dedede: "aHA! (punches wall, but it doesn''t break) YEOWCHIES!!! that really hurt!"
(magnetic vibration outside)
crap, we completely forgot about the MAGNET!!!
microwave: "relax, guys. it can't get us in here! ice isn't magnetic!"
numbuh 86: "yeah, WE aren't, either. but it still manages to latch onto US!"
ice king: "and i should probably mention, i had a metal objects room installed... heh, oopsie..."
(the magnet grabs onto the castle and we are lifted)
(kirby smashes himself into the microwave)
numbuh 362: "the vacuum's right, microwave. we'll get out of here somehow."
fireman.exe: "howzabout i (approaches supernova) HEAT UP THE PLACE?!?!"
(numbuh 362 douses fireman.exe's flames)
numbuh 362: "no, fireman. it's too risky! we might already be eleventy billion feet in the air!"
meta knight: "or right on the conveyor belt..."
(pounding getting nearer)
fireman.exe: "okay, NOW can i burn sh*t up?!"
numbuh 362: "do it! NOW!!!"
(fireman.exe burns a magnet-sized hole in the walls leading out of the castle)
(garbage falls on ice king)
ice king: "WAIT! DON'T LEAVE ME HERE!!!"
hmm... ice king might be a big nerd, but i guess even he doesn't deserve to die...
dedede: "oh allRIGHT..."
(dedede hammers ice king out of here)
ice king: "THAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnks..."
(shine as ice king disappears)
numbuh 362: "now we have to get out of here ourselves!"
i think we can use some of the garbage ice king was buried under to convert F.A.T.R.I.D.E's gasoline tank into a battery!
toaster: "good idea, let's do it!"
(cutaway to us getting ready to launch a battery-powered F.A.T.R.I.D.E away from here)
numbuh 362: "we're set for launch, smashfan!"
(hears the pounding nearing even closer)
and not a moment too soon!
(we all get on F.A.T.R.I.D.E and take off, and are heading back to forum fighter HQ)
numbuh 362: "phew! looks like everyone made it out alive!"
escargoon: "especially retro! (hugs retro) uh... don't get used to that..."
lampy: "man, i sure hope we get this whole 'nobody owns us' thing solved out soon..."
hmm... y'know, i think we could really use you guys!
toaster: "!!! really?!"
yeah! it'll be fun!
blanky: "you really think so?!"
escargoon: "hecks yeah!"
radio: "hang on while i tune into some appropriate pre-end credit music!"
+song: hang in there, kid+
numbuh 362: "
when you're in the deepest holes..."
marx: "
when you're in the darkest pits..."
dedede: "
and you're on the verge of the urge to call it quits-"
finn: "
remember there might be some fun for you!"
lampy: "
a home for you, someone for you!"
escargoon & radio: "
and it's just about to begiiiiiin!"
all: "
so hang in there, kid! haaaaaang iiiiiiiiiiin!!!"
(most other places)
may: "
when you're feeling left behind, when you're feeling not so hot."
wilfre: "
feeling insecure cause you're sure you've been forgot!"
fuse: "
there could be a big change today for you, a big 'hip hip hooray' for you!"
ice king: "
and a 'hey my friend, how ya' been'!"
all villains: "
so hang in there, kid! haaaaaang iiiiiiiin!"
(back with us)
spat: "(recalling his near-death in the dark aeris war)
i thought i was a goner! out like an empty shell, vigor mortis had set in!"
princess bubblegum: "
well on my word of honor..."
all: "
you've never sounded so weeeeeeeell!"
(we are almost back at forum fighter hq)
all: "
when you're in the grip of fear, when you're in the hands of fate. you may feel inclined to resign, but just you wait!"
radio: "
there's someone who will spin your dials for you!"
kirby: "
who flips your switch-"
lampy: "
and smiles for you!"
all: "
who will cheer you on till you wiiiiiiiin! so hang in there kid! hang in there, kid. hang in there kid! HAAAAAAAAANG IIIIIIIIIIIIIN!"
(song ends)
(we are back at forum fighter HQ)
we're back!
dedede: "(putting blanky on his couch) i'll leave you right here in case i fall asleep watching TV again!"
escargoon: "he does do that... a lot..."
(toaster is placed on the main kitchen counter, lampy is put on escargoon's computer desk, radio is put on finn's nightstand *don't ask how finn & jake got their things here so quickly*, the microwave is also put on the main counter, and kirby is put in a closet)
kirby: "i think this'll be a good life for us..."
lampy: "y'got that right!"
(finn is browsing through the airwaves radio picks up)
finn: "i wonder what signals you get, radio..."
radio: "oh, i get quite a lot, finn my good friend!"
jake: "heh, i think this guy'll be a ton of yucks to have around!"
radio: "(chuckling) a talking dog. classic!"
jake: "you really think so?"
radio: "sure! (browses through channels)"
jake: "haha! he's a cut-up! a regular upright-fine guy!"
+end credits music: bakugan theme (instrumental)+
smashfan666 - main character 1
retroantonio - main character 2
marx - smashfan's friend
galacta knight - greatest warrior in the galaxy, one of smashfan's teammates
wham bam jewel - one of smashfan's teammates
king dedede - self-proclaimed king of dreamland, one of smashfan's teammates
escargoon - dedede's assistant, one of smashfan's teammates
meta knight - leader of the meta-knights, one of smashfan's teammates
marie kanker - one of smashfan's teammates
spat - the all-fibber, one of smashfan's teammates
giygas - one of smashfan's teammates
numbuh 362 - supreme commander of the KND, one of smashfan's teammates
numbuh 86 - KND global tactical officer, one of smashfan's teammates
sonic - fastest thing alive, one of smashfan's teammates
fireman.exe - one of smashfan's teammates
olimar - only hocotate employee of any merit, one of smashfan's teammates
finn - righteous adventurer, one of smashfan's teammates
jake - finn's shapeshifting talking dog, one of smashfan's teammates
princess bubblegum - princess of the candy kingdom, one of smashfan's teammates
toaster - electric toaster, one of smashfan's teammates
lampy - desklamp, one of smashfan's teammates
radio - radio system, one of smashfan's teammates
kirby - vacuum, one of smashfan's teammates
blanky - electric blanket, one of smashfan's teammates
microwave - kinda' obvious... & one of smashfan's teammates
basement cat - main antagonist (1st half)
ice king - big nerd, main antagonist (2nd half)
wilfre - temporary teammate
the gourd - temporary teammate
lee kanker - 'leader' of the kanker sisters, temporary teammate
may kanker - temporary teammate
the giant magnet - junkyard magnet, temporary teammate
the crushing machine - magnet's minion, temporary teammate
dr. van kruglor - pantsman's archnemisis, temporary teammate
nightmare - temporary teammate
marx soul - nightmare's minion, temporary teammate
dark aeris - ultimate evil, temporary teammate
lord fuse - ruler of planet fusion, temporary teammate
ed - strongest ed, honorary forum fighter
edd - brainy ed, honorary forum fighter
eddy - leader of the eds, honorary forum fighter
darkus bakugan - dedede & escargoon's bakugans, honorary forum fighters
rolf - leader of the urban rangers, honorary forum fighter
urban rangers - allies, honorary forum fighters
pickup truck - worked on a reservation, used in F.A.T.R.I.D.E.
F.A.T.R.I.D.E. - all-terrain KND/forum fighter vehicle, technical forum fighter
ice minions - ice king's minions
ice monks - ice king's minions
ice ogres - ice king's minions
ice guards - ice king's minions
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, we own nothing. this is a game that is very fun. i am sorry if we forgot anyone or anything, but the post was getting long.
{[THE END... FOR NOW...]}