The OP looks AMAZING!
Just wanted to throw that out there.
Anyway, just got back from vacation, so I intend on working very intently on Mew for the next two weeks or so that I have before I start up school again. (Seniors!)
So yeah. Now a couple of requests:
I have absolutely NO way of showing off my work. This is where you come in! If there is anyone out there who is willing to help me by taking some pics of Mew in-game and/or (preferably) recording a video showcasing what little I have done in action, I would
GREATLY appreciate it. I have a Youtube account, so I would upload it there and, of course, give you huge props. (I would also like to get my thread re-opened.

Also, I will need a skilled PSA'er once I finish the animations, so keep that position in mind.
[EDIT]I forgot, I will ALSO be needing a tester because I shot myself in the foot by both removing the Homebrew Channel AND updating my Wii like an idiot.
[EDIT]Also ALSO, can someone make me a signature for Project Mew? I tried and failed miserably.
And, finally, to anyone's projects who have died off because of my inconsistency, I apologize.