::: On Rules and Possible Scum Gambits :::
Obviously we've already said we haven't played BiM games before, so the rules seemed like an essential thing going in. That's mainly because we saw the ridiculous number of ways scum could hide behind the chaos and run gambits. Possible gambits included:
- Encouraging quick kills: Obviously scum have daykill restrictions, despite "every player being given a weapon," otherwise they could just immediately daykill three days in a row and end the game. They can, however, encourage other players to quick kill (subtly or otherwise) and then sit back and let the retribution of town to fall down on the killing player. If the town allows shooting from the hip, it makes it easier for scum to hide because there will be less conversation.
- Han Soloing: Already covered in the rules, but if we make it so no townie will ever be able to Han Solo, then we prevent scum from safely doing so as well when they are able to daykill. We also ensure no screw ups by noob town who put their own needs before the good of town as a whole.
- Bussing: Obviously the biggest can of worms this game opens up is that it makes bussing ridiculously easy for scum when they have daykill options. All they have to do is shoot from the hip at a scummate and they get a huge stack of evidence in their favor. By forcing town to agree on a kill target (as they would in any other game of mafia) we preserve the ability garner reads from who voted, who didn't, and how they put forth evidence.
- Leadership from Support position: Another possible gambit, which involves the support position, is a means scum have of hiding the fact that they have a daykill restriction. By taking up a support position early and then pushing for a kill against another player, they preclude being the one asked to make the daykill themselves. They can easily hide behind the idea of not wanting to get NKed and also hide the fact that they can't daykill properly. By having town choose a hammerer, we can put a scummy support player on the block by switching them to active and seeing if they can kill at all.
(On the last one, there's a good chance that townies have some restrictions too.)
Basically, we wanted to limit scum from running these sorts of gambits by establishing some groundrules for town. We realized that some people wouldn't go for it, but as already said, our secondary objective was to see how people reacted. Town now has some nice material to work with by examining who objected and how. They also got to see how we reacted under pressure.