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Final Fantasy VIII Mafia | ~ Mafia Wins!! ~


Aug 9, 2012
Yeah you totally didn't vote JTB.

You also didn't do anything to pressure JTB. Or Orbo at that.

I'm totally making this up and skimming the fact that you voted JTB. Okay :3. I love being right.

lol what the heck. You're totally right. I don't even remember doing that o-o. Still goes against your point. I thought he was scummy before he justified his Orbo reasoning. In which I gained a town read.
Also, you didn't ask me to give 5, you said I gave 5. Totally different things. Try to incriminate me more please.

Also, there's 2. Having me at the top of your scum list when I'm not even there makes at least 5 since at least 3 of your posts are only vote counts (maybe more).

Easy enough :D.

I ASKED you to show 5 posts. I wasn't saying that you DID give 5 posts. I see the confusion there. I was asking you to show how 5 of the posts were "idiotic".

Why do you think JTB is town?


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
I've agreed with the logic behind all of JTB's post, and I feel like he's hunting for scum instead of trying to incriminate.

I kinda figured that was why, but if you thought they were scummy, then why didn't you pressure them? :|. I kinda figured that you would... ya know... try to get information from them if you thought they were scummy. :p. Or try to get them lynched. You just put a vote on them and let it sit there.


Dramatic Flair

Jul 21, 2011
Chasing after ladies and swords!
Murder there's no need for you to continue pushing me. I'm ok with dying. For now can you just respond to the Orbo post?
Ryker's putting a bed together. We'll get to it when we get to it. Still catching up. (Currently on post 548 for our combing)

If we haven't gotten to it after we're fully caught up, remind me (Raz), and I'll ensure it gets done or tell you outright to go **** yourself. One or the other.


Aug 9, 2012
You really don't have to be so douchy man. I intentionally chose to play this game differently as so not to irk, yet you're still being a jerk.


Aug 9, 2012
I am Zen.

You keep saying you don't like my gambit play or whatever. I chose to actually play this game by doing my own individual looking for scum thing, but no matter what you still tunnel me and say things like I'm a ***** and all that.

Dramatic Flair

Jul 21, 2011
Chasing after ladies and swords!
I didn't believe that you were Zen until a moment ago.

I'll give you a full rundown of everything that bothered me about your slot after the game. It mainly comes down to you constantly dodging us. You can't just expect us not to pester you when you say things we disagree with and push our townreads.

Not gonna fly.

I will, however, grant you that you didn't play like the bull**** from Necromafia. I'm lynching the slot because I think you're scum. This isn't a personal grudge, and I don't hate you.

Dramatic Flair

Jul 21, 2011
Chasing after ladies and swords!
Ryker what's your read from this? Would like to see as much detail as we'd discuss when hydra'ing.
Real freaking irritating.

But at this point, I've already decided that Rake is not mafia. Looking at Indy or Town, and the particular post you quoted doesn't really do anything for me in determining that.

Later on, you'll see the point in my notes, I start thinking he's Town.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
i like you more though

i dont have a arbitrary rule about you either :thumbs up:

btw, not getting why orbo is of more importance then tyran lol.

Whats you & rykers take on him ?

Dramatic Flair

Jul 21, 2011
Chasing after ladies and swords!
Hmm throughout all of Swiss' post I see about 9-10 contradictions I could point out and will do but I'll let people pick them out themselves first here let me start with one though and we can work through all of his stupid forced bull**** one at a time shall we?

Number 1. You point out that my reasoning of having Rake as town is stupid.. I said he has multiple posts and I am reading him as dumb which is a reason I feel safe about him posting so much with a substantial amount of posts having either wrong substance or nothing at all. You the post near the end of your wall of crap

"Here we go again...

Rake is town.

And dumb."

Oh wow you came to the same conclusion I did pages later after being inactive and making **** posts.

I want to play ball with you but I'm assuming you'll "skim" over a bunch of posts again.. get in some ego fest with Ryker and have half the playercast here ignore the fact that you're not playing a town game.

Upon official review: Foul on the play, #560!

We find in our notes:

41.) Boss #268. How in the world do you end up with a Rake town read at this stage?

In 560, you yell at Swiss for reaching the same conclusion you did there, but Swiss did it 200 posts later! That read SHOULD NOT HAVE EXISTED THEN.

15 yard penalty from the spot of the foul!


Aug 9, 2012
Dam I really need to study. I just want to get a current reads list up. I'd say this is pretty much conscensus between the two of us. At least a hyrbid of our reads.

Orboknown > Kawaii Vinyl.
Kreative Whiz Kids (Potassium / Sokr)
Boss (KevinM / Tom)

Anomandaris_Rake (100% not mafia)

Kary > Ranmaru

Red Ryu
mUrDErBUSh (Raziek / Ryker)
TwilightSparkle (BadWolf28738 / Ramen King)

I wasn't twisting anything.

The only person you truthfully pressured was Rake. You asked a few people other questions, but that isn't pressure. That's asking questions. Leaving a vote on someone without doing anything with it isn't pressure either :p. You were asked why you weren't voting your strongest scum read, me, and you said it was because I wasn't here. Yes, I worded it differently. Yes, it's the same thing. What's your point?
Joey I really can't settle my read on you until your posts actually line up with reality. I can't tell if you're intentionally twisting things to make a case or if you really are just misreading things due to lack of time. You're assuming that my reasons for calling you and Orbo scum was because you weren't here. That wasn't it at all. You were just a pregame hunch. For some reason those have been pretty accurate in the last couple of games I played. Orbo was due to the reasoning that I've posted/JTB posted. I don't think he is scum just because he isn't here. You're saying "why didn't you push him?" I'm saying "because he wasn't here to push." You claim that I haven't pushed anyone but Rake but how is that scummy at all? Who has Boss pushed? Who has KWK pushed? Who has JTB pushed? You have JTB as TOWN and me as SCUM, yet JTB and I have pushed exactly only Rake this game. So why are you making that out to be a scum tell for one and not the other? You can make a "well you've only pushed one person" type of thing on most of the players in this game. Your reasoning for calling me scum is just not legit at all. It's dumb that people (Ruy) would allow you to just say stuff that doesn't have any backing at all! May put you in the die pile again depending on if you stick to this or actually clear up your reads.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
55.) KWK #323. I hate gut reads. Especially when

everything he said in that post is qualified by

it being gut (Rake and Zen). Gives him a huge

56.) JTB #328-329. Still incredibly stupid.
57.) JTB #333. Still stupid.
58.) JTB #336. Still stupid. All of this,

however, comes before Rakes's vig claim. JTB

59.) Ruy #337. Disgustingly surface level.

Doesn't even try to act like he thought about it.
60.) JTB #338. Same old song and dance. Wish he

included actual content. This man is all

mechanics aside from about three posts that I

61.) Ruy #342. Weak justification of Boss town.
62.) Ruy #344. This vote is so bad. It doesn't do

anything. You already told TTar to get caught up

and haven't given him a chance to do so. POssible

distancing attempt? Keeping tabs on it.
63.) Ruy #346. So laaaaaaaaame. Cop out answer.

STILL doesn't put thought into it.
64.) JTB #347. STILL a ******** idea AND he wants

to put our BP on ****ing Rake.
65.) JTB #352. You are making it REALLY hard to

like you.
66.) JTB #355. Says he got too excited and

misread the question (the one that lead him to

vote). Then he doesn't unvote. Bleck.
67.) Rake #359. Absolutely ****ing ********. This

is the part where EVERYTHING is lost in the

shuffle if I'm not wrong.
68.)KWK #364. Why are we the best option when we

haven't been here. Why in the world would you

give BP to Rake?
69.) Zenwulf #370. You ****ing back me on not

doing it later and you ****ing don't explain why

the idea is ********. Also, put away your fishing

pole. I don't want to see people claiming.
70.) Rake, in general, is ********.
71.) Zenwulf #394. Kill it with fire.
72.) Zenwulf #398. No attempt at looking at the slot personally and insinuates that people are giving Rake a pass when no one else has responded.
73.) Why in the world has none of KWK, Zenwulf, Ruy, Rake, and JTB pointed out that a roleblocker or simple No Kill leave us boned if we go with the Carbunkle clear JTB suggested?
74.) Start of KWK #405 is laaaaaaaame. Whole thing reads dumb town. Last sentence suggesting random assignment could be scummy.
75.) KWK #409. This guy is so shallow he could be swimming in the kiddie pool.
76.) TS #417. Please kill yourself, amigo. Rake isn't mafia. He's town or he's indy and if he's indy he has to jump somewhere. He ought not be the play. Why are you rushing this lynch when almost no one has commented on it?
77.) TS #425. He just explained his thought process on why he didn't think that, so why didn't you ask that?
78.) KWK #426. Brownie points for askin bout JTB. Also brownie points for both heads of the hydra coming to the same read independently.
79.) JT #431. Gross. JTB specializes in weak justifications. Yeah, Rake is gross, but his explanation for why he did that reads as genuine to both of us and a simple analysis of his gains tells you he's not mafia.
80.) Inferno #438. Odd Boss link. Inferno, no matter how many games I play with you. Reading you is still a crap shoot.
81.) Zenwulf #455. So ****ing gross. Town read sticks on JTB through his awful, awful, rolefishy mechanics bull****.
82.) KWK #458. I love you. A LOT of the things I hate are highlighted here. Zenwulf's dead-end questioning. Zenwulf's Joey scumread. Highlights the complete drop on his Orbo read which I missed. Points out that no one is giving Rake a pass. Reads at the bottom line up with mine for the most part. I love you.
83.) TTar #464 is cute, but not helpful. Vig him please.
84.) Rake #481. My God, I think he's PROBABLY town instead of possibly.
85.) JTB #493. Dis gun b good.
86.) Zenwulf # 496. JTB Null? Ruy town? When did the read on Ruy change? And JTB null because "his posts have been very analytical" and "he is being the most pro town out of anyone." Spooby please. Weaksauce reasoning on JTB town. This is a running theme, but you have him at null because "your meta says he doesn't play this well." **** outta here.
87.) ROFL! Zenwulf #498. JTB already town. Good ****.
88.) Joey #506. Not a good post. I like the KWK read and I understand the Rake or TS read. Swiss/Murderbush thing is totally Joey. Doesn't like TS. Convienent for me and totally Joey. Need more to read the slot.
89.) Zenwulf #513. Defends JTB's *** backwards plan.
90.) Zenwulf #514. Not only continues saying to give JTB the BP, but he says to randomly assign it if not which is an even worse idea. Please die.
91.) Joey #516. I like this post.
92.) Zenwulf #521. Dat OMGUS and immediate wagon switch.
93.) Joey #535. Mah boi! Why is he giving Carbunkle to Rake? Could be scum? Hmmmmmmm?
94.) TS #540. Never substantiate! Never surrender!
95.) Swiss #543. Joey/RR town is cool. Zen/JTB town. KWK scum. Not cool, hombre.
96.) Inferno #548. Null post, but comforting to see someone approaching the GF with a brain.
97.) Joey #551. Wgat? Welp, there goes everything ever. Give GF to Rake? Wrong answer. JTB has done more than you thought? I wasn't under the impression you thought he'd done negative work.
98.) Boss #560. Does he ever come back to his 9-10 Swiss contradictions? Keep a tab.
99.) Joey #567. Okay, he meant JTB gets a GF which is better than saying Rake, but still not good.
100.) Swiss #605. Good response to Boss's callout. Needs to drop KWK scum read or at least elaborate. Agree that we don't like Boss, but it's not as pressing a matter. I need him to do ****. He can be dealt with later.
101.) Rake #620. Joey is bleck, but only after where TS jumped down his throat. He needs to explain why he has JTB town suddenly and he needs to continue playing. I am unafraid of reading that slot. Right now, null.
102.) KevMo #627. Obviously hasn't read jack ****.
103.) KevMo #628. JTB after TS, fo' sho. Orbo, not so much.
104.) KWK #635. Points for the question at the top. I wanted to ask it and forgot.
105.) Inferno #654. Inferno, real dumb.
106.) Joey #704. "All you did while I was gone was questioned a few things and went at Rake." That's an accurate assessment of his play. He tunnels Rake into the ground and the only people he takes issue with until he goes after Joey are people who disagree with him. There is one instance where he votes Orbo, but it is immediately forgotten and not picked up until we harp on him about it. Accurately points out again that the only person Zen actually pressures until he goes on Joey is Rake, despite voting other places. Damn straight on tunneling Rake not being worth a town read. Aside from JTB town read, it's a damn good post.
107.) Zenwulf #706. Highlighted part of the post is a strawman from hell. Ignores point about pressure.
108.) Rake #711. Your Joey scum read is stupid and you should feel stupid.

Dramatic Flair

Jul 21, 2011
Chasing after ladies and swords!
55.) KWK #323. I hate gut reads. Especially when

everything he said in that post is qualified by

it being gut (Rake and Zen). Gives him a huge

56.) JTB #328-329. Still incredibly stupid.
57.) JTB #333. Still stupid.
58.) JTB #336. Still stupid. All of this,

however, comes before Rakes's vig claim. JTB

59.) Ruy #337. Disgustingly surface level.

Doesn't even try to act like he thought about it.
60.) JTB #338. Same old song and dance. Wish he

included actual content. This man is all

mechanics aside from about three posts that I

61.) Ruy #342. Weak justification of Boss town.
62.) Ruy #344. This vote is so bad. It doesn't do

anything. You already told TTar to get caught up

and haven't given him a chance to do so. POssible

distancing attempt? Keeping tabs on it.
63.) Ruy #346. So laaaaaaaaame. Cop out answer.

STILL doesn't put thought into it.
64.) JTB #347. STILL a ******** idea AND he wants

to put our BP on ****ing Rake.
65.) JTB #352. You are making it REALLY hard to

like you.
66.) JTB #355. Says he got too excited and

misread the question (the one that lead him to

vote). Then he doesn't unvote. Bleck.
67.) Rake #359. Absolutely ****ing ********. This

is the part where EVERYTHING is lost in the

shuffle if I'm not wrong.
68.)KWK #364. Why are we the best option when we

haven't been here. Why in the world would you

give BP to Rake?
69.) Zenwulf #370. You ****ing back me on not

doing it later and you ****ing don't explain why

the idea is ********. Also, put away your fishing

pole. I don't want to see people claiming.
70.) Rake, in general, is ********.
71.) Zenwulf #394. Kill it with fire.
72.) Zenwulf #398. No attempt at looking at the slot personally and insinuates that people are giving Rake a pass when no one else has responded.
73.) Why in the world has none of KWK, Zenwulf, Ruy, Rake, and JTB pointed out that a roleblocker or simple No Kill leave us boned if we go with the Carbunkle clear JTB suggested?
74.) Start of KWK #405 is laaaaaaaame. Whole thing reads dumb town. Last sentence suggesting random assignment could be scummy.
75.) KWK #409. This guy is so shallow he could be swimming in the kiddie pool.
76.) TS #417. Please kill yourself, amigo. Rake isn't mafia. He's town or he's indy and if he's indy he has to jump somewhere. He ought not be the play. Why are you rushing this lynch when almost no one has commented on it?
77.) TS #425. He just explained his thought process on why he didn't think that, so why didn't you ask that?
78.) KWK #426. Brownie points for askin bout JTB. Also brownie points for both heads of the hydra coming to the same read independently.
79.) JT #431. Gross. JTB specializes in weak justifications. Yeah, Rake is gross, but his explanation for why he did that reads as genuine to both of us and a simple analysis of his gains tells you he's not mafia.
80.) Inferno #438. Odd Boss link. Inferno, no matter how many games I play with you. Reading you is still a crap shoot.
81.) Zenwulf #455. So ****ing gross. Town read sticks on JTB through his awful, awful, rolefishy mechanics bull****.
82.) KWK #458. I love you. A LOT of the things I hate are highlighted here. Zenwulf's dead-end questioning. Zenwulf's Joey scumread. Highlights the complete drop on his Orbo read which I missed. Points out that no one is giving Rake a pass. Reads at the bottom line up with mine for the most part. I love you.
83.) TTar #464 is cute, but not helpful. Vig him please.
84.) Rake #481. My God, I think he's PROBABLY town instead of possibly.
85.) JTB #493. Dis gun b good.
86.) Zenwulf # 496. JTB Null? Ruy town? When did the read on Ruy change? And JTB null because "his posts have been very analytical" and "he is being the most pro town out of anyone." Spooby please. Weaksauce reasoning on JTB town. This is a running theme, but you have him at null because "your meta says he doesn't play this well." **** outta here.
87.) ROFL! Zenwulf #498. JTB already town. Good ****.
88.) Joey #506. Not a good post. I like the KWK read and I understand the Rake or TS read. Swiss/Murderbush thing is totally Joey. Doesn't like TS. Convienent for me and totally Joey. Need more to read the slot.
89.) Zenwulf #513. Defends JTB's *** backwards plan.
90.) Zenwulf #514. Not only continues saying to give JTB the BP, but he says to randomly assign it if not which is an even worse idea. Please die.
91.) Joey #516. I like this post.
92.) Zenwulf #521. Dat OMGUS and immediate wagon switch.
93.) Joey #535. Mah boi! Why is he giving Carbunkle to Rake? Could be scum? Hmmmmmmm?
94.) TS #540. Never substantiate! Never surrender!
95.) Swiss #543. Joey/RR town is cool. Zen/JTB town. KWK scum. Not cool, hombre.
96.) Inferno #548. Null post, but comforting to see someone approaching the GF with a brain.
97.) Joey #551. Wgat? Welp, there goes everything ever. Give GF to Rake? Wrong answer. JTB has done more than you thought? I wasn't under the impression you thought he'd done negative work.
98.) Boss #560. Does he ever come back to his 9-10 Swiss contradictions? Keep a tab.
99.) Joey #567. Okay, he meant JTB gets a GF which is better than saying Rake, but still not good.
100.) Swiss #605. Good response to Boss's callout. Needs to drop KWK scum read or at least elaborate. Agree that we don't like Boss, but it's not as pressing a matter. I need him to do ****. He can be dealt with later.
101.) Rake #620. Joey is bleck, but only after where TS jumped down his throat. He needs to explain why he has JTB town suddenly and he needs to continue playing. I am unafraid of reading that slot. Right now, null.
102.) KevMo #627. Obviously hasn't read jack ****.
103.) KevMo #628. JTB after TS, fo' sho. Orbo, not so much.
104.) KWK #635. Points for the question at the top. I wanted to ask it and forgot.
105.) Inferno #654. Inferno, real dumb.
106.) Joey #704. "All you did while I was gone was questioned a few things and went at Rake." That's an accurate assessment of his play. He tunnels Rake into the ground and the only people he takes issue with until he goes after Joey are people who disagree with him. There is one instance where he votes Orbo, but it is immediately forgotten and not picked up until we harp on him about it. Accurately points out again that the only person Zen actually pressures until he goes on Joey is Rake, despite voting other places. Damn straight on tunneling Rake not being worth a town read. Aside from JTB town read, it's a damn good post.
107.) Zenwulf #706. Highlighted part of the post is a strawman from hell. Ignores point about pressure.
108.) Rake #711. Your Joey scum read is stupid and you should feel stupid.


Aug 9, 2012
TS, when did your read on Swiss change from Null to Town?
I don't know man. You keep asking me these when questions. My lists should be able to more or less tell you when. I'm pretty much in the moment. You can tell that I haven't been keeping track of all my pasts thoughts. Once I move on, they are pretty much deleted. Consider anyone that isn't lime or red as null-leans in scum or town direction.

Dramatic Flair

Jul 21, 2011
Chasing after ladies and swords!
I don't know man. You keep asking me these when questions. My lists should be able to more or less tell you when. I'm pretty much in the moment. You can tell that I haven't been keeping track of all my pasts thoughts. Once I move on, they are pretty much deleted. Consider anyone that isn't lime or red as null-leans in scum or town direction.
WHEN is important, otherwise, you can continue your leaves and sticks arts and crafts and never have to back up a read. Pinpoint it. Where did your read on Swiss change? What in his posts changed your mind?

This does not come from one of your ****ty reads lists.

Dramatic Flair

Jul 21, 2011
Chasing after ladies and swords!
[collapse=Full Notes]NOTE: Taking vig claim into account. Sincerely doubt Rake is mafia. Either SK or Vig. Reads reflect that.

1.) Orbo #56-#57 town lean.

2.) Orbo GF discussion. Town read.

3.) Swiss intentionally trying to keep me (Ryker) from reading him. Don't have a problem with staying unreadable to the rest of the cast. Don't like how he's staying aloof to me.

4.) Rake #85. WEAK justification.

5.) Ruy #95. Ew, doesn't do anything. Background Ruy is scum Ruy.

6.) Rake refuses to answer Zenwulf and it's ********. It's a dumb question and a ******** act not to appease him. Hate both parties involved. Zen presses moral highground advantage for no discernible gain. Zen should stop being obtuse.

7.) JTB #101. Worst post in game thus far, possible? Definitely a contender. Floats out a scum read on a slot that he has no business scum reading, but does so with no commitment. Will track Orbo read.

8.) Zen going deep on Rake (not a bad thing of itself). Not really concerning himself with other players. Dislike.

9.) Zenwulf #111. What difference does it make? Going in for the sake of going in on multiple fronts.


11.) Don't get Boss's #118 cypher. Don't see a crumb, don't see a reason to post it otherwise.

12.) I love Swiss #121. Swiss thinking like I think. Good day.

13.) Ruy #122 is good. If he continues doing things I don't have a problem with him. Ruy #123 is ehhhhhh. Raz doesn't like. Ryker doesn't care.

14.) Boss #124 doesn't say anything. Question obviously talks about cypher. Answer has nothing to do with it.

15.) Funnily enough, I want to know #128 as well.

16.) Don't like Zenwulf #134. Dodges the question and I like the question.

17.) Ruy's been fine this entire page. Town read.

18.) Zenwulf STILL dodges the question. Do you know to do with a lame horse? Shoot him in the head, please.

19.) Orbo #143 is solid. Last line is dumb move, but doesn't hurt town read. Outing claim slip isn't proscum anyway.

20.) Zenwulf #145 is interesting. There are obviously random reads in it, but the ones that could have basis line up. Rake scum, Orbo town, JTB scum lean, Ruy town lean, Boss squarely null. Red flag on having both Swiss and us as definite town. Swiss is a town lean for us at the moment, so that one is somewhat mitigated. This is single post makes me want to not murder him.

21.) Boss #148 is gross because it doesn't look past the surface that we just put it up there as pretty okay, and proceeds to dismiss the whole. Unfortunately, Zen posts these stupid read lists to net reactions that never amount to anything and make Boss's #148 a reasonable way to answer.

22.) 4 pages in and a lot of posts from Boss and no content. Possibly hydra disconnect Johns. Keeping tabs on it.

~Later on Boss reminds me it's confirmation phase in #157. Might be why.

23.) #161 contains no reads.

24.) #162 Kevin wants to Daykill Ruy who both me AND TOM liked.

25.) Boss # 165. No reads aside from no brainer Orbo town, still, but I like the questions he's asking.

26.) Zenwulf #167. Absolutely ****ing disgusting. Ruy goes from town lean to scum lean and Rake goes from scum to town lean. REALLY disgusting. His last read list made me want to keep him, but this makes me want him super dead.

27.) Zen #193 grimy as nuts. There is no benefit there.

28.) Rake #195 had me unable to play for awhile, I laughed so hard.

29.) KWK #199. Bzzt! Wrong. Inaccurate meta.

30.) Boss #201 is good. Picks up on KWK and Zen BS that we don't like either. Hydra shenanigans wrt GFs is annoying, but overlookable.

31.) Kantrip #203. We're miles past RVS. Once again, completely wrong analysis of Ruy meta.

32.) Joey #205. Joey butthurt. Slight town read.

33.) Soup #212. Accurate meta. Take notes, Kantrip.

34.) Zenwulf #223. Sewing distrust without cause. Not a policy statement. Raz - "I would trust Swiss with a gun a thousand times more than you."
Ryker - ":<"

35.) Swiss #229-231 solid sans de facto Boss town read.

36.) Zen #233 reeks. It doesn't DO anything but sling mud.

37.) Swiss #237 good vote.

38.) Ruy #240 possibly as better vote.

39.) Murderbush #247. What was I smoking?

40.) Boss #262. Don't see antitown Swiss right now. See normal Swiss. Don't like him trying to get a rise out of me (Ryker). Don't like him trying to drive a stake between me and Swiss before I have even had a chance to read him. I like the idea of getting a read list from Orbo as a concept. I've tried that idea elsewhere with less success. However, if you try and lynch him, I will fight over it. The KWK vote is a good vote.

41.) Boss #268. How in the world do you end up with a Rake town read at this stage?

42.) Orbo #275. Town forever.

43.) Zen #285. Lines up with his reasoning to give things to Swiss, but his reasoning was *** backwards, so I do not like it.

44.) Zen #286. Good vote.

45.) Zenwulf STILL hammering Rake to answer his really stupid early question. Should find a short pier to take a long walk on.

46.) Inferno #296. Gross. Wonders if there's anything worth reading in 300 posts of content. seriously.jpg

47.) JTB #297-300 are just bleh. Don't give me anything from JTB himself. Especially not the Orbo follow-up I wanted. #299 is just useless. He's nitpicking because Rake said "so I'll make my vote less than random" saying it would obviously be not random. Is that clause really worth your time?

48.) Rake #303. It has just occured to me that Rake's Rule #1 has thus far been proven accurate. That means I can lynch him this game!

49.) JTB #304. I hate it. Scumreading my town read for weak sauce reasons. He drops RVS WIFOM and that's a bad thing. Seriously? Question was legit and the conclusions your drawing are weak. Of course he looks at Ryker/Kevin as he's seen that. In this case, he doesn't need to make hydra allowances.

50.) #306 is ALSO disgusting. Random assignment is absolutely gross. If this explanation is what Zen says later is why his read changed, both can go.

51.) TTar reads lost, null read.

52.) Zen #312. I kind of threw up a little. Maybe a lot. There's so much I hate about this, it gets a post now.

53.) JTB #315. Usesless question.

54.) Zenwulf #318. Assigns GF to my other scumread. Please die.

55.) KWK #323. I hate gut reads. Especially when everything he said in that post is qualified by it being gut (Rake and Zen). Gives him a huge backdoor.

56.) JTB #328-329. Still incredibly stupid.

57.) JTB #333. Still stupid.

58.) JTB #336. Still stupid. All of this, however, comes before Rakes's vig claim. JTB rolefishing?

59.) Ruy #337. Disgustingly surface level. Doesn't even try to act like he thought about it.

60.) JTB #338. Same old song and dance. Wish he included actual content. This man is all mechanics aside from about three posts that I despise.

61.) Ruy #342. Weak justification of Boss town.

62.) Ruy #344. This vote is so bad. It doesn't do anything. You already told TTar to get caught up and haven't given him a chance to do so. POssible distancing attempt? Keeping tabs on it.

63.) Ruy #346. So laaaaaaaaame. Cop out answer. STILL doesn't put thought into it.

64.) JTB #347. STILL a ******** idea AND he wants to put our BP on ****ing Rake.

65.) JTB #352. You are making it REALLY hard to like you.

66.) JTB #355. Says he got too excited and misread the question (the one that lead him to vote). Then he doesn't unvote. Bleck.

67.) Rake #359. Absolutely ****ing ********. This is the part where EVERYTHING is lost in the shuffle if I'm not wrong.

68.)KWK #364. Why are we the best option when we haven't been here. Why in the world would you give BP to Rake?

69.) Zenwulf #370. You ****ing back me on not doing it later and you ****ing don't explain why the idea is ********. Also, put away your fishing pole. I don't want to see people claiming.

70.) Rake, in general, is ********.

71.) Zenwulf #394. Kill it with fire.

72.) Zenwulf #398. No attempt at looking at the slot personally and insinuates that people are giving Rake a pass when no one else has responded.

73.) Why in the world has none of KWK, Zenwulf, Ruy, Rake, and JTB pointed out that a roleblocker or simple No Kill leave us boned if we go with the Carbunkle clear JTB suggested?

74.) Start of KWK #405 is laaaaaaaame. Whole thing reads dumb town. Last sentence suggesting random assignment could be scummy.

75.) KWK #409. This guy is so shallow he could be swimming in the kiddie pool.

76.) TS #417. Please kill yourself, amigo. Rake isn't mafia. He's town or he's indy and if he's indy he has to jump somewhere. He ought not be the play. Why are you rushing this lynch when almost no one has commented on it?

77.) TS #425. He just explained his thought process on why he didn't think that, so why didn't you ask that?

78.) KWK #426. Brownie points for askin bout JTB. Also brownie points for both heads of the hydra coming to the same read independently.

79.) JT #431. Gross. JTB specializes in weak justifications. Yeah, Rake is gross, but his explanation for why he did that reads as genuine to both of us and a simple analysis of his gains tells you he's not mafia.

80.) Inferno #438. Odd Boss link. Inferno, no matter how many games I play with you. Reading you is still a crap shoot.

81.) Zenwulf #455. So ****ing gross. Town read sticks on JTB through his awful, awful, rolefishy mechanics bull****.

82.) KWK #458. I love you. A LOT of the things I hate are highlighted here. Zenwulf's dead-end questioning. Zenwulf's Joey scumread. Highlights the complete drop on his Orbo read which I missed. Points out that no one is giving Rake a pass. Reads at the bottom line up with mine for the most part. I love you.

83.) TTar #464 is cute, but not helpful. Vig him please.

84.) Rake #481. My God, I think he's PROBABLY town instead of possibly.

85.) JTB #493. Dis gun b good.

86.) Zenwulf # 496. JTB Null? Ruy town? When did the read on Ruy change? And JTB null because "his posts have been very analytical" and "he is being the most pro town out of anyone." Spooby please. Weaksauce reasoning on JTB town. This is a running theme, but you have him at null because "your meta says he doesn't play this well." **** outta here.

87.) ROFL! Zenwulf #498. JTB already town. Good ****.

88.) Joey #506. Not a good post. I like the KWK read and I understand the Rake or TS read. Swiss/Murderbush thing is totally Joey. Doesn't like TS. Convienent for me and totally Joey. Need more to read the slot.

89.) Zenwulf #513. Defends JTB's *** backwards plan.

90.) Zenwulf #514. Not only continues saying to give JTB the BP, but he says to randomly assign it if not which is an even worse idea. Please die.

91.) Joey #516. I like this post.

92.) Zenwulf #521. Dat OMGUS and immediate wagon switch.

93.) Joey #535. Mah boi! Why is he giving Carbunkle to Rake? Could be scum? Hmmmmmmm?

94.) TS #540. Never substantiate! Never surrender!

95.) Swiss #543. Joey/RR town is cool. Zen/JTB town. KWK scum. Not cool, hombre.

96.) Inferno #548. Null post, but comforting to see someone approaching the GF with a brain.

97.) Joey #551. Wgat? Welp, there goes everything ever. Give GF to Rake? Wrong answer. JTB has done more than you thought? I wasn't under the impression you thought he'd done negative work.

98.) Boss #560. Does he ever come back to his 9-10 Swiss contradictions? Keep a tab.

99.) Joey #567. Okay, he meant JTB gets a GF which is better than saying Rake, but still not good.

100.) Swiss #605. Good response to Boss's callout. Needs to drop KWK scum read or at least elaborate. Agree that we don't like Boss, but it's not as pressing a matter. I need him to do ****. He can be dealt with later.

101.) Rake #620. Joey is bleck, but only after where TS jumped down his throat. He needs to explain why he has JTB town suddenly and he needs to continue playing. I am unafraid of reading that slot. Right now, null.

102.) KevMo #627. Obviously hasn't read jack ****.

103.) KevMo #628. JTB after TS, fo' sho. Orbo, not so much.

104.) KWK #635. Points for the question at the top. I wanted to ask it and forgot.

105.) Inferno #654. Inferno, real dumb.

106.) Joey #704. "All you did while I was gone was questioned a few things and went at Rake." That's an accurate assessment of his play. He tunnels Rake into the ground and the only people he takes issue with until he goes after Joey are people who disagree with him. There is one instance where he votes Orbo, but it is immediately forgotten and not picked up until we harp on him about it. Accurately points out again that the only person Zen actually pressures until he goes on Joey is Rake, despite voting other places. Damn straight on tunneling Rake not being worth a town read. Aside from JTB town read, it's a damn good post.

107.) Zenwulf #706. Highlighted part of the post is a strawman from hell. Ignores point about pressure.

108.) Rake #711. Your Joey scum read is stupid and you should feel stupid.

Full notes inside.


Aug 9, 2012
So Vinyl you have fully read through the game?

@Murder: You have to show me where I say Swiss is null. And show me where I say he is town. All I remember is town. Also you what questions have you asked that I have avoided. You keep making them vague and it takes a couple of back and forths for me to get what you want, but I've answered everything. You haven't answered the Orbo post though.

Dramatic Flair

Jul 21, 2011
Chasing after ladies and swords!
mUrDErBUSh (Raziek / Ryker) - Best hydra NA. #gotem #carpediem #bosstarded

Kary > Ranmaru - Literally has not posted. Would support vig shot unless Ran serious work. (You should take notes on our notes.)

JTB - Contrary to popular belief, this slot has done very little. The majority of his posts are mechanics discussion, whether it be asking the mod questions or talking about Crabuncle with his ***-backwards plan.

The way he handled Rake was disgusting, and the few reads he DOES have display weak justification that I despise. If he had done MORE for us to call him out on, rather than simply "not doing things", we would likely have a more definitive scumread.

As it stands, Leaning Scum.

TwilightSparkle (BadWolf28738 / Ramen King) - Die one thousand deaths. We've explained already.

Tyranitarphantom * - This man likes to swim in the vig pool. One of a special category of player, that is less null, and more crapshoot. Shoutouts to Inferno, his super tight homiebro. Leaving him alive may give you enough information to read him, but I would seriously not mind seeing him go.

Boss (KevinM / Tom) * - I don't like having null reads this far into a game. But Boss deserves one. I like a lot of his stuff, and I hate a lot of his stuff. Kevin's latest posts reek of a lack of information. He needs to catch up and play. While we have the slot null, we have stances on WHAT HE'S SAID, in the notes.

-Masquerain- - Town lean. Needs to iron out his town read on JTB. But his response to Zen was cash. (704)

Inferno3044 - See description for TTar. Not involved, surface level, caught up in mechanics and claim crap.

Red Ryu - VEEEEERY Slight Town lean. We've been working off the assumption that backgroundRuy is scum Ruy, and as the game picked up speed, Ruy remained a background player. He has large streches where he's inconsequential, and this bothers us. He has a few things we straight up don't like, like his KWK read.

However, the majority of what he posts on subjects that matter leave us feeling fine about the slot.

Kreative Whiz Kids (Potassium / Sokr) - Homiebro biggest town read. Has some surface level analysis problems, but we agree with most everything this slot has said. Asks the RIGHT questions in the RIGHT places.

Orboknown * > Kawaii Vinyl. - He needs to play more. If he was here, he'd almost certainly be a strong Town read. In his opening post, he posts something that I do not think scumOrbo would post, and I can follow his thought processes in his early questioning. ScumOrbo is far more passive than that. (See Skies of Arcadia, where he sat on his *** and Indy Ryker had to carry him) I would take this read to the bank.

Swiss - Lean. This is the lightest lean we have that isn't Ruy, but is still far more secure than Ruy. We've already highlighted some serious disagreements in readlist with Swiss. His early game, however, lined up nearly word-for-word with everything we gathered.

I'm looking forward to hearing what he says about our recent assertions. If you still wanna play RadFic, I'm right here, buddy. (Raz says hello)

Still, lynch him on D5 if I'm not alive.

Anomandaris_Rake - You're not mafia. And you'll have to jump eventually if you're Indy. You can live for now. Tonight, shoot TTar or Inferno. Both Boss and Ranmaru are far more likely to make an impact on the game.
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