Oh man where do I start? I really can't pick one character, so I'll just list all the ones that bother me in general.

- Almost everyone will counterpick with Falcon if you use a slow character. Dash grabs and up aerials for days. It gets annoying.

- He's not even that hard to beat but for some reason fighting Dedede really REALLY irritates me. He's got that troll vibe I guess.

- Idk why but I do really bad against Foxes in general. Pretty much my only complaint is my inability to deal with them.

- A common counterpick against players that use a character with no projectiles. Link's projectiles get annoying really quick and For Glory players really love to taunt with this guy, thinking they're skilled for mindlessly throwing out projectiles.

- Again, For Glory players love taunting with this character. "I Cannot Lose!" gets a bit irritating.

- You know I'm happy Mario is finally getting used quite a bit, but he's become way too common in For Glory and it's just...ugh.

- PK FIRE PK FIRE PK FIRE, PK THUNDER, DASH GRAB, DOWN THROWS, BACK THROWS. My god Ness in this game really aggravates me, but mostly because he's so common in For Glory it's ridiculous.

- Another character that For Glory players love picking against those who have no projectiles of their own. All they do is traverse the stage with rolls and bombard you with charge shots and missles. Generally not fun to play against.

- He's just not fun to fight against. His spin dash game really drives me nuts and his whole special move kit is really dull and uninspired.

- Same reason as Link pretty much.

- Camps at tree and slingshots you all day. On occasion fighting a Villager can be fun, but most of the time it's a massive chore.

- Why is she so common on For Glory? It's gotten to the point I'm really sick of seeing her in every other match. Guess people really love the Din's Fire and Farore's Wind shenanigans.

- Paralyzer - > Grab -> Down Throw -> Up Aerial -> repeat.
As you can see, I dislike quite a bit of the cast. - n - "