Instead of Fsmashing or gatling, what if we wait outside of the spike range and when they pick an option, grab them for it.
Roll back->reverse pivot grab -> spike-> same situation
Get up attack->regrab->pummel grab release next to the ledge(if they don't fall off)-> Shield and grab any option thats not jump(bair oos if they roll behind you) or reverse pivot grab if you know theyre going to roll
Get up w/o attack->ftilt if you cant grab fast enough, grab if you can
Roll back->same as get up w/o attack but slower. you might want to throw instead of pummel release in this situation depending on the character since they will be off the ledge. uthrow usually sends them in front of you but way above. It'd probably be better than releasing on mk.
Tech-> regrab their tech option
Instead of Fsmashing or gatling, what if we wait outside of the spike range and when they pick an option, grab them for it.
Roll back->reverse pivot grab -> spike-> same situation
Get up attack->regrab->pummel grab release next to the ledge(if they don't fall off)-> Shield and grab any option thats not jump(bair oos if they roll behind you) or reverse pivot grab if you know theyre going to roll
Get up w/o attack->ftilt if you cant grab fast enough, grab if you can
Roll back->same as get up w/o attack but slower. you might want to throw instead of pummel release in this situation depending on the character since they will be off the ledge. uthrow usually sends them in front of you but way above. It'd probably be better than releasing on mk.
Tech-> regrab their tech option