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Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Mafia - Game Over!

Maximum Carnage

Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2014
Agree with other head that the lynch today should be either Vult or KWK.

I am leaning toward the former.

Ran, for the love of God, shut up. Belligerence is not helping you. You played like **** and deserve to be examined.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Ran, for the love of God, shut up. Belligerence is not helping you. You played like **** and deserve to be examined.
I don't deny I played bad mid-way. Yet that won't stop me for saying what I believe about scum.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I am going to read up more now that I'm back from V/LA but I agree at least Ruy shouldn't die out of the pool.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010

So I read but I truly do not have much else to say. I am pondering what to do next.

ScumRan does not make sense, but he should not live to LyLo, he needs to die before a hell of a lot of people. His play is backwards, bad, belligerent, and also he is ignoring responses left and right and pestering people to respond to more phantom things. Reason I am not lynching him toDay is because I am really super begrudgingly giving him the benefit of the doubt to the logical portion of my brain. He does not make sense as scum especially with the gambit but that isn't to say he isn't.

I do not think Ruy is scum the more and more I read through this game and because of that I am leaning more and more Gheb as scummier. Ruy just doesn't fit as the scum-mate to Scary and Marshy. ToDay's play of his has redeemed the slot a lot more than the previous days and based on that I am probably not lynching Ruy for a good long while. Also as a selfish note, Ruy should be protecting myself.

Regarding Gheb, his NAs bug the ever living hell out of me. Also his play as of late has stopped scum-hunting (though to be fair, he hasn't really scum-hunted but applied his votes to scum lynches led by others) Sure, he could be bussing because that's Gheb. He's the most logical choice as a puzzle piece into Scary-Marshy-Gheb. The only thing that has me faltering is his on and off banter with marshy but going over it, he had better banter with MC. If it was the other way around, I would probably be giving Gheb more of a townier lean at this junction, but that's not the case. I really wish Gheb had been investigated over me instead of my own slot because it would bring much better light to things.

Vult and KWK are being talked about now. If I had to choose between these two I would say KWK. Vult is more of a town-read then KWK and KWK has gone off my radar for a while and I do not like that. He hasn't done much since the Scary lynch D2 and has ridden that to this point here, with me. I would like to see their flip the more and more I type about it. Vult does not make sense with being Scary and Marshy's partner. I would incorporate that Vult has been mirroring nearly ever thought of mine in his own subtle way. Do not know what to truly make of it but I have a hard time seeing someone be scum who is following my train of thought to a tee, but using their own independent reasoning and deduction to come to those conclusions. KWK is just a background player at the moment who I could see being the final scum since he took over Alex's slot and Swiss' but it's very hmmmm at that.

My lynch line goes like this KWK>Gheb>@Gorf(I have to put you here bro, I can only allow 2 days of living then my sanity will expire)>Ran>Ruy/Vult.

For now, let's lynch KWK toDay. I am going to try and do a manual count on the votes but I believe only like Vult is on them at the moment.


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
I've posted a few things. Not much, though. I haven't been gone completely, but I don't have much to say. We're basically eliminating between slots via connections, and I honestly am just following OS' line of logic and letting the cards play through that.

KWK and Vult are both very iffy aka null slots for me, but I agree with J in the fact that I can't really see Vult scum with the scummies we have.

Gonna let Ryu keep on doing his thing with Ran and such. I'll quote on hydra when I get home from rehearsal.


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
3. Maximum Carnage ()
4. Kreative Whiz Kids (2) Vult, J
5. Detective Sherlock Hound (3) Ranmaru, Nabe, Nabe
6. J ()
7. Gorf (3) Gheb, DSH, MC
8. Dabunz ()
10. Ranmaru ()
12. Gheb_01 (1) KWK
13. Nabe ()
14. Vult Redux ()

Not voting - Gorf, Dabunz

With 10 playing it takes 6 to lynch!

Deadline is March 28th at 11:59 PM CST (GMT-6).

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Drun Gheb reporting in and ignoring everything that requires a thoughtful answer until tomorrow. Onky thing I'll comment on atm is my NA

...so you ignored his claim and decided to **** over his investigate anyways?

You were that sure he was lying?
The chance to catch him lying - whatever he claims to have investigated last night could not be true - is a million times more helpful than his completely worthless inno which he would've given no matter what. Yeah, I could have prevented him from receiving a NA result if his claim were true. But even that would've served to prove his claim to be accurate at the very least. And town getinng an inno on slots like J or myself would be completely worthless. I on't give a **** about what Ran's investigation result could have been. The fact that he's lying is worth more than anything he could've offered to ue.


Maximum Carnage

Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2014
Drun Gheb reporting in and ignoring everything that requires a thoughtful answer until tomorrow. Onky thing I'll comment on atm is my NA

The chance to catch him lying - whatever he claims to have investigated last night could not be true - is a million times more helpful than his completely worthless inno which he would've given no matter what. Yeah, I could have prevented him from receiving a NA result if his claim were true. But even that would've served to prove his claim to be accurate at the very least. And town getinng an inno on slots like J or myself would be completely worthless. I on't give a **** about what Ran's investigation result could have been. The fact that he's lying is worth more than anything he could've offered to ue.

MATH can you do it

Cop getting innocent result on player = 2 clears by association on flip, 1 immediate clear in that pool of 2 by claim (since Ran scum can't claim someone else is scum because he'd lose)
blinding the cop to see if he says "I was blinded" = 1 clear

So GJ, you messed up again. Add it to the list.

If Gheb is scum he literally cannot win. Gadgeteer takes 1 less to lynch.

10 remaining, lose 3 tonight
7, lose 2
5, lose 2
3 left
Gheb's left with two others

Gheb not scum = scum alpha's Gheb
Gheb scum = Gheb can't alpha so if the other two post it immediately confirms him as scum

We have a very, very small list of lynch subjects.

Gheb can't win as scum.
Gorf is indie unless he's playing a clever mafia ploy but, call me crazy, I believe him
Carnage (me) can't NKill if I'm using my ability, which is provable
DSH can't hammer (PROVEABLE), so if he's the last scummer he can't actually hammer anyone to win
Nabe is dying toNight
J is cleared via Ran investigation unless Ran is lying, but if Ran is lying then Ran is scum thus J is town AND J cannot hammer
Ran is pseudo-cleared via action because WTF, although the Gheb lying thing I'd like more info on if Ran and Gheb could elaborate when sober

Last scummer:

4. Kreative Whiz Kids (2) Vult, J
8. Dabunz ()
14. Vult Redux ()

Not a long list. Assuming a NKill each Night we can kill each and every one of those. If they MISS a NKill (plausible given our NAs) then we can kill them and more.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
MC said:
Carnage (me) can't NKill if I'm using my ability, which is provable
Huh, I did not know this. Very interesting indeed. The thing that clears you at the moment could also condemn you as well. We have a couple days, may as well look into this to see if we can rule this out.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010

Would you be quiet for a moment. It's a possibility I would like to rule out. (side-note: I did make sense in the social thread. Quit trying to use "outside" stuff like that to try and make your points seem stronger)

Look, you said this and it is a fact. As long as you use your ability you cannot NK. That is what you said in your post, correct? The only plausible explanation we have had for no NKs would be the fact of certain RB'ing or Protecting. It's okay to look into all the avenues until we know that we can have them completely closed down. It also makes me want to look at you in a different angle since I have just been excusing most of your (Ryker) play for OS' (town) play. I highly doubt this option, but it is an option in the corner. It promotes new discussion so just let it happen. This game has had 0 NKs and we are on D4. Unless me and Ruy have been protecting the right people or mafia keeps getting RB'd, then your slot is an enigma with your "not being able to NK". Just because you don't want this type of talk to happen, others may. I went through the thing of people thinking I was guilty and this isn't even going to go anywhere really.

Gosh, I mean just gosh, Ryker-chan.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Hmm though you have reminded me of something I want to look at toDay. The gambit may hold something regarding how people reacted.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010

Not lynching KWK toDay. Not lynching Ruy toDay. Not lynching Vult toDay. Can't lynch Gorf toDay. I need to re-read more, but if we can we could probably finish the game toDay if Gorf is a survivor.

Ranmaru or Gheb need to die toDay. Just give me a sec to check things again

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
One of Ranmaru or Gheb is lying.

The chance to catch him lying - whatever he claims to have investigated last night could not be true - is a million times more helpful than his completely worthless inno which he would've given no matter what. Yeah, I could have prevented him from receiving a NA result if his claim were true. But even that would've served to prove his claim to be accurate at the very least. And town getinng an inno on slots like J or myself would be completely worthless. I on't give a **** about what Ran's investigation result could have been. The fact that he's lying is worth more than anything he could've offered to ue.

So you did choose to blind Ranmaru? Then why did you lie about Blinding him?

I need to sleep on things but I am certain one of Ranmaru or Gheb is the final scummer.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Cop getting innocent result on player = 2 clears by association on flip, 1 immediate clear in that pool of 2 by claim (since Ran scum can't claim someone else is scum because he'd lose) blinding the cop to see if he says "I was blinded" = 1 clear
I didn't blind him to get a clear on him but to prove that he's lying.

So you did choose to blind Ranmaru? Then why did you lie about Blinding him?
Where have I lied about it?


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Hold on, I take everything back. I didn't actually blind Ran ... I blinded J, KWK and Ryu. I must have confused someting.

To be clear, I did use Silver Disc #5 last Night but it didn't hit Ran [for some I reason I assumed it did].



~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
I've blinded people last Night, confirmed by J's claim. Ran is one of the people I have blinded. Whatever result he claims to have obtained is a lie.
That's where I suddenly mentioned it but idk why I said it because I didn't blind Ran - Ran's final post of D3 ended with a 7 so I couldn't have targeted him even if I wanted to. IIRC Ryu mentioned that I have supposedly claimed to have blinded Ran earlier but it's not his fault because I should have checked -.-


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Also J - or anybody who considers me a lynch target for the rest of this game - needs to explain how I can possibly be scum. I have pushed HBW slot since Day1, have initiated his lynch on D3, have been the first on the Scary wagon on D2 after roleblocking him on N1, preventing the NK. Furthermore, the claimed scumbag has confirmed that the role PM catch was actually legit and that I had knowledge that only a townie could've had at that time. If that's not enough to make people realize that I am town then I don't know what else I have to do to convince you people.

Ran is still scummy - though possibly not lying - but he has cleared J in any case. Ryu I need to look back on toNight and neither KWK nor dabuz would be bad lynches. Undecided on Vult. J has a very good point about MC who frankly has not done one pro-town thing this entire game. Another slot I wouldn't cry about if it died soon. With so many questionable slots left in the game I would strongly suggest lynching the one player we know to not be town right now!


Maximum Carnage

Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2014
MC who frankly has not done one pro-town thing this entire game
Have you not read my posts?

I'm totally wanting to hear the rationale from the guy who both meant to and thought he blinded our one-shot cop and spent most of the day incorrect about this. -_-;;

There's literally the world's smallest lynch pool on this. Even if Ryu is scum there's no reason to lynch him now because we can confirm he's scum by NKills by simply saying who he should protect.

Don't overcomplicate things. If there's 0 NKills:


I think we can remove me from the lynch pool. -_-;;

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
No, I agree that your voting analysis has been quite useful. Let's rather say that you're not a trustworthy slot and far from a solid town read right now. But I could say the same about a lot of people. You're not a play toDay anyway.


#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
This mod error has truly made a bigger mess of an already messy game.

Gheb's flippy-floppiness on his claim hurts my head. And a couple of his facts are just not correct.

Grah, need sleep. Need dead bodies/flips.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
I think "Flip-floppy" really isn't the right term for it though. It's not like I've been unable to make up my mind on what I did.


Maximum Carnage

Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2014
I dunno what's worse.

Trying to blind a one-shot cop as a pro-town move

Trying to blind a one-shot cop as a pro-town move and failing, then watching the cop claim he got a result, flip back on that result, then you flip back on what your actual actions were

The pigheaded defense of it makes it seem more town Gheb anyway. =P

You guys wanna look at one our like 3 options today and get back to town? It'd be useful.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Hold on, I take everything back. I didn't actually blind Ran ... I blinded J, KWK and Ryu. I must have confused someting.

To be clear, I did use Silver Disc #5 last Night but it didn't hit Ran [for some I reason I assumed it did].


This is why I asked Ryu 'where did Gheb say he blinded me?' I only remembered you saying 'J, KwK, Ryu' and not seeing Ran but I guess Ryu saw you say that you targetted me somewhere too. But I guess you meant to target me anyways?

IIRC Ryu mentioned that I have supposedly claimed to have blinded Ran earlier
He told me you did and didn't want to show me the quote.

@ #HBC | Red Ryu #HBC | Red Ryu

Where is the quote you were talking about?


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I blinded you, KWK and Ryu. Ryu would be unaffected because as priest he doesn't receive any NA results. KWK and you are both the main suspects alongside Ranmaru as one of you three was prevented from performing the NK on N2. Ranmaru claiming guilty on you simplifies this matter a good deal though.
Here is another reason why I didn't think Gheb blinded me, or chose to. (In the red)

This would contradict with him purposely stating that he blinded me. If he thought I was lying, he wouldn't also push that the guilty I gave on J was 'clearing' things up. I mean genuinely, it wouldn't stack up. It's either you think I'm lying and therefore my result is faulty, or you think I'm telling the truth and you agree with it, yet he thought I was lying and agreed with it.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL

Not lynching KWK toDay. Not lynching Ruy toDay. Not lynching Vult toDay. Can't lynch Gorf toDay. I need to re-read more, but if we can we could probably finish the game toDay if Gorf is a survivor.

Ranmaru or Gheb need to die toDay. Just give me a sec to check things again

Gheb can NOT be scum. Ran can but his play as scum makes absolutely no sense.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
KWK or Ruy. Vult's PR makes no sense coming from scum to me either. I've stated that if I can live to see those two lynched, I will fully concede to being lynched, no questions asked. Plus I can help erase question marks IN CASE I can help confirm a scummy.

Maximum Carnage

Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2014
OS FFT mafia said:
1. Queklain, the Tainted King – Chooses two Lv. 1 classes
Blind – Target player no longer receives results for their Night Actions, passive or active, for this Night phase. They will be notified that they have been blinded. You may not use this and Silence in the same phase.
Silence – Choose a player each Night. Target player cannot use any active abilities that Night. You may not use this and Blind in the same phase.

2. Velius – Chooses one Lv. 1 class

Debilitate - Choose target player. They will gain the restriction of your choosing:
A) Being unable to vote except for hammer (MOD vote if they do not, next day phase only)
B) Take one vote less to lynch (next day phase only)
C) For the next Night phase, only being able to use their abilities on someone who was on a lynch the previous Day phase
D) Not receive the results of their actions (that night phase only)
You can only give each restriction once and cannot give more than one restriction to a player. No announcement will be made to anyone but that player.

Confusion – Choose a player each Night. Target player’s ability will be redirected to a player as determined by hidden criteria. (Mod knows, you do not, but it is a system and not random. Can hit all alignments, including your own.)
System for confusion is that player hits the highest odd numbered post count player currently alive in the game when it is an odd numbered Night (N1, N3, N5) or hits the lowest even numbered post count player currently alive in the game when it is an even numbered night (N2, N4, N6, etc.)
Click to expand...
3. Adramelk- Chooses one Lv. 2 class

Bulletproof – You may not be Night Killed

Fowlheart – One shot ability. Choose target player. They cannot vote the following Day.

Graviga - One shot ability. Choose target player. It will be publicly noted that player will only take three votes to lynch. This will not be lowered or increased by other abilities, but is a static number. This ability must be used on Night 3 at the latest.

Restrictions – You may not vote for someone unless they’re already voting you. If they unvote you, your vote can remain.
Safe Claim – Beowulf. You are a Knight Templar and you are able to investigate a player each Night to see if they are Reis, your fiancée. (Wiki this stuff)

4. Zalera- Cannot choose a class

Nightmare – One shot ability. During the Day phase and before a lynch is sealed with a hammer vote, choose player A and player B. Player A will be given the option to kill player B and for Player A to receive protection for that Day phase from a lynch. The day will not end on the potential daykill, and the killer will be anonymous. There is no deadline on them accepting the offer, and if they do not accept by the time the lynch scene is posted this ability will fizzle (so don't wait until the last minute!). Mafia members may not be selected for this ability. If the ability does not result in Player A choosing to kill Player B and instead fizzles, you will be roleblocked for the next Night phase. The kill counts as a Night kill for all intents and purposes. You will not be roleblocked if this kill fails due to any other abilities.
Doom – One shot ability. This player will be notified that if they are alive on Night 4, they will die. This ability can only be used on Night 1. Come Night 4, they will die at the END of the NAR, meaning their abilities can go through. (In the unlikely event that there would be three players left and all dying, the doomed player would end up winning the game as the other deaths would occur prior to the doomed player's) You cannot use this and Chaos in the same Night phase.

Chaos - One shot ability. Every player's vote for the following Day phase will count as two votes. Any abilities that change what a vote is worth will be negated; their vote will count as two votes if they are able to vote. You cannot use this and Doom in the same Night phase.

Hint of Kefka - Prior to the start of the game, you may choose target player. They will receive Kefka's posting restriction from FF6 Mafia:
" You have to type "hahahaha" or "lol" exactly as posted here (four "ha") in every post you make in which you vote for someone."
Should they break it, they will be roleblocked that Night. It will not be noted that they broke a posting restriction.

Hated– You take two less votes to lynch. This is not indicated in the votecounts.

Safe Claim – Agrias, ability “Split Punch” causes Death Sentence.

5. Hashmalum –Chooses two classes

Day Janitor – On Night one, choose target player. They will flip as ??? , ??? after being lynched only.

Accelerate – This ability may only be used if you had no votes on you the previous Day phase. One shot ability. The deadline for the lynch will be shortened to three days.

Safe claim – Ovelia, ability Wish “Day ability, one use only. If

just FYI
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