Floatzel asked. He was just as confused as Xiroey was. "I don't know about you guys, but I think it's about time we showed that Muhti fella what for, what do you guys think?" Xiroey scratched his head. He had no clue where Typhlosion was going with any of this. "Uh... Ty, I don't know what alternate universe you were in just now, but last I checked Xiroey did try to give Muhti what for" Floatzel said slowly so he could understand.

"Oh, he did did he? Well, then I'm proud of ya mate!"

"I almost died." Xiroey said flatly.


"Well then, now that that's out of the way" Floatzel said, starting to get impatient, "Was there anything else you wanted to share with us?"

"As a matter of fact, there is!" Typhlosion disclosed happily.

That netted a pair of confused looks on Xiroey and Floatzel's faces.

"Okay, let's hear it then." Floatzel said, skeptical.

Xiroey got an odd tingling sensation in the back of his head. He had the feeling that something big was about to go down. But... why? He was a psychic type, sure, but Latios weren't known for their ability to see into the future. So then... Why this odd feeling all of a sudden?

Typhlosions voice suddenly got low and serious. He whispered low to make sure that only his two other firends could hear.

"Oh, we'll show that psychopath a thing or two all right. Because, as it turns out, Impact has recently recieved another new recruit."

"Yeah?" Floatzel asked. Impact got lots of new recruits. So what?

"Oh, but you don't understand." Typhlosion said mysteriously "Because... The new recruit...?"

So happens to be a sage.


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Muhti looked at the horizon with the sun peaking out its rays. Dimentio slowly floated up to him.

"Morning, Muhti", he commented sleepily, "Muhti?"

The jester went next to the leader of New Hyrule and his eyes widened.

"No.... It can't be...", Dimentio shockingly commented

Muhti ignored Dimentio and shouted FIRE! for the soldiers to send 5 nuclear bombs each to the Impact and to Maris faction. He then turned around with blood blotched on his face. "He's going to pay..."

Muhti continued to ignore Dimentio and walked past him. Dimentio shook his head with both glee and shame.

"I was going to tell you of the new generals I assigned.", Dimentio noted, for which Muhti stopped and turned around





Those were the first four bombs landed.

"Tell me....", Muhti questioned.

"No,no you must leave, good bye now!", Dimentio smirked.

"Don't play games with me", Muhti added with a shadowy fist.

"Hmph fine, I certainly wasn't going to tell you Zalgo is alive and well, as well as Mr.M, and maybe Smashfan....", the jesters smirk grew wider. "And... Before you question me, I found a few 1-Ups under Luigis bed, but I gave the poison mushroom to Mario and Smashfan, so they'll be one of us soon, except Mario is already Mr.M so.." , he shrugged.

"Good... Lets see the aftermath of the bombing...", Muhti said.








Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Meanwhile... Outside Impact...
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Heyhey, looks like we made it!" Latias exclaimed happily. She had to shield her eyes against the bright sun, but, just barely, she was able to make out the faint black sillhouette that was the Impact main building. "Look Master, there it is!" An awkward totem pole-like pokemon waddled up beside Latias, and glanced over into the horrizon. "Right you are. Looks like our Journey was uneventful afterall. Just as the fates predicted." Latias grinned brightly. Finally, they'd be able to rest after their long flight across the entire reigon. The thought of a bath and a nice hot meal made her shudder with anticipation. She held the door open for the bird pokemon to enter.

"After you." She said with a small courtsey.

The bird pokemon nodded his thanks, and was about to walk inside when he suddenly stopped. Latias looked at him confused. "Uhm... Master?" She continued holding the door open for him, hoping he'd move. He just stood there, gazing off into space like a statue. Latias sighed heavily. "...Not again" She breathed. She propped the door open with her foot so that it wouldn't slam close on the pokemon. By her reccolection, the two of them could be there a while. She nearly jumped out of her skin when her master actually spoke.

"Come out you two. You've been trailing us ever since we left the Johto reigon. What is it you want?" Latias blinked with surprise. They were being shadowed this entire time!? But that was impossible! Surely she would've been able to since their presence a long time ago?

Right on cue, a pair of tall thin figures stepped out of the shadows behind him. One was an odd looking youth with spikey black hair and purple eyes, just like her brother's. The other was wearing a black mega-man suit and his eyes were blood red.

"You!!" Latias almost spat. Xiroey's demensional double just smiled at her. Latias decided she didn't like that smile. "Greetings" Was all he said. Then he motioned his head for his partner to speak. "Best not be rude to our friends here, say something." He whispered so that only Muhti could hear. Muhti's double stepped forward.

"Go screw yourselves..." Muhti said, then flicked the both of them off.

Latias was incredulous.

"Why I have half a mind to!--" Latias materialized her scythe into her hand, and was about to start making body parts fly around, but Xatu raised a wing to stop her.

"M-master...?" Latias stammered.

"I will deal with them" The old bird said. Xatu turned around and stepped toward the two shadowers. Xiroey took one good look at the strange looking pokemon and laughed.

"Heheh, aren't you a little old to be getting into playground squabbles old man? Why don't you leave and let us young folks have our fun? You're not wnated here."

Latias' gripped her scythe so hard her knuckles turned white. "Those disrespectful..." she breathed angrily. Xatu addressed her without even turning around.

"It'll be all right Latias, I won't take long." Xatu walked down the flight of steps, down to where the two youths were waiting. Xiroey snickered. Fine, if it was a fight the old man wanted...

"W-where'd he go?" Muhti asked startled. Xiroey blinked a few times in shock. What was his 'friend' here talking about? Xatu couldn't have gone anywhere in such a short period of ti--

The starewell was empty. The two of them looked up, and all they saw was Latias staring down at them.

"What is this?" Muhti demanded angrily.

"Where'd the old coot go?" Xiroey asked no one in particular. He tried searching around the area using his senses, but could pick up nothing of Xatu's presence.

"It's not the girl doing it. Whatever this is, it doesn't make any sense..."

Muhti was about to respond, but suddenly realized that his body wasn't responding as it should.

"You alive over there bud?" Xiroey asked withouth turning around.

"Nnngh" Came a muffled response to his right. Xiroey looked around, and was shocked when he saw that Muhti was levitating straight off the ground. He had his eyes opened wide, and his arms stretched out at his sides like he couldn't move them.

"W-what is this...?" Xiroey asked. He started unconsciously backing away.

Xatu's feet suddenly materialized on top of a metal rail above Xiroey's shoulder. Xiroey jumped back in surprise. When did Xatu sneak up on him?

Xatu pointed a wing at Xiroey, and suddenly he realized that he could no longer move. He began floating up into the air just as Muhti did.

"D***it old man! What is this?" Xiroey demanded angrily. Surprisingly, Xatu laughed.

"Don't you quip at an old bird." Xatu chuckled. He let the two of them hang there, their faces were starting to become red with a mixture of rage and embarassment. It didn't make any sense, how had one measly Xatu managed to overpower them?

"M-master Xatu?" Latias asked questioningly.

Xatu opened his wings out to his sides like a totem pole statue, and began chanting to himself in an unknown language.

"I-I don't like the sound of that" Xiroey thought nervously to himself. The Xatu's body was begining to glow. Whatever it was doing, it couldn't be good for the two of them.

"You two don't belong here" The old bird whispered softly in the middle of his chanting.

Xiroey looked down at him, surprised. Could it be? Was Xatu really able to tell that they were from an alternate world?

"The desturbance the two of you are causing on our world... The two of you have tampered with fate. Already, the natural course of things have been shifted out of ballance. Any longer, and reality will begin to fall apart."

Xatu dronned on and on as if possessed.

"T-this guy is freaking me the **** out." Muhti whispered to his partner.
"Hey, I can speak!" He suddenly realized. Xatu cut him off again.

"The two of you can no longer be allowed to stay here." It said. It's body began to glow brighter.

"I don't like the looks of this" Xiroey said.

Latias was just as surprised. All of this was new to her as well.

"What is going on?" She whispered to herself.

Suddenly the pair were enveloped in a bright orb of light. Xiroey and Muhti had to shield their eyes against it. It was hot, almost too hot to bear. He was about to do something. Perhaps he could get one of his moves to work, and that would shut the bird up. But then he realized he was moving. How fast, he coudln't tell, only that he was whizzing by untold objects at impossible speeds. He tried to cry out, but his voice wasn't working again. In the end, the shock of the whole situation got to him. He passed out.

An unknown amount of time later, he would wake up back in his own world. He'd get up and look around, only to realize that Muhti was mysteriously gone. Both Flint and Raphael would be there wating for him, and things would go back to normal for a time.

But the fact of the matter was, even though the two were returned back to their own space and time. Libary mountain still loomed over in the distance. And beneath it was a portal that would allow him to return to our world. Things went back to normal for a time, but who knew how long that would last?

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Several minutes later, Xiroey, Floatzel, and Typhlosion each burst out of the building. Latias jumped back in shock. She had to swing her scythe out of the way to avoid accidentally cutting one of them in half. "Where is he? I heard there was a sage coming?" Xiroey demanded excitedly. The entire clearing went deadly quiet. Xiroey looked down, and saw that there was a single Xatu standing on top of one of the Stair rails like an out-of-place statue.

"Uhhh..." Xiroey mumbled. His face was starting to turn red.

"Brother?" Latias asked. She'd just gotten over her initial shock. Xiroey spun around, the sound of his sister's voice caught him completely off-guard.

"Sis that Yo-- Ahh!" Just as Xiroey turned around, he tripped on a shoelace, and went sprawling backwards down the staircase.

"Brother!!!" Latias screamed.

Xiroey opened his mouth and cried out, but eventually his cries died when he realized that he wasn't falling anymore. He blinked a few times to make sure he wasn't crazy, then he looked back and realized that there were a pair of wings holding him up.

"Careful youngster, you almost hurt yourself badly with that one" The pair of wings laughed.

"W-who are...?"

"...Not important at the moment. Here let me help you up." Xatu gave Xiroey a push, and he suddenly stumbled back upright. He looked down at the face of his savior as he stepped up beside him.

"Uh... Thanks... W-whoever you are..." He said gratefully.

Xatu nodded at him, then smiled to the two other bewildered-looking pokemon standing a few feet away.

"And you two are?" Xatu asked politely.

The two of them blinked in surprise when they realized they'd been staring. Typhlosion cleared his throat. His voice was stragely high pitched.

"I'm... I'm Typhlosion and t-this is..."

Floatzel bowed deeply to Xatu. "I'm Floatzel" He said, a lot more curtly than usual.

"Nice to meet you both." Xatu said. "I'm..."

Latias cut him off, she looked over into the distance, and saw a small black shape taking form far off in the sky.

"What in the world...?" She mused.

"Something wrong sis?" Xiroey asked, he'd finally regained control of himself.

"Something is..." Latias began to say, Then suddenly Xatu was on full alert.

"One of you go inside and warn Master Cid! Impact City is under attack!" Xatu said urgently.

The four of them needed no further prompting.

"On it." Latias said, then rushed inside.

"What is that?" Xiroey asked Xatu. A not was starting to form in his stomach. There was that ominous feeling again...

"I hope you're prepared for a fight young one." Xatu said calmly. Xiroey gulped down a hard not in his throat. Everyone was in danger? He scoured the landscape with his eyes. They were at one of the highest points in the entire city. Yet...

The entire landscape was barren. He could see nothing of either of Mari or Muthi's factions. So then... Perhaps it had something to do with that black shape in the sky?

"What is it?" Xiroey asked, pointing up at it. Xatu looked at him for a long time. He couldn't tell from the bird's expression (It was usually completely blank) but something told him he wasn't going to like the answer he got.

"It's death..." Was all the old bird said. Then the four of them that were left trailed off into ominous silence.


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
[COLLAPSE="Impact under attack"]
Music Change:

Muhti V.S. Impact
(Music: Pokemon Remix - V.S. Electric Oracle)

A line of soldiers stubled back as Electivire let out a mighty roar. He raised his arms up to the thick blanket of storm clouds in the sky, and laughed as he was struck by a thunderbolt. "Back puny weaklings..." Electivire grunted. The line of soldiers in front of him began to back away. Unfortunately, it wasn't fast enough for his liking. He charged at them and dispatched them all in mere seconds.

Xiroey and Gliscor rased down the battlefield as a group. Xiroey came at a group of mages holding large staffs. He waves his hand at them, and a powerful wave of water shot at the duo and carried them away. Gliscor was right behind him. He shot over to Xiroey's right, which he'd accidentally left exposed. A soldier shot at him with his assault rifle, spraying both him and Gliscor in a deluge of bullets. Gliscor charged up his Stone Edge and returned fire. Bullets collided with rocks, and dust filled up the battlefield.

"How much further?" Xiroey breathed heavily. He knew they didn't have much time left. Any more and the defensive barrier around Impact City would crumble. They needed to be quick in this battle, or else countless innocents would die. "How much further!?" He shouted again. He spun around and slashed a quick dual-cut at a soldier behind him. he then materialized a steaming Ice-sword into his hand and tossed it over at a line of shield barrers. The sword shattered, and instantly froze the metal, forcing the line of shieldsman to drop their shields.

"We can't be far now." Gliscor said whilist taking on a few enemies of his own. Xiroey cried out in frustration. That wasn't good enough! They needed to make it over to the bombing zone quick. Or...

"Electivire whizzed bast the duo. He spiraled swiftly through the air, and aimed a powerful kick at a Shadow Golem's shoulder. The golem stumbled back, and was met with a nasty follow up Ice Punch before he could properly defend himself. He wasn't done though. Electivire swiftly sidesteped a jab from an opponent's javalin, and retaliated by using his Discharge. Immediately everyone within a 50 foot radius of him cried out and fell. Xiroey tossed up his protect around himself to block the blast. He nodded a quick thanks to Electivire for helping to clear the way for them, then he and Gliscor charged forward again.

They had to be close. They'd been fighting like this for almost half an hour. He couldn't fly. Muhti's faction had the skies heavily guarded, still, he and the others did their best to push through.

A group of veterans managed to flank Xiroey and Gliscor. Gliscor cried out in surprise as a nasty sword came flying at his head seemingly out of nowhere. "Not the face!" He screamed, then ducked out of the way. Xiroey had to roll to the the side to avoid getting cleved clenaly in half by a massive battle axe. He let his momentum take him, and froze the ground beneath himself in order to carry himself safely out of harms way. An impossibly large man wielding a heavy battle axe calmly truged after him. His metal shoes easily crushed through the thin layer of ice as he closed in on the Eon.

"D***it, he's wasting out time..." Xiroey said in frustration. It felt like the closer they got, the tougher Muhti's defenses became. He let out a wild battle cry, and carged directly at the berserker. The man was unphaxed, and held his battle axe out in front of himself in eager preparation. Xiroey surprised him, when his body began to glow, and he took out a frozen battle axe of his own.

"You like to fight using heavy weapons?" Xiroey grunted as their weapons clashed. "Fine! Lets see how you deal with this then!" He whailed on the poor man with a force that was logically impossible for such a small frame.

--Cutting this battle scene off early so that Muhti or Mari have a chance to write a piece of the fight as well.--


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Edit: Nvm, don't have any ideas atm.


Joining in is easy Luco!
All you have to do is write a quick story introducing your character (and teamates if you wish), and you're all set.

We do team up in here quite a lot actually. If you read back a little bit, you'll see that all four of our main characters were initially part of a team. As far as rules go...
Try to keep all achievements realistic I suppose.

In other words, no blowing up the entire world for no apparent reason. :p
But aside from that, the rules here are pretty lax.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
So we can give our chars powers, basically doing whatever we want with them along the confines of what others have written? Sounds pretty neat! A sec, gonna post the rest of my story as an edit. ^_^


All was black. darker than night, darker than anything Luco had seen before. He had grown accustomed to it through-out his life. He drifted, looking at tiny pin-pricks of light around him as he whizzed at top speed through the nothing-ness. One pin-prick of light caught his attention most of all. "I know that place..." he thought to himself as he flew towards it. The light here was warm and bright, a circle letting in the light was just big enough for him to fit through without any worries, he judged.

He looked through the hole. He could see sunlight but wasn't sure where it was coming from, nor was he sure where it led to as all he could see was sky. He was going to turn away when he heard something strange through the hole:

"...ot! ..P... ot!"

"What is that?" He wondered.

It was then the circle seemed to screech, as if it was doing something it wasn't meant to. He noticed with a start that the hole wasn't as big. It was shrinking. "Not again!? Why does this keep happening!"

He could go in or stay out. But was there any guarantee he could come back if this circle closed? He took a final look at the darkness behind him and felt a strange sensation... loneliness. He jumped in to the hole.

He was flying, soaring through the air.

Next thing, he heard a god-awful crack. He wasn't flying anymore.

No! he thought as he plunged downwards. The opening was in the sky! He fell and fell, wondering what he could do before he hit the earth... if it even was that.

He couldn't get the thought out of his head that he was no longer flying. He was fast approaching the ground. What do I DO? He realized he was weak. Why would I be weak? What can I do? The ground was close. I know! He put his hands down and tried to stop himself, but that didn't work either.

Surely I am doomed.

A blur whizzed from somewhere to his right and he suddenly found himself... on wings. Glowing, orange, warm wings, like the day. He was on an animal... no, he knew this animal! Do I feel happy or scared? he considered letting go but he still didn't want to endure the drop.

When charizard landed on firm ground, he couldn't have been happier. "Where is your trainer? Who do you know?" Luco asked him, standing straight in front of him. He gave answer with a roar. The last thing Luco remembered before he blacked out was the way charizard was holding something... something shiny... then he knew darkness for a while.

He woke up on a grassy hill. It was mid-afternoon. He still felt weak... but stronger than he was. What happened to me? He looked around him. birds were flying around above him, small creatures below. He noticed Pichu and plusle/minun there, among bidoof, Sentret and Furret, Rattata and Pikachu. He felt a blast of air behind him and turned to find the Charizard that had saved him there. "You don't belong to anyone, do you?"

The charizard only nudged him in answer. He was still clutching something. "What is that? Uhh, can I see?" He offered politely. The charizard put up his arm and released his grip on what appeared to be a small gem. And it emanated power. Luco looked at it a while. "I wonder..." He began, touching it.

A blast of energy flowed through his body as the shard disappeared into nothing-ness. I feel so much... stronger. He stood up. "I wonder if I can...?" He jumped... and stayed in the air. Yes!! Next thing. He ran to the top of the hill and jumped, expecting to fly.

He fell flat on his face, hearing squeaks around him. I see I can't quite do that yet. So I have limits. His power had mostly gone but he judged he could do a few things. He was able to make a watery barrier, a small sphere... not much more than that. But it's something.

He turned back to the charizard. "I need to get my power back. More-so, I need to find out what's closing my these worlds. I almost didn't make it here!" Charizard nodded. "You're more intelligent than I've ever expected. Thankyou. Thankyou for helping me out before." His eyes shone in the sunlight. "So how about we work together for a time?"

One thing he didn't know about charizard was that they could jump. He found that out now. "I assume that's a yes then!" He said joyfully.

He had no idea what he next step was... but he was enjoying himself and at least at the time, that seemed all that mattered.


That's my introducing chapter guys! In case you didn't get the premise, i'll give you the gist of what i'm meant to be.

I'm a kind of mage. I specialize in a few things (I'm thinking water-based stuff) and I love to travel throughout worlds and places. The portals i'm going through are closing up and I have no idea why. For another thing, as soon as I came in to the poke world, my powers have dissipated and pieces of it are in crystals around the poke world. I haven't got the story entirely figured out but i'm doing it as I go. Feel free to RP me a little if your story meets up with my own, I doubt you'll mess me up haha!

Can't wait to see what happens next. I'm not even sure what happens next! :D


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Yep, you can give them powers as well. ^^
Mari was taught magic by Magolor for example, and can also fight using a magical bracelet that Xiroey, Gliscor, and Magolor made for her.

I'm not entierly sure what Muhti's powers are.

My character is a latios. (which have the ability to disguise themselves as humans)

So... ya know.
Feel free to be creative :p


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Hmm... Muhti left, so I guess I'll continue

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Xiroey dodged to a side, and aimed an arcing cut at the berserker's lower body. Surprisingly, his opponent was able to easily evade him, and retaliated with a swipe at Xiroey's shoulder. "Whoa!" Xiroey yelped. He slid back on a frozen path of ice. His hair flew up into his face as the berserker's axe whizzed by. It missed his face by meere millimeters. "This is taking far too long..." Xiroey wheezed. His opponent came at him again. Xiroey looked up and saw that the mighty axe was coming down him from directly above. He did the unexpected and dove directly at it.

The man stumbled back in shock as his axe cleaved harmlessly into Xiroey's Protect. Xiroey let his barrier fall, which caused the mighty axe to plant itself harmlessly into the ground. His opponent was wide open, now was his chance. Xiroey dove directly at him, his body was begining to glow again, only this time a bit differently than before. The berserker tried desperately to free his axe from the ground, but it just wouldn't give way fast enough. "Out of my way!" Xiroey shouted as he transformed.

A black latios shot up into the air. The berserker nearly fell back from the updraft Latios left in his wake. He turned around and serveyed his opponent from his new safe position high up in the air. "Don't have much time..." Xiroey thought to himslef. Like this, he'd stick out like a sore thumb. Muhti's entire air battilion would be on him soon if he didn't finish his buisiness here quickly. His body began to glow with purple shadows.

Down below, the berserker finally managed to free his axe from the ground. He had to struggle to maintain his ballance as the heavy weapon suddenly jerked free. "Good" He thought. Now that that was out of the way, he could finally deal with...

Latios was gone.

The berserker looked up in surprise when he realized that the skies were completely empty. He quickly scanned both his sides. Empty as well. "Where did you go..." He whispered softly to himself. The ground next him erupted. Xiroey was on him again, quick as a flash. The berserker was completely defenseless as Xiroey sword hacked at him again and again. He spun around and aimed an expert cut at the man's right shoulder, then charged forward as his opponent stumbled back from the pain. He attacked again, this time at his right calf, then at his left forearm.

When the dust cleared the berserker was kneeling on the ground. His axe layed a few feet away from him, for he no longer had the stregnth to wield it. Xiroey stared his fallen opponent directly in the eye for a second. The berserker stared back, for an instant the two of them shared a moment of contact, each thanking the other for an excellent fight. Then Xiroey sped off. He whizzed by Gliscor, then Electivire, taking on an entire rank of highly trained Gourillas. He dashed past Charizard, who was causing total destruction left and right as always, he nodded a quick greeting to Latias as she felled a group of soldiers carrying heavy guns.

Off in the distance, the blast zone was getting closer. He squinted, and could just barely make out a series of large complicated looking cannons. Some with as many as thirty heavily-loaded barrels.

"...My Arceus..." Xiroey said silently to himself.

He hopped over two young ladies holding large bows, and another one wielding a pair of broadswords. They watched in awe as the blue haired kid flew high above them. Xiroey struck ground again, and was instantly back on the run.

"So close..." He said. He could see Muhti now. He was heading out of the blast zone. Most likely, to survey the destruction his bombs were causing.

"This ends here." Xiroey growled.
He opened his palm and Lysander came to him. At that moment, he didn't notice, but lysander was a complete whole again. It shimmered like white diamond as Xiroey twiled it high above his head. Just a little further, and he'd finally be able to cleave Muhti's head off...

He thought of all the innocent people back at Impact City that were depending on him. His thoughts flashed back to the mothers holding their young children. The pokemon playing innocently in the streets. The familys sitting together by the warm fire after a long and tiring day out in the city...

He pumped his feet as hard as they would go. Muhti looked up a little surprised as Xiroey camed directly at him. Their weapons clashed, and suddenly it was one on one. Muhti swiftly recovered, and disloged his weapon from Xiroey's. He came at the Eon with inhuman speed. Muhti's sword arced at Xiroey's head, and Xiroey dodged over to the side. He took out his gun and fired at Muhti's side, which he'd left wide open. Muhti teleported out of the way. Xiroey wasted no time, he'd seen that trick a million times before. He spun Lysander behind himself, and arced the lance down on Muhti's head. Muhti calmly raised his sword and blocked the attack. This time it was Xiroey that was wide open. He had both his hands on his lance, and, therefore, had nothing in which to defend himself. Muthi raised his left hand, which was completely free. He made a wierd guesture with it, and suddenly Xiroey was launched away by a sticky web.

Neither of them spoke. Both simply came at the other with everything they both had. Xiroey used his Psychic to tear free of the web, and was back on the defensive again. He used his lance to parry a sieries of blows from Muhti's sword. His feet darted left and right as he tired to feint Muhti several times. Each time though, Muhti somehow managed to catch his bluff, and would retaliate with the appropreate counter-strike.
At one point, Xiroey had finally managed to create a small hole in Muhti's defenses. Muhti hacked away a swing at his left side from Xiroey's lance, and counter attacked with a swing from the sword in his right hand. When he did so, Xiroey realized that he'd left his lower body completely exposed. He still had his right hand completely free, the lance clashed with Muthi's other sword in his left hand. He surprised Muhti when he dropped lysander, and backstepped to avoid Muthi's counter-slash. Then he raised his arms out toward the ground and barked out a short command.

"Shadow Rave!" He yelped.

Black spikes abruptly jutted out of the ground directly at Muhti's feet. Unfortunately, Muhti's quick reflexes saved him. He teleported away just in time to avoid becoming raw kebob, and was back on Xiroey again before he knew it. Muhti swung his heel at Muhti's legs and caught Xiroey completely by surprise. His legs flew up from under him, and he went down. Muhti realized then and there that Xiroey was completely defenseless. He raised his sword. The point was aimed directly downward, at Xiroey's heart.

The attack never connected. No sooner did Xiroey fall, was he carried away to safety by a freak wave of salt-water. He calmly resumed his battlestance, now a good few feet out-of-dodge. Muhti glared at him.

"I think you've forgot Muhti." Xiroey said, a new hint of confidence in his voice. "We're fighting on my home turf now. Outside in the rain. This is where I reign supreme!"

He gave his lance a good swing, and it suddenly became ocean-blue. Small rivulets of water began gathering and swirling around Xiroey's feet. Muhti frowned uncertainly. He'd seen a bit of Xiroey's rain style before, but never in a full-on fight. He readied his weapon.

"Fine" He said, "You think things will turn out any differnetly than last time? Come at me!"

Xiroey's lance shimmered brightly, Two strange bumps appeared near the tip, then, to Muhti's surprise, A nother pair of spikes jutted out of the Metal. Muhti blinked uncertainly at the new weapon. He couln't have been seeing what he thought he was seeing.

Xiroey's weapon looked just like...

Xiroey thrust his trident at Muhti. A large wave of water surged directly at him. Muhti was forced to toss up a barrier in order to defend himself.

Xiroey was suddenly inside his barrier. Muhti nearly yelped in shock when he saw the eon crouching on the ground right next to him. The pointy trident was aimed directly at his neck.

"Payback..." Xiroey uttered darkly.

The barrier filled up with Icy spikes.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Xiroey started awake to the harsh sound of his alarm clock ringing. He mumbled unhappily and shut the dumb thing off. "Stupid alarm..." He mumbled for the millionth time. He rubbed at his eyes as the new daylight filled them through his open window.

"I guess it's time then... he said."

On his way out the main building, Xiroey passed Gliscor and Charizard the two were rambling on about something. "Probably catching up on old times." Xiroey thought to himself, then munched on his toast.
Xatu was already waiting for him outside.

"You're ready to depart." It wasn't so much a question as it was a statement. Xatu could see into the future, of course he'd know if Xiroey was ready or not.

"After you... Master Xatu" Xiroey said.

"Good." Xatu said. He turned himself off in the direction of the stairs. "Follow me then."

Xiroey obeyed. He followed Xatu off somewhere far into the sunset. They left the entirety of Impact City behind them. There were a few blackened sectors, mainly near the western wall where a bit of smoke from Muhti's bombing managed to seep thorugh the barrier. Nonetheless, they left the City almost exactly as it was several months ago. The City was completely fine. Not a single innocent died In the bombing from Muhti's territory. Still, Impact was forever cautious. They had new defense systems installed. Including a more powerful barrier around the City. Xiroey and Xatu left in confidence. They knew the City would be safe long after they returned.

Shortly after Impact City vanished from sight all together, Xiroey cast a quick glance over at the bombing sector of Muhti's faction. The memories of the brutal fight he had to enture months ago still made his blood stir whenever he thought about it.

"He's locked away safely where he cannot hurt anyone." Xatu reassured him. Xiroey felt the soothing touch of Xiroey's wing on his shoulder and smiled.

"I suppose you're right... he said."

The two of them continued walking. They still had a long way to go before they reached their destination. Still, the day was young, and his friends were safe. There was no rush, the two of them enjoyed the walk in good spirits.

"The training will be tough." Xatu warned him yet again.

Xiroey was unphased as usual.

"I know." He said.

"You will not be able to return home for sometime..." The old bird continued.

Xiroey stopped. He'd already heard that exact warning many times before.
But... now, so far away from the City and everyone he cared about...

He shook his head to clear it.

"That was a decision I made a long time ago." He said resolutely.

Xatu nodded. He thought it would be appropreate to test Xiroey's resolve one last time. He smiled when he saw that Xiroey wasn't about to change his mind.

"Good. Then let us continue"


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Okay, still getting a feel for where i'm at, for the moment. :p

Only a short entry, this one.

It had been some time since their first encounter. Charizard and Luco had bonded very closely and had inspired others around them to do the same. Luco now noticed a number of pokemon often following him around wherever he went, namely Pikachu, Shinx and Riolu. He had grown accustomed to them, as they had to he.

It was one day, as he was walking through the forest, he noticed something. Through a thicket of trees, he saw a small wooden cabin. Inside came singing. I'm not in multiple worlds at once, am I? He thought humorously to himself.

He decided against approaching, for the time being. He didn't want to scare the people inside... he left them and went back to his work.

The area he had come in consisted of a valley in between two arcing large hills on either side. There was a lake that stretched around quite a lot of the valley and there also smaller pools within that. Luco loved it. It was a perfect place... not quite, for although the valley and the plain alongside consisted of most habitats available for pokemon to live in, there were actually relatively very few species there.

Luco was on one of the surrounding hills one day, looking about the area when he noticed a sound. Faint at first but getting louder by the second. Where is that coming from? He looked around and couldn't see anything. It was when he finally looked up that he saw something whirring down from the sky. Alarmed, his thoughts immediately went to when he was in a similar position.

"Charizard!!" he screamed and when Charizard looked at him from below, he pointed to the dot in the sky, growing larger and larger. Charizard immediately launched up. As if he'd done it before (;)), he caught the figure and brought it down to earth. It slid off Charizard's back, cuts, bruises.... the crumpled creature also seemed familiar to Luco.

Around it's neck was a necklace and attached to that necklace... was a glowing gem. Luco recognized it at once. He reached down and before long the gem has dissolved in to the air. Where did he get that? He kept staring down at the creature, racking his brains as to what it was. It was when he picked it up to take it to the cabin, he realized. This is no ordinary pokemon. There are many Sentret, even Charizard... but there is only one Mewtwo.



If it seems like i'm growing a bit too powerful too quickly, don't worry i'm not yet and I'll be slowing that down... just setting up all my pieces to get things started. :p


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Hmm... I haven't tried out this game yet, so... let's have some Frostwraith action here.

hope it doesn't sound too cliché... =P

Frostwraith wandered through cold mountains searching for another opponent. He wasn't alone: he had his trusty Chandelure and Hydreigon partners, whom he both raised since they were eggs. Also in his team were Gengar, Froslass, Umbreon and Rotom.

Frostwraith himself was on this journey to find worthy opponents and strengthen himself more and more. His wish was to master the arts of darkness and find the Legendary Pokémon of his dreams.

Besides being devoted to train Ghost and Dark type Pokémon, he himself was a swordsman and sorcerer, fighting together with his Pokémon on his many battles. Frostwraith had already known his six Pokémon since he was a child, thus he had a deep bound with them.

After days of crossing the seemingly endless ice mountains, Frostwraith sent out his Hydreigon to fly and explore around the area. Hydreigon saw a plateau, in which Frostwraith saw someone in there. He rode his Hydreigon toward there to find a black winged angel.

Frostwraith thought to himself: "He's armed... perhaps, I would challenge him to a duel... I long to test my strength..."

"You there!", Frostwraith called out the angel.

"What? Who are you?", responded the angel.

"Well... you can call me Frostwraith. I am just a wandering warrior, seeking fights to test my own strength."

"Is that so...? Well, then... I am Dark Pit. I come from Angel Land. If you truly are a warrior, then I can challenge you to a fight."

Frostwraith returned his Hydreigon to his Poké Ball.

"Interesting... let's not waste more time with words... speak with your weapon alone!", shouted Frostwraith, while unseathing his sword.

Both Frostwraith and Dark Pit started to fight. They were evenly matched and found in each another a powerful foe. The duel lasted for some minutes and Frostwraith emerged victorious.

"You are strong, angel. I commend your strength. You fought fiercely, unlike many opponents I have already fought. But, why are you here in these mountains? You are looking for something, aren't you?", said Frostwraith.

"I am. It is said that a being of immense power resides here... or so, that was what Pit said. That dragon you had was a Pokémon, yes?", answered Dark Pit.

"Indeed. Why do you ask?"

"So, that being must be one too. After all, this is the Pokémon world, right?"

"Of course... among these mountains is Mt. Coronet. Atop that mountain is the Spear Pillar, which is said to be where the legendary Pokémon Arceus lives."

"So, you're looking for it, too?"

"Actually, no. But if it that's what you're looking for... I can help."

"You fly on that dragon's back, right? Maybe you could take me there?"

"I shall do as you ask.", Frostwraith said as he sent out his Hydreigon.

Both Frostwraith and Dark Pit climbed atop the Dark and Dragon type Pokémon, and set out to find Mt. Coronet. But Frostwraith couldn't stop wondering why would Dark Pit want such a powerful Pokémon. Was someone requesting him to do such a task?
I think this will do for a start... I thought the objective of finding Arceus would be a funny one for the beginning of the story. =P

Important points for those who want to meet with Frostwraith (my avatar on this story, obviously): Frostwraith only uses Dark and Ghost type Pokémon, the only exceptions to the rule being Rotom's forms, Ariados line and Crobat line. but for now, he will only use the team I mentioned in this first chapter: Chandelure (his main Pokémon), Hydreigon, Gengar, Froslass, Rotom (currently in its Normal form) and Umbreon.
On his own, he can use Dark magic and is also a powerful swordsman.

Seems that Dark Pit was sent to the Pokémon world to find Arceus (or so Frostwraith thinks). but why is Frostwraith there, too? he's also looking for a Legendary Pokémon there, but is not Arceus... you'll find it in the next post...


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio
There were 5 main characters


I really need to get out of this deminsion. I jus wanna go back.... back to reality.

The girl:.........

Are you ok? Say something

Hadas voice: MARS

F*** what the? Not u again, me and smash fan plus co defeated you, go away.

Hadas: I can help you get out of.

I said go awa......wha

Hadas: after you andc that damn ssbb fan freak defeated I got stuck in this deminsion... all I need is you to sacrifice this girls body, I need a new body because I'm just a floating spirit. I can't create portals in this form.

But she, I I lo........fine but when you done let her go.

Hadas: k let's get things wake up!!!

What? Wake up?

???: wake up, wake up, wake up



The girl: sorry for waking you. This hole thing the sky just appeared out of....

YES? That's are ticket out of here!!!!!!



Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
hmm okay i'll try this

(So begins my part of the story, this takes place in los angeles at an abandoned ship's interior, a lab for umbrella)

Characters: Albert Wesker, Richard, Chris Redfield, Alice and a Random intruder.

Albert Wesker: Is it finished yet?

Richard: not yet, the virus is still being made.

Albert: Well hurry up, my plans for Uro boros need to be accelerated!

Richard: it's not that easy, i'm still trying to make it even more potent, and the isotopes are still isolating themselves.

Chris Redfield: Wesker!

Wesker: Ah chris, alice i was beginning to wonder when you would try to stop me.

Alice: I told you i'd be bringing a few friends.

Wesker: You should've brought more, richard deal with them

(Richard boards one of umbrella's complex aircrafts and takes off)

Wesker: That traitor! well i can always find another subordinate.

Chris and Alice: Your plans are finished wesker!!

Wesker: You've really become quite an inconvenience for me.

(Albert takes off his shades and throws them at chris and alice, chris catches them and is taken down by wesker's speed, while alice watches in awe at his speed.

???: Now is the time

(The random stranger teleports Wesker to a random location while chris and alice are left to wonder what just happened)

[Meanwhile Elsewhere]


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
God damni I get sick one day and Xiory over here always makes himself win. BS!


Muhti hung his head low. His arms and legs chained up.

"Stupid Impact...", he muttered.

He received his food and gobbled the bits and pieces.

"Boy you're hungry...", a voice on the other side said.

That voice.... Muhti thought.Could it be?

The door imprisoning him started to creak open, then an explosion.

After a few minutes 3 foggy figures were standing in front of him.

"Mr. President, we found our former leader", the man talked into the walkie.

"Smashfan?", Muhti questioned.

Another figure shot 4 arrows at the cuffs that held Muhti. The figure with the walkie ignored Muhti as he heard Dimentios voice on the other end.

"Good. Bring him back here Miltia Section A001", the jester ordered.

"Who are you?", Muhti questioned again rubbing his wrists.

The third figure finally loomed out of the explosions smoke and splashed a liquid onto Muhti.

"My,my this boy doesn't remember us doesn't he?", the fig- no, now Muhti can see him clearly, Discord....

Finally the smoke cleared out and showed two other people, Katniss Everdeen, as well as Anti-Smashfan.

"Well?", Katniss demanded, "Are we going or not?"

Muhti looked at the trio and nodded. Lets get out this hellhole, and show Xiroey he messed with the wrong guy., he thought.

They rushed out, passing dead guards and Impact members. Muhti gagged at some at how they were murdered. They finally reached out of Impact territory as Muhti could use his teleportation powers again, and teleported them back to New Hyrule Castle.


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio
Richard is from and in the resident evil deminsion. Cool


I'm so glad I'm about to get out of this place!!!!!!

The girl: how are suppose to reach it?

...........I guess will have to jump..

The girl: you can't jump that high.

Test me

The girl: fine


The girl: FINE


The girl: JUST DO IT already....

Just do it already

The girl: STOP MOCKING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*and so on*




The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
ok here's my second part!

It took less than an hour on Hydreigon's back to arrive at the Spear Pillar.

"It's just as Pit described. He spoke about some brawls he had before. But, I don't see anything here. Where's Arceus?", said Dark Pit.

"Seems that I forgot to tell you something...", responded Frostwraith.


"We need the Azure Flute to open a new path. A path to the Hall of Origin. That is where Arceus created this world... or so the legends say anyway."

"And where can we find that flute?"

"I have no idea... but, anyway, why would you want to find a creature as powerful as a god?"

"Palutena asked me to do it."

"I would have expected her to send Pit..."

"Pit already had a task to do, so I offered myself to do it. Wait a second... how do you know so much about the many worlds?"

"I am a travelling warrior... I wander the multiverse to find whatever opponents I may face in combat. Anyway, did Palutena had any reason to ask such a thing?"

"She said that a big floating hand asked her to do it."

"You mean Master Hand?"


"Interesting... I think it would be best if we find a way to Skyworld... Palutena may use her powers to track the flute's location."

"I know that there's a dimensional rift around here... but I can't seem to find it."

"Don't worry about that. Years of learning dark magic have granted me the powers of reality bending. Besides, this particular place is a pathway to many different worlds, thanks to the powers of Dialga and Palkia. This will be a cakewalk."

"Let's not waste any time, then."

Frostwraith held up his sword and opened a portal directly to Skyworld, thanks to his spell. Now Frostwraith and Dark Pit enter Palutena's Temple to find more answers on how to get the Azure Flute...



Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio
Ah so you were the one who opened up that portal.



*mars and the girl unkowing follow frostwraith into skyworld*

Great were back in skyworld again

Thegirl: we should ask zues to take us to smash boards land, plain and simple.

Its....its not that simple




Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Impact - Hidden Base
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"...I am sorry to leave you all like this. Please know that I love you all, and take heart, for this isn't good bye. I eagerly await the day when I'll be able to see all your smiling faces again."

Gliscor folded up the letter and placed it back in it's envelope. He looked over at his small group of compainions and saw that they all looked pretty sad. Even Charizard, who rarely ever showed his emotions to anyone. "Y-You're sure that's all it says?" Typhlosion asked. He had a plate of uneaten cookies out in front of him, which would normally defy all logic. Gliscor bowed his head sadly. "I see..." Typhlosion said.

"He's growing up right in front of us... And we didn't even see it." Charizard mused to himself. He had usual blue satchel sitting in his lap as he listened to Gliscor read off the last bits of the letter. He'd normally be too embarassed to carry it around with him. Yet, nobody asked what caused his change of attitude all of a sudden. Gliscor stood up, he knew what they'd have to do for the time being. "Now's a good a time as any..." He thought to himself.

"Listen everyone" Gliscor began, "There is a reason I called you all here. As you know, neither Xiroey nor Latias are with us now, and will not return for some time..." He looked over at everyone to make sure that they were all paying attention. They were all watching him like hawks. Gliscor started to feel a tad uncomfortable once he realized that he had everyone's undevided attention. He cleared his throat loudly and continued.

"I'm sure you also know, Muhti has recently escaped from his Cell." There was a muffled argument around the room. "I'm not surprised... Any news of Muhti will do that around here these days." Gliscor thought sourly. He raised a claw to calm everyone down.

"But we cannot allow ourselves to be distracted by him for the time being. We need to focus on fortifying our defenses.

So naturally, I came up with a proposal..."


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
someone following Frostwraith?! O.O
Frostwraith and Dark Pit sensed someone following them.

"Who's there?!", Frostwraith shouted as he turned around to check who was behind them.

"Seems that these two followed us through that portal. What could they possibly want from here?", said Dark Pit.

"Who are you and what's your business here? Why did you follow us through the portal I opened?", asked Frostwraith.



Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
(Meanwhile after Richard took off in one of umbrella's aircrafts, while albert wesker was teleported by an intruder)

Wesker: Who are you and where have you taken me?

???: i am zephyr, though i am not from this world i can teleport to any destination i choose best, even to another world. i have transported you to an airport, where your assistant will land soon.

(the sound of the aircraft draws near)

Wesker: So he's going to land here

(The complex aircraft lands and richard emerges)

Wesker: Why did you leave me at the lab?

Richard: As soon as those two people arrived i knew something was going to happen so i had to escape.

Wesker: you left the virus in the lab, what if they discover it?!

Richard: they probably found it by now and disposed of it, but this is not the time to argue about minor things, by the way who is your new friend?

Zephyr: I am zephyr and i have come to teleport you both to another dimension.

Richard and Wesker: What!?

Zephyr: we must leave now.

Richard: but our research will be for nothing then.

Zephyr:That is not my problem, now.

(Richard and Wesker are teleported to another world by the mysterious time traveler, zephyr.

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