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Fire Emblem: The Discussion Thread (keep FE Fates story under spoilertags)

Aug 6, 2008
I'm getting to that chapter now.

But, Ryker. You joking about bosses having hidden stuff jokingly. Well, some enemies do. This is the first one, but wth?

This Bishop stole my ****ing vulneraries.

Also, visit the secert shop. Apart from power weapons like silver blade, physic, bolting, purge, seals, angelic robes, eclipse, aircalibur (over a ballista).

Pink Reaper

Real Name No Gimmicks
Feb 14, 2007
In the Air, Using Up b as an offensive move
Sheen's Artur could both Play and Dance. Bishops have all kinds of hidden skills.

Also i *** grinded my way to like, 55k gold in chapter 5, combined with the black gem i got from Orson, I have quite a bit of spending money. Still havent started chapter 9 though, im already worried about how im going to recruit Amelia.


Smash Hero
May 29, 2009
Northern NJ or Chicago, IL
Funny thing, I just did that chapter. What you need to do is MAKE SURE you keep pushing forward with your units. You have 11 turns to recruit Amelia, which is plenty as long as you don't get held up. There are only two enemies that should really hold you up if you grinded (I did the same thing), which are the paladins. A level 20 Ross with a Halberd will do ~30 damage, but he'll get doubled for around 40. I had Vanessa snatch the Ocean Seal and send it to supply so I could promote Ross, which removed his getting doubled issue and let him do more damage to the Paladins. They have like, 70HP and ~23 Def/Res.

The other enemies are just really ****ing annoying. Don't let Tana get Bolted, either. She got bolted for me after I had scored some really lucky dodges and crits. -.-

I've now decided that Seth is going to join the other 3 cavs in Bench Tier. He's not an effective meat shield anymore, and his damage output is significantly worse than my other units'. This makes me mad because enemy Cavs/Paladins are BROKEN.
Aug 6, 2008
Seth is still useful for a few more chapters. He'll not be your best unit, but he still does well. I'd prefer him over the others unless they get to 20 speed or something.

Myrrh can be used like all other units. She has 70 uses on her stone. Knoll is okay. But at lv10, unless he has extremely good growths, he'll not be very good other than a one shot Luna. Duessel is in the same boat. With good growths, he could cap. If not, he is okay.

What do you mean by play/dance? Which is it. Or is it both.


Smash Ace
Oct 4, 2008
SLO/Millbrae, CA
It's not bishops. It's just Artur. He could play and dance (both crash the game). He has the vision of an assassin and if you give him a lockpick, I bet he could open chests too.

Edit: Moulder too. I completely forgot about that guy. My guess is that he modified the male bishop's properties to let Riev use that uber spell.

Also, when Artur crits, he uses up an extra RN so maybe he even has silencer too?

§leepy God

Smash Master
Oct 11, 2007
On The Move....
Almost all my favorite Fire Emblem characters are DLC, just missing Ike. :D

My favorite DLC character image is currently Cellica and Ephraim.

Pink Reaper

Real Name No Gimmicks
Feb 14, 2007
In the Air, Using Up b as an offensive move
So chapter 9 was so much bull**** lol. That lvl 18 General with 23 speed, 28 str, 30 Def and 84 HP. Im so glad i got Ross to 20/1 berserker on this one. Getting Amelia took like 8 tries too. Fuuuuuuck this game is hard lol. Also I've already promoted Neimi, Vanessa and Ross, Lute, Franz and Vanessa are already lvl 20 and Garcia and Artur are 18. Chapter 9 lol.
Aug 6, 2008
Use Vanessa or Tana on turn one to lure the mercenary next to his starting location away from him. You can put Vanessa/Tana on a mountain to achieve this. This keeps Gerik in the building. On the following turn, the cavaliers will move in to attack him. He should retreat and use his vulnerary. Then, Innes will try attacking the cavaliers.

From there, Innes will get hit by one cavalier per turn until he takes enough damage to retreat and use his Vulnerary as well. After that, it should be tethys tanking hits which she can. She has 80 evade on enemies with about 90-110 accuracy, and she takes about 3 hits to get KOed. So, with method, those three can survive on their own for a long time. If you wan to help them out a bit, send a unit to the side of the building to distract the backed up fighter and cavalier units.

You want to keep those three alive. Tethys is wonderful. Gerik's hero crest is really need to get another unit promoted, and he makes a wonderful unit too. And the white gem isn't too bad either to avoid having to keep restarting for rune swords in the tower.

With those three fending for themselves for the first 10 turns or so, my first task was to clear out the 2-3 paladins and the two sages in my starting position. From there survive the other two paladins and enemies rushing my way. After that, I could enter the lower half of the map to trigger Marisa and her units to rush me. Retreating Marisa sprouts reinforcements to the mountains in the southwest, a few mounted units in the south east, and a couple enemies in the northwest starting mountains.

I guess the other strategy I was contemplating on this map was to use the physic staves I bought on the chapter 9 vendor to keep Gerik's health up. Although, I do not think this would work in the end because once he was out of the building, he would be surrounded by cavaliers and fighting the mercenary on his own.

Pink Reaper

Real Name No Gimmicks
Feb 14, 2007
In the Air, Using Up b as an offensive move
So am I the only one who abuses pure water? Even max defense sages don't have very much defense and +7 res is really useful. Also I got a halberd for free a while back, Ross does 40+ damage to paladins lol. Generals are the real problems imo. That lvl 18 one in chapter 9 was ridiculous. I had to baby him with Ross with support from Garcia and Natasha in the back to heal. Also Garcia is crazy, lvl 18 with 17 def and 14 res. I like where he's going lol


Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2011
Sudbury, Ontario
Oh wow, such a defencive unit. I should have invested time into him... I only have Ross though, sadly, not his father. Who would you say is better?

Pink Reaper

Real Name No Gimmicks
Feb 14, 2007
In the Air, Using Up b as an offensive move
Ehh Ross is probably the better overall unit. They'll both cap HP and Str and Ross got a huge buff in his Skill growths and speed making up for what he was missing in standard FE. Still Garcia isn't hugely slow, and those extra defenses help a lot. I only use Ross more than him right now because Ross is promoted and Garcia isnt. Still Garcia is my main tank, and he's at A level support with Ross giving him over 30 attack.


Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2011
Sudbury, Ontario
Wow, that's pretty good. So now, Sniper or ranger? I can promote her and I have no clue which one I should go with. It's hard to say, because I don't know the caps. Which should I go with guys?
Aug 6, 2008
I thought Sniper would be better, but I'm leaning more towards the Ranger class now. Sniper has a lower speed cap and doubling is super important. Plus, she has a lower con. on sniper which means she gets even lower speed wielding the more powerful bows. Having the sword utility is nice too since she can then wield stuff like the Wyrmslayer and Armorslayer. Plus, you need to spend a lot on getting her a supply of Short Bows to give her 1-2 range all the time.

I used the Pure Water in the beginning when I need to get past sages. Around mid-way through, my units started getting enough resistance that it wasn't a problem any more.


Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2011
Sudbury, Ontario
My Gerik kept getting swarmed as he left the building. Thanks for the gameplan, Xeylode.

Camerino, I went with Sniper, since it has better caps.

My Neimi has 3 less HP and 3 more Res. That's weird how similar our Neimi's are :p

Edit: Oh, nevermind. Mine also has an extra Str. And why aren't we takling about how broken Gilliam is?? I mean, really, he's my best unit by a long shot.

Pink Reaper

Real Name No Gimmicks
Feb 14, 2007
In the Air, Using Up b as an offensive move
I stopped using Gilliam pretty early. A combination of his low speed, low attack and not particularly impressive defenses lol. He was way too susceptible to axe users, which are way too common. Getting doubled for 90% of your health by one enemy just isnt good enough. Garcia all the way.

Also I forgot to mention my Garcia has like, 18 Skill i think it was. Just with Ross support he still has 100% hit on swords users, even if they have 20 speed+10 or more skill. It's hilarious.
Aug 6, 2008
My forde, franz, and kyle were all the same. Only Forde did like a couple points better. So I ended up dropping them.

I beat this by being pacifist.
Aug 6, 2008
I couldn't think of a mundane way of killing Riev from what Sheen said. If he had 144 hp, then assuming triangle attack is a guaranteed accuracy attack (which I do not think it is) I wouldn't have been able to find another way of damaging him considering the def/res and having 300+ avoid. So, I gave up and simply wanted to finish the chapter. Remove all weapons. Put up people with high evade and near supports, then press the fast forward button as I complete the level.

After that it was warp Tana with a bright lance to the boss with Eirika behind with support. Lute was danced by tethys to get this all done on a turn. The epilogue was the same. Warp Ewan (buffed by two body rings) to the boss. Put another support character near him and have Ewan double Lyon and get a critical to finish him off. The demon king was hardly changed at all. Have everyone with demon slaying weapons and go to town.

Overall, it was a fun little hack. I liked having access to unique weapons like aircalibur and purge/bolting in a huge quantity. Warp continues to be a broken little item along with luna. I think the only truly difficult chapters were the early ones (ch9,ch10) when you had so few promotion items and you were already facing enemies with stats way higher than yours.

I think I want to try the FE7 one where I cannot abuse the tower to get stats up early. Even then it would be arena abuse. But I think you said FE7 darion hack was impossible.


Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2011
Sudbury, Ontario
I'm guessing that I got lucky then with my Gilliam, because he is nearly capping Str, Skl, Spd and Def at level 30. he hasn't capped any of those yet, but are all within 3 points of capping. His HP capped at level 23, I think. Amelia is obscene too with how good she is. Capping everything but Res and Hp in her mid class is crazy good.

I'm playing through on my draft run of FE:RD right now, and I am having trouble with 3-4. I only have Ike, Mia, Soren, Brom, Heather and Oscar... this level isn't possible with these units. I may have to give up sadly :(

Edit: I'm getting lucky with Franz then too, aren't I? He's capping Str, Skl and Spd before promotion. His Def is also 16 at level 19.


Smash Lord
Nov 11, 2011
Mt. Pleasant/Highland, MI
Do they equip any of those assassins on that survive mission with killing edges? That would be even more brutal if every one of them was a chance to lose a character lol.
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