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Fire Emblem 7 Mafia Poisoned Mutton Edition - Mafia Wins.

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
I believe Scum!Opo would have believed my result and either: "I'm actually a power role, thanks for outing me Shish" or "Shish is lying, lynch him". Instead he denied it without trying to incriminate me and I don't think that's something he could do so naturally.
Except he DID bring out the possibility that you were, and I quote, "lying through your teeth"

Deleted member

Ura's apology was fine, Lonnie, I wasn't even mad at him anyways.
Except he DID bring out the possibility that you were, and I quote, "lying through your teeth"
I mean, it WAS the truth, wasn't it? He didn't push a lynch against me though, which is my point.


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
A 10 second aside does not justify an hour long hair tantrum.

For now ignore it, but when this game is over if you have any form of decency you will issue a sincere apology to the two you mistreated.

Now back to the game.
Please don't tell me what to do. I already said I wasn't in a good place and I was really frustrated. I say **** I don't mean in the heat of the moment, It happens. Now please back the hell off.


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
**** this post is taking forever to write. Sorry guys.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Please don't tell me what to do. I already said I wasn't in a good place and I was really frustrated. I say **** I don't mean in the heat of the moment, It happens. Now please back the hell off.
Ura, you really did overreact and I think that contributed to people keeping their vote on you. You are already confirmed Town through Spak though, there's really no need to be so aggressive with people now.


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
Okay TL:DR time again yay!

*pretends to be excited*

So lets start things off similar to what I did by addressing everyone one by one...

@Shishœ The Stoopid Unikorn The Stoopid Unikorn Opossum Opossum BarDulL BarDulL #HBC | Red Ryu #HBC | Red Ryu Pokechu Pokechu LoneKonWolf LoneKonWolf Moydow Moydow Jojalole Jojalole ShadowTheHedgehogZ ShadowTheHedgehogZ

First thing's first...

I'm not going to bother trying to lynch ShadowTheHedgehogZ ShadowTheHedgehogZ Why? Because chances are in all likelihood that he's not Mafia nor does he have any sort of PR role. If he had such a PR, the Night phase would have went the full 48 hours and it didn't. Pursuing a lynch against him is just wasting time when we can bag a potential mafia scum. I hope people are on the same page with me on this.

@Shishoe Like I mentioned he was the driving force behind me in the last Day Phase but honestly and quite surprisingly he comes off as being the least sketch member here out of everyone. I mean sure you can make the argument of him being at odds with so many people and the fact that he sorta turned away from his Opo vote is suspect. At one point you even said Opo lied about being vanilla? Why is that?

The Stoopid Unikorn The Stoopid Unikorn and Opossum Opossum seem to be going at it against each other. Both levy their cases against one another of why each needs to go. Opo believes Uni should be lynched on the basis of him joining so casually on my vote bandwagon and Uni believes Opo should go on the merit of him not voting like normal and him trying to brand Uni as suspicious. There seems to be a common denominator between these two as being sketch. And I can see why.

#HBC | Red Ryu #HBC | Red Ryu Claims that him questioning me about having an Indy was justified on the merit that my wording was really off. Which I don't really buy TBH. If I had just come out and said "Yeah i'm townie", do you think that would have carried any kind of weight? That's like the most generic thing anyone could say and it only raises red flags. Not only that but Red seems to be missing the point that me stating my win condition was to show that I would still win as long as Mafia was done for. So I can't buy his claims really.

BarDulL BarDulL Is probably one of the more less offensive voters in that he claims my posts were "fluff" and filler which in a way is actually true since they were only meant to throw some ideas out there. He also went after Opo for a bit but ceased afterwards. He also seems to defend Red's Indy comment from Day 1 which raises some eyebrows.

Pokechu Pokechu Was thrown under the bridge early in the phase but otherwise has been less of a priority for some. I wanted to mention how odd it was that he was still "spiritually", if you will on my lynch without voting for me. After further reflection I remember from previous games where I was Mafia and the team made it a point to spread out our votes on different users. Of course i'm not saying anything definitive but it does stand to reason why that could be looked upon as sketch. And also...

I found it odd that Jojalole Jojalole saw eye to eye for the most part with Pokechu. I mean he's one of the "Inactive 3" as I like to call them (Joja, Kon, and Moy) but he seems to be really passive in most discussion here. His sentiments were among the lines of him not thinking Chu was suspicious and that him not voting me was reason to think he's safe. Furthermore, Pokechu also thinks Joja is Town. Even their suspect lists seems to be quite similar. It's pretty sketch if you ask me.

Truthfully, I don't have good reads on Moydow Moydow and LoneKonWolf LoneKonWolf . Gonna need more time to really take in their posts but I do find it odd that Moydow made an entire post dedicated to Shadow wanting him gone. Which I guess is understandable but I don't see why Shadow should be a priority when he clearly has no Night PR's as shown in the previous Night phase and that we have bigger problems to focus on.

So yeah, very tentative reads here. Much more needs to be done.


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
Ura, you really did overreact and I think that contributed to people keeping their vote on you. You are already confirmed Town through Spak though, there's really no need to be so aggressive with people now.
I admit my behavior had no place but I want no demands thrown at me by Kon especially after the matter was resolved already.

And I guess it hits home a little too hard because I really do feel guilty that Spak had to go because of my self-serving ways. I really shouldn't have asked for the lie detector and went through the mislynch. I don't ever want to do what I did ever again.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
The phrasing of your claim also looked odd to me; saying "I win with Town even if I am dead" isn't necessarily a direct implication that you're Town. I'm just offering it as another viewpoint, but not necessarily trying to alleviate suspicion towards Red Ryu as a whole.

I agree with you regarding Pokechu. Pokechu's distance from the lynch rubbed me the wrong way.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Ura Ura I want you to explain to me how "I win with town" makes it abundantly clear that you are town aligned in anyway shape or form. What part of the phrase makes it clear as crystal that you are a townie and not someone who can win with town.

I win with town versus I am town, which makes it clear as day. I pay attention for slips like this with wording and intent, that wording makes sense as an indie and even with what PokeChu posted I still think that is a bizarre way to word it. Take or leave it, I'm not dealing with a tunnel right now even more so with someone who is town.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
From the past 4 NZone games:

That's from FEH 2, only says "You're town, you win when all threats are eliminated"

That's Fate/Grand Order 2, no WinCon at all, just "you're Town"

That's from Mario Mafia, just "Town" once again

This is from Villains mafia where Baddies are Townies, this is like FEH 2 where it says "you're Town and you win when all threats are gone".

I could go further but I don't recall any NZone Role PM stating the wincon like the Role PMs here.
I still don't get this, the phrasing make no sense to word it like that even with these role PMs.

If you are town, why not just say I am town, why word it like I win with town.

Because the latter heavily suggests you aren't town which is how I read Ura's post.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
The difference between Shiny's claim and Spak's claim is huge, Pokechu Pokechu

Shiny claimed unprovoked and just out of nowhere, whereas Spak had a rhyme and a reason to his claim and was trying to change the direction of the lynch with it. The claims were not the same contextually, not even close.

#HBC | Red Ryu #HBC | Red Ryu I'm leaning towards Stoopid before Golden, hoping Golden is replaced, but want to try bring out a bit more information.

Also regarding Red Ryu's interpretation of Ura's post, I think it's null because my knee-jerk reaction was also that Ura was claiming some weird 3rd party role that won with Town. Ura's phrasing was unorthodox.
Hmm, ok do you find Stoopid's posting from Oppo to be pretty bad and knee jerky to how he went with the gambit?

I think Oppo did legit call BS on what Shish was claiming, just not as sure if this would make him town per say but I would lean on it being more likely to come from a town mindset.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Anyone can say they're town. Doesn't mean they're telling the truth.
This isn't the point I was making, I called him being an indie and not mafia because it looked like an indie slip and I lynch all indie because there is zero reason to trust they are not lying about their wincon.

I win with town versus I am town implies two different things.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Depending what the mod says will make me decide on lynching ShadowTheHedgehogZ ShadowTheHedgehogZ or another slot.

Not entirely sold on stoopid bit I see where that is coming from, still not a fan of PokeChu.

I'd like Wolf copped because I can't see myself getting a solid read on that slot.

jojalole and Moydoe give me pause due to not really having a good bead on either.

Now I sleep, night.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Hmm, ok do you find Stoopid's posting from Oppo to be pretty bad and knee jerky to how he went with the gambit?

It's mostly his vote on Ura from D1...he said it was a "pressure" vote, and never took it off after all the claims that went down. I mean, if it was for pressure, surely enough pressure was applied...right? He also never explicitly stated he was reading Ura as scum.

Vote: Ura

Just doing this to add extra pressure.
Unikorn's response to this is probably "I was at work though," but Unikorn is more or less the boy who cried wolf; he claimed he was busy with work when he was scum in Fate mafia.

Deleted member


Unvote: Jojalole
Vote: Stoopid Unikorn

I've had some time to think about it and I'm starting to believe we should start with Uni, and if nothing comes out of him, we move on to "inactive but not enough to warrant a hostkill"

Fire Emblemier Fire Emblemier since it hasn't been answered yet, how much inactivity is necessary for someone to be taken out of the game?
At one point you even said Opo lied about being vanilla? Why is that?
I already explained that, it was a gambit to see how Opo would react.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

It's mostly his vote on Ura from D1...he said it was a "pressure" vote, and never took it off after all the claims that went down. I mean, if it was for pressure, surely enough pressure was applied...right? He also never explicitly stated he was reading Ura as scum.

Unikorn's response to this is probably "I was at work though," but Unikorn is more or less the boy who cried wolf; he claimed he was busy with work when he was scum in Fate mafia.
I’ll reread this part when I have a free moment.

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
he claimed he was busy with work when he was scum in Fate mafia.
>points out that work is taking too much of my time after BIM
>only joins this one because of the longer phases
>both events happened long before roles were even handed out
>lack of activity is still used as a reasoning of me being scum despite all of the above

I swear to god, if my work schedule literally is the reason my ass gets lynched, I'm never playing mafia ever again with you guys.


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
The phrasing of your claim also looked odd to me; saying "I win with Town even if I am dead" isn't necessarily a direct implication that you're Town. I'm just offering it as another viewpoint, but not necessarily trying to alleviate suspicion towards Red Ryu as a whole.
Ura Ura I want you to explain to me how "I win with town" makes it abundantly clear that you are town aligned in anyway shape or form. What part of the phrase makes it clear as crystal that you are a townie and not someone who can win with town.

I win with town versus I am town, which makes it clear as day. I pay attention for slips like this with wording and intent, that wording makes sense as an indie and even with what PokeChu posted I still think that is a bizarre way to word it. Take or leave it, I'm not dealing with a tunnel right now even more so with someone who is town.
This isn't the point I was making, I called him being an indie and not mafia because it looked like an indie slip and I lynch all indie because there is zero reason to trust they are not lying about their wincon.

I win with town versus I am town implies two different things.
Except that there was no slip on my part. You need to look at the context dude and see the position I was in. The mob was after me and I had to tell them my win condition as a means to let them know I was legit (even if it didn't quite work out as well as I hoped). I had to let them know that even if they were to lynch me I could still win with them given my wincon. I made it clear to also let people know I was Town as well before that when I mentioned to everyone I was a vanilla townie. Me saying "Yeah no worries guys i'm Town" is essentially worthless in the eyes of Town and only makes people more suspicious of me.

Literally me saying "I'm Town" would have made the situation worse. Especially since I made it known I was a vanilla townie before that.
I already explained that, it was a gambit to see how Opo would react.
It was huh? How did he react again? I forgot that part of this phase.

Unvote: Jojalole
Vote: Stoopid Unikorn

I've had some time to think about it and I'm starting to believe we should start with Uni, and if nothing comes out of him, we move on to "inactive but not enough to warrant a hostkill"
>points out that work is taking too much of my time after BIM
>only joins this one because of the longer phases
>both events happened long before roles were even handed out
>lack of activity is still used as a reasoning of me being scum despite all of the above

I swear to god, if my work schedule literally is the reason my *** gets lynched, I'm never playing mafia ever again with you guys.
Yeah, i'm with Uni on this one. Seeing as everyone here has claimed some sort of personal life thing as an excuse I don't see why it's fair to brand Uni as suspicious because of that.

Of course that doesn't mean he's not suspicious. He's still someone I see as a potential mafia scum. It's just lynching him on this merit isn't justified.
[QUOTE="BarDulL, post: 22258550, member: 102348"I agree with you regarding Pokechu. Pokechu's distance from the lynch rubbed me the wrong way.[/QUOTE]
Yeah. Chu being spiritually apart of the lynch yet still not casting a vote is enough for me to think something is up. And of course, him and Joja being very cordial with each other which I mentioned in my 2nd TL:DR post. Starting to think there's a lot of links here.


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
I dun goof guyz. Lemme repost what I said above.
I agree with you regarding Pokechu. Pokechu's distance from the lynch rubbed me the wrong way.
Yeah. Chu being spiritually apart of the lynch yet still not casting a vote is enough for me to think something is up. And of course, him and Joja being very cordial with each other which I mentioned in my 2nd TL:DR post. Starting to think there's a lot of links here.

Deleted member

To be fair, Uni was actually busy with work in Fate 2 but there are reasons other than his inactivity to make me suspicious of him.

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
And I was legitimately busy in Fate/Mafia, by the way. Just because I was scum back then doesn't mean I was lying about that.

If you use my job as an excuse to brand me as scum, why should I even bother playing with you people? It gives me the impression that you people don't give a **** about me or my personal life and will just use it as an excuse to murder me whenever it's most convenient and that really sucks.

Especially since there is a better reason to accuse me in this game other than being busy, aka the questionnable Ura vote.

And to think that I had to bring up that my work has taken more of my free time on both day phases. Yeah, I'm frankly insulted.

To be fair, Uni was actually busy with work in Fate 2 but there are reasons other than his inactivity to make me suspicious of him.
Thank you, Shish.

You posted it first, but dammit, I was in the middle of writing it.


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
I have your back on that Uni, it's unfair to throw you under the bus on that merit.

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Vote: Dull

The very fact that you used my work schedule as an excuse, despite everything before the game began AND the fact that almost everyone here said that too, is definitely trying to grasp at straws in a place where you really didn't need to.

I've been pretty weird on this game, I won't deny that, but my work hasn't and will never be a lie.


chugga chugga
Mar 3, 2014
Moo Moo Meadows
Switch FC
I dun goof guyz. Lemme repost what I said above.

Yeah. Chu being spiritually apart of the lynch yet still not casting a vote is enough for me to think something is up. And of course, him and Joja being very cordial with each other which I mentioned in my 2nd TL:DR post. Starting to think there's a lot of links here.
I'm not sure what connection you see between Joja and I?
I'm not going to ditch out everything you said because as I said Pent and Louise could very well be mafia claims to have their back. However Shish using his avatar to claim his character is something he's been doing, either as town or scum (in villains he had a picture of Juri, and in FEH2 a picture of Sheena even if that was his fake claim), so that part isn't particularly sketchy. I did feel StHz's claim of Pent was genuine after Shish said he was either Pent or Louise, so I want to believe it's true.

And even though it's something I would not see happening, I must admit the possibility of having Pent or Louise as town and the other as scum...

I'm also of the opinion that strong claims shouldn't be done day 1 because we are giving mafia free info.
Yeah, I also noticed the thing Pokechu pointed out about the message that was "lie detected" now that I was re-reading, but he did state that his win condition on that message.
Pokechu I feel is definitely town, he didn't vote for Ura after all and I see his interactions as normal.
These are the only instances where he's interacted with or mentioned me, also the tiebreaker too but I don't see how that's anywhere near enough to think there's a lot of links between us.

I don't recall ever stating my suspect list so I'm not sure how you think they line up? I was curious how Joja thought that me not voting Ura was a townread but hey, whatever floats his boat, since I know I'm town I'm not gonna complain about it LOL.

I also don't see the problem of my vote not being on you. I'm hesitant to use my vote in every game, and this is my fifteenth. And I recall saying that I wasn't really suspicious of you, I was suspicious of the circumstances of there actually being a lie detector. So why should I vote you in that case when I'm not suspicious of you? Yeah, I wasn't suspicious of you but was okay with your lynch, since it's not like we had any other options aside from Shish and Uni who I also was reading null/town and you had the biggest wagon anyways, which my vote wouldn't have changed. So I didn't see the need to vote. :confused:


chugga chugga
Mar 3, 2014
Moo Moo Meadows
Switch FC
Pokechu Pokechu I haven't really talked to you this game aside from now. Do you have opinions on Stoopid, Moydow, and LoneKon? Would you prefer ShadowTheHedgehog before Stoopid?
My opinion of Stoopid is that while he has done some sketch stuff, like his Ura vote (and I'm not sure I like how he tried throwing shade on Opo on post #801), I think that it can just be a town who's struggling to contribute. He's pretty busy with work IRL so I'm not surprised that he's coming off iffy. Him suggesting that he shouldn't vote at all rubbed me the wrong way until he realized that that'd be just as bad, which caused me to read him a bit better. He's null, but my opinion may change once I reread the thread.

Moydow is a townread. I usually don't like when people pop in only when tagged, but Moy's posts are actually pretty in-depth and give views that I hadn't considered. They're not just summaries, they're actual reads and observations. I'm not blaming her (IDK their gender) for not being one of the more active players as this is her first Mafia game here, so she may adjust sooner or later. Either way I like her posts, she's on my good side.

Likewise, Kon I'm also reading town. Not as town as Moy as I feel his reads aren't in-depth or unique and a handful are just "null", but his position seems authentic. I feel as though he's playing very similarly to FEH 2 and BIM, where he was town in both, so he's not raising any eyebrows for me here.

I'd prefer a lynch that's not Stoopid, I'd hate for him to get lynched D2 if he is town and just busy. Although, Shadow's made like two posts so creating a read on him isn't possible but we know him having a PR is out of the question, so I wouldn't be surprised if he was just town. Would still prefer to lynch Shadow over Uni because of the inactivity, but I'm just saying it likely won't give us a result we want.


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
I'm not sure what connection you see between Joja and I?

These are the only instances where he's interacted with or mentioned me, also the tiebreaker too but I don't see how that's anywhere near enough to think there's a lot of links between us.

I don't recall ever stating my suspect list so I'm not sure how you think they line up? I was curious how Joja thought that me not voting Ura was a townread but hey, whatever floats his boat, since I know I'm town I'm not gonna complain about it LOL.

I also don't see the problem of my vote not being on you. I'm hesitant to use my vote in every game, and this is my fifteenth. And I recall saying that I wasn't really suspicious of you, I was suspicious of the circumstances of there actually being a lie detector. So why should I vote you in that case when I'm not suspicious of you? Yeah, I wasn't suspicious of you but was okay with your lynch, since it's not like we had any other options aside from Shish and Uni who I also was reading null/town and you had the biggest wagon anyways, which my vote wouldn't have changed. So I didn't see the need to vote. :confused:
It's the classic scum play of "let's throw our votes in different places". I mean theoretically speaking if you were Mafia. I could see why a hypothetical Scum! Chu would want to do that.

And it's more than that as I mentioned. You to almost saw eye to eye on everything. Your Scum list was virtually identical and you both went out of your way to brand each other as Town. I mean it's nothing definitive just yet but it is cause for suspicion.


chugga chugga
Mar 3, 2014
Moo Moo Meadows
Switch FC
And it's more than that as I mentioned. You to almost saw eye to eye on everything. Your Scum list was virtually identical and you both went out of your way to brand each other as Town. I mean it's nothing definitive just yet but it is cause for suspicion.
Can you quote the post where I said my scum list? I don't recall ever saying it. :confused:

And I also wouldn't call it "going out of my way" to brand Joja as town, Shish used an RNG vote on him so I just thought "hey, IDK, he seems town to me".

I can see though how from another pair of eyes it makes sense as to why it looks suspicious, but I don't recall ever saying my scum list. Joja posted his and he was suspecting Opo, Ryu, and Uni, but I think I said my reason to suspect Opo was only because of Shish's claim, I don't think I've stated I was really suspicious of Uni (I in fact defended him D1), and I definitely don't remember saying anything on my read of Ryu.


chugga chugga
Mar 3, 2014
Moo Moo Meadows
Switch FC
Anyway, I don't think it's "opportunistic" to jump on Opo when Opo was being identified as something other than his original claim. My only qualm with the gambit is that Shish didn't really wait for more votes, but I don't think he's scum for it.
It definitely seems "opportunistic" when aside from the one making the gambit, you were the only one who voted for him, especially when part of your reason provided was just "he didn't have an open mind!!!" and you just essentially took it all back right when the gambit ended

Opossum's reaction seems fine. I agree that things were really convenient for Ura to openly ask for a lie detector and for Spak to come to his aid. I've also seen games where Mafia relied heavily on the claim of another player (Mario mafia comes to mind, with vaan and Swamp). I guess I'm a little biased because I know Spak would never do this unless it was a LyLo situation.
This 180 just happened too quick imo, considering how the reason Opo wasn't open-minded about Spak's claim... was because it was really convenient, as you stated.


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
Can you quote the post where I said my scum list? I don't recall ever saying it. :confused:

And I also wouldn't call it "going out of my way" to brand Joja as town, Shish used an RNG vote on him so I just thought "hey, IDK, he seems town to me".

I can see though how from another pair of eyes it makes sense as to why it looks suspicious, but I don't recall ever saying my scum list. Joja posted his and he was suspecting Opo, Ryu, and Uni, but I think I said my reason to suspect Opo was only because of Shish's claim, I don't think I've stated I was really suspicious of Uni (I in fact defended him D1), and I definitely don't remember saying anything on my read of Ryu.
Well I mean at one point in the game you had all these guys branded as suspicious. It's something worth mentioning at least.


chugga chugga
Mar 3, 2014
Moo Moo Meadows
Switch FC
Between Opo and Uni, I believe it could be TvT, but if one had to be town and the other had to be mafia, I'm more inclined to think that the townie is Opo. His vote on Ura seems like genuine frustration and I believe as a mafia that he'd be hesitant to vote a confirmed townie like that. Looking back at it too, I can also see what Shish is talking about with how Opo didn't try and have Shish's head on a pole after being outed.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
It definitely seems "opportunistic" when aside from the one making the gambit, you were the only one who voted for him, especially when part of your reason provided was just "he didn't have an open mind!!!" and you just essentially took it all back right when the gambit ended

This 180 just happened too quick imo, considering how the reason Opo wasn't open-minded about Spak's claim... was because it was really convenient, as you stated.
I specified that, unless there was some kind of weird gambit going on between Shish and Opossum, that we should clearly continue applying votes to Opossum.

The thing is, anyone who votes for Opossum under the condition that he is claiming something he is not has a really good excuse to vote for him, Town or Scum.

If a cop claims a guilty on someone, you're not going to jump on it?

After Shish revealed his gambit and Opossum responded to me, the true context of their interaction was revealed.

Can you quote the post where I said my scum list? I don't recall ever saying it. :confused:
You should post this.

QUOTE="Pokechu, post: 22259295, member: 238951"]My opinion of Stoopid is that while he has done some sketch stuff, like his Ura vote (and I'm not sure I like how he tried throwing shade on Opo on post #801), I think that it can just be a town who's struggling to contribute. He's pretty busy with work IRL so I'm not surprised that he's coming off iffy. Him suggesting that he shouldn't vote at all rubbed me the wrong way until he realized that that'd be just as bad, which caused me to read him a bit better. He's null, but my opinion may change once I reread the thread.

Moydow is a townread. I usually don't like when people pop in only when tagged, but Moy's posts are actually pretty in-depth and give views that I hadn't considered. They're not just summaries, they're actual reads and observations. I'm not blaming her (IDK their gender) for not being one of the more active players as this is her first Mafia game here, so she may adjust sooner or later. Either way I like her posts, she's on my good side.

Likewise, Kon I'm also reading town. Not as town as Moy as I feel his reads aren't in-depth or unique and a handful are just "null", but his position seems authentic. I feel as though he's playing very similarly to FEH 2 and BIM, where he was town in both, so he's not raising any eyebrows for me here.

I'd prefer a lynch that's not Stoopid, I'd hate for him to get lynched D2 if he is town and just busy. Although, Shadow's made like two posts so creating a read on him isn't possible but we know him having a PR is out of the question, so I wouldn't be surprised if he was just town. Would still prefer to lynch Shadow over Uni because of the inactivity, but I'm just saying it likely won't give us a result we want.[/QUOTE]

This post is incredibly sus.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas

My opinion of Stoopid is that while he has done some sketch stuff, like his Ura vote (and I'm not sure I like how he tried throwing shade on Opo on post #801), I think that it can just be a town who's struggling to contribute. He's pretty busy with work IRL so I'm not surprised that he's coming off iffy. Him suggesting that he shouldn't vote at all rubbed me the wrong way until he realized that that'd be just as bad, which caused me to read him a bit better. He's null, but my opinion may change once I reread the thread.

Moydow is a townread. I usually don't like when people pop in only when tagged, but Moy's posts are actually pretty in-depth and give views that I hadn't considered. They're not just summaries, they're actual reads and observations. I'm not blaming her (IDK their gender) for not being one of the more active players as this is her first Mafia game here, so she may adjust sooner or later. Either way I like her posts, she's on my good side.

Likewise, Kon I'm also reading town. Not as town as Moy as I feel his reads aren't in-depth or unique and a handful are just "null", but his position seems authentic. I feel as though he's playing very similarly to FEH 2 and BIM, where he was town in both, so he's not raising any eyebrows for me here.

I'd prefer a lynch that's not Stoopid, I'd hate for him to get lynched D2 if he is town and just busy. Although, Shadow's made like two posts so creating a read on him isn't possible but we know him having a PR is out of the question, so I wouldn't be surprised if he was just town. Would still prefer to lynch Shadow over Uni because of the inactivity, but I'm just saying it likely won't give us a result we want.
This post is incredibly sus.


chugga chugga
Mar 3, 2014
Moo Moo Meadows
Switch FC
This post is incredibly sus.
How? It's just giving Uni the benefit of the doubt and advocating to lynch someone who's completely inactive, which Uni is not.

You asked for my reads on the three, I gave you them. What's the problem???


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Your distancing from a potential Unikorn lynch makes me incredibly uncomfortable. It's the same exact feeling as I got when you distanced yourself from the Ura lynch. In fact, you're doing the exact same thing by suggesting that "it likely won't give us a result we want" as though you know his alignment with certainty. This goes directly in contrast with your initial input of him being "null" as well.


chugga chugga
Mar 3, 2014
Moo Moo Meadows
Switch FC
Your distancing from a potential Unikorn lynch makes me incredibly uncomfortable. It's the same exact feeling as I got when you distanced yourself from the Ura lynch. In fact, you're doing the exact same thing by suggesting that "it likely won't give us a result we want" as though you know his alignment with certainty. This goes directly in contrast with your initial input of him being "null" as well.
I said "it likely won't give us a result we want" in regards to Shadow flipping scum. I think that Shadow's town, partially because of how he can't have a PR as the night wouldn't have ended early.

It wasn't in regard to Stoopid, so it doesn't contradict my input of him being null.

And how am I distancing? I just don't think it's the best course of action, as Stoopid really could be town but coming off iffy due to work. What's wrong about that? I'm genuinely confused here :confused:


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
Opo I kind of doubt is Mafia. His reactions really seemed genuine and it's different from Scum! Opo.

Although I can't say I'm fully convinced of his innocence.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
I said "it likely won't give us a result we want" in regards to Shadow flipping scum. I think that Shadow's town, partially because of how he can't have a PR as the night wouldn't have ended early.

It wasn't in regard to Stoopid, so it doesn't contradict my input of him being null.

And how am I distancing? I just don't think it's the best course of action, as Stoopid really could be town but coming off iffy due to work. What's wrong about that? I'm genuinely confused here :confused:
Let me rephrase:

You're saying Unikorn is null and kind of sketch, but it's possible that he's Town and just busy with working.

If Uni flips Town, you look good by saying this. If Uni flips scum, you look bad by saying this. Altogether though, you are distancing yourself from the lynch in a very similar manner as you did with Ura.

You're doing the exact same thing with Shadow by saying "it likely won't give us a result we want." You just speak in a manner that I don't feel is reasonable. Perhaps being too confident with your reads is a better way to put it. Having Moydow and LoneKonWolf as Town is also eerie, as they haven't posted much or gotten their hands dirty...at all.

You don't have to explain your reads to me, but I'd like a full list, top to bottom, of who you think is scum and who you think is Town.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Something like this:

Pokechu - Town
Unikorn - Null
Bard - Scum

I don't expect a completely laid out read list since that's a lot.
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