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Final Fantasy VIII Mafia | ~ Mafia Wins!! ~

Dramatic Flair

Jul 21, 2011
Chasing after ladies and swords!
Not sure why you like JTB seeing as he hasn't done anything to deserve it and is scumreading a slot that doesn't deserve it at all.

Joey is null.
Orbo is town.

If you want to continue dodging our questions, then I will shoot you. If you want to continue justifying ("regardless of alignment") you'll only make it easier.

How about you answer us where we ask how in the hell you think that slot is town?


Aug 9, 2012
Actually it's a little bit interesting that you're knockin on me. I'm suprised you don't see Orbo is scum. I understand Joey. But Orbo it's like you're chainsawing for him.

@mod: Let me know if my location is a violation of any rules. I don't think it is.


Aug 9, 2012
Not sure why you like JTB seeing as he hasn't done anything to deserve it and is scumreading a slot that doesn't deserve it at all.

Joey is null.
Orbo is town.

If you want to continue dodging our questions, then I will shoot you. If you want to continue justifying ("regardless of alignment") you'll only make it easier.

How about you answer us where we ask how in the hell you think that slot is town?
Why do you think Orbo is town?

Dramatic Flair

Jul 21, 2011
Chasing after ladies and swords!
1.) Orbo #56-#57 town lean.
2.) Orbo GF discussion. Town read.
19.) Orbo #143 is solid. Last line is dumb move, but doesn't hurt town read. Outing claim slip isn't proscum anyway.
42.) Orbo #275. Town forever.
From everything I've seen, Orbo is town playing to find scum. He's not coasting, he's not hiding. He's asking relevant questions where I would want them asked.

Regardless of whether that holds up through the game, there's no reason I've seen to read him scum. Especially not the fool's gold you bring up from JTB.

SO, your job is to tell me why JTB's case is so convincing and then when someone cockslaps you for saying something like that, tell me why you think Orbo was scum at that point.

Dramatic Flair

Jul 21, 2011
Chasing after ladies and swords!
Actually it's a little bit interesting that you're knockin on me. I'm suprised you don't see Orbo is scum. I understand Joey. But Orbo it's like you're chainsawing for him.

@mod: Let me know if my location is a violation of any rules. I don't think it is.
Hell, if you can understand Joey, then why did you keep him at the top of your scum list?


Aug 9, 2012
From everything I've seen, JTB is playing to find scum. He's not coasting, he's not hiding. He's asking relevant questions where I would want them asked.

You're barking on me for my JTB read simply because you don't disagree with it. But I have given reasoning and I actually have support for it. I doubt you could actually support the statements above with Orbo's posts. Who only posted like once since the day started.


Aug 9, 2012
Hell, if you can understand Joey, then why did you keep him at the top of your scum list?
I can understand why you don't see him as scum, because there is no evidence to support it. I don't believe your Orbo read, however, as there is evidence to support it. The points JTB made particularly. I have a feeling you're trying to chainsaw Orbo by attacking the only two people who have a scum read on him. I don't see why else you're making all these weak posts.

Dramatic Flair

Jul 21, 2011
Chasing after ladies and swords!
this role could be amazing or eh.
@ryker/swiss/JTB/Boss-how do you guys plan to handle the Guardian Forces in terms of assigning them per mass vote?
How much of the second half of that sentence happens to be sarcasm, and why what i did early fairly convinces you so early.

Your rule number 1 needs some work. Ryker makes power moves regardless of alignment.
First off, you hadn't confirmed. I was waiting for role pms to go out so that the responses would be biased, if only slightly, by knowledge of one's alignment. I wanted to see if ryker and kevmo reacted to this the same way that they did in the HxH buy phases wrt the rare cards. In terms of you, I wanted to see how you played this out.I think i mentioned you, ryker, boss, and someone else but i don't remember person 4


why would you specify "him" instead of it, narrowing down the possible list of which it could be?

how is that protown?

why did this change so much in 7 minutes worth of time?

Rake being rake?
He did say pre-game he wanted to have a lot of wifom in RVS, but I can see him doing that as either alignment. why do you say this is lynch worthy?

BAM logic?

Why swiss of all people?


I already answered your question in my post later last night?

Fine. just don't expect one after today till monday

It all stems from his confirmation post. There's not a chance in hell a ScumOrbo says that and he's done nothing to prove me wrong.


Aug 9, 2012
I could see town from #46. Looks more to me thought like obvious safe claim is obvious. Why else would he be so open about its amazingness? If he were town why would he shout out to scum how good of a role he has? Null tell at best.

Orbo said:
@ryker/swiss/JTB/Boss-how do you guys plan to handle the Guardian Forces in terms of assigning them per mass vote?
How the hell do you even get a town read from this post? Again null at best. Orbo didn't even follow up on it as JTB pointed out. He didn't even wait for everyone to get their roles which was the thought process he was showing before he got his role.

Oh and he says it right here:
First off, you hadn't confirmed. I was waiting for role pms to go out so that the responses would be biased, if only slightly, by knowledge of one's alignment. I wanted to see if ryker and kevmo reacted to this the same way that they did in the HxH buy phases wrt the rare cards. In terms of you, I wanted to see how you played this out.I think i mentioned you, ryker, boss, and someone else but i don't remember person 4
Why did he ask the questions if the people he asked hadn't all confirmed? He started asking questions as soon as he got his role, but not others. Don't make no sense with what he is saying.

That last post is a bunch of blubber.

"BAM reasoning. OH BAM reasoning? Why? Oh?"
Tell me Ryker, how were Orbo's questions in that post useful, while my, more elaborate, questioning of Rake at that time was useless? I wanted to understand Rake more, but you're painting my questioning as negative, but Orbo's as positive.


Aug 9, 2012
So before I make my post, be clear here: What is it you want me to explain? Why I like JTpony or why I agree with his Orbo post? I pretty much did the latter above.


Aug 9, 2012
I don't know why you keep asking me about this. You're trying to make some connection between me and JTB just because I have him in live, but aint there.

Can we lynch orbo already
Why I put JTB in orange in my initial list in #167. At the time I felt it was a really random call out. You pointed this out as well in one of your notes post (after I already had) so there should be nothing odd here to you.

Why I start to like JTB:
I'm not entirely convinced by your answer Ryker. What did you gain from Swiss' response? Cite your Zen reference as well, it looks like a way to avoid continuing that line of questioning.
I took note of this very thing.

You: Swiss I offer you a Zen lynch.
Swiss: Why would I want that? I await your response eagerly.
You: Oh er ah I was just making a jab at Zen.

You completely backed off once you realize Swiss wasn't on board. It was like you faltered. Like you were afraid. I mentioned this to Wolf at around the same time JTB pointed it out. He was right on par with my thoughts. And he wasn't afraid to call you out on it. You. Ryker, the player that can get anyone who oppresses him lynched almost indefinitely. So right off JTB is already not playing for survival, instead he is holding people accountable for their actions.
But your vote on TS wasn't going to be random. You already stated:

meaning you were already forming some sort of read on him (or in the process of doing so).

What is your read on TS right now?
More JTB being analytic. He's actually looking into people's intentions rather than making useless surface posts (such as Orbo cough cough).
My first vibe from Orbo comes from this. The whiz kid name drop is completely out of place as the hydra has not even posted yet and Orbo has "not" received his role pm yet. Then:

Following this exchange, Orbo uses his next post to confirm and immediately drops the wifom to ask:

Good, he's moving on to brownie townie questions, but will he follow up on this?

And here's his conclusion which I don't like at all.

The first thing to note is that he doesn't actually conclude anything at all, he only states what he was looking for. Did Ryker/KevinM react the same way in this game as they did in HxH? What did you get from Swiss' answer? And you seem to have forgotten that you asked me as well, what do you make of me not answering you?

Second thing is that you were looking for reactions from Ryker and KevinM, not Murderbush and Boss. You don't take into consideration that it could've been Tom posting (Ryker actually posted off-hydra, so you got lucky with that) at all, which is a pretty big deal since that throws another factor in getting a read from your original question.

Lastly, for the sake of the question, let's say both Ryker and KevinM had both posted off hydra and reacted the same way they did in HxH. What were you going to do with that information?
At this point I was reading through and was also developing a suspicion of Orbo. Not only has JTB been right on my wavelength, he also eliminated that initial suspicion with this post. This shows that his post early was not just some random call out but he had reason for it. Orbo's line of question did not have any sort of value behind it. He claimed that he wanted to wait for people to have their roles so could get something from their answer, but he actually didn't wait for their roles. He got his and asked right away like he wanted to show that he was a townie townie right away. But really, what could he have possibly gotten from this question? When asked about it, Orbo doesn't even remember who he asked the question to yet trys to justify that he had specific reasoning for each of them lol. This is an utter contradiction in thought process. It is not a legitimate thought process.
Break time, but a question for everyone wrt to Carbuncle:

Is assigning Carbuncle to someone the best idea? Why not let it get randomly assigned to someone and hope that scum shoots that person?
More pro town ish that no one even thought of. JTB was the first to suggest this. It shows that he is thinking and I like it.
Inferno asking questions that can be easily answered by looking at the first post, duly noted
Holding people accountable for their actions. Scumhunting.
As bad as KWK's posts are, he does bring up a good point wrt to using Carbuncle. If we have a vig, we could use carbuncle as a means to clear someone since they are only bulletproof if town aligned.
if they are town, they are cleared
if they are scum, they are dead

sounds way better than a cop
Again another suggestion that no one else brought up (I don't think KWK even was making this point). JTB brought it to fruition. Had Rake not claimed, this would have actually been a pretty interesting topic of discussion.

Weekend over, I want to re-read this game throughout today.
Actually, gonna sleep on a few things.

Topics of importance:

Rake, dumb town or scum?
The great disappearance act of Orboknown
Assigning Carbuncle
Seriously at the same time I was about to unvote, JTB did as well. Rake was at L-2 I think at this point. It could have been easy to push his lynch. Scum wouldn't want vig or SK around. This again just shows to me that JTB is on the same wavelength as me. He is regarding the situation with an open mind rather than just paining Rake as scum.


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
I can support my read with evidence, therefore everyone else's opinion of him is wrong if it doesn't go with mine.

Catching back up and responding to stuff I missed...

First off, I'll point this out.

"Thank you, Joey for giving me stuff to actually substantiate my read on you."

This pretty much proves that you had me as scum for no reason, yes? Why did you have me as a scum read if you couldn't do anything with it at all?

"Their entire play has been idiotic
-shows 5 posts"

I don't have to point out tons of posts to get the idea across that your play is idiotic. I realized that your play was slightly less idiotic considering that JTB is more townie and more understandable with the GF, but it's still idiotic. Having a V/LA as your biggest scum read and using the excuse "I'm not going to pressure him or anything since he's not here" when you could be applying pressure to others. And no, throwing your vote on them and saying "I'm voting him because my actual scum read is V/LA" isn't applying pressure. The only thing you did while I was gone was questioned a few things and went at Rake.

"Rake and Wulf have been buddying.
-Show just 1 post where we have been buddying. We, TS have been on Rake's *** since the day started haha. Your only support here is that Rake has a town read on us lol. Explain how having a town read equates to buddying. How does Rake having a town read on someone differentiate from any other player having a town read on someone? You claim that Rake stated we are town multiple times, but he has only stated when asked his read on us which has been multiple times."

I was wrong on the buddying lol. I won't pursue this any farther.

"So your only claim to us being scummy is our play being idiotic, but you cannot support this at all. As Rake said, you're just throwing a blanket statement and hoping it sticks because people don't like our active brony play. In reality, however, there is nothing idiotic about our play. I'm confused, are you saying that us thinking that JTB should have the GF is a scumtell or...?"

What you did with your vote is scummy. You're faking pressure on people. What you did with the GF and JTB wasn't. However, where you voted JTB and 1) didn't do anything with it and 2) stated that you were only voting him because I was V/LA and voting me would be useless... You didn't even try to pressure him. You did the same thing with Orbo. You're laying your vote around and it's just sitting there. Not doing anything. Tell me that that isn't idiotic. Plus having a vote on me for going V/LA... That's idiotic too.

Anything that you've done this game that is actually important revolves around Rake and giving the GF to JTB. That's it. Everything else is idiotic play and reads that are just pulled out of your *** for no reason.

Moving on to Rake...

"Their spearheading of my lynch creating the basis of the logic which most people are now using to vote and possibly lynch me ?

Or their Q&A with other players about best use of GF's.

Or you know, everything i said in my wall of why i have a town read on zen"

People are "lynching" you because you're playing like a ******* with your vig claim and your pre-vig claim play was horrendous as well. Not sure if they made people realize that your play was that bad or if they were just like "Wow, Rake is a moron. Lets lynch that guy," but regardless, its pretty obvious that your play has been ****ty.

Q & A about something that doesn't even matter when it comes to getting reads on people? Asking people what they want to do with the GF is completely null. Especially on D1. What are you going to say if they want it for themselves? "They're scum for being selfish"? You can make connections later I guess, but it doesn't even apply right now. Not idiotic, sure, but not important in the slightest.

For your read on them, you mean this?

"Zenwulfsparklepants is town. He went right for me and didnt' come off my throat too much during the process, he wasn't content to let me not answer his 104, even though it took him a little while to answer my question, his reaction to it all coming out, is also on par with zen town."

How does him going after one person hard core equal a town read? Your meta on him doesn't matter to me btw and you won't convince me of a town or scum read on meta, so if that's what I'm supposed to be seeing, then too bad -shrug-. Especially when you say something like "on par". Shows uncertainty :p.

"No, it's revolving door door logic that allows you to safely push my and zen's lynches without having to be fully accountable for it based on saying "oh, Rake was town, well Zen must be scum" it also lets you not commit to making an actual read on a slot before they are gone, freeing you to post flip go "oh everyone else was saying it and the logic /etc , don't lynch me i followed town"."

Wat? The most lynches I could get off of that was 2, I'd have to have WAY more reasoning to even pull off your lynches in the first place, and you're both playing bad. You're also forgetting that you could both be scum but on different teams, which wouldn't be too shocking. You're also making a huge jump that I won't be thinking any of this over and that a town like this would even let me do that. Do you really think I'm that stupid, or do you just think that Ryker, Tom, and Swiss are going to let that go by? I wouldn't mind lynching you straight up. Same with Twilight. Also, I'll take blame for misunderstanding you. I wouldn't lynch you, and then not lynch TS because you were town. I want both of you lynched, since I think both of you are playing scummy (TS slightly less so). Is that a better way to put it?

"lol nice bolding of nothing, really makes me less suspicious.
you also clearly cared as from what you posted most of your zen scum was based on him going after you for nothing, and play which you blanketed as "idiotic".

And as scum you have every reason to worry, and the fact you keep mentioning how little zen has only does more for me to be suspicious of you, it's like your trying to re-affirm that zen came out of nowhere with it, and pass it off as only that to avoid being grilled on it."


Hold on. You think I care about other's reaction to my reaction when it came to Zen's early vote on me?



I don't. I have no reason to. As scum, it's very easy to discredit it as a fake accusation and a point without reasoning (which it was. Zen even said so himself that he had no reasoning to go behind it). I didn't have him as a scum read for him having me as a scum, I have him as having me as a scum read and not doing anything with it. It's literally just me sitting there as a scum read, him voting other people for no reason and stating that he's only voting them because he's not voting me, and then just leaving the vote there until they post. If you're going to try to say that I have him as scum for having me as scum, then you're a moron and you need to learn how to read posts.

Basically, if you don't produce reasoning for your scum reads, I don't care about them. It's really simple, yes? More people should go with that logic imo. Works pretty well when sorting through the BS that people like TS give.

What's more funny than the above is that you think I'd not only care, but actually be worried about a read like that. If I were worried about that. I would be freaking out about everyone calling me scum. I'll defend myself, sure, but I'm not going to be like "No, you're scum because you called me scum D:<."

"How little zen has"

How little...

Little =/= nothing

I guess I have to do this.


It's obviously not clear that "I finally have something to substantiate my read with" means that he couldn't define a scum read on me before my return from V/LA. He had nothing legit on me. Stop being an idiot and read. It's getting kind of annoying.

"not really, i was already talkign about legit claiming and making D1 more interesting, it was completely in line with what was happening."

No, you said the following three things (not word by word):

"What if I tell you that I can clear someone today?"


"Maybe I should claim today..."

"...Didn't you see me say I soft-claimed day vig?"

All three of which, were completely random, out of place, and idiotic. You had no reason to bring any of this up, bringing it up to "make day 1 more interesting", and telling me that saying that alone doesn't make this idiotic is... LOL no.

"Not that great imo, not a fan of being vig myself and legit wanted to be scum this game. You have no idea how disappointed i am that i am town. No one said "are you a vig? " i soft claimed day vig, talked about legit claiming, then legit claimed plain and simple.

I also have taken all the heat for the terribe play and gone done to the dot on why i did it, what i got , why i got it and what i'm doing about it. i don't understand what your saying in the second part."

Ryu asked.

Riiight here.

(Yes, it's before you claimed.)

I love it when I'm right :3. Next!

"Convince me that you're not scummy and that your claim isn't out of place. Also, if you're so interested in defending Twilight, why don't you show me how the rest of his crappy play isn't scummy if you think that him having me as 100% scum alone throughout all of day 1 based on nothing is null?"

I'm not going to waste my time making a case on you. I'll let our conversations work for themselves for the better or worse. If you don't want to explain why you played like a scummy dumb ***, claimed for no reason, or why TS going after you all day err day is town... That's on you. I'm not going to try to make you explain things. If you don't cooperate with town, you get lynched. Simple, no? Especially with the answers you've given me so far, I'm not going to go out of my way just for you to refute with tons of **** like this. "Go back to where I defined my town read" when it's completely based on meta? Really? No.

Also it's funny because he had me as more of a scum read than you when I haven't even posted, and you were ranked orange instead of red :p.

Finishing any reading now btw.



KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
First line was response to this btw:

I can understand why you don't see him as scum, because there is no evidence to support it. I don't believe your Orbo read, however, as there is evidence to support it. The points JTB made particularly. I have a feeling you're trying to chainsaw Orbo by attacking the only two people who have a scum read on him. I don't see why else you're making all these weak posts.


Aug 9, 2012
Points Joey made:
"Their entire play has been idiotic."

Me asking Joey to substantiate his claim:
"Show 5 posts that are idotic"

Joey's response:

"I don't have to point out tons of posts to get the idea across that your play is idiotic."

Why this is scummy: Joey is making a bunch of claims that he has no real evidence for. He just making blanket statements and hoping people will see that as actual reasoning. But there is no reasoning. He doesn't actually have anything to back up what he is saying. You can't just let people/scum get away with doing things like this. This is the same thing I do as scum: claim someone is doing something, but avoid actually substantiating that claim due to there actually being no evidence to support it. When Rake asked Joey to support how my play has been idiotic with actual quotes, Joey responded by telling Rake to provide just one post of my play not being idiotic. Shouldn't this mean, then, that Joey thinks all of my posts are idiotic and could easily just grab any of my posts to show that they are idiotic? I asked Joey to get just five and he is acting like its a laboring task to do, even though he is trying to paint most of my play as idiotic. Whatever that even means.

[collapse=Break Down of #704]
Joey said:
I don't have to point out tons of posts to get the idea across that your play is idiotic. I realized that your play was slightly less idiotic considering that JTB is more townie and more understandable with the GF, but it's still idiotic. Having a V/LA as your biggest scum read and using the excuse "I'm not going to pressure him or anything since he's not here" when you could be applying pressure to others. And no, throwing your vote on them and saying "I'm voting him because my actual scum read is V/LA" isn't applying pressure. The only thing you did while I was gone was questioned a few things and went at Rake.
This IS what I have done. Rake (I think) asked me why I wasn't pressuring you, my biggest scum read, but instead pressuring OTHERS. I told him because it would be impossible to pressure someone who wasn't here. Do you agree with this? You're trying to twist the context of the situation into me not doing anything just because you weren't here. That's not how it is at all.

What you did with your vote is scummy. You're faking pressure on people. What you did with the GF and JTB wasn't. However, where you voted JTB and 1) didn't do anything with it and 2) stated that you were only voting him because I was V/LA and voting me would be useless... You didn't even try to pressure him. You did the same thing with Orbo. You're laying your vote around and it's just sitting there. Not doing anything. Tell me that that isn't idiotic. Plus having a vote on me for going V/LA... That's idiotic too.
Yeah dude you really are mad skimming. Trying to defend yourself/attack me with some garbage points you can scavenge up. I have never voted JTB. I have never voted someone just because I couldn't vote you. I voted Orbo because he was scummy. You claim that I didn't try to pressure him, but Obro simply hasn't been in the thread since JTB made his post and we voted him.

Joey is making up points and it's really apparent from this. This is why Joey is scum. Ruy, do you agree on this reasoning?


Aug 9, 2012
Okay, I need to rethink things before I respond to Twilight & Rake. Different view on Twilight, realized that JTB has done way more than I thought they have. Skipped a page on accident and realized earlier that he actually thought of the "Shoot GL. Scum = dead, town = clear" thing when I thought Rake brought it up with his vig claim.

@Twilight: I thought you choosing JTB was random since he didn't really stick out to me at all on initial read as doing anything. It was a major mistake on my part.

More of a town read on Twilight now than earlier.

Fine with giving GL to random or to Rake. Feel better with Random due to roleblocker being able to **** all over us if he's really a vig.

Responding to everything once I do my english project and do a quick re-read to gather thoughts with these new things in mind.

Also why are you still making up random points against me when you just stated this earlier in the bold? Why did I even turn to a turn read?


Aug 9, 2012
"Don't like twilight because he is assigning Carbuncle to JTB"
"Oh JTB actually does more than I thought. Twilight is now a town read."

Such horrible reasoning. The first point shouldn't even be something that should be something that differentiates from a scum read and a town read. I don't know how much more I need to show you that Joey is not being legitimate.


You reads on Joey, particularly with the points I've made in mind?

Dramatic Flair

Jul 21, 2011
Chasing after ladies and swords!
Ryker in light of this give me a definitive read on TS

Scum. Scum. Scum. Scum. Scum. Scum. Scum. Scum. Scum. Scum! Scum? Scum.

I literally cannot think of anything I could find in the parts that I haven't read that could convince me that this guy is NOT scum.

I was bothered at first because of the way he was chasing Rake. It wasn't a HUUUUGE problem and was mostly annoying, so when Zen's 145 (I think it was 145, his first read list) came up, and we actually LOOKED at it, it matched OUR reads and left me feeling still annoyed, but much better about his slot.

7 minutes later. He posts 167, his second read list, that flipped Rake leaning scum and Red Ruy leaning Town, to Red Ruy leaning SCUM and Rake leaning Town. That absolutely blew my mind.

So, when I asked about his 145, before I even REACHED his 167, because I wanted to see where his JTB read was coming from, and I saw such an odd contradiction from the throwaway Ruy read, it left me stupefied.

So I went after it! Then, the SoB DODGES me, REPEATEDLY!

He can say he THOUGHT I meant 167, but I made it CLEAR that I wanted to know why he had Ruy as Town originally as well. He dodged my question, and I still don't have an answer.

Then he had the NERVE to tell me not to pay any attention to it, because the read was outdated, EVEN THOUGH THE CONTRADICTION IS FRESH. A read can be old, and still be scummy as balls in context.

Fast forward to today, where we (Raz and I) were able to continue reading and Zen CONTINUES to do minor things that annoy me....


That post had me SHOUTING ALOUD, and I wondering what the hell happened to Raz when he started throwing up in the corner.

There are MULTIPLE problems with that post, but key in on where he votes (Orbo) and says JTB's last posts were "on fire".

They were not. They were GARBAGE, they were wrong, they were filler and they were weak justification for voting a town read of ours, Orbo.

So rather than just make a note of it and come back, we used the time we had left to bring up the problems. The FIRST response from Zen was already setting up his attitude of "Oh, here we go again." He stays COMMITTED to NOT responding to me about why he's so proud of JTB.

His first reaction is to IMMEDIATELY go after my Town read on Orbo, which, even if I'm wrong, is irrelevant, because JTB's reasoning is absolutely HORRENDOUS.

He's trying to play around me, and so that's JUST FINE. I can ignore him.

I. want. him. DEAD.

I'm about to sit down with Raz and try to finish reading the thread, rather than getting distracted by fighting against a straw-man and getting into a ****-slinging contest.

I'll deal with his recent posts when I get this far.

In the meantime, KILL HIM.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
Ryker , take your scum read on zen + joey * percent chance of current situation being a bus based on legitimately scummy play and tell me if it makes sense to you


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
Vote: JTB
@RazkerIt wasn't about the surface. I wanted to see if Rake would realize the fault in his logic and agree with me or if he would hold on to his reasoning despite the faults.

@Raketard:Nothing. Joey is my strongest scum read, but why would I waste my vote on him while he is V/LA and is not going to produce any content.

@Tyranitar: I am sorry to crush your hopes, but you are correct that I am basing it off pregame? Does this upset you? Is there some reason that you have taken interest in Masquerain? I am very interested.

@Why piling is good: Because it keeps scum from getting em. With them spread about, scum has a greater chance of obtaining them.
@Why it's good to put them on Swiss: Because the more involvement Swiss has, the better. Otherwise he is going to cruise through if he is scum. And be a useless domo **** if he is town.

JTB is on fire with his last couple of posts: Vote: Orbo
Yeah you totally didn't vote JTB.

You also didn't do anything to pressure JTB. Or Orbo at that.

I'm totally making this up and skimming the fact that you voted JTB. Okay :3. I love being right.



KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
Also, you didn't ask me to give 5, you said I gave 5. Totally different things. Try to incriminate me more please.

Also, there's 2. Having me at the top of your scum list when I'm not even there makes at least 5 since at least 3 of your posts are only vote counts (maybe more).

Easy enough :D.



KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
Yeah, I had you as more of a town read than I did when I thought you just randomly said "JTB deserves it". I think JTB is town, and I can see why you'd want to let him have the GF. It didn't make me think "He's definitely town", but I misunderstood things and realized that your play was less idiotic. After making that wall, It's obvious that I don't have you as a townie. I have slightly less reason to think you're scummy, though. After thinking it over, it's not enough to change anything lol.



KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
egasp, that post was worded so weirdly. Lets try it again!

I have you as a scum read still.

I have you as a slightly less of a scum read after realizing that your play isn't 100% random and realizing the mistakes I made. Think of a transition from Red to Orange. Rake belongs with you in Orange. :p.


"3 of your posts are only vote counts (maybe more)."

Should be

"3 of your posts are only vote counts before I started posting."



KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
Okay, so I just read your Orbo point.

Not being in thread or not being on smashboards at all (which his recent posting says just that.) = scummy? He wasn't prod dodging or anything. He just wasn't here. Why would this be scummy?



KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
I wasn't twisting anything.

The only person you truthfully pressured was Rake. You asked a few people other questions, but that isn't pressure. That's asking questions. Leaving a vote on someone without doing anything with it isn't pressure either :p. You were asked why you weren't voting your strongest scum read, me, and you said it was because I wasn't here. Yes, I worded it differently. Yes, it's the same thing. What's your point?
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