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Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Mafia - Game Over!

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Gorf's current post # is not divisible by any of these numbers. He's fine, unless he posts.

I trust Carnage to be active & knowing what to do.

J needs to post or I cannot choose #5 without roleblocking him.


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
The next post would be #2761, which is not divisible by 3, 4 or 5.

Carnage can use this opportunity to make this his final post toDay.


Maximum Carnage

Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2014
Ryu, you claiming scum?

Gheb, list who you want to roleblock. You can't roleblock me so no biggie.

For simplicity's sake, just make sure they're all divisible by 5.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Top priority:

- Ryu: He is a time mage. That's a problem. He needs to be roleblocked every Night under any circumstance. If he keeps hogging post #2761 then we need Nabe, J or KWK [or whoever else has that ability] to roleblock him. But in all honesty, the more I think about it, the more I get around to think that he needs to go toDay. If not he MUST be roleblocked every Night from now on.
- Ran / KWK: Both slots are suspects and will be lynch targets sooner or later. Will try to target both in case Ryu is lynched and flips town.

Medium priority:

- Vult: His claim is shady and it's unclear what other abilities he has to my knowledge. Though not particularly scummy, I will roleblock him if I get the chance to just to be safe.

Low priority:

- dabuz: Problematic slot for various reasons but mainly because he's a doublevoter who will likely be around in D5. Nothing I can stop through roleblocking him.
- Nabe: Excluded from the lynch pool because he will die. There's still a minor chance that he's scum but I'll still avoid blocking him.

Bottom priority:

- Gorf: Can't be targeted
- J: Clear
- MC: Pointless


Vult Redux

Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2010
I don't understand, am I supposed to be TRYING to choose a post divisible by 5 or not? What number am I going for?

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
I'd rather lynch Ryu toDay and not have to worry about his Time Mage claim any longer. The slot has been fairly suspicious to quite a lot of people at various points in this game. His lynch would be 100% warranted and I'd even have to admit now that it's a better lynch than Gorf.

Somebody still has to target MC toNight. It can't be me because my abilities count as global.


Vult Redux

Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2010
Clarification: I mean I want to get roleblocked because I don't have active abilities that could help the town anyway.

I'd rather lynch Ryu toDay and not have to worry about his Time Mage claim any longer. The slot has been fairly suspicious to quite a lot of people at various points in this game. His lynch would be 100% warranted and I'd even have to admit now that it's a better lynch than Gorf.

Somebody still has to target MC toNight. It can't be me because my abilities count as global.

okay fair point about his ability claim. Vote: Ryu

Maximum Carnage

Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2014
You told me to protect J and speed you up NAR I can't do that if Gheb role locks me.
Did I stutter?

That's what you're going to do. If I don't want Gheb to RB you or if Gheb isn't roleblocking you, that's up to us. You do what I say. If Gheb blocks you I guess I can do something else tomorrow with you.

Red Ryu is a nonsense lynch toDay. There's no reason to do so unless someone can make a case on him. He's a proven priest and we can force his hand however we want. What's he going to do with his time mage? Kill me? Big whoop, he'd be shown visible immediately. "Oh no, Carnage is dead and no one is L-2! I guess it was done by the only person that could make that happen". Not exactly rocket science.

Red Ryu can't hammer. Don't put someone at L-1 and he literally cannot win as scum.

This is a math game and Red Ryu helps our math. Certainly doesn't help Gorf's math as he's dead tomorrow if KWK doesn't flip scum.

Everyone makes their post divisible by 5 except for J and we've got a protect off and only three slots that can kill (J/Gheb/Gorf), one of which is on the chopping block tomorrow.

Seriously. Make your post divisible by 5 and then stop posting. Me and Gheb and J can post for filler.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Lynch Dabuz if he hammers me without MC on it not if posts are set-up.

Lynch Ran tomorrow without question if I die today, he's scummy as balls and needs to die before Lylo.

Do not trust Gorf about his wincon.

KWK lynch before Vult.

Do not lynch J or Carnage, lynch Gheb in Lylo.


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
Ugh, and then MC comes in and is like: "here guys, mechanical logic as to why RR shouldn't die yet." IDK, mechanically it makes perfect sense, but read wise I don't feel much confidence in KWK scum, certainly not enough to throw my double vote on there and risk losing it toMorrow. I'm not going to argue against the actual lynch though, but unless it's absolutely needed I don't want to throw my vote onto the KwK wagon.

Maximum Carnage

Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2014
People's reads are typically ****. It's been proven time and time again by anyone who actually gives out read as they go; when someone says "I think this person is scum because of X" they have a probability of being correct that is directly in line with random chance.

What you can do successfully is eliminate options as threats. This improves your "random odds" chances.

That's all mechanics.

I'm not against lynching Red Ryu, but toDay he's kiiiiiiiind of a bad egg for it because it's been proven he can't hammmer. He is literally no threat to us, especially if he is roleblocked. This is like mechanics 101.

Here's two scenarios, which is better:

Lynch a scum possibility who is also a doc and cannot hammer, roleblock everyone else worth roleblocking
Lynch a scum possibility who can roleblock, roleblock everyone else worth roleblocking

Not exactly rocket science.

If Red Ryu is scum

we can lynch him

Only downside could be if they have an archer charging all their NKills each Night and we suddenly have a ton of deaths toMorrow. Literally the only one.

But if he's scum he cannot lynch someone of our choosing.

We have J and J is not scum from what we see, right?

So J can protect someone, right?

Who is mafia going to kill?

Easily they will kill J.

If Red Ryu is alive then we can make him protect J every Night and J cannot die. This gives us the possibility to both protect J AND to protect someone else because if Red Ryu kills J it will be obvious.

It's geniusssssssssss

I mean think about what happens if either Ryu or KWK flips town.

KWK flips town
we l ynch Gorf he flips Indie

Red Ryu protects J that second Night when Gheb cannot RB

Red Ryu flips town
we lynch Gorf he flips Indie

Where is your God now

Lynching Red Ryu is something an idiot would do at this juncture. You want to build a case on him vs. KWK? Go for it, I'd love to read it. You've got 70 pages of 40ppp and only a few days.

We lynch KWK toDay because I'd rather have a claimed non-hammering Doc than a claimed and proven roleblocker. NA MEAN?

Maximum Carnage

Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2014
Scum could do us a huge favor and claim since it is mathematically impossible for them to win at this point


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
Ok, and so with that we can keep whittling down the suspect slots knowing that any kills occurring gives us a HUGE insight as to who did the killing while keeping alive a cleared townie, makes sense. So basically toDay, lynch KwK, i'll hammer if we need it near deadline (which is toDay) unless you have a specific reason for me to be on the wagon regardless.

Maximum Carnage

Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2014
Ryu, if you could not double post to make sure you aren't divisible by 5 that would be great.

Make a post that is divisible by 5 then stop posting.

Vult Redux

Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2010
I'm not against lynching Red Ryu, but toDay he's kiiiiiiiind of a bad egg for it because it's been proven he can't hammmer. He is literally no threat to us, especially if he is roleblocked. This is like mechanics 101.

Vote: Kwk

I promise my vote jumping is because I haven't been able to follow as closely as I'd have liked the past few days and not because I'm trying to get on "any" lynch.

If this post is divisible by 5 I'll stop posting toDay and just start liking posts to express where I stand.

Kreative Whiz Kids

Apr 4, 2012
Getting creative
The case is pretty much that nothing you've done all game implies that you're interested in town winning this game. That weighs pretty heavily when you're in Day 4. Plus voting behavior stuff by MC.

Still sticking with a Gorf lynch though.

to be fair i replaced into a slot that has literally been a game of hot potato and was immediately shouted at to full claim before anyone would even tell me what was going on and all motivation to actually try to read like 30 pages diminished

i never really read through the game, i just coasted through on obvious stuff like scary's claim being impossible and then connections from around that time and onwards

id obviously prefer a town win, but i dont have the motivation to read through all the past pages. i replaced in because i thought that was better than the game having a modkill (happened anyways though, thats how **** activity has been) and i wanted to do gova a favour

Maximum Carnage

Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2014

I don't know if Dabuz is on this lynch or not but if KWK wasn't hammered Dabuz should unvote

because I forgot he'd lose his vote if KWK flips town

so the day would end in No Lynch automatically if we went down to 5 players remaining via horrible scenario and then mafia NKill would leave 2 town 1 maf 1 gorf

buuuuuuuuuuuuuuut oh well

also KWK I am disappointed in you if you are town because "coasting through and doing whats obvious" and not posting until right before deadline when you have been discussed as a target all day is kind of bad play.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
i never said it was good play

i did my best, was on 2 scum lynches and probably have the third in my pool (plus gorf who is the indy of the game)

and i lost interest

i replaced into a condemned-for-modkill slot that hadn't done anything all game just to keep it alive and try to help see this game to completion, and honestly did more for this game than i expected to do

so **** off

Kreative Whiz Kids

Apr 4, 2012
Getting creative
i never said it was good play

i did my best, was on 2 scum lynches and probably have the third in my pool (plus gorf who is the indy of the game)

and i lost interest

i replaced into a condemned-for-modkill slot that hadn't done anything all game just to keep it alive and try to help see this game to completion, and honestly did more for this game than i expected to do

so **** off

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

I don't know if Dabuz is on this lynch or not but if KWK wasn't hammered Dabuz should unvote

because I forgot he'd lose his vote if KWK flips town

so the day would end in No Lynch automatically if we went down to 5 players remaining via horrible scenario and then mafia NKill would leave 2 town 1 maf 1 gorf

buuuuuuuuuuuuuuut oh well

also KWK I am disappointed in you if you are town because "coasting through and doing whats obvious" and not posting until right before deadline when you have been discussed as a target all day is kind of bad play.
umm woah.

Like I would agree but based on what Kantrip has posted recently, I think he has a damn good reason for not posting. OS, I'm assuming it is this side based on wording Os vs Ryker posting, Kantrip had stuff going on. If he didn't post...I think he had a good reason to put his efforts elsewhere.

Either way, if he flips town lynch me or Gorf tomorrow, pref me so I can stop holding people back on their reads because I played scummy as ballls.

I am targeting Carnage for Speed up and J for protect, this will not change under any situation.

tomarrow I want to talk to you more, this is paranoia but since the beginning I have been worried mafia would perform nks all game because they are theh have someone that is that charismatic. Do I think this is likely? No I think you are town, but I want to remove this worry before tomorrow is done if I die or not.

This is why I am paranoid a lot in games, good players will fool me and I assume they will try to use me for one reason or another.
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