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Favorite Anime?


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2004
Vancouver B.C. Canada
Anybody interesting in the somewhat new animes out? I am a little bit into Suzuka (only because Lunar is subbing) and Full Metal Panic The Second Raid (way more like Full Metal Panic season 1 so far). I was watching Korean dramas for too long, and I forgot about my anime... shame on you dark_dragon8!

It's really nice to see all these fans of anime here! The spread of Americanized versions are also quite amazing. Although I never watch any of those (always stick to original Japanese audio and English subtitles), it seems as though anime is really spreading. I hope you guys soon get to experience Naruto (licenced and ready for september I think...) on Cartoon Network. That series is an excellent action comedy type!


Smash Master
Mar 14, 2001
Xdadepsak's Closet, along with Ender, Mkiller, and
dark_dragon8 said:
Anybody interesting in the somewhat new animes out? I am a little bit into Suzuka (only because Lunar is subbing) and Full Metal Panic The Second Raid (way more like Full Metal Panic season 1 so far). I was watching Korean dramas for too long, and I forgot about my anime... shame on you dark_dragon8!

It's really nice to see all these fans of anime here! The spread of Americanized versions are also quite amazing. Although I never watch any of those (always stick to original Japanese audio and English subtitles), it seems as though anime is really spreading. I hope you guys soon get to experience Naruto (licenced and ready for september I think...) on Cartoon Network. That series is an excellent action comedy type!
LOVE suzuka. Just watched ep 5 a few minutes ago. Must be Slam Dunk's fault I'm so hung on sports anime. **** you Hanamichi! You're too funny!

Saw Full Metal Panic 2, looks awesome. Surprised me too. I didn't see past ep 14 of fumoffu because of the liscensing, but I never expected another season. I am so blissful.

I also started watching Monster, hunterhunter, and marchenAR (which I read the manga on snoopycool before it shut down) recently.

Monster reminds me of one of those few animes targeted towards an older audience, like 25-40 year olds. Also of a japanese take on shows like "ER". I don't watch all those American medical dramas, but I'm really growing on Monster, probably because it has more of a serial feel to it, whereas American shows go more for 30 minutes stories (bleh ><).

Hunterhunter, well I love yuyu and all his previous stuff. So of course I like this one. Totally surprised with two things in it though.
1. So limited fanservice? Nothing wrong with that though. Gives it a quality.
2. So many people getting eaten/swallowed/ripped apart/sliced up. Heh. +points

I like marchen awakens romance because it reminds me of houshin engi (which I never finished reading ; ;). I don't know for sure why though.

EDIT: Monkey poo. Yes that's all. Just no meaning.

Papa Smurf

Smash Rookie
Aug 7, 2005
Favorite Anime... this question was always a little hard for me, so even though it says anime I'm gonna make it animes. Well one of my all time favorites before it was out on Cartoon Network was/is the Samurai X/Ruroni Kenshin series. I also hear one of my favorites Naruto is going ot get all cut up for Cartoon Network as well. **** them to hell. Hellsing is pretty good although the plot isn't that great. Escaflowne the movie was definitly one of my favorites. I've made AMVs with all those, and let's see. well here's a list

Favorite series:
1. Ruroni Kenshin (before Cartoon Network)
2. Naruto (before Cartoon Network[I know it's not out yet but it won't be as good as before])
3. Bleach
4. It's a two way tie FLCL (so hilarious) and Cowboy Bebop

Favorite Movie
1.Princess Monanoke (sp) [Soooo friggin good]
2. Samurai X
3. Escaflowne
4. The one I can't remember but it was definitly good. I hate myself but yeah that one so good. lmao


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2004
Vancouver B.C. Canada
Zapdos : VERY COOL, I am loving Suzuka too. I even wanted to get into the manga, but only 1 chapter has been scanlated... It's a typical love story, but I'm a sucker for them (Love Hina, Ai Yori Aoshi, Ichigo 100%...etc).

I saw a few eps of Monster... you are very right, it is probably the most mature anime I have seen. So many now a days are put towards the teenagers, but the serious animes are almost non existant recently. I have to admit though, as a teenager, I like the comedy, love stories, but I did give Monster a chance. I saw about 20 episodes, and I stopped there...

Oh and BTW, I uploaded this AMV for my friend to see, and nobody is using the link, so I thought I would share. It's a Naruto AMV (for those who do not know, Anime Music Video) which is a VERY eye pleasing piece. Click Here


rly likes smoke
Mar 4, 2004
Dodongo's Cavern
I just ordered all of Kenshin. Yayness! By the way does anyone else find anime being extreemly unhealthy for your bank account?

Wolf E. Urameshi

Smash Journeyman
Aug 6, 2005
Lares, Puerto Rico
As of anime, I have lots of tastes, so I'll mention some of them in order of preference, up-down, best to worst. DON'T flame me for what you see, LOL.

Cowboy Bebop
Wolf's Rain
Yuyu Hakusho
Teen Titans (this IS an anime, only american)
Megaman NT Warrior
W.I.T.C.H (We are, we are, we are WITCH! Catchy theme song...)
Chrono Crusade
Mahou Sensei Negima
Final Fantasy Unlimited
Kouryuu Densetsu Villgust (syndicated anime, I've never watched it but I've always wanted to ever since I saw screenshots)
Sonic X
Ultimate Muscle
Hellsing (just the music I suppose)
Pokémon [Least Favorite, because of the movies which plain rock] (Who in *&^% had the stupid idea of making 1000+ episodes!?)


This is only a small list, I guess, but I don't want to rant around over anime...


Smash Master
Jul 16, 2001
No anime will ever compare to the melancholy melodrama and laidback jazz of Cowboy Bebop...Plus, there's never been a sci-fi that was so full of pathos. Also, I used to dig on a little bit of Fushigi Yugi (Mysterious Play) when I was young and stupid. But I suppose if I were to watch it now, I might still appreciate it on some level.


Smash Master
Mar 14, 2001
Xdadepsak's Closet, along with Ender, Mkiller, and
I watched "Air" about a week ago. There was something definitive in it that is extremely rare. That is to say, changing main characters. Three bloody times!
I'm a sucker for shojo, sentimentals (like Kanon), corny comedy shows, all that. So I of course am way into the drama and playout of human interaction and emotions in this anime.

Only other anime that I can think of that changes main characters like that (not story arcs, I mean main characters) is probably Dragon Ball. Then again I'm not thinkin' too hard of other examples.

Wow, though. What an experience. A real tear-jerker (not enough to make kudose here cry lemme tell yah). It's one of those anime where you really start to worry about the well-being of the characters.

I've always been a firm believer that really sad plots are really good plots. Happy shows are fine but I always remember the sad ones better. I wonder why?


Smash Master
Mar 14, 2001
Xdadepsak's Closet, along with Ender, Mkiller, and
I watched Suzuka ep 6 last night, man what a downer. Reminds me of my high-school life.
You know, where you get along with a girl, then you think you got something going on, and you **** it up. Actually that's more like the story of my life than my high-school memeories ><
The dialogue and cinematics/dramatics in the parade scene, I think, were VERY well done. Very emotional.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 19, 2005
BC, Canadia
Princess Mononoke is the best film I've seen. As far as TV series go, I'll say DBZ, but I'm not well learned in the ways of the Anime.


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2004
Vancouver B.C. Canada
Yeah Zapdos, I saw Suzuka and I was like...
OMG, how could she?! She's hanging out shopping and stuff with Yamato and that happens, she'd better have a good reason (looks to that guy in her pic from middle school). But at least Yamato isn't giving up, from that preview it seems like he wants to be with her no matter what. It's going to be quite an interesting tale, I'm glad you share the same interest.

BTW - I saw the AIR movie, I say it is MUCH better than the anime. The story kind of goes fast
with the whole loving somebody within a few days, but hey, I have never experienced it
. Good way to end off too.


Smash Master
Mar 14, 2001
Xdadepsak's Closet, along with Ender, Mkiller, and
dark_dragon8 said:
Yeah Zapdos, I saw Suzuka and I was like...
OMG, how could she?! She's hanging out shopping and stuff with Yamato and that happens, she'd better have a good reason (looks to that guy in her pic from middle school). But at least Yamato isn't giving up, from that preview it seems like he wants to be with her no matter what. It's going to be quite an interesting tale, I'm glad you share the same interest.

BTW - I saw the AIR movie, I say it is MUCH better than the anime. The story kind of goes fast
with the whole loving somebody within a few days, but hey, I have never experienced it
. Good way to end off too.
Oh snappity! I didn't know there was an AIR movie! L1nk pl34s3?!?! EDIT: Thanky drag for t3h link

Started watching Honey and Clover. Hard to explain this! I suppose I could say that it'd be like if Excel Saga had ******* babies with Gainax and those babies went into a shoujo blender and the guys pushed the "pedophile" speed.

Please, no one quote me on that.


Smash Master
Mar 14, 2001
Xdadepsak's Closet, along with Ender, Mkiller, and
It's not a double, it's a bump.

Oh, how sad I am! **** you, Honey and Clover! **** you! :dizzy:
How saddening! I so want ep 18 to come out! How very very very sad I am! I'm going to have sad dreams tonight, where my childhood bullies pick on me, I run out of candy, and my fiancee leaves me again ; ;

**** you! **** yOu! WHY are you such a sad show, Honey and Clover! **** **** ****! I'm not watching you ever again!

Until ep 18 comes out!


**** **** **** dman **** **** **** damm!!!! Oh worry, five seconds later how sad I am still.

Listen well, everyone. Do not watch this show! So saddening it is! Avert thine eyes! It's not worth it!


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2004
Vancouver B.C. Canada
Zapdos, since Honey and Clover 18 came out, shouldn't you be telling us how sad you are? hehe. Too bad I don't watch that series.

Suzuka episode 7 was pretty nice, but it will get better, trust me. Count on some more drama in this (I saw manga spoilers).

Now off to watch Shuffle 7!


Smash Master
Mar 14, 2001
Xdadepsak's Closet, along with Ender, Mkiller, and
H&C 18 wasn't as sad as I expected. I follow the Mayama/Yamada storyline better than all the others, probably because love triangles are more depressing.
EDIT: Although I sympathize most with what's his name, the blue haired weirdo guy (oh yeah Morita). He's the most interesting character I think, but that's probably just because he's funny. His main complexties come from the mystery surrounding what goes on his head when he does stupid things.

I thought Suzuka 7 was pretty funny, not like a clown, you know. Heh he does seem pretty lame now, all actin' stalker-like. He saved himself pretty good
by ignorning Asahina at the end part, I think it sorta said in body language, "I'm joining track because I want to, not because of you", which is really what he should do. What a wuss.

I saw Shuffle 7 as well. At first I watched this series because I had nothing else to do. It's harder to sympathize with the characters at first since they aren't too complex. Now that just about everyone has had a decent amount of backstory told though it might begin a more dramatic story arc.

I'm still watching Monster, I'm up to ep 28 now. It's really starting to look like some kind of American drama series. It ties together a lot of investigative elements. It's pretty interesting how each few episodes present such dramatic and drastically changing story arcs. I think this is probably what makes it so interesting, because it moves at a very good pace. I don't really find any episodes boring or seemingly "filler".
I tell you what though, that Dieter kid's seiyuu is that Jun chick or whatever, that does Naruto's voice. Totally weird. I know she's trying to use different inflexions with his expressions than Naruto would, but when Dieter starts yelling or whatever it sounds just like Naruto, heh heh heh. I expect him to be all like, "...dattebayo!" or bust out a ninja move or somethin'. :dizzy:


Oct 28, 2001
Huh. I watch Naruto and Monster and never made the connection between voice actors. But I will now. Crap.

I think I'm gonna check out Hunterhunter. That's the same as Hunter X Hunter, right?

P.S. Berserk rocks.


Smash Champion
Oct 16, 2004
Land of Oz
**** shoji. Shonen ftw!

I'd also like to bring back to this topic, Hajime No Ippo, and the fact that it is the single greatest series ever created. A strong second place just happens to be Berserk. Both series need the anime & manga to be enjoyed to the fullest. Berserk has become the "straightest" anime/manga in our crew.


rly likes smoke
Mar 4, 2004
Dodongo's Cavern
Yeah I watched the berserk anime first so naturally I was like "wtfahhhblarghdie!!!" and had to spend lots of money on getting the manga. I wonder how it will al finish. Skull knight is beyond cool.


Smash Master
Mar 14, 2001
Xdadepsak's Closet, along with Ender, Mkiller, and
Yeah it's pronounced hunter hunter. Done by the mangaka that did yuyu hakusho etc. It's very interesting. Low fanservice levels lend to more time for actual plot (I think I might have poasted this earlier <<)

Also yes, shounen is a lot better than shoujo. Nonetheless, if you are any type of sensitive person (read: wussy) then sentimentals and stuff like Full Moon wo Saga****e can be quite entertaining (not the latter however. I still get sad about that Eichi [whatever his name is]
dying episode

Right now I'm also watching Yakitate Japan, a show about cooking bread... :confused:
It's halarious, the omake's in the manga are pretty entertaining. I don't think anyone offers than scans since SnoopyCool went down.


Smash Champion
Oct 16, 2004
Land of Oz
i.e. four star and mcpon watch adult swim and toonami.

I believe I thoroughly enjoyed Hikaru No Go, a possible shoji, but it was just to awesome......to awesome...

Emblem Lord

The Legendary Lord
Aug 11, 2005
Scotch Plains, NJ
Switch FC
Four Star: You said one piece. I hope you mean you download the japanese episodes with subtitles. Because if you actually like watching that travesty that 4kids crapped out of their pants then I'm afraid you've been brainwashed.
Only1Z: Adult swim is ok but just barely IMO. TOONAMI on the other hand can kiss my a**.

On topic: Inuyasha, Trigun, Rurouni Kenshin, Cowboy Bebop, Gundam Seed. For all of these I like the manga more. Guess I'm just a manga type of guy. My favorite manga of all time is Samurai Deeper Kyo. Second favorite is Naruto. Third is Hikaru no Go


Smash Master
Mar 14, 2001
Xdadepsak's Closet, along with Ender, Mkiller, and
Hey hey hey all you guys stop actin' like purists, some people can't download torrents because their computers suck or something.

The verdict on H&C 19: So it's pretty obvious, Nomiya was trying to pry Yamada offa Mayama for her own good. D'uh. She's bein' too naive for her own good.

>< Suzuka 8 is still downloadin'.

Fullmetal Panic 2 ep 7: It's about darn time this series had a complicated story arc!

MAR 15: Beh. I don't know why I watch this still. Maybe my feeble attachment to shounen targeted towards younger children. Does that mean I'm a child?
EDIT: Oh yeah cuz it's funny. Heh.

<,,< Oh I still have to watch all the Monster eps, only up to 31 now.

Emblem Lord

The Legendary Lord
Aug 11, 2005
Scotch Plains, NJ
Switch FC
Ok, they wouldn't have to download torrents. They could import it from overseas. Push come to shove they could just read the manga. Its better anyway IMO. But yeah I see your point Zapdos275.


Smash Ace
Aug 18, 2005
Naples/Pembroke Pines, FL
My favorites:

Gundam SEED

Naruto - What's not to like? They don't have that hero thing where it always has to be the same person saving the day (examples: Goku, Luffy, Inuyasha), because for some reason, Anime and Manga artists have the lame idea that we will always love the main character the most and will only want to see HIM be the big hero.

Trigun - I really like the plot. A bit strange, but still really cool.


Smash Champion
Jun 19, 2004
Anonburgh, Scotland
If we are talking purely on Anime i'd go with Naruto no doubt but if you are talking manga it gets a lot harder. Beck/Naruto/One Piece if so. Hellsings good stuff too.


Smash Rookie
Sep 16, 2005
Gundam SEED Destiny
Gundam Wing
Chrono Crusade (or Chrno Crusade)


Mar 25, 2004
Earth Bet
This is pretty easy for me.

Fullmetal Alchemist
Cowboy Bebop
Neon Genesis Evangelion

Those are my top three. After that, it's a pretty steep drop.

Yes, I watch most of my anime on AS on CN. I don't have the motivation to go searching for much anime outside that, NGE being the only exception so far.

SuperMajinLink 287

Smash Lord
Dec 23, 2001
San Antonio, Texas
Wow, I'm suprised to see not a lot of people mentioned BLEACH in their top favorite anime series.

These are some of my favorites of all time. (Not in order of best to worst, it's a compiled list)

1. Bleach
2. Dragonball Z (this one is such a classic, but still good, if you watched the unedited episodes with the actual script being used for this show, none of this "Time to send you to the next dimension" crap, i hated DBGT though)
3. Mobile Suit Wing Gundam (or is it Mobile Suit Gundam Wing?)
4. Outlaw Star
5. Cowboy Bebop
6. Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters (unedited episodes with correct script is well worth watching, plus, I just loved the fact how ancient egypt was involved, i've always been interested in that kind of stuff)
7. Naruto is starting to look good, just barely started to watch it.

Animes that I HATE!

1. Paranoia Agent
2. stupid *** animes like Super Milk Chan and Bobobo Bobobobo


rly likes smoke
Mar 4, 2004
Dodongo's Cavern
Yeah, I'm not into Paranoia Agent at all.
I've never seen Bobobo Bobobobo, but the commercials looked like Excel Saga, of course no one will ever match Nabashin.
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