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Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Mafia - Game Over!

Kreative Whiz Kids

Apr 4, 2012
Getting creative
the mighty gorf has spoken and i have listened

the power of gorf compels me

mutual promise that he's gone before LyLo. He wins with town or he wins with no one

and yeah i realized i missed the new laws you set in motion, oh great one

my bad


Someone has to really explain the Ruy wagon to me

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Oh OF COURSE I win with town or I don't win. We've lynched 2 scum already! If my pm is right and there's 3 scum, I am literally on your side now. Because **** gova if there's a 2nd indy and a last scum that's why.

I don't really dig the Ruy wagon. Early Joey feels mostly cover the town lean I have on them (yes, that's legit, screw the haters) and Ruy hasn't really hurt the slot till dense levels became over 9000. I'd certainly rather Ran/Gheb though.

@ Maximum Carnage Maximum Carnage @Overswarm @ScrewYouRyker vote off plz?

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Ninja'd by it's like Ruy doesn't want me to win so bad that he's voting himself off so that town's closer to losing, therefore forcing town to need to off me more, so that I DEFINITELY lose. It's like... the ultimate anti town.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
What moronic town doesn't autolynch an indy claim.

I don't give a **** what he claimed or what he has been posting for reads on him, do I think he is more likely legit? Yes, but I will never take a chance like that in a team game.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
So look, KWK, I think you're thinking the same thing I am in that we're ****ing wasting time looking at my confirmed indy slot when there's more unknown scum out there, but out of curiosity what changed your mind?

Kreative Whiz Kids

Apr 4, 2012
Getting creative
So you want us to lynch you instead?

You know that doesn't help town either right?

Jeez man like you can rage at us for not listening to you about Gorf, but don't take it out on us and sabotage the game for your own selfish, childish need to kill yourself on your terms.

Kreative Whiz Kids

Apr 4, 2012
Getting creative
So look, KWK, I think you're thinking the same thing I am in that we're ****ing wasting time looking at my confirmed indy slot when there's more unknown scum out there, but out of curiosity what changed your mind?
The all caps, bolded, underlined, italicized block of text yelling at Ruy. I found I could really relate to the desperation of trying to get a rational point across to someone who is stuck in tradition rather than logic, and then I realized I myself was mechanically operating under the same rule of lynching you because you are claiming anti-town, but really Occam's Razor dictates that you are voteless, at our mercy, and will win with us when we find the last mafia. And if you don't, we can deal with you. And if we don't find the last mafia, we can also deal with you.

aka you shouting at Ruy made me realize we were being dumb

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
So you want us to lynch you instead?

You know that doesn't help town either right?

Jeez man like you can rage at us for not listening to you about Gorf, but don't take it out on us and sabotage the game for your own selfish, childish need to kill yourself on your terms.
Just a reminder but me and J cannot be in lylo or mylo together, we can't hammer, I'd rather Ran get exposed and people actually take a look at him than live.

Also I really don't care but I can't replace out.

Be a moron about lynching an indy at this point, I really don't care.

If people are that dense I'd lynch Ran or Gheb but **** off if you think not lynch Gorf is a wise idea.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
****ing THANK YOU.

@******* stuck on me

The all caps, bolded, underlined, italicized block of text yelling at Ruy. I found I could really relate to the desperation of trying to get a rational point across to someone who is stuck in tradition rather than logic, and then I realized I myself was mechanically operating under the same rule of lynching you because you are claiming anti-town, but really Occam's Razor dictates that you are voteless, at our mercy, and will win with us when we find the last mafia. And if you don't, we can deal with you. And if we don't find the last mafia, we can also deal with you.

aka you shouting at Ruy made me realize we were being dumb

In fact, here it is, two more times!

The all caps, bolded, underlined, italicized block of text yelling at Ruy. I found I could really relate to the desperation of trying to get a rational point across to someone who is stuck in tradition rather than logic, and then I realized I myself was mechanically operating under the same rule of lynching you because you are claiming anti-town, but really Occam's Razor dictates that you are voteless, at our mercy, and will win with us when we find the last mafia. And if you don't, we can deal with you. And if we don't find the last mafia, we can also deal with you.

aka you shouting at Ruy made me realize we were being dumb
The all caps, bolded, underlined, italicized block of text yelling at Ruy. I found I could really relate to the desperation of trying to get a rational point across to someone who is stuck in tradition rather than logic, and then I realized I myself was mechanically operating under the same rule of lynching you because you are claiming anti-town, but really Occam's Razor dictates that you are voteless, at our mercy, and will win with us when we find the last mafia. And if you don't, we can deal with you. And if we don't find the last mafia, we can also deal with you.

aka you shouting at Ruy made me realize we were being dumb
I need town to win at this point. But, I empathize with the fact that that's not easy to just trust, which is why if you don't win while I'm alive, I'll gladly step into the noose before a near endgame situation. I'll fight my lynch toMorrow, but less likely the next Day's lynch, and less likely each time another Day roles along that I'm alive.

Maximum Carnage

Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2014
Gorf, assume you're dead the next town we lynch.

Who do we lynch toDay?

And by assume know that it is a strong possibility.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010

We don't lynch the final Mafiosi toDay. Gorf is dead toMorrow.

ATM leaning Gheb>Ruy. Ruy's most recent posts seem towny.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Gheb is town. His early town wincon thing was legit, I didn't get the town wincon till after that happened and I'm SURE the same thing happened with mafia. Sure it's gay but I'd rather not hold it back n have em get ML'd :/

I'd say lynching between Ran-KWK-Vult will result in a win.

Oh btw j you should make that unvote bold

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Gorf if you want to win play toDay like it's your last. Tell us who you think is the final scum. I won't lynch Vult. The other four are the final pickings for me.



Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I'm thinking Ruy > Vult. Ruy's recent play doesn't seem anything but trying to better his slot from actually being lynched. It doesn't absolve him of his actions from yesterday and from earlier toDay.

I think Vult is a bit wishy washy with Ruy. He said he was fine with either Ruy or KwK but is forcing himself to go towards KwK for a concerning reason. KwK talks more about this and I agree with him on this. Also consider Vult was wishy washy on Scary too (he voted on but got off), but was overly confident with Bardull. If there were 4 scum, I would vote Vult. Yet I think Ruy is more scum than Vult atm.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Gorf if you want to win play toDay like it's your last. Tell us who you think is the final scum. I won't lynch Vult. The other four are the final pickings for me.

Sorry Ran-KWK-Ruy. I don't agree with Vult either. But Gheb is NOT it.

It's my faith in other slots not being scum, coupled with Ran's grimy play, that leaves me to that pool. I'd say ran toDay.

Maximum Carnage

Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2014
guys this isnt rocket science

Gorf toDay because he is outed scum

then one of Ran/Gheb

if there's 4 scum it's definitely both of them

Gheb literally claimed to have blinded me, Ran, and J because "one of them is scum based on the roleblocks N2" and yet he blinded us. The ability that stops us from getting investigative results. Ran is in that pool. The claimed cop we are getting to use his 1-shot. Not to mention his fence sitting when Scary was confirmed scum

on the table yesterDay? since when?
It would take far more than this for a Gheb lynch.


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
I'm baaaaaaack.

Anyway, there are a few players who I think could be scum, but i'm not 100% confident on any of them.

Ranmaru - First 2 days by this slot were cool, but Day 3 trying to distract from Bardull lynch and then toDay attempting a FAKE COP GUILTY ON J both make me suspicious of the slot. However this is my weakest scum suspicion because unless there is a 4 man scum team, that play by Scum Ranmaru would have got him lynched in a heart beat after J flipping town. It's also a play that's pretty elaborate and not something I expect scum to plan out. I don't think 4 scum team is likely because with Marshy/ Bardull having 2 votes, unless Gorf is also MAFIA (super unlikely), that means scum would have 5 votes out of 13 (presuming Gorf is voteless) players, meaning Day 2 could have been Lylo with 1 town lynch + a NK. That just seems ridiculous from a setup standpoint. So in summary, likely not scum unless scum team is 4 man and I would not lynch toDay.

KwK - Here more or less by default because I don't have reason to think he's likely town based on previous scum flips, play is alright and would not lynch this slot toDay without a good case.

Vult - Stronger scum read because his hops onto Scary's and Bardull's wagons both looked like a potential bus and his pushes on Scary looked half hearted. Combined with play that has had a lot of weak stances, low reasoning, and overall being lurky and keeping his options of what to say open makes me think he could just be lurking scum. However what keeps me unsure about him and making a case is simply how Marshy/ Bardull approached this slot. Bardull started Day 3 trying to get this slot LYNCHED. Even before that, Marshy slots were pushing this slot, not a lot, but enough for the pushes to look like real pushes and not just distancing. Would lynch toDay but I have another scum read I feel a bit stronger about.

DSH - Quite simply, he tried to defend Scary's play and claim it was noob town, yet couldn't ever adequately explain what about Scary's play was noob town and just not scummy, along with some other stuff about his defense of Scary I mentioned in a post on Day 2. In fact my little case on DSH from Day 2 should still probably stand, (Don't know post # but was probably early in the Day). Day 2 was also when his opinion on Scary started to change where he thought Scary's play might in fact be scummy, but what he said was extremely weak and uncommitted IIRC, along with him never pushing Scary. Marshy's slots AND Bardull liked DSH throughout this game and had him as a town read yet never really explained why (post 1954, 1501 as examples of this). Day 3 DSH approached Bardull in a way very similar to Scary in that DSH started to be ok with Bardull's lynch while not being committed to it IIRC (post 2099) and DSH definitely never pushed Bardull. Meanwhile as MC brought up in 2531, DSH was on the start of JD's lynch, in fact IIRC he was helping to push JD's lynch very early into the game. So in summary my scum read on DSH comes from what I said in a small case on Day 2 (IIRC biggest thing was that he doesn't appear to be scum hunting), and then him NOT pushing Bardull or Scary's lynches yet pushing JD's lynch, and DSH positioning himself to be alright with both Scary's and Bardull's lynches when the lynches were looking very likely. Now I probably look super sold on DSH scum, but I also acknowledge town RR is liable to white knight people to his death, so that meta is what keeps me from being confident that he is scum; but this is the slot I would be most ok with lynching.

@ ranmaru ranmaru I think what you said in 2466 makes sense and it looks pretty similar to my thoughts. When it comes to Gorf, I think every side of the argument brings good points about when to lynch him so it's hard to make a committed stance on him, I can compromise with leaving him alone toDay.

Everyone else I will claim as at least a town lean of mine, except Gorf obv.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Well then.

3 votes on Ryu right now. If you vote @ Dabuz Dabuz , it will be 5. Leaving enough room for @ Maximum Carnage Maximum Carnage to hammer.

Again, I prefer Ryu to go the most toDay. Most confident in him flipping scum toDay.

@Vult Redux ,@ ~ Gheb ~ ~ Gheb ~ : Need your input before day ends.
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