I've got a lot to say.
First off, Sunday will always be the day for tournaments at FFA as having it on Saturday causes the arcade to lose too much income. So get this "no more Sunday tournaments" business out of this thread.
Melee will not be happening anymore at FFA on Brawl days. Period.
Thirdly, if you want to blame anybody for the way the tournament was run, go ahead and blame me. Arlieth wasn't there to run it because, well, he has a life and things come up. Jocund50 was nice enough to offer to take over AS A FAVOUR to Arlieth. ON TOP of all that, Arlieth and Jocund don't HAVE to run these tournaments for you ungrateful sods. Jocund doesn't get paid for all this **** you put him through, seriously, you people need to be a little more ****ing thankful. Try running your own tournament, it's a thankless ****ing job and you rarely, if ever, get props for being a tournament planner, even if it goes off well. All people do is ***** and complain about it. In my opinion, you need to put yourself in Jocund's position and see if you have as much to ***** about.
a few things for FFA
1. If you're going to host a tournament AND take a cut of the money you cannot force people to play on an unplayable TV.
I hardly would call it unplayable. Also, if you haven't noticed, FFA is not exactly rolling in it. They are doing the best they can to provide you people with a tournament venue. Once again,
drop this entitled attitude. FFA doesn't owe you ****. They don't have to run tournaments. They don't have to bust their ***** to do the best they can.
2. If you're going to have a cut-off on how many people enter, you MUST announce it on the boards. We drove practically 2 hours to get there, called ahead of time to get signed up, were about one minute away and were told we might not be allowed to enter.
there was nothing indicating a cut off so we drove two hours to get there. Think how you'd feel if you drove two hours, were parking outside the door and told you might have to just drive back home. We called an hour before to get signed up and we were only 10 minutes late (strictly due to traffic). I'm not complaining on our behalf so much as for the people who were unable to enter. All i'm saying is for them to give heads up if there will be a cut off in the future. Isn't that a legit request?
First off, the cut off was not announced because the previous turnouts for these FFA tournaments had always been around 30 people. It's a legitimate request, however, we had no idea there would be over 64. Now I agree we should have had a cutoff announcement, but we also had no idea this many people would show up. What would you like us to do? Stay and allow 70+ people to enter? Then you would have been *****ing about how long Brawl took to finish. WAAAH WE'RE HERE UNTIL 1 AM. CRY CRY CRY. Certain things must be done to keep things in line. If the demand for the tournaments is so high, we have to artifically lower it by adding cutoffs, raising entry fees, etc. There is no way we can run a tournament of that magnitude and have everybody out by a certain time. It's just not possible unless you have more setups than we can possibly have at FFA.
3. More set-ups, more organization, more chairs, more respect for the people playing. Yelling at people who in essence each payed you 3 dollars to be there will not only ensure a miserable tournament, but guarantee that fewer people will be bothering to go back for future tournaments.
Respect. You want to talk about respect. Try a little respect for your organizers. Dae was not supposed to run that tournament, he was doing somebody a favour and did VERY WELL with what he had. Drop. The. Entitlement. *****. Attitude.
Also. LOL. Three dollars. THREE DOLLARS. Do you realise the absurdity in that statement? You're acting as if paying FFA $3 means they should genuflect to you and yours. I lol. Also, see above re: FFA not rolling in it.
4. be more alert of where the plugs are and who is near them. An important tournament match had to be replayed because the system got unplugged.
Considering 1 guy practically ran this chaos by himself, it went fairly well (kudos to that guy!). 8 hours for one event though? No bueno.
OH MY GOD SRS BIZ WE HAD TO REPLAY AN IMPORTANT MATCH. Get the **** over yourself. It's a **** game. Chill the **** out and have fun.
While complimenting Dae is nice, I would honestly like to see you do a better job when you were stepping in without much prior notice. Please. He had to make some really tough decisions, including disqualifying his friends. If you're going to show such blatant disrespect for somebody who's busting their *** ON THEIR OWN TIME ON THE WEEKEND WHEN THEY DON'T HAVE TO BE THERE.. Well. LOL. That's really all I have to say. Lol.
So what then? Change the venue? That's great, but where would we host it?
Unless you're stepping up with possible alternatives or running your own **** tournament, I really don't want to hear any *****ing.
Edrees don't even waste your breath or time. They are full of excuses. Nothing more and nothing less. Bet half of them already know Melee is going to die. It's dumb and a complete waste of time. Some people just can't handle the truth. Oh btw, I attended both Aznforces tourney and the one at FFA when I had a mid-term to study for the next day. Just to let you people know how much I like Brawl.
Also. Take this Brawl VS Melee bull**** out of this thread.