I don't necessarily believe that posting walls is the way to always state your intent to others, but if you need it all in one place here we go:
Z25 -
It bothers me a decent amount to hear people say I am defending Z25, when from my perspective I am only weighing options. He came into this game making posts that don't really offer anything then had an instantaneous response to Kantrip's pressure as if he were scum pushing him yet again in a scenario similar to Seph, but there was absolutely no means of reaching that conclusion. It's like he just settled upon it because of either fake or genuine frustration. My tone-read on Z25 is that he's far more constrained than he lets on, more particular when he is interacting with others. There is a sense of wanting to please that takes priority over reading alignment, which is not a good look for him and something I won't defend him. There is also the fact his only conviction lies in one player and despite his inflated post-count I don't necessarily find myself being able to understand where his head is at. Again, the idea that I hard-defended Z25 is ridiculous, lazy, and undermines me with is...annoying. I think the possibility of Z25 being scum goes down exponentially if Kantrip is instead.
3K -
Thirdkoopa's entrance in hindsight is probably not that bad, but the fact remains is that 3K himself cared about this entrance and presented a behavior that was simply odd, regardless of meta. I'll try and keep this to the point but how often do you see townies make posts near EoD that are essentially reminding people that someone is L-1? Not many, to be honest. Lot of his posts lack intent, purpose, and even direction. You can give 3K a bit of a break on the 3rd part if you've played with him but even then, I feel what I saw of him in PYP is merely non-existent here, and I think it matters a lot. When it came to finally getting down and responding to criticism, his reaction was not engaged interest rather it was complacent behavior determined by a bunch of guesswork he may or may have not actually made, and with in mind how careful he is in the way he responds to others and produced content, I'm inclined to think he's just scum who hasn't found in niche in developing a scumplay that is similar to his town one. I really didn't think Disfunk's read wall all too impressed me, so I remain at a confirmation bias level.
Kantrip -
The thing that Kantrip has going for them that 3K/Z25 don't is prior experience and a far more nuanced approach. I think Kantrip's content at the surface is decent but he's unfortunately low on my totem pole for petty reasons. When I read Kantrip's posts I get the gist of it but I also am not feeling that delicate manner he usually takes as I get the vibe he doesn't enjoy being wrong, yet here we are with Kantrip making grand statements about players such as Laundry in his first post that he's town. Saying someone is town is not what bothered me, having confidence is not a bad thing and I find usually townies are far more willing to take risks than calculated scum, but in particular when it comes to Kantrip I don't know to what extent is fake. The bigger gripe I have is that while Kantrip states he dislikes players (Z25), I just think his opinion is far more set up to seem..greater than what it is. I dunno, it's like when he came in here and was like 'looks like someone slipped in their first post! what a shame' made me tilt my head. This is not a basis of a case however, I am not saying that one post completely ruined Kantrip for me, It's just minor things that start to stack up, like why he was so certain on Z25 but then ended up voting Fire instead despite not taking the time to deliberate his alignment, lacking that consideration I normally see.