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Final Smash V: Reunion San Antonio, TX BRAWL RESULTS!

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
LOL It's because everyone loved my wii at FS5 XD.

Seriously before my tournament match with Sudai he turned up the volume all the way to live and learn which was on my character select screen and we just jammed to like the whole song before our tournament match haha.

Toooo good.


Oh yeah, Seth, send me an inclosed instructions booklet too.


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Thein, I'll add you to the list of everyone that wants a goggles match. Haha. <3 I'll make sure you at least get a chance to win them, but I can swear I won't lose them. I made a promise to Santi that I'd protect the legend!

Sethlon, could you PM me the instructions as well.


Smash Champion
Apr 20, 2004
Dallas, Texas
<3 Le Thien

@ all the guys who want hacked music; tell you what, just PM me your email address and I'll simultaneously send you guys an email with codes/instructions.


Smash Hero
Sep 18, 2006
SA-Town, Texas
I like how I queued 10 videos during the night, and only 5 downloaded. Everything except Losers Finals will be up tonight.


Smash Hero
Sep 18, 2006
SA-Town, Texas
D: No. Twice when you had a match it was in the middle of the set and someone else would be ready to start theirs, so Id get that one.

Infinity literally played 4 rounds with about one minute between each one. He went through his bracket so fast, and I had to idea you and him had played.

DDD: If you come back, I'll be sure to get every round of yours! Thats a promise as good as butthole.

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
D: No. Twice when you had a match it was in the middle of the set and someone else would be ready to start theirs, so Id get that one.

Infinity literally played 4 rounds with about one minute between each one. He went through his bracket so fast, and I had to idea you and him had played.

DDD: If you come back, I'll be sure to get every round of yours! Thats a promise as good as butthole.
Which vids are you uploaded as we speak?


Me vs. Infinity #1 is up...


Smash Hero
Sep 18, 2006
SA-Town, Texas
You people are funny :D

Santi vs Le Thien
Hylian vs Melee1
Espy vs Melee1 (3rd match only)
Espy vs d4ba
Dojo vs Melee1
Espy vs Le Thien
Infinity vs Espy
Espy vs Razer
Razer vs Infinity


Smash Champion
Feb 7, 2007
Time Chamber, Texas
Pee Es: Remember when I you were fighting Melee1 on Yoshi's Island (Pipes)? I turned to Lee as you were administering your ***-beat to him mid-stock and said, "Holy ****in' ****, I'm never ever going to beat Dojo"; and then your dumb *** turned around to see who said that, and you lost a stock. LOL, you're so stupid. =) Definitely one of the funniest and most memorable moments of the tournament, for sure.


I would like you to know, good sir, I did not die. I merely got chaingrabbed to 50. :p


Smash Champion
Feb 7, 2007
Time Chamber, Texas
I think Beah recorded them. Talk to him about getting them up. Few things I noticed that I need to go over for next time. I'm coming back full blast ****er.

Van Jones

Smash Lord
Feb 5, 2008
Leander, TX
Lol. I had such a good time at the tourney. Can't wait to meet up with all of you guys again.

Lee: She was 12..................WTF. Jk man. You are too cool. Good **** on winning. I'm stealing some Lucario stuff from you. :)

Ultimate Razer: Razer, you are a little beast. "DO IT FOR PAPA!" Too good. I always have fun playing you. Get a new sheep!

Infinity: Third place? Good **** dude. I think it was the MK pin. Lol. Oh yeah, you actually made me laugh with one of your jokes. GG, sir. GG. :)

Espy: Wow. All I can say is wow. You're Sonic is amazing. Watching you play was one of the best parts of this tournament for me. Can't wait to get some games in with you.

The Jerm: Dude, you've stepped it up like no other. I'm super impressed with your play. Good ****.

DMG: DMG, you are a little too good for me right now. I had a lot of fun hanging out all weekend. Lol, I'll pick you up on Friday. :)

LE THIEN: Thien, **** YOU for scaring the **** out of me during my match. Jk, man. You are chill as ****. I really wanted to play you, but there was never time. Can't wait to hang out again.

Dojo: Sorry you had such a bad time during the weekend. I really hope things get better for you. If it makes you feel any better....................I think you're sexy. :)

d4ba: So my Pika sucks, eh? We will play.

UTD Zac: Zac.................you are too **** good. Way to place above me....AGAIN. lol. I think that you are the best teams player in the state of TX. LETS GO TO SKYWORLD!

Bad News Bear: Lol, you suck. Maybe you should quit. Also, you like men.

Melee1: Wow, your ICs make full grown men cry. I wanted to get in some games with you. Oh well. Lets play some at PBT.

Sudai: SUDAI!!!!!!!!!!!! *hugs Sudai*. Sudai, you are the ****. YOU ARE AWESOME!

Magik: It was really nice meeting you this weekend. You're PT is really good. I was hoping you would use him in teams. Lol.

Santi: Ssssssssssaaaaaannnnnnnttttttiiiiiiiiiiiiii. I love you. Wow, you thought about me before death. You know what? Imma buy you a cookie and something else really cool the next time I see you. Oh yeah, WHEN I SAY BAN NORFAIR, BAN NORFAIR! :)

DPhat: ANDY!! Dude, you are the ****. I had some much fun hanging out with you all week. I really appreciate the housing. You are welcome to come and stay with me whenever you want. Dude, I already miss you. What am I missing here? Oh yeah! "Sweet Peach Tea?! That sounds GREAT!" :)

Typ EX: Lol, You really showed me that I fall for some pretty dumb stuff. In all seriousness, thanks for doing that to me. That is something I really need to learn. Good **** man.

Hylian: Hylian, we didn't have any hang out time. If you are going to Philly, we need to chill. We need to play some as well.

Fatty Fat Fatso: I watched you play against Sudai. Your Wario is really good. Good ****.

Bwett : "Wait, you are the B Wett?" Bwett, you are amazing. I had way too much fun hanging out with you all week. I can't wait to get back to Dallas. WE MUST HANG OUT AGAIN! THUMB LIKE PEE PEE!

Carnage: Good MK. You gave me a scare during that first match. I had fun playing you.

Furious Duffman X: Duffman, I didn't get to talk to you at all. Sorry about that. If you come to another HOBO or something, let play. c:)

Popertop: Popertop, you are gay. Lol, JK. Your beard is epic. lololol

Phantom X: Lol. Phantom, you are silly. My Mario wants to play your Ganon again. LETS PLAY!

Cyphus: Lol, I almost threw up when you started twisting your body around. Wow, your DK is the ****. I was so fun watching you play.

Forsaken: FORSAKEN! Good ****, man. Hey, don't get down. Smile. :) Love you...........super homo.

Ran Iji: Ran, we didn't play. That makes me sad. :( Your Snake is awesome. :)

KOS-MOS: Lol. KOS-MOS, you are too funny. I had a good time talking with you. How many characters do you play? Lol, toooooooo good.

Suspect: I didn't get to meet you. Sad face. :(

BlueJay: Dude, your Mario is the ****. I stole so much **** from you this past weekend. Good stuff.

A male platypus: We didn't play. I cried.

Phoenix Alpha: PHOENIX! Lol, you are too funny. I was laughing the entire way back from the tourney. Ike dittos were epic. :)

Angel: Angel, you get better and better each time I see you play. Way to step it up man. Good stuff. :)

BWAMP: Nice to see you again, man. Your R.O.B. is a beast. Thanks for the beat down in teams. :) We should get some singles in.

K Prime: PRIME, I finally met you. Your Pika brings a smile to my face. We should train super hard and take over TX with our Pika power. I can't wait to meet up with you again. Oh yeah, your sister(I think) called me out on my All is Brawl profile. Too good. :)

Fogo: Fogo = too good. Dude, you are the ****. I wanted to hang out with you more, but time wouldn't allow. Lol, I was having a fun time watching you doctor up Forsaken's controller. Fogo Magic.

rOni: Roni, we didn't hang out. Sad face. :(

T: T, same thing. Super sad face.

CY: Hey, I had a good time hanging out with you at JoWii's house. I'm stealing some **** from your Falco. Good ****.

Takeurlife: Takeurlife. Lol, that isn't a name. It's a statement. Lol, too good. Your text message jokes were silly. We didn't play. Wtf? :(

Arturito Burrito: Wow, your Ike is amazing. I'm so glad I got to play you. You have to come to a HOBO so that we can play more. :)

Sethlon: ZSS? Jk, jk. You naked Samus is already really good. I was hoping to play you. Really, I wanted to steal some **** from your Falco. :p Lol, you are too good.

ADMJP: Dude, your Marth is the shiz. That Japes match vs Melee 1 was too good. Good ****.

Morning Star: Dude, you are awesome. I had such a good time talking to you. Your Snake is really good. Good ****, my friend. Good ****. :)

Hiza: HIZA!!!!! Captain Falcon ftw. Lol. One the best moment I had during the tourney was our Falcon dittos. Way too much fun. :)

WEMP: Talking with you was fun. I really wanted to hang out more, but everyone was so pressed for time. I was interested to play your TLink. Lets play some at Tomball.

JoWii: Dude, YOU. ARE. THE. ****! Thank you ssssooooooo much for housing us. So clutch. Again, you are the best. Thanks ALOT. :) :) :)

K guys, here are pic from the tourney:
http://s362.photobucket.com/albums/oo65/badnewsbear06/Final Smash 5/

I'll post videos soon. :)


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
The only good thing about me not going to this tourney is I don't have to say "I got beat by Sonic."


Apr 16, 2008
Round Rock, Texas
BEAH! You know you just want my Ganon to trash your Mario again. It certainly felt good to beat on other people's low tiers after LeeMartin had rough, fast sex with it w/ his Falcon.

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
lolz. Much <3 to you too THieN.

I watched my sets with Razer. I'm shaking a little from how exciting it was.
Don't worry Razer, I'll get you back for this when next we meet.

Oh, and lulz for tripping into C4 on Lylat Cruise.


Smash Cadet
Oct 10, 2008
^____^ texas too cool. i love le thien. def nicest guy i ever met. thanks for lettin us crash nike


Smash Lord
Jul 22, 2008
Cypress, TX
Woah. Jerm, dude. Woah.

Your amazing. Nuff said. 5th place! Good job! You've been learning the Diddy Match-up haven't you xD

Lee: If I ever get a chance, I would want to Brawl your Lucario. I've been hearing lotz about it. Good job on 1st btw!

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