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Fact 54 - Mewtwo Is On The Way [Social/General Discussion]

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Smash Legend
Jul 16, 2013
Well, one thing I think it does is damage the "slot" argument. Lucina was apparently developed as an alternate skin for Marth, but eventually they decided to give her a few unique traits and make her into her own separate character. There's no indication that they had the number of roster slots in mind when making that decision; they just saw a good chance to add another character to the roster, and they took it. It doesn't seem like Sakurai cared about how many "slots" Fire Emblem had or how that compared to the other series, or that adding Lucina would increase the total roster size by one. If any of that stuff mattered, as some Mewtwo detractors would argue, they never would have considered making Lucina her own character; she would have remained in the same slot as Marth in the form of an alternate costume.

In other words, it's likely that they wouldn't be thinking about the total number of slots Pokemon had if they were considering returning Mewtwo. Sakurai doesn't think in terms of slots; he thinks in terms of characters.
Oh now i get it

It proves sakurai doesn't care how many characters he adds per rep, and despite the decided roster he decides to add more if he wants too.

I get it (did i define it right?)

False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
Oh now i get it

It proves sakurai doesn't care how many characters he adds per rep, and despite the decided roster he decides to add more if he wants too.

I get it (did i define it right?)
Yep, that's about it.

If he wants to add a character in, it seems he'll try to add that character in. I bet slots on the roster are really just an afterthought in the grand scheme of things.


Smash Modder
Jun 26, 2014
South Florida
This will be awesome if this happens! But what makes you think it will?
The first movie came out tomorrow, 16(?) years ago in Japan.

It's the last theory I can hang on to before resuming the waiting game until August to see Mewtwo in.
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Smash Rookie
Jul 14, 2014
Discuss all information pertaining to Mewtwo in this thread.

I think mewtwo will be in, sakuari said they had all the characters decided at the beginning of development, and at e3 last year he said he was thinking about putting him in, but at that point they already had everyone they wanted in, made or in development. So either he wasn't thinking about it at all, or he is already in game; I doubt sakuari would just lie about or even give us a false hope. But at the same time assuming jiggly puff is returning, 6 reps would be a lot.
I do think Pokemon will get 5 slots - they can't just kick both Lucario and Mewtwo to the curb. Brawl, they had an excuse to keep it at 4 slots because they brought in 3 new movesets with Pokemon Trainer. This time, there'll just be the token new 5th gen rep. Zoroark probably won't even be the 5th gen Pokemon who gets in, so it'll be more awkward to replace it to keep it as "that one humanoid slot".

As far as Lucario vs. Mewtwo. . .

Mewtwo's popularity has fallen all it's going to. He's history, but he's still got the popularity. Lucario, on the other hand, has been on the decline with the 5th gen.

Sakurai also still has heavy bias for the 1st gen, as evidenced by adding Pokemon Trainer.

Electric Tuba

Smash Journeyman
Feb 19, 2012
Dallas, Texas
Fade in. Link laying in the ground. Heavy breathing, dim lighting, low ominous music. A boot smashes down, Link barely rolls out of the way. Evil laugh... PAN TO GANONDORF. short fight sequence, Link is about to get the upper hand -- freezes mid air, struggling against something invisible. Different evil laugh... Far low shot of feet hovering off the ground.. MEWTWO ADVANCES ON LINK. Another short fight sequence, evil duo is wrecking Link. Sheik comes in and makes a quick escape with Link. Evil duo 'pshas', brushes it off, and walks toward the camera, both in a slight aura of darkness.

Black screen.

Double evil laugh, fading..


Smash Lord
Jul 7, 2014
Hmm, Having 4 characters announced in the same week? Geez, that would be something....

Fade in. Link laying in the ground. Heavy breathing, dim lighting, low ominous music. A boot smashes down, Link barely rolls out of the way. Evil laugh... PAN TO GANONDORF. short fight sequence, Link is about to get the upper hand -- freezes mid air, struggling against something invisible. Different evil laugh... Far low shot of feet hovering off the ground.. MEWTWO ADVANCES ON LINK. Another short fight sequence, evil duo is wrecking Link. Sheik comes in and makes a quick escape with Link. Evil duo 'pshas', brushes it off, and walks toward the camera, both in a slight aura of darkness.

Black screen.

Double evil laugh, fading..
You sir, have won the hype train!
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Smash Legend
Jul 16, 2013
Well im confident on mewtwo coming back now

From this interview prooves sakurai does not care about how many characters in a franchise

And sakurai can add characters when ever he wan'ts (lucina was not in the final roster created.)
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Smash Journeyman
May 18, 2014
Puerto Rico
Fade in. Link laying in the ground. Heavy breathing, dim lighting, low ominous music. A boot smashes down, Link barely rolls out of the way. Evil laugh... PAN TO GANONDORF. short fight sequence, Link is about to get the upper hand -- freezes mid air, struggling against something invisible. Different evil laugh... Far low shot of feet hovering off the ground.. MEWTWO ADVANCES ON LINK. Another short fight sequence, evil duo is wrecking Link. Sheik comes in and makes a quick escape with Link. Evil duo 'pshas', brushes it off, and walks toward the camera, both in a slight aura of darkness.

Black screen.

Double evil laugh, fading..
This has become the next smash trailer thread :chuckle: how many scenarios have we thought out, up to now? Props tho, that'd be hype.

Deleted member

This has become the next smash trailer thread :chuckle: how many scenarios have we thought out, up to now? Props tho, that'd be hype.
On that note, here's a more general "villains" trailer that I thought up this morning:

Random blurb about my idea for a villain trailer:

Smash Bros. Fire Cross thing, trailer fades into Bowser being overwhelmed by the "hero team" of Mario, Samus, Link, DK, and Pikachu in the canyon area where Mega Man/Greninja was introduced, like the Mega Man trailer, it's nighttime like in the Mega Man trailer but rainclouds have moved in and partially hidden the moon and the stars. Bowser is fighting a losing battle in the rain that is going downhill fast and while trying to guard some of the attacks, Mario and Link find an opening, and both of them jump out from his blind spots (think of how Link/Mario did a jumping approach/attack on each other in the SSE cutscene where they first confront each other because one thinks the other KOed their princess), as Bowser was occupied with the other fighters. Link dives down (readying his classic thrusting finisher (Dair)) with Mario close behind him (readying a powerful punch akin to how he does his Fair). Bowser sees them but is unable to get out of the way, so he retreats into his shell to try to defend it. The simultaneous impact of Mario's Fist and Link's Master Sword on Bowser's shell crushes Bowser into the dirt, and a shallow crater is made as the impact sends out a powerful shockwave as a result (the impact also splays Bowser's limbs out of his shell, so he is laying spread eagle on his stomach, face down in the dirt). Mario and Link leap out from the shallow impact crater, Bowser (whom the camera has focused on for a brief moment), although struggling, cannot get back up (think of a person that is really hurt/drunk that keeps trying to stand up but falls back down to the ground; Bowser can't even push himself up with his arms at this point). Seeing this, Mario, Link, and the others (who have come and stood next to them) start doing a little celebration of seemingly another victory for the franchise "heroes." As they are celebrating, the rain still falling an average amount (not pouring, but a little less than a typical rainy day level of precipitation), the clouds begin to darken as lightning (in the clouds above them) flashes and the daunting boom of thunder (severe storm level volume) roars throughout their battleground.

The sudden crash of thunder and lightning comes with the rain going from average fall-rate into downpour levels. The heroes, who all flinched from the sudden, very loud thunder, look up to the clouds, miming wonder/confusion (also doing things like shielding themselves from the rain, DK covers his head with his hands, link holds his shield over his head, etc.) at the sudden apperance of such a severe storm. A few more lightning flashes are seen in the clouds as an almost blinding darkness falls onto the battlefield (the black clouds now completely covering the sky). Then, something lands near Bowser, and a lightning bolt suddenly falls onto the battlefield near Bowser and in front of the fighters, and with the brief light provided by the lightning, the fighters (and audience) can see the the silhouette of a large, ominous, humanoid figure wearing a cape who is standing over Bowser, Link gasps, and looks stunned as he stares the figure, before the battlefield fades into darkness once more and thunder booms again (The camera is from the perspective of Ganondorf, the audience can see his cape/ambiguous details about him without actually seeing his face and can see Link's reaction). As this thunderclap fades, the fighters can hear the sound of three more creatures landing close behind them. A lightning bolt flashes again, and DK, Pikachu, and Samus can see the silhouettes of a large, seemingly overweight humanoid crocodile, an alien-like humanoid creature with a tail, and a dragon-like creature low to the ground, his head covered slightly by a large pair of wings. The camera at this point is from the perspective of the newly appeared villains looking at DK, Pikachu, and Samus and the reactions they are having to recognizing the foes that just appeared; however, the audience can still see glimpses of the appearing villains, a glimpse at K. Rool's scales/cape, of Mewtwo's tail/feet, and Ridley's wings/tail all from behind them. The villains have fallen in a circle-like formation, surrounding the heroes and stepping closer. The camera changes to Bowser as he can be seen stirring, lifting his head slightly and forming a smile as he sees who all has just appeared. Then, a volley of lightning bolts falls to the ground suddenly, and it lights the area brightly for an good amount of time as Ganondorf walks up to Link (the camera now revealing his face), laughing; K. Rool approaches DK, also laughing ("K. Rool Joins the Battle!"); Mewtwo approaches Pikachu, his eyes glowing (like they do in the movie) and him either doing his sinister laugh (like his Melee taunt) or his actual Pokemon call ("Mewtwo Strikes Back!" him being the only veteran to get one because of his special circumstance); and finally, Ridley spreads his wings fully as he stands up, roaring loudly in Samus's face as his eyes glow in the darkness ("Ridley Joins The Battle"). The heroes recover from their shock slightly and prepare to fight as the villains lunge at them (Ganondorf takes on Link and Mario since Bowser is out of commision, btw). Cut to game footage of the villains dominating the heroes, going in order of the reveals in the cutscene (or reverse order), showing off a remade Ganondorf and Mewtwo and part of the movesets of K. Rool and Ridley. Music from each of their boss fights plays for each of them. After all the villains are shown, the trailer fades back into the battleground cutscene, the heroes locked firmly in battle with the villains (and the rainstorm continuing), the sound of a motorcycle engine can be heard as the camera focuses in on the engine of a bike with a W and a mustache on it as Wario comes riding in to the fight from the distance. Villains and heroes alike stop and notice who's coming, and panicking, all begin to run in the opposite direction, (Bowser now trying to limp away with them). The camera zooms back onto Wario, who noticing the panic, cracks a slight smile as he cranks the throttle on his bike to move even faster towards the fight (closing in very quickly now). The camera zooms back briefly on the fighters, some of the villains trying to trip or impede the heroes while they [the villains] make their escape, Ridley, for example, can be seen trying to take off into the skies (meanwhile Wario can be seen making it to the scene, the camera panning slowly outward from a bird's-eye view so the audience can see both Wario and all of the other fighters trying to run from him). Wario successfully closes the gap, but his bike's front tire hits one of the protuding edges from the impact crater and Wario's bike bucks him like a horse as he flies headlong through the air over the fighters (Ridley "shrieks" kind of like "oh no!" as Wario not only is in the range of the other fighters, but is also near/above him in the air now). Wario, although temporarily startled, notices his position and smiling, repositions his body mid-air to an upright position. The audience can see his backside begin to glow as he begins to chuckle. The trailer cuts to the Smash Bros Logo as the audience can hear (but not see) Wario's Fart Explosion go off violently. The trailer then fades out from the logo, as it does for all the other ones.

End of trailer.

It's heavy on characters, but I was envisioning this being the end all be all of newcomer videos so that Sakurai could "go out with a bang" so to speak.

Electric Tuba

Smash Journeyman
Feb 19, 2012
Dallas, Texas
On that note, here's a more general "villains" trailer that I thought up this morning:

Random blurb about my idea for a villain trailer:

Smash Bros. Fire Cross thing, trailer fades into Bowser being overwhelmed by the "hero team" of Mario, Samus, Link, DK, and Pikachu in the canyon area where Mega Man/Greninja was introduced, like the Mega Man trailer, it's nighttime like in the Mega Man trailer but rainclouds have moved in and partially hidden the moon and the stars. Bowser is fighting a losing battle in the rain that is going downhill fast and while trying to guard some of the attacks, Mario and Link find an opening, and both of them jump out from his blind spots (think of how Link/Mario did a jumping approach/attack on each other in the SSE cutscene where they first confront each other because one thinks the other KOed their princess), as Bowser was occupied with the other fighters. Link dives down (readying his classic thrusting finisher (Dair)) with Mario close behind him (readying a powerful punch akin to how he does his Fair). Bowser sees them but is unable to get out of the way, so he retreats into his shell to try to defend it. The simultaneous impact of Mario's Fist and Link's Master Sword on Bowser's shell crushes Bowser into the dirt, and a shallow crater is made as the impact sends out a powerful shockwave as a result (the impact also splays Bowser's limbs out of his shell, so he is laying spread eagle on his stomach, face down in the dirt). Mario and Link leap out from the shallow impact crater, Bowser (whom the camera has focused on for a brief moment), although struggling, cannot get back up (think of a person that is really hurt/drunk that keeps trying to stand up but falls back down to the ground; Bowser can't even push himself up with his arms at this point). Seeing this, Mario, Link, and the others (who have come and stood next to them) start doing a little celebration of seemingly another victory for the franchise "heroes." As they are celebrating, the rain still falling an average amount (not pouring, but a little less than a typical rainy day level of precipitation), the clouds begin to darken as lightning (in the clouds above them) flashes and the daunting boom of thunder (severe storm level volume) roars throughout their battleground.

The sudden crash of thunder and lightning comes with the rain going from average fall-rate into downpour levels. The heroes, who all flinched from the sudden, very loud thunder, look up to the clouds, miming wonder/confusion (also doing things like shielding themselves from the rain, DK covers his head with his hands, link holds his shield over his head, etc.) at the sudden apperance of such a severe storm. A few more lightning flashes are seen in the clouds as an almost blinding darkness falls onto the battlefield (the black clouds now completely covering the sky). Then, something lands near Bowser, and a lightning bolt suddenly falls onto the battlefield near Bowser and in front of the fighters, and with the brief light provided by the lightning, the fighters (and audience) can see the the silhouette of a large, ominous, humanoid figure wearing a cape who is standing over Bowser, Link gasps, and looks stunned as he stares the figure, before the battlefield fades into darkness once more and thunder booms again (The camera is from the perspective of Ganondorf, the audience can see his cape/ambiguous details about him without actually seeing his face and can see Link's reaction). As this thunderclap fades, the fighters can hear the sound of three more creatures landing close behind them. A lightning bolt flashes again, and DK, Pikachu, and Samus can see the silhouettes of a large, seemingly overweight humanoid crocodile, an alien-like humanoid creature with a tail, and a dragon-like creature low to the ground, his head covered slightly by a large pair of wings. The camera at this point is from the perspective of the newly appeared villains looking at DK, Pikachu, and Samus and the reactions they are having to recognizing the foes that just appeared; however, the audience can still see glimpses of the appearing villains, a glimpse at K. Rool's scales/cape, of Mewtwo's tail/feet, and Ridley's wings/tail all from behind them. The villains have fallen in a circle-like formation, surrounding the heroes and stepping closer. The camera changes to Bowser as he can be seen stirring, lifting his head slightly and forming a smile as he sees who all has just appeared. Then, a volley of lightning bolts falls to the ground suddenly, and it lights the area brightly for an good amount of time as Ganondorf walks up to Link (the camera now revealing his face), laughing; K. Rool approaches DK, also laughing ("K. Rool Joins the Battle!"); Mewtwo approaches Pikachu, his eyes glowing (like they do in the movie) and him either doing his sinister laugh (like his Melee taunt) or his actual Pokemon call ("Mewtwo Strikes Back!" him being the only veteran to get one because of his special circumstance); and finally, Ridley spreads his wings fully as he stands up, roaring loudly in Samus's face as his eyes glow in the darkness ("Ridley Joins The Battle"). The heroes recover from their shock slightly and prepare to fight as the villains lunge at them (Ganondorf takes on Link and Mario since Bowser is out of commision, btw). Cut to game footage of the villains dominating the heroes, going in order of the reveals in the cutscene (or reverse order), showing off a remade Ganondorf and Mewtwo and part of the movesets of K. Rool and Ridley. Music from each of their boss fights plays for each of them. After all the villains are shown, the trailer fades back into the battleground cutscene, the heroes locked firmly in battle with the villains (and the rainstorm continuing), the sound of a motorcycle engine can be heard as the camera focuses in on the engine of a bike with a W and a mustache on it as Wario comes riding in to the fight from the distance. Villains and heroes alike stop and notice who's coming, and panicking, all begin to run in the opposite direction, (Bowser now trying to limp away with them). The camera zooms back onto Wario, who noticing the panic, cracks a slight smile as he cranks the throttle on his bike to move even faster towards the fight (closing in very quickly now). The camera zooms back briefly on the fighters, some of the villains trying to trip or impede the heroes while they [the villains] make their escape, Ridley, for example, can be seen trying to take off into the skies (meanwhile Wario can be seen making it to the scene, the camera panning slowly outward from a bird's-eye view so the audience can see both Wario and all of the other fighters trying to run from him). Wario successfully closes the gap, but his bike's front tire hits one of the protuding edges from the impact crater and Wario's bike bucks him like a horse as he flies headlong through the air over the fighters (Ridley "shrieks" kind of like "oh no!" as Wario not only is in the range of the other fighters, but is also near/above him in the air now). Wario, although temporarily startled, notices his position and smiling, repositions his body mid-air to an upright position. The audience can see his backside begin to glow as he begins to chuckle. The trailer cuts to the Smash Bros Logo as the audience can hear (but not see) Wario's Fart Explosion go off violently. The trailer then fades out from the logo, as it does for all the other ones.

End of trailer.

It's heavy on characters, but I was envisioning this being the end all be all of newcomer videos so that Sakurai could "go out with a bang" so to speak.
"Go out with a bang" lol


Smash Journeyman
May 18, 2014
Puerto Rico
On that note, here's a more general "villains" trailer that I thought up this morning:

Random blurb about my idea for a villain trailer:

Smash Bros. Fire Cross thing, trailer fades into Bowser being overwhelmed by the "hero team" of Mario, Samus, Link, DK, and Pikachu in the canyon area where Mega Man/Greninja was introduced, like the Mega Man trailer, it's nighttime like in the Mega Man trailer but rainclouds have moved in and partially hidden the moon and the stars. Bowser is fighting a losing battle in the rain that is going downhill fast and while trying to guard some of the attacks, Mario and Link find an opening, and both of them jump out from his blind spots (think of how Link/Mario did a jumping approach/attack on each other in the SSE cutscene where they first confront each other because one thinks the other KOed their princess), as Bowser was occupied with the other fighters. Link dives down (readying his classic thrusting finisher (Dair)) with Mario close behind him (readying a powerful punch akin to how he does his Fair). Bowser sees them but is unable to get out of the way, so he retreats into his shell to try to defend it. The simultaneous impact of Mario's Fist and Link's Master Sword on Bowser's shell crushes Bowser into the dirt, and a shallow crater is made as the impact sends out a powerful shockwave as a result (the impact also splays Bowser's limbs out of his shell, so he is laying spread eagle on his stomach, face down in the dirt). Mario and Link leap out from the shallow impact crater, Bowser (whom the camera has focused on for a brief moment), although struggling, cannot get back up (think of a person that is really hurt/drunk that keeps trying to stand up but falls back down to the ground; Bowser can't even push himself up with his arms at this point). Seeing this, Mario, Link, and the others (who have come and stood next to them) start doing a little celebration of seemingly another victory for the franchise "heroes." As they are celebrating, the rain still falling an average amount (not pouring, but a little less than a typical rainy day level of precipitation), the clouds begin to darken as lightning (in the clouds above them) flashes and the daunting boom of thunder (severe storm level volume) roars throughout their battleground.

The sudden crash of thunder and lightning comes with the rain going from average fall-rate into downpour levels. The heroes, who all flinched from the sudden, very loud thunder, look up to the clouds, miming wonder/confusion (also doing things like shielding themselves from the rain, DK covers his head with his hands, link holds his shield over his head, etc.) at the sudden apperance of such a severe storm. A few more lightning flashes are seen in the clouds as an almost blinding darkness falls onto the battlefield (the black clouds now completely covering the sky). Then, something lands near Bowser, and a lightning bolt suddenly falls onto the battlefield near Bowser and in front of the fighters, and with the brief light provided by the lightning, the fighters (and audience) can see the the silhouette of a large, ominous, humanoid figure wearing a cape who is standing over Bowser, Link gasps, and looks stunned as he stares the figure, before the battlefield fades into darkness once more and thunder booms again (The camera is from the perspective of Ganondorf, the audience can see his cape/ambiguous details about him without actually seeing his face and can see Link's reaction). As this thunderclap fades, the fighters can hear the sound of three more creatures landing close behind them. A lightning bolt flashes again, and DK, Pikachu, and Samus can see the silhouettes of a large, seemingly overweight humanoid crocodile, an alien-like humanoid creature with a tail, and a dragon-like creature low to the ground, his head covered slightly by a large pair of wings. The camera at this point is from the perspective of the newly appeared villains looking at DK, Pikachu, and Samus and the reactions they are having to recognizing the foes that just appeared; however, the audience can still see glimpses of the appearing villains, a glimpse at K. Rool's scales/cape, of Mewtwo's tail/feet, and Ridley's wings/tail all from behind them. The villains have fallen in a circle-like formation, surrounding the heroes and stepping closer. The camera changes to Bowser as he can be seen stirring, lifting his head slightly and forming a smile as he sees who all has just appeared. Then, a volley of lightning bolts falls to the ground suddenly, and it lights the area brightly for an good amount of time as Ganondorf walks up to Link (the camera now revealing his face), laughing; K. Rool approaches DK, also laughing ("K. Rool Joins the Battle!"); Mewtwo approaches Pikachu, his eyes glowing (like they do in the movie) and him either doing his sinister laugh (like his Melee taunt) or his actual Pokemon call ("Mewtwo Strikes Back!" him being the only veteran to get one because of his special circumstance); and finally, Ridley spreads his wings fully as he stands up, roaring loudly in Samus's face as his eyes glow in the darkness ("Ridley Joins The Battle"). The heroes recover from their shock slightly and prepare to fight as the villains lunge at them (Ganondorf takes on Link and Mario since Bowser is out of commision, btw). Cut to game footage of the villains dominating the heroes, going in order of the reveals in the cutscene (or reverse order), showing off a remade Ganondorf and Mewtwo and part of the movesets of K. Rool and Ridley. Music from each of their boss fights plays for each of them. After all the villains are shown, the trailer fades back into the battleground cutscene, the heroes locked firmly in battle with the villains (and the rainstorm continuing), the sound of a motorcycle engine can be heard as the camera focuses in on the engine of a bike with a W and a mustache on it as Wario comes riding in to the fight from the distance. Villains and heroes alike stop and notice who's coming, and panicking, all begin to run in the opposite direction, (Bowser now trying to limp away with them). The camera zooms back onto Wario, who noticing the panic, cracks a slight smile as he cranks the throttle on his bike to move even faster towards the fight (closing in very quickly now). The camera zooms back briefly on the fighters, some of the villains trying to trip or impede the heroes while they [the villains] make their escape, Ridley, for example, can be seen trying to take off into the skies (meanwhile Wario can be seen making it to the scene, the camera panning slowly outward from a bird's-eye view so the audience can see both Wario and all of the other fighters trying to run from him). Wario successfully closes the gap, but his bike's front tire hits one of the protuding edges from the impact crater and Wario's bike bucks him like a horse as he flies headlong through the air over the fighters (Ridley "shrieks" kind of like "oh no!" as Wario not only is in the range of the other fighters, but is also near/above him in the air now). Wario, although temporarily startled, notices his position and smiling, repositions his body mid-air to an upright position. The audience can see his backside begin to glow as he begins to chuckle. The trailer cuts to the Smash Bros Logo as the audience can hear (but not see) Wario's Fart Explosion go off violently. The trailer then fades out from the logo, as it does for all the other ones.

End of trailer.

It's heavy on characters, but I was envisioning this being the end all be all of newcomer videos so that Sakurai could "go out with a bang" so to speak.
I could see Sakurai doing something similar to what you said. A huge trailer to hype up ppl even more than they already were. But I think the trailer wouldn't show them fighting,maybe end before the fight begins, and after the smash logo appears show Wario mid way having run out of gas for his bike lol
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Smash Lord
Jun 17, 2014
Berkeley, California
On that note, here's a more general "villains" trailer that I thought up this morning:

Random blurb about my idea for a villain trailer:

Smash Bros. Fire Cross thing, trailer fades into Bowser being overwhelmed by the "hero team" of Mario, Samus, Link, DK, and Pikachu in the canyon area where Mega Man/Greninja was introduced, like the Mega Man trailer, it's nighttime like in the Mega Man trailer but rainclouds have moved in and partially hidden the moon and the stars. Bowser is fighting a losing battle in the rain that is going downhill fast and while trying to guard some of the attacks, Mario and Link find an opening, and both of them jump out from his blind spots (think of how Link/Mario did a jumping approach/attack on each other in the SSE cutscene where they first confront each other because one thinks the other KOed their princess), as Bowser was occupied with the other fighters. Link dives down (readying his classic thrusting finisher (Dair)) with Mario close behind him (readying a powerful punch akin to how he does his Fair). Bowser sees them but is unable to get out of the way, so he retreats into his shell to try to defend it. The simultaneous impact of Mario's Fist and Link's Master Sword on Bowser's shell crushes Bowser into the dirt, and a shallow crater is made as the impact sends out a powerful shockwave as a result (the impact also splays Bowser's limbs out of his shell, so he is laying spread eagle on his stomach, face down in the dirt). Mario and Link leap out from the shallow impact crater, Bowser (whom the camera has focused on for a brief moment), although struggling, cannot get back up (think of a person that is really hurt/drunk that keeps trying to stand up but falls back down to the ground; Bowser can't even push himself up with his arms at this point). Seeing this, Mario, Link, and the others (who have come and stood next to them) start doing a little celebration of seemingly another victory for the franchise "heroes." As they are celebrating, the rain still falling an average amount (not pouring, but a little less than a typical rainy day level of precipitation), the clouds begin to darken as lightning (in the clouds above them) flashes and the daunting boom of thunder (severe storm level volume) roars throughout their battleground.

The sudden crash of thunder and lightning comes with the rain going from average fall-rate into downpour levels. The heroes, who all flinched from the sudden, very loud thunder, look up to the clouds, miming wonder/confusion (also doing things like shielding themselves from the rain, DK covers his head with his hands, link holds his shield over his head, etc.) at the sudden apperance of such a severe storm. A few more lightning flashes are seen in the clouds as an almost blinding darkness falls onto the battlefield (the black clouds now completely covering the sky). Then, something lands near Bowser, and a lightning bolt suddenly falls onto the battlefield near Bowser and in front of the fighters, and with the brief light provided by the lightning, the fighters (and audience) can see the the silhouette of a large, ominous, humanoid figure wearing a cape who is standing over Bowser, Link gasps, and looks stunned as he stares the figure, before the battlefield fades into darkness once more and thunder booms again (The camera is from the perspective of Ganondorf, the audience can see his cape/ambiguous details about him without actually seeing his face and can see Link's reaction). As this thunderclap fades, the fighters can hear the sound of three more creatures landing close behind them. A lightning bolt flashes again, and DK, Pikachu, and Samus can see the silhouettes of a large, seemingly overweight humanoid crocodile, an alien-like humanoid creature with a tail, and a dragon-like creature low to the ground, his head covered slightly by a large pair of wings. The camera at this point is from the perspective of the newly appeared villains looking at DK, Pikachu, and Samus and the reactions they are having to recognizing the foes that just appeared; however, the audience can still see glimpses of the appearing villains, a glimpse at K. Rool's scales/cape, of Mewtwo's tail/feet, and Ridley's wings/tail all from behind them. The villains have fallen in a circle-like formation, surrounding the heroes and stepping closer. The camera changes to Bowser as he can be seen stirring, lifting his head slightly and forming a smile as he sees who all has just appeared. Then, a volley of lightning bolts falls to the ground suddenly, and it lights the area brightly for an good amount of time as Ganondorf walks up to Link (the camera now revealing his face), laughing; K. Rool approaches DK, also laughing ("K. Rool Joins the Battle!"); Mewtwo approaches Pikachu, his eyes glowing (like they do in the movie) and him either doing his sinister laugh (like his Melee taunt) or his actual Pokemon call ("Mewtwo Strikes Back!" him being the only veteran to get one because of his special circumstance); and finally, Ridley spreads his wings fully as he stands up, roaring loudly in Samus's face as his eyes glow in the darkness ("Ridley Joins The Battle"). The heroes recover from their shock slightly and prepare to fight as the villains lunge at them (Ganondorf takes on Link and Mario since Bowser is out of commision, btw). Cut to game footage of the villains dominating the heroes, going in order of the reveals in the cutscene (or reverse order), showing off a remade Ganondorf and Mewtwo and part of the movesets of K. Rool and Ridley. Music from each of their boss fights plays for each of them. After all the villains are shown, the trailer fades back into the battleground cutscene, the heroes locked firmly in battle with the villains (and the rainstorm continuing), the sound of a motorcycle engine can be heard as the camera focuses in on the engine of a bike with a W and a mustache on it as Wario comes riding in to the fight from the distance. Villains and heroes alike stop and notice who's coming, and panicking, all begin to run in the opposite direction, (Bowser now trying to limp away with them). The camera zooms back onto Wario, who noticing the panic, cracks a slight smile as he cranks the throttle on his bike to move even faster towards the fight (closing in very quickly now). The camera zooms back briefly on the fighters, some of the villains trying to trip or impede the heroes while they [the villains] make their escape, Ridley, for example, can be seen trying to take off into the skies (meanwhile Wario can be seen making it to the scene, the camera panning slowly outward from a bird's-eye view so the audience can see both Wario and all of the other fighters trying to run from him). Wario successfully closes the gap, but his bike's front tire hits one of the protuding edges from the impact crater and Wario's bike bucks him like a horse as he flies headlong through the air over the fighters (Ridley "shrieks" kind of like "oh no!" as Wario not only is in the range of the other fighters, but is also near/above him in the air now). Wario, although temporarily startled, notices his position and smiling, repositions his body mid-air to an upright position. The audience can see his backside begin to glow as he begins to chuckle. The trailer cuts to the Smash Bros Logo as the audience can hear (but not see) Wario's Fart Explosion go off violently. The trailer then fades out from the logo, as it does for all the other ones.

End of trailer.

It's heavy on characters, but I was envisioning this being the end all be all of newcomer videos so that Sakurai could "go out with a bang" so to speak.
I can see something like that happening. I'd love to see the final newcomers/veterans or at least the "villains" be introduced like that. It would be a great way to top off this whole anticipation. Maybe for the last pre-release Smash Direct. Gahhh when will we find out?! It could be soon, or at the latest 56 days from now. We're almost there guys!


Smash Lord
Jul 4, 2014
Yep, that's about it.

If he wants to add a character in, it seems he'll try to add that character in. I bet slots on the roster are really just an afterthought in the grand scheme of things.
I swear everytime I see your icon I think of this at first and I don't know why...:

That aside, the way it's going now, Sakurai really doesn't seem to care about slots. And I'm glad about that. It means we don't have to worry as much about Mewtwo. :)
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False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
I swear everytime I see your icon I think of this at first and I don't know why...:

That aside, the way it's going now, Sakurai really doesn't seem to care about slots. And I'm glad about that. It means we don't have to worry as much about Mewtwo. :)

Though I am feeling more confident in Mewtwo now. That's always good.

...But really, what?


Smash Lord
Jul 4, 2014

Though I am feeling more confident in Mewtwo now. That's always good.

...But really, what?
I don't know, I see it when I scroll by fast. I think it's the vines are like the horns and the moon is like the afro.

But umm yay Mewtwo...

Bouffalant ;-;


Smash Champion
Mar 5, 2014
Your bottom left molar
I don't know, I see it when I scroll by fast. I think it's the vines are like the horns and the moon is like the afro.

But umm yay Mewtwo...

Bouffalant ;-;
I would adore having playable Bouffalant in Smash Bros, not gonna lie. One of my favorite Pokemon ever.
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Smash Lord
Jul 4, 2014
I would adore having playable Bouffalant in Smash Bros, not gonna lie. One of my favorite Pokemon ever.
Side-B: Head Smash. Bouffalant rushes forward and rams into whoever he collides with.


Smash Ace
Nov 11, 2013
New Jersey
Speaking of the 'slot' argument, how many people do you think would turn to Mewtwo's side if we got Toad or Bowser Jr. as a sixth Mario character?

Either little or no impact from my perspective.

People will probably complain about a sixth Mario character, then either one of the following:

1.) Complain Pokemon may get a sixth rep.

2.) Hop onboard the Sceptile train


3.) Still continue to deny Mewtwo's inclusion.


Smash Journeyman
May 18, 2014
Puerto Rico
I fully expect 6 representatives for each of the big three.
If we do get 6 reps for the Big 3...

I think Paper Mario or Captain Toad get the Mario slot. Out of the whole Mario universe they have the potential for a more unique moveset (CT can't jump, PM is paper and uses weapons and partners). Daisy would be an alt at most, Geno still seems to be nowhere near being acknowledged by Sakurai, Bowser Jr. at this point would make no sense since transformations are gone.

Ghirahim and Impa are the most likely Zelda reps. The Fi trophy in the Smash Direct is a direct teaser at a SS character since all the other trophies in the trophy quiz are from the same game (Pseudo Palutena-Uprising, King Kihunter-Other M, Tiki-FE Awakening) I see one of them possibly taking the slot. For God's sake don't let it be Toon Zelda...

Obviously for Pokemon we get Mewtwo and Jiggles so no point in arguing that.
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Smash Legend
Jul 16, 2013
I don't know, I see it when I scroll by fast. I think it's the vines are like the horns and the moon is like the afro.

But umm yay Mewtwo...

Bouffalant ;-;
Dude i asked him why the interview helps mewtwo

He said because the interview sakurai said what ever way in the interview "i don't care how many characters are in a franchise."

And thats the key of why we have 4 fire emblem reps

And from that final roster he made, lucina was not on it so he can add characters whenever.
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Smash Apprentice
Apr 20, 2014
Toronto, Ontario
I'm starting to wonder just how large this roster is going to end up being. The roster is currently sitting at 36 characters, which is crazy enough, but then you need to factor in even more veterans that will likely be returning.

Let's say Ganondorf, Ness, Wario, G&W, Ice Climbers, R.O.B., Falco, Jigglypuff, Wolf, Lucas and Metaknight are all set to return, while Squirtle, Ivysaur, and Snake get the axe. That means the roster is sitting at 47. Then factor in Mewtwo (hopefully) and we have 48. Based on Sakurai's comments about nearing the end of the stash of new trailers, we also know there's at least one more newcomer left (probably more than that).

Suffice to say, this roster is very likely to hit 50 and it's even likelier to surpass that. I never in my wildest dreams would have imagined a spread of playable characters that large in the new games.

Then there's the possibility of DLC as well...

Bottom line. How many characters do you think will be in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and 3DS and how likely is Mewtwo with each passing reveal?
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Smash Lord
Jul 4, 2014
Dude i asked him why the interview helps mewtwo

He said because the interview sakurai said what ever way in the interview "i don't care how many characters are in a franchise."

And thats the key of why we have 4 fire emblem reps

And from that final roster he made, lucina was not on it so he can add characters whenever.
What does that have to do with my Bouffalant afro post? I'm confused...


Smash Apprentice
Jun 24, 2014
Midwest USA
Fade in. Link laying in the ground. Heavy breathing, dim lighting, low ominous music. A boot smashes down, Link barely rolls out of the way. Evil laugh... PAN TO GANONDORF. short fight sequence, Link is about to get the upper hand -- freezes mid air, struggling against something invisible. Different evil laugh... Far low shot of feet hovering off the ground.. MEWTWO ADVANCES ON LINK. Another short fight sequence, evil duo is wrecking Link. Sheik comes in and makes a quick escape with Link. Evil duo 'pshas', brushes it off, and walks toward the camera, both in a slight aura of darkness.

Black screen.

Double evil laugh, fading..
I feel like I'm stuck between expecting something like this, or a 'psychic' trailer with shulk, Ness (and/or Lucas), and of course Mewtwo.

Accompanying the psychic trailer I could see a trailer featuring a RH rep, Jigglypuff, and Wario (i don't know why I associate Wario with Jiggs, but I do), in addition a "space" trailer with Starfox reps, Ridley (either as a boss or playable character), and meta knight.


Smash Lord
Jun 17, 2014
Berkeley, California
Bottom line. How many characters do you think will be in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and 3DS and how likely is Mewtwo with each passing reveal?
Well, Mewtwo's one of the most requested characters to be back in SSB4. I wouldn't be surprised if they revealed him as one of the last. And I'm not just saying that to make myself feel better, it would just make complete sense if they want to blow minds. I feel the same way with Ridley. They know what the fans want. "Save the best for last" is always a great way to hype up the crowd.

As for the final roster count, I wouldn't be surprised if it was around 50.
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Smash Journeyman
Apr 3, 2014
How so? Care to give some examples?
I could give a few. Honestly the easy way would be to make him a small Bowser clone. Reduce his power a bit, but he's faster and harder to hit in the process.

In terms of original moves he could be spit out a fireball as oppose to breathing fire. And if Squirtle isn't coming back give Bowser Jr. his Withdraw move.


Smash Champion
Mar 5, 2014
Your bottom left molar
How so? Care to give some examples?
He could use his paintbrush as a battering weapon, could spread paint traps with it, shoot blob projectiles, create those goop Piranha Plants, toss shells, use his mini clown copter, breath fireballs rather than a fire stream, throw bob-ombs, or if you really want to use something odd, his Sonic Roar from Mario Strikers.

False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
Well, Mewtwo's one of the most requested characters to be back in SSB4. I wouldn't be surprised if they revealed him as one of the last. And I'm not just saying that to make myself feel better, it would just make complete sense if they want to blow minds. I feel the same way with Ridley. They know what the fans want. "Save the best for last" is always a great way to hype up the crowd.

As for the final roster count, I wouldn't be surprised if it was around 50.
I actually think a villains trailer is a possibility at this point, considering how we just got a trailer that revealed two newcomers and an unrelated veteran simultaneously. And since the most wanted characters at this point happen to be villains, it would be the perfect finale for reveals before the game is released.


Smash Lord
Jul 4, 2014
How so? Care to give some examples?
He can:
-Run into people (NSMB)
-Retreat into shell (NSMB)
-Use black magic [reviving Bowser] (NSMB)
-Summon shells to throw (NSMB)
-Summon bob-ombs (NSMBU)
-Fly a clown-car (NSMBW)
-Shoot small fire blasts (NSMBW)
-Pilot lots of machines (SMG)
and, though I hate to say it:
-Paintbrush (SMS)

There's probably more but I can't remember them right now.


Smash Ace
Nov 11, 2013
New Jersey
I actually think a villains trailer is a possibility at this point, considering how we just got a trailer that revealed two newcomers and an unrelated veteran simultaneously. And since the most wanted characters at this point happen to be villains, it would be the perfect finale for reveals before the game is released.
We haven't really gotten a lot of antagonist / final boss reveals as well so I wonder if this will come to fruition. So far we got Bowser and Dedede if I recall correctly.

Out of the veteran "antagonists", we're missing A LOT: Wario, Meta Knight, Wolf, Mewtwo, and Ganondorf, especially since we've gotten hero after hero with a side of the occasional sidekick or supporting character.

Though, I'm curious what should be changed for Mewtwo and what should be retained. For one, Mewtwo's weight and maybe speed should be altered, I've seen suggestions bumping it to Wario's weight (it weights 269 pounds) and someone in Melee modding it to Ganondorf's weight. In terms of dashing, Bowser got a new stance and dash where he runs so I wonder if Mewtwo could actually run like it did in Origins without looking awkward.

Moveset-wise, I'd like the UTilt, DTilt, aerials, Up-throw, Down-throw, and Teleport retained.
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Smash Champion
Mar 5, 2014
Your bottom left molar
We haven't really gotten a lot of antagonist / final boss reveals as well so I wonder if this will come to fruition. So far we got Bowser and Dedede if I recall correctly.

Out of the veteran "antagonists", we're missing A LOT: Wario, Meta Knight, Wolf, Mewtwo, and Ganondorf, especially since we've gotten hero after hero with a side of the occasional sidekick or supporting character.

Though, I'm curious what should be changed for Mewtwo and what should be retained. For one, Mewtwo's weight and maybe speed should be altered, I've seen suggestions bumping it to Wario's weight (it weights 269 pounds) and someone in Melee modding it to Ganondorf's weight. In terms of dashing, Bowser got a new stance and dash where he runs so I wonder if Mewtwo could actually run like it did in Origins without looking awkward.

Moveset-wise, I'd like the UTilt, DTilt, aerials, Up-throw, Down-throw, and Teleport retained.
I'd prefer to have Mewtwo still levitate himself everywhere. It makes him unique. Just like how he wielded items.


Smash Lord
Apr 23, 2008
Let's say Ganondorf, Ness, Wario, G&W, Ice Climbers, R.O.B., Falco, Jigglypuff, Wolf, Lucas and Metaknight are all set to return, while Squirtle, Ivysaur, and Snake get the axe. That means the roster is sitting at 47. Then factor in Mewtwo (hopefully) and we have 48.
I think there will be 52 slots, counting the random icon. Pretty scant room left, especially since I'm expecting Mario and Zelda to get even more reps, though I admit I'm not sure who really has the lasting star power to fill those slots.


Yeah Shulk, get stuck in!
Apr 10, 2010
Independence, MO
Yeah all these hype protagonist trailers are sick, but it's time for some evil trailers, starring thee worst of the worst. :4bowser::ganondorf::warioc::wolf::mewtwopm:
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