I'm leaving this for posterity.
Nicholas1024: Ramza, Town Squire/Time Mage, VIRGO lynched D1
(No Kill N1)
Gheb_01: Hashmalum, Mafia Lucavi Demon Summoner/Dragoon, SAGGITARIUS executed D2
Orbo: Alma, Town Cleric/Dragoon, TAURUS executed D2 in Ryker's place.
Red Ryu: Queklain, Mafia Lucavi Demon Oracle/Geomancer, PISCES lynched D2
(No Kill N2)
Legolas: Gafgarion, Independent Traitorous Mercenary, NO STONE lynched D3
(No Kill N3)
Ryker: Generic Unit, Town Thief(1)/Dragoon(2), SCORPIO
Steal: If on lynch of player, steals their last used active ability for use in next nightphase only. Any restrictions from the role apply to the next: ie – stealing a oneshot means you get nothing. Can’t get Factional Night Kills. Multiple thieves: One closest to hammer gets last used active. Next closest gets the next last used active ability, and so on. Passive!
Jump: Unless there has been a change to NAR, the Jump is first in NAR. Leave playing field for that night wrt any and all actions. Cannot use other abilities with Jump. Non-consecutive.
Restriction: Cannot be protected from a nightkill by any ability.
N1: Jumped.
N2: Didn't jump. Roleblocked Glyph and Inferno.
N3: Didn't jump.
Rajam: Generic Unit, Town Mime
Mimic: Choose two players, A and B. Any and all abilities used by A will be copied and used on B. Does NOT apply to passives. Does NOT apply to Kills. If not a targeted ability, it will still be used. Will not be told what abilities he is using.
N1: Mimed GOVA onto HIMSELF.
N2: Mimed GOVA onto GOVA.
N3: Mimed KANTRIP onto RAZIEK.
Inferno: Generic Unit, Town Time Mage(1)/Dragoon(2), AQUARIUS
Stop: Oneshot ability that roleblocks AND voteblocks target for next phase.
Haste: Oneshot ability where target player’s ability goes first in NAR, period.
Jump: See above. Has NOT jumped once.
N1: Hasted Gheb.
Sangfroid: Generic Unit, Town Thief(1)/Dragoon(2), ARIES
Steal: See Ryker.
Jump: See Ryker.
Restriction: See Ryker.
Did nothing N1. Used “Pitfall” (stolen from RR) N2.
Kantrip: Agrias, Town Holy Knight, GEMINI
Split Punch: Kills the **** outta people, basically. Takes a while to do it (3 cycles). Used on Rajam N1, somehow ended up hitting Sang. Oneshot.
Investigate: Oneshot cop, same ability as Nich’s oneshot cop.
Lionsguard Servitude: Protects target from death and roleblocks/redirects. If you fail to visit your target, you take 2 fewer votes to lynch.
N1: Split Punch on Rajam, hit Sang. LS on Ryker, failed due to jump.
N2: Investigate Glyph, innocent. Glyph claimed miller. LS on Raz.
N3: LS on Raz.
Glyph: Meliadoul, Town Divine Knight, LIBRA
Hellcry Punch: Roleblock that counts as a Factional Nightkill. Doesn’t stop FNKs.
Shellbust Stab: Strips away someone’s first passive ability in their role PM.
N1: Hellcry Punch on Gova.
N2 Hellcry Punch on Ryker.
Gova: Generic Unit, Town Chemist(1)/Priest(2)
Maintenance: Cannot be roleblocked or redirected by other abilities. Passive!
Protect: Choose target. Target cannot be killed that night. Can’t self-protect. Can’t make consecutive saves on same target. Even number of protections with this ability cancel out.
Restrictions – Priest cannot hammer unless forced to do so by an outside ability. Chemist must be on a successful lynch every day. If they aren’t on a successful lynch at the end of the Day, they lose their chemist abilities.
N1: Protected Gheb.
N2: Failed to protect Ryker. Glyph did it with the Hellcry Punch, probs.
Just for the record, I regret nothing this game. I completely endorse the Nich lynch and, if it turns out to be wrong, the Glyph lynch. I've thoroughly enjoyed myself this game and I would rather lose to my decisions in this game than win by someone else's with this much investment.
It's been a joy playing this game after Nich stopped annoying me, but crushing his scummy face beneath my heel was also pleasant.
For now, I'm going to bed.
Good night everybody, Ryker has left the building.