I think its possible that this there's more to this crosslinking than meets the eye. Strawgrasping? Perhaps. But it seems there's more to it than transferring your custom data between each version. They've been very vague about it and maybe we will in the future once the Wii U versions release date is announced. Hyrule Warriors is getting dlc and Mario Kart 8 is getting dlc already as we speak. Wouldn't surprise me if Smash Bros. eventually gets dlc. Maybe some of these characters they were going to have, but time constraints prevented them from completing them for the retail game, but were able to as future dlc.
Also, people really need to stop panicking about the Wii U version and your making it worse than it really is. Struggling my ***. Its now starting to hit its stride and I really like the system a lot. Smash bros. for Wii U will do fine, trust me. If you guys think it has no games and is dead, then that's your problem as it has gems like Wonderful 101, Mario Kart 8, Super Mario 3d world, Rayman Legends, Nintendo Land, and many more. Of course the virtual console games are solid as well as are some of the indie titles such as Shovel Knight. Matto and Benjamin Fennel of Twitter sum this overblown situation well and talk of the truth and that the Wii U is a good system.
Buying the same exact port of a one year old game (The Last of Us Remastered) didn't stop people from getting suckered in for some god knows reason. That doesn't stop people from thinking PS4 and Xbox one have good games when in reality they mostly have multiports that are also available on 360 and PS3. Just saying. In fact, Wii U's games (The exclusives) have sold really well and have sold better than PS4 or Xbox Ones despite selling less in terms of systems. So yeah, reality can bite us in the butt when getting caught up in the hype for those systems. Sorry, but its true. My point is, I find it ironic that no one complains about Xbox One or PS4 having mostly games available on other systems such as 360 and PS3. Those systems aren't doing that great. The PS4 in fact is doing HORRIBLE and I mean HORRIBLE in Japan. While the west for some reason was suckered in by the hype for it and are now some consumers are questioning why they bought it. The crowds reactions from both Sony and Microsoft's E3's sums up both of them. People were bored. For all the flack Nintendo is getting (Which is mostly undeserving), at least they showed the gameplay for the games, had a nice approach for this E3, and got to the POINT of what the game is about and the game makers inspiration and ambition with the games they're making, which I think is great and a thing of beauty. While all Sony and Microsoft mostly had was CGI, cutscenes, and MOAR CGI with little to no gameplay and not much explanation for the games.
Bit of advice guys, don't listen to the bull crap the gaming media has to say as its mostly overblown bias and being paid by the greedy third parties to give unrealistic review scores for games that people fall for. Remember what happened to Watch dogs?
Sorry if I'm ranting a bit, but I'm getting a little annoyed by all the people Panicking about the Wii U version of Smash Bros and just the bashing of Nintendo, the Wii U, and Sakurai in general. I just want to have fun here, socialize, get great Smash Bros. ideas, and have a nice time with people, not see a bunch of overblown reactions and moaning and whining about Nintendo, Sakurai, or thinking the game "Stinks LOL!" because your favorite character isn't in the game and that Sakurai should be fired and is a horrible man. Jeez guys, how tribalistic can some of you get? It really makes me want to leave for a while until the complaining dies down. Its really annoying me and disgusting me with some of the behaviors here on Smash Broads lately. I'm sorry. I don't mean to offend anyone, but I'm trying to offer some advice so no posters are turned off from coming here because no one likes that kind of stuff. Can't appease them all. Someone will always complain.
I like seeing some of the ideas from fans to, so it really saddens me even more seeing these reactions you know
