It's clear that if you have to strike from five of these six stages, the one to leave out would be Pokémon Stadium. This doesn't mean Pokémon Stadium is broken, or that it's inherently a "counterpick stage" while the other five aren't. As I made very clear, that Pokémon Stadium is a counterpick stage is a numerical fluke; if we had a sixth stage that was "neutral," we'd probably be striking from a list of seven starters.
I mean, damn, do you even consider arguing reasonably, or is "strawman argument" your default response to everything?
Aiight so...
The one stage classified as a counterpick in this ruleset is only classified as such because we need an odd number of starter stages.
but wait, now its so obvious and CLEAR that ps is the one that would be the 6th stage and the odd man out, even though ur post gave the impression it was arbitrary... of course that was never ur intention and since u didnt EXACTLY say that, i can never say thats what you meant because ive argued with you enough to know that you are a WORD MASTER that can hide by your semantic bs and "win" every argument
ya, you are right, it doesnt mean it HAS to be broken or a "cp stage" just because its the worst of the 6, i understand that, as does everyone here...
instead of assuming we are all ******** and the basis of all our arguments are "well, it says counterpick on the OP, so its broken otherwise itd be called a neutral"...
you could actually read the 2/30 possible reasons i gave that i think are sufficient enough to ban it... you can FALL THROUGH THE STAGE MAN, does that sound competitive to you...
and like someone else said, for practical purposes, we lose respect when we need to camp out transformations all the time in the middle of fastpaced matches
also, smoke, ledges on some tranformations (just do a marth dtilt lol), ledge that f's up ur roll on that one stage, camera at ledges, fall through, stage transforming breaks stuff like grabs, can get infinited on some transformations, some transformations are super campy, marth can dissapear completely if u pause as he fsmashes into the rock... i mean the list goes on man... or maybe it stops there idk, but thats enough for me
oh god u said "Strawman" so like everyone else on the internet you've just won this BATTLE...
i mean, u clearly took high school english and learned some logical fallacies to throw around so how can i compete? I cant talk like i do in real life because ofc this is the internet and serious business where i mean everything literally
Im sorry im not a robot Kal, i understand that humor has no place in arguments and it just makes it harder to understand each other, but sometimes when i feel that the argument isnt as important to my life and the people im arguing with have no significant impact in changing the situation i like to talk freely, you know? Just have some fun and laugh and enjoy my time on this planet... not assume everyone is ********, not play2win in every debate, not waste my time explaining this **** for like the 100th time so that the mbr can just decide to hide behind their private forum and throw me some information crumbs from time to time while making it apparent logic doesnt matter...
oh man, it got kinda dark there, im sorry, ill just stop my post here