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Final Fantasy VIII Mafia | ~ Mafia Wins!! ~

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
Ryker/Raz read your notes i'll back off joey some but that oesn't make me like his reaction anymore.

also me being dumb =/= wrong


Smash Champion
Oct 3, 2008
Santiago, Chile
Votecount 7 Day 1:

Lynch vote

[0] mUrDErBUSh
[0] Ranmaru
[0] JTB
[3] TwilightSparkle mUrDErBUSh, Red Ryu, TwilightSparkle
[0] Tyranitarphantom
[2] Boss Swiss, Anomandaris_Rake
[0] -Masquerain-
[0] Inferno3044
[0] Red Ryu
[0] Kreative Whiz Kids
[1] Kawaii Vinyl. Boss
[0] Swiss
[2] Anomandaris_Rake Kreative Whiz Kids, Inferno3044

[5] Not voting:
Ranmaru, Tyranitarphantom, -Masquerain-, Kawaii Vinyl., JTB


[1] mUrDErBUSh mUrDErBUSh
[0] Ranmaru
[0] JTB
[0] TwilightSparkle
[0] Tyranitarphantom
[1] Boss Boss
[0] -Masquerain-
[0] Inferno3044
[0] Red Ryu
[0] Kreative Whiz Kids
[0] Kawaii Vinyl.
[4] Swiss Kreative Whiz Kids, Red Ryu, Swiss, TwilightSparkle
[1] Anomandaris_Rake JTB

[6] Not assigning:
Ranmaru, Tyranitarphantom, -Masquerain-, Kawaii Vinyl., Anomandaris_Rake, Inferno3044

Currently V/LA:

With 13 players, it takes 7 votes to lynch and to assign GFs!

Dramatic Flair

Jul 21, 2011
Chasing after ladies and swords!
Raz here.

Delving on claim, Raz give me your thoughts on this. I see it as more likely town.

Actually I think that will be kind of fun.

Vote: twilight sparkle

We are Laguna Loire, Town Paranoid Gun Owner. When we are lynched or night killed we can kill anyone of our choice. It is first in all NAR. I am shooting Ryker and there's nothing you can say or do to change it.
Nope. Nope nope nope nope.

Multiple problems I have with it:

1) Ryker tells me Laguna doesn't fit the PGO flavor. I don't know, as I only know Laguna from being a turd with Satellite Shot in Dissidia 012.

2) That's not how a PGO works.

The first part he claimed is called a Vengeful Townie. That's a shot that they take on their death when lynched. They get to choose. Other variant is of course a Bomb, who either blows up and kills someone randomly, or kills the person who hammered.

The second part is PGO, but they don't usually get to choose. PGO typically just shoots whoever targets them.

Claiming their kill is reactive and they get to choose it doesn't make sense to me.

Citing my Indy in Skies of Arcadia: This is the closest thing I have seen to what Zen is claiming outside of vengeful, which doesn't proc on NK.


The way THAT role worked is that AM was told they were linked to Galcian (Orbo), one of the mafia members. The two could joint win if they were the only scum to survive until endgame.

The hidden effect on that role was flavor based. Ramirez goes insane in the game when you finally see Galcian killed. I turned that into a single strongman kill that took place immediately (in this case, on lynch.), because the Indy was otherwise somewhat weak. He was a non-BP with no kill, and did not receive results of his re-directions.

3) To further add to inconsistency, Zen claims his shot goes first in NAR. That's dubious.

If it went first he could re-actively shoot the person who shot him before their shot goes off, if he guessed right. All kills resolve simultaneously in every traditional NAR. Only typical exception is if an Indy and a Mafia try to pull the trigger on each other, in which Indy is usually given priority.

I don't buy that he can fire a gun as a corpse, either. Don't think he can get lynched, then "Shoot first in NAR". Either he shoots when he's lynched (Vengeful) or he's more likely traditional PGO.

Too many inconsistencies. Claim reads like attempting to deter his own lynch or NK. Very survivalistic. Still intend to lynch him. It's hot air designed to deter us from lynching him.
Ryker you never answered that Orbo post by the way. You forget :)?
Orbo post where?

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
dont know how much of zens claim im willing to believe being a vig.

the direction at he kills who gets him seems more like a vengeful


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Ryker I do not believe that Zen has this ability (do you really...?), it is a gambit in order to 1) Stop his lynch and 2) Try and read your alignment from your reaction; leading to the conclusion that he is town.

I agree that his posts dodge your points & questions and that his posts are utterly devoid of intelligence, but I do not see scum motivation in this. He (Zen) has a reputation for being good, but in reality he is average - start treating him as such. Posts like #634 where they divide the entire playerlist into a 'die' and 'live' pile shows words and has impact on some more malleable players yet bares no trace of aptitude. I see no reason for them to live, and will allow them to be Vigged but will not waste a lynch on them.

With regret our doc is on Rake toNight. This is final and will not be overruled.

My word is law.
Follow, my children.

KWK triggers every instinct in me of scum playing a careful game. I will see him dead.

Vote: Kreative Wiz Kids

Kreative, how strong is your Boss read right now?
Walk me through, in as much as depth as your dulled mind is able, your reasoning and thought process here.

Are you referring to his post about the contradictions? If so, I'd have to argue with and say that they do have substance to them. It's entirely based off of a post of swiss' and bringing up reasons as to why it's bad.

Go in depth yourself into this. Do not simply buddy up to someone else's content (I use the term 'content' loosely). I want you to analyse this so that everyone can see your point of view.

Also, Boss, you never explained how you would lynch me....? Seems empty considering your input this game. I'd wager I'm currently impossible to lynch.

mmm, Ryker, you're making me look back at my Sparkle hate early game.

mUrDErBUSh (Raziek / Ryker) - town
Kary > Ranmaru - null
JTB - null
TwilightSparkle (BadWolf28738 / Ramen King) - TBC
Tyranitarphantom * - null
Boss (KevinM / Tom) * - scum
-Masquerain- null
Inferno3044 - null
Red Ryu - town
Kreative Whiz Kids (Potassium / Sokr) - scum
Orboknown * > Kawaii Vinyl. - town (Parroting Ryker not my reasoning)
Anomandaris_Rake - town

12 players to read;
4 town
2 scum
6 to go

This game is shaping up nicely.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
raz your point 3 is off base, this is not a traditional game and i know for a fact that the NAR is nontraditional due to my NAR , that being said, their shot going first over everything is eh. I don't like set up spec so i'll just leave it.

Swiss, why sokr scum > dumb ?

Dramatic Flair

Jul 21, 2011
Chasing after ladies and swords!
Swiss, Raz here.

I cannot for the life of me wrap my head around where you're getting a KWK scum read.

Help me understand?

I've been right on my Kantrip meta several times in a row now, and I was JUST right in the freshly ended League UPick on him being Town.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
because it's sokr doing the posting lol.

read thread. realized zenwul has kwk as scum now.

wat changed.

not sure how i feel about BW/Zen folding after getting all of 3 votes on them.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
because it's sokr doing the posting lol.

read thread. realized zenwul has kwk as scum now.

wat changed.

not sure how i feel about BW/Zen folding after getting all of 3 votes on them.
Not completely. They've been good about noting who it has been, and there were several times I directly agreed with stuff Kantrip said.

@Swiss: Ok.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
razker can be town to D3, if he's around after that and we aint been having scum hunting luck im shooting first asking questions later

Kreative Whiz Kids

Apr 4, 2012
Getting creative
Rake, maybe I'm giving him too much credit but I can't see Swiss being dumb. Ever. Its not what he does.

RR, you never followed up on your questioning of my Boss read.

Swiss, I'll get back to you after school.


Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
no idea what your response to me was regarding , as for too much credit that falls in the realm of your boss read in it's entirety

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
Raz, what about Knatrips meta gives you town vibes ?

I'll trade you the fact that i've moved him to null town and the fact that i too know kanty's meta and im not feeling it yet.

Dramatic Flair

Jul 21, 2011
Chasing after ladies and swords!
Didn't like a lot of his early game, but he improves by leaps and bounds later. Trimmed out the irrelevant stuff, left you with why I like Kantrip.
NOTE: Taking vig claim into account. Sincerely doubt Rake is mafia. Either SK or Vig. Reads reflect that.

74.) Start of KWK #405 is laaaaaaaame. Whole thing reads dumb town. Last sentence suggesting random assignment could be scummy.

75.) KWK #409. This guy is so shallow he could be swimming in the kiddie pool.

78.) KWK #426. Brownie points for askin bout JTB. Also brownie points for both heads of the hydra coming to the same read independently.

82.) KWK #458. I love you. A LOT of the things I hate are highlighted here. Zenwulf's dead-end questioning. Zenwulf's Joey scumread. Highlights the complete drop on his Orbo read which I missed. Points out that no one is giving Rake a pass. Reads at the bottom line up with mine for the most part. I love you.

104.) KWK #635. Points for the question at the top. I wanted to ask it and forgot.
458 was a HUGE post for our read on that slot.


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
Had a pledge event last night and just read Joey and Murder tearing up Twilight. The gambit he made is grimy as **** and sounds a lot like a desperation tactic in order to live. He can die. Joey is a strong town right now with how he called him out and his whole thing with him and Twilight.



Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
I know Zen loves to make gambits regardless of alignment, but that one is incredibly scummy as **** and I'm willing to call his bluff.

Unvote Vote: TwilightSparkle

Assign Carbuncle: Swiss

Dramatic Flair

Jul 21, 2011
Chasing after ladies and swords!
Amigo, there's a lot here I disagree with, so walk me through it here in a minute.

Ryker I do not believe that Zen has this ability (do you really...?), it is a gambit in order to 1) Stop his lynch and 2) Try and read your alignment from your reaction; leading to the conclusion that he is town.
I don't. Not at all, I haven't professed to and I find myself unafraid to shoot him. The last time something like this happened was Pokemafia where Xonar had a MUCH more well crafted and fitting PGO claim which kept me from shooting him. This is not well-crafted. It is shoddily made and doesn't fit with his flavor, the idea of a PGO, his play, or Rake's vig claim.

I also disagree with your second conclusion. I think it's solely the first. It is trying to stop his lynch through the most awkward and roundabout way possible because I give him enough credit to know that I'm not going to pull out because of a threat to shoot. He's aiming to scare people who have a town read on me and let people (and himself) ask the dead-end question "Well why would he do that as scum?" It's not a good reason to keep him around because you and I both know the claim is almost certainly bull**** and he has equally no reason to do it as town.

As for my reaction? He doesn't need it. At all. There is more than enough information to draw a read on me already on the table. My pushes, my reads, the progression of my reads, my thought processes, everything sans two places I thought there might be a character crumb that I've already forgotten are out there and I doubt he's hurting for a way to discern my alignment one way or another.

I agree that his posts dodge your points & questions and that his posts are utterly devoid of intelligence, but I do not see scum motivation in this. He (Zen) has a reputation for being good, but in reality he is average - start treating him as such. Posts like #634 where they divide the entire playerlist into a 'die' and 'live' pile shows words and has impact on some more malleable players yet bares no trace of aptitude. I see no reason for them to live, and will allow them to be Vigged but will not waste a lynch on them.
No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

I JUST got out of HxH where LyLo was Mafia Ryker vs. Zindy and this was why he was so ****ing impossible to pin down.

The scum motivation lies in not ever being held accountable for anything. That is DEFINITELY a scum motivation. Look at what he says when I ask about your read, I have a post I could potentially call him out on and he says that he simply doesn't know why he changed his read on you. He's got no clue. He wants me to point out where it was from and I don't want to give him an idea of where the snare is hidden. I tell him to find it himself and he says "it's like they're deleted after I change them." That's not how town works. They don't forgive and forget, they're paranoid. I'm not saying they could fail to remember something occurred (such as us not remembering Zen voted JTB for example), but when it's your slot and especially when it concerns a slot like your's, that's disgusting.

And he walks with it too. Look throughout the game and until we start to drive the point home, he dodges everyone, MEANING THREE TO FOUR TIMES, about why he has a town read on JTB, and it's lost in the shuffle. I do it, you do it. We do it because it's easy to feign not noticing or to give a half answer that doesn't do anything and let current events sweep it under the rug. You tell me TOWN ZEN's motivation in not explaining a read asked of him multiple times.

And I STILL haven't received an explanation on why he had Ruy as town originally and the read changed to scum. In that exchange, I didn't care about what happened afterward as he had already told me and I could read myself and I made it clear, but he continued to dodge the question with evasive answers. Now he's straight up ignored every reference I've made to it (like this one).

No, this isn't my job to sell, my brother. Occam sides with me in this. If you honestly believe that there is no scum motivation in the way he's treated anything that might lead people to infer that he's scum, then you're going to have to convince me.

With the amount of work we've put it, the sheer volume of issues the slot has, and the unlikable approach to the game that hydra has, we can get this lynch and you need to change my mind to stop it. If you can convince me there's a more pressing target, then I'll side with you on it, but again you can see it in everything we've posted thus far, I don't think you'll find it.

I came in and tried to give him credit, you can see it as early as our note on his #145, but I can't and I won't.

With regret our doc is on Rake toNight. This is final and will not be overruled.

My word is law.
Follow, my children.
I am not your child, I'm your older brother and I will hold you down and tickle you until you piss yourself. Rake is not getting the doc toNight. He's always going to be an option for scum to pin as an indy for a lynch should they need it and he isn't threatening at all if the mafia team has a standard roleblocker. No, he's not getting lynched, but he sure as hell isn't getting docced.

I mean, seriously, even if you want to save him, why don't you give him Carbuncle instead and not risk town having a jailer instead seeing as I assume you want him shooting which is why you want him around still.

As it stands, you successfully pull the doc to Rake, and we die tonight as you still have the Carbuncle vote. I am not game for that. If you seriously want to continue pressing that Rake gets the doc, change your vote to give me the GF and others will fall in line. I want it anyway. I am perfectly fine with leaving doc instructions to see you tonight as I would love to see both of us in Day 2.

KWK triggers every instinct in me of scum playing a careful game. I will see him dead.
You said later, so I'll give you later, but toDay it's not happening. Reverse my read on the slot and I'll see what I can do. Maybe even slip him in the vig pile tonight rather than waiting any longer.

Dramatic Flair

Jul 21, 2011
Chasing after ladies and swords!
Talk to me about Boss. I've got him as null, you've got him as scum. I can get behind that. Why? His last few posts practically scream that he's insanely far behind, so how are you able to develop that read and how does that affect the read?

Dramatic Flair

Jul 21, 2011
Chasing after ladies and swords!
Bro, you talk to me about playing like RadFic. I want that. Give it to me. You've got EVERYTHING on the table right now. Assuming a doc and this BP, we have a SUPER free pass to Day 2 and we can have this game absolutely locked up by the end of it. This isn't the time to be holding cards to the chest. You've got more than enough of me that isn't going to be playing to what you've said. Go through those notes I wrote, they aren't just for my own benefit. They have everything. All the likes, dislikes, meta analysis, and gut reads.

That'll be a ***** and a half to do, but do it. Tell me what you agree with, tell me what you don't and why. Tell me where you agree but think I'm ******** and what I should be thinking. This is possibly even more in depth than the analysis you and I would do on Skype when we were able to play RadFic when both of us had all the time in the world and was formed the same way (it just cost me an afternoon I'll miss).

I am the one who should still be figuring you out, not vice versa. Show me Swiss. This thread is a QT, so let's wrap it up.
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