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Fact 54 - Mewtwo Is On The Way [Social/General Discussion]

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Master of the Disco Stick
Sep 11, 2014
Yeah, we discussed alts a few times. Shiny (my main alt), Mew colors, monochrome, and the Melee red and blue are all great choices. Armor would be awesome, but I don't have high hopes for it. Then again, we could get free DLC costumes for everyone later on.

Question for everyone here: Do any of you feel invincible when you wavedash wavecheat as Mewtwo?


Smash Apprentice
Mar 6, 2014
Yeah, we discussed alts a few times. Shiny (my main alt), Mew colors, monochrome, and the Melee red and blue are all great choices. Armor would be awesome, but I don't have high hopes for it. Then again, we could get free DLC costumes for everyone later on.

Question for everyone here: Do any of you feel invincible when you wavedash wavecheat as Mewtwo?
Well, I've tried wavedashing but I don't use it as much as the other techniques. Plus I kinda gave up playing as Mewtwo in Melee because I thought he wasn't going to return and I wanted to train up other characters for the release of SSB4.

Buuuuuuut, Mewtwo is returning at last and I bet they're working on making him better then ever! I've promised myself that I'll make Mewtwo one of, if not my top, main.
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Master of the Disco Stick
Sep 11, 2014
Well, I've tried wavedashing but I don't use it as much as the other techniques. Plus I kinda gave up playing as Mewtwo in Melee because I thought he wasn't going to return and I wanted to train up other characters for the release of SSB4.
I mostly kept playing him because he fits my playstyle really well in Melee, but I play Samus and Falco too. That and I play him in PM still.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 6, 2014
I mostly kept playing him because he fits my playstyle really well in Melee, but I play Samus and Falco too. That and I play him in PM still.
My mains in Melee were the low-tier wonder Ness, and also higher tier characters such as Young Link, Samus, Dr. Mario, Luigi, Ice Climbers, and, of course, Fox. I have always had a crew of mains to choose from depending on my opponents' mains and play styles.

I've never played Project M or any other mod and don't plan on really ever doing so. I know it's perfectly legal, I just don't like the idea of playing unofficial versions of my favorite games. If I want to play a Melee-style Smash I'll just play Melee.


Master of the Disco Stick
Sep 11, 2014
My mains in Melee were the low-tier wonder Ness, and also higher tier characters such as Young Link, Samus, Dr. Mario, Luigi, Ice Climbers, and, of course, Fox. I have always had a crew of mains to choose from depending on my opponents' mains and play styles.

I've never played Project M or any other mod and don't plan on really ever doing so. I know it's perfectly legal, I just don't like the idea of playing unofficial versions of my favorite games. If I want to play a Melee-style Smash I'll just play Melee.
I feel ya. I'm never one to shove PM down peoples' throats, I've just been moving more towards it and Smash 4 and further from Melee because in all honesty as much as I love Melee it has horrible character balance. It's so hard to get much further past pools in nationals with Melee Mewtwo, but PM and Smash 4 have beautiful balance IMO (for the most part).


Smash Apprentice
Mar 6, 2014
I feel ya. I'm never one to shove PM down peoples' throats, I've just been moving more towards it and Smash 4 and further from Melee because in all honesty as much as I love Melee it has horrible character balance. It's so hard to get much further past pools in nationals with Melee Mewtwo, but PM and Smash 4 have beautiful balance IMO (for the most part).
Yeah, that's what I love most about SM4SH, the balancing. The characters are balanced and so is the gameplay. Plus, it's perfect mix of Melee and Brawl so everyone gets to be happy.
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Deleted member

Since we are getting into personal customization and opinions regarding Myuutsu, here's mine..

My main in Melee was and still is Mewtwo

My favorite Mewtwo alt is Normal Mewtwo with Bluetwo trailing as a close second

My Smash 64 main was Mewtwo... I hacked him in, but it's been so long that i don't have the program that i made to do it anymore.

My Brawl main was Mewtwo, i hacked him in.

My favorite hacked brawl Mewtwo texture was a custom one i created, but i sold my Brawl so i no longer have it anywhere nearby.

I have never ceased to play as Mewtwo regardless of any characters that might be "better" than him.

I made some Mewtwo textures for Smash 4, to check them out, just click the link to the past
I also came up with a "new" "technique"

I came up with a double-jump cancel technique called "Telekenetic Drifting" (it may already exist though), and how it's done is you jump in one direction, then when you are ready, you double jump in the opposite direction of where you jumped in and attack in any direction with the C-Stick.

for example: Frame 1: :GCR:+:GCX:or:GCY:
Frame 2 - Frame 30:continue holding :GCR:
Frame 31: :GCL:+:GCX:or:GCY:
Frame 32-(whenever the stall of the double jump ends):continue holding:GCL:+ tap:GCCR:
The result is that Mewtwo would jump forward, then use the technique, making Mewtwo fly backwards with his fair at about the same speed as a forward dash-jump.

Whats happening?
when you do a double jump as Mewtwo, Ness, Yoshi, or Peach, due to their double jump having the status as "delayed" double jumps, if you attack before a certain point, you cancel the scheduled rise. You guys know that, that's how Ness can combo in Smash 64, but, what they didn't tell you, is that the ultimate horizontal momentum gained from the double jump is always present, and since all double jumps defy physics and shift your direction to the one you double jumped in leaving no trace of which direction you jumped in prior, you can manipulate this by jumping in one direction, double jumping in the opposite direction which defies your first jump, then attacking with the C-Stick.

This can work as a way of safely using a Shadow Claw as Mewtwo without the risk of getting hit, mindgames, since you are essentially "fading in and fading out" like Wario, Combos, since with proper timing Ness can combo with his bair by doing this, Extra Special Momentum, since Ness can use this to boost the horizontal momentum of his PK Fire or temporarily "glide" with his PK Thunder.

You actually don't need to jump in a direction to do this technique, however, if you don't, then you take away the mindgame aspect, though, you still need to jump.

If done correctly, your vertical momentum will still get cancelled, but if done at the latest possible time before the technique fails, your character will pop up a little bit while using the technique, any further rise means you did the technique incorrectly


Master of the Disco Stick
Sep 11, 2014
Since we are getting into personal customization and opinions regarding Myuutsu, here's mine..

My main in Melee was and still is Mewtwo

My favorite Mewtwo alt is Normal Mewtwo with Bluetwo trailing as a close second

My Smash 64 main was Mewtwo... I hacked him in, but it's been so long that i don't have the program that i made to do it anymore.

My Brawl main was Mewtwo, i hacked him in.

My favorite hacked brawl Mewtwo texture was a custom one i created, but i sold my Brawl so i no longer have it anywhere nearby.

I have never ceased to play as Mewtwo regardless of any characters that might be "better" than him.

I made some Mewtwo textures for Smash 4, to check them out, just click the link to the past
I also came up with a "new" "technique"

I came up with a double-jump cancel technique called "Telekenetic Drifting" (it may already exist though), and how it's done is you jump in one direction, then when you are ready, you double jump in the opposite direction of where you jumped in and attack in any direction with the C-Stick.

for example: Frame 1: :GCR:+:GCX:or:GCY:
Frame 2 - Frame 30:continue holding :GCR:
Frame 31: :GCL:+:GCX:or:GCY:
Frame 32-(whenever the stall of the double jump ends):continue holding:GCL:+ tap:GCCR:
The result is that Mewtwo would jump forward, then use the technique, making Mewtwo fly backwards with his fair at about the same speed as a forward dash-jump.

Whats happening?
when you do a double jump as Mewtwo, Ness, Yoshi, or Peach, due to their double jump having the status as "delayed" double jumps, if you attack before a certain point, you cancel the scheduled rise. You guys know that, that's how Ness can combo in Smash 64, but, what they didn't tell you, is that the ultimate horizontal momentum gained from the double jump is always present, and since all double jumps defy physics and shift your direction to the one you double jumped in leaving no trace of which direction you jumped in prior, you can manipulate this by jumping in one direction, double jumping in the opposite direction which defies your first jump, then attacking with the C-Stick.

This can work as a way of safely using a Shadow Claw as Mewtwo without the risk of getting hit, mindgames, since you are essentially "fading in and fading out" like Wario, Combos, since with proper timing Ness can combo with his bair by doing this, Extra Special Momentum, since Ness can use this to boost the horizontal momentum of his PK Fire or temporarily "glide" with his PK Thunder.

You actually don't need to jump in a direction to do this technique, however, if you don't, then you take away the mindgame aspect, though, you still need to jump.

If done correctly, your vertical momentum will still get cancelled, but if done at the latest possible time before the technique fails, your character will pop up a little bit while using the technique, any further rise means you did the technique incorrectly
64 hacks, eh? Any vids/pics out there? I'd love to see this.
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Smash Ace
Aug 29, 2014
Some Far Off Jungle
Well.... have we talked about alt. costumes and recolors for Mewtwo yet? I think we need the original Melee colors plus a pink with blue eyes recolor in the fashion of Mew. I don't know what the remaining 3 colors should be though. A dark/Shadowy Mewtwo maybe? Giovanni's armor? A monochromatic Gameboy-esque Mewtwo?

Thanks for the Mew"One-and-A-Half" image, Pokémon Fusion!
i agree. we need the armored mewtwo :o maybe one for normal and one for shiny :3

Deleted member

64 hacks, eh? Any vids/pics out there? I'd love to see this.
That was like 7 years ago, i had them on a youtube channel, but that one died due to complications.

I was able to give Mewtwo a similar N-B as his one in Melee (since the hack was made after Melee came out), Only his Shadow Balls were giant, purple, unchargable, Luigi Fireballs (since for some reason i didn't use Samus' charge shot) and his moves looked sloppy, like Project Mewtwo sloppy. He was over Ness, but it was cool because since Teleport wasn't possible, i programmed it so it started off as PK Thunder 2, only all of Mewtwo's bones had a value of 0 during the rise, and Mewtwo could only ascend vertically, a flash appeared and Mewtwo's bones would return to normal again before falling into the helpless state when the move was over (in 64 since i couldn't find an "invisible" flag, i had to size Mewtwo's bones to 0, then back to 1, to create the illusion of invisibility)

I would show gameplay but its been so long that most of the files are either deleted or didn't make the cut from my last computer.

I do, however, have these two images...

This one was supposed to be his Side-B, since i gave him a new one where it was supposed to grab the opponent and throw them in a direction of choice, but due to the limits of Smash 64, it instead had a spark that would appear in front of Mewtwo's hand that would hit the opponents multiple times before a blue textured "explosion" would launch them away. I can't remember at what % this move killed at.. 100%, maybe?

This one was supposed to be Mewtwo's taunt, he was supposed to hover in mid-air, then spin around a few times with the Melee Mewtwo taunt SFX, but i didn't know how to port SFXs back then so it was left mute. Note how as oppose to adding the cool glowing blue eyes that Mewtwo had in pokemon stadium, i used the glowing yellow eyes from Melee.

Sorry if this was a little underwhelming


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
My Smash 64 main was Mewtwo... I hacked him in, but it's been so long that i don't have the program that i made to do it anymore.
I've always wondered why there haven't been any 64 hacks. I wouldn't think it'd be hard given most of the character models were ripped from other 64 games and stages used 2D backgrounds.

EDIT: :4greninja:'d, maybe there are hacks. lol
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Star Platinum
Nov 15, 2013
Switch FC
That was like 7 years ago, i had them on a youtube channel, but that one died due to complications.

I was able to give Mewtwo a similar N-B as his one in Melee (since the hack was made after Melee came out), Only his Shadow Balls were giant, purple, unchargable, Luigi Fireballs (since for some reason i didn't use Samus' charge shot) and his moves looked sloppy, like Project Mewtwo sloppy. He was over Ness, but it was cool because since Teleport wasn't possible, i programmed it so it started off as PK Thunder 2, only all of Mewtwo's bones had a value of 0 during the rise, and Mewtwo could only ascend vertically, a flash appeared and Mewtwo's bones would return to normal again before falling into the helpless state when the move was over (in 64 since i couldn't find an "invisible" flag, i had to size Mewtwo's bones to 0, then back to 1, to create the illusion of invisibility)

I would show gameplay but its been so long that most of the files are either deleted or didn't make the cut from my last computer.

I do, however, have these two images...

This one was supposed to be his Side-B, since i gave him a new one where it was supposed to grab the opponent and throw them in a direction of choice, but due to the limits of Smash 64, it instead had a spark that would appear in front of Mewtwo's hand that would hit the opponents multiple times before a blue textured "explosion" would launch them away. I can't remember at what % this move killed at.. 100%, maybe?

This one was supposed to be Mewtwo's taunt, he was supposed to hover in mid-air, then spin around a few times with the Melee Mewtwo taunt SFX, but i didn't know how to port SFXs back then so it was left mute. Note how as oppose to adding the cool glowing blue eyes that Mewtwo had in pokemon stadium, i used the glowing yellow eyes from Melee.

Sorry if this was a little underwhelming
First SSB64 hack I've seen that wasn't a texture change or making cut and 1P stages an option.
What I find most amazing is that you got a side-B in

Deleted member

I've always wondered why there haven't been any 64 hacks. I wouldn't think it'd be hard given most of the character models were ripped from other 64 games and stages used 2D backgrounds.

EDIT: :4greninja:'d, maybe there are hacks. lol
I think it's because of how "different" the data is, that and a couple other things.
It's strange because in Smash 64, it took me years of constantly studying the data to get a hold of anything that could even let me dream of making any hacks besides from a mere Master Hand hack (which is as simple as changing the ID of a selected playable character to that of Master Hand's).
And i still have yet to hack models and movesets into Melee (though i think other people know how to do that)
Brawl was a piece of cake though.

First SSB64 hack I've seen that wasn't a texture change or making cut and 1P stages an option.
What I find most amazing is that you got a side-B in
thanks, i'm actually surprised that the game didn't crash back then, since i was working with Ness after all.
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Smash Apprentice
Mar 6, 2014
Since we are getting into personal customization and opinions regarding Myuutsu, here's mine..

My main in Melee was and still is Mewtwo

My favorite Mewtwo alt is Normal Mewtwo with Bluetwo trailing as a close second

My Smash 64 main was Mewtwo... I hacked him in, but it's been so long that i don't have the program that i made to do it anymore.

My Brawl main was Mewtwo, i hacked him in.

My favorite hacked brawl Mewtwo texture was a custom one i created, but i sold my Brawl so i no longer have it anywhere nearby.

I have never ceased to play as Mewtwo regardless of any characters that might be "better" than him.

I made some Mewtwo textures for Smash 4, to check them out, just click the link to the past
I also came up with a "new" "technique"

I came up with a double-jump cancel technique called "Telekenetic Drifting" (it may already exist though), and how it's done is you jump in one direction, then when you are ready, you double jump in the opposite direction of where you jumped in and attack in any direction with the C-Stick.

for example: Frame 1: :GCR:+:GCX:or:GCY:
Frame 2 - Frame 30:continue holding :GCR:
Frame 31: :GCL:+:GCX:or:GCY:
Frame 32-(whenever the stall of the double jump ends):continue holding:GCL:+ tap:GCCR:
The result is that Mewtwo would jump forward, then use the technique, making Mewtwo fly backwards with his fair at about the same speed as a forward dash-jump.

Whats happening?
when you do a double jump as Mewtwo, Ness, Yoshi, or Peach, due to their double jump having the status as "delayed" double jumps, if you attack before a certain point, you cancel the scheduled rise. You guys know that, that's how Ness can combo in Smash 64, but, what they didn't tell you, is that the ultimate horizontal momentum gained from the double jump is always present, and since all double jumps defy physics and shift your direction to the one you double jumped in leaving no trace of which direction you jumped in prior, you can manipulate this by jumping in one direction, double jumping in the opposite direction which defies your first jump, then attacking with the C-Stick.

This can work as a way of safely using a Shadow Claw as Mewtwo without the risk of getting hit, mindgames, since you are essentially "fading in and fading out" like Wario, Combos, since with proper timing Ness can combo with his bair by doing this, Extra Special Momentum, since Ness can use this to boost the horizontal momentum of his PK Fire or temporarily "glide" with his PK Thunder.

You actually don't need to jump in a direction to do this technique, however, if you don't, then you take away the mindgame aspect, though, you still need to jump.

If done correctly, your vertical momentum will still get cancelled, but if done at the latest possible time before the technique fails, your character will pop up a little bit while using the technique, any further rise means you did the technique incorrectly
There's a SSB4 technique (if you want to call it that) I use on my Link amiibo which I call Cyclone Surfing. Basically you wait on Link to throw his Gale Boomerang then after dodging it on its way forward jump onto it on its way back to Link. You can use the extra (mostly horizontal) momentum to pull off a surprise quick attack (I like to use f-tilt) on Link. It's not really a technique and plenty of people probably already know about it but I at least like the little name I've given it.

Edit: Just came up with another name: "Gale Gliding"
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I wish I looked this good with lipstick
Nov 2, 2014
I want an In The Court of The Crimson King album art palette

Deleted member

There's a SSB4 technique (if you want to call it that) I use on my Link amiibo which I call Cyclone Surfing. Basically you wait on Link to throw his Gale Boomerang then after dodging it on its way forward jump onto it on its way back to Link. You can use the extra (mostly horizontal) momentum to pull off a surprise quick attack (I like to use f-tilt) on Link. It's not really a technique and plenty of people probably already know about it but I at least like the little name I've given it.

Edit: Just came up with another name: "Gale Gliding"
That's usually what i do to the For Glory Link "players". They always think that it's camping season, so they bring their Arrows, Boomerangs, and Bombs so they could go hunting, but their prey outsmarts them on every turn so they lose their "catch".
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Smash Apprentice
Mar 6, 2014
That's usually what i do to the For Glory "players". They always think that it's camping season, so they brought their Arrows, Boomerangs, and Bombs so they could go hunting, but their prey outsmarted them on every turn and they lost their "catch".
I've trained my Link amiibo, somewhat unintentionally, to use projectiles while the opponent is away then slash them, charge them, juggle them, and throw them when they get annoyed with you camping or just want to come close. I say unintentionally because I did lots of improvising while training my amiibo and had to do lots of mind games to outsmart it. And it's a good defensive player too because it always knows when to shield and dodge. The two things that takes a while to teach them is how to taunt after a KO and how to properly recover without dying.

So yeah, camping is usually bad but when you combine it with mind games and other strategies it can actually be pretty affective.
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Deleted member

I've trained my Link amiibo, somewhat unintentionally, to use projectiles while the opponent is away then slash them, charge them, juggle them, and throw them when they get annoyed with you camping or just want to come close. I say unintentionally because I did lots of improvising while training my amiibo and had to do lots of mind games to outsmart it. And it's a good defensive player too because it always knows when to shield and dodge. The two things that takes a while to teach them is how to taunt after a KO and how to properly recover without dying.

So yeah, camping is usually bad but when you combine it with mind games and other strategies it can actually be pretty affective.
Don't worry, i've seen what amiibos can really do. You should have no problem training them, thought perhaps you should train them to bait opponents too, like, for say, if you stay in one place or don't hit it for too long, it will taunt or purposefully do unintelligent things to tick you off until you approach.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 6, 2014
Don't worry, i've seen what amiibos can really do. You should have no problem training them, thought perhaps you should train them to bait opponents too, like, for say, if you stay in one place or don't hit it for too long, it will taunt or purposefully do unintelligent things to tick you off until you approach.
Thanks for tips! What I like about amiibos is that they actually help train you. Trying to keep up with them in their later levels can make you a better player and force you to come up with new strategies. If I get the Duck Hunt amiibo (and I don't think I'll be able to resist getting one) I'll definitely use his taunts for extra trollish baiting. Mwah-hah-hah!!!:4duckhunt::4duckhunt::4duckhunt::troll::chuckle:

Edit: Well, since no one is here anymore I'll take my leave. Goodnight guys, see you all later.
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Smash Modder
Jun 26, 2014
South Florida
In other news, there is a high chance Greninja will be banned from standard competitive battles(OU) in Smogon.

So he and Mewtwo can coexist peacefully now in the land of the banned.

:4greninja: :mewtwopm:


Smash Lord
Dec 16, 2013
The Exoatmosphere
In other news, there is a high chance Greninja will be banned from standard competitive battles(OU) in Smogon.

So he and Mewtwo can coexist peacefully now in the land of the banned.

:4greninja: :mewtwopm:
Why? I thought Palutena was Meta Knight 2.0. That Up Smash combined with her incredible range... Ugh. She's a pain to fight.
But I never would've thought Greninja. Why is he, of all characters, banned?
Also, anyone else notice if you try to tilt Hydro Pump at an angle that would still be considered "Angled, but still up" on other characters, he uses Shadow Sneak? That's the one reason I don't play him very often.
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Sep 19, 2010
A Mirror
Why? I thought Palutena was Meta Knight 2.0. That Up Smash combined with her incredible range... Ugh. She's a pain to fight.
But I never would've thought Greninja. Why is he, of all characters, banned?
Also, anyone else notice if you try to tilt Hydro Pump at an angle that would still be considered "Angled, but still up" on other characters, he uses Shadow Sneak? That's the one reason I don't play him very often.
...I think he was talking about the actual Pokemon game series. Smogon's Uber listings, I mean.

False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
Why? I thought Palutena was Meta Knight 2.0. That Up Smash combined with her incredible range... Ugh. She's a pain to fight.
But I never would've thought Greninja. Why is he, of all characters, banned?
He's talking about Pokemon, not Smash. Entirely different metagame.

Also, Palutena's definitely not broken.
Sep 19, 2010
A Mirror
He's talking about Pokemon, not Smash. Entirely different metagame.

Also, Palutena's definitely not broken.
xD Yeah, I was about to say.
If you want to talk about broken characters, please refer to the following: Bowser Jr., Fox, Sonic, Diddy Kong, Sheik and Lucario.


Smash Modder
Jun 26, 2014
South Florida
...I think he was talking about the actual Pokemon game series. Smogon's Uber listings, I mean.
He's talking about Pokemon, not Smash. Entirely different metagame.

Also, Palutena's definitely not broken.
Ah, thanks for clearing that up quickly. I probably could have worded it a bit better, but yeah.

Greninja may have been nerfed in Smash, but he's Brawl's Meta Knight in Pokemon itself now. That is, until he's banned.


Smash Lord
Dec 16, 2013
The Exoatmosphere
xD Yeah, I was about to say.
If you want to talk about broken characters, please refer to the following: Bowser Jr., Fox, Sonic, Diddy Kong, Sheik and Lucario.
I don't know about Fox. He was nerfed from Brawl, and he was pretty God awful compared to his Melee self in that game.
Can't speak for the others, except maybe Sheik. Frickin' Grenade Chain. Don't have a problem with Jr., though. I play Iggy a lot:awesome:.
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Master of the Disco Stick
Sep 11, 2014
Apparently people think Fox is good again in 4. We may have a 20XX after all...

False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
xD Yeah, I was about to say.
If you want to talk about broken characters, please refer to the following: Bowser Jr., Fox, Sonic, Diddy Kong, Sheik and Lucario.
I still find a lot of those pretty questionable.

I mean, can we really say that any character is truly broken at this point? Maybe Diddy Kong, but even then...


Smash Modder
Jun 26, 2014
South Florida
I still find a lot of those pretty questionable.

I mean, can we really say that any character is truly broken at this point? Maybe Diddy Kong, but even then...
In my opinion, a character is truly broken if he/she/it has the tools to deal with everyone plus extra tech that helps the character in a significant way. I prefer to wait and see if there is tourney proven results that show the fact that yes, the character is broken. I won't trust a user's words unless they have significant experience with the character. Tier lists are also hogwash right now.


Master of the Disco Stick
Sep 11, 2014
I mean yeah, there are some "flowchart characters" (the ones that people do the same combos with after they watched a few videos) but I don't think anyone in 4 is Brawl MK-level broken. I can hold my own against the likes of Sheik and Rosalina using the likes of Robin or Meta Knight who are only considered mid-tier at this point.


Master of the Disco Stick
Sep 11, 2014
In my opinion, a character is truly broken if he/she/it has the tools to deal with everyone plus extra tech that helps the character in a significant way. I prefer to wait and see if there is tourney proven results that show the fact that yes, the character is broken. I won't trust a user's words unless they have significant experience with the character. Tier lists are also hogwash right now.
Don't you put any stock in that "early tier list" hogwash


Smash Champion
Mar 5, 2014
Your bottom left molar
xD Yeah, I was about to say.
If you want to talk about broken characters, please refer to the following: Bowser Jr., Fox, Sonic, Diddy Kong, Sheik and Lucario.
Bowser Jr. is hardly broken. His projectiles are slower than Christmas, his only finishers are incredibly laggy, his grabs suck, and his recovery is good, but easily gimpable. He's low tier through and through imo. And that sucks, since I like the character, and like using him.

Deleted member

Bowser Jr. is hardly broken. His projectiles are slower than Christmas, his only finishers are incredibly laggy, his grabs suck, and his recovery is good, but easily gimpable. He's low tier through and through imo. And that sucks, since I like the character, and like using him.
Continuing this with the character from the list that I play:

Fox is also not broken.

Good? I would say so.

Broken? No.

He can put on damage but his Smash attacks, which are his primary kill tools aside from Uair and Bair, are quite punishable and can be shielded because of some of the startup they have.

If he can't land those, then good luck killing with him.

Consider also that he also can die pretty early, he's not the lightest character, but he's up there.

If you play patient and don't let Fox in, then it makes his life pretty difficult.

At least, that's what I've found when I play him.
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Deleted member

I'm just going to be honest here, Smash 4 is the most balanced game in the entire Smash Bros franchise, but it's still unbalanced.
Like with Mario, for example. If i rush somebody down as my Mario, it's over, and it's kinda saddening, Sheiks don't bother me though, but Diddy? Diddy Kong doesn't mop the floor with me, but i know that he's a better character than Mario, and that Mario isn't necessarily balanced to begin with. I want Smash 4 to focus more on horizontal, fast, high-falling (though not melee-falling), aerial combat. As opposed to vertical, medium paced, floaty, aerial combat. I do, however, wan't Melee-level (or higher) amounts of hitstun, but i also think that people should have to work for their combos, which is why i'd wan't L-cancelling back, not because it's melee, but because of what happens when you don't L-cancel.

I don't know when i'll get to work though, the clock is ticking, and i'm patiently waiting for it to be time.

As an Edit from me to you: I would also like for the ending lag gained from landing on the ground from and aerial dodge to be removed; at the cost of all of the rolls and aerial dodges to have at least, 12 extra frames of lag added to them, and each character would have a different amount of lag on each, meaning some could possibly have up to 24 or even 30 extra frames of lag.
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I wish I looked this good with lipstick
Nov 2, 2014
In other news, there is a high chance Greninja will be banned from standard competitive battles(OU) in Smogon.

So he and Mewtwo can coexist peacefully now in the land of the banned.

:4greninja: :mewtwopm:
Except unlike Mewtwo, Greninja will see hardly any play in Ubers at all.


Smash Modder
Jun 26, 2014
South Florida
Except unlike Mewtwo, Greninja will see hardly any play in Ubers at all.
Greninja is semi-common as a hazards lead in Ubers with both types of Spikes to use, and it's one of the better leads, too. Sure, it can't compare to things like Deoxys, but it has a solid niche. I use it myself to good success at times.
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Deleted member

Off Topic (If there were topics, that is): Are any of you good at hacking Melee Movesets? I am trying to "balance" the game, yet whenever i get a lead on something, it slips out of my grasp.
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