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Fact 54 - Mewtwo Is On The Way [Social/General Discussion]

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Oct 27, 2013
Switch FC
My first time coming to this thread since the 3DS launch! And what do I find here? Ridley talk......

Ah well. Mewtwo was my most wanted veteran, and while I didn't get Ridley for this game, I at least got Mewtwo! I'm happy enough for that, even with Sakurai's toobigotry.


Making Super Smash Bros a more beautiful world!
Jul 22, 2013
March is Spring last time I checked, so how about March so I can have Mewtwo in Super Smash Bros and my Knockout Calendar with Madison Rayne on it.

Deleted member

I still have hope for Ridley. His being a stage boss shouldn't exclude him from DLC, just as Mario's and Link's presence didn't prevent Dr. Mario and Toon/Young Link from joining, respectively. Until then, I guess I'll have to settle for a customized Bowser.
That's not necessarily a good example. What would be more accurate would be to say something like "Mewtwo being a trophy didn't stop him from being playable, so Ridley being a trophy means nothing in the long run, he can still make it in." But that's not the case here, Ridley is a stage hazard, he already has an ingame role, he can't get two, besides, even Sakurai said Ridley can't really happen because you would have to take away too many of his unique traits to fit him into Smash Bros, so Sakurai decided to give Ridley respect the only way he knew how, giving him a role where fans could still see him and fight alongside him, at the cost of not being a playable character as people don't care how big or OP boss characters are.

In other words: Ridley has about the same amount of a chance at getting into Smash 4 as Goomba does


Smash Lord
Dec 16, 2013
The Exoatmosphere
OK. Discussion question time!
The following event is completely hypothetical and does not represent ANY real events in any way, shape or form.
Mewtwo is confirmed to be returning in a Character Pack. Nintendo, in order to maximize sales and please fans, has put up a poll on the Smash 4 website. He can either return in the Veterans Pack, which also includes Young Link, Roy, Pichu, Wolf, Snake, Lucas, Squirtle, Ivysaur and the Ice Climbers, or you can vote to have him return in the Rookie Pack, which also includes Ridley, Impa, the Chorus Kids, Dixie Kong, Isaac, Chrom, Raiden, Wonder-Red and Waluigi. Which one do you choose and why?
I’ll answer my own question after a couple of other people have answered.
Ready? GO!
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Smash Modder
Jun 26, 2014
South Florida
OK. Discussion question time!
The following event is completely hypothetical and does not represent ANY real events in any way, shape or form.
Mewtwo is confirmed to be returning in a Character Pack. Nintendo, in order to maximize sales and please fans, has put up a poll on the Smash 4 website. He can either return in the Veterans Pack, which also includes Young Link, Roy, Pichu, Wolf, Snake, Lucas, Squirtle, Ivysaur and the Ice Climbers, or you can vote to have him return in the Rookie Pack, which also includes Ridley, Impa, the Chorus Kids, Dixie Kong, Isaac, Chrom, Raiden, Wonder-Red and Waluigi. Which one do you choose and why?
I’ll answer my own question after a couple of other people have answered.
Ready? GO!
How about:


and I combine both to satisfy my bias-filled needs?


Mewtwo, Snake, Wonder Red, Chrom and Ridley and Sylux.


Although I'd rather have him in the Veterans pack.
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Deleted member

Waluigi is already playable, the spoiler can explain.

Waluigi is already playable, because Waluigi IS Mario.

You see, the Super Mario series is nothing but excuses ultimately made to give Nintendo money.

It's almost like the body for example
There's the skin: Mario; the cheeky, happy-go-lucky plumber, who has no depth whatsoever
take that away and you get something similar, but less: Luigi; a Mario with depth, but only to act as a reflection to Mario
dig a little deeper and you find an invert of the skin: Wario; a character with absolutely no backstory... but is Mario's needed rival
then take all of that away and you are left with the heart: Waluigi...

Mario, Luigi, Wario, Peach, Toad, Bowser, and everybody else are excuses to make the Mario universe seem like more than what it is: a money machine. You get sold the same game and the same content over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over again, but after awhile you start to catch on... what if there is something more? why is this the same game?... Because Waluigi. Within that dark spot in the Mario character's eyes, within the coding of every game, within every dollar bill, pixel and bit, variable and hex value, is Waluigi.

Waluigi is a character advertised to you for the sole purpose of getting money, he is the Mario with no more excuses, no more get-arounds, no more quirks: Waluigi is the truth. Waluigi has no depth but all of it at the same time. Waluigi has no backstory, he is the reflection of a reflection of a reflection; or perhaps, the Mario characters are a reflection of him. Waluigi is real, look at Mario, Luigi, and Wario, they are all around the same height, then look at Waluigi, he isn't even Luigi's reflection, he's a real man. Everything in the Mario universe, from the Goomba, to Daisy, to Toadsworth, to Princess Shroob even.. Is all Waluigi. The Mario World is nothing but an illusion for Nintendo to gather a quick $, and who loves money more than Wario and Waluigi? The only problem is Wario has some character, he loves money, hates Mario, is friends with Waluigi, and has a pretty quirky playstyle from the Warioware franchise to Super Smash Bros. but Waluigi? He is just there because.. he is.. that's it.

Waluigi is Mario and Mario is a tool for a quick $.

now you know...


Smash Apprentice
Mar 6, 2014
March is Spring last time I checked, so how about March so I can have Mewtwo in Super Smash Bros and my Knockout Calendar with Madison Rayne on it.
Actually, I called Club Nintendo support a while back because it wasn't showing that I got Mewtwo and the CD's and the guy said that Mewtwo is coming in March. Idk how reliable a random support guy is but at least we *KINDA*have something to go off of for now. Kinda.


I wish I looked this good with lipstick
Nov 2, 2014
The pack that has Wolf in it. Mewtwo and Wolf are all I need for my soul to be complete once more.


Smash Ace
May 12, 2014
OK. Discussion question time!
The following event is completely hypothetical and does not represent ANY real events in any way, shape or form.
Mewtwo is confirmed to be returning in a Character Pack. Nintendo, in order to maximize sales and please fans, has put up a poll on the Smash 4 website. He can either return in the Veterans Pack, which also includes Young Link, Roy, Pichu, Wolf, Snake, Lucas, Squirtle, Ivysaur and the Ice Climbers, or you can vote to have him return in the Rookie Pack, which also includes Ridley, Impa, the Chorus Kids, Dixie Kong, Isaac, Chrom, Raiden, Wonder-Red and Waluigi. Which one do you choose and why?
I’ll answer my own question after a couple of other people have answered.
Ready? GO!
Easy choice, Veterans Pack: Sure, we don't really need YL, Roy or Pichu back, but i'm fine a few more clones given we already have 3. The rest are characters that are their own chars./semi clones(which are diff. enough to come back IMO) who definitely are worthy to return in my eyes. Also LUCAS HECK YES, HE'SMYFAVORITECHARACTER/Shot.

Also, thoughts on Rookie Pack. Ridley would be a cool addition, wouldn't care for Impa as we already have Sheik, indifferent to Chorus Kids, we already have Diddy so IDK what'd be diff. about Dixie, Isaac would be cool, we already have 3 Blue Haired FE Sword wielders(not to mention 2 are royalty), IDK who Raiden is (sorry guys), Wonder Red could be interesting, and don't really care for Waluigi.


Smash Lord
Dec 16, 2013
The Exoatmosphere
Easy choice, Veterans Pack: Sure, we don't really need YL, Roy or Pichu back, but i'm fine a few more clones given we already have 3. The rest are characters that are their own chars./semi clones(which are diff. enough to come back IMO) who definitely are worthy to return in my eyes. Also LUCAS HECK YES, HE'SMYFAVORITECHARACTER/Shot.

Also, thoughts on Rookie Pack. Ridley would be a cool addition, wouldn't care for Impa as we already have Sheik, indifferent to Chorus Kids, we already have Diddy so IDK what'd be diff. about Dixie, Isaac would be cool, we already have 3 Blue Haired FE Sword wielders(not to mention 2 are royalty), IDK who Raiden is (sorry guys), Wonder Red could be interesting, and don't really care for Waluigi.
Here. Have a look. He's a pretty cool guy.
The main reason I included most of the characters in the Rookie Pack was because they seemed to have a large fanbase. Raiden was mostly included as parallel to Snake, you know, a third-party character, and Wonder-Red was sort of personal, but whatever.

As to answer my own question, I'd have a tough time deciding, because I really liked Pichu, Wolf and Lucas, but I'd probably wind up picking the Rookie Pack for Raiden, Wonder-Red and Waluigi. I think that they would just be so much fun play as, it'd be a shame to pass up the opportunity. They're all just so cool to me!
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Smash Ace
Aug 29, 2014
Some Far Off Jungle
What made them decide a female Mewtwo would be a good idea?! I am sorry, but Mewtwo was an amazing character in Pokemon: The Movie. Female Mewtwo... Is just downright bad. I don't mind if Shaymin, Reshiram, Kyogre, or even Lugia were "female", buy making Mewtwo female is just as wrong as making Darkrai female.
this is a different mewtwo though.... not the same one from the first movie and special. the anime established there CAN and DO exist more than one of the same legendary (hell there was a whole breeding population of lugia, and im pretty certain a trainer owned a latios in sinnoh) my guess is, the creators of the female mewtwo found dr fujis notes and decided to try making mewtwo again for unknown reasons.hell, as far as we know legendaries in the anime do have genders and CAN breed with eachother. i do like the female mewtwo, because its because of her appearence in a recent movie that sparked and revitalized mewtwos fanbase. and i think you can thank femtwo for helping mewtwo get back in smash.
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Master of the Disco Stick
Sep 11, 2014
Get help, Lozjam.
*Insert the "Get help-p-p-p" clip from Soup or Smash Bros.*

I am pretty sure too that someone who'd gloat like that would get bodied by a top professional using a low tier character in pools.
As a mattress of fax, Melee Hell is supposed to be making an appearance at APEX. I'm curious to see how they fare.


Master of the Disco Stick
Sep 11, 2014
Here. Have a look. He's a pretty cool guy.
The main reason I included most of the characters in the Rookie Pack was because they seemed to have a large fanbase. Raiden was mostly included as parallel to Snake, you know, a third-party character, and Wonder-Red was sort of personal, but whatever.

As to answer my own question, I'd have a tough time deciding, because I really liked Pichu, Wolf and Lucas, but I'd probably wind up picking the Rookie Pack for Raiden, Wonder-Red and Waluigi. I think that they would just be so much fun play as, it'd be a shame to pass up the opportunity. They're all just so cool to me!
Raiden is my favorite MG character. I assume they'd go with his Rising look where he was more melee-oriented. In the Rookie Pack, I'd take K.Rool over Dixie, and for the Veterans, they could turn the clones into semiclones.


Smash Ace
Aug 29, 2014
Some Far Off Jungle
OK, now that we've all agreed on how crappy Femtwo and its voice are let's speculate on whether or not the inclusion of Mewtwo will bring any additional content other than a new fighter. I know that they'll most definitely have to include new trophies and completion clips for Mewtwo but what about new events, challenges, or even a new or returning Pokémon stage to battle on?

Oh, and speaking of voices who do you all want to voice Mewtwo in SSB4?
honestly i dont really care who returns. unlike most people i DO like miriams mewtwo. hell, in japan the same mewtwo was female and had a different voice, its not like its the SAME mewtwo from the first movie or anything (this one has a different origin) and besides, didn't the anime pretty much establish there can be more than one of the same legendary existing? for instance, lugia. there was a whole flock of them in the johto saga. in fact a baby lugia was a central plot point. and what about tobias owning a latios and a darkrai? or brandon owning the regis? people losing their **** over a female mewtwo need to realise: it is NOT the same one from kanto.
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Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2014
this is a different mewtwo though.... not the same one from the first movie and special. the anime established there CAN and DO exist more than one of the same legendary (hell there was a whole breeding population of lugia, and im pretty certain a trainer owned a latios in sinnoh) my guess is, the creators of the female mewtwo found dr fujis notes and decided to try making mewtwo again for unknown reasons.hell, as far as we know legendaries in the anime do have genders and CAN breed with eachother. i do like the female mewtwo, because its because of her appearence in a recent movie that sparked and revitalized mewtwos fanbase. and i think you can thank femtwo for helping mewtwo get back in smash.
Ummm.... First, MegaMewtwo Y sparked and revitalized Mewtwos fanbase. Not many people outside of the pokemon anime community even know about femtwo. Everyone was interested in Mewtwo Y however, during the speculation of X and Y. Even more so, Mewtwo has always had a huge following and was one of the most requested characters for Smash. Also, Sakurai was planning to have Mewtwo in the game no matter what. The roster was planned very early in the development of Smash 4, way before Femtwo destroyed the character. Sakurai just didn't have enough time to get Mewtwo in.
Also, it doesn't have to do that Femtwo is a separate character. She ruined the character. Technically Other M Samus is a separate character than regular Samus, but that doesn't mean she is forgiven for being a pushover. Technically, every Link is different from the other, but making Link female would be unacceptable to many fans. It is not the canon that's the problem, it is the image of the character that's the problem.

@ U-Throw U-Throw
Veterans pack. I want Lucas back.
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Smash Apprentice
Mar 6, 2014
honestly i dont really care who returns. unlike most people i DO like miriams mewtwo. hell, in japan the same mewtwo was female and had a different voice, its not like its the SAME mewtwo from the first movie or anything (this one has a different origin) and besides, didn't the anime pretty much establish there can be more than one of the same legendary existing? for instance, lugia. there was a whole flock of them in the johto saga. in fact a baby lugia was a central plot point. and what about tobias owning a latios and a darkrai? or brandon owning the regis? people losing their **** over a female mewtwo need to realise: it is NOT the same one from kanto.
To be honest I was just joking around and giving it a hard time. I didn't know anyone was going to really react over it. My apologies. I know it's not the same one so no hard feelings right? Seriously, we're all fans of Mewtwo here so let's get along, everybody. Sounds like a good plan?


Smash Lord
Dec 16, 2013
The Exoatmosphere
Ummm.... First, MegaMewtwo Y sparked and revitalized Mewtwos fanbase. Not many people outside of the pokemon anime community even know about femtwo. Everyone was interested in Mewtwo Y however, during the speculation of X and Y. Even more so, Mewtwo has always had a huge following and was one of the most requested characters for Smash. Also, Sakurai was planning to have Mewtwo in the game no matter what. The roster was planned very early in the development of Smash 4, way before Femtwo destroyed the character. Sakurai just didn't have enough time to get Mewtwo in.
Also, it doesn't have to do that Femtwo is a separate character. She ruined the character. Technically Other M Samus is a separate character than regular Samus, but that doesn't mean she is forgiven for being a pushover. Technically, every Link is different from the other, but making Link female would be unacceptable to many fans. It is not the canon that's the problem, it is the image of the character that's the problem.

@ U-Throw U-Throw
Veterans pack. I want Lucas back.
Is she a problem now?
Ha. Didn't think so.


Smash Modder
Jun 26, 2014
South Florida
Actually, I called Club Nintendo support a while back because it wasn't showing that I got Mewtwo and the CD's and the guy said that Mewtwo is coming in March. Idk how reliable a random support guy is but at least we *KINDA*have something to go off of for now. Kinda.
I wouldn't take it highly for granted. He probably said March due to the promo end date being March 31st.

The Goldenbrawler

Smash Ace
Jun 6, 2014
Just going to say, I'd prefer to have the original voice actor for Mewtwo return, but I'd find it interesting if they give Mewtwo an option to switch between male and female voice actors on the css (since alternate costumes wouldn't really work), that way it'd please both fanbases and won't enrage either fanbase. (edited, as I don't recall if cursing is allowed here or not)
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Smash Lord
Dec 16, 2013
The Exoatmosphere
Just going to say, I'd prefer to have the original voice actor for Mewtwo return, but I'd find it interesting if they give Mewtwo an option to switch between male and female voice actors on the css (since alternate costumes wouldn't really work), that way it'd please both fanbases and won't enrage either fanbase. (edited, as I don't recall if cursing is allowed here or not)
Eh, minor cursing is permitted in moderation. Don't sweat it.
Also, completely agree with you on the CSS voice swap. It's a great, simple idea that would please everybody. I mean, honestly, it's the most reasonable thing to do if you're aiming to please. And it also opens the floodgates for everyone. Lucario's Brawl voice, Fox's Melee voice... The possibilities are endless.

The Goldenbrawler

Smash Ace
Jun 6, 2014
Eh, minor cursing is permitted in moderation. Don't sweat it.
Also, completely agree with you on the CSS voice swap. It's a great, simple idea that would please everybody. I mean, honestly, it's the most reasonable thing to do if you're aiming to please. And it also opens the floodgates for everyone. Lucario's Brawl voice, Fox's Melee voice... The possibilities are endless.
That's a valid point as well...I just figured they'd put a male and female sign in Mewtwo's little window somewhere or something. They could do that with some Pokemon as well, but mostly that would only work for Lucario and Mewtwo. ANYWHO! Going off what you said, we could have alternate voice clips as well, which could prove interesting. We could get Brawl Sonic, an older version of Ness and Falco, Brawl Pit...actually, scratch that last one, that one is terrible.
"HAAAYYAAAYYAAAYYAAAHHH!!!!" - Pit 2008-2013/2014
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Master of the Disco Stick
Sep 11, 2014
That's a valid point as well...I just figured they'd put a male and female sign in Mewtwo's little window somewhere or something. They could do that with some Pokemon as well, but mostly that would only work for Lucario and Mewtwo. ANYWHO! Going off what you said, we could have alternate voice clips as well, which could prove interesting. We could get Brawl Sonic, an older version of Ness and Falco, Brawl Pit...actually, scratch that last one, that one is terrible.
"HAAAYYAAAYYAAAYYAAAHHH!!!!" - Pit 2008-2013/2014
View attachment 34684
Angel Ring, the move so casul that PM and Smash 4 both removed it.


Star Platinum
Nov 15, 2013
Switch FC
As petty as it may sound, most veterans having recycled voices clips/victory themes really bugs me. Seems lazy, and hurts the game's identity.
Recycled voice clips doesn't bother me. Makes characters seem consistent and I'd prefer it to characters getting new voices each game. Altough I would have liked it if Brawl's victory themes weren't just reused.


Smash Lord
Dec 16, 2013
The Exoatmosphere
As petty as it may sound, most veterans having recycled voices clips/victory themes really bugs me. Seems lazy, and hurts the game's identity.
I can identify with that. When I first heard that, I immediately disliked it. However, when playing the game, I didn't even notice. It fit in quite nicely. I also see what you're saying about the Victory Themes, and I can agree with that. I would've liked new ones for the veterans, but I don't think it's too big a deal. But nothing's lazier than than the fact that they reused Ridley's Brawl stock icon even though he underwent a massive change in design. Let me restate that for you.


Bugs me to no end. Ugh...
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The Goldenbrawler

Smash Ace
Jun 6, 2014
As petty as it may sound, most veterans having recycled voices clips/victory themes really bugs me. Seems lazy, and hurts the game's identity.
I doubt we'll get any of the older voices for the already existing characters back, but if, for example, Roy comes back, he may end up with his old Melee voice like Marth did. I'm mainly rooting for an alternate voice option, AT LEAST for Mewtwo, to please Mewtwo and Femtwo fans alike...but I also wouldn't mind if Lucario and MAYBE Greninja got similar treatment (as Pikachu wouldn't really need it + the whole thing with the different tail and Charizard...well...that'd be difficult), but I'm biased because one of my best Pokemon from X & Y is a female Lucario.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 6, 2014
I doubt we'll get any of the older voices for the already existing characters back, but if, for example, Roy comes back, he may end up with his old Melee voice like Marth did. I'm mainly rooting for an alternate voice option, AT LEAST for Mewtwo, to please Mewtwo and Femtwo fans alike...but I also wouldn't mind if Lucario and MAYBE Greninja got similar treatment (as Pikachu wouldn't really need it + the whole thing with the different tail and Charizard...well...that'd be difficult), but I'm biased because one of my best Pokemon from X & Y is a female Lucario.
What's this about a different tail?

Also, maybe (though I doubt it would happen) if we got DLC costume packs then we could get a Classic Pack where characters regained their designs from Melee and Brawl along with their old voices.

As for Mewtwo, maybe his FS can be summoning the other Mewtwo with Femtwo transforming into Mega Mewtwo Y and Mantwo transforming into Mega Mewtwo X for a dual attack. I doubt they'd include two Mewtwos in at once since that has yet to happen in the Pokémon canon (unless both players have gotten in their respective games and battle each other).


Smash Lord
Dec 16, 2013
The Exoatmosphere
What's this about a different tail?

Also, maybe (though I doubt it would happen) if we got DLC costume packs then we could get a Classic Pack where characters regained their designs from Melee and Brawl along with their old voices.

As for Mewtwo, maybe his FS can be summoning the other Mewtwo with Femtwo transforming into Mega Mewtwo Y and Mantwo transforming into Mega Mewtwo X for a dual attack. I doubt they'd include two Mewtwos in at once since that has yet to happen in the Pokémon canon (unless both players have gotten in their respective games and battle each other).
Pikachu has a dent in its tail, so it's tail kind of looks like a heart, if it's female, and it's tail is "normal" if it's male. Smash's Pikachu lacks the dent, so therefore it is male.
About the summoning Final Smash, I'd be OK with it, I guess, but I'd rather not have him summon a second Mewtwo. Not only is it non-canonical, but the character with a Final Smash like that, Robin, almost feels like his Final Smash was wasted. It's a clone of Ike's, and Chrom being in it just feels forced. I don't like it at all. Mega Man's is feels fine to me because he uses the Black Hole Laser, and the fact that it's other Mega Men makes it feel more natural. Of course, there's also the fact that it's not a clone. I've not played Xenoblade, so as a person who hasn't played Shulk's game, I can tell you that his Final Smash feels like it falls somewhere between Mega Man's awesome, original one and Robin's forced, cloney one.
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The Goldenbrawler

Smash Ace
Jun 6, 2014
What's this about a different tail?

Also, maybe (though I doubt it would happen) if we got DLC costume packs then we could get a Classic Pack where characters regained their designs from Melee and Brawl along with their old voices.

As for Mewtwo, maybe his FS can be summoning the other Mewtwo with Femtwo transforming into Mega Mewtwo Y and Mantwo transforming into Mega Mewtwo X for a dual attack. I doubt they'd include two Mewtwos in at once since that has yet to happen in the Pokémon canon (unless both players have gotten in their respective games and battle each other).
Female Pikachu's tail has a heart like shape near the tip. EDIT: :4greninja:'d
The packs could work, but some people will only care about the characters, not the costumes.
That FS has been talked about before, and sounds epic, but I'd say Mega Mewtwo Y just so Y gets some freakin representation (Mega Charizard X and Xerneas is a pokeball. No Y Mega and where is Yveltal?)
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Smash Apprentice
Mar 6, 2014
Pikachu has a dent in its tail, so it's tail kind of looks like a heart, if it's female, and it's tail is "normal" if it's male. Smash's Pikachu lacks the dent, so therefore it is male.
Oh yeah, I thought you meant his tail changed between Smash games which I checked and it hasn't. In fact, the only difference between Pikachus is that he has been getting less chubby in all media throughout the years. Mewtwo's DLC is getting a minor redesign to coincide with his canonically updated visuals as well. The most noticable difference is that his head has shrunken a bit.

Edit: Yeah, that's how I want it to be, too. I'd rather Mega Mewtwo Y be in for the same reason plus after the anime and Mega Mewtwo Y being teased first (people stated calling it "Mewthree") I think that Mega Mewtwo Y is much more popular and recognizable. Plus X just looks like Mewtwo beefed up on way too many steroi- I mean Rare Candies.
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The Goldenbrawler

Smash Ace
Jun 6, 2014
Oh yeah, I thought you meant his tail changed between Smash games which I checked and it hasn't. In fact, the only difference between Pikachus is that he has been getting less chubby in all media throughout the years. Mewtwo's DLC is getting a minor redesign to coincide with his canonically updated visuals as well. The most noticable difference is that his head has shrunken a bit.

Edit: Yeah, that's how I want it to be, too. I'd rather Mega Mewtwo Y be in for the same reason plus after the anime and Mega Mewtwo Y being teased first (people stated calling it "Mewthree") I think that Mega Mewtwo Y is much more popular and recognizable. Plus X just looks like Mewtwo beefed up on way too many steroi- I mean Rare Candies.
Mewtwo: I got a shrunken head, I just came out of da pool!
Let's see how long it takes for people to figure out what I'm referencing.
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Smash Lord
Dec 16, 2013
The Exoatmosphere
Oh yeah, I thought you meant his tail changed between Smash games which I checked and it hasn't. In fact, the only difference between Pikachus is that he has been getting less chubby in all media throughout the years. Mewtwo's DLC is getting a minor redesign to coincide with his canonically updated visuals as well. The most noticable difference is that his head has shrunken a bit.

Edit: Yeah, that's how I want it to be, too. I'd rather Mega Mewtwo Y be in for the same reason plus after the anime and Mega Mewtwo Y being teased first (people stated calling it "Mewthree") I think that Mega Mewtwo Y is much more popular and recognizable. Plus X just looks like Mewtwo beefed up on way too many steroi- I mean Rare Candies.
Remind me of this hilarious comic. XD

Mewtwo: I got a shrunken head, I just came out of da pool!
Let's see how long it takes for people to figure out what I'm referencing.
I don't get it...

Edit: I Googled it. It's from World of Warcraft, right?
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Smash Ace
Aug 29, 2014
Some Far Off Jungle
To be honest I was just joking around and giving it a hard time. I didn't know anyone was going to really react over it. My apologies. I know it's not the same one so no hard feelings right? Seriously, we're all fans of Mewtwo here so let's get along, everybody. Sounds like a good plan?
:p yah. i wasnt getting mad, just explaining my views on the matter. i will agree miriam will never be as good as jay or the original japanese actor for mewtwo. but she isnt that bad at all, given how its a totally different character.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 6, 2014
Well.... have we talked about alt. costumes and recolors for Mewtwo yet? I think we need the original Melee colors plus a pink with blue eyes recolor in the fashion of Mew. I don't know what the remaining 3 colors should be though. A dark/Shadowy Mewtwo maybe? Giovanni's armor? A monochromatic Gameboy-esque Mewtwo?

Thanks for the Mew"One-and-A-Half" image, Pokémon Fusion!
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