DtJ Hilt
Little Lizard
Trying to meta into why air left to still help your caseI kno it hasn't even been 12 hours since he joined, but it's annoying me that Hilt hasn't posted yet. Not annoying because of being active or not, but because my main suspect to follow atm was Air -_-
@Mod: Did Air ask to be replaced or did you replace him?
Air replaced out voluntarily. - Mod
****ty metagaming, trying to make a connection from why air replaced out to his role. Also, you in the past made the point of bringing out air being more active in day one of shaq mafia, which makes "well he didn't replace out of shaq mafia" a bit of a contradiction.i
the reason im wondering is that i kno air likes to play mafia and is hyped for any LoD mafia game, which makes me confused at why he would replace out. kind of makes me believe the whole out of things to say/worried scenario more. maybe to give hilt a chance to redeem the role so they dont screw over their scum partner? he didnt replace out when things got hazy in shaq mafia.
His case on chaco, mainly being weak accusations. The last part really bothered me, "before that he agreed with me on just about everything". Way too vague and i didn't really get why that would make a difference. I looked back and couldn't find what he was talking about with chaco agreeing with him on "just about everything". He also completely ignored Chaco's response.Ok, got my read on Chaco, not liking it tbh.
He hardly does anything on his own and oddly enough seems to be portraying almost everyone in a bad light at some point or other, not really talking about any gg's or good tells at all. The only people I can't find him harping at are Kevin and possibly CK, I forget (I read all his posts in a rush cause im bout to leave work).
I really don't like his suspicion on me, as I think he's taking the whole Tom-Air thing I said a little far, considering right before that he agreed with me on just about everything.
That's pretty much it, other than what i've already said. Not a really strong case but he's my highest suspicion.