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Family Fun Arcade (Granada Hills, CA) Brawl Tourney: Sunday, April 20th (No Items)


Smash Ace
Dec 4, 2007
hmmm, pretty sure Romeo left because it was too late, pretty sure i almost left.

Mikael, you're an idiot. You change your opinion every other post, first you say you love melee, then the instant someone says otherwise you say you hate it, come up with your own arguments instead of living through others.
For the record, I have NEVER stated that I hate Melee. And secondly, why is it that when someone states something he has no right to change his mind? What if I realized I was wrong when I made that statement (whatever that statement may be). "Living through others?" So now it's a crime to take other peoples opinions into account with my own? Especially when they have a solid argument backing up their opinions? And mind you, the last time I changed my opinion over this whole debate was after the last FFA tourney. After that, I have yet to change my opinion towards Brawl.

I wish you were worth the time for me to even refute all the idiocy you stated.
You know what P. Don't bother. I'm sure I've mentioned this before but only an idiot will buy all your bull****. Too bad only a few here realize how much full of **** you are LOL. Debating with you is like debating against a brick wall. But whatever. Debating at this point is dumb. Let's just wait. In the end, time will tell. And for the record, I'm 19.

I hate close-minded idiots. Complete pains in the ***.
I'm not even gonna bother wasting my time arguing. In the end, reality is gonna butt-**** you guys hard. Just wait and see. That's all you have to do. Just wait and see...


Smash Bros Before Hos
Mar 15, 2004
confirmed, sending supplies.
Relax Kouryu, there's no need to divide anybody. I'm personally not trying to say Melee is dying, in no way is it dead. It can continue to be successful in tournaments and draw good crowds. HOWEVER to think that it can be as popular as Brawl is also totally whack. Brawl is much more popular than Melee now and that's how it is going to be. All I'm trying to say is that if a tournament organizer wants to maximize the amount of people that show up, Brawl is a wiser choice.

Festizzio - But the "good" people didn't show up for support.

I think I can break it down pretty easy what's going on. At this point, people who love Brawl are willing to sacrifice other things on the weekends to show up to tournaments. People who love Melee are not. Seriously, this is what it has boiled down to. If you want to show your support for Melee make some sacrifices and show up to all possible Melee tournaments, instead of going crazy on the boards about it. It's much better that way.

I know a lot of people still love Melee, so you guys should come to tournaments to show your support, instead of posting so much about it. I'm not saying this to insult anyone, I just like you guys and want to see you at tournaments! I was dissaopinted I didn't get to see alot of you at Azn Forces, I expected to be able to since there was Melee =/


Smash Master
May 30, 2006
I know a lot of people still love Melee, so you guys should come to tournaments to show your support, instead of posting so much about it. I'm not saying this to insult anyone, I just like you guys and want to see you at tournaments! I was dissaopinted I didn't get to see alot of you at Azn Forces, I expected to be able to since there was Melee =/
it's hard not being able to drive >_>

plus it was my friends birthday at six flags and i was guaranteed a ride there lol


Smash Champion
Apr 10, 2006
Alhambra, CA
Edrees: Number one on my list right now is not failing my finals and trying to find another job. This has nothing to do with Melee/Brawl, because even if I loved Brawl, I still wouldn't be going to tourneys right now. I only went to FFA because I could get free entry with my gamecube + smash, which I did. Also, I got a ride there. I can guarantee you that as soon as school is out and I have a job again, I will go to every single Melee tourney there is, as long as it's within a 1-1.5 hour drive.

I honestly think this is a bad coincidence, just so happens that after Brawl comes out, everyone happens to be busy with more important things than going to a Melee tournament, and people like Kouryuu try using this as an argument, which is the most ridiculous and petty thing I have ever seen. Not to mention I've lost all respect I had for him. I don't want to argue if Melee is better than Brawl, I just want to play Melee.


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
Edrees, stop being an idiot. Seriously, I thought you had a modicum of intelligence.

So let's see, as Brawl supporters try to further divide everyone who disagrees with their opinion, it's now "Well, we have the result from one tournament that says no one will support Melee, let's go ahead and declare it as fact now. Alright, we've given Melee a fair chance now, don't you feel good about yourself? Great!"

Uh, no. Again, half-*** attempts = half-*** results.

And again, why are the people who don't want to play Melee talking? Just stfu, please. Kouryuu, you get bashed (rightfully so) by everyone on this forum, go to All is Brawl.

The fact of the matter is I stopped giving a **** about Brawl a month or so before it came out. I know it sucks, I want nothing to do with it. Why can't Brawl people do the same? No one cares. And it takes a ****ty excuse for a person to try to put words in other people's mouths about a game they don't even play.

Random Kouryuu guy, you're an annoying little **** who knows painfully little about anything in life, and if I ever see you again in person I'm going to be the worst human being I know how to be.

killer tofu

Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2007
Lucky you *****!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I spent my bday weekend by myself.... and some family.... but yeah
you ditched me!!!!!!!!!


Smash Ace
Dec 4, 2007
Edrees don't even waste your breath or time. They are full of excuses. Nothing more and nothing less. Bet half of them already know Melee is going to die. It's dumb and a complete waste of time. Some people just can't handle the truth. Oh btw, I attended both Aznforces tourney and the one at FFA when I had a mid-term to study for the next day. Just to let you people know how much I like Brawl.

And P, the worst human being possible? LOL K. Do what you want and see how much I care. If I ever see you in person, I'll shrug you off like the maggot you are. Unlike me, your sadly not worth the notice. Lowly maggot...

Edti: It's true, P does throw in random words in all his posts to make it seem like he knows what he's talking about. He probably sits in front of the computer screen with both a dictionary and a thesaurus at hand thinking if he throws in a few words here and there, his argument automatically becomes sound and valid. It's a joke.

If anyone talks to the maggot in person (and I use the term very loosely), they would know how much of an idiot he really is. It's too funny...


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
Ok, thats it. I deleted my first post because I wanted to stay out of it, but Neighborhood P, go **** yourself. So far all you've done is insult everyone who disagrees with you. You havent made a single valid point in all of your melee arguments, you just agree with everyone else, call people who play brawl stupid, and try to throw fancy words in to sound smart.
You don't even know what you're talking about. -sigh- This is why people are always like, "Mind your own business and stay out of it." Because you're out of the loop. Don't know who you are and don't care, but you're lost -- I'm talking about a specific subset of people (and mainly one person, or to the specific people I reply to, which isn't hard to figure out). That's not you. Shhhh.

There's no point fully responding to your post because almost everything you say is because you don't know me or what's going on.

edit: rofl @ how lost kouryuu is, he thinks this is a contest or something.


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
You obviously don't know him at all.

Edit - Directed towards Dante


Smash Legend
Jan 20, 2006
North Hollywood, CA
Ok, thats it. I deleted my first post because I wanted to stay out of it, but Neighborhood P, go **** yourself. So far all you've done is insult everyone who disagrees with you. You havent made a single valid point in all of your melee arguments, you just agree with everyone else, call people who play brawl stupid, and try to throw fancy words in to sound smart.

And if you really stopped giving a **** about brawl you would stop arguing about it. AND LOOK AT YOUR OWN STATEMENT. "IT TAKES A ****TY PERSON TO PUT WORDS IN OTHER PEOPLES MOUTHS ABOUT A GAME THEY DONT EVEN PLAY" what the **** do you think YOU'RE DOING??? You're talking **** about all the brawl people, saying they dont have real opinions, and you dont play brawl! you just said so.

Everyone arguing for brawl is just trying to stick up for their game. Everyone arguing for melee is insulting brawl, and its players.

I try to be nice to everyone in the smash community, even those I dont agree with, but when someone is straight up insulting me, my friends, and my game, you've crossed the ****ing line.

Edit: Oh, and with people like you representing the melee comeback, its no wonder it's getting a half hearted attempt at tournies, I wouldnt want to play a game that would bring you running either.

Oh and Quick Edit number 2: back the **** off of Edrees, I've only met him once but he was by far one of the coolest members of the smash community, he says one thing you disagree with, POLITELY mind you, and you call him an idiot.

get ***** P, you are an absolute tool, and I hope I never see you at a tournament, because you ARE the worst human being you know how to be.

No offence fluff, since i don't actually know you, but you're the one who is a tool, you're getting really aggrivated over some who you think is an idiot, or a douchebag lol.

"if you really stopped giving a **** about brawl you would stop arguing about it"

That's not true, if you passionately hate something, or in this case he loves melee, then it deserves to be bashed.

what fancy words is he using lol? Pretty sure that's common language. But then again, with the way education is these days....

"everyone arguing for brawl is just sticking up for their game"

*looks at kouryuus post, pretty sure he was the first to insult the Melee community in this thread after the tournament, "the reason he had fun is because they had ten people" or something to that extent, with no supporting arguments.


I'm so tired of noobs getting their butts soar over THE TRUTH. People like P just state the truth. Not saying he's not a ****, because we all know he is online, but if you argue with him and actually use supporting arguments and not just say stupid **** like "its better cuz grafix," then you might actually get a reasonable response, and so far, all i've seen is random people not say anything other than "brawl better melees dead"


Smash Champion
Apr 10, 2006
Alhambra, CA
Everyone arguing for brawl is just trying to stick up for their game. Everyone arguing for melee is insulting brawl, and its players.
Give me a ****ing break. There are people like that on both sides, don't try acting all high and mighty, because there are idiots on both sides. You're the one acting superior, you're the one that's looking down on the Melee players. P had some very good points, and you choose to argue against the parts where he insults people and automatically deduce that he must be wrong. Get off your high horse for one ****ing second and try to see the argument from the other side of the fence.


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
Not saying he's not a ****, because we all know he is online, but if you argue with him and actually use supporting arguments and not just say stupid **** like "its better cuz grafix," then you might actually get a reasonable response, and so far, all i've seen is random people not say anything other than "brawl better melees dead"
QFT, I'm never going to take you or what you say remotely seriously if it's obviously you're a) stupid, b) not trying, or c) both.

And it's been obvious that kouryuu has turned it into a pissing contest in his mind when, as far as Melee supporters go, that was over a long time ago. All we want to do is play Melee, and I don't know about you, but I've played it on about five different occasions in the past week. Questioning my (or any other fans of Melee) motivation towards the game is laughable, so instead rather than civilly responding, I'm going to piss you off, which I do a really good job of doing.


Smash Legend
Jan 20, 2006
North Hollywood, CA
Edti: It's true, P does throw in random words in all his posts to make it seem like he knows what he's talking about. He probably sits in front of the computer screen with both a dictionary and a thesaurus at hand thinking if he throws in a few words here and there, his argument automatically becomes sound and valid. It's a joke.

If anyone talks to the maggot in person (and I use the term very loosely), they would know how much of an idiot he really is. It's too funny...
lol i just had to..

The hero loto: I feel flattered he thinks I do that
pulido MIKE: lol
The hero loto: The reality is I'm the laziest person in the world
The hero loto: And I don't even re-read the articles I turn in to ESPN
The hero loto: **** that ****, that's my editors' job


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
You can't call Mike Haze stupid, he's the guy that made Rise and Shine.

And didn't make it out of pools at Pound 3.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 10, 2006
Don't talk **** about Edrees, go back to your "i miss melee" thread, P. you didn't even go to FFA.


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
No, I actually respond to the substantial points you guys make.

But when you don't make any points, guess what? I get bored. But I almost always reply to everything, so I reply anyway. But to entertain myself I post the way I post, wait for your predictable reactions, and get entertained. So it goes.

But no, you still don't know what's going on. This has nothing to do with brawl lol, I don't care who plays or who doesn't play.

Stop being so emotional. Your responses are emotional, but I really don't care, all I do is play Melee.

Speaking of which, tofu, do you have AIM? =/


Smash Lord
Feb 8, 2008
ventura county CA
ok heres how i see this happening, melee people, you can argue all you want about switching back to melee, however, it has only happened once (soul caliber 2 to soul caliber 3), and that's because the game was completely broken.

you could try to play it like it isn't melee, and look around it for a bit (more than those 5 times that you talked about P), at first I didn't care for it as much as melee, then I tried out one of my secondaries, DK, and it turns out he is extremely fun to play, and playing him has led to some very good matches.

look around it for a bit, try out some people you always liked and never used, don't immediately say no hit stun this sucks. and if you still don't like it, you can go back to melee, but don't expect us to switch with you. that's just how it goes in videogames, the new one wins out, you can still play melee, but don't expect it to get treatment over brawl, because brawl brings in more people, and given, some of them are newbs, but a lot of new people just mean its going to get more competitive soon

EDIT: i changed the wording a bit to try and keep away trolls


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2006
This is really funny.

P, you've got some really good points that I agree with (I'm all for Melee), but beating down on Edrees was just foolish and uncalled for. The guy's nothing if not reasonable and he's a great person. If anything, just focus on Kouryuu. God knows he deserves it.

Oh, that reminds me. Kouryuu, I don't know if you're an idiot, new to the community or both, but you should know this. Don't take what P says online to reflect his real self. He's a completely different guy in person.

On Brawl...go ahead with it. While I detest the way singles is currently progressing, it deserves a chance for its metagame to advance. If and when the game speeds up, maybe Melee players like myself and even possibly P will move on. But I'll leave that up to the people with the patience for a game so oriented towards unpunishable camping. I'll be playing Melee everyday at school with 10 other people having a great time.

EDIT: I knew I forgot someone. Dante. You said that you still have disdain for P, if only for his insults.

1. Disdain is stupid, arrogant and shortsighted.
2. You've never insulted anyone?

Let the man who has not sinned throw the first stone.


Smash Bros Before Hos
Mar 15, 2004
confirmed, sending supplies.
I thought I made it clear in my post I'm not trying to insult anyone for any reason, the whole motivation behind my posts is to get people in the Smash Community who I call friends to be there, that's all. If you have a problem with that then I don't know what to say other than keep it an arguement and stay away from personal attacks. It may seem like I called people out for not showing up, but it's just tough love..now you guys will be slightly more motivated to come to the next one for sure hehe ;) I understand your pretty busy with finals Festizzio and Lucky doesn't drive even though he should be able to run there since he's Sonic.


Smash Ace
Jul 10, 2006
Santa Cruz, CA
This is really funny.

EDIT: I knew I forgot someone. Dante. You said that you still have disdain for P, if only for his insults.

1. Disdain is stupid, arrogant and shortsighted.
2. You've never insulted anyone?

Let the man who has not sinned throw the first stone.
Fair 'nuff


Smash Ace
Dec 4, 2007
P, you've got some really good points that I agree with (I'm all for Melee), but beating down on Edrees was just foolish and uncalled for. The guy's nothing if not reasonable and he's a great person. If anything, just focus on Kouryuu. God knows he deserves it.

Oh, that reminds me. Kouryuu, I don't know if you're an idiot, new to the community or both, but you should know this. Don't take what P says online to reflect his real self. He's a completely different guy in person.
Zephyr... F*CK YOU! Just F*CK YOU... skinny little prick.

Oh BTW, don't take anything I say online seriously. I'm really, really nice in person. :)


Smash Champion
Aug 20, 2002
Irvine, CA (SoCal)
Whoa whoa, how come nobody told me **** started in this thread? It looks fun. Maybe I'll read it tomorrow when I get bored.

@ Zephyr
Have we ever met? I'm bad with names and stuff.

EDIT 2 - Edrees is cool.


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2006

I don't think we've ever talked or even played a match. >_> So yeah, it's little wonder you wouldn't recognize me. I'm no big-time player. I'm just content with being medium-good and having a hell of a lot of fun at the same time.


Nice joke.

But really, ask anyone on this boards and they'll say that you're more of a prick than P online. I congratulate you on your accomplishment.


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
The whole Edrees thing further proves my point. Here's what Edrees did: he's claiming something to be absolute (Melee tournaments will get no support) based on one tournament (Aznforce). Words can't even describe how silly that is, it's utterly ********. I call it as it is. But all anyone's like is "omg Edrees is so nice and I love him, so don't call him names!" Lmfao, so it's the people who say it and not what they say then, right?

edit for those who still didn't get it: I have nothing against Edrees. It's nothing personal with Edrees or anyone else. Stop being so emotional and inserting your own emotional ... emotions (lawl) into my posts.


Smash Legend
Jan 20, 2006
North Hollywood, CA
Zephyr... F*CK YOU! Just F*CK YOU... skinny little prick.

Oh BTW, don't take anything I say online seriously. I'm really, really nice in person. :)
Why shouldn't we take you seriously?

There's a difference between how P and I talk **** online, we use detailed arguments, but you're simply just talking ****, which i think calls for a lynching.


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
the 5'3 dude who uses peach and isn't good at all and is only known because his friend futile plays falcon that surprised a couple of people in tourny
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