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Forum Fight: The Story Forum

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Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
"N-no! Bad! Bad Dogs! Stay back!" Gengar hopped over a stack of crates, and skidded off into another dark allyway. Behind him, a group of bloodthirsty mightyena chased after his scent. Gengar had to pump his feet as fast as they would go in order to avoid becoming doggie mince-meat. He hated dark types. Why did it always have to be dark types with him? Why couldn't he get chased by a nice harmless normal type for a change? He heard the sound of barking from not too far off behind him. "Just my luck" He complained. The allyway was gradually coming to an end. There was a T intersection just up ahead. Perhaps if he could just make it through one of the turns without being seen he could hide his scent and...

Behind him, Vitini tripped and fell. He heard it yelp in pain as it went skidding across the rough turf, eventually coming to a halt in front of an empty dumpster. Gengar skidded to a stop as well. "Hey, you all right?" He asked, rushing over to help Victini up. Victini accepted Gengar's hand gratefully, and the two of them were back on the run. Behind them the barking grew louder as the first of the dogs turned into the allyway with them. There went Gengar's plan. "Quick, this way!" Gengar whispered. He pulled Victini down the the left turn, which led them into another complicated series of twisted allyways.

All the doors down the pathway were closed. It was late into the night, bordering morning. Nobody would be waking up just yet, even the early birds would need another half hour before they stirred from their beds. They were all alone as they raced down the sloshy wet pavement, down another turn that, they hoped, would carry them both away to safety. "We're not far now" Gengar reassured Victini. He was holding Victini's hand now to make sure that it didn't trip. He knew that Victini was weak. It had gone through a lot before Gengar finally manged to break into it's prison cell and rescue it. Victini was running with all it had, yet Gengar knew, the dogs would catch up with them before long if they didn't find some way to quicken thair pace. Or...

"Wait here!" Gengar ordered, bringing the two of them to a stop. He turned around and faced the opposite direction. "Come on..." He growled impatiently. His eyes were glowing deep blue, he looked up and spotted several full trashcans lining the steps up into several different homes. That would do perfectly. Now, he just had to wait until...

The dogs came skidding into the allyway after them. The biggest of the bunch came first, he was the alpha leader of the pack. Once it saw that both it's targets were no longer moving, it decided to wait there for the rest of it's pack to catch up. "Perfect" Gengar thought. He just needed to wait until the dogs got themselves into position.

Finally the last of the dogs made it, and the alpha leader gave the command for the pack to continue. They charged down the narrow path with blood in their nostrils. "Now!" Gengar yelled. He used his Psychic to knock over several of the trashcans in the stairwells above them, and showered the poor dogs in a ton of filth. "Yessss! Direct hit!" Gengar shouted happily. "That ougtha hold those mutts for a while" He grabbed Victini's arm again and led it away toward safety.


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio

There they are, the head qauters area

The girl: what about it?

We will find smash fan and co here I believe

The girl: who are co?




Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
(Meanwhile back at the cave)

Richard: Last warning teleport me or else!

Zephyr: Okay, i'll teleport you but in order to do that, you have to put me down.

Richard: Why? You're just gonna trick me!

Zephyr: I promise i'll teleport you, just let me go.

Richard: Okay but don't try anything funny. (Richard lets go of zephyr to teleport him)

Zephyr: Okay here goes.

(Zephyr teleports himself and leaves richard behind, his voice can be heard yelling sucker to richard)

Richard: Why you dirty little liar!
I better go look for him

(As richard turns to leave the cave, a figure appears)

Richard: Who are you?

(The figure emerges from the shadow, giving richard a clear view of it being a dragon type pokemon).

Richard: A druddigon! Well i hate to be rude but i'm in a hurry.

(As richard goes to run out of the cave to look for zephyr, the pokemon blocks him).

Richard: Please! i have no time for this.

Druddigon: You're not going anywhere until you tell me what your purpose for being here is!

(Richard explains what he's doing here and what has happened).

Druddigon: So you're chasing after a dimension traveler named zephyr?

Richard: Yes, and i was abandoned by my used-to-be boss, wesker.

Druddigon: In that case, i will come along with you.

Richard: To be honest, this seems dangerous for a dragon type to assist me, and so far i've been the only one to get a hold of zephyr.

Druddigon: First you intrude in my home and now you tell me it's too dangerous?!

Richard: No, that's not what i meant!

(It seems that richard unknowingly angered the pokemon who eagerly offered to assist, what will happen next)?



Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Oof, still nothing I can truly give but hey here goes. Richard may want to read this btw. :smirk:


It had been some time since they had walked out of the valley. Luco had left Mewtwo and Mew, as well as Riolu back to keep things in the valley running as Xiroey and he left. Charizard insisted on coming. So did Pikachu and Luxio, so he took the three of them along with him. He still enjoyed Xiroey's company but he felt a little like his trust had been betrayed. He didn't want to let it get in the way of their friendship and assured himself the feeling would go away soon.

He didn't exactly know where they were heading but Xiroey seemed to have a better idea of things than he did. He was reluctant to answer questions Luco asked about Xatu or where they were going but otherwise seemed mostly amiable as always. Luco had no idea what was going on when his body responded as it shouldn't have, the pain of overcoming mind-control was immense and he knew he needed more crystals if he was to protect himself from this new danger. I should have been in the water. He told himself. What a fool I am. I'm far more powerful with the force of the waves behind me. He wanted to rest but kept going.

Walking over a path, they noticed something peculiar on a hill alongside: There was some sort of figure up there. Or was it two? It wasn't hard to make out the druddigon but was that a human next to it?

"Hey!" Xiroey called up. "Are you alright?"

Druddigon - and as they could see - and the human looked down from above.

Druddigon answered with a roar. "This human will not accept help from anyone!" He stomped his feet angrily.

"Uhh, okay?" Luco was confused at what was going on. "Alright, I suppose we'll leave you to it..." they trudged on.

They were walking over a bridge when he noticed a rather rich-looking man walking over the other way... and on his finger, a ring with a gem inside of it.

And Luco knew that was one of the gems he needed to absorb power from. (power gems?)

He stopped abruptly and couldn't take his gaze off the gem until the man looked at him queerly. "Are you quite alright?" He asked. Luco's thoughts came back to him.

"Uhh sir, where did you get that gem?"

The gentleman looked uncomfortable.

"Well it was a family heirloom, passed down from my parents to me. Now if you'll excuse me..."

Luco was unconvinced but he needed some-way to prove the gem didn't belong to the gentleman. He looked to Xiroey for help...


Whether I get the gem or not.... just wanted to make things interesting, develop communication, I thought it was about time to at least meet/greet Richard haha.

That's what i've got for now. :o

Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
I guess i'll continue my story where i left off.

(While druddigon was raging still, richard seized the opportunity and zipped out the cave and through the forest)

Richard: Huh?

(Richard looks to his left and sees two figures walking side by side as if they were companions, He stops then looks to his right and sees something black zipping toward the figures walking)

Richard: Wesker!

Breaking benjamin music plays
song: breath

(Richard intercepts his former boss, wesker sees his assistant and stops immediately)

Wesker: Richard, get out of my way!

Richard: Why are you trying to leave me behind? Ever since we got teleported from our world, you've been concerned more about yourself than worrying about those you need!

Wesker: I have what i need already

(Wesker pulls out a technological gun-like device)

Wesker: This is what i only need, one shot to the air and i can go back to my time.

Richard: you won't leave me again! i'll break that device you created, assistant or not, we go back to our time together.

Wesker: A showdown?! Well things are getting interesting aren't they? i guess i'll have to put you down quickly.

(Suddenly wesker and richard zip at one another, making the battlefield look like two separate entities dart at each other).

(From the distance, the two figures can see the two shadowy figures collide)



Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Rich, when somebody includes you the story, you have to write from their point not yours.

Also Luco, I kidnapped Xatu :/

So anyways here are my list of themes for everybody:




Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio

I don't think anyone is here....umm the girl?
Were are you?

Damn I lost her...

*a loud noise*

Wtf was that

*out side HQ building a huge ship was flying over it*




Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Rich, when somebody includes you the story, you have to write from their point not yours.

Also Luco, I kidnapped Xatu :/

So anyways here are my list of themes for everybody:


Yea, I know, asking questions about xatu doesn't equal xatu being there though. :p ^_^

I should add, in reference, if you need to describe Luco, he's rather young, like 17 or so. He has brown hair and deep blue eyes, tanned skin (but only mildly) and he stands reasonably tall. Flawless features I suppose (because magic users are gonna put an end to pimples, freckles, anything like that, right? :p) except he left the small scar above his left eye for sentimental reasons.

Feels weird because some of those facts describe the real me. :O

BTW Richard got 2000th post. :p


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Yeeeupp.... As I thought.
These two styles don't mix well :p
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Gengar: D***it, I thought I'd taken care of those dogs for a few minutes at least...

-Behind them, the sound of padding feet can be heard as the dogs rush back into the allyway after them. Gengar holds tightly onto Victini's hand, trying his best to coax it on a little further-​

Gengar: It's all right... Just a bit more...
If we can just maintain this pace for a bit more...

-Gengar feels a tug at his arm as Victini goes down. It'd had enough. The combination of it's wounds and exhaustion had finally gotten to it.-​

Gengar: Victini! You all right?
Get up, we have have to move!

Victini: ...

-Gengar looks up and sees that the dogs are close. He curses.-​

Gengar: (Not now. Now when we're so close...)
When he looks up, he sees that the dogs are only a few paces away. Realizing he has no choice, he scoots Victini over to safety, out of sight behind one of the dupsters.-​

Gengar: Fine, if it's a fight they want--I'll give it to them.

-Within seconds of them stopping, the first of the pack of Mihtyena manages to overtake him. It lunges at Gengar's face with it's fangs and claws bared. Gengar goes intangible at the last second, allowing the mightyena to pass harmlessly thorugh-​

Gengar: Sorry, but I don't plan on becoming dinner today.

-He blasts the Mightyena in the back with his Focus Blast-​

The Mightyena keep coming. Gengar nearly eats a Sucker Punch from the next mightyena as he tries to swipe his Shadow Claw at it, but the Mightyena ducks out of the way and both their attacks miss. Gengar's own momentum betrays him, causing him to stuble forward. Suddenly he's overtaken again. A pair of mightyena rush him from both sides. Gengar realizes instantly that he made a mistake.

He spins around at the leftern mightyena and launches his Thunderbolt at it. It goes up on an empty trashcan, and the attack crackles harmlessly across the pavement. He forces himself to take his eyes off the left one and focuses over at the Mightyena on his right. By his judgement, he still had five seconds before it reached him...

The mightyena's tail wags with excitement when it feels itself finally dive down on it's prey. The black form beneath him crumples and goes down beneath it's Take Down attack. It allows it's claws to dig into it's flesh, it's way of letting Gengar know who won.

The mightyena keeps Gengar pinned long enough for it's Alpha leader to make it over. It desperately wanted the first bite for itself, but it knew better than to disobey the rules of the pack. When it felt it's leder pad up to it's side, it released it's hold on it's catch, then took a few respectable steps away. The alpha leader barked for the rest of the dogs to clear away as well. It wanted space when it ate...

It flipped Gengar over...

Enderman: Mwooooooohhhhh!!!


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Frostwraith Vs. Cynthia PART 2

Both Frostwraith and Cynthia were now on their last Pokémon. The outcome of the battle was ready to be decided...

Frostwraith's Hydreigon was faster and begun the round with a powerful Draco Meteor attack, crippling Garchomp. Despite the great injury, Garchomp got up and attacked Hydreigon with Dragon Rush, hurting him badly.

Using a White Herb, Hydreigon recovered his reduced offensive power and now attacked Garchomp with Dark Pulse. Garchomp proceeded to use Sandstorm to boost his evasion capabilities, thanks to her Sand Veil ability.

Hydreigon managed to use Crunch on Garchomp, attacking with his three heads. Garchomp was already very weakened but managed to get Hydreigon off her, by using Stone Edge, seemingly knocking Hydreigon.

As it looked like a victory for Garchomp, she began to celebrate as Hydreigon quickly flew up high and rammed his three heads into Garchomp again, catching her off guard this time and causing Garchomp to faint from exhaustion.

"That was a clever trick.", complimented Cynthia as she returned Garchomp to her Poké Ball. "I must admit, this battle was fun. And you are quite powerful as a Trainer."

"You did well, Hydreigon.", said Frostwraith to his Pokémon who responded with a roar. "Now, it's time to find the Azure Flute."

Frostwraith, Cynthia, Pit and Dark Pit entered the ruins at last to find a shrine with the Azure Flute.

"So, this is the item we need to summon Arceus.", observed Pit.

"Yes, this flute, when played at the Spear Pillar opens the path to Hall of Origin.", noted Cynthia.

"Let's retrieve it. Then, we need to go back to Mt. Coronet.", said Frostwraith as he grabbed the flute.

"You can just open a portal leading there, right?", said Dark Pit.

"While I could use that, I must not overuse this kind of magic. While powerful, the use of such magic must be moderate... I could go insane and the three of you had to kill me right here... or I could just eliminate this world from existance."

"That's a scary thought.", commented Pit.

"It is. But I think Cynthia and I can use our Pokémon to reach there in little time."

Using Hydreigon's and Togekiss's flight abilities, the four reached Spear Pillar in little time. Frostwraith played the Azure Flute, opening a new path to the Hall of Origin.

There waited the Legendary Pokémon, Arceus. According to the myths of Sinnoh, it was Arceus who created the world.

"Who dares to enter in my realm? What brings mere mortals to the Hall of Origin?", a voice echoed in the minds of everyone.

"So that's the Legendary Pokémon Arceus... I wonder what Master Hand wants to do with him...", said Pit.

"You speak of mighty Master Hand?", echoed the voice again.

"He's speaking to us telepathically... Yes, Master Hand has demanded you to share your powers.", responded Cynthia.

"Then I shall assist him...", said the echoing voice as Arceus faded away.

"Was that all? I wonder what Master Hand might be up to...", said Pit.

"Anyway, our task is done. Frostwraith, would you mind if you used your powers to send us back to Skyworld?", asked Dark Pit.

"Just give me a moment...", responded Frostwraith.

Frostwraith prepared himself to open a portal again. It was easier to perform that magic in the Spear Pillar due to Dialga's and Palkia's powers present in the area.

"All right. It's done. The portal will lead you to the entrance of Palutena's Temple."

"Thanks for your help!", said Pit as he and his darker counterpart entered the portal.

"Well, I think I am done with this... Cynthia, I will be leaving now. Will you stay here?", asked Frostwraith.

"Maybe for a little bit. I'll stay here studying this place a little more.", answered Cynthia.

"All right, then. I will remember the battle we had, and who knows we may meet again...?"

"Only time will tell."

Frostwraith mounted his Hydreigon again, and flew off to wander on his own again. As he flew throughout the Pokémon world, he looked at something that caught his eye...

"Hmm... what is going on down there? Is that a Druddigon? There seem some people there, too. I'd better land to see what is going on. This is getting interesting...", muttered Frostwraith before ordering Hydreigon to land on that place.

Enter Frostwraith! That Druddigon is the same Druddigon from the stories above.

By the way... here's a some facts about Frostwraith:

He's tall, having around 1.75m in height.
He's dressed in black robes, which have a hood as well, also having a cape with a skull emblem engraved on it.
He uses a belt, which has his six Poké Balls and a seathed sword on the left side.
While he looks old, having a pale, wrinkly face, he's actually younger, being around his 20s. This is result from using dark magic. His right eye has a huge scar on it, result from an accident when he was a mere apprentice.

Despite his somewhat scary appearence, he has no evil intentions, only fighting to strenghten himself. He will often challenge others to duels, but he has no intentions to kill anyone unnecessarily.
He's calm and speaks using a somewhat formal register. His voice is deep and somewhat monotone, as well.
He's willing to help others in need, but if attacked, he will also put a good fight.
He's knowledgeable about many subjects, thanks to his travels around the many worlds.

As I've said on previous posts, his Pokémon team consists on: Chandelure, Hydreigon, Rotom, Froslass, Gengar and Umbreon.
With the exception of his Froslass, all gendered Pokémon on his team are male.

This said, you may now include Frostwraith on your stories.

Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
Rich, when somebody includes you the story, you have to write from their point not yours.

Also Luco, I kidnapped Xatu :/

So anyways here are my list of themes for everybody:


yeah um, about that when it was posted last night, no one replied for over 6 hours so i decided to continue where i left off, muhti.

If you look at the time it was posted, there's a 6 minute difference meaning i had no idea luco was posting that part while i was posting mine.

(Continuing where i left off)

(Richard and wesker exchange punches and kicks while dodging them at bullet speed, suddenly as wesker goes to fire off his device, richard grabs his arm and hits the device with his left hand, which was free during the battle, the device shatters when it hits the ground.

(Richard looks up and sees someone landing near them)

Wesker: Nooo! This isn't over yet richard (Wesker then zips off somewhere).

(Richard then approaches the cloaked figure that calls himself frostwraith)

Richard: Who are you

Frostwraith: I am frostwraith, when i was on my way back to my homeworld, i seen something flash that looked like smoke.

Richard: my battle must've caught your attention, anyway my former boss is gone and i have no way to return to my own time.

Frostwraith: hmm maybe i can help.

Richard: Well, i never intended on being an interloper in dimensions.

(Frostwraith who was heading back to smashworld, offered richard to go with him, richard doesn't know what to make of this, wesker wandered off somewhere.

Richard knew that alice, chris and jill had left the lab, leaving it deserted. Richard decided to go with frostwraith.)

Richard: Okay then i'll travel to another dimension with you. All this redemption stuff has exhausted me.

(Richard climbs on hydreigon's back along with frostwraith)



Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Just a quick one before I go to bed :p

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Gliscor: Mother of Arceus, don't these things ever stop?

-Gliscor feels a small bump as Liligant backs into him. .​
Liligant: On your guard Gly... We can't afford to let up here.

Liligant swings to the left, and deals a nails a group of Magnezone with her Hidden Power Fire​

Gliscor: I know... I know...
But, we've been at it for Xatu knows how long now...

-Liligant rushes over toward Gliscor, dispatching a pair of Magneton behind him before they have a chance to Double-Flash Cannon him into oblivoion-​

Liligant: You're the one that signed up for this mission you know~

Gliscor: Yeah...
I would still like a decent break though.

Liligant: Behind you Gly...

Gliscor: *sighs*
I got it...

-Gliscor swoops up into the air just as more Magnezone attempt to fry him with a their Magnet Bomb.-​

Gliscor: You know, It's very rude to butt in in the middle of a conversation.

-He slams one Magenoze in the head with his X-scissor, then dives at the next one and takes it out with a lightning-fast Fire Fang-​

It's like... the world doesn't know how to be civil anymore!
I try to have a conversation with my girlfriend?
You guys try to blast my head off...

I know!~
Why don't all just settle this on a nice... cup... of... TEA!!! :mad:

-Liligant sweatdropps as she watches Gliscor create carnage around the room. First he traps an entire pack of Houndoom in the floor with his Sand Tomb. Then he darts over to the opposite side of the room, and cripples a poor duskull his Cross Poison...-​

Liligant: Gly... Is there something on your mind,,,?

Gliscor: [Whilist hacking away limbs]: No. Nothing's on my mind dear~
I'm just a little stressed is all...

Liligant: ...

And, You're sure theres nothing else you'd like to talk about?

Gliscor: [Sucking out a Crobat's blood]: No I'm fine...
Say, Do you mind killing that Probopass for me?

Liligant: ...

Gliscor: Nevermind I got it.


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
The group of four were about to teleport until....Gun shots. Muhti looked at horror at the confused group as he fell down slowly. They were in a standstill, but everything went so fast. The figure who shot Muhti chuckled and left dramatically.

"What just happened?", Katniss asked.

"Not sure, but we need to take Muhti to the Castle, AND QUICK!", anti-SF quickly stated, picked up the lump and the trio ran (except Discord)

• • • • • • • •

Dimentio looked at the lifeless Muhti and sighed.

"What happened?"

Luigi stared at the body, "Now what's going to happen?"

Luigi trembled and started crying a bit.

Dimentio shook his head, "Nothing, we're just going to put him back to life. May take a few days though"

Katniss left her comfortable position. "And what do we do now?"

"We're going to play smart, nothing", Dimentio declared.

"They're going to come for us now", Anti-Smashfan said.

Dimentio ignored him and put the body on the machine where Smashfan was made alive and evil.

"Let'em. But they HAVE to play tag with me first." Dimentio said.

"CAN I JOIN?!", Discord questioned, eating tuna with just his mouth (no utensils and no hands)

"Sure, the more the merrier", Dimentio smirked.

"So you're the new temporary main leader/character for Muhti eh?", Katniss asked.

"I suppose so", Dimentio took an apple rom a bowl and bit into it, but was shot by Katniss's bow.


How did I die so quickly?

Somebody shot you, obviously

*sigh* What am I going to do now?

Youll wait until you're reborn... You still haven't found your true power, not even close.

But Im a bad guy.... Why me?

Because I feel you're good deep within, you just haven't found it.

What true power?

Something that is deeply buried within your memory.

But what?

Youll find it for yourself, but I can reassure you, it's something that really describes you, Xiroey already found it as well as Mari, not you

Hers was Spirit....

And Xiroeys was the evil power he took, he's turning evil Muhti, you're going to have to stop him

Yea right... Xiroey tur-

Are you denying God??!

*thunder roars*

*meep* No...

Hmph, better not be

So how long do I stay?

for a week. Then you'll realize

Okay... And why Dimentio as the person I find?

[You two share the same fate. You may seem evil but you're bringing democracy throughout Smashboards, the land Impact is communism and Maris land is Socialism.

Alright that's it for tonight...

Good night, young one


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
And now...

The plot begins!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Primal Dialga looked out from his throne. His heart, black and twisted as it was, beat with happiness as he stared off into the Chaos that was yet to come.
Ironically, his twisted heart smiled. As he surveyed Smashboards, in all it's hate... lost deep within the corruption he helped to create... He felt something.

A flutter of joy. Warm and fleeting, like the feeling one gets at the near the begining of Christmas. It pleased him greatly. He then cast his gaze to the present. To the begining of the chaos:

Mephiles the dark, alegged member of Impact, slid quietly from hyrule castle as a silent wisp. His victim, Muhti, lay unmoving on the floor. His eyes were wide open, but his vision was black. Far far away-- away from the security of family. The support of firends. The love of companions. Muhti yeilded to the dark visions.

Dark Dialga knew, soon. Muhti would succumb to the darkness. The seed was planted, for Mephile's work was done. Dementio, Blaziken, Light, they could do nothing. They thought Muhti dead, and all ready, work was underway to bring their leader back to life.

Dark Dialga smiled. He'd awake within the day. Secluded as he was in his visions, he knew it to be true. He'd seen it a million times before. "Muhti the self-righteous..." he thought the name sweet. In the end, it was that one fatal flaw that would help bring about his end.

His vision shifted.

"Xiroey..." He thought, almost in sing-song. The black Latios was his dark knight. His heart was tainted with darkness, yet it still beat pure. Primal Dialga gazed down on him, his heart welling up with a dark love that made his smile grow.

"Sweet innocent Xiroey. Still yet to meet your cruel ironic fate..."

Then his vision shifted a second time.

His friends were not neglect of his influence. There was Gliscor, who was driven mad by rage. Poor liligant, who did not know how to help him. Charizard, who would finally open his heart to another for the first time. Only to have it shattered by the one he loves most. There was Porygon-Z, a little trouble maker who he loved very much.

And finally, there was Gengar. One of his most trusted followers. Who, had delivered the victory pokemon to him, and now stood by his side.

He gazed with hatred down on Mari.

She was a puzzle that he'd yet to solve. Over and over again, he had to send out more of his dark minions to correct the damage she'd caused. She was wrecking the time stream. But, no matter how hard he tried, he could not figure out how.

"Cured Guardians" Primal dialga spat. He'd deal with her soon.
He just had to figure out how...

Then there were the newcommers. His mood began to lighten when he thought back on his clever handiwork. Leading Luco into the pokemon world, so that he could meet and befriend Xiroey, and eventually lead him off his correct path.

Frostwrath was another key. He was a like a ticking time bomb, just poised and ready to explode. But he hadn't been placed in the correct location yet. He'd see to that soon enough though.

There was Akenero. He was an enigma.
"Strange Kid..." Was all Dark Dialga could say about him. Then he moved on.

And finally, there was Richard. He'd brought a little present with him into the pokemon world. He didn't know it yet, but he, of all people, would be the one to set all of his plans in motion.

Down below, his leigon of Sableye were moving out. They were like shadows in the alternate world. They'd been carrying out his handiwork for as long as he could remember. But, it was only now that Muhti had found the portal into the other world, that he could really begin enforcing his influence there too. In the end, the old bird was right. Xiroey and Muhti of this world, had thrown everyone's intended fates out of whack. But he'd pointed the finger at the wrong person.

It didn't matter now though. His trusty pawn, Dementio, had seen to that.

He leaned back in his throne and let the visions fade. Smashboards was on the verge of collapse. And he was the sole one responsible. He kept telling himself that. And each time he did, he felt a sting of pride. Discord and Dementio had nothing on him. They may have been chaos, but he was time. He was omnipotent. Even the allmighty Arceus would bow to him soon.

He closed his eyes, and began to rest.
His work for now was done. And now, his minions had been debriefed, and let loose to wreak havok on the boards. He no longer had to trouble himself with any more minor details. When he finally awoke, two months into the future...

He'd awaken to a changed world.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Btw, for those of you who think I just went and revealed all the major plot twists I had for the future.

Think again. :p
Because there are several contradictions hidden within my post.

Muhahahahahahahahahaha!!! :evil:


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
I'll put up a story, but I wouldn't worry. 'I feel fine when i remember Xatu smiling down at me as if everything would be alright...'

*is gonna accomplish cool stuff*

But of course, IC I don't know a lot of this. This is just my OOC knowledge. :p

Anyway, i'll keep going with my scenario soon-ish. Later guys! :3


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Oh, one last thing~

Just letting you guys know, post what you want. You won't mess me up :p
I read what you guys put, and then base my story off that!

So go nuts ^^
(Just not... Too nuts, haha )


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York

-Transaction Complete-

Dimentio looked up at the machine which held Muhti.

"Hello?", Dimentio said tiredly.

Hes alive...


Muhti slowly stepped out of the machine.

"Are you alright?", Dimentio asked, knowing his answer wouldn't come.

Muhti took his first steps towards the jester.

"Rebirth is complete. He told me everything! Impact has dark secrets, they want to take over!"

"Woah, hold on. Who's He?", Dimentio asked.

"God idiot!", he retorted, and rubbed his head in pain. "He said that I have not unlocked my true powers..."

There was silence, then Luigi came into the Presidential Room. "It's Impact, their troops are here."

((And when you're writing the battle Xiroey, please give me a chance, I notice you haven't done that so please :/))


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Frostwraith arrived with Richard to the Smash World, but he felt uneasy around him. He sensed darkness and evil surrounding him. His severe training from his childhood was finally rewarding him, or so he thought.

"Richard, are you sure you want to come with me? You look exhausted and I sense a terrible presence here.", warned Frostwraith.

"I'm fine. Anyway, you look strong enough to protect me, right?", Richard answered.

"Good. My Pokémon and my dark magic will protect us. I am sure of it. Just stay close to me.", said Frostwraith calmly.

Frostwraith sent out his Gengar and Chandelure to help keeping on a lookout for enemies.

"I wonder why Master Hand requested Palutena to find Arceus... As the master of the Smash World, he sure knows something I don't... I sense some force drawing me to some place... what could it be? Never I have felt anything so... strange.", thought Frostwraith.

Frostwraith and Richard continued to fly on Hydreigon's back towards the force Frostwraith sensed. Frostwraith hoped to find answers wherever that force guided him...

I haven't got much to say yet... I hope that someone might continue this part of the story. Things are getting interesting, indeed.


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York

Pft this is nothing.

You should've been here when my team betrayed Xiroeys/Maris/Smashfans.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Okay, time for part 2 of my section then:


Xiroey turned to the gentlemen and Luco could tell he had something in his mind made up instantly.

"Sir..." He began, "That looks to me to be a gem of honing, i'm sure yu know?"

The gentleman looked confused for a moment but decided he needed to keep up with his lie. "Well yes, yes!"

"Then, surely you must know, it is a well known fact that these gems are able to disappear and re-appear at the whim of their masters..."

The gentleman seemed to have an idea of what was to come, and his frown showed what he thought of that.

"To truly test this... can you make your gem... disappear?"

The gentleman shook his head at once.

"No, no no, this is some trick of yours to get me to lose my family heirloom, i'll have NONE of it."

"Alright, I see you don't even want to do that..." Xiroey seemed confident in his voice. "... but then, let my young friend here test himself out. That gem is stuck to the ring, it's not like he has any tools in his hand..." He opened Luco's hands up to show the truth of his words. "... and he can make it re-appear as well. Surely, you have nothing to lose?"

The gentleman sensed that declining would strain the lie he had made, so he thought he had nothing to lose (for he had never heard of these rings before, the chances this young man was telling the truth was miniscule!) and accepted the deal. "Fine. This had better be done quickly."

In retrospect, it was funny he hadn't thought of something else to get him out of the situation. It would have been rather easy for him to talk his way out - then again, Xiroey was himself smart enough to beat the man in a game of wits, Luco was sure.

Luco put his hand over the gem and smiled faintly as he absorbed its power. He took his hand away.

"The ring has nothing on it!" One of the other gentlemen exclaimed.

"Okay, okay... now put it back."

Luco was afraid of this part, but he trusted Xiroey's intuition and put his hand over the ring. He took his hand away to reveal a gem, back on the gentleman's ring!

"I... I..." He turned red.

Luco and Xirey walked away, fingering the ring they held, now with an extra gem on top. "Was that more magic?" Luco asked. "Yes", Xiroey relied, "I made a replica while your hand was over the ring. Watch." He flicked his hand and the gem on the ring turned to watr, to soak in to the ground behind them. Luco threw away the ring as well.

"I wonder what I can do now?" Luco wondered aloud.

"Lets see then!" Xiroey stopped. "Here's a good place, a nice, large, open area." They were on a path by a large lake, with grass fields extending off to their left and leading to hills on the horizon. The day was sunny and a great day to practice.

It took a small while to discover the new talents he had acquired. "This is so useful Xiroey... I can enchant things, I can levitate objects with ease and the greatest thing..." He felt the barriers in his head go up. "I finally have some sort of defence against any mind control tactics!"

"And all your regular powers?"

"Stronger as well! You know what... Why don't we battle, Xiroey? A practice one, to test out our strength! The day is bright, we still have time to go.

So what do you say?"


Now you get to write TWO battle scenes, one fun, another serious. Gogogogo!


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Battle Music

Xiroey's hand twitched in anticipation. He and Luco held each other in a death gaze. They had their arms held out at their sides like western cowboys. Luco took a step forward, he scrunched his face up and hacked a lougy over to the side. Xiroey made minute movements to his hips for a gun that wasn't even there. The two looked like complete idiots, but they didn't care. "Would be a lot more dramatic with tumbleweed..." Luco muttered out of the side of his mouth. Xiroey repressed the urge to laugh, Luco was trying to distract him and it was working.

"Draw!" Luco screamed. He shot a rock at Xiroeys head which whizzed at him like a bullet. "Mother of Arceus!" Xiroey yelped, breaking the atmosphere. He shot a stream of water out from his hands, allowing the bullet to enter it, then froze it to the ground. "Too clo--" Xiroey began, making like he was going to wipe sweat from his brow. Then he suddenly materialized an electric gun into his hand, and shot a bolt directly at Luco. "Outa here!" Luco exclaimed, he made a mad dive over to the side. Xiroey smiled inwardly to himself. The bolt swerved at the last minute and stuck Luco in the side, he was sent wreeling across the ground. Xiroey held his hands up like a priest. Luco half expected him to leap up and shout "Halaluja!", but instead he was muttering something. Strangely, in a language that he couldn't understand. Luco had decided to save himself by levitating himself off the ground, it stopped his momentum, and allowed him to bring himself back upright. Xiroey seemed to complete whatever "prayers" he was making, then materialized a black orb into his hand.

Luco thought it looked familiar. "Isn't that..." He began...

Xiroey shot it at him. Luco spun around and summoned up a water barrier around himself. The orb collided with the wall, sending splashes of water everywhere. The droplets that came near Xiroey were easily repelled by his Psychic. But there was a problem... "Hmm... A vanishing act huh?" Xiroey mused. He closed his eyes and expanded his senses. "Not there... Not there..." He muttered to himself. Luco jumped out from behind a pair of bushes. "Over here!" He shouted. Xiroey opened his eyes, then one his eyebrows went up. "You know, you really shouldn't give away your Location." Xiroey tapped his foot on the ground like a mother scolding a child. Luco ignored him. "...Or you could pull a Leeroy Jenkins and charge me anyway..." Xiroey sighed.

Xiroey expected Luco to stop at a safe distance and toss another one of his projectiles, but he kept coming. He balled his left hand up into a fist. Xiroey stood there watching him, he hadn't the slightest clue what Luco could possibly be planning. He found out. "Gotcha!" Luco said, nailing Xiroey in the face. Xiroey stumbled back, his vision blinking. "Oww..." Xiroey complained. "You shouldn't try to overpredict." Luco laughed. He had another water sphere in his hands, bad news for his injured friend.

"Cheap shot." Xiroey growled. Man that hurt. He had to admit, a direct punch to the face was the last thing he expected. "Nice, you surprised me there." Xiroey admitted. "So... I still have much to learn after all..." Xiroey tought sourly to himself. He blinked away tears and prepared himself for the condenced ball of water that was now heading it's way toward him. "Okay my turn." He said, a bit more serious than before. He took out a bright crackling sword and slashed at the ball of water. Blue sparks few everywhere as the water ball exploded. Both Xiroey and Luco were showered with water dropplets.
Xiroey siezed his chance, and slashed his sword at Luco. Luco's eyes widened a bit when he saw the lethal-looking weapon flying at him. He ducked. Xiroey launched a quick horizonal swing at him that almost cleaved off his face.

"That's hardly fair" Luco complained. Xiroey shrugged. "You punched my nose." He said simply, then sliced Luco down the middle.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"That was mean!" Luco laughed. He fell back into the grass, next to where Xiroey was laying. It felt soft and a little wet from the duel the two of them just had. "Come on, surely you didn't think I'd use something like a beam sword against you if it wasn't fully charged?" Xiroey questioned. In all honestly, that sword he had used to win the duel wasn't a beam sword at all. It was the Luster Purge sword he had taught himself to use. But he couldn't let Luco know that.

"Hey," Luco began. His tone had changed, it was a lot more serious than before. "How come you didn't move hardly during the battle"? Xiroey blinked like he had sunlight in his eyes. "W-what do you mean?" He stammered. He tried his best to keep his facial expression looking relaxed, but he had a hard lump that was starting to form in his throat. He prayed Luco wouldn't notice his nervousness.

"Just that... Your feet were moving. Like you desperately wanted to move around. But you didn't. Were you practicing a different style"? Great, more questions. Xiroey wracked his brain hard, trying to come up with a suitable answer. "Uhh..." He stalled. Suddenly, his brain exploded.


Xiroey had to clamp a hand over his mouth to prevent himself from crying out. Luco was looking over at him curiously. "T-the answer to your question is..." Xiroey started to say again, but his brain inturrupted.


"Good evening Clair... Yes I'm here. What is it?" Xiroey reponded in telepathy. A great feeling of relieve transferred across the link.

"Thank the gods..." Clair sighed.

"Is something wrong?" Xiroey pressed. Luco's eyes were boring into the side of his neck like hot coals. "listen.... I'm kinda in the middle of something here so... unless this is important--"

"It's Typhlosion, and Floatzel!"

Xiroey momentarily forgot about the boy sitting next to him.

"What happened"?

"Well... this is nice." Xiroey commented drily. He and Luco stood back to back, surrounded on all sides by Muhti's troops. Some of them shot nasty jeers at the duo, others making gross gesters that I cannot describe. Xiroey and Luco ignored the taunts, but the warrior's lances were getting tantilizingly close. To top it off, there was the problem of Xiroey's lie.
"These soldiers are inexperienced" Luco observed "With out combined skill we should be able to handle each of them." Proving his point, he dashed at a pair of soldiers holding dual swords. They startled back, looking to their fellow spearmen for support. Luco took the moment of weakness and capitalized on it, he shot an orb of water at their feet. The freezing ground froze the water on contact, turning it into slick ice. "We can handle this" He said, as both soldiers fell. He doged back to Xiroey's side as a reserve rank of spearmen forced him back. Xiroey, meanwhile, had his eyes closed, focusing his Psychic on blocking the bullets from several gunmen hidden inside the many buildings.
"...Get in front of me" Xiroey relented. His senses picked up feelings of malice coming from a tall red building slightly down the block. He threw up a Psychic shield around them both, blocking a splay of bullets that would otherwise have turned them both into swiss cheese. "Quickly!" Xiroey barked. Luco did as he was told, he shot an orb of water at a spearman behind him for good measure. It missed, but the man got the message, he retrated back a few paces, giving the two of them some much needed room. "Allright" Xiroey said. He broke his focus. He darted behind Luco so that the two of them were now facing opposite to their original direction. He slammed the ground with his lance as he went, creating a sturdy Ice wall in front of Luco.

Luco looked at Xiroey questioningly. How was he supposed to be expected to fight when he had an Ice Wall blocking his view? "Lob your water balls over the wall." Xiroey instructed. He spoke inside Luco's mind, giving him instructions. Luco was a little shocked at first, but he figured he'd let it go for the time being. "An Illusion?" Luco blinked, Xiroey's plan had made sense up to a point, but now it got wierd. The Ice wall in front of Luco shimmered, then went completely invisible. Luco almost jumped as the entirety of the town suddenly came back into view. "Don't worry, you can see them, but they can't see you." Xiroey explained. He was firing thunderbolts from his fingertips. Mages hidden among enemy lines made his work somewhat difficult. He kept having his bolts deflected, and he had to waste his time picking them out so that he could do some damage here and there. Luco got to work as well. He conjured up a relatively large water ball and lobbed it over the wall of ice. In conjunction with the plan, Xiroey threw up an Icewall around himself as well, then spun around and shot a thunderbolt at it.

The entire plaza filled up with mist. Luco gazed around into it, wiping moisture from his eyes. "Uh... you do realize we won't be to see them either as long as this smokescreen is u--" Luco felt a pair of claws grasp him around the middle. He heard a high-pitched yelp as his foot connected with something solid above him. He flailed around like a trapped fish, landing several blind blows at his abductor in random spots. He felt himself starting to rise. He couldn't tell how fast, since the Mist obscured his vision. They shot out of it like a bullet. Motion blurs filled Luco's vision as he sped across the town at dizzying speeds. He tried to take a look up at the one that was carrying him, but whoever was holding him had him trapped with his head towards the ground. Eventually, Luco gave up. He figured he'd be able to deal with whoever it was once the two of them finally hit land. He relaxed and spread his arms out at his sides like an airplane. Buildings whizzed by below, and so did each of the soldiers Muhti had posted strategically to keep intruders away. To his surprise, the two of them weren't getting shot at. That was peculiar.

Eventually, he felt himself come to a stop on the top of a building. Whoever it was that grabbed him let go, and let him stand on his own two feet on top of the roof. Luco spun around. "Listen, I don't know who you think you are, but you bettr have a darn good explanation for taking me away from my frie--" Luco paused with his index finger still in the air. His mouth was wide open in shock. "A... A... A Latios!?!" The latios had a sad look in it's eye, almost like it was guilty. Luco immediately felt his anger subside. But now he was curious. Why had a Latios decided to abduct him? For that matter, since when were Latios' that color. Instead of blue, most of it's body was black. And, in place of red eyes, this one's eyes were...

Luco almost fell off the roof. "Xiroey"? He asked.

"...Hi." Came a response in his head.

"S-so you're not a..."

Latios shook his head. Luco was incredulous.

"So you had me believing you were a Water sage all this time? No wonder you've been acting strange ever since we left!
That's why you didn't want me to come with you. You knew I'd find out and--!"

Latios snatched Luco up again.

"Hey! I wasn't done! Do you mind!?"

The building behind them exploded. Luco's next retord died in his throat.

"Oooon second thought..." Luco said meepingly.

The pair of them heard a voice call down from below. Latios caught a glimpse of Floatzel and Typhlosion both chained up below. In front of them were Muhti and Dementio. The former had a giant megaphone in his hand, and was looking up direcly at them.

"Greetings!" Muhti said cheerily. He spread his arms out at his sides in a guesture of welcome. "Nice of you pay me a visit!" He waved a hand, and suddenly every artillery weapon in the City suddenly trained themselves on where the pair of them floated in the air.

"Who is that...? Does he know you?" Luco whispered softly to Latios. Latios looked down and saw that, behind Typhlosion's back, he was carrying a white flag. So the pair of them had come to negotiate terms of peace! He felt his rage starting to build. First Xatu, now two more of his friends were in danger!

"Listen Luco." Latios whispered in his head. "When I put you down, I want you to hide. You're strong, but these people are ruthless. If you go down there, you might not walk out ali--." Luco already knew what Xiroey was going to say. He blasted a powerful force in Latios' mind, causing him to shriek aloud. Muhti raised an eyebrow at the two. "Is that supposed to be some sort of 'hello' in your native tounge?" Muhti Joked. Latios ignored him. He sent a questioning feeling over to Luco, then he was surprised when he heard Luco speak inside his mind as well.

"You think you were the only one holding back earlier"? He asked. Latios blinked away tears. Okay, he'd made his point...

"Watch my back." Latios said.

"And you watch mine." Luco agreed.

They dived down at Muhti's group.


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Muhti started down the stairs along with Dimentio.

"Ya know", Dimentio started, "You've changed quite a bit"

Muhti paused, and turned with a puzzling look on his face, "What do you mean?"

"Well, you're personality softened a bit, as well as the dark hatred of eyeballs softened. What's going on?", Dimentio described the new traits.

Muhti shook his head. "Just some thinking..."

Muhti started again at the stairs at a faster rate. While Dimentio just floated there in silence.

Lets just hope you've actually changed your ways....., he thought silently as Muhti signaled for him urgently.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Frostwraith's Hydreigon was already getting tired from flying for too long, but he knew that, for the sake of his master, he had to fight through any barriers in order to become stronger.

Frostwraith sensed his pain and landed for a while.

"Why did we stop?", asked Richard.

"Hydreigon is tired. He needs some rest. Until he recovers, I think we might want to stay here.", answered Frostwraith.

Gengar and Chandelure were guarding the place, watching out for possible enemies. Chandelure suddenly began to wave around fast, gaining Frostwraith's attention.

"What is it, Chandelure?"

Chandelure whipped up a purple Will-O-Wisp. Frostwraith understood his Pokémon: enemies were approaching.

"We need to get out of here soon.", warned Frostwraith.

"Why?", asked Richard.

"Chandelure told me about incoming enemies."

Hydreigon understood this and was willing to fly again, despite his exhaustion. Frostwraith and Richard got on Hydreigon's back and continued their journey towards their destination.

Enemies were in their way, attacking from the ground. Chandelure and Gengar managed to drive them out of the way with their Shadow Ball moves.

"Who were those attackers? What could they want from me? It doesn't matter... I have to find the source of this power... at all costs.", thought Frostwraith.

Hydreigon kept flying for more than one hour. He was on the verge of collapsing, but he knew he was the only hope for him and his master. Hydreigon's loyalty to Frostwraith is what kept him airborne.

"The force... it's getting stronger! This is the place!", thought Frostwraith as he sensed the force getting even stronger.

Hydreigon landed on a mysterious island. Frostwraith recalled him back to his Poké Ball before anything else. Frostwraith looked around, only to find a cave. He headed inside, along with Richard, Gengar and Chandelure.

Inside the cave was a chamber with names engraved on the wall...

"What could be this place?", asked Frostwraith to himself.

Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
(Upon arriving at a cave, richard regained his strength. Him and frostwraith began studying the symbols.)

Richard: i wonder.....

Richard starts to think about his past, and suddenly feels a sharp pain)

Richard: argh! (Richard has another vision and sees zephyr but, then sees another figure in the background, much bigger and menacing.)

Frostwraith: What did you see?

Richard: I'm not sure, but it's something that'll make us think were in over our heads. These symbols must be linked to the figure i just seen.

Frostwraith: Well we should be finding this figure immediately.

Richard: No! If we go now there's no telling what kind of power this thing possesses, in my vision this figure had red eyes, and it was huge. We can't go unprepared!

(Richard and frostwraith debate on what they should do next.)



The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Frostwraith studied the glyphs engraved on the wall. It was an ancient language, meaning it was hard to decipher. During his childhood as a dark mage apprentice, one of the subjects Frostwraith learned was about ancient languages and other such mysteries.

With this knowledge in mind, Frostwraith began to decipher the symbols, only to find out that it was a list of names...

"Luco... Xiroey... Richard... Frostwraith... Mari...", muttered Frostwraith. "It seems our names are here alongside others. Is any of those names familiar to you?"

"I can't remember... strange.", answered Richard.

"This seems to be a list of names. Are we some sort of chosen ones? Anyway, this cave seems to resonate with a kind of power I've never felt before. Not even during my long training of the eldest magical arts."

"What do we do now?"

"Something tells me that we must go back to the Pokémon World... it says... something... something is distorting the dimensions... slowly as we speak... I sense something horrible incoming. I just don't know what might be... hmm... could this be a warning?"

"Look! There's a name that is scratched. Can you read it?"

"Hmm... it says... 'Muhti'... who is him? Why would his name be scratched like that?"

"Anyway, you said we had to go back to the Pokémon World, right?"

"Yes... let's get going. I believe we might find something there."

Frostwraith opened a portal to quickly go back to the Pokémon World. It was there that Frostwraith felt he needed to go.


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Hai Ho Entei! Awayyy!" Gengar shouted at the top of his lungs. Entei leaped into the square, snarling like a feral beast. It loosed a savage roar which shook the very air. Guards fled for their lives-- Entei's rampage felled the plaza fountain, he blew hot rivers of flame, engulfing several wayside shops and catching them ablze. Gengar laughed in the midst of the chaos like it was the fourth of July. "Yea-hahahahahea! Run! Run while you still can!" He tapped Entei on the back and the two were off again.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Latios transformed back just as he hit the ground. Luco leaped off his back, immediately putting distance between his friend and himself. The two stood several meters apart, gazing over at Muhti and Dementio. Both sides waited eagerly for the other to make the first move. A thunderbolt zigzagged across the clearing, Xiroey took out his gun and shot it at Dementio. Dementio leaped into action like a coiled spring. He deflected the thunderbolt, causing it to crash into a far off building, then he conjured up a negative ball of warped space and lauched it over at Luco. Luco was quick as well. He shot a sphere of water at the ground to loosen up a large section of tile. Then levitated it out in front of him like a makeshift shield.

Meanwhile Xiroey and Muhti were going at it. Xiroey darted back and forth with movements that were completely different than what Muhti was accustomed to. He rushed at Muhti barehanded. For now, the two were evently matched. Muhti deflected a blow to his midsection, then he grabbed Xiroey's arm and twisted it. Xiroey shrieked angrily as tendons pulled. Muhti had his arm near it's breaking point, he twisted harder and bones creaked. In a rage, Xiroey gathered up power, then losed a thunderbolt at him. It nailed Muhti square in the chest, and he was forced to let go.

Luco was shockingly unpredictable in his attacks. After his wall shattered, he leaped out of the way before the fragments could cause him any major damage. Dementio siezed his chance. He summoned a perfectly 2 demensional square, then caused it to rotate like a buzz saw. The impossibly sharp edges cut holes through the very air. He shot it at Luco while he was in the middle of his retreat. To Luco, the square was invisible. However, his senses alerted him to the danger. He summoned a ball of water around himself, then, amazingly, he hardened it.

The edges of the waterball became rigid, then smooth. The ball condenced down on itself, until eventually, Luco was encased in a shield of Diamond-hard armor. In what seemed like a completely insane effort, he held out his hand to dementio's attack. He couldn't see it, but he felt the sharp impact as the attack struck his palm and the square shattered. For a second, Dementio was dumbstruck. That was Luco's chance. Luco did something he had never done before. He conjured up water far away from himself. Behind Dementio to be exact. Moisture from the ground gathered up and pulled itself out, forming a sharp spike. Luco froze it, then he levitated it from the ground and launched it, point first, at Dementio's back.

Muhti yelped. With reflexes that were impossible for any normal human, he blocked an electrified punch from Xiroey, using his own momentum against him and tipping him forward into a Judo throw. He didn't even wait for Xiroey to fall, he spun around quickly and shot a web at the ice spike. His heartrate leaped when he felt it connect. He pulled.

Luco watched with horror as Xiroey went down. Behind Dementio, he could see that his attack had been diverted. Something had changed the course of the attack, and it was now headed toward where Xiroey lay on the ground. He sent a mental warning to him, but he knew he wouldn't be able to risk helping him. As much as he hated it, he had to trust his friend to help himself. Dementio was launching sphere after sphere at Luco. He teleported somewhere to Luco's right, shot a glowing orb at him, then immediately teleported again to a different location and repeated the process. Luco tried his best to retaliate with water spheres of his own. But Dementio was moving around too fast.
Dementio cried out in triumph when he saw one of his attacks hit. It stung Luco, even through his armor, and the smoke the attack caused completely obscured his vision.

Xiroey was fairing little better. Muthi had him pinned to the ground beneath his foot, and was taking his time drawing his sword so that he could savor his victory. "Well... you put up a good fight." Muhti admitted. His sword emitted an awful 'screeeee' as it slid from it's sheith. Finally, it gave one last shriek, and it was free. The sharp edge glinted in the dim light of the square, with Xiroey's fallen body mirrored in the reflective surface. Muhti chuckled. "Who's going to save your friends now"?

- - - - - - - - - - - - Your turn Muhti. Or Luco. I don't know Ha! xP - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
That, my friend, would be me!


"Why, you make it seem as though we were pulling out everything we had!" Luco had to laugh, even though the pain of the electrified attack coursed through his body. One fatal weakness... "Unfortunately for you, this is long from over. Did you honestly think I would come without a few tricks up my sleeve?"

He utilized his moment of confusion.


He strengthened shields around himself and Xiroey as Charizard leapt over the square.... and engulfed it in flames.


And all is chaos! :grin: I can't wait to pull out another 'trick'. :p


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Anyone else notice how cute Charizard looks when he runs?
...Well anyway, here's more of the companion part to the Muhti V.S. Impact scene ^^

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Charizard and Gliscor huffed, they pumped their legs as fast as they would go. Charizard whined, "Can't you run any faster"? Gliscor's voice was strained as well. He had to pause midsentece several times to take a breath. "Gliscor... aren't even... supposed... to run...!" His foot connected with a loose stone and he fell flat on his face. Charizard's heart leaped, he skid to a stop. "Gliscor!" He ran back to his fallen friend and shook him. "Glicor, are you all right? Get up"! Gliscor moaned. "Great..." He looked on down the walway and saw the shadows of several guards approaching. The sound of clinking metal reached his ears. They were running. Fast. "Come on Gly, get on my back" he instructed. He helped Gliscor find a position on his back, doing his best to use his arms to keep his friend secure. Then, when Gliscor safely in position, the two of them took off again.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Woooo! Burn, burn babeh buuurn! Hahahahahahahahahaha!" Gengar laughed histerically. He was greatly enjoying himself as he saw two more buildings catch ablaze. Soldiers came rushing out onto the streets in a panic. They were like ants to the two of them--rushing about, colliding into each other. Muhti's City was in panic. Gengar felt Entei's torso vibrate softly beneath him. The legendary dog was sighing. He lazily swiped his claw at a group of mages that were launching firebolts at him. The two of them were out like lights. He glimpsed a pair of pikemen out of the corner of his eye. Those were both taken care of by Gengar's Shadow Balls. Entei leaped on, the two of them were nearing the main castle.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Charizard and Gliscor came into a wide circular plaza at the centre of town. Putrid smoke hit both their nostrils as they both dashed into black smoke. Gliscor coughed, "What in Mew happened here?". Charizard trudged on, the smell of sweat and musk was gradually falling away behind them. That meant that they were getting away. "Don't know" Charizard breathed, "but we better hurry".


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Oh, I meant to do this earlier. For those that want to include Xiroey in your posts later, His abilities are:

[COLLAPSE="Hidden Message"]

[Left side: The move --> Right side: The form it takes as a human]

Luster Purge --> Light Sword (50% chance to lower Sp.D on contact, even if blocked.)

Shock Wave --> Electric Gun (Will never miss, but can be blocked)

Icy Wind --> Icy Wind / Several different Ice weapons / Ice Walls

Dragon Pulse --> A blue hammer that creates Shockwaves.

And several other moves that Latios can use. (Calm Mind, Dragon Dance, ect.)

4 Moveslot rules do not apply in Forum Fight :D[/COLLAPSE]

Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
(As richard and frostwraith went to head back to the pokemon world.....)

Richard: Wait a second i took an antidote to neutralize the virus when we got here. (Richard reinjected himself with another dose of the t-virus and his eyes flashed red once again.) Ok i'm ready now.

Frostwraith: ok what did you just stick yourself with?

Richard: Just something that increases my speed, strength, and my ability to heal myself quickly.

Frostwraith: Ok let's get going now.

(Richard and frostwraith headed back to the pokemon world. Upon their arrival it looked like something happened recently.)

Richard: What's going on here?

Frostwraith: a battle must've taken place here just then!

(Richard and frostwraith stare at the battle-scarred landscape)

Richard: We must hurry to our next destination! There is no time to waste!

(Richard and frostwraith quickly make haste for their next destination, but something sinister is tracking their every move. What could it be? tune in next time to find out.)



Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
"Wrrooooaaaarrrr! Soul Reaper, you lie!" Bowser bounded out of his seat, onto the table. He blew smoke from his nose, and shoved a meaty finger into Ichigo's face. His gaze screamed bloody murder. "Like Cacletta you were secretly holding all those three's"! Ichigo casually shoved bowsers finger away, then stepped up onto a chair to meet his gaze. "Yeah?" he snarled, "and how exactly do you plan to prove that? Tubby?"

Master Cid calmly walked into the room to the smell of sweat and burning papers. He had to duck upon entering the doorway as a rouge pencil shot out from the desk, nearly impaling his face. Each of the board members stopped short when they saw Master Cid enter. Ichigo and Bowser hasilily climbed off the furnature. Meanwhile a helpler Black Mage in the corner cast Waterga on the wooden table to help put out the fire. Master Cid cleared his throat once, then walked over to his chair at the head of the table without a word. He was greeted by a stack of dripping papers and a few charred pencils. He pushed his drenched battle plans to the side for the time being, then cast his gaze to the other members of the board. Down the table, a few well known faces stared back: Amung them, Princess Celestia, Bowser, and King Mickey. There was a loud screech as Master Cid scooted in his chair. Ichigo glared over at him from his spot in the corner of the room when he heard it. "Great..." He growled "Now. We can begin."

The silence was broken by Bowser. "M-Master, this... Cheat!" He thrust an accusing finger at Ichigo, "He tried to scam us all! He's been folding his hands all match, there's no way he suddenly managed to pull all those three's out of nowhe--" Master Cid cast a stern glance over to bowser and he shut up. "S-sorry..." Bowser muttered, lowering his head. Cid's booming voice reverberated across the room. "Now, as you all know, Smashboards is on the verge of crisis". The room exploded.

"...not enough apples to feed ponyville"
"...flood over at Beanbean desert"
"Bottom of the well overrun with redeads"

"Gosh darn pickle jar won't open..."

Master Cid raised his hands for all the complaints to cease. "Yes... Yes... I'm well aware of it all". "What are we going to do? Nothing like this has ever happened before! And on such a worldwide scale..." That was King Mickey. He sat in the middle of a blackened puddle of watter, and there was a piece of wet paper draped across one of his ears. Bowser's low voice cut in next. "All of the Mushroom Kingdom is on the verge of collapse. I know most my subjects think me a villian, but the role I play for my kingdom is crutial. Until Princess Peach decides to screw that petty crown of hers on the right way... there's nothing any of us will be able to do." Master Cid spoke up at that. "Yes, I heard... Princess Peach has been influenced by the Shadow Queen. The board is severely weakened without her.

"We need a quick and decisive plan of action if we plan on righting these crutial problems. Otherwise... There could be war." Princess Celestia sighed sadly. Bowser placed a hand on her shoulder. "We know how hard this is on you Princess. You need not bear this burden alone." King Mickeys cheery voice piped up. "Bowser's right! As long as we stand united, Smashboards will never quit"! He thrust a golden keyblade into the air to solidify his point. There were approving nods from around the room.

"Well spoken King Mickey" Master Cid said. Mickey nodded, then sat. "So, what are we going to do?" Bowser posed the question that was on everyone's minds. The entire room went silent. Master Cid noticed that there was a faint dripping sound coming from somewhere in the room. All the battleplans across the table had been soaked and ruined. "I fear this unity shall not last much longer." He thought darkly to himself. A gruff voice came from the corner of the room. Ichigo stepped forward, his sandles made squishing noises as he passed over the wet papers on the floor.

All eyes in the room fell on him. Ichigo stared back at each of them in turn. To him, the answer was obvious. He was surprised all these figureheads weren't able to see it.

"The plan is simple". Ichigo began...
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