Bones, I would like to (sincerely) thank you for spelling it with the "w" at the end. The joke Tobias Xelkythe told me (on GameFAQs) was that the spelling "Barlw" reflected how the game makes him feel. I like to think he came up with it, but that might be presumptuous.
I agree JPOBS. I don't really care about how this is received (mostly because, the longer this community lives, the more I seem to hate it), but I do find it funny, and expect an amusing response from SRK. They will dismiss the fact that you can disable items and janky stages altogether (despite their inclusion not precluding Smash from being a fighting game), and they will point out how silly it is that this "defense of Smash as a fighting game" ends by insulting a Smash game.
Also, I doubt the Brawl community will die when Smash 4 comes out. We will likely have a third, separate community.