No, of course I understand why you're sad and all, it IS quite a bit till June, but I can assure you there's much worse things. If it's your hobby, fine, so is mine

But you have to have an other one, do you? I mean, it's not like it wasn't expected. We should have spoken of this letdown WAY earlier than this. Well, I'm sure there's GOTTA be good games till then, so we can at least try. Yeah, Nintendo is quite a ***** when it comes to releasing games in Europe, but it's not like we have any choice. And to those who say they will already be spoiled, then don't go looking for spoilers, it's not like you can't avoid it. Maybe with ads around, that I could understand, but just chill out a bit. Now, it's December and Brawl isn't to be released till February in America, so wait till February and then the waiting matters no more. You can easily hold till then, what with life getting in your way and such
So don't worry, buddies, we're all in this together. Let us speculate a bit more about Brawl and stay away altogether from this board when the 10th of February arrives. Then we will go our way and forget about it, till you suddenly realize: "****, Brawl's almost out!" And suddenly, you're full of joy again ^^