Mario fireball hitbox: 17108
Looking at it in the hex editor, I still don't understand how I was supposed to figure out this specific offset PSA would accept from finding where the hitbox data is. I found the general area where the three hitboxes are and just guessed until I got something PSA would accept. It shows all three hitboxes together when you put that into the subroutine. I probably forgot a step with adding or subtracting 80 or something.
Oh well, done is done, right? In the end, trial and error always prevails. Luckily, I don't think I'll have to find any more of these "joys" for Bbrawl...
Looking at it in the hex editor, I still don't understand how I was supposed to figure out this specific offset PSA would accept from finding where the hitbox data is. I found the general area where the three hitboxes are and just guessed until I got something PSA would accept. It shows all three hitboxes together when you put that into the subroutine. I probably forgot a step with adding or subtracting 80 or something.
Oh well, done is done, right? In the end, trial and error always prevails. Luckily, I don't think I'll have to find any more of these "joys" for Bbrawl...