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Farmington/Durango Tournament Rankings


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2007
Sorry 2007, it's hard to get Bombshell boy to talk on these forums anymore, cuz we pwned him so much...


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
brandon, you remind me more and more of Duha every day... im no sure thats a good thing though...
come to think of it,
Zenjamin=... Zenjamin
and Andy would = Gwen if he lived closer so he could smash more.

its like i got my old crew back.. and im about to lose you all over again.

anyways 2007, i think Ari said that he was still going to keep the early date, because none of the durango people will be able to go after december.

also i think you are thinking of the two tournaments as one.
Four Corners Tournament Royale is being hosted by Brandon in Durango... Ari is doing something else, more local... but if its close enough to brandon's tournament, the PnT might see the likes of Forward and wobbles.

hey brandon, on the Four Corners Tournament Royale, you have me listed as Zenja... switch it to to the full Zenjamin please, zenja is just the shortened nickname :p

hey Kennith, weve got pros traveling long distances to this tournament now... stay at least till dec1. it makes no sense to leave and then consider comming back 10-15 days later


Smash Cadet
Dec 10, 2006
Sorry...I really don't post enough...my bad guys.

The Final Smash will remain on Dec 1st and will be the last tourney for a while. My boss wants me to stop sooner, but f that noise. Just because we are losing a little cash for tourneys doesn't mean we should stop...I mean, the money is garunteed to be spent in the store so it should be good right? Its like garunteed sales as opposed to if it were cash prizes people would be spending it on not videogames...or less likely so.


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2007
I might not be going to Texas :p And Ari, don't throw a tournament at PnT on the same day of my tournament, I mean I'm going to be asking the owners to HELP ME, not run AGAINST ME! traitor. lol, anyways, Ari, start playing Marth. It came to me in a dream...


Smash Ace
Aug 13, 2007
Sorry...I really don't post enough...my bad guys.

The Final Smash will remain on Dec 1st and will be the last tourney for a while. My boss wants me to stop sooner, but f that noise. Just because we are losing a little cash for tourneys doesn't mean we should stop...I mean, the money is garunteed to be spent in the store so it should be good right? Its like garunteed sales as opposed to if it were cash prizes people would be spending it on not videogames...or less likely so.

I could near guarentee that if I won, I'd be spending $$$ on video games. Fire Emblem or Metroid come to mind...

heck, after December 1st, if you're still losing money* you should just host friendlies.

*I noitced there were only 7 of us on the 3rd, making $35, meaning 80-35=$5 loss. I see.
are these prizes cash 9with FS as an exception) or is it all in-store credit?


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2005
Westminster, CO
Ferdi: Sure, worx for me, mm on december 1st... (out of curiosity, how noobish was I on a scale of 1-10 the last time we played?)
Ugh I'm not sure. Because I remember I used Samus against you in one of our matches. To which I have to note that at that time I have not played Samus for like 3 years(I just practice double missling and SWD cause it looks cool thats all), PLUS I was sandbagging as well :( So I'm not sure where to put you on a scale, but based off of that I would give you uh... 2.5/3

P.S. hey brandon, on the Four Corners Tournament Royale, you have me listed as Zenja... switch it to to the full Zenjamin please, zenja is just the shortened nickname :p
Lol I listed this in a PM I sent to Brandon. Make sure you do all that(and more) man! They're very important and is key to this tournament's success.


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
nope, i wasnt there first hand.
but i did experience it later, and it was quite enjoyable.
i will alwys carry forwards' c.o.c.k. within me wherever i go.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 14, 2006
Farmington, NM
well, i won again.

paul took the throne of the winners finals after knocking me into the losers bracket. and i worked my way back up from there.

paul almost beat me in our third match of the first set. but i grabbed a barrel on DK64. but i was able to take out two of his last stocks even though i was on my last at 120-180%.
that seemed to put me in the right state of mind because i beat him pretty decisivly in our first match of the second set... which may have been why he decided to try out marth.

So proud arent we? Well I assume its logical to feel so, unless of course you claim to "only play for the money". I admit you got me, and I will even admit (at least for 7 days) you are better than me. But to glorify a six person tournament win it simply overdoing it. When I won my only tournament a few weeks back did anyone hear about it on the forums? Of course not, you all were there, there was no need. But the reasons why I did not post a self-gratifying statement seem to be obvious. You also seem more then happy to describe the quality of your win and yet ignore the quality of the beating you received earlier in the tourney. Reminds me of when I 3 stocked you and it seemed to slip your mind, but then you soon realized it had already been recorded! How auspicious? But enjoy your victory as any warrior should just do not make claims of your character that simply are not true.

And one more piece of advice, there is no sex in teh champagne room.


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
wow paul, pretty surprised you took offense to that.

Brandon personally asked for info on the tournament as he was not there, had he not i would have not given so much detail.

also... i thought it was just a good fun match. i liked to relive it... and even though you didnt end up claiming 1st, i would think you would have enjoyed the match as well.

also, when i said good game... you kinda didnt say it back... *shrug.* no big deal, but its ritual courtesy that ensures things stay civil.

... also, i dont think that im better then you. hell, even at that tournament you generally did better then me. had i faced Kennith after Stu, i prob would have been knocked out right then... but that barrel gave me a good amount of momentum. I think coming back from that after almost being two stocked at 120% is worth mentioning.
i have a great gap in my play. often im either im either very good, or im very bad... but your are consistently good.

i looked up no sex in the Champagne Room, and im not quite sure how it applies.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 14, 2006
Farmington, NM
I honestly did not hear the good match otherwise I would have agreed. I have no problem that I lost. I had a good time, what did it for me was that last statement. About me choosing marth. When read it appears that you implied that I had lost all hope (due to continuous losses) and decided to play marth. Marth is one of my better characters, so do not feel as though I cheapened the match. And I am remaining civil. I am not mad, I just objected to what I could only assume it implied.


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
o... that changes my perspective then, i had no idea that you were proficient with marth.

after playing jared for so long, he made me think i had a weakness against marth.

however after playing a very good marth for about an hour a day last year, i think i have a built in defense against marth i didnt realize i had.

he was my roommate so we played ALOT.

and from what i hear jared is near Pro level now.


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2007
Nope, I watched some vids and stuff, he's good but he can't hold his own against alot of really good mindgames that me and you do daily ^.^ So, I did terribly in the RR, but in most of my matches I took people to one stock. Now that I look back, I played terribly until the last hour I was there, *prolly cuz I haven't played since I was hanging with Kennith like two saturdays ago*, but I learned alot.

btw, Paul's Marth is pretty good. Oh, and Jared plays Fox to ^.^

EDIT: OMG, who all is in our crew? I mean, I want a good crew, and I mean the other crew from CO is gonna look like:


I might be able to keep up with Ferdi, but LoVo counts as two! Kenneth, we'll need you... I'm thinking our crew should look like:

Andy (I will talk to him and see if he's up for it)

Honestly, I don't care if we lose to CO, so long as the other crew wins the crews tourney ^.^


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2005
Westminster, CO
Nope, I watched some vids and stuff, he's good but he can't hold his own against alot of really good mindgames that me and you do daily ^.^ So, I did terribly in the RR, but in most of my matches I took people to one stock. Now that I look back, I played terribly until the last hour I was there, *prolly cuz I haven't played since I was hanging with Kennith like two saturdays ago*, but I learned alot.

btw, Paul's Marth is pretty good. Oh, and Jared plays Fox to ^.^

EDIT: OMG, who all is in our crew? I mean, I want a good crew, and I mean the other crew from CO is gonna look like:


I might be able to keep up with Ferdi, but LoVo counts as two! Kenneth, we'll need you... I'm thinking our crew should look like:

Andy (I will talk to him and see if he's up for it)

Honestly, I don't care if we lose to CO, so long as the other crew wins the crews tourney ^.^
I won't sandbag this tourney like I sandbagged OC3. I'll be going all out against everyone, even friendlies(this is your only chance to play me for serial). I may be sandbagging anyways though since its hard not to I don't know why. Against most of the pros over at OC3 all I did was use Captain Falcon and moonwalked downsmash/moonwalk grab =\

Watch out for that $10 MM first thing before the tourney.


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2007
yeah, get your warmup before, no excuses ^.^ It'll be great fun, win or lose it will tell me if I've really improved as much as I think. (don't sandbag pros, not that it matters ^.^)


Smash Ace
Aug 13, 2007
So when's the next Farmington get-together?
(gah, I feel like such a n00b)


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2007
This saturday and every saturday at the Farmington Mall ^.^ It'll be easy to spot to, theres a freaky looking bunch of people, one with a hat (texas), one tall guy who won't have shoes on, and one guy that sounds like a girl. I just burned all of you. Pwnd. *High five paul*


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
wait... im not that tall, your just short. lol

my beard is starten to get pretty visible, im hopen to be able to put it in my mouth by dec.. my baby bro gets a kick outta it.


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2007
Yeah, He's from boulder, that's why he's all weird ^.^ So then, you all going to farmington this saturday?

(Hey paul, if you want to beat Zenjamin, it's really easy. JCGrabs man. He will fall for them every time. ^.-)

Kenneth: So will you stay or will you go before december 1st? Cuz it'd be really cool if you came, I need a doubles partner, you on the crew battle, and singles will be sick! I'm going to go tell Texas now.


Smash Ace
Aug 13, 2007
This saturday and every saturday at the Farmington Mall ^.^ It'll be easy to spot to, theres a freaky looking bunch of people, one with a hat (texas), one tall guy who won't have shoes on, and one guy that sounds like a girl. I just burned all of you. Pwnd. *High five paul*
well yeah, I knew that, but they were telling me something about Friday get-togethers as well.
probably pulling my chain...


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2007
There is never a friday get together, punch them. Nah, johnnylaw has a car, so listen to him ^.^ But yeah, I do nightly smashfests. Unless I work that night. Then I do daily smashfests ^.^

Turns out Wobbles and Taj are a crew, and they're taking on another crew of 5 *stocks are open evenly I believe*.


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
hey kennith, when are you coming to pick me up? i would prefer it be early.

call me in my dorm at any time.

man, theres a new ganon in town

that how ganon should be played "fuck your combos, imma gimp yo ass"

gonna try to make alla my kills below 100%
but that will be hard to do with stu and his "run away!" strat :p

/taps foot.
common kennith, this is my last tournament befor thanksgiving. contact me.

dammit. kennith was lazy so neither him or myself are gonna be able to make it.
and think ill be out of town for the next tournaments for thanksgiving.


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2007
howdy ya'll. So did you and Kenneth end up skipping the tourney? I want results if not.


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
ya, we couldnt make it to farmington... but the farmington people are comming down here for a cash tournament. should be fun...

and in other news, i got my first warning today for cheating the profanity censor.

if you would like to dodge the profanity censor, just bold a letter in your curse
like that, only put a / after the second b.

well, the tournament turned into a smashfest with a 10$ MM between me and kennith at the end.

i was kicken *** all night, kennith, paul, everyone.
then at the MM. kennith somehow pulled out insane ****. just perfect playing. it felt like his missals were comming out as fast as falco's SHLs...
grats kennith, enjoy your gas money.

andy also was doing great, goes to show that sometimes pratice can be a bad thing, you just needa take a break.

paul was doing good as well, but i think he had something going on in his head that he was trying to pull away from. whatever it is paul, good luck.

i didnt play Ari much, but i still counter him just fine :p

thats all, was fun.


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2007
I see, glad you had a good time ^.^ Too bad I'm not there, I want to pwn all of you so bad right now... Just a feeling I get inside whenever I leave town ^.^ I learned a bunch already though, I've started teching ledge spikes, meteor cancels are perfect, and I've actually got chained waveshine combos (I did a practice run today, I drill shined a peach *my brother* 24 times before he could get out of it). So when I come back, I'll win! ^.^

Any MM's for me?

@Kenneth: We have to do that 100 dollar mm at your house before you leave, *poker*. My holdem skillz are lite, I played with my mom and her husband and like 4 friends last night, got 200 bux in my pocket. I'm straight up pro. Yo hundred dollas es mah hundred dollas now foo.


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
****, you sure have been building yourself up. hope you can live up to it, because the bigger they are, the harder they fall :p

anyways, i made a post in the 4corners thread. i should be able to host alot of people in the loby if they be quiet.

hey kennity, how do i start the process to get demoinoid?


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2007
lol, you know how good I am or not, I mean we played 2 weeks before I left. Oh wait, that's a whole month. Even so, I talk **** for you while I'm here, I'm telling every one you are like twice as good as Enix Moogles ganon. Fo shizzle.


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
im not sure thats a good thing, if thats what those AZ people are expecting, they are gonna laugh in my face come dec1.
word is, Enix Moogle is way underrated in the national community. he beat Eddie's gannon pretty decisivly. apparently he would be pro status if he just went to more tournaments.

this should be fun.


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2007
I dunno, they said this Omar guy's samus was supposed to be pro status and I took him to one stock every game (one game with my own Samus). Maybe he was playing bad, but it didn't look good. The only underground pro's here that I've played with are Light and Dark Sheik. They are actually at a pro level. But yeah, AZ is powerful, but this whole game is a huge puzzle. You gotta find the right peices to win, no matter who you are playing.


Smash Ace
May 2, 2005
Tempe, Arizona
I dunno, they said this Omar guy's samus was supposed to be pro status and I took him to one stock every game (one game with my own Samus). Maybe he was playing bad, but it didn't look good. The only underground pro's here that I've played with are Light and Dark Sheik. They are actually at a pro level. But yeah, AZ is powerful, but this whole game is a huge puzzle. You gotta find the right peices to win, no matter who you are playing.
Nooo, that Omar guy you played is NOT pro at all. lol. You are getting him confused with Omar (BloodoftheFallen) who plays Shiek and is pro, and Omar(Toro) of STB in glendale who only plays Samus, he is not pro at all. Sorry for the confusion of the Omars.

Edit: You still in town? We wanna play you again, you were supposed to come to Glendale weeklies >_<


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2007
I've been trying, I'm going to come play again before I leave (I wanna come play this Saturday). Yeah, I'm not making all of those tech errors, now that I've started up again.

This time I might put up a fight against you instead of just dieing :XD But yeah, we'll play again saturday or on one of the weekdays or something ^.^

And I've seen bloodofthefallen play, his sheik is amazing. He pwnd some of durango a while back. And Zenjamin, I picked up a new main to fight against your ganon. You'll love it.


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2007
Well, actually, everyone :XD My little brother plays ganon, and is actually almost as good as you (except his wd is perfected, btw this kid is 9 years old XD)

But I started playing different characters, and found two characters that pwn ganon. I learned alot about comboing with Falco, and how easily ganon falls to it. And then I played light, and just by watching I learned a bunch of this crazy combo ****, and against ganons it's easy as hell. So, practice Zenja ^.^

btw, is Kenneth still in town, and when is he leaving? I wanna have one final Durango smashfest before he leaves! You should tell him since he doesn't post on the boards. I plan on visiting Texas soon to see if I really want to live there. (I'm going to Florida, and then I'm going to Texas). The bad news is, I'm moving from Durango sometime before February 26th. I might move to Florida, but maybe Texas. And Zenjamin, I'm using Chloraforme, knocking you out, and taking you with me. *Sorry, your just crazy cool for a guy from Boulder*

P.S. My brother showed me something about Ganon you might like to use. Against all spacies, a Neutral A (the punch) will stop all of their arials. ANY OF THEM. So if a spacy tries to approach you, try Na, then uair. My bro can't sh, so the second part is hard for him (don't ask, he's got tech skill when he wants it)


Smash Lord
Nov 26, 2006
Phoenix, AZ
Well, my turn then ^.^

I went over to an AZ Round Robin, and did extremely well. I feel good that I'm on a high level of play now, as I beat light (one of the best peaches in the world, about 2 times better then DoH as stated by Wobbles), and also beat most of the competition. I'm gonna have videos up to *I was recorded beating light! YES!*.

So, I did terribly in the RR, but all of my recorded matches I did exceedingly well, and at least got them to one stock. However, I couldn't beat one guy named Omar, and he played samus (wtf?). His Samus was like half as good as Kenneth's, but I had teh Demon effect on me. But like I said, my Fox is really good compared to what everyone in the Durango area was saying. I think I'm good enough to be top tier in Texas. Next week I'm playing Forward I hope, and it will be recorded, so I can show you all how good my fox really is (they talk of Forward as a god here, so I am a little worried). Good look with the local tournies guys ^.^ I should be home soon and you can stop winning ^.^
Dark Meow, you aren't going to beat Sean

Beating Light once out of a bunch of matches just means... Sean will still beat you :ohwell:


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
after seeing jared's little bro, i dont discriminate baised on age. there are some really skilled little people out there... He has a perfect WD but he cant short-hop? thats pretty odd. it would be pretty hard to get good with ganon without the ability to SH.

ya, falco is a pretty good counter to ganon, his lazes stop him pretty easy as you approach for combos. fox counters ganon just as much though because of sheer speed... but both are irrelevant when compared to sheik.
just learn to chain-grab with her and its like wobbling everytime you get a grab... but then its not as fun.

although i hate texas and i now have to double major, i would like to go down to texas for a while, all my friends move down there for some reason. perhaps during winter break... or hey, maby ill live down there during the summer if one of you would give me board and theres a good job down there... whatever, ill play it by ear.

just get your brother to learn to SH. it is quite easy and essential for ganon... i am envious of the perfect WD though, that really boosts ganon's game.

o ya, about Kennith. he said he was leaving the day after thanksgiving. but i am out of town currently. so im not sure. i wont be back till monday.

and i cant pratice, i didnt bring my GC because starting tomorrow, im goin camping.


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2007
Dark Meow, you aren't going to beat Sean

Beating Light once out of a bunch of matches just means... Sean will still beat you :ohwell:

Nah, I'm going to win this time. He's good, but I think I can win.

I still need to beat Yoko, G-mo in M2 doubles, Light, and I wish I could beat Dark. (I dunno, he just confuses me with the platform dashes and stuff lol, plus the mastery of spacies pwnage). But I'll beat light, at least one out of 3.

Zenjamin, he can't SH because his fingers are too small and unreflexive to press it. He CAN do it, it just throws off the ability to play for about 2 seconds XD But for being 9, he's got skill. He beats me every time in Peach doubles and Fox doubles (he could be the next silent wolf XD). His fox is quick, and other then shorthoppin he's got mad laser game (shdl every time) along with mind games from hell with recovery. I'll get a video of him up. Speaking of which, I wonder why my vids never got put up T_T


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2006
nic-EVIL-le, FL
Wuts up doods? I'm officially a Texan again! I havent had internet access for a while, but I'll post more now! I had alot of fun smashing with everyone from durango/farmington! I will truly miss all of you! Be sure to stay in touch, and if you ever want to come visit, you're more than welcome!

-Kick your a$$ another day!
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