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FL Social Thread:You Mad, You Lose.


Smash Hero
Jun 19, 2006
Tampa, FL
I'm really good and perform extremely well over here taking 1st/2nd constantly even with Atomsk, teh_spamerer, Bum, NinjaLink, etc. around.
Not saying you're bad, but Bum and Atomsk would've annihilated you if you didn't spam nado. NL was having a bad day when you beat him, and I don't know anything about teh spamerer.

CO knows who you are, but he knows whats goin down in FL. Snakes. Lots of snakes.

Anyway, it's all W/e so Good luck!!!

Sensei Seibrik

Smash Hero
Jan 19, 2006
My Mind's Eye
Not saying you're bad, but Bum and Atomsk would've annihilated you if you didn't spam nado. NL was having a bad day when you beat him, and I don't know anything about teh spamerer.

can u john more for things that dont even involve u? PLEASE DO IT


but yea, if players are having trouble with nado that much, and even if its character and they're not willing to change to a less nado-added character to deal with it, than thats their fault. derp


Smash Hero
Jun 19, 2006
Tampa, FL

can u john more for things that dont even involve u? PLEASE DO IT


but yea, if players are having trouble with nado that much, and even if its character and they're not willing to change to a less nado-added character to deal with it, than thats their fault. derp
There's a point where playing to win goes to far. When you have to nadospam characters that Metaknight can beat easily beat without it, it just makes you look bad. As a MK main I guess I take it personally, but w/e.

I keep forgetting how gay brawl is, my bad.

Life After Death

Smash Champion
May 27, 2008
Bronx, NY
I'm really good and perform extremely well over here taking 1st/2nd constantly even with Atomsk, teh_spamerer, Bum, NinjaLink, etc. around.

Sure. I'll MM the whole state because I want to play everyone in serious sets.

I'm only being cocky because Chopz is a prick, btw.

Eight_52 and Slit are taking me to Gigs in December and I'm teaming with HRNUT.
u better not lose or u gonna get trashed talked endlessly by me and afro


Smash Ace
Aug 31, 2008
There's a point where playing to win goes to far. When you have to nadospam characters that Metaknight can beat easily beat without it, it just makes you look bad. As a MK main I guess I take it personally, but w/e.

I keep forgetting how gay brawl is, my bad.
Every character in the game can handle tornado spam.

Seibrik is proof of this, he does it with king d3.
and Nado spam Diddy kong? lol okay.


Smash Hero
Jun 19, 2006
Tampa, FL
Every character in the game can handle tornado spam.

Seibrik is proof of this, he does it with king d3.
and Nado spam Diddy kong? lol okay.
Not "every" character, though a good majority have useful ways of dealing with it.

DK and ROB don't have reliable ways to fight nadospam if the metaknight has any common sense. Only ROB's laser, Gyro, and Fsmash break nado, none of his air moves do. Therefore he can spam nado anytime ROB is in the air. None of DK's airmoves go through nado either.

Sure, if someone's predictably pressing the B button and approaching with it, anyone can handle it, but if someone who actually knows what they're doing is spamming nado, half the cast can barely even fight back. Even falco has trouble dealing with nadospam, even though his lasers and reflector break through it.

I'm not saying nadospam is an end all tactic, but some characters really cant trade back the amount of damage it deals. Some characters can pop out of nado negating its usefulness, but for characters like ROB and DK it's hard to fight and difficult to avoid.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Not saying you're bad, but Bum and Atomsk would've annihilated you if you didn't spam nado. NL was having a bad day when you beat him, and I don't know anything about teh spamerer.
Too bad they didn't know how to fight the tornado well and lost. I also use the move intelligently. Atomsk still loses with Dedede even after learning how to fight the tornado well. I didn't find NL that hard in teams when me and Atomsk 3-0'd him and D1 in the finals in MD/VA. I really think I can take out NL consistently in singles now because of how good I am against Diddy.

Life After Death said:
u better not lose or u gonna get trashed talked endlessly by me and afro
lol that's not going to bother me.


Smash Hero
Jun 19, 2006
Tampa, FL
Too bad they didn't know how to fight the tornado well and lost. I also use the move intelligently. Atomsk still loses with Dedede even after learning how to fight the tornado well. I didn't find NL that hard in teams when me and Atomsk 3-0'd him and D1 in the finals in MD/VA. I really think I can take out NL consistently in singles now because of how good I am against Diddy.
That's my point. Even if someone knows how to fight nado, it still doesn't mean there's any chance of winning against it (certain characters obviously). If someone uses the gay move intelligently it's impossible for some characters to fight, and so hard its unfair for others. That's why its' GAY lol.

Characters like Diddy arent necessarily good in teams, so I dunno what that means.

But seriously, you've played NL ONCE in singles on a bad day. Assuming you can take him out consistently just because you beat him once (and I've seen the matches, there were some pretty bad flukes on his part) is a mistake. I'm not saying you can't beat him again, but even M2K can't beat him consistently. Playing someone once isn't enough to judge something like that.

Actually, every one of his air moves can break tornado. N-air is the easiest to do it with, but even f-air will work if you hit high enough.
No, they only break it if you fall through the move from above, which is practically impossible since ROB falls slowly anyway.


Smash Hero
Jun 19, 2006
Tampa, FL
whaaaaa ***** you be trippin'
XD Like I said I don't know, but I know that falco sucks hard in teams. Like, characters that require more camping arent as good in dubz because they gotta fight openly in close spaces. Falco relys on camping and using lasers to set up, and doesn't kill quickly. Same with Diddy.

Basically, not "AS GOOD" in teams lol.

But thats just my opinion XD.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
D1 uses Marth in teams and camps behind NL and gets gay tipper and dolphin slash kills.

Diddy Kong is amazing in teams if your partner knows how to use bananas and not get ***** by them. This obviously applies to D1 since he's been teaming with NinjaLink since the game came out.

I'm only confident against NinjaLink because of his character.

Tornado is perfectly beatable. I can't even really use it against Basic Sausage's Dedede...


Smash Hero
Jun 19, 2006
Tampa, FL
D1 uses Marth in teams and camps behind NL and gets gay tipper and dolphin slash kills.

Diddy Kong is amazing in teams if your partner knows how to use bananas and not get ***** by them. This obviously applies to D1 since he's been teaming with NinjaLink since the game came out.

I'm only confident against NinjaLink because of his character.

Tornado is perfectly beatable. I can't even really use it against Basic Sausage's Dedede...
Perfectly beatable by SOME characters like said. If you use it gay enough Dedede can't counter it, and it's not like you even need it vs. D3 anyway. D3's Utilt and Dsmash break nado, and his Dtilt and Ftilt clash with it. Falling bairs and Inhales also break it, but are clumsier to use. If you can pressure D3 into the air, you can technically spam it pretty well though metaknight has more viable options in the air anyway so....

The problem with characters vs. nado is it's the characters that can fight Metaknight evenly without nado get ***** hardest by it, mainly ROB and DK, who if MK didnt have nado would fight him pretty evenly. But both of them have very poor options against it.


Smash Hero
Jun 19, 2006
Tampa, FL
No good character is incapable of dealing with the tornado properly.
DK and ROB, are the only two I'd say but they don't really have any good options against "spam". They also move slowly in the air so they have trouble getting footing even after they can airdodge out of it.

Everyone else, yes, can deal with it well enough, even if it just means DIing out and avoiding/punishing.

Master Raven

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2008
I use DK and DDD against MK sometimes (I don't think DDD gets ***** by MK) and I have more trouble dealing with a good MK's overall aerial capability than tornado spam.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
DK and ROB, are the only two I'd say but they don't really have any good options against "spam". They also move slowly in the air so they have trouble getting footing even after they can airdodge out of it.

Everyone else, yes, can deal with it well enough, even if it just means DIing out and avoiding/punishing.
Nah. Bum ***** tornado now. He DI's out early and actually uses moves to beat it instead of airdodging stupidly. When I played NinjaLink's ROB with MK, he DI'd out of the tornado extremely quickly and he beat it out with lasers and gyro.


Smash Hero
Jun 19, 2006
Tampa, FL
What exactly is the best way to DI out of it quick enough?
Holding up as soon as it hits you pops you up, and if you have a fast aerial you can punish it. Even if you can punish it, DIing out of it this way makes it useless, since it wont do any damage.

oh, and "I have seen your vids" and you're not playing the D3 matchup right. :p

Just study M2K vs. Atomsk at Esticle.

I use DK and DDD against MK sometimes (I don't think DDD gets ***** by MK) and I have more trouble dealing with a good MK's overall aerial capability than tornado spam.
I had heard that heavies like DK and D3 couldn't DI out of nado early. Mabye I was wrong, at least about DK.

But Nado is still a gay move. :p


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2007
In Your Mom
Yeah, DK, DDD, Bowser, and Ganon can rarely ever smash DI out of it easy if they're caught in it.

I seem to be able to get out easier with DK and Ganon though.


Smash Legend
Feb 17, 2008
Halberd, please stop talking about tornado like you know everything about it. Don't argue with the MK main who probably hears a lot of stuff from Mew2King. Please...just stop.


Smash Hero
Jun 19, 2006
Tampa, FL
Halberd, please stop talking about tornado like you know everything about it. Don't argue with the MK main who probably hears a lot of stuff from Mew2King. Please...just stop.
Funny, since I dont spam nado, it's no surprise I don't know anything about it. And yeah, my last post I submitted to whatever he said, so it's all good. I still think it's a broken move though.

Sensei Seibrik

Smash Hero
Jan 19, 2006
My Mind's Eye
Asside from one nice comment i heard redhalberd say "dont judge it off of one match" very wise words from a rookie :p

but yea, ddd can't deal with tornado the way a move should be dealt with.

spam yea, dumb use, yea. but if they mk just KNOWS ddd even a little it becomes an impossibly hard match just because of one move.

take my mk vs ddd, all ddd's will be screwed for a long long time.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
I played Atomsk's Dedede a lot today and he dealt with the tornado very well and won half of the matches despite not being able to DI out of it as well as Basic Sausage does.

Hmm. The match-up is pretty close.


Smash Hero
Jun 19, 2006
Tampa, FL
I like how well you can judge a matchup based off of one players abilities.

In any case.

Its not even, I can show you.
You better not drop D3 before we do that money match. You may think its not even, but I'll show you HOW uneven it is. We can do Meta vs. D3 then a MK vs. MK money match to make it more interesting.


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2007
In Your Mom
Asside from one nice comment i heard redhalberd say "dont judge it off of one match" very wise words from a rookie :p

but yea, ddd can't deal with tornado the way a move should be dealt with.

spam yea, dumb use, yea. but if they mk just KNOWS ddd even a little it becomes an impossibly hard match just because of one move.

take my mk vs ddd, all ddd's will be screwed for a long long time.
This, except for the ending.

Sensei Seibrik

Smash Hero
Jan 19, 2006
My Mind's Eye
Im not quitting ddd, its just not my main anymore. Im not any worse with him all it means is im gona progressivily be using him less and less in actual tourny matches.

MM's are always there to do.
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